Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 12 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 12

Back to Mystic Zodiac

Genbu laughed. "Well...we're going to the moon..."

"Okay, sounds like fun, I'm game for it!"

"Wonderful..." he said and kissed her, and then they disappeared. ((Sarah move down to where it says Hecate.... I have already posted your arrival down there.... you just need to had your discription...))

"Really? Oh my...."

"Yeah, but I'm happy for ya, man! Gettin' a real job, next thing I know, you'll have a girl and be getting married!"

"Don't push it Vander!" joked Jude. "Though with you being gone so long I wasn't sure if you hadn't done the same and not told anyone.

"Yeah, I couldn't help that. It was almost as if no one noticed me..."

"Hey I'm sorry dude...." Jude said.

"It's not that big of a deal. Anything else new with you?"

"Well... hopefully I will get the courage to ask this girl from work out..."

"Ooohhh...if I could give you courage, I would..." Vander said. "I hope to get invited to the wedding," He teased.

"Oh you know it...." laughed Jude.

"Hey, are we almost to the pizza place?" he asked. "I know the little urchins are hungry and so am I." He teased the kids, obviously joking.

"hey!" said Robby and Crystal sticking out their tongues at him.

Vander sticks out his tongue back at them.

"Behave you three..." Shayia said, giggling softly.

Juade laughed.

Vander makes a funny face at her.

"Vander...." Shayia said with a smiled, shaking her head.

"It's nice to see friends again! Mom and Dad haven't met Shayia and the kids yet, which I intend to fix as soon as possible!"

"What?! They haven't met your kids!"

"It's been crazy...and I just haven't been able to, yet. We have quite a few things that need to be tended to here..."

"Like what? What's more important that introducing your kids to your parents...?"

"Things that I can't explain, sorry." Vander really wishes he showed some inkling of being even a bit magical just so he could tell him a tiny bit. It kind of bothers him a little that he won't be able to tell his friends or family.

"Secretive... I like that.... we all have secrets..." Jude laughed.

" feels kind of weird, though. We used to tell each other everything and now look at us!"

Jude laughed a bit. "I know... oh look we're here who's ready for some pizza?"

"Me!" shouted the children, as Shayia giggled a bit.

"Do you know what kind of pizza you want?"


"Cheese, huh? What about anchovies?"


"Okay, okay, fine we'll have cheese." Vander turns to the person behind the counter. "One cheese pizza and one supreme pizza, please."

"That will be $13..." the person at the register said.

"I'll get it...." said Jude, handing over a twenty.

"I appreciate that man, but you don't have to do that."

"Hey...I want to..." Jude said with a smile. "It's a celebration..."

"Okay. Is there another celebration I don't know about or that we're seeing each other again?" Vander asked. 

"You're not dead! That's cause for celebration!" laughed Jude.

"Yeah, I can see your point. To life!" Vander raised his fist in the air.

"To life!" Jude said, pumping his own fist.

"So, how is working with the kids? Are you enjoying it? Or do you just want to pull out your hair sometimes."

" are awesome... I didn't think I'd like it at first... but... I absolutely love it..."

"I'm glad for you...I'm not sure what I'll do now that I'm...back." Vander wasn't really sure how to put it. It's not like he could tell his friend he makes the perfect theif and that's how he's been living the past two years.

"The internet has become big... why not finish school and get a computer job...?"

"It's more complicated than that right now. I don't have time to even have a job! But I'll get by. I have a couple of...friends who are rather well off." Vander almost let it slip that he had siblings.

"That's great! I'm happy for you..." said Jude, as the woman handed him the pizza. "Pizza anyone...?"


"I'm hungry, too! I hope this place is as good as you say it is, pizza is one of the things I haven't gotten much of lately."

"It's me.." Jude said laughing.

"Great...I'm sure these two love a good pizza, don't ya?" Vander asked Robbie and Crystal, crossing his eyes at them.

Robbie and Crystal nodded happily as they ate the pizza. "We love it!"

Shayia giggled softly, taking a bite of pizza. "My little ones have always been good eaters..."

"I think I remember my mom having to keep dessert from me if I didn't clean my plate. Those were when she'd make brussel sprouts and spinach!" Vander said, making a face.

"I like spinach..." said Robbie.

"Well, then you must be Popeye the Sailor Man!"

"I forgot how ticklish you were." He said with a wicked grin as he started to gently began to tickle her.

"Eek!" Cornelia shrieked. "Save me, Semreh, save me!" as she giggled.

He smirked and tickled her even more.

Semreh laughed. "You two are funny....!"

"She is very ticklish."

"No more! No more!" Cornelia said between giggles.

" about this...?" He scooped her up and kissed her.

"That'll work!" Cornelia said when he was done kissing her.

He smiled. "Where to next?"

"Ummmm...I'm not sure."

Semreh smiled a bit. "I could...answer any questions you may have...?"

"About?" William asked there was a slight chill to his voice that, this time, he was unable to mask. Semreh unnerved him. He was no father and he was not willing to believe just yet in this past life stuff, he was just glad Cornelia was alive and with him.

Semreh looked at him. "About your destiny as a Zodiac... what gifts that you would be bestowed..."

"William, I can imagine how you feel right now. But I only remember our past life together. The one where we have a son named Semreh...Please at least treat him as you would a good friend, for my sake?" Cornelia asked him, giving him the look that she knew melts any opposition he has to her.

He hesitantly nodded. "You don't remember this life at all? dod you know you love me....I am different from a past life..."

Semreh smiled. "Love knows no time... for love is as times as many other things... plus with a love like you had in the past and now... Aphrodite wouldn't want you to forget it..."

"That's beautiful. You may look different and act a little different. But my heart knows you." Cornelia said, kissing him.

He kissed back hoping that it was true. "I hope you remember this life...or I remember that one..."

"I'm sure it'll come back...what happened? I only remember waking up in a hospital and knowing my name's Cornelia because I had a note to myself."

He froze and looked down. " family...and you...were all killed...because of me. I killed my demeter...and his men exacted revenge for it..."

"Oh...I don't remember your family, but I love you. They couldn't kill me!"

"I am glad they didn't kill you...I have been on the run, the police believed I was responsible..."

"Well, we'll just have to give you a new look or something...Or at least make sure the police don't find you!"

It's there, my love...

"I'm glad that's taken care of! I'm starving! Shall we eat?"

"Taken care of?" her father asked.

"Yeah, yeah, it'll be fine. You'll both be safe in the house, at least from certain people...I know it sounds like I'm talking nonsense, but just trust me, okay?"

"We trust you baby girl..."

"Okay. Fenris will be with me and he'll be able to protect me as well."

"Are you positive...?"

"Yes, I trust him as much as you guys. I've dreamt about him, my whole life...I just thought he was a part of my dreams."

"Oh..." her parents said still confused.

"It's okay, just forget I brought it up...Let's eat!"

Her parents nodded, and started to eat. "Yum.... this is great Del..."

"I'm glad you guys like it. I tried to make it special."

Her parent smiled.

Fenris came into the room, and laid down by Del's feet.

Del pets him with her foot.

She felt him lick it.

Del giggled, "That tickles!"

Her parents gave her a look, as Fenris licked her foot again.

"Sorry, sorry...he licked my foot!" she said between giggles.

"Oh...careful sweetheart..."

"It's okay. He won't eat me or anything!" she told them. "I'm going to have to leave tomorrow."

"Oh hun.... so soon?"

"Yes, sorry. There's someone I need to find, and as soon as I can! I'll call every day, I promise!"

They nodded. "You had better young lady..." said her father.

Del smiled at him. "It'll be weird being away for so long, but it'll be worth it in the end."
((I'm curious, does his other side have a love interest? I can't find him.))

((Currently the other side is dealing with the fear that he won't be him any more.... lol)

"Just be safe..." her mother said.

"I will, Mom! I'll miss you both, but I really will call every day!" ((That's okay, I think it'd make me sad if there was another love in his life...))

((Me too....))

Her mother moved over and hugged her close.

"I love you Mom. And Dad. I wish I didn't have to go, but I do need to. I'll be back as soon as I can!"

"Just remember be safe..."

"I will. You know I will."

They smiled.

"I'll have my phone with me. If anything strange happens, make sure you call me right away, okay?"

"We will...and call us, sweetheart..."

"I will...I already told you I'd call you daily."

"I know..."

We can leave any time you will, love...

Del tried to tell him that she'd like to sleep in her own bed one more night because she didn't know when she'd get back to it again. She didn't want her parents to hear that and have them worry more.

In the morning... my love... She heard him say in her mind.

Del smiled, "How about dessert?"

"We'd love some..."

Del went and got the cobbler she'd baked out of the oven. She served it to her parents. She sat back down and ate her portion as well, wondering what her daughter might be doing.

I fear that something may happen...soon.. came a male voice.

Did you hear that? she tried to ask Fenris in his mind. I was wondering what Arcadia was doing and I heard "I fear something may happen...soon."

Fensir nodded. Father...

You mean Loki? she asked him.

That is indeed my name...

Del jumped Do you mean something will happen to Arcadia soon?

Hopefully not...but Odin has threatened to take her body and all....and not Siria, Arcadia's cousin is a prisoner of Hera....

Del was upset He's not getting close. She may not recognize me, but that doesn't mean I can't mother her.<i>

<i>I know, friend....I am sorry....

"It's okay, it's just a little strange."

Sorry again...and see you soon, Aria...

Aria went to get dressed. She wore her everyday clothes, which were quite professional, but also comfortable. She headed over to the temple.

She arrived at the enterance to a gate that was flanked on both sides by a large onyx tortoise wrapped by an onyx snake. Beyond the gate she saw a path heading up the side of the mountain range.

She started up the path.

The path was long and seemed to go on for some time.

"There are times I wish I could fly..."

Don't we all... ((Is this who she was talking to in the shower or someone?)) ((Yes))

"Yeah...I guess. I probably shouldn't complain because I can swim and that's something not a lot of people can do."

Don't worry about it....there are alot of things that others can do that others can't...

"Yeah, oh well...these steps are certainly a hassle!"

One gets use to it...

"I guess you would have to, huh?"

Very true...

"How's Aquilla's chat going?"

It went will... we have more guests here now... so this should all be interesting....

" many of them remember or know what they are?"

Three others.... though I hope you would know of Nemesis....

"Yes, of course..." ((My character may, but there wasn't even a picture anymore under his name...))

((Her picture is gone?? Shoot.... I'll have to see if I can find another one))

See you soon... She saw that she just had a bit to go.

She sighed, happy to be among friends, but dreading what is to come. She was sure Oracle was even worse, since she could see bits of the future.

She saw the top of a shrine come into view.

She hurried, but didn't run. She just realized how long it had been since seeing her friends at this shrine.

She made it to the top of the stairs.

Aria goes into the shrine, looking for the others.

((Just go down to Oracle/Nemi are...))

"Just think...some of the gods and goddesses are what they are made out to be in the stories...."

"It's so strange to think that! But I guess it makes sense, the stories had to come from somewhere!"

"Some even from the mouths of the god or goddess themself..." Helios said with a smile.

"Oh, goodness. Are there some who started out as regular people but got others to worship them and became gods?"

"There are thoses that have been gifted by the Gods....born mortal..."

"Oh...kind of like me?"

"You were born a demi-goddess....but in a way you are right..."

"Okay...this is still a lot to take in...I think I'm doing just fine, though."

Helios nodded. "That you are...just fine indeed..."

"How is it possible that so many people have forgotten? If everything's real, why haven't they remembered the truth?"

"Because so much happened to each of the gods and goddesses, that we sort of just stepped back from the forefront, and soon became just memory... or at least myth...." Helios said.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense...I'd be sad, though, if I were one."

Helios hugged her. "We may have stepped back from the view of mortals, but we didn't stop influencing their lives like the Muses.... or influencing the weather or the day and night.... or protecting them.... some of us have even taken mortal identities...."

"I guess that would work. You'd be near to them..."

"It is true..."

"Are there lots of demigods and goddesses running around? Do they even know it?"

"There aren't many new ones, and most of the ones out there right now have been around for some time...."

"Oh...I guess that makes me a bit different than the rest of them, huh?" she couldn't help thinking about how she's always been a bit different from the rest. She had thought she might have found a group to belong to, but she now realized she hadn't.

"Plus my love, there are always demigods and goddesses as gods find love with will find many friends...."

"Okay...You'll have to show me."

Helios smiled and kissed her cheek. "Of course I will..."

"I know I've said it before, but the gardens are quite people visit you often?"

"I'm often on Earth...and not home.... I know that Eos always visits... you will like her and my other sister..." he said.

"Who's your other sister? And what does Eos do? Is she mortal or a goddess?"

"My other sister is named Selene...but centuries ago she was killed by an evil that was able to kill her and now she has been reborn as a half mortal girl named Shayia...though she still looks like Eos...You see, Eos, Selene and I are triplets...but Selene and Eos at the only ones that truly look alike..."

"Oh...that's sad. How is someone able to kill the moon?" she asked, remembering all the times she'd read about a Selene or Selena being the moon.

"My sister is the embodiment of the Moon... just as I am the embodiment of the Sun...and Eos is the Dawn... if we were to be killed, what we embodiment would become dull and sad... like if I were to die, no matter if you had control over the weather, if the Sun were to dull with my death as it does when I am sad, though to a lesser would always be cloudy with many storms that would even be out of your control...."

"Oh, the moon's been a lot brighter the past few nights...Did something happen to make your sister happy?"

" also....she was reborn...and she has been coming into her gifts as the Moon..."

"Oh...That's good, right? If she was reborn and stuff?"

"Yes it is... that means that the circle of the Sun...Moon...and Dawn is back in order...."

"I guess that's good for you guys! Did you have to cover for your sister when she was gone?"

"I couldn't...but Eos was hard on her... but she is part moon and part sun...I am all Sun..."

"Oh, that must have been awful for her! I'm sure she's glad the Moon is back!" Kenda said, wondering what her father and mother would do if she died.

"We are both very glad...." he said, and then kissed her.

She clumsily kissed him back. She wasn't sure how it works exactly, but she'd read about it.

Helios carefully helped her so that the kiss was wonderful.

Kenda sighed. "It's nice to know that whatever's happening, there's still time for people to love."

"She wouldn't have it any other way..." Helios said.

"Do you mean Aphrodite?"

"That is indeed who..." he said.

"All that reading I do will come in handy!"

Helios nodded, smiling. "That it will..."

"I think it was my dad that introduced me to the pantheons...and at a very young age...maybe he was preparing me for something."

"It is mostlikely he was.... or he was trying to teach you his and your family's history and connections...."

"Oh...he never let on...not until I met you..."

"He just may not have found the right moment..."

"I guess that makes sense. This is all so new and amazing now!"

Serapis sighed seeing his daughter give him the big doe eyes she normally does when she really wants something. He looked at Siria curiously.

"What do you have on your mind...papa?" Siria asked smiling softly.

"We really should be sending him home but if the children want to keep playing... they are safe here with us." He said leaning his head back.

Siria nodded. "Alright then...." she said, looking at the kids. "Play on...."

"Yay!" they said, and ran off together.

Serapis chuckled. "they are so cute.

"I know..." siria giggled. "Just too cute for words..."

Serapis smiled and kissed her cheek gently. "I'm going ot go run and take a shower."

"Alright back soon..." she said with a kiss to his cheek.

Serapis smiled getting up and headed to the door. there he stopped and watched what was going on. The children playing so sweetly as his mate watched them. This was the way life was supposed to be. He turned and headed off to take his shower.

The water felt good against his skin.

Serapis scrubbed himself clean enjoying the hot water on his skin trying not to think about anything at all.


Serapis turned and bolted out to the sound not caring he was nude just worried about his love and the children.

There was no one in the livingroom, but he did hear something in the closet. Arcadia suddenly appeared in the room.

"Where is my baby I sensed he was in danger" Arcadia said not carying about the fact he was naked.

Serapis didnt care either. "I was in the other room and I heard a scream" he put his finger to his lips and pointed to the closet where he then went over and opened it

Vali stood in front of Neafa protectively, looking about ready to jump at who ever opened the door. Seeing Serapis, Vali relaxed. Neafa rushed from behind him and hugged Serapis around the legs. "Papa...papa....!" she cried.

Vali looked over at Arcadia, and then rushed to her, hugging her.

Siria was no where to be seen.

Arcadia picked him up and hugged him. "oh my baby I was so worried."

Serapis picked up Neafa. "Sweetheart tell me what happened." he said as he hugged her and cooed to her softly comforting her.

"I...I don't know...." she cried.

Vali held on to Arcadia. "Uncle Serapis....a shadow appeared in the room, and Auntie grabbed us and hide us in the close.... and then she screamed...."

A ripple of anger went through Serapis's body but it was a feeling he pushed down hard and fast so not to scare his daughter. "Arcadia I need you to take my daughter with you." He said in a calm tone that held so much behind it.

Arcadia understood that look well. "Are you sure you want to do this alone Serapis?" she asked softly. "Many would come to help you if you asked."

Serapis shook his head as he held his daughter close. "No you need to protect your family Arcadia and the only way I'm going to get to where I need to go is if I'm alone."

"Papa...." she hugged his neck.

He kissed the top of her head. "I love you baby, I'm going to send you with Arcadia and Vali, you'll be safe with them."

"But papa....I..."

"You what sweety?" he asked softly. He had to go rescue Siria and Neafa had to go with Arcadia but he wanted to know what she had to say.

Arcadia stood there hugging her son watching him.

"I don't want to lose you again..." she whispered.

"Oh sweetheart" He kissed teh top of her head. "I have to go save Siria sweetheart. I'll be back princess I promise you that" he stroked her hair as pain lanced his chest.

Neafa nodded. "Bring mommy back..."

"I will I promise princess" he kissed the top of her head then looked at Arcadia. "Take good care of my baby"

"Of course" she nodded to him as she kneeled down and held her hand out to Neafa. "Come on sweetheart lets get going."

Neafa nodded sadly, and took Arcadia's hand.

"I love you sweetheart be good for Arcadia" he kissed the top of her head gently.

Arcadia closed her eyes "Delta gather the kids, I'm sorry to make they're outside playing so short but you must gather them and bring them home and I'm ready to go as well I'm bringing Serapis's daughter Neafa with me, I'll explain when I see you."

Arcadia, Vali, and Neafa all disappeared.

Serapis took deep breath's as he stood. He threw on some clothes and a pair of boots and left the house closing and locking the door behind him. He walked for hours stoping to ask for directions here and there. But soon he found what he was looking for. It was ancient standing tall and proud even in its old age. One of he last remaining Alters to Hera hidden from the world. Stripping bare he walked foward ontop the cold stone. "Is this what you want Hera?!" he shouted to the heavens knowing she heard him. "Here I am before you as you seem to crave me so!" he knew it was Hera who had stolen his Siria away. "Show yourself Hera!" he shouted to the heavens once more.

A woman, the mirror image of the statue, stepped around from behind the statue. "Oh my Serapis.... this is what I wanted, but what has gotten you so upset...." she asked with a smirk.

"Since I was freed from your bonds you have done nothing but torture me with a phantom of my past and now you have stolen away someone I hold dear. If you let her go freely, no spells nothing wrong with her. Let her go to her cousian in peace I will come with you of my own volition" he walked over to her and dropped to his knees before her gently he picked up one of her feet in her golden sandals and kissed it. "I am here to serve you my goddess, my mistress if you will just let Siria go" he begged.

Hera looked down at him. "Oh really.... and if I do...what is to stop you from betraying me...."

"I swear on my life I will serve you my Mistress." The tears stung his eyes. He had to protect his family. His siria, his Neafa and his little ones growing within his Siria. "Mark me brand me do whatever you wish." He looked up at her. "I beg of you my goddess, please... please... let Siria go in peace and I will forever be yours to do with as you see fit." he wanted to vomit but this was to be his sacrifice.

Hera smiled. "Very well, my pet..." she said, and Siria appeared.

"Serapis...." she shouted. "What...what are you doing?"

Serapis looked over at Siria with tear filled eyes. "Take good care of our little ones Siria, and never forget I love you so much."

"Serapis..." Siria cried, tears in her eyes too. She tried to get over to him, but she disappeared just before getting to him.

"I have sent her away.... to a safe you wish..." said Hera.

"No I want to be sure she is safe, send her to the Epsilon Archer building" He knew that is where Arcadia and her mate were so Siria could go to them and go to his daughter. "I want to see her there safe and sound my lady, if not then I will not promise my allegiance to you. I want Siria to be safe no double crossing nothing of the sort. then I am yours my lady for as long as you see fit I am yours" he stood before her and watched as she licked her lips gazing over his perfect body.

"Epsilon Archer? You think I don't know who owns that company...I'm not going there nor any where you have choosen my pet.... a portal image appeared beside them. They saw Siria running through green hills. "I have sent her home to where she the Nordic savage lands..."

"I never said anything about you going there my mistress" He suddenly lengthened his claws and brought them to his face one thing she loved so much about him was that gloriously handsome face of his.

"She is home my the lands of her put that claw down... or I will just take her back and put her where I was planning on putting her....." Hera said evilly.

He believed she would do worse, he just prayed his Siria really was running through the lands of her fathers. Pulling his hand down he dropped to one knee before her. "How may I serve you my mistress?" he asked softly.

Hera smiled, and snapped her fingers. A collar appeared around Serapis's neck and leash in her hand that was connected to the collar. "Come my pet..."

"Yes my lady" he said softly walking over to her side.

Hera lead him off through a back room, and then they were in her bed chambers on Mt. Olympus. "Now my pet... I like how you are acting now... I don't have to chain you like before..."

"I only serve to please you my queen" Serapis gracefully dropped to one knee before her. "How may I please you my lady?" he asked as he began to seperate himself so he could do this. He had to do this for his Siria and his Neafa. To keep them safe in this world.

"Kiss me..."

Serapis's heart went cold; but he had to do it. He stood and walked over to her and gently ran his hand over her cheek. "As my goddess demands" softly he pulled her close and kissed her. This was the begining of the slave Serapis.

Hera wrapped arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. My Serapis.... her voice purred in his mind.

Serapis just gave into it and kissed her as he knew she craved of him. He slid his hands around her and pulled her close.

Hera rubbed against him as they continued to kiss.

Serapis picked her up and carried her over to the bed laying down. Pulling from the kiss he undid her dress as he began to slowly kiss over her flawless skin.

"mmmm... yes....enter me....make love to me...." she ordered.

Serapis sheilded his heart tighter seperating this new self of his. He thrusted himself inside of her pulling a gasp from her. He was very well endowed and she liked that.

"Oh yes... yes my pet.... more..."

Serapis thrusted in long powerful strokes in and out of her as she so desired. Her nails dug into his back as he moved and made sure his goddess was well pleasured.

Hera moved with him, pushing so that he went in deeper. "Yes my pet... please your mistress..."

Grunts escaped him as he thrusted in long hard strokes inside of her. His body coated in a sheen of glistening sweat as he pleasured her.His eyes closed as his thrusts strengthened and he felt his climax drawing near.

"Do it my pet... now my pet..."

Serapis roared out as his climax erupted and he spilled his hot seed inside of her.

Hera moaned out loud, a wicked smile on her lips. She smiled down at Serapis. "That's a good obedient pet...."

Serapis laid there under her as the ripples of pleasure left his body. "Thank you my goddess" he said softly.

"You will do this every morning and every night..."

"Your will is my will my mistress" he said passively as she ran her finger over the contour of his muscles.

"Good... wonderful...." she whispered, running her tongue over his chest.

He laid his head to the side closing his eyes as she enjoyed him so he didnt have to watch her. His stomach suddenly growled with hunger. Serpis remembered he hadnt eaten to much at breakfast since he had been talking with his family.

"Aww.... is my little pet hungry...? For being so good, I think I will feed you...." she said. With a wave of her hand, a tray of food appeared.

As she got off of him he sat up. "Thank you my lady" he bowed his head gently to her.

"Eat..." she said, as she walked to a chair and began to brush out her hair.

Serapis ate the food that had been offered, Smoked meats, Fruits a few cheeses and breads. He also drank from a goblet of wine she had materialized with the plate filling him up.

Hera came back over to him. "Now.. my pet... tell me what you know of the ones that had taken you from me...."

Serapis held back his need to growl. So this was her plan all along getting information out of him about her enemies. "There isnt to much to tell, it was a woman who came to save her mate with her friends. I didnt recognize any of them. While the woman in charge left with her friends my siria rescued me, and from the feeling of being watched you know the rest of my story since I left their group with Siria until I came back to you my mistress" he bowed his head to her.

"Really? That woman took Zeus's pet from him... an important pet...."

"They helped me I thanked them and didnt stick around much after that." he said sitting there hoping he would be able to protect Delta and Arcadia.

"Really?" she said looking at him, and then examining her nails. "I wouldn't want to be the one protecting the son of a murder...."

"I speak all that I know my mistress" he kept his head low in submission to her.

Why protect him? came his old loves voice within his mind.

So that was her game, she wished to torment the answers out of him. "Now my lady may I serve you and pamper your needs?" he asked sitting there. "A massage maybe?" he asked catching her off gaurd with his offer.

"Why... yes..." she replied, and then laid down for him to begin.

Serapis picked up one of the glass bottles by the bed and opened it sniffing it finding some massage rose oil. Putting some in his hands he began to massage her with impressive talent.

Hera purred. "Yes... like that....mmmmm continue...."

Serapis continued to rub her down.

Hera sighed. "Pet....I am thinking of having you do something for me..."

"What is that my lady?" he asked as he worked a knot out of her lower back.

Hera smiled. "I think I am going to have you bring someone to me...."

Serapis froze for a second before he continued to rub her down. "Who may I ask you wish I bring to you?" he asked softly. This surprised him that she was trusting him with something like this.

"You know that if you fail...I will just take the girl back from the safety she has found...." Hera said pointedly. "Now...I want you to bring to me a child that is that of a once great knight of Olympus...."

Serapis knew she meant Siria when she talked about the girl from her safety. "As my lady commands I will do my best, But I need more information then just of a once great knight of Olympus, even though he held great standing amongst you to me I know nothing of that which has happened in these halls since I have only been with you for a few years. Before you took me in I just walked the earth unaware of the great gods and goddesses above me" he said as he continued to rub her.

"The child of Abmisleo..."

"Forgive me my lady but that name means nothing to me" he said truthfully.

Hera looked over her shoulder at him, and then sent into his mind the image of Abmisleo and then of Chyrosa.

"Alright my lady, where can I find the two?" he asked curiously as he resumed massaging her.

She showed him where Chyrosa was currently.

"As my lady wishes, do you wish me to fetch her now?" he asked curiously.

Hera was quiet for a moment before smiling. "Now... and I will truly know that you are now mine..."

"As you command my mistress" he climbed off of the huge bed. As he stood up clothing covered his body while the golden collar stayed. His top was a sleeveless leather top that hugged his rippling muscles that had a deep hood. while a matching pair of leather pants formed on his legs that flared out a little at the bottom. He felt a pair of gladiator sandals form on his feet. Pulling up his pant leg he saw that they were black as well.

" and do not waste time, my pet..." she warned.

"Yes my lady" he hurried off to the portal room to transport himself close to where the girl was.

The portal took him outside of an apartment building that was one of many levels and looked to be more of a condo building, a large EA was on the outside of the building.

"Siria" he said softly knowing she was in there. But today wasnt hte day for that he had to get the girl to keep Hera on her good side. Luckily enough it was night time. Quietly he circled the building checkingout the place.

The condo looked as just like any other building, but he could feel the girl was up towards the top of the building.

Finding a service door that lead to a corridor in the back of the building he went to the door and tested it. carefully he disarmed any alarm on the door using his old talents then with ease broke in. Using hte service stairs he began to make his way up the building.

With his speed he was able to get to the floor that he knew contained the one he was seeking.

Careful he made sure no one saw him and snuck through the floor looking for the door to the condo he knew she was in. He was hoping that no one was in there with her. He really didnt want to take a life.

He found only one door leading to a condo, the other was the elevator.

Quietly he went to the door and placed his ear to it listening.

He didn't hear any movement inside.

patting himself down he looked for anything he could use to pick the lock on the door.

He found what he needed.

Serapis began to pick the lock.

He got the door open with eas.

Serapis snuck into the room and crept around to find the girl.

"Hello..." came a child's voice, a little girl's voice from behind him.

Serapis spun around quickly facing the girl. It was hard to sneak up on him. "You must be Chyrosa" he said softly so not to bring any unwanted attention into the room.

Chyrosa smiled. "Yes...I am Chyrosa.... just as you are Serapis..." she said just as softly.

"How is it you know me?" he asked suspiciously as he eyed the child.

"I know many things, Serapis...just as I know that you have come here for me..."

This made Serapis all the more nervous. "Then you must know that I have to bring you back to my mistress per her demands" he said standing there keeping his senses open to the room around him making sure there wasnt anyone else.

He felt that there were three others there, but were all resting.

"Leave them be...I will go with you... I don't want you hurt because of me..."

"Thank you little one" he said softly going over to her. "Is it alright if I carry you?" he asked kneeling down next to her trying not to comment on the I don't want 'you' hurt statement she had made. How powerful were the ones she was with?

Chyrosa nodded. "You can..." she said with a small smile.

"Forgive me young one" he said picking her up in his arms. "If it were any other way I wouldnt take you from your home" a single tear filled his eye as he headed out the door relocking it before he left then headed out the way he came in.

Chyrosa brushed away the tear as she held onto him. "Sometimes we all must do what we must to save lives...Serapis... if only you knew..." she whispered the last part.

"Thats why I made the choice that I did little one. I gave myself back to my mistress so she would let my mate, my daughter and my unborn pups live." he said softly as he walked downt he service stairs of the building.

"Lügner..." Chyrosa whispered, and then snuggled into him as she yawned and fell to sleep. ((Lügner is German for Liar.... and she is actually

Serapis looked at her confused on why she would call him a liar. it did it to protect his family. He sighed and carried her off outside to call to Hera.

Serapis soon once again stood infront of Hera, who was smiling. "Wonderful...wonderful work my pet...."

"Thank you my lady" he bowed his head to her. "What do you wish for me to do with the girl?" he asked as he held her in his arms. He didnt want to let her out of his sight. he didnt want to imagine what they would do to her.

"There is a door just over there... place her in that room...and then come back to me..." Hera said.

"Of course my lady" he bowed his head then walked over into the room. "I'm sorry" he whispered softly placing Chyrosa down on the bed. Gently he stroked her hair then turned heading off back to the room with Hera.

As soon as he got back over to her the door to the room disappeared. Hera just smiled at him. "What a good pet..." she said. "Time for a treat..."

Serapis stood there saying nothing, he wondered in te back of his mind about that little chyrosa. He was worried about her, she was so young.

"Come here...and lay"

"Yes my lady forgive me" he walked over past her laying down on the bed wondering what this treat was going to be since she was still standing.

All of his clothing disappeared, and she started to suck on his manhood.

Serapis gasped out in pleasure as she worked him. "Mistress" he panted digging his nails into the bed.

Hera continued, before moving up and sitting down on his manhood.

Serapis gasped and grunted in pleasure.

"Yes... enjoy my pet... the more you obey me without question....the better off you shall be..." Hera said as she continued.

He panted and grunted laying there. "Yes Mistress" he panted laying there.

" pet, good....." she whispered seductively. "Now my pet.... massage me again..."

"As my lady commands" he said softly as she pulled herself off of him and laid on the bed. He got up and began to massage her back once more.

Hera sighed at his touch. "Mmmm... yes.... my pet....more..."

Serapis did as he was told keeping himself just nuetral. Even though inside his head his wolf was stalking back and forth. He was going to need something physical to sooth his beast.

"What's wrong my pet? I feel something is off with you..."

"My wolf is at unrest my lady, I just need something physical like a real hard run and I'll be able to sooth him" he said simply as he continued rubbing her back.

"Run through the forests and mountains of the Greecian lands below...but know that I may have eyes everywhere, my pet..." she warned.

"Yes my lady" he bowed is head submissively as his hands continued to work her back.

"Go now.... I have matters to attend to..."

"yes my lady" he bowed and got off of her and the bed. Shorts appeared on him as he headed to the portal to head down to Greece for his run.

He appeared in a Greek country side.

Serapis dug his toes into the rich earth beneath him as he felt the wind play against him. "Beautiful just beautiful" he said softly before he shifted over to his huge wolf form. He ran hard and fast, he hunted, he really let out his wolf side that night.

Lügner... he heard, the though playing in his head.

The voice in his head caught him off gaurd causing him to stumble and crash hard into a tree.

She is a Lügner... he heard the voice say.

It took him a few moments to compile his head. Do you speak of Hera? he asked teh voice as he got to his feet and rubbed his head.

You are not the one I speak....yes, Serapis...I speak of Hera....she is never to be trusted....

Serapis began to trot along in the woods to not to rouse suspicion from Hera So I sacrificed myself for nothing, do you know what has become of my daughter and mate?

You know what happened to your daughter.... it is Siria that is endanger.... just as another is...

I am so sorry to place you in danger miss Chyrosa I was trying to make Hera happy so she would leave Siria alone he found a small pond and laid down next to it exhausted mentally and physically.

I knew that this would happen... but she knows not the power I have..... (he only knows Chyrosa as the daughter of an ex-knight of Olympus...) 

(I know that lol) Has she done anything to you yet young one? he asked worriedly.

No...I am safe still...

I am glad to hear that young one, I just do not know what to do, Hera will forsurely kill Siria and my daughter Neafa if I do anything to go against her

Help will come soon...I know so...

I really hope so, and I hope they come for you young one. I really wish I hadnt put you in such danger. Any other way I wouldnt have taken you

I know Serapis...

Thank you.. he said softly in reply. Suddenly he felt his body shift locations and he found himself laying on a huge pillow in Hera's bedroom still being in his werewolf form an all.

Hera started to stroke his fur. "What a strong pet..."

Serapis looked up at her with his large amber eyes that seemd to glow with an ethereal magic to them.

"My good and obedient pet..." she said smirking as she stroked his fur.

Serapis closed his eyes gently as she continued to pet him gently.

A man came into the room. "My is ready..."

" go..." Hera said as she stroked Serapis. The man hurried from the room. "My pet...I have something for you to do..."

Serapis opened his eyes and tilted his head to the side curiously as he looked up at her.

"You need for you to bring to me another.... this one looks like this...." she said showing him the image of a young woman with long black hair and blue eyes.

Serapis stood and stretched out shifting to human form once more. "Who is she my lady?" he asked curiously standing there.

"That does not matter.... bring her to me, my pet..."

"Of course Mistress where can I find her for you?" he asked softly.

"In Romainia...."

"As you wish" he bowed his head as he felt the outfit he had worn when he had captured Chyrosa appear on his body again.

Serapis then disappeared from the area, appearing in a dark wooded area, with all signs pointing to it be night but near morning.

Serapis sniffed the air as he stood there looking for a scent of any kind of lingering smell that would give him a clue.

He was definitely where he needed to be, and off in the distance a ways he caught the scent of something though in two directions. In one, he smellt many people, a village or town maybe, in the other he smellt a lone scent.

Serapis decided to do the lone scent first.

As he traveled through the moutains, as he got closer to the scent, the lone scent was indeed female.

Silently he wove through the woulds towards the scent.

As he continued to move towards the scent, he started to notice that there was something about the scent that just touched on something deep in his mind.

Serapis tried to pinpoint how he recognized the scent.

He couldn't seem to figure it out.

This bothered Serapis alot, he continued on his way heading towards the scent.

