Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 11 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2010-09-12 12:40:06
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 11

Back to Mystic Zodiac

Genbu laughed. "Well...we're going to the moon..."

"Okay, sounds like fun, I'm game for it!"

"Wonderful..." he said and kissed her, and then they disappeared. ((Sabra isn't on....))

"I'll try my best, kiddo."

Robbie hugged him.

Vander left the bathroom with Robbie in tow to find Shayia.

He found Shayia pushing Crystal on the swings.

"Aww, you two look so sweet!"

Shayia blushed. "Thank you Vander...."

"Yay! Inviso-boy's back!" giggled Crystal.

"Okay, so we've got the pony rides down...anything else you two would like to do?"

"Pizza!" the kids shouted.

Shayia giggled. "Oh you two..."

"Pizza? Hmmmm...where am I gonna find some pizza for you two little munchkins?" Vander looks like he's concentrating very hard. "I wonder if any of my old friends are around?"

He remembered an old friend had moved here two years ago.

"Well, we'll just have to go this way!" Vander started to steer them towards where the friend had moved.

Shayia held onto Crystal's hand, and Robby took hold of Vander's hand as they walked.

Vander smiled down at Robbie and went back to remembering where his friend had moved to. When they got there, he knocked on the door.

"Hello?" came a male voice on the other side of the door.

"Hey! Guess what? I'm not dead!" Vander told him.

"Vander?!" came a confused and surprised voice.The door opened. "Vander...! Where in the hell have you been!?"

"I've been around. Here and there, you wouldn't believe me if I told you!" he hugged his old friend.

"I have called you like a thousand times..."

"Yeah, Dude, my phone was being really weird. I'd go to answer it, and no one would be there...I'm in the area, and we're wanting to go for pizza," he indicated Shayia and the two kids. "Do you want to come along, catch up, and all that stuff?"

He looked around Vander to Shayia and the kids. Looking back at Vander, he whispered, "Oh wow dude... I can see that you must really have been busy..."

"They aren't actually my children, at least not biologically...This is Shayia, Robbie and Crystal." Vander introduced them. "This is one of my old friends, Jude. His parents were big Beatles fans."

Shayia smiled softly. "It is very nice to meet you, Jude..."

"The pleasure is mine.... thought I never thought that Vander would get a girl as beautiful as you...." Jude said. He laughed looking at Vander. "Sorry dude... just joking.... but she is beautiful...."

"She is, she's as beautiful as a full moon on a crisp winter night..." Vander said, "So, are there any good pizza places around here?"

"Yeah dude there is... just down the street....come on... I'll go with you..." Jude said, coming out of the house, locking the door behind him.

"How have you been? Anything strange going on lately?"

"not really....though I always seem to get the calls from your mom about silent phone calls...."

" I said, my phone was having major issues." Vander is relieved that his friend still seems quite the normal one.

Jude nodded. "I understand.... though last year I was without a phone for most of the year any ways.."

"Oh...that's why I couldn't reach you for a while, huh? Rough times?"

"Lost my job.... but I just got a new one..."

"That's good, dude. I'm glad you got a new one. Do you like it?"

"Oh yes I love it... though I guess you would never had thought of me as a teacher's aid... huh?" Jude laughed.

"A teacher's aid, huh? I guess everyone's full of surprises! I don't know how many more I could handle, though. I've had lots of surprises the past couple years."

"Really? Oh my...."

"Yeah, but I'm happy for ya, man! Gettin' a real job, next thing I know, you'll have a girl and be getting married!"

"Something wrong?" Cornelia asked William. After all their years together, she could tell when he sunk into a thought.

Semreh looked at his father, worried.

"No...just thinking..." He said kissing Cornelia.

"You're always just thing we know, you'll walk down a man hole because you were just thinking!" Cornelia teased him.

Semreh laughed.

He kissed her again. "I think you would stop me from doing so.

"Yeah, but what if I didn't notice it, either?" Cornelia asked him.

"Oh are a space case too. Well...maybe we would walk down a man hole together." He said with a smile as he kissed her

Cornelia giggled. "Well, then we'll just have to pull Semreh along with us and go on an adventure!"

He stiffened slightly but slowly nodded. "I guess so..." He kissed her trying to hide his doubts.

Semreh moved off to the side watching them.

"I'm really happy, we may not remember the same lives, but we remember each other and we'll remember those in time, I'm sure of it!" Cornelia decided to spark an artistic streak in one of the people around them. She chose the most depressed looking person in the area and tried to make the artistic streak brighten his day.

The guy started to run off into a near by art store.

Cornelia smiled to herself, loving the walk with her family.

"Cornelia...I am glad you are still alive." William whispered and gently kissed her neck.

"Me too! Believe me, me too!" she managed to say between giggling.

"I forgot how ticklish you were." He said with a wicked grin as he started to gently began to tickle her.

"Eek!" Cornelia shrieked. "Save me, Semreh, save me!" as she giggled.

He smirked and tickled her even more.

"Oh, I didn't remember...I'll have a lot of catching up to do in that area! Oh well, at least we have each other back...hmm, I think supper might be almost done."

Fenris shifted into a normal sized wolf.

"Well, that'll work a little better. I could pass you off as my new pet to most people...I guess. We'll have to find your other part!" she said as she tasted her cooking.

Fenris nodded. Yes... and I know with you beside me again we will....

"You can't sense it? Whether that part is a part of this world again?" She asked as she filled plates with supper and put a salad on the table and took the peach cobbler out of the oven.

It is faint....he has yet to except the power that he would naturally have being apart of me....

"Oh, so he's alive? That's great! We'll reunite both of your selves and then we'll find our daughter again!"

Yes we will...yes we will....

"How is everything in there?" called her mother.

"I'm almost done with supper! If someone could set the table, that'd be great!"

Her mother came in and started to set the table.

"Thanks Mom. I have some questions to ask you guys tonight, I'm not sure if you'll know the answers or not, but I need to ask." Del told her mom as she set the table.

"Oh...what is it hun...?"

"It's weird...I don't know where to begin. I want to tell you guys, but I'm scared to. If there were people looking for me, I don't want to put you and Dad in danger..."

"What do you mean sweetheart...? What's going on?"

"Why did I always get tutored? Why didn't I go to school? Is it because you knew I'm different from most other people?"

"We...we always knew that you were special.... we just wanted the best for you..."

"Um...well, I can't tell you everything...I know those men will probably come back for me...I'll try to come up with something for that...I'm also going to have to go away and do some stuff for a while...there are things I need to tend to. I guess I can tell you who I am a reincarnation of..." she told her mom. She silently asked Fenris if that would be okay.

It is your descision though know that the information may be hard for her to understand...

"Mom, let's just say there's a reason I'm good at cooking and gardening and why I couldn't study the United States right before the Civil War...and leave it at that, okay? I will try to put some protections around the house, but I don't know how much I can do...I'm still trying to remember my abilities."

"Abilities...?" questioned her mother.

"Well, just being really good at cooking and gardening and a couple other things. Almost magically good...but some people seem that way when they are really talented, don't they?" Del said as she started dividing supper onto each plate.

"I guess you are right.... so this has something to do with the wolf.... doesn't it...?"

"A little...there's more than that, though. That's just a start. It sounds conceited, but I am special...Do you believe in magic? Not magician, stand up on the stage and saw a girl in half, but real actual magic?"

"Why would you ask suck a question...?" came a surprised mother.

"Well, because...because...maybe there's more to just this...maybe there's more to the world. I don't know which would be better...allowing you to see what to look out for, or keeping you in ignorance. Which would protect you and Dad better? I can't say. I don't see the future."

They nodded. "Oh my little girl..."

"Things are big. And some of them are bad...but I should be okay. I have him," she indicates Fenris, "And I have some new tricks up my sleeves." She thinks of a way to protect her parents. She's still unsure of telling them, but she really wants to because she's always been really honest with them. That's just how she is.

You can do it.... came Fenris's voice, feeling that she was putting up protection around her family.

Del concentrates really hard on what he's says she's doing, trying to make it so they stay safe.

Del felt power serge through her, and then around the house.

She only gives it enough power to protect her parents and the house. Although she loves her garden, she really just wants her parents safe. WHen she's done, she says, "There, I think that should do least it's something!"

It's there, my love...

"I'm glad that's taken care of! I'm starving! Shall we eat?"

"Oh, well, I should show you around...introduce you to some people, or something, I guess..."

"Thank you Aria...." he said softly.

"But first, I really need to take a shower! I feel kind of icky."

"I'll be in the livingroom..."

Aria turned on the shower and tried to remember everything that had happened in the past couple days. It was crazy, she was finally falling in love. How was that possible?

Because in the past he was yet to be born.... she heard in her mind a soft female voice.

"Who was yet to be born?" Aria's brain was still waking up.

Your love....

"Oh...and who's talking to me, if you don't mind me asking?"

I am the Oracle...of Delphi and the Northern Temple of the Earth...

"Oh, well good morning to you, then. Things are coming together, aren't they? Do you think it'll be worse than last time?"

Things are already bad...the evil is growing again... and with that... the Knights are being choosen... the ones that will help the Zodiac...

"Oh, surely we'll have more people this time. There are more people alive now than there were back then. And the people who've lived have that has to be good for us too!"

No...Virgo and Aries had already had Semreh....and Leo's little girl Chyrosa was born back then.... but no.... many did not find love until now....and their loves have been named the Knights....

"Oh...what, does that mean, he's a Knight? What is that, even?"

They are the protectors of the Zodiac.... each a lover or close friend to a Zodiac....a Captain has already been named...

"Oh. Do these people know what they are going to be asked to do?"

No... but it is their destiny.... just as being one of the Zodiac is your's.... some knights are gods or goddesses themselves.... or demi-gods... some even immortals of another kind...or mortals that have been gifted by others....

"Oh, well, I guess that's not so bad. He doesn't really know much about the world, though...he's been locked up..."

That was he's fate...because of that his brother was able to grow as a person... their's is a family that are descendant of the goddess Artemis...

"Oh, well I guess that explains a few things..."

It may... but he has left the young man hating his brother....though I do hope they will come together...

"Aquilla hates his brother or his brother hates Aquilla?"

Aquilla's brother...he felt abandoned...

"Oh...but Aquilla couldn't help it. We'll find him...and help him. That's something Aquilla will need to decide, though."

Aquilla is with his brother now....talking everything out....

"But...but...he didn't tell me he was leaving. Who is his brother, anyway?"

Tashi.... and he left because he had guilt on his heart....

"But it wasn't his fault, I mean, if someone's captured and held against their will, it's not that person's fault."

Their father....disappeared... they both thought he had just left... but when Aquilla went off Tashi thought he was being just like their father...leaving Tashi to care for their sick mother....Aquilla just needs closer that he didn't abandon them....Aquilla is at the Northern Shrine of Genbu...

"Okay...I guess I'll just wait for him to come back. I don't really want to intrude on his time with his brother."

It would not be an intrusion.... please come... and you and I can meet in person...

"Alright. I'll be there in a little while. I have to get dressed and stuff, first. I don't know if you noticed, but I was in the shower!"

I know, friend....I am sorry....

"It's okay, it's just a little strange."

Kenda smiled at him, "It's going to take me a bit to get used to that, too!"

"Being with me?"

"Not that exactly, but having someone who calls me things like 'love' and stuff like that."

"Oh..." Helios said with a smile.

"And your gardens are just so beautiful!"

"They are even more so now that you are here...."

Kenda blushed and looked away from him to try to hide it. "Why now, why not years ago when I was wanting and waiting, knowing that I wasn't meant to be a lonely boring person? Is something happening?"

"Much was happening.... even I as the sun was very busy with things not involving my duties....I am sorry my love..."

"It's alright, really. I was just wondering about things. Please, help me with the whole weather thing...I'm just not sure about it."

"I would love to help you...." he said with a smile and a kiss.

She smiled. "How long have you been watching me?"

"I am the Sun...I watched you ever day...unless I had other business...."

"Oh, the romantic part of me likes that, but the 21st century part of me is just a tad bit creeped out by that. Lucky for you, the romantic part is bigger!"

Helios laughed, smiling. "I am very glad that I am that lucky..."

"Yes, as you should be!" Kenda tried to be stern, but started to giggle.

Helios kissed her cheek gently. "Would you do me the honor of walking with me through the park?"

"Yes, I think I would like that very much!"

Helios turned slightly, and offered her his arm.

She took his arm, marveling at the varied plants that he was able to grow.

Helios lead her through the garden, explaining any of the unformaliar flowers she saw.

"This is nice. It's nice to know that people can just be people when something's about to happen!"

"Like mortals... all need some peace to remember what the fight is for..."

"Yeah, I guess you're right...this whole thing is still a lot to take in, though. I mean, we're on the sun for goodness sakes!"

Helios laughed. "One of my sisters has a beautiful silver marble palace on the Moon...and the moonlilies are always blooming...."

"There's a moon goddess, too? Wait, does that mean that every religion is real?"

Helios laughed. "All of what you call Mythology is fact....though some of the relationships are off some what...."

"Oh, well, that's almost to be expected. I'm surprised they didn't intermix panteons!"

"My love...My uncle Hades has a twin sister.... Hel...Loki is Hades's father...."

"Wha...? But...But...consider my mind officially blown!"

Helios gently kissed her forehead.

She stood there a few more moments, trying to process what she'd just been told.

"How is your mind after learning so much?" he asked kindly.

"I'll be's just...I never imagined so much I've read could be so real!"

"Just think...some of the gods and goddesses are what they are made out to be in the stories...."

"It's so strange to think that! But I guess it makes sense, the stories had to come from somewhere!"

"Yes lets" he set Neafa down then grabbed the heavier things and they headed out.

Siria leaded them down a trail that lead to a cliff that had a good sized cliff walk down to a gorgeous beach.

"Wow truely magnificent" Serapis said looking at it all.

Siria nodded, smiling. She pulled off her top to reveal the top half of a bikini, a green bikini.

Serapis began to salivate at the sight of her.

Siria blushed. "I...."

"Uhh sorry" he blushed and got to work setting their stuff up.


Serapis smiled. "My staring seemed to make you uncomfortable" he said playfully.

"But...I wanted your staring...." she whispered, smiling.

"Oh?" he asked playfully.

Siria slipped off her shorts, and ran into the water.

Serapis pulled off his shirt then headed off into the water after her.

Neafa ran at the water, and then ran away from it as it seemed to chase her.

Serapis laughed watching her, she was so cute.

Siria splashed him.

"Oooh your going to get it now" he laughed suddenly spun around and quickly splashed her.

"Ah...." she giggled, and ran.

serapis laughed chasing her.

Neafa jumped on him, laughing.

Serapis laughed catching his daughter and spinning her around in the air.


Serapis laughed as he twirled around iwth her feeling so happy

Siria laughed.

Neafa giggled, holding on.

Serapis stopped and hugged his daughter.

"I love you papa....."

"I love you to princess" he said with love and happiness in his voice

Siria leaned forward and kissed his lips. "And...I love you..." you....Serapis.... came a haunting voice in his mind.

Serapis pulled back from Siria's lips as his body went rigid looking around. His heart pounding in his chest.

"Serapis?" whispered Siria, worried.

"Its nothing" he said relaxing his body and smiling at them.

"You sure...?"

I'm here for Serapis....

"I'm fine baby" he kissed Siria lovingly. "Lets have some fun in the sand how does that sound?" He asked looking at Siria and Neafa

Siria and Neafa nodded, and started to work in the sand.

We will be together again....

Leave me alone... he growled in his mind as he sat with his mate and his daughter as they all played in the sand using the toys Siria had brought to build a sand castle.

He was greeted with silence. Neafa was playing in the sand, but Siria was looking at him with concern. "Serapis....?" she asked softly.

"Not here, not where she can hear" Serapis said softly as he sat with Siria watching his Daughter. Who ever was doing this, tormenting him with his dead wife was a bastard indeed and he would make sure they felt his wrath.

Siria nodded, and snuggles against him as Neafa, giggling, ran at the waves.

Serapis wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they enjoyed the rest of their day together.

The sun became to set as Neafa came over to them yawning. "I'm....tired....."

"Oh you seem exhausted sweetheart come here" he picked her up in his arms and cradled her close. "My little princess" he smiled and kissed her forehead then gently handed her over to Siria so he could carry their things back to the house.

Siria held Neafa close to her chest.

Serapis gathered their things and soon they were off headed back to their home.

Siria smiled as she carried Neafa, who had fallen asleep, into the manor and to her room. She tucked her into bed.

Serapis took their things and began to tuck them all away in one of the many closests so they could just grab it and go to the beach whenever they wanted to.

Siria came up behind him and hugged him. "Love you...."

"I love you to baby" he said leaning back in her arms.

Siria moved around to being infront of him. "What a wonderful day...."

"Yes it truely was" he kissed her cheek.

She smiled. "Peaceful... and happy...."

Serapis laced his arm around her waist and lead her along back to their bedroom.

When they got to the bedroom, Siria slipped from his arms, laughing softly, and jumped up on the bed.

Serapis smiled lovingly walking over climbing on the bed with her kicking off his flipflops.

"You are so wonderful...."

"Oh am I now?" he asked playfully lounging on the bed next to her playfully.

She draw circles over his chest. "Why yes... yes you are..."

He chuckled laying there. "Mmm I'm glad I can make you so happy." he said lovingly. 

Siria laid down beside him, snuggling in. "I'm glad I can do the same for you..."

"You make me happier then I've been in a very long time" he said stroking her hair.

She kissed his cheek. "Good..." she whispered, and then yawned.

"Why don't you get into your pajamas then we can curl up and go to sleep?" he asked her lovingly

"Alright... what about you?" she asked sweetly.

"I'm just going to throw on a pair of boxers" he said playfully. "You know I don't wear anything to bed."

"Boxers are something sweety.... plus we do have a little one here...."

"No I meant I usualy don't wear anything other then boxers to bed" he said playfully to her.

"Not all of the time.... otherwise we wouldn't have little ones on the way..."

Serapis let out a long hearty laugh. "That is indeed true, is it a hint that you want me to put more then boxers on?" he asked curiously.

"No...I was just commenting..." she said giggling, leaving the room to get dressed.

Serapis wondered why she had left their bedroom to go get changed. he shrugged and went to his dresser. sliding out of his bathing suite he grabbed his boxers and slid those on.

"Serapis..." came her voice.

Serapis turned.

Siria had come out of the bathroom in a sear teddy top with black panties. She was blushing staring at him.

Serapis's mouth began to water at the sight of her a lusty growl escaped him as he stared over her body. "Heavens I didnt think you could look any yummier" he said going over to her and pulling her close his hands running over her body.

Siria blushed deeper. "I... thought I'd surprise you..." She kissed him.

Serapis took her lips hungerly as he pulled her to his chest. She set his blood on fire this woman was amazing for him.

She moaned into his lips. "Mmmm my mate..."

"Your so gorgeous you know what?" he asked softly and lovingly moving down kissing her neck as his hands traced her hips.

"What....?" she said sweetly.

"I can't keep my hands off of you" he growled playfully into the curve of her neck as he scooped her up and carried her over to the bed laying her down and climbing ontop of her careful not to press his weight down on her as they made out.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. Her legs reached up around his waist.

He groaned deeply his body craving for so much more.

"I love you... my strong wolf..."

"And I love you my gorgeous mate" he purred.

She giggled and then snuggled into his side.

"Oooh you torment me so" he said playfully rolling onto his back so she could snuggle to his chest.

"I know... but it will all be worth it when our pups are born...." she whispered.

"Yes so true my darling" he cuddled up to her happily.

"Good night..." she whispered.

"Goodnight my darling" he kissed her cheek and yawned soon falling fast asleep.

He had dreams of children and grandpups.

He sighed happily in his sleep seeing all his many chilren he would have with his Siria and his many many grandpups it made his heart swell with joy.

Darkness came over his dream, shadowing it all in death.

Serapis growled in pain and anguish seeing all of this.

He felt himself being shaken.

Serapis gasped a deep breath.

"Serapis...." came Siria's voice.

"Oh Siria" he whispered looking over at her.

"What happened?" she asked worried.

"Just a bad nightmare a really bad nightmare."

She stroked his hair, and said, "Oh my love..."

Serapis buried himself against her just wanting to feel her arms around him.

"I'm not going anywhere...." she whispered into his chest.

"by the heavens thank you" he said sweetly burying himself in her arms.

"You are always welcome..." she whispered and kissed his neck.

Serapis let out a long breath as he stayed there like that with her.

Siria snuggled against him. "Nothing can keep me from you..."

"And nothing can keep me from you" he said lovingly.

You are my love... came the familiar female voice of the past.

Serapis suddenly yelped and dove behind Siria hiding trembling.

Siria looked at Serapis worried. "Serapis....?" she asked scared.

"I keep hearing her the voice of my dead wife" he said in tears shaking badly.

Siria held onto him closely. "Oh love.... I'm here... I'm here...."

Serapis was breaking down inside.

Siria rocked back and forth with Serapis in her arms. "I will never be taken from you.... I love you.... and that will not change..."

Serapis buried himself against her chest like a scared child trembling.

Siria laid there holding him. "Shhh...shhh...." She kissed his forehead. "Rest...." she whispered.

Serapis wished he could rest so badly he was just s nervous so broken. He didnt know who could be doing this to him.

Siria kissed his forehead again, and Serapis felt sleep starting to claim him.

Serapis fell fast asleep.

He had a dreamless sleep. Some time later, he felt something cuddling into his side.

Serapis yawned and looked to his side opening his eyes to see what was cuddling to him.

Neafa was snuggling into him as was Siria.

"My girls" he reached down and stroked Neafa's hair then kissed Siria's forehead before cuddling up once more.

" daddy...." Neafa whispered looking up.

Siria looked up at him as well smiling softly.

"Love you to princess" he smiled and leaned down kissing her head then looking at Siria lovingl.

"Daddy....I had a bad dream....."

"Oh sweety" he turned and faced Neafa. "What happened?" he asked looking down at her worriedly.

"I...I saw...." she shook her head, hiding her face in his chest.

"What did you see baby?" h asked worriedly stroking his daughter's hair.

"Siria...." she whispered. "A back thing....hurt...."

"Neafa I don't understand" He said softly confused.

Siria looked over and kissed Serapis cheek. "I'm going to go fix breakfast..." She stood and left the room.

Neafa watched her leave. "A.... bad thing hurt Siria.... in my dream...." she whispered.

"Oh Neafa" he hugged her and stroked her hair gently.

"I'm scared....papa..." she cried into him.

"I'm here baby and I'm not going anywhere" he whispered softly.

"But... but what about Siria mama...?" she muttered.

"I will protect you and Siria" he said lovingly.

"I love you papa...."

"I love you to Neafa" he kissed the top of her head and hugged her close.

Neafa looked up at him with a small smile, then blushed as her stomach growled.

Serapis chuckled. "Lets get you some food sweetheart" He picked her up and carried her off to the kitchen.

When he got to the kitchen with Neafa, Siria was just finishing up cutting some fresh fruit to go with the toast and eggs she had previously made.

"Smells and looks wonderful my darling" Serapis said lovingly.

Siria looked up with a smile. "I'm glad you think so love..." she said as she brought the food over to the table.

Serapis carried Neafa over and sat her down at the table.

Siria smiled and put a plate in front of Serapis and Neafa. "Enjoy you two..." she said smiling.

Neafa smiled softly, and started to eat. "Yummy..."

"Yes Yummy indeed" he chuckled before taking another bite.

Siria giggled, sitting down in her own chair. "Thank you my sweeties...."

"Your very welcome" he purred and kissed her softly before going back to his fruit.

Siria and Neafa worked at eating all of their breakfast.

Serapis took a long swig of his Orange juice drinking the whole glass down. Then sighed lounging back in his chair.

"Tired?" Siria asked.

"A little bit, sleep just hasnt been as restful the last couple of nights" he said lounging there.

Siria stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and kissed his cheek.

"Mmm thanks baby" he smiled up at her.

Siria smiled back at him. "Always love..."

Neafa giggled at them.

"What's so funny little one?" he asked playfully.

"You two are cute...." she giggled, her tail swaying behind her.

"And your our cute little one" Serapis said playfully grabbing his daughter into hug.

Neafa hugged them back. "I love you papa.... mommy....."

"And we love yo as well" he said sweetly hugging his daughter.

Neafa kissed his cheek.

Siria smiled sweetly.

"Now my darlings what shall we do today?" he sked curiously.

Siria looked thoughtful, and Neafa giggled and said, "I wanted swim again....!"

"Another day at the beach?" he asked playfully. He didnt mind but he was hoping for something a little closer to home.

"Why don't we stay home and read a story...?" said Siria.

"I like the sound of that one, how about you Neafa?" he asked looking down at her.

Neafa smiled and nodded. "I'd love to read a story..."

"Wonderful" Serapis chuckled picking her up in his arms.

Siria left the room, then came back with a good sized story book.

"Lets go to the livingroom" Serapis smiled pulling Neafa in his arms and carried her off.

Siria got settled in on the couch, smiling up at the two of them.

Serapis sat down next to her with Neafa in his lap.

Siria opened up the book and started to read to Neafa many different stories about princesses, and castles, and princes.

Serapis smiled enjoying the day with his girls.

Neafa fell asleep against Serapis's chest.

"She's so cute" Serapis said softly as he snuggled with Siria.

Siria snuggled into his side. "That she is.... cute and just so precious...."

"Yes indeed" he smiled lovingly.

She leaned up and kissed his neck. "I love you my knightly wolf...."

"Knightly wolf?" he asked playfully.

"Yes.... you're my knight..."

"I am honored my princess" he bowed his head playfully to her. "I hope to always be your knight."

"You will always be my love...."

"And you will alway be my princess" he purred and kissed her softly. "lets get her to bed" he whispered as he pulled back.

Siria smiled and nodded. She stood up, setting the book down on the coffee table. "I'll go make us some tea... alright..." she whispered.

"Alright" he smiled as he stood with Neafa in his arms and carried her off.

Neafa snuggled more into Serapis's chest more in her sleep.

"My little princess" he smiled down at her as he carried her off to her bedroom.

"N....o.... mama...." she whimpered in her sleep.

Serapis went rigid. His daughter was dreaming of her deceased mother.

A tear ran down her cheek in her sleep. "" she muttered.

Serapis walked into her room and sat down stroking her hair trying to comfort her.

Neafa soon calmed down, sighing in her sleep.

"Sleep well princess" he kissed the top of her head as he tuccked her in her bed and then left her to rest.

Siria was in the kitchen pouring to mugs up with fresh hot tea.

Serapis smiled and snuck up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.

Siria sighed, leaning back against his chest, smiling as she looked up at him. "You get the little on into bed okay?"

"Yes I did" he smiled nuzzling her cheek.

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Mmmm....I like when you do that...." she purred.

"Yeah?" he asked playfully moving down nuzzling her neck.

She purred more. "Mmmmmmm...."

His hands slid down her waist as he continued to nuzzle her.

Siria sighed, and then giggled. "Serapis....our tea is getting cold...."

He chuckled "Yes it is let us enjoy it" he chuckled picking up his cup from infront of her.

Siria smiled, picking up her own cup. She took a sip, and sighed. "Mmmm....still hot..." she said, moving over to the couch, sitting down, and wrapping her legs up under her.

"Mmm indeed" he said sipping his as he sat down with her watching the beauty that was his mate.

She blushed. "'re making blush....."

"Oh how so?" he said playfully.

"By being you...." she giggled.

"Well I'm glad to hear I'm doing my job and making you feel so special" he chuckled.

Siria giggled, and then nipped his ear.

Serapis made a little wolf yip sound in joy.

Siria giggled and did it again.

Serapis made another little sound of joy before leaning down burying his face in the curve of her neck playfully.

Siria giggled, and then sighed feeling his breath on her skin. She wrapped her arms around him.

Serapis snuggled against her taking a deep breath. He enjoyed her sweet scent melting against her just wanting to snuggle up to his love.

Siria jumped a bit then giggled.

Serapis smiled "I love you baby so much I just want to snuggle up to you" he aid lovinly.

Siria smiled back. "Yes... and I love you too....I just want to it be like this forever...."

"You and me both beautiful" he laid down on his back and tugged her ontop of him as they snuggled together.

Siria purred into his chest, before kissing it.

Serapis made a rumbling sound from his chest gazing down at her. "Mmmm thats more like it baby."

Siria giggled. "Oh.... more like this...?" she whispered, and then licked his chest.

Serapis made a sound of happiness that came from deep in his chest. he smiled as it made her giggle.

"Or more like this....?" she giggled, and then nibbled his chest.

He laid his head back and made another sound of happiness.

"Awww.... did I kill my love?" she whispered in a purr.

Serapis chuckled and looked down at her. "Yes you killed me with your love" he said cutely.

Siria kissed him deeply.

Serapis slid his hand into her long beautiful hair kissing her back just as deeply enjoying the sweet honey taste of his mate.

Siria sighed into the kiss, then snuggled into his body.

Serapis snuggled with her happily and soon drifted off to sleep.

His dreams played out his past before him.

Serapis growled to himself as some of the worst memories came to the surface.

"Serapis....?" he heard whispered through his sleep.

Serapis grunted waking up.

"Serapis.... what's wrong?" came Siria's voice.

Serapis opened his eyes. "Its nothing baby just a bad dream" he said groggily.

"Are you sure love...? You were shaking...."

"Like I said it was just a bad dream baby" he cradled her cheek lovinglt.

Siria looked at him lovingly. "Oh love...." she said softly. She kissed his cheek.

Serapis gave her a kiss on the cheek back. "What time is it?" he asked curiously.

"It's 3 am, love...." she sighed, resting her head on his chest again.

"I'm sorry for waking you up baby" he kissed her softly. "I'm going to go grab something to drink." he gently slid out from under her letting her lay on the bed. "I'll be back" Climbing out of bed he headed off to the kitchen.

"Alright...." he heard her whispered, going back to sleep.

Serapis looked around the kitchen to see what they had. He found a bottle of Whiskey in one of the cabinets. He used to drink alot to chase back the nightmares in his head. Being a werewolf he couldnt get totally drunk but he could get a good buzz. He stared at the bottle filled with amber liquid and licked his lips wondering what he should do. He had Siria and Neafa in his life, he wasnt the badass big wolf on his own anymore. But the nightmares were getting worse. He slid the bottle in the cubboard he had found it again then walked over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of juice. Walking out to the livingroom he sat down on teh couch drinking the juice down thinking to himself. he knew he couldnt go back to bed tonight.

Gentle arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck from behind, and soft lips started to kiss his neck.

Their was no scent to the being, he jumped up and spun around to face whatever it was, fear and anger on edge.

His old wife stood there. "Love... why do you run from me?"

Serapis was shocked, she was healed this time no longer the rotting corpse. "Your are not my wife, you died" he said taking a step back.

"My love... my Serapis.... but I am not dead..... I am here... with you... your wife.... the mother of our children....." she said, walking slowly towards him.

Serapis backed away. "no you are dead you've been dead for hundreds of years now" he said knowing some god or goddess was doing this to fuck with his head. It was probably Hera, pissed when he was stolen from the heavens since she had come to enjoy him as a fucking toy.

"Come my love....let us be together again..."

"Stay away from me, your not her" he continued to back away his hands trembling, this had to be a nightmare.

"Serapis....I miss you.... my love...."

"Stop calling me that!" he snarled darkly. His eyes shifted bright amber revealing his wolf inside.

She stopped, and a monsterous voice came out, "Then I will take what is mine..." She disappeared.

"Neafa" he suddenly said and spun around and bolted for her room. He opened the door quickly and saw she was still laying in ehr bed fast asleep. He walked over and gently caressed her hair gently so not to wake her. His body shuddered thinking about that thing that looked like his dead wife. Picking Neafa up in his arms he carried her off to his bedroom. She wasnt making a move now it seemed. He found Siria in their bed fast asleep as well. He looked around the room for a sign of the creature. Climbing on the bed he let Neafa curl up against him. Having them both in the same room with him made him feel better.

