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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 4

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"Well for me school was a new experience, it was fun for me to go and learn new things while meeting new people as well. I deffinantly found it to be a unique experience wondering each day what I was going to be learning next" he said as he drove along.

She nodded. He barely heard her mumble, "Lucky....."

"Would you like to go to school?" Marek asked curiously.

"I don't have to.... it's okay...." Nyxia said quietly, just looking down.

"I want you to have fun and all the experience's that you can while you live with me which I hope is for a long long time Nyxia; and if you want to go to school then I'll sign you up for school" he said with a smile.

"I... you don't have to do that...."

"yes I do, your my little sister and I want you to be happy" he smiled over at her real quick then looked back ahead at the road. "I think you would really enjoy school." he said but he was worried about how she would react to making friends.

"You really think so...?"

"yes I really do" he said with a smile thinking about it.

Nyxia nodded, a slight smile on her lips.

Soon, Marek saw the company building coming up.

"Here we are" he smiled as they came to the building. he pulled into the parking lot finding a space. After helping Nyxia out of the car he then grabbed his script locked the car up and with his baby sister in tow headed off inside.

"Let us not think of the past as we are now....but on the present that is decided upon by the far past..... like your brother...." said Khan.

"Okay...his new name is Gabriel, I think," Tallia told him again. "I don't know anything else about him, though."

"I'll keep an eye out for him.... or at least the name..." Khan said smiling. "Until he has fully awaken, I will not be able to sense him or you as Zodiac..... as Gemini...... and until he awakens, you will not feel whole..."

"Okay...I'm used to it so far. That's pretty much how I've felt my whole life...but it's better, now that I have Genbu," Tallia said.

Genbu wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"Soon... you will have a complete feeling of such wholest..." said Khan, smiling.

"Meh, I'm used to it, so it's okay...but I also look forward to a new feeling," Tallia told them.

Khan nodded. "You will soon find that how you use to feel isn't as nice as how you will soon feel..."

"I'm fine with that! Although, I don't think he'll like me at first if he's similar to how he was before...before we'd known each other our whole lives...and now he'll meet me as an adult. I don't know how he'll react to me," Tallia confessed.

Genbu looked at her. "It is also possible that you're reaction to him will be similar...."

"But I've had more time to remember him than he'll have to remember me. He was always the more moral one of the two of us. I know that. We were opposites. I've had time to get used to the idea. He won't have as much time," Tallia said.

Genbu nodded. "True... but you must help him.."

"I know. I only know what his current name is, but nothing of his whereabouts."

"Maybe your companion could do find her brother, who should be off with your brother...."

"Oh, hey, I didn't think of that! I guess that would be a good idea," Tallia thought a moment. "What do you think, Yin?"

I will do my best... she heard Yin in her head, and felt a sensation on her back.

Tallia knew that the sensation was Yin leaving her back. She hoped the bird would be able to find her brother. "Thank you, Yin."

Yin flew out the temple.

"I'm sure Yin will be able to find him...." said Khan.

"Okay, as far as I can remember, she is good at that kind of thing..." Tallia said.

"Yin and Yang are as you and Pol were...and as you will be... connected..." said Genbu hugging her.

Tallia felt better with Genbu near, "I know you're right."

"Now what would you like to do, my Tallia? If you could do anything....and I mean anything..."

"Hmmm, I'm not sure...anything is a big word...and I've only just found out what sorts of anything there are. Maybe see some of the world?" Tallia told him. "I just don't know."

"Well, we did just take a trip to Hong Kong... where would you like to visit next?"

"I think Egypt. I want to see a mummy tomb," Tallia said.

"I'm should we can arrange that..." Genbu said, kissing her.

"I wish you two well with that..." laughed Khan.

"See you later, Khanny!" Tallia waved at him.

Khan laughed.

Genbu wrapped his arms around her more closely, and said, "See you..." He disappeared with Tallia, reappearing in the middle of the desert. "Welcome to Egypt."

Tallia breathed in the hot dry air and sighed. "It's great here. I've always liked the way the ancients handled their dead rulers."

Genbu laughed. "Did you know... the rulers of Egypt, many really were immortal?"

"Nuh-huh...wouldn't they still be ruling Egypt if they were?" Tallia asked.

"They were the gods of Egypt... they ruled through the people..."

"Oh, but they don't believe that anymore so it doesn't happen?" Tallia asked.

"They still hold influence over there area, just as the gods of other regions of the world do..."

"I don't know how those in the rest of the world hold seems odd to me," Tallia said. "No one really believes in the polygods anymore except in India and a couple other small places."

"No...Vander.... all are normal...but the CEO, myself, and three others...." said Thothoria as they pulled into the parking garage.

I didn't say anything outloud because the kids haven't quite been let in on it, Vander thought towards Thothoria, They know I go invisible when their mother isn't touching me, but beyond that they are clueless.

I know this....or have you yet to remember that I am the daughter of Thoth....? Thothoria thought to him, as she parked the car, and got out. "We're here..." she said outloud.

"yay!" The children jumped out of the car.

"Robbie! Crystal!" shouted Shaiya, running after the little ones, scooping them into her arms.

Thothoria looked at Vander. They will just think that everyone else is boring...haha...

"Okay, kids, let the fun begin! But next time, don't just run off, okay?" Vander told them.

Robbie and Crystal nodded, as Shaiya brought them back over.

"Please follow me..." said Thothoria.

Vander followed Thothoria, helping Shaiya to keep an eye on the kids.

Thothoria took them up a long elevator ride, and then a short walk down a hallway before leading them inside a side sitting room. "Please sit..... I must got inform them that you all are here..."

"So is there any particular type of surprise either of you are hoping for?" Vander asked Robbie and Crystal.

"Ponies!" they both shouted.

Shayia giggled lightly.

"Ponies?" Vander asked, eyebrows raised. "And why do you both want ponies?"

"Mommy rode horseys!"

"Really? So you want your surprise to be riding horsies?" Vander asked. "I think that could be arranged."

"Yay!" they shouted, jumping up and down.

"Robbie, Crystal.... calm down a bit this is an office...." said Shayia.

The Children stopped shouting, but were still jumping with joy.

"You two have to be really good...and then I'll take you horseback riding, okay?" Vander told them.

"Okay, inviso-boy...." Crystal said, as Robbie nodded.

A young man walked in, and then bowed to Shaiya, and smiled friendly to Vander. "Selene... it is a great honor to have you with us again.... and Cancri, my friend, welcome back...." The name Epsilon came to Vander's head.

"Epsilon, it is good to see you again. I'm still in the stage where Shaiya Selene has to touch me for you to be able to see me, though," Vander told him. "Robbie, Crystal, this is a friend of mine: Epsilon. He's one of the interesting people I was telling you about."

"Yay!" they said.

"Please, here it is Matthew..." Epsilon said, with a laugh. "And welcome to my company.... and you will be able to work out the whole ability thing..."

"Yeah, I hope to have it figured out soon," Vander told him.

"You will find many friends here the both of you...."

"Is my sister around?" Vander asked him.

"Nyx has been running around preparing for you, moving the night skies, and trying to keep an eye on your nephew..."

"My nephew? Nyx has a son?" Vander was surprised. "I don't remember everything yet."

"She hide it for everyone, Cancri... I don't understand why she wouldn't have told anyone..." said Epsilon. "I am sure she will tell you... or ask Eos, Helios, or Erebus..."

"She's doing okay, though?" Vander asked.

"Yes... between that time and now, there would be moments where she was her normal self...but then there were times when she was sad for a reason she would never tell us..." said Epsilon. "But... I am happy to say, she is back to being herself...."

"That's good. What about Shaiya Selene's family? I'm sure they can't wait to meet the latest members of their family..." Vander asked.

"Helios is off somewhere, I don't know... and Eos should be heading here after she runs a personal errand... which I think is her way of saying shopping..... though I could be wrong..."

"Ah. The children don't yet know that they have other relatives, yet," Vander whispered to him.

Epsilon nodded. "I am sure everything will be revealed in due time..."

"Yeah, Shaiya Selene is unsure about how to handle the kids and whether or not to show them her past self."

"She will have to soon..."

"Yeah, I don't think it is a good idea to hide it from them or try to protect them from it. Robbie has had a dream about Shaiya as Selene and me as Cancri on a beach, which happened several times in that life," Vander told him.

Epsilon nodded, smiling. "Truly a child of the Moon goddess..."

Crystal came over to the two, Shaiya and Robbie sitting on the couch with Robbie whispering into her ear. Cyrstal looked up at them. "Horsey..."

"We will, don't worry. Just a little bit longer, I promise."

"Mom...from now on, you will be.... the world is still changing...."

"I know," Cornelia smiled at him. "The only problem is that if we're getting reborn now, something big is probably going to happen soon."

"The evil that the Zodiac fought in the past...that killed only a few of the Zodiac, is resurfacing....... you and father were murdered by beingings that follow that evil.... some of us that have helped the Zodiac believe that there are some very powerful gods and goddesses out there that are loyal to the power that evil can give them......" said Semreh, looking down.

"Great, only this time, we're going to be the ones that win, without so much lost. I just know it!" Cornelia said.

"We have to find... the Thirteenth Zodiac..."

"Aren't there still others missing besides the Thirteenth?" Cornelia asked him.

"Yes there are....but I'm just hoping that the Thirteenth is among us this time...."

"We just barely managed the last time around and at such a high cost, surely if we're meant to do everything again and get it exactly right, the Thirteenth will make an appearance!" Cornelia said.

"I agree..."

"Things may have been bad last time, but I just know they'll be better this time!" Cornelia told him.

Semreh hugged his mother. "I love you....I just don't want to lose you..."

"I don't want to lose you, either, son," Cornelia hugged him back.

"I think tomorrow I'm going to try and get Dad to at least listen to me so that I can bring him to you....."

"Just be careful, okay? If he thinks of you as a rival, there's no telling how he might react," Cornelia said.

Semreh hugged his mom, and then he cocked his head. "I am being called....."

"Okay...I'll just wander around the city, remembering and taking in the sights if you have to go somewhere," Cornelia told him.

"And I will guard her young messenger...." came a strong male voice.

"Who...?" Cornelia asked.

A man in his late twenties, early thirties, bowed to her. "Aries... Miss Spica...."

"Hi, I don't quite remember you, yet. I'm still working on it...although I do remember you from the paintings that I saw from before," she told him.

"I am pleased that you are beginning to," Aries said with a smile.

"Mom... I've got to go... you'll be safe with him...."

"Okay, but you be safe, too," Cornelia told him.

"I will be..." he said. "Bye Mom..." Semreh disappeared.

