Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 10 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 10

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"Wow. That would make it powerful! I think I'm ready to go to the next room now."

Thoth nodded, and Genbu wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They came to another weapons room.

Tallia's eyes sparkled as she looked at all the dangerous weaponry.

"This looks like it must be....what Ra's?" Genbu asked.

Thoth nodded.

"Really? These are amazing. Nothing like this ever comes through my little shop."

"That's because they were saved from being stolen my thieves...."

"Oh. How does that work? Is it just because this is a seperate plain of existance?"

Thoth smiled gently at her. "This is and has always been the same reality..."

"But then how is it that nothing gets stolen?"

Genbu pulled Tallia against him.

Thoth pressed a hidden lach. the floor fell away. The pillas and tables that had the weapons floated in thin air, as did she, Genbu and Thoth.

"Eek! I never would have thought of that! I would have knives that fly through the air and stab them. Is there at least a bunch of sharp pointy stuff at the bottom, or do they stay here suspended until someone finds them?"

"We are floating so that we don't go through what thieves would..." Genbu said softly.

"Yes...throwing knives....pikes at the bottom, which is open to the outside so that it fills during the flood seasons and the gators are able to get it...."

"Oh! So it's self cleaning too? That's the greatest trap I've ever seen!" Tallia gripped Genbu tightly in excitement.

Genbu laughed. "Welcome to the world where pretty much anything is possible...."

"Anything? That's going to take some getting used to. I still wish I could remember the past without my brother..."

"I would think you would want to remember the past with your brother...." said Thoth.

"Well, of course I want to remember the past with my brother in it! I just mean that I can't even remember what he looks like hardly and if I could just remember the past without having found him first, then maybe I'd be able to find him faster!"

Thoth held up his hands. "I understand...and know that... now perhaps Hecate can help you in finding your brother..."

"Who's that?"

"Hecate is the Goddess of Magic and of the dark Moon...." explained Genbu.

"Oh. Why do you think she can help me?"

Thoth smiled mysteriously.

Genbu sighed, and laughed lightly. " a God of Knowledge....he knows something and I don't think he is going to tell us anything...."

"Oh...well, I love looking at all the weapons, but I've been without my brother for as long as I can remember...Genbu, can we go talk to Hecate?"

Genbu nodded. "I hope you love the moon..."

"Well...I don't hate it. My favorite is when it is dark, because then it's easier to hunt."

Genbu laughed. "Well...we're going to the moon..."

"Okay, sounds like fun, I'm game for it!"

"Wonderful..." he said and kissed her, and then they disappeared. ((Sabra isn't on....))

"I have to go, but I'll call again soon."

"Just stay safe..." said Vander's dad.

"I will, as much as I can, okay, Dad? I love you."

"I love you too..."

"Can I talk to Mom again?"

" she is..."

"Vander?" came his mother's voice.

"Hey, Mom, I actually have to get off of here, but I wanted to tell you that I love you before I hung up the phone."

"I love you too sweety..."

He hung up the phone and gave it back to Shaiya. There were tears in his eyes. "I'm going to run to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Shayia nodded holding the children close.

Vander walked off to find the bathroom.

He found one close to the playground.

Vander went inside and let himself cry for just a couple minutes. Then he dried his eyes and blew his nose a couple times. He washed off his face and straightened his hair. He took a deep breath.

The door to the bathroom opened up.

Vander turned around, on his guard. He was unsure of the world now that it could notice him.

"Inviso-boy?" came Robbie's voice. "Are you okay?"

Vander breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just talked to my parents for the first time in two years. I'm okay, now, though. Thanks."

Robbie went up to him and hugged him. "I'd be sad too if I didn't see mommy in two years...too...."

Vander smiled and hugged him back. "I'm going to visit them soon, I'm just not sure when. Let's get back to your mommy, okay?"

"Okay...." he giggled.

"What's so funny?" Vander asked, kind of teasing.

"You make me happy....make mama happy..."

"I'll try my best, kiddo."

Robbie hugged him.

Vander left the bathroom with Robbie in tow to find Shayia.

He found Shayia pushing Crystal on the swings.

Semreh hugged his papa.

"It wasn't your fault. Not really. If you killed a man, he deserved it. It doesn't matter now, we're together again. I know the man I knew wouldn't kill anyone unless they deserved it."

"He...ghouled me...and used me as a slave....made me do things I didn't want to..."

"Then he definitely deserved it. Stop worrying about it, we're together again and that's what matters. We'll get the rest of our memories the mean time, we always talked about having children..." Cornelia hugged Semreh.

Semreh hugged back.

He hugged them both

"Well!" Cornelia said, clapping her hands together, "Let's go eat!"

William nodded.

Semreh jumped smiling. "Yay!"

Cornelia couldn't help smiling. If there were any artists around, they were probably hit with the urge to go make their art, she couldn't contain her happiness because she was just so glad to have at least part of her memory back and her family, too!

William watched her lovingly. He was glad she was alive but he wasn't sure if he was ready to accept Semreh as being his

"Something wrong?" Cornelia asked William. After all their years together, she could tell when he sunk into a thought.

Semreh looked at his father, worried.

"No...just thinking..." He said kissing Cornelia.

"He's big, but don't let that fool you." Del said as she lead them outside. "He's really just a big teddy bear."

Her parents stopped int eh doorway at the sight of the very large wolf, who just loked at them.

"Fenris, I decided this was better." Del went over to him and caressed his face.

He nuzzled her hand. Her parents watched scared.

"Mom, Dad, he won't hurt me, I promise. He won't hurt either of you." Del told them, while looking at Fenris.

Fenris licked her cheek.

"'re sure....sweety..."

"Thanks! And like I said, if those men come back asking for me, don't try to fight them or anything, okay?" Part of the reason she was saying this was so her parents from this life weren't needlessly hurt, but the main reason she said was so Fenris knew they weren't completely safe here. She knows she can probably mind speak with him, but she's afraid to try.

I will protect you and your family...

Del smiled at him. "See, if he was a bad wolf, he would have already attacked us. It'll be okay, I promise." The flowers and everything in the yard probably look a little brighter. For one thing, she knows who she is and she knows Fenris loves her, she's just happy, but scared for her family.

"We trust you Del...." her mother said, and hugged her.

"Okay. Have you guys eaten supper yet? I'd love to cook something tonight." she led her parents inside, knowing Fenris would find her room without her help.

"No we haven't yet..."

Del latched her hands together and stretched out her arms, "Okay, then I need both of you out of the kitchen...this is my territory for the next while!" It often was her territory, but she didn't feel she owned it the way her parents do. She went into the kitchen and tried to tell Fenris he could come be with her in there if he wanted to through their connection. Del decided that she would now whip together the greatest meal her parents have had in a while. She opened all the cabinents to see what they had.

Alot of boxes in a harth....where is the food....? asked Fenris, his tail brushed against her leg.

"Silly, you've been bound for so long you don't know the modern world, huh?" Del teased quietly. She opened the refridgerator and took out some of their fresh vegetables and a chicken.

An ice box?

"Kind of. It uses electricity. People found a way to create it using things like coal and wind power. It doesn't need to have ice to stay cold." Del went about making herself, Fenris, and her parents a large supper, with just a touch of magic to make it taste the best.

You harness lightning as Zeus and Oden and many other Gods and Goddesses can?

"Yeah, kind of...but not the way they can do it. It's still not as powerful as actual lightning. According to some studies, if a single bolt of lightning could be captured and put to use, an entire town could be powered for a year!" Del continued making supper. She decided to make a cheesecake for dessert.

It is a very interesting way inwhich you prepare and cook meals....

Del smiled, "I've always loved cooking, ever since I could reach. There was one day that I watch Mom make herself something while she thought I was in another room. She left with her scrambled eggs to go find me. I pushed a chair up to the stove and copied her. They turned out well for my very first I know why, I guess."

Fenris laughed lightly in her mind. I guess you do now...

Del went about making supper. She continued to talk to Fenris. "Any ideas how to get your other part back?"

No...not unless he has become involved in our world again...

"Oh...I hope that is the case and I really hope we're able to find him'll be difficult to hide a wolf as big as you anywhere around here!"

I can be smaller....

"Oh, I didn't remember...I'll have a lot of catching up to do in that area! Oh well, at least we have each other back...hmm, I think supper might be almost done."

Fenris shifted into a normal sized wolf.

"Wonderful. I know I should say something like 'I hope we won't be a bother,' but I know we won't be!"

He laughed. "Thats wouldn't be a bother..."

"I'm so tired...I really need to..." Aria just sort of falls over fast asleep. Something she does often when really worn out.

Aquilla caught her, and followed Epsilon to the condo. He laid her down on a large soft bed, and Aquilla stayed as Epsilon left.

She dreamed of her long, and not quite lonely past. She had many friends and relatives, but never found the one.

Aquilla slipped into her dreams hugging her close.

Aria smiled in her sleep and snuggled into him.

She woke to an alarm going off.

"What?! What's going on? Aquila? Where are you!? We have to go find my brother, it could be an attack!"

"I'm here...I'm's just an alarm clock Aria..." came Aquila's voice from beside her.

"Oh...I know we haven't been in battle for a while and the war has been over for a long time, but it's starting again, like we had discussed. I hope we'll be ready this time!"

Aquila nodded. "I hope so....I...don't want to lose you...."

"Yeah, I feel the same way." Aria sighed. "Sadly, a lot of love was lost the last time and we just barely managed to win. Most of the Zodiac was killed and many were left behind."

"I'm sorry...."

"It's okay...luckily the majority of those killed have eternal souls and have now been reborn. Some of them are finding their loved ones from that life and some of them are finding ones they could have had. At least, that's what I hope is happening. But for me, I had no idea I was waiting for someone!"

" didn't want to find someone....?" he asked softly.

"I did, but no one was ever quite right. I looked around and saw my friend falling for each other, but no one felt right. I didn't even bother trying. I figured I would know it when it happened to me."

"It...has now...." he said and leaned in and kissed her.

Aria smiled as he kissed her. Then a giggle escaped.

Aquila looked at her. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, it's just, weird...sort of, to think that after all these years, you're actually here."

Aquila blushed and nodded.

"Oh, well, I should show you around...introduce you to some people, or something, I guess..."

"Thank you Aria...." he said softly.

"But first, I really need to take a shower! I feel kind of icky."

"I'll be in the livingroom..."

"I'm so glad to have found someone special. I was being swallowed alive by loneliness."

"No more loneliness for you...." Helios said softly.

"I'm so glad," Kenda said, smiling at him.

He smiled back. "Would to walk with me...through the park?"

"I think I'd like that very much!"

He offered her his arm.

Kenda hooked her arm through his. She felt like they were dancing on the air.

Helios lead down and out to the park.

"Where are we going? Is it somewhere special?"

"A garden hidden from view...."

"Oh. Is it magical?" Kenda seems to have made a full recovery from her dazedness of earlier.

"Yes...and very special..."

Kenda smiled at him, confused why she trusted him already. She decided it was probably partly to do with the feeling she had for him and the fact that he just shrugged off her oddities. No one but her family had done that before.

Helios took her hand, and just walked into a bright patch of light, and seemed to walk into a large garden that hadn't been there, They hadn't even gone four steps into the park when they were teleported. The grasses were tall, with large trees and berry bushes. Many beauitful flowers decorated the area, and had a very nice walk path to a large water feather with a 

"Oh my goodness!"

"You like it?" he asked softly.

"It's beautiful! Did we just move through space?!"

"Promise not to come insane?" he asked with a loving smile.

"Wow! It's like the whole world is opening up to me! I read books because they made things exciting. Now my life will be exciting! And I have you!"

Helios smiled and hugged her. " have been able to see the garden of my temple on... the Sun..."

"We're on the sun?! Shouldn't we be burning up?!"

"You are my guest are unharmed...."

"Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment that you're the sun god...Sorry, but this is really pretty."

"It is"

Kenda smiled at him, "It's going to take me a bit to get used to that, too!"

"Being with me?"

"Not that exactly, but having someone who calls me things like 'love' and stuff like that."

"Oh..." Helios said with a smile.

"I do not wish to wake Siria, can we speak out in the livingroom?" he asked still looking up at the other man on the roof he still didnt trust this man.

Marduk nodded, and disappeared, reappearing in the livingroom.

Serapis quietly closed the door behind him as he left the room and walked out to where Marduk was. "So I'm guessing your from her mother's side of the family?" he asked curiously.

"Yes....seeing as I am obviously not Loki..."

Serapis held back his need to growl. "Well I'm sorry but she's not very open with her family so I don't know who you are, and its not every day I wake up with a strange man on my roof dropping water on my face" he said harshly.

"Sorry about that...I was pulling on something that happened to Loki...she grown so much...." he whispered the last part.

Serapis didnt know what to say to the unknown man.

"Danu would have been proud of her....." ((Danu...Irish Mother-Goddess, and Ruler of the Irish pantheon....))

Serapis went rigid hearing that, Danu was her mother? he knew who Danu was that meant... He stared at the other man praying like Loki he never pissed him off.

"Calm yourself..." he laughed.

"Sorry when you live with gods and goddesses you get a little scared some times" he said calming down.

"It is fine...young wolf..."

"I am Serapis my lord" he bowed his head.

" is good to meet the one that my little one loves...."

"Why is it you did not wish to wake Siria? she would love to see her grandfather."

"She needs to sleep.... she is pregnant, right...?"

Serapis blushed bright red. "Yes she is indeed pregnant"

"I hope you take good care of her."

"I promise as my honor as a wolf I will do everything to protect her" he said bowing his head gently.

"Good...I'm glad..."

Serapis didnt know what else to say to the man since he didnt know him that well.

"So quiet wolf, you would think that I had cut your tongue from your mouth..." he laughed.

"I am sorry Sir i'm just a quiet person around certain people, it is just how I am you could ask loki himself I am the same with him."

Marduk laughed. " that so...? You must truly be special to be brought this home..."

"I feel honored that she brought my daughter and I do this place its so beautiful" he said looking around at the room.

"He father and mother loved it here...."

"I wish I could have met them" Serapis said looking out the window into the early morning.

"Danu has been reborn....."

"Really? that is wonderful to hear, Siria will be so happy to know this" he said in a happy tone.

He nodded. "Yes...Danu is working at claiming her place again...."

"I wish her all the luck I can give" he said with a smile.

"It was just luck that I ran into you and....Siria.... we weren't sure if....she lived..."

"She doesnt speak to much to me about her past So I am not sure"

"That would be because I had lost my father....and if someone was thinking of tracking me to get to anymore of my family...I didn't want to chance it...." came Siria's voice from behind Serapis.

Serapis turned. "Siria, I'm sorry if we woke you" he said going over to her.

Siria hugged him. "You didn't...I was alreay waking up...." She looked over at Marduk. "I would have looked for you or mother...but...I was afriad that trouble would...."

Marduk cut her off. "Siria you were but a child during that time...."

Serapis stayed silent while the two spoke.

Siria looked at her grandfather. "Please...tell mother hello...and I hope to see her soon....I have to speak with Serapis..."

Marduk nodded and disappeared.

Serapis looked at her worried on what she could talk to him about.

Siria hugged onto Serapis, and then started to cry.

Serapis hugged her back tightly. "Shhh I've got you darling" she said lovingly.

"I...I...mama was killed before I was really old enough to remember her...."

"oh honey" she said lovingly.

"Grandpa....he would visit...but he had to keep order for those that my mother ruled.....she....had been killed... father...and both my grandfathers thought I would be safer just staying around father, Nali, Jarmanger, Fenris, and Hel...."

"Oh sweetheart" he hugged her and let her let it out.

Siria just cried.

"Just le it out my love I'm here for you" he said lovingly holding her against him.

"I just kept losing people... Arcadia had been the only one I had left..."

Serapis sat her down on the couch and continued holding her close, letting her let it all out.

"Serapis....promise me... promise won't leave me alone....." she whispered into his chest, holding on to him tightly.

"I promise my love I promise" he said lovingly hugging her tight.

"Whats....wrong...?" came Neafa's voice softly from the door way.

"Siria is just a little sad right now sweetheart" he said seeing her.

Neafa came over and hugged Siria who scooped the little girl up, hugging her closer.

Serapis hugged his girls tight.

Siria and Neafa fell asleep against him.

Serapis fell asleep snuggled up close to them.

He dreamed of Siria and Neafa, being all together and happy

Serapis slept well that night, well and happy.