He felt Siria reach out and take his hand in her sleep.

Serapis held her hand gently so not to wake her. He watched her sleep. "I'm so sorry for bringing this curse down on us" he said softly as he let his two girls sleep. He didnt rest at all the rest of the night. Just sat there vigilant and on gaurd. He would keep his family safe from that monster even if he would never rest again. Morning soon rose over the land and he listened as Siria began to stir awake.

"Serapis..." whispered Siria. "Are you awake....?"

"Yes I'm awake darling" eh whispered back so not to wake Neafa. When she looked at him, she saw shadows under his eyes, shadows of lack of sleep and of something more.

"Love.... did it come here again....?"

"It healed all the way and looked just like her." He said softly his eyes haunted. "When I wouldnt go to it, it threatened to take what belonged to it" He held Neafa to him. "I'm scared its going to try to take Neafa and hurt you"

Siria moved carefully up, and snuggled against his arm. "Oh love...." she whispered. She looked down at Neafa. "I'll watch her too...."

"I'm scared for you both is the thing. I can't sleep knowing your in danger of that thing."

Siria kissed his cheek. "We're not going anywhere...."

Serapis smiled softly and kissed her cheek back.

She smiled. "I will help you no matter what..."

"I know you will my love I know you will" he kissed the top of her head then looked down at Neafa cuddled up against him still fast asleep. "My little princess" he said softly in old german as he stroked her hair.

Siria kissed his cheek. "My sweet Deutsch Liebe...." she whispered into his neck.

Serapis smiled and nuzzled his mate lovingly letting her sweet delicious scent fill his nose. Not even his old wife had made him feel like this.

Siria nibbled his neck.

"My beautiful wolf" he whispered softly to her enjoying the sweet moment with her.

Siria blushed, "Mmmm I love when you say that..."

"I would be worried if you didnt" he said playfully.

"Oh don't make me jump you, my love.... we have a little on here...." she giggled softly.

He gave a soft chuckle. "I wasnt doing anything" he smirked.

"Oh yes you were to crazy wolf..." she giggled.

"I did absolutly nothing I don't know what your talking about" he said playfully sitting there.

She nipped his ear. "Yes you do...."

He chuckled at the feeling then looked down noticing their little Neafa begin to stir awake.

"Daddy?" Neafa yawned, opening her eyes.

"Morning princess" he smiled down at her stroking her hair.

"When did I come in here...?" she asked cutely.

"I brought you in here last night princess" he looked at Siria for a little help he didnt want to tell his daughter why he had brought her in .

"Your papa just wanted to be with both of his girls...." Siria said with a small kiss to Neafa's cheek.

Neafa giggled, and kissed her papa's cheek.

"Thats my girl" he smiled at her. "Come lets go get some breakfast together" he said sweetly to them as he let go of Neafa and climbed out of bed.

Neafa ran off to go get dressed.

"She is just so cute..." Siria mused.

"Yes that she is" he chuckled and leaned down giving Siria a little kiss

She kissed back. "I love you hun..." she replied. Siria stood up and started to get dressed.

"I love you as well" he smiled as he just switched from his sleep pants to a pair of jeans.

Siria dressed in a short black skirt and tank top, with black boots.

"Such a beautiful sight" he captured her lips for a quick kiss then headed out into the other room. She couldnt help but oggle him as he walked out. His rippling muscles in his back moving with such grace.

"You 'evil' wolf..." she growled with a smile, following her.

Serapis stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. "What did I do now?" he asked with a playful smirk.

Siria growled with a cute smile. "You know what you did..."

"Again you have me baffled woman" he laughed and dodged her striking out at him with a little smack.

She then just stuck out her tongue. "Fine... you big meanie..." she smiled, and raced off down the hall.

"Come back here you" he growled playfully and took off after her.

"Nope... you 'evil'...playful wolf...." she giggled, ducking into a room, closing the door.

Serapis playfully growled and tried the doorknob. Finding of course that it was locked he looked carefully to unlock the door. he didnt want to break it down though he was going to be a good boy on that part.


"Oh Neafa" he spun around nd chuckled with a smile. "Ahhhh I was just playing with mommy"

"Oh.... but...I'm hungry...." she said softly as her stomach growled.

"Lets get you some food sweet heart" He gave a heavy knock on the door. "Come on you naughty wolf we have a little one to feed" he shouted to Siria.

The door opened, and Siria raced out scooping up Neafa, giggling.

Serapis laughed and took off after him.

Siria slid into the kitchen, setting Neafa down and started cooking breakfast.

Neafa jumped up into one of the kitchen chairs, watching.

Serapis laughed as he came into the kitchen. "I must say you are quite cute" he kissed Siria's cheek and walked over sitting down next to Neafa.

"Oh really now...." Siria said, looking back at him with a smile.

"Oh yes" he winked playfully.

"Papa....? What was that for?" Neafa asked, winking too.

"Well ummm its kind of a sign you give someone when you say something to them it lets them know kind of your thinking something else to." He was trying to think about it.

Neafa tilted her head in confusion.

(Sorry I don't know what I was thinking when I hit complete and had posted to nothing lol) Serapis chuckled. "Its hard to explain what that is" he gave a wink as he said that.

"Okay Papa...." she said, and then started jumping in her seat.

Siria was making pancakes.

Serapis lounged there in his chair and looked at the ceiling thinking to himself.

A plate of pancakes was placed in front of him. "Serapis.... eat up..."

Neafa was already starting on her's.

Serapis sat up with a smile. "Thanks baby" he poured syrup over it then began to chow down.

Siria smiled and sat down, and started to eat her pancakes.

Serapis kissed her real quick before he began to devour his food as well.

Siria blushed, and continued to eat. "I hope you are loving the breakfast...."

"Oh yes my darling very delicious." He licked his fingers.

"Can I have some?" came a small child's voice.

Serapis turned to the voice seeing a small boy standing there. His scent hit his nose and he knew it was Arcadia and Delta's son. "Of course little one we would love to have you eat with us." he smiled and stood up pulling a seat out for him.

Siria looked at the little boy, then up at Serapis. Arcadia's...? But how did he get here....? Siria looked back at him, and then passed over a plate of pancakes. "Here you go little one..."

The boy smiled a bit and then got into the seat, and started eating some fo the pancakes.

I don't know Siria, his powers may have sprouted early in him so he's been using them. I really am not sure about this one he thought back to Siria as he drank his milk.

Oh my... "Little one.... what is your name?" Siria asked softly with a smile.

He looked at her, and smiled. "Auntie Siria...My name is Vali..." he said softly.

Siria's eyes just went wide at the name.

Serapis looked at Siria then suddenly remember. "Vali is such a strong name it fits you well young one" he smiled and patted the child's head. She named the child in honor of your father Siria

Siria nodded. It.... would seem.... of Arcadia...

Vali looked at Siria. "Don't be sad..."

Serapis patted her hand gently to comfort her.

"I am always with you..." Vali said softly.

Siria just watched him confused.

"Your more then you seem arent you?" Serapis asked looking at the boy.

Vali looked at him and smiled sweetly. You hurt my daughter... I hurt you....

Serapis went rigid hearing that in his head. It realy was Vali, the real Vali reincarnated. His heart nearly stopped. In his time with Fenris's pack Vali had neverliked him at all, never at all. I swear on my life I will never hurt your daughter He just wanted to go curl up in a corner with his tail between his legs thinking about the heavy thrashings Vali used to give him all the time. The fights they used to battle. Many times Serapis had limped away in pain and he hadnt even started anything with the other man.

Serapis.... calm yourself.... I know you will... I am just being the father I haven't been able to be to her....since my death.....

I understand that sire he said in understanding calming down a little bit. Serapis wanted to comment that it wasnt good that Vali had suddenly appeared here probably without letting Arcadia know and that a mother's worry was some of the worst in the world. But it wasnt his place, Vali had wanted to see his daughter.

Vali is name for me...but I am sorry to intrude....I have sped up his abilities.... Vali went over to Siria and hugged her. "Auntie Siria...." he said. "I'm sorry....I don't know how I got here.... but me and the others have been wanting to see you sooo much...."

Siria hugged him back. "Oh little one...." she hugged him back.

Serapis smiled watching the moment between them.

Vali looked at Serapis, and then at Neafa and smiled. "Hi..."

Neafa looked at Vali. "Hi...."

Serapis began to clean as the kids talked to each other.

Vali and Neafa started to play, running off together.

Siria smiled watching them go, and then watching Serapis.

Serapis was humming an old tune as he cleaned the dishes while the children played.

Siria stood up and moved beside him. She hugged his arm. "Serapis...."

"Yes babe?" he asked looking down at her next to him. 

"What is it about Vali...? He just seems so familar.....besides being Arcadia's little boy..."

"I'm really not sure baby" he shrugged his shoulders as he went back to cleaning. Something wasnt right though to Siria. Some how she knew that he knew something that she didnt.

"Serapis....?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Hmm?" he looked down at her curiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing babe" he kissed her cheek then continued by drying the dishes. "Why do you think something is wrong?" he asked curiously.

"I...I just have a feeling you're keeping something from me...." she said softly.

He kissed the top of her head. "All in due time" he finished with the dishes and put them away.

Siria looked up at Serapis in a very cute way. "Awww....."

Serapis chuckled, "Unfortunately my daughter as made me immune to your puppy dog eyes" he gazed down at her for a moment before he returned to what he was doing. Standing there he felt her snuggle up against his back.

"But you haven't faced me in this situation..." she purred. Siria nipped his neck, pressing her body closer to his.

"oooh no no no no no" he scurried away from her quickly. "Not while Arcadia's son is in the house" he said watching her carefully. She could tell that he didnt want to do anything to her in that term while Vali was in the house. It made her wonder what he was hiding all the more.

Siria pouted more. "I know...but I'm just wanting to know what's bugging you in your mind...."

"Later Siria I promise" he said looking down at her. He gently put his hands on her arms. "I promise I'll tell you later but for now please I'm trying to be on my best behavior" he kissed the top of her head.

Siria nodded, then giggled. "You on your best behavior?"

"Trust me its very very hard" he chuckled and gave her a little nuzzle.

Siria nuzzled back. "I understand...."

"Thank you baby" he kissed her cheek.

Siria smiled back. "At some point I want to" she whispered.

"I promise later" he said with a wink.

Siria nodded. "Come... we should check on the little ones..."

"Of course" he headed out to the livingroom where the sounds of the kids playing was coming from.

When they got into the livingroom, they saw a small wolf/coyote mix pup playing with a little squirrel.

Serapis smiled seeing them playing together. Walking over he took a seat in the large armchair in the room.

Siria moved and sat down on his lap.

Serapis glanced at the little pup and gently wrapped his arms around Siria resting his chin on her shoulder watching the kids.

"i'm actually happy Vali was able to come here....Neafa needed this..."

"Yes she does, she needs play time like this" he nuzzled her cheek gently as they sat there together.

She kissed his cheek. "Love you..." she whispered.

"Love you to" he whispered back with a smile.

The squirrel Neafa ran up Serapis' leg, as the pup Vali bark happy.

Serapis couldnt help but laugh "What are you up to you silly squirrel" he chuckled.

Neafa snuggled his cheek, and then jumped into the air onto Vali's back.

Serapis laughed. "My little one is deffinantly a dare devil" he said playfully as Siria laughed with him.

Siria nodded, and quickly nipped his ear.

"Naughty girl" he wagged his finger at her.

SHe smiled, and stuck a tongue out at him.

"Naughty?" came Vali's and Neafa's voices.

Serapis blushed and slapped his hand over his mouth.

Siria giggled.

"What is it papa?" Neafa asked.

"Its nothing sweetheart nothing at all, forget I said anything" he waved at her as if it was nothing. He turned looking at siria with a playful glare.

"Are you upset with mommy?" she asked.

"Oh no Neafa I'm not mad with Mommy at all" he smiled and pulled Siria down for a little kiss. "We're just playing" he laid his head on Siria's shoulder as he smiled at the kids.

"Okay papa...." she said, and then squeeked as Vali jumped playfully on her, and they started to roll around.

Serapis smiled watching the kids together, it was so cute seeing them play like that.

Siria looked at Serapis. "I'm sorry that I've been misbehaving..." she whispered with a smile.

"No your not" he said playfully back. "And don't worry i'll 'punish' you later for your naughtyness" he whispered into her ear in a level of voice the kids couldnt hear him. She could hear the joking around the word Punish.

Siria giggled, then looked at the kids. "We will have to end this play date soon...."

"Whenever you feel its time then we'll send Vali home" he said lounging there with her watching them.

Siria curled up with him more. "They are just so cute together..."

"Yes they are indeed" he smiled lovingly and nuzzled Siria close.

She purred softly watching as Neafa jumped onto Vali's back who was running around in circles.

Serapis placed his hand on her stomach lovingly. "I can't wait for ours" he said softly and sweetly.

Siria nodded. "Nor I... but I love Neafa as our own..."

"yes so very true" he said lovingly.

She snuggled into him more.

Laying his head against her shoulder he closed his eyes so happy to be there not wanting anything to change.

"Serapis....?" came Siria's voice softly.

"Hmmm?" he opened his eyes looking up at her.

"We should get Vali home..."

"Alright" he said with a smile. "Their isnt much help I can be though since I can't teleport" he said playfully.

Siria giggled. "Oh my love.... we may have to see about fixing that..."

"I'm not the godling here so I don't see how thats possible" he said playfully.

"But I am... I know of it being possible..."

"Well at the moment our worry should be over getting the little one home" He smiled up at her.

Siria smiled. "I know...."

He kissed her cheek and took his arms off of her to let her up.

Siria stood up, and looked over at the children. "Vali... I think it is time to go home..."

"But..I want Vali to stay..." said Neafa with a pout.

"I know sweetheart but Vali needs to go home to his Momma and papa" He told his little girl.

"But...but... I want to play more..."

Serapis sighed seeing his daughter give him the big doe eyes she normally does when she really wants something. He looked at Siria curiously.

"What do you have on your mind...papa?" Siria asked smiling softly.

Arcadia deffinantly understood that one. "Marduk you said your name is, please how rude of me come and sit" she said relaxing a little bit. She turned and looked at the kids. "go and play my pups its alright" she smiled at them.

The pups ran off.

Marduk sat before her, and smiled gently and softly. "I am sorry to have intruded..."

"Oh its alright" she smiled. "Hang on a second I'll go put on some tea" she went to the other room and scrambled around for a few minutes then soon came back. "It will be ready soon" she smiled at him as she sat down in one of the chairs.

"There is no need to worry..." he said lightly. "I just wished to check on my little Siria's family...."

"How is Siria I haven't heard from her in awhile" Arcadia said sitting there.

"She is in Greece....with a little one....her he-wolf protector...and pups on the way...."

"Wonderful I'm so glad to hear that she's doing so well."

He nodded.

She heard the tea pot whistle "Oh the tea just a moment" she got up and went to the kitchen, she came back a little later with two mugs of tea and a small container of honey. "Here you are I didnt know if you liked it sweetened or not" she said handing him his mug.

"It is fine the way it is....I just hope that I do not make you too uncomfortable...." he said, taking a sip.

"I just don't know much about you is all."

Marduk nodded. "It was all for the protection of all..."

"I understand" she said nodding in reply

"Siria is the heir to the throne of the Celtic Gods....for her mother, my daughter is Danu, queen of the Celtic pantheon...."

"Oh my really?" Arcadia asked surprised.

Marduk nodded. "Danu was murdered, but she was reborn and has taken her throne once more...."

"I'm glad she has returned I hope maybe Siria can get to know her."

He nodded. "I would hope so...."

Arcadia didnt know what else to say.

"How is everyone?"

"Their doing very well, my mate is busy at work right now while the pups are doing quite wonderfully as well" she smiled softly.

"I am glad...and your other family?"

"Umm well my father Randulfur is doing well I believe he is living in Ashland now, while my real father Fenris has finally returned it seems but he is trapped in his wolf form since his human shell has gone missing, but luckily he and my mother have found each other" she smiled softly.

"That is good...."

She smiled softly "Yes it is" she then took a little sip of her tea.

"Mama...." came Vali's soft voice from the door way.

Arcadia turned looking at her son. "What is it sweety?" she asked standing up walking over to him.

"Daddy hasn't come back yet...."

"When did he say he was coming back sweety? didnt you say he was working and would be back in awhile?" she asked remembering talking to him about building that home on the outside of the city in the forest for them and she though that it would take awhile before he would finish something like that.

"He didn't say...."

"Go back in your room with the others I'll see if I can get ahold of Daddy" she lead him back into the bedroom with the others and gently closed the door before going and getting the phone. She dialed Delta's Cellphone number.

"Hello?" came Delta's voice.

"Hey baby its Arcadia, I was just calling wondering when you would be home, the kids were worried and I was just wondering and everything" she said sweetly but their was an undertone of she was uncomfortable about something going on at home.

"Arcadia? What's wrong?"

"Its nothing Delta why do you think something is wrong?" she asked confused.

"You sound uncomfortable...." he said worried.

Arcadia glanced into the other room where she saw Marduk calmly sitting on the couch waiting for her to return. "I just have a visitor sitting in our livingroom that I'm not to comfortable with is the thing. He's my cousian siria's grandfather and I'm just uncomfortable with it all is the thing" she said shyly and softly to Delta.

"I'll be back soon....don't worry....." Delta said.

"Alright baby I love you" she said happy to hear he was going to be coming home soon.

"Arcadia..." came Marduk's voice.

"Coming" Arcadia said calmly having a good feeling he had heard her say what she had to her mate.

Marduk looked up at her as she came back in. "All you had to do was ask me to leave, and I would have...."

"Oh heavens I'm so sorry that you heard that I didnt mean it in a bad way when I said that to my mate. Your my cousian's family which means your my family and I would like to get to know you its true its just I'm timid with powerful people like yourself. I didnt mean it in any bad way I swear its just I get nervous and also the fact that your Siria's grandfather I don't want to make a bad impression... oh and I'm babbling again" she blushed standing there looking at her feet.

He laughed. "No worries my dear...."

"If your sure" she said shyly blushing still so nervous.

"Yes....I am sure...." he said with a kind smile.

She smiled at him taking a seat on one of the other couches. "Well my mate should be here soon so you'll be able to meet him" she said with a smile.

"That I will be..." came Delta's voice.

"Delta" Arcadia said happily standing up and turning seeing him. "Welcome home darling" she said lovingly.

Delta walked over to her, and hugged her. "Sorry I didn't say I was going..."

"Its alright baby please leave a note next time" she said sweetly kissing him gently. "Now Delta I ould like to introduce you to Marduk, this is Siria's grandfather."

Delta looked at him. "Nice to meet you..."

"Likewise..." Marduk said with a smile. "I am glad to see that you are the one she is with...."

"Do...I know you?" Delta questioned confused.

Siria looked between the two confused.

"No... but you can say that I know your father...."

"My father? You do?"

Marduk nodded. "Yes.... we were very close..."

Arcadia was surprised by this.

"Wha....?" Delta just watched the god.

" both seem to have questions...."

"I remeber seeing the Coyote, Delta's father long ago but you were good friends with him? please do tell, I know especially Delta is curious to learn more about him." Arcadia said leading her mate back to the couch.

Delta sat down beside her. "Do tell..." he said, fixing his glasses.

"Coyote as you know him is Arduc.... my son...." Marduk said calmly.

Delta's eyes went wide. "What?"

"Wait but he always felt of the Native American wild magics not of your lands" Arcadia said remembering the feel of Coyote when she had been bear him.

"His mother's magic is strong within him...." Marduk spoke. "I had had two wives... Coyote's mother had been taken from me and him.... my daughter, her mother to help me feel my old self.... we had be friends for centuries.... we feel in love then...."

"Oh wow" Arcadia said thinking of it.


Marduk nodded. "Yes..."

Delta stared at him. "'re my..."


Arcadia looked up at him wondering how he was taking it.

Delta just seemed to be staring off into space. "I..."

"Delta...I am sure that what ever happened to you in your early life was desintied to be...."

"This all means that...." Delta looked at Arcadia. "I'm related to Siria...."

Arcadia thought about it in her head the family connection. "Your Siria's cousian" she said figuring it out in her head. She hugged his side lovingly.

He nodded. "Yea....I am..." he whispered. "Family...."

Arcadia noticed the stare on his face. "Honey?" she asked worriedly.

"I have family.... and to think...." he said smiling softly down at her. "I've met her...our cousin...."

Arcadia giggled. "I wonder what she's going to say about it" she smiled.

"I don't know... but I hope it's good..."

Marduk watched on with a smile.

"Oh I know she'll love it" she giggled cutely. "Oh I should go check on the kids why don't you two talk" she said lovingly as she turned and headed off to the kids bedroom.

Delta nodded watching her go.

Arcadia headed into their room and smiled seeing them all playing with their toys and things.

"Mommy!" They all ran at her.

"Hi my cuties" she kneeled down and hugged them tight.

"What's going on?" one asked.

"We'll that man out in the livingroom we found out is your great grandpapa and your father is talking to him right now." she smiled at them as she sat down on the floor with them.


"Yes really" she smiled at them then squeeked as they ran for the door so they could meet their great grandfather. She got up quickly and laughed following them.

"Great Grandpa!" the pups all shouted, jumping on Marduk who laughed.

Delta smiled slightly, watching them.

Arcadia went over to him "Are you alright baby?" she asked softly as the kids had their fun with Marduk.

"yes.... I have just been listening to why I had never gotten to know him... all I have to do now is locate my father....." he said, placing an arm around her.

"You'll find his sweetheart I know you will."

He kissed her cheek. "I know..."

Arcadia giggled and went over sitting on the couch watching the kids with Marduk.

"They've taken to him quickly..." Delta said sitting beside her.

Arcadia snuggled to his side. "They are very excepting of alot of people especially those who are family. I can't wait for Vulcan to meet them" she said lovingly watching their kids.

Delta smiled. "I can't wait either..."

Arcadia giggled cuddling against him happily.

"You have a wonderful bunch here...." Marduk said with a smile.

"Thank you Marduk" she smiled.

Delta nodded with a smile.

"You both are welcome..."

"Its about lunch time would you like to join us Marduk?" Arcadia asked sweetly.

"I would love to my dear..."

"Wonderful I'll go get to work on it" she giggled and stood heading off to the kitchen.

Delta followed. "What an exciting day...."

"Oh yes indeed" she smiled back at him before she went to the fridge to see what they had.

It looked as if Delta had restocked the fridge at some point.

She smiled to herself then got back to looking for lunch.

Delta moved around the kitchen helping her prepare the meal and set the table.

Arcadia giggled giving him a little playful bump with her butt. "your so cute" she smiled as she got to work on cleaning the beef she had found in the fridge.

"Oh really...? I'm here beside a beautiful woman...."

"Awww so not true" she giggled.

"Oh yes it is my foxy wolf..." he laughed.

"Oooh if you keep talking like that" she giggled cutely as she focused on making dinner.

"Really...?" he smirked.

"Maybe" she winked.

He leaned over and nipped her ear.

"Down my sexy Coyote" she giggled cutely.

He laughed. "I know....I know...."

Suddenly she grabbed his face and pulled him down giving him a hard passionate kiss.

He moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.

Arcadia pulled back with a long happy sigh. "Mmmmmm my sexy Coyote" she purred out.

Delta looked down at her with a smile. "I love you.... now lets finish up..."

"Oh yes indeed" she got back to work on making dinner for everyone.

Delta finished up on his end.

While Arcadia finished on her own end and soon they had an amazing meal sitting on the table for the family. "Time to eat" Arcadia called out to Marduk and the pups.

Marduk came into the room with the pups following close behind.

"Come here my little pups" Arcadia kneeled down and hugged her little ones.

The pups hugged her back. "Love you mommy!"

"Oh I love you to" she giggled kissing them all. "Now lets sit down and eat" she smiled leading them to their chairs.

All of the pup sat down around the table, as did Marduk smiling at them all.

"Dig in everyone" she giggled as they all began to eat the huge meal she had prepared

Marduk ate a good helping of her meal, as did all of the children. Delta smiled as he ate, loving it all.

Arcadia felt so happy and content with her life, she had a wonderful family and felt truely happy. "Did you all eat well?" she asked sweetly.

"Yummy!" called the pups.

Marduk nodded. "It was delicious...."

"Wonderful I'm so glad you enjoyed it" she giggled and smiled at her little pack.

Delta kissed her neck, then whispered, "You're delicious...."

Arcadia turned bright red and gave Delta a playful glare. "Not at the dinner table" she said softly back to him.

Marduk laughed. "Oh wow.... just like him..."

"I..." Delta looked at Marduk. "I... she just brings in it... I've never been like this before....remember Arcadia... when we first met...."

"He was very timid when we first met but the more time we spend around one another the more it blossomed into something more. He grabbed me and kissed me one moment we were standing together, he just hadnt been able to help himself." she giggled remembering it fondly.

Delta blushed bright red. "I...I was going with my heart...."

"And I am thankful for that" she giggled sliding her hand over his leaning in kissing him softly.

Delta kissed back. "As am I...."

Arcadia giggled and laid her head on his shoulder. "You should have seen your grandson Marduk when I had gotten attacked by a crazed human. They had these bullets that were a silver and gold mix which had really hurt me. Your grandson ripped the man to shreds he had been so angery I had been hurt and worried over me" she smiled.

"I'm proud of you Delta..." Marduk said with a proud smile.

Delta blushed. "I.... he had harmed you...."

"You protected me" she smiled and kissed his cheek again then turned smiling at her family.

"Daddy's the best!" shouted the pups.

"Yes daddy is the best" Arcadia giggled. "Now why don't all of you head into the livingroom and I'll clean up" she smiled at them.

The pups ran into the other room.

"Arcadia.. you did the most cooking.... you should relax..." said Delta.

"I'm fine really I am I want to do it" she giggled then suddenly squeeked as she found herself on the chair and Delta growling at her.

Delta stopped growling, and then kissed her check softly. "I said you should relax..."

"Yes sir my big sexy coyote" she giggled playfully looking up at him.

Delta moved away and started to work on cleaning up the kitchen and the dishes.

Marduk moved over to her, and whispered, "You should really start to listen the first time...." There was a laugh in his throat.

"I know but its so much fun to rile him up" she whispered back with her own laugh in her throat.

"Yes... but careful...." Marduk laughed softly.

"I will be I promise Marduk" she giggled.

"I'm glad.....just don't lose him...."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked confused.

"Just being supportive and protective..."

"That doesnt sound that supportive hearing a comment like that come from you" she said sitting there looking at him.

"I'm an old god...when I was young I didn't understand things like that either... look... I just remember his father... and how he was.... I don't know how much of Coyote is in Delta...."

"Alright I understand" Arcadia said softly and worriedly, her heart ached at the thought of Delta leaving her.

"Though I do know that Coyote always had a reason in leaving....though to leave Delta... I don't know...."

Arcadia's heart was aching more at the thought of Delta leaving her for any reason. "I-I'll be back I need some air" she said softly standing and quickly headed off to the balcony.

She made it outside onto the balcony, though she did hear Delta's voice, "Arcadia...?"

Arcadia turned and looked at him. "Hey baby" she said with a soft smile but their was some hurt in her eyes.

"Arcadia... what's wrong?" Delta asked worried, moving up to her, and wrapping his arms lovingly around her.

Arcadia leaned into his arms. "Its your grandfather he was sending my nerves a jumble. telling me that your father used to leave places for reasons and such and that I shouldnt do what I do. You know how we're playful with each other like I was saying I would do the dishes then you growled at me. We do that alot with each other just being playful. And he said not to chase you off" She sniffled burying herself in his arms.

"You won't chase me away.... he's just must be worried...." Delta said softly, kissing her cheek. "You can never chase me away...."

"Oh my darling" she said lovingly burying herself in hsi arms.

"I love you so much... and I will never leave you...."

"And I love you my darling, Your grandfather just made me so uncomfortable with all of that talk." she said softly.

"I'll talk to him about it..." Delta said softly.

"Thank you" she smiled up at him and pulled him down for a kiss.

He kissed back passionately.

After a few moments she pulled back looking up at him. "Now I'm going to go entertain our pups, it will give you a chance to talk to your grandfather" she pulled back and shifted into a wolf trotting off inside to her pups.

All of the pup were in their wolf forms, wrestling with each other.

Arcadia trotted over and pounced on them wrestling with her pups.

The pups started to jump as over her, nipping at her ears and tail.

Arcadia yipped and nuzzled and played with them.

The pups then licked at her muzzle, yipping and woofing at her.

Arcadia licked and nuzzled her pups lovingly. Suddenly she heard shouting in the kitchen that she hadnt expected to hear. Gently she nuzzled her pups with her snout taking them to her room.

"I would never abandon her..."

"I never said you would...."

Arcadia pushed her pups in her room faster then closed the door behind her pulling nthe little rope that Delta had installed so they could close the door. She went over to her pups on the bed and laid down with them while her ears picked up Marduk and Delta in the other room.

Delta then came into the room, with a sigh. He then just fell onto the bed floor, sighing more.

Arcadia leaned down and gently nuzzled him whimpering softly.

Delta looked up at her, and stroked her fur. "All is going to be just fine..... no worries..."

Arcadia whimpered harder nuzzling him not believing him.

Delta smiled, and just kissed her head. "I'm telling you... all is right...."

Arcadia barked and gave him a big lick on the cheek.

Delta laughed. "You are just so cute...."

Arcadia wagged her big fluffy tail before wlking over and laying down with the pups again.

Delta shifted into a coyote, and joined her and the pups by pouncing onto her playfully, nipping her ear.

Arcadia woofed and pounced on him nipping and tugging on his ear and scruff. Even though Delta was a coyote he was a huge coyote. If a human would have given him a glance in that form they would have though him a giant wolf especially since he was larger then her.

Delta nipped at her neck playfully, pushing her to the ground, and then licking her fur.

Arcadia laid there wagging her tail happily enjoying her mate grooming her now.

All the pups jumped on the two of them, and Delta laughed a coyote's laugh.

Arcadia playfully and lightly swatted at the pups as she laid there playing with them.

Some of the pups started to curl up against them, yawning.

Arcadia nuzzled them and licked the top of their heads as she yawned and curled up with them as soon all four were snuggled in teh curl of her body. she made a happy little sound as Delta curled up behind her and began grooming her again like he had before.

Delta rested his head over her as he yawned, and closed his eyes. I love you... my Arcadia...

Arcadia yawned as well I love you as well... My Delta... Soon she drifted off to sleep with her loving family around her.

In her dreams, Arcadia saw her father, her adoptive father being attacked.

Arcadia whimpered with worry seeing her father being attacked. She wished she could help.

She then saw him go to attack some men that seemed to know him, but were calling him 'Anubis'.

Arcadia wondered, her real father was the wolf god Fenris. What if her adoptive father could have been the Jackal God Anubis.

She then saw a dark sun fall over him in her dream, as if consuming him.

Arcadia was confused by this unknown to what the thing was.

She then saw it coming for her, throwing her from her sleep.

Arcadia yelped suddenly jumping awake from her sleep.

Delta sat up his head, looking at her worriedly.

Arcadia laid back down I just had a bad dream baby she nuzzled him softly.

Delta nuzzled back. Are you sure? You're shaking....

It was just a really bad dream She cuddled against him and looked down at her pups still fast asleep against her.

Delta licked her fur. Arcadia....tell me about it.....

Arcadia laid her head down enjoying the feeling of his tounge grooming her once more Alright my love and so she began to describe it all.

Delta snuggled in closer, curling around her more.

Arcadia gently licked his snout as they curled there together after her story. When that sun came at me, it just scared me so badly it was as if I felt my fur being singed right off she said as she enjoyed having her mate with her like this.

It wouldn't have been Helios.....he's a friend.... it would have to be someone or something else.....