"He's such a hard worker," Cornelia told her new companion.

"He always has been.... I won't expect anything less from the child of one of the Zodiac I mentor...." he said.

"Which one of us did you mentor?" Cornelia asked. "I'm sorry. I will probably have more problems remembering things than the others because I have amnesia for this life and the other one."

"Arietis... just as your son was born to be your mentor and god protector...." Aries said.

"Oh, I'm still getting my memory back, so I'm not really sure about all of this," Cornelia said. "The city seems like home, though."

"I understand... it can be very confusing at times..."

"Well, it's not so much that, but I still have amnesia from this life while I'm beginning to remember my past life. I'm starting to think that I just got sent forward into the future when everything happened and people just thought I'd died," Cornelia told him.

"Everything will turn out fine..."

"Yes, I believe so."

Aries nodded, then smiled a little. "I think we are going to be having company soon..."

"What sort of company?"

The chains glowed, while Fenrir began to pull at the chains that bound him. Then it happened... they snapped. The wolf Fenrir looked at her. It takes a strong person of heart to break the chains of Valhalia....

Del smiled, "I guess I have a strong heart, then!" She hugged him tightly, "But we should probably go, your father might be losing, I don't know how closely matched he and Hemdale are. And I seem to recall that Hemdale is supposed to assassinate Loki, and I just realized that, so I hope it hasn't happened yet!" Del says to him.

Climb on.... Fenrir said quickly, laying low for her to get on.

Del gets on his back, loving the way he feels and just glad to have him in her life again. The only problem with it to her was how was she going to introduce him to her family as the man she loves?

Fenrir raced off once she was on his back. They raced together back through the cave, and then towards the light outside the cave. At the openning, Fenrir leapt out, leaping down the mountain with ease.

Del squeeled. She was so excited to have a part of him back that she could hardly contain herself. She knew she wouldn't be able to introduce him to her parents until he was whole again, though.

My mate.... I have missed you.....

"I wish I could say the same, but I've only been aware of my past for about a day...and I am exhausted!" Del said, realizing just how long it'd been since she'd last slept and how tired she actually was.

A day? You were killed?!

"Yes, love, I've grown up in this time as DellaRose and just awakened to my past this morning starting in a garden. And then someone called me and threatened to kill someone else instead of me and it just unfolded from there. Arcadia is older than I am in this life, by the way. She's also doing well," Del told him. "I haven't seen her, yet, though."

Then let's grab that father of mine... and find her...

"Sounds good," Del said, clinging to him.

Loki and Hemdale were still fighting.


Hemdale frooze, and Loki ended up being able to slumg him into the ground. Then he ran towards Fenris and Del, jumping on behind her. "Let's get out of here..!"

Fenris raced off. I see you re still alive father....

Loki nodded. "Yes.... barely..."

Del couldn't help but scream in delight and laugh. Things were going to be a bit better in her world soon, hopefully.

Fenris raced through the hills. Where are we going.... Mate....Father?

Loki shrugged. "Today is not as it had been, Fenris...."

"Anyone sees us riding a giant wolf will either try to capture us and you or try to kill us. Magic is not as widely accepted as it once was...and I'm a little sad that no one's asked my blessing on the harvest or prayed for freedom from a master. Hopefully the last one just means there are few slaves left in the world," Del told him.

Loki and Fenris laughed a little. Loki then said, "There are many then that don't follow the the Greek Gods and Goddesses or are even worshiping any god any more...."

"Believe me, I know, I've grown up the last nearly two decades in this time. Now that I have some memories of before and know that all these people exist, it seems odd to me that we've fallen out of human thought," Del said.

"We are never out of human thought... there are elements of all the gods and goddesses in them...."

"Hah, you don't understand the area I grew up in, then. Tell people there was a chance that the Romans or Greeks or Norse peoples were actually right, and you'd be tortured till you had to leave town for such beliefs," Del told them.

Fenris nodded, but Loki went on, "Yes, that is true... I was meaning... being a trickester like myself... or a warrior like Aries.... and of course elements that go with the gods and goddesses Nike, Zealus, Bia..."

"Unfortunately, for Nike, when most humans hear that name, they think of shoes," Del said.


"Don't worry about it Fenris..." said Loki.

Fenris ran til they came to a stop in the middle of a huge open field. Home...

"This is where we lived together?" Del wasn't quite sure what to think, but she felt a connection to the land. "It's kind of pretty and quiet."

Fenris nodded his large wolf head. It is good to be out... now to find Arcadia and Siria...

"I've seen Arcadia...she's fine. Who's Siria?" Del asked him. "Arcadia's not quite ready to accept that her mother has been reborn and is about her age, though. I'm not quite ready to accept that my baby daughter is an adult."

Loki looked down sadly. "Siria is Arcadia's cousin.... her father and his twin were forced to fight each other to the death... to punish me..."

"Oh. We've found Arcadia, we'll find Siria too."

Siria will not be far if you have found Arcadia... she was just a little older than Arcadia, but I told her to watch over Arcadia....I hide them together in the Americas with a friend... one of the first wolves of the world....

"Oh. That was smart of you...she doesn't want to see me, though," Del sounds rather sad.

"Alright...I will need you anyway in order to comprehend this new world. Lead the way." Jarmanger said.

"I'm heading to visit my brother, so if you guys want to tag along to?" Aria asked.

"Okay...." Aquila said.

This way... to the surface... said Seiryuu.

Aria swam to the surface, holding Aquila's hand and keeping an eye on Jarmunger.

Aquila broke the surface, flying up into the air, scooping Aria up as he went. He then hovered there.

Seiryuu also broke the surface, but didn't leave the water.

Jarmanger broke the surface and looked around.

Aria looked at them, "We sure make an interesting group!"

Aquila sat Aria back down in the water as his wings changed back to their original white feathered wings.

"Lets get out of here...I want to be as far away from here as possible..."

Seiryuu started off towards the west, and Aquila looked at Aria. "Shall we...?"

Aria nodded, "That's definately the way we were going before!"

Jarmanger just disappeared, a determined look on his face.

Aquila looked around. "Ah... he disappeared..."

"Yeah, that was kind of rude. Oh well, to my brother's place?" Aria asked him.

Aquila nodded.

Seiryuu looked at them. "He has his reasons..."

"I'm sure he does, but we need to hurry...I don't want to get caught again," Aria said.

Seiryuu nodded, then a whirl of wind and water surrounded them like a tornado. They then appeared, dry, in the middle of a large temple, with a huge statue of Seiryuu as a dragon, while Seiryuu himself stood there smiling in his human form.

"Well, that was a lot faster than swimming or flying!" Aria said. She hugged Seiryuu, "Good to see you again, my friend."

"I think this because you seem to have a soft glow about you...."

"I do?" Kenda said doubtfully. "That's odd...I don't know why that would be..." A strange fog started to roll in.

"Plus, you are affecting the weather as much as I a degree..."

Kenda snorted, "No I'm not! It just sort of happens when my moods change."

"And that is not affecting the weather?" He asked with a smile. Kenda felt drawn to this young man. 

Kenda tilts her head, "I never really thought about it. I know that the weather changes with my moods, but I didn't think I was doing it...I thought it was just happening. Who are you, by the way?"

"My name is Helios..." the young man said with a smile.

"Helios...Helios...where have I heard that name before?" Kenda thought a moment. "Oh yeah! I read a book one time that the main character was named Helios and he was the sun."

"Interesting...." said Helios. "Then from this book you must have heard my sisters' names.... Eos and Selene......"

" was the dawn and the other one was the moon. The funny thing to me, though, is that the moon is the most talked of the three siblings in modern times. Were your parents hippies or sun worshippers or something?" Kenda asked. "I don't mean to be rude by that, though."

Helios smiled. "No my parents were neither of those things.... but you are right.... the moon is the most talked about.... because there was a young woman who held the name of the goddess Selene... and she helped many... but she was killed..."

"Oh, that's sad. The book didn't say anything about her being killed," Kenda said. A light, cold, drizel began to fall.

"Not many know..."

"Oh. It's getting kind of chilly. The weather forecast always seems to be wrong wherever I am!" Kenda said, wiping her wet hair out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry.... the weather acts up when I am upset as well...."

"Really? I've never met anyone else like that...we seem to be two peas in a pod," Kenda joked.

Helios laughed, and she found that she liked his laugh. "I guess so... but yes, really..."

((Is there a pull here, and also, would whatever form you're giving her have been in the same book, because I think she'd comment on that, too.))

"Hmm...Not many people realize it right away, but they tend to eventually and it freaks them out a bit," Kenda told him. She looked around for her father.

((Yes, there is a pull here.... and what form?? lol ^_^ ))

"Also, there's some sort of feeling that I've never experienced before," Kenda said.

Helios slow stepped towards her. "As if you are being pulled towards me... draw to me.... as I am to you..."

"Yes...but...why? I don't really understand that. It's strange. And let's say that my moods do directly effect the weather...why would that be?" Kendaleigha was surprised she was revealing so much of herself to this stranger, but she felt she could trust him for some reason.

"Sweet daughter of Aether... that is the question of the moods....." Helios said. He took her hand, and lightly kissed it, sending warmth through to Kenda's heart. "It is call a pull of True Love..."

"I can almost believe the last part of what you said, but I have never heard of anything by the name of Aether."

"Did someone say Aether?" asked Kenda's father.

"Helios here did, and then I did. Why, is that someone you've heard of? I've read a lot and I don't recognize the name," Kenda told him.

Helios looked over at her father, and her father at Helios. "It is good to see you again Helios...." her father said.

"You as well.... Aether..." said Helios.

"Wait...what? I'm confused...Why did you call my dad that?" Kenda just looked between her father and the man she just met.

"Kenda... that is my name... years ago..." he said.

"Okay...I still don't understand what is going on here. Why do you go by another name?" Kenda asked.

"To hide from someone powerful that wished me dead... and no I haven't done anything wrong..." her father said.

"Oh, well, I guess. Does that mean you know why weird stuff happens around me sometimes?" Kenda asked her father. She never told anyone about the weather changing, but she's sure he's noticed.

"Yes... I do... I have been so proud to see your birth right coming in...." he said with a smile.

"What do you mean, Dad? I don't quite get it." The weather started to turn confused: it began to lightning and thunder, but the sun was out.

"You challenging me?" he asked with a mock growl trying to get her riled.

Siria nipped his neck again. "And if I was... what are you going to do about it?" She smiled, and growled low.

Serapis hefted her up pinning her against the shower wall. "I'll show you who's the dominant one around here" he growled out.

