Page name: Mystic Zodiac - Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-22 02:29:06
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Character Format::

Character name:
Paranormal Experience (If any):
Relations (optional):
Image (optional):

Username: Amathya
Character name: Vander
Gender: Male
Age: About 20
Race: Human
History: Vander was going about his business one day, just doing what he was supposed to do and suddenly he disappeared. He didn't end up somewhere else, he just went invisible. He cannot be seen, heard, or anything by anyone. He now lives by the help of other people who don't realize they are helping him. He breaks into someone's house, eats their food and leaves as soon as the family starts suspecting that they have ghosts. He has not been seen in over two years by his family: they think he's dead and have almost given up hope on him. He wishes he were able to let them know that he is in fact very much alive, but is unable to contact them. If he writes something down only he can read it and internet and emails or chatting works the same way. He is invisible to the entire world.
Description: He's invisible, so it doesn't really matter, now does it? double star on chest
Profession: Mooching and also hacking.
Paranormal Experience (If any): His current situation. ((He is Cancer))
Items: He has a necklace of moonstone agate that he's had ever since he can remember.
Relations (optional):
Image (optional): <img:>

Username: Amathya
Character name: Cornelia
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Race: Human
History: She has amnesia. She just woke up with it one day. She has an amazing painting and drawing ability. She is currently residing in a facility that is supposed to be able to help with her amnesia. They say she may or may not get her memory back. They are not sure it will happen, if it ever does. They provide for her well, though. She has everything she needs to live and everything she needs to create her art.
Description: double star on abdomen
Profession: Artist
Paranormal Experience (If any): She is Virgo Reborn
Relations (optional):
Image (optional): <img:>

Username: Amathya
Character name: Tallia Newaster
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Human
History: She has always had a very sadistic streak in her personality, although she has a soft spot for animals, she sees men as things to manipulate and throw away when they are no longer useful to her. She came into her sultry seductress powers at an early age and gained a sort of hypnotic entrancement ability over everyone she met, especially the opposite sex. She has had a fascination for everything pertaining to the metaphysical properties of gemstones, but does not allow that part of herself to be seen in her store.
Description: Her hair changes depending on her moods, as do her eyes. She is 5'9'' and about 150, so the tall and womanly shape description applies. She is often seen in clothing matching whatever colors her mood has decided to make her eyes and hair, and it is always sexy and revealing. double star on right shoulder
Profession: Owner of a sex and weaponry store called "Fantasy Assassin"
Paranormal Experience (If any): She has seen everything at this store. She has a lot of rather strange customers who seem to have strange fetishes or needs. She has witnessed several paranormal events. (She is part of Gemini)
Weaknesses: A new outfit that shows off her assets or an especially hot and easy to manipulate man.
Relations (optional):
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:  Amathya
Character name: DellaRose "Del" Carpenter
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Human, as far as she knows completely human
History: She has a stable family life with a mom and a dad who've been together through thick and thin. They both love her and want what's best for her and support her in everything she does. She is constantly trying to decide what she wants to do with her life. Though her parents are independently wealthy, she would like to be able to support herself. Her parents hire private tutors for her in any subject she wishes.
Description: See Picture
Profession: Daughter
Paranormal Experience (If any): Absolutely none
Items: Lots of books. She loves to read, but they are mainly how-to books because she enjoys dabbling in many different hobbies.
Relations (optional):
Image (optional): <img:>

Username: Amathya
Character name: Aria/Ariusa
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be about twenty four, but actually centuries old. One of few Zodiac members who went into hiding and was not killed.
Race: Half mermaid, half human
History: Aria went into hiding a long time ago, keeping contact with one sibling: Epsilon. Both her other siblings were killed. She has been in hiding in Egypt, as a great jeweler. She has had her own company almost as long as she has been in hiding and the business is booming. The owner, her, is never seen except by her most trusted assistants and advisors. It is said that a piece from this company may benefit the wearer in some way. She is rarely seen by anyone, that they know of, and comes and goes as she pleases. Many of the designs that the company sells are that of gifted people that she has found. She likes pretty things, but is not a designer herself. She owns a few buildings in Egypt and enjoys the sun and food. She takes many trips into the pyramids and loves the dry air.
Profession: Jeweler
Paranormal Experience (If any): She is one of the Zodiac who has not died, her life is a good example of paranormal experience. (She is Aquarius)
Items: Her necklace and her companion Eagle, Zaprilla.
Relations (optional): Epsilon, brother
Image (optional): <img:>

Username: Amathya
Character name: Kendaleigha "Kenda" for short ((means "Valley of the Storm"))
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race: Human
History: She's grown up within a loving family. Her parents are divorced, though, but they do not put her in the middle and she loves both of them. In school and any other social event, she is markedly the outcast. She has no friends, but she loves being outside and she has her family. For some reason, her moods have always been reflected in the weather. She loves to read, especially outside in the open air. She prefers staying at her mom's place because her mom has a large plot of land outside the city. She likes visiting her dad though, and can often be found on the roof of his apartment building. She has tried to make friends, but they find her very strange. Her parents love her though, and encourage all her interests.
Profession: Nature writer
Paranormal Experience (If any): None, unless you count the changes that happen in the weather when her moods change.
Relations (optional):
Image (optional):

Username: [Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Marek Sargon
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 28 true age unknown
Race: Fallen angel
History: Fallen from heaven after betraying the goddess he served since he refused to be her toy any longer he was thrown from the heavens down to earth where he lives trying to keep from falling over the line into the darkness loosing his soul. He lives his life in this day and age as an actor but years of movies has drained him so now he lives alone in his pent house in the city keeping to himself.
Description: See picture below, but on his back he has a tattoo of a pair of Angel wings that curve across his shoulders and the tips end just above his butt.
Profession: Famous actor who has a penthouse in the city.
Paranormal Experience (If any): his life is one
Items: His sword from his time as an angel along with pieces of sacred jewelry that had been given to him by the goddess he had protected.
Weaknesses: Can be killed by an angel a fallen angel or a demon.
Relations (optional): None
Image (optional): <img:>