The man felt old in nature, deffinantly not greek, I think Egyptian. She said remembered the palace and just the feel that oozed off of him.

The Sun....hmm.... Delta then looked at her in deep worry. Horus....

Arcadia whimpered tucking her tail between her legs not liking the soud of that.

Horus.... is the son of Osiris and Isis.... he is of the sun but of the underworld....

I'm really scared now Delta, in the dream that ball of sunlight was directed at me before I woke up, if its a sign then he might come after me to hurt my father she said nuzzling Delta and giving his snout a little lick.

Delta curled next to her protectively. I'm not going to let him harm you...

Arcadia gently nuzzled him snuggling in his warmth. She looked at their pups and grew so worried about them. What if those evil gods went after their children? she couldnt bare teh thought.

The pups woke up and then curled up more against her and Delta.

Arcadia groomed her pups a litte bit and nuzzled them as she curled against them.

Delta nibbled on her neck, and licked it.

Arcadia laid down melting at the sensation. Relaxing knowing her mate was there watching over her.

Sleep soon took her.

This time in her dream, it was of when she was back in colorado. She was hidden in a small hollow of a tree when she was a pup whimperng scared. A cougar outside paced back and forth snarling and slashed at the tree trying to get her out. Arcadia was wounded and covered in blood so scared. She remembered this night. She had hidden in there all night so alone and cold with no one. But this time it was different. Her ears perked up as suddenly their was a roar. She saw the cougar get smacked by large paw and heard it scurry off. Sniffing the air she smelled something familiar outside like family. As if she was smelling someone from much farther back in her past. She yelped as a big snout sniffed the opening of the tree. The wolf snout was bigger then any of the wolves in her papa's pack.

A brown-gray wolf head, larger than the others, peered into the openning. Little are safe.... came a strong, strangely familiar voice.

She sniffed the air and instantly the smell seemed so familiar and calming. "Daddy?" she asked wagging her tail happily coming to the door of the little opening peering at the huge wolf.

The wolf looked at her with large calm eyes. Yes.... my little are safe now.....

Arcadia walked out from in the tree. She sniffed the air and realized that it wasnt colorado at all. Something older and richer. She yelped and whimpered when her front paw touched the ground it hurt to walk on it because the Cougar had gotten its claws into it really hurting her.

The larger wolf nipped her neck, lift her up gently. Let's go mend your pup, my little one... He carried her away from the tree, heading up towards a huge cave mid way up a great mountain. He laid her down on a bed of grasses.

"I did just like you told me daddy and ran as fast as i could and hid when I found some place I would fit" she said laying down on the grass looking up at her father.

He curled up around her, and licked his paw, which started to felt better and heal. You are doing wonderful, my little one.... I am proud of you.... He licked her fur.

She wagged her tail happily looking up at him. "I'm so glad Daddy" she nuzzled his big snout and snuggled into fur. "How did you find me?" she asked curiously looking up at him as he groomed her fur with his big tounge.

You have been in the care of a great friend of mine.... as well as Siria has been watched as well..... and you now have the dagger I had asked to be crafted for you....I can feel it's power....

So it wasnt a dream after all he really was talking to her, she wondered why though the begining to her dream like it was. "Yes Daddy I have the dagger its safe." she snuggled against him.

She realized she was not as she is in the present. I'm glad... you are key to my full rebirth....

This greatly confused her. "What do you mean daddy?" she asked worriedly.

You will know when the time is right.... he said gently and continued to groom her.

"I miss you daddy" she said laying down enjoying the feeling of her father grooming her of that bonding moment between them. A moment that had been kept from them for so long even though it was just a dream.

I have missed you as well my little one.... I and your mother never wished to be separated from you...

"I know you didnt daddy but you did it to protect me, and Papa was very good to me raising me" she looked up at her father sweetly.

I would expect no less from him....

Arcadia nuzzled her father happily. "I'm scared daddy" she suddenly said getting his attention. "I'm scared for myself, but I'm especiall scared for my mate and my little pups the most." she laid her head down and laid her ears back.

You are with a strong mate....and please don't forget the strength I have given you....

"Papa's brother Horus has been going after him, I saw in a dream Horus direct his attacks at me. Horus is a powerful god controlling death and the powers of the sun itself." her body shook thinking about what could happen to her pups.

I know of Horus....please trust me in that not all gods of death are like him....

"Even if the other gods of death or not like him he is still out for blood and to torment Papa" she quivered in fear.

He licked her cheek. Calm your mind my little have my spirit in are a Knight.... you are strong....

Arcadia looked up at him with her gold eyes. "Thanks Daddy" she said nuzzling him. She wished she could believe in herself but there was something inside of her she just couldnt open up to believe in her self.

Trust and believe in yourself, and that true power within you will become alive.... 

Arcadia cuddled against her father snuggling close. she wished she could believe in herself but it had been so many years she was used to being low on the totem pole.

Know that you are strong.... that you are my daughter....

"Thank you for believing in me daddy" she said softly looking up at him. In her mind she thought about her time in Randulfur's pack.

Morning calls my little one...

"Goodbye daddy I hope to see you again soon" she stood and nuzzled him.

He nuzzled back, and then she felt herself awaking.

Her eyes fluttered open as she found herself laying on the bed in her human form alone. "Daddy" she put her hand on her heart thinking about her father.

"Arcadia...?" came Delta's whispering voice.

Arcadia sat up "Yes baby?" she asked looking in the direction the voice came from.

Delta moved over to her. "The dagger you got from Vulcan is glowing...."

"What?" she jumped to her feet and dashed out of the bedroom out to the livingroom where the blade was sitting on its own stand. He was right, it was glowing. Timidly she reached out and touched the blade.

The blade was warm to the touch, and seemed to glow brighter at her touch.

Arcadia took the blade in hand taking a deep breath believing in herself as she did. She would believe in herself for her father, for her family.

She felt a strange yet familiar power flow into her. I am always with you... my little one...

Tears stung her eyes as she held the blade. "Daddy" she said softly running her thumb along the blade itself. She closed her eyes feeling that warmth fill her.

"Arcadia?" Delta whispered, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm alright my love" she leaned into his arms. "My father spoke to me last night in my dreams and this blade his power is in it and flowing inside of me." she said softly.

"Remember what happened at Vulcan's when you first got it.... it was calling to you...."

"And now it is blessing me with some of my father's strength" she said softly.

Delta kissed her cheek. "I'm glad..."

Arcadia smiled as the glow faded from the blade. She returned it to its stand. "Are the kids awake?" she asked curiously.

"No... they are sound away... they had gotten up and tired themselves playing in the play room..."

Arcadia giggled snuggling into his chest. "aww my little sweeties" she couldnt help but sigh against him loving his touch just wanting to be close to him.

Delta rubbed her back. "I will always be here for you....."

"I know you will Delta and I thank the heavens above that you were brought into my life" she whispered softly snuggled against him.

"That I walked into your auto shop?" he said with a soft kiss.

"Yes that you walked into my auto shop" she said sweetly caressing his cheek softly kissing him in return.

He nipped her neck.

Arcadia squeeked and giggled cutely before nipping him in return. Her hands ran down the smooth contours of his body since he was shirtless.

Delta sighed. "mmmmm..."

There was a crashing noise from some where.

Arcadia snapped to action and ran to the sound praying her pups were ok.

There was a broken snowglobe in the room, and all the pups seemed okay, but one was missing. (The one named after Siria's father.... Fenris's brother...)

(If I remember correctly that one is Vali but I can't remember for sure we need to go back and look at their names again^^)
"Are you alright my little ones?" she hugged them to her. "Wait where is our brother?" she asked worriedly.

The pups looked around. "I... I don't know...." they all said.

"Delta!" Arcadia shouted for her mate, this wasnt good, not again, not one of her pups.

Delta rushed in. "Arcadia..."

"Delta, Vali is gone again" she said with worried filled eyes. Who knew where their little boy was.

"WHat?" he said worried. Delta looked at her. "Stay here.... I'm going to try and find him..."

"Alright, be safe" her voice was filled with worry as she brought her other pups closer to her.

"Baa..." came Delta's goat, as she came from his back.

"She'll stay with you..." Delta said as he kissed her cheek, and disappeared.

"Thank you Capa for staying with us" she patted the goat's head gently with a smile. "Stay with Capa kids she is a good friend of your father and I I'm going to grab somethings to clean the snow globe up" she turned and headed out of the room to go to the kitchen closet where she knew there was a broom and dust pan.

She found it all as Capa and the pups started to play together.

Arcadia sat down on the couch and smiled watching all of them play together. Her heart ached though with worry praying Vali and Delta would be alright.

The pups started to take turns riding on Capa.

"Careful now my little ones" she said watching them.

"Yes mama...." they said happily.

Arcadia smiled lovingly at them watching them. She wished her father was here to see them, he would be so proud to call himself their grandfather.

The pups looked over at her, and then jumped on her.

Arcadia yelped in surprise and laughed falling backwards on the couch. "Come here you adorable little monsters" she said lovingly and gave them a big hug.

They all giggled with hugged their mother.

"My wonderful little miracles" she nuzzled them all. "So what shall we do to pass the time?" she asked looking down at them as Capa sat on the floor near them.

"Auntie! To see Auntie!"

"Oh my" she said surprised by this. Arcadia didnt have the power to flash from one point to another so she wasnt sure how to. Also she didnt want to leave without Delta knowing. The man would have a heart attack if she and the pups vanished; ontop of that she didnt know where Siria was.

(Marduk had said she was in Greece...)

"What's wrong mommy?"

(Yes but Arcadia doesnt know where in Greece) "Oh its nothing Mommy is just thinking is all sweethearts" she said with a smile and tried to figure out what to do.

"Oh... mommy is great...!"

"Awww thank you my little ones" she hugged them and smiled at how sweet her little ones were.

They all hugged her more.

"I want to see Auntie to, I just don't know how to go see her, she's very far away at the moment" she said to her pups. "And I don't want to suddenly leave without letting your Daddy know where we are." she nuzzled them.

"Okay mommy...." they said, and jumped and started to play with Capa again.

Arcadia smiled lovingly watching them. She couldnt wait until she could take them out into the woods for a real run. To really enjoy nature.

The pups looked at her, then smiled.

"My little ones" she smiled and scruffed hr son's head as she stood up and headed for the kitchen to get herself something to drink.

Arms wrapped around her gently.

Arcadia jumped and spun around with a growl not liking being snuck up on.

"Arcadia...." said Delta. "I'm sorry... I just wanted to hug you before heading out again..."

"Its alright baby" she went over and hugged him. "you know I'm just on edge when people sneak up on me especially after that incident with the guy shooting me" she said hugging him tight. "No sign of Vali?" she asked as tears glistened in her eyes.

"NOt yet....but I think I'm close...." he whispered, and then kissed her forehead.

"Alright" she whispered. "I just pray he's alright I'm so worried" she said as tears silently began to slid down her cheeks.

"It may be possible that he ended up with Siria again...." he said softly.

"But he was never with Siria, last time he was with my father Randulfur." she said looking up at him.

"God... I guess I'm hoping he's there...."

"My cousian is somewhere in greece, he might be there. Heavens I hope he's there" Tears filled her eyes.

He kissed her forehead. "I do too... I'm going to head that way...."

"Alright be safe my darling" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Delta nodded, and kissed her again before leaving.

Arcadia put her face in her hands and began to cry worried for her son.

"Mommy?" came the pups.

Arcadia wiped the tears from her cheeks and turned. "Hi there sweeties" they could tell she had been crying though, they had heard her as well.

The pups all hugged her. "Daddy will find Vali...he will..." one said softly.

Arcadia sunk to her knees and smiled hugging them to her body. "My strong little ones, what would I do without you" she said as she hugged them tight.

"I don't know mommy..." another said. "But we just know it..."

"Thank you babies" she nuzzled them softly and held them close.


"Yes?" she asked looking down at them.

"He's safe..."

"How do you know?" she asked surprised looking down at them.

"He just told us..."

"He did?" she asked surprised, how could her son be doing things such as that so young?

"Yes mama...."

"Oh wonderful truely wonderful" She cried happily hugging her children tight.

"Mama..." the pups said hugging her more.

She kissed the top of their heads. "come my little ones lets play" she smiled and lead them off to the play room to have some fun.

The pups ran ahead of her.

Arcadia... came Siria's voice.

Siria, its soo good to hear from you, Please I have to know if its true is my son there with you? She asked worriedly.

Yes... he's here...that's why I was contacting you.....

is he alright? I would have contacted you but I couldnt reach you in my mind. she said softly thinking to her cousian.

He is fine.... he is playing with Serapis's daughter Neafa...

Wonderful, so now you know my surprise for you, I had wanted to tell you differently then this about my son and his name she thought to her cousian wondering what she thought of the fact that Arcadia had named her son after Siria's father.

Arcadia.... I love that you think so much of me to name him after my father...

You've been like a sister to me ever since we were little Siria, its the least I could do Arcadia said happily

Thank you... Arcadia... besides Vali coming here... do you know if he's done anything else strange....?

No the only other thing was that he had vanished once before and appeared with Randulfur. other then that nothing

Alright... it's just strange.... there just seems to be something about him...

I'm really not sure what you mean Siria She then branched off her thoughts to get ahold of Delta. Baby, I've found Vali he is indeed at Siria's place in Greece, he's safe and sound there

Delta appeared, and wrapped his arms around her. "Thank the gods...."

He just seems so....familar...

I'm really not sure what to tell you Siria, I wish I could see you in person and talk about this but I didnt inherit the ability to flash from location to location

We'll see each other soon.....

I know we will Siria She leaned back into Delta's warm embrace. Do you wish for Delta to come and pick up Vali now? she asked curiously.

Vali is off playing with Neafa...Serapis's little daughter....Arcadia... did you ever learn of the were squirrel?

WereSquirrel? I've only learned very little of them from one of the elders back in colorado. Its not really well known how they are made other then the fact that extreme gut wrenching panic over whelms the person. They are usualy people with soft souls which turns them to the direction of becoming a prey animal instead of a predator like most weres turn into. But the big thing about them is that it is unknown if they age. Most say that they are frozen in time for the moment they are turned. For other weres they age until maturity then they're aging slows to a mere crawl in time making weres nearly immortal in their nature of aging.

Arcadia.... they don't age....were squirrels don't age.... and life as a were squirrel can drive the person to near or complete insanity....

And Serapis's daughter is a WereSquirrel, oh my, Serapis is quite old, older then you and I for a matter of fact, his daughter is alright? Arcadia asked worriedly.

Yes.... she is fine now..... Siria then tells Arcadia how they found her, and what had happened in the past from both Neafa's and Serapis's point of views.

I see, that is quite interesting Arcadia thought about it as Delta held her close. She loved that he knew when she was speaking to someone like this and needed his touch but he would be quiet as long as she needed. I would be very careful Siria, with everything that has happened and what you have told me about Serapis's ex wife reappearing as she did. I fear that Hera is punishing him for leaving the heavens using his dead love as torment.

And I was the one that freed him....

Yes you are and I'm surprised that Hera hasnt come after you at all, their may be someone else holding their foot down between you and her Siria. But Serapis had already been claimed by her as her toy, so she will punish him until he returns to her. Its just Hera's way.

I'm scared, Arcaida... I am...

I'm here for you Siria whatever you need just ask

Thanks Cousin....I have to go....

Alright Siria I'll talk to you soon, When Vali is ready to come home though could you send me a message so Delta can come pick him up?

Of course....

Until then cousian with that her cousian vanished from her mind. She turned and faced Delta. "I'm glad Vali is safe. I'm just worried though I don't think my heart could handle him continously vanishing like this" she said gazing up at him.

Delta hugged her closer. "I think that he may be something"

Arcadia buried herself against him not sure of what they were going to do. She didnt know how they were going to protect their son if he kept vanishing all over the world.

Delta kissed her cheek. "Arcadia....we'll figure this out..."

"I know baby I know." she snuggled into his strong chest.

He kissed her gently.

Arcadia kissed him back gently. She pulled back and nuzzled him softly. "I love you Delta, I'm so lucky to have you" he said sweetly.

"I am lucky to have ou as well...." he whispered.

Arcadia sighed against him. "Delta, we need to figure out something to do with the kids outside of the apartment. They are going stir crazy being cooped up in here" she said before nuzzling her mate.

"There is a park near by..."

Arcadia shook her head. "No I wouldnt bring the kids there, because what if they were to suddenly shift in public? it would cause mass mayhem amongst the humans.

Delta kissed her cheek. "I know a trick to it...."

Arcadia looked at him curiously. "A trick?" she asked curiously tilting her head to the side.

Delta nodded. "Yes.... it's how the nymphs play in plain view without being seen...."

"Oh?" she asked curiously looking up at him.

Delta nodded. " is a trick of the light and of the mind..."

"Oh how interesting, I am curious to see it for myself" she smiled and cuddled into his arms

He kissed her. "You will... my love...."

Arcadia giggled. "I'm going to go change real fast then we'll round up the little ones" with that she pulled out of his arms and headed for the other room.

"Alright, love..."

Vanishing into the bedroom she changed into a pair of dark wash jeans and a t shirt that had a cresent moon and a butterfly on the chest. after sliding on her flipflops she headed back out into the other room where she found Delta and the children waiting.

He smiled at her. "I have something for you..."

"Oh?" she asked excitedly. "What is it?" she asked curiously.

Delta opened up one of his hands to reveal a necklace with a simple gold leaf on it. "This was a gift from a wood nymph that I grew up with... it will protect the wearer from the eyes of mortals.... I have given one to each of the children..."

"Oh wow its beautiful" she caressed the leaf gently.

"This one is your's..." he said softly.

"Oh thank you my love" she kissed him softly as she held her hand in his over the leaf. Suddenly her fingertips began to burn a bit and she yelped. pulling her hand back, blisters as if she had been burned had formed into the shape of the leaf on her fingers. "I can't wear it Delta its real gold" she said looking up at him. "You know I'm allergic to gold, and the kids might be allergic to" she said before kissing his cheek "it was a good thought though baby" she smiled at him before she went off to the bathroom where she knew they had a first aid kit.

"I'm sorry love..." Delta said coming in behind her. He, then with gloved hands, slipped a silver leaf necklace around her neck. "The gold one is mine.... the children each have an amethest leaf....."

"Its alright, I'm just so sorry that you have to risk touching Silver for this. I don't want you to hurt yourself" she said softly as tears filled her eyes while looking up at him.

"I would die to protect you.... my love..." he whispered, as he brushed the tears away and then kissed her.

"Oh Delta" she kissed him softly for a few moments before pulling back. "Come lets go enjoy the day with our children" she giggled.

Delta smiled softly and nodded, fixing his glasses up on his nose. "Lets go gather them up again..." he laughed softly.

Arcadia headed out fo the livingroom surprised to see her kids all sitting peacefully waiting for her and Delta.

"Awww of cuties..."

"My good little ones" Arcadia kissed their foreheads with a smile. "Oh should we grab some snacks for while we're in the park?" she asked looking at Delta.

Delta smiled, his eyes shining through his glasses. "I'll see to it when we are in the park...."

"Alright my love" She gave him a soft kiss. "How shall we get there?" she asked curiously.

"The elevator out of the building," Delta said with a small laugh.

"Well I didnt know if maybe you would have wanted to flash there thats why I asked" she giggled.

Delta laughed. "Silly wolf..."

Arcadia laughed and smiled down at her little ones. "Come lets get going" she said to them sweetly.

All fo the children hurried up to them as Delta held the door to the building's hall wya open.

Arcadia lead them out and stod with them as Delta closed and locked their door. There afterwords she lead the kids down the hall to the elevator to head down stairs.

"Alright little ones...once we get out side.... stay close.... okay...."

"Yes papa..."

"And remember sweethearts no talking to strangers and make sure you can always see mama and Papa" Arcadia said kissing their foreheads.

"Yes Mama...Yes papa...." they said, and when they all got to the park, the children ran off a ways and started ot play.

Byakko sat down across from him. "Very beautiful...."

"Bejing was beautiful in her hay day I must say" he suddenly chuckled. "Ahh I had lots of fun times in that city."

Byakko laughed lightly.

"So tell me, tracking me must have been a pain in the ass?" he asked playfully.

"Not really....I have a very good nose...."

Anubis smiled. He was trying to make small talk and was glad it was working so well. "well thats good."

Byakko nodded, and smiled. "I was determined...that's how I tracked you...."

"Did you have any fun adventures while tracking me?"

"Oh my...what adventures....." he laughed.

"Oh? any favorites?" he asked curiously as he lounged in his chair.

"Defended my father's homeland from of many reasons I lost track of you for a bit....."

"I remember that, I traveled across teh country side of the south while that was happening."

He nodded. "It was my duty as a Guardian...."

"It is good that you did that" he smiled proudly.

Byakko nodded. ""

"I remember after that when China came to peace before I headed over to Japan I was in the captial it was beautiful that spring with the blossoms and the festival to celebrate China's victory."

"I had headed back to mother by then...."

"When was the next time you caught up to me?" he asked curiously.

"I'm friends with Hel...."

"Your point being?" he asked not getting it.

"Did you not run with Fenris?" he asked with a smile.

"That was long before china though is the thing" he said playfully.

"South America.....Colorado...."

Anubis blushed thinking about south america wondering when he had found him, Anubis had been kind of naughty in South America and had played Aztec god for awhile.

Byakko blushed as well.

"Yeah South America I was a little naughty" he chuckled scratching the back of his head.

"I....was....too...." he whispered.

Anubis looked at him surprised. "You were?" he asked curious on how a man like this could be nodded in the aztec civilization. With all of the death and the raw power that flowed around he could understand himself.

"I... wanted to be away from my normal life.... being...expected to be....responsible....all the time with no real childhood...." he whispered.

"Its alright Byakko, let me just say I understand you more then you think" he remembered his own childhood, he had to mature fast when he was young so he could survive in Egypt since so many of the gods hated him.

"I had to take father's place so soon...."

"You didnt have a chance to enjoy being a child you had to mature and hold your place in life so fast." He said understanding.

Byakko nodded. "Yes...."

"I understand completely Byakko" Anubis said in a kind tone. He remembered living with his mother when he would go to the market for her and he would have to look out for the gods and goddesses hidden among the people hunting he bastard son of Osiris as Isis made him out to be.

Byakko hugged him.

Anubis hugged him back tightly. "Let it out Byakko its alright I understand" he whispered softly to byakko knowing he had been holding it in so very long.

"I...Anubis... I'm sorry....I'm weak...." he whispered.

"You are not weak Byakko anyone who says that is a fool. For the strongest people in this world know that emotions give us strength. emotions give us life, you have been holding it in so long that you just have not known what to do with this pain inside of you Byakko. You are not weak and will never be weak in my eyes Byakko" he said in a strong loving fatherly tone as he hugged Byakko tight. He heard sobs rip themselves from Byakko as he broke down crying.

Byakko held onto him crying hard, hidding his face in Anubis's chest.

Anubis held onto him letting Byakko let it all out. He knew he needed this, to be able to finally let go. "You have been so strong for so long Byakko its ok to let it go, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." he whispered to Byakko. He felt Byakko's arms tighten around him at his words like a small child clinging to his father.

"Father....." he whispered. "I....I'm not strong......"

"You are strong you are very strong Byakko, I see it deep inside of you" Anubis stroked his hair gently.

"I... really?"

"Yes I would never lie to you Byakko, I see that you are strong and hold something great inside of your heart" Anubis said in that kind strong tone of his.

"Thank you....thank you....father...."

"Your always welcome my son" he said stroking Byakko's hair.

Byakko sighed, with a smile. "We should get some rest..."

"Yes we should" he stood and patted Byakko's head. "Until the morning comes" he chuckled.

Byakko laughed lightly. "Until then..." He headed off to his room.

Anubis headed off to his room thinking to himself, today had been an interesting day.

That it was....

Anubis froze and looked around.

I will not have you take what is not your's...

Anubis snarled. "Who are you?" he growled.


Anubis snarled, "Stay away from me and my family" he said darkly sensing for if Horus was near.

He didn't feel Anubis anywhere near. You have no family... and never will....

"I do have a family and if you ever come near them you bastard" he snarled, but it wasnt his family Horus wanted it was Anubis. He yelped as suddenly the shadows seemed to lash out grabbing him around his arms and legs. "Let go of me!" He snarled and tried to fight off the attack with his own magic.

I will have your power.... and your death.... The shadows pulled him into the shadows of the room, dumping him in a cell like room that made him feel that his power was being blocked.

Anubis roared in anger and slammed his fist into the wall. "Horus you bastard!" he roared out in anger. He dug his fingers into the stone wall as tears glistened in his eyes. His power was nothing compared to Horus's and he knew that. Horus was a mad jealous bastard and always had been and now Horus was going to kill him.

I will not have my power stripped from my being... not to be given to you... a bastard child!

"At least father was alive when I was concived! my mother didnt have to rape his corpse!" he snarled darkly at the voice.

My mother was married to him....your's is thewhore sister and wife of Seit....

"But father did not love your mother, he loved mine. I was the child concieved out of love not you!" he suddenly howled out in pain as one of the shadows lashed out like a whip cracking against his back. Anubis could feel his hot blood running down his back.

Mine was writen in the stars to be his wife, and him her husband....and I will not have you take what is rightfully mine.... and as for your spawns and their spawns.... I think I may ever take them as mine or maybe just strike them down.... he heard evil laugher.

"You bastard!" he snarled and slammed his fists against the wall. He collapsed to his knees in tears he was weak in this hell hole he could not call upon his magics he was useless. He would be drained and killed anad his family. His daughters his grandchildren, and his son Byakko. Horus would have his way and fun with them before slaughtering them as well.

Hmmm.... I wonder which if any of your spawn would make a dutyful wife.... The laugher continued.

Anubis felt the anger flood him. this wasnt his egyptian side coming to the surface. This was the wolf inside of him. Horus could not block that part of him. He roared in anger as his body suddenly shifted to a huge black werewolf and slammed into the wall. the bricks shook under the force and strained to keep him in.

What is this? Hmm... is that a yes.... I think I know it is going to be.....

Anubis felt the bricks strain. he backed up to the other side of the cell then charged. his body hit the wall hard and the wall shattered under his strength. Jumping out of the room he saw he was in a palace. he recognized the archtecture as an underworld palace. Snarling he stalked through the palace to find horus.

I wonder... how beautiful is the mother of those twins...?

Anubis snarled darkly his pace quickening as ihs sight grew red with anger.

He came up to a gold door.

Anubis didnt slow he sped up charging and slammed into the door busting it open sliding into what he knew was going to be the throne room.

Horus stood there, smirking at him. "Bastard brother..."

Anubis shifted back to his human form, in this chamber he felt he had his godly powers. "Jealous little fuck" he said back and watched the anger rise in his brother grow angery.

"I'm just taking what is mine by rights...." smirked Horus.

"Jeese you sound like a derranged prep school rich boy" Anubis mumbled to himself. "I have every right to be on this planet as you do Horus" he snarled. Osiris, if you can hear me please go to my family and protect them, Horus has captured me and has gone mad don't worry about me please just protect my family he sent it over a mind link that Horus could not intercept. As long as his family was protected thats all that mattered to him.

Horus smirked more. "You don't have any rights to my Father's powers or to mine by birth"

"He's my father also Horus" he snarled darkly.

"Seduced by my whore of an aunt..."

"He loves my mother! your mother had to fucking do him as a corpse!" he snarled darkly as he glared at the other man.

"It was her right as his WIFE!"

"He was a corpse!" Anubis hollared back. "If he truely loved witch of a mother he would have given himself to her with no questions asked! But no he did not want her at all. He was in love with my mother, and Seit excepted that of them! But your mother never did she wanted nothing to do with it! but to hold her place by his side she knew she had to bare him a son! so in that time he was dead she took her chance and then there you go popping out later" Anubis knew this because he had been born first had lived through Horus's conception and birth in the Egyptian gods.

"Be quiet, bastard child..."

"I will not!" he snapped and felt the dark power coursing in his veins, he realized they were in the underworld, and his body was taking in that sweet power like a starved man to a feast.

" are simply pathetic.... you will never have anything truly..."

"You should listen to your own words Horus for I have more then you ever will in your life" he said darkly he ha to keep absorbing the sweet power of the underworld without Horus noticing.

"I do have something... something you hold dear...." he smirked.

"And what is that?" Anubis growled.

"She is a beauty....her long hair.... and moonlite eyes..."

Anger seeped into his eyes as he snarled. "I'm going to kill you!" he roared and charged his body shifting into something totally new, have Anubian half werewolf.

Horus laughed. "I the Sun... and she the Moon...."

Anubis roared and charged, his speed faster which surprised Horus because next thing he knew Anubis was infront of him his claws tearing down his chest.

Horus shouted in surprise, and then jumped back in defense. "Temper... or I may see fit that she die instead of being my queen...."

Anubis growled his tail whipping back and forth.

"Good boy...." laughed Horus. "Sit..." he smirked.

Anubis snarled but obeyed sitting down. His claws digging into the tile floor.

Horus looked towards the broken down gold doors. "Go and kill the trespasser..."

Anubis growled and turned towards the doors he walked off praying he could chase them away from here so he wouldnt have to kill anyone close to him.

(Anubis is down below with Marek and Seth)

(I know lol)

Epoh looked down at herself. " I look...okay....?"

"You look very cute Epoh" he smiled seeing her in her adorable pajama's. "Come lets go get you some food then get you to bed" she lead her gently to the kitchen where Erebus was whipping something up. Tavia stood there in her long silk night gown with silk robe that made her look like some japanese queen.

Erebus turned around in his own silk pajama pants and bare chest holding a pant of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and wheat toast with strawberry jam on it. "What gorgeous girls I see before me..."

"Awww thank you my love" Tavia giggled and smiled she went over and kissed his cheek lovingly. "And what I handsome man I see before me" she said lovingly to him then went back to Epoh and lead her to her seat. "Here you are."

Erebus sat down the plate in front of Epoh as she got herself situated. "Th...thank you..." she whispered, and to which Erebus nodded with a smile.

"Enjoy sweetheart" Tavia patted the top of her head then went to go make herself a cup of tea.

She nodded, and slowly started to eat.

Tavia glanced at Epoh over her shoulder.

Erebus watched.

Epoh continued to eat slowly.

"How's the food sweetheart?" Tavia asked as she stirred her honey into her tea.

Epoh looked up. "It's....different...."

"Different?" she asked curiously as she sipped her tea.

She nodded, looking down.

"How come sweety?" she asked curiously.

"It's too new.....looking....." she whispered.

Tavia looked at Erebus for help she was confused on what Epoh was talking about.

Sounds like she had to eat trash....

Tavia gently hugged Epoh."Honey this is real food, good food for you" she said motherly and lovingly.


Tavia smiled gently. "Its good eat it" she said lovingly.

Epoh started to eat more of the food.

Tavia gently snuggled against Erebus letting Epoh eat in peace.

Epoh finished eating, and looking up at them.

"Was that good?" Tavia asked sweetly.

Epoh nodded. "Yes..." she whispered.

Tavia smiled. "Now your all bathed and fed lets brush your teeth and get you to bed." she said as she helped Epoh up and lead her off.

Epoh nodded, following.

Tavia taught Epoh to brush her teeth and soon was tucking her into bed. "Sleep well little Epoh you are safe here" she smiled down at her as she got Epoh comfortable snuggled in her bed.

Epoh yawned, nodding, and snuggled into the covers.

"Sleep well" Tavia whispered and left the room silently out to the hall where Erebus was waiting for her closing the door behind her gently. "She's a sweet little girl" she said softly looking up at him and blushed at the love filled gaze in his eyes of seeing her like that.

Erebus held her close. "Shall we...?" he whispered into her neck.

"Yes lets" she sighed lovingly burying herself into his arms for a moment before they headed off to their own bedroom.

Erebus felt back into the bed, holding her to his chest.

Tavia giggled burying herself against his chest as she felt him tug the covers up over them. "I love you so much." she said against him basking in his warmth and that rich scent of his she loved so much.