Siria smirked. "The dominant one, huh?" she nipped at him again, struggling in his grasp. "I love a challenge..." She growled back.

"Your not the only one who likes a challenge" he growled back keeping her pinned against the wall.

Siria lifted her legs up, wrapping them around his waist, pulling him to her. "Mate..." she growled.

"Mate" he growled back and before she knew it he was taking her against the shower wall. The hot water beating down onto them as they went into happy hour.

After a long while, Siria and Serapis were done. "Serapis....." she said, breathing hard. "You work..."

"Yeah, sorry your just so addicting" he said pulling back from her then began to scrub his body up real fast.

Siria helped him, scrubbing his back.

"thanks baby" he said lovingly as he finished up.

"You're welcome, Serapis..." Siria said, smiling.

He turned the shower off and stepped out after washing all the soap off. he towel dried himself off then did a quick towel dry of his hair before walking off to his bedroom to change. He threw on a pair of boxers with a pair of his grey dress pans and a green shirt he put on the matching suite jacket then grabbed a pair of his green lensed sunglasses putting them on to hide his eyes but also because he looked good in them. he tugged on a pair of black leather dress shoes. "Alright well you make yourself at home darling." he said lovingly as he finished with his other shoe.

"Alright mate..." she said with a growling purr.

He walked to the other room with her "here is my cellphone number if you need me" he said writing it down on a peice of paper. "and their should be plenty of food for you" he smiled lovingly at her. "my den is your den my Mate." he said lovingly.

Siria kissed his cheek, and smiled.

"Now until later" he kissed her on the lips then headed out grabbing his car keys and leaving in a rush to get to his offices.

Soon, after alot of speeding and all green lights, Serapis made it to his office.

He walked in and ignored the jumpy workers of his as they grew nervous and hid from him. Serapis was known for his temper and he was sure as hell going to unleash it.

"Serapis... over here..." came the voice of his head shipping, Mani.

Serapis stalked over to Mani's office and went in closing the door behind him. "What the hell happened Mani?" he asked in that tone that was, I'll listen but I'm ready to snap.

"No one from the cargo ship nor from the escort ships saw anything, but a vast mist over the area..." Mani said calmly, sitting down at his desk.

Serapis held back his need to growl. "Random mist huh..." he said not believing this bullshit he was hearing.

"But I have a feeling I know who had a hand in this..."

"Oh?" Serapis asked walking over and sitting down in one of the big fluffy chairs in the office.

"Zale... a Greecian pirate.... he calls Crete home..."

Serapis tightened his grips on the arm rests in anger. "By the time, if ever that bastard is found everything he stole will be gone on the black market."

"There is a lot in that shipment, that Zale won't want to sell...."

"Zale is a very crafty man, he's been around many years and still no one has been able to find him." Serapis said standing walking over to the window looking out.

"...Many more years than you truly know, Serapis..."

"You know its moments like this I don't understand why your working for me Mani" he said knowing that Mani was something ancient much older them himself.

"Because it's fun... Serapis..." Mani said with a smile. Serapis knew from the years that Mani has been with the company, and he has always felt drawn to Mani, yet not in the way that Serapis was drawn to Siria.

"Seriously one of these years I'm going to finally figure out what the hell you are" he chuckled then let out a sigh. "But back to business. What are we going to do about the rome shipment? taking a hit like that we're really going to be taking a loss in many places. Not many people will trust us knowing we can't protect the shipments we're given" he said walking back over and plopping back down in the chair he had been in before.

"Serapis... there are some rumors that I've been hearing that speak of Zale.... that he may be working for the very person that commisioned us to bring the shipment over... so that you don't get the last half of your money..."

"What the hell? where did you hear that?" he asked confused.

"On the wind..." he said simply.

"On the wind? you and your damn riddles" he grumbled out.

Mani sat back in his chair. "Maybe you should ask Siria what I mean..."

Serapis went rigid and growled. "How do you know about Siria?" he asked sternly.

"She is all of you... her scent... her energies..." said Mani calmly.

"How do you even know who she is?" he asked confused.

"I know because I know... or again you can ask Siria..." Mani said smiling.

"Damn it I hate it when you do this" he growled out and sighed slumping in his chair

"We all have our moments.... the tides come in, the tides go out..."

"Alright, I'm deffinantly not up for the rest of the day of this, but now that I know whats really going on I'm going back to my place and I'll be back tomorrow to really work this thing out" he said getting up and leaving.

"tell Siria Mani say's hi..." he called. "And don't worry, I start working on locating the shipment...."

Serapis gave a thumbs up "thanks Mani I know I can trust you" he said with a smile over his shoulder as he headed out. He was curious on how Siria knew mani.

As he left, all the wrkers jumped out of the way for him.

Serapis ignored them as he made his way through the building and left. He climbed back into his car and headed out heading hom

He made it home quickly.

Serapis went inside, "Hey I'm back" he said coming in the front door.

Siria came out of the kitchen. "Hey... is everything okay?"

Serapis looked over at her and smirked seeing her standing there in one of his cotton button down shirts. then looked back ahead of him as he pulled his suite jacket off. "Nope but their really isnt anything I can do about it right now" he said hanging his coat in the hall closet then walked over to her.

"I'm sorry, Serapis... what happened?"

"well I found out that the pirate Zale took my shipment, that he may have been hired by the person who hired me so he didnt have to pay me my money for the shipment and so that the items didnt truely have to leave Rome and that Mani says hi to you" he said as he walked over slouching into the couch

"Mani...?" she started. "Wait! Zale...?! Oh by the stars..."

Serapis went to the kitchen and grabbed himself a glass of scotch taking a shot just to feel that burn down his throat. "So you do know them" he said puting the glass int he sink

"Mani is a family friend...and a guardian....and Zale..." she growled. "He is the son of Zeus.... and a hateful bastard..."

Serapis grabbed the glass out of the sink and decided to give himself another drink of scotch hearing all of that.

"I knew of rumors, when I was little... about what Zeus had Zale do to those Zeus wished to punish... especially if they were a woman..." Siria whispered.

"I see" he said thinking about it as he put his back against the counter watching her curiously.

Siria looked up at Serapis. "What is your company going to do?"

"Their isnt to much we can do right now other then investigate into the matter, Zale hasnt been caught in hundreds of thousands of years so really I've lost the merchandise and two million dollars for my company" he said as he finished off his glass and set it down next to him.

Siria came over, and hugged him. "We'll find him..."

"I really hope so Mate I really hope so" he said hugging her to his chest resting his chin on the top of her head.

She hugged back. She then looked up at him. "So you know Mani?"

"Yes he's working for me now, we've been working together off an on for years" he said as he gazed down at her.

"Godfather..." she whispered, with a smile.

"Huh?" he asked confused.

"Mani... is mine and Arcadia's god father...truly he is the godfather to all wolves..."

Serapis stood there confused. "you can't be serious" he said wondering why if Mani was so powerful he would choose to work with someone like Serapis.

"What type of shiping do you do...? Air or water...?"

"Predominantly water but I do, also air shipping as well" he said stroking her hair.

"And Mani works which side more?" she asked. He remembered that Mani mainly worked the water shipments, and there always seemed to be clear skies over the shipments.

He cocked an eyebrow thinking of it. "I always thought he smelled like the ocean." he said thinking of it.

"Mani is a Norse god... the Norse god of the Moon..." Siria said softly.

"Well now, that does explain alot." he smiled, "still though I'm not a direct descendent of the first pack so ti still doesnt make sense on why he would pick to work with someone like me but" he shrugged. "Not something I'm going to worry about."

"Mani has his reasons for everything... all the gods do... I guess..."

"So very true" he smiled. "Now my love what have you been up to this short time I was gone?" he asked curiously.

"I bought another bike..." she said simply.

"You bought another bike?" he asked with surprise.

Siria smiled. "I hope you don't mind... I used your card..."

Serapis went rigid Not even mated a day and she's shopping with my card? he had to keep himself from blowing a fuse.

Siria then just laughed, giggling.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked confused.

Siria smiled at him. " laughing because you froze up... I was joking with you.... I would never just use someone else's funds..."

"Sorry its just I've had a woman do that to me before thats why I froze" he smiled.

"I... I'm sorry hun...."

"Its alright sweety you didnt know" he kissed the top of her head then gave her a little nuzzle.

Siria nuzzled back. "I did get a new bike though..."

"I do have to say that is really awesome what kind?" he asked curiously.

Siria smiled. "Harley Davison XE, chrom finish..."

"Damn! really? those things are beasts, thats hot" he said with a grin.

"I'm glad you like it... you want to see it?"

"Hell yeah" he said in a really sexy tone.

"It's just out side..." Siria said. She went and pulled on her own pants, and lead him outside where the motorcycle sat.

"Damn" he said running his fingers over the metal "this thing is beautiful." he grinned as he looked the bike over

"It's your's..." Siria said with a smile.

"Wait what?" he looked over at her confused not believing what he had heard.

"The motorcycle... it's your's...." she said with a smile.

"Oh Siria!" he suddenly lifted her in the air and spun her around in a circle. "damn I love you so much" he said happily.

Siria laughed. "Now we can ride together..." she pointed over at another bike.

Serapis saw it then smiled lovingly at her. "Damn woman you don't know how happy this makes me" he said holding her close.

Siria smiled and kissed him.

Serapis happily kissed her back for a few moments. "Let me go change then lets go for a ride" he said as he pulled back.

Siria smirked up at him. "And I don't have do change?" she said playfully.

He looked at her and chuckled as she stood there in her jeans and one of his wear anywhere dress shirts that looked really sexy on her even though it was big. "So true my mate" he said seductively.

"Then I'll just pull on my bike chaps..." she giggled.

"Chaps?" he growled out turned on by the idea.

"I never really ride with out them..." she growled back.

"I don't mean to sound like a perve but assless?" He couldnt help but ask.

"Assless but for the jeans underneath...silly," she giggled.

Arcadia sighed into the kiss making out with him loving the taste of the experience.

Delta pulled back. "Delicious..." he said and licked his lips.

"MMm indeed" she said happily.

"Next stop...the garage..." Delta said with a smile.

"Yes indeed" she said cutely kissing his cheek. After they paid their bill they headed out walking to her garage.

After a while of walking, Arcadia felt a pain shot through her arm and then the smell of blood hit her nose.

Arcadia yelped and grabbed her arm, she saw blood gushing from a wound. "oh no" that moment when she and Delta had been attacked ran through her head. Not again not again.

"Damn!" Delta grabbed Arcadia, scooping her up, running.

Arcadia didn't see anyone around them.