Username:[Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Arcadia Windrunner
Age: 23
History: Born and raised in the Colorado Rockies, she lived there all of her life with her pack but upon her 20th birthday she grew tired of the simple pack life in the reservation so she decided to pack her bags and leave. So she headed out east and ended up in Ashland Kentucky. Having grown up amongst many men in her pack she had been taught excellent mechanic skills. Now in Ashland she cares for her garage where she serves any and all who come to her for assistance.
Description:See image, Also turns into a black werewolf
Paranormal Experience (If any):her life
Items: a ring made of silver which is a design of Native American designs and wolves running around the band.
Weaknesses: Birth defect of her pack and is allergic to gold instead of silver
Relations (optional):Her pack
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Tavia Cherushi
Age:looks 22 but is almost a full century old
History: Once the princess of a beautiful kingdom she ran away from home when her father wished to marry her off to an ancient vampire she didn’t know and didn’t love. Her mother found her sobbing one night in her room and knowing how it felt to not be able to marry for love she helped her daughter escape to earth setting her up with a good home in Kentucky where hopefully she will be safe from her father’s claim over her life.
Description:See image below
Profession: Secretary for a big time lawyer
Paranormal Experience (If any):
Items: Her blue butterfly hair pin her only piece of jewelry left over from her life as a princess. It was also a gift from her loving mother and her greatest treasure.
Weaknesses: Dark magic
Relations (optional): none yet
Image (optional):<img:>

Username: [Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Serapis ShadowFang
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 26 but quite a few hundred years old.
Race: Werewolf
History: Born long ago he was the son of a blacksmith in the heart of Germany, He was attacked and changed at the age of 26, he was taken in by the local werewolf pack but because his inner beast was so strong for the next year he went in and out of consciousness as his human consciousness won over. When his wolf came under control he was truly powerful. Taking over the local werewolf pack her ruled for many years but grew bored. So he left his German pack and then began to travel the world as a lone wolf. Many an Alpha fought him to make a name off of the Beast of the Black Forest. But none were successful in killing him. He’s recently moved to Ashland to make a home for awhile before he moves on to his next hunting grounds.
Description: Hair looks like the picture except the brown is black, rich olive skin, with amber eyes that he hides behind his green sunglasses. An effect due to how his body took to the change, his eyes glow with power each time his anger flares or on his verge of change.
Profession: Head of a shipping company.
Paranormal Experience (If any): His life
Items: A tattoo on his left arm of a tribal wolf running down his bicep.
Weaknesses: Silver
Relations (optional): Has some connections to packs here and there thoughout the U.S.
Image (optional):<img:>

Username: [Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Randulfur/Anubis
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
Race: Jackal/wolf (He is both but he can choose weather to have one or the other at the surface.
History: Born long ago to the sea of sands known as Egypt he was the messenger of death bringing the souls of the dead to the underworld when they passed on. But he was betrayed by Bastet who had always hated him. She poisoned him one night during a great banquet of the Egyptian gods. That night was hell for him but he survived. But because of the poison he was no longer able to wear gold, the metal of his people. Knowing Bastet would try again he ran north away from any place Bastet would hunt for him. In the north he grew weary and collapsed in the snow to soon be found by Fenris. Fenris cared for him even though he was a lowly jackal and blessed him with the gift of the moon, to run the world of night and feel the silver light of the moon with the grace and power of a wolf. Unfortunately though when Fenris bit Anubis he took in the poison, which made him allergic to gold as well. Anubis changed into a strong warrior living many years among the snow, and his world changing around him. There he became Randulfur, Fenris’s shield wolf and good friend. Many years later when Fenris found love and had a daughter he passed down that allergen to Gold that Anubis had given him so long ago. But soon chaos formed in the halls of Midgaurd and Fenris asked Randulfur to take his daughter and raise her to not know the torments of the war of his people. Randulfur was honored by this, he had become and uncle to Arcadia when she had been growing up, so raising her as his own made it all the more wonderful to him. He took on the task with honor and taking the bundle in his arms that was Arcadia he ran. He made a home among the rocky mountains. There he built a family of wolves, a pack that raised Arcadia to be a wonderful woman; and so since Arcadia had left he lives just taking each day as it comes in his home hoping his little girl is safe.
Description: See Image
Profession: Entrepreneur (has started many business’s over many years and is share holder in many others)
Paranormal Experience (If any):
Items: A silver wolf pendent he keeps close to his heart in memory of Fenris.
Weaknesses: His allergen to gold
Relations (optional): Bastet, Fenris, Adoptive father of Arcadia, Siria…
Image (optional):
Add a little more muscle mass to him and you have Randulfur
Anubis in the past when he lived in Egypt
Randulfur in his full Anubian form standing in the Egyptian underworld without his normal warriors garb for his job.