Something hard and small hit his head.

Serapis smiled waking up but not opening his eyes.

That something hit his head again.

The next time he sensed something coming towards his head he lifted his hand snatching it from the air then opened his eyes looking up into the tree above him.

Neafa smiled down at him. "Mama told me to wake you...."

Serapis smiled getting up. "Thank you little one" he chuckled standing up. "Now come here you lets go see Mama" he laughed as she jumped out of the tree and he caught her in his arms.

She hugged him close. "Love you papa...."

"Love you to princess" He kissed her cheek as he carried her off to go find Siria.

Siria was in the kitchen, working on breakfast.

Serapis set Neafa down and went over to Siria wrapping his arms around her waist and setting his chin on the top of her head. "Morning my love"

"Morning love...." she whispered, leaning back against him.

"Mmmm breakfast smells delicious, what are you making?" he asked playfully.

"I'm making emelets..." 

"Oooh wonderful" he smiled and kissed her neck gently. "They smell fantastic.

"You think so?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes I do" he said resting his chin on the top of her head.

"Does my head make a good head rest?" she giggled.

"Yes yes it does" he said cutely.

"Glad you thing so because I'm moving...." she giggled, moving to put emelets on plates.

"Woah!" he stumbled but luckily caught himself before falling on his face.

She giggled.

"Oooh you" he chuckled and kissed her cheek then took his seat at the table.

"You're silly papa..."

"Not as silly as you" he chuckled and smiled.

"I am?"

"yes you are" he smiled.

She stuck out her tongue.

He stuck his out back at her.

"Silly papa!"

Serapis gave a deep hearty laugh

Both girls giggled.

"My silly girls" he said playfully as he lounged there in his seat watching them.

Siria looked at Neafa and Neafa at Siria giggling.

"What are you two up to?" he asked playfully.

"Nothing...." they said in unison.

"OOoh that makes me feel better" he laughed.

Siria smiled, then jumped on Serapis.

Serapis yelped and hit the ground hard.

She laughed, and kissed his cheek.

Serapis laughed laying there under her. "You silly woman you" he said as his legs were at an awkward angle on the chair which had fallen over with them.

Siria giggled. "Yes?" she smiled.

Then Neafa jumped so that she was looking down at her papa as if she was upside down .

Serapis laughed laying there looking up at her.

"We got you papa!"

"Yes that you do" he laughed looking up at them.

Siria giggled and kissed him.

Serapis gently kissed her back laying under her.

Neafa then kissed the top of his head.

"I love both of you my girls" he said laying there looking at them.

"Love you too..." they said smiling.

"Ok papa wolf is starting to get a cramp" he said since he was partially laying on part of the chair so it was sticking in his back.

"Oh I'm sorry, Serapis...." siria said quickly moving.

Serapis laughed. "Its quite alright my love" he gave her a little kiss on the lips then kissed his daughter's forehead.

Siria smiled, and Neafa giggled running off.

"Now my darling what shall we do today?" he asked curiously.

Neafa shrugged.

Siria smiled. "Why don't we go to the beach?"

"That sounds wonderful" he smiled and kissed her happily then looked at Neafa. "How does that sound sweetheart?"

Neafa smiled. "Okay...what's a beach?"

"You'll see my little one" He smiled at her then looked at Siria. "Do we have a bathingsuite that would fit her per chance?"

" storage...." Siria said with a smile.

"I can pack some things for our beach day while you go and look" he said standing there.

Siria smiled, kissed his cheek, and went off.

"What can I do?" Neafa asked.

"You can help your papa pick some fun things to play with while we're there" he smiled at her as he picked her up.

"Yes papa..." she said cutely with a smile.

He carried her off and tehy began to explore around the house finding things to use at the beach, they found huge beach towels a big umbrella, they even found some toys so Neafa could play in the sand. As well as a beach ball and frisbee. "There we are all sorts of fun stuff, now lets get lunch together" he said as he carried his daughter to the kitchen.


He chuckled. "We can have nuts if you would like"


"Go ahead and make yourself a snack bag full" he smiled at her.

Neafa nodded and hurried around doing that.

Serapis smiled and then got to work on making sandwhiches for their lunch.

He felt someone gently bite his shoulder.

He turned and looked behind him.

Siria smiled up at him. "Hey..."

"Hey babe, any luck finding anything?" he asked lovingly.

Siria smiled and held up a cute little swimsuit.

"Awww! She's going to be so cute!" he said melting in that fatherly way.

Siria smiled. "Oh just wait and see...." she said, kissing his cheek and heading off to get Neafa.

Serapis smiled as he got to work.

Soon Siria came in wearing shorts and a t-shirt over her own swimsuit, as was Neafa, who was smiling.

"Lunch is all packed let me go change into my own swimsuite then we can go" he smiled and headed out to go change.

"We'll be here...."

Serapis came back in, in a pair of black swim trunks with a wolf shilloute on the left leg while also wearing a blue razor back tanktop that looked yummy on him. Serapis smiled seeing siria blush.

(Forgot here) ((I know I had to go to bed.... sorry))

"Oh papa! You look great!"

"Thanks princess" Serapis smiled pulling Neafa in his arms

"Are we all ready to go?" asked Siria with a smile.

"Yes lets" he set Neafa down then grabbed the heavier things and they headed out.

Siria leaded them down a trail that lead to a cliff that had a good sized cliff walk down to a gorgeous beach.

"No its not I hurt you I should have been more careful" she whimpered and ran out of the room for a moment. She came back with an ice pack in hand. She gently held him close and held the icepack where the bump was forming.

"Arcadia....I've been hurt worst remember...Zeus....I'll be fine...ow...but thank you for helping me..." he said softly.

Arcadia wondered why he brought that up suddenly out of the blue she felt horrible she had hurt him, was it supposed to make her feel better him saying he had been hurt worse then this. She didn't say anything as she held the icepack on the back of his head.

"Arcadia...thank you... I know you're upset...but it was an accident....I love you....please..." He looked up at her slowly, with a small soft smile. "...please smile for me..."

Arcadia looked down and gave him a soft smile, but it didnt totally reach her eyes, pushing past her discomfort. She turned and looked at her children. "Go to your room children. Papa is hurt hs head and needs some time to rest." she said as they understood they were worried but they understood.

The pups nodded, and went to their room.

Delta pulled Arcadia down beside him. "I love you..." he said, holding her close. "Please Arcadia...I love you I'm going to be fine...."

"I know your going to be fine, I love you to" she said snuggling against him.

"It...was an accident...I should have watched myself....."

"Its my fault I knocked you over I should have watched to see where I would knock you down." she said as she stayed snuggled into his chest.

"It was an accident..." he said softly and kissed her.

Arcadia gently kissed him back still feeling horrible but still just hating what he had said.

"I'll be fine....see..." Delta stood up, pulling her up with him. He kissed her.

Arcadia kissed him back softly.

As they were kissing, Delta pulled them so that they fell down safely on the matress.

Arcadia gave a little giggle as they rolled over onto the mattress.

"Safe landing..." he laughed softly.

Arcadia giggled under him.

He kissed her neck.

Arcadia sighed happily at the feeling. "Mmmm that feel wonderful" she said lovingly.

Delta kissed her.

Arcadia slid er hand in his hair kissing him back happy he was ok.

"My Arcadia..." he whispered.

"My Delta" she sighed out nuzzling his cheek and neck lovingly.

"I'm sorry I scared you..."

"Its not that you scared me its just that...." she looked away "When you said that about Zues had put you through worse.... I made me feel aweful..." she said in a sad tone.

"I was only saying that my little bump...." he pulled her close and kissed her. "It was okay....."

"Just don't say something like that again it made me feel horrible" she said looking up at him.

He nodded, and then pulled her into a deep kiss.

Arcadia wrapped her arms around him kissing him back just as deeply and passionately.

He started to nip her neck now.

Arcadia sighed in pleasure her nails in his back gently at how amazing it felt.

Delta smiled down at her.

"I love you, you silly coyote" she said lovingly.

"And I you my silly wolf..."

She nuzzled him happily. "Well lets go tell the kids everything is alright they must be worried."

Delta nodded. "Of course...."

Arcadia got up and left the room headingto the kids room.

" daddy dead?"

Arcadia looked at them astonished they would say that. "No honey daddy is not dead" she said as Delta walked in.

"DADDY!" they cried out

Delta fell back into the couch as the pup jumped on him.

Arcadia giggled and smiled lovingly watching this.

"Join us..." Delta said as he continued to play with the children.

Arcadia went over and hugged the children playing with them and her husband. The day from then on went without a hitch it was wonderful.

Delta pushed Arcadia down and kissed her.

Arcadia squeeked as she hit the floor of the master bedroom, she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back happily.

As he was kissing her the pups jumped all over them.

Arcadia squeeled as the pups pounced on them. "Come here you" she giggled hugging all of them to her.

"We love you...Mama...Papa...."

"We love you as well" she hugged them close and smiled as they cuddled up together.

The pups curled against them.

"Sleep well my cuties" She said lovingly hugging them close and soon drifted off to sleep.

She heard drifted into her dreams: "I just kept losing people... Arcadia had been the only one I had left..."

"Siria" Arcadia mumbled in her sleep.

She felt her side being nudged.

Arcadia woke up and her eyes opened looking next to her.

The children were nudging her.

"WHat is it my angels?" she asked looking at them.

"Daddy's not waking up...."

"What?" she asked worriedly waking up and sitting up, she looked over at Delta next to her. "Delta honey?" she shook him gently.

Delta was laying beside her, breathing heavily.

"Delta honey? Wake up please!" she begged worriedly not knowing what was wrong with him.

Delta bolted awake, and grabbed her, holding her tight.

Arcadia yelped at how sudden he had awoken and winced at how hard he was gripping her arms.

"Arcadia....Arcadia...." he whispered breathlessly into her neck. "Oh....Arcadia...."

"Delta? whats teh matter?" she asked worriedly as she winced again from his grip not letting up.

"I didn't lose you.....oh god....I....I was babies...."

"Honey I'm fine, the little ones are fine." she said wishing he would let go and tell her what was going on.

He hold lessened. "I...I saw....."

Arcadia covered his mouth. "Not infront of the little ones" she said as the kids were still sitting there watching them worriedly.

Delta looked over at them. "I'm fine you cuties...I...I'm sorry I worried you..."

"You wouldn't wake up...."

"I'm sorry...little ones..."

The pups hugged both of them.

Arcadia hugged them tight she noticed what time it was. "Its still many hours before dawn and you still need more sleep my little ones" se said lovingly looking down at the pups.

The pups nodded, and Delta stood up, picking up some of the pups up. "Let's get you to bed again..."

She picked up the other pups and followed him to their bedroom to put them to bed.

"Sleep our little ones...."

"Until the morning shines its rays of love down on you" she said sweetly to her pups kissing their foreheads tucking them in.

Delta headed then back to the bedroom with her. "I'm was just terrible...and real....You..the pups...all gone...." he whispered.

Arcadia hugged him tight. "Shhh its ok my love, it was just a dream." she said lovingly.

"I...I...." he burried his face in her neck.

"Shhh its ok honey, I'm here safe the kids are safe its all alright" she said lovingly.

Delta kissed her. "Thank the gods...."

Arcadia stroked his hair hugging him close and comforting him.

"I love you so much Arcadia...I'm sorry I scared you..."

"Its alright honey" she kissed him back. "i Love you so much as well my darling" she said lovingly. He suddenly noticed bruises forming on her arms from where he had grabbed her before.

"Oh my god...what did I do....?" he cried out, tears forming. He hugged her gently. "Oh Arcadia...I'm soo sorry..."

"Its ok honey, you didn't know what you were doing you woke up with a fright its ok I'm going to be alright. With how fast I heal I'll be ok by morning" she said hugging him around his waist.

"But...I still hurt you...."

"Its ok honey I'll be fine" she said kissing his cheek snuggling in his arms. "You didnt know you were scared and in a daze from the dream" she said looking up at him.

He kissed her deeply.

Arcadia wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back just as deeply and happily.

"I love you so much my wolf...."

"And I love you so much my coyote." She hugged him tight.

He kissed her neck gently.

"I love you so much" she said sweetly snuggling in his loving the feel of him holding her, his face against her neck.

He nipped her neck.

She made a soft noise of joy.

Delta kissed her. "Love you....hungry?"

"Just a little peckish is all since its the middle of the night" she said looking up at him as she snuggled her arms around his waist.

"I'll make a big breakfast in the morning...."

"That sounds wonderful, until then lets get more sleep" she said with a smile.

Delta nodded, holding her close.

Arcadia pulled him down so they were layig on the bed together and buried herself against his chest.

Delta kissed her forehead.

Arcadia sighed happily and just melted into his strong arms falling fast asleep once more.

Some time in the morning, Arcadia was pounced upon by her little ones. "Mama!"

Arcadia jumped waking up then laughed. "Hi my little ones" she laughed hugging them tightly.

"Love you Mama!"

"I love you to my little pups" she smiled as she pushed herself up so she was sitting. "Where is your father?" she asked seeing he wasnt in the room.


"Working?" she asked confused. "Well anyways, Are you hungry my little ones?" she asked lovingly.

"Nope...papa made use breakfast....and he has your's ready for you too...."

"Wonderful, momma is starving so let me eat breakfast and then we can play" she smiled at her kids as she got up and headed for the door followed by them.

As they headed to the kitchen, she saw another door she hadn't seen before.

"Oh the door is done" she said seeing it. But she had a feeling it wasnt totally done, she smiled down at her children and lead them off to the kitchen with her.

The children lead her to the table that had a wonder breakfast made out for her.

"Oh wow how fabulous" she smiled and sat down to eat.

"Papa said that you would be starving...."

"Oh I'm feeling ravenous" she dug in. "OOoh so good!!!" she chowed down on it all.

The pups watched her with amazement.

Arcadia chowed down happily on all the food. This was normal for her to eat huge meals like this. She didnt realize her children had never seen ehr eat like this.


"Hmmm?" she swallowed the last fork full of her pancakes. "Yes my little ones?" she asked lovingly looking down at them. 

"That was alot...."

"Oh that was nothing kids, its just part of being an adult werewolf" she giggled.

"You're not going to exploid are you?"

Arcadia giggled. "I promise you I'm not going to" she smiled down at them.

"Good..." they said smiling.

"Now come my pups lets go play" she said lovingly.

"Yes mama...."

She stood and lead them off to the livingroom. "So what would you liek to play?" she asked curiously.

"Ball!" "Jacks!" "Boardgames!"

"Oh my well now lets see" She thought about what they could do that would make all her pups happy.

The pups started in on a playful alpha fight.

Arcadia giggled and smiled.

They then turned on Arcadia.

Arcadia squeeled she shifted into a wolf form and played with her pups.

"Hello Arcadia...." came an unknown male voice.

Arcadia instantly whipped around facing the voice and snarled protecting her pups behind her.

A man stood there, leaning against a doorframe. "Hello..." he said smiling.

Arcadia shifted to human. "Who are you and what do you want?" she growled as her pups hid behind her.

"I am Marduk....and I wish only to greet the cousin of my little Siria...."

"Your little Siria?" she asked confused not believing this creepy old man had any connection to her cousian.

"Yes... my grandchild...." he said smiling. ((He's a young man in appearance lol ))

((But she can sense he is old)) "Grandchild?" she tilted her head to the side. She didt know Siria's family line that much.

He nodded. "You are her cousin...from her father's side...."

"I'm sorry I do not know you, Siria never talked to much about her other side of her family" she said standing there.

"That would be to keep you and your side of the family safe..."

Arcadia deffinantly understood that one. "Marduk you said your name is, please how rude of me come and sit" she said relaxing a little bit. She turned and looked at the kids. "go and play my pups its alright" she smiled at them.

The pups ran off.

Marduk sat before her, and smiled gently and softly. "I am sorry to have intruded..."

Anubis smiled at Byakko that fatherly smile of his for a moment before climbing out of the car to start bringing all of the kids things in, he would call his pack back in colorado to have his other things shipped.

Byakko showed them around the huge home.

"Wow this place is beautiful" Anubis said looking at it all.

"Thank you...."

"Oh wow..."Laverna whispered, as Nemos nodded.

"We'll have a wonderful time living here" he said gazing over the home.

He nodded.

"Again thank you byakko" he grinned.

"Thank you..." the twin sounded.

Byakko nodded. "Go on in..."