It didn't take him long before he saw a cabin just a bit ahead of him through the woods, smoke coming from the chimney.

Sneaking to the hut he hid in teh shadows and peered into the window.

Inside he saw a young woman, maybe around 17 or 18 years old cooking in the fire place, as well as cleaning. She looked out of place for the time now, for she was dressed as if she was from another time.

Serapis watched curiously trying his hardest to place her. But he knew he had to grab her soon for Hera or else his mistress would be angry.

The young woman stopped, and looked around. Soft blue eyes looking aroudn the cabin, long dark brown almost black hair loosely pulled back. "Hello?"

Serapis hid in the shadows outside out of view of the windows. he let out a small puff of air as he figured out how to capture her for his mistress to make the bitch happy. ((No I didnt I just didnt do enough spaces lol ^^))

"Is someone there?" she called out in romanian and then in german.

Serapis let out a breath realizing there was no point in hiding. He came out of the shadows and stood in view of the window. "Might as well not hide since she knows I'm here" he mumbled to himself as he stood there.

The young woman shook her head. "I don't like this....I'm seeing things now...." she whispered in german, which sounded more natural than her romanian.

"You seem familiar do I know you?" he asked in German as he stood there watching her from under his deep hood as he stood outside looking in at her.

She looked back up at him, her eyes wide in fear. Something flashed infront of Serapis that for a second it looked like he was looking at the young woman butjust over her was the image of a woman that he had known for all of his childhood. The second image disappeared, and the young woman just stared at him. She took a step back. "Please.... just leave me in peace.... please..." she whispered in german. "Please..."

"Who are you?" he asked trying to remember her even harder.

((LOL I want you to guess before we continue))

"I...I...please....please do hurt me...please..." she begged. She fell to her knees, tears in her eyes. "Please..."

((I'm guessing sister, or an old friend.))

She fell out of his line of sight and he growled softly.

((Younger sister... much younger sister... she was 5 when he was made into a werewolf... and haven't seen each out since....))

She held her face in her hands crying and begging to be left in peace.

Serapis suddenly remembered when he would go to an old house,his parents house. their were a few kids there. Some in the yard all together while some were inside. He saw his mother and standing by her side a much younger version of the woman. "Sister?" he suddenly asked softly.

The young woman continued to shake, crying. "Please..." she begged, softly. "Just leave me in peace..." She seemed to not hear him.

Serapis felt that Hera was growing impatient.

Serapis stood there shaking. He couldnt do tat to her. it was enough pain him standing there bringing up bad memories for her but he couldnt give her to Hera. "Why do you want my sister?" he whispered softly. But he new he had to. his heart ached heavily at the decision.

The young woman looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Sister? Why do you call me sister?" she whispered. "All of my family is gone from this world...."

((you have to think she was five....and the youngest....she doesn't really remember he had had his own family to think about....she didn't really have time with him...))

"You wouldnt have remembered me Littleone you were very young the last time I saw you" he said standing there.


She just shook her head. "Please..."

Serapis took a step back. He didnt want to do that to his sister to give her over to Hera.

Pet.... bring her to me....or I will kill your little one...

The young woman hugged her arms across her chest, scared. She seemed to be too scared to really think about what he had said about being to young to remember him. ((LOL Though really all of his family should be long dead ^_^ ))

Yes Mistress He thought with pain before he broke his way into the cabin and grabbed her throwing her over his shoulder. His daughter or his sister. He hated Hera all the more.

The young woman let out a scared cry of surprise. "No... please, no...." she cried as she struggled.

"I'm so sorry" he said softly as he walked out of the cabin and felt himself vanish. He reappeared with the woman over his shoulder standing before Hera.

The young woman was crying on his shoulder.

Hera smiled, and a door appeared again in the wall where no door had been. "Place her in there..." she said.

Serapis walked her to the door and went into the room placing her down on the bed. "I'm so sorry"

She curled up on the bed crying.

"I pray to the fates you will forgive me" he said softly before turning and leaving the room.

The door closed and disappeared. "That wasn't too back was it....I have been looking for her for centuries...." said Hera.

Serapis just bowed his head to her as he stood there. He couldnt speak or else he might lash out in anger.

Hera just smirked. "Oh so quiet my pet..."

Serapis ground his teeth together keeping his control on his anger. She was baiting him testing him.

"Pet? Tell me..." she smirked.

"I have nothing to say my lady" he said in a calm stoic voice standing there. "I live to serve you my lady" he said even though inside of himself he wanted to rip her to shreds.

"Good... that is good my pet..." she said with a smile. "Now, come over here and sit..."

Serapis obediently did as he was told.

As he sat, a chain appeared attaching itself to his collar, chaining him to the wall beside the bed.

Serapis felt his clothes shift from magic and he sat there wearing an ornate floor length loincloth that covered both his front and backsides. It was a deep blood red color with a gold belt around his waist.

A man came into the room, a guard by his armor. "My lady...we have prepared for the ritual..."

Hera nodded. "Good...I have gathered what I needed... gather the rest..."

The man nodded a left.

Serapis sat there silently unmoving except for his breathing.

Hera kissed his lips. "Be a good boy... as I finish preparing the ritual..." she stood, and smiled at him. She left the room.

Serapis sighed to himself as he leaned back against hte wall closing his eyes hating hiself.

He heard a hiss.

Serapis's eyes opened and he looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw a cobra, coiled up watching him.

Serapis stayed still and made his breathing shallow and light watching the creature trying not to set it off. 

The cobra moved towards him, moving up his leg.

Serapis kept his eyes at half mast as he watched the cobra slither across him. Just making sure the thing didnt bite him. Other then that he didnt mind the snake at all.

You took my mistress....why?

Serapis opened his eyes surprised by this. Because if I didnt then Hera would slaughter my daughter and mate... he said in a sad tone looking down at his lap. If I had any choice in the matter I wouldnt have grabbed your mistress. speaking of which, which one is your mistress? the little girl or my sister? he asked curiously. His eyes were dead on the matter.

I know not who your sister is...unless her father had a son before her...

I'll take it then that the little girl is your mistress. Little Chyrosa?

Yes... Chyrosa is the name of my mistress...and friend... The cobra moved from his lap to the bed, and then changed and a woman sat there looking at him. "My name is Wadjet....the Serpent Goddess..."

"An honor" he bowed his head what he could. "Serapis, Pet and Slave of Hera."


"I was those and now I am a pet and a slave to protect the woman I love and my daughter." His eyes seemed so dead.

Wadjet smacked his cheek. "Break out of this... do you think being dead to the world is truly going to protect anyone...." she said.

"If my being here will keep my daughter and mate safe then this is how I will be" he said softly

"Coward...." she said with another smack. "I don't know what interest my mistress ever saw in seeing you freed before..."

((Chyrosa had nothing to do with his freedom before he was found by Arcadia siria and a few other people when they were rescuing Delta.))

((A few others included Vulcan and Hel.... plus really there are multiple enterances to place...why that way.... why the way to the main throne room that would lead them into a chained, raging werewolf....hmm? ^_^ PLUS.... lol....Serapis is not a god like Arcadia and Siria, nor a Zodiac like Delta... is it that Serapis has been still alive...))

((So chyrosa is guiding his life??))

((Let's say...there is much you don't know of Chyrosa, or of Abmisleo... Abmisleo is in fact mortal, gifted with immortalty by the stars, but he has lived for many centuries just as Serapis, though more....))

((Ahhh I see))

Serapis looked at her curiously. "Your mistress had interest in me?"

"For a long time...but never told me why.... I am not the only serpent, god or not, that give our loyalty to her....but I was definitely not the first...there are things I don't know about her..." Wadjet sighed. "You must escape...and free all three of them...before the ritual begins..."

Serapis grabbed his collar and yanked on it. the metal was quiet strong. If hera finds out she'll slaughter my baby and my mate his heart ached at the thought.

Wadjet looked at him. "Do you really believe that she will keep her promises...? And from what I have seen of the guards bringing in the material for the ritual.... it involves at least four people... three for the circle...and a fourth in the center... you were only told to grab how many?"

Fire and hatred suddenly filled Serapis's eyes as he snarled pulling tight on the chain around his neck trying to break it thinking that Hera had his Siria and Neafa.

A crack formed in the wall.

Wadjet nodded. "There is the fire in your eyes...."

Serapis looked behind him and noticed the crack in the wall bracing himself he gave slack on the chain then snarled pulling forward quickly with all of his strength.

The chain came loose of the wall.

Serapis picked up the chain. "She really needs to get a new smith." he gripped the chain in a special way and twisted it before snapping it hard so he was only wearing the collar now. "Do you know where they are all being kept?"

"One... I doubt that Vulcan is making any for them any more which is how you can actually do what you did... I was called here by her but I can't feel her any if she was hidden...but I can feel three here that may be able to help..." she said. "You know where the main ritual hall is...?"

"Vaguely, Hera never really lets me walk the olympian grounds by myself that often usually I was under gaurd or with her."

"Follow me..." Wadjet said, and shifted back into being a cobra. She moved out into the main hall.

Serapis followed after her.

He thought he saw one of Hera's guards coming down the hall with what smelt of two others.

"And remember sweethearts no talking to strangers and make sure you can always see mama and Papa" Arcadia said kissing their foreheads.

"Yes Mama...Yes papa...." they said, and when they all got to the park, the children ran off a ways and started ot play.

Arcadia smiled and sat down by a tree watching the children.

Delta sat down beside her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

A few of the children shifted into wolf/coyote pups, and started to run around.

"Stay close my little ones" Arcadia called to them making sure they remembered her and they're father's words.

All of the children continued to play.

"See... no one has seen their change...."

Arcadia looked at the very few humans that were around. "Good I'm glad to hear that" she smiled.

Delta kissed her forehead.

"I wonder how Vali is doing" she said as she leaned against his shoulder snuggling to him. 

"I am sure he is alright.... unless you want to go to him...."

"I know he is alright Siria wouldnt let anything happen to our baby." Arcadia nuzzled his arm.

"That's true from what I've seen of her..."

Arcadia suddenly went rigid as she got a bad feeling. "Delta send me to Vali, I have a feeling he's in danger."

Delta nodded.

Arcadia, Vali, and Neafa appeared in the park. Delta and the children were all gathered together waiting for them. "Alright everyone.... time to head home, now that everyone is here..." said Delta.

Arcadia picked up Neafa in her arms. "Its alright little one your papa will save your Mommy and you'll all be together again" she said stroking her hair as Delta wrangled they're kids together.

Delta lead all of them back to the condo. He opened the door to their place, and the children all headed inside.

Arcadia set Neafa down on the couch then walked to the kitchen. There she gently placed her hands on teh sink and tried to keep herself from crying.

Delta came up behind her, and hugged her. "What happened?" he asked in a whisper.

"Someone kidnapped Siria and Serapis went to go get her. I I think it was Hera who stole her away. He's...." she looked at the door softly as she whispered. "I think he's going to go offer himself to Hera to free Siria" she whispered gently as she heard Vali and the other kids talking to Neafa.

"What...? This is not good... Hera won't just give up something she has take to aquire something else... she will won't both...."

Gently she shook her head. "Siria is not what she wants though, She wants Serapis and if he offers himself to her as I believe he will... Then siria will be free and Serapis will be hers" she whispered.

Delta sighed. "Hera...and Zeus are why I am very glad that Loki is my new Guardian God.... they don't let anything whether they want it or not go very easily...."

"But Serapis is vicious and from what I gathered Hera craved him viciously in return he will fight to make sure Siria is free."

Delta nodded. "I hope it goes as you believe love...."

"I hope so as well."

He kissed her neck. "We'll pray..."

Arcadia leaned back against him Siria where are you? please tell me you're alright

Siria appeared in the room. "Arcadia...." she whispered.

"Oh Siria" she ran over and hugged her cousian tight.

Siria hugged back. "Serapis...."

"What happened sweetheart?" she asked softly.

"I was taken by those loyal to Hera...." she said.

Arcadia gently lead Siria to sit in a chair with her. "Where were you taken?"

"I don't know....and then I was here...." Siria said softly, tears in her eyes.

"Oh Siria" she hugged her cousian tight.

Siria cried into Arcadia's shoulder.

"I'm here for you Siria I've got you" she stroked her hair.

"What are we going to do....? What's going to happen?"

"I don't know, What did Serapis do?" She asked softly since she still wasnt totally sure on what Serapis had done to free Siria.

"He's gone back to her....a willing pet..." she whispered.

Arcadia hugged her cousian tight. "He did it to protect you and Neafa from Hera's wrath" she said softly.

"he shouldn't have....we freed him from her.... and because of that he was able to find his daughter.... she needs him....."

"You told me that he had been seeing Phantoms of his dead wife, about the attack in the mountains when you found Neafa and then when you went missing ontop of that. Siria he knew if he didnt go back to her you and your pups and Neafa would never be safe. Whether it be by Hera's wrath or by being tormented by that phantom." Arcadia said softly in understanding of what he had done. If her mate and pups were in as much danger and Siria and her family had been from Serapis's point of view. she would have given herself up to in order to protect them.

Siria nodded.

"But I promise you this Siria we will figure out a way to free him for good." she hugged her cousian close.

Siria nodded. "Thank you cousin.... thank you..."

"Your always welcome, and please make yourself at home with us Siria I don't want us to be apart any longer."

Siria nodded. "Thank you cousin..."

"Your welcome, I'm going to go set your room up. Neafa is out in the living room if you would like to see her."

Siria stood up, and headed into that room.

"Arcadia....?" came Delta's voice.

Arcadia turned and faced Delta. He could see tears glistening in her eyes.

Delta pulled her into a hug. "Arcadia...."

"Poor siria I just feel so bad for her" she said softly crying into his chest.

Delta stroked her hair and back. "I just get a bad feeling from this...." he whispered.

Arcadia buried herself against him feeling so worried.

Delta held her closer. "I'm here love..."

She pulled back after a few moments and laid a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm going to go set up the guest room for Neafa and Siria" she said softly and turned heading off to go do it.

Delta nodded. "I'll check on everyone..."

"Thank you" she smiled and headed off to the spare room.

When she found the spare bedroom, she saw that it had alot of space.

"This will be good for them" she said to herself as she prepared the bed and pulled the little couch out into another small bed.

"Arcadia..." came Delta's voice. "Ready?"

"Yes the room is all ready for them" she said with a smile turning and seeing him in the doorway.

Delta moved and Siria came in. "Thank you cousin..." she said.

"Neafa is with the children right now...." Delta said.

"Your welcome Siria I want you to be comfortabl. Our home is your home" she said sweetly to her cousian. "How is Neafa doing?" she asked turning to Delta.

"Vali and the other's are distracting her from everything...."

"Good I'm glad to hear that." Arcadia said with a soft smile.

"I'm going to just lay down..." Siria said to them, sitting down on the bed.

"Alright Siria take it easy" she said softly patting her shoulder then went into the other room.

Delta took Arcadia by the hand and took her into the kitchen. "Something is wrong here...."

"What's the matter?" she asked worriedly.

"I just have a very bad something is not right at all..."

"I can't feel anything like that I'm not of any help I'm sorry" she said softly. "But I believe you and I'm worried now. I had hoped that we would be safe here at Epsilon Archer" she said softly.

"We are.... unless something got past the wards...."

Arcadia nodded gently and hugged him tight.

"it would have been invited.... we'll just have to keep an eye out..."

"Of course my love" she said gazing up at him.

Delta kissed her.

Arcadia softly kissed him sliding her arms around his neck.

Delta scooped her up. "You should should the children..."

Arcadia gave a little giggle. "Thank you my love" she said as she held onto him as he carried her along.

Delta gently sat her down in their room, and gave her cheek a kiss. "I will be back soon... after I put all the children to bed..."

"Alright baby" she smiled softly and cuddled up n her bed.

Delta left, and not long returned, and curled up next to her, pulling her close.

Arcadia buried herself against him and soon drifted off fast asleep.

In her dream, Siria was walking towards her with a smile on her lips.

Arcadia was confused by the dream.

"Cousin..." this dream Siria said. "Take my hand..." She extended her hand to Arcadia.

Arcadia timidly reached out and grasped her hand.

Siria's grip tighten around her's, and Siria's eyes started to glow red.

Arcadia gasped and tried to pull away.

"I will have you..." Siria said in a voice that wasn't her's.

"No" she gasped and tried to yank her hand away harder like a wolf with its paw in trap.

"Do not will only make things worst...cousin...."

"Your not my cousian" she snarled. "Show yourself Oden she said knowing it was him.

The 'Siria' waved her finger. "Naughty child..."

Arcadia growled and felt her canines sharpen.

"You should be dead like your father..."

"Bastard!" she snarled and lunged at the fake siria all claws and teeth. Beneath her grasp as she drew blood with her canines she felt him shift to a male body.

She was grabbed by the hair. "Watch it pup..." he snarled himself. "Or you may just die in your sleep..."

Arcadia snarled at him. "You bastard" she gasped as he pulled harder on her hair. She yelped as he suddenly grabbed her rear and pulled her pelvis against him.

"You will be here or out...for what your family cost me...."

"My family did nothing to you!" she snarled and yelped as he pulled her hair back harder causing tears to fill her eyes.

"Your grandfather murdered my son!"

"He did no such thing! He did not murder your son!" Her grandfather had told her the story she knew the truth. She cried out as he wrenched her body and threw her to the ground hard.

"I think... have fun with you here... and then take your body in full while you are awake!"

Arcadia tried to shift over but something wasnt letting her. fear filled her as he drew closer to her. "You bastard!" she felt tears sting her eyes as she pushed herself up on her hands and knees.

"Never!" She heard him shout, but then she felt him thrown from her, and she woke.

"Arcadia??!" came Delta's voice worried, pulling her him..

Arcadia woke up and gasped for breath. "Delta oh Delta" she found her mate and buried herself against him sobbing. "Oh Delta it was so aweful" she sobbed against him.

"I'm here Arcadia...I'm're safe...I have you..." he whispered, rubbing her back.

She sobbed against him her body shaking.

He kissed her forehead. "Shh....I'm here..."

Arcadia calmed down holding tightly onto him. "It was Oden, he is mad. He has made it his goal to have me one way or a another, whether in dreams of in reality. But he threatened if I fight him anymore he will kill me in my sleep and it is his goal to have me both in my dreams and in reality as his pet" she cried.

"I won't ever let that happen!" he growled.

Arcadia wished she could believe that but Oden was king of the Norse gods.

"Belief is a power thing...."

Arcadia smiled up at him. "I love you and I believe in you" she pulled him down into a soft kiss.

Delta stroked her hair and cheek as he kissed back.

Gently pulling back from the kiss she gazed up at him. "I'm going to hop in the shower real quick will you go and check on everyone?" she asked curiously.

Delta nodded. "I'll be back after that..." he said gently, and kissed her cheek.

"Sounds wonderful" she smiled softly then headed into their master bathroom. there she looked at herself in the mirror and barely recognized herself. There were heavy shadows under her eyes and her skin was pale. She looked like she felt. Almost the victim of a rape. turning on the shower she then stripped down to nothing and climbed into the water letting it beat down on her.

A knock came to the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" she called out as she climbed out of the shower grabbing her towel.

"Loki..." came a worried voice.

"I'll be out in just a minute grandfather" Arcadia dried off then got back into her clothes before opening the door.

The moment the door was opened, Loki pulled her into his chest, holding her close. "Oh Arcadia...." he said softly.

"Grandpa" She buried herself against him and began to cry again her body began to tremble as she sobbed against him.

"I'm here Arcadia... I'm here...." he whispered, rubbing her back.

"What are we going to do?" she asked as she cried. "He has sworn to make the family suffer by using me as his toy and taking my children as his pets" she sobed harder as the thought about it.

"I'll kill him before that happens..." he growled, holding her still.

"Oh grandpapa" she pulled back wiping away her tears.

Loki looked down at her. "Please know... you and Siria are important to me...I never wished for our separation.... as I know both of your father's wouldn't wish this separation either...."

"Mama...." came Vali's voice from the door way.

Arcadia nodded to her grandfather in understanding. "Hi there sweety" she walked over and gently pulled him into her arms picking him up in the air.

"Mama...where's Auntie Siria?"

"What?" she asked worriedly then looked at Loki. "Oh heavens we have to find her. I have a bad feeling she's gone to go and try and rescue her mate by herself." she quickly explained everything about what happened to Serapis to Loki.

Delta walked into the room. "What's wrong?"

"Is Siria really missing? Vali said she is"

"Siria's in the other room with Neafa...." Delta said.

"Honey? why did you say Auntie Siria is missing if she's with Neafa?" she asked looking at Vali in her arms.

Vali looked up at her. "Because that is not Auntie Siria...."

"Why do you say that sweetheart?" Arcadia asked worriedly.

Vali looked over at Loki and then back at Arcadia. "Because I should know my own daughter...." he said in what sounded like two people, a child and a grown man, speaking at the same time.

Loki just stared at Vali. " Vali...?"

"Uncle?" Arcadia asked surprised hearing the voice. She had never imagined she had actualy given birth to the reincarnation of her uncle.

Vali toughed her cheek with his small hand. "Yes...little one... you have certainly grown since the little tik that you had been..."

"I am honored to know that I was able to bring you back to us" she smiled and hugged him tight. "Now tell us what feels wrong about Siria?" she asked looking at him with worry.

"It is not the Siria I had gone to see before in Greece... that is not her at all.... that is a ghoul with the skin and scent of Siria...." Vali said.

"This is not good, Hera is probably using her to spy on all of us" she bit her thumb thinking about what to do.

Loki growled. "Damn bitch..." he said softly. "We have to locate the real Siria..."

"She's probably being kept on Olympus somewhere knowing Hera" Arcadia said softly.

Delta shivered. "I...I can't with being so close to Zeus...."

Loki nodded. "I am your Guardian God, Delta...and neither of you are going..."

"We have to stay here with that thing and make sure she doesnt hurt the kids." she said softly scared for her children wanting to run out there and grab them all but not wanting to rouse suspicion.

"I will go..." Loki said. "I have to..."

Delta hugged Arcadia and Vali.

"Grandpapa... please be careful" she said softly.

Loki nodded. "I'm not going to be separated from my family again..." He then disappeared.

"Come we should go out with the others so the ghoul doesnt know we're onto it" Arcadia whispered as she carried Vali in her arms and headed out ot he livingroom where she found the other children playing together.

Neafa was playing with the children, the ghoul Siria watching them.

Arcadia set Vali down and guided him to run off and play with the kids. "How are you doing Siria?" she asked curiously trying to make nice.

Siria smiled softly at Arcadia. "I want Serapis... he did this for me.... I know... but....I can't live without him...." she whispered.

"Oh Siria" She whispered softly.

"I have to save him....I have to..."

"We'll figure it out Siria we will I promise you that cousian" she patted the ghoul siria's back.

Siria hugged her. "Thank you Arcadia..."

Arcadia hugged her back gently. "your welcome Siria"

"Thank you...."

Arcadia gave a soft little smile pulling back. "You still seem so exhausted go ahead and go lay down we'll watch Neafa."

Siria nodded, and then headed off to the bedroom.

Arcadia let out a long sigh as she rubbed her temples. She didnt know how long she could put up with this knowing that, that woman was not her cousian it just hurt.

Delta came and sat down beside her. "Loki will get her back..."

She nodded gently and buried herself against his chest.

"I have you..." he whispered.

"Your my rock darling" she kissed him softly then buried herself against his chest closing her eyes gentl.

She soon felt some of her pups get into her lap and Delta's and then on her side, hugging them.

"Oh sweethearts" she smiled at them hugging them close.

Neafa came over. "Mama..."she said softly.

"Mama went to go lay down sweetheart" Arcadia gently picked Neafa up and sat her down between her and Delta.

Neafa just looked down.

Arcadia looked over at Delta for some help.

Delta just stroked Neafa's hair. "Mama is here... but mommy isn't...." she said softly, leaning against Arcadia. ((lol... they don't know that mama is her old mother... and mommy is Siria.... lol))

Arcadia stroked Neafa's hair. "What do you mean little one?" she asked curiously.

"My mama is here.... but mommy isn't....I want papa...." she whispered.

"Oh Neafa" she said softly thinking about it.

"I don't think Mama likes mommy..."

Arcadia cocked an eyebrow at this wondering what she was talking about.

"My mama is here...she doesn't like my new mommy..."

"Mama... mommy..." she remembered what Serapis had told her of being tormented by his dead wife. "Thats?...." he eyes widened realizing it and looked over at Delta with slight horror in her eyes.

"If that is....then what has happened to..." he whispered. "Stay here..." Delta left the room.

Arcadia didnt understand what he had meant by that. Gently she hugged her children and Neafa to her as they all sat there together.

Delta came back. "I just called Matthew...Epsilon.... he has placed a shield around that room...." he whispered to Arcadia.

"Is that a really good idea? what if she freaks?" Arcadia asked back softly.

"She won't be able to get out...I have to protect our family... and Siria and Serapis little one..." Delta replied.

Arcadia nodded gently in understanding. "I am so lucky to have you as a mate" she saids oftly.

Delta kissed her cheek. "The same for you being mine..."

Arcadia smiled lovingly up t him before leaning gently against his shoulder.

"I'm hungry..." one of the pup said.

"I'll fix something..." said Delta. "I'll be right back..."

"Alright" Arcadia moved letting him up.

He kissed her forehead, and then headed to the kitchen.

Arcadia smiled watching him walk off feeling so lucky to have him as her mate.

"Mama..." said one of her pups.

"Yes little one?" she asked looking down at them.

"WHat were you thinking?"

"Nothing really I was just thinking how lucky I am to have your Daddy"

"Daddy is awesome..."

Arcadia giggled and smiled at them. "Daddy is very awesome."

The pups hugged her, and Neafa smiled softly.

Arcadia hugged them all and kissed the top of their heads.

Delta came back in with some snacks. "Little ones..." he said, as he sat down the tray of snacks. The pups and Neafa went over and started to eat and drink their snacks.

Arcadia smiled as Delta sat down with her once more. She just wasnt sure what to do right now.

Loki appeared on the side of the room, out of the sight of the children, and he didn't look well at all, a line of blood trailed down the side of his head.

Arcadia covered her mouth. "Delta take the little ones in the other room hurry" she said softly to her mate.

Delta nodded. "Come little ones..." he said, leading all of the children from the room.

When the door closed Arcadia swiftly went over. "Grandfather what happened?" she asked worriedly checking to see how bad his wounds were as she lead him over to the couch.

"It was Hera's guards.... she has her area of Olympus well protected..."

Arcadia went and grabbed her first aid kit then began to clean his wounds. "That bitch Hera" she snarled as she cleaned his wounds and bandaged him.

Loki nodded. "Just be glad that after Zeus let Delta die that I became his new guardian after his rebirth..."

"I am very glad by this Grandpapa. Now I want you to rest you've been through alot" she said as she continued to mend his wounds.

"I'll be fine..."

"Grandfather" she growled in a sound that reminded Loki of Fenris. "Your going to rest and heal" she said sternly.

"Yes...yes are indeed your father's daughter...."

"Good I'm glad we agree" she smiled proudly. "Now you sit here and rest grandfather my mate is probably worried about whats going on. You better be here when I come back" she said sternly before kissing his cheek and walking off.

Delta looked up from the playing children when she came into the room.

She crooked her finger for him to come over

Delta moved over to her. "What's happened?" he whispered.

"Loki was hurt but he was able to locate Siria" she whispered as she watched Vali distracted by his siblings. "She's being held in Hera's palace, heavily under gaurd."

"What? Why would Serapis was her pet... that's why he was chained before...he wouldn't listen to her.... now she can control him..."

"Serapis probably thought Siria was freed but Hera having Siria in her compound gives her that security that if he double crosses her again she will threaten her."

"Or threaten the safety of Neafa while she is with us..."

"Thats why Hera put the ghoul with us." she said softly.

Delta nodded. "Then it is good that the ghoul is locked up...but...that..."

"But what?" she asked worriedly.

"That would mean that Siria is in more danger..."

"Oh no why do you say that?" she asked worriedly.

"If the ghoul is told to hurt Neafa, but can't... and then tells Hera..."

"How strong is Epsilon's sheild? if we can make it strong enough we can keep the ghoul from talking to Hera."

"It's pretty strong already..."

"If he can get him to reinforce it. We cannot chance the ghoul could get a message out."

Delta nodded. "I'll have to see if he can get Thor to help inforce the shield..."

"You should go now, the sooner the better" she said with worry in her eyes.

Delta nodded, and quickly left.

Arcadia sighed softly and rubbed her temples trying to calm down. 

Neafa came over. " hurting?"

"I'm just a little stressed sweetheart" she aid looking down at Neafa.

Neafa motioned for her to bend down.

Arcadia kneeled down to her level.

"I'm scared..."

"Oh sweetheart" she pulled Neafa into a little hug.

Neafa hugged back. "I don't.... want to be alone again..."

"Sweetheart I promise you will never be alone again, we are family now and you will always have us with you" she said hugging Neafa tighter.

"But...." she said looking up at her.

"But nothing sweetheart we are family and you will never be alone again" she smiled at her.

"Thank you..auntie..."

Arcadia smiled and rubbed noses with her pulling a little giggle out of her. "Your always welcome cutie pie"

Neafa blushed.

Arcadia smiled and set Neafa down on the ground. "Now why don't we go play with the others" she said sweetly.

Neafa nodded, and then started to go off to play with the pups.

Arcadia smiled. "I'll be back little ones play nice." she headed out to the other room to check on her grandfather who she found still sitting there. "Good your resting" she smiled at him.

Loki nodded. "But I am trying to mentally reach Siria..." he said softly.

"No luck?" she asked softly sitting down next to him.

"Not yet... though I feel that there are four with the same goal..."

"really?" she asked surprised.

"Yes and is looking for Siria... the other three are after another..."

"One looking for... Does that mean Serapis?" she asked softly.

Loki nodded. "It feels as if he has escaped....."

"Good I'm so glad, I pray that maybe he'll be able to find her." she said placing her hand over her heart.

"As do I..." he whispered.

Arcadia suddenly heard teh door open behind her and turned her head seeing her children and Neafa poke their heads out. "Hi little ones" she smiled at them.

"Grandpa..." said all of the pups, running up to Loki, hugging him, and he hugged back.

Neafa just stood in the door way.

Arcadia motioned for Neafa to join them. "Come here sweetheart"

Neafa walked over to Arcadia.

Loki looked towards her. "What is your name little one?"

"N...Neafa...." she said softly.

Arcadia smiled sweetly watching this.

"What a beautiful little one..."

Neafe blushed.

"Neafa your family now so Loki is your great grandfather to but I don't think he'll mind you calling him grandpa" she giggled and smiled at the little one.


"Yes..." said Loki, with a smile. "Siria is my granddaughter just as Arcadia is..."

"And Siria is your mommy so you are his granddaughter as well" Arcadia said sweetly.

Neafa nodded, and smiled slightly, then eeped as Loki pulled her into a hug.

Arcadia couldnt help but giggle watching this hoping that Neafa would like to join their family.

Neafa slowly hugged back.

Loki smiled down at her. "I'm not that bad..."

Arcadia smiled and headed into the kitchen to get something to drink. She prayed that Siria and Serapis were alright. That little girl needed her parents.

Arcadia had the feeling that Siria wasn't coming home, not yet.

"Be safe dear cousian" she whispered to herself as she poured herself some juice and drank it down as she looked out the kitchen window.

She heard a sound from where the pups, Neafa, and Loki were.

Arcadia hurried into the other room.

All of the children had tackled Loki to the ground, playing with him.

Arcadia giggled "easy children, Grandpa loki is still a bit sore" she said as she stood there watching all of them.

Loki laughed. "I will be fine...."

Arcadia giggled ad smiled. "Alright if your sure" she smiled watching them as she took a seat in one of the arm chairs.

Loki started to tickle the pups.

Arcadia giggled and smiled loving this family moment between all of them.

She thought she felt like eyes were watching them.

Arcadia went rigid but held her need to growl back. She relaxed her body enough so not to set off her grandfather.

She heard something near the window. (of course they are high up ^_^)

Arcadia jumped to her feet and looked over in the direction she had heard the noise come from. A growl reverberated in her throat.

Go..Arcadia...I have the children... came Loki's voice.

Arcadia just nodded and headed towards the sound.

SHe thought she saw eyes looking in as if searching for something.

Arcadia recoiled back a little bit Grandfather I thought I saw eyes peering in here She shivered hugging herself.

I'm not going any where...

THe eyes looked at her, and then disappeared.

Arcadia trembled in fear having no clue what that thing had been. She feared for her pups and little Neafa.

The feeling went away.

But she still feared for her pups and her mate not knowing what that thing had been. Walking over she sat down again in her seat.

Arms wrapped around her and Delta's scent filled the air.

"Delta" Arcadia said softly instantly relaxing as she sat there.

"I'm back..." he whispered, and then kissed her neck.

Arcadia sighed at the feeling. "Its good to have you home my love" she said looking at him over her shoulder.

"I would have been back sooner but there was an acident at Vulcan's..."

"Oh no what happened?" she asked worriedly looking over at him.

"Someone or something was looking around the if looking for something..."

Arcadia gasped. "some dark thing that I could only see its eyes was looking in the windows here moments before you arrived." she said softly so the kids wouldnt hear her.

Delta held her closer.

Arcadia snuggled against him happy to have her mate here.

Vali came over to them. "Mama..."

"Yes little one?" she asked looked down at Vali.

"He's looking for the light within the shadows..."

"What?" Arcadia looked down at him confused.

((Do you have a guess? ^_^ ))

"The man with the black wings and tribal tattoos...." Vali said. "He's looking for the light within the shadows..."

((The only guess is that it has soemthing to do with Marek))

"Black wings ad Tribal tattoos?" she had no idea who that could be she had never met any men with wings and tattoos.

((Tribal tattoos is the is Light in the Shadows... ^_^ ))

"Yes...he is searching every where....he doesn't know where to really look..."

((The only one I can think of with Tribal tattoos and black wings is Marek))

Arcadia knew no man with tribal tattoos and black wings who could be searching for light in the shadows. She looked up at Delta hoping he would have an idea.

Delta shrugged. "I don't know...."

Vali nodded. "Okay...I'll go tell him..."

"Tell who?" Arcadia asked looking at her son with worry. Vali was her uncle reincarnated but he was also her son.

"The man..." Vali said.

"Vali your making no sense" Arcadia said picking her son up.

"He's waiting for me in the bedroom...."

Arcadia paled. "I'm not letting you go in there alone" she said sternly with her motherly worry obvious in her voice.

"But.... he's waiting..."

"And you'll go talk to him but with me, I'm not letting my pup go in there alone" Picking him up she headed off to the bedroom to face whoever the hell was harrassing her pup.

When she walked into the room, a tall man was standing there. The man had long dark hair, and tan skin. His ears were pointed and he had tribal tattoos over his chest and arms. He had on leather hid pants and a tunic top.

"Who are you and why are you here to talk to my son?" She asked looking at the man standing there strong.

"He invited me in, my lady..." he said polite. "I do not mean to disrupt you family, but I am looking for someone...someone important to a dear friend of mine....a young lady....who is like Light within Shadows...."

"I am sorry sir but I know of no woman like that" (Arcadia has never met Erebus or Tavia so she wouldnt know)

(I know... ^_^ )

"Shadows?" came Delta's voice. "Arcadia...Shadows make me think of one person....though he is normally called The Shadow or The Shadows...because is is the imbodiment of the Shadows.... Erebus..."