"I love you so much as well my love...."

"Mmmmm darling" she whispered snuggling with him and soon she drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later, Tavia was woken by something snuggling up against her chest.

"Hmm?" she opened her eyes and looked down to see what was there.

She saw Epoh snuggling up against her.

Tavia couldnt help but smile seeing her like that. "Sleep well little one" she whispered softly closing her eyes again wrapping an arm around Epoh as they snuggled together like mother and child.

When morning came, only she and Epoh laid in the bed.

Tavia looked around wondering where Erebus had gone to, she looked down at Epoh who was sound asleep against her chest. She smiled softly and gently stroked her hair as they laid there together.

"Two beautiful girls..." came Erebus's voice.

Tavia turned and smiled at him "Good morning sweetheart" she said softly and lovingly to her lover.

"How's our little visitor?"

"She's sleeping so peacefully" she whispered stroking Epoh's hair. "I must have made an impression on her last night" she smiled sweetly.

"You make an impression on everyone, love...."

"Your so sweet" she said lovingly gazing up at him. She gently slid out of Epoh's little grip laying her in their bed. she pulled up the blanket and stroked her hair then went over to Erebus wrapping her arms around his neck.

Erebus wrapped his around her waist and kissed her. "It's true..."

"Oh Erebus" she pulled him down kissing him deeply.

He kissed back deeply.

She giggled as his hands traced up her back while they ade out with one another.

He pulled back. "Alright... I'm going to go fix breakfast...."

"Alright, are our little ones up?" she asked curiously.

"Not yet... but all of the littles ones... our guest included need rest...."

"Yes so true, how about I help you make breakfast" she said lovingly.

"I'd love the help..."

"Wonderful" she kissed him softly before they headed off to the kitchen to get to cooking.

"I was thinking about waffles..."

"How about blueberry waffles?" she asked cutely.


Leading him off to the kitchen she got her apron on and began to get everything out to make their waffles.

Erebus started up the pan for the waffles, and also started some coffee.

Tavia looked cute as she began to mix the waffle batter for them.

Erebus quickly gathered abit of the batter on a finger, tasting it. "Mmmm...."

"hey no sticking your finger in the bowl" she said playfully, he couldnt help but notice a little bit of batter on her cheek.

"Oh really..." he said smiling, and then licked her face. "Delicious..."

Tavia giggled "Your so cute" she gave him a little kiss as she went back to mixing the batter.

"Thank you... so are you..."

"Well thank you" she playfully wagged her hips for him and giggled as his hands slid over them while she added the last of the ingrediants to the batter.

He nipped her neck. "So tasty..." he growled.

"Mmm sweet just for you" she purred playfully.

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

She leaned back into his arms and leaned her head back kissing his chin from the angle she was at.

"Love you..."

"Love you to" she just felt so happy just melting back into his arms.

Soon the smell of the waffles filled the air.

All of the kids woke up even little Epoh and were headed downstairs for breakfast.

Epoh came into the room behind all of the children who ran up to Tavia and Erebus.

"Little ones have you met Epoh?" she asked as they shook their heads. "Well my darlings this is Epoh" she said going over to her. "She's going to be staying with us."

The children all went up to her, smiling and giggling, introducing themselves.

Epoh nodded, trying to take it all in.

"Think of them as your new brother's and sisters" she giggled smiling down at Epoh.

"I.... okay..." she said shyly.

Tavia looked at Erebus for a little bit of help knowing little Epoh was uncomfortable.

"Epoh... why don't you come over here, and seat down for breakfast.... children, seat down too...."

They did as he told them. Epoh came over, and sat in a chair by Tavia.

Tavia patted the top of her head then began to serve the kids their breakfast. She saw Erebus tense up about something "Honey whats the matter?" she asked worriedly.

"I'll be back soon...." he said and kissed her cheek, before disappearing.

Tavia was worried.


"What is it baby?" Tavia asked looking at her son Oki.

"Bad things are happening in the shadows..."

"I know baby your father wouldnt have left like that if it wasnt something bad" she said patting Oki on the head.

"I know mama..."

"Now come on my little ones eat up." she smiled softly at them.

"Yes mama..." the children said, starting to eat.

Epoh nodded, and joined the others in the meal.

Tavia smiled at them as she sipped her coffee then got to eating her own meal hoping everything was alright.

Epoh pushed her plate away after a while.

"Are you alright little one?" Tavia asked worriedly hoping she had gotten enough.

"I'm okay..." she said softly. "I'm....just full...."

"Good I'm glad to hear that" she smiled at her. "Now my little ones why don't all of you head out to the livingroom to play" she smiled at them.

"Okay mommy!" they giggled, and ran off.

Epoh just sat quietly in her chair.

"You don't want to go play with them Epoh? I know they would love to have you join them" she said putting her hand on top of Epoh's head.

"I... I don't want to be a bother...."

"your not a bother at all" she smiled and pulled Epoh into a big hug twirling her in the air.

Epoh giggled softly, but then just pulled back her smile.

"Would you like to help me clean up?" she asked as she set Epoh down.

Epoh nodded. "Yes...."

Tavia smiled as she lead Epoh to start helping her to clean.

Epoh worked hard to help clean up.

Tavia smiled watching Epoh happy to see her opening up like this.

Epoh started to work at some marks on the counter.

"Your such a good little helper Epoh thank you" Tavia said with a smile and patted her head.

"You're welcome....." she said softly, looking up at her.

Tavia smiled then walked off over to finish scrubbing the mixing bowls she had used for cooking happy that Epoh was feeling comfortable with her.

Epoh moved over to another side of the room, and continued cleaning.

Tavia began to hum softly a beautiful song.

"What's that?"

"Oh its a lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was little" she smiled at Epoh.

"Oh....." she whispered.

"Something the matter Epoh?" she asked curiously.

"" she whispered.

Tavia looked at her worriedly wishing she would feel comfortable to open up.

"I'm sorry...." she whispered.

"Its alright sweetheart, don't worry" she placed her hand on the top of her head. 

Epoh quickly hugged onto Tavia.

Tavia kneeled down and hugged Epoh to her chest. "I have you little one, your safe here with me" she said softly.

"I... just want mama..."

Tavia's heart was broken she hoped with all of her heart she would be able to find Epoh's mother. "I promise Epoh with all my heart that I and my Husband Erebus will find your mother and bring you two back together." she hoped she could keep that promise.

Epoh just started to cry into Tavia.

Tavia hugged her tight letting her cry.

Epoh stopped crying after a bit.

"You feeling a little better sweetheart?" she asked looking down at Epoh.

Epoh looked up with her tear stained face. "I.... think so..." she mumbled.

Tavia gently pulled out a small cloth and wiped her face gently. "Its ok baby"

"I'm sorry...." she whispered.

"Don't be sorry, everyone needs to cry to let out the sadness inside them every once in awhile." Tavia smiled down at the little girl sweetly.

Epoh nodded. "I... I've just been told.... it's not good to cry...."

"Oh no no no Epoh never believe that. Sweetheart it is perfectly fine to cry, to let out those feelings deep down inside. It is not weak it is not bad, it shows how much you feel about the world." she said lovingly.

"But....but...." she mumbled looking up at her.

"But nothing" Tavia said sweetly putting her index finger on Epoh's lips. "I have cried many times in my long life and each time has made me stronger then before." she smiled a warm motherly smile. "So never feel weak from crying."

"" she muttered out.

Tavia looked at her surprised then her eyes softened with a smile. "Come my little one lets go play with the others" she picked her up in his arms as they headed out to join the others.

The day went off wonderfully as they family spent their time together,and night came once more, Tavia put all of her children to bed. She fell asleep that night and dreamed of her past, dreamed off her world.

Tavia was alone one day riding in the forest outside of the palace on her huge elven horse Nightshade. She rode around outside every day about the same time to keep her mind off of things inside the palace. She had been doing it so long she had not realized that she had gained the attention of one who lived in the forest. A ruler of a tribe of barbarians who had become infatuated with her.

During the ride, something or someone dropped from a tree onto the horse behind her, wrapping strong arms around and over her arm, holding her tightly to a firm chest. A hand was pressed against her lips, and a strong voice said softly, "Don't scream."

Tavia whimpered in her throat as she looked down at the arms of whoever was holding her tight. His arms were muscular and his skin golden brown he had tribal tattoos running up his forearms.

The hand over her lips moved to take up the reins of the horse, and the horse was guided to run off towards the mountains.

She wanted so badly to scream and fight, but she was just to scared she knew she was nothing compared to this man. So she just sat there silently as tears began to stream down her cheeks not knowing where he was taking her.

She could feel the man's warm breath on the back of her neck. "You wouldn't be harmed..." he whispered. The arm around her held her tightly to his chest. The horse was guided up into the mountains and a long a narrow path.

She looked around realizing where they were going into as they hours passed, they went from the safe forests of her home land shifting into the wild forests filled with the ancient magics of the world. She didnt believe him when he said she wouldnt be harmed, she was still so scared. 

The horse was lead into a narrow cave that had a high ceiling, but the man did not stop the horse, but continued deep into the cave. A few hours later, the man pulled back on the reigns, stopping the horse. She felt him slide from behind her, but even in the dark of the cave she knew that the reigns had not left his hand. She felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her down gently.

Tavia blinked trying to see the area around her, her eyes werent that good in pitch black like this. Under moonlight though she had amazing eyesight. She realized the man was making her keep her back to him. She didnt like that at all. She trembled with fear as he lead her along deeper into the cave system.

After a bit, he stopped them and sat her down against a cave wall, and then tied the reigns of the horse to something near by. She heard him start to move around near her, and she heard the sound of wood being gathered up and placed in some arangement. Then she heard the striking of flit against rock, and a spark light up the wood, making a fire, sending out light around the cave. She saw the golden brown of his muscled back and broad shoulders as he worked over the fire. She saw him unwrap fresh fish and start to set them on the flames.

She saw his long black hair pulled back in a long braid running down his back. On his back was more of those ancient looking tribal tattoos. "Why did you take me?" she asked in a soft whisper just wanting to know why.

He looked back at her over his shoulder, looking at her with deep forest green eyes. She felt her heart beat faster as he just stared into her eyes. "I am taking you to my tribe..." he simply said.

Tavia was frozen by how handsome the man was, and those eyes; like the wild forests themselves. She pulled her gaze from him and looked away.

He looked back at the fire as he cooked the fish. "I have been watching you..."

"You've been watching me?" she asked shyly looking up at his back with wide eyes.

"Yes... for many weeks...." he said in a strong voice, as he cooked.

"Many weeks?" she squeeked out shyly.

"Yes..." he said, looking back over at her. "I had spied you in the forest during a ride you were on many weeks ago.... I have watched you during many of your rides after...."

Tavia blushed at the tone of his voice. she didnt now what to say so she didnt say anything. he was kidnapping her, their wasnt anything for her to say to this man. She looked away from him unable to continue the conversaion with this strange man.

She felt him press into her hands a stick that had a nicely cooked fish in it. "Eat up... and then we will rest..."

Tavia blushed and nodded gently. She looked at the fish. He had gone through all the trouble of stealing her, he wouldnt hurt her with fish. Gently she nibbled one it.

The fish was delicious. The man was eatting his own silently,thoughwatching her as well.

Tavia blushed deeper red looking at her feet as she timidly nibbled on her fish. She was so confused and just wanted to go home. She knew she wasnt going to be sleeping for awhile since she just did not trust this man.

The man finished his fish, and started to work at cleaning up the rest of the fish, wrapping it up, and just cleaning of the area around the fire. "I won't harm you... nor will those of the tribe..."

Tavia finished her fish and gently set the stick down before puling her legs to her chest not saying anything. She looked so beautiful in the firelight even though she was so timid around him.

The man looked over at her, and then moved over to a nook in the cave walls. He soon came back over to her, draping a blanket of worked furs around her shoulders. He then moved over to the other side of the fire, sitting down cross-legged, just watching her silently.

She blushed as she snuggled in the warmth of the furs "Thank you sir" she said softly as she looked at him for a second then looked back down at the flames once more.

"Myskio..." he said softly with his strong voice, looking at her. "And you are welcome...."

"Myskio" she said softly to herself remembering it, hering her say his name set his body aflame. He wanted to hear her say it again and again. "You probably already know who I am" she said softly looking at him across the fire.

"The Lady Tavia... I have seen you ride back to the palace... I am sure you are considered a great part of the royal family's court..." he said, looking deep into her eyes. (just because she rides back to the palace doesn't mean she is one of the royal family... lol ^_^ )

(Very true) She blushed and looked away. "I'm not that important at court" she said softly. "They don't need me for much there" she said softly mainly to herself, he could see the sadness in her eyes.

"You are not? You have such a soul that sings out with importants..." he said. "Please do not be sad...I truly do not wish to harm you an any way....."

"Please forgive me I just cannot bring myself to believe you" she said softly and shyly looking away from him. He could understand since she did not know him.

Myskio nodded. "As you wish.... though as a warrior of the Kyutogui have my word on my honor..."

Tavia went wide eyed and scooted up as far back from him as the cave would alow her. "Your one of teh Barbarians" she rasped out scared from what she had been told about his people the horror stories her father the king had told her.

"We are Barbarians only to those that do not know us or our ways..." he said calmly, though there was a sadness in his eyes from her fear.

She took deep breath and let it out. "I am sorry, its just after so many years of listening to the king it was an automatic reaction" she said softly. "You have been nothing but nice to me" she said shyly.

"You mean besides kidnapping you.... the king knows not what our tribe is about nor the history that we have..." he said calmly.

"He fears what he does not know" she said softly and calmly as well looking at her hands. She shivered as a breeze blew into the cave.

Myskio stood up and moved over to her, sitting down right beside her. He then pulled the furs closer around her, and then pulled her against his chest, an arm wrapped around her shoulders, as he laid back against the cave wall.

Tavia let out a little squeek when he had pulled her against his chest. She then to her own surprise gently snuggled against him and his warmth which felt so good from the cold air of the cave.

"Sleep... rest... Lady Tavia...." he said softly, holding her close. She could feel the steady beat of his heart and the steady raise and fall of his chest, as they sat there, Myskio just staring into the flames of the fire.

Again to her own surprise she snuggled against him comfortably and soon ended up falling fast asleep against the man she did not know.

The smell of cooking fish felled Tavia's nose and dream.

Tavia was pulled from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes waking up and sat there snuggled in the furs. Opening her eyes she saw Myskio once more at the fire cooking. But this time he was facing her as he cooked.

Myskio looked up at her. "You're awake.... rest well?" he asked, as he looked back down at the fish, checking it.

"Yes surprisingly" she said sweetly sitting there curled up. She still feared him but not as much as they day before. The feeling inside of her was more one of excitment over the thought of what she would learn fro him.

"I am glad to here" he said handing over some fish for her to eat. "Eat up.... we have more traveling to do..."

"Thank you" she whispered taking the fish and nibbling on it again.

Myskio started to eat his own fish, and when he was finished, he started to clean up the fish and the fire pit from the previous night.

Tavia ate her fish as she watched this handsome man before her. He was so different then the men where she was from. Their was a comforting feeling to him.

Myskio looked back over at her once he finished the clean up. "We need to get moving again..."

Tavia nodded gently standing. She had finished up her fish and had tossed the stick in the firepit where she had seen him toss his. Hugging the furs around her she waited for his instructions on what to do.

Myskio untied the horse, and walked it over to her. Without asking, he took her by her waist, and lifted her up onto the horse's back, before leaping up behind her and wrapping an arm around her waist. He gently nudged the horse to start walking, and lead the horse farther into the cave, and when the cave came to a fork, he nudged the horse off to the left.

She blushed as he held his hand around her waist. Instead of like before where his touch seemed to bring only fear. After just from the little bit of time together his touch brought something else. A heat inside of her that the touch of no other man had ever brought her. Her nose filled with his rich earthy scent that was all male as she took the time to feel his strong muscular body. She blushed softly under her hair. She shouldnt be thinking things like this about the man who kidnapped her that she didnt know.

A light began to grow from the darkness around them, until they rode out into a great valley. Fields of farm lands, different sizes of huts, all surrounding a large central hut. There were stables with many different kinds of beasts and horses. "Home..." Myskio said, looking out at the valley.

"Its beautiful" she said gasping at the sight before her. Their was a warm earth bound feel to it; that these people truely did live with the earth around them at peice. She saw by the huts were some of the most beautiful trees that seemed to be a sentinel of each home. While for the main hut their was a large ancient tree winding into the sky. She suddenly blushed as she felt his hand tighten slightly against her stomach. His touch sending fire into her. She wondered for a moment what it would be like to feel skin on skin with such a man. She shook her head chasing away the thoughts. But it made her wonder though deep down inside what he was feeling about her.

Myskio lead the horse down a path into the valley, and down into the paths that ran between the homes and other structures. He lead the horse down to one of the stables, before getting off, and gently pulling her down of the horse as well. A young boy was working in the stable came over at a wave from Myskio. "Take her to the main hut....I will tend to the horse..." he said.

The young boy nodded. "Yes sir..." Looking at Tavia, the boy said, "This way, miss....follow me...." He quickly took her hand and pulled her away from the stables as Myskio started to lead her horse into the stable to brush it down and tend to it.

Tavia looked back for just a moment seeing Myskio's strong rippling covered in that golden tattooed skin of his. Her heart skipped a beat as he vanished off into the huge stables. She turned and nervously followed the young boy heading to the huge hut in the middle of the village. She blushed as she noticed people watching her. Her nerves were rattled to the bone and she just felt so scared.

The young boy took him up to the large central hut, then lead her inside. All around were pillows and furs of all colors and textures. The room seemed smaller on the inside than on the outside, with at the center of the room having a large chair for what would be the leader. There were doors behind the chair, showing that there were multiple rooms in this large hut. The young boy looked up at her. "You can wait here...." he said. "Our leader and brother will be here soon....."

"Thank you" she said softly standing there looking around the room. She felt so nervous standing here in this hut all alone. Letting out a long breath she sighed hugging herself.

A young woman came into the hut carrying a basket of fresh fruits. She looked at Tavia, and then quickly carried the basket into on of the rooms behind the chair. She wasn't gone for long though, for she came back just as quickly. "You are here to to see our leader?" she questioned.

Tavia blushed at the young woman, she was quite beautiful. She had long deep brown hair that curled around her body and that same golden brown skin as Myskio. "Your leader brought me here, he asked me to wait here for him" she said shyly and softly standing there.

The woman nodded. " will get drinks and food ready..." she said as she pushed Tavia down into some of the pillows, and then hurried off into another room again.

Tavia sat down on the large lush pillow and pulled her legs to her chest feeling so nervous being here. She wondered who that woman was. A servant maybe, or even a wife or lover. She had heard the stories of the Barbarians keeping multiple wives but she didnt know. The thought of him having a woman it made her heart ache. But also to her surprise their was a small bit of jealousy and possesiveness inside of her. Over the way he had held her on their ride to his home his arm tightly around her body. His gentleness in holding her as she fell asleep the night before, she wanted to be the only one he did that to. She shook her head again. I shouldnt be thinking these thoughts about a man I do not know she said to herself as she sat there.

The young woman came back into the room, and sat down a tray that had a pitcher of some sort of liquid and three cups on it. She sat down across of her, and poured out the drinks, and then passed a cup to Tavia. "Drink.... it will not harm you.... it will help you regain your energies....."

Myskio soon walked into the hut, sitting or falling into some of the pillows near Tavia. The young woman handed him a cup before taking up a cup herself. Myskio drink down the liquid with a sigh. "The best..." he said gently. He looked at Tavia. "It is the best wine in the region....made from the rippest fruits of the mountian..."

Tavia gently sniffed it, it smelled sweet. Gently she sipped it, as soon as the taste touched her tounge she nearly moaned in ecstasy, this was better then any wine she had tasted in her life as a princess. She turned red because of the sound she had made.

The young woman smiled and said, "I see that she is enjoying the wine...."

Myskio nodded, smiling at her.

"The wine is truely delicious, I havent tasted a wine like this before" she said shyly and quite adorably.

Myskio nodded. "Not many not from these mountians have.... you are one of the few...."

The young woman then said, "It is a recipe that has been in our family for centuries...."

"I am honored to be able to taste something so magnificent thank you" she sipped it again letting the sweet rich taste roll over her tounge. It made a warmth fill her body that she didnt want to go.

The young woman stood up, moving the pitcher of the wine infront of Myskio and Tavia. She kissed Myskio's cheek. "I'll leave you two to talking...I have duties to get to..." she said, and then left the hut.

Myskio nodded as she left, and sipped his wine, watching Tavia.

Tavia lookd down at her glass. So they were close. Probably one of his many wives. Gently she ran her index finger over the rim of the glass thinking to hersef about this strange man who had kidnapped her.

"Your mind is troubled...." he said simply, watching her still.

"Its nothing don't worry yourself over it" she said as she sipped the wine again getting lost in its delicious taste.

"There must be something.... Lady Tavia for you to look so sad....besides what brought you here...."

"I'm fine don't worry yourself over it, its nothing Myskio" she took another gulp of wine. It tasted better the more she drank it, and it numbed out this strange jealousy she was feelng towards that woman over this man who had kidnapped her. She didnt know why she was feeling like this.

"I do hope that Sasia did not talk your ear off Lady Tavia.... sometimes she becomes excited when meeting an outsider...." Myskio said calmly, sipping more wine.

"She didnt say much to me" Tavia said softly running her index finger over the rim of the glass again. She took a deep breath and let out just thinking about other things then this gorgeous man beside her.

"That's strange...." Myskio said softly, looking towards the enterance to the hut. "None of the young tribe men had better have broken her heart...."

Tavia instantly calmed at this but suddenly felt like an immense idiot. Some how she knew Sasia was his sister. He stomach suddenly growled in hunger. "Oh heavens" she blushed putting her hand on her stomach, she hadnt eaten since that morning and just having wine in ehr stomach was making her hungry for a meal.

Myskio looked at her and then laughed lightly. "It sounds like you are greatly hungry.... I am having a feast made.... and I am glad that you seem to be more relaxed now though...." He smiled gently. "Tell me the truth....who did you think Sasia was?"

"A wife or a lover" she felt her face heat and knew she was blushing bright red. She took another sip of her wine.

"Some times she acts like out mother.... but never my lover or wife.... my tribe believes in true love...."

"I see, again assumed from the storied I had heard aout your people" she said softly before finishing the last of her wine and setting her cup on the tray.

"I have heard many of these stories....." he said and sat down his own cup. "I do though wish to make your stay here comfortable...."

"Thank you Myskio" tucking her hair behind her ear she looked over at him. he looked so gorgeous, those rippling muscles. that golden brown tattooed skin of his that made her just want to run her tongue over each one.

Myskio stood up, and as if on que another young man came into the hut. "The feast is prepared...."

"Good..." Myskio said calmly. He looked down at Tavia, and then offered her his hand. "Shall we...?"

Tavia blushed and nodded "Yes lets" she gently took his hand. She let out a small squeak an giggle as he pulled her up into his strong arms, she ended up flat against his chest.

Myskio smiled softly down at her. "Are you alright?" he ask gently.

Tavia blushed "Yes I'm alright" she said cutely pulling from his arms standing up straight. Gently she nibbled her bottom lip adorably. "Lead the way" she smiled softly up at him.

Myskio nodded, smiling gently. He lead her from the hut, and out into the village. Gathered together, the whole tribe was sitting or coming to sit at many long tables. Sasia, along with another woman and young man, was sitting at a smaller table that had two seats left, both in the middle of the table. Myskio walked Tavia over to that smaller table and to the seat right next to Sasia. He pulled out the chair for her.

"Thank you Myskio" she blushed and smiled cutely taking the seat then let him push it in for her. "Wow this is all so beautiful" she said gazing over the huge feast as some of the people were setting up the huge plates of food and pouring more of the delicious wine.

Myskio sat down in the seat that separated her and Sasia from the other woman and man. He looked out at everyone. "My tribe.... this feast is in welcome of my guest..... the Lady Tavia.... she is to be treated with all of the respect you show me...."

There was a cheer as he finished.

Tavia blushed bright red sitting there and gave a little wave of her hand as they finished their cheer. As the people went back to their food and the music of a small band began to play.

Myskio looked down and over at her, passing her a bowl filled with fruit. "Fruit, Lady Tavia...?"

Tavia smiled at him. "Yes thank you" she took a couple of peices and gently placed them on her plate. Picking up one of them she began to eat savoring int he delicious taste.

Myskio smiled softly, and turned to his plate and to answer the young man and woman on his other side. Sasia looked at her, smiling. "How is the feast?"

"The food and drink is wonderful and the music is beautiful" she smiled sweetly at Sasia.

"I am very glad you think so...." Sasia said. She then leaned over and whispered, "You are blushing....."

"I am? oh my" she blushed redding putting her hands on her cheeks unable to hid it. Gently she picked up a peice of fruit and nibbled on it trying to calm down. she felt the heat fade from her face as she ate and focused on the music.

Myskio looked down at her, and gently smiled. "Enjoying yourself...."

Tavia smiled up at him. "yes very much so thank you" she said sweetly before she took a drink of her wine. She liked how kind and gentle he was being with her. But there was a part of her. A small part int he back of her head, the woman that would read hours and hours of romance novels that wished he would do more. Like sweep her into his arms and kiss her ferociously with unbridled need. She turned red thinking about it and tried to get it out of her head. "The feast is beautiful, the food is delicious and the music is wonderful."

"It is in your honor...Lady Tavia...." Myskio said softly. "Tonight... I must speak to you more..."

Tavia blushed and nodded. "alright" she said cutely looking up at him with her big silver eyes.

Sasia leaned over to Tavia. "You're blushing again...." she whispered.

Tavia squeeked putting her hands over her face shyly looking down at her lap.

"Brother.... I think I should take the Lady Tavia back to the hut... she seems tired fromt he journey...." said Sasia politely, offering a hand to Tavia.

Myskio nodded. "It was indeed a long her Sasia...."

"Yes I am quite tired and I would like to bathe after such a trip" Tavia said with a small little yawn before taking her hand and gave a little nod to Myskio before she walked off with the woman. "Thank you" she said gently as they walked off to the hut together.

Sasia smiled and nodded. "Thank you...Lady Tavia...for what you have brought to our tribe...."

"What do you mean by that?" Tavia asked curiously not understanding what a woman like her could bring to them anything other then trouble.

"You have brightened the eyes of Myskio...and now all the tribe knows it was you that had done so....he had been sad from so long.... but then he started coming back to the tribe with a sparkle in his eyes..."

Tavia turned bright red. "Really?" she asked softly and sweetly thinking about it. Did she really have that much effect on a man before he had even met her?

"You are blushing again.... you love him don't you?"

"Oh no no no I barely know your brother at all to say something like that. Its just where I'm from I'm not used to the attentions of such a handsome man.Lets just say I've spent way to many nights in the palace library reading romance novels lusting after the moments where a man kisses his woman with true passion and need for her. Drinking down her lips as if they were the only thing that would keep him alive.The touch of skin on skin setting their bodies a flame. Where between each other they are each other's world. Able to say even the smallest things to one another and make each other smile and laugh. All the while deep inside their hearts they know they belong together. " She slapped her hand over her mouth suddenly realizing what she had said. "Oh my I've never told anyone that." she said shyly looking at Sasia blushing brighter red because she was Myskio's sister.

"And yet... you do... it's causing you to babble..." she giggled.

Tavia couldnt help but giggle as well. "Like I said we'll see how it turns out, so I was wondering do you have a bath house or something along those lines?" she asked curiously not knowing that the village cheif's hut; Myskio's hut had one built in.

"This way.... there is a back enterance to Myskio's hut.... through the bath house..." she said with a smile.

"Alright" she smiled back and followed Sasia. Upon reaching the bath house she stood and watched as Sasia prepared a lovely bath for her. "Thank you so much Sasia I deffinantly need it. It will be great to get out of my riding leathers" she undressed and slid into the bath with a happy sigh as the hot water caressed her body. Unknown to her as she sat there. Sasia switched out her clothes for something a little more 'comfortable' for that night between Myskio and Tavia once she was done with her bath and he was back from the feast. Tavia pulled her hair ontop of her head before dunking a wash cloth in the hot steamy water she placed it over her eyes and laid her head back for a few moments just melting into the sensations. Her mind began to wander thinking about Myskio in all sorts of situations from her romance novels. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind, she couldnt give into carnal lusts like that no matter how deliciously sexy Myskio was. Gently she nibbled on her bottom lip. Her mouth watered at teh thought of licking that golden brown skin, running her tongue over each of his tattoos lingering taking her sweet time to caress them all. "No no no no no" she shook her head and scrubbed her face trying to push the thoughts out of her mind.

"Tavia...." came Sasia's voice. "If you stay in too long you may faint..."

Tavia pulled teh wash cloth off and blinked a couple of times. "Thank you Sasia" she called out to the other woman as she climbed out of the bath. She found a big fluffy towel waiting for her and dried off. Just thinking she was going to put her riding leathers back on she looked around for them, then she spotted what had replaced her clothes. It was the same green as Myskio's eyes. Gently Tavia picked it up and looked at it blushing bright red. Sliding it on she looked at herself in the mirror in the small bath house. She looked like some ancient forest goddess. The fabric was so soft and draped over her body elegantly while the stitching of the dress hugged her body in all the right places. it was sleeveless with a plunging neckline over her ample chest. Along the side their was a long slit running up the dress to her thigh revealing her long elegant legs. She had never looked so sexy in her life. "Oh heavens" she blushed looking at herself.

"Is all alright, Lady?"

"Yes I'm alright Sasia" she turned and walked to the door that Sasia's voice was coming from going through it.

The door headed into a bedroom, that held a huge bed. Sasia was pulling down the sheets that looked handmade, yet very soft.

Tavia looked around the room. It was just what she imagined the cheif of this village would have. The huge bed was beautifully carved from ancient looking wood while the sheets themselves seemed softer then anything from her kingdom. Furs decorated the walls along with a few tribal masks and decorations. On one wall a small section was dedicated to a sword and dagger collection of un matched beauties. on the other wall their was a large dresser with wood carvings of the great feline beasts of the ancient forests sitting ontop of it flanking a mirror. Tavia smiled as she saw what looked to be make up and other feminine needs on a tray sitting ontop next to a pitcher and two glasses. She guessed their was probably more of that delicious wine in the pitcher. "Do you know when your brother will be done with the feast?" she asked just standing there. She was tempted to put on some of the make up to look beautiful for Myskio.

"It should be soon....though knowing Deaina and Loeko, they'll be talking his ear off.... Deaina been after Myskio's heart for years..."

Tavia felt comfortable around Sasia and decided to go over to the mirror. She looked at all of the things as she spoke. "Why is it your brother hasnt picked a woman from the tribe to be his wife?" she asked curiously as she found some black liquid eyeliner. Thats all she would need for her eyes. She gently traced above and below her eyes. The black of the liner was darker then she had ever seen before and made her eyes look feirce and sexy. She looked at everything to see if there was anything she could place on her lips.

"Because... he had never found one that made his heart soar...."

"I see" she said softly thinking about it all. She found a soft pink lip color in one of the little containers. "Thank you for everything Sasia" she said turning and looking over at the other woman for a moment before looking back in the mirror. Gently she painted it on her lips. it made them look plump and all the more kissable while still accentuating the rest of her. She liked the way she looked in this but wondered what it would be like if she had jewelry to go with the garmet. It was from living n a palace all her life she couldnt help but wonder.

Sasia came up behind her. "I have a wonderful feeling about tonight....and the coming days..." she said, and slipped an emerald necklace around her neck.

Tavia gasped. "Oh Sasia its beautiful" she said running her fingers across it. The necklase was done in a dark silver tone, it was a series of small chains connecting together in the shape of a V almost int eh way it was shaped. while the emeralds decorated the peice popping from the metal. Gently she caressed the necklace and smiled at Sasia. "I hope it all goes well" she said softly with a sweet smile. They heard footsteps coming into the other room of the hut. "It must be Myskio"

Sasia nodded, and slipped from the room.