Anubis went into the house and began looking around at everything. "Wow fantastic" he said gazing at it all.

Byakko followed with the twins. "It was designed to have features from around the world...."

"I can deffinatnly see that. Persian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian" he said naming off just a few.

"Awwww...." Laverna whispered looking around.

Byakko nodded.

"I remember when the Persian empire was strong I spent some time there, beautiful cities it is a shame how they're culture seemed to fully vanish" he said as he gazed at some of the mosaic work.

"It was beautiful...." Byakko whispered.

"Were you able to see the hanging Gardens while Babylon was in its glory?" he asked curiously.

Byakko nodded. "Yes...I have a garden in the back based off of it..."

"Wonderful I can't wait to see it" he smiled as he continued through the house checking out each of the rooms.

Each room was huge.

"Truely magnificent " hhe said happily gazing at the whole thing. After looking at the first floor he headed off to the next floor.

Large beds and a library were on this floor.

Anubis came to a room that seemed so familiar yet so distant as well, it was almost a carbon copy of his room long ago in egypt the one that used to look over the nile when he would stay in one of the temples. He stared at the beauty of it memories welled up inside of him.

Byakko came up behind him. " my favorite room...the view I have outside it is wonderful..."

"It makes me think of so long ago, its... its like an exact replica of a room I used to say in back in Egypt."

Byakko walked into the room and over to the large balcony. "Really?" he asked softly.

"Yes, really" he said joining Byakko on the balcony, "it used to look over the Nile in its hay day." He said his eyes seemed distant as he looked out as if remembring the past.

Byakko nudged Anubis, and pointed down.

Anubis looked at him curiously then looked down.

There was a miny nile through a beautiful Egyptian garden with elements of other cultures. The view though looked just like his from before though.

"This is just like... just like way back when" he said astonished at the sight below him.

"I's always been my favor room...."

Anubis smiled at him then looked down at the garden again it was Byakko's favorite room he couldnt in good mind take it.

"I had this....exact...." he stopped speaking and just stared outside.

"What was that?" Anubis asked confused.

"I've seen you in this room that this room is based off...." he whispered.

"You have?" he asked surprised.

He nodded. "I...yes...I have...I loved the room...and had seen you...and you seemed to like it....I..."

"Come here" he smild and pulled Byakko into a big fatherly hug.

"I..." he hugged back.

"You've made me so proud what you've become Byakko, and I hope I can always from now on be in your life" he said as he hugged the younger man.

Byakko nodded. "I...saw you here..before you met mother..." he whispered.

Anubis pulled back surprised. "You knew of me before I began seeing your mother?" he asked surprised, he usually kept himself hidden from people back then, and especially this place it was on some of the holiest ground known to the egyptians, the temple of the Ogdoad. He had hid there many years and not many of the gods and goddesses walked the temple.

"I was a priest in all rights even at a young age...because of my father.... so I was able to roam all of the holy places...."

"That is truely an amazing feat your father would be proud of you to see what you've become" he smiled down at Byakko.

"My father didn't know me, nor I him....he died when I was a baby....which is also why I was able to be a priest at a young age....."

"He still would be proud if he saw the man that you are today" he said playing his hand on Byakko's shoulder.

"Thank you.... Anubis....father....."

"Your always welcome... Byakko... Son" He smiled.

Byakko looked up at him. "You can have the room...."

"Thank you Byakko that means alot to me" he smiled.

He nodded, smiled.

"Now lets go see what the children are up to" he smiled and put his hand on Byakko's back as the two of them walked out of the room to find the kids.

They found the children in a Greek style room, Laverna was jumping on the bed while Nemos was trying to stop her.

Anubis chuckled watching this.

"Your side of the family..." laughed Byakko softly into his ear.

"Yes I see that" he chuckled watching this. 

Laverna looked over at them. "Grandpa....look at this room!"

"Tell her not to jump on the beds, grandpa!" came Nemos voice.

He walked over and playfully caught Laverna in his arms. "You having fun princess?" he asked holding her in the air.

Laverna nodded, smiling.

"Wonderful, I want you to have lots and lots of fun" he smiled at her as he held her then looked down at Nemos. "Are you not having fun here sport?" he asked curiously worried he wasnt enjoying himself.

"She was jumping on the beds....I am..but...that's nat good...."

"She was having fun, why don't you give it a try?" he asked picking Nemos up and climbing up on the bed, there he set the kids down and began to jump.

"But... it's not right to jump on the bed....unsafe..."

"Alright if you do not wish to jump on the bed we will do something you like" he said stopping and climbing off the bed with him. This was going to be hard the two were total opposites.

Nemos looked down. "I'm.... sorry....."

"Its ok kiddo don't be sorry" he smiled down at him.

Laverna stuck out her tongue at Nemos.

"Hey be nice" Anubis said in a fatherly way to them. "Now since it seems you have picked your bedroom lets start getting your stuff inside" he smiled.

Laverna nodded as did Nemos. "Okay, grandpa..."

Byakko laughed lightly.

Anubis lead everyone to get to work. The hours passed as they carried everything for the kids inside. Soon their closests and dressers were full of things and their room looked wonderful

The twins hugged Anubis. "Thank you thank you..."

Byakko smiled at the three of them.

"Your welcome my little ones now how about we get some food in you two?" he smiled down at them as they got excited to have another meal. He looked over at Byakko. "Will you be joining us?" he asked with a smile.


"Yes that we are" he smiled "You should call your sister, if she has teh time it would be wonderful to have all of us together for dinner."

"Ah...Tamesis has gone off with a young man.... that she feels something for....."

"Well then we deffinantly do not wish to distrub her" he smiled as he lead the kids and byakko off downstairs.

"With Jarmanger...."

Anubis looked at Byakko with wide eyes. "Really Jarmanger?" he asked.

Byakko nodded. "Yes really..."

"Well now never expected that" he said thinking about it. "I'm happy for her I'm glad she found someone like him" he smiled as he motioned for he kids to sit at the table as he got to work on making dinner.

"Someone bent on revenge...." coughed Byakko. "And for someone wishing for balance, that is a heavy load.

"She will be able to bring the balance to his life he has not had in a long time and hopefully ease his senseless need for revenge." he said as he pulled things out of the fridge and began to get to work cooking.

Byakko nodded, and watched Anubis.

Anubis made a simple meal for all of them of chicken with rice and vegitables. "here you are" he said putting hte plates out for everyone then getting the cups and drinks.

"Thank you grandpa..." the twins said.

"Your welcome" he smiled and took his seat and began to eat.

Byakko started to eat, and the twin ate like they were starved again.

"Calmy kids you don't need to devour it" he chuckled.

" sure?"

"I'm not going to take your food just eat slowly" he said in a fatherly tone.

They nodded, and then laughed to each other.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked with a smile.

"Nothing...." they said.

Byakko just shook his head.

"You three are silly" he smiled at them.

"What did I do?" Byakko asked.

"I don't know at the moment but I know your up to something" he said jokingly and laughed.

Byakko just raised an eyebrow.

Laverna and Nemos laughed.

"I'm just messing with you Byakko" he laughed and smiled.

"I hope so..."

"Lighten up my son" he said with a smile to Byakko.

Byakko smiled. "Alright....alright...."

Anubis took another bite of his food eating happily.

Laverna smiled tossed food at Nemos. "Hey!"

"Laverna, be good" Anubis said in a firm tone.

She looked at him, stuck out her tongue, but then she had food hit her. Nemos had thrown it.

"Hey both of you, dont throw food at each other" he couldnt help but snicker a little bit at how ute they had been. 

Byakko smirked as food hit Anubis from both sides as each child used him as a shield.

Anubis wiped the food from his face. "You two are so going to get it" he laughed suddenly he grabbed two handfuls of food and launched it using his magic to get it to go around Byakko and getting the kids. He laughed standing there.


Anubis chuckled then playfully bolted out of the kitchen running from the kids laughing.

The twin chased after him, laughing.

"You have to be faster then that kids" he laughed as he slid around a corner running along.

The twins ran faster.

"Good good" he laughed as he continued to run around dashing through the halls.

"Who are you running from?" cam Byakko's voice.

Anubis slid to a stop. "Where did the twins go?" he asked confused.

He was poked on both sides, and then the twins appeared as if from no where.

"It looks like that have some amount of their mother's invisiblity gift...."

"Well arent you two talented" Anubis suddenly picked them both up and gave them a big hug.

The twins hugged back.

"Now lets get the two of you cleaned up and ready for bed" he said with a smile looking down at them.

"Nope..." said Laverna, and wiggled from Anubis's arms and dashed down the hall.

"Byakko take Nemos and start getting him ready for bed" he said handing Nemos over to him then turned and bolted off down the hall, his eyes shimmered as he used his magic to be able to see distortions in the air better if she used her invisibility technique.

He saw her climbing on the outside of the house.

"Oh no you don't!" Suddenly he lept out of the window and on the landing he snatched Laverna out of the air catching her he landed with a thump on the ground. He held her as she shimmered back into focus. "Now what in the world were you thinking of doing?" he asked looking down at her.

"Climbing to the roof top like Nemos and I do all the time..."

"Why were you doing that?" he asked curiously as he stood there holding her.

She hugged him. "Because...I wanted to...."

"Well then, come here" he swung her around so she was riding on his back. "Hang on" he said with a smile and suddenly jumped up into the air so high he went to above the roof top. They came down and he couldnt help but smile as she squeeled while they landed. He landed on the roof with a soft thud.

"I...that..that...that was....AMAZING!"

"I used to love to travel cities like that, Running and leaping along the roof tops, it was so exciting" he smiled at the memory as he pulled Laverna around to his arms again. "Now lets get back to your brother sweetheart" he said as he shifted them through the roof and landed in the hallway outside of the kids bedroom.

"Oh wow!"

Anubis smiled. "Now its time to go to bed honey" he said as he headed into their bedroom.

"Awwww...." she pouted.

Anubis smiled. "Its time for bed now" he smiled seeing Byakko with Nemos "Now Laverna, go and wash up and brush your teeth" he set her down and patted her towards the bathroom. He grabbed some pajamas as well and handed them to her.

Laverna walked off to do as she was told, and Byakko lead Nemos over to one of the beds. "There you go..."

"Thank you..." Nemos said softly, with a yawn.

"Good night Nemos" Anubis said walking over and kissed his forehead then turned as Laverna walked out, he gently lead her to bed and tucked her in. "Goodnight Laverna" he kissed her forehead as well." Sleep well both of you"

"Night..." they said softly.

Byakko had moved over to the doorway, watching.

Anubis smiled at the kids as they cuddled up in bed and got to sleep. Walking out he smiled at Byakko as he gently closed teh door behind him. "Those two are sweet" he said as he and byakko headed off down the hall.

"That they are great with them...." Byakko said calmly.

"Thank you it is an honor to hear that from you" Anubis smiled at Byakko.


"Yes really" he smiled as they walked down the hall together he stretched his arms up and put his arms behind his head.

"Something on your mind...."

"Just thinking is all" he smiled. He was thinking about that jump tonight, he remembered long ago in egypt while he was still a much lesser god and lived in the temple of the Ogdoad. He used to leap across the roof tops and run threw the night like that all the time. Just being able to find those places gazing out over the view seeing things that not everyone could see. He even traveled to many of the other greater cities of egypt just to be able to run and jump to be able to enjoy the world in a way no one else could.

"You feel trapped don'y you?"

"The world used to be a place filled with adventures, the way teh mortal world has evolved in a way that its hard to really be free" he said as they headed to the livingroom.

Byakko nodded. "That is why I love visiting mother.... and the sands of Egypt, as well as the mountains of China...."

"I traveled in China many years ago, I must say I have to agree with you the Mountians are truely a wonder." Anubis smiled grabbing a seat in one of the big fluffy chairs.

Byakko sat down across from him. "Very beautiful...."

"Bejing was beautiful in her hay day I must say" he suddenly chuckled. "Ahh I had lots of fun times in that city."

Byakko laughed lightly.

When they reappeared she giggled as her children ran over and hugged her legs. "Come my little ones lets play" she said with a smile.

The children giggled, and smiled at Erebus and Tavia.

The rest of the day was wonderful as they enjoyed all fo the family time together.

At the end of the the children were laid down to sleep, and Erebus held Tavia against him.

"Such good beautiful children" she said sweetly hugging her lover.

"Yes...they are..."

Tavia took his hand and lead him out of the room. She giggled as he moved from holding her hand to holding his hands on her waist.

He pulled her on top of him as he fell back on the bed.

Tavia laughed and snuggled against him as they laid there together. "You are so handsome" she said lovingly gazing at him as they laid there together.

Erebus kissed her, snuggling against her.

Tavia buried herself happily against his chest and soon drifted off fast to sleep in his arms.

She woke up alone again in the morning.

Tavia sat up rubbing her eyes as she woke up.

She heard a click.

Tavia whipped around looking towards where the sound of the click came from.

The door opened and Erebus came in with a tray of food.

"Awww sweety" she said lovingly as he walked in.

"I thought you'd like this..."

"Your so good to me" she said lovingly as he walked over and placed teh tray on her lap.

"You deserve it..."

"Thank you sweetheart" she said lovingly kissing his cheek then looked at the meal. "It smells fantastic" she began to eat the meal.

"I'm glad...."

She sighed happily as she continued to eat her meal.

Erebus started to nibble her neck.

Tavia giggled at teh feeling loving it.

"Love you...."

"I love you to" she said romantically before taking a bite of one of her strawberries.

He licked her cheek.

Tavia squeeked and giggled then gently fed him one of the strawberries. "Your such a silly man."

"Thank you...."

"Your very welcome" she kissed his cheek lovingly.

Erebus smiled. "My goddess..."

"My god" she smiled back then took another bite of her food.

Just as she was going to take her next bite, he took it into his mouth.

"Hey!" she giggled adorably.


"Your so bad" she then took another bite dodging as he tried to steal it.

He then decided to nibble her neck.

She giggled and purred happily at the feeling. "mmmm that feels so good" she said happily as she continued to eat.

He started to act as if he were eating her ear.

She squeeled and giggled at the feeling. "No don't do that I'll spill my food" she squeeled.

He luaghed and then took a quick bite of her food again.

"Oooh you tricky man" she giggled and kissed him again.

He kissed back.

She pulled back and playfully fed him "If you wanted me to feed you all you had to do is ask." she said in a slightly seductive tone.

"I'd rather take like I have been..." he laughed, smiling.

"Oooh you going all barbarian on me now?" she asked playfully.

"No... but it's fun..."

She giggled and kissed him softly.

Erebus kissed back.

Tavia pulled back and nuzzled him. "MmM I love you" she said as she took another bite of her food dodging as he tried to steal it.

He started to nibble her ear again.

Tavia giggled as she continued to eat.

"Love you...."

"Love you to" she sighed happily.

Erebus kissed her lovingly.

Tavia kissed him back sweetly climbing into his lap as she did.

"Mmmm.... what do we have here?" he laughed.

Tavia giggled wrapping her arms around his neck as she lounged there in his arms.

Erebus kissed and nibbled on her neck and ear.

Tavia sighed happily laying her head to the side loving the feeling of what he was doing.

She thought she heard a crack in the main living room.

"What was that?" she asked worriedly not liking the sound of it.

Erebus looked towards the door. "I don't know....stay here...." He disappeared into the shadows of the bed.

"The children" she whispered worriedly.

She found the children still fast asleep.

She smiled seeing them there. Gently she closed the door so not to wake them up then looked worriedly at the door that lead to the livingroom worried about her love.

She felt herself being pulled into the shadows.

Tavia squeeked as she vanished through the shadows.

She amerged from teh shadows, to have Erebus wrapping his arms around her.

"What happened Erebus?" She asked looking up at him 

"I happened...." came a soft voice. "I'm sorry...."

Tavia turned around to see who the voice was.

There was a little girl with black hair standing there. "I....broke into your home....I'm sorry...." she said softly.

"And who might you be little one?" she asked curiously, she didnt even know how the girl got up here since she saw the window was broken and she knew they were very high off the ground.

"Epoh...." she whispered.

Tavia went over and kneeled down infront of her. "Why did you break in here Epoh?" she asked in that sweet motherly tone of hers.


"Its alright sweet heart" she said soothingly.

"I...fell through the window...." she whispered.

"You fell through the window?" she asked confused.

She nodded.

It looks more like thrown... came Erebus's voice in her mind.