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name: Tashi Injo
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Half -angel
History: Tashi came from a broken family. Before he was born his father drained the family bank accounts and fled with all their money and his mistress. His mother and two older brothers (one six years older the other ten years older)were forced to work barely scraping by to support the family.
When he was eight his oldest brother was diagnosed with a deadly illness, his family couldn't afford the pricey cure and they were unable to get the proper aid until it was too late.
Tashi started work when he was sixteen hoping to help support the family. He worked even harder, taking up a second job and quieting school after his brother left home without a word and never returned. His older brother hasn't even spoken to them since, and Tashi resents his brother for this reason. Since his brother left he put his mother ahead of everything including his education.
Tashi is concerned about his mother, whose health has been failing. All his earnings have gone to his mother and food for them to live off of.
When he has time he does woodcarvings (using wood from the woods) to earn extra money.Many of his pieces line the walls of his home, gifts to his mother. He has on occasion, earned extra money for his great talent, but never gets as much as he should for his work.
He loves helping people and nature,and as a result he tends to run the risk of being taken advantage of.Another thing that makes people attracted to him is his looks. He has a childlike innocence about him and is considered slightly feminine, he has been hit on by both genders. He is very protective of his mother and has sworn to never abandon her.
He studies in the public library in order to expand his knowledge and self teach himself. His mother feels guilty for the way his life has been.
He hasn't been in many relationships, and the only one that truly mattered to him ended in tragedy when his girlfriend died in a deadly plane crash. Since then he has distanced himself from relationships because he fears he will lose those he cares about. Part of him blames himself for his mother's illness and believes he is cursed to lose those he cares about.
He is an expert hacker, he hopes to use this knowledge to transfer money to their account in order to get money for his mother's treatment and help his mother live the life of ease like she deserves.
He is unaware of his sexual preference, but has been attracted to both genders.
Description:See image
Profession:Waiter and movie theater worker
Paranormal Experience (If any):none as of yet (doesn't know what he is)
Items: An amulet around his neck that has strange carvings on it. His mother gave it to him when he turned 14. A photo of his mother and brothers when he was younger.Woodcarving kit.Anything else he can get a hold of.
Weaknesses: His mother. Helping people in need.
Relations (optional):His mother and brother.
Image (optional):<img:*KB78PwyX15etTh8SsfDkG3QQVrcaQ*FQX0t5jKsYzBhGK061xJ8b8w7VgZWce7A37OzzU2mThmLjsxY7am6QYJq9Q19/anime_boy.jpg>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Gabriel Nightstrum
History:Gabriel was raised by religious fanatics. His mother and father believed he was a bad seed and so did his older brother Paul.
His father isn't really his father, his mother was raped (or so she claimed) and he was the product of it. That is why they believe he is a bad seed, though he is unaware of this fact.
At the age of ten he began to study the occult out of curiosity and because he grew to hate anything his parents liked and sought to go against their wishes.
When he was 11 Paul tried to kill him, he barely escaped, but ended up with a broken arm and his parents didn't believe his story.They claimed he was making stories up to get his brother in trouble and cover his clumsiness.He tried to go to the police but they didn't believe him either, due to his parents popularity within the community.
Soon after, he tried to run away, he was caught and beaten, his 'father' even broke his arm a second time and claimed he fell down the stairs. He had been caught three miles out of town.
He started doing odd jobs to gain money for college once he got older. He tried to run away six more times and always got taken back and beaten. One night while studying the occult on his laptop, his parents barged in, dragged him from his room and beat him with a belt. he cried out and begged to be told what he had done. They dragged him to Paul's room where a red pentagram was painted on the floor. He protested his innocence and was beaten even more. Paul later gloated that he had set him up but their parents wouldn't believe the truth if Gabriel told them...he didn't try.
At school he was even more of an outcast and his brother saw to it he didn't have any friends. As a result he put his learning ahead of all else and tried to spend as little time at home as possible. On clear nights he would sneak out his window and stargaze, or walk the streets and think.
At 13 he was forced to walk to a school play at night with his brother. Paul pushed him off a bridge and Gabriel was nearly killed. He was in a comma and critical condition for a week but eventually he recovered. once again they didn't believe him when he told them what happened, and Paul claimed he had fallen.
At 14 Gabriel began to feel his life was useless and tried to kill himself under the stars, a cloaked man appeared and stopped him. He treated his wounds and told him of the beauty of the world and the good in the world. Gabriel became interested in seeing these beauties and protecting them and this became his meaning for living. He still has the scars from his attempt on his life and keeps them hidden because he is ashamed of them.
At 15 he continued to ask his parents to allow him to go to college, but they claimed it was unnatural for him to graduate at a young age (though he had already graduated the previous year).
Paul made a third attempt on his life by trying to drown him, but the stranger saved him again and Paul seemed frightened of him. Both times the man had a strong, commanding, yet gentle voice, and he was unable to see his face. After the third attempt on his life Gabriel spent even less time around his brother and home.
He is shy due to his past and inside believes something is wrong with him and that is why his family hates him. Secretly, unknown to him, his mother does live him.
Description:see image. Always wearing goth like clothes, double star on left shoulder
Profession:Hacker/Occultist/ movie theater worker.
Paranormal Experience (If any):Dreams of things before they happen occasionally. The Strange man.
Items:Pentacle necklace. Dark colored clothing
Weaknesses:people...he has difficulty socializing with others and trusting them
Relations (optional):his parents and brother
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:William Ashton
Age:Appears to be 18 (really 24)
History:William was born to a wealthy family. His father was an aristocrat from London that moved their family to the U.S. for William's health. William was born the 7th son of a 7th son.
When He entered school he placed in advanced classes and was attending college by the age of 15. He graduated with honors with a B.S in Archeology and Law. He went back to college majoring in art when he turned 18.
He had a loving family and things were going well for him tell one night when he was heading back to campus from work and he was attacked. His attacker forced him to drink his blood and he blacked out. When William came to he realized he was naked in a bed. His attacker then made him do many things he didn't wish to, and though he tried to resist he often found his body obeying the man's orders. He was even forced to kill people under the command of the man.
Soon William discovered his life was changing, when he was away from the man who told him he was his Demeter he found himself fantasizing about him and thirsting for his blood. He also discovered his canines had grown and he had a sensitivity to light.He couldn't take it anymore and ended up finally killing his demeter.
He wasn't the only one to notice the change in him, the police force that he worked for noticed his peculiar behavior as well. Eventually due to his behavior the police chief believed stress had gotten to him and so they ordered him to take a leave of absence. William felt fevered and as though he was losing his mind.
William found himself both hating and despising his demeter. One day he got a call from his family telling him they were coming to visit. The police chief had reported his behavior to his father who grew worried.
For a little while their visit helped and he hoped his life would get better.
But he came home one night from classes to find his family slaughtered. Panted on the wall in their blood were the words: 'you killed our father we killed your family, you're next William.' William in anguish and grief quickly packed what he needed and fled. He called in to the police reporting their deaths and left the city knowing he wasn't safe.
Eventually he ran into a vampire hunter who began to train him in what she knows so he could strike back at his family's killers. He has also been working on weaning himself of the vitae though he has had little success.
Unknown to him he has a female demeter as well.
In the underworld he has a large reputation for being a vampire hunter and it has earned him many vampire enemies.
The police now believe he is responsible for his family's death
Description:see image, double star just behind left ear
Profession:Vampire hunter
Paranormal Experience (If any): His life as of being turned into a ghoul
Items:motorcycle, hunter's gear. Family ring
Weaknesses:Sunlight (gives him headaches)
Relations (optional):none surviving that he knows of
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Sol (Real name Angel)
Race:half angel, thinks he is human
History:Angel was orphaned at the age of 7 when he and his father were attacked by thugs on their way to get ice cream. His father was killed defending him and he ran away (for some reason that he doesn't know, the thugs were after him).
His twin sister was visiting a friend and staying the night when this took place. He still harbors guilt and self resentment for not trying to save his father, and a part of him hates himself.
He never knew his mother and doesn't even know what she looks like. He had been told when he was young that she had died when he was a baby and that she was kind and loving but he always wondered why they were never shown pictures of her.
After his father's death he and his sister were separated into foster care. After four months he managed to run away and try to find his sister, he never found her but he hasn't given up the search.
Description:see image. Strange birthmark on his forehead(see image)and a crescent moon birthmark on his left cheek, double star on the back of his neck
Paranormal Experience (If any):
Items:his clothes. What he can get or steal
Relations (optional):unknown
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Niles
Age:unknown to even him he appears to be 16-18
History:He was the son of Zeus who used him as a sex toy since he was six. Niles constantly tried to escape with little luck. He tried to tell his mother constantly that his father was doing these terrible things to him but she acted as though she didn't care (unknown to him this was because Zeus had her under a spell).
He dreams of the day he can run away leaving everything he knows behind. The problem is he is unfamiliar with the modern world because he was never allowed to leave his chambers, the outside world both excites and frightens him lending to his inability to escape. He was always coveted like a precious gem for as long as he could remember. He is able to remember a time when his mother seemed to care for him and protect him, even hiding him from Zeus. But sometimes he wonders if those were true memories or just his wishful thoughts.
He is able to turn into a female which Zeus used to his advantage.
Zeus also keeps him under lock and key because he can tap into his energy, energy Niles doesn't know how to use.
Only recently has Niles been able to escape.
Description:see image
Paranormal Experience (If any):his life
Items:the clothes he has on.
Relations (optional):Zeus
Image (optional):<img:>
Female form


Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Lyra Brooks
History:She was raised by a prostitute who trained her at a young age that she could get anything she wants using her body. At first she cried and tried to get away from the horrible fate, but eventually her mind distanced herself from her body when it was used by her 'mother's' clients. She was beaten till she fully accepted that this was her fate in life.
She had a younger sister who she would take the place of to protect but her sister ended up getting away, she was caught before she could find her sister, she still hopes to find her sister Shaiya.
She wants power but only to help those who are less fortunate then her. She actually became pregnant a few times but she miscarried (through force by her 'mother') four times and the fifth one was a stillborn.
She never knew her father and believes she was the product of one of her 'mother's' clients. However she still has a necklace from her stepfather who loved and protected her until her 'mother' killed him. Her mother sold all the jewelry he had given her except the necklace that Lyra had hidden.
When she was 16 she had had enough and ran away. She had no money so she slept with a wealthy lawyer to get money in order to survive, he tried to kill her afterward and she used her mage abilities to defend herself, she ended up killing him in the process.
He had a child and she took the baby and all his money. She started to raise the child as her own but he got sick and died before she could take him to a hospital.
She kidnapped another child a year later and has been raising the child ever since as her own giving him the name Delthion. Delthion had originally been named Danny but he was abused by his real parents, this is the reason she took him. Lyra loves him as her own.
Currently the police are trying to locate Lyra for kidnapping and murder (they believe she killed the first baby as well as the baby's father).
Lyra took on a knew name Lissa Thomson and settled in a small apartment where she has home schooled Delthion and got a job as a waitress, working toward a better future for the both of them. She is distrustful of others due to her past and is protective of her son.
Description:See image
Profession:Waitress and maid
Paranormal Experience (If any):attacked by a vampire but she managed to get away, she has the scar of his claws on her left hip from when he tried to rape her and feed off her.
Items:The necklace her stepfather gave her, a locket with Delthion's picture in it.
Weaknesses:Children, especially Delthion, remembering her past, letting people in.
Relations (optional):her son Delthion
Image (optional):<img:>
Her necklace:

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Fenrir -currently believes he is Isaac Crommer
Age:Appears to be 24
Race:Demi-god (currently human)
History:The son of Loki, his wolf half was separated by Oden and he currently believes he is human having been reborn. He works for a computer company and has been carrying on a normal life
Description:See image
Profession:Computer administration worker and developer
Paranormal Experience (If any):none
Items:nothing worth noting
Weaknesses:letting people in, he is silent and withdrawn
Relations (optional):Loki, Jarmanger,Hel, doesn't know this though
Image (optional):

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Jarmanger
Age:unknown appears to be in his early 20s
History:After being caste into the sea by Oden he had time to reflect and think of the events leading to his imprisonment. Over time he has come to resent Loki and even hate him, blaming him for the hardships he and his siblings endured and the death of his two brothers.
He has come to believe Loki's mischievous ways are evil and the cause of his and his siblings suffering. He both loves and hates his father and a part of him wants his father to die.
A part of him both hates and loves Oden.
Description:see image
Profession:none at the moment (Midgard Serpent)
Paranormal Experience (If any):His life
Items:none at the moment
Weaknesses:Family and Oden
Relations (optional):Loki, Fenrir, Hel etc...
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Drake (Balder reincarnated)
Race: ?
History:Drake is the reincarnation of Balder though he is unaware of this. He was born to a family that runs a shrine and is highly doted on though he doesn't understand why. His family can sense he is special and believe he is a god and so they are overly protective of him.
He was born to a family of wealth. His mother runs the shrine with his older brothers and his father is the president of a large corporation out of Japan.
His older brothers are jealous of him and all but the oldest treat him badly.
He wants to live like a normal teenager and is a little upset by his parents overly protective behavior.
He is popular at school but fears that people are friendly to him because of his wealth and not who he is.He works at the shrine and is advanced in school for his age.
Description:see image he also has Oden's mark on him as a birthmark. He is often mistaken for a girl due to his feminine looks
Profession:Student and shrine priest
Paranormal Experience (If any): He dreams of his past life but is unaware of it being true. He also has manifested abilities he has had in his past life and found that he can heal and sooth people.
Items: An amulet passed down through the family, and a protective charm given to him by his parents. His shrine priest items
Weaknesses:Letting people see his emotions, trusting people completely. He is a little naive due to his upbringing.
Relations (optional):Oden (past life was Oden's son)
Image (optional):<img:>