The man looked towards Delta. "I must find him...he has taken my friend's love...."

"I'm sorry sir but we have no idea where he could be. I've never met this Erebus person." she turned looking at Delta. "Do you think Vulcan or Aphrodite might know?" she asked curiously.

Delta nodded. He looked at the man. "I don't think that Erebus would have just taken her..."

"That is your belief...but I must find her..." the man said.

Delta looked at Vali and Arcadia. "Go to Loki... tell him that Erebus is need...he should be able to get him faster..."

"Alright" Arcadia headed into the other room where her grandfather was. "Grandfather, there is a man in the other room looking for Erebus. He's saying that Erebus supposedly stole his friend's love." Arcadia said with a confused look on her face about what was going on in her home.

Loki nodded. "I'll call just stay with your family..."

"Thank you Grandpapa" She scooped up her little ones with her and headed to her bedroom so they were all together and safe. She trusted Delta to watch the man and her grandfather to talk to this Erebus person.

Neafa looked up at Arcadia. "You look upset...."

"I'm just confused.. and stressed" she sighed rubbing her temples as she sat there on the bed. A smile crossed her lips as she watched Raeil, Deamon, and Aria shift to their puppy form and cuddle up together around her on the pillows. Gently she stroked their little heads lovingly.

"Mama..." said Vali. "I'm sorry..."

"Its alright Vali" she hugged him to her and kissed his cheek.

Vali hugged her back.

She smiled hugging him tight then pulled back. "You should rest you've had an especially big day" she patted his head.

"Okay mama...."

She patted his head and reached over grabbing another big pillow for him. "You should rest as well Neafa you've also had a long day" she grabbed another pillow for Neafa.

Neafa nodded. "Yes auntie... do you think I'll see papa and mommy again?"

Arcadia stroked her hair as Neafa sat down. "I can feel it deep down inside Neafa you will deffinantly see them again. I know they are out there worried like crazy about you and wanting so badly to be with you."

"Then why aren't they here?"

"Because the fates needed them for something important right now. Something that only they could do." She kissed the top of Neafa's head and hugged her gently stroking her hair comforting her glad that Neafa was getting comfortable being around her snuggling up to her side.

"I just miss them...." she whispered hugging closer.

"I know you do Neafa." she stroked her hair holding her and comforting her.

"It's okay Neafa..." said Vali. "We'll protect you...."

"We're family Neafa, we love you and we'll always be here for you. Whether near or far we are together here" she gently tapped her heart. "Just as your Papa and Mommy are with you there right now. They may not be close but they are in your heart."

Delta came into the room. "Love..." he said with a smile.

Arcadia looked up and smiled. "Hello my darling" she said softly with a smile as her other children were fast asleep while She hugged Vali and Neafa.

Delta smiled. "Loki's going to rest in that bedroom...and the man is gone..."

"Alright thats good I'm glad to hear it that man made me uncomfortable" she said patting the empty space next to her.

Delta moved over to her and the children, and just laid down next to her.

Arcadia smiled as the pups cuddled against their father, she patted his stomach playfully then looked down at Vali and Neafa. "Now lets get to sleep you two its been a long day" she said lovingly to them.

Neafa and Vali curled up with the rest.

"I'm sorry...." Delta whispered.

"Why are you sorry?" Arcadia whispered back as she laid down snuggling up with her mate.

"For him to get into our home...." he whispered back.

"Its alright Delta its not your fault" she gave him a little kiss then leaned down to his ear. "Vali invited him in." she said so only her delta could hear then snuggled close.

Delta nodded. "But why?"

"I don't know but that is a question to ask your son tomorrow" she kissed him softly before snuggling against him.

Delta held her, stroking her hair and rubbing her back.

Arcadia relaxed against him and soon drifted off fast asleep.

She saw in her dreams a ring of fire, water, earth and wind.

Arcadia examined this confused on what it could mean.

Around the ring, she saw Delta and Epsilon, along with many others shrowed in shadows. At the center, a little girl stood.

is this the zodiac? Arcadia thought to herself remmbering the little girl appearing in her garage when she had first found out she was pregnant.

The girl smiled. "Hello...knight...."

"Knight?" she asked confused.

" are one of the Knights of the are Capricorn's Knight...."

"I am his lover but a knight? she asked curiously.

"He protects you as you protect him...being a knight is not just about never is..."

"I am truely honored by the title then my lady"

"It is the title to all those close to the Zodiac... or have been given the title to by me...."

"I hope I may be able to live up to the title my lady"

All of the knight will... I know it....

Arcadia didnt know what else to say to her except just give a soft nod of her head.

The girl walked through the ring of fire, earth, water, and air towards her. You are strong, and Delta gets alot of strength from you...

"I am honored to hear such words especially from you my lady

Chyrosa...please...just Chyrosa...

Alright then Chyrosa she said softly.

The little girl walked up to her, and then hugged her. You are so lucky...

Why do you say that? Arcadia asked curiously giving her a hug back.

Because your little one's will be able to know you...

What do you mean by that?

The 13th shall defeat this evil with those of the 12 around them...the 12 shall survive to carry on..."

Oh heavens thats aweful, so if you have children... oh Chyrosa she said sadly.

I do not dare tell my love... said the little girl as she shifted ages to appear in her late teens, before place her hand on her still flat belly.

I am truely sorry she said not knowing what else their was to say.

Just be happy for your family...and the loved ones that are coming back... and know that soon....possibly, all will come... 

I don't understand what that means she said confused.

The little girl disappeared, as did the scene around her.

Arcadia suddenly awoke sensing someone in her 'den'. She felt for her mate next to her and gently nudged him. "baby, someone is in the livingroom." she whispered softly

Delta rolled over, opening his eyes. "Wolves..." he whispered.

Arcadia gently pushed herself to her feet and creeped to the door to see who it was.

She saw Siria moving around with Serapis and another young woman.

"Its Siria and Serapis" Arcadia whispered to her mate before leaving the room.

Tavia gently kissed her husband back before bowing to Nyan gracefully. "Thank you Nyan for such a fine bow I will treasure it always." She smiled at him.

Nyan nodded, and then lead the other men away. Myskio kissed her again. "You are a wonderful Chieftess..."

"Thank you" she giggled up at Myskio. "And to think its only my first day"

"It is your kindness.... the feeling of peace around you..."

"Why thank you that is so sweet" she hugged him as she gazed up into those deep green eyes of his.

Myskio kissed her softly,, and held her close.

Tavia sighed into his arms happily kissing him deeply.

The flash back sped up at that moment, Tavia saw herself happily in love with Myskio and happy being his Cheiftess. She watched as she grew round with his children. they had many sons and daughters together and they're life was filled with much joy.

The flash back slowed to late one evening. Tavia was tucking her twins in for the night; her youngest, Firas and Walina her little boy and girl age six. "Sleep well my little ones" she softly kissed their foreheads as Myskio watched her from they're bedroom door.

"Night mama.." they said yawning.

Tavia smiled lovingly as she stood, her stomach had a very small curve to it, she was barely showing. Pregnant with they're next child. Walking over to the door she blew Firas and Walina a kiss before leaving. "They're just so cute" she said softly as she closed the door behind them sliding her arm around Myskio.

Myskio nodded, pulling her into his chest. "My love... they got that from their mother...." he said, and then kissed her.

Tavia sighed melting into the kiss with him. It didnt matter how many times he kissed her it was always just as wonderful as the first "They couldn't have gotten that from theire father?" she asked playfuly

"They could have.... but it was because they have a wonderful mother...." Myskio said softly.

"Myskio!" came the voice of Nyan.

Myskio looked down at Tavia. "Go to bed... I'll be there soon..."

"Alright my love" she kissed his cheek. "Be safe." she turned and headed off to bed as he asked of her.

Nyan ran into her bedroom. "My Lady... we have to go... quickly... we must get your children and run..."

"Nyan whats going on?" she asked worriedly as she quickly pulled on her boots and grabbed her bow and quiver throwing them over her shoulder before running to collect all of her children. She had children from six to 20, they had increased the size of the Chieftans hut over the years to accomadate their little ones.

"We are under attack... by the elven king....!" Nyan said. "Please... we must get you and the children away from here....quickly out the back and head towards the southern mountain range...."

Horror filled Tavia, so many years later the bastard had finally found her home. "Of course, Please get one of the wagons ready in the back while I go grab the children." She quickly headed out and gathered all of them together pulling her littlest one's from bed. "Hurry everyone follow me out the back and stay quiet." she said to them. She had eleven beautiful children, she would not let that bastard take them. They filed out of the back of the cabin together where the wagon awaited.

The children all followed their mother, hurrying out to the wagon Nyan had gotten ready. "Hurry every...we must" Nyan said in his strong voice.

Tavia hurried them on. "we're ready Nyan" she said as she pulled her bow from her back. "I'll cover the back while you drive Nyan" she said to him.

"We'll help you as well mother" Her two eldest sons Kostas and Jalin came over with their own bows and quivers and took up mark on either side of her facing the back since that was the only open part of the wagon.

"Thank you my sons." she smiled at them then nodded to Nyan to go to the front. She glanced back at her other children all curled up together. Tears filled her eyes and hatred in her heart for the man who was destroying her family's lives.

Nyan started the wagon. As they were getting closer to the mountain range, they saw riders coming towards them.

"Ready your bows" She told her sons as she notched her arrow and pulled back. as they drew closer, she let her arrows fly with precision and skill as did her sons who she had trained well. The riders soon began to fall fast and hard.

Soon one of the riders appearances hit her. It was her father, a look of anger on his sharp features. "Tavia!"

Horror filled Tavia she couldnt let him get her children, he would have them all executed. Anger and that protective surge filled her. "Leave me alone father I will not return with you!" she shouted as she notched her bow and fired fast. Tears filled her eyes she couldnt let those bastards have them.

Nyan was able to get the wagon up and into a dark cave, and he continued to race the wagon ahead. The king continued to follow on the horses, dodging Tavia's arrows.

Time sped up, and Tavia was pulled back into the hut she had called home for so long. Her father had men placed through the mountains and caves, and had been able to over whelm them. She was pushed down into the pillows that lined the floor around the Chiefian's chair, which her father sat down in. Her children and Nyan had been dragged off to another hut. "Tavia...I have found you at last...."

"You bastard" she felt tears stinging her eyes. "What have you done with my husband and Children? What have you done with my people?" there was a gaurd on each side of her.

"They are not your people... they are animals.... stealing you away from your home..." he said.

"They are my people!" she snapped at him. "they have treated me better then you ever have. Again what did you do with them? What did you do with them?" she begged "I sweat if you hurt them.." she snapped.

"If I hurt them? Tavia... you have been brainwashed.... those savages...."

"Brainwashed?! I am not brainwashed! I was happy here then you had to show up! you couldnt just leave me alone and forget about me! you have plenty of other children. "Now where are they! What have you done with them!" she snapped at him.

Her father growled at her. "They are being bound for transport..."

Suddenly before her father realized what she was doing she snatched a dagger from one of the gaurds and held it to her throat letting it cut into her skin enough that one drop of blood ran down her neck. "I swear by the life of my family and my people if you lay one hand on them in anyway I will slit my throat faster then you can blink. The floor will be painted with it and I know you can't afford to loose me" she glared at her father holding back her need to cry for her family and friends. "I have bared my husband eleven healthy beautiful children, I have never miscarried once and I am still young for elven years." she said darkly. "If you let them all go and I mean it when I say every one of them of my family and my people I will go peacefully with you" she said as she took a step back from the gaurds. The look on her father's face was dark but she knew she was right. Her elven sisters back in the palace were strong and healthy as well but if her theory was right of course they wouldnt have had children. Elves in her world didnt always cross species that well. They could be with other types of elves but it was hard for them to be with other beings such as Mykio's people. There was also the fact that she was the eldest daughter of the Elven king a prize to be sought after by kings.

"Tavia... put that dagger down... I will not be having my Daughter spilling her own blood...." he said in a low voice. "I'll let these savages go...."

"Swear on it by blood and crown" she threatened darkly in return. she was no longer the timid princess she ahd once been all those years ago.

"I swear to you my Tavia..." he growled.

Tavia pulled the dagger from her throat and handed it back to teh gaurd. "If you do not keep your promise I will kill myself the first chance I find." she warned her father as she stood there. She seemed more like a queen then she had been almost twenty two years ago when she had vanished. "I am going to go see to it my people and family are freed then I will go with you father." She turned and walked out the hut. This was the hardest thing she ever had to do but it was to save so many lives. She just worried about her little one inside of her. WHat her father would do when he found out she was pregnant with another child.

She saw Myskio on his knees, his hands bound behind him, as well as his legs. Nyan was done up much the same, as were all of her older children and the adults of the tribe. All of her young children and the others had been gathered together, guards standing over him.

Tears stung her eyes. "Myskio" she ran over to him and hugged him crying softly. He was bruised badly and bleeding from his forehead.

"Tavia..." Myskio whispered. "DOn't give up... we will escape...we will all be free again..."

"Oh Myskio" she cried softly. Gently she kissed him softly. "My love I made a deal with my father" she said softly. "If I go with him he's going to set you, the children and our people free" she said softly as she stroked his hair gently. "I love you so much Myskio."

"We will be together again... I promise you that....I won't lose you..." he whispered.

Tavia wished she could believe that, she prayed and wished she could but she knew couldnt. She would never see the handsome face of her wonderful husband or any of her beautiful children again. "Thank you my love for the best twenty years of my life. Please take good care of the children" she kissed his lips softly yet with a longing behind the kiss. "I love you with all my heart and soul for the rest of eternity." she whispered against him.

Myskio leaned into the kiss. "My love..." he whispered. "I promise you..."

"Tavia...we are going...get to my horse...." came her father's voice.

"Be safe my love" she went and kissed all of her children and told them how much she loved them and to be good for they're father. then she turned her back on them. Her heart wrenched in pain as she heard her youngest begin to scream for her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she walked over and climbed onto her father's horse not knowing if she would see any of them again. She turned and blew them all one last kiss.

Her father got on behind her, and wrapped a tight arm around her waist. He started the horse, and guided it up towards the cave enterance that had brought him to the valley. Many of the men followed, while others stayed down in the valley to release the tribe. At the enterance, her father turned the horse so that they would look over the valley with the village far below. His arm tightened more around her. Looking at one of the horse men that had a bow and arrow, and then said, "Fire the signal..."

The bowmen nodded and fired an arrow up into the air. A second later a scream filled the air.

Tavia filled with horror. "What have you done?" she asked looked up at her father with horror in her eyes.

"I have ensured that you are never taken from me again..." her father said, as another scream filled the air.

"No! you bastard you promised!" she struggled trying to get free.

Her father's hold on her waist tightened to a squeeze. "You belong to no one but me.....and that Savage corupted your mind...and those things you had with him.... just prove that you can bear children with anyone...."

"Damn you! damn you to the darkness!" she sobbed and fought against him trying to break free. Her people, her beautiful children, and her sweet loving husband Myskio. All of them were going to die because of her.

She saw down below the tribe some bound, some free, fighting against her father's men again. A fight to live.

Her father turned the horse away from the valley, and headed into the cave to head home, his arm even tighter around her.

Tavia didnt fight anymore, if he hugged any tighter he might hurt her baby. She had to be careful to protect it. She sat there infront of her father and cried silently praying they would survive.

Her father stroked her hair. "My poor will be as it should have been soon...."

Tavia just silently cried as they rode along. The flash back sped up as they traveled and soon she found herself riding into the gates of teh Elven palace. Tavia was in chains because when they had stopped the night before for rest she had tried to run.

"I hate seeing you in chains my daughter... my sweet daughter...." her father said into her ear, brushing his lips against her skin.

Tavia closed her eyes as the bile rose in her throat. She said nothing to him. He didnt deserve her words. As they rode to the palace gates she saw her mother standing there with some of her other siblings.

"I have rescued her from savages!" her father shouted to the family from below the balcony.

Her siblings all shouted with joy, this was echoed by many of the servants and gaurds. But she saw her mother didnt cheer as if she knew that her father hadnt saved her from any such savages. Tavia sat there on her father's horse silently with tear glistening in her eyes.

Her father slide from the horse and brought her down with him. Looking to his other children, he said, "Take her to her room and clean her up from her travels...."

"Yes father..." said one of the siblings.

Tavia's sisters all came around her and lead her off to her chambers. Knowing her father he was going to be throwing a banquet tonight for his victory over the 'savages'. She bathed and let her sisters fawn over her as much as they wanted. Tavia barely spoke to anyone just a few yes and nos to answer their questions. Her siblings all of them were like pets to her father bowing down to his 'greatness'. As she sat there though she noticed two of her sisters were round in the belly. Round with child. Looking at their hands she saw no ring as they prepared her jewelry and her make up. They weren't married. Her two sisters that resembled her the most. Revulsion filled her as she prayed it wasnt true what her mind was telling her had happened to them. This place was darker now then it had been so long ago.

"We must now prepare for the feast sister... please rest until we return...." one said, and stayed silent waiting for her reply.

"Of course, I'll be right here" she said softly not daring to say anything else. They were all loyal to her father undeniably.

they nodded, and left.

She didnt move from that spot. Her hands trembled as pain laced her heart. The sickening reality of what her life would be like soon.

"Lady Tavia?" came a small soft voice, a voice she didn't recognize.

Tavia turned to see who it was. "Yes?" she asked softly.

"So you are Lady Tavia...." said a young girl. "I wasn't sure...."

"Who are you?" Tavia asked curiously not recognizing the girl.

"Oh... My name is Danu...." she said politely. "I am sorry to intrude..."

"Please don't be sorry at all its alright" she said softly to the young girl wondering who she was since she didnt recognize her.

Danu nodded. "He shouldn't have done what he did..." she said softly.

Tavia looked at her curiously. "How do you know what my father did?" he asked softly.

"He brought down a war...a onesided war on the tribe that became your people..."

Tavia stared at the girl, she wasnt what she seemed at all. "It was more of a massacre really" she said softly and looked away again thinking of all of her people.

"Not all dead..."

Tavia gasped putting her hand over her mouth. "Really?" she aske softly, her heart fluttered with hope that her family was still alive but how could she really believe this girl. "I I wish I could believe you" she whispered turning away from the girl as she tried to stop the tears from coming.

Danu nodded. "You must leave..."

"And bring the wrath of my father on their heads again?" Tavia asked feeling so broken inside. "I can't do that to them I can't put them through that again." Her heart ached to see her children but if they were all alive and so was their father they would be safe.

"Then may the Goddess protect you...." Danu said. "I must go...." And she vanished.

Tavia looked where the little girl had been in shock. "Who was that?" she said softly to herself placing her hand on her chest. She prayed to the goddess she was making the right choice. Sacrificing herself to protect her family. Moving her hand to her stomach she worried for her little one growing within her. Oh how she wished to see her Myskio again, her beautiful children. To bare this child and have it apart of their wonderful family.

"Tavia...we must go to the feast now..."

Tavia turned to see one of her siblings there. "Thank you of course" she said standing and walking over to them. It was odd to walk in an elven gown again. So many years she had gone without it. Now she dispised the thing since it have her no room to move.

"My Tavia.... you are a wonderful sight...." came her father's voice.

A shiver ran down her spine as she turned to see her father standing there. "Thank you father" she said softly.

"Oh my Tavia... it doesn't look like it will be long until we see our Tavia truly back..."

Tavia didnt say anything as she headed over to the head table making sure to take a seat with plenty of space between her and her father's seats. She tucked her skirts under her as she sat down.

"Tavia... that is not your seat...." came her sister's voice, the sister just younger than her. "Your's is next to father....with mother on his other side..."

Tavia turned to her sister about to say something when she saw the dark look in her father's eyes. Her mother standing behind him had a sad gaze in her eyes as if she felt horrible for Tavia. "Of course sister forgive me" she said softly and walked over taking her seat next to her father. Revulsion filled her as she sat there and he st next to her but she held back her hatred for the man.

Her father sat down, and then raised his glass. "Raise your glasses one and all.....for our Tavia has returned to us!" A cheer rang around them.

Tavia put on a show and gave a soft smile lifting her glass with them so not to anger her father.

They all drank some of their drink, and her father's hand came to rest under the table, resting on her leg.

A chill of disgust ran through her as she gently pulled her leg from under his hand in a graceful manner as she turned to her siblings as if interested in what they were saying to one another.

He reached out, and grabbed the leg back, holding it.

Tavia shivered with disgust as he stroked small circles with his fingers on her leg. The man was her father for goddess sakes.

"Behave..." he whispered. "You will not want me upset..."

Tavia closed her eyes. "Yes father" she whispered softly as she held back her need to whimper as he pulled her sitting in a position again where he could enjoy holding her leg all he wanted to. She sat there disgusted with the fact that the man next to her was her father.

Once the feast started to end, Her father removed his hand. "Good night all my people..."

Tavia watched as teh people stood and began to leave the dining hall. She stood from her seat. "The banquet was lovely father,mother thank you" she said softly bowing to them.

Her mother only nodded, while her father stood so that he looked down at her. "You are off to your need your rest after all that you have been through..."

"Of corse father" She bowed to him then headed off. As she left the hall two gaurds flanked her. "Of course he wasnt going to let me wander the palace alone" She thought to herself as she headed to her bedroom.

The guards lead the way to her room, with one in front of her and the other behind her. Once they got to her room, one took up post as the other opened her door.

"Thank you" she said softly going into her room. she walked over and sat on her bed. There she began to cry softly to herself.

The door to her room opened and shut quickly. "Tavia... stop your crying..." came her father's voice.

Fear laced through her as she wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry father, things have just changed alot since i've been gone" she said trying to keep her tone even. Revulsion filled her as she stood and looked over at him.

He quickly came over to her, and pinned her against her bed, his lips pressing hard against her own.

Tavia gasped and shoved him off of her kicking him back when they had enough space between them. "What the hell are you doing?" she screamed at him. "Your my father for goddess sakes!" she hurried away from him to the other side of a table that was in her large room to keep distance between them.

"Come back here Tavia... I am not done with you..."

"No! I'm not going near you, you sick man! I'm your daughter!" tears filled her eyes as she stood there watching him careful of him. She wished she was in one of her garb she used to wear back in the tribe. That she could move in.

"Tavia... don't make me hurt you...come"

"I knew it you screwed my sisters and knocked them up and now you want to screw me! your disgusting!" she grabbed a vase and chucked it at him.

Her father block the vase. "Guards! My daughter has become insane!
The guards rushed in, surrounding her. They slowly started to come closer to her, hands ready to grab her.

gripping the skirt of her dress she tore it off and threw it onto them causing them to struggle. Now with her much shorter and less bulky dress she bolted for the door making it out the door and ran down the hall as fast as er legs would carry her. In the distance behind her she heard her father bellow in anger.

"Guard! Grab her!" he shouted.

Loud foot steps followed her.

Tavia ran asfast as her legs would carry her. Sliding around acorner she saw a window that she knew was over the pond in the garden. She only had one chance to do this. Pushing her legs harder she bolted down the long hallway. She had to jump out the window into the pond then her chances at freedom would be better.

"Tavia? What are you do?" came her mother's voice.

"I love you Mama" She called to her mother as she ran past with tears in her eyes. Her father had been keeping them apart since she had returned. Her mother had been her only friend growing up an it hurt to run away like this without even any proper words between them. She had been hoping that she could see and talk to her mother more then this but she couldnt stay here. She pushed herself into a higher gear as the end of the hall came up. remembering what Myskio taught her about doing jumps from high places she pivoted herself and jumped spinning in the air using her feet to break through the glass. She felt it shatter as she crashed through. Remembering the pond was about six feet deep she curled tight into a ball to protect her stomach. Hitting the water hard she came to the surface gasping for breath hearing her father up in the window above snarling at the gaurds and cursing at her. She made her way to the edge and yanked herself out of the water and ran for it again heading in the direction of the temple. Her father couldnt touch her on holy ground. Even a mad man like him would not go against the old ways. 

The large temple quickly came into view.

Tavia's legs burned and her lungs gasped for air. Quickly she ran through the temple ground and stumbled into the front door. "Sanctuary! please sisters sanctuary!" she called out as she stumbled into the front courtyard and gasped in pain as her abdomin hurt from running so hard she prayed she wasnt going to loose her baby.

The sisters came out, and quickly helped her up. "My child..." said the Mother. "You have traveled far on foot..."

Tavia stood there on wobbly legs, she wasnt going to be able to stand long. "My lady I beg of you please may I have sanctuary within these walls. My father he is after me." A gasped escaped her as her knees buckled beneath her.

"All may have matter the reason..."

"Thank you mother, thank you" she sobbed softly as she let the preistesses help her to her feet once more. "Thank you with all my heart mother" she said softly as the preistesses lead her off inside.

They lead her to a simple bedroom. "You may stay here..."

"Thank you" she sat on the bed feeling so weak. "Thank you so much" she said bowing her head to them as tears glistened in her eyes.

"Rest my child..." the mother said.

Gently she nodded. "Thank you Mother" she laid down on the bed in her tattered dress and sighed as the mother tucked her in. It wasnt long until she drifted off fast asleep. Exhaustion catching up to her.

Several hours later, she woke feeling someone rubbing her belly.

Tavia jumped waking up.

The little girl Danu sat there beside her. "I am sorry I scared you..."

"Its alright I'm just a little jumpy" she said softly laying there feeling that the girl was so much more then she appeared. She laid there on her back as she felt her little hand rubbing her barely showing belly again. it was just a slight curve to her belly.

"She will be lost... but will be found once you have found love again...." Danu whispered.

"I I don't understand" Tavia said as tears filled her eyes. She was going to loose her baby. Her last connection to her love, she didnt want anyone else she wanted her Myskio.

"Shh... you will know what I mean in the future... but not now...." Danu said, and then just smiled. "All will be as it should...."

"Who are you?" she asked softly as she felt calmer by the girls words. Some how she knew it all would be alright. "Your something so much more then what you seem" she said softly laying there watching her.

"I am indeed something.... not even of your world... now rest.... your journey has just started.

"Why would you be interested in me if your not of my world?" she asked softly as Danu kept rubbing her belly ad she seemed to be lulled into relaxing again.

"Because.... you are connected to my you need to rest..."

"Alright" she whispered as sleep captured her once more. This sleep much more relaxing then the first.

She awoke hours later, very relaxed and alone in her room.

Tavia sat up in her bed and placed her hand on her stomach thinking to herself. she didnt really want to go out and walk around in her tattered dress. But she was content with just sitting there in the room. she was safe here fore her bastard of a father.

A knock came to the door. "Miss....?"

"I'm awake" she got up and went over to the door answering it.

"Mother said to bring this gown to you..." said the sister, holding a simple earthy gown in her arms.

"Oh thank you" she bowed her head and gently took the dress in her arms. "And please thank the mother as well."

The sister nodded, and hurried down the hall.

Tavia headed back into her room and changed into te new dress. "wow this is beautiful" she smoothed down the sides of the dress and realized it had a hood pulling the deep hood up she looked at herself in the mirror.

"You look as if you were born for a different life....I life outside of the royal life yet still within it...." came the mother's voice.

Tavia turned seeing the mother standing there and gently bowed to her. "Why is it you sa that?" she asked curiously.

"It is that you have the aura that shines no matter the clothing.... you could pull the shadow into the light and make it strong..."

"I don't mean to be rude my lady but you must be mistaken I am nothing like that" she said looking away with pain filled eyes.

The mother only shook her head. "Come my child... fresh air will do good...come walk with me in the central garden..."

"Thank you my lady" she bowed and followed the Mother out quitely walking by her side.

"You will find happiness once again my dear..."

Tavia gave a soft half smile. "I really do hope so" she said softly as she looked back ahead as they walked along together.

(Hmm... how to get her from this place.... hmm? ^_^ )

(Time jump to when her baby belly is alot larger then have her father's men kidnap her?)


Time sped up again, and Tavia was waking from a dream of her life with Myskio.

Tavia sighed sitting up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She jumped a little bit feeling a kick in ehr belly. "Morning to you as well my little one" she smiled opening her eyes and placing her hand on her belly.

A hand came to cover her mouth as a strong arm wrapped itself quickly around her arms and chest. "Time to go home, Princess...."

Tavia screamed under the hand and struggled trying to break free.

She was quickly gagged and bound. She was then thrown over the man's shoulder, and he swiftly left through the way that had brought him there.

Tavia kicked and screamed beneath her gag. The way he was holding her was hurting her belly, she hoped her baby was doing alright.

He got her on top of a horse with him behind her, and raced the horse back to her father's castle.

Tavia silently cried as he gripped her hard. Once she was back there would be nothing to stop her father's wrath. Especially seeing she was pregnant he would realize whose child was inside of her.

The rider took her directly to her father. "Tavia.... my Tavia.... what is there??!?" He glared at her stomach.

"What do you think it is?" she growled darkly at him as she sat in the chair she was chained to.

"The seed of ones that had held you in slavery..." he said. All of the guards around the room just watched her.

"I was pregnant when you stole me away from my husband" She said feircely. She knew he would 'punish' her so she wasnt going to hold back anymore.

Her father backhanded her. "How dare you....keep that thing..."

Tavia spat some blood on the ground since he had made her bite the inside of her cheek from when he backhanded her. "I am not some pet you can tell me what to do. This child is my husbands and I will keep it" she would do everything in her power to stay with her baby.

"No you will not!"

"Father, what is it you want with me?" she suddenly asked changing the subject on him. "why me?" she asked standing there just needing to know her fathers obsession with her.

Her father smirked and nodded. Guards grabbed her, and started to drag her off out of the room and down the hall. "I will free you my daughter..." he said smiling. "Then you shall be mine once more..."

Fear racke dher body as she shook to get free. "No father please!" she begged as tears ran down her cheeks. "No please no! I beg of you!" Tavia knew she was no match for the gaurds especially so heavily pregnant.

"You will never be plagued by that thing again..."

"Father please!?" She begged sobbing powerful tears. "Please father I'll do anything you wish please just let my baby live" she begged dropping to her knees infront of him as the gaurds held her arms. Revulsion filled her at what she was about to offer next but anything to save her baby. "I swear on my life and on the goddess above that I will never disobey you again, I will... be yours in any way you see fit if you will let my baby live" she begged looking up at her father.

Her father held out his hand to the guards. "Anything way I see fit?" he questioned.

Tavia nodded as the tears ran down her cheeks. "Anything or way you see fit. If you let my baby live. Please father" she begged bowing her head to him praying to whatever diety would hear her that he would take the deal and let her baby live.

"Fine....I will let it live..." he said with a smile.

"Thank you father oh thank you" she dropped on her hands and knees as the gaurds let go of her and crawled over kissing her fathers feet in thanks.

He smirked. "Up with you, my daughter....up..." he said as he waved the guards off.

"Yes father" she said softly as she stood to her feet infront of him.

He grabbed her, and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth.

Tavia pushed her revulsion and disgust down inside of her and kissed him back. All to protect her baby. Whatever her father wanted she would give him. A blush covered her cheeks as he suddenly gripped her butt one hand balling her dress yanking it up. Tears stung her eyes as she let him continue.

He pushed his body up against her. "My Tavia..." he whispered, nipping her neck.

Tavia pushed her revulsion and disgust down as far as she possibly could to get through this. She gasped as he spun her around quickly growling that he wasnt able to feel her the way he wanted to with her belly in the way. he grinded hard against her backside as a hand found its place on her breast his other hand hoisting up her dress with need. He was having what he desired, he was having her.

He pushed into her, inside of her hard and needing, wanting, lusting for her. "Mine..." he growked and nipped her neck again.

Tavia gasped as he bent her over the table they stood near and claimed her. She just closed her eyes tight and tried to think of other things as he did this to her. She felt the hand that had been on her breast move to her belly and heard him mumble something about she would bare his children and would always be his as he thrusted in long powerful strokes inside of her.

After a long time, he came inside of her. He leaned forward, and whispered, "You are mine... one else will have you..."

"Of course fa" she made a sound of surprise as he slapped his hand over her mouth. He didnt want her calling him father anymore.

"You are my secret bride...I am your husband...not father..." he whispered.

She swallowed hard. "Yes my husband" she pulled out of her "If I am your secret bride though what am I to call you when we are in the presence of others?" she asked softly as she felt him caressing his hands over her as his lips were kissing her body savoring her.

"Lord... he whispered, nipping her ear.

"Yes my husband" she said softly as she let him continue with what he was doing. She belonged to him in all that he desired of her.

Time moved forward again, and she was having her baby.

Tavia screamed in pain as she pushed. The nurses and the doctor urging her along through the process.

After many hours, the sounds of a baby crying filled the room. One of the nurses held the child, wrapping blankets around it.

Tavia held her arms out and smiled as teh nurse handed her the bundle. "My beautiful baby girl" she smiled with tear filled eyes looking down at her little one in her arms. My beautiful little Epoh" she whispered kissing her forehead. She heard the door opened and looked seeing her mother come in. She smiled seeing her. They hadnt been able to talk much at all since Tavia had returned to the palace her fther always keeping them apart from one another. Tavia and her mother had always been so close to each other. Tavia and her mother had always had a closer relationship then either of them had with her other siblings and to Tavia's guess that is why her father kept them apart. "Momma" she smiled seeing her mother standing there.

"Tavia..." she said softly. "She is beautiful..."

"Thank you Momma" she smiled as her mother sat down on the bed next to her as the nurses and the doctor left to give them privacy. "I've missed talking to you" she said softly as she looked down at her daughter and hummed softly caressing her little chin.

"I have missed you daughter...." she whispered.

Tavia turned and buried herself against her mother's side with Epoh snuggled in her little bundle. "I wish you could have met your other grandchildren mother, you would have loved them so much. They were all so wonderful" Tears streaked her cheeks as she felt her mother hug her gently.

"We can not think of anything but now...You must leave here..." she whispered.

"What?" she asked surprised to hear this then looked down at her little one. "She's just born mother I cant....." she looked back up at her mother. "You know of a plan father has against my baby don't you?" she asked softly scared knowing that her father was an ass and would double cross her.

"No....for you...." ((I was reading Tavia's profile last night...))

((I like the way things have been going better then what I wrote for Tavia's profile but I still want to keep the her mother setting her free scene ^^))
"For me?" she asked surprised looking at her mother. "But why?" she asked softly scared of the wrath her father would bring down on her head and that of her mother.

"He wishes to marry you off to different kings, and when you become the queen and have the rights to that land... he will have you kill the kings and give him those lands...."

"What?" she asked with horror on her face hearing this.

"But he also wishes for you to become pregnant by those kings so that he may build many strong lines...." she whispered.

"That bastard" tears stung her eyes as she held her daughter close. "That aweful bastard" she sobbed softly sitting there and felt her mother hug her tighter.

"I...I have to go..." she whispered. "The nurses will have told your father about the birth..."

"No Momma please don't leave me, I don't want to be left alone with him. He'll take my baby from me he'll kill her.... Please Momma I don't want to be alone anymore" she began to sob looking up at her mother.


"Hello my dear wife... my dear Tavia..." came her father's voice.

Her mother looked away from her.

Tavia quickly wiped the tears from her face and bowed her head. "Hello my lord" she said softly cradling he baby close to her.

He walked over to her as her mother quickly backed out of the room. "Let me hold the child..."

"I do not wish to wake her my lord" she said softly cradling her daughter closer to her not wanting to let him touch her.

"She is my grandchild...give her to me..." he ordered.

Tears filled her eyes knowing she had no choice. She leaned down and kissed Epoh's little forehead. "I love you so much Epoh" she whispered. Then heartbroken she handed her daughter over to the bastard.