Oh my how aweful! She thought back to Erebus. "Are you hurt Epoh?" she asked sweetly.

She nodded, slowly.

"I promise I am a friend Epoh let me help "she said sweetly. "Where are you hurt?" she asked kindly.

"I...I'm not hurt....I hope...I..." she looked down.

Tavia looked back at Erebus worriedly.

"Little are safe here..."

Tavia nodded. "yes that is right sweetheart you are safe here"

Epoh nodded. "" she whispered.

"Your welcome sweetheart, are you thristy or hungery?" she asked sweetly.


"I'll go get you some water" she said and stood heading to the kitchen. stay with her she may be a little girl but I learned from my father even children can be used against you she said mind to mind to Erebus she hated to be so paranoid but she was used to it.

Of course love...

Tavia got a glass of water from the kitchen and came back giving it to Epoh.

The little girl looked up at her. "Thank'am...."

"Your very welcome young one" she smiled as she gave the little girl the glass of water.

The girl drank up slowly.

Tavia stood and went to Erebus's side.

She just been staying there like a scared kitten...

Poor little girl, she's so sweet but I'm just paranoid about it all my father used a little girl against his enemies, I'm just scared that our enemies would use her against us" he said sadly gazing up at her lover.

I wouldn't put it against them...but if she is being used, we should help her....

Yes I agree, but the kids I'm worried about if she is working for someone what if they use the children against us? she asked as she went over to Epoh noticing she was done with her drink. "Is there anything else I can get you sweet heart?" she asked sweetly.

"I...I want my mama...." she cried softly.

"What is your momma's name little one we can try to find her for you" Tavia said lovingly going over and pulling Epoh into a little hug.

"I...I don't know....." she whispered.

"Oh sweety" she said softly and sadly hugging her trying to comfort her.

Erebus looked concerned.

Epoh hugged her.

"We'll help you find your momma little one" Tavia whispered as she hugged the child in that motherly way.

"But...but...I don't know...what...she" she whispered.

Tavia felt her heart fill with pain hearing that no child should not know their mother.

Erebus put a hand on Tavia's shoulder.

Tavia looked up at him.

"We'll help young one....." he said.

Epoh nodded. "Th..thank you..."

"Your very welcome little one" she smiled, "Now lets get you all cleaned up, get some food in you and get you into a nice warm bed" she said sweetly.


"Yes a warm bed" she smiled.


"Yes really" she smiled picking Epoh up in her arms. "Lets get you washed up first" she said as she carried Epoh off to the bathroom to wash her.

"What's a warm bed like?"

"Well its soft, comfortable and it makes you feel safe and relaxed" Tavia smiled at her as she began to run a bath for her. "Erebus can you get her a change of clothes?" she asked turning and looking at erebus who was standing there in the doorway leaning against the door frame.

He smiled, nodded, and left.

"What are you doing?"

"Your covered in dirt hon I'm running a bath so you can get all cleaned up" she smiled at Epoh.

She just tilted her head.

"Oh my well let me see Oh I know! We'll take a bath together" she smiled down at her, she put some bubble bath in the tub as it was filling up. "Alright honey now your going to have to get undressed to get in the bath" she said in that motherly tone of hers.

Epoh nodded, and took of her top. Tavia was able to see old scars over her back.

Tavia felt her heart ache seeing them, her own back had matching scars. She to undressed and climbed into the bath. "Come on in it will be nice" she smiled and helped Epoh into the bath.

"Mmmmm...this'am....." she whispered.

"You see I knew you would like it, get all that dirt and grime off your body" she smiled. "Here let me wash your back" she said as Epoh turned her back to her and she began togently wash her. Taking it easy letting Epoh enjoy it all.

"This....feels nice....miss..."

"Good I'm glad you need to relax from how stressed tonight has been for you" after she washed Epoh's back she got to washing her hair.

She nodded slowly.

"Are you doing alright Epoh?" she asked curiously.


"Alright if your sure" she said as she continued to wash Epoh up. "Alright close your eyes I'm going to wash your hair off" she said to her.

Epoh nodded, closing her eyes tight

she felt water gently poured over her head washing the shampoo off.

Epoh shook her head, spitting out soap that got in her mouth.

Tavia giggled. "tastes bad doesnt it?" she asked with a motherly smile.

Epoh nodded, spitting more.

"Awww sweety" she smiled sweetly.

She wipped her mouth.

"Alright now that your all washed up lets get you something to eat" she smiled and climbed out of the bath. she helped Epoh out and wrapped her in a big fluffy towel.

" soft...."

"Its supposed to be" she said sweetly as she gently dried her off. "Hold this while I grab my own towel." When Epoh did Tavia grabbed another towel and wrapped it around herself then went back to Epoh. "now lets see if Erebus found a change of clothes for you" she smiled and picked her up, she went to the door opening it. "Erebus?" she called down the hall.

"I'm in the bedroom just dropping off some clothing..." he said coming out of the bedroom. "I'll be in the kitchen...."

"thank you honey" she gave him a quick kiss as he walked by. When he was out of the hall she turned to Epoh. "Come lets go get you into a change of clothes" she smiled and lead er off to the bedroom to get her, her change of clothes.

Epoh looked down at herself. " I look...okay....?"

"You look very cute Epoh" he smiled seeing her in her adorable pajama's. "Come lets go get you some food then get you to bed" she lead her gently to the kitchen where Erebus was whipping something up. Tavia stood there in her long silk night gown with silk robe that made her look like some japanese queen.

Erebus turned around in his own silk pajama pants and bare chest holding a pant of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and wheat toast with strawberry jam on it. "What gorgeous girls I see before me..."

He found she was unconscious, with a nice sized bump forming on her head.

"Oh hell" he whispered and began to try and get her to wake up. "Come on Nyxia you need to wake up" he was hoping she didnt have a concussion.

She moaned.

"Come on honey wake up" he said gently patting her cheeks trying to wake her up, his powers werent based in healing so he really wasnt of much help in this situation.

She slowly opened her eyes. "Marek....?" she asked. "Wh...what's wrong? You...look upset...." she whispered, and then yawned. "My...head....hurts..."

"Oh thank the heavens." he let out a sigh of relief as he watched her waking up. "You fell out of bed and hit your head pretty hard it worried me" he said holding her there in his arms.

"I...I did?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yes you did sweet" he said as he made an ice pack form in his hand and held it to the bump.

"Ow...that's cold..." she whispered, leaning against him.

"I know it hurts hon but it will help keep the swelling down" he said looking down at her.


"What are you sorry about? you were asleep and you fell out of bed" he said with a smile. "There is nothing to be sorry about little one"


"It was an accident sweetheart" he smiled stroking her hair.

"I...worried you....." she whispered.

"I'm your big brother I'm always going to worry" he chuckled picking her up in his arms. "Now how does pancakes sound?" he asked playfuly.

She nodded. "Okay...." she said smiling softly, leaning against him.

Getting to the kitchen he sat her down and then got to work on making some pancakes for the two of them.

Nyxia sat there watching him, holding her head.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he mixed the batter for the pancakes.

"I hurt...."

"Falling on your head will do that sweety, it will hurt for a little bit but it will get better in awhile." He said looking at her over his shoulder.

She nodded, looking sleepy.

He looked at her worried that she might have a concussion.

Nyxia sat there with her head in hands, waiting.

Marek formed the ice pack again placing it gently on her head. "Hold this it will help"

She did as he told her. ""

"Your welcome sweetheart"

" you...."

"I love you to little one" he said in a brotherly tone.

She smiled softly.

Marek smiled stroking her hair.

She leaned against him.

"Are you doing alright Nyxia you seem a little sad" he said worriedly.

"I'm just still tired....that's all...."

He was worried she had her concussion he was so worried.

She just continued to lean against him.

He didnt know what to do he knew he needed to keep her awake if it was a concussion but he didnt know, he wished Chyrosa was with him she would know.


"Chyrosa" he said happily turning and seeing her standing there. "Nyxia fell out of bed and hurt her head I'm scared she might have a concussion."

Chyrosa came over, and scooped Nyxia up into her arms. Nyxia wrapped her arms around Chyrosa's neck. "You hurt your head..." Nyxia nodded. "Oh sweety.... I have you....Marek has'll be okay...." She gently was rubbing Nyxia's head, soothingly.

Marek gazed at her lovingly happy that she came here.

Chyrosa looked at Marek. "She'll be fine..."

"Thank you for coming I'm sorry for pulling you away from whatever you were doing I know you must be busy" he said in a even tone.

"It's okay love..."

Marek smiled and gave her a little kiss. "Is it alright to let her go back to sleep?" he asked seeing nyxia had drifted off to sleep in Chyrosa's arms.

Chyrosa nodded. "You did everything right, Marek...but now she is able to sleep again...."

"Thank you" Marek kissed her lovingly then gently took Nyxia in his arms. "If I'm keeping you from something I'm sorry and I'll see you later" he said sweetly kissing her again before carrying Nyxia off to return her to her bed.

After he had laid Nyxia back into bed, small arms wrapped around his waist, hugging him. "I love you...Marek...."

"I love you to Chyrosa" he said lovingly looking at her over his shoulder.

She kissed him, and then giggled, running from the run.

Marek left the room quietly and closed the door then took off in the direction she had run off.

He heard giggling from his room.

Marek went inside and looked around.

He heard giggling coming from the bed.

Marek walked over and pulled the blankets up looking under them.

He saw no one, ,but got poked in the cheek.

Marek jumped back confused.

He heard her giggling again.

"Where are you, you little minx?" he asked curiously.

"On your bed..."

"But I don't see you on my bed" he said climbing up on the bed and sitting there.

He felt a kiss on his neck, but still didn't see anyone.

"Oooh my little phantom" he chuckled as he felt more kisses.

"Powers gifted to one of the Zodiac by the Moon..." she said.

"Oh?" he asked playfully.

"I did tell you that I have all of the awakened powers of the over twelve Zodiac, didn't I? I'm having fun having alot of those gifts just tells me that soon the time will come...."

"No you didnt tell me you have the awakened powers of the twelve Zodiac and I'm glad you are having so much fun my little phandom" she said sweetly.

She appeared beside him. "I thought I had....when I had takened your appearance so that you and I wouldnn't be interrupted when he were first going out together...."

"Nope you just said you had special powers that I wouldnt understand or something like that" he chuckled and gave her a little kiss. "But enough of that for now" he pulled her close for a deeper kiss.

She kissed back deeply, holding onto him.

He pulled back and nuzzled her lovingly. "You don't know how depressed I was to wake up without you by my side" he said sweetly.

"I hated to leave, love...."

"Your a busy important woman, don't be sorry my arling" he said curessing her cheek.

"I'm important to my family and friends.... because I'm family or their friend.... few know my true importance...."

"Your still an important woman to them even though they do not know your true importance" he said lovingly and gave her a soft kiss.

"I'm an important child to some..." she giggled.

"Yes so true" he chuckled.

She kissed him.

Marek sighed happily and kissed her bak.

Chyrosa snuggled against him.

Marek playfully laid down with her on his chest.

"I...want you happy"

"As I you my love" he said gently curessing his hair.

She kissed his chest softly.

Marek let his eyes flutter shut enjoying the sensation of her lips on his skin.

She nipped his chest.

"Oooh that feels good" he purred happily.


"Oh yes" he smiled opening his eyes looking down at her.

She kiss him. "Love you..."

"Love you to darling" he held her close. "Mmm I love having my beautiful lover in my bed" he said lovingly.

She blushed. "Awww you are so sweet..."

"Am I?" he asked lovingly.

"Yes.....of course.... my knight..."

"My lady" he nuzzled and kissed her lovingly.

She kissed back.

Marek sighed happily and pulled back snuggling with her in his arms.

Chyrosa hugged him.

Marek curessed her hair just enjoying this moment of peace with the woman he loved so much.

"Boy....or girl....?" she whispered.

"Hmmm?" he asked in a groggy tone he had been so relaxed he hadnt caught what she had said.

"Boy or girl....?" she whispered again.

"Didnt we already have this conversation in Egypt?" he asked playfully "I told you I do not care, I will love both just the same with all my heart, and just wish for them to be as beautiful and wonderful as their mother" he nuzzled and kissed her lovingly.

"I was just checking..." she giggled, kissing back.

"You are a silly woman my darling" he said lovingly gazing down at her stroking her hair.

"I have to be so that you relax...silly..."

Marek cocked an eyebrow "That makes no sense why do you have to be silly so I relax?" he asked playfully.

"Because I said so..." she giggled.

Marek laughed with her and playfully buried his face in the curve of her neck kissing it.

She purred happily.

"Mmm so beautiful" he whispered nuzzling her lovingly.

"Love you...." she whispered.

"Love you to" he said softly. Suddenly his stomach grumbled with hunger. "Oooh my I think its breakfast time" he chuckled.

She giggled. "I guess it is..."

"Come I'll make us some breakfast" he said in a romantic and loving tone. he took her hand and lead her off to the kitchen to cook.

"That sounds great..."

"Now sit and relax my beautiful lady and let your knight do the cooking" he said lovingly as he sat her down then got to work. He put on an apron that looked sexy with him shirtless and all.

Chyrosa smiled and giggled.

"What are you giggling about?" he asked playfully turning and looking at her for a moment before turning and looking back at what he was cooking.

"I just like how sexy you are...."

"Do you now?" he asked and suddenly playfully flexed for her.


Marek smiled over his shoulder at her.

She walked over to him and kissed his back, running her hands over it.

"Mmm that feels good" he said with a purr to his voice as he continued to cook for them. he loved the feeling of her hands on his back.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his back again.

"Mmm I'm glad that you find me so yummy" he said sweetly with a smirk.

"Well you are..."

"As are you" he playfully reached behind him and gave her butt a little squeeze.

She squeeked.

He laughed and smiled at her over his shoulder. "You are so cute" he kissed her playfully then looked back at his food as he cooked.

She kissed his back again.

Marek plated the scrambled eggs and moved to teh bacon he was cooking up. "MMmm I like this, I deffinantly could get used to this" he said lovingly.

"I did it every morning before remember...."

"What do you mean?" he asked curiously he knew she used to give him hugs on the balcony before he knew her but this was different.

"I....centuries before.... when I nearly had all of the gifts of the Zodiac....when you were....still with....father...."

He turned and looked at her. "I really do not remember this" he said trying to think of it all.

"You wouldn't... I was too powerful for you to have known....I was one zodiac away from being able to save the world.... because he had been killed before the war happened, and was reborn after.... I was using Cancer's invisiblity..." She giggled. "Though...there was one time that you seemed to have known someone was there...."

Suddenly he turned red remembering some moments, he remembered standing in the bath house washing up under the waterfall one day and suddenly feeling fingers trace his back. "Oh my now I remember" he said and turned looking at her with a smirk. "did your father ever know what you were up to?" he asked curiously.

"I really liked you...but I was still learning and growing....I hadn't been through all of the growing up again like I have now...." she said blushing.

"Sneaking in on your father's student in the baths naked is a little more then just like" he chuckled playfully as she turned red.

Chyrosa covered her face, blushing.

Marek gently pulled her hands from her face. "But now you don't need to do that" he said lovingly as he tilted her chin up and leaned down kissing her.

She kissed back, smiling.

After a few minutes he pulled back. "I love you" he said sweetly gazing into her eyes.

Chyrosa smiled. "I did tell you...that I'm going to have a brother and a new mother, yes?"

Marek smiled back. "Yes that you did" he said sweetly as he turned back to teh stove and finished their breakfast. He dished it out on two plates then poured two glasses of cold Orange Juice for them.

"I'm excited....I haven't determined when I will tell her....about myself as I am now...."

"When ever it feels right to you honey thats all I have to say." he said as he cleaned and sliced up some fruit for two small fruit salads. then he walked back over placing the bowls down next to the plates joing her at the table

"She's special is her son...well...he isn't her son but she is all he has...."

He woke up in good spirits.

He got ready for work than made breakfast for his mother and he

"Morning, Tashi..."


"Sleep well?" his mother asked.

"Yes and you?"

"Yes I did..."

"I am glad. "I will be going to work. Anything you want me to bring back?"

"Eggs and bread....sweety..."

"What type of bread?"


He smiled and hugged her. "Alright. Is it ok if I see Oracle afterward?"

"Why are you asking me that, Tashi? YOu can see anyone you want...I want you happy..." she said with a smile, before hugging him.

He hugged back. "Thank you mother."

She hugged back. "Any thing for you..."'