Character name: Lial Oden (Real Name Oden)
Age:unknown appears to be in his late 20's early 30's
History:See Norse mythology. He hates Loki for Loki's role in his son's death and as a result wishes for Loki and his family to suffer. Bored with the routine life in Valhalla he decided to test out the life of a human and opened a Research and Development computer company by the name of Oden Enterprises. His company has steadily climbed to the top and works closely with government research around the world. He uses his contacts on occasion to cause a little tension between the different contacts in order to keep them in line and make more money.
He happened to stumble across Isaac when he was younger and realized who he was. It was his idea to make him cut ties with his family and he has since been using Isaac as a tool.
Description:see images
Profession:Corporate World leader/God
Paranormal Experience (If any):His life
Items:See mythology references
Weaknesses:Loki, see mythology references
Relations (optional):See mythology references
Image (optional):What he looks like now:
True Image:

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Sanzo
Age:22 ?
History:Sanzo was the result of Oden and one of his mistresses exploits. When Sanzo was a child he showed advanced intelligence, fearing he would try to replace him or use his intelligence against him, Oden tortured Sanzo until he lost his sanity. Occasionally he will display his intelligence but Oden usually punishes him if he does.
Sanzo likes explosives and he blows things up when he is stressed, bored, or upset.
Oden has him watched because he still doesn't trust him. It is hard to tell if Oden cares about him at all because he tortures him on a regular basis and seems to get pleasure out of his pain.
Recently Sanzo escaped from Oden's private estate (as Lial) and has vanished without a trace. Oden is searching for him suspecting he has gained back his will and intelligence.
Description:See image
Profession: none
Paranormal Experience (If any): His life
Items: explosives, they are fun fun fun!
Weaknesses:his insanity
Relations (optional): Oden
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name: Alaina
Gender: Female
Age: 16
History:Alaina was born to a family that didn't want her and quickly given up for adoption. In the foster home she was given her name due to her beauty and the joy she brought the workers. When she was one she was adopted by a governor and his wife and she now believes she was born to them. The governor and his wife love her dearly and have given her the best of everything but she is by no means spoiled, she was taught by her family to not let power and wealth go to your head and to help share the wealth with those less fortunate.
Starting a year ago, with the help of her music lessons and her parents support she has become a teen idol and talented singer. Most of the money she earns from her concerts goes to charities and helping the poor.
She is determined to help anyone she can with her talents and looks to her family for inspiration. She is sheltered by her family and her father is a little overly protective. Her mother is her singing manager.
Description:see image
She is interested in the occult and many of her songs are based on the old and mythology.
Profession: High school student and Singer
Paranormal Experience (If any): Unknown to her her music has an effect on her audience depending on what type of song she is singing.
Items: A locket with her parents' pictures in it. Other gifts from her parents. Companion- She was given a half wolf half husky for her 16th birthday that she named Gaia.
Weaknesses:Her family and friends.
Relations (optional): up to story teller
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:"Falcon"
Race:unknown up to story teller
History:Falcon remembers little of his past. What he remember he wants to forget. He remembers being surrounded by people he thought loved him and being attacked by them. They accused him of being responsible for the death of innocence. He remembers one of them saying that innocence would continue to die so long as he lives.
He was beaten and stabbed till he lost consciousness. When he came to he was surrounded by the people who had tried to kill him, they were all dead and a handsome man stood over him tending his wounds. The man's name was Vann. Vann took him in and began to protect him from something Falcon knows threatens him but is unsure exactly what it is.
He wants to know what happened to him and who he is as well as what the others meant and how they died.
Unknown to him he is an energy source for a special race that feeds on his kind, they feed on innocence to gain power that will help them feed off of him. He was born to be offered as a sacrifice but his family hid him until they were discovered and killed, then the town tried to kill him but failed with Vann's intervention. Vann is one of the race that feeds off of Falcon's race but he wants to protect Falcon and he loves him patiently waiting for him to get older.
Description:see image
Profession: student
Paranormal Experience (If any): Communication with spirits and what happened when he was a five.
Items:none but what Vann gives him
Weaknesses: The curse of his race, his curiosity and lack of distrust
Relations (optional): up to story teller
Image (optional):<img:>
His older appearance:<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name: Alaric (a name he gave himself after reading it in a book)
History:Alaric was abused since he was born by his parents who didn't want him. They tried to kill him repeatedly and nearly succeeded,when he was able to walk and talk he had to teach himself how to walk. He was often ignored and malnourished.
He taught himself how to read and write. He has older siblings that his parents seem to love, he is unsure why they hate him. Unknown to him his parents hate him due to a curse placed on him by a jealous god who knew he would grow to be more beautiful than him. He is more beautiful than the average male.
When he was 9 his parents began using him for child porn and even used him as a prostitute. He ran away and began living on the streets but he has been selling himself to stay alive. He has never attended school and is highly distrustful of other people, only going near them to sell himself or buy food.
Recently he took up residents in an abandoned house. He is still malnourished but does his best to eat. He was caught by the police when he tried to steal some food. They tried to take him to foster care but he ran away.
The police are searching for him and he has appeared on the news. The police are concerned about him but he thinks they mean him harm. He is distrustful of the police because when he was eleven one of them tried to kill him after using him for sex.
Description: see image
Profession: Thief and prostitute.
Paranormal Experience (If any): none that he knows of aside from being immune to diseases (including STDS).
Items:a knife he stole, and anything he can get his hands on.
Weaknesses: People, and his distrust of them. His curse.
Relations (optional): Up to story teller
Image (optional):<img:>