Arcadia buried herself against him scared. how could she raise pups if she was a danger to herself and everyone around her.

Delta growled. The smell of more blood, Delta's blood. "Damn...hunters...."

"No Delta!" she clung to him. "Where are you hit?" she asked worriedly as he ran.

"Don't... worry..." he said, as he ran. He ran through a large gate into the mountains, and Arcadia could see that they passed between two large statues of an oriental dragon carved from sapphire.

"Delta where are we?" Arcadia asked worriedly holding him tight as he ran with her.

"I'm taking us to a safe place... one of the four temples in this mountain range..." he said, as he ran up the mountain side with her. "We're heading to the Dragon Temple... the water temple..."

"I've heard of it but I've never been here." she said looking ahead as he ran up the path.

"Those that run the temples are nt as they seem..... they help to protect the Zodiac..."

"A safe haven" she suddenly began to feel dizzy and buried her face in his chest the blood loss was becoming to much.

She passed out. Arcadia woke to someone placing a wet cloth on her forehead.

Arcadia groaned in pain. "Where... am i?" she asked still feeling light headed.

"You are in the temple of Seiryuu..." came a female voice. "Arcadia..."

Arcadia groaned. "Where is Delta?... I want my mate..." she groaned out in a dizzy pain.

"Delta is resting in the bed next to you... both of you need to rest..."

Arcadia moaned in pain as she laid her head back as the unconciousness took her again.

The next time she woke up, she felt strong arms around her and the scent of her mate.

"Mate" she let out a soft wolf whimper as she rolled burying herself in his chest.

"I'm here, love...." she heard Delta whisper.

"Are you ok? the woman... who was helping me she said you were hurt to" she said looking up at him.

"I'm fine now... I'm just glad that you are safe..." Delta said, kissing her forehead.

"What are we going to do sweety? the hunters know who we are and and..." tears filled her eyes. "How are we supposed to raise a family like this?" she asked curling tightly against him snuggling against his chest with tears in her eyes.

"We use the safety of friends.... I know many that would help... plus Aphrodite and Vulcan..."

"But I don't want to always have them in danger because of us." she sniffled rubbing the tears from her eyes.

"They won't be...the prietess of this temple will help us in will see..." Delta kissed her forehead.

"If you say so" she said softly snuggling against him once more.

"I would saw he says so... wouldn't you Delta..." came the young woman's voice again.

Arcadia turned to see who it was.

"Selnia... thank you for helping us..." Delta said

Selnia smiled. "You're fully welcome, Delta...."

"Yes thank you miss Selnia" she said moving into a sitting up right position.

Selnia smiled. "All are welcome here... especially friends of the Zodiac..."

"Thank you so much" Arcadia smiled softly back, a smile that didnt reach her eyes.

"What's wrong, Arcadia?" whispered Delta.

"I'm ok sweety" she said looking up at him.

Selnia left the room.

"Smile for me..."

Arcadia smiled again but it was that same half smile that didnt reach her eyes.

"You are sad, my mate..."

"I am just not at my best is all..." she said softly looking away from him her eyes distant.

"I love you, and I will protect you and our cubs..."

Arcadia buried herself agaisnt him. "I love you so much" she whispered against his skin. But her heart ached, they were in danger, she could never go back to her apartment with him, never go back to her garage she couldnt leave the temple grounds without being shot at. Her pups were in so much dnger.

Selnia came back in. "I have contacted a few people... it would seem that Zeus has sent some spies out to kill you for taking his 'new pet' and for freeing another... but we have a solution..."

Arcadia sat there silently. their wa sthe reason for all of this, the hunters after her and her mate. she sat there silently not putting to much hope in this solution.

"What's the solution Selnia?" Delta asked.

"We play decoys again..." Selnia said with a smile.

Delta nodded.

Arcadia sat there confused about what they were talking about

Delta hugged her. "Zeus had discovered who I was before... and the guardians of the four temples were able to through off the god... we will be alright, love..."

"Thats wonderful to know" Arcadia smiled so happy to hear that they would be alright. She had a small doubt but really she was so happy to know.

"The decoys were able to keep him from finding me for centuries...." Delta said.

Selnia nodded. "The only way he would have been able to find you is if something happened to the last decoy..."

Delta nodded. "Yes..."

"I hope it works" she said softly and worriedly but hating the fact that people would die in her place.

Selnia nodded. "It does...we can use the energy from before to create new decoys..."

"Their made out of energy?" she asked curiously.

"Yes... it is very simple..."

"Well then that deffinantly makes me feel alot better" she smiled.

Delta kissed her neck.

Arcadia squeeked and giggled at the feeling. "Delta you silly Coyote" she said adorably as she sat there with him blushing bright red.

Selnia giggled. "It is good to see Delta like this..."

"Has he not always been like this?" Arcadia asked curiously unable to see her coyote any other way.

"He has surely opened up more with you here than he has done in the centuries passed...."

"Really?" she asked turning and looking at Delta.

"I was very quiet and shy..."

"Well I'm glad I was able to help such a cute coyote come out of his shell" she said and gave him a little kiss.


She yelped falling over on her back then broke out laughing. "Hi Capa" she giggled laying there.

Selnia giggled lightly. "She helped she said..."

"of course you did Capa, you were a great big help" Arcadia said lovingly and gently hugged Capa around the neck and pet her.


Delta and Selnia giggled. "Simply amazing...I am happy for the two of you..."

Arcadia giggled as Capa licked her cheek and nuzzled the little goat. "your such a cutie" she said petting her.

"Yeah... just wait and see..." laughed Delta.

"Wha?" Arcadia asked looking at them thinking she had missed something since she was focused on Capa.

"Capa..." Delta said.

Capa's back side shifted, and then she had a fish tail

"Oh wow how pretty" she said gently running her fingers across the beautiful scales.

"Capa is the animal being of Capricorn after all..." Delta said with a smile.


"So very true and she is very beautiful if I do say so myself" she smiled.

Capa licked her cheek.

Delta laughed.

Arcadia giggled. "Awww thank you Capa" she said happily.

Capa then disappeared. Delta looked at Selnia. "Shall she start,or would you like to call the others?"

Arcadia watched them curiously.

"I can do it myself now... I will inform the others, and they will just add to the decoys..."

Delta nodded. "Thank you again Selnia..."

"Yes thank you so much Selnia" Arcadia said with a smile

"Anything for the two of you..."

"I hope their is some way I can repay you in the future" Arcadia said witha big smile.

"I am a prietess... it is my honor and duty..." Selnia said, smiling. "When I'm not at school..." she added with a laugh.

Arcadia giggled. "I deffinantly understand."

"I shall leave you too, and get started..."

"Alright sounds good see you later Selnia" Arcadia said with a big smile.

Selnia left.

Delta hugged her close. "I love you so just so you know... you may feel a little tingling sensation..."

"Tingling sensation?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, like a slight tickle..."

Arcadia suddenly squeeked and blushed feeling it.

Delta smiled, and kissed her neck. "See..."

"It tingles but it kind feels good" she said adorably and nuzzled him burying herself against him.

"The decoys are being given a bit of us... so that they will appear as real as possible..."

Arcadia suddenly playfully pounced on him pinning him to the bed. "its making me feel a little frisky" she said playfully as he saw her eyes turn wolf.

Delta laughed, growling up at her. "Careful mate.... you don't want to make too much noise..."

She giggled looking down at him. "what can't tame me?" she asked playfully knowing it would rile him up.

"Temple..." he growled into her neck.

"Awww ok I'll be a good girl" she said playfully and got off of him even though he could smell her lust in the air thick and heavy and it was intoxicating that it was bringing out that other side of him.

Delta growled, pulling her back down. "I didn't say no..."

"But its a temple" she said playfully as she ran her hand down his chest opening his shirt button by button.

"I said the sound, not the action...." Delta said, flipping her over, kissing her passionately.

Arcadia kissed him back just as passionately her nostrals flared taking in the rich sweet scent of earth and woods that just made her want to lay with him forever.

"I love you, my mate... my wolf..."

"I love you to, my mate my coyote" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Delta took her into happy hour, as the tingling increased.

"What he's 'little angel' did last night..." Thorthia giggled. "I'm sure you'll meet her soon..."

Tavia smiled but was still a bit confused on what was going on.

"You will understand in the future..... it is not my secret to say..."

"Its alright i understand" she said standing there not knowing what else to say

"Five minutes... relax... he's almost here...." she said smiling. Thorthia then straightened her skirt.

"I'm sorry I'm just so nervous' She said standing there.

"You'll do fine..." Thorthia said with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you" she smiled back happy to hear that.

"Aww... here he is..." said Thorthia with a smile, looking towards the main enterance.

Marek walked in holding his little sisters hand. "Hey Thorthia sorry we're running a bit behind" he said with a smile walking over to them.

Thorthia smiled at him. "Marek... good to see you... and it's fine... it gave me time to speak with Tavia here..... she is the new head of the legal department, and she will be working with us on your contracts and legal issues..."

"Its an honor to meet you Mister Marek I hope we work well together" Tavia said with a smile and a little bow.

Marek smiled and gave her a nod of the head. "Its nice to meet you as well Miss Tavia, I hope we work well and long together in the future." he looked down at Nyxia. "and this is my little sister Nyxia she's going to be with us today."

Tavia smiled. "hi there Nyxia nice to meet you" she said with a smile having a feeling anything else might make the little girl uncomfortable. 

Nyxia looked up at Tavia, and then just nodded. "Hi..." she whispered.

Thorthia just smiled. "So, Marek did you have a chance to look over those scripts?"

"I did, the one I really liked was the UnderDark one that one captured my attention the best."

Tavia stood there listening. "maybe we should go sit somewhere?" she asked suggesting it since they may be talking about stuff for awhile.

Thorthia nodded. "Yes... great idea, Tavia... come, we can talk in my office seeing as your's is still being fixed up.... this way..."

Nyxia held onto Marek hand, sticking to his side.

Tavia walked along with Thorthia in the front so not to frighten Nyxia.

Marek held his little sister's hand and smiled down at her for a moment giving her that bit of reassurance.

Nyxia walked close to Marek.

It didn't take them long to get to Thorthia's office. "Please sit any where you'd like..."

"Come here sweety" Marek lead Nyxia over to the couch and let her sit down.

Tavia took one of the arm chairs near the couch and set her items on the table infront of her.

Nyxia sat down, looking around.

"So you have decided on the Underdark script...?" Thorthia said after sitting down in a chair, crossing her legs.

"Yes I did, I deffinantly really enjoyed the story for that one and think it would be alot of fun to do." he said sitting next to his sister.