He smiled and headed to work

"Hey!" someone called out to him as he headed to work.

He turned to look

It was one of the girls from when he had met Oracle.

"Yes?" He asked hoping nothing was wrong

"How are you?"

"I'm good, I am heading to work. How are you?"

"I'm I've seen that you have been helping Oracle...."

He blushed. " her."

"I know..."

He blushed. "I need to get to work...unless you need something?"

"Alright...bye... have a good day..."

"Do you need something?" He asked in concern

"No...just checking on you..."

"Ok..take care." He said hurrying to work

He got there.

He started working

He had a very busy day.

He worked hard until he was off

Soon he time was off.

He headed to see Oracle

He made it up to the temple.

He tried to find her

"Tashi..." came her voice happy.

He hugged her

She hugged back. "Love you...."

He smiled. "I love you too."

"How was work?"



"Yes please. So how was your day?"

"Uneventful...which makes me think something is brewing...."

He hugged her. "I hope not...

"Me as well..."

He looked concerned

She hugged him.

"I love you."

"I love you Tashi.

"I know." He said with a smile as he hugged her close

"Your in the city...." she whispered.

He looked at her. "What?"

She nodded.


"He is at a large condo building...he had gone there with two of the Zodiac..."

"Can we go there now?"

She nodded. "Yes...."

Oracle stood up, and looked outside. "The sun will be down completely soon..."

"So when shall we go?"

"When I don't have to walk with the cloak...." she said softly.

He gently kissed her

She kissed back.

He hugged her

She hugged back. "Alright....let's get going...." she said softly.

he nodded

She took his hand and headed out of the temple, and down the mountain.

He followed

She walked close to him as they headed down the street now.

he held her hand happily

She stopped and pointed off into the distance a bit.

he looked

He saw a very tall condo building.


"Yep....we have to go to the top floors....."


Oracle started to walk with him again towards the building.

he followed holding her hand

They walked up to the condo building, and inside. She lead him over to the elevator.

He stayed close to her

They headed up the elevator to the second to the top floor.

He followed

They got to the floor, and she walked with him to a door. "Knock..." she said softly.

He began to knock

"Hello?" came a familiar male voice.

He looked at Oracle

He headed that way

Artemis and Eos followed. (Go below)((where?))((He saw someone that looks like a female Liam/Jezza/Miach...area))

He tried to calm down

Hekate kissed his cheek.

he blushed and kissed her

She kissed back.

he held her close

She kissed his neck.

He blushed and kissed hers

"Mmmm..." she purred.

He slipped a hand under her shirt his hand shaking slightly

She smiled purring.

He blushed deeply. "Umm....I..."He pulled his hand back. "Shouldn't we are...well I ma only fifteen..."

"I love you...."

he blushed "I love you."

She slipped her own hand under his shirt, rubbing his chest.

He gasped in pleasure. He was blushing deeply

"You have soft skin."

"T...thank do too."

"Thank you Gabrial....You're so nice...."

He blushed. "Thank you...for being kind too.:"

"Well I'm not as people see me...." she said with a smile.

He kissed her

She kissed his chest.

He blushed deeply

She continued.

he gasped softly. "I...what if I...get you pregnant..."

"I love you..."

He turned scarlet. "But...I am fifteen..."

She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

She caressed his cheek.

He blushed and buried his face in her hair

She purred.

He blushed more

" you..."

"I love you...I just don't think I am ready...I am sorry..."

"It's okay Gabrial."

he hugged her

She hugged back just snuggling against him.

He closed his eyes

He fell to sleep and dreamed of Hekate.

He blushed

He felt her snuggle in against him.

he blushed and tried to sleep

He fell asleep.

he held her close

He woke up with the sound of feathers.

He looked up

He saw two ravens on the bed posts.


"Those are the twin moons of Mars...." came Hecate's voice.


"Yes...." she said smiling.

He hesitantly went to stroke one

The raven let him.

he smiled and stroked the other\s feathers

"They like you..."

"I like them."

The ravens cawed.

he smiled

Hekate kissed his cheek.

He blushed

"You have a way with animals....and moon goddesses...." she giggled.

He blushed.

"Love you..."

"Love you."

Hekate snuggled against him.

He kissed her

She kissed back. She giggled. "Not Earth sick I hope..."


"I'm glad...." she whispered.

He smiled

She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Hecate smiled at him.


"You look prefectly happy up here..."

"I am, I never had a home there...this is the closest home I ever had..."

"I'm glad you like it..."

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back.

He blushed as he slipped his arms around her

She kissed his neck.

He moaned softly

Hecate smiled. "Silly..."


She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Nilus fill to sleep, and dreamt of Atrox, but he was locked up in a tiny box with another person who he could see.

He bolted up

Atrox was asleep beside him.

He snuggled into him

He stroked his hair.

He closed his eyes savoring the feeling

"I love you..."

"I love you.'

"Nilus...." he whispered.


"Marry me..." he whispered.

He looked at him in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Stay with me..forever...."

He nodded.'

Atrox kissed him.

he blushed kissing back

Atrox held him tighter.

"I love you."

"And I you my river god..."

He smiled and kissed him

He kissed back, stroking his hair.

he smiled snuggling against him

"Love you...."

"Love you...never leave me...I don't want you locked in a box..."

"Box?" he asked worried.

he described his nightmare

"I've already been in such a box...."

He looked worried. "What?"

"Yes....centuries ago...along with Hope...."

He looked worried. "Hope?"



"Mother?" Atrox looked at him confused.

"That's my mother..."

" your mother....I...."


Atrox looked at Nilus, and then just held him, closer.

"Atrox...what's wrong?"

"I....Hope...I....loved her..." he whispered.

He looked at him in shock. "What?"

"We were locked in a box meant for all of the evils of the world...I was accused of being evil.... and their logic was that if there were no evils in the world, what does the world need with Hope.... We....fell in love with each other...." he whispered.

He looked down. "She is father...she didn't seem to care...I told her what he did and she said 'that is nice...'"

"That's not the Hope I knew...she was scared of Zeus...he had put her in the box to try to break her so that she would listen to him...."

He looked worried. "I...left her there...I....what if he did something to her? She used to be kind and protective...."

"He's got to be controlling her some how....oh Hope...." he looked down upset and worried.

He looked down. "Will her?"

"Nilus...I...I love her...just...just as I love you.....of course I will help her...." He pulled him into a tight hug.

He hugged back

"You're not upset that I love your mother too...?"

He looked down and shook his head trying to lie. "No...but...will you stay with her?"

"You are upset....I can tell....I love you and her...but I can love both of you with all of my heart....."

He looked relieved. "Really?"

"Yes....I did ask you to marry me, right?" he said with a smile.

He nodded

"I'm not going to just leave you...."

He buried his face in his chest

"I love you...."

"I love you."

"Nilus...we will free your her....."

He nodded

Atrox kissed him.

he kissed back

He held him closer.

"I will never abandon you..."

He nodded. "Can we try to save her now...?"

He nodded. "Yes....yes..."

he got up

Atrox got up, and kissed him.

He kissed back

They appeared on Mount Olympus.

he kept close to him

"I won't let anything happen to you...."

he nodded

Atrox kissed Nilus deeply.

He kissed back

"This way...we have to hide so that we can plan more..."

He nodded

Atrox hurrid them off to an empty room.

He followed closely

They got into the room, and he close the door.

He hugged him

"I'll protect you...."

"Thank you..."

He kissed him.

He kissed back

"Do you remember where her room was?"

"I think so." He told him

"Let's go..." he said, pulling him along with him.

He followed closely

He got to his mother's room and cautiously opened the door

He saw her asleep in a large bed.

he went over and gently touched her arm

"But mine aren't like this..."

"it is because I'm a girl and you are a boy, Sanzo...."

"Oh....He squeezed one gently, "It feels nice."

Nemi blushed, and purred.

"You purred."


He kissed her breast

She sighed, smiling.

He hesitantly suckled it

"Ah...." she moaned happily.

He smiled and teased the other

She moaned more, purring.

He started to undress her

She started to help him, by undressing him.

He smiled once they were nude he looked confused again. "You don't have one..."He said gently poking her pussy

She took a deep intake of breath. "That' I'm a woman...and you're....a man...."

" do I....have sex with you?"

Nemi reached down, and took his manhood in her hands. "Let this...." she whispered, blushing. She guided him into her.

He gasped in pleasure and tried to be gentle

She sighed, and gasped at it, moaning, with a smile on her face.

He thrust in and out

She moaned more. "Oh Sanzo...."

He kissed her and finally cam

She gasped, and then laid there exhausted.

he held her close. "Did I hurt you?"

" didn't, love....Sanzo....."

He kissed her

She kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you so much...."

He grinned

Nemi kissed him.

he held her close falling asleep

Nemi fell to sleep too.

He held her close

"Sanzo..." she whispered.

He blinked his eyes opened sleepily

"My Sanzo...." she whispered in her sleep.

He smiled and hugged her

Nemi hugged him back.

He kissed her

Nemi kissed back. "Why don't we start breakfast? And get Isaac out of bed...."


Nemi got up and changed, smiling at him.

He did the same

Nemi kissed Sanzo.

He kissed back

"You want to get Isaac, and I'll go start breakfast..."

"Ok." He hurried from the room

Nemi went and started breakfast for all of them.

Sanzo came in with Isaac

"Morning Isaac...." she said, putting breakfast on the table.


"How did you sleep?"


"Oh? Why?" Nemi asked, looking at him.

he explained

Nemi nodded. "So the Thirteenth...hmmm?"


"I guess this must have something to do with what we were planning on doing so...I guess we are going to have to head to one of the temples..."

he nodded

"Eat....and then we will go...."

He nodded

Nemi smiled at him, and started to eat.

Sanzo ate with his face. Isaac tried not to focus on him as he ate

Nemi laughed. "Sanzo...your fork...use your fork..."

"What's a fork?"

Nemi pointed to it, and then showed him what to do.

he tried and was clumsy at it

"You'll get use to it..."

he nodded

She looked at Isaac. "How do you like it?"

"It's good thank you."

She smiled, and nodded. "When we're done....we'll leave...."

He nodded

Nemi smiled at the two men.

Isaac smiled/

Sanzo yelped as he accidentally stabbed himself with his fork

Nemi jumped and took Sanzo's hand. "Oh Sanzo...."


She kissed Sanzo's hand.

He smiled

"You'll be fine after a little bit...."


She kissed his hand again.

He smiled

Soon they were all done with breakfast. "Are we all ready to go?"

"Yea.." Isaac said.

Sanzo nodded enthuisastically

Nemi laughed. "To the garage..."

Isaac lead the way

Nemi followed with Sanzo.

Isaac waited for them

Nemi walked up to the car, openingh the door

They got in

Nemi got into the driver's seat, and then drove off.

Isaac stayed silent

Tell Nemi of what I said... the mouse just vanished.


No answer.

He sighed more confused then before

She blushed. :Thank you for letting us"

Abmisleo kissed her forehead. "I wasn't going to just leave you...I care alot about you...both of you...Lyra..."

She blushed and kissed him

He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed back.

She snuggled into him

"I will always protect you from now on..."

She blushed and nodded. "Thank you."

He tilted up her chin and kissed her.

she blushed kissing back

Abmisleo kissed her neck.

She moaned softly

He caressed her sides gently.

She blushed and kissed him

He kissed her. "May....I...." he started to asked.


He shook his head. "'s okay..." he just kissed her again, and then held her close.

She looked up at him. "Please...tell me..."

"I don't want to force anything on you....or make you hate me....I just want to protect you...."

She kissed him. "I feel safe with you."

He kissed back, his hand rubbing her back.

She blushed snuggling into him

"Marry me?" she heard him whisper.

She blushed deeply and looked up. "Yes..."

He kissed her deeply.

She blushed kissing back feeling safe and happy for the first time in a very long time

"THank you....."

She blushed. "Thank you for loving me."

He kissed her neck. "Thank you for loving me as well..."

She hugged him

He kissed her.

She kissed back

"I think Delthion and Chyrosa will be excited."

"Lets let them sleep and tell them in the morning."

"I wouldn't have thought to wake them..." he said softly kissing her neck and then lips.

She purred and kissed back

He rubbed her back as he deepened the kiss.

She blushed returning it. she shakily slipped a hand under his shirt

He smiled softly. "You don't have to..we don't have to...I want you happy..."

She blushed.

Abmisleo leaned down, kissing her neck, his hand slipping under her shirt.

She moaned softly in pleasure but looked a little tense

"Tell me to stop...and I will...I only want you to be happy..." he whispered against her skin.

She blushed and nodded

Abmisleo gently caressed her inner thigh.

She blushed deeply

Abmisleo slowly lifted up her top, and kissed stomach.

She blushed deeply

He moved up so that he was kissing her breast.

She moaned softly

A hand started to massage her other breast.

She moaned

He slid his hand up and down between her legs.

She blushed and looked up at him. "You...are being gentle..."

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked softly.

"They never....were...."

"I have more honor than that..."

"Thank you."

"I love you....I don't want to do something that would hurt you...."

She kissed him

He kissed back.

She smiled

He slipped his hand now down her pants, and she felt a finger gently rubbing against her pussy, as he kissed her neck.

she blushed deeply and pulled down her pants and panties

"You're okay....with this?" he asked softly, with a small smile.

"I...want to feel clean..."

Abmisleo kissed her gently. "I will be gentle..." he whispered, and then pushed into her.

She gasped in pleasure

He slowly thrust in and out of her, kissing her neck.

She clutched him

" you....Lyra..."

" you..."She gasped

He sat back in a lotus style, causing Lyra to set down on his manhood, as he held her close.

She gasped in pleasure

He pushed her down, pushing up, as he kissed her neck.

She gasped in pleasure

He soon cam hard within her, holding her tight to him, kissing her deeply on his lips.

She kissed back

"I love you...and I am not going to leave you...."

"Thank you."

He kissed her deeply.

She kissed back

He held her close. " you..."

She closed her eyes snuggling against him

He pulled the covers over top them, pulling her closer.

She blushed and fell asleep

She dreamed of life with him and then of it going wrong.

She bolted up

His arms tightened around her in his sleep.

She cried silently


She looked down at him. "Y..yea?"

He snuggled into him

"I love you....Falcon..."

"I love you."

Vann held him.

He fell asleep and snuggled into him

Vann stroked his hair gently.

He murmured his name

"I'm here Falcon...always..."

He snuggled into him

He rubbed his back.

Falcon dreamed that he was walking with Vann, and then Vann dropped dead.

He bolted up and started to cry

"Falcon....shhh Falcon...." came Vann's voice to his ear gently.

He cried into him. "I don't want you to die!"

"I'm not going to die....Falcon...I'm here....shhh I'm here...."

He snuggled into him. "I...had a nightmare you died..."

"I'm here...." he whispered.

He held onto him

Vann rubbed his back.

he fell asleep

Vann held him close, kissing his head.

He snuggled into him

Vann kissed his neck.

He blushed

"So beautiful..."

"You're making me blush..."

"You are..."

He buried his face in his chest

"I am here..."

He snuggled into him

Vann caressed his cheek.

He fell asleep with a smile

Vann fell to sleep too.

He dreamed Falcon was taken from him

Vann bolted and pulled Falcon tighter to him.

He jumped in surprise. "What's wrong?"

Vann sighed, and shook his head. "JUst a dream..."

He hugged him

Vann hugged and then kissed Falcon gently.

He kissed back

He kissed his neck.

He shivered in pleasure

Vann kissed and nipped his neck.

He moaned softly

Vann rubbed a hand on the top of Falcon's leg.

He blushed and looked up at him

Vann stopped, "I'm....sorry...."

"No...don't be..."


he blushed. ""

Vann smiled, and started to rub the inside of his leg again.

He blushed and gasped softly

"Love you...."

"Love you...."

Vann kissed down his shoulder and chest.

He trembled and gasped in pleasure

"I'll stop..." he whispered.


"Are you sure?"

He nodded

Vann slipped a hand down Falcon's pants and started to massage his manhood.

He gasped his body arching

"I love you Falcon..."

He nodded

He teased his ass.

He moaned in pleasure his body trembling

Vann pushed a finger in gently.

He trembled his body arching

"Falcon....?" he asked worried.


"Are you alright?"

he nodded. " body...feels weird..."

"Do you wish for me to stop?"