The door openned. "Lady Tavia...." came his voice. He stood in the doorway looking at her, watching her.

Tavia turned and faced him standing there in the gown. She watched as his eyes widened a little bit gazing over her. subtly she moved her body so the slit in the night gown showed her long leg. Her eyes couldnt help but catch watching as his tounge licked his lips unconciously as his eyes filled with a fire of lust it was a look that she had craved a man that she wanted as much in return would look at her some day. It was the type of look that a man knew what he wanted and was about to do anything to have it. Standing there her hair was still a bit wet from her bath. The droplets of water slid down the curve of her neck down to between her breasts, his eyes couldnt help but follow. She didnt know what to say to him as she stood there so she said the only thing she could think of as his gaze made things low inside of her tighten. "Myskio" she said softly as she stood there before him.

Myskio moved towards her with great speed, wrapping his arms around her, and then with out noticed, kissed her deeply.

Tavia made a small sound in her throat before she melted against him. His lips tasted like the wine he had been drinking as he smelled so earthy and rich while he held that scent that was all man. She felt his tongue caress her lips and she more then willingly let it in. The kiss held such passion as his tongue stroked and caressed the inside of her mouth. wrapping her arms around his neck she melted against his strong body letting him have the reigns as they kissed.

Myskio slowly pulled back from the kiss, yet he arms were still wrapped around her. "You.... look wonderful...." he whispered in his strong voice. "Don't be scared.... but.... I have been wishing to kiss you like that for days...."

"I'm not scared" she said in a soft sweet tone. "I trust you" her voice held promise as they gazed into each other's eyes. "And you can thank your sister for the way I look she switched out my clothes when I was in the bath, but I must say I wasnt against the idea wearing this for you" she said in a soft lovely tone.

"Truly?" he asked, his eyes not leaving her eyes.

"Yes truly, I don't know what it is about you but something in my heart tells me I can trust you, Its a feeling that tells me not to be scared." she ran her hands down his biceps finally able to feel them like she had wanted to for the last few days.

Myskio kissed her lips softly, and then kissed her neck. Into her ear, he whispered, "I wish you would be mine..."

"Myskio" she whispered softly at that sound of his voice. Filled with lust and wanting of her. "I wouldnt be standing here like this infront of you if I wasnt thinking something similar" she moved her face and captured his lips with hers kissing him once more.

Myskio deepened the kiss, lifting her in his arms. He carried her to the bed, laying her down, deepening the kiss more with the support of the bed.

Tavia ran one of her legs down the side of his body as their lips hungerly sought each other out. She felt his hand trace down her back but suddenly stop for just a moment as if timid on what he was feeling.She knew what he had found. It was the scars she had there from being whipped as a child.

Myskio growled. "Who dear do that to you?" he said in a growling whisper.

"It was a long time ago Myskio, when I was nothing but a mere child, m..." she stoped herself from saying her father. She couldnt tell Myskio that she was the eldest daughter of the Elven people, not yet. "The elven king grew angry with me one day, he said I was nothing but a nusiance in the way. he took me to a part of the castle. a large open expanse that looked like a temple in its beauty but was really a place of pain. He chained me between two stone pillars and whipped me for hours until my blood ran as water should down my back. I was almost dead after that incident. If it hadnt been for my mother I would have been dead." Tears glistened in her eyes "I've never told anyone that before" she whispered softly looking away from him.

Myskio moved so that he was leaning back against the bed's headboard. He pulled her up close to his chest gently. "No child should ever be treated like that....we do not punish child as such....nor anyone... he will pay..." he whispered.

"Myskio" she whispered not believing the words he had said. She gazed up into his eyes longingly. No man had ever treated her like he was. Suddenly to his surprise she strattled his lap and leaned in kissing him.

Myskio kissed back, holding her close. "We don't... have to do anything... you... Tavia...." he whispered in his strong voice, before deeply kissing her.

Tavia kissed him hungerly for a few moments before pulling back only a little bit. "I want to forget all of my pains and troubles of the past this night Myskio." she captured his lips once more passionately as she felt his hands trace the contours of her back. Her cheeks flushed as she felt his manhood grow rigid beneath her.

"Be my Tavia..." he said hungerly, pulling her closer.

"Yes Myskio, I wish to belong to no one but you" she kissed him with that same fiery hunger in her veins. Her soul called out to this man.

Myskio carefully put her on her back, kissing her. He slid his hands down and up her legs and sides.

Tavia sighed into his lips at the feeling of his callused hands on her soft soft skin. She heard him groan in approval at the feel of her body beneath his hands.

Slowly yet shiftly, her gown was up a bit and his manhood had entered her as he held her closer.

Tavia gasped as he penetrated her, he was so big but it felt so right. "Myskio" she gasped pulling from his lips. Her legs rubbed against his pants which were still on him a bit. At that moment they were both feeling the same thing as he thrusted into her They wanted clothes gone, they wanted to really feel each other and enjoy each other this evening.

Myskio's pants slipped off, as he slipped her gown up over her head. He pressed against her more, moving his lips from her's down to her chest, to her breasts, moving in and out of her slowly yet passionately.

That night they took it slow and easy for their first time but it wasnt any less amazing with one another. They made love for hours and curled up in Myskio's bed falling fast asleep together.

Tavia awoke the next morning curled against his golden brown skin their bodies slick with sweat from their night of passion and the hot humid night itself. Gently she traced the tattoo on his chest with her fingertip as he slept. She laid there thinking about how she was going to tell him who she really was. This man was so amazing and kind she wished no harm to fall to him or his people. She was scared that her father would find them and greatly harm them for taking her, even if her father didnt truely love her. She still belonged to him in his eyes.

Myskio's hand gently brushed up and down her back.

Tavia looked up and watched as he opened those beautiful green eyes of his. "Good morning" she said before laying a soft kiss on his chest over his heart.

Myskio sighed. "Good morning... my did you rest?"

"I slept wonderfully Myskio" she smiled nuzzling his chest. She didnt want to leave that moment there with him but she knew he was an important man.

Myskio tilted up her chin and kissed her deeply.

Tavia sighed into the kiss, enjoying the sweet taste of his lips. After a few moments she pulled back and reached up caressing his cheek. "Tell me Cheiftan what are your plans for this day?" she asked pushing herself up a little bit holding herself over him. She giggled as he gazed at her with pure love and happiness in his eyes.

"That would be a surprise..." he said softly yet strongly, with a smile.

"Oh?" she asked curiously moving so she was sitting there on his bed on her knees now, her soft pale golden blonde hair curled around her, chunks of it hanging down over her breasts.

Myskio sat up. "Yes...a surprise...." he said, and leaned over, kissing her. "And I would hope you will enjoy it..."

"Now I'm really excited to see what it is" she giggled giving him a little kiss back and climbed out of bed. "Umm what should I wear?" she asked curiously. as she stood there.

"What you have on now it nice.... very wonderful...." he said lustfully.

"Oh is it?" she asked spining around for him. "But I don't think you would appreciate if the other men saw me like this."

"I'll have to have Sasia bring you something nice then...." Myskio said. He stood up, and pulled back on his pants. He walked over to her, scooping up her gown from last night and handing it to her. "Come... I am sure my dear sister has breakfast waiting for us in the main room...."

"Thank you" she smiled and slipped on the gown. She then looped her arms in his arm and laid her head against his shoulder as they headed to the main room together.

In the center of circle of pillows was a small feast of fruits, cheese, bread, juice and wine. "Sasia though younger has always mothered me..." Myskio mused to Tavia with a smile.

"Oh wow it looks fabulous" she walked over and sat down on the soft pillows. "I must thank your sister" she giggled as she poured two glasses of wine.

Myskio sat down, and pulled her against him taking the glass from her, and sipping from it.

Tavia curled against his side and drank from her glass as well basking in the moment together. She picked at the food and moaned in ecstasy at the richness of it all, she really could get used to this.

Sasai came into the hut. "Good Tavia...." she said softly with a smile.

"Sasia good morning" she smiled and bowed her head gently to her before taking another sip of her wine.

"Morning sis...." Myskio said. "How are the preparations coming?"

"They are going good brother..." she said, joining them in the pillow circle.

Tavia just sat there eating a peice of fruit knowing they werent going to tell her so she wasnt going to ask.

Sasia smiled over at Tavia. "Sleep well?"

"I slept wonderfully thank you Sasia" she said before nibbling on a peice of bread.

Sasia smiled. "That is wonderful...."

"Sasia...I was thinking about taking Tavia around the village..." Myskio said, "could you go tell the boys to get Tavia's horse ready..."

Sasia nodded, and left the hut.

"Oh no we forgot to ask her about clothes" Tavia suddenly squeaked out.

As if on que, Sasia came back in with riding gear. "Lady Tavia... you may use my gear for riding...your's are being washed...."

"Oh thank you Sasia you seem to have read my mind" she giggled and smiled taking the clothes. "I'm going to go change." she took the gear and headed into the bedroom to change.

When she finished she blushed gazing at herself. the riding gear of their people was much more different then her own people. Their's reminded her of some ancient amazon tribe. But that also was the fact that Tavia had more bust and hips then Sasia so she filled the outfit out alot more. She pulled on a pair of knee high boots the fit wonderfully. After which she finished the outfit with a pair of elbow length fingerless leather gloves and pulled her hair back. "Alright I'm ready" she said as she walked into the other room where Myskio was waiting. the look on his face when she walked out se wished she could bottle up and keep with her forever.

Myskio lead over her horse. "She's been brushed down, and readied..." he said to her.

"Thank you" she smiled at Myskio then gently went over to her horse. "Hi sweetheart" she stroked her horse's snout as she neighed happily to have her mistress back. "Are you going to tell me yet where we're headed?" she asked with a smile looking over at Myskio.

"We are going to head around the edge of the valley...."

"Oh that sounds like fun" she giggled and smiled playfully as she went around to the side of her horse and easily mounted her. Tavia knew she shouldnt be doing this, she shouldnt be spending more time with him. The more time she stayed here teh more in trouble his people would be. But she couldnt help what her heart was feeling.

Myskio nodded, and leapt up behind her, wrapping an arm around ehr waist, holding her close. He nudged the horse, and they started off in the the fields around the village.

Tavia leaned back in his arms as she enjoyed the feeling of the breeze on her face as they rode together. She felt his thumb trace small circles on her stomach and couldnt help but sigh. Gazing around it was all so beautiful before her. "Magnificent" she said as they road through the village.

Myskio lead them up to the edge of the valley, near the mountain's edge, and lead the horse on that edge. "I'm glad that you think so Tavia..." he said. "I wish to share it all with you...."

Tavia felt her heart flutter at his sweet sweet words. She blushed and laid back against him. "Myskio before you truely mean that there is something you should know about me" she said softly. he could see the tension in her body. Feel the stiffness in her muscles.

"Tavia..." he said softly in his strong voice. "You can tell me anything...please know that...."

Gently she took his hand in hers intertwining their fingers. "Myskio, I'm... I'm the eldest daughter of the Children of the forest. I'm the eldest daughter of the Elven King. If I stay here with you, like I crave so much to do your people will all be in so much danger, he will come and look for me" she brushed the tears from her eyes with her free hand.

Myskio held onto her hand, and wrapped his arm around her, holding her closer. He burried his face in her neck. "Tavia...I love you...." he whispered. "And from what you had said last night.... I am never going to let him take you back again...I will protect you with my life...."

"But your people" she turned looking up at him surprised. She couldnt let him sacrifice himself and his people for her. tears glistened in her eyes like diamonds in the night sky. She gasped blushing as his mouth locked with hers in a deep passionate kiss.

Myskio slowly moved from the kiss. "Tavia.... my Tavia... you have given me new life... from the first I saw people would.... no I know they will protect their new Cheiftess..." he said gently.

"Oh Myskio, I love you so much" she said pulling him down for another kiss. It lasted a few moments before she pulled away. "Now why don't we continue on our way my handsome Cheiftan" she nuzzled his cheek and smiled that she pulled a smile from him. She made a click sound with her tounge and her horse continued walking along the path.

Myskio leaned into her neck and kissed it. He whispered into her ear, "Marry me?"

Tavia blushed and looked up at him surprised. "Myskio" She smiled as tears of joy filled her eyes. "I would be honored to call myself your wife, even though I havent known you that long I feel so in love with you, that its meant to be" she pulled him down into a long luxorious kiss.

"As do I..." he said lovingly. "I love you so much...." He kissed her again. "Thank you.... my Tavia...." he whispered.

"No, thank you my Myskio" she said back, a giggle escaped her as she felt him nuzzling her neck as they continued riding together around the valley enjoying the feel of each other. They returned to the village in the afternoon Tavia was unaware of what Myskio had, had his people up to all day.

As they rode into the village, Tavia noticed that there was no one in sight.

"Myskio.. where is everyone?" she asked worriedly thinking it was something bad.

Myskio lead her towards the center of the village. Veils and other fabrics hung in decoration. A large feast prepared, all of the village waiting...waiting for them. "They are waiting for us..."

She gasped staring at it all. "Oh heavens, its gorgeous" she blushed seeing all of them dressed in their finest clothes. She looked down at herself and blushed in her leathers. "I'm so not dressed for this"

Sasia hurried over to Tavia. "Come...Come.... this way..."

Tavia hurried off as Sasia held her arm tightly.

Sasia took her into one of the huts were over a chair laid a long white gown. "This is for the celebration...."

Tavia held up the gown, another strapless number, It was simple yet extrodinary. She had never seen anything like it. gently she ran her hand over it as tears glistened in her eyes. "Thank you Sasia" she said with a smile

"My brother loves you so much, Lady Tavia....I assume you agreed....?"

Tavia nodded. "Yes I most certainly do, I really do" she smiled and brushed the tears of happiness from her eyes. "I havent known him for that long but I love him so much." She couldnt help but keep smiling.

Sasia smiled. "I'm so to getting you ready for the ceremony..."

Tavia smiled and stripped out of the riding leathers. Sasia helped her rub a sweet smelling oil across her skin which seemed to make it shine with a light of its own. After which she slid on the breath taking gown. It fit her as if it had been made specially for her. it was a strapless gown that shimmered with small crystals. While the lower on the fabric you moved down though it looked as if it was made out of feathers giving her an almost heavenly appeal to her. She took a seat gently and closed her eyes letting Sasia work on her hair make up and jewelry all in one.

"You look so of teh heavens, Lady Tavia..." Sasia whispered. "So beautiful...."

Tavia opened her eyes and her heart nearly stopped seeing herself in the mirror. part of her thick blonde hair had been pinned up on the back of her head, flowers were woven into the rich waves while small jewels shimmered like rain drops under teh morning sun. Her eyes were done in soft white jewelry lined with silver at the edges of her eyes. Black eyeliner framed them making her eyes pop. Sasia had painted a soft shimmery pink on her lips making them look so very kissable while not taking away from the rest of her beauty. Around her neck their was a white ribbon that connected to s silver moon crescent. From which small clear gems dangled down. "Oh Sasia," she said looking at herself in disbelief. She turned and faced the other woman. "I wouldnt look like this if it wasnt for you" she smiled.

Sasia smiled. "Oh Lady Tavia... you looked so lovely before....but now..."

"Please Sasia just call me Tavia" she smiled down at the other woman, Tavia was taller then Sasia but the heels made her alot taller. "And thank you Sasia your words are so sweet" she giggled. "Lets get going their all waiting for us" she smiled. 

Sasia nodded. "Yes Tavia..." Music began to play from outside. She smiled. "That is our que...."

"What do I have to do when I get out there? I'm not familiar with your customs and I don't want to do anything off" she said playing with a strand of her hair.

"Just walk down the path towards Myskio....stand with him as the priest talks...."

"Alright" she smiled and went to the door holding her hands infront of her. When Sasia pulled the door open she walked through and was greeted by a chorus of gasps and awes.

Myskio was standing at the end of a long path, wearing white leather pants and a cloak of white fur.

Tavia blushed at how handsome he looked. She smiled and walked down the isle, her eyes never left Myskio.

He smiled gently are her, and as she got closer he held out his hand to her.

Gently she took his hand in hers. "You look so handsome" she whispered softly to him as she stood infront of him.

"And you are goreous...." he whispered softly, holding her hands.

Tavia smiled at him lovingly then looked at the preist as the ceremony began.

The priest spoke in a language that all but Tavia seemed to understand, and at one point Myskio nodded to the priest, before the priest looked at her. "He has asked if you promise yourself to me..." he whispered.

Tavia smiled and nodded. "Of course" she said sweetly gazing up at him with love in her eyes.

The priest spoke some more. Myskio then leaned in and kissed her gently, wrapping his arms around her.

Tavia melted against him kissing him in returned. A soft smile ticked at her lips as she listened to the tribe cheer for the two of them.

Myskio pulled back and lifted her up into his arms.

Tavia squeeled and giggled as he did that to her, hugging her arms around his neck. Happiness flowed through her blood and her body as the people cheered together.

He carried her over to the feast that was awaiting all in the village. "Now we eat..." he said to all.

Tavia hugged his arm as the crowd cheered loud like the roar of a beast before they quieted and moved to their seats. Letting her husband lead the way to the Cheiftan's table. As they walked she caught a glare for a tall beautiful woman with long brown hair. She guessedthat it must have been Deaminu. But she wouldnt let the woman bother her. She was going to enjoy her wedding day.

Deaminu heads off into the crowd.

Myskio lead her to her chair beside his. "Seat my love...."

Tavia moved her dress and took a seat next to her husband. " Every one did an amazing job on everything" she said happily kissing his cheek.

"And you my bride look heavenly...." he whispered back with a kiss.

Tavia sighed against him as they kissed each other softly. After a few moments she pulled back laying her forehead against his. "Thank you my husband" she placed her hand ontop of his and softly caressed her thumb over his hand as they cuddled close together. "I love you so much" Laying her head on his shoulder she watched as people danced and had a wonderful time.

Myskio smiled gently, and then stood up. He pulled her from her seat and towards the dancing. "Come we dance..."

Tavia giggled and lifted the bottom of her dress a little so she could walk over to the dance floor with him. She released them and let the skirts fall around her once more perfectly. "I wont be able to dance to fast in this dress" she whispered playfully as he pulled her close to dance.

"That is just fine my love...." he said, and danced with his arms around her waist.

Tavia wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed moving to the music dancing with him. Looking wonderful in their wedding garb. They truly belonged together. As she enjoyed dancing with her husband though she felt the dark gaze of someone on her. She knew it as Deaminu, and to her surprise Myskio caught Deaminu glaring at her.

He looked down at Tavia. "Do not pay her any mind...." he whispered before kissing her.

Tavia sighed against him kissing him back for a moment before pulling back continuing to dance with him. "I love you so much" she sighed happily against him not letting Deaminu bother her.

Myskio smiled softly, and when the dance had ended but the music continued for the others, he lead them down the path to now their hut.

Tavia hugged his arm as they walked down the lantern lit path. "This day has been so wonderful Myskio" She giggled nuzzling his arm.

"I thought you would enjoy it.... my soul...." he whispered.

When they reached the door she walked in ahead of him putting a little bit of extra sway in her step. She turned her head for a moment looking at him and crooked her finger beckoning him into the bedroom before she vanished from his sight.

"Have you turned into a minx, my dear Lady Tavia...?" came his voice.

"Well you did find me in the forest afterall" she turned glancing over her shoulder as she heard the curtain that was the 'door' open and close as Myskio walked in. "Is it so bad I'm a little minx?" she asked playfully before she pulled her hair over her left shoulder revealing the expanse of her upper back. a sigh escaped her as he caressed her visable skin

"No... it's not so bad...."

"Well my Cheiftan, what are you going to do with this little Minx?" she asked looking at him over her shoulder.

Myskio nipped at the back of her neck, before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed. He laid her there as he pulled off his shirt, and gracefully leap so that he'd land over her, but with a leg on either side of her. He began to trail kisses from her neck to her chest.

She had giggled when he had carried her to the bed and jumped ontop of her. But now she sighed in happy contentment as she watched him kiss her skin ever so softly.

He then slowly pushed into her gently. "I love you.... my Tavia..." he whispered...."

"And I love you my Myskio" she gasped softly as he their love making began for a glorious night of just the two of them.

The next day Tavia was walking around the village in her riding leathers she had borrowed from Sasia. She smiled watching people work, children play. Seeing so much life in this place. As she walked around the corner she found a group of men with longbows practicing. She loved archery and would love to get back into it once more. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Deaminu a ways away glaring at her while standing with some girls. Rolling her eyes she walked over to the mne. "Hi there" she said as she walked over to the men. 

The men bowed to her. "Lady is your day?" one asked. He was a tall man, with long brown hair and beard. His eyes were smokey grey.

"It is wonderful thank you" she bowed her head to them. "Would you mind" she motioned to the bow he was holding. "I love archery its been a few year since I've done it but I would love to do it again, would you mind if I shot a few arrows?" she asked him.

"No my Lady... please use my own bow..." the man said, holding out his bow and arrows for her.

"Thank you sir I am honored" Gently she strung the quiver onto her back then readied the bow. She heard whispers of Deaminu and her friend saying she wouldnt be able to use a men's warbow. A smirk appeared on Tavia's face. "on my mark" she readied the arrow and notched it with grace. Then to the women's horror and the men's surprise she easily pulled back the string of the bow; aimed then she fired hitting her mark on the bulls eye in the distance.

"Amazing!" the men cheered..

"Thank you" she bowed her head to them. "This is a very well made bow I must say. Well balanced and strong at that." she smiled at them as she handed the man who lent her the bow and quiver back his gear.

"Oh keep it Lady Tavia...please"

"No I wouldnt want to keep your bow from you, thank you for letting me use it, it was an honor" she felt a familiar presence behind her and turned her head to find Myskio standing there.

"Take the bow Tavia.... it is an honor indeed if a warrior such as Nyan see fit to give away a bow and arrow set he crafted himself..." Myskio said before kissing her.

Tavia gently kissed her husband back before bowing to Nyan gracefully. "Thank you Nyan for such a fine bow I will treasure it always." She smiled at him.

Nyan nodded, and then lead the other men away. Myskio kissed her again. "You are a wonderful Chieftess..."

"When ever it feels right to you honey thats all I have to say." he said as he cleaned and sliced up some fruit for two small fruit salads. then he walked back over placing the bowls down next to the plates joing her at the table

"She's special is her son...well...he isn't her son but she is all he has...." Chyrosa said.

"how special?" he asked curiously wondering how the woman would take Chyrosa's abilities.

"She is the rebirth of the Lamia...a immortal woman cursed by Hera...."

"I ask because if she's more on the mortal side in her personality she might take your news a little harder then most."

"Father would have already told her knows..."

Marek couldnt help but smile at him.

She kissed his cheek.

"Now eat your food your eating for two now" he said playfully.

Chyrosa nodded, blushing. "Or more...." she whispered.

Marek smiled. "Or more" he said sweetly.

She ate all of the food he had given her.

"Good" he smiled lovingly at her.

"Hmm?" she looked up at him with a small smile.

"I'm glad your full" he smiled and kissed her lovingly.

"Mew...." Chyrosa said smiling, acting like a cat.

"Ooh are you my pretty kitty?" he asked playfully.

She nodded, smiling.

"Oooh well come here my pretty kitty so I may curess you" he purred.

Chyrosa moved over to him, and sat in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck.

"Mmm purrrfect" he playfully nuzzled her neck as he held her close.

She sighed, purring.

Marek just kept running his fingers gently over her thigh and back as he nuzzled her neck enjoying this time with her.

"Kitty like...." she purred softly.

"Mmm good I don't want to do anything kitty don't like" she purred out.

She licked his neck.

Marek sighed happily at the feeling. It felt so good

She nipped his ear.

Marek chuckled and playfully leaned in nipping her neck.

"Mmmmm....kitty likey..."

"Mine" he growled into her neck as he gave her another nip

She purred. "Mmmm yes....your's....."

Marek chuckled and pulled her into a deep kiss.

She kissed back deeply.

Marek playfully picked her up in his arms and carried her off to his bedroom.

Chyrosa giggled. "My strong love...."

Marek chuckled smiling down at her.

"What is on that mind of your's?"

"Just how amazing the woman of my dreams is" he said lovingly as he walked into his bedroom and sat on the bed with her in his lap.

She smiled, snuggling about him. "You are so sweet..."

"Am I now?" he asked with a chuckle and kissed her cheek.

She purred. "Yes you are..."

Marek nuzzled her lovingly just basking in the wonderful feeling he had whenever he was with her like this.

He felt her stomach grow under his hands.

"Oh my" he said pulling back and looking down at her stomach.

Her stomach was much bigger now. "Oh my indeed...." she giggled.

He tugged up her shirt and ran his hand over her taught skin. "Our little one" he purred seductively leaning in kissing her stomach softly.

She purred happily. "Yes..... our little ones..."

"Mmm I must say you are very adorable like this" he purred kissing her stomach rubbing his hand gently over it

She giggled. "Really?"

"Oh yes" he kissed her taught belly before moving up kissing her softly caressing her belly lovingly.

She kissed back, running her fingers through his hair.

Marek pulled back gazing deeply into her eyes. "You told your father you were pregnant right?" he asked curiously.

Chyrosa looked up at him, then down blushing. "" she whispered.

"Oooh this is not good, and probably because our little ones are bigger inside of you, you wont be able to turn back into a child for awhile" he said caressing his hand over her belly.

"I guess so... unless...." she said, stopping in her thoughts.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Unless the Gemini have awoken... if they have... then I could split myself for now... one child.... and then myself as I am..."

He looked at her worried. "Is that safe?" he asked as she saw the worry in he reyes.

"Yes... yes it is..."

"Alright if your sure" he kissed her lovngly.

She kissed back.

"Mmm well while i have you" he playfully laid her down his hand rubbing her belly pulling a purr from her as they snuggled there together on his bed.

"You are so purr-fect..." she giggled.

"Not as perfect as you" he purred into her neck suddenly he felt their little one kick. "Oh wonderful" he said with a smile nuzzling her neck as her rubbed her belly.

"A fighter..." she whispered.

"Just like his father and grandfather" he purred into the curve of her neck. "How many?" he asked curiously speaking of how many they we're going to have knowing she could sense them.

"I think I'll surprize you..."

Marek chuckled laying there with her. "Alright" he smiled lovingly.

"Great!" Chyrosa said cutely. She kissed his cheek.

Marek chuckled smiling up at her. "Cutie" he said lovingly.

She nipped his ear.

"What are you upto?" he asked playfully looking up at her.

"Playing with you..."

Marek growled playfully and nipped her neck and her ear before nuzzling her.

She purred, snuggling in. She closed her eyes, sighing happily.

"Mine" he growled playfully kissing her neck down to her cleavage that was poking out from her shirt then moved down to her little belly kissing that as well.

"Your's...." she purred, giggling.

He gently licked her stomach then climbed back up leaning down kissing her deeply.

Her fingers raced through his hair as she kissed back.

Marek kept kissing her lost in the wonderful feeling of her lips.


Marek pulled back and looked at the door. "What is it Nyxia?" he asked getting off of Chyrosa.

"Something is happening..."

"What is it?" he asked worriedly getting up going over to her.

"In the.... underworld...." she whispered.

Marek closed his eyes and let his dark powers open feeling everything thats when he felt it. The two powers clashing down below. "Egyptian." he said softly and turned looking at Chyrosa. "you need to stay here Chyrosa" he said with a worried look in his eyes not wanting her or their little ones to get hurt.

((Who?? LOL ^_^))

((Their is a character in another roleplay of mine named Chanista lol))

((LoL... its a pretty name....))

Chyrosa nodded. "Of course..."

Marek vanished and reappeared in the Underworld he found himself in Osiris's court yard. He headed off inside to find out if Osiris knew what was going on.

He heard footsteps coming from behind him.

He turned to see who it was.

He saw Seit running up the hallway.

"Lord Seit, I wish I could say it was good to see you again old friend, what's going on? I could sense the disturbance fro teh human world" he said watching him.

Seit stopped. "Marek....Osiris sent me would seem Horus is confronting Anubis about something Osiris had declaired earlier...."

Marek went wide eyed. "About a day ago Osiris announced that Anubis was his rightful heir to all that he was and Horus was to be stripped of his powers and those powers were to be given to Anubis because he feels that Horus is not worthy to be his son." Suddenly his senses picked up something in this palace. Another spirit other then the brothers a living spirit from the human world that felt like anubis. "Oh shit Horus has a hostage against Anubis."

A shadow started to form infront of them. "He has Selene..." the shadow said.

Marek recognized the voice, it was Erebus. "Who is Selene?" he didnt know that Anubis was Selene's father.

Anubis suddenly came around the corner "Selene is my daughter, and I will do everything to protect her, even serve Horus" a growl escaped him "Now leave or else I will be forced to harm you" he stood there ready to pounce "Please just go I don't want to hurt you

The shadow shifted into a tall olive skinned man, with dark eyes and long black hair. Shadows from around the room seemed to lick at his heels. "Anubis.... Selene is my sister through marriage and I would die for her.... just as I would die for my love... my love and neice....Selene's daughter.... Pheobe... the light of the Moon.... I am not going anywhere...."

Anubis was about to say something when suddenly he howled out in pain as the shadows under Horus's control whipped out and lashed at him. He panted in pain as blood dripped down the fresh wounds.

Marek suddenly caught a whiff in the air, his hand slapped over his mouth and nose realizing what it was, it was the smell of blood root, a plant that only grew in the underworld. It set off different things in different dark gods. He saw a haze shimmmer from the shadows around anubis.

Anubis's nose twitched as he took in a deep breath. Suddenly his blood began to boil as he saw red. Rage filled him as he snarled viciously. Th blood root was setting off his animalistic tendencies. He roared and launched himself at the three men, his eyes burning like fire.

Seit rushed at Anubis, calling on all of his strength. "Anubis.... wake up!"

The dark haired man whipped up shadows around him, his eyes becoming like dark black voids. "I will not have my shadows used like this...." Shadows just washed over the area, swallowing all of them.

Marek just let his body relax as the shadows washed over him and the others.

Anubis roared out trying to find the intruders his mind focused on his hungry animalistic tendencies.

They all appeared in a dark void that all four of the man were floating in. "Awaken Anubis.... I will not have the father of my love's mother reborn act like this.... I will not have my love... my neice lose family she needs but never knew..."

Anubis groaned as he came to his body shifting to human as he floated there in the abyss.

"Anubis?" asked Seit worried.

The dark haired man watched on cautiously.

Anubis groaned snapping slowly into reality. "Horus that... bastard..." he felt so groggy the blood root seeping from his system.

"Blood root has very terrible side affects, Lord Anubis...." said the dark haired man. "I am just relieved that you are back to reality...."

Anubis grunted. "My daughter, what of my daughter?" he asked worriedly.

The dark haired man looked at him. "You are the one that said Horus has Selene... Selene is my sister-in-law.... she is my brother's love.... I was just wishing to say that she is important to me as well for she in her reborn form knows not of her daughter of the past... nor of what had befallen her and of her rebirth.......Selene's daughter... my neice... my lover....."

"So that means she's still there with him. You should have just taken me down sir. She's the important one to save. Now that you have me who knows what Horus is doing to her" he put his hands on his head hating the thought.

"I won't let him harm her.... just as you won't....." he said. "My shadows have been searching for her even before you attacked...."

"I felt her, she was in his palace on the other side" he said floating there looking at the strange man he did not know.

Marek floated there, he would help in any way he could.

The shadows seemed to pull away from them, and they were staying in a different part of the palace.

Seit looked around. "You seem to be more powerful that many believe you to be.....Erebus....."

Erebus smiled. "Thank you Lord Seit..."

Marek stretched out his senses to the palace around him sensing for Selene's soul.