"I'm glad... now, we need to get down to the contract... Tavia... do you have any questions or comments? Suggestions?"

"Yes, where is the movie being filmed?" she asked curiously since that would help with her contract.

"The film is actually going to be filmed right here in Ashland... we have gotten permission to use the temples and the mountains around them as well as the caves...."

"Oh well then that deffinantly makes things alot easier, I'm guessing they'll also be filming at the studios as well?" she asked curiously, not knowing the movie but guessing because the name they would need the studios for some of the more fantasy scenes.

"Of course..." smiled thorthia. "Now is there anything that you'd like Marek?"

"Nothing to much really just that I don't want to work to late every day since I have Nyxia to take care of and then after that just the normal trailer and all that stuff."

"Alright deffinantly good to know" she said taking a few quick notes on her copy of the script.

"What.. no tutor for you special one there?" giggled Thorthia.

"Tutor?" asked Nyxia softly.

"Do you think that would be better then signing her up for school?" Marek asked curiously not surprised Thorthia knew his intrest in getting Nyxia lessons.

"The boss's daughter is doing fine in public school... yet the tutor would keep her close..."

"you deffinantly do have a good point and I would be more comfortable having her close, do you have anyone in mind on who would be a good tutor for her?" he asked curiously.

"You've met..." smiled Thorthia. "Can you not think of one person that would work well as a tutor after many years of schooling?"

"The only two I could think of would be you, but your busy with your own things or my own teacher." He said thinking of Chyrosa's real father.

"You are forgeting one person, love bird..."

Marek looked at the door then back at her. "Do you mean C?" he asked not knowing if Tavia knew about Chyrosa's secret or not.

"That is exactly who I mean..." Thorthia said. She then looked over at Tavia, smiling, as if she knew something was about to happen.

Tavia had a image flash through her head. She had seen Marek before now, before knowing him as the famos actor. She saw herself as Pheobe, and the warning he had given her even after being told that Zeus had told Marek to bring her to him.

Tavia shook off the image and didnt make any mention of it.

Marek looked at Tavia then gasped going wide eyed. "In the name of all things..." he covered his mouth realizing who she looked like.

Nyxia looked confused.

Thorthia smiled. "Yes, Marek??"

"I need some air" he bolted for the door and quickly left closing the door behind him taking deep heavy breaths trying to calm down. "Damn you thorthia and your games" he grumbled out taking deep breats as he grabbed a chair from Thorthia's waiting area outside her office and put his head between his knees.

Tavia felt embarressed about everything. "Why did you do this? you've made him have a heart attack it seems?" she asked Thorthia worriedly.

"I did nothing... it is self guilt... over his hand in what happened to your past life.

Nyxia looked at Tavia. "The one that got away..." Everyone, including Marek outside heard her.

"I'm going to go get started on the contracts" Tavia said not wanting to cause anymore trouble. She stood and left the office glancing at Marek hunched over in his chair for a moment before walking off to her office.

Marek covered his head not looking.

Thorthia placed a hand on Marek's shoulder. "I was not playing a game... Tavia there is not so excepting of who she was... I wanted to boost her confidence in this world...."

"You could have warned me before hand instead of me freaking her out." he said softly looking up at her.

"She asked me the same thing.... she fears that you are having a heart attack... and she doesn't know about you..."

"I'm sorry its just it was a shock to the system" he said rubbing his temples.

"Just think about Erebus's..." she laughed lightly.

"What do you mean? I know they were close but....." Marek's eye twitched. "Are you serious?" he chuckled a little bit " Well I shouldn't be to surprised I guess" he said with a sigh.

Thorthia shook her head. "Marek... Erebus was Pheobe's uncle... but Tavia is Erebus's soul mate...."

"Its just odd because its his neice but then his soul mate, they look exactally the same but its part of the family line that we sleep with family" he shivered thinking about the fact that he had slept his his own grandmother.

"It is much more then that.... Tavia is Pheobe's own great great grand daughter..."

"You can't be serious" Marek said staring at her.

"I am serious...very serious..."

Marek sat their thinking about that "wow thats just so weird"

"Just think about Erebus... but they both need love in their lives...."

"I'm glad my uncle was able to find love and that Pheobe is alright, I'll be ok next time I see her it was just a shock to the system to see miss Tavia I'll be ok to just do the normal stuff" he smiled.

"Good... do you think we should distrub them?" Thorthia asked.

"Disturb them?" he asked confused.

Thorthia motioned around, showing that Nyxia was not anywhere around them.

"Oh shit where is she?" he jumped up from his chair feeling like a jerk that he didnt know where she was.

"She went after Tavia... she is safe.... that is why I was asking if you wanted to distrub them..."

"No not right now Nyxia would have a reason to go to Tavia I don't want to bother them."

"That they are the same... Tavia was hurt by her father as Nyxia was... but Tavia had her mother's help in escaping..."

"I have a feeling that Tavia will live up to Pheobe's name and be able to sooth even the most darkest of hearts" he said remembering the past and hoped that Nyxia was taking it all ok.

"Tavia is truly who she was, and who she will be... the bright light of the moon..."

Marek smiled happily hearing that. "Uncle Erebus must be very happy with her." he said with a smile.

"I would say I am..." came a male voice from behind.

"Hello Uncle Erebus" Marek said with a smile looking over his shoulder at him.

Erebus walked over. "I am just happy to know that Pheobe is back in the world.... for she is my neice, your cousin.... but I am just as happy to have someone that is so loving as Tavia..."

Marek smiled. "She seems like a perfect match for you Uncle I'm very happy for you" he said happily remembering Erebus long ago in court how cold and distant he was.

"I am sorry for how I treated you... I was upset... knowing what Zeus had his son do to Nyx, and then having to hide my knowledge..."

"Forgiven and forgotten, really its alright" he said looking at his uncle.

Erebus nodded. "Thank you..."

"Hey thats what family is for" he said with a big smile.

"I hope you are that forgiving to Artemis...sweet Artemis..."

"I have no strife against the four on the night I was thrown from the heavens they were forced to do what they did." he looked away his eyes haunted by the memories, they had been good friends of his forced to mutilate him.

Erebus nodded. "Thank you..."

Tavia came into view with Nyxia in her arms, she blushed and smiled at Erebus standing there. "Hi there" she said with a smile as she walked over cradling Nyxia close.

Marek smiled at the two of them, he had a good feeling that the two had a good talk.

Erebus walked over to her, and kissed Tavia's cheek.

Nyxia looked at him. "I...I'm sorry..." she whispered.

"No worries little on... you didn't do any harm..." Erebus said softly.

"You've done nothing wrong that needs you to apologize little one" Tavia smiled lovingly as she held Nyxia in her arms.

Erebus looked at Tavia. In her head, Tavia heard Erebus voice say, She nearly killed me... Nyx wasn't at our shared apartment, and I was covered up... if I hadn't been waking up, I'd be death if not seriously injured...

Tavia was shocked to hear this but didnt get angery or anything with Nyxia, she had been so trained to hurt Nyx... Tavia gently stroked Nyxia's hair, she wondered if Marek knew what his little sister had done.

Marek just sat there watching unknown to his sister's deed.

Nyxia looked over at Marek, sadly.

Erebus put an arm around Tavia's waist.

"Whats the matter sweety?" Marek asked worriedly standing up.

Nyxia turned in Tavia's arms, wanting to go t Marek.

Tavia gently handed Nyxia over to Marek then leaned into erebus a bit more.

Marek held her close in his arms. "You ok sweety?" he asked worriedly

Nyxia nodded. "I... just wanted to be with you..." she said softly.

Erebus kissed tavia's forehead.

Marek smiled. "Aww your such a cutie" he kissed the top of her head then looked at Thorthia "anything else you need to go over?" he asked curiously.

Tavia stood there snuggled to Erebus happily.

"No... it was just more of a meet and greet, and getting started... I know you will contact us if you need anything added..."

"Sounds good to me" Marek said with a smile then looked at Tavia. "It was an honor to meet you miss Tavia."

"you as well Mr. Marek" she gave a bow of her head to him.

"See you later Uncle Erebus" Marek then turned carrying his baby sister and headed out. "Lets get going" he said witha smile to her as they walked off.

Erebus nodded. "See you around Marek.

When they were gone Tavia held Erebus's hand tight. "well I'll see you later Thorthia" she smiled.

"Alright.... see you tomorrow..." Thorthia said, smiling.

"See you tomorrow then" Tavia said with a smile before leading Erebus off to her office again. "So Thorthia told me you were couch shopping today" she said playfully as she snuggled to his side while they walked together.

"It was very productive.... you should check out your office now..."

"Oh should I?" she asked playfully holding his hand leading him to her office playfully looking at him over her shoulder as her human form.

"You should, I hope you like second hand items..." he said softly.

"Honey I know that what ever you did I'll love" she smiled up at him.

Erebus opened her door, and the office was amazing. None of it looked second hand.

"Oh Erebus! its beautiful!" she twirled around looking at it all. "I never could have dreamed of decorating like this." she said with a big smile.

"I thought you'd love it..." Erebus said, and then kissed her.

Tavia wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back so happy he had done this for her.

"I'm glad you are liking it..."

"Your so very good to me" she said lovingly gazing up at him then got a playful smirk. "Now where we're we this morning?" she asked playfully.

"All over the world..."

"I don't think thats what I meant" she giggled and suddenly pushed herself up so she was tightly against him and he could feel all her curves and giggled looking up at him reminding him of their almost little trist this morning in her office.

Erebus smiled devilishly, grabing her and throwing her down on the couch. "Like I said... we'll be having fun on your couch...."

"Mmmm now thats what I was talking about" she said seductively laying there and pulled her blouse open revealing the froth of black lace over the mounds of her breasts.

Erebus hungerly attacked her sexually, doing as he promised upon the new couch.

A few hours later Tavia laid there breathing hard and happily. "In the name of the shadows" she purred out laying there half dangled off of the couch feeling so good.

"Indeed, in the name of myself..." he purred.

Tavia giggled laying there feeling so good. "I always feel so beautiful when I'm with you especially like that" she said lovingly.

"You are a beauty a wonder of the world..." he said nuzzling her neck.

Marek and Nyxia made it out of the building.

"So what would you like to do now?" Marek asked with a smile as he carried her.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered hugging him close.

"What are you sorry about sweety?" he asked as he held her close knowing she needed the comfort, he was thinking the best choice would be to head home.

"I attacked Erebus..." she whispered.

"You attacked Erebus? When?" He asked in a worried tone.

Nyxia nodded. "I... did.... I'm sorry..."

"Its ok sweety I'm not angery" he kissed her forehead and cradled her close.