"What a beautiful child..." he said, stroking Epoh's cheek. "A beautiful new.... daughter..."

Tavia went rigid hearing this. "thank you husband" she said softly as she timidly watched him with her daughter. She wished she could just steal her daughter and run. But she knew he would hunt her down to death itself. She would not put that over her daughters head.

Her father started to leave the room with little Epoh.

"No where are you going with my daughter?!" she cried out scrambling to get out of the bed. she was still so weak from the birth.

"I am taking my daughter to the wife, lay back down.... you must rest..."

Tavia nodded gently as tears stung her eyes. "Yes my husband" she said weakly climbing back into the bed scared for her daughter.

He left the room, with little Epoh in his arms. She was left all alone.

Tavia curled up in a ball and cried herself to sleep scared for her little Epoh. "Mommy loves you Epoh." she whispered to herself as she cried all alone.

The door to the room opened up, and even in her sleep she felt something was not right.

Tavia woke up with a start sensing teh intruder in her room.

A cloaked figure stood by her bed, chanting in a soft voice.

"Who are you? what are you doing? Get away from me, get away from me" she backed away from the figure scared and tried to find anything to throw at the figure.

Her memories of Epoh started to disappear, as was her memories of her other children, of Nyan, or Myskio, until they were nothing to her.

"Epo...Mys...Nya...." her mind grew blank and still her eyes dead with no life in them as she just sat there staring at her lap.

She forgot allof the years she had spent with Myskio and the others, though she remembered all of her life up until a horseback riding trip through the woods and then nothing.

Tavia sat there curled up in a ball. It felt like a huge hole had been ripped into her soul. She just felt so empty inside.

The cloaked figure vanished.

Her father came into the room. "Tavia... I see you have awakened..."

"Father" she smiled at him not remembering anything. "I feel really weak for some reason why is that?" she asked worriedly. "And my head really hurts am I sick?" she asked unaware.

"Tavia..." he said gently. "You have been in a coma for twenty years..."

"I've been what?" she aske surprised looking up at him she looked down at her hands which had begun to shake. "twenty years?" she whispered to herself.

"Yes my dear were found unconscious near the woods..."

"How is everyone are they alright?" she asked softly lookig up at him with tear filled eyes.

"They are fine.... many of your sisters are pregnant...."

"Oh thats wonderful" she smiled up at him. "Their lucky to be starting families of their own" she said in a sweet tone tucking some hair behind her ear.

"And so will you be soon...." he said with a smile.

"Father what do you mean by that?" she asked confused as she looked up at him.

He quickly pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.

Tavia gasped and pushed him away. "Father?! what are you doing?! I've been out for twenty years and I'm your daughter!" she pushed herself away from him.

"I am doing what I please..." he said and kissed her yet again.

Tavia gasped and shoved him away. "In the name of the goddess father no! this is just wrong! is this what you did to my sisters?!" she asked horrified by this notion. Tavia scrambled out of the bed and away from him.

He smiled. "Your fall has made you forget.... you promised yourself to me..."

"I would never do such a thing! in the eyes of the goddess such a thing is just so wrong!" she scrubbed her hands over her face trying not to believe.

"But you gave of your hold body to me..."

"Thats just..." she shivered disgusted at the thought. "I don't believe it I don't believe I would ever do such a thing" 

"You did, my pet...." he said. "Your mother was there..."

Tavia stood backed away so confused. The thought of giving herself to her father disgusted her. Also the fact that he was pushing himself on her right after she had woken up from a twenty year coma. It didnt sound right at all. But what did she know? she didnt remember anything and the memories of before she fell unconcious were hazey at best.

"Move here Tavia..." he said.

Without her memory Tavia was the timid woman she had been before her time with Myskio. She walked over and sat down next to her father confused but not willing to disobey him for fear of his wrath.

"That is a good girl...." he said with a smile, placing an arm around her. "A very good girl..."

Tavia yelped softly as he pulled her against his side.

"We shall all be happy..." he said with a smile.

Tavi blushed timidly sitting there not knowing what to do.

He tilted up her head and kissed her. "My Tavia...."

Tavia was stoic as he kissed her, uncomfortable with what was going on. But to timid to push him away from her.

He looked at her. "I am glad that you are awake again..." ((LOL I just had to.... it would explain why she didn't remember anything...))

((No I was going to try to figure out a way to wipe her memory but you did it for me)) "Thank you father I am happy to be back" she smiled softly up at him.

((Awww lol))

He claimed her lips with his again. "I am glad... now have much to catch up on...."

"Thank you father" she said softly blushing looking up at him.

He smiled. "Good....just rest..."

Tavia sat there with him and tried to rest but she couldnt. She was just to uncomfortable with him like this with her something in her head telling her get away get away.

"I have business to take care sleep..." he said and left the room.

Tavia sighed laying back down on her bed. "Oh what is a girl to do" she said to herself as she cuddled up in her bed. She laid there for a long time unable to sleep. Scared that if she went to sleep she would wake up who knew when again.

"Tavia... " came the similar sound of her mother's voice.

Tavia sat up and gave a big smile. "Momma!" she got off the bed and ran over hugging her mother. "Oh momma its so good to see you!" She said i a tone of voice that reminded her mother of her daughter all those years ago.

"Tavia...what happened?" she asked worried.

"Father told me I just woke up from a twenty year coma? why would you ask that?" she asked pulling from her mother.

"Oh my dear..." her mother whispered. "I have to get you away from here....

"But father wouldnt like that mother.." she said looking up at her. "He says that I've offered myself to him, mind body and soul. I can't go back on a promise like that" she suddenly saw the look of horror on her mother's face. "He.... he wants to get me pregnant" she said softly.

"He wants you for his wife... and I know that you would never have done that..."

"So I was right, my feelings when he said all of that" she said softly hugging herself. "I just knew I would never do such a thing" she shivered in disgust.

Her mother hugged her. "I must get you from here...away from this place..."

"Momma I'm scared" she said softly hugging her tight shaking.

"Come with me..." she said softly.

"Alright" she nodded understanding. Quickly she changed into a dress and pulled on some traveling boots.

Her mother leader her down the castles many hallways, until they came to a room that her father kept many magical items in.

Tavia went rigid at the doorway. This was one of her father's prized rooms she wasnt aloud to be in here. She was beaten as a child for stepping into this room. "What are we doing here mother?" she asked softly.

"I'm sending you away to safety....." her mother said. "To another world...hidden from your father..."

"Another world? but momma I I don't want to leave you." she said as tears filled her eyes.

"I want you safe and free from your father... please... you must go through the viel that is beyond the door...."

Tavia looked up at her mother for a moment then nodded. "Alright I'll do it" she said softly.

Her mother kissed her forehead. "I know you will be safe from him.... my little one..."

Tavia hugged her mother tight. "I love you Momma"

Her mother held her close and then pulled her into the room, and before a large archway. Then everything faded away, her mother, the castle, everything. Tavia woke in her bed, being held tightly by Erebus, who was stroking her hair gently. "Tavia....please wake....please don't leave me..." he whispered. "Please don't leave light..."

Tavia suddenly to a deep breath of air as she began to cry. "Oh Erebus" she clung to him sobbing against his chest.

Erebus hugged onto her closely. "I'm here, Tavia...I'm had me so worried....all of us here were so worried....the little ones were was our little guest...I found her crying beside you...crying that she had killed you...." he whispered.

"Oh heavens no it wasnt anything like that. I... I.. I passed out and I... I remembered everything Erebus..." she said softly looking up at him noticing the confused look on his face. "My father he tampered with my memories so I wouldnt remember but now I do.. I remember everythig Erebus" she trembled against him curling tightly into a ball as she cried.

"Shh... I am never going to leave you...." Erebus whispered. "I don't know what's going on...but I am here for you...always, my love..."

Tavia suddenly began to tell him everything that she remembered. He had to know it all. Everything about her if he was going to stay with her. She sobbed as she told him but her love had to know the truth.

Erebus continued to hold her close to him. "I love you Tavia....I love you my light....I love you no matter what...." he whispered into her hair.

As she finished Tavia silently cried against his chest. "I love you so much Erebus" she whispered taking his hand in hers.

"I love you too Tavia....just tell me what you wish..."

"Never leave me, always love me, and please I hope that you can except little Epoh as if she was your own" she said softly looking up at him.

Erebus kissed her gently. "Tavia...I would never leave you...and yes I will forever love you....and you do not have to hope that I except little Epoh as mine.... because I wanted to have her join our family.... while I had been out, I was preparing the magic that adds a room...."

"Oh Erebus, I'm so lucky to have you" she pulled him close and kissed him deeply for a few moments before pulling back and burying herself against him once more.

"I love much...and I am so glad that you had someone like Myskio... I know that I could never replace him...." he said gently.

"I would never want you to try to replace him my love" she smiled softly up at him. "I loved my Myskio very much, just like I love you very much, you are my Erebus, I want you to be you, Not Myskio" she said with a loving smile.

Erebus nodded. "I just know that your heart must ache for him..." he whispered.

"I wonder what has become of him but it was a long time ago Erebus, I still love him but I love you now your who is there in my heart." she pulled him down and kissed him deeply trying to make him feel better about the whole thing.

Erebus kissed back. "I love you deeply..." he whispered, and kissed her neck.

Tavia sighed in his arms. "As I love you my love, my shadow, always there watching over me" she leaned her head to the side loving the feel of the touch of the man she loved so much.

Erebus kissed her neck more, and then just held her. "Should I get little Epoh...? She has been worried about you..." he asked softly.

"Yes little Epoh first then after I have spoken with her bring the other children in as well I know they must be worried about me also" she smiled lovingly up at Erebus.

Erebus nodded, and then went to go get Epoh. Epoh came into the room slowly. " fell when I said mama....I...I'm sorry....I...I just want a mama..." she said softly lg down.

Tavia felt the tears sting her eyes. "Come here my little one its alright" she held her arms out for Epoh to come to her. She didnt know how to explain to Epoh how she really was her mother.

Epoh went over to her. "I'm sorry..." she cried softly.

"Its alright little one, don't be sorry. I should be thanking you. You gave me something that I lost and made me whole once more" she brushed Epoh's tears away as she hugged her. Standing she went over to the mirror and stood there. "Epoh. Look in the mirror and tell me what you see." Tavia gently got Epoh to look in the mirror side by side.

"I see me...and you...." said softly.

"Yes but look a little closer, here and here..." as she said each here she began to point out similarities between the two of them.

"What is it...?" she asked, looking.

"Epoh long ago I had a little girl. that little girl i loved so much with all of my heart. she was my little angel; but a bad bad man took her from me and I havent seen her in years. Epoh your that little girl" tears glistened in Tavia's eyes looking down at her. "Your my daughter, my little Epoh" she whispered.

"You're my really real mama?" Epoh asked looking up at her.

Tavia nodded as the tears filled her eyes. "Yes my little one I am your real Mama, I'm so sorry I havent been there for you, if it was any other way I would have been there for you all these years taking care of you" she pulled Epoh close hugging her tight stroking her black hair.

Epoh hugged onto Tavia. "Mama.." she cried.

Tavia hugged her tight stroking her hair. "I love you so much my little Epoh I"m so gad to have you back" Tavia began to cry with her.

Epoh hugged onto her as if for dear life. "Mommy...." she whispered. "Mommy..."

Tavia walked over and sat down on a big cushioned chair gently rocking her back and forth holding her tight.

"I love you mama..." she whispered.

"I love you to my little angel" Tavia smiled stroking Epoh's hair.

Erebus came back into the room. "You two look perfect together..."

Tavia looked up at him and smiled lovingly. "Thank you Erebus that is sweet" she said lovingly gazing over at him and Epoh stayed curled up against her.

Erebus came over, and knelt. "Little look just like your mommy..."

Epoh nodded, and shyly hide in Tavia's chest.

Tavia couldnt help but smile at Epoh "my shy little one" she smiled and gently gave Epoh a quick little tickle.

Epoh epped, jumping abit, then giggled.

Erebus laughed gently.

"Oooh ticklish are we?" she asked with a smile as she tickled Epoh a little more gently.

Epoh wiggled in her arms.

"She has so much of your beauty..." Erebus said softly, smiling.

"Thank you Erebus your so sweet" she smiled as she hugged her daughter and nuzzled her cheek a little bit. "What do you say to Erebus for such a nice complement sweetheart?" She just called Erebus by his name because she didnt think Epoh would be comfortable enough to call him daddy yet.

"Thank you..." she said softly.

"You are very welcome, Epoh..." he said with a smile.

((The Light with in the Shadows.... ^_^ ))

((that was my theory but it made no sense that Vali was talking about it, thats what was throwing me off, then the man with tribal tattoos, does that mean its Myskio?))

Tavia smiled and patted the top of her head. "Now Epoh, Erebus is going to bring in your siblings so I can see them to is that ok?" she asked making sure she was comfortable.

((Not Myskio.... he doesn't have black wings.... or maybe he does....but anyways...the man is looking everywhere...))

Epoh nodded. "I have siblings....?"

((I seriously still have no clue who it could be lol))

"Yes my sweet one. The five children you've been spending some time with while you've been here those are your siblings." she stroked her daughter's hair.

((Just so you know... its Nyan....))

"Really? I like them..."

((That was not obvious at all I never would have guessed that, Nyan ddnt have wings either! lol))

"Good because they're your siblings and I want all of you to be happy together" she kissed her daughter's cheek lovingly as she hugged her. "Can you bring them in honey?" she asked looking over at Erebus.

((He is a mysterious man ^_^ ))

Erebus nodded and went to go get the children. He came back in with them.

Tavia set Epoh down and then got on one knee holding her arms out. "Come here my little ones" she smiled and giggled as they ran and she hugged them all to her knowing they were all worried about her.

"Mommy!" they all shouted hugging her. "We were worried!"

"Oh I'm so sorry my little ones that I worried you, Mommy is ok now" she smiled and gave each one a kiss as she hugged all five of them tight. "I do have some good news though my little angels. Epoh is offically your sister" she smiled as she saw the happiness in their eyes.

"You're adopting her! Yay!"

Tavia looked over at Erebus for a little help to explain that Epoh really was their sister through her.

"No little ones.... Epoh is Tavia's daughter from before I meet her....a bad man made mama forget about her and her life before she and I met..."

"Oh mama...." they cried hugging her. "Daddy will protect you and sister...!"

Tavia smiled and hugged them tight. "I know he will my little angels" She held her other hand out for Epoh to come over into their big group hug doing the same with her other hand for Erebus to come over as well.

Erebus and Epoh hugged her and the other little ones.

"My wonderful beautiful family" she said lovingly holding them all close not wanting that moment to end.

Erebus pulled back a bit. "What does he want...?" he whispered. "The Light within the Shadows?"

Tavia looked at Erebus confused. "What's going on honey?" she asked softly.

"Do you know what The Light within the Shadows may mean...?"

Tavia thought about it for a few moments, an idea came into her head as she lookeda t him. "you don't think that it might have something to do with me do you? I am your light within your shadows, you've even called me that yourself." She said as she stroked her children's heads gently as they all snuggled up to her.

"That's my only guess....just a second..." he said. He looked at her carefully. "Tavia...tell me who comes to your mind.... tall man...tan...tribal tattoos over his body..."

She thought about it for a few moments. "If he has black hair Myskio, if he has dark brown Nyan his best friend. "


"Thats Nyan, Myskio's best friend." She said surprised. "But how... Why?..." she froze sitting there trying to figure it all out.

"He seems to think that I...or the Shadows took you..."

"What? but he should know for a fact that it was my father... I'm so confused..." she buried her face in her hands.

"I don't know..."

"I want to talk to him and find out what is going on but..." she looked at all of her children. "I don't want him near you or the kids" she said looking at Erebus with worry in her eyes. "Nyan and Myskio's people are very strict in virtue and promise. He would see our children and my engadgement to you as a slap in the face." She said softly to him. She kissed all of her children on the top of their heads as they made themselves comfortable snuggled around her now.

"I didn't steal you from had no memory... just as you had no memory of being Pheobe.... my your past life...." Erebus said worriedly.

"I know this honey, My mother sent me to this world." she placed her hand on his. "and six years later in a dark parking lot, the shadows crossed my path and I fell in love with the shadows" she said in a loving tone to him as she ran her thumb across his knuckles. "I love you Erebus." 

"I love you too..." he said lovingly. "I'll have Loki send him here...I want you to talk where I'm close by....I'll keep the children in their room..."

"I'll talk to him in the Livingroom" she stood up from where she was sitting. "Little ones go with daddy to your room." she said as they all stood up around her.

The children nodded, getting up with Erebus.

"Mama..." Epoh said.

Gently Tavia picked her up "Epoh my little angel I need you to go with Erebus alright?" she asked holding her daughter in her arms. "I promise I'm not going anywhere I just have to speak to someone, you'll be safer with your siblings."

Epoh nodded. "Okay mam...."

"Good girl" she kissed her forehead before gently handing her off to Erebus before heading off to the livingroom.

The livingroom was quiet.

Tavia walked out quietly and looked around. She felt uncomfortable standing there and waiting.

She heard something out on the balacony.

Tavia took a deep breath standing there. "its now or never" she walked over to the balcony and opened the doors knowing her love was watching from the shadows.

A familiar man stood out on the balcony, the figure of Nyan. "Tavia...." he said softly, kneeling down infront of her.

Tears stung her eyes seeing him. "Nyan its been far to long" she said with a smile seeing him unable to hold back the rush of feelings seeing her old friend. "Please come in, its a chilly night tonight" she said walking away from the door hugging herself as she walked over and sat down on the couch in the livingroom.

Nyan stood up, and walked inside, closing the door behind him. "We have been searching for you for years, Tavia...Myskio and I...."

Tavia wiped the tears from her eyes. "After I was taken from the tribe by my father he took me back to the Elven palace. There he tried to make me his" she shivered in disgust and saw Nyan's eyes fill with anger. "To protect Myskio's unborn child I ran. I was able to make it to a nearby temple of the Elven goddess. Months later my father hired someone who kidnapped me from the safety of the temple and brought me back to him. I as about Eightmonths along. My father seeing I was pregnant with Myskio's child had such hatred in his heart. He was going to kill my little one. So I bowed before my father and begged for the life of my unborn child offering myself to him. He of course excepted and for a month... I.." she shivered hugging herself tighter. "A month later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. My father stole her from me. I was to weak from birth to do anything to stop him. Later as I slept a sorcerer that worked for my father came into my room and wiped my memory clean. My mother she saved me by sending me to this world. I havent had my memory for six years Nyan. I only just an hour ago got my memory back" She said sitting there watching him. She noticed his eyes eyeing the tattoos he could see peaking from her heavy long silken robe here and there.

"The markings... on your body...." he growled.

"They were from a goddess artifact" she tapped the pearls around her neck. "Nyan I am a goddess of the moon, of Fertility and of motherhood itself" She had discovered the last bit just recently just that warmth inside of her being a mother to all of her children she knew it was true.

"But can this be?" Nyan asked. "I have never seen such markings...."

"Markings like this are common in this world when it comes to gods and goddesses, and to answer your question I am a reincarnated goddess from this realm" she said sitting there watching him. "besides my tattoos are not that different from yours mine just shimmer with the magic thats inside of them like the dusk of the day." she held her arm up and pulled her sleeve back showing the markings on her arm.

"Reincarnated goddess from this world...? You belong in our world.... with the tribe...." Nyan said.

Tavia closed her eyes placing her hands in her lap. "Not anymore Nyan" she said opening her eyes looking at him. "I miss Myskio and the kids with all of my aching heart, I miss the tribe all of you so much but I am needed in this world." she said hugging herself. It pained her so much. She wished she could see her Myskio, see her kids but it was true she was a reincarnated goddess of this world. She was needed here. The room was lightly lit so the shadows were all around her. She felt a soft caress of her back and gave a soft sigh knowing her Erebus was watching.

"We need you...what's left of the tribe needs you... Myskio needs you..." Nyan said. "Not all were kill many survived....we stormed the castle...with many more deading....but it was all for you...please come home...."

Tavia felt the tears welling up in her eyes as she thought of Myskio and her children. But she loved Erebus so much. He was her heart and soul now. She cried thinking about her tribe, her Myskio, her children. She didnt know what to do, what to think.

"I will take you home..." Nyan said, starting to move towards her.

"Erebus.." she suddenly said as Nyan moved towards her.

Erebus stepped out of the shadows, causing Nyan to leap to the defensive. "Tavia...what is this? A shadow walker?" Nyan questioned.

"I am Erebus...Tavia's love...."

"Tavia..." Nyan said looking at her in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that Nyan. I had no memory, I have lived in this world six long years with no memory of my previous life. Erebus came into my life and I fell in love with him. I even have a family with him." She saw the hurt of Nyan's face. There was a peice inside of her that craved so badly to return to their world. To run to Myskio and bury herself in his arms to be there for her children and her tribe. But her other half loved and belonged with her Erebus. Her shadows and her children with him. "Nyan as I am the goddess of the bright moon, of fertility and of mother hood. Erebus is the god of shadows and darkness."

"The shadows that stole you from our world..." he said softly. "And I will free you for my friend...."

"Nyan, he did not steal me from our world. My mother sent me here and I ran from our world because my father raped me constantly and tried to make me his secret wife! He wished for me to bare his children while whoreing myself out to the other kings as well! Thats why I ran Nyan!" she said standing up feircely protecting her Erebus.

Nyan jumped back, looking at her in disbelief. " Chieftess...forgive me...I was under a different impression....." he said, kneeling down on one knee.

"How did you even get such an impression in your head?" she asked standing there, it made her wonder if her father was spreading rumors about her in their realm. Standing there Nyan's scent tickled her nose, warm and earthy; it reminded her so much of Myskio and it made her heart ache missing him.

"When we stormed the castle....that was the last words of a noble woman...she had been stabbed by the king...." Nyan said softly. "I had stayed with her, as Myskio headed off to get the king..."

Tavia gasped covering her hands over her mouth. "This noble woman.... did she have soft golden hair and eyes like two crystal pools of water?" she asked praying it wasnt her mother.

Nyan nodded. "She did..."

"No mother..." she dropped to her knees hugging herself as sobs racked from her.

Nyan stood to go over to her, but Erebus was already at Tavia's side, holding her in a loving embrace. "Shh..." said Erebus. "She wanted and wished you free of your father..."

She cried against his chest heart broken at the loss of her mother.

"I'm have given you such ill news..." Nyan said softly.

"Its alright Nyan" she wiped her eyes. "i'm just glad to know instead of wondering how she is for the rest of my life" she said softly heart broken. Torn wondering now even more how Myskio and her children were, how all of her friends the villiagers were.

"I will answer anything you ask of my..."

"Tell me how is everyone... Myskio and the children? and the tribesmen? how are they?" she asked softly.

"Myskio...he is fine in little ways...many of the tribe is gone from the world....and your children... only a few are....alive..."

"Oh heavens" she covered her mouth as tears began to flow down her cheeks again. her heart felt like it was breakig in her chest over all of this.

Erebus held onto to her.

"My chieftess....I do not know what this means but a little girl came to us, to Myskio and I....a strange girl...she seemed to just appear and and then disappear...said something about them not being gone, that they would return like Pheobe....who ever Pheobe is...."

"Danu" Tavia whispered remembering the girl. Hearing her say that made her feel so much better deep down inside. "And Pheobe was my ancestor Nyan, and I am she reincarnated. She was the goddess of the bright moon here in this world, she escaped to our world due to.. circumstances here and became one of the Lunar elves royal family." Tavia said wiping her tears away.

"Really?" Nyan questioned.

Erebus nodded. "I was the one that sent Pheobe to your world... so protect her...."

"Why send your love away but not go as well?" Nyan asked.

"Thats because when I was pheobe I was his Neice not his lover" Tavia said calmly ready for the reaction she knew was to come.

"What?! You're sleeping with your uncle!?"

"Oooh I knew this was going to happen" she rubbed her eyes. "He was my uncle in my last life and I am Pheobe yes but I am more Tavia and am not his neice" she could see Nyan wasnt buying it and recogized the look in his eyes of calculating something probably how to get her away from Erebus. "Erebus please help, he's worse then I was." she remembered when she had thought the same thing.

Erebus wrapped his arms around Tavia. "I know that she was and is still Pheobe...but the way one grows up in the next life define who that person is, not that past life...."

"She is your blood...!"

"She is and isn't....I never felt a pull to Pheobe, but to Tavia I do..."

Nyan just froze staring at them.

"Nyan, in our world its been nearly two millenia of bloodline difference between me and my last life. By blood he and I are almost as if we are strangers." Tavia said standing there.

Erebus looked at Nyan. "SHe is right.... elves and those of your tribe have long lifespands....I am a god here...but the thing is, Pheobe your world we are like the elves...but here we are immortal...there are few things that can kill we are all sepparted but many generation....understand, I will not leave her...nor will I leave my children..."

Nyan's eyes widened. "Children?"

"Yes I have children with him Nyan" Tavia said standing there calmly. "You must remember I lost my memory of the past due to my father tampering with my mind trying to make me his. So I made a life with Erebus here in this world" she said standing there.

"You have a have Myskio..."

Tavia placed her face in her hands as she sat back down on the couch. This was all just going in circles and her heart ached. Every time he said Myskio her heart ached missing him. But she belonged here. With her Erebus no matter how much she longed to go back she was with Erebus. Her heart felt like it was being torn in half between the two men and her two families.

Erebus sat back down with her. "Tell me what you wish to do...I want you happy...."

"Let her come back with me....back to her family..."

Erebus looked at Nyan. "I will not make her go with is her choice...and she has a family here too...."

"I I need some time to think" Tavia slid her hands in her hair. "Nyan would you stay here?" She needed to get away from him to think. But she also wanted to speak to Erebus.

Nyan nodded. "Yes...I will..."

Erebus looked at her concerned.

"Thank you Nyan..." Tavia turned and walked off. Going into her bedroom she climbed on the bed pulling her knees to her chest. Softly she began to cry not knowing what to do. It was as if her soul was being pulled in two.

She started to hear the door to the nursery open but then stop, and she heard the worried voices of her children being comforted by what sounded like Erebus.

"Oh my little ones" she said softly thinking of all of them. But then it brought her mind to her other children back in the other world. How long they had been without their mother. She knew though if she went back Myskio would never let her leave again to return to her love Erebus here and her children here. Hugging her knees to her chest she cried softly.

After a while, Erebus stepped from the shadows, and sat down gently on the bed. "Tavia... my Light...please don't cry...." he whispered.

"It feels like my heart is being torn to peices my love" she whispered looking up at him. "I want to know what has become of my children that are alive in the other realm and go to them, I want to see what has become of Myskio but I know if I go there he will never let me return to your embrace" gently she intertwined her fingers with his lovingly. "You are my husband and my love now but it still breaks my heart to know they are alright to wonder what hs become of them."

"You did though meet her brother of the Guardians... the one with long black hair....named for their father...Genbu..."

Marek thought of the man in his head. "Ahh yes of course" he said to himself making a mental note of that.

"Now, Lord Marek... we must move on to the training..."

"Yes of course, I am ready whenever" he gave a small bow of his head.

A helmeted knight appeared, and attacked him.

Marek jumped out of the way and readied himself to fight even though he carried no weapon.

"Grab the sword...." she said. "To your left..."

Marek glanced and saw it, he dove and picked it up rolling back into a standing fighting position.

The warrior attacked him again.

Marek easily deflected the attack and attacked in return.

The knight blocked Marek's attack, and then before Marek knew it his back hit against a wall with great force.

"Concentrate Lord Marek...." the goddess said softly.

Marek pulled from his training. Pushing himself from the wall he stood ready in a gaurd position trying to find the knight's weak point.

The knight seemed to keep a spot wide open, it was small but there.

Marek dodged the Knight's next attack and when he left the spot wider open he struck.

THe warrior fell.

" two...."

Two new warriors appeared and attacked.

He quickly deflected their attacks and dodged out of the way. This one he figured out faster leaping over the head of one and slashing it across the back on a kill point then attacking the second one.

The second one disappeared just before her was able to hit it, and then he felt pain shot through his back as he fell to the ground.

"Fuck" he snarled out and twisted with blade in hand to attack.

"Don't lose your head...." the goddess said. Don't lose your head Marek.... came the flash of his training with Abmisleo.

Letting out a deep breath he calmed himself and continued the fight.

This warrior took some more time to defeat, but it soon fell to Marek's blade.

"Good.... time to rest...."

"Thank you my lady" he gave a bow of his head gently.

"Training of the Body is equal to the training of the Mind and Soul...." she said. Marek then remembered Abmisleo had told him that too before.

Marek just nodded. He didnt want to say anything but at the moment this training was just like what he went through with Abmisleo. He thought that he had been brought here to learn more.

"Now....Marek...prepare your mind....for my attack...." she said, and before he knew it, he felt her spirit searching his mind and soul as if for something.

Marek clenched his fists. He had trained himself how to block his mind when he had been amongst the gods. Throwing up multiple barriers he blocked the advances of the woman.

He saw an image of Chyrosa reach out to him.

The image didnt feel right though to him, that wasnt his Chyrosa. It was just something to lure him out from behind his mental barriers.

"Marek.... open your eyes...."

Marek did as he was told

The young woman, the goddess, was smiling at him. "You have been taught so well.... I am proud of Regulus for passing this training to you..."

"He is a good man, he became like a father to me during my time with him."

She nodded. "He is indeed a good man..."

Marek nodded in agreement. "My lady what is my next lesson?" he asked curiously.

"That is to be a surprise..."

Marek couldnt help but chuckled at the comment. "Of course my lady."

She smiled. "I am sure that Regulus hasn't taught you everthing..."

"Of course not my lady I believe you have so much more you can teach me" he said bowing his head to her.

She smiled. "There are things I taught to him that only I can teach so your belief is rest... training is just starting..."

"I'm not sure where to rest my lady" he said motioning with his hand around to the empty room.

She then pointed to a corner he had just looked at, and there was a door now where an empty wall had been. "Rest Lord Marek..."

"Thank you my lady" he bowed his head to her then headed off to the door.

The door lead to a small bed chamber, with white sheets.

Marek walked over and sat on the bed. "I hope your alright my sweet Chyrosa" he whispered to himself.

A ring appeared on the bed.

"What the?" he picked it up and examined it.

A note then appeared.

Marek picked up the note and read it.

This was a ring that has been pass to many... use it well.... there was no name with it.

He cocked an eyebrow curiously and examined the ring closer.

There were protective runes on the ring's band.

Marek cautiously slid the ring onto his finger.

He felt a great power surge through him.

Marek gasped at the power.

Soon he didn't feel it any more.

He wiggled his hand looking at the ring. "How fascinating." he sad softly.

It seemed to glow for a second.

Marek didnt know what it was for, the symbols on the ring were alien to him. Not wanting to stress himself out over it he laid down on his bed to get some rest.

He thought he saw a shadow move.

Marek sat up quickly his hand going to his sword.

He didn't see anything any more, but then something did move.

Marek lunged into the shadows to grab whatever it was.

"Ahh..." came a young voice.

"Who are you and why do you spy on me?" he growled.

A young boy looked up at Marek. What Marek saw was the young child that Marek had been.

Marek placed the child down and took a few steps back.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to intrude on you Lord.... please forgive me..." said the young Marek.

"Its alright, You just startled me lurking in the shadows like you were" he walked over and sat on the bed. "Why are you here?" he asked curiously.

"I... I don't know Lord... I... I was going to see if..if this time I could sneak out to see my mother... she sneaks in to see me...but I'm scared for her...."

Marek remembered when he had done that so long ago but he had not been so lucky having run into Zues himself when he had been sneaking about Olympus. "It is alright young one I understand your fears. But you must be careful for there are those not as kind as I" he said as he sat there. "They would take advantage of your fear for your mother and use it against you."

"Mother is always sad all the time...and always saying 'Why...? Why...?' when she holds me... 'Why torture them so...? He is just a child...and He...He was just following his heart....'...I want mother to be happy..."

Marek remembered that feeling well and how he didnt want to listen to anyone. "You have to be strong for your mother, grow up to be a great warrior so you can help your mother be happy in her life. Right now she worries for you not wanting you to be hurt.

"I want to follow my heart the one mother was talking about...."

"You need to learn though when it is right to follow your heart and when you should listen to your head, it keeps those you love safer that way"

"But what if following my head will still hurt those I love....?"

"Then that is when you follow your heart. It is a balance you must walk in this life to protect those around you."

"I...I want to be with mother..."

Marek didnt know what to do he was at a loss at the moment.

"Why can't I be with her...?"

"Because many people want to see her unhappy and others do not know that you are her son. But if they did she would be in even more danger trying to protect you."

"But....if that is so...why risk seeing me...?"

"Because its what her heart tells her to, she loves you and she doesnt want you to live your life without knowing her even for a short while. The gods that you live with while she visits you are good friends of hers and let her come and see you" he smiled remembering such from his past.

"Really? I'm glad.... I don't want to live with some of the other gods....I've seen some scary gods...."

"You wont live with all of them just certain ones that Zues deems good for your training."

"One scares me the most...."

"Who?" he asked curiously.

"Hades...." he whispered. "He is always looking at him, watching me.....I'm scared he wants to do something to me....."

"Do not fear Hades, it is complicated you see but just know he is a good man deep down."


"Just stay out of his way and you'll be fine" Marek said to his younger self.

The boy nodded. "Okay.....I'll try....but.... he just seems to hate me...."

"But he will not harm you as long as you stay away from him. Your mother... she meant alot to him a long time ago so he will not harm you since he knows you mean the world to her."

"She meant something to him long ago...? How long ago?"

"I couldnt tell you exactally how long ago" He said sitting there.


"Deep down inside yes" Marek nodded.

The young Marek nodded. "I hope so....sometimes I think he would kill me..."

"Like I said just stay out of his way and you will be fine"

The young Marek nodded. "You want to know something....?" he asked shyly.

"Certainly." he smiled softly at the young version of himself.

"I think...I wish he was my papa...I hate father...." he whispered.

"Really?" he asked curiously. he hadnt even remembered this. 

The boy nodded.

The thought then hit him, 'would it not be better to have a father that looked to hate and wish to kill you from afar...than to have a father that told you to your face that you were nothing...?'

Marek thought about it. "You do have a very good point."

"I do...?"

"yes you really do" he smiled.

The young Marek smiled, and then just disappeared.

With that Marek laid down on the bed hoping to get some sleep.

Sleep claimed him, with a dreamless sleep.

Marek awoke many hours later staring at the ceiling.

"Lord Marek... it is time to wake..."

"Of course my lady" he sat up from the bed and got up stretching out his body.

"You did good last night..." she said as he joined her.

"Thank you my lady, if you don't mind me asking whatwas the test for?" he asked curiously.

"It was a test in knowing that not all is or was as it seemed....or as you had remembered it..."

"I see" he said thinking about it.

"Think of it this way...children are trusting, yet see through all... but if pain is a daily event, then said child would trust only what he knows or the knowledge of someone that had saved just have to remember....and think... you had been telling Hades to see Hel... but even the pain he had received over the centuries wasn't allowing him to see the truth in your words....but you had to remember and tell yourself that even Hades as he had been or seemed was better than what you know as the truth then..."

Marek thought about it all, she was so right.

"Come... we have more to do..."

Marek nodded and followed her out of his room.

"Now...Marek... this is the hardest of all my training...and I want you to be prepared.... you must think over your life and all that you know and have met...."