Anubis formed clothing on his body as he sensed for his daughter. He had to save her from that bastard.

Erebus looked down the hall and then turned and started to head the other way. However Marek and Anubis felt Selene was the other way.

"Erebus....?" questioned Seit. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Selene...." Erebus said.

"But Uncle Erebus she's this way" Marek said pointing in the other direction.

"My shadows show me she is this way...."

"I trust Erebus on this one anubis." he said turning and looking at Anubis.

Anubis thought about it and closed his eyes. "Alright" he said softly turning and looking at Erebus.

"I have no reason to lie to you, Lord Anubis...." Erebus said calmly, but then started to run down the hall.

"Damn it..." Seit said, and started to run after him. "Something's wrong..."

"What the hell is going on?" Anubis growled chasing after them as did Marek.

Erebus looked back at him. "Horus is on the way to where he is holding Selene that's what....."

"no Selene" Gasped out Anubis scared for his daughter.

Erebus raced ahead of them leading the way, stopping only when he was infront of a door that stood unopened. "She's here....." he said. There was a seal of the door, that of Horus.

Anubis cocked his fist back and slammed it against the seal shattering it instantly.

Seit pushed the door to the side so that they could get inside.

Erebus looked at them, and then around. "Get her..."

Anubis rushed inside. "Selene!" he shouted for his daughter in worry.

Marek looked at his uncle not knowing what to do, this was for Anubis to rescue his daughter.

Erebus looked at Marek. "Get your left...."

Anubis found Selene in a deep sleep on a stone table in the middle of the room.

Marek's personality instantly changed. He formed two swords out of darkness in his hands and stood ready to fight looking down the hall to his left.

Horus stepped into the light. "What do we have here...?"

Erebus glared at the god, the shadows around him moving violently.

Marek glared as well, ready to fight.

Anubis ran to his daughter's side. "Selene please wake up baby"

Selene wouldn't wake up.

Horus just continued to head for where Selene and Anubis was.

Seit growled. Anubis.... just get out of here...

Marek launched himself getting in Horus's way and slugged him in the face launching him backwards.

Anubis picked his daughter up in his arms. "I have you sweetheart" he shimmered and vanished.

Horus stood back up, and smirked. "What are you playing at boy?"

"Horus... how dare you kidnap Selene...." shouted Seit. "Do you wish to cause touble with the other gods...?"

Horus laughed. "Who do you think had me use the girl....?"

Marek snarled darkly at the other man ready to fight this bastard. Another who walked the land of darkness.

Erebus launched his shadows at Horus. "Damn you!"

Horus laughed, throwing up a ball of light, bright as the Sun.

Erebus turned away with a shout. "Ahhh!"

"No!" Marek shouted and shoved his uncle into a room letting the magic roast himself instead. Suddenly images appeared in his head of a spell he knew of. His eyes suddenly glowed with power. The darkness pulsed around him as the floor beneath him cracked, flames shooting up around him. The flames of Tartarus. Whisps of darkness surrounded him as demonic armor formed on his body. "Try playing with me now little man" he snarled as he whipped out his hand towards Horus. Suddenly the ball of light magic shriveled as if nothing but a candle flame.

"How dare you!? Who do you think you are?!" Horus roared.

Seit sent his magics at Horus, hitting the god and sending him back.

"You will pay for this!" Horus yelled, shooting balls of light energies at them.

Marek easily deflected the magic balls of light before summoning balls of dark flame launching them back at Horus.

Horus growled and started to physically attack Marek, Seit and Erebus who had come back out into the hall to fight.

Foot falls started to echo through the hall around them.

Marek slammed his fist into Horus's face as he took the brunt of the gods attacks. "You two take care of who ever that is" he said seriously.

Erebus turned to look, and then stopped.

Horus looked past Marek, and then smirked. "Welcome to the fight.....Hades..."

Marek whipped around seeing Hades standing there, a shiver ran down his back. He stared at his father his heart so confused filled with such hatred for the torture that Hades had put him through but, also yearning to know his father. As Horus moved towards him his body whipped around and he slammed his fist into the other man's face.

"Hades.... kill them...." shouted Horus.

Erebus and Seit moved to attack Hades, however they seemed to be blasted back by an invisible force, knocking them out.

Hades started to walk towards Horus and Marek again.

Marek called his magic to his hands, his father's magic in his veins. He fericely stared down Hades ready to battle.

Hades stopped, and looked to Horus who keep calling to him to kill Marek. Hades then looked over at Marek.

Marek stood there not budging from the other man. His eyes glowed like molten gold as his power hummed under the surface.

"How dare you...." spoke Hades at last, his voice soft but strong. "How dare you...." Hades was still looking at Marek. The eyes that Marek in the past had always seen as dull and lifeless, changed into bright orbs of silver.

Horus smirked. "Kill him... now..."

Still looking at Marek, Hades said then, "How dare you... Horus...."

"What?" Horus was looking very confused.

In the other god's confusion, Hades spun away from Marek, and swiftly attacked Horus. Horus just looked shocked, trying to block the dark god's attacks.

Marek stood there watching this so confused, what was happening to his father?

Hades throw Horus into the stone of the hall knocking him out. Hades then looked back at Marek, his eyes still silver.

"If I'm next then bring it" he said to Hades feircely not trusting the man's lucidity.

The silver in Hades's eyes died to being dull and lifeless, and he moved to attack Marek, but then he frooze, his body shaking, his eyes closed. Hades brought his hands to his head, holding it as he fell to his knees. "Loki... father.... give me strength..." Marek heard Hades pray in a whispered voice that was soft and kind, though it shook as his body shook. " me... someone..."

"Father" Marek suddenly said, he quickly went to Hades's side kneeling down not knowing what to do.

Hades looked up at Marek, one of his eyes the bright silver while the other was the dull dead one. "Father? Never mind.... just.... please get them from here... and leave... I... I can't control it for long...."

Marek nodded. "Of course" he stood and quickly ran grabbing Seit and Erebus vanishing with them.

Marek got back to where he was going.

(I don't know where they went lol)

(Where ever he would have thought to ^_^)

Marek appeared in his livingroom with the two men. "Damn it Hades's hit you good" He said laying them on their backs. "Mother! I need your help" he called up knowing she would hear him.

Nyx appeared, looking around. "Marek...? Oh my... Erebus...." she whispered going to his side. "What happened?"

"I was summoned to the underworld their was something amiss in the egyptian lands down there. Horus had captured Anubis and his daughter. Seit and Erebus had showed up as well. We were in the midst of battling Horus when... Hades's showed up. Hades blasted Erebus and Seit but then something changed in him and he attacked horus instead. He had a moment of Clarity and told me to take them and run." Marek told his mother.

Nyx looked at him with a look that was soft at what he had said about Hades having a moment of clarity. "Oh... my love...I miss your moon silver eyes...." she whispered as she moved to tend to her brother. She looked back at Marek. "Erebus looks like he was just knocked well as Seit..."

"Good I am glad to hear they will be alright."

Nyx smiled softly, and then moved over to Marek, and hugged him. "Oh Marek.... I'm so sorry... I'm so glad that you are alright...."

"Thanks mother" he said hugging her gently.

She kissed his forehead gently. "Help me get them into some of the bed....."

"Of course Mother" he said with a soft smile then picked up Erebus carrying him off to one of the bedrooms then did the same to Seit afterwords.

"Marek....?" Nyx questioned when he was done.

"Yes mother?" He asked as he walked out of the room he had put Erebus in.

"He... didn't harm you at all did he?"

"No he did not" He said looking down at his mother.

She hugged Marek. "Oh Marek.... if only everything was as it should have been..."

"What are you talking about mother?" he asked curiously as he hugged her back. He had thought that she had always thought he was the son of Zealus (I think thats how you spell his name)He stood there wondering if she had figured out what he had figured out.

"If it were not for Zeus and Zealus...if not for Zeus trying to completely control him....if not for Zealus, raping me...." she said in a whisper into his chest. "Hades.... he would have been your father...."

Marek didnt know how to tell her, he was Hades's son.

"So much more strength... such family and friends...."

Marek didnt know if his mother was talking about him or his father.

"If only he were your have all of the great qualities that even mortal mythology over looks..." she said looking up at him.

Marek let out a long sigh. "Mother, I discovered something with the help of lord Osiris that you really should know" he said as he put his hand on her cheek. Suddenly he called his awaken magics, thats when she felt it. She felt Hades in Marek.

Nyx took a deep intake of breath, looking up at him. "Hades... his's in you...oh Marek... oh my wonderful son...." she said softly, almost losing all of her breath. "That...that means....I was pregnant... with you before..."

Marek smiled causing his magic to vanish from his hand. "Yes mother" he said sweetly,

Nyx hugged him again more tightly. "Oh my son... my lovely son.... if I had known.... if only I had known...." she whispered.

"Mother" he said softly hugging her back knowing how hard this must be on her.

"Brother....?" came the whispered voice of Nyxia.

Marek let go and turned seeing his sister. "Hey sweetheart" he went over and picked her up. "You ok?" he asked holding her in his arms.

"I.... I had a bad dream...." she said softly.

"What about?" he asked comforting her.

"Daddy...." she whispered.

Marek went wide eyed. "What about daddy?" he asked worriedly.

Nyx looked worried. Nyxia looked down sad. "I....I...."

"What i it princess you know you can tell your brother anything" he said stroking her hair.

"That daddy" she whispered.

Marek went rigid as fear ran down his body.

Nyxia hugged onto him tightly.

Nyx looked around on guard, and then started to move around the apartment checking the rooms.

Marek held his sister close as he to stayed on gaurd ready to fight.

Nyx soon came back. "We are alone here.... safe..."

Marek nodded. "I need to go check on Chyrosa" he set Nyxia down. "You stay here with My mother I'll be back soon" he patted her head and headed off quickly to his room.

Chyrosa was not to be found in his room.

"Chyrosa" he whispered worriedly and looked everywhere for any sign of her a note even.

He didn't see anything.

"Oh god Chyrosa" he closed his eyes and usd his magic to try and sense where she was.

Marek? What's wrong? came her voice worried.

Marek let out a breath Where are you Chyrosa I asked you to stay here and I come back and your not here, my heart almost stopped

I had to go to my father..... "and I'm just getting back...." came her voice out loud.

"I'm sorry" he said turning and facing her. "After what happened in the underworld then My sister said she dreamed of her father coming here I was frightened for you" he said softly standing there looking at her with true worry in his eyes.

Chyrosa hurried over to him, and hugged him. "I'm the one that should be sorry, love..."

Marek hugged her tight, he winced softly in pain from his fight with Horus.

Chyrosa looked up at him in worry. "Oh Marek...."

"I'm alright my love just a little bruised and singed" he said with a soft smile looking down at his love.

"Are you sure?" she asked worried.

"Yes I'm alright" he leaned down and gave her a little kiss.

Chyrosa kissed back deeply.

Marek made a soft sound of surprise that she had kissed back so deeply. he melted into her arms kissing her deeply.

"I love you.... and want you safe.... as I know you wish the same for me....."

"You are my everything, before I met you I didnt realized what life truely ment" he caressed her cheek gazing into her eyes. "I love you so much" he kissed her softly and slid his hand over the small curve of her belly holding her close.

Chyrosa sighed. "I love you....."

"I love you to" he traced circles on her belly. "Now my love I need to go check on my sister then you and I should take a bath together. I want to get the smell of the underworld off of me." he said playfully.

"But.... you always smell of the underworld...." she said softly. She then blushed. "Sorry.... I have my father's senses of the lion....sight....smell...."

Marek couldnt help but smile. "Its nothing to be embrassed about its a great skill to have, I was trying to make a joke." he said playfully.

Chyrosa giggled. "I'll be here..."

"Good I'll be right back" he gave her a little kiss then walked off to find Nyxia to check on her and his mother as well.

Nyx was sitting on the couch, holding a sleeping Nyxia.

"How is everyone?" Marek asked softly so not to wake Nyxia.

Nyx looked up at him. "Just fine, my Marek...."

"Good I'm glad to hear it." he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Make yourself at home mother, I'll be in my room if you need me"

Nyx nodded, and headed off to place Nyxia to bed.

Marek returned to his bedroom. He heard running water in the bathroom. Walking in he smiled seeing Chyrosa in a big pile of bubbles with her hair clipped up on her head "Now I must say this is a beautiful sight" he purred out watching her.

Chyrosa giggled, looking back at him. "Really?"

"Oh yes indeed" he said playfully. Marek undressed himself and walked over climbing in the tub behind her so she could lay against his chest.

Chyrosa laid back against his chest, with a sigh. "This is so relaxing, love..."

"Yes it is and I have you here so that makes it all the better" he kissed her neck.

She purred in delight. "Mmmmm that feels so nice...."

"Good I'm so glad" he smiled resting a hand on her baby belly. "Tell your father yet?" he asked before he began to nibble on her ear.

"No...." she whispered.

"Baby how come?" he asked worriedly was she ashamed of the fact that she was with him? Carrying his child?

"I was but he hasn't left his love's side....and I don't want to scare her....I....." she stopped, and sat forward in the tub, staring off into space. "I...."

"Baby whats the matter?" he asked worriedly.

Chyrosa looked back at him. "Byakko, the White Tiger of the West.... one of the four Guardians is calling all of the Guardians doesn't sound good...."

"Do you need to go?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm not a guardian.... but they know Who I am.... if they call, I will have to.... but as the Captain of the Knights... you would have to go to..."

"Alright I'll go get ready" He kissed her cheek and climbed out of the bath. He headed off towards the bedroom. From one disaster to another he thought to himself wishing he could of had at least a few moments of peace with his love before something else happened.

"Love.... where are you going....?"

"I was going to the meeting" he said stopping at the door turning and looking at her.

"We have yet to be called...."

"But ahh.." he stopped. "Sorry baby I miss understood you" he smiled walking back over and climbed back in the tub with her snuggling up to her back. "You have to forgive me a few to many cobwebs in the ears."

Chyrosa giggled. "It's no problem.... it would have to be a problem the size of Tartarus to call me..."

"Ahh I see" he purred nuzzling her neck caressing her baby belly. "Well I hope its not to big" he chuckled.

Chyrosa giggled. "Mmm that feels so good...."

"I'm glad" he laid a soft kiss on the hollow of her neck before leaning back against the side. He picked up a loofa and lathered it up before he began to wash her back in long luxorious strokes.

She started to purr, arching her back.

"I am here to serve my lady" he kissed the curve of her neck playfully as he washed her.

She purred more. "Yes my lord..."

"Feel good?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Oh yes my lord... ever so..."

"Wonderful" he pulled her back against his chest stroking her moonlight hair as he enjoyed the feeling of having her in his arms.

CHyrosa rested back against him.

"Do you realize how beautiful you are?" he asked lovingly caressing her hair.

"Everytime you tell me I am, my love..." she replied in a whisper.

Marek gave a deep rumbling chuckle from deep in his chest.

"Damn..." he heard her mutter.

"We're being summoned?" he asked looking down at her worriedly.

"You know how I said it would have to be Tartarus big for them to call me??

"Oh heavens no" He said not liking the sound of that at all. He climbed out of the bath tub then helped her out afterwords.

"This involves Tartarus...." she said after she was out. In a flash of light, Chyrosa seemed to change. Her hair was longer and very silver, shining in the light, and her eyes were gold. She was standing there in a long silver with gold trem gown that flowed to the floor. A white veil lay over her head, over her face and down her back. Marek had also changed in that flash. He was now in a knight's armor, silver chest plate with gold inlay, a white cloak with a silver underlay.

Marek looked at himself then looked at her. "I guessed that by your comment" he said getting used to the feel of armor again.

"My Knight....My we wait...."

"To be summoned?" he asked curiously as he leaned in and laid a soft kiss on her cheek. He had to admit that he hadnt believed she could look more beautiful then before but standing as she was at that moment she was infact very beautiful.

She kissed his cheek. "Yes.... summoned... I know that they are going to summon me... but I am waiting for them to call....I can't interfer all the time..."

"Your a good woman Chyrosa and your doing the right thing by not just jumping into action" he said caressing her cheek gazing down at her.

Chyrosa leaned her cheek into his hand.

"You let people take care of their own problems so that only they call you if they truely need you, it lets them see for themselves what they can do." He said with a smile.

She nodded. "Indeed.... though as the time grows nearer... the need for me grows... but my indentity can't be known by those we must stop.... not yet..."

"I will do everything in my power to keep you safe my love" he pulled her into a soft kiss against him.

She kissed back. "We are being called...." she whispered. Soon they disappeared. (Down below...)

Anubis reappeared in the house he was staying with Byakko and the kids. Laying Selene gently down on the bed. "Come on sweetheart wake up your safe now" he begged.

Selene just laid there as if in an endless sleep.

"Anubis...?" came the worried voice and knock of Byakko. "Anubis....father....?"

Anubis stood and went to the door opening it. "I'm here Byakko" he said looking down the hall as Byakko turned seeing Anubis covered in wounds bleeding. "Horus had kidnapped my daughter and I, I just got back" he said in a pain filled voice.

Byakko looked at him worried, and then past him to Selene. "NO Selene!" He hurried into Anubis's room, looking over Selene. "Oh my friend...."

"Horus did something to her she wont wake up" Anubis said walking over to them. He ma have been a god but the pain still hurt.

Byakko looked at him. "This... this looks like the spell that Zeus used on Selene's first love....a spell used to put the young man into an eternal sleep..."

"How do you know this?" Anubis asked confused.

Byakko looked at Anubis. "I knew Selene before she died trying to protect her love and charge... of the Zodiac...he died trying to get are calling her your daughter... so I know it was you that gave her new life..... Selene is a wonderful person.... but her father.... her father before her death....wanted her for himself... wanted her and her brother and sister....Helios and Eos.... all three of the triplets are great friends...."

Anubis bit his bottom lip. "I see" he whispered softly.

Byakko looked at Anubis. "What's wrong?"

"Its nothing Byakko I'm just feeling a little we...." suddenly Anubis's eyes fluttered shut and he felt backwards passing out from the bloodloss.

Some time later, Anubis awoke in a bed his wounds healed.

Anubis grunted pushing himself up.

Byakko's hand pressed gently down on Anubis's shoulder, pushing him back down on the bed. "You need to regain your strength..."

"Their is to much" he said laying there in pain.

"Father....please...." Byakko said softly.

"Its just their is so much, I'll rest but... their is just so much" he said softly laing there.

"So much?"

"Forget I said anything Byakko, its just ramblings" he closed his eyes laying there on the bed.

"Alright... I will be here if you need me... Osiris is watching Selene...."

"What about the twins? where are they?" he asked opening his ees looking up at his son.

"They have been talking to all of the priests and priestesses.... all are to keep an eye on them..."

"Good I'm glad, their doing alright."

Byakko nodded. "They're family..."

"I just don't want another incident like the one the other day to happen and have them tieing everyone p trying to find out were I am" he chuckled.

"I just told them you were out and would be back as soon as you could..."

"Good plan" he smiled laying there.

"Of course... though I had ended up getting tied up still..." he said with a sigh.

"You did? how so?" he asked confused.

"Miss I don't really want to listen..." laughed Byakko.

"Oooh well then thats understandable" he laughed laying there before winceing in pain.

"Don't push yourself..."

"I was just laughing a little to hard" he said with a smile laying there. "and here I'm supposed to be the worry wart" he said playfully looking at Byakko.

"I am not the one hurt though...." Byakko reminded him.

"I'm just joking" he smiled up at Byakko.

He smirked, and shook his head. "You are just real silly aren't you..."

"Well when your as ancient as I am then you have to lighten the mood some how" he chuckled.

"I know...I know..." he laughed.

"Well I should probably try to get at least a little rest" he said laying there with a yawn.

"Yes you should.... sleep.... you will know if there are any changes..."

"Yes.." was all he said before he drifted off to sleep again.

He dreamed he saw Selene in a beautiful silver white marble palace watching the earth, and then he saw a handsome man with dark black hair standing on the Earth staring up at the moon. He then saw Zeus attack the man, sending him into an eternal sleep.

Anubis suddenly woke up with a startle from the dream. He Felt alot better this time then he did last. He sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Son..." came Osiris's voice from the door way.

Anubis heard the pain in his father's voice. "Father" he said turning and looking at the other man. Seeing the pain in his father's eyes made his heart ache.

"I am so sorry to have caused you so much pain...."

"Its not your fault father" He said looking over at Osiris. "I've always known Horus was insane even before I knew you were my father. He was the one that took my eyesight all those years ago when I then had to hide with the Ogdoad back in Egypt. The man had always hated me." he said remembering how it had hurt letting his eyes regenerate after Horus had ripped them from they're sockets. It was in that moment he had been so glad to be a god.

"I am still very sorry..... " he said sadly.

"Father" he stood walking over to Osiris. "Please do not blame yourself" he said softly.

Osiris smiled softly. "I'm glad you are alright.... my son..."

Anubis suddenly pulled his father into a tight hug to comfort him.

Osiris sighed. "Anubis...I never wanted.... to cause you any harm growing up....."

"For all the trouble in my life I have gone through it has made me into the man I am today father. It was hard but it helped me be who I am" he said as he hugged him.

Osiris nodded. "I am glad you are who you are Anubis...."

"Thank you father that is truely an honor to hear that from you" he said with a smile looking at the other man.

"I am honored to have you as my son...."

"I am honored to have you as my father," Anubis said looking at him. "What news do you have on Horus?" he asked curiously since he had left before the end of the fight.

"From what I was able to figure out, Horus is pissed.... and greatly upset that Hades didn't attack you..... and plans on having friends punish Hades for disobeying....."

"Hades arrived? I wasnt there when Hades showed up, I had returned here with Selene before even Horus had shown up." he said walking over taking a seat on one of the couches in his room as Osiris joined him.

"Well apparently, Horus had been given 'use' of Hades, and was using him to guard Selene....apparently..."

"You have to be kidding me, Horus given control of a greater god like Hades" he said horrified.

"Hades has not been himself for centuries...."

"The evil that is infecting so many" he said thinking about his sweet Bastet, trapped inside of teh sphinx to keep her sanity.

" is the greed of evil's power that does it...but not of his own choice.... but an evil forced on him and others by power hungry gods...."

"Yes like so many" he said softly.

"Yes...." Osiris said with a nod. "I have to go.... there are things I must do..."

"Wait before you go, is there any news on Selene?" he asked worriedly about his daughter.

"She still sleeps...."

Anubis put his head between his legs letting out a long sigh. "Now I'm a horrible father for letting my daughter get put to sleep like this" He said with pain in his voice.

Osiris placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "No you are not...or are we to say that the father of the young man that was first placed under this spell was a terrible father too?"

He let out a long sigh. he didnt know the father of the man this was first placed onto so he could not say. His heart ached for his daughter. He was scared.

Osiris sat down next to him. "Son.... all will be okay...."

"I hope so" he prayed softly for his daughter.

"We will awaken her....we will...."

"Thank you father" he said with a soft, slightly forced smile looking at him. "Now you said you had to go and take care of things, please do not let me keep you" he said in that sad broken tone of his.

"Anubis....I love you.... I do not leave lightly is important business.... that involve all of our family..... the ones I call our family..."

"I see" he said thinking about it for a moment, "Be careful out there father, especially with Horus on the move."

Osiris nodded. "Be safe my son...."

Anubis nodded. "I will father, thank you"

Osiris disappeared from the room.

Anubis let out a long sigh as he sat there for a minute. he was worried about everyone in his life. Everyone who had some small connection to him. They were all in danger.


Anubis jumped hearing the voice.

He saw no one. Father...

"Selene?" he asked wondering if it was her

Yes.... I'm scared....

"Baby I'm here for you, can you tell where you are?" he asked worriedly not knowing where her voice was coming from.

It's just so dark.....

Byakko hurried into the room. "Anub...father....Selene's glowing...."

Anubis hurried out of the room and headed off to where she was. going into her room he saw the sight before him, her body was infact glowing. "I'm here baby, I'm going to get you out of that place" he said knowing Byakko was looking at him funny hearing him talk to himself.

"What are you talking about?" asked Byakko.

I'm scared....I've never felt scared.....only during a new moon do I feel scared..... I don't see a moon....

Anubis held back a growl. He turned and looked at Byakko. "I'm speaking to Selene in my mind, she's scared she doesnt know where she is other then the fact that its utterly black." He tried to figure out where she would be that their would be no moon, no light at all.

Byakko looked deep in thought, then his eyes went wide. "No..."

"Whats going on?" Anubis asked his son worriedly.

Byakko looked at him in worry. "I must contact the other three Guardians.....Seiryuu, Suzaku, and Genbu...... this is not good...." Byakko moved to run from the room.

Anubis watched him run out then looked back at his daughter. "My sweet daughter" he went over to her adn dropped to his knees in a praying position. "I'm so sorry" he said softly.

"Selene....." came a female whisper from behind him.

Anubis whipped around facing the unfamiliar voice.

A woman stood in the doorway, she looked just like Selene.

Anubis froze in place seeing her. "Who... who are you?" he asked staring at the woman.

"I am the Dawn....I am Eos.... Selene... or Shaiya.... is my sister Selene reborn....." said the young woman.

Anubis turned and looked back at Selene "I'm sorry this happened to her, its my fault she got pulled into this" he said looking at his daughter.

"It is not your fault, is our father's...." Eos said sadly.

Anubis didnt know how to reply he just sat there next to his daughter watching her.

"Brother is not going to like hearing this news....." she whispered.

Anubis didnt know this woman behind him so he didnt say anything to her he just laid his head against the side of the bed praying for Selene's safety.

"Anubis...." said Eos. "You are not alone..."

"I know your still here Miss Eos" he said softly not turning and facing her. He wanted to be alone. He didnt know this woman, he was just worried and wanted to be left alone with his daughter.

"I meant that you are not alone in your worry...." Eos said. "Please...know this...Selene is mine and Helios's sister.... we are all connected.... Anubis... there can been no true Dawn without the Sun and Moon together.... I am as lost as Selene is....."

Anubis didnt reply, she just didnt understand what was going on in his head. This was his daughter, born of his seed. He didnt care about the power of the gods and goddesses all he cared was about his daughter coming out of this alright.

"The more you sit there worrying... the more time that passes..... the closer it comes to her being unable to surface from the darkness...." Eos said. "Lord Anubis.... Selene's first love.... never and will never surface... because he was lost in the darkness for too long.... I don't want to see you fall into the depression that Selene had fallen took finding her love Cancri....the Zodiac of Cancer... to pull her from it....please....I...." Eos froze in what she was saying. "Lord Anubis....?"

"What is it?" he asked turning and facing her curious on what had stopped her so abruptly.

She looked at him, yet past him. "I am blind, Lord Anubis..." she whispered. "We need to get Selene from... Tartarus...."

Anubis's heart stopped in his chest, out of all the realms of the underworld Tartarus was the worst and the most dangerous. "No, they pulled her soul to Tartarus?" his voice a gasp.

Eos reached out a hand. "Please....lead me over to my sister..." she whispered.

Anubis went over to her and took her hand in his then lead her over to the bed were Selene lay.

"Thank you...." she said, and then touched Selene, holding the comatois girl's hand. "Thank the stars... my sight is back....our connection is as strong as ever sister..." she whispered. Eos looked up at Anubis. "Thank you Lord... glad that you have such love for my sister....if only it had been you that had given the seeds of life used to spring forth the Sun and Moon.... and the Dawn that connects the two....."

"What do you mean by that?" he was Selene's biological father in this body of hers.

Eos looked at him. "I wish it had been you... with all the love you have.... that had been our father before....You are her father now... but she is still the Moon........" she whispered. A tear ran down her cheek.

"I still do not understand Miss Eos your not making any sense to me."

"Could we call you father too?" she asked plainly yet shyly.

Anubis could feel the sadness in her voice as he stood. "Of course Eos, your Selene's sister I would be honored."

Eos smiled. "Thank you..." she whispered. Eos looked down at Selene.

Byakko hurried into the room. "Eos...? Father....the other Guardian will be here soon...."

Anubis gently patted Eos's shoulder then looked at Byakko. "Alright thank you Byakko please let me know when they get here." he said being strong for his family.

Byakko nodded. "of course..." He quickly left.

Eos looked up at Anubis.

"are you doing alright Eos?" he asked looking down at her.

"Yes.... I'm just worried...."

"I know you are Eos, we'll get through this all of us and we'll get Selene back" he said patting her back.

Eos nodded. "I know... I just hope soon..."

"I promise that I will brave anything to get your sister back" he said with strength in his voice that she knew she could believe in.

"Thank you....Father..."

"Your welcome Eos" He gave her a comforting hug knowing she needed it.

"I'll stay with Selene... you should go meet up with Byakko...." Eos said.

"Of course, I'll be back" he patted her back then headed out and down the hall to where Byakko was waiting with the other gaurdians.

Byakko looked over at Anubis. "They will be here soon... but we will talk in the summoning chamber..."

"Alright lead the way" he said to his son then followed him.

Byakko nodded and lead him into a side room. The door held a large table, with chairs all around. "The head and the seat to the right are for a special guest...." he said. "And over there is the summoning circle..."

Anubis looked around getting a lay out of everything. "Alright" he said seeing it all, he would follow his son's lead this evening.

Anubis felt someone appear in one of the darker corners of the room.

Anubis's head whipped over in the direction of the corner, his eyes adjusted to see who it was.

A tall man with long black hair and ember eyes stepped from the corner. Anubis could sense that he was a vampire, but not a normal vampire. "Byakko..." he said.

Byakko nodded. "Genbu... your sister told you didn't she..."

The man, the vampire, Genbu, nodded. "Yes..." He looked at Anubis. "Lord Anubis..." he said with a bow of his head.

"Lord Genbu" Anubis bowed his head in return.

"It is good to see you, Lord..." Genbu said, and then headed to the north part of the summoning circle.

Byakko moved to stand in the western area.

Two man appeared then, one with flame red hair and eyes, then other with thw cool blue of the oceans. The red haired man had the essences of a fire elemental while the blue haired man had the essences of a water dragon. The red one stood to the South as Byakko introduced him as Suzaku, and the the blue one moved to the East, and was introduced as Seiryuu. The men looked at Anubis and nodded.

"It is an honor to meet all of you" he nodded to them in return and stood out of the way to let the four of them work.

Byakko, Genbu, Seiryuu, and Suzaku all nodded to each other.

Genbu started, "By the Northern Mountains...."

"By the Southern Fires...." (Suzaku)

"By the Eastern Waters....." (Seiryuu)

"By the Western Winds....." Byakko finished.

Together they said, "We the Guardians of the Four Temples....The Great Guardians of the Zodiac.... We call on the 13th to come foreth...."

A beautiful veiled young woman appeared in the middle of the summoning circle. A man in silver armor appeared with her, though Anubis remembered that he was down in the underworld with Erebus and Seit and himself some hours before. (Their appearance is as described above.... though with two, which could be this "13th".... ^_^ )

(Aww I think it would be better if Marek had a helmet on hiding his face as well I'm just saying, hiding the man who is close to the '13th')

Anubis didnt say anything as he stood there watching all of this as the young man from the Underworld stood tall and proud like a knight indeed should.

(Great idea with the helmet....)

The Guardians all bowed to the two in the summoning circle. "We are sorry we have called you early.... before all of the Zodiac had be gathered...." Byakko said.

The young woman in the veil nodded, and walked over to the table. "Sit... all of you... there is much to be discuised...." she said calmly. She sat down in the seat reserved for the 13th, motioning for her Knight to sit in the chair to the right. "Sit... all of you.... as well as you, Lord Anubis..."

The Knight calmly and silently took the seat to her right. His body movements graceful and almost fluid like even though he was wearing armor.

Anubis took a seat on the other side of the four gaurdians so they could be close to the young woman.

She looked at him. "Lord... why do you not take the seat of honor to my left...?"

"I... Yes of course as my lady wishes" he bowed gently as he stood then moved to the seat on her left.