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name:Selune
History:Selune was born to a poor but loving family. She was the middle child having one older brother and a younger sister. When she was 7 her sister was killed by a drunk driver and she was put into a comma. Her brother who was driving couldn't be found and they think he is dead. His seat belt had been snapped.
Selune woke from the coma a year later. Her parents couldn't be contacted and she fears they left her there to ensure she would have a better chance at happiness. She was placed in foster care and believes that is what happened to her siblings whom she wishes to find (the people at the hospital didn't want to tell her what happened to her sister and brother).
She was adopted when she was 12 by a very wealthy family. There she was treated well and has come to love them as they love her but she is still lonely for her family and feels a little distant.
At school she is teased about her ears (she now believes she is a human with pointed ears because so far she has aged normally). Those that claim to be her friend seem to do so in hopes of getting something out of it. Her adopted sister who is a year older than her hates her and tries to get her in trouble (sometimes succeeding).
She fixes her hair to try and hide the ears.
Description:see image
Profession:High schooler and zoo worker
Paranormal Experience (If any): none that she knows of
Items: A locket with a picture of her old family in it. Other items she is given by her new family.
Weaknesses: Family and being shy
Relations (optional): up to story teller
Image (optional):<img:>

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name: Sybil
History:Sybil had a happy life until on her 13th birthday she woke to discover she was pregnant. She had never had sex that she could recall and was shocked by the discovery. Her parents were furious and accused her of sleeping with her boyfriend,despite what she told them. Her boyfriend dumped her accusing her of cheating.
Her parents than told her she had to have an abortion. She didn't want to but her parents took her to the clinic. There they were informed she was too far along. Her parents took her home and made her pack a suitcase worth of stuff and gave her 500 dollars than they dumped her off at a hotel. There she tried to get home but soon went into labor.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She named her daughter Brianna. She soon got a job as a maid and live in nanny arranging it so her baby could be with her. Her boss is a single father that has three little triplets. He views her as a daughter and helps her when she is in need. She loves the boys and her daughter and views her boss as a father figure. Unknown to her he has been saving up money for her college.
She has little friends at her new school and people criticize her for being a teen mother. Especially when she has to bring Brianna to school. Some are even accusing her of sleeping with her new boss.
Unknown to her, Zeus impregnated her and made her forget.
Description:see images
Profession:Live in nanny
Paranormal Experience (If any):none that she knows of
Items: What she can afford, a locket with Brianna's picture in it.
She also has a a fake wedding ring that she wears to make people believe she is married, she thinks it helps relieve criticism.
Weaknesses: Family and being shy, her daughter
Relations (optional): up to story teller
Image (optional):<img:>

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name:Sya
History: Sya was found in a cardboard box at the side of the road. She had chains around her neck and was nearly dead. At the hospital she nearly died because her blood type was unique and only found in dogs. One of the doctors who deals in paranormal occurrences secretly used dog blood in her transfusion and saved her life. 
After her recovery she was sent to an orphanage where she has been for four years. She has no memory of where she came from or what happened to her. She only remembers her name.
Description:see image
Profession: none
Paranormal Experience (If any): none that she recalls aside from the ability to lift and move things with her mind which she hides from others. She also says her bear can talk and carries it with her everywhere.
Items: Her bear which she calls Mr. Ursa.
Weaknesses: She is shy and a little distrustful of others, she also seems frightened of cats.
Relations (optional):up to story teller
Image (optional):<img:>

