Page name: Mystic Zodiac - NPCs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-23 22:08:49
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Name: Jeza/Angelique
Race: ?Human?
Age: appears about 15
Description: See below
History: Unknown to her, amnesia. Her name, Jezza, was given to her by one of the workers at the orphanage she had been at for as long as she could remember. She was finally adopted by a rich couple who have twin boys at boarding school.
Abilities: Unknown

Name: Jackie (in red), Tamesis (purple hair), Oracle (hooded), and Selnia (in blue)
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Description: See below
History: Jackie, Tamesis, Oracle, and Selnia are all friends that had a bond just a great as if they were sisters.

Jackie attends a private high school, Guar Star High, where she is in the top of her class. She is on the school's karate team, where she is the captain. She is also on the archery team, where they allow her to practice with her throwing daggers along with the bow and arrow. Her daggers have the chinese symbol for fire on them.

Tamesis attends Guar Star High with Jackie, and is a year ahead of her. She also is in the top of her class, and has surprised many. Tamsis is blind, and walks the school and particapates in school with no assistance. There is a rumor around the school that says that she is not blind, and that she is doing it to get sympathy from the teachers and staff.

Oracle is home schooled, and the oldest of the four friends. She is never seen during the day, unless the day is very cloudy and dark. Not much is known of her but that, the only ones that know more about her are Jackie, Tamesis, and Selnia. Quiet, and is seen most often, when not with the other three, at the Earth Shrine.

Selnia attends the public high school, Ashland High. She is the captain of the fencing team and of the swim team. She seems to have a personality shift when she goes into a competition and when she comes out of the said competitions. Wears a braclet with the chinese symbol for water on it.
Abilities: Unknown

Name: Shaiya
Race: Human
Age: 18
Description: See below
History: Shaiya was born and grow up in Kentucky, but now lives in Georgia. She lives in a small apartment with a beach view and lives with her children. Shaiya is the mother of two, Crystal, age 3, and Robby, age 5. Both of her children are from two different rapes: Robby's father being some man from Kentucky, and Crystal's father being an Mexican illegal. Shaiya works part-time, goes to school part-time, and is a full-time mother. She gets a sitter for the children when she goes to school or work, but will take them with her if she can't find a sitter. Her children are her life.
Abilities: unknown if any

Name: Matthew Brinsen
Race: Human?
Age: appears 25, true age unknown
Description: See image, has a double star marking on his left thigh
History: Founder and CEO of Epsilon Archer Inc. Matthew has a daughter, Chyrosa, who co-workers and employees rumor is actually his sister. He loves his daughter and wants the best for her. Matthew is a kind and sweet man, who is very loyal to his friends and loved ones.
Abilities: unknown

Name: Nemi
Race: Human?
Age: appears 19
Description: See image
Abilities: unknown

Name: Dez
Race: appears human, but has pointed ears
Age: appears in his twenties
Description: see image
History: Unknown
Abilities: Unknown

Name: Ceto / Phorcys
Race: Human? / Human?
Age: appears 12 / appears in 30s
Description: See image
History: In all appears, Ceto and Phorcys looks like a daughter and father. The two have just moved to Ashland, because the DCF of the last state they had been living in was called in to investigate calls that Ceto was in a terrible home environment. Phorcys is a big and muscled man, and he towers over Ceto, and any men, being a good 8 and 1/2 feet tall.
Abilities: unknown

Name: Suzaku
Race: Fire Changling
Age: Centuries Old, appears in twenties
Description: see image
History: He is the head priest of the Phoenix Temple.
Abilities: flame manipulations, shape shifting

Name: Byakko
Race: Were-Tiger
Age: Unknown, appears in twenties
Description: see image
History: He is the head priest of the Khan Temple.
Abilities: Racial.

Name: Sieryuu
Race: Mage
Age: Unknown, appears in twenties
Description: see image
History: He is the head priest of the Temple de Draco
Abilities: water manipulation, shape shifting

Name: Genbu
Race: Vampire
Age: Centuries old, appears in twenties
Description: see image
History: He is the head priest of the Earth Shrine
Abilities: earth manipulation, shape shifting

Name: Tsukuyomi, goes by 'Yomi'
Race: half Moon Elf/half Sun Elf
Description: see image below (male)


Name: Amaterasu, goes by 'Rasu'
Race: half Moon Elf/half Sun Elf
Description: see image above (female - in shorts)

Name: Chyrosa or 'Chy' "Brinsen"
Race: appears human
Age: appears 18 or 19, true age unknown
Description: see image, she has a double star marking on the inside of both her wrists.
History: Chyrosa is the daughter of Matthew Brinsen, only for appearances. She loves her "father" dearly, as she knows he loves her just as much. Many at her father's company claim that Chyrosa can not be Matthew's daughter, but more a sister, because of how old each of them appear. Chyrosa has many admirers, and many stalkers, because of her beauty, but she does not worry her father with them. Chyrosa is a calm and kind person, with a gentle voice. She appears shy, and she is smart, having graduated top of her class, at Thoth University. Chyrosa's real father is helping a "friend" out with some research.
Abilities: manipulation over the elements including metal, has the ability to see into a person's soul, mind speech, more unknown -> has the ability to change ages and only her father knows of this....

Name: Danny O'hanna aka Delta
Race: Were-Cyotte
Age: 24 in appearance
Description: see Image
History: Danny is from Montana, and has come to Ashland to find out some information. Not much is known.
Abilities: racial, more unknown

Name: Charlie Regal/Abmisleo
Race: Were Lion
Age: 28, but appears younger
Description: see Image
History: He is an old friend of Matthew's, and allows Matthew to play father to his daughter Chyrosa when he can't be around. Charlie works at Epsilon Archer as a researcher, but he also freelances. He is very loyal to his family and friends.
Abilities: racial

Name: Thorthia

Name: Erebus
Race: God
History: Brother to Nyx and Cancri

Name: Nyx

Name: Eos

Name: Semreh

Name: Siria
Race: Goddess/WereWolf
Age: unknown
Description: see image





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2009-08-09 [Gypsy Mystik]: she was the one that I set up with Wiliam, Sabra's character that turned into Aries, the Ram...

2009-08-09 [Amathya]: Yeah, I remember her now. She was the art girl with amnesia who was put in an institution because of her amnesia but the doctors were actually stealing her artwork and selling it for a profit.

2009-08-09 [Gypsy Mystik]: yep

2009-08-10 [Amathya]: Did you already make another Virgo or are you saving Cornelia for me?

2009-08-10 [Gypsy Mystik]: Ah, didn't you want to play Virgo? ^_~

2009-08-10 [Amathya]: Yay! Cornelia! I think when we stopped playing your game Cornelia was the one I missed the most of my characters. I think I remembered Vander better because I played him longer, but I really liked my artist girl. Now, to find a picture and write up the character!

2009-08-22 [Amathya]: I'm mentioned I'm mentioned!

2009-08-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: Of course Cancri is ^_^

2009-08-22 [Amathya]: Still looking for pics, huh?

2009-08-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm on my actual laptop... so it would be a slow search, I'm waiting to do that when I get to the other computer

2009-08-22 [Amathya]: Oh. Yeah, I noticed you were on your laptop...posts you put through go through very slowly at present.

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: the jezza on top is that their adopted sister?

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: I have to edit her age... but that is how she will look the next time they see her... they will not know that it is her...

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: lol you're right, he will hit on her

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^ She use to have glasses just for your info ^_^

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: ok

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: ^-^

2010-01-17 [Cheshire Wolf]: I think we need a new Siria picture since Photobucket isnt letting you show it lol

2010-01-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: I know lol

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