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Mr. Sneakers: Life Before [Logged in view]
2004-09-13 07:26:53
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Mr. Sneakers was the first born in a litter of 4 to mother, Whisper In the Wind (Whisper), and father, Ornery. Mr. Sneakers looks much like his father both black and white, with a white stripe up their nose, with just a bit of difference. Mr. Sneakers was born upstairs in my mom and John's bedroom on their bed. The only person that seen this was John. After Mr. Sneakers was born and cleaned up by Whisper, both he and his mother were moved to a clothes basket with blankets in it and placed on the floor, as everyone was getting ready for bed, and now, my mom had sheets and blankets to change. A few minutes after we moved the two, Mr. Sneakers get a little sister who is now who we know, as Snuggles. Only a moment after Snuggles was born we had a problem, she gave birth to another male (we assume it was a male), looked much like Mr. Sneakers, but he was deformed and not fully developed, and only took a few short breaths before he he passed away. We decided to name him Stryper because of the black stripes he had across his white belley. Then after we removed Stryper from the basket away from the mother and the other two kittens, we wrapped him carefully to keep the other cats away. We took the basket downstairs because John wanted to sleep, while my mom and myself stayed up to make sure everything would be OK with the mother and the two kittens and to wait for anymore that she still had inside, we could tell she wasn't done. Finally about an hour after she had Mr. Sneakers she finally gave birth to another little girl, Streaker. So conclude the night of March 24, 2004.
Things went well, for a little while, but soon Snuggles bacame very sick with an upper respratory infection. She stopped eating and so, she had her first vet visit at the young age of aproximately 1week. It was then that she was diagnosed as have an URI. So the doctor gave her some antibiotics and sent her home, also giving us instruction to make her eat something... anything. So that's what we did, and she started to get better but she still wasn't gaining weight that she'd lost from not eating. To this day Snuggles is still a small cat/kitten. (She's 5 mos at the writting of this)
Then more tragity,April 8, 2004 at 4am we had a visit to the EAC, because Streaker wasn't breathing very well. As a matter of fact by the time we got there, she wasn't breathing at all. She passed away just a little after 4am that morning.Only 2 weeks old, she passed away dDue to breathing complications from a birth defect. Her lungs were underdeveloped
, and she couldn't even make it to the vets to see if there was anything we could do to save her.
About a month down the raod from Streaker passing away, Mr. Sneakers and Snuggles who have now gotten their names, both got sick. Snuggles had apperently only showed signs of being well from the URI, when in fact she wasn't, and she passed it on to Mr. Sneakers. Where it harboured itself in their systems for quite some time before we began to see symptoms of the sickness, so we paid a visit to dear ol' Dr. Seng who gave them soem more antibiotics, and again told us that if they don't want to eat then to make them eat something, anything. So we did, we mostly gave them milk, seeing as they wer still very young and still nursing off their mother,(although they shouldn't be).

Well, that's all I can remember thus far, if I remember any more interesting little cetails I'll put 'em up here, otherwise this page prolly won't change much. And I do know that there was much more to these kittens' lives other than bad luck and tragidy, but that seems to be the things ppl remember most, so when I can warp my mind and remember some of the funny cute things I'll post those as well where they belong in the story. ^_^
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