The young woman nodded to him, then looked around at the others. "Why have I been called before all of the Zodiac have awakened.... you know they must be awakened before...."

"My Lady... it is important.... we arein need of help to recuse Selene... the Moon Goddess from Tartarus.... where Zeus has imprisoned her...." said Byakko.

"Tartarus....? That is terrible..." she said.

"I spent many years in tartarus my lady I can go for you I know those lands well from when I used to walk them myself" The knight said looking at her; his voice was deep and was slightly altered it seemed by magic, it held a power to it that had seen war and darkness but knew the glory of victory as well. Anubis noticed the veiled woman place her hand ontop of the knights. Maybe the man was more then just her knight maybe he was her consort as well.

"You are not going there... least not alone my Knight...." the young woman said softly.

The Guardians nodded. "You were choosen centuries ago, Sir Knight to be her protector and the Captain...." said Genbu.

"Choosen by our own fathers...." said Byakko.

"Tartarus is a foul place that not many are able to walk. Even gods of death outside of the bloodline of Tartarus are scared of its lands. There are not many who walk this world who would be able to step foot there for long." he said from experience.

The young woman nodded. "Who will go with him?"

"I will" Anubis said strongly. He would save his daughter from the torment of Tartarus even if it cost him his very soul.

The young woman nodded. "Thank you Lord Anubis... I know how important she is to you... being Selene's father...." she said. (Marek knew Selene's father to be Zeus...)

The knight looked at the woman for a moment then looked back at Anubis. "It will be an honor to have you down there with me Lord Anubis" He gave a nod of his head.

"It will be an honor for me as well good knight to fight along side you." Anubis said bowing his head to them.

The young woman nodded. "Wonderful... thank you Lord Anubis...we will leave shortly..."

Anubis noticed the knight go rigid.

The knight turned and looked at the veiled woman. "My lady if I could speak to you in private" he asked with a serious tone to his voice.

She looked at him, and nodded. She looked back at Anubis and the Guardians. "Please get what ever supplies you think we will need....Anubis if you could please... just wait outside the room..."

The Guardians nodded, and stood and left. 

Anubis left the room as well giving the two their privacy. The knight was right though, anyone outside the blood line of the death gods of Tartarus didnt dare step foot into those lands. He wasnt sure what he was going to need to bring. 

Byakko came over to him. "The others and I have a items for you to use...this had been my father's... it is the Sword of the Tiger...." he said holding out a chinese blade with a white tiger at the helt. "It has the strength of the winds..."

Anubis looked at Byakko surprised then looked at the blade, it was beautifuly crafted, truely one of a kind. He took the blade in hand, it felt so light and easy to manuever. "Thank you" he bowed his head to Byakko.

"When I was younger...I and the others, who also have gifts... were given these gifts so that we may give them to the 13th.... it is not yet her time...not all of the Zodiac have been awakened...but not all of our gifts are for her.... they are also to be given to her and the Zodiac's Knights and Captain... I am sure the 13th would wish for you to have the twin sword of the one I have to give to her Captain...for you are another of her Knights...." (Remember Marek is Anubis's brother through Nyxia, Anubis's half sister.... ^_^ and the events that happened in Egypt... so now he should know who was summoned... ^_^ )

Anubis thought about it then suddenly realized who the man under the helmet was. He kept his mouth shut guessing Marek didnt wish to be known.

Byakko handed to Anubis another blade, this with a black tiger. "Give this to theother Knight of the 13th....he will need it..."

Anubis took the other blade as well. "I will" he nodded "What else is there for me to take?" he asked curiously.

Genbu came over with two arm bracers, each had a tortoise and snake on it. "One is for you... the other is for the Knight..."

"Here is a ring...." said Seiryuu, holding out two rings, each with a dragon band.

Suzaku handed over another pair of arm bracers with a fire bird on them. "These are to be split between the two of you as well...just as Genbu's bracers..."

"You are the other Knight of the 13th... her second guardian...." said Byakko.

It was hard for him to believe but he nodded. He slid on one of the rings then placed the fire bracer on one arm and the earth bracer on the other. Closing his eyes for a moment he felt the power in the items protecting him. "We'll get Selene back I promise that" he said with a nod of the head. 

Marek watched all of them leave then yanked off his helmet facing Chyrosa. "You are not going down there with us, I don't care whether your the 13th or not I will not have you going down into that pit" he said seriously with fire in his eyes. "Especially not now with our little one on the way." He said with worry in his voice. "As part of my training for the heavenly gaurd I was thrown into Tartarus for years. Your father doesnt even know this about me even though he had just become my teacher. Zues had felt it right for me to prove my worth that I could survive. I will not have you walking in there Chyrosa" he said with compassion in his voice and she could see how utterly worried he was about her.

Chyrosa looked at him. " power is greater than any gods.... my powers may come from the other Zodiac... but I am destinied for a calling that not even I know of...and Selene is not just the goddess of the Moon.... she is one of the gods that guardian and gift the Zodiac...."

Marek looked at her then looked away. "As you wish my lady" he pulled his hair into a pony tail then slid his helmet on again.

Chyrosa placed a hand on Marek's cheek. "Marek... my love...I don't want to lose you either...remember Anubis is your brother through Nyxia... he is another Knight... because I wished and him will be able to do the journey... I just don't know if I could risk losing you..." she said sadly. "I'll stay if you tell me...."

He looked down at her, his eyes glowing gold wth the power the hummed in his veins. "You are a very important person in this world Chyrosa, and your very important to me, if anything were to happen to you while we were down there. I could never forgive myself." he placed his hand ontop of hers on his cheek. "Tartarus is in my veins and I will see to it that Selene is brought back safe."

"Thank you... just please be safe...." she whispered, a tear rolled down her cheek.

Marek stroked her cheek brushing away the tear away. "I promise, I'll be back" he said softly sliding his hand over her belly. "I love you" he whispered holding her close.

SHe hugged back. "I love you too... Marek..." she whispered. "You and your brother have to get going soon...."

"I know, just give me one more minute with you" he whispered stroking her hair as he held her close.

She rested her head on his chest. "Come back to us...." she whispered.

"I swear on all that I am that I will" he whispered back to her and kissed the top of her head. "I have to go now" he said softly to her. "Be safe" he tilted her chin up and kissed her deeply one last time before he pulled away just as the doors to the room opened up once more.

Anubis walked over. "From the Gaurdians" he said handing Marek everything he watched as with ease Marek merged the bracers into his armor. he knew at a moments notice they would become an entity of their own again. He merged the ring and twirled the sword sheathing it at his back along with another blade that was hidden by its sheath and wrapped at teh top. It gave off an essence of being a very old blade.

"thank you Anubis" marek bowed his head gently then looked at Chyrosa. "My lady I would advise you stay with atleast one of the guardians while I am away" he said standing there.

The young woman nodded. "I will... but first I must collect a little one from the Night...."

The knight nodded "Of course my lady" He bowed to her "Until we see each other again" Then he turned on his heel. "Come Anubis we leave" he said over his shoulder. Throwing his hand up a gate way formed shimmering in the air. It was almost a mirage image of a dark cavern with a huge set of doors.

"Of course lead the way" he said and turned looking back at Anubis. "Take care of the twins and Eos while I'm away, I will be back. Be strong my son I believe in you" he said proudly.

Byakko nodded. "Of course.... father..."

"Be safe... both of you my Knights...."

They both nodded to her then turned and headed off into the gate way vanishing into the darkness.

They appeared standing on the far bank of the River styx in a huge cavern only lit softly by flickering torches above. Anubis turned and looked behind him seeing long cavern that he knew lead to the other realms. Looking back ahead in the distance a little bit he saw a set of giant gates. "The gates of Tartarus" The knight said standing there.

"Marek I know its you, you can take it off" Anubis said looking at his brother.

Marek removed his helmet with just a touch of his hand, it vanished as if merging into the armor and turned giving a soft little smirk.

The area around them was naturally quiet, yet suddenly seemed to become more quiet.

"It knows we're here already" Marek said softly growing rigid sensing the area around them. He drew the black tiger sword.

Anubis followed suite and drew his sword as well. "What's out there?"

"Its the Keeper of the cavern of Silence, The keeper of the ancient gates of Tartarus" he said twirling his blade once as he sensed the world around them.

Shadows started to move around them before starting to pull together into the shadow of a huge creature. Who dares enter my realmsssss?

"I am Marek Sargon of the house of Tartarus, and this is Anubis of the house of Osiris we ask for you to let us pass into your realm great one" he said standing there

Anubis stayed silent. He suddenly noticed Marek was holding a bottle he hadnt been holding before. He wondered where that had come from and what was in it.

Marek held the bottle tight ready for anything. It was a offering to the gaurdian if he would take it.

"Marek Sargon.... of the house of Tartarus?" the creature questioned. "The House of the Underworld....? I will not answer to you Marek are not welcome here... by the order of Zeus..."

"Ahh but I have something that would change your mind great beast even though the king has ordered me to stay out" he Uncorked the bottle in his hand and held it in the air knowing the creature would smell it instantly.

Anubis watched as the creature's nostrils flared sniffing the air.

Marek held in his hand a bottle of pure Pheonix blood. He had gathered it many years ago and knew he would need it one day. "If you wish for this bottle great creature then I request a boon that you let us past. But if you still refuse then I will give this blood to Charon the boatman of the river Styx." he said as the creatures eyes held jealousy for Charon.

"Charon....! Charon is nothing!" cried the creature going at him to grab the bottle.

Marek dodged out of the way pulling anubis with him as he got out of the creature's reach. "You know my price creature" he recorked the bottle. "I will give you the Pheonix blood in boon for safe passage through the gates both in and out" He said sternly.

Anubis stood there watching all of this. His brother was brave braver then he could ever imagine especially facing a beast like that.

"Yes...yes...yes.... the blood now...." it growled, reaching for it still.

"The gates first creature" Marek's voice was stern staring the creature down.

Anubis watched as teh creature stopped reaching for it as if knowing that Marek would not give up the blood until the gates we're open.

The creature growled, but then waved its hand for the gate to open.

Anubis covered his eyes as light suddenly shined in through the gates. It was as if it was its own world down here. the sky was tinged red as monolitic pillars of stone towered into the sky vanishing out of sight as if great titans watching over the dead.

"Come hurry" Marek said to Anubis then handed the bottle over to the creature. "My part of the bargan, enjoy creature" he said before he turned and headed off inside.

Anubis was hot on his heels. He glanced back and saw as the creature yanked out the cork int he bottle and chugged down the bottle of blood hungerly.

The gate closed hard behind them, ringing through the area..

Anubis looked at Marek. "Why Pheonix blood?" he had to know. That look the creatures eyes had been so hungry.

"Its because Blood is life down here, and something as rare as Pheonix blood is a true treasure. The Pheonix is the guardian of life. So its blood is hungered by all who walk int he darkness" he said simply.

Anubis nodded as he came up and stood next to Marek looking out over the landscape.

Mountains towered not to far from them and in on the side of one of the mountains a hue palace reached into the sky. As the soft wails of spirit's could be heard. Down below rivers criss crossed the land of molten rock and the tree great rivers of the dead wove through the landscape. buildings covered the lands as well below the huge palace.

Marek stood there and focused, suddenly his armor shifted to something lighter to move in and darker inits appearance. "Come we must go" he turned and headed off down one of the pathways.

Anubis followed quickly.

The sound of heels rang through the area.

(What kind of heels? like high heels? boot heels? I'm not sure what heels I should be running from here lol)

Marek listened to the air. "Shit this isnt good" he bolted off down the path faster with Anubis right behind him following every footstep.

(High heels ^_^ )

The sounds followed them.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" Marek echoed to himself as they ran.

"Who the hell is it?" Anubis asked worriedly keeping up with ease.

"If its who I think it is we are fucked if she catches us" he glanced back for just a moment.

(Oh My.... who are you thinking? ^_^ )

(Hecate, Mania, or even Eris but I wasnt sure since it was just a very creepy stalker way of having her show up lol)

(Hecate's on the Moon ^_^ )

"You have wandered far into Tartarus, young Knights..." came a strong female voice.

Marek came to a stop he knew they weren't going to get away. He turned to face the voice head on.

Anubis stopped and turned as well sensing what his brother was feeling.

A woman stood there. Her long black hair having silver high lights through it. She looked between them. Her eyes seemed to study them both. Marek thought there was something familar about her eyes as if he had seen them for a short time. "Anubis... you are deeper into the underworld then you normally are or ever have been.... and you..." she said looking over at Marek. "Who are you?"

"I am no one but a knight" Marek said standing there not knowing the woman.

(I'm not sure who this is) "How is it you know me my lady?" Anubis asked curiously.

She looked at Anubis. "I should know all that enter my realm... a realm I share with many....including yourself...." (Hel)

Marek suddenly realized who the woman was This is Hel of the Norse Pantheon, daughter of Loki he said to his brother.

"Lady Hel forgive me for not recognizing you" they both bowed their heads. "Tell me, I did not realized you walked the lands of Tartarus as your own. I thought these lands belonged to just lord Hades?" Anubis asked looking at the other woman knowing Marek was hiding his identity from the death gods.

Hel smiled softly, yet sadly. "These are my lands by birth just as they are for Hades....I was gifted with bringing the souls of the dead to the underworld, before being sent to permanently live in the underworld as its queen....."

"Wait does that mean your married to Hades?" Anubis asked curiously thinking about it, if she lived especially in this part of the underworld then that must have meant that she was married to Hades if she was the underworld's queen.

Hel laughed though sadly. "No... I am not married to Hades... unlike my half brother and half sister....I would not and will not married my twin brother...."

Marek went rigid standing there. That meant that Hel was his aunt.

"I see, well then that deffinantly explains why you are able to walk tartarus so freely my lady while many of the other pantheons are not supposed to step foot within these lands." Anubis took over on this part, he thrived in moments like this speaking with fellow gods, working in court and everything.

Marek on the other hand was a warrior at heart.

"My lady I do not wish to be rude to you but we must be on our way we are here on a mission" he said standing there.

Hel nodded. "There is a spirit here that does not belong....a spirit whose gifts strenghten many that I know....I am on my way to the holding pits of Tartarus.... where...Selene is...." she said softly.

Anubis and Marek looked at each other then looked at her. "my lady, we are truly not supposed to be here, Especially my compainion" Anubis said motioning his hand to Marek. "If we are discovered here by Lord Hades it would be our heads on pikes for sure"

Hel nodded. "I understand..." She looked at Marek and then at Anubis. "This way...."

Anubis and Marek followed cautiously keeping all of their senses open to the world around them.

Hel lead them down the paths within Tartarus. Knight... she thought to Marek. You became quiet since my appearance... and even more so after my relationship to Hades came about....why is that?

It is nothing of importance my lady he said back to her walking calmly. He didnt need people to know he was the bastard son of Hades.

Yes it is....there seems to be something weighing on your if you are wishing to hide something....actually.... just like my brother before he changed...and a friend of mine...trying to hide their love.... but he never could from me.....I knew him too well...

I am nothing but a knight helping a man find his daughter was all he said in return as they followed the stone path that he knew well lead to the holding pits under the palace.

Just as mysterious as them... he heard her mentally sigh. Though how you had said that... just reminds me of my friend... of Nyx...

He mentally sighed in reply Lets just say that you and I are closer then most would think my lady. he said very cryptically to her letting her try and figure it out.

You are of my belong here more than Anubis....

I am the dark secret of the house of tartarus was all he said as they wove their way deeper into teh bowles of tartarus.

I know much darker secrets....little nephew....

But the severity of my secret all depends on who you ask. to you it is not that dark, but to someone such as Zues if he were to know who I was, the child of an Olympian and Primordial Deity, well you get the picture he smirked mainly to himself wishing he could see Zues piss his pants over that one.

Instead of him seeing you as the bastard child of his own son and the rape of your mother.....? So it is true... the aura I recieved from you being here.... you are Hades's son....if only he would know...

Marek didnt say anything in reply to that. He had lived many years amongst the heavens and many more here in tartarus training. He knew the darkness had over taken his father. But it was as if his father did not want to see. Especially with his golden eyes gazing out from his face his father would never except the truth that Marek was his son. Silently Marek followed Hel along.

A shadow started to come towards the group.

"Stop moving" Marek suddenly said putting his hand on the grip of his sword that was still strapped to his back. That shadow felt ominous to him.

Anubis stopped and pulled his blade standing by his brother's side.

Hel looked worried. "Hades.... " she whispered.

Hades stepped out of the shadows. "Hel... why are you assisting these two trespassers...?"

Hel just stayed quiet.

Hel take Anubis and please help him get his daughter Selene and get him out of here, I beg of you as your Nephew to help him "I was the one who called on her Hades, she owed a boon to me for something that I did for her" it was a lie but Hel could tell that with the darkness that consumed her brother he could not tell the difference. "It is me you want not them" he drew his blade from his back. The wrappings fell away revealing a unique blade. The hilt was strange archaic designs curling around the blade. along each 'vine' like apendage old runes glowed softly blue. the blade itself glistened brighter then the moon but with a twist of the blade the light vanished and the metal seemed darker then Tartarus itself. Brother I want you to go with Hel to rescue Selene Marek said fericely in Anubis's head.

No I wont go without you Anubis spoke back protective of his family.

Listen to me now, go and do as I say, and all I ask of you is please, if I do not make it out of here tell the 13th I'm sorry I couldnt keep my promise to her, and that I love her his mental voice was shaky with sadness but he would be strong. Hades was one of the biggest enemies to the Zodiac at the moment as he was consumed by the darkness. Marek would do all he could to protect those he loved. Promise me you'll tell her Anubis

Anubis stared at the other man for a moment in disbelief, but understood the moment of such a heart wrenching choice. I promise brother

Hel nodded. Be young nephew....

Hades growled, eyes going red.

Like the snap out of a starting gate at a race Marek snapped into action before Hades could freeing up a window for Hel and Anubis to run.

"Lets go!" Anubis said with a hurry running off together with hel.

The blades rang together like thunder as their swords clashed.

Hades slashed at Marek, his eyes a dark blood red.

Marek deflected and fought feircely. Sparks lit the air as their blades clashed ferociously with one another.

"I will kill you..." growled Hades, striking at him again. The fight went on

Marek snarled as he caught a blow and thrusted hades back knocking him off balance. "Hades get ahold of yourself! this is not you!" he shouted as he attacked. Inside Marek knew he had to keep Hades occupied enough so Anubis could grab his daughter.

Hades froze in mid slash, the red in his eyes disappeared, changing to their normal color. "" he whispered, before his eyes changed back to red, and he slashed at Marek more aggressively.

Marek kept up as best as he could but the harder he fought the harder Hades fought back. He was old with great experience but Hades was better and soon Marek was on nothing but defensive. Fear creeped in at the sides of his mind, fear and knowledge of what might happen. Suddenly his sword was knocked from his hands. "No" he gasped with only a moment later a blade slammed into the center of his body pinning him against a wall. Blood burst from his mouth from the force of the stab. Marek coughed up blood as the pain laced through him like a torrent of fire. He knew there was going to be no coming back from this. Hades's blade was designed to shred its victims insides. Marek could feel his lungs filling with blood. "Hades... Please... Go back to Nyx, break free of the darkness" he coughed up more blood as his eyes grew fuzzy. "My mother... she misses you.... Please" he begged softly. Unknown to marek, the closer to death his soul came to death. the more his eyes changed from gold... to his father's silver. "Please... she loves you... go back to her... see her at least one more time..." he begged as he coughed up blood.

Hades' eyes lost its red. "Nyx...? Your eyes...' have I done...." Hades did not draw out his sword, it just disappeared. As Marek's body slide down the wall, Hades pulled him to his chest. "No...what have I done...."

Marek coughed up blood. "Please father.. go back to mother she... she misses you. Even if its just one more time go and see her...." he gripped his father's chest. "please father.... I jsut want mother to smile... you make her happy... she needs you.." blood flowed down his chest freely as his skin grew colder and colder. Marek was holding on as long as he could.

A tear ran down Hades's cheek. "I'm so sorry....what have I done...." he whispered.

"You didnt know father.." he coughed up more blood. "I don't blame you for anything, you were not yourself... and you didnt know who I was... Don't... Don't blame yourself for anything father... Please just..." he weezed taking in another breath. "please just make mother happy again. Especially where I could not. I'm sorry I couldnt make you proud...." his breaths sped up as he gasped for air looking up at the other man.

"I...I'm not worthy of Nyx...." he whispered.

"Damn it! she loves you! just go to her!" blood burst out of his mouth. "She loves you and has... never stopped... Please just go back to her... Father..." with that suddenly Marek slumped in his father's arms. His body still slightly warm to the touch but Hades could feel his son's soul was gone not even there in the land of the dead just gone.

Hades stared down at Marek's body, and then he disappeared with him.

Marek's soul appeared in a unknown realm, where all was shroudded in fog and mist.

Marek gasped suddenly sitting up. His body shuddered as he put his hands on himself. He should have been dead, his father had killed him. looking at his hands he realized he was dead just different. His body shimmered softly but he was visible. "Where am I?" he asked mainly to himself as he stood. Tapping the ground he recognized the sound of his heel of his boot hitting marble floors. "Marble? what the?" this was all to confusing as he tried to look out into the fog and mist around him.

"Wecome to the Palace of Metis..." came a voice through the mist.

"Palace of Metis? Who said that?" he asked worriedly turning and facing where the voice had come from.

A young woman walked out of the mist, heading towards him. "Metis is a goddess.... one of the first... a titan... older than Zeus himself....Metis is wisdom higher than Athena...."

Seeing the woman Marek instantly dropped to his knees out of instint as he felt her power slide over him. She was ancient, much older then the gods or goddesses that walked the earth. "Why is it I have been brought here my lady? Why did you save me?"

"I did not bring you here... rather, you were meant to come here...but to gain what knowledge I have to get you... you had to die..." she said softly. "Now... stand..."

"I understand" he bowed his head as he stood, keeping his eyes down on her feet. To his surprise he saw that she was wearing a pair of golden Gladiator high heels that ran up to her knees. A very modern look for such an ancient being. "My lady all that I ask is, is there any way to send word to my lover, I fear for her and especially for her health. She is with child and the death of me..." he closed his eyes for a moment imagining his lover growing worried with greif. "I just wish to tell her that I'm alright and that I'll be back." he said softly.

"I know of who you are speaking.... and I not be sad Lord Marek..... you have much training to be done here...."

"Of course my lady and thank you" He said standing there.

"Of course Sir Knight....your training was never finished....but I will finish it now...." she said softly.

Marek just gave a nod in understanding not sure what else there was to say about everything waiting for her to lead the way as he kept his eyes lowered.

"Marek... look at him....please don't look down.... we are equals here...."

Marek had to force himself to look up, After so many years of being taught to look down in the presence of someone greater than he it was hard to break a habit. He looked up at the woman before him looking her in the face.

She had a kind face. She smiled gently at him. "Your lover is very lucky to have someone of yourself...."

"Thank you my lady that is truely an honor to hear from you" he said with a soft smile.

She nodded. "Come...the Hall of Knowledge awaits us..."

"Of course" he followed her through the mist.

She lead him down a long hall that seemed to never end. Though when it did, they stood infront of a large double door of large oak wood. She pushed open the doors to reveal a marble chamber. "Welcome to the Hall of Knowledge, Lord Marek..."

Marek gazed at the hall "Oh its beautiful" he spun around looking at it all.

"I am glad you like it....not many have passed through this chamber..."

"I can only imagine though the great ones that have" he said as he turned facing the woman once more.

"You have met and trained with one such great one...."

"Ambisleo" he said softly thinking about his old teacher. A great great man indeed.

"He died... but he had much to live for... he wanted to be strong for his little one.... to protect her unlike when he couldn't protect his lover... his little one's mother..."

"He died?" Marek croaked out in surprised looking at the woman. He couldnt believe it, his master had died.

"Yes... he died attempting.... to get revenge for the death of his beloved wife........ but as he was dying Chyrosa came to his mind and he did not wish to leave her alone....he wanted to be stronger to protect her.... so I helpped him..."

"I must thank you for your help, if it wasnt for you I never would have met him. Who knows what I would have become without Ambisleo." he said closing his eyes for a moment thinking abut it.

"The Oracle spoke once to me that Ambisleo played a part not only in his life and destiny... but in the destiny of Chyrosa...and in your's...son of Nyx... and Hades..."

"an oracle spoke of him playing a part in my destiny?" he asked surprised.

"No... The of the four high priestess of the Zodiac.... should their brothers... the four Guardians be.... killed.... they would become the Guardians...."

"I see" he said softly thinking about it all.

"The Oracle has been guiding people for cenutries...."

"I know of the ancient Oracles of greece and Egypt and many others as well but I do not know of Thee oracle, forgive me for not knowing of such a being, its just when I was thrown from the heavens I did my best to stay away from higher beings."

"That may be.... but she is known and yet unknown.... she is the High Prietess of the Northern Shrine... the Shrine of Genbu.... the Guaredians of the Zodiacs of the Earth...."

"I see, how interesting" he nodded to her. "He had never visited the temples themselves so he didnt know of the woman unfortunately.

"You did though meet her brother of the Guardians... the one with long black hair....named for their father...Genbu..."

Marek thought of the man in his head. "Ahh yes of course" he said to himself making a mental note of that.

"Now, Lord Marek... we must move on to the training..."

Anubis hurried down teh path with Hel the sounds of fighting fading behind them as they ran.

Hel followed. "Father is going to be pissed..." she said to no one really. "Loki is going to kill a great deal when he finds out what has happened to my brother...I know it in my soul...." Hel ran off down a faded path. "This way Lord Anubis....the Moon is this way..."

Anubis followed quickly letting Hel lead the way. he had to rescue Selene, he had to get her out of here.

They started to head pass cells, and Hel just continued on past them. Anubis saw one had a human man, but from his clothing, he had been there for centuries.

Anubis did nothing but glance at the man as he continued past quickly. He had to get his daughter and go, he had to leave. His mind though continueously worried about his brother though hoping he would be alright. Hoping that he would make it out of here.

He heard soft crying.

He recognized the voice. "Selene!" he bolted down the hall to the sound of the soft crying.

He found her at the end of the cells. She was transparent but there. "Father?"

Anubis ran to her side. "I'm here sweetheart, I'm here to get you out of here" he said softly gently putting his hand through the bars on her cheek.

Selene looked up at him. ""

Hel quickly moved over to the cell, waving a hand over the bars, causing them to disappear.

Anubis gently led her out of the cell. "I've got you Selene" he said softly to his daughter. He looked up at Hel. "is it safe for her to travel like this?"

"It is.... it is her spirit...." she replied.

"I know its her spirit but not many spirits can travel from the land of the dead to the land of the living in this form thats why I asked." suddenly a shiver ran through him and a chill of dred filled his heart. "No Marek" he suddenly whispered feeling his brother gone. 

Hel shoke her head. "He is gone of this world.... he is not in the world of living or dead..." she whispered. "And Selene, unlike a human soul, is able to make the journey...."

"Alright of course" he nodded and gently lead Selene with him. "Lets get you out of here" he said softly to her.

Selene nodded, holding on to his arm. "Yes...father...."

"Lead the way madame Hel" he bowed to the other woman.

Hel nodded, and quickly lead them to the exit of Tartarus.

Anubis hurried Selene quickly down the path way. A shiver filled him praying that the beast would keep with its part of the deal Marek had made it.

The beast looked towards him, and then just seemed to fall to sleep.

"Hurry...." Hel said softly.

Anubis hurried Selene on at his side, this was not his lands of birth so his magic was weak here. But once they passed teh caverns of scilence he would be able to get his daughter home.

Selene held on to him more as they hurried.

They ran quickly and soon suddenly they ran past the exit. Anubis stopped just for a moment to catch his breath and turned looking at Hel. "Thank you Hel" he said lookin at the woman. 

Hel nodded. "You must go... those that had wished for either of you to enter will know soon of what has happened...."

"Of course, and thank you again so much hel" with that he held Selene and vanished reappearing in the room with her body. "We're back thank the heavens" he whispered then looked at Selene. "Come lets get you back in your body."

Selene nodded, and then her spirit form disappeared.

Anubis watched Selene's body praying for some sign she was alright, hoping she would awaken.

Selene's eyes started to open. "Fa...ther..." she whispered. "Thank... you...."

Anubis dropped to his knees beside her. "There is no need to thank me" he took her hand in his. "I'm sorry I have not been there for you in the past but I am here for you now and I will do anything to make sure you are safe."

"You... told me... that before...father..." she whispered. "I know...I love you....father..."

"I just had to tell you again sweetheart" he smiled as tears glistened in his eyes. "I love you to Selene"

Selene carefully sat up, and hugged her father.

Anubis pulled her close hugging her tight.

"Thank you...thank you...."

"Don't thank me for something I will always do" he chuckled and stroked her hair as he hugged her.

Selene smiled softly. "And I will always thank you...."

"If you didnt you wouldnt be you" Anubis chuckled and couldnt help but smile. He gently pulled back from the hug. "Rest now Selene, I can sense strong wardings that have been placed around the house, rest up and regain your strength.

Selene nodded. and laid back down.

"Rest my daughter" he kissed her forehead and left the room. As he closed the door behind him. down the hall he heard soft sobbing. Turning and heading down the hall to the sound he stood in the doorway. looking inside he saw a heart breaking sight. The thirteenth laying over his brother's chest crying as his brother lay dead on a table. The four gaurdians stood around her as Hades stood to the side of the room. This made no sense why Hades would be here until he looked at the other man. Hades looked different to him. As if freed from something while Distraught over what had befallen his son.

"Marek... no... come back to me...." cried the young woman softly.

The four guardians silently looked on, though sadness was in their eyes.

Hades looked towards Anubis as he came into the room, but then as in shame.

Anubis walked over and gently laid his hand on the woman's back. "My lady my brother gave me a message to tell you., He loves you with all of his heart, and he is so sorry that he is unable to keep his promise that he made to you before he left. Marek wishes you to be strong and fight; do not let this keep you from living." He watched her with sad eyes. "I know my brother my lady he will not let death keep him from you"

She looked up at Anubis, pulling back her veil, revealing that she was indeed Chyrosa from his trip to Egypt. "Anubis..... he was my father's student.... my love....I.... I have watched him for years....I...I have to live... I know that.... for without me.... hope for the world is gone...."

Gently he pulled her into a hug against him. Thats when he felt it. he had always been sensitive to little things and being of the house of Osiris he felt the soul of another inside of Chyrosa. "You have to live not only for the world." he whispered so only she could hear him. "But for Marek, and the life you have created with him inside of you." his voice soft and so kind.

Chyrosa looked up at him and nodded. "I know..." she whispered. "I also know that without me... all of the worlds... will be swallowed by Chaos...."

"Just know that I'm here to help in any way that I can" he smiled and patted her on the head before letting go of her.

Chyrosa smiled. "Thank you... my second in command...." she said with a small smile.

"Of course my lady" he said with a small smile in return.

"I... must go... I can not have my father know that I am missing.... or anything..." she said softly. "Please watch over Marek..."

"Of course my lady" He bowed to her gracefully.

Chyrosa then disappeared.

Byakko walked over to Anubis. "As the Captain of the knights of Zodiac has fallen.... it is you who will lead them when the time comes..."

Hades just continued to look down at the ground infront of him, his back agains one of the walls.

"I sense my brother is not truely gone from reach, that he will one day return to us. But until that day I will stand in his place as Captain" he told his son.

"That is good, father...we are here to assist you and the lady..."

"Well for the first thing that I ask of you and your fellow gaurdians is that you ward this room to anyone other then those who are close to the Zodiac and Marek. I have a feeling that if we are to have the true captain return to us his body must be intact."

Byakko nodded, and then moved over to the other three, talking softly amongst themselves.

Hades slowly moved towards the door to the room.

"Hello?" came a familiar male voice.

He looked at Oracle

She mouthed: Go on...