"Are you sure I'm ready for such a thing?" he asked surprised.

She smiled. "Abmisleo taught you much... but I don't think he was prepared to ask of you what I will shortly..."

"Alright" he nodded his head ready to do anything to become a better warrior to help in this fight against evil.

"If it came down to saving someone you love or the world...which would you choose?"

Marek thought about it to himself. He couldn't live without his Chyrosa. She was the light of his life and without him the world really didnt mean all that much to him.

"Let me ask again... save the one you love... or save all others....that means one life for the chance that others yet to be born may live..."

Marek knew though that his Chyrosa would want him to focus on the greater good of the world around him. "Save all others" he said softly even though as he said it his heart ached at the thought of if he ever lost his chyrosa.

"And yes she would want you to save the world... just as her mother wanted Abmisleo to save himself and Chyrosa so that they may help other prepare to confront this growing evil...."

Marek nodded in agreement knowing it would be what his Chyrosa would want.

She smiled at him. "Do not fret.... Destiny is not something unchangeable..."

Marek nodded with a smile. "Yes I have always believed that. Knowing that it is the person that controls their own thread of destiny"

"Don't let Dez hear you say that...." she laughed softly.

Marek chuckled with her.

She stoped laughing and just smile. "No...truly, he takes his place very seriously...."

"Oh sorry didt mean to be offensive" he said softly.

"You didn't... Dez is just crazy sometimes...."

"Alright" he chuckled and smiled.

Marek felt as if someone was about to attack him from behind.

Marek whipped around drawing his sword to block.

The attacker slashed again.

Marek blocked using his blade.

The attacker lashed out once more.

Marek deflected and did his own attack on the attacker.

The attacker tried to block but missed.

Marek aimed for the attackers vital points.

The attacker fell and disappeared. "Good.... your senses have strenghtened...."

"You focus on the task at hand and in the back of your mind focus on the goal you wish to succede.

"Yes.... but not even I knew of that attacker...."

"What?" he asked surprised by this.

"It was not one of mine..."

"Who knows you've brought me here?" he asked worriedly.

"None... they all believe you dead.... unless that attacker was meant from me...."

"This is not good my lady" he kept his senses open just in case.

She nodded. "We must finish your training..."

"Of course please lead teh way."

She led him down a short hall way, to a closed door. "Inside is your last test..."

"Alright" he nodded ad headed down the hall to the door taking a deep breath he opened it.

It side it was dark. "Go inside...."

Marek did as he was told.

The door closed behind him. All great warriors must face their fears.... he heard in his head.

Marek suddenly went rigid as he heard the all to familiar sound of scales sliding over tile.

Torch flames flickered around the room, releaving the Basklisk that was in the center of the room.

Marek began to tremble with fear as he backed up until his back was flush with the wall.

You are stronger than this fear.... you are not a helpless child.... you have the strength and knowledge to face this challenge....

Marek was frozen with fear though staring at the great beast he couldnt think he couldnt do anything.

The Basklisk went to attack.

Marek.... think about the one you love...

Chyrosa filled his heart as he stood there with fear. He had to be strong for her, for their little ones. He gasped as the Basklisk struck and jumped out of the way dodging its attack keeping his eyes away from it.

The Basklisk moved to attack again.

Marek dove behind one of the pillars in teh room to keep from the Basklisk jaws.

The Basklisk's tongue flicked beside the pillar.

Marek scooted so he was as far back from either side of the pillar as he could go. His body was still trembling, he didnt know what to do.

Marek... help... came Chyrosa's voice. He knew she wasn't talking to him, but she was praying for help.

"Chyrosa?" he whispered trying to hear more, he had to get out of here had to go help her. He needed a weapon.

He saw a sword on the ground behind another pillar some distance away.

Marek looked at the basklisk watching him. "This is for Chyrosa" he whispered and suddenly turned bolting for the next pillar.

The basklisk moved to strike but missed Marek by just inches.

Marek shook badly huddled behind the pillar as he kept his eyes infront of him. "To close to close" he whispered.

He heard the basklisk move to strike again.

Marek grabbed the sword and thrusted teh blade up as the Basklisk struck at the opening.

The blade cleaning went through the Basklisk's head, and the beast fell down dead.

Marek turned and vomited as the fear purged from his body.

"You did well..."

"Thank you my lady" he said softly wiping his mouth clean. "Was it you projecting Chyrosa's voice in my head?" he asked looking at her.

She looked confused. "What? No I hadn't done that...I though was projecting into your mind that you needed to remember Chyrosa..." She looked even more confused. "She is your love...?" She then laughed softly. "That little.... keeping that from me...."

Marek blushed and smiled "I take it you two know each other well?" he asked curiously.

"It is hard not to when she comes to me personally and asks that I let her father go early.... that he must help a young man on Olympus...we became good friends from there..."

"I have a feeling I was that man on Olympus that she spoke off."

"I do too...." she said with a smile. "Though you were much younger then..."

"Yes alot younger" he chuckled. He remembered he was about seventeen when he had met Ambisleo

"She love you greatly..."

"As I love her greatly in return, she is teh light in my darkness" he smiled

"Spoken like a true god of the underworld..."

Marek couldnt help but smile. "Thank you my lady" he gave a small bow of his head. "So what other training is their for me?" he asked standing there.

"There is only one thing that must be done now...." she said. "It is time for you to go home.

"Really?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes... though your final test awai you there...." she said.

"Its chyrosa isnt it?" he asked worriedly thinking of that prayer for help he had heard. His heart ached feeling she might be in trouble.

"I don't is hidden from me... but my final test was involving somee close to you...but it wasn't going to be her...."

"I'm ready to go back my lady" He bowed his head to her.

She nodded. "Now wake Lord Marek..." she said.

Marek suddenly gasped awake laying on a cold stone slab. Taking deep ragged breaths he got used to being in his real body again.

The room was dark, and he felt breathing near by him.

Marek felt for his blade ready to strike whatever it was if it was of ill intent.

"I'm...sorry..." he heard whispered.

He relaxed. "Father?" he asked recognizing the voice as Hades.

Hades sat his head up. "'re alive..." he whispered. "I didn't know what to were gone...but your soul... I couldn't get to your soul..." His eyes were red and tears stained his cheeks.

"Father its alright, you tried your best." he said softly sitting there. "My soul was with someone, they were helping me to become a better man, a better knight" he said looking at Hades. 

"I... I gave up...." he whispered.

"You did the right thing father, I wouldnt want you to spend an eternity trying to pull me back from something you couldnt. Besides you and I havent known each other that long its best that you worry about yourself not about me. Especially now that your free."

"I didn't mean now....I...I meant before... I wasn't strong enough to fight it..."

Marek knew that wasnt true. "You are a very strong man father, I know though it was because of me you didnt want to fight it. Of what I represented before you knew I was yours. You didnt want to fight it back then when I came to be" he said softly knowing alot of his mother and father's pain over the years was his fault.

"I did'nt want to have something happen to Nyx... or to the child she had... to you.... if I fought they would have killed you...." Hades said looking down. "I didn't want Nyx to lose you, whether you were mine or not.... just for the fact that you are her son...."

"Really?" Marek asked surprised.

Hades nodded. "It...honestly it hurt to see you around Olympus.... because I felt that if...if I had been stronger... I could have fought this thing.... and stolen you back for Nyx... and we would hide away......."

"The look on your face I always felt like you hated me"

"It would be better to keep you away from me than to get you hurt more because of me..."

"Father" he said softly surprised by all of this. "I have to ask... the thirteen years Zues made me survive in Tartarus on my own did you care I was there?" he asked remembering how many times over those years he had hid from Hades

"I was trying to watch over were young... and even a god of the underworld... who can walk Tartarus, will first walk those lands with their father or mother to learn the ways of Tartarus....I... I cared.... it just hurt more that I couldn't openly keep you safe...." he whispered. "My half brother is insane...."

"The past is behind us now father you are freed an your with us again."

Hades took a hold of Marek, hugging him closely. "I am very sorry..."

Marek hugged his father back. "its alright father" he said hugging him tight.

"That's now two of us, Hades...." said Nyx as she came into the room, though she didn't have a smile on her face.

"Mother" Marek smiled seeing her walk in.

"Marek...." she smiled slightly. "I'm so happy you have come back to us....and I am sure Nyxia will be happy...."

"I can't wait to see her, mother what is the matter? you don't seem happy" he said worriedly not seeing the smile reach her eyes. She seemed.. cold.

"My brother...Erebus is worried, he had found his love unconscious on the ground, with a young girl they had taken in crying on the floor as well as their other children crying hungerly....and I can't find Chyrosa... because Nyxia has been asking for her...." Nyx said.

"Oh no" he whispered remembering that prayer for help. "Mother I think Chyrosa is in danger" he said worriedly as he stood. "In the realm I was in I heard her pray for my help. I had thought iwas part of the test I was in but I think she really is in danger."

"I know that she had gone back to her father.... but when I had gone to see her, I found Abmisleo asleep with a young woman...and then a young boy asleep in another room...."

Marek thought about it. "she didn't put up a struggle because she didnt want to put her father and his new happiness in danger." he said understanding. "Mother would you take me there?" he asked standing.

"You're going to tell them aren't you....?"

Marek shook his head. "No, I'm not going to, I just need to go there to see if I can find out any clues on who might have taken her."

"I have an idea of who may have been behind who ever took her...." said Nyx.

"Zeus or Hera..." said Hades, looking away.

"Please just take me there quickly I might be able to figure out which one." he said standing there he wasnt going to fight them.

Nyx nodded, and all three of them appeared in a dark bedroom where the bed looked only slightly used.

Marek quietly opened the door and peered out. It was still very late in the evening so everyone was in bed. Quietly he made his way out of the room to the livingroom. His nose twitched smelling the familiar scent of Hera's perfume lingering in the air. Walking over he examined the rug. it was a plush carpet and captured the heavy boot of whoever had taken his Chyrosa. He kneeled and examined that the person had kneeled before his Chyrosa before what he could make of was pick her up and leave. Marek phased through the door so not to wake anyone up and followed the path to find out how the bastard got into the building.

Marek discovered that this was the condo building that he had once dropped Chyrosa off at before they were together, that the building was owned by Epsilon Archer Inco., that the person had entered through the service stairs.

He turned to Hades and Nyx as they came out the service door. "Hera arranged it. it seems she has a new pet. Big very well muscled but balanced by how his foot prints sunk into the carpet. but he stalled is the thing before taking Chyrosa I feel whoever this man is he didnt want to take her." he said standing there praying his love was alright.

Nyx nodded. "We'll figure out who it is..."

"I...know who..." said Hades, softly.

"Who is it?" he asked curiously.

"Well...I think I know.... the man had been kept as Hera's pet...but he was always chained up, until he escaped with the help of some others.... one of which is one of the Zodiac... but before..before you had freed me I had been hearing that she had a plan in the works to get him back...and this time make him obey her...."

Horror filled Marek hearing this. "We have to get Chyrosa out of there" he thought of her and their little one inside of her his heart was breaking at the thought of that hag using her as some peice of a spell to get a pet to sit and stay still.

Hades looked at Marek. "We will free her together...I doubt that Hera will harm her...she was planning on using her pet's love as a way of getting him to obey her... I know that Chyrosa is the Captain Abmisleo's daughter....but I don't know of any real reason to take her...."

I can think of a few he thought to himself. "We must hurry if we're to rescue her before Hera does something to her. Being as I was banned from Olympus I cannot travel there on my own." He said solemly.

Nyx and Hades nodded. "We can get you in..."

"Thank you both of you, you don't know how much this means to me"

Hades looked at him. "You love is important..."

He gave a nod of his head. He wasnt close enough to his father yet to spill the beans she was carrying his unborn child and was going to be his wife yet.

They disappeared, and reappeared in the courtyard of the main palace.

Marek felt lucky that it was night time. It had been awhile since he had been back in this damn place. Quietly he made his way inside and reached out trying to sense his Chyrosa.

He couldn't feel anything, there seemed to be som sort of shield up.

Marek began to fear what could have or was happening to his chyrosa. He wove his way through the shadows listening in on gaurds and seeing what information he could find.

He heard some guards talking about Hera preparing for some sort of ritual that used the power of three individuals.

Marek remembered the spell chamber Hera had. Sneaking off he went to go find it.

A he got closer, the number of guards he saw were increasing. "I don't like this..." Nyx said.

"This is not good" He lead teh two off to a store room he remembered so they could talk privately and without worry of being found. "This place is infested with gaurds. This spell must be very important to Hera."

"She had been saying around that this was important.... something about giving a timeless body to someone..." said Hades softly.

"Timeless body?" Marek asked mainly to himself trying to remember.

All that came to mind was Chyrosa and what she would and has been doing, reversing her age to relive, nothing else, nor no one else came to mind.

It made no sense to Marek why Hera would want that skill for her werewolf pet.

"Can you not think of anyone like that..." Nyx asked.

Hades nodded. "I can...but....the person would either have to be a god or goddess...a mortal gifted with Lamia's curse... or gifted by the gods themselves..... or the legendary 13th...."

Marek went rigid figuring it out. Hera wanted to place Chyrosa's powers into her pet. "Heavens I was hoping I would never have to use this." he scrambled around and found some Charcoal. Bending down he began to scribble things on the floor. Strange markings his parents didnt recognize.

"Marek what are you doing?" Nyx asked worried. ((Good guess.... but...*Buzz*))

"You don't spend time in the underworld without learning a few things" he said softly as he wrote quickily on the ground. the designs and markings quiet intricate.

"Marek...." Hades warned.

Marek finished then stood in the middle. "I'll be fine father I've done this one quite a few times" he stood in the middle and began to mumble something softly the markings on the floor began to glow and magic wrapped around his body. His clothing and body began to change. As the magic faded he looked just like a gaurd helmet and all. "You see father I'm fine" he said standing there.

Hades nodded.

"Marek...just be careful with this..." Nyx said softly.

"She is the love of my life, mother of my unborn child and so much more I have to do anything to save her" he said kissing his mother's cheek. "The demon magic I used is strong the master who taught me is quite powerful. It will hold for as long as I need it"

Hades looked very worried.

"Unborn child?"

Marek looked at his mother. "Yes... she is pregnant with my unborn child mother. I have to save her and it." he said softly with pain in his eyes. torment that she knew he was worried he wouldnt be able to save her.

"I know we will save her..." Nyx said softly.

Hades nodded. "You have us with you...son..."

"Thank you both of you. With myself looking like I am I will weeve my way to the ritual hall if the two of you can hide in the shadows we'll be able to make it."

Hades and Nyx nodded.

"Good lets go" he placed his hand on the door and sensed the hallway making sure it was clear. With a nod to hsi parents he adjusted his helmet and left the storage room making his way to the temple.

He soon felt some one was coming his way, and there was a scent about the figure that called out Chyrosa. ((Serapis))

The man was large very well built, the exact description of the man who he had figured had taken his chyrosa. His fingers flexed craving to slug the bastard that stole his love away.

the man stopped at the end of the hall watching him intently neither of them moving on each other.

A cobra climbed up the man's leg, up to the man's shoulder, watching Marek.

Marek instantly recognized the cobra, he never forgot a snake. "Wadjet?" he asked confused standing there letting his voice change back to his own for a moment.

The cobra shifted, and Wadjet smiled at the helmeted guard. "Why don't the three of you reveal yourself for what you truly are...Serapis is a friend..."

"I would my friend but this is an intricate spell and if I plan on getting to the temple I must be hidden" Marek said from under his helmet.

Serapis looked at Wadjet. "Who are they?" he asked softly.

"Seeing as two stay hidden which is fine... but this young man disguised as a the a...dear friend of my mistress..." Wadjet told Serapis. Into Marek's mind, she spoke, She was taken as a child from what I got from Serapis....

Has their been any signs of her?Marek asked back into her mind

Serapis had a bad feeling that the man in the gaurds armor wanted to beat him senseless.

Wadjet shock her head. "Now I will not have you attacking Serapis, my mistress would not want that..."

Marek's fingers twitched "I just want to save Chyrosa."

"We all do..." Wadjet said softly.

Marek just gave a little nod. "We should make our way to the ritual chamber now."

Hades stepped out of the shadows, and looked at Serapis.

Nyx stepped from the shadows.

Wadjet nodded. "To the chamber then.."

Serapis just nodded staying silent looking at the three before him.

Marek nodded and turned leading the way.

They were able to either walk, or move through the shadows towards the ritual chamber. "We have to be prepared for there being a trap on the other side...." spoke Nyx.

Serapis stayed there silent waiting for orders.

Marek thought to himself about what they should do.

Marek... Marek heard.

Chyrosa baby speak to me I'm here baby I'm here to get you out of here Marek said praying she was alright.

I am safe....who I really am in this is still secret... it is someone else that you must get to...

No Chyrosa I'm not going to leave you here for these bastards his heart ached at the thought of it.

But if you don't fine Serapis and get him out of here....the ritual will be complete....and the great evil will become embodied....within Serapis...Hera wants to use me...Serapis's sister...and....Siria, his love as the three powers...the child of the Lion....the daughter of the Wolf...and the unaging young lady....I am still must free Serapis....he doesn't know what his true part in this is.... Chyrosa's voice held so much worry in it.

Marek looked over at Serapis with surprise by all of this information. Serapis looked back at him confused. We have him, he had freed himself from Hera's room and we found him roaming the halls with Wadjet. he wanted so badly to run and free his Chyrosa.

I'm glad that my call to her was able to get to her.... you must get him away from here... if the evil is able to get into him or really any body that the evil wants....they will all heard who I really am....

Tears glistened in his eyes remembering his training. Of course Chyrosa, Please be careful. I will see you again. He turned to the others "Chyrosa told us to get out of here now, We have to make sure Serapis is away from Olympus.

Wadjet looked confused as to why she would have said that.

Nyx nodded. "Looks like there is going to have to be alot of explainations when all are safe..."

"Mother father if you would" Marek said simply.

"No! I am not leaving without my Siria or my sister!" Serapis suddenly exploded with anger at the thought of leaving her here.

Wadjet looked to reject as well, and then Hades just disappeared.

Nyx looked around worried. "Love...??"

"Father?" Marek asked looking around confused.

I must... all of them heard in their heads. Go back to Earth...

"" whispered Nyx.

They all disappeared, reappearing in in Marek's condo.

"No! Take me back! Take me back I have to save my Siria and my sister!" Serapis snarled.

Marek suddenly slugged Serapis hard in the face, his head whipped back knocking him onto the ground. "And you don't think I don't wish to save my Chyrosa!? Stay the fuck down wolf boy and listen to what we have to say." He walked over and sat down in his big cushioned arm chair rubbing his temples.

Serapis sat and wiped the blood from under his noise.

((Remember...Chyrosa was a little girl to Serapis...))

Wadjet moved over to the window, looking out into the night sky.

Nyx sat down on the couch, covering her face. "Hades..." she whispered.

"What is Chyrosa your daughter or something?" Serapis asked as he wiped teh last it of blood from his nose.

"No she's my lover" he held his hand up to stop Serapis. "She has the ability to change her age at will"

"No wonder she seemed so much older when I met her' he rubbed his chin.

Nyx looked at Serapis. "Marek is mine and Hades's son...and it was Chyrosa's father that taught Marek much of the skills of being a knight..."

"Brother...." came a small voice. "I heard noises..." (Nyxia..)

"Oh I see" Serapis said standing there.

Marek stood and hurried over to her "Hey there sweetheart, I'm sorry we made so much noise" he picked her up.

Nyxia hugged. "It's okay brother..." she said softly. She looked around the room, and her bright eyes stopped on Serapis. "Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Serapis" He said standing there.

Marek stroked Nyxia's hair. "He's a friend of Chyrosa's We're watching out for him for awhile, while Chyrosa is away little one"

"He's sad....why? And where is Chyrosa?"

"Bad people took people he cares about Nyxia, those same people have Chyrosa. We will get her back I promise you that Nyxia" he said as tears filled his eyes.

Nyxia hugged him. "I'll get them..."

Marek smiled at how sweet his little sister was. "You are so strong little sister."

"I will get them...." she said seriously.

"Nyxia I can't let you go there, especially not alone. Not with your father and everyone else roaming around. I couldnt bare the thought of them hurting you."


"He is right, little one..." said Nyx.

"We have to go..." said Wadjet suddenly.

"Chyrosa explicitly told me to protect Serapis." he said with pain in his voice before he explained why Hera wanted Serapis.

Serapis paled as Marek told them everything.

Wadjet nodded. "I know what Chyrosa told you....I mean we need to head to the park..."

"Why to the park?" he asked worriedly. "We shouldnt be out in the open right now"

Wadjet walked back over to the group. "But if we don't...someone may come across them....and I don't think we want to explain too much to meer mortals..."

"Who is it you want us so badly to find Wadjet?" Marek asked not liking this at all it was making no sense for Wadjet to be speaking like this.

"My mistress is calling..." Wadjet said and then disappeared.

Nyx jumped up from the couch. "Hades....I can feel him...they're out...."

"They're in the park mother?" he asked with hope in his voice.

Serapis went wide eyed praying it was true.

Nyx nodded. "Hades is calling to me...but he's weak...."

"Lets go" Marek held Nyxia close then placed his hand on Serapis's shoulder. Using the magic of the pendent his mother had given him he transported the three of them to the park.

Wadjet was helping Chyrosa stand up, and Nyx was hugging a bloody Hades to her. Siria and the young woman were unconscious.

"Chyrosa, father" Marek ran over to their sides, he placed Nyxia down. "Chyrosa are you alright?" he asked worriedly as Wadjet helped her.

Serapis ran to Siria and his sister's sid. "Siria, little sis" he dropped to his knees next to them shaking with worry.

Chyrosa smiled at him. "I'm fine...I had helped Hades transport us here..."

Hades was holding tightly to Nyx watching them.

Serapis's sister laid there unconscious, but Siria started to open her eyes. "Serapis....she...that witch....she didn't send me back to Neafa...Neafa...where is she..."

Serapis caressed her cheek. "Its alright Neafa is with Arcadia, she's safe" he cradled her close crying softly. "I'm so sorry this happened Siria, I'm so so sorry"

Marek gave Chyrosa a kiss. "I love you and we'll reunite better later" He then hurried to his father's side.

Siria held onto Serapis tightly. "She...she sent me to Ireland...I remember my homeland fields....but...but then I was in a room and couldn't escape..."

Hades held onto Nyx. He looked at Marek. "I was able to get them out before Hera...arrived...."

"Thank you father with all my heart, we should all head back to the apartment" he said wit a nod and gently picked up Nyxia in his arms.

Serapis cried against her. "i'm so sorry my love I'm so so sorry" he sobbed against her.

"I'm safe now...I'm safe....please.... you didn't know....please...."

Chyrosa looked at them, and moved to them. "Serapis....she is didn't know...."

"I was trying to save you and yet I just put you in more danger." he turned and looked at the woman that was Chyrosa. "I'm so sorry for taking you from your home miss Chyrosa."

"Do not long as my true nature is undiscovered by Hera, Zeus or any other that threaten those of the stars and the knights....all will be as it should..." Chyrosa said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you my lady" he bowed his head gently to her.

Marek placed his hand on Chyrosa's shoulder. "We should get out of here back to my condo."

Chyrosa nodded. "Alright...." With that, all that were there were now at Marek's apartment.

Marek placed Nyxia down then walked over helping his father onto the couch.

Serapis sat down and let Siria rest against him as they sat there together.

Chyrosa looked at the unconscious girl, and a small bed appeared under her.

Siria leaned against Serapis.

Serapis bowed his head to her. "Thank you" he said softly as he held his mate close. He glanced at his sister out of the corner of his eyes. he hadnt seen her in so very long.

Marek hurried off to the other room to get some medical supplies for his father.

"I'll be fine..." Hades said towards Marek.

Chyrosa went over to Serapis's sister, looking her over. "She will be fine..."

"I'm glad to hear that" Serapis said stoicly. she could see the pain in his eyes even though his face was nuetral.

Chyrosa smiled at him. "She has a protector...."

Marek went over to his father and began cleaning and bandaging his wounds.

"I'm glad to hear that we should find them, they are probably worried."

"Her doing it out of guilt..."

Marek looked at her confused. "Doing it out of guilt? who is it and why?"

"Realize Marek...all of you.... I know many things...but it is because of what I had been destinied to be....her protector is guilty because it was her love that...made Serapis as he is well as later killed Serapis's parents and younger siblings....but..." Chyrosa said looking at Serapis. "Your sister there was the only one her protector was able to save...and it was then that she became your sister's protector... her protector is my...she is my father's sister..."

((Whoops I wanted Serapis to say that oh well lol))

Marek looked at her with surprise he never knew Ambisleo had a sister.

Serapis went rigid and very very quiet. He had been attacked by two wolves the night of his change. He wondered which one it was who had slaughtered his family.

Siria hugged onto Serapis. "Serapis... my love" she whispered.

Chyrosa looked at him sadly. "My aunt....besides my father...she had no one...she was and is very lonely....she fell in love with a man...and because of that she revealed to him what she was... and he convenced her to share her gift with him and his brother....they started to use her gift for evils...." she whispered. "My aunt's name.... it's a pretty name...but in the area she lived in her was aweful.... her name is Susi....she is a wolf spirit, not a wolf god or werewolf.... but where she lived her name menat 'a useless thingie'...being able to save your sister from the two wolves she had made....gave her something to protect...a usefulness.... I haven't seen my aunt for centuries......"

Marek turned and went back to mending his fathers wounds.

Serapis took a deep breath trying to keep his anger and wolf down inside of him. In the shadows of his mind his wolf was pacing and snarling wanting to come out. Its anger powerful like his own but he had to stay calm.

Chyrosa looked at Serapis deeper. "She is not to be blamed for what has happened to your family or you... she was tricked... she had never known love besides mine and my father....and being told by those she was protecting by keeping the wolves away forom the villages of the north....being told that she was a useless thing....cut deep...but she didn't want others harmed.... she didn't want what happen to you.... nor what happened to your folks...."

"It is not your aunt my anger is for my lady" he said softly closing his eyes.

Siria hugged onto Serapis. "Love...I'm so sorry..."

Serapis hugged her back stroking her hair. "Its alright my love." He said softly.

Marek finished up with the worst of his fathers wounds and went to the bathroom to wash off the blood from his hands.

Nyx held Hades close to her, his head in her lap.

Nyxia was looking at the sleeping young woman.

Chyrosa hugged her arms around her.

Siria purred against Serapis.

Marek came back and placed his arms around Chyrosa from behind laying his chin against the top of her head happy to have her in his arms safe and sound.

Serapis nuzzled Siria gently as he enjoyed having his mate in his arms again.

The young woman started to move, moaning softly.

"I should get out of the room She'll freak out again if she sees me" Serapis suddenly said.

Siria took his hand. "I'm here for you....." she whispered.

Chyrosa looked at him. "If she freaks....don't must help to her..."

Serapis new there was no way he was getting out of this. So he stood there watching his sister waking up.

"Where..." she whispered in German as she stood up.

"You are safe and with friends" Serapis spoke in German.

She looked at him. " took me from my home?"

"I am sorry I didnt have a choice in the matter when I did that. If I had, had a choice I would have left you alone in peace" he said making sure not to seem intimidating in any way.

"Alone? We were always alone...." she whispered.

The others could tell that Serapis had no clue what to say to his baby sister.

"Susi and I..." she said.

Chyrosa looked at her. "Susi is my aunt...she wasn't really alone....she...she felt guilt for what happened to your family..."

The young woman looked at her. "I lost everyone..."

"But not your big brother...." Chyrosa said.

The young woman looked at Serapis. "You do father..."

"I was mother and father's first child, their is 21 years between you and me." he said looking over at her. At that moment he really wished he didnt have his wolf eyes and had his natural eyes again. But when he had turned his eyes had turned and had never turned back.

"But...your eyes....I..." she started.

He held his hand up as he closed his eyes so she wouldnt have to look at them. "Those who attacked our family, also attacked me and my family I had back then and because of that attack I to became a wolf" he said keeping his eyes closed.

"Why are you hiding your eyes....?" his sister asked.

"They seem to be making you uncomfortable so if your not looking at it then you wont be uncomfortable." He said still keeping them closed.

"I've seen eyes like that...." she said. "That's what I was going to say..."

Serapis opened his eyes looking at her. "Your not afraid?" he asked surprised.

"No....I'm not...."

"I am glad to hear that" he said with a gentle smile.

Nyx smiled watching, holding Hades who was now asleep.

Chyrosa leaned back against Marek.

"A....a friend has eyes like your's...."

Marek laid his chin ontop of Chyrosa's head watching this.

Serapis gave a soft little smile. "I hope that we can be friends one day to" he bowed his head gently.

"You said you were my brother...I want family...."

Serapis couldnt help but smile at that. "I want family to little sister."

Chyrosa 'awww'ed at them, smiling up at Marek.

Marek smiled down at her and gave her a little kiss before nuzzling her holding her close.

The young woman started to try to get up from the small bed.

"Easy now don't strain yourself" Serapis said watching her.

Marek kept watching ready to go to her if she stumbled or was still weak.

She stood up fully and started to head towards Serapis. "Brother...." she whispered.

Serapis stood and went over to her standing infront of her. "I'm sorry I havent been there for you little sister" he said placing his hands on her shoulders.

She suddenly hugged him.

Serapis was caught off gaurd for but a moment before he hugged her tight to him.

She cried into him, as if she hadn't cried for a very long time.

"Let it all out I'm here for you now" he held her tight.

Nyx sighed watching.

Chyrosa smiled more. "Everything will be just fine......"

Serapis smiled and nodded his head.

Nyxia yawned. "Brother...I'm tired...."

"Awww come here little one you've had a long day" he picked her up in his arms. "Lets get you to bed angel" he carried her off to put her to bed.

Siria looked around. "What of our little one....? Little Neafa..."

"she's with your Cousian Arcadia." Serapis said looking over at Siria.

"Are you sure?" Siria asked.

Chyrosa nodded. "She is there.... she is under the protection of your cousin...of Loki...and the Zodiac...."

"The zodiac?" Serapis asked confused.

Chyrosa looked at Serapis. "Your daughter is in the protection of two of the Zodiac...Saggitarius, who owns the condo she is at....and Capricorn, the one who would be the love of Arcadia's..."

((Serapis doesnt know what the Zodiac are))

Serapis just gave her a blank look confused.

"The Zodiac are a group of individuals...mortals or demi-gods, human or supernatural that have been gifted by the stars with gifts that make them a powerful force....the Zodiac are also the only ones that can fully bring down the evil that is plaguing the world...." she said.

"I see" he said softly thinking about it.

"Delta is one such is my father...who is Leo..."

"I see, well it is an honor to know him and I'm glad that I didnt run into you father the other night he probably would have killed me" he said taking it in.

"I didn't want my father to he didn't wake....this night all my father is doing is dreaming of my lost mother, and of his new love..."

"I hope the dreams are peaceful" was all Serapis could think of to say.

"They are as I wish him to have.... because he must see what is in front of his I had....."

Serapis just nodded in understanding.

Marek gently patted her shoulder. "Now darling your overloading him"

Chyrosa looked up at Marek. "But... my mother's back....she was reborn and my father has found her but he doesn't know he has really found his old love and not just a new love...."

Marek chuckled. "I meant your overloading Serapis" he kissed her cheek playfully.

"I...I'm sorry...." Chyrosa said. "My mind is everywhere..."

Nyx giggled, holding a resting Hades.

Even Siria and Serapis's sister giggled.

Marek chuckled. "its alright my love. now everyone is exhausted we should probably get those three to where they belong."

Siria looked at Chyrosa and nodded as if to something unheard.

Chyrosa smiled. "I'll send them to Capricorn...for that is their place for now..." With that Siria, Serapis, and the young woman disappeared.

"Now you need to rest now my Chyrosa lets get you to bed sweetheart" he said lovingly hugging her from behind. He looked at his mother nd father "Will you be staying here for the night?" he asked curiously.

Nyx nodded. "I should even transport Hades right now... not as he is..."

Marek walked over and picked up his father in his arms. "I'll take him to the guest room he'll be more comfortable on the bed" he said to his mother and carried his father off.

Nyx followed to be close to her love.

Chyrosa watched with a soft smile.

Marek laid his father on the bed. "Rest well father, and you as well mother" he gave his mother a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving them to their peace.

Chyrosa hugged him. "You are wonderful..."

"Thank you beautiful, you are wonderful to" he kissed her softly before leading her off to his own bedroom.

Chyrosa followed, hugging on to him. "Thank you baby..."

"Your always welcome my love" He playfully kissed the top of her head as they headed into his bedroom.

Chyrosa laid down on the bed when they got here. She smiled at him.

Marek kicked off his boots and climbed into bed with her. "I'm so glad to be back and to have you back" he kissed the top of her head.

Chyrosa smiled. "Oh Marek...I am as well..."

Leaning in he kissed her softly enjoying her delicious taste.

Serapis, Siria, and the young woman reappeared in Delta' and Arcadia's livingroom.

Serapis gently sniffed the air. He growled at one door sensing the fake Siria behind it. walking over he gently placed his hand near the door recoiling almost immediately due to the barrier that was there. "Well that will keep it in." he turned to his mate and sister. "They must all be in bed right now"

Siria nodded. She sniffed the air. "There was another here too....something not of this world..."

Serapis sniffed the air and smelled it to. "How odd" he said softly.

Siria looked around and then smiled. "Arcadia..."

Arcadia came out with a smile on her face. "Siria, Serapis! I was so worried" she hurried over and hugged her cousian tight. 

Siria hugged back. "Oh Arcadia..."

"I'm just so glad to have you back I was just so heart broken when I realized that the thing in there wasnt you." she held her cousian tight for a few more moments before letting go.

"I first appeared in the green hills of home....and then I was in a dark room, chained up..."

Serapis piped up. "Hera showed me an image of you running in the hills to trick me into you being alright"

Arcadia nodded. "i'm glad your alright now and home" she smiled at them. "Neafa has just been a wreck without the two of you." she frown thinking of Neafa so sad.

"Oh Neafa..." Siria whispered looking at Serapis.

"Oh my little angel" Pain filled his eyes thinking of his daughter.

Delta came into the room. "She is with out pups just in there...."

"She's fast asleep right now though; and she really needs sleep after the long day she has had." Arcadia said standing there.

Serapis nodded in understanding. "Of course."

"There are guest rooms over there that your sister and the two of you can use...." Delta said. "We all need our rest..."

Arcadia nodded in agreement. "Yes it has been a very long day."

Serapis nodded but first on his mind was his daughter. "Can I get Neafa from your room before we retire to our room?"

Arcadia smiled. "You don't have to ask that at all Serapis follow me"

Serapis turned to his sister. "These people family to me sister just follow Delta and he'l lead you to your room" He smiled before following Arcadia off to her bedroom where the children were.

"Well for the first thing that I ask of you and your fellow gaurdians is that you ward this room to anyone other then those who are close to the Zodiac and Marek. I have a feeling that if we are to have the true captain return to us his body must be intact."

Byakko nodded, and then moved over to the other three, talking softly amongst themselves.

Hades slowly moved towards the door to the room.

"And where do you think your going?" he asked Hades. "You have a lover who will want to see you and you should be here with family. Being left alone is a danger right now" he told Hades as he stood there.

"No matter what my... what Marek said... I can't go to her... I have hurt too many over the years...." Hades said in a whisper.

"You will never heal if you don't take that next step. I learned that many years ago from a dear friend of mine." Anubis said as he stood there.