"I..."He nodded

Vann gently pulled his finger out of him. He then just held Falcon. "I'm sorry..Falcon...."


"I hurt you didn't I....?"

" was surprising."

"You wanted me to stop...."

"No..." He blushed

"You didn't want me to stop...? I thought you had..."

He blushed and shook his head

Vann gently pushed his finger back inside Falcon's ass.

He gasped in pleasure and trembled

"I won't hurt you...."


Vann then gently pushed his manhood within him.

He gasped in shock and pleasure his body trembling as he clutched the bed covers

Vann gently worked his ass.

he gasped in pleasure

Vann cam inside him.

he gasped in shock and pleasure

Luscious stopped looking to the door. "Someone is here..." he whispered.

"Wait here." She said and cautiously went to the door. She looked through the peephole

She heard movement in the kitchen.

She cautiously headed to look

Someone put a hand over her mouth. "Scream and die..."

She stiffened in fear than bit down on her captor's hand with her fangs. She started to attack the man. Luscious. Hide in the secret hideaway!She sent out to her son silently

Yes momma...

She faced her attacker. "Who are you?!" Her fangs were bared and her claws bared, she was now a mother protecting her child

"What a pretty beast...."

She growled. "Who are you?!"

"The one that is going to have some fun..."

She growled. ODEN!She called out

No answer.

He moved to grab her.

she slashed at him with her claws

He grabbed her wrist, baring his fangs.

She struggled. ODEN! PLEASE!

"Let go of me! I have a love!"

He kissed her.

She bit down hard on his lip and clawed at him

He grabbed her and threw her at the wall.

She cried out in pain as she got up quickly. She screamed for Oden again and went on the defense

Just as the man started to come at her again, the man was pulled back and forcefully slammed into the wall, and then slugged in the face by another shadowed man. She felt drawn to this man.

She watched in confusion

The new man dragged the first man to the balcony and threw him off and far from the apartment. The man turned back to her, and slowly started to walk over to her. She notice that he had jet black hair the went down to his mid-back, and dark but kind eyes. He also had deep olive skin. The man looked like he walked out of a book on Sparta. "Miss....are you...alright?" he asked in a strong, yet kind voice.

She blushed and nodded. "Yes....thank you...I need to check on my son..." She started to shakily head to check on Luscious. Like Luscious described..." can come, in case there is more trouble."

He followed.


Luscious crawled out, and ran to her. "Mama!"

She hugged him close. "Are you hurt?"

"No mama...."

She hugged him close. "Again thank you. What is your name?" She asked the man

"Ares..." he said in a strong soft voice.

She blushed. "I am Amira and this is my son Luscious." She said

"It is nice to meet both of you...and I hope that you are safe...."

"Thank can I thank you?" ((what is Luscious doing?))

Luscious smiled up at Ares, hugging his mom.

Ares smiled gently at her. "This is all the thanks I need...." he said softly, and then kissed her lightly, then pulled away.

She stiffened wanting to kiss back but afraid to because of Oden. "Umm...I'm sorry but with someone...Lial Oden..."

Ares just stared at her. "Oden?"

"Yes. Lial Oden. From Oden Enterprises."

Ares looked worried. "I'm sorry...."

She frowned. "Sorry?"

"I should go...I don't want to bring on the anger of Oden..."

She looked down. "Umm...why did you say you are sorry?"

"It....I shouldn't say....I do not why for you to come to hate me for what I say...."

"Please...tell me."

He looked at Luscious.

"Luscious...go into the other room please." She said kissing his forehead.

"Okay mommy..." he ran off.

"Oden is a dangerous man..." Ares then said.


"He had hurt many...killed many..."

She looked down tears in her eyes. "What proof?"

Ares tilted her neck to the side. "He choked you...didn't he? He killed a friend of well as he's brother..."

Tears slid down her cheeks

"I'm sorry...."

"I...he hurt me...and he didn't come when I was being attacked...I...he wouldn't marry me and....oh.....I am so stupid!"

Ares looked at her sadly, then pulled her into a hug.

She buried her face in his chest

"Come away with me...." he whispered.

"But my son...."

"I wasn't asking for you to leave him...."

She slowly nodded

He gently kissed her again.

She kissed back hesitantly. "I...feel something..."

"My heart calls to you..."

" you."

"I'm glad..." he kissed her.

She kissed back

"Grab what you wish.....tell Luscious the same....and then we will go..." he said gently.

She went to her son. "Pack your most important things baby...we are moving."

Luscious smiled up at her. "We're going with the one I told you about?"

"That is him?"

"Yes mama...."

She nodded. She packed her most important things.

"Mama....I have my things, mama...."

She went to see Ares holding her son's hand

Ares looked at them with a gentle smile. "Are you both ready?"

"Yes. Everything else I can get later or replace."

Ares smiled and nodded. They reappeared in a very nice livingroom.

She looked around in surprise

Luscious looked around, wide eyed.

"Welcome to my...apartment..." he said softly.

"Thank you...are you sure it isn't allot of trouble?"

"I am sure...." he said calmly, as he lead her up some stairs and to a bed room that she could use.

"Thank you..."

"Thank you..." Luscious said happily.

Ares nodded.

She put their things down

"Luscious can share with you or he had have the room across from you..."


"Can I have my own room?"

"Ok baby."

He smiled and went into his room.

Ares smiled gently. "He is a good child..."

She smiled. "He is. I tried to raise him right..."

"It seems you have...."

She blushed. "Thank you...Oden...barely took note of him..."

"I wouldn't do that....I have an adopted son...he is also the adoptive son of a couple that are close friends of mine....we wanted for him to have the best...and now...I've also just taken in another young man...."

"Oh." She smiled. "I...feel something for you...I loved Oden...but I didn't feel this...and Luscious....he dreamed of you before you helped save me."

He hugged onto her. "I wish the best for you....."

She blushed deeply. "Why? We just met...."

"Because I feel something for you...I feel love for you....I want and will protect you...."

She blushed. "I feel something for you"

"You too." She said going to bed

Her thoughts fell on what her mother had said about Zanos in her thoughts.

She turned scarlet

A knock came to her room door.

She went to the door and opened it

Zanos stood there.

She turned scarlet. "H..hi..."

"I...are you okay?"

"Yes...why wouldn't I be?"

"I heard noises earlier...."


The noised. "Moans...." ((She moaned in her sleep... ^_^ ))((lol))

"I...she blushed and looked down. "must of been in my dream;"

"Dream?" he asked gently.

She turned pink. "Umm....I...dreamed of you..."

Zanos blushed. "R...really?"

She blushed and nodded

Zanos leaned down and kissed her.

She blushed and kissed back

Zanos pulled her into a close hug.

She turned scarlet

"I love you..."

She blushed. "I love you..."

He kissed her.

She kissed back

He hugged her close.

She blushed

"I'll...let you get to sleep...."

She blushed. "Sleep well."

Zanos headed back to the room he was given.

She tried to go to bed

her thoughts were on Zanos. ((Scorpios are very sexual signs so...unknowingly he is affecting her....))((oh he is Scorpio?))

She turned scarlet

He kissed her in her dream.

She turned scarlet

She felt liquid between her legs again.

She sat up and cleaned herself off she than put a pad on

She day dreamed for a moment of Zanos.

She blushed and tried to sleep

She fell to sleep.

She snuggled under her blankets

She dreamed of the giant scorpion again.

She watched it carefully

It came over to her.

She looked at it uneasily. "H...hello..."

It rubbed against her.

She hesitantly pet it like she would a puppy

It wrapped its tail around her and sat her on top of its back.


It took her through the deserts.

She tried to stay balanced

She found that she was balancing great. She saw Zanos up ahead.


He nodded.

She blushed.

I love you...

"I love you.,"

It's time to watch up....

"Wake up?"

She woke up in her bed wet between her legs.

She turned red

A knock came to her door.

"Who is it?"


She blushed deeply and threw on her robe opening the door a crack. "Yes?"

"I had gone down stairs early....and made breakfast for a thanks...."

She blushed. "Ok. I will be done in a bit."

Zanos nodded, and headed back down stairs.

She cleaned up and dressed than walked down stairs

Zanos was placing two plates of chocolate pancakes on the table when she walked in.

"Looks good."

He looked up, and smiled. "Thank you...I hope you like them..."

She blushed and kissed his cheek

Zanos smiled, blushing lightly.

She smiled

"Go ahead and eat...." he said lightly.

"What's wrong?"

Zanos looked at her confused. "Nothing's wrong..."

"Ok." She began to eat

The food was delicious.

"It's wonderful."

"I'm glad you are enjoying it...."

She smiled

He ate his meal.

She smiled

He smiled back. "Sleep well?"

She blushed. "Umm....I don't know..."

"What's wrong?"

She turned pink. "Umm...dream..."

"Oh really?"

She nodded

"What about....?"

"'s embarassing...but...part of it I was riding a giant scorpian...that took me to you..."

"A giant scorpion? Really?"

She nodded. "I dreamed of it once before. You said it was your friend."


"Yes..." Osiris told Jarmanger.

He nodded in understanding

"I will let you to your rest...."

"Thank you..." He said going into the room he sighed and vanished trying to find Oden

He found a man with gold hair walking down the street.


The man looked at him, smirked, and continued walking down the crowded street.

He grabbed his arm. "Damn you! Why take it out on us? Punish my father but my siblings and I don't deserve to be punished for his sins!"

"You all killed my child...."

"I didn't! I..."He leaned up and kissed him. "I love you....I would never do anything to hurt you..."

Oden pulled back, and slugged him. "How dare you!" he growled.

He clutched his cheek and looked at him. " you Oden...."

Oden laughed at what he had said. "Stupid Serpent!"

He looked hurt. "S...stupid? Why is it stupid to love? You loved your son..."He tried to hug him

Oden pushed him away. "I love my son, because he is my son.... you are an evil serpent that helped lead to his death!"

He looked like he had been slapped. "I...had nothing to do with that..."

"It was your whole family! Even your bitch of a sister denied me my son!"

He gently put a hand on his cheek. "What did I do?" He whispered tears in his eyes

Oden slapped him. "You! You took him to the field!"

He had tears in his eyes. "No I didn't...I was framed..." He stepped back feeling hurt by the words rather then his actions

"Bastard...." Oden slapped him again.

He backed away. "What can I do to convince you?"

"You're all liars!"

He had tears in his eyes. "I swear I speak truth!" He said as he quickly hugged him. They appeared in a hotel room as he kissed him

Oden pushed him away.

"Please...Oden look in my eyes and see the truth of my words..."He said gently framing his face with his hands


He had tears in his eyes. "Look into my eyes..."

Oden looked at him. "go...liar!"

He kissed him again and than hesitantly began to massage him between the legs. "I love you."

Oden moaned.

"I love you." He said a hand slipping into his pants giving him a hand job

He moaned.

He kept doing it and kissed Oden's neck

Oden pushed him back.

"Oden...I really love you."


Tears ran down his face. "I....feel something for you!"

Oden cocked an eyebrow. "You believe in that?"

he held him close burying his face in his chest and nodded

"What do you want to do....?" Oden pressed against him.

he blushed. "I want to get to know you better...for you to love me." He said kissing his neck

"And you think I you...?"

"You can try...can't you?"

"We'll see..."

He kissed him. "Really?"

"We'll see..." he repeated.

He leaned against him hoping for the best, He gently rubbed against him again


He kissed his neck

"Mmmmm...." Oden let out, and held him close.

He hugged back. "What do you want to do?"

He pushed Jarmanger down to his knees, and then sat down. He pulled out his manhood, and pushed Jarmanger's face to the member.

He started to suck gently pulling him down so he on his knees as well. He slowly pulled back and kissed him. "I...your attitude changed so quickly...."

"Continue sucking....Jarmanger...." he pushed his head back down.

He started to do that

Oden helped to move Jarmanger's head up and down on his manhood.

He tried his best to pleasure him

As Oden held down Jarmanger's head around his manhood, Jarmanger felt his pants disappear.

He pulled back eyes wide in fear. "What....?" He looked around

Oden pulled him back down. "We have abilities....or has this caused you to forget..."

He pulled back. "It hasn't but...I...don't know if I am ready to do it that way...."

"I just want to see you bare ass as you suck... so love..."

he blushed and looked at him. "You....said love...."

"Yes... now continue...." he said softly.

he kissed him and turned gently making Oden slide into him. He gasped

Oden thrust in deeply.

he gasped in pleasure and clutched the bed

Oden worked his ass. He reached down, grabbing Jarmanger's wrists and pulling back on his arms as he continued to thrust into his ass.

He moaned in pleasure trying to go with him, it was obvious he had never had sex this way before.

As Jarmanger moaned aloud, his mouth open, another dick was thrust into his mouth, and a strong hand held it in deep, as Oden thrusted farther into his ass.

He struggled trying to bite down on the other dick growing scared. ODEN! STOP!

He was shocked as if be a fraction of lightning as he tried to bite. "Bad boy..." came another male voice.

Oden laughed, thrusting in deeper as the other man thrust in farther.

He bit down hard and pulled away crying out in pain. "STOP!"

Oden just looked at him. "What's wrong love?"

He looked at the other man. "Wh....who is he.....?!"

"Zeus...." the man said, smiling.

"I didn't agree to him!" He said tears in his eyes as he dressed quickly. " dare you touch me!" He said to Zeus

"Oden and I...share...all the time..."

He looked at Oden tears in his eyes. "I...why? I offered myself to you! Not him...." He slugged Zues.

Zeus shocked him.

Oden just smiled. "I don't...want you..."

He flinched and looked at Oden with pain in his eyes. He turned into a serpent and bit off Zues' package than tore off his arm as he began to maul him. This is for daring to touch me bastard!

Zeus cried out and lightning struck Jarmanger, causing him to fly into the wall.

He cried out in pain as he shifted back. "Bastard...."He vanished and collapsed in pain on the bed back in the temple he started to cry

The door opened slowly. "Jarmanger...." came Tamesis's soft voice.

He sat up and wiped the tears away not wanting to worry her. "Y...yea?"

Tamesis slowly walked over to the bed, sitting down on the end. "Are you sure love?"

He gently hugged her she could feel him trembling

"Jarmanger...?" she whispered, hugging onto him.

"I...betrayed you..."

He sat down quietly. ((he is regressing back to his submissive state without realizing it ))

Ares looked at him forgetting the movie for now. "Alaric?"

He looked at him obediently

"Alaric...please talk to've been quiet...I'm sorry that I left you alone....I'm so sorry...."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Alaric..." Ares said worried. "I want you to tell me what you are thinking....tell me anything you wish..."

He looked confused. " thinking what you want me to think..."

"Alaric... please...tell me what are you thinking...."

"I am ready to service you if you want...."

"Alaric... I told you before.... you don't have to do that anymore...never more...."

He shook still scared

"Alaric.... remember...please.... I wish for you to be happy one is going to touch you that..."

He nodded. " tired...."

"Alright... we'll watch a movie another time...."

He went to the room and laid on the bed

Ares came to the door. "Alaric...May I read you something?"

"Ok...." ((I have an idea for when Ares goes to sleep ^-^))

Ares sat down in a chair in the room, and started to read to him a short story that was peaceful. "Sleep well...Alaric...." he said, turning off the light, and left the room.

He waited awhile and crept to Ares room.

Ares wasn't there.

He turned and slipped out the door walking through the streets trying to find a client

He was grabbed around the waist by the man from the threater. "There you are...bitch..." he growled.

He struggled. "Let go..."

The man held him against him. "No...I want my free go at you!" He nipped his neck hard.

He cried and struggled. "Have to pay..."

He nipped his neck again. "NO..."


Alaric disappeared and reappeared back in the room he had been going to go to sleep in.

He looked around in confusion and than lay on the bed. He started to pleasure himself

He soon exhausted himself.

He curled up to sleep

He dreamed that he was happy.

He snuggled into his bed not wanting to wake

The covers kept him nice and warm.

He snuggled in

He dreamed of a cute young man.

He blushed

The young man kissed him.

he blushed kissing back

"I love you...."

"You do?"


He blushed. "No one has ever said that..."

The young man kissed him.

He blushed kissing back and massaging between the legs


He looked down. "Isn't that what you want from me>?"

I want to know you....for you...


Find me....


He woke up.

he looked around

He was in the room he had been given.

He got up seeing if Ares was home

((forgot here)) ((Ares is still working through the previous night...just wait a little))

"You don't deserve a guy like him..." she growled.