He called out his brother's name hesitantly

((What's the japanese name you have for him? Seeing at Tashi is japanese name...))((I can't remember))

The door opened. "Ta...Tashi....?"

He hugged him tightly

He hugged back. "Tashi...oh Tashi...I'm so sorry...I...I...."


"Tashi..." he cried, hugging him.

He buried his face in his brother's chest. "Hyio...."

"I'm so sorry I left....

"Don't do it again..."

"I....I can't promise....I...I have to help my...." he said softly, then blushed. " love...."

"'re in love?"

Hyio nodded. "Yes... She... saved me..."

Tashi looked at him. "Saved you?"

"Yes...I had been held captive by of men in lab coats....they kept me in this tube, water all around me, wires and tubes connected to me...."

Tashi looked worried. 'Why?"

"I don't know...." he replied looking down.

"And...are you alright now?"

He nodded.

He hugged him.

"Tashi...please forgive me for leaving you and mother..."

"If you had no power over it than I forgive you."

"Thank you... thank you Tashi..... please....please know that I had only left to find father... not to abandon you...."

"I know now...I used to blame you...but now I know differently."

He nodded. "Thank you is mother?"

"She is well...but lonely. She worries for you, and still talks about dad..."

"I...I couldn't find him....I... I searched...serached for him before I was captured...."

He hugged him. "Oracle said he didn't leave by choice..."

"I don't like the sound of that....."

He explained what she had said.

"That is not good...."

"I know..."

"I am just glads to be back..."

He hugged him again. "Will you come back to see mother?"

"Yes brother... of course..."

Oracle came up to them. "You should hold on that for a bit..." she advised.


"Because his friend is coming..."

Hyio blushed.


She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Hecate ran her fingers over his back.

he blushed and sighed in pleasure

"Like that?"

he blushed and nodded

She kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

Hecate nipped his neck.

he moaned softly and blushed

"So cute..."

he turned redder

"I love you..."

"I love you."

Hecate looked around. "We've got guests coming...."


"I can sense it..." Hecate said.


Hecate kissed his cheek. "You will not be harmed..."

"They are friends?"

"Yes... one is a guardian.... the like you..."


"She is.... like another you...."

"What do you mean?"


" is my twin?"

"Not the guardian... but the young woman that is with him... that has come with him here..."

"Will...she like me?"

"Of course love..." Hecate said.

He blushed and nodded

"I know that you two will just love one another..." she whispered, hugging him.

He hugged back

"All will be as it was...."


"Yes... you and your sister reunited..."

He nodded

Hecate kissed his lips.

He blushed and kissed back

Hecate looked between them. "We should quickly clean ourselves up...."

Gabriel nodded

"This way...' she said, taking him to a room. "There is a pair of clean clothes in side.

"Thank you."

He saw her asleep in a large bed.

he went over and gently touched her arm

"Hmmm?" She turned in her sleep.


"'s possible that she is under a sleep spell...." Atrox said softly.

he looked concerned. "What can we do?"

He hugged him. "I don't know...I've never seen some thing like this before...."

He gently shook his mother. "Mother...please wake..."

"Hmmm....Ni...lus..." she whispered, opening her eyes.



he hugged her. "Mother...come with us..."


"Come with Atrox and I."

" love...."

"He...hurt me..."

"" she cried.

"Mother....he...raped me...repeatedly."

She had tears in her eyes.

"Nilus... we have to go..." said Atrox. "Just scoop her up...and come on..."

He picked his mother up and followed

They soon made it back to Atrox's home in the desert.

"Mother...please...believe me."

"I....I'm sorry my baby....."

He hugged her. "I love you."

She hugged back.

"Will you stay with us?"

"I... yes... my little one s" she said softly.

He hugged her again.

She hugged back.

Nilus looked to Atrox.

"I will leave you two to talk..." Atrox said softly.

"Ok...don't go too far please..."

Atrox nodded.

His mother watched Atrox as he left.

" recognize him?'

"Yes..." she whispered. "I just don't know from where..."

" were in a box..."

"My....dear darkness..."

He looked away slightly. "You do remember..."

She looked down. "I am tainted by Zeus.... he would not want me again... but from the way he looks at you...." she whispered.

"Mother...if you are tainted by him so am I...he loves us both...I am willing to let you be with him..."

Nemi got into the driver's seat, and then drove off.

Isaac stayed silent


"Sorry...I was thinking."


"How foolish I have been"

"Isaac....don't say that...."

"I was..."

Nemi looked back at him.

he sighed

Nemi drove them to the north side of the city, parking outside a gate with two large tortoises with snakes guarding it. The gate lead to a path that headed up into the mountains.

Isaac looked around

"The temple is at the top of the path..." Nemi said. "We will find the answers..."

He nodded growing nervous.

Nemi started to head up the path, leading Isaac and Sanzo.

They followed

At the top, there was a large earthen shrine.


"It's better inside...."

"It's already impressive."

Nemi smiled. "It is a well taken care of shrine... this one as well as the other three are thousands of years old...."

Isaac looked around in awe.

Sanzo smiled. "It feels safe here.:"

"It is....this shrine is protected by the god Genbu, and by the priest Genbu who is the god's only son.... Oracle, is the priestess and sister to the priest Genbu.... and is in fact a true oracle as well..."

Sanzo's eyes brightened. "She tell Sanzo's fortune?"

Nemi nodded. "She may..."

He grinned and started to race toward the temple.

"Sanzo!" she called, laughing.

He turned around and looked. "Yeppy?"

"Please don't just run off and leave us...."

He turned back and came back. "Sorry...Should I carry you?"

Nemi laughed. "No... but you still shouldn't just start to run off..."


Nemi giggled, and took his hand.

He started to skip toward the shrine.

Isaac looked at him feeling a little bemused

"You okay Isaac?"

"Yes. I am fine."

"You will know much soon..."



She looked down at him. "Y..yea?"

"What's wrong, love?" he whispered.

"I...a bad dream..."

"If you can tell me..." he whispered.

" were killed..."


She had tears in her eyes and told him

"I'm here Lyra...I'm not going anywhere...."

She held onto him tightly

He kissed her gently. "I'll protect you...."

"I know..."

He kissed her neck.

She purred

"You sound like my lioness..." he whispered into her neck, kissing it again.

She blushed and purred again

"Lyra... please don't leave me..." he whispered.

"I won't...if you won't."

"I won't ever leave you..."

She kissed him

A knock came to their bedroom. Abmisleo slowly got up and went to the door. He looked back at Lyra. "There is a little one here that has asked for you...." he said moving aside to reveal Chyrosa.

"Umm...what can I help you with?" She asked kindly

"Can I talk to you in the livingroom?" Chyrosa asked sweetly.

She got up. "I will be back." She followed Chyrosa.

Chyrosa sat down on the couch in the livingroom, waiting silently for Lyra to come into the room. She looked up at Lyra when she did come in. "Hmmm...? What has daddy told you?"

"I...umm....well..."She was uncertain if she was allowed to tell. She looked at Chyrosa. "I...don't know if he wants me to say..."

"What has daddy told you about me...?"

"Oh...umm..." Lyra slowly told her.

Chyrosa nodded. "So.... not really much about me...."


Chyrosa looked up at her, and she then began to shift. The little girl she had been was gone, and she was now a young woman around 16 years old. "Hi.." she said softly.


"I have many gifts that my father knows about...and still many he doesn't.... this is one that he does know about...I have grown up over and over again...for centuries....I have done this to learn more....and more....." she said softly.

"Why...are you telling me?"

" mother should know what has been happeneding to me...." she said softly. ((I had found some of my old Zodiac papers... we had made Lyra Chyrosa's mother reborn...that Lamya had been Chyrosa's mother...)

"Shouldn't your father know too?" (She thinks she means adopted mother lol)

"Father knows about my ability to shift never got the chance to know...."

"Well I just recently met you and your father."

"...because you had been killed...." she whispered,


Chyrosa nodded. "Yes...mother..."

"I don't understand..."

Vann cam inside him.

he gasped in shock and pleasure

Vann pulled out. " you..." he said gently.

he blushed. "I love you.."

Vann kissed deeply.

he kissed back

He held him close.

he fell asleep

Falcon woke up alone in the bed, covered up.

he sat up and looked around


He blushed. "Morning..."


"Yes." He blushed with the memory of the night before

Vann came back in with a tray of breakfast food. "For you... my Falcon..."

he blushed and smiled

Vann sat the tray down infront of Falcon, before sitting beside him.

"I love you.":

"I love you too my Falcon...and I will protect you...."

He hugged him. "I want to get strong enough to protect you too."

"One day I know you will..."

"Do you really think so?"

"Falcon... I know so... I can feel it in my blood..."

He leaned against him and kissed him

Vann kissed back, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

He smiled and than promptly turned back into a child, he fell unconscious.

Vann sighed, and then hugged Falcon to his chest. "Falcon... " he whispered, stroking his hair.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at him in confusion. "Hi Vann...why are you holding me?" He looked down and blushed. "Why am I naked?"

"Falcon... do you not remember?" he asked softly, pulling covers up over him.

"Remember what?" He asked looking at him with wide eyes full of confusion.

Vann sighed. "So you don' are a special one indeed...."

He looked confused. "What happened?"

"It... doesn't matter, my little Falcon..." Vann stood up. "I'm going to fix my food just start on your breakfast...."

"Ok..." He said confused as he began to eat.

Vann left the room, and then came back in with a bowl of cereal for himself.

He noticed Falcon had dressed.

"That looks nice on you Falcon..."

He blushed. "Thank you. What are we doing today?"

Vann smiled slowly. "Anything you wish... to reason..."

"Can we go the the zoo?"

"Because I feel something for you...I feel love for you....I want and will protect you...."

She blushed. "I feel something for you"

He kissed her.

she blushed and kissed back

Ares kissed her deeper.

She blushed deeply kissing back

"I love you..."

"I love you.,.."

He kissed her again gently.

She kissed back

"I will protect you..."

She blushed. "And Luscious?"

"Of course.... both of you...." he said gently.

She hugged him.

He held her close, kissing the top of her head.

She blushed

Ares leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

She kissed back

"I will protect you..." he promised her.

Thank you."

Ares kissed her.

She kissed back

"You can stay here for as long as you wish..."

She nodded. "Thank you."

"I'll show you to a room..." he said gently.

She smiled. "Thank you Ares."

"I can bring in a small matress for the little one if you'd like...." he said.

"Thank you." Amira whispered, feeling grateful

Ares nodded. "You are welcome...." He then brought in a small matress for the little one.

She smiled at him thankfully and went to check on her son

He was sleeping silently.

She smiled and covered him with a blanket

"Is he resting well?"

"Yea. Luscious is asleep."

"I am glad...." he said softly, stroking Luscious hair gently as a father should.

She smiled a little. "Oden never seemed to want to be around us unless it was for..."


She looked down and mouthed out 'sex'. "I thought he loved me..."

Ares swiftly comed close to her, pulling her into a hug, holding her to his chest. She felt protected.

She sighed breathing in his scent. "Thank you..."

"Anything....for the maiden who's voice rang through my mind..." he whispered.

She blushed. "But...I am a mother not a maiden..."

"A giant scorpion? Really?"

She nodded. "I dreamed of it once before. You said it was your friend."

"She is..." he said calmly.

She looked up at him. "Wh...what? Was it...not a dream?"

"I'm sure it was a dream...but I do have a scorpion friend..."

"Was she...this big?" She held her hand at the level it had been

He nodded.

"B...but...isn't that impossible?"

"Not for the scorpion of Scorpio..."


"The Constellation..."

"I know...but that is just mythology and astrology...."

Zanos pulled up the back of his shirt and she could see the scorpio from her dreams.

She traced it gently

He breathed softly from her touch. "Mmmm...."

She blushed

"That my companion....a protector..."

" hurt me?"

"never...." he promised.

She smiled

Zanos smiled. "It will protect you...."

She nodded and hugged him

Zanos hugged back and kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

"I will always protect you...'

"I love you."

He hugged her to his chest.

Alaina blushed but closed her eyes breathing in his smell

"Alaina....thank you for talking to me at the theater..."

She blushed. "Thank you for talking to me too."

"You were the star.... I was just a stage hand.... I still thank you..."

She kissed his cheek. "But you were really nice."

"Thank you.... Alaina..." Zanos said, before kissing her lightly.

She blushed kissing back

"What would you like to do? Or to know?" he asked softly.

"Or to know?"

"Yes... about anything..."

"I don't know...more about you would be nice."

"You can ask anything of me...."

"What do you do for fun?"

"Do you really wish to know?" he asked with a smile.


"Jarmanger...?" she whispered, hugging onto him.

"I...betrayed you..."

"What? What do you mean?" she asked.

" so sorry...I...left...and..."

Tamesis tilted her head.


"You.....went to Oden?" she whispered.

he looked down and nodded. " him too...he and I....but then...Zeus..."

Tamesis hugged Jarmanger. "I love you with all my heart..."

" you...I...umm...bit off Zeus' manhood and arm..."

Tamesis giggled. "You did?"

he nodded and shakily explained what happened.

Tamesis hugged him more. "Oh Jarmanger....I'm so sorry...."

He held onto her

Tamesis snuggled against him.

He held onto her

Tamesis kissed his chest.

He shivered in pleasure his breath hitching. "That was nice..."

Tamesis smiled softly. "Thank you..." she whispered, doing it again.

He purred

She looked up at him, though slightly off because of being blind. "I love you Jarmanger..."

"I love you."

SHe leaned in, and whispered, "Take me... all of me...."

He looked at her in shock. "W...what? sure?"

Tamesis blushed. "My brother would kill you if he found out.... but... yes I am sure.... I love you..."

He kissed her and slowly began to undress her tracing kissses and gently nibbles along her body.

Tamesis sighed in pleasure. "That.... feels so good..." she whispered.

He began to undress himself still nibbling and trailing kisses

"Jar... manger...." she whispered.

"Do you want me to stop?"


He gently thrust in.

SHe gasped softly. "Oh...Jar....."

He kissed her and slowly began to pull out and push in.

She moaned softly, holding on to him with all of her strength.

He came in her and gasped as he kissed her

Tamesis kissed back, holding on to him. "Jargamer..." she whispered.

He held her close. "Yes love?"

"That... was wonderful..." she whispered snuggling against him.

"I am glad. I..liked it too."

She kissed him softly.

He kissed back/

He woke up.

he looked around

He was in the room he had been given.

He got up seeing if Ares was home

((forgot here)) ((Ares is still working through the previous night...just wait a little))

Tyr kissed the top of her head.

She smiled


She blushed

He kissed them.

She smiled

"Where would you like to go now?"

"Anywhere as long as I am with you."

"The indoor ice rink?"

"That sounds like fun."


She smiled

Tyr took her to the ice rink, smiling gently.

She smiled back happily

Tyr took her out onto the ice.

She held his hand and smiled

Tyr spun her around on the ice.

She laughed as she spun a blush tinting her cheeks

Tyr spun her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her, and then kissed her.

Selune smiled

Tyr pulled back from the kiss, smiling down at her.

She smiled and blushed

"You are very beatuiful."

"I love you..."

"I love you as well...Selune...."

She smiled happily.

Tyr skated over to the side with her. "What would you like to do now, love?"

Selune smiled at him. "Lets get an icecream."

He nodded, and then lead her off of the rink, and over to a bench so that they could get their skates off.

She smiled and took off the skates. "That was fun."

"I'm so for the ice cream...."

"Yea. I know a nice place with homemade icecream."

Tyr looked at her. "Really...? That's wonderful..."

She took his hand. "Ready?"

Tyr nodded with a smile.

She lead him to a icecream shop

"Selune... you are a beauty beyond the stars..."

She blushed. "Thank you...and you are hansom..."

Tyr leaned in and kissed her.

She kissed back

They soon got to the icecream shop. "What would you like?"

chocolate and pestachio."

"Okay..." they said, smiling.

She smiled and talked with them for awhile then let them play watching them closely

After a while, the children were bouncing up and down. "Can we play again now?"

"Yes." She watched them closely

They ran off laughing.

She kept an eye on them

She soon noticed that it was getting close to when her boss had said that he'd watch them so she could go out.

"Oh. Children we need to head home ok?"


"You can get your prizes though." She said as they counted up the tickets and she took them to the prize counter

All of the children rushed over picking out all of their prizes.

After they were done she took them to the car and buckled them in. "Ready?"

"Yeah!" they cheered.

She smiled and took them home.

"We are home."

Her boss came out. "Welcome back...."

"Thank you."

"Are you ready for your night out?" he asked with a smile.


"Remember.... you have the night off..." her employer said.

"Oh...yes...are you sure though?"

"Yes...yes...go have fun..."

She hugged him and left

As she left the house, a black limo pulled up. "Susana-O... is waiting for you...."

She blushed, "How...did he know I was leaving just now?"

The driver pointed up at the skies. "There is a storm coming, and he thought it best to pick you up.

She blushed and smiled. "Oh. I will have to thank him."

The driver nodded, and opened the back door.

Sybil smiled. "Thank you."

The driver nodded waiting for her to get into the limbo.

She got in

"Hello my dear..." came Susano-O's voice.

She blushed and smiled. "Thank you for the ride."

He nodded with a smile. "You are very welcome my dear... I had wished to see you as soon as possible...."

Sybil blushed. "I enjoy being with you too.."

He patted at the space beside him in the limo for her to sit there.

She sat down with a blush. "What would you like to do?"

"I was thinking that we may go out to dinner...."

"Sounds nice. I usually cook meals."

"You are my date for this I will be treating you..." he said kindly.

She blushed. "Are you sure?"

"We are almost there already.... to Le Nue Del A Mai...." ((The best and facyest place in the city.... heehee))

"No...I can't is too much...thank you but...I would feel bad."

Yes mistress...

"Why do you call me mistress? My name is Sya."

Mistress is because you are my mistress.....

"Can we be friends?"


She smiled happily

Snow rubbed against her cheek.

She giggled and yawned. She laid down next to Hel and closed her eyes holding Snow and Mr. Ursa

The bat snuggled under her arms. Sya felt Hel's arms wrap around her.

She smiled happily

" baby girl...." she whispered.

She smiled. "Love you mamma."

She kissed the top of her head.

She smiled. "I love Snow."

"I'm glad.... you asked for a bat so...."

She smiled. "I love her."

"I'm glad that you do..."

She smiled

Hel kissed her cheek.

She smiled

Hel smiled softly. "Sya... what would you like to little angel...?"

She smiled. "Umm...I want to go to the park."

Hel nodded. "Let's go... little one..."

She hugged her. "Can we take Snow?"

"Alright...just becareful....alright?" Hel said with a smile.

"I will." She said with a smile as she gently lifted Snow up

Snow made a happy sounding noise.

She giggled and held her gently placing her on her shoulder. She picked up Mr. Ursa

"Already to go, my little one?"

Sya nodded happily

Hel took Sya's hand and lead her out of the apartment, and then down the street.

Sya skipped happily

Hel laughed, and walked with her. "I am glad you have such a smile upon your face...."

She grinned up at her. "Uh huh. I am just happy to have a good mommy."

Hel smiled down soft at Sya. "What a kind thing to say..."

She smiled and hugged her

Hel hugged back. "And you are a good little girl..."

That you are Sya...

She looked around in confusion. "Umm was that you or Mr. Ursa? She asked Snow.

It was me...Ursa...

"Oh." She smiled. "Thank you."

Mistress is very nice...

She smiled. "Thank you. All of you are very nice too." She said with a smile.

Hel laughed softly. "You three are just so talkative..."

"Is that bad?"

Zaku lead them off to the back of the temple. There in the back was an SUV.

"'s big..." Drake said

Zaku nodded. "Yes...I know...." he laughed. "You haven't seen Genbu...."


"He has a bigger one..."


"Yeah..." he laughed.

"Bigger then this?"

He nodded.


Zaku laughed, smiling at Drake.

he blushed

He drove them all to the movies.

Drake looked around in awe. "Wow..."

Zaku nodded. "Nice yes?"

Zaharie smiled. holding Kyo's hand.

he smiled

Jackie walked ahead of them into the theater. Zaku followed, leading Drake in. Zaharie wasn't far behind.

Kyo smiled holding his hand and following

They got into the main theater, and into seats.

Kyo and Drake smiled

Zaharie sat down beside Kyo, Jackie sat down on the other side of Kyo, and then Zaku had Drake sit down next to her before sitting down himself.

The movie was really good. Drake and Kyo smiled enjoying themselves

Zaku kissed Drake on the cheek.

Zaharie held onto Kyo's hand, and kissed the top of it.

Kyo blushed

Drake blushed with a smile

Zaku kissed Drakes neck. "Thank you..."

He shivered and looked a little shocked. "Uh...for what?"

"For....loving me...." he whispered.

He blushed and slowly nodded

"What do you wish to do now?"

"I don't I said, I have gone to school and worked at the shrine...that's it."

Jackie laughed. "You priests and not getting out much.... even Tamesis has been out and seen the world more than you all... and she is blind..."

"Jackie... would you behave..." Zaku said.

Drake looked down. " parents...."

Zaku shook his head. "I have fought with your parents on many occassions to get you out of the temple for sometime..."

"Oh...I bet that didn't go well..."

"I would stop for a few days... as they are your parents...."

He nodded.

Zaku kissed him on the forehead...." All will be fine...."

He blushed and nodded

Jackie looked at them. "Maybe we should head back to the temple...many of us have school in the morning..."

"Yea....ok..." Drake looked a little disappointed

Zaku leaned into his ear. "What is wrong my sweet one?"

He blushed. "I...was having fun..."

Kyo stretched and sighed. "Ok."

Zaharie kissed Kyo's cheek.

He blushed and smiled

Ai smiled at her mother. "Isn't he a cutie?"

"Yes...both of them...."

She smiled and hugged Yomi

Aiko smiled and kissed Rasu

The twins hugged the other twins, kissing them.

they both blushed and kissed back

"Who are they?" came their father's voice.

"Papa." Ai smiled over at him. "This is my boyfriend Yomi and that is Aiko's boyfriend Rasu."

Aiko held Rasu's hand

"Oh...hello there boys..."

Rasu and Yomi nodded. "Hello sir..." they said in unison.

Ai smiled. "Can they come to the birthday party tomorrow?"

Their father nodded, and their mother smiled. "Of course..."

She hugged them happily.

"Thanks mom and dad." Aiko said. There wasa certain edge when she said 'dad'

"Behave yourselves...." her father warned, more to Aiko than Ai.

Aiko sighed. "Of course...."

"I have some work to finish..." he left the room.

Aiko sighed.

Rasu kissed her. "All will be alright..."

"I hope so..."

Yomi hugged Ai to him. "Like a mirror..." he joked.

She smiled

Rasu and Yomi smiled, and kissed their girls.

They kissed back

Rasu and Yomi asked at the same time. "Would you like to go dancing?"

"We would love to."

The twins smiled and kissed the girls.

They kissed back

Rasu and Yomi took the girls out to a near by club that had a long of dancing and music. 

They smiled happily

"Do you like it?" asked Rasu.

"Yes. It's fun."

Rasu kissed her.

Yomi pulled Ai off to the side wall and gently kissed her neck.

She blushed and smiled. "Love you..."

"Love you.... too..." Ai blushed.

Rasu and Yomi took Ai and Aiko out on the dance floor.

They started to dance

The music just blasted around them, the twins holding Ai and Aiko close.

They smiled

The music started to increase in sound and intensity.

Ai slowed down and smiled. "I am getting a little worn out..."

Yomi took Ai off to a table in the corner. "A seat... my dear..."

"Thanks." She said with a smile. "Aiko is more athletic..."

"Athleticness has nothing to do with it...." he said taking the seat beside her.

"She can dance longer though..."

"That may be true.... but then I woun't be able to do private..." he gently pressed his lips to her's.

She blushed and kissed back.

Aiko continued to dance happily

"I enjoy dancing with you....Ai...." Rasu said.

"And I like dancing with you too."

Eos smiled back. "Aphrodite..."

"Mother...we found Angelique."

Aphrodite looked at him. "Really?"

he pointed over at her

She looked over to Jezza. "Angelique?"

"I..." she nodded. "I've been going by Jezza...."

Aphrodite hugged her. "Oh my little girl..."

Jezza hugged back. "Ah...this is Miach and Liam...their family adopted me....and...ah...Liam and I are...together..."

"Really?" Aphrodite asked, looking at Liam and Miach.

Liam blushed. "Nice to meet you ma'am."

Miach nodded

"You're both so handsome..."

Liam blushed. ""

Miach sighed. "I keep telling him that."

Aphrodite nodded. "Oh you girls.... if I were to act more myself, I'd be going after them..." she said with a smile and wink.

"Mom..." blushed Jezza.

Artemis blushed.

Liam blushed as well.

Miach just kept to the side quietly, this was for Jezza and her brother. he had no business here.

Aphrodite looked at Miach. "You should tell him..."

He glared at her and shook his head. "I don't know what you are talking about..." He started to leave the cottage.

"Miach..." Liam said in worry.

"Miach..." called Jezza.

"I will wait outside." He said forcing a smile as he closed the door.

Liam looked worried. "Is he alright?"

Aphrodite was about to say something, when Jezza started to speak. "Mom..." Jezza then went after Miach, hugging him.

Liam looked worried

Miach stood outside and sighed. He couldn't let Liam know of his feelings, he wanted Liam happy. He was a vampire...Liam wasn't and they were brothers, he shouldn't even feel this way.


He turned to look trying to cover his pain. "Yes?"

Jezza hurried up to him and hugged him.

Liam came running up behind her. "What's wrong?"

Miach froze a little. "N..nothing...I was just giving you guys some space." He said as he placed a smile on his face. But Jezza who was up close realized it wasn't reaching his eyes.

"Liam loves you...." she whispered into Miach's ear.

He looked at her and shook his head.

"What's wrong Miach?" Liam asked in concern.


Jezza looked at Miach. "Miach.... I will say it louder.... Liam loves you... and I know you feel the same...."

"Of course I love you Miach...we are brothers. Why do you think otherwise?" Liam asked in concern.

Miach closed his eyes, pained. "I...I know Liam."

Jezza looked at Liam. "Miach... loves you more than a brother...."


Miach stiffened and glared at Jezza with pain and anger in his eyes. "I...didn't want you to know...Damn it...!" He turned and ran off.

"Miach wait!" Liam called out. He looked worried. "I...what should I do?"

"Go after him....please.....he needs you..."

He nodded and hurried to find his brother.

As Miach ran, a man cloaked in shadow as well as a black cloak stepped out in front of him.

He skidded to a stop. "Who are you?" He asked. Tears ran down his face.

"Why do you cry, young man?"

"I...I'm not..." He said whiping the tears away angrily. "It's nothing..." He started to walk past him. "Why are you wearing a cloak? Isn't outdated?" He said trying to sound cool an collected, though in truth he was uneasy by this man.

The cloak fell away, and no one was underneather. Then he heard the voice again. "It is not out dated.... "

He backed away. "What...are you?"

She nodded, and headed off again.

He headed outside to explore the city taking careful note of where he was and where he was going.

He saw beautiful mountains surrounding the city.

he smiled breathing in the air

"Beautiful, huh?"

he turned to look

A young man stood there.

"Oh...yes it is."


"Yes. I just arrived from Japan."

"Do you need a guard?"


"I meant guide...."

"Oh...ok..."He nodded

The young man smiled. "What do you like to do? I could point those out as we go...."

"I want to know more about your culture."

"I'd love to inform you...."

he smiled politely. "Thank you."

"You are welcome...."

He smiled. "What would you recommend?

"There are many shops as well as theaters..." the young man said.

Takarii nodded. "I...don't know what I would like to see first...I am so used to work I forgot what it was like to have fun..."

"Then I will take you out to a club..."

"What type of club?"

"Music.... people...dancing...."

"I have never been to one..."

"Oh... then we need to get you out to one..."

"Are you sure that is ok?"

"Why won't it be ok?"

"I am here on bussiness...I have to be bussiness oriented..." Takarii said.

"Many business men go out... though..."

"Not with my family..."

"Why is that?"

"Well...mother passed away and dad started to focus more on business," He whispered

"Oh that's sad.... I'm sorry..."

"It happened when I was eight..."

"I am still sorry..."

"Thank you. She was a nice woman."

He nodded. "Oh.... my name is Ronimleo...."

"Takarii" He said with a bow.

"Nice to officially met you..."

"Ah...I am sorry, it was rude of me not to introduce myself." He bowed in apology.

"The same is said for myself...."

"Thank you."

Duncan kissed him.

He turned scarlet and slowly kissed back

"I feel the same..."


"Yes, Senna..."

he blushed deeply. " glad."

Duncan kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

Duncan smiled. "Where shall we go now?"

"Umm...well I showed you around the school...what would you like to do?"

Duncan leaned in and nipped his neck.

he gasped in surprise and pleasure turning pink

"Oh....what a reaction...." he said smiling.


"Why?" he said gently.

He was blushing deeply. " kissed..."

"You have a cute blush...."

He blushed deeper

"Would you do me the honor...?"

"Of what?" He asked with a deeper blush.

Duncan kissed him.

He blushed deeply and slowly kissed back

"Thank you..." Duncan said slowly pulling back.

He blushed. "I...don't know why...but you."

"I am glad that you do..." Ducan said, and then kissed him again.

He blushed and returned the kiss. "W...why is it I can trust you?...we just met. And...well...I promised myself not to get involved with is...him..." Senna whispered the last part looking confused

"Him?" Duncan asked with a smile.

he blushed and looked unsure. "I...dreamed about him..."

"What does this.... 'Him' look like?"

He described Oden

Ducan stood quiet for a few minutes, looking deep in thought. "And... do you know of his name?"

He blushed and looked down. " may sound stupid...but I have only dreamed of him...In my dream he said he was Oden, and he loved me...maybe I am chasing a fantasy, but I feel I love him...even if he is older..."

Duncan stayed silent. "Oden? hmmm...."

" know someone by that name?" Senna asked hopefully

"I do..." he said solemly.

He looked up sharply. "Really?" He asked hopefully but his smile began to slip as he noticed his serious look. "W..what's wrong?" Senna asked

"The Oden I know is and has never been a nice man... though I have heared that he had been nice one time..."

"What...does he look like?"

He started to discribe Oden in a lot of detail.

He blushed. "But he seemed so nice in my dreams,"

"Then I don't know what version you really have been seeing..."

"I...still want to meet him, to judge for myself."

Duncan nodded. "I don't know where he is at...right now..."

"Oh. sorry. You were kissing me and I feel like I was leading you on...."

"No big...I guess....." Duncan said.

He looked down. "I hurt you..."

Artemis hugged onto Sol. "I'm sorry about the mess..." she whispered.

Aphrodite stood off to the side watching them.

He hugged her. "Don't be.It's not your fault."

She looked up at him. "'s just that we found your sister...and your mother.... and then everything that happened involving your sister and her adoptive brothers..."

He hugged her. "I can only hope it will work out."

She hugged back.

Aphrodite smiled softly.

He hugged her

"I love you... my son...."

He smiled "Love you too.:"

"what light you have brought to me..." she said softly.

"I have?"

"I a have been sad for some time.... though I and the god Ares were together after your father disappeared with you and your sister... but that was to give a family to a young man... the first of the reborn Zodiac.... who though being born in Greece was born as a Coyote.... an animal not found in Greece....he had no family... and she wished to help him.... I knew and prayed that one day we would be together again.

He hugged her

"Stay here with me, Angel... she said softly, hugging back.

"I...can I?"

"I want you to... you are my son... and I will extend my offer to Angelique too... when she cames back...."

He smiled and looked to his love. "What about her?'

"Artemis has always be welcome here...."

He smiled and hugged Artemis.

"Kya" or Ryuki (his real name) walked toward his first class of the day. He wore the school uniform but it had added ruffles along the hem of the skirt and he wore a ribbon in his hair. He carrited Belladana in his arms. Currently his school supplies were beinhg carried by the most recent boy that was trying to get close to him.

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