Hades looked at Anubis. "I have hurt too many....even my own son... my nieces and nephews..... my old friends...."

"Forgiveness is needed to help heal the world from the darkness that grips it" he clenched his hand n a fist as he said it. "You deserve a chance to at least hear her out." He didnt know Nyx that well but so Hades wouldn't realize what he was doing he reached out with his mind. Nyx I need to speak to you

Anubis? You call me...? Why?

Please I need to speak to yu in person its importan

Nyx appeared a bit away from Anubis, holding a sleeping child, a sleeping little girl in her arms. "Lord Anubis... what is important...?"

Hades stepped into the shadows, hiding his face.

"My lady Marek has fallen in battle, He sacrificed himself in order to save your love from the shadows that had consumed him" he motioned to Marek laying on the stone slab and Hades in the shadows.

"" Nyx whispered, holding the little girl closer to her as not to wake her. She looked over towards Hades. "Hades.... Des...oh my love...."

"I... I am sorry Nyx.... I killed him..."

" are he's true father...please... he wanted to help you for me..." Nyx said softly.

Hades shook his head, looking away from her.

"Marek sacrificed himself to free you Hades, At least do him the honor of trying to live." Anubis knew his brother would be back he could feel it in his bones but on the small chance he wasnt coming back to them he didnt want his brother's sacrifice to be in vane.

Nyx walked over to Anubis. "Please hold her.... she needs to sleep...."

"Of course" he gently took his sister into his arms cradling her letting her sleep.

Nyx nodded to Anubis, and then walked over to Hades, and then hugged him cause Hades to freeze, looking down at her. "Nyx..." he whispered.

Nyx looked up at him. "I'm so happy you're back... you... you have life in your eyes again..."

Anubis turned his back to them and walked over to the door a little bit to give them a small amount of privacy as he held his sister close.

Nyxia snuggled into his chest, a ring on her finger sprakling in the light of the room.

Anubis curiously glanced at the ring.

The ring had a seal on it.

Anubis cocked an eyebrow, he wasnt familiar with the seal.

The seal held the power of the underworld in it.

Anubis kissed her forehead. "Sleep well little sister."

"Anubis..." came Nyx's voice.

"Yes my lady?" he asked turning and facing her.

Nyx stood there with Hades behind her, Hades had his arms around her waist still looking unsure, but not letting go. Nyx looked at him. "You looked distracted by that ring...."

"I was just curious about it is all" He smiled at her. "I see you two seem to be doing better" he said watching them.

Hades just nodded.

Nyx smiled. "Yes we do.... that seal is on of protection...."

"Its a fascinating seal"

"Marek did it...."

"Really? I never knew he was crafted with the skill of metal work as well."

Nyx shook her head. "It was either that ring...and placing a seal on it... or keeping little Nyxia in a bedroom at his place with that seal done in blood over the door....."

"I see" he said softly thinking about it. He wasnt an expert in those types of magics since he had never really come to need them.

Hades looked down and away. "I know that seal....I tried to form a seal like that one for myself once... before I was taken is to prevent the evil from using her....something must have happened for him to think she need to have it...."

Anubis thought about it. "Marek never said anything about it" he said softly.

Nyx nodded. "He must not want to upset the little one nor bring up a bad incident..."

"He's a good man and he's done all he could to protect our sister. The gaurdians are going to put a barrier around the room to protect Marek's body."

Nyx nodded. "That's wonderful.... the guardians are all wonderful we should leave before she awakens.... she should not see Marek like this...."

Anubis handed Nyxia over to Nyx. "there you go"

"She is your sister... fully.....come with us....Hades and I... still have somethings to talk about..." Nyx said.

"I wish I could but I have two grandchildren that are probably worried to death about me" he said speaking of the twins. He hadnt seen them in quiet awhile and the attachment they had grown to him they were probably worried sick about him.

Nyx nodded. "Be safe..."

"You as well my lady and I wish the two of you luck" with that he bowed his head to them and turned leaving the room to go find the twins.

"Grandpa!" they screamed running down the hall.

"Hello my little ones" he smiled getting down on one knee and pulled them into his arms hugging them tight.

"Where have you been?"

"I've been helping people close to me, I'm sorry I havent been around" he said looking down at them then smiled. "But now I'm all yours." he picked them up and headed down the hall to they're room.

"Okay Grandpa...." they said. They hugged onto him.

"Now my little ones tell me what have you been up to?" he asked with a smile.

"We've been looking for you...and Byakko wouldn't tell us..."

"Well where I was you couldnt go to sweethearts so Byakko wanted you to stay safe."

"Okay...." they both pouted.

He smiled at them. "You two are so cute, when your older you can come on me when I go on my missions"

Both their eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yes really" He grinned down at them.

They looked up at him. "Grandpa....we...we saw someone walking down the hall...." He saw that they were holding the one picture they had of Shayia and the older young girl.

"Oh sweethearts" He hugged them tight. "Do you want to meet her?" he asked.

"There she is..." they said, pointing. Anubis didn't see Shayia... but Eos.

(I forget who Eos is)

Anubis looked at the photo for a second then back at Eo, the resemblence was uncanny.

((The Dawn.... Selene's identical sister from the past...who had stayed at Selene's side before he went off to Tartarus....))

((Thank you I was having a space case moment))

Anubis was having a hard moment trying to figure out how to explaint this. "That is not the woman you think she is, that is her sister." He said putting his hands on their heads.


Anubis let out a breath thinking about the best way to explain this. "Long ago your mother lived but as another woman, that woman there" he pointed to Eos was her sister. Your mother was reborn" he gently touched her image in the photo. "So that woman there is still her sister by soul. They were twins just like you" He smiled down at them.

Eos came over, smiling. "Anubis.... I think you mean triplet... Selene and I have a brother Helios...."

"WHo's Selene?"


"Oh...." they said.

"Pardon me I did mean triplet" he smiled at her. "Eos these are Shayia's twins" (I forgot their names!)

Eos smiled. "I know Anubis...."

"So we have more relatives?"

"Oh many many more" He smiled down at them.

"Really? Oh wow!"

He couldnt help but smile at them. "Yes, like your great grandfather my father Osiris, you will love him and so many others" he said thinking of all the people he could introduce them to in his head.

"Great grandfather...? Oh... he's not going to be any fun...."

Anubis snorted and burst out into laughter. "And why do you say that?" he asked them curiously.

"Because he'll be old and great grandparents are..."

Eos giggled.

Anubis held his sides as he continued laughing at the thought of his father 'old and wrinkly' "Oh heavens now you have to meet him, Father!" He called out hoping his father wasnt to busy.

"Anubis...what is it...?" came Osiris's voice from behind him.

"I'm sorry father I didnt mean to bother you especially if you were busy but I wanted you to meet your great grandchildren" he said turning around with the kids. "Now you two does that look like a wrinkly old man?" he asked with a chuckle as the awed at Osiris.

Osiris cocked an eyebrow. "Wrinkly old man?"

Anubis chuckled. "They thought because you're their great grandfather you would be a wrinkly old man and no fun"

"No fun...." he said with a smile. He then quickly started to tickle them, causing them to struggle as they laughed.

Anubis laughed and joined in tickling the twins as well.

"" they giggled.

Anubis laughed and let go "You see even though we're both quite old we're still fun" he said playfully to the twins.

"We're sorry..." they said.

Osiris shook his head. "No worries little ones...."

"I hope I didnt call you from anything important father." Anubis said standing there

Osiris looked at him, and just laughed. "No you didn't...."

Anubis chuckled. "Glad to hear that"

"I was just cheching for everyone..."

"Everyone is alright right now?"

"Yes...they are..." he said.

"Good I'm glad to hear that father I was worried for everyone." He suddenly noticed his father's nose twitch as if scenting him. He knew his father was about to figure out he had been down in tartarus.

"Why...?" he asked simply.

"A father has to be able to do anything to protect his children" he replied simply then looked down at the kids. "Lets go get a snack little ones we can have some Egyptian honey candies, they were my favorite growing up" he smiled down at them.


"Its the culture that I'm from, I'm an Egyptian." He said with a smile. "We have a rich culture that I know you would love."

They smiled. "Wow...."

He chuckled. "Yes our culture is rich and strong in its bloodlines."he said as he lead them off towards the kitchen. Anubis sighed remembering it so long ago and missing it greatly.

"Anubis..." came Eos's voice. "We all miss our old homes...."

"No I known that, I'm just sad though that I didnt get to live the full length of the life of the egyptian people in my home because I was chased out" he said softly.

Eos nodded. "I'm sorry..."

"Its alright don't be sorry for something you had no control of" He smiled at her as he continued down the hall.

"It's just that... so many of us didn't get to...and if it weren't for some of the gods and goddesses..."

"The tides of fate are strange thing when it comes to the balance of the universe" he said thinking about it.

Eos and Osiris nodded. The twins just looked confused.

"Sorry just old people talk" he chuckled patting their heads.

"Hey... don't do that..." they said smiling.

"Oh why not?" he asked playfully.

The girl looked up at him. "I don't like it..."

"I promise I wont do it again little one" he smiled down at her.

"Thank you..." she said, and then giggled as her brother poked her in the side.

Anubis chuckled as they came to the kitchen. There he rummaged around and found what he was looking for. Pulling out a jar he opened it and pulled out little dumplings. "Here Honey treats" he smiled handing them to the twins. "I loved these growing up my mother always made them for me"

The twins took a bite. "YUMMY!"

Anubis chuckled and ate one himself then held the jar to Eos and Osiris offering them one if they wanted one.

Each took one of the treats. Eos smiled. "Yummy is right... this I just as good as what Selene use to make in the way of treats..."

"My mother's recipe" Anubis said proudly.

"Moon rockcandy was what Selene use to make... oh they were the best around..."

"I would love to try that one day" he smiled

Eos smiled.

"What's going to happen now, grandfather?"

"I'm not sure my little ones I'm reall not sur" he said takin a seat at the dining room table.

Eos watched on.

"Can...we meet her...?" they asked, still holding the picture.

"Of course you can sweetheart, but not right now she's resting. She's been through alot recently."

"Oh....alright..." they said.

He gently placed his hands on their shoulders. "It will be alright little ones I promise you will meet her" he smiled.

They smiled. "Okay...grandpa..."

Anubis smiled. "Now my little ones what shall we all do?" He looked at his father. "Any ideas?" he asked playfully.

Osiris smiled. "What of a ride down the Nile?"

"That I think would be quiet enjoyable. What do you think kids?" he asked looking down at the twins.

"De nile?"

Anubis chuckled. "No little ones not De nile, The Nile. It the river that runs through Egypt."

"Isn't that a joke?"

Anubis broke out laughing. "Yes it is"

Osiris smiled, as the twins just looked confused.

"You'll see little ones" he laughed and stood again going over to his father. "Would you like to come with us Eos?" he asked looking at hte other woman.

"I have work I must do...."

"of course Eos, I hope to see you again soon" he smiled at her.

She nodded, and then left.

"Now lets go and enjoy a nice boat ride" Anubis said with a smile.

They all disappeared, reappearing on a large egyptian boat, one that would take pharoahs down the Nile.

Anubis walked over and lounged out on one of the cushioned benches.

The twins went over to the edge, smiling.

"Careful little ones" he chuckled and smiled watching them.

"Okay!" they laughed.

Anubis smiled at them then looked off out over the side of the boat on the side he was sitting on gazing over the landscape. A soft sigh escaped him looking over his home land the beauty of the desert.

The water beside the boat rippled with movement not of the boat.

Anubis turned and looked over the edge even more peering down to see what it was.

SOmething was moving under the water's surface.

"Father, there is something over here" He called to his father who was at the head of the ship.

Osiris moved over to Anubis. "Hmmm....I hope that is who I think it is..."

"Who do you think it is?" he asked curiously looking at his father.

"Wadjet..." Osiris simply said.

"Really?" he peered over the side again. "I havent seen Wadjet in forever" Anubis looked into the water hoping it was his old friend.

"It has been some time Anubis..." came Wadjet's voice from behind him.

Anubis turned adn smiled seeing her. "It has indeed Wadjet how have you been these many years?" he asked curiously.

"I have been stepping up as the sole protector of a young woman that is destined to have the loyalty of all Serpent Gods and Goddess who stand against the Chaos that wishes to consume the worlds...."

"Oh wow you deffinantly have taken on a great task, it truely suits you" he smiled.

"What is my young mistress's love has a fear of serpents...and not just any serpent... but Basklisks..."

Anubis looked at her surprised. "Really now?" he throught she may have been talking about Chyrosa, he had a feeling. But he didnt want to jump to conclusions. He just couldnt see his brother having a fear of serpents. "Do you know what brought on his fear of Basklisks?"

"A pit of Basklisks as a child..."

"Oh heavens thats not good, those things are huge no wonder he is scared of them."

" forget... my true serpent form is a Basklisk....and He and I have met..."

"Oh my word how did that go?" he asked curiously.

"Not good at first.... though I can't be in that form around him...."

"Well who knows hopefully after time and the help of his love he'll be able to be around you with more ease."

Wadjet smiled and nodded. "All in Lord Anubis.... I have never known you or Lord Osiris to travel on the Nile with such happy and loud children..."

Anubis smiled and looked over at the kids who were awwing over the sights. "They are my grandchildren" he said proudly of the twins.

"Congrats to that..." she said. "I..." Wadjet stared off into space.

"Yes Wadjet?" he asked looking at her curiously.

"Something is wrong.... I have to go...."

"Alright" he nodded. "Let me know if I can help" he said seriously.

She nodded and disappeared.

"I don't like this..." Osiris whispered to him so that the twins didn't hear.

"What do you feel father?" he whispered softly back looking at the other man.

Osiris looked at him. "Hera is sending out her power in excitement...."

Anubis closed his eyes and felt the hum in the air. "what is that old battle axe up to?" he asked softly.

"I don't know... but I never liked her or Zeus..."

"I have a scar on my leg that bastard gave me. I was playing in the underworld one day and I guess he was going to see Hades and I accedently bumped into him. Grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and chucked me as hard as he could." He lifted his pant leg then ran his hand over his leg revealing a nasty scar. "Chucked me into some hard jagged rocks ripped my leg wide open." he ran his hand over his leg again hiding the scar and pulled his pant leg back down.

"And he has tortured Hades more than any knows.... even separating him from his twin..."

Anubis sighed. "They are monsters indeed" he pinched the bridge of his nose thinking to himself for a moment about the past.

"This....evil....has gone after many..."

"I just feel exhausted thinking about it all" Anubis sighd feeling his age.

Osiris just shook his head. "This evil has been around for longer that even I, my son...."

"I know father, I know" he whispered softly.

Osiris placed a hand on Anubis's shoulder. "It will work out..."

"I really hope so" he said softly thinking about his Bastet. His heart ached hating she was burdened with that darkness inside of her having to hide away just so she could live lie normal.

((It wasn't that.... I was just tired and missed

" will free her..."

"Thanks father" he bowed his head looking down at his lap.


"What's wrong?" the twins asked.

"Its nothing you should worry yourself over my little ones" he smiled at them then stood walking with them over to the wall noticing a temple coming up. "Ahhh the temple of the Ogdoad" he pointed to it as they floated down the river on the boat. "I spent many years there in my youth" it had been when Horus and his friends had gouged his eyes out. He had hid in the temple of the Ogdoad to heal and to have peace from the bastard.


"some of my time there yes I did study what the Ogdoad had to offer someone like me. Most of my time there though was spent for more personal reasons." He knew Osiris didnt know about what had happened to him all those years ago.

Osiris looked concerned. "Personal?"

"Not something to speak of at the moment" he glanced down at the kids to get the point across.

Osiris nodded. "Later..."

"It's a pretty temple...."

"It most deffinantly is. In its hay day though it was glorious, gilded in gold towering in the heavens. Truely beautiful" he sighed and smiled at them then began to point at more sights telling the twins about them.

"Wow...." they said over and over again.

Anubis couldnt help but smile watching them as they gazed at it all. he was happy they were enjoying his culture so much.

Osiris came over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Anubis turned and smiled at his father as they stood there together. he was sad that he hadnt been able to raise his daughters but he hoped to at least be in his grandchildren's lives.

"I am sorry I wasn't there for you..."

"It was a long time ago father." he said softly with a little smile not really wanting to get into that conversation.

Osiris hugged him.

Anubis hugged his father tight nowing it was a sore spot for him. Anubis had, had a reasonable life. His mother was a wonderful woman who had given him the best life in her power. It had been hard but he had survived.

"Iwill make it up to you..." he whispered.

"What's that...?"

Anubis gave a small smile and nod to his father before turning and facing the children. "Whats what little ones?" he asked curiously.

They were pointing at the Sphinx.

"That my grandchildren is teh great sphinx, built in honor of one of the great pharohs of the past. A old friend of mine lives inside of it" he smiled at them.

"You can live inside it?? Really?"

Anubis chuckled and smiled. "yes you can but shhhh its a secret" he said putting his finger to his lips.

The twins mimiced him.

"Yes just like that" anubis chuckled.

Osiris let out a laugh. "The three of you...there is no mistaking.... we are family..."

"And I wouldnt change it for the world." Anubis smiled pulling his grandkids into a big hug.

The girl pulled back a bit, but the boy hugged close, though both were smiling.

"I love you both so much" he pulled back from them. Suddenly he heard their stomachs growl with hunger. "Well it sounds like you two are just ravenous for something to eat" he smiled.

They nodded. "Yes grandpa..."

"What are you in the mood for? shall we stay with our theme for the day or do you want somthing particular to eat?" he asked curiously.


"Wonderful" he stood and turned looking at Osiris. "Shall we go to your palace?" he asked curiously.

"They wouldn't want to go there..." Osiris said with a smile.

"Yes...yes! Please!" they jumped.

"Awww no your right they wouldnt want to go" he said playfully before smiling. "you'll love it I promise. Father if you would."

Osiris nodded, and the ship moved away from the Sphynx, heading for his home.

As they rounded a bend he watched as a large portal opened up as the boat floated through.

The twins looked around awed and confused. ""

Anubis took a deep breath as they entered the underworld and the portal closed behind them. As they floated down the river they were flanked by two statues of a Jackel headed figure. He had never told his grandchildren that was his other side.

"Who's that?" they asked.

Osiris just smiled.

The girl looked at him. "And don't lie...I know where you are lying..."

Anubis smiled at them as suddenly hsi body shifted over to his Anubian form. "Well kids its me" He said looking down at them.

They jumped back. "I...what?? How?"

"Well as you know I am a god, this is my godly form." He plopped down on the ground cross legged infront of them.

They both started to poke and pull on his ears.

"Easy now little ones" He chuckled as the girl went around him and found his tail checking that out while he let the boy examine his hands and feet.

Osiris laughed out loud.

"Why is this so funny father?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Because it just looks like a parent giving their child a puppy for the first time..."

"Oh ha ha" Anubis mocked playfully sitting there.

"Grandpa's a puppy?"

Anubis laughed "I can be" suddenly he shifted from his godly form to an Anubian hound. He looked almost exactally like the hounds Osiris kept at his Palace except gold framed his eyes very subtly. Anubis looked at his father curiously wondering if he recognized the form.

OSiris smiled slightly. "Oh my boy..."


Anubis wagged his tail and nuzzled his grandchildren then walked over and plopped down infront of his father looking up at him.

Osiris placed a hand on ANubis's head. "My son..."

Anubis wagged his tail happily looking up at his father. He used to sneak into his father's palace all the time in this form and hide amongst the hounds just to explore the place where he was not wanted when he was younger. Many years ago when he still walked among the egyptian gods. Horus and his cronies would attack Anubis if he came near the royal palace. So he hid amongst the dogs and was never looked at twice. Anubis had a couple of times thought Osiris had figured out that he wasnt a normal hound but he would always return to his duties.

"Always my son..." he said with a smile.

Anubis barked happily then shifted back into his human form with a smile on his face. "Never thought you were really paying attention when I used to do that." he said playfully as he turned and looked ahead as they floated down the river.

"There is no way that I could let you go unnoticed in my are my son..."

Anubis smiled at his father over his shoulder. "I always love hearing you say that." he said with happiness in his voice then looked back ahead as they passed the cavern to their realm of the dead. Ahead of them a glorious palace towered high. "That my grandchildren is the egyptian palace of the dead. No worries" he said seeing their reaction. "No wailing ghosts or zombies none of that kind of things no this place is truely magnificent." He remembered when he was young and he had watched so many others from the outside of the gates wishing one day to enter the halls himself.

"It is a palace of peace, for all wish to enter at the end of their days...." said Osiris.

They floated down the river and the gates opened up wide. Anubis smiled watching the children as they ooed and awed over the sight of the palace."You'll love it here little ones. You can visit any time you wish."

"Really?" They then looked at each other. "Are...we dead?"

Osiris laughed.

"No your not dead but.. I am!" he pretend he was a zombie.

"AH!" they laughed, running form him.

Anubis laughed playing with the kids.

ONe ran, but then tripping, falling over the side of the boat.

"No!" he dove off the side of the boat forming claws on one hand he shoved them into the wood and slid down the side of the boat catching his grandson hugging him close. "I've got you sweetheart I've got you" he said hugging his grandson.

He hugged onto him closely.

"Its ok sweetheart I've got you" he jumped down and landed on the dock as Osiris brought down his granddaughter.

"I...I'm sorry..." he cried.

"Don't be sorry, it was an accident" Anubis stroked his hair gently comforting him.

He nodded.

"Be careful..." his sister said.

Anubis set him down and smiled at him. "You feeling better?" he asked curiously.

He nodded, and went over to his sister.

Osiris came up to Anubis. "That was a great catch..."

"Thanks, many years of practice" he smiled as he shifted his hand back to normal. "Now come kids lets go get something to eat" he said with a smile looking down at them.

"Really? Here??"

"Yes here... this is my home..." said Osiris.

Anubis walked with the others smiling as his grandkids explored the palace.

"It has actually been some time since I have been here..." 

"Really why is that?" Anubis asked curiously as they walked along the huge hallway together.

"Because it just hasn't felt like home..."

"Well hopefully from now on that will change father" Anubis said softly as he watched the kids ooing and awwing statues and paintings on the walls.

The children started to run off far ahead.

"Laverna! Nomos! Careful!" he shouted down to them before chuckling softly as they walked along. Anubis smiled at his father, he noticed something in his father's eyes. Having this privacy now Osiris wanted to find out the private reasons why his son had hid in the temple of some of the most powerful of the Egyptian gods.

"What happened? And don't dance around it...." Osiris said, looking ahead.

Anubis took a long deep breath. "It had been a long time ago, I was earning great status amongst the gods and goddesses and Horus didnt like that. It was late one evening as i walked the streets of cairo and i was jumped. Horus and his lackies said that if I wanted to be like a god then they would be more then happy to let me relive what had happened to Horus. So he gouged my eyes out. I hid in the Ogdoad, they offered me safety since I could no longer see. It took me quite awhile to regrow my eyes back." He said as he looked at his father. He saw the look on his face and knew he remembered seeing Anubis with his blindfold over his eyes.

"I am sorry Anubis...I wish all could have been different..."

"Its alright father. When I lost my eyesight it gave me the chance to enhance the use of my other senses and heighten them to a new level" He said trying to make his father feel better about the whole situation.

"I still son..."

"Father the past is the past its alright" he said seriously.

Osiris nodded. "I guess so...."

"Father please do not let the past way you down for if you do then you will let the darkness devour you. Look into the light that is now. I am fine and healthy other then an annoying allergin to gold" he chuckled and smiled as his father gave a little chuckle. "Mother is fine, you have grandchildren and great grandchildren who will and have grown fond of you. The darkness lingers but the now is much lighter then it had been in the past father."

"That is very true..." Osiris said with a smile.

"Good I'm glad your feeling better father" he smiled and patted his father on the back.

Osiris laughed, and patted Anubis's back. "I have you...of course I am feeling good..."

Anubis chuckled and smiled. "Wonderful to hear, now father we have two little ones who are on a rampage through your palace that we must find." he chuckled.

"I could always send out the hounds..." Osiris joked.

Anubis laughed "now that would be funny but I'm not sure the kids would enjoy it"

"Unless it were relations..." he smiled.

Anubis chuckled and smiled as suddenly his body shifted over to his anubian hound form again wagging his tail.

Osiris smiled. "Fetch?" he asked laughing.

Anubis barked wagging his tail then trotted off in the direction the kids went off in.

He didn't see them.

Anubis sniffed the air looking for them.

He smelt their scent heading towards one of the ritual Halls.

Anubis began to run faster to find them.

He found them just as one was about to open a door.

Anubis skidded infront of them and shifted to human. "Oh no this is off limits to you little ones" he said standing there infront of them.


"This is one of the ritual halls, its not good to just go walking in on one of these especially if there is anyone in there at teh moment using it. They hold great power in them."


"Yes really so both of you promise me not to go in here unless Osiris or I are with you and tell you its ok" He said seriously.

They both nodded. "Yes grandpa...."

"Good now come my little ones its time for us to get some dinner, then we can continue exploring" he said kissing the top of their heads before leading them off down the hall to where Osiris was waiting.

"Yes grandpa....what are we going to have....?"

"Well Nomos we're going to have a huge feast of all sorts of wonderful things.." he began to name off a whole slew of Egyptian dishes and couldnt help but smile as the children's stomachs growled.

"you just made my tummy growl..."

"Good" Anubis chuckled looking down at his little ones as they headed into the dining hall. As they entered the rich aromas filled their noses as the table was covered in all the foods he had named.

"Yummy!" Laverna and Nomos yelled running up to the table.

Osiris sat at the head of the table, and laughed.

Anubis chuckled strolling over to the table and took his seat by his father's side.

Laverna and Nomos hurried to their seats.

"Dig in children...." Osiris said smiling.

The children did as he said.

Anubis chuckled and began to eat himself happy the children were having such a wonderful time with them. Anubis looked up and around at the dining hall. It had been such a long time since he had been here. He felt so at home among the halls.

Osiris smiled. "I am glad you are happy..."

"Thank you father" her smiled at the other man. "Its just so good to be here after so long" He took a bite of his fish.

He laughed. "One's heart is never far from where the heart calls home..."

"ahh true words of wisdom that would make even Thoth proud" he smiled and too a drink.

Osiris laughed. "Indeed....though thoses words come from his daughter..."

"Who is wise just like her father is" he smiled as he continued to eat. He glanced over and smiled as his grandchildren were trying some of everything. He was glad he could give them something so nice after what he had rescued them from.

"She uses her wisdom and knowledge to guide mortals she sees have great futures ahead."

"Thorthia is a great woman doing great things" he smiled.

Osiris nodded. "Indeed..."

The children yawned after eating alot.

"Sleepy now my little ones?" he asked with a smile looking down at them.

They nodded.

"Aww come here" he picked them up in his arms "lets get the two of you to bed. You want to just go home or stay here?" He asked curiously wondering if they may have wanted to continue exploring after they woke up.


"Alright my little ones" He smiled as he carried them off. Soon they reached the bedroom wing of the palace. Walking into the room Anubis gently placed them down on their beds. "Sleep well my little ones" he tucked them both into their beds and kissed the top of their heads.

"Night...grandpa..." they whispered.

Anubis went to the door and smiled watching as they cuddled into the big fluffy beds. With a smile on his face he slid outside closing the door quietly behind him then returned to where his father was waiting.

"Fast asleep...?" Osiris asked.

Anubis smiled and nodded. "yes the little ones were quite tired after such a large meal"

"I imagine...." he laughed. "They certainly ate alot of the food..."

"After what I found them in I want them to have the best of everything." He said with a smile sitting there as he picked up his glass taking a drink. "they are such good little souls and deserve so much" his eyes seemed haunted for a minute as if remembering his own past before clearing up.

"I understand my son..." he said gently.

"Thank you father" he smiled at Osiris before taking another drink of his wine savoring the taste.

"Now...what is it you wish to do?"

"what do you you mean father?" he asked curiously.

"I mean what would you liek to do now?"

Anubis smiled leaning back in his chair running his finger over the rim of his glass. "I'm not sure really its been so long since I've been back here in our realm of the underworld." He also didnt want to go to far just in case the kids needed him.

"That is why I have been gone for some time..."

Anubis tapped his fingers on the armrest thinking about it seriously. Osiris could tell he really wasnt sure.

"I know that there must be something or someone..." he said with a smile.

Anubis went rigid for a moment thinking about Bastet. "I don't want to be a bother" he said softly.

"Go...I've got the children..."

He smiled "Thank you father" he stood and then transported himself. He reappeared just inside the Sphinx and looked around. "I really hope I'm not going to be a bother" he said softly as he walked along.

He found Bastet asleep in the main bed chamber.

Anubis leaned against the doorframe in the doorway watching her with a soft smile on his face. "So beautiful" he whispered softly as his eyes traced over her rich deeply tanned skin. her ample breasts to the smooth plain of her stomach and toned thighs and cute curvy rear. A soft sigh escaped him as he watched her.

"Are you just going to stand there?" came the soft voice of Seit from behind him.

Anubis jumped slightly before turning and facing Seit. "she's sleeping I don't want to disturb her" he whispered softly. He remembered the last time he had visited her, her eyes had just looked so exhuasted and she seemed so drained if she could rest he wanted her to get as much as she could.

"She's been worried about you....she had heard that you had gone down to Tartarus..."

"How did she hear that?" Anubis asked surprised wondering who could have told her.

"I did..."

"And how did you know I went into Tartarus? Not even my father knew until I told him"Anubis said curiously. 

"I had gone to see....Hel..." he said getting red faced a bit. "But then she had to leave for Tartarus....said something about two having Egyptian features..."

"And you instantly knew it was me?" he asked with a soft smile happy that Seit had someone in his life now.

"If that smile is for me.... Hel does not see me in her life....she sees me as a friend.....and yes I did..."

"sorry I didnt know, and how did you instantly know it was me?" he asked curiously.

"A wolf jackal...she said before leaving..."

"Ahh that would give me away" he chuckled softly. "So why did you tell Bastet about my trip there?" he asked curiously.

"She wanted to know what you were doing...I didn't want to tell her about that...but...I think I"m scared of her wraith more than my brother's..." he laughed at the last part.

Anubis couldnt help but laugh as well at that last part. He looked over his shoulder at Bastet on the bed. "Yes my fiery kitten" he said sweetly.

"Just go to her...she may be tired...but having you there may just help..."

Anubis smiled and gave a little nod. "Thank you Seit" he turned and headed over to the bed. Before climbing in he pulled off his boots then crawled in laying down next to Bastet.

Bastet turned in her sleep, snuggling into his chest.

Anubis couldnt help but smile and snuggle up with her as she slept. He just laid there tracing circles on her back enjoying the feeling of her in his arms.

"Anu...bis..." she whispered in her sleep.

Gently he kissed her shoulder watching her.

She purred out. "Anubis...." she whispered again. ""

"My Bastet" he whispered lovingly as he stroked her hair. He loved being with her like this. When he was with her he felt truely whole.

Bastet slowly opened her eyes. "Oh my're safe..."

"Yes I am safe my darling" he stroked her cheek gazing into her eyes.

Bastet hugged on to him.

Anubisheld her close loving the feeling of having her in his arms again. "I'm sorry for worrying you my love"

"I'm just so happy you are here..." she said with a kiss.

"I'm so happy to be here as well, My heart has ached being away from you." He gave her another soft kiss.

"What happened...? Why Tartarus...?"

He rolled over onto his back and placed his arms behind his head giving out a small sigh. "Zues using the power of Hades pulled the soul of one of my daughters from her body and sent her to the prison's of tartarus, I had to go and rescue her. I couldnt just leave her down there."

"Oh Anubis....I'm so glad you made it..."

"I am to my love I am to" he hugged her to his chest and nuzzled the top of her head gently.

She purred, and then kissed him.

Anubis sighed melting into the kiss hungerly. Heavens how he missed his woman.

"I love you...." she whispered.

"And I love you" he whispered back as he laid there with her. When he was with her he felt complete. It was with her he felt whole.

"My heart..." she whispered.

"My Soul" he whispered back laying his forehead against hers.

"Thank you for coming home to me again my love...."

"Always my darling, I will always return to you. Even though we might be apart my soul calls out to return to your arms." he nuzzled her as he held her close.

She kissed him again in understanding.

Anubis kissed her hungerly holding her close to him.

"I don't want for you to leave...not for a little bit..."

Anubis nuzzled her. "I wish I didnt have to but I am still needed out and about in the world my love." he caressed her cheek gazing into her eyes.

"I want to be out there..."

"You don't know how much I wish for that but its dangerous Bastet the darkness could claim you at any moment if you were out there. I couldnt bare the tought of the dark ones stealing you from me." She could see the pain in his eyes.

"I understand my love....but I just feel so trapped here..."

"I know my love and I'm so sorry I wish I could free you from here and show you the world."

"As do I..."

Anubis pulled her close hugging her tight. Tear stung his eyes as his heart ached.

Bastet snuggled against him.

"My love" he whispered snuggling up to her.

She was soon asleep against him again.

"rest well my darling" he whispered holding her close as they curled up there together.

He dreamed of a day when they would be out in the world together.

Anubis saw himself showing her so many sights telling her the stories of his life where he was, and able to introduce her to his other two daughters as well along with his grandchildren. He saw them able to live and truely be happy together. He prayed that it would really happen.

Love you...

Love you to... he sighed hearing bastet's voice.

One day...we will all be free...

Yes you will and true light will return to the world

She nodded, and kissed him gently.

Anubis kissed her back pulling her to his body.

Seit came to the doorway, smiling at the two, before closing the door.

Bastet sighed.
((Sorry.... I was more tell you what was hpappening outside the dream lol ))

"And our children...we will all be together..."

Yes together just like its all ment to be

Oh Anubis... she said and hugged him.

Anubis hugged her tight never wanting to let go.

Bastet held on to him. "Never let go..."

"I will never let go, and I'll always be there to catch you" he held her tight burying his face into the curve of her neck.

Anubis... came a male voice within his dream, within his mind.

"Mmmm what?" Anubis mumbled in his sleep rubbing his eyes waking up. He didnt like people he didnt recognize in his head.

Seems you're waking... it has been along time...

forgive me when I say I don't recognize your voice he said laying there in a groggy state.

You forget so fast a friend that sent his daughter and neice to you...?

Fenris! he said happily in his mind It has been far to long I had forgotten the sound of your voice I had heard what had became of you, how are you I have missed you old friend

I am fine but for being really two people.... I am but my wolf is my mortal side that is reborn and currently lost to me...

That is just aweful old friend, is there any sign on where your mortal side might be? any clue? Anubis asked wishing he could help his friend. the one who took him in and gave him a new life.

Just that he is somewhere up in the north of the city...

I'm not there at the moment I am in egypt visiting right now but when I return I'll keep my senses open old friend.

Thank you, friend...

Your welcome and I hope to see you soon old friend

Of course my friend....

He felt Fenris leave his mind, he laid there cuddled up to Bastet. Anubis was happy that his friend was back.

Bastet curled more into him. "Love..." she whispered.

Anubis looked down at her seeing if she was awake or not.

Hyio blushed.


Oracle nodded. "His love.... and it would seem three other guests are on their way here too..."

He looked at his brother. "You have a girlfriend?'

"She's the one that saved me...." he said.

"Oh. Do you think she will like me?"

"I just know she will..."

"I hope so."

"Tashi...I know so..."

He smiled a little. "Ok."

Hyio hugged him.

He hugged back.

Hyio smiled softly.

"You know have a role in much to come... but you two are not the only ones..."