Tyr just stared at her. "She is better than you ever will be as a person..."

Seluna hugged Tyr.

""I'm much better than her!"

Tyr shook his head. "I love Seluna.."

"How are you better?"

"I'm not a weakling like you..."

"I am no weakling. Just because I treat others with kindness and respect doesn't mean I am weak."

Her sister went to smack her, but she ended up smacking Tyr as he moved her out of the way.

"Tyr?" She asked in concern

"I'm fine..." he whispered, and then glared at her sister who went wide eyed, and backed up.

"Mom." she called out

Her mom ran in. "What's going on...?"

"She tried to hit me and hit Tyr."


"No he tried to attack me!"

"That is a lie! we were watching the movie and she came in. She pulled my hair and she started insulting me..."


"Stop it! Go to your room...." the mother glared.

She stomped her foot and ran off.

"I am sorry Tyr..."

Her mother looked after her. "I didn't mean you, sweetheart!"

Tyr ran after her.

She was setting in the other room tears in her eyes. "I am sorry for the drama..."

Tyr came up and hugged her. "Your mother was talking to your sister..." he whispered.

"I know. I just felt horrible that you had to witness that...I am sorry, and she hit you..."

"I would rather her hit me than for her to hit you...."

She hugged him

Tyr held her.

She closed her eyes

He kissed her forehead.

She blushed

He rubbed her back.

She smiled

"I love you...."

"I love you."

Tyr kissed her.

She kissed back

he stroked her hair and back.

She kissed him

Tyr kissed back. "Do you want to just hide away in your room?" he whispered.

She nodded

Tyr took her to her room, closing the door behind him.

She blushed

Tyr sat down on the bed and held her close.

She closed her eyes

She dreamed of life with Tyr.

She blushed

Her alarm started to go off.

She turned it off and got up



Tyr took her hand, pulling her back down on the bed, and then kissing her.

She blushed kissing back

"How did you sleep?"

"Good and you?"

"Very good...because of you..."

She blushed

He kissed her cheek.

She blushed and kissed him

"I love you...."

"I love you."

Tyr kissed her neck.

She purred

He kissed her deeply.

She kissed back

Tyr smiled down at her. "Breakfast?"

"Yes please."

Tyr headed downstairs to get breakfast with her.

She followed

"Morning sweet heart....I'm sorry about last night...."

"It's ok. I...I know you weren't talking to me but I felt bad that Tyr saw that..."

"Oh sweetheart..." she said. "Sit...please....sit..."

Tyr held out her chair for her.

She blushed and sat down

Tyr sat down next to her.

"Here you two go..." her mother said passing around breakfast plates.

"Thank you mom.'

"You're welcome sweetheart..."

She began to eat. "Where is dad and....her?"

"Your father was called to work early... and she...I don't know..."

"Ok. Thank you for letting him stay."

"You're welcome sweety...."

She hugged her mother and kissed her cheek

Her mother smiled. "Why don't you hang out with your guest, I'll finish up..."

"Ok." She smiled at Tyr.

Tyr smiled, standing up, waiting for her.

She got up and smiled

Tyr took her hand, leaving the room with her. "Where would you like to go?"


"Love the idea..."

she smiled

Tyr kissed her cheek and took her to the park.

She smiled and kissed him

He kissed back, then pointed out two doves.

She blushed and smiled. "A sign of true love."

"That they are..."

She smiled

Tyr kissed her gently.

She blushed kissing back

Tyr started to walk with her again, arm around her shoulders.

She smiled happily walking with him

Tyr kissed the top of her head.

She smiled

She smiled. "Morning."

"How was your day off?" he asked as he patted Brianna on the head.

"It was wonderful...Susano-o is...wonderful..."She said with a blush


She blushed. "Don't tell anyone but that is the lead singer's name...He was so kind and..."She blushed. "Handsome..."

He smiled. "You're in love..."

She blushed deeply and nodded

"Does she know....?"

"She likes him too."

"I'm glad that you seem happy..."

She blushed. "I will be seeing him again."

"If you need help, I can take Brianna with me and the boys to a performance..."

She blushed. "Thank you."

He hugged her gently.

She smiled. "Thank you. I know you are a father to me right?"

He kissed her forehead. "Yes...."

She smiled. "Thank you."

"That's why I'm protective of you two...."

She smiled. "I know."

The children giggled.

She stuck her tongue at them playfully

her boss laughed.

She grinned and handed him a plate of food too

"Thank you..." he said with a smile.

"Of course." She said setting down and eating

They all ate with her.

She smiled happily

"What are your plans for today, Sybil?"

"well...I was going to look after the children."

"Alright...I'll take them out when I get back... I have an early day..."

"Thank you. Is it ok if I take the kids to Chucky cheeses for lunch?"

"Of" he dug through his wallet pulling out some cash and handing it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled at the kids. "You guys better behave if you wish to go."

"Yes mama..." "Yes...Miss Sybil...."

She smiled and ruffled their hair

The children giggled.

She smiled. "Want to help me clean up the breakfast table?"

they nodded and got to work.

She helped and washed the dishes. "Thank you angels."

They all smiled, giggling.

"What's so funny?"

"You're red...."

She blushed deeper.

"Why you red?" the boys asked.

"Mama's in love...!" giggled Brianna.

She blushed deeper. "Shush."

Brianna giggled. "Sorry mama...."

She kissed her forhead

"We're done!"

She smiled. "Thank you children. "Now get ready to go to the park."



The children cheered.

She smiled and packed some drinks and sun block in a basket. "get towels and swim clothes since the park's pool is open."

All of the children rushed to their rooms, coming back with their things.

She smiled and made sure they had everything. "Ready?"

"Yes mama..." said Brianna.

"What about you boys?"

"Yes ma'am!"

she smiled and took them to the park

"Yay!" they cheered.

She smiled and took them to get ready for the pool

When they were ready for the pool, the children were jumping with excitement.

She put sin screen on all of them and then herself she locked up their stuff and took them to the pool. She put swimmies on them

All of the boys jumped into the pool, while Brianna took the stairs into the pool.

She gathered them close so she could watch them and handed them water noodles

"Thank you....!"

She giggled and nodded

They splashed her.

She giggled and splashed back

"Ah!" they giggled and splashed her again.

She smiled after awhile she got them all onto the deck and handed them juice drinks.

They took the juice happily.

She smiled. "Anyone hungry?"

"I am mama...."

"I am too..." came the boys' voices.

She smiled and helped them all get changed she placed their wet swimclothes and toys in plastic bags and lead them to the car. "Everyone climb in."

All of the children quickly did as she told them.

She buckled them all in and took them to Chuckie Cheeses

They all cheered when they say where they were going.

She smiled as she parked and lead them inside to a table. "What type of pizza should we get?"


"Is that all?"


"One cheese and one pepperoni? "

They nodded.

She ordered the pizza and a pitcher of lemonaid. she let the kids play keeping a watchful eye on them as she handed them tokens

Soon the pizza came.

She smiled and began to dish out plates after thanking the server.

"Yummy!" the children cried coming over.

She smiled and poured them lemonaid

"Thank you!" They all started to eat hungerly.

She smiled and ate as well

The children helped finish off the pizzas quickly.

She smiled. "What big appitites you all had. Wait a little before you go back to playing ok?"

"Okay..." they said, smiling.

She smiled and talked with them for awhile then let them play watching them closely

"Well they are called do they lie?"

Hel giggled. "they're just called has nothing to do with lying..."


Hel just smiled.

She looked around in wonder at all the animals. "I'm thirsty..."

Hel smiled. "Let's go have lunch then, little Sya..."

She smiled and held her hand skipping energetically

She had them sit down and she got them sandwiches and lemonade for lunch.


"You really like?"

She nodded eating and drinking. "Thank you mommy."

"I want you happy..."

She smiled. "I am happy!"

Hel smiled. "I'm glad my sweet heart..."

She grinned as she finished eating. "Mommy?"

"Yes sweety...?"

"Can I...have icecream? I never had it...but I heard about it."

"Of course sweety...."

She smiled brightly. "Really?!"

"Yes..." she smiled. "Let's go get some..."

She smiled and hoped up and down excitedly

Hel took her to get ice cream.

She bounced excitedly

"Which one would you like?"

"What flavors are there?"

"Chocolate, vanilla..." she said a few others.


Hel sighed. " haven't had ice cream before....let's just point one or that you can try it..."

She pouted but looked at the flavors. "co...cospol...cosmo...polotin....and...rockyroad?"

Hel smiled, and got her those two flavors. "Here you are my Sya..." she said handing her the ice cream. "Now remember don't eat it too fast..."

She nodded and took a lick. "Ummm YUMMY!"

"You like?" she asked with a small smile.

She smiled and nodded

"I love you sweety..."

"Love you mommy."

Hel kissed her on the forehead.

She smiled

"Want to see more animals....?"


Hel nodded, smiling. "Let's go... you can eat your ice cream as we walk the rest of the zoo...."

She smiled and followed

They found the bats.

She smiled watching them

"Beautiful aren't they?"

She nodded. "Can we have one as a pet?"

Hel nodded. "Yes...of course little one...."

She hugged her

"We'll get you one when we get home...alright?"

"Ok. Can we see the big kitties?"

"Yes sweety...this way...." Hel took her to see the tigers.

"OOOhhh pretty!"

"You like....?"


Hel kissed the top of her head.

She smiled and yawned

"Sleepy, Sya...." she asked, scooping her up.

She snuggled into her and nodded

Hel took her home. "I have you little one..."

She fell asleep

When Sya woke up again, she was laying in her bed, under the covers, her bear next to her.

She got up and yawned with a stretch

Hey Sya....sleep well?

"Uh huh and you?"

Just a well as I normally do...

She hugged him as she got up and went to find her mommy

Hel was laying on the couch in the livingroom, asleep a blanket laying over her. A covered cage sat on the coffee table infront of her.

She uncovered the cage curiously

She saw a sleeping white bat.

"Ooohh....pretty." She whispered. She gently stroked it with a finger

The white bat opened one eye and just looked at her.

She smiled and gentle stroked it trying to keep as much light out of the cage as possible. "Hello....I wanna call you...snow."

As you wish... she heard a female voice say softly.

Her eyes went wide then she smiled. "You can talk?"


She smiled. "Do you have another name?"

Silver Hunter....

"Ohh pretty."


she smiled and stroked her gently. "Are you tired?"

I sleep when I can....

"I'm sorry for waking you. I will let you sleep."

It is fine...mistress....

"I don't want to be rude and keep you up though..."

You are not, mistress...

She smiled and opened the cage holding out her hand

The white bat climbed out of the cage, on to her arm, and up to her shoulder.

She giggled and gently stroked it's head

The bat rubbed back.

She giggled and sat next to Hel. "My mommy is really nice, so is Mr. Ursa, and you...I am finally getting friends."

Yes mistress...

"Why do you call me mistress? My name is Sya."

He nodded

"Drake..." Zaku said softly. "You are important to me...."

"I...have feelings for you...sensie"

"Drake..." he said gently. "Thank you for telling me..."

He hugged him tears in his eyes

Zaku kissed his eyes to take away the tears.

He snuggled into him

"Drake....I will help you..."

"help me?"

"With anything you need....I'm here for you..."

He nodded. "Where is my brother?"

"Still in his room..."


Zaku kissed Drake.

He blushed and slowly kissed back

"I won't let you be taken away like that again...I promise..."

"Thank you..."

Zaku gently kissed him again.

He blushed and kissed back

Zaku rested his chin on his head, holding him.

He closed his eyes in pleasure

Zaku moved. "We have to go...something's happened..."

He opened his eyes and got up. "Ok..."

Zaku kissed him, and offered his hand.

he took it

Zaku lead him from the room.

He followed

((Move down))

he held him close

Zarahie kissed his cheek.

He kissed him

He kissed back and snuggled against him.

"Did you dream of shadows?"

He nodded.

"I...did too."

"I didn't like it..."

"Neither did I."

"What are we going to do...?"

He shook his head unsure

they heard a click.

He looked in worry

"You two okay?" came Jamie's voice.

"I heard...a click...and we both dreamed of shadows..."

"The click was me....and you want to talk about the dreams....?"

He told her

"This isn't good...come both of you..." Jamia walked from the room.

Zaharie looked at Kyo and smiled softly. "Shall we..."

Kyo offered his hand

He took Kyo's hand smiling.

He lead him after Jackie

Jackie was waiting in the main hall.

"What's going on?"

"Someone tried to kidnap Drake..."

Zaharie gasped "What!"

Kyo looked worried. "When?"

"Just a bit away...but the high priest, my brother was able to save him...."

Kyo hugged Zaharie

Zaku came into the room, leading Drake in.

"Drake...." said Zaharie worried.

He hugged his brother. "Zaku saved me..."

"I'm so glad...I...I'm sorry I didn't know..." he whispered.

He shook his head. "It was Zeus..."


He nodded

Zaharie hugged him tighter.

"I'm ok now..."

"I'm glad..."

"Are you ok?"

he nodded "Yes...."

"You seem shaken..."

"I... was so scared I had lost you...."

"I'm safe thanks to Zaku."

"I'm glad...."

Kyo gently hugged him

Zaku placed a hand on Drake's shoulder. "I will protect you know that..."

He blushed and nodded

"You two looked cute together..." Zaharie said with a soft smile.

He blushed. "Really?"

His brother nodded and then kissed Kyo.

Kyo kissed back

"You two are cute too."

Zaharie blushed.

He smiled slowly able to relax

Zaku pulled Drake into a hug.

He blushed

"I love you..."

he blushed and nodded

Zaku smiled at them all. "Come...lunch....." he said.

He nodded

Zaharie nodded.

Kyo gently took his hand

Zaku lead them to the dinning hall.

Drake and Kyo sat down

Zaharie sat next to Kyo, as Zaku sat down next to Drake. Jackie came in and sat down. "What cute guys....I have in the dinning room...."

Drake blushed

Zaku nodded, and squeezed Drake's hand. Food appeared on the table.

Drake and Kyo looked at it hungrily

Jackie laughed. "What are you waiting for?"

They began to eat

Zaku smiled and began eating as did Jackie and Zaharie.

Drake was still shaken by his encounter with Zeus

Zaku leaned close to him. "Drake..." he started in a whisper. "I will never allow him to take you again...."

he nodded. :" just shaken...sorry."

"Don't be..." he whispered, and then kissed his cheek.

He blushed

Zaharie took Kyo's hand under the table, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Jackie smiled, and continued to eat.

Kyo blushed and smiled at him gentle returning the gesture

Jackie laughed.


"All of you are just so cute...." she said.

Drake and Kyo blushed

Zaharie and Zaku each kissed their guy.

They blushed kissing back

"What would you all like to do...?"

"I don't know..."

"If you could do anything...?"

"I could never see a movie..."

Zaku nodded. "Let's go to one then..."

He blushed and nodded

Zaharie looked at Kyo. "Would you like to go to one too?"


"Let's go out then....all of us..." smiled Jackie.

"Ok. Sounds fun.'

Jackie stood up smiling.

Zaku also stood up, smiling, helping Drake up.

Zaharie smiled, standing up.

Kyo smiled

Zaku lead them off to the back of the temple. There in the back was an SUV.

"'s big..." Drake said

She blushed kissing back

Yomi held her close. "Please...I've never seen Rasu so happy...."

She hugged back not sure what to say

"Ai?" Yomi said softly.


"I love you...."

She kissed him. "I love you too."

Yomi held her close.

She closed her eyes


She blushed. "Thanks."

he kissed her deeply.

she blushed kissing back

"Please don't leave me..." he whispered.

"Why would I?"

He kissed her.

She blushed and kissed back

He held her close to him.

"I love you."

"I love you Ai..."

"And I you."

"Sometime...would you like to go to a movie?"

She blushed and nodded, "Can we...see...a romance?"

Yomi kissed her. "Anything...."

She kissed back

"Surprisingly, I actually love romance movies...."

She grinned. "Really?"

"yes....would you like to go tonight or even right now?"

She blushed and nodded

Yomi stood up offering his hand.

She smiled and took it

Yomi lead her out.

she smiled. ((remember she is promised to marry a god but doesn't know it))

((I remember))

Yomi lead her from the restaurant and towards the movies.

She smiled happily

They got to the movies. "Which movie would you like to see?"

She picked one

Yomi paid for the movie, and got them snacks.

She smiled and snuggled into him

He wrapped an arm over her shoulders.