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name:Amira
Age:unknown appears to be 18-19
History:Amira was abandoned by her family when she was embraced several hundred years ago. She was nearly killed by her twin brother who was a hunter. She ended up embracing him and fled Scotland her home for another country.
She was found by Oden who began to court her. She fell in love with him and has shared his bed many times. She is a stripper but models for his company as well. She believes he loves her and has born him a son recently which is now five.
She doesn't know Oden is a god, she believes he is a powerful vampire and can't understand why he sends her away on occasion, nor why he refuses to marry her. She is sad and tries to consul her son who doesn't understand as well, when this occurs.
Description:see image usually wears tight fitting clothes
Profession:Stripper and supermodel
Paranormal Experience (If any): Her life
Items:anything she is given or buys
Weaknesses:Oden letting others in.
Relations (optional):unknown
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Kyo
History:Kyo is a shy boy with no friends to call his own. He is often picked on and his family doesn't seem to understand him. When he was 4 his parents died in a car accident and he was sent to live in Tokyo with his aunt and uncle and their two older children. His aunt and uncle love him but don't know how to break him from his depression and pessimistic look at life. His cousins make the situation worse because they dislike him moving in because their parents spend time taking him to therapy and trying to help him.
  He seems to have multiple personality disorder because when he is emotional he often seems to become another person who is violent and aggressive toward those around him. because of this he is kept on medication and forced to attend therapy. Unknown to him or his family the other personality is actually his twin who died when he was younger and lies dormant when he is in control. He tries to keep a stoic facade around others because he is afraid of loosing control.
To make matters worse he is attracted to other guys which has caused more teasing and prejudice by other students after he confessed his feelings to a boy he had a crush on. The boy beat him up and spread rumors around the school.
He works at a temple which is the only place he feels at peace and safe. He has a star of misfortune that lies over him, in essence without the help of paranormal interference, he is cursed to misfortune.
Description:See image
Profession:Student and Phoenix temple worker
Paranormal Experience (If any): None that he knows of
Items:a necklace his parents gave him when he was younger, unknown to him it is suppossed to help protect him.
Weaknesses:Pessimism,depression, his "other personality"
Relations (optional): Up to Gypsy
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Miach
History:Miach was born an hour before his twin Liam. They were both born to a wealthy family in Ireland where they have been raised. When they were 14 they were sent to a private Boarding School to continue their education. Miach became very popular and helped his brother with his shy attitude. He is very close to his brother and protective of him. He got in trouble once for beating up a kid who hurt Liam when they were younger.
Miach can be a bit of a flirt and his brother often helps keep him in line. He is more easy going and the partier type where as Liam tends to be more studious.
When Miach was heading back to his dorm he shared with his brother he was attacked by something. he woke in the morning to a metallic taste in his mouth and a hunger for blood. He ended up feeding off of the Headmaster's cat and came to the horrific conclusion of what he was. With Liam's help they have hid what he is and Liam brings him food and has even become his vassal when he needs it, this has deepened their bond and made him more protective of his twin due to Liam's sacrifice. Despite being turned he has been able to remain happy with his brother's help and carry on a happy life.
He likes guys and is in love with Liam but doesn't want people to know so he flirts with girls. He wants Liam to be happy since he knows he is not attracted to males and they are twins
Description:See image,his eyes glow red when angry
Profession: Students and heir to the family company. He is the president of the student body and occasionally helps with his father's business company.
Paranormal Experience (If any): Being turned
Items: A necklace with the family crest on it. His brother has a matching one. Anything else he wants that he can get with money.
Weaknesses: His brother, being a flirt, he can be a little arrogant at times.
Relations (optional):Liam, and their parents, and adopted sister Jezza
Image (optional): The on on the left
Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Liam
History:Liam was born an hour after his twin Miach. They were both born to a wealthy family in Ireland where they have been raised. When they were 14 they were sent to a private Boarding School to continue their education. Miach became very popular and helped him overcome his shy attitude, which allowed him to make more friends and become vice president of the student body. He is very close to his brother and protective of him. He defended his brother when Miach got in trouble once for beating up a kid who had hurt him when they were younger.
He tries to keep his brother in line due to Miach's flirtatious attitude. He often has to ensure he studies so he will succeed. After Miach was turned he helped care for him and provide him with animal blood. When he was unable to provide animal blood he gave Miach some of his thus becoming his vassal, this has helped strengthen their bond and make Miach more protective of him.
They have been carrying on with their life and able to maintain their happiness. Recently Liam was heading to one of his classes when he nearly was hit by a car. He felt a mysterious force push him out of harms way. He and his brother are unable to make sense of what it was.
He is serious about his studies and is able to memorize anything he reads or stories he hears the first time around.
Description:See image,his eyes glow red when angry
Description:see image
Profession:Vice president of the student body, Student, librarian.
Paranormal Experience (If any): His brother's vassal, the car incident.
Items:A necklace with the family crest on it. His brother has a matching one. Anythinge else he wants that he can get with money.
Weaknesses:His brother. His detachment from others due to his studies, a little naive.
Relations (optional):Miach, their parents, and adopted sister Jezza.
Image (optional):One on the right

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name:Ai
History: Ai and Aiko are twins. Their mother died giving birth to them and their father is overly protective off them. Their father is a big business executive who works with Oden Industries. He sent both of them to an elite private school to get the best education. Ai is more girlish and the older twin. As a result her father has been a little more protective of her because she finds guys cute and occasionally flirts.
She and her sister are really close and protective of each other. She occasionally is annoyed at how boyish Aiko can be but they remain best friends. She doesn't like their step mother because she tends to treat them badly when their father isn't present, and favors her older daughter. She and Aiko have dubbed their step family as having a Cinderella-step family complex.
She likes astrology, gems,acting, painting, and soft music as well as typical girly attractions. She is working in bally and theater, she desires to be an actress when she is older and has actually helped in minor parts and is scheduled as a co-star for a new romance movie.
She is a hopeless romantic and is somewhat of the typical girly girl.
Description:One with long hair
Profession:Actress and ballerina, high school girl
Paranormal Experience (If any):She thought she saw her sister floating one night. When she sleeps she has visions of things as they are happening. She and her sister both can commune thought the mind and think it is a twin thing.
Items:A locket with her father and mother in one half her sister in the other, her sister has one too. What she wants and is given
Weaknesses:Her family, She tends to be a little spoiled. She craves attention
Relations (optional):Her sister and father
Image (optional): One with the pink shirt
Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name:Aiko
History:Aiko and Ai are twins. Their mother died giving birth to them and their father is overly protective off them. Their father is a big business executive who works with Oden Industries. He sent both of them to an elite private school to get the best education.
She and her sister are really close and protective of each other. She occasionally is annoyed at how girly Ai can be but they remain best friends. She doesn't like their step mother because she tends to treat them badly when their father isn't present, and favors her older daughter. She and Ai have dubbed their step family as having a Cinderella-step family complex.
Aiko is more of a tomboy than her sister, because of this her father tends to be more strict. She likes sneaking out at night and being adventurous. Her hobbies include soccer (she is actually on the male's team), being outdoors, the occult, and playing her guitar as well as hanging out with friends and generally acting boyish.
She likes girls but is afraid to say anything because of her dad
Description: One with short hair, dresses like a goth punk boy when not at school. Has collared streaks in her hair.
Profession: Works at a music store, secretly is the lead guitarist for a band called Phoenix Storm.
Paranormal Experience (If any): She found she has the ability to levitate. She can read peoples thoughts and has precognition. She and her sister both can commune through the mind and think it is a twin thing.
Items:A locket with her father and mother in one half her sister in the other, her sister has one too.
Weaknesses:Her family, being considered an outcast she tends not to have any friends at the school and so has trouble connecting.
Relations (optional): Her father and sister
Image (optional): One with purple top
***Unknown to them Ai was promised to a god as a bride when they reached their 16th birthday due to an old ancestral agreement. There was also a prophecy that the two sisters would have to fight and kill the other because one would become evil the other good.

