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2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: I'd like to set up the page so that each submitter on the page is represented before a second piece by another entrant is shown. but I would like to see as many pieces submitted by folks as is reasonable to manage, maybe put a limit of 3 to start with if only figure out the process of mingling the entries so they relate to each other well.
As for new or existing, any piece of art that the artist or their muse is inspired to contribute is good with me. In the end I want this contest to belong to all the people who contribute, so that in the end the contest is one by all through creating a really cool wiki on the theme.
How I thought it could work is as people entered they did it something like this
[username] entry #
That way as each person entered they could place their first piece at the end of the first entries group, their second at the end of the second entries group, etc.
Of course each entrant can decide if a later addition should be in the first, second, third, fourth tier, etc. as they go as long as everyone gets their turns.
I am still trying to figure out how to write the instructions on the page so it encourages a co-operative effort. I would even love it some of the artist wanted to get together and work on a piece together, or group their pieces together because they feel that they relate.
I have this picture of each door leading to a space where folk are then invited to create art to fit the theme of the room the door leads to. But I'd love to hear people weigh in on the idea, before I get too far ahead of myself.
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: I have expanded the instructions, if their is anything I have missed or could be made clearer, I happily accept all suggestions.
2009-02-18 [wicked fae mage]: I am honored *bows*
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: sound very interestin.... gonna have to read more about this.
2009-02-18 [Skydancer]: Hmmmm. makes a note...
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: [moira hawthorne] thankyou for the link in your diary to this wiki and the inspiration it has given me. You referred to it as a WIP which is exactly what it is. I have an idea, that I hope will encourage to take an idea and bring it to wherever their muse decides to bring them. And it is a wonderful challenge. But a difficult one. I realize even as I reread the introduction, that I have yet to find the words and the way to express my vision to it's clearest light. But I hope that does not discourage folk from contributing, Because together I think we can make this a interesting place
2009-02-18 [Xuan.]: I can't wait to get started :]
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: I read the first draft... I havent yet read thru this update... just the comments... but you are asking for people contribution and you are working out how to put it together... so thats a wip... but im so glad to see a place for artists of ET to support each other rather than tear each other apart...
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: you dont mind if I do my thing and correct typos?
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: Not at all, My hope is that this whole thing becomes a co-operative project. So anything you want to do to help it along will be more than appreciated.
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: ok I got another question... for the 'round robin thing'... since you have the first piece up... do we... the next person/artist to enter... add it to with our own self protrait of us in ET... even if the image is totally different... or do we use your image as a launch pad... and put yourself in with you?
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: As far as the round robin goes, As long as everyone gets to show something in the first round everthing else is up to the participants, Though I am now sitting in the first spot, it is only because I wanted to start the page with a contribution of my own. But that does not mean I always want my submission to take the lead. What I am hoping for is that as the submissions come in folk work together to arrange each round in a way that is pleasing. So if someone came up with an piece that folks agreed made a good step in that piece would go in first position. If artists were inspired by another s work, that they could be placed near each other or even side by side. So that eventually each round becomes a coherent presentation, mixing up the entries in an interesting fashion.
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: hummmmmm ok I think I understand what you are after... I think the first round is gonna be a bit disorganized..
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: I agree, I have described my vision as best as I can, but beyond that the only way I can see to get it going is to start and work out the kinks as way go along. Of course a few "Kinks" here and there might be quite welcome.
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: kinks are fun.... hehehe
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: Absolutlely...
2009-02-18 [lucky193]: i love this its so creative
2009-02-18 [Lord Dog]: I would offer by way of suggestion for a future round a collage piece even revisiting the original theme of entering Elftown
THat way everyone takes a piece and connects it to the previous piece.
2009-02-18 [yamisango]: that sounds like a good idea to me
2009-02-18 [LynnAnneBrown]: And to me too. In honour of Sir HumbleDwarfs suggestion I have just made an Idea page. So as things progress we can look back and see what came to mind as we create this page and help us decide what we want to do next. and so here it is My Way Inn ~ Idea Page
2009-03-25 [jaraden]: sounds like a bloody brilliant idea... will have to wrap my puny brain around this one!!!!!!!!!!!
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