"Will it place mother in danger?"

"No... there are protectors...friends of mine watching her, love..."

" long as she is safe."

Oracle kissed him. "She is..."

He kissed back

Oracle looked off to the side. "Hello Nemi..."

Nemi smiled walking into the temple. "Oracle... how are you?"

"I am good...." Oracle said. She looked at Isaac and Sanzo. "Hello gentlemen..."

"HI!" Sanzo said with a big grin.

Isaac nodded slowly.

Nemi looked over at Tashi and Hyio. "Hello... my name is Nemesis... but you may call me Nemi...."

"Nice to meet you." Tashi said with a bow.

Nemi nodded. "He's cute Oracle.... congrats...."

He blushed. "I...thanks..."

Nemi nodded with a smile, and hugged Sanzo's arm.

Oracle looked at Isaac. "I am glad to see that you have made it here safe.... there are those that would never want you to be whole again...."

"I want to help...I want to stop Oden..."

"Sanzo wants to help!"

Oracle nodded. "I know you both Isaac need to be whole once more..."

"How do I do that? And their is another thing that bothers me..."

"Tell me of what bothers you first..."

"If...I have another half...and we become whole...wouldn't one of us vanish from this world? If I absorbed my other half does that mean I would take him from anyone he may love? And if he absorbs me...I would cease to be wouldn't I?"

"No... your other half and you will be together like you had been.... your other half is your immortal wolf spirit.... you will feel whole with him.... but he also has all of your memories from the past... so it may be a bit of an adjustment...."

"But...wouldn't one of us vanish?"

"You will be able to shift between looking human and looking as a large grey wolf...."

"I...will be me...or will the other side of me be dominant?"

"You will be able to descide who you are now... you were reborn... with your other side you will learn who you were and who you were important to..."

He nodded but still looked a little nervous.

"All will be fine...."

"I hope so..."

" I interrupting something?" asked a woman. She is wearing a sharp business suit with a skirt. "I'm Aria, by the way." she says to whoever she doesn't know in the room. 

Hyio/Aquilla went over to Aria. "Aria..." he said with a hug to her. "I'm sorry I just left the apartment like that..."

"It's okay. Oracle told me before I got done with my shower. You have a brother or something...?" she kissed his cheek, blushing.

Hyio/Aquilla nodded, then gesture over to Tashi. "This is my brother...Tashi...Tashi...this is Aria..."

"Hi...It's a pleasure to meet you."

Tashi bowed in respect. "The pleasure is mine...thank you for helping my brother."

"I didn't really do anything to help him. He was already free by the time I got there. It was someone else we helped..."

"Huh? But...I thought you said she helped..."

"You still did help... I didn't know how or where to go....or where I was....." Hyio/Aquilla said.

Tashi smiled in thanks to her again.

"I'm glad Aquilla found a relative. It's been long since things have happened and they appear to be happening again. We need all the help we can get!"

"This way...' she said, taking him to a room. "There is a pair of clean clothes in side.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Gabriel..." Hecate said with a kiss to his cheek. "Change... and I'll be right back..."

He nodded and waited tell she left than he got changed

She knocked on the door. "YOu changed?" she asked.


"Come... so that I may see you.... and then show you the way..."

He followed

Hecate smiled. "Oh that outfit is perfect on you...."

He blushed. "You really think so?"

"Yes I do..."

"Thank you."

She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

"This way to the main hall..."

He followed

The main hall had one wall where the doorway they had just walked through stood and the rest was open to the court yard.


"I know...." she said. "I love it..."

He smiled and took her hand

Hecate smiled, and then said, "They've arrived...." A tall man with long black hair, with a deep green cloak around his shoulders appeared. Beside him was a young woman. (I have to get Amathya to post down here what she currently looks like....)

Tallia has a few knives hanging off her body, she is dressed in a corset and short skirt and she is wearing strappy shoes. She looks slightly scared and slightly excited. She has black hair and is slightly shorter than Genbu. She looks like there's something she must find.

Gabriel smiled shyly. "Umm...I am Gabriel..."

Genbu nodded to Gabriel. "Hello...I am Genbu....this is Tallia...."

"It's a pleasure'am."

((We have to wait for Sarah))

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, where can I find my brother?" she asks them. Then she looks at Genbu, "Wait, who do we have to talk to in order to find my brother?"

Gabriel looked at Hecate. "Is twin?"

"Woah, back up...You're looking for a sibling as well? Were you reborn as a zodiac or are you something else?" Tallia asked. (I know I cut off whatever Hecate would say, but that's what she would do.)

"Umm...I am Gemini..."

Hecate and Genbu smiled at each other. "You are both Gemini...for Gemini is the Twins..." said Hecate.

Tallia tackle hugs him. "You like me, right?" She looks really insecure about him not liking her. After all, he is her only family.

Gabrial let out an 'omph' sound and slowly nodded. "I...think so...but you like me?" He asked shyly, he looked slightly confused due to the age difference.

"Huh-uh, of course! You're the only family I have. I got kicked out by them when I was little, because I'm weird and I don't care what you do, you'll always be my brother! I already love you. I don't remember you completely, though. We must have been born at different times in this life, because you're a bit younger than I am. That's okay. Now we can remember who was born first...we did argue about that quite a bit. I knew it was me!"

Genbu laughed.

Hecate smiled. "i'm so happy for the two of you..."

He slowly smiled. "I...umm...I will try to be a good long as you don't think I am a freak..."

"Okay...what's your freakish issues? Then I'll tell you mine."

Hecate sighed. "Gabriel... just as you have gifts...powers... she will have them as well...such as your ability to change your appearance...."

He looked down and slowly explained about his family. ((Sarah.... read Gabriel's profile))

"My family got rid of me when I was really young, because I have some strange tendencies, at least compared to most people...I like killing people...but only the bad guys, or the people who have some sort of bounty on their head. I also own a sex and weapons shop."

Gabriel's eyes widened and he hesitanty backed away. "Ah....oh...."

Hecate hugged onto his waist. She whispered, "She is excepting you for you... get to know her more.... just as she will want to know you better..."

He nodded

Tallia looks really sad when he backs away. She doesn't know why he's nodding. She goes and hides her face in Genbu's chest.
((They are like little kids!))

Gabriel looked at her. " sorry..."

Genbu smiled gently at Gabriel, and then pushed Tallia towards him. "Siblings know siblings.... even if they have been born apart...."

Gabriel smiled hesitantly

Tallia looked at him and just throws her arms around him and starts crying. "I need all the family I can get. I don't care what's happened to you or what you've done. From the sounds of it we're opposites so you probably shouldn't care either."

She looked down. "I am tainted by Zeus.... he would not want me again... but from the way he looks at you...." she whispered.

"Mother...if you are tainted by him so am I...he loves us both...I am willing to let you be with him..."

"But... I don't want to destroy.... the love you have between you both....he... he is...."

"And I don't want to do that to you..."

"It's been so long..." she said softly.

He sighed. "It...if it made you happy..."

"You love him.... be with him... Your happiness is the most important of all to me...." his mother whispered.

"But...what about you?"

"You are alive.... you are in love....what more could I wish..."

he hugged her.

She hugged back. "I love you my little one..."

"I love you too mother."

"I should rest... go to your love..."

"But...are you sure?"

"Yes... go to him..."

He hesitantly went to find him

He found Atrox sitting in a study, reading a book.

He hugged him from behind

Atrox looked back at him. "Nilus...." he said softly. "How is everything...?"

"She is tired and should see her...and talk to her..." He tried to keep the tremor from his voice. He didn't want to lose him...but his mother needed him.

"Your mother is a special woman, Nilus....and you....I love you as I did her... I won't be made to choose between you two..."

"I understand...I wish you and her happiness..."

Atrox turned around fully, and grabbed Nilus, pulling him close. He rested his chin on the top of Nilus's head, as he rubbed his back. "What do you mean by that?" he whispered.

He closed his eyes trying to fight the tears. ""

"Nilus..." Atrox whispered still holding him. "Who is your father....? Who do you know as your father...?"

"Zeus..." He whispered looking down.

"Zeus is the one that imprisoned me in that box... but he also imprisoned your mother in there...."

"Both of you? But...why?"

"I won't use my gifts for him...and she wouldn't be his bride..."

He looked down. "So...I was...a..a..mistake..." He whispered tears in his eyes. He jumped up and rushed for the door.

Atrox reached out at him, grabbing him, and pulling him to his chest. "You can never be a mistake, Nilus...never.."

He closed his eyes trying to fight the pain. "I am...if mother was forced...I wasn't wanted....I...I cause her pain just by existing..."Tears rolled down his cheeks

"Just because she was forced...that doesn't mean that once you came that your weren't wanted.... your mother loves you..." he whispered, holding him close.

He cried into him. "But...I bring her pain..."

"You bring her are her son..."

He looked down not sure how to reply

Atrox kissed him. "Believe me..."

He hesitantly kissed back. "I...but...what should I do...she needs you..."

"She may need my she did in the box... but you are my love...and I can support both of you..."

"You love her too..."

"Nilus.... you have my heart....I care about her...she is my friend..."

"Are you sure?"

Atrox nodded, and then kissed him.

He hesitantly kissed back

"I love you, Nilus..."

" you too..."

Atrox continued to hold him close, not wishing to let him go.

He fell asleep in his arms

Atrox held him, leaning back against the headboard of the bed.

He snuggled closer

"My Nilus..." he whispered.

He whimpered in his sleep

Atrox stroked his hair. "Shhh... I am here love..."

He settled

Atrox kissed his neck, pulling him closer to him.

He moaned softly in pleasure

"I love you darling..."

He slowly opened his eyes

Atrox looked at him in his eyes, smiling softly.

He blushed

"I love you with all of my heart..."

"I love you the same way..."

Atrox kissed him deeply.

He blushed and kissed back

Atrox deepend the kiss, arms wrapped around him.

He blushed and kissed back

"Are you hungry? Or...what would you like to do?"

He blushed. "Umm...."

"You will know much soon..."


"I just know it Isaac..." Nemi said.

He sighed and nodded.

"Isaac....what's wrong?"

"I just want to put a stop to Oden..."

Nemi nodded. "I understand..."

"He has done so much evil..."

Nemi nodded. "Isaac... I am the Demi Goddess of Revenge...."

"You told me."

"Yes... I know... but I have done evil before...revenge is just another many people's eyes.... I prefer revenge in the name of justice..."

"Oden deserves all the pain he gets!"

Nemi giggled. "Yes he does..."

"let's get moving."

Nemi pointed them toward the main temple entrance.

They headed (Up to Tashi and them...)

Chyrosa nodded. "Yes...mother..."

"I don't understand..."

"Please remember me Lyra.... remember your Chy.... remember... your old mother...." Chyrosa whispered.


"Yes...mother.... that was your name...." she said. ((Leo had told her that what she was was like Lamia...))

"Your father side I was like her..."

"Father can't feel it yet.... but I know.... you are my mother... reborn to this world....I...I have really missed you...." she said softly.


Chyrosa nodded softly, looking at Lyra for any sort of reaction.

She hugged her trying to remember

A flash of a young baby in Lyra's arms played in her mind. She didn't really looked like herself, but she knew that she was the one holding the baby. "Lamia...." came a male voice. A man with a helmet over his head came into the room. He took his helmet off, and she saw that is was Abmisleo. "My love..." she heard herself say. He smiled. How is our little Chyrosa...? he asked, coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Oh... our little Chy is just growing so much... I know she will break so many hearts with her beauty that I know she will have.... WIth that the flash ended.

She held her closer. "Chy...."

"Mother...." Chyrosa whispered. "I have missed you soo...."


Chyrosa hugged her back. "I'm so glad papa meet you...again...."

"Me too."

"Mother....I'm sorry about all of your loses..."

"I am too...but you lived..."

"Yes... I did....but father died trying to get revenge on the one that had killed you... but he was given new life...."

"Who...killed us?"

"An evil that is trying to consume the world...."

"Does it have a name?"

"It was given a name.... but that name belonged to a man...a god that had no part in this evil..."

"What god?"

"He's name was Atrox.... long ago.... he was imprisoned in a box for disagreeing with the ruler of the gods....he was not the only innocent to have that other had been imprisoned in that box before him.... together they were imprisoned in a box of Evil..... Atrox was a god that had once owned the box.... he had guarded it to keep away the evils of the world.... he was freed though.... I believe everyone knows this part of the story.... of Pandora and the Box...."

"Pandora's box?"

"Yes....the other that had been imprisoned in that box was the imbodiment of Hope..."

"Where are they now?"

"Atrox is being hunted as the evil that is causing the end of this world.... and the imbodiment of Hope.... she was last seen with Zeus....." Chyrosa hugged herself. "Mother...I have something to tell you..."

"What sweet heart?" She asked in concern.

Chyrosa blushed. "I'm...I'm...." She looked down at her stomach as she hugged herself.

Her eyes widened. "Pregnant? Where you...forced?"

Chyrosa shook her head with a smile on her lips. " was willing...I just haven't told father..." she said softly.

She looked relieved. "Who is the lucky man?"

"His name is Marek.... he...was trained by my father in being a knight...centuries ago..."

"I am happy for you...are you planning to marry?"

Chyrosa nodded. "OF course....but...somethings have happened...and..... I'm worried that he will not come back to me...." she said softly.

"Why wouldn't he? If he doesn't than he doesn't deserve you." She said getting upset that the man whould abandon her when she is pregnant.

"I don't know if he is truly dead...or only in a deadlike sleep...." she whispered.

She looked concerned. "What do you mean? Who is he?"

"His name is Marek...he...went with his brother to go save a friend... but his brother brought him back in a deathlike sleep...I don't know if he is dead or not..."

She hugged her in concern. "I am so sorry...where is he know?"

"He is with friends... I had to come back here so none would worry if you or father saw I was gone..."

She hugged her again. "I...wish there was something I could do to help..."

Chyrosa hugged her. "I know you would mother....I am just so happy to have you back again..."

She smiled. " treat your brother as a brother?"

"Why wouldn't I...?" Chyrosa said with a smile. "I've always wanted a brother..."

She smiled. "I am glad.

Chyrosa hugged her.

She hugged back. "I...have another child..."She whispered in awe

"Yes mother...." Chyrosa said. She looked up at Lyra.

She smiled a little still overwhelmed

"I... I'm sorry if this was soo much..."

"No. I am grateful...It will take a little getting use to..."

"I understand.."

"You should get some rest...I know I plan to."

Chyrosa nodded, and then shifting back to being a child, she headed off to bed.

She yawned and headed back

She found Abmisleo asleep on the bed, though he looked like he had waited for her.

She blushed and laid down next to him

Abmisleo rolled over, an arm slipping around her.

She snuggled against him

He pulled her closer.

She blushed

He started to kiss her neck.

She moaned softly

He pulled her even closer to him, burrying his face in her neck.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...." he whispered softly. "Just remembering old memories...." He kissed her neck again.

She shivered in pleasure

Vann smiled slowly. "Anything you wish... to reason..."

"Can we go the the zoo?"

"Of course Falcon..."

He hopped up and down. "YAY!"

Vann laughed lightly. "Go clean up..."

He raced out of the room to get ready

Vann laughed watching him. WHat happen? he questioned to himself.

"I am ready." He said with a smile. He seemed to have absolutely no memory of what had happened

Vann smiled, and stood up. "Alright you... lets get going..."

He hopped up and took his hand. "OK!"

Vann lead him out of the house, locking it behind him. He then walked with Falcon down towards the zoo.

He skipped happily.

"So what shall we see first...?"


"Great..." Vann said softly, and lead them over to the lions exhibit.

He smiled excitedly.

"Look at them..." Vann said with a smile.

He nodded. "They remind me of Chyrosa's daddy."

"You think so?"

He nodded. "Can we take a picture?"

Vann nodded. "Of course...." He pulled out a camera and then took a few pictures of the lions.

He smiled. "Now I wanna see...zebas."

Vann laughed. "Alright Falcon..."

He smiled and took his hand

They made it over to the zebras. "I think we should go off to see the birds next..." Vann said.

"Ok. Take pictures." He said with a smile

"Alright my little Falcon..." he said taking a picture.

He smiled. "Now the birdies."

Vann took him over to the bird. "Falcon... see those birds... those over there are called Falcons...."

He smiled. "Like my name?"

"Just like your name....Falcons are birds of prey, but they are very beautiful...graceful and strong...."

"Can I be like that?"

"Of course you can..."

He smiled happily.

Vann picked him up and hugged him.

He smiled and kissed his cheek. "What should we see next?"

"This is your day..."

"Hmm...the bears?"

"The polar bears or the grizzly bears?"

"Umm...I thought they are the same kind but the polar bear's coat changes due to the env...environment..." He said looking confused.

"Its about their location and their structure...

"Oh...umm...can we see both?"

Vann nodded. "Of course..."

"You chose which one first."

Vann smiled, and took him over to where the polar bears were swimming.

He smiled. "Picture?"

Vann hugged him close as he just smiled, and took a picture of the two of them.

"I want pictures of all the animals!"

Vann laughed "of course..." He took a picture of the polar bears.

He smiled and hugged him

"My Falcon..."

He smiled. "What next?"

"What about the wolves?"

He smiled and nodded

Vann carried him to see the wolves.

He smiled excitedly. After awhile they had seen every animal in the zoo. Falcon yawned tiredly

"Time to head home for a nap...." Vann said, as he carried him to the exit.

"Ok. It was fun though."

Vann carried Falcon home. When they got there, Vann laid him down in his bed. "Rest well..."

He nodded sleepily and soon was asleep

Vann covered him, and then left the room to take care of other things.

Falcon turned over in his sleep

Vann came back in, to watch him.

He turned older once again and was still asleep

Vann sighed. "I wonder what is going on...." he said softly.

He started to stir

"Falcon..." he said softly.

He opened his eyes

"Falcon..." he said again. "How did you sleep...?"

He blinked and yawned. "I slept well...what about you?"

"Anything....for the maiden who's voice rang through my mind..." he whispered.

She blushed. "But...I am a mother not a maiden..."

"You can be a mother and a maiden...." he said, and then kissed her again.

She blushed and kissed back

"My maiden..." he whispered. "If you would be my maiden..."

She blushed and nodded

He kissed her gently. "Thank you..."

She kissed back. "No. Thank you."

Ares hugged her close. "Please know.... I won't force you into anything you don't wish to do...."

"Thank you.'She yawned a little. "Sorry..."

Ares shook his head. "No don't be... you need rest..."

She nodded tiredly. "Thank you."

He nodded, and pulled back the sheets on the bed for her to get in.

"Thank you.' She said with a blush

Ares nodded with a smile, and pulled the covers back over her. He then kissed her forehead. "Sleep well..."

"You too..." She murmured as she fell asleep

Ares left the room. She dreamed of Ares and her little boy and of a happy life.

She blushed.

Ares smiled gently at her, and then left the room.

She sighed in her sleep

She felt a little one crawl into bed with her.

She opened her eyes

Her little one was in the bed with her.

She gently stroked his hair

"Mama...." he whispered.

"Yes my sweet one?"

"Where are we?"

"We are safe...umm...we are staying with Ares..."

"Who?" he asked.

"He...saved me...and you..."

"Saved us...?" he yawned. "That's cool...when are we going home?"

"This is our home now..."

"Why mama? What about papa?"

She bit her lip. "He...doesn't want anything to do with us..."


Amyra gently hugged him close. "He...hurt me..."


She hugged him close. "Luscious...I am sorry...he isn't as nice as I believed he was."

"But...mama...." he whispered with a tear in his eyes.

"What dear?" She asked in concern. She fought tears as well.

"WOn't daddy be lonely?"

"I...he...I...: She looked down. "I don't think so..."

"Oh..." he said softly.

"Why sweetheart?"

"Will you miss daddy?"

"yes...I will."

"This is our new home?"

"Yes baby...this is our new home."

He nodded, and snuggled into her.

She stroked his hair

He snuggled into her more.

She hummed a lulluby to him

He yawned, and was soon asleep.

She held him and gently stroked his hair as she closed her eyes

She dreamed once more of Ares and her little one.

She smiled

She dreamed she was pregnant.

She opened her eyes in shock and placed her hand on her abdomen

She was as she had been before she fell to sleep.

She shook her head in confusion

"Mommy..." came a whisper.

She looked over at Luscious with a gentle smile. "Yes angel?"

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just a strange dream."

"Are you sure mommy?"

She nodded and kissed his forehead.

He smiled up at her. "love you mommy..."

"Love you too angel."

"Do you really wish to know?" he asked with a smile.


Zanos looked at Aliana. "I love to travel to the other side of the western mountains... to run through the sun lite desert...."

"Sounds lovely...but what can the two of us do together?"

"Dancing... a movie....anything..."

"What would you like to do?"

"Aliana.... isn't that my question..." Zanos said with a smile.

She blushed. "Well...what do you like? I want it enjoyable for both of us."

"I would enjoy anything as long as you were there...."

"I've always wanted to horseback..."

Zanos smiled. "That's wonderful... I have a friend that has some Arabian horses...."

"Really? Do you think your friend would let us?"

"I know it...."

"I look forward to it."

"That's wonderful....when would you like to?"


"Really...? But it's late...."

" about tomorrow morning?"

He kissed her. "That would be great..."

She smiled. "Good night..."

"Night..." Zanos said, and then left the room to head back to the guest room.


Zanos smiled back at her, and then headed into the guest room to go to bed.

She went in to her room to sleep

She dreamed calm dreams of him and the scorpion.

She smiled

Then she saw an arrow fly through the air aimed at Zanos.

"NO!" She bolted up.

He father rushed into the room. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Her father was always up early in the morning.

"Bad...dream...sorry dad..."

"I was worried..." he asked.

She hugged him. "I'm ok."

"What happened?" he asked.

"It was a dream...I...Zanos was killed..."

"Oh sweet heart..."

She hugged her father.

"I am sure that he is safe...."

"Can I go check?"

Her father nodded.

She hurried to his room and knocked

There was no answer.

She flung open the door in worry. "Zanos?!"

Zanos jumped in his bed, getting into a fighting stance. "What? What is it?" he asked worried.

She sighed in relief tears in her eyes. "I...umm...sorry for waking you...I...I...will go..." She turned to leave trembling in relief that he was ok.

Zanos quickly moved, wrapping his arms around her's, and hugging her close. "Please...what's wrong?" he whispered.

She burried her face in his chest. " died..."

"I'm here...I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..."

She held on to him for quiet some time until she was more assured he was safe.

Zanos tilted up her chin and gently kissed her lips.

She blushed and kissed back her knees buckled as relief swept through her

Zanos pulled back slowly. "I am not going anywhere without a fight..."

She nodded slowly. "I am sorry...I was just so worried..."

"I understand...."

She kissed him

He kissed back. "I love you..."

"I love you."

Zanos held her closer.

She sighed in relief breathing his scent

"I will protect you..."

"I want to do the same for you..."

"I know you will..." he whispered, before kissing her gently.

She blushed and slowly kissed back

Zanos looked down at her with love.

"I am glad you are safe."

"As am I...and I'm glad you are too..."

She kissed him

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her more deeply.

She blushed and kissed back

"I'll let you get back to bed..." he said gently.

"Are you sure you are ok?"

She kissed him softly.

He kissed back/

Tamesis soon fell asleep, snuggling up against him.

He held her close and closed his eyes

He dreamed of Ireland and it's rolling hills.

He sighed happily

In his dream he saw his brother Vali... one of the twins. Brother...


Brother... it has been a long time.... ((The twins had been killed... just so you know...))((I know)

"You're dead..."

This is your mind it is possible to see me... but... I... I have been reborn.... Hello....Great-Uncle...

"Great uncle?"

Arcadia...your niece from Fenris....has given birth to pups.... half Wolf...half Coyote... I was reborn as one of the pups....I was even renamed a tribute to me.... as well as Arcadia named the pup Vali in memory for my daughter, Siria....


In a sense....I am only a pup.... but I am here....

"I want to see you again..."

I am currently in Greece with Siria... and her love....but mother and her love are in Ashland....

"I will find you."

Look for the condo owned by the company Epsilon...

"I will..."

Until we see each other



"Be safe."

I will... you be safe as well

"I will try..."

He felt a gentle kiss be placed on his cheek.

He opened his eyes and looked.

Tamesis kissed his cheek again.

He gently kissed her.

"Hi..." she said softly.

"Did I wake you?"

"No....I've never been able to sleep deeply...."

He kissed her.

She kissed him back.

He held her close

"Jarmanger....I am so glad that you and I met..."

"As am I.''

"Do you wish to sleep more....or have you rested enough for the night?"

"I am fine, how about you?"

"I am just fine, my love...." she said with a smile.

He kissed her

She kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

"What do you want to do now?"

"Would you like to walk around the city more?"


Tamesis smiled. "I should change...."

"Me too." He got up and stretched

Tamesis headed into another room.

He started to change

When he was done, he felt like Tamesis was watching him. "I have changed...are you?"

"Yes." He turned to look at her.

She smiled, reaching out her hand to him.

He took it gently and lovingly.

"Breakfast first or would you like to just head out and get something later...?"

"Let's get breakfast."

Tamesis smiled. "Alright...The kitchen is just down this way..."

He followed her

She stopped in the middle of the hall, and then reached a hand out, pushing a door open. "The kitchen..."

He smiled. and kissed her

Tamesis kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you too..."

He started to cook

Tamesis sat down in a nearby chair. "What are you cooking? Or am I to wait til you are done..." she asked, smiling.

"Hmm...I am making eggs and I found some strange meat called 'bacon."

He woke up.

he looked around

He was in the room he had been given.

He got up seeing if Ares was home

He found Ares asleep in his bed.

He went over and crawled into bed with him. He hesitantly started to undress him.

Ares turning in his sleep. He noticed that Ares was bleeding.

He pulled back. "Ares..." He started to shake him awake

Ares moaned softly. "Hmmm?"

"You're bleeding..."

Ares looked at him, and then at the blood. "I... will heal... do not worry...I had gone out last night to save another...."

"Are you sure....?"

Ares sat up, and placed a hand on his side. When he removed his hand, the wound was healed. He then placed his head in his hands.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes...I am...I just should have noticed that before I went to sleep..."

He sat down on the bed next to him and fidgeted. "Umm...I...went out..."

Ares looked at him. "What happened?" he asked, his voice full of worry.

He looked down and bit his lip. "N...nothing..." He lied

Ares looked at him more. "Please tell me..."

Alaric shook his head. "You will get angry..."

"I'm worried about you Alaric... please..."

He slowly told him about leaving and the guy from the theater trying to take him again.

Ares growled and then pulled Alaric into his chest, holding him. "Alaric....I am just so happy you are safe..."

He slowly nodded and gently rubbed against him

Ares pulled back a bit. "Alaric...what are you doing?"

He looked down. "S...sorry..."

"Alaric...I don't have feelings for you that way....but I will protect you..." Ares said gently. "Alaric...please allow me to be a father figure for you...."

Alaric slowly nodded. "You...want to be my father? I never really had one who would care for me..."

Ares nodded. "Yes...I do...I don't want anything to happen to you..."

Alaric slowly nodded not sure what to say.

"Alaric... you are safe here... no one is going to hurt you....ever again...."

"Ok...but what do I do?"

"You learn.... you experience.... I will help you..."

"But what do you get out of it?"

"The knowledge that you are happy and safe..."

"I will try..."

Ares hugged him again. "I know you will...." he said softly.

He nodded. "Umm...what should I do if...I...umm...need..."

"We will just have to work on that alright.... I do have two other guests here...a young woman and her little boy....alright...they need rest..."

He looked down and nodded. "Sorry..."

Ares looked at him. "Sorry?"

" must be tired..."

"I have done with less sleep than this before..."

"Umm...are you sure?" (omg! I just thought of a scary idea...what if he convinces Luscious to 'play' with him?!)

((Holy SHIT!!!! EEPP))

"Yes I am sure..."

"Goodnight..." He said as he started to leave the room.

"Goodnight? Are you hungry?"

"No...just tired."

Ares went over to him. "I want you to feel like you can call this home..."

"Thank you."

They soon got to the icecream shop. "What would you like?"

chocolate and pistachio."

"Rocky Road..." Tyr said, and soon the server was off making it. When he had returned with their icecream, Tyr paid for the icecream.

"I could have paid part of it. But thanks." She kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome..."

"Enjoy." She said with a smile as she licked her icecream

Tyr nodded, and licked at his own.

She smiled.

"Oh my..." TYr said softly, looking at her.


Tyr leaned in and gently kissed her at the corner of her lips. "Just some icecream right there..."

She blushed

Tyr smiled softly. "I think you look beautiful when you blush...."

She smiled and hesitantly kissed him

Tyr kissed her back.

She blushed

"When do you need to be back...?"

"Oh...umm...not till nine."

"Alright..." he said with a smile, and then kissed her again.

She kissed back

"Do you... like horses?"

"I love them...I have always wanted to ride."

Tyr took her by her hand. "Come.... I have a surprise for you..."

She followed

Tyr lead her out to a stable on the western side of the city.

Her eyes widened. "Tyr..."

"Yes..." he said, as he lead her inside of the stables, where each stall had a beautiful horse, and the stable as a whole held several different breeds.

"They are all beautiful...''

"Thank you...They are mine..."

"All of them?" She asked her eyes wide in admiration

"Yes.. they are..." he said with a smile.

"May I pet them?"

"Of course...I wish to share them with you..."

She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome...."

She started to pet them one by one.

Each horse bayed as she pet it.

She smilled, thrilled with them. "Thank you." Selune said with a smile

"Anything....I'd love for you to ride them sometime..."

"Can we now?"

Tyr smiled, and nodded. With a snap of his figures, two of the horses were geared up for a ride.

She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

Tyr hugged her back, and then helped her up onto one of the horses, before getting up on one himself.

She smiled happily. "This is wonderful."

Tyr nodded, and then started them out onto a trail. "I am so glad that you are enjoying yourself..."

"I am glad you are sharing this with me..."

"And I am very happy to share it with you..."

She smiled

Tyr reached over, taking her hand and kissing it.

She blushed and smiled at him

"I wish for you to be happy..."

"I want the same for you."

Tyr smiled.

She kissed him

He kissed back, holding their horses together.

She blushed

"I want you happy..."

"I want the same for you."

"Selune..." he whispered.


"You are just so wonderful..."

She blushed. "So are you."

Tyr smiled.

She blushed and kissed him

Tyr kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you as well Selune..."

She smiled happily

"You want to head back...or not?"

"I should...but I don't want to. I am having fun."

"I'm having fun too...and I don't want it to ever end..." he whispered, before kissing her again.

She blushed and kissed back

"We are almost there already.... to Le Nue Del A Mai...." ((The best and fanciest place in the city.... heehee))

"No...I can't is too much...thank you but...I would feel bad."

"Sybil... it is my treat to you....please....allow me to treat you..." he said.

" it really ok, it is so expensive..."

"Yes it is just fine... " he said and then gently kissed her cheek.

She blushed and smiled.

The limo pulled up to the restaurant. Susano-O stepped out of the limo, and then offered her his hand for her to step out. 

She blushed and took it.

He helped her out, and then walked her to the door, which he opened for her.

She blushed and walked in. She felt out of place.

"OMG! It's Thunder!" some of the girls in the restaurant shouted, disrupting all that were eating.

Susano-O nodded to them politely, and then looked at the hostess. "Is the private room available?"

"Let me check sir..." she said and hurried off.

She tried to hide behind him, feeling more out of place and afraid if anyone saw her.

Susano-O pulled her gently from behind him, and wrapped an arm around her waist. "What is wrong?" he asked softly.

"I am not rich...I feel...what if someone sees and gets angry I am with you?"

"I don't care.... I am here with you... as you are here with me... they do not matter to me..."

She blushed and slowly nodded. "Thank you..." She kissed his cheek

"Anything..." he replied.

The hostess came back. "The private room is indeed open...I will show..."

"I know the way...thank you.... just send our waitress back in five minutes..."

The hostess nodded.

Susano-O took her hand and lead her to the back of the restaurant, and through a door way. In said room was a nice sized table with beautiful chairs.

She blushed. "It is beautiful..."

"It's my private room here.... I know the owner, and sometimes eat here to be out of the limelight..."

She smiled. "Oh I see. It is lovely. Thank you so much. I never once believed I would ever dine at a place like this..."

Susano-O smiled. "You can and will.... if you like..."

She slowly nodded

He kissed her gently.

She kissed back

There came a knock at the door. "Sir? Drinks?"

Susano-O smiled and nodded. "How about a 1931 white wine...."

The waitress nodded, and left.

"Umm...I can't drink..."

"I don't truly drink... that wine is is a special that only I get...and ask for...."

She smiled. "Oh...I see."

The waitress brought back the wine and two glasses and left. Susano-O then poured the wine for her and for himself. He took both glasses into his hands and handed one over to her. "My dear..." he said.

She blushed and smiled. She took it gingerly. "To our happiness?" She blushed quickly as she realized what she had said. This was only temporary...she was sure he would find someone else...someone prettier...richer...She though in sadness.

Susano-O smiled at her. "Yes... to our happiness...and to many more happy moments between us..."

She smiled a little and sipped the wine.

"Something weighing on your mind?"

"No...well...I...umm...I am not used to this. Thank you."

"You're welcome.... and I don't want to over whelm you... I just wish to treat you as the lady you are..."

She looked at him sharply. "Am I really a lady?"

"Yes you are..." he said with a smile.

Sybil blushed. "You...actually believe me? About my daughter."

"Why shouldn't I.....You have given me no reason to doubt you...and your daughter is a beautiful child..."

"Thank one else believes me when I say I never was with anyone..."

"Sybil... through the centuries..there have been many unbelievable events....the one that brought your daughter to you is just another such event...."

"I wish others would see it that way."

"Sadly... many have forgotten what it was like centuries ago..."

"Centuries ago?"

"Yes... centuries ago... and allthrough out time...even now... unexplainable things have happened..."

"Oh...can about something yourself?"

"What would you like to know, my dear Sybil?"

She blushed. "What started your interest in you have siblings...what do you like to do...?"

"Music became a way to express myself....because I never truly could before.... I have a brother and sister... I like to go horse back riding...hiking...and many other activities...."

"What are your siblings like?"

"They are opposites, yet very similar.... their names are Rasu and Yomi.... but those are only the short forms of their names... Rasu is my sister and Yomi my brother....Rasu is like a bright light in the room, and Yomi the protector of Rasu.... they are also twins.... both looking like beautiful boys...."

She smiled a little. "Oh. Umm...are they nice?"

"Yes they are... they own one to the worlds best restaurants.... Sunny Night..." ((I had a better name but have forgotten it... lol ))

"Oh. Where is that?"

"It's farther into the city...."

"Oh...why didn't we go there? I'm sorry...that must have sounded rude...I don't want to sound ungrateful...this place is ammazing..."

"We didn't head there because I wished to have the privacy of this room...."

" you think they would like me?"

"I know that they would like you..."

She smiled a little. "I am glad."

Susano-O smiled back, and then leaned forward, and kissed her gently.

She blushed and kissed back

"I wish to be here for you..." he whispered.

She blushed and nodded.

He smiled. Soon their dinner was brought out to them.

"It looks delicious!"

"I thought you'd like that..."

She smiled and started to eat

He started to eat as well, but continued to watch her.

She blushed and ate.

"Is something wrong?" he asked kindly.

"No. I am just happy."

Hel laughed softly. "You three are just so talkative..."

"Is that bad?"

"Of course not, sweet little one....." Hel said softly.