Username: [Silver Moon]
Character name:Takarii Yagami
History:Takarii was born the only son of an important business executive in Japan, the company works with Oden industries and is considered a sister company. He grew up quickly learning and taking part in the business dealings alongside his father at the age of twelve.
He got to be a happy child but become overworked by his father's expectations. He misses his mother who passed when he was eight. He believes his father's grief has caused him to emerse himself in his work and to be just as demanding of him. He loves his father but wishes he could have been a child a little longer.
He graduated business school at the age of fourteen and became one of the people to refer to when looking for suggestions for the company. Recently his father thought it would be beneficial for both companies to allow him to work at Oden Industries. He has recently been sent to work with Oden closely.
He is unaware that his father is dying of a disease and made a pact with Oden to allow him to live. His father agreed to allow his son to live with Oden and follow his orders in return for a cure to his disease. Oden claimed he would protect Takarii and no harm would come to him. He told his father he wanted to have Takarii since he couldn't have children and needed and heir. His father agreed to the pact and has sent him to go live with Oden little knowing that he is placing his son in danger.
Description:see image
Profession:Business executive and consultant
Paranormal Experience (If any):He has the ability to heal
Items:A watch his father gave him for his birthday before he got on the plane. His laptop, what he needs to buy
Weaknesses:His family, he is shy and has trouble connecting with others, he is caring but can appear distant do to his workers mentality.
Relations (optional): His father
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:Senna Yagami
History:Senna was born to a loving family. His mother and father are both doctors and helped support his intelligence. He and his brother love each other but are constantly playing pranks on each other. His brother is jealous of his intelligence and popularity. Senna is annoyed with the fact he is more mature than his brother who is twenty-two and lives his life with little motivation.His brother is a player which is also a sore point for Senna. Their are almost polar opposites.
Senna is very goal oriented he wants to work in law as a lawyer and perhaps do something with science,his hard studies have gotten him into Tokyo University. Anything you can't explain with science he tends to give little credence to. He is a down to earth boy who likes to be able to analyze things from a scientific and logical standpoint. 
He is the captain of the Kendo club and very popular. Girls have tried to get him to go out with them but have had no luck. Secretly he likes males and has no interest in girls. He doesn't want to pursue a serious relationship right now because of his school, he doesn't think he has time for friends or relationships so he is a little on the anti-social side. He socializes with professors more than fellow students so some students believe he believes himself better than them.
Recently he started having dreams of a hansom older male (Oden) and has developed a crush on him. He believes it is just his overworking that has triggered the dreams so he allows himself to fantasize not believing he is a real person. He hates the idea of dreams meaning something and analyzes it as a psychological manifestation of desires. In this case he believes it his subconscious trying to point out the fact he is lonely and possibly likes older males since they tend to be more accomplished.
He is close to his cousin Takarii and wishes he could have gone to study elsewhere as well. But his parents are overly protective of him and he doesn't know why. He is very close to graduating.
Description:See image
Profession: He is a Criminal Law Student and Science Major
Paranormal Experience (If any): None that he knows of (his dreams)
Items: Nothing worth noting (what he can buy)
Weaknesses: His family, due to being logically driven he can overlook things or discard them as being useless. He is anti-social and overworks himself, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. He can sometimes be self absorbed which some people misinterpret as him being selfish
Relations (optional): His family, Takarii (his cousin)
Image (optional):<img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character name:"Kya" (Real name is Ryuki)
History:Ryuki was born evil at birth. He and his twin Sya lived on the streets for a short time. Due to Sya being kind and sweet he was able to manipulate her into getting him food and other things. When his sister displeased him he often tortured her.
One day Ryuki was telling his sister to get some food when a man pulled up in a limbo he told Ryuki he would be his adopted father if he allowed him to sell Sya to a lab for testing. He agreed happily and hasn't seen his sister since. He is unsure why he didn't want to use him in the lab too but he doesn't care, he is happy to use his abilities for his father's wishes. All he knows is after his adoption his adopted father began to make him wear dressed and treats him like a girl due to his looks.He even gave him his female name.
He is even mistaken for a girl at the private school he goes to due to his father passing him off as a girl. He is the ''queen'' of the school.
He has grown fond of his adopted father who treats him well and he has everything he wants including people to torture. He is a little uncomfortable and usure about the ''accidental'' caresses he occasionally receives by his adopted father. Part of him likes the feel but the other part is scared and unsure.
One day he found a doll lying outside the mansion. At first he wasn't planning to pick it up but it started to talk to him and tell him evil things. It even started to tell him to kill people. He became delighted with the object and is often seen carrying it around, which at school only makes him appear more adorable. He goes out at night and kills people taking their money, he uses his innocent looks to his advantage.
One night one of his would be victims tried to attack him back. Before he could react the doll became animated and killed him. After that he called the doll Belladonna. 
Description:see image
Paranormal Experience (If any): His life
Items:His doll and whatever his adopted father gives him
Weaknesses:His adopted father, cats (he is afraid of them)
Relations (optional):Sya
Image (optional):<img:>

Username (or number or email):


2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: awwwwwwwww I want them all to be together now ^_^

2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: Long....oh my god long....

2010-03-15 [Silver Moon]: lol I know

*hugs* I am sorry. Aside from being sick mine was good

2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm sorry you're sick, baby...

I am the Storyteller....I will come up with a way for them to be ^_^

2010-03-15 [Silver Moon]: or someone that is similar to Miach

2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: you mean similar to Liam ^_^

2010-03-15 [Silver Moon]: oops yes sorry

2010-03-31 [Gypsy Mystik]: awwww

2010-08-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: what changed?

2010-08-20 [Silver Moon]: My pics because some of them had been removed

2010-09-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: OMG!!!

2010-09-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: you do remember that Sya is 7, right?

2010-09-12 [Silver Moon]: yea I changed my mind about the twin thing. He is her older brother lol

2010-09-12 [Silver Moon]: so what do you think?

2010-09-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: love it

2010-09-12 [Silver Moon]: thanks

2010-09-22 [Silver Moon]: what was changed?

2010-09-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: Sarah had one of her characters as Pisces and I changed it back to Virgo..... she had changed something first...just dont worry about it...

2010-09-22 [Silver Moon]: ok

2010-09-22 [Amathya]: Awesome, thanks...I couldn't remember who it was...and guessed.

2010-09-23 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol it's okay

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