"Shhh" he whispered softly stroking her hair. "Its alright" he gave her a playful little tap on the nose. "I love you Nyxia, your my little sister and I love you, just promise you wont do it again" he said with a smile that seemed to warm her heart to know her brother didn't hate her for what she had done.

Nyxia nodded. "Yes brother.... I... love you too...." she said, snuggling into him.

Marek held her close and carried her off to the car. "Now is their anything special you want to do today or would you rather just go home?" he asked as he buckled her in.

"I... don't know......."she whispered.

"Lets just go home then" he said with a smile as he closed the door then went around the car getting in on his side and heading out.

"We don't have to..." she whispered.

"Where would you like to go then?" he asked playfully.

Nyxia looked at him. "I...don't know...." she looked down again.

Marek smiled lovingly. "I know the perfect place" he said and headed off to his special suprise for her.

Nyxia looked out the window not knowing where they were heading.

Marek hummed gently to himself as he drove tapping a beat of a song on the steering wheel.

"What you humming?" she asked softly.

"A song of mine from one of my movies would you like to hear it?" he asked with a smile.

Nyxia nodded.

Tavia made it back to her office.

Tavia let out a long breath as she closed the door behind her. "Now that was uncomfortable" she said to herself as she went over to her desk, she placed her files down and sat down in her chair leaning back closing her eyes. She still didnt feel she was meant for this job.

The door to the office opened.

Tavia opened her eyes to see who it was.

The little girl, Nyxia, came into the room.

"Oh Nyxia hello, what brings you here?" she asked wondering why she was here since her brother adn Thorthia were upstairs.

"You're an elf.... of the other realm..." she said softly.

Tavia went still, "How did you know?" she asked confused since she had all of her magic on to hide her appearance.

"You're using your magic to hide... but your nature can not behidden...."

Tavia blushed looking away unable to meet the little girls eyes scared not knowing what to say bout it all. "its what I prefer to do living int his world" she said softly.

"Yes... but you can't hide your nature from me..." she said softly.

"Did you come in here just to tell me you know what I am?" she asked softly

"I like you..."

"You do?" she asked curiously since Nyxia had hid behind Marek when they had met. Tavia couldnt help but smile "I like you to Nyxia" she said in a sweet tone looking over at Nyxia.

Nyxia smiled back a little. "I... just don't was... trained to... I..." Nyxia looked down.

Tavia went out from behind her desk and gently kneeled down hugging her. "Your opening up slowly like a moon lilly on the night of the full moon" she smiled at Nyxia. "Your still closed up but your opening to become a beautiful woman deep inside.

"But... I was never a child..." she whispered.

"You'll get that chance to be one Nyxia, you just need to open yourself up and experience life for everything that it is" tavia said with a soft smile looking down at her. "and when you do you wil. be able to truely have the childhood you deserve, forget this training you had because that training seemed to break you you need to move past it and be who you really are on the inside."

"Like you?" she asked, looking up into her eyes.

Tavia was suprised she had said that but she had to agree. "Yes like me, when I was little my father used to hurt me and try to break me into something that I didnt want to be I was cold inside and out for a very long time but I held something deep inside of me that hope that one day I would truely be able to live. When my mother sent me here to this world I held that blessing in my heart of my mother and lived I opened up. I know I still have a long way to go before I'm fully comfortable and free but I'm getting closer every day to that" she said as she pulled off her ring, her hair gained that metalic sheen and her ears became the beautiful elven ears while her eyes gained that sparkle of gold and silver to them and her skin had that soft glow as if she had silver dust across it. "I may not be able to wear my true self in public here in this realm since you could say I'm so unique, but to those I trust, like you I wear it so they can see the real me, so they can see who I am deep inside." she said looking at Nyxia with a soft smile hoping her words helped.

"I didn't have a mother to help as you did... I found my brother as I went to kill his mother..." she said. Tavia could tell that she had dark eyes, though they covered her true eyes.

Gently Tavia put her hand on Nyxia's cheek. "Where I had my mother you have your brother, you need to see that he's doing everything he can to give you the life that he knows your father didnt give you. and I have a feeling that deep down his mother wants to be your friend as well no matter what you were trained to do, your her son's little sister and she would want you to be a part of the family as well." she smiled down at her. "I bet you have the most beautiful eyes but their hidden right now under the shadows of your past" she said gently stroking her thumb of Nyxia's little cheek in a motherly way.

There were tears in Nyxia's eyes. She started to cry holding onto Tavia tightly.

"I've got you sweety" Tavia said hugging her tightly "Let it all out" she said softly and lovingly letting Nyxia cry it all out.

"Thank you... sweet light..." she murmured into Tavia's shoulder as she cried.

"Your welcome and just know that I will always be here for you" she said sweetly stroking Nyxia's hair.

"Thank you, Tavia..."

"Your welcome Nyxia, I hope you and I can be friends for a long time" she said with a smile pulling back from the hug looking down at Nyxia.

Nyxia nodded. "Thank you thank you...bright one..."

Tavia smiled and stood. "you are very welcome" gently she picked Nyxia up in her arms. "Now come little one lets go find that big brother of yours" she smiled and carried Nyxia off.

"You're his cousin... does that mean you are my cousin?"

"I don't know, I think that would, even if we're not I want to be like family to you if thats alright" she said with a big smile.

Nyxia nodded, and hugged onto Tavia's neck as she carried her.

Tavia smiled and kissed the top of her head as they walked off to wear the others were.

Nyxia laid there in her arms quiet.

He blushed kissing back then jumped a little looking at his mother for her reaction

His mother was smiling. "You two look so cute..."

Oracle was actually blushing.

He blushed deeper

"Don't you two look so cute..... blushing at the same time...." his mother said, smiling.

"Thank you ma'am..." said Oracle.


"What Tashi?"

"C..cute? I...never had a friend let alone..."He stopped blushing deeper.

"I don't understand why not.... you are such a sweet child..."

He looked down blushing. "Too busy..."

"Very busy... helping out family..." said Oracle. "I like that..."

He blushed and nodded

"You need to also think of yourself, Tashi..." said his mother, smiling.

"I...but you need me..."

"But you also need time for yourself, Tashi..."

"I...but mom...I can't abandon you..."

"You aren't abandoning me...." she said.

Oracle smiled. "And I would never wish to take you away from her...."


Oracle nodded. "I will help you... I do not want to keep you from your time with your mother..."

"I...don't know how to socialize anymore..."

"I am here for you, Tashi..." Oracle said softly.

He gently hugged her. "Thank you."

Oracle hugged back, and kissed his cheek. "Anything..."

He blushed. "Now what?"

"You two go out... I'm feeling fine..."

"You sure mother?"

"Yes... go... you deserve it..."

He hugged her than looked to Oracle. "Umm...what do you want to do?"

"Smoothie?" she asked.

"Ok..wait here." He ran upstairs and grabbed his wallet than came back. "Mom are you sure you will be ok?"

"Yes yes... now go, my Tashi... and have a good time...." his mother said with a smile.

Oracle smiled too. "She will be just fine, Tashi... I know it..."

He gave one more worried glance and left with her to get a slushy. "I buy."

"As you wish, Tashi," she said smiling. She pulled the hood up over her head.

He slowly took her hand blushing

"Relax, Tashi..." she whispered.

He blushed. "I...have never done this before..."

"I've never dated before either..." Oracle said softly.

"So...a new experience for both of us?"

"Yes... it would will do fine..."

He blushed. "A movie afterwards?"


"What movie?"

"Anything you wish...why not the one you have been wishing to see?"

"Umm...I don't watch tv...don't have time so I don't know..."

"Why not a fantasy movie or a romance....action?"

"Ok. That sounds good." He said with a smile

Oracle smiled. "Alright... Let's go..."

He took her to a movie.

Tashi enjoyed the movie greatly, and it just increased with the look on Oracle's face.

He blushed and gently kissed her

Oracle kissed back.

He blushed. "Umm...what do you want to do now?"

Oracle kissed him again. "If you want to go back back home, we's okay..."

"Want something to eat?"

"Alright," she smiled.

"What are you in the mood for?"

"I didn't do anything to him I swear! I have witnesses to prove I wasn't even near him!"

"Damn lies.... damn you....."

"I didn't! Why won't you ever believe me?!"

"I have no reason to believe a bastard child like yourself!"

"Why do you never believe me?!"

"Why should I ever believe a bastard child like you? Hell spawn!"

"I swear I didn't do anything!"

"Did someone say... Hel?" came a female voice, low and dark.

"Who?!" his father spun around to see a young woman with long silvery hair, and a black dress.

Gabriel took that opportunity to back as far away from his father as possible. He carefully examined himself for injuries and to see if anything was broken. He kept his eyes on the strange woman and his father.

"You really are the spawn of Hell!" screamed his father.

"I beg your pardon..." the woman said in a lower voice.

Gabriel looked at his father in anger. "What did I do?! I didn't do anything you monster! I come home and you use me as a punching bag and won't tell me what I did! I...I wish you would go to HELL!" He screamed at his father finally having enough. He didn't know who the woman was but right now he was upset and didn't care. ((How bad are his injuries?))

((He is going to have bruises and he has some cuts))

The young woman looked at Gabriel, and smiled. "I've come to him..." she said as she slowly started to look back at the older man.


Gabriel tried to stop the bleeding from the more serious wounds. "Me...or him?"

The young woman grabbed his father by the throat. "Him..."

"Don't...he's my father!"

"He wishes you dead... I see it in his mind..." the young woman said.

Gabriel looked down. "I...he's still my father...I deserve it...I am wrong...tainted"

She still held his father by the throat. "So you agree with him? That you are the spawn of Hel? My child?"

"You...are Hel? No...I don't...but...I am flawed...please...he is still my father...surely he has some love for me." Gabriel said looking hopeful.

His father spat at the ground.

"And that is love?"

Gabriel shook his head. "No...but...he is my father...and I thought you couldn't touch the living?"

"Misinformation..." Hel said, sadness in her eyes. Hel then threw Gabrial's father into a wall, knocking him out. "You should leave this place..."

"I...can't...I always get caught."

"Then you are coming with me..."


"To Hekate...."

He nodded and grabbed his favorite things from the room as well as his laptop. "Alright...I'm ready"

Hel placed a hand on his shoulder, and they appeared in a bedroom decorated all in a goth style with added stars and moons. "We are in the back of the cafe club..."

"I like it."

"I'm glad you like my room," came Hekate's voice.

He looked to her. "Is it really alright with you if I stay?"

"I'd love for you to, Gabrial..." Hekate said and moved over to him and kissed him.

He blushed but kissed back

Hekate hugged his waist. "Thank you Hel for bringing him here..."

Hel nodded. "It helped the use of my name over and over again..."

"Thank you Hel..."

Hel nodded. "You are very welcome, and I know that you will be happier here..."

He nodded. "Will my father be alright?"

Hel nodded. "Yes... though I still believe that you should have allowed me to take him with me..."

"He...has good in him...he treats mother and Paul well..."

"But not you..."

"Maybe...deep down he cares..."

"He called you my child... not like I wouldn't wish you to be my child... it was that he was making it a bad thing to be my child..."

" very religious or so he says...a fanatic."

"I hate religious freaks..."

"Same here...and they hated me further for my religion..."

"Everyone is misunderstood...."

He nodded. "They always believed my brother...even when he tried to kill me."

"Don't ever go back," whispered Hekate, hugging him.

"I don't intend to."

"thank you...." she whispered.

He hugged her gently. "What if they find me?"

"I will take them...with me..." said Hel.

"They are still family..."

"It was a hell joke..."

He smiled but it was empty he looked sad. "Yes...I know..."

Semreh smiled. "I could take you to her..."

"you can?"

"I am the messenger god..." he said smiling.

"But how will that get us to her?"

"I was with her seconds before I knocked on your door...."

"please take me to her then."

He took ahold of his father's hand and disappeared with him. (( We now have to wait for Sarah))


"What do we do today?"

"Anything you'd love to do...."

"I don't know...I never got to do anything..."

"Have you seen anything you'd like to try?"

"I don't don't know."

"Then how about you and I take a walk along the river and just talk..." said Atrox calmly.

"Ok...what if my father sees us...?"

"These lands are guarded by the gods of Egypt..."

"How did I end up escaping here?"

"There are always gods working against other gods...." Atrox said. "And I thank those gods for bringing you this way... to me..."

He nodded and blushed as he hugged Atrox. "Thank you for helping me."

Atrox hugged back, and then lightly kissed the top of his head.

He blushed but held on to him

Atrox pulled back, looking down at him, though still hugging him. "Smile for me....please..."

"I don't know how..."He said blushing.

"Just believe you can, and you will..."

He tried to smile but it looked awkward.

"That's cute..."

He smiled a little more relaxing a little. "Is it?"

"Yes... and that one is even cuter," Atrox said and gently kissed his forehead, smiling.

He blushed and reached up without thinking, he kissed Atrox on the lips than pulled back his eyes going wide. "S...sorry...I shouldn't have done that...sorry..."

"You can do anything you wish..." Atrox said smiling softly.

"I...should have asked..."

"You don't have to..." he replied.

"I should...I don't want to be like him..."

"What if I had want you to kiss me...?" Atrox asked.

He blushed deeper. "Do you...want me to?"

"I want you to do what you feel..."

He leaned up against him and kissed him

Atrox kissed back, holding Nilus closer.

He blushed closing his eyes and relaxing.

Atrox pulled back slowly. "You have a lovely blush... and soft lips..."

His knees buckled and he blushed. " that good?"

Atrox held him up. "Wonderful..."

"I...sorry..never done that before...willingly that is..."

"You don't need to be sorry at all," Atrox said with a smile.

He leaned against him drawing comfort from the contact. "Thank you for everything."

"Anything, Nilus..." he said softly.

Nilus closed his eyes hugging him

Atrox tilted up Nilus's head. "I love you, Nilus..." he softly.

"What is love?"

"What do you feel going on with you right now?

" being near you...drawn...want to protect and be protected by you..."

"That is love..."

He blushed and hugged him. "It is?"

"Yes..." Atrox said softly, and gently kissed him.

He kissed back, as he leaned up he accidentally rubbed up against Atrox

Atrox held him closer as he did so, deepening the kiss.

He blushed and clutched his shirt to keep from falling.

Atrox held him, not letting him fall. Nilus could tell that Atrox was strong, and he had muscle under his shirt.

He blushed as he closed his eyes and leaned against him listening for a heart beat.

He heard Atrox heart beat steadily.

"I like the sound of your heart beat...makes me relax."

"I'm glad, Nilus.. that my heart can be of help..." he said softly.

He smiled at him. "I love you."

"And I love you Nilus..." he kissed him.

He kissed back happily

"I am glad you are allowing me to kiss you..."

He blushed. "I trust you."

"And I trust you too... Nilus..."

"Thank you."

"They are gorgeous..." she said, blushing.

He blushed too. "So are yours."

Artemis nodded.

"What friend of yours? Maybe they could help."

"I don't know.... we'd have to head to the United States... that's where Aphrodite is..."

"Could she help?"

Artemis nodded. "I will take us to her then..."


Artemis lead him to an alley, and then the world around them disappeared. they reappeared in a beautiful garden.

He looked around in surprise and awe.

"Artemis... what do I..." came a female voice from behind that just stopped mid-sentence.

Sol looked toward the newcomer.

A beautiful woman stood in the door way of a small cottage. She had long beautiful hair, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. She just stared at him.


"Hello....I... Artemis... his eyes... I..."

"What about my eyes?"

Artemis looked at him. "She is the one I told you about where your eyes reminded my of... very unique eyes..."

"How are my eyes unique?" He asked in confusion. "My name is Sol..."He said to the new woman.

"The sparkle..." said Artemis.

Sol could see that this new woman did have His eyes. Exactly.

He looked at her in confusion. " I know you?"

the woman looked thoughtfully at him. "You have my eyes...only two had my eyes.... and I... had lost them...." she said softly.

"I...we came hoping you could help her find her child..." Sol said slightly panicky. Who is she? She can't be related to me...can she? He didn't meet her eye.

"I have been looking Artemis, truly.... just as I have been looking for my own children...."

"I know Aphrodite... I know..."

"What were your children's names?" Sol asked before he could stop himself.

Aphrodite looked at Sol. "Angelique and Angel... twins..." she said softly.

"You...were...our mother?" He whispered.

"Angel...? Oh in the name of love... my baby..." Aphrodite had tears in her eyes, and running down her cheeks.

"You...are my mother? But...I was told she died giving birth to us..."He shook his head. "I'm no name is Sol..."

"Angel was the name I had given my baby... and Angelique was the name I gave to my other baby... you're sister...."

" not worthy of that name..."

"Why... my beautiful child... I..." she had more tears down her cheeks. "I don't deserve you... I had lost you and your sister.... I'm soo sorry, Angel... so sorry..."

"Why did you leave us?"

"I didn't... I'd never leave my children.... you were taken from me... by your father..." she cried.

"Why? Why would he do that?"

"I don't know... I had been resting after giving birth... and then in the morning... I was alone..."

"But...he was a good father...he...died because of me."

"He was a good husband as well... I loved him... but I don't know why he left.... he was so happy when you and your sister were born..."

Sol looked away. "I...killed him..."

"Why?" she asked softly.

"He...tried to protect me...I was their was my fault...I wanted ice cream...he said 'no'...but I begged him..."

"How old were you?"

"I...was seven..."

"I'm so sorry, Angel... I... I wish I had been able to find you and Angelique... and your father before then... to be able to know why he left..." Aphrodite said, crying.

Artemis placed a hand on Sol's shoulder. "I didn't know... I just know that she and another friend were searching for their family...

He looked down. "Please...don't cry...I am a horrible son. I...ran away..."

"You are not horrible... I am... for not finding you or your sister..."

"It wasn't you least you didn't run away like a coward..."

"Love you are not a coward.... you were a child... please..." Artemis said, hugging him.

"Angel... you were a is not your fault..."

he hugged back still looking down. "I...still ran I could have looked for help..."

Aphrodite hugged both of them. "You are not to blame... children never are... please, my little one..."

"I feel responsible."

"You aren't...please you aren't, Angel..." Aphrodite said softly.

He didn't look convinced. "I...don't know where Angelique is...she was put in foster care."I won't tell her what happened to me...she already looks upset...

"Angel..." Aphrodite kissed his forehead. "We will find her..."

"I hope so..."

"I don't want to lose you again... please come in come in..."

He went in looking to Artimis.

Artemis followed him. "I'm here for you, just as you are for me..." she whispered.

"Thank you...I am sorry this is delaying the search..."

"I am glad you are going to help Artemis," said Aphrodite. "It will be good to have some fresh eyes on the situation..."

"I...feel a pull to her."

"I don't know... but my heart just skipped a beat....I've never felt this way...." she whispered.

He frowned. "Hmm..."

"What?" she asked curiously.

"What is he holding?" He asked in alarm

Nemi looked and then looked at Isaac dreamingly. "A bomb..."

Isaac looked freaked out. "What? Shouldn't we stop him?!"

Nemi closed her eyes, then nodded. She opened her eyes back up, standing at the same time. "Yes.... I can't be having him blow up my friend's club..."

"What should I do?"

"Just help keep the guy calm...."

"How? Whao! Look what he just did..."

"Hmm... a god to I see..." she whispered.

Sanzo stopped in front of Nemi. "I feel feel it too?" He still held his grenade

Isaac looked at Sanzo in shock.

Nemi held out her hand. "Give me the grenade..." she said simply.

" go boom if Sanzo gives it to you..."

Nemi smiled. "The grenade... please..."

Sanzo looked at it and it vanished. In the distance there was the sound of a blast. He handed her another one that did not have the pin pulled. "Here pretty lady."

Isaac's eyes widened a little.

Nemi giggled. "Isn't he cute, Isaac?"

Isaac looked at her as though she had lost her mind. "Maybe I should...leave."

Sanzo looked at Isaac. "I'm cute?"

Nemi shook her head. "Don't leave Isaac... and yes you are... very cute..."

Sanzo grinned. "You're very pretty."

Isaac shook his head looking between them

Nemi smiled. "Sit, both of you... would any of you like something to drink or eat? Isaac I still want to talk to you about 'Him'..."

Isaac growled but nodded.

Sanzo flopped down next to Isaac. "Him? Whose him?"

"A bad man... he made Isaac leave his family... and then killed Isaac's family..."

"I blow him up?" Sanzo asked holding another grenade.

Nemi looked at Isaac. "What do you think?" She had a smile.

"Would that work on him?"

"No, it wouldn't... sorry...hmmm..." Nemi looked at Sanzo. "What's your name?"

"Sanzo. What your name pretty lady?"

"Nemesis..." she said. "We need something bigger to kill a god, sorry Sanzo..."

"A god? Why are you killing a god?"

"I am the punisher of mortals and gods... this god's crime was the murder of a family... it is his punishment to be killed..."

"Who is this god? Can I help?"

Nemi smirked. "A powerful thunder god... of Valhalla (I know i spelt that wrong)."

He stiffened. "Oden?"

"Yes... he killed Isaac's parents, all his family...."

Sanzo looked down. "Sound like him...he would do that."

"You know him?" Isaac asked.

Sanzo looked down and nodded, " father..."

"Oden's your father?" Nemi asked to make sure.

Sanzo nodded looking like a school child that was in trouble.

Isaac looked at him with suspicion.

Nemi placed a hand on Sanzo's shoulder. "I'm sorry you heard all of this, but he has really hurt Isaac...."

"He hurt Sanzo too....for being failure. Sanzo failure so he gets punished. Sanzo try to blow him up so Sanzo is being hunted."

"You're not a failure.... no one is a failure.... and it looks like we have a comrade in arms in what we are going to do...."

Isaac still didn't look convinced.

"Sanzo get in trouble if he help..."

"Just please don't stop me, alright..."

"Sanzo won't stop you...Sanzo want his father dead too."

Isaac still looked uneasy

"Well Isaac, looks like killing him is on the go..." Nemi said with a smile.


"So can you wield a sword?"

"Who me? Or him?" Isaac said.

"Sanzo blow things up less messy."

"You, Isaac... and yes blowing up is less messy, but very loud..."

Sanzo shrugged. "I like loud."

Isaac shook his head. "I know how to do fencing..."

"Good... we just need to get a sword forged by a god..."

"Who is his ally and who is ours?" Isaac asked.

Sanzo shrugged.

"I know a few... even some that would want Oden dead too..."

"Good. I want him dead." Isaac said.

"Sanzo want him dead but feel that bad of Sanzo since Oden Sanzo father."

Nemi giggled. "You're talking it just so cute... we will get him for both of you..."

Sanzo nodded.

Nemi smiled. "I guess we will be needing to head to Vulcan's then..."

"He's on our side?" Isaac asked.

"Yes... he has always been..."

Sanzo nodded. "Oden want to blow him up."


"He refuse to help oden."

"I...don't know sweetheart but I probably won't see him again."

"Why?" Delthion asked looking up at her.

"I told him we were leaving..."

"But.... but.... but...."

"What dear?"

"He was nice..."

She sighed. "I know...but he could be deceiving."

"He had a tear though his eye..."

She looked down not sure what to say. "It's too late now...I...don't know if I will ever be with someone Delthion..."

Delthion nodded. "I know mother.... I love you..."

"I love you to angel."

Delthion hugged onto her closely.

She smiled holding her son close

"Can we go to the park again tomorrow...?"


"Yay! I had alots of fun...!"

She smiled happy to hear that. "Ok mister bath time."

"No!!" he giggled.

She picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. "Yes bath. Want bubbles?"

"The whole bottle, mommy!" he giggled.

She smiled. "But than you wouldn't have some for tomorrow."

"Okay... I want enough to have a lot mommy..." he said smiling.

She smiled and put a decent amount in and ran the water soon there was a small mountain of bubbles. "Is that good?" She said as she helped him out of his clothes and placed him in the tub.

Delthion blow the bubble. "Yep!" He started playing in the bubbles.

She smiled and got some of his bath toys for him to play with.

Delthion smiled. "Thank you mommy!"

She smiled and helped clean him and wash his hair She got a towel and held it open for him

"Awww... do I have to get out now..." He started to use his puppy dog face.

"Sooner you go to bed the sooner we may go to the park."

Delthion jumped out of the tub, and into the towel, and his mommy's arms.

She giggled as she helped dry him off and get him into his pajamas. She took him to the bed their shared and tucked him in. "What story tonight angel?"

"The Lion and the Mouse."

She smiled and pulled out the book and began to read it to him while stroking his hair. They had already brushed their teeth

"I want a lion as I pet mommy..."

She smiled. "They would be expensive and maybe dangerous...How about we go to the zoo tomorrow after playing a little at the park?"

"Okay, mommy... I like that idea..."

She stroked his hair and bid him goodnight

"Night night mommy...."


Delthion snuggled into the covers that were on him.

She gently hugged him close as she closed her eyes to sleep

She dreamed of the man from the park, imagining being in his arms.

She blushed.

He kissed her, she felt a warmth come over her.

She murmured happily under her breath

"I love you..." he said in her dream.

She smiled.

"I will protect you... with my life...." he said in her dreams.

She murmured a reply sleepily.

Sunlight woke her up for her dream.

She opened her eyes and checked on Delthion.

Delthion was smiling up at her. "You were kissing your pillow, mommy..."

She blushed deepy. "I...I was?"

Delthion nodded. "Yep! Abmisleo..." He started making kissy faces.

Her eyes widened and she blushed. "Stop that imagined it. Lets eat breakfast." She said quickly getting up

"No I didn't... before you were kissing the pillow you were squashing me, kissing my head... saying his name..."

She turned beat red than looked at him in concern. "Did I hurt you angel?" Tears sprang to her eyes as she studied him.

"Yes senpai."

Zaku smiled. "Drake-kun... I am glad that you name is Zaku...It is nice to meet you...."

"Pleasure is mine senpai." He said blushing a little.

"Why are you saying senpai?" he asked softly.

He blushed. "What should I call you S..."


"'re my senpai..."

"I am many things, as you are as well... please call me Zaku..." he said, smiling charmingly at him.

he blushed deeply."Z...Zaku?"

A pink tint came to Zaku's cheeks as he smiled. "That wasn't too bad was it...? Drake-kun...?" Drake felt his heart jump again within his chest.

He blushed. "I...need to go!" He said rushing from the room. He dropped one of his books but didn't seem to realize it.

Drake felt his wrist get caught. "Drake-kun... please don't run off...." came Zaku's voice.

He blushed and looked up at him. "I...need to...class..."

"You... dropped your book when you were rushing out...." Zaku said, still holding Drake's hand, showing that the book was in his other hand.

He blushed and reached out his hand. "Oh...thank you..."

Zaku handed him the book. "Til next class, Drake-kun..."

Drake nodded and blushed. He quickly took it and ran to his next class his heart pounding.

Throughout all of his next class, Drake could not get Zaku out of his head.

He tried his best to take notes and pay attention to class

At one point, Drake wrote down Zaku in a heart with out thinking.

he blushed and erased it taking notes forcing himself to focus. Why do I feel this way? He's my sensie...

"Drake... would you please join the class..." came the teacher's voice.

Drake blushed and looked up. "Sorry Sensie...can you repeat the question?"

"Describe for the class the process by which someone would take to investigate a lost civilization."

"A cross examination of the artifacts and the phases of a dig. If there are written records they can be useful evidence as well but need verification with the collective data of the dig site." He began and finished a detailed explanation of how to do it.

((I thought you would enjoy that part ^_^ )) ((yup))

The teacher nodded, and then continued with the rest of the class. Drake heard whispers of 'know-it-all' and 'egg-head'.

He sighed focusing on the class

Soon the class was over, and Drake had a free period.

He gathered his things and walked into the hall. Why do I think of sensie?

Up ahead, he saw Zaku talking to young girl. She had long black hair and fire red eyes. There was a familiarity between them.

He stopped and looked down blushing. Is that his girlfriend? He looked around to see if there was a way around them.

He heard as he looked for a way around. "I'll see you later, brother..." The girl ran by.

"Drake-kun... how was class?"

He stiffened and looked at him. "I...I...was called upon...but ok...I guess...Why...umm...doyouhaveagirlfriend?" He said in a rush and than blushed and took off. Why did I say that?! He's my sensie! We can't be a couple!

"MY sister!" Zaku called after him.

I know she was his sister but surely he has a girlfriend....He thought as he continued to run. Why is this bothering me so much?

Drake's arm was caught. "And I have no girlfriend... I don't wish for one..."

He blushed and looked up at him. "Oh...umm...I...I need to go...I...we can't...Student...not allowed." He muttered.

Zaku smiled lightly. "I am not an official teacher here... I'm helping out...."

"I...need to're older..."

"Not really, I really look old...?"

" old are you?"


Drake blushed. " sixteen..."

"And very smart..." Zaku said with a smile.

He blushed. "Thank you...but...shouldn't you have a girlfriend or something?"

"Why? I said before... I don't want one..."

"Why...are you interested in me?"

"Because I feel drawn to you... Drake-kun..."

He blushed. "I...need to go..."


He nodded and hurried off to class. What is up with him? He is still a teacher...still my sennsie...after class I can see if I can be moved...that's what I will do... He thought as he sat down.

In the middle of his next class, a note runner came in, spoke with the teacher, and then the runner dropped the note off on Drake's desk, and left.

Drake frowned and opened it to read it.

"Drake-kun... I am sorry to have become a distraction to your education... I have spoken with the principal, and informed him that I will not be able to substitute any more classes. I wish you well with your studies, and if you ever wish to speak with me, you may find me at the Pheonix Temple to the south of the city..."

"Pheonix temple?"He whispered<i>I...what have I done? He's leaving?
"Sensie? May I please be excused?"

"You may..." the teacher said.

He packed his things quickly and rushed to find him. I have to stop him from quiting!

He found Zaku just as he was leaving the school.

"Don't leave sensie...if your leaving because of me...I'm sorry..."

Zaku turned and smiled at him. "Drake-kun... I want what is best for you... the best is for me not to be here... I am drawn to you... I am just a substitute teacher at this school... I am doing this work to help out the local temples and shrines... I want you happy..."

"I will leave the school. I..." He shook his head and ran heading home. That had been his last class for the day and he was too confused to finish it. He knew it wouldn't hurt his grades.

"No I'm not. This would be crazy though." He said as he pulled out a grenade. "Let me go in or you go boom boom."

The big man nodded, wide eyed.

"Let me through?"

"I'm calling the cops..." the large man started to pull out his cell.

Sanzo shook his head. "Not good idea...I blow you up if you do."

"You're a loon..."

"Is that a bird? Sanzo not a bird. Sanzo just want to see what pull to...Sanzo gets stopped by fat head so Sanzo want to blow fat head up if he get in way."

"Don't threaten me... I have my orders... no one, I mean no one is to be in side that isn't working."

Sanzo vanished and appeared inside than reappeared in front of him he kept doing it back and forth. "Look I'm in now I'm out. In out in out." He stopped inside and headed toward the pull.

"Damn gods... Nemi... this is up your alley..."

Sanzo went over to Nemi.

Falcon ran through the streets of a small remote village in India heading for the hut Vann and he were staying in. He felt uneasy here and wanted to leave. He quickly hurried in looking for Vann.

Vann was sitting at a table. "