She smiled happily. "Ok."

Hel patted her gently on the head.

She smiled happily

"I am glad to have met you..."

"I am glad I met you too mommy."

Hel took Sya to the local park which had vibrant green grass and a play ground set.

She happily began to play

Hel smiled, sitting down on a bench, watching her with a smile.

She looked for someone to play with

She saw another little girl off playing by herself.

She went up to her shyly. "Wanna play?"

The girl looked at her. "Okay..." she said with a smile.

"My name is Sya."

"My name is Ceto..." she said with a smile.

She smiled. "This is Mr.Ursa, and this is Snow...she may be a little sleepy."

"You have a bat pet... that is so cool..."

"She is nice too...but she isn't a pet. She is my friend."

"Really? Wow...." Ceto said.

She smiled. "Mama gave her to me."

"Your mother did? That is some mother..."

She smiled. "Wanna meet her?"

"Really? That would be so nice...."

"Follow me." She happily started to head toward Hel

Hel looked at Sya. "Oh who is your little friend?"

"This is Ceto. Ceto this is my mommy Hel."

Hel and Ceto just stared at her for a bit. "Ceto? That's you? Wow....where is your big brother....?"

Ceto smiled. "He went to the store...."

"You know each other?"

Hel nodded. "Yes...I know her and her older brother..."

"Oh...she is my new friend."

"I am happy for you sweetheart...she and her brother are very nice..."

She smiled. "Umm...mommy? Can you hold Snow? I think she is tired."

Hel nodded. "Of course Sya...." she said taking Snow. "You two have some fun..."

She smiled and nodded going off to play with Ceto.

Ceto smiled, and said, "You want to go play on the monkey bars?"

"OK! Race you." Sya raced toward the monkey bars with a laugh

Ceto raced after her.

Sya laughed happily

"I'm going to get you..." laughed Ceto.

she giggled as she climbed the monkey bars

Ceto jumped, and started to swing on the bars.

"I beat you I beat you!"

Ceto giggled. "That you did...!"

She smiled happily

Ceto started to swing upside down on the bars.

Sya smiled and stood on the top of the bars. "Look mama I am Wendy...I can fly!" She prepared to jump

Hel jumped up. "'t...." she called.

She stopped. "Why?" She looked curious not understanding.

"You could fall and hurt yourself..."

"But I wanna fly..."

Hel looked at her worriedly. "What do you mean?"

"I want to be like Wendy!"

"Sya... I don't want you hurt.... please..."

She slowly climbed down. "Sorry momma."

Hel picked Sya up, and hugged her. "It's okay baby.... I was just so worried..."

She hugged back. "Sorry momma."

"Don't worry, Sya... I just don't want anything to happen to you..."

"I know momma."

Hel hugged her close.

Ceto just smiled.

"I will be more careful..."

"I'm glad my angel..."

She kissed her cheek

Hel smiled. "You are sweet..."

She smiled

Ceto giggled. "You're cute..."

"I am?"

Ceto nodded. "Yep....a cute family too..."

She smiled

Hel hugged Sya. "That we seem to be..."

She smiled

Zaharie kissed Kyo's cheek.

He blushed and smiled

Jackie started to lead the way back, as Zaku and Zaharie held on to Kyo's and Drak's hands.

Drake yawned a little, the change in routine tiring him

Zaku scooped Drake up, and started to carry him home to the temple.

He blushed. "You don't have to carry me..."

"I wish to carry you....close to me..."

He blushed and slowly nodded

They soon made it back to the temple. Jackie waved to the boys and headed down a hall.

Drake looked to Zaku. "You can let me down now..."

Zaku kissed him, still holding him.

Zaharie kissed Kyo gently.

He blushed and kissed back

Kyo kissed back

Zaku carried Drake off, still kissing him.

Zaharie pulled back from the kiss. "Shall I walk you to your room?"


Zaharie took his hand, and walked with him down the hall to his room.

When they got their he hesitantly tried to pull Zaharie into the room with him

Zaharie let himself be pulled into the room.

He hesitantly kissed him. "Stay with me?"

Zaharie smiled softly, and kissed back. "If you wish me to..."

He nodded. "I do."

Zaharie walked with Kyo over to the bed, and sat down with him on it, and just held Kyo to him.

He kissed him

Zaharie kissed back, sliding a hand up into Kyo's hair.

He blushed

He started to kiss and nibble on Kyo's neck.

He blushed and allowed him to. He hesitantly started to take off Zaharie's shirt

Zaharie looked into Kyo's eyes. "Do you truly wish to do this...?" he asked softly.

He blushed and stopped, looking down. "Sorry...I shouldn't have started..."

Zaharie quickly slipped off Kyo's shirt, and then kissed his chest.

He sucked in a shuddering breath. "Z..Zaharie..."

Zaharie did it again.

He moaned softly

"" he whispered.

He blushed and nodded

"I'm glad..." he whispered, and then nipped his neck.

He moaned softly

Zaharie slowly ran a hand down Kyo's pants, gently rubbing him.

He gasped his eyes going wide as a blush covered his face

"Too much?" he asked softly.

He blushed and hesitantly shook his head. " used to it..." He whispered. "It felt...good..."

Zaharie smiled softly, and did it again. "I'm glad...."

He moaned softly squirming a little

He untied his pants, and then swiftly started to suck on his cock.

He gasped and arched.

Zaharie continued to suck.

He moaned and squirmed

He looked up at him. "You....alright?"

He blushed and nodded. " it..."

"I haven't done this before so...I wasn't sure..." he replied.

He blushed. "I...haven't either..."

Zaharie moved up and kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

"I don't want to hurt you... if you tell me no... I won't...." he whispered.

"I...wa...want it..."

He kissed him, as he pulled down his pants and thrust inside gently.

He gasped and arched

He worked him slowly.

He moaned and arched

"I won't leave you.....ever..." Zaharie whispered.

He moaned and nodded. "I...won't leave you."

He came inside him.

He gasped and covered his mouth trying to smother the cry of pleasure he lay there exhausted but feeling satisfied

Zaharie smiled, holding him close.

He fell asleep

He dreamed of having more nights like this.

He blushed

He felt someone kiss his neck.

He moaned softly

The kiss became a nibble.

He opened his eyes

Zaharie was nibbling his neck.

He moaned softly

Zaku carried Drake into Drake's room, as he continued the kiss.

Drake blushed even more. "Umm..."

Zaku laid him down on the bed. "You had best get some rest.... you do have class in the morning..."

"Thank you. I liked the movie..."

"I'm glad... I wanted and wished that you would have a good time...."

He smiled. "Thank you can we do something like that again?"

"Yes we can... of course... my Drake..." he said.

He blushed. "Good night..."

"Good night..." Zaku said softly, and then kissed him.

He blushed hesitantly kissing back

Zaku pulled back slowly from the kiss, placing a hand on Drake's cheek. "Sleep well...."


Zaku smiled softly at him. "Night..."

He fell asleep

Images of a fire bird filled his dream.

"What? A phoenix?"

The fire bird landed in front of him.

He hesitantly approached it.

The fire bird just sat there waiting for him.

He hesitantly reached out a hand

The fire bird gently rubbed its head against his hand.

He slowly smiled. "You are pretty..."

The fire brid chued.

He smiled softly.

The fire bird seemed to kiss his cheek.

He blinked in surprise. "Do you...know what I am saying?"

The fire bird nodded.

"where did you come from?"

I have been with you since our first meeting...

"First meeting?"

Yes.... The fire bird kissed at his cheek again. And I will always be with protect you...

"Where did we meet?"

I love you...

He blinked. "b..but you're a bird..."

The fire bird seemed to smile. This is just one of my know the other...


The fire bird nodded. Yes....Zaku...Suzaku....the Vermillion Bird of the South....

Drake looked at him in shock. "But..."

I am the Guardian God that you, as you are now a priest of the Southern Temple, serve and protect.... but I love you and wish to always protect you....

"How can i protect you? I am not strong like you..."

You are stronger than you think....we will take this journey together....

He slowly nodded not trully convinced of his own strength.

The fire bird rubbed its head against his cheek.

He stroked his head blushing

You are much beloved, Drake...

He blushed. "I...know..."

Morning comes soon...


The fire bird kissed his nose.

He blushed

It is time to wake...

He slowly woke

As he awoke he felt someone stroking his hair gently.

He looked up

Suzaku was sitting on the bed, stroking his head, but staring off into space, not noticing that he had woke up.

He blushed and just watched him.

Suzaku kissed his forehead. "I love you...." he whispered.

He blushed. " you too."

"I enjoy dancing with you....Ai...." Rasu said.

"And I like dancing with you too."

Rasu nodded. "I'm glad... though look over there... Yomi and Ai are wrestling with their mouths..."

She sighed. "Let them." She smiled and gently kissed Rasu

Rasu kissed back. "I love you..."

"I love you too."

Rasu kissed her again. "SO how later are you able to stay out...."

"We have to be home by seven thirty."

Rasu looked at her watch. "Then we should be getting you both home....'

" was fun though."

Rasu kissed her. "Hey Yomi...Ai... we should be getting you and Aiko home..."


Yomi nodded and took Ai's hand as they stood up. "We'll walk you both...."

"Ok thank you."

Rasu and Yomi smiled, and took their hands, walking them home.

They talked and enjoyed their company tell they got home.

"Can we..."

"Pick you both up..."

"For school...?"

They smiled. "Yes. See you tomorrow."

Rasu and Yomi kissed the girls good night.

They kissed back


"See you tomorrow."

Rasu and Yomi smiled, and then headed off.

The girls headed inside

"How were your dates girl?" asked their mother.

"It was wonderful, we went dancing."

"They better not have tried anything..." came their father's voice.

"They didn't. We danced and talked that's it.'' Ai said.

Their father nodded. "That had better be it..."

Ai smiled. "Father...have I ever lied to you?"

Aiko stayed silent she knew her father believed Ai, she was the one he never believed.

"No you haven't Ai...." he said.

She smiled. "So please believe me. We danced, they didn't try anything."

"I believe you Ai...." he said. "Go clean up...."

She smiled and went upstairs. Aiko slowly headed that way trying not to be noticed.

"Aiko... come here..."

She stopped and hesitantly went over. "Yes father?"

"I don't want you to see that boy again..."

She froze and looked shocked. "W...what? But why? He is sweet and're letting Ai stay with her boyfriend...why can't I stay with mine?"

"Because I do not think that it is right for both of you to become involved in those boys...."

" will let Ai date but not me?!"

"I trust her..."

She looked at him tears in her eyes. "You trust her but not me...why? Why do you hate me?!"

"You have given me nothing but reasons...!"

Tears filled her eyes and she backed away. "Fine...I am moving out..."

"No you are not, young lady!" her father shouted, grabbing her wrist.

She slapped him. "You hate me anyway! Well I hate you! Let go!"

Ai started to come down the stairs hearing the yelling. "What's going on?"

"How dare you attack me!" he growled.

Ai blinked. "What?"

Aiko rushed up the stairs and slammed her door locking it behind her

Their father looked at Ai. "Go to your room, Ai..." he said as he stormed up stairs after Aiko.

Ai followed uneasily

Her father was banging on Aiko's door. "Open this door! Now!!"

Ai felt that she wasn't in the room.

"Dad...I...think she is gone..."

"Good riddens! The trash is gone from here..." he said and walked down stairs.

Ai froze. "Trash? Aiko is my sister! Do you think I am trash?"

He looked back at her. "You are my sweet Ai... my good Ai...."

"What about Aiko?"

"She has never been right...."

"What do you mean?"

The father shook his head, and then headed down the stairs again.

Ai went in to her sister's room looking around sadly (Don't forget the prophecy and her being promised to a god)

(I know... that is why her father didn't answer her question ^_^ )

"Ai...." came her step mother's voice.

She slowly went to see what her step mother wanted, all the while worried for her sister

"Please go get changed into something nice..."

"W...why? I want to find my sister."

"Do as I said..."


"Ai... now...please"

Ai bit her lip. "I...want to find my sister..."


She jumped. Her step mother was cruel and she knew what she might do. " going to find my sister..."She turned to leave.

She grabbed her wrist. "Do as I told you to do... or I will get your father involved..."

She slapped her hand away. "I am going to find my sister!"

Aiko began to pack.

There was a banging at the door. "Aiko! Open this door!!"

She finished packing and opened her window sneaking out the window and carefully climbing down.

She got down.

She started to run heading to find Rasu.

She saw signs pointing towards the restuarant that Rasu had said that she and Yomi own.

She hurried that way

She made it to the restaurant as some of the workers were leaving.

" Rasu in?"

The worker looked at her. "Oh yeah.... Rasu and Yomi are in the back working on closing for the night..."

"umm...can I talk to them?"

The worker held open the door for her. "There you go..."

"Thank you..." She went to find Rasu

Yomi came out of the back. "Aiko....? What are you doing here...?" he asked politely looking concerned.

She hugged herself. "I...ran away..."

Yomi took Aiko's hand and pulled her into the back where Rasu was counting down the money for the bank. "Aiko...?" Rasu said worried, standing up and going to her.

She buried her face in Rasu's chest and started to cry

"I'm here....shhh..." Rasu whispered rubbing her back.

She slowly told her what happened

Rasu hugged her. "I'm can stay with me and Yomi...alright?"

"Thank you...I am sorry for the trouble."

Rasu shook her head. "You are no trouble, Aiko...never..."

"Thank you..."

Rasu kissed her gently. "Always..."

She kissed back

The cloak fell away, and no one was underneath. Then he heard the voice again. "It is not out dated.... "

He backed away. "What...are you?"

A young boy stuck his head out from behind a tree. "What... or should I say Who do you think I am? I run with the winds....I sleep in the fire...."

"Are you the same as the one who was before me?"

The young boy smiled big. "Yep..."

"What do you want?"

"You looked sad.... I wanted to make you smile...."

He started to walk on. "It's nothing."

"Miach...where are you?" Came Liam's voice.

Miach cursed and rushed away.

The young boy fell out of a tree ahead of Miach. "Why do you run? Some one is calling to you...."

"He is better off without me...leave me alone."

The boy looked at him with an older look. "Don't say that at all... I destroyed too many relationships thinking that why...."

"Leave me alone." He started running again

Boy if you continue to may lose yourself.... a strong male voice said in his head.

"Maybe I want to be lost!"

"Miach!" came Jezza's voice. "I'm sorry..."

The boy just appeared infront of Miach.

He shoved the boy away. "Leave me alone! Or maybe I should feed on you!''

"Miach...please come back!" Came Liam's voice.

Miach cursed. He tried to throw the boy to the side and run faster

The boy grabbed his arm, and was able to hold him from running with unthought of strength. "I will not let you run as I use to....a knight should not run..."

"I am no knight..." He struggled in anger. " brother will hate me now..."

"You don't know unless you stay.... I have run away from so many people.... and now I'm afraid that I will be hated by them just like so many that know me.... don't run..."

He looked down. "I am evil...I am, in love with my brother..."

"That's all....?? In love with your brother? That's not evil at all...." said the boy, still holding his wrist. "I have been called evil... and I am not....just misunderstood...."

He frowned. "Not just love, not like sibling love...I fantasize about him..."

"Again.... that is not evil....I know of...some old friends that felt that same way..."

"He doesn' let me go."

"But that doesnt mean that he will hate sit down and wait for him..."

"No...let me go or else."

"No.... you listen... if you run away... you will always run..." the young boy's grip increased.

Miach winced. "So be it...I don't care...I want him happy and safe...I am putting him in danger. If you don't let go I will bite..."

The young boy looked up at him. "Bite me vampire....none but I can change who I am...."

He tried to pull away with a growl

"I..." the young boy looked down. "I...I didn't mean to threaten you....just that biting me wouldn't do anything to me...."

"Please...just let me go...please..."

"But....please if you run.... nothing will be right any more for you or for them..."

"What do you mean?"

"Running is never the answer... you will regret it if you do...."

"I don't care...they will be safe and happy without me."

"They are probably out looking for you...and most likely won't stop looking....they must really care about you..."

"Just leave me alone! Mind your own bussiness!" Miach snapped and he tried to pull away again.

The boy slapped Miach. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself!!"

Miach growled and bit down on the boy's arm his eyes going red.

The boy snarled, as his own eyes started to glow yellow. "No one bites Coyote...not even when I am actually helping someone....!"

He growled and snarled exposing his fangs.

"MIACH!" Liam called.

Miach shivered tears running down his face. "Look what you have done...I could have been gone by now!"

The boy smiled. "Face your fears!"

He trembled and slugged the boy across the face.

"Miach! what has gotten into you?! why are you running, why are you hurting this kid?!" Liam said as he hurried over.

Miach snarled and ignored him. "I am a monster need to stay away."

Liam looked stricken. "Miach...."

Jezza stopped where she is. "You're not a monster! Never a monster!"

"Listen to them, Miach..." said the young boy, acting as if the hit didn't hurt.

Miach looked down trembling. "I hate you." He said glaring at the boy. He than looked up at Jezza and slowly he looked at Liam. "Not a monster? Ha...I fantasize about my brother all the time...I fantasize about kissing him...about thrusting into him..."

Liam's eyes went wide. "M...Miach..."

Miach got a wicked look in his eyes. "I want to have sex with you make me sick! I hate you. When I see you it makes me go mad. I hate you Liam..."

Liam backed away tears in his eyes. "Miach..."

"I was only nice to you because I needed your blood. Do you really think anyone actually wants to be around you? You are shy and think so little of yourself. You are weak and pathetic." Miach said forcing cruelty into his voice, forcing himself to say the words, anything to keep Liam away from him and safe.

Liam looked at him in pain tears rolled down his cheeks. "Miach..."

The young boy just looked sad.

Jezza went up to Miach. "WHat the hell are you saying!? Snap out of this!"

He smirked looking at her with coldness. "Leave me alone stole him. Enjoy your life. I hope you can protect him." He tried to pull away roughly fighting the pain he felt inside, trying to make it not show.

Liam hugged himself unsure what to do. "Miach..."

Jezza's eyes went wide. "Wha...?" She then, with tears starting in her eyes, smacked him. "Snap the hell out of it, Miach! Just stop lying to yourself!"

He growled and smacked her across the face. "Go to hell...all of you!" He pulled away, rushing off fighting the tears and pain, he tried to savagely desmiss his feelings...he had to protect his brother.

Liam gently hugged Jezza as he started to cry. "Does he...really believe that?"

Jezza just stood there shocked as he hugged her. "I...I dont know..."

There was a loud growl from behind them where the young boy was. "Get back here.... you coward! Don't be like me!!" he shouted in a voice much older than his appearance.

Liam looked over at him in shock. "W...who are you?"

The young boy looked at Liam. "I am Coyote..."

" in...the Coyote?"

The young boy nodded. "Yes... I am like this for my own reasons....but I was wanting him to not do what I had done...."

"Will he come back?"

"I hope so..... I don't want him or anyone to feel the regrent that I feel..."

"What regret?"

"I left the one I loved.... while she was pregnant.... with my son...." he said sadly.

Liam looked surprised. "W...why?"

"Because there were those hunting me...and they had found me, and I ddin't want my love and child harmed...."

"Can't you go back to them? Explain the situation?"

"I know not where my child is...and my wife is it has been centuries...."

He looked down. "I am you think...Miach will be that way...always running from us?"

"I hope not..."

"Me too..."

Jezza nodded. "Will he be safe out there?"

Liam looked worried too

Coyote looked out into the woods. "I hope so..."

Liam looked like he wanted to go find him

The little boy ran off.

Jezza moved over to Liam. "I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to cause this trouble...."

He hugged her. "It is not your fault...what is important is finding him right now..."

"But...if I hadn't said what I had..." Jezza said softly.

Miach kept running until he was far away from them, and outside the town. He ran to a large tree and threw himself down next to it. He pulled his legs up and put his head in his lap as he cried.

"Are you alright?" came a soft voice, female by the sound.

He looked up wiping his tears away quickly. "Fine..."

A young woman with blonde hair pulled back loosely looked at him. "Are you sure?"

He slowly stood and nodded and started to walk off away from town. "Yea...thanks for asking though..."

"Please... you shouldn't be walking alone...."

"I'm fine..."

"At least for the night stay at the temple... before you journey through the mountains surrounding the city...." she said gently.


"Yes... Draco de Temple...the Temple of the Azure Dragon..." she said.

"I don't know what you are talking about..."

"Really? That is strange... the city is famous for the four templs....please, come stay at the temple..."

He shook his head walking away. "No thank you...I am not buying anything...and I don't need you promoting a tourist attraction..."

"It is not a tourist is a sacred place...I am a high Priestess...and my brother is the high Priest... do not down grade our home... now you are going to set at the temple... you will need your strength..."

He froze. "I told you I am not going!"

"You don't have to be afraid...please...."

He growled and started to walk away

"Don't make me make you stay..."

"Piss off!" He growled as he quickened his pace.

"Do not speak to my sister in such a manner..." came a strong voice from ahead of him. (Pull)

Miach looked up toward the pull not sure what to expect. "I wouldn't have to if she left me alone..."

A tall young man stood there, his long blue hair pulled back loosely. His clothes were that of chinese origin which were blue with gold and red. His silver eyes looked Miach up and down. "Come with us, and rest..."

Liam looked frantically for Miach growing more worried.

Jezza ran up beside him. "Where could he have gotten? I thought we had be close...."

"I thought so too...I hope he is ok..."

"I hope so too.... come on... we have to find him.."

He headed off again

Jezza followed. "Miach!"


They saw two figures up ahead.


They saw him bite a little boy's arm.

Laim froze eyes going wide. "No...he shouldn't be hungry...MIACH!" He ran that way

Jezza followed.

"Ah...I am sorry, it was rude of me not to introduce myself." He bowed in apology.

"The same is said for myself...."

"Thank you."

Ronimleo nodded. "You're off to one of the clubs.... or to the business sector...."

"Ok. Thank you...are you sure it will be ok?"

"Yes it will be..."

"Ok...I will give it a try..."

"Wonderful.... I know you'll love it...."

He smiled. "I hope so.."

"Oh you will trust me.... it is's run by this girl I know... some call her gothic... but that's their opinion..."

"Gothic is an architectural style..." (He doesn't get out much lol)

"Gothic as in Goth.... She has long black hair....wears alot of black clothing....pentacle necklaces...."

" Satan worshiper?"He looked scared (his father told him that's what they are lol)

"No... no... far from it.... far...far... from it.... she does love the moon....and she's very nice...."

"Oh..."He looked confused.

He explained the difference.

"Oh. I see."

"yeah... but her club is cool... it may not look like much at first... but there are surprises there..."


"Yeah... You'll see okay?"

"Ok. It won't be dangerous will it?"

"No it won't be is a very safe place to be..."

"Ok...I will try it."

Ronimleo smiled. "Come on... this way..."

He followed still a little unsure.

"Relax...I would never take someone as nice as you to any place unsafe..."

He blushed. "You think I am nice?"

"Yes I do... you are kind and very nice to talk to..."

He smiled a little. "You are the one who is kind..."

"I was taught to be respectful to all..."

He smiled. "I appreciate it."

Ronimleo nodded. "Are you feeling more comfortable?"

"A little...I am still getting used to being in the looks so different than Japan."

Ronimleo smiled. "Everywhere is different from everywhere...."

He nodded. "I suppose..."

"It is true...I have seen alot of the world..."

"Really? I haven't been able to."

"We should travel together some time... it would be fun..."

"Maybe...but I don't think my father would allow it...of course now it depends on my legal gaurdian Lial Oden while I am here." Takarii said as he walked.

Ronimleo looked at him. "Lial...Oden??"

"Yes...the head of Oden Industries. My father thought it would be a great opportunity to train under him. Do you know of him?"

Ronimleo nodded. "In a way..." 

" he a nice person?"

"I never thought so..." he muttered.

He blinked looking nervous. "What did he do?"

"He went slightly mad with the death of his son..."

"Father never said anything about him having children..."

"It was a long time ago...."

"Oh...will he...treat me ok? He is my legal guardian and employer..."

"If he doesn't legal issues can arise...."

He nodded. "But you said he isn't sane..."

"His madness is aimed at a few individuals...."

"Oh...I see..."

"If you are working for him... you are safe..."

"Why do you say that?"

"He protects what he sees as useful...."

"Oh..."He looked confused

"You work for his company right?"

"I guess...I am going to be more of an apprentice."

He nodded. "I see..."


"I didn't really think people used that term any more..."

"I...should I not?"

"It is all up to you...."

"It's what my father said..." (you forgot below)

"It is a fine word...don't get me wrong...."

"Than...why didn't you like it?"

"I've been an apprentice before... but I never really liked it..."

"Really? Why?"

"It was the treatment I recieved....that's all..."

"Oh...I am sorry."

"They said that it would make me stronger... but... I don't believe that the punishment they gave me was really mant to help me..."

"No big...I guess....." Duncan said.

He looked down. "I hurt you..."

"Don't worry about it Senna..." he said, and then quickly kissed Senna. "I just hope that your version of Oden is the real one....just know that I still feel something for you..."

He blushed. "Umm...can we stay friends?"

"Yes Senna..."

"Thank you."

Duncan nodded. "I know of one place he may go..."

"You do?"

"Yes... though he may have stopped going there...."

"Can we try?"

Duncan nodded. "It's out in the roll hills...."

"Can you take me there?"

"In the morning....alright?"

He nodded a little disappointed. "Alright."

"Hey... think of it this way... tomorrow's Saturday... no school..."

"Yea...I guess that is true."

"Dont' worry... I'll get you there..."

"Thank you."

Duncan nodded. "So shall I walk you back to your house...?"


Duncan smiled softly. "What is the address?"

He told him. "Watch out for my brother..."

"Why?" he asked, as he walked with him.

"He hates me..."

"Why would he hate you?"

He sighed. "I don't know...he just does."

Duncan wrapped an arm around his shoulders in a friendly gesture. "All will be fine..."

"Ok....I hope so."

They made it to his house. "You got a nice looking house...."

"Thanks. Do you want to come in?"

"Really?" he asked.

He blushed and nodded. "I don't get many guests."

"Thank you...." he replied, with a smile.

" you want to come in than?"

Duncan nodded, and followed him inside.

He took off his shoes at the door and sat his backpack down. "Mom? Dad?" He hoped his brother wasn't around

"In the kitchen..." came his mother's voice.

"We have a guest..."Senna called out leading him toward the kitchen

"Oh who is it hun?"

"My new friend Duncan."

"Oh I am so happy you have made a new friend..."

He introduced them and smiled. "Is brother out?"

"He's out on a date..."

"Ok." He tried to hide his relief.

"Will your friend be joining us for dinner?"

He looked to him. "Would you like to?"

"I'd love to..."

He blushed and showed him the way to the kitchen. " This is Duncan.

"Oh... Duncan... it is very nice to meet you..."

"You as well, Ma'am..." Duncan said politely.

Senna smiled a little. "Would you like something to drink?"

Duncan nodded, and said, "Water...please..."

He went over to the fridge and poured a cool glass of water into it with ice cubes. He handed it to him. "I could get you something else if you want..." (you do know he is still in Japan right?))

((Yeah... Duncan is an ambassador's son... ^_^ )) ((ok. Just checking)

"No this is just fine..."


Duncan smiled at him. "Thank you though..."

He nodded "Of course. If you want something else let me know."

He nodded. "I will..."

"Mother, do you want me to set the table?"

"If you would..." she said, heading back to finish dinner.

He did so than looked down at the table. "Should I set a place for dad?"

"He's at a business no..."

"Ok. And you said brother is out so...just the three of us."

She nodded, as she brought in the dinner to the table.

He set out the places and poured all three of them some tea

Duncan smiled at him and sat down.

He smiled a little in return

The mother placed food on each plate, and sat down. Looking at her son, she said, "Would you like to say the prayer...?"

He sat down and did so

When he was done, his mother started to pour out some tea in all of the glasses.

Duncan smiled and nodded. "Thank you ma'am...."

"You're welcome..."

Duncan smiled at him after taking his glass back.

He ate and returned the smile

"Do you two have anything planned for this evening?" the mother asked.

"Artemis has always be welcome here...."

He smiled and hugged Artemis.

"I am happy for the two of you..." Artemis whispered. "Family... back together..."

"I want to marry her..."

Aphrodite smiled. "I'm so happy you do...."

Artemis smiled, and buried her face into his chest.

He held her close.

"Thank you...I...I would love to marry you...." Artemis whispered.

He blushed. "I am sorry I didn't ask you first..."

"You don't need to be sorry at all...." Artemis said to him softly.

He kissed her. "Will you grant me the honor?"

Artemis nodded. "OH yes Sol..."

He kissed her happily

She kissed back.

"Oh what a happy day..." Aphrodite said with a smile. "Artemis.... show him to the room he will be having....I have some things to take care of..."

Artemis nodded, still kissing him.

He slowly pulled back from the kiss. "I will need to get you a ring."

"It's okay..." she said softly.

"I want to."

"Thank you..." she said and gently kissed him.

He smiled and kissed back

Artemis pulled back and smiled. "Love you...Angel..."

"Love you...but I still don't know how to feel about being called that..."

Artemis nodded. "I... okay....Sol...."

He held her close

Artemis hugged back burrowing her face into his chest.

He kissed her forehead

Artemis smiled softly up at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too Sol..."

"What should we do now?"

"Sol...we could go find a ring....or continue my search...."

"I want to help you..."

She kissed him. "Thank you..."

He held her close. "I want you happy."

"I am have made me happy..."

"I am glad."

Artemis kissed him.

He kissed back

"Do you want to rest...?"

"I am a little tired..."

Artemis smiled softly and then lead him to a bedroom.

He gently kissed her. "Thank you."

Artemis nodded, kissing back.

He kissed back. "Stay with me?"


He kissed her heading toward the bed

Artemis blushed, kissing back.

He laid down and gently pulled her down next to him holding her close. "I will protect you."

"Thank you Sol...thank you... and I'll protect you..." she whispered back.

He smiled and kissed her.

Artemis kissed back, and snuggled into him.

He kissed her

"I love you Sol..."

He smiled. "I love you."

"The Moon shall always watch over you...." she whispered.

He smiled and held her close

"Love you...."

"And I love you."

She snuggled into him, yawning.

He stroked her hair. "Rest well love."

"You... too..." she whispered sleepily.

He held her close

Artemis fell to sleep.

He held her close as he closed his eyes

In his dreams he thought he heard his father's voice.



"I am sorry..."

It is not your fault...

"Yes it is...If I didn't ask for icecream..."

It was not your were a child...

He shook his head. "It was....and I ran!"

You were a child.... it was not your fault...

He shook his head not willing to forgive himself

Children run, but they become death was not your fault...

"Kya" or Ryuki (his real name) walked toward his first class of the day. He wore the school uniform but it had added ruffles along the hem of the skirt and he wore a ribbon in his hair. He carried Belladana in his arms. Currently his school supplies were being carried by the most recent boy that was trying to get close to him.

" are really pretty..." the boy said in awe.

"She" smiled politely as he sat down at his desk. "Thank you, and thank you for carrying my things. He waited until he saw the ''prince'' enter the room, he had a crush on him, to stir up trouble he kissed the boy who had carried his things on the cheek. "You are cute too." He said with a shy smile. He loved causing trouble like this. He used his looks to his advantage and put on a kind caring mask. It made it easy to use people and cause fights without dirtying his hands.

The 'prince' stopped, looking at 'her'. He glared at the boy, then went to his seat.

Kya started getting his books out and looked innocent.

THe teacher came in. "Class, I would like to introduce a new student...Kya...Kya, please stand and introduce yourself... tell us somethings about yourself..."

Kya stood and bowed politely. "I am Kya (insert adopted father's last name) I love to read and make friends. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"You may sit, Kya...." the teacher said, and then began the lesson for the day.

He sat down and started to take notes.

When the class was over, the 'prince' of the school came over. "Hello Miss Kya...." he said smoothly.

Kya smiled shyly playing up the idea he was a cute innocent girl. "Hi...umm...I am sorry but what is your name?"

"Maxwell O'Dell...." he said with a charming smile.

"Hi Maxwell. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"And you Kya...." he replied with a kiss to her hand.

He feigned a blush, a skill he had mastered since he was adopted. "Umm...can you show me around?"

"I would love to..." he said and offered her his arm.

He took it with a shy smile.

Maxwell then escorted 'her' from the classroom. "I noticed you with that boy from earlier..."

"Oh? He was a friend I just made. Since I am new, he was nice to me and agreed to carry my things."

"That was kind of him...." he said, and gently took 'her' books from 'her'. "What is your next class?"

He took out a small notebook. "History."

"Wonderful... with who...?" he asked with a charming smile.

He told him. "Do you know anything about that instructor?"

"Just that he acts as if he has a stick up his ass...."

He feigned flushed cheeks at his language. "Oh...umm..." (Remember he is playing innocent girl lol)

((I remember))

"Forgive me for my language... but it is very true language..."

"So...he is difficult?"

"He doesn't like anyone, especially students..."

"She" looked nervous and scared. "Will he...try to hurt me?"

"I doubt it.... he just doesn't like people..."

" you have him?"

"Yes I no worrying..." he said with a smile.

"She" smiled shyly. "Ok...thank you. Umm...where is the class?"

He stopped them right outside a classroom. "Right here....miss Kya..."

He smiled. "Thank you."

He pushed the door open, and held it open for her. "After you...."

"she" Smiled politely and looked nervous. "Thank you." Kya headed inside.

ONce inside, he lead her to some seats, and held out a chair.

Kya blushed and sat down. "Thank you."

"Anything..." he whispered.

"She" Smiled and started to get the things needed for the class unpacked.

The teacher began to instruct the class, and he did seem just as he had told her.

Kya took notes as he listened

The teacher looked over at Kya. "You... of what century is the Arundel Castle?"

Kya looked nervous but slowly gave the correct answer.

"Correct...." the teacher said, and then started in on more castles from England.

Kya blushed and worked more at taking notes

Once class was over, Maxwell stood up and gather his things, and smiled at her. "Where to next?"

Kya looked down at his schedule and said.

"Great... I have a class just across from that...."

Kya smiled shyly. "Okay...which way?"

Maxwell smiled. "This way, Kya..." he said guiding her to the next classroom.

Kya followed

He stopped them other a classroom. "I'm in the room just across the hall..."

"She" nodded. "Thank you for everything."

"See you after class?" he asked.

Kya nodded with a shy smile.

Maxwell smiled back, and then kissed 'her' cheek. "Until after class..." he said and then headed into the other classroom.

Kya blushed and headed into 'her' class

The teacher was standing in the front of the class. "Everyone please take your seats...."

"Kya" or Ryuki sat in his seat ready to take notes

The teacher began to talk about finance and the economics.

He took notes

"Kya... what is the difference between micro and macro economicz...."

"Micro is focused on the smaller details as and works from the grassroots up where as macro focuses on the overal picture...right?" He said trying to make it sound like he was a little unsure. He didn't want to come across as too much of a brain or the other kids might get jealous or stay away from him.

"Thast is correct..." the teacher said before continueing with the class.

He continued to take notes

When class was over, all the students started to get up to leave or were leaving. At the door way she saw Maxwell standing there.

He gathered his things and started to leave the class room. At the door he 'accidentally' tripped and dropped his school supplies. "Oh no...."He went to pick them up.

Maxwell moved over to her, and started to help her pick up her things. "Are you alright...?"

he fiegned a blush and nodded. "Yes...I just tripped. Thank you."

Maxwell nodded with a smile. "You're welcome, Kya..."

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