She smiled as they watched the movie

He held her close through out the whole movie.

She smiled and kissed him

He kissed back

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome..."

She smiled. "What now?"

"Would you like to go dancing?"

She blushed and nodded

He took her to a great dance club.

She kept close to him

"I wont' let anyone touch you..."

"Thank you."

He kissed her.

She kissed back

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist, slow dancing with her.

She danced with him

"You are a wonderful dancer...." he whispered.

"Thank you, so are you."

"Thank you my rose..."

She blushed

Yomi kissed her gently.

She kissed back

He smiled down at her.

She kissed back with a blush

"Love you my Ai..."

"I love you, will you....come to my sister and I's Birthday tomorrow?"

"I'd love you Ai..." he said with a smile and then a kiss.

She kissed back

He spun her around a bit.

She giggled


She blushed

He kissed her, holding her close.

"I should get home...want to come meet my parents?"

"I'd love to..."

She smiled. "Lets go than." ((You have been writing 'than' when you mean 'then' lol ^_^ ))

Yomi offered her his hand, smiling.

She took it and smiled back

Yomi smiled at her, and lead her from the club and to the street and down the street.

She blushed and lead the way home

They saw Aiko and Rasu head into the house.

"Ok...looks like they beat us."

Yomi whispered into her ear. "Rasu is always mistaken for a guy until she or I tell them...."

She nodded

Yomi walked to the house with her.

She headed inside with him

She heard her mother talking to Aiko and Rasu.

She headed that way ((Go down))


Rasu giggled. "I'm a girl..." She smiled at Aiko

Her eyes widened in surprise. " are?"

Rasu nodded.

She blushed. "I...still love you."

"I'm glad...."

She kissed her

She kissed back.

She smiled happily

"'re beautiful..."

She smiled. "I like your looks too,"

She kissed her.

She kissed back

"Please don't leave me...."

"I won't. "

"Thank you...."

She kissed her

Rasu held her close.

She smiled and snuggled against her



"YOu want to go to a movie later?"

She smiled. "As long as it is an action or something, I don't do sappy chick flicks."

Rasu laughed. "I agree...."

She grinned and kissed her

Rasu kissed back.

"Wanna ditch them and go somewhere fun?"


"We could go see a movie now...or the park."

"ANywhere with you..."

she smiled and took her hand. "Let's go."

Rasu smiled and followed her.

She lead him to the park heading for the bating cages

Rasu smiled. "Ready?"

She nodded

Rasu started the ball machine.

She started to bat

Rasu watched with a smile.

after awhile she motioned for her to turn it off. "Want to give it a shot?"

She turned it off. "Sure..." she said taking up a bat.

She smiled and kissed her than went over. "Ready?"

Rasu nodded. "Start it up..."

She flipped the switch

Rasu started to swing at the balls.

She smiled and laughed enjoying her company and the day

Rasu motioned for her to flip the switch.

She did so and smiled. "That was fun want to go skateboarding or is there something else you would like to do?"

"Where's my skateboard?" she asked with a smile.

"We could buy one."

Rasu smiled and nodded.

She lead them to a sports store

Rasu bought a very nice skateboard.

She bought a nice one too


"I was born ready."

Rasu laughed. "Race you to the park..." She started off.

She rushed past

"OH no you don't!"

She grinned and skateboarded down the hill

Rasu sped up towards her.

She went faster

"I will get you..." she laughed.

She laughed Rasu came up beside her on the skateboard and grabbed up Aiko.

"Hey! That's cheating." She said as she flipped her skateboard into her hands

"Really?" she asked with a smile and then kissing her.

She kissed back and nodded

"Oh you know you don't mind..."

She smiled "Will you come to my sister and I's sixteenth birthday tomorrow?"

"Ready? I'd love to..." Rasu said with a smile.

She smiled and hugged her

She kissed her.

she kissed back

"Would you like me to walk you home?"

"Yes please. I can introduce you to my parents...but you might want to pretend you are a male...or it could be bad."


"My father...would disown me if he found out I liked a girl."

Rasu kissed her. "I'll pretend....though I hadn't been trying to find before...."

"Thank you."

She smiled and walked with Aiko back to her house.

"Mom, Dad....I am home."

"Hey sweetie..." came her mother's voice.

"Hi mom. This is boyfriend."

"Oh hello are you?"

"I'm good, ma'am..."

"What a polite boy..."

Rasu smiled.

Aiko blushed

"Where's Ai?" her mother asked.

"Out with her new boyfriend."

"She has a boyfriend too??"

"Yea. Rasu's brother."

"An older or younger brother?"

Rasu smiled, as Yomi and Ai walked in. "'am..." said Yomi politely.

Ai followed with a smile

"Oh wow...." her mother said softly.

Ai smiled at her mother. "Isn't he a cutie?"

"Yes...both of them...."

She smiled and hugged Yomi

Aiko smiled and kissed Rasu

Liam looked shocked

The young woman looked at them. "You know what your brother is....yet you fear me..."

"No...I don't fear you but I would like to know why you took his life?"

Sol stopped uneasily when he saw the body.

Artemis and Eos came up beside Sol. Eos then walked up to the young woman. Miach and Liam recognized Eos as a popular student a year ahead of them. "Was he that ill?" she asked the young woman.

She nodded.

Sol stayed near Artemis.

Miach looked between them. "I take it she knows what you are than?"

Liam watched them and looked to the body sadly.

Eos nodded. "Of course I know what and who she vampire friend... Miach...."

Jezza looked at the newcomers, she nudged Liam and pointed at Sol.

"How do you know what I am?" Miach's eyes were narrowed in distrust and unease

Liam looked between them. "Wh...who are you?"

"Because I am not human...." Eos said simply.

Miach sniffed the air.

Sol looked at Liam and Jezza. "Angelique?"

Jezza looked confused. "Angelique?"

Eos smelled like the earth at sun rise and sun set.

He frowned confused.

"You....I..."Sol looked down

Jezza passed out.

Liam caught her. "Jezza?"

Artemis hugged Sol's arm.

The woman looked worried as did Eos.

Jezza reached up, touching her head. "Angel....?" she whispered.

Sol stepped closer gently removing Artemis' arm for a bit. "Angelique..."

Jezza held her head. "Angel....." she whispered.

Liam gently set her down as Sol hugged her

Jezza hugged him back. "Angel....oh Angel...."

Artemis looked at Liam and Miach, and smiled gently in greeting.

Eos watched the twins.

The woman sighed as if exhausted.

"Should we...go somewhere more private? We are near a dead body..." Liam suggested confused at all that was happening

Eos nodded. "I know an empty class room that we can use...."

"Let's go."

Eos lead them all there, going over to the front teacher's desk, sitting down on the top of the desk.

The still unknown woman sat down in the teacher's chair.

Artemis sat on one of the student desks.

Jezza walked in with Sol, Liam, and Miach.

They followed

Jezza sat down in another one of the chairs in the room.

"I think we should introduce ourselves." Miach said looking pointedly at Hel

The woman smiled slightly.

Eos looked around. "Here at the school you know me as Dawn....but my name is Eos...the Dawn...."

"Artemis...the Huntress of the Moon...."

The woman stopped smiling. "I am Hel..."

Jezza looked unsure as to what to say. " name is....."

Liam gently hugged Jezza supportively. Sol watched him distrusting

Miach looked at Hel. "The...Hel?"

"Yes....I am Hel..."

Jezza looked at Liam. "'s Angelique...I remember...." she looked at Sol. "I...I was name is Jezza...."

"Call me Sol..."

Miach looked at Hel in wonder

Jezza hugged her brother.

Hel looked at Miach. "Yes?" she asked softly.

"The Hel..."

"Yes...." she sighed.


Hel sighed shaking her head, with a small smile.

Miach looked toward Jezza. " are biologically his sister?"

"I remember....I...I haven't seen him since we were little...."

Sol held her tightly. "I was afraid I would never see you again...I...we have a mother..."

"A...mother?" she asked. She looked down. "Angel....I...I...was Miach and Liam's family.....I would love if you could be adopted by them too..... I...." She looked back up at Sol. "What's....what's mother like....? Do you know?"

"She seemed nice...I...just recently met her."

She hugged Sol. "Angel...This is Miach...and this is Liam...."

"Hello." He extended his hand.

They both shook his hand

"They' adoptive brothers....and....Liam...Liam is my boyfriend..." she said blushing.


Jezza nodded, looking down.

"You better take good care of her."

"I will."

Jezza looked up at Sol. "You're okay with it? I...thank you Angel..."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I...don't's just been so long....I...." she looked down. "I want you to be happy..."

He hugged her. "I want you to be happy."

Jezza hugged back. "Thank you Angel...."

"I want you happy too...but...will you meet mother?"

"Why wouldn't I...?" she said with a smile.

Artemis smiled at the siblings.

"Umm...this is my love, Artemis." He said introducing them

"Hi..." smiled Artemis.

Jezza smiled. "'s nice to meet you..."

Eos smiled at Miach and Liam.

"It's good to meet you two as well..." said Artemis looking at him.

Miach still looked worried thinking on what Hel has said

Hel stood up. "I have to go...I'm growing weak being in two places....I may see many of you soon...." she said and disappeared.

"Two places at once?"

Eos looked at him. "Normally, Hel will push a part of her off to take care fo collecting souls...especially if she is with someone specially..."

"Special?" asked Artemis.

"Yes...she...Hel has adopted a little girl...."

" she...a good mother?"

Eos nodded. "Yes...from what I've seen...though I know she is extremely nervous that she will mess up....."

He nodded

Eos looked at him more closely. "WHat is wrong?" she asked gently.

"I am thinking on what she still troubles me."

"What part? I know wasn't there...but...I'm just curious...."

"I...not infront of Liam..."

Liam looked over at him in worry

Jezza held Liam's hand worried as well.

Would this do? came Eos's voice in his head.

He repeated what she had said silently

It is hard times....all will be well when he awakens...



What do you mean awaken?

To who he is...

Who is Liam suppossed to be?

Knowledge has always been his greatest gift, hasn't it? ((LOL so many different gods of knowledge ^_^ ))

Yes...but what's that suppossed to mean?

That's all I really know....

he nodded

Jezza watched worried over the silence.

Artemis just held onto Sol's hand.

Liam hugged Jezza

Sol kissed Artemis

Jezza hugged back.

Artemis kissed back, holding onto him.

"Now what?"

Jezza looked at Sol. "Could....could Miach and Liam come with us to see...mother....?"she asked softly.


Jezza smiled over at Miach and Liam.

"Want to go now?"

Jezza smiled. "I'd love to..."

Sol looked to Artemis

Artemis nodded, and all of them appeared in a forest clearing where a cottage stood, that Sol knew was his and Jezza's mother's.

he knocked on the door

"Come in...."

he lead them all inside

Aphrodite smiled. "'s so wonderful to see you..."

Eos smiled back. "Aphrodite..."

"Mother...we found Angel."

"hello." He said with a bow

"I will show you to your room, sir..." she said bowing to Takarii.

"Thank you." He said with another bow

The assist walked with him silently to a nice sized room. "Here you are, sir..."

"Wow....thank you."

"I will let you get settled in.

"Thank you.' He said bowing again and than he began to put things away

The room was simple.

He sighed feeling a little disappointed but shook the thought away

A knock came to the door.

he opened the door to look

"Lunch is ready if you wish sir..."

"Oh...thank you." He followed

The dining table was full of food.

"Wow...should I wait for sensie Oden?"

"No sir... he said he'd be back late tonight...."

"Oh ok thank you." He said as he began to eat

She stood off to the side of the room.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes sir..."

"You can set down...there is plenty of room."

"It is not allowed sir..."

"I won't tell..."

"No sir...I can't...."

"But why?"

She shook her head.

he stood and walked over to her standing next to her. "Than I will stand too." He said with a smile handing her some desert

"Sir..." she jumped in shock. "Sir.....sit sit...."

"I am fine standing." He said kindly

"No please sir...please...."

"Is he so cruel as to punish you for setting?"

"He is not cruel...but it is not my place..."

"Even if I invite you to?"

She nodded.

He looked worried

"Please sit...sit..."

"It doesn't feel right..."


He set down looking uncomfortable

Dessert was brought out to him.

He thanked the worker. He offered some to the girl

She shook her head.

"I won't tell."

"I can't....."

"Please? It would make me feel good."

She looked away. "I have somethings I must of the others will help if you ask...."

He looked down. "I am sorry..."

"it's not you...I have a schedule to take care of...."


The assistant left the room.

he finished eating and began to explore

He found many rooms.

he started to look into them

There were many bedrooms, libraries and studies.

he started to look through the library

There were books from all around the world, first editions.

He started to thumb through them

They were in perfect condition.

He started to read

He had an original copy of Sherlock Holmes.

He looked for something else to read

He found many books.

He started to read


he looked up

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I was just reading...if that is alright?"

"It is just fine sir...I was just checking on you sir...."

"Thank you."

She nodded, and left the room, and him to his reading.

After awhile he got up and stretched than began to explore

"Sir..." came the voice of the assistant.


"Dinner is ready, sir..."

"Oh...I have been reading that long?"

"Yes sir....we were afraid something may have happened to you..."

"No...I was reading and than looking around sorry."

The assistant nodded, "this way sir..."

He followed

The assistant lead him to the dinning hall and to a large table filled with food.

"It looks delicious."

"Thank you sir..."

He smiled. "Will you join me?"

"I cannot sir..."

He sighed. "I...but why?"

"I have told you before..."

He looked down. "I...don't feel like eating makes me uncomfortable."

"Then I shall leave you to your meal..."

"No...I...when Mr. Lial returns, if I am not back by then, tell him I went out to see the sights."

"Are you sure, sir?"

He nodded. "I don't want to cause you more trouble."

"It is no trouble sir...."

"I want to explore anyway. Thank you for everything."

She nodded, and headed off again.

He headed outside to explore the city taking careful note of where he was and where he was going.

Senna slept in his bed his alarm set for his classes in the morning

The alarm started to go off.

he turned it off and got ready for school

Breakfast was waiting for him.

He started to eat. "Morning."


"Do you guys have work today?"

"Yes...we do...."

"Should I throw something together to eat after school?"

"It would be a good idea Senna..."

he nodded. "Alright. Oh and I think Kyago is still sleeping in our room." He said grabbing his thinks and heading to school

"We'll take care of Kyago..."

He smiled and nodded. "I gotta go. See you guys later and have a nice day." He said kissing them each on the cheek as he rushed out the door

The day was a beautiful day out.

He smiled as he walked

He got to the school.

He headed inside

"Hey did you hear?" he heard someone say.

"No what?" another asked.

"We're getting a new student today...."

He frowned

He got to his classroom.

He sat down getting his notepad and pen out

A young man walked into the classroom and spoke with the teacher. "Class an announcement...we have a new student here...Duncan....he had moved here from all the way in Ireland...please welcome him with open arms...."

He smiled

Duncan smiled, slightly with a nod to everyone.

"Duncan why don't you take a seat over there...?" the teacher said. Duncan nodded and walked over and sat in the seat beside Senna.

he blushed and looked at him out of the corner of his eye

Duncan was handsome, with shoulder length red hair, pulled back in a pony tail. He had bright green eyes and a kind smile.

He blushed

"Hi...I'm Duncan....what's your name?"


"Thank you for welcoming me to your class...."

He blushed and nodded

"Senna...being new around here...would you mind showing me around?"

He blushed. "Sure."

"Thank you my friend....." Duncan then turned to look towards the teacher to take notes.

he did the same

When class was over, Duncan stood up.

Senna got up with a blush and packed his things. "Ready?"

"Yes Senna...." Duncan said with a charming smile.

He blushed deeply and began showing him around

Duncan listened intently.

"So...umm...why did you move to Japan?"

"My father's work...." Duncan said simply, with a smile.

" long will you be here?"

Duncan shrugged. "I don't know..."

"Oh..."He looked down.



Duncan leaned in and kissed him.

He turned pink and kissed back

"I hope I don't have to leave for a long time..." he said.

" too."

"Would you show me around later?"

"Why not now?"

Duncan smiled. "Alright..."

He blushed and began showing him around

Duncan walked close to him, listening to his every word.

He blushed deeply.

"Do I make you uncomfortable....?" Duncan asked, gently.

He blushed and shook his head. "No...I...well...umm...."



Duncan kissed him.

He turned scarlet and slowly kissed back

"I feel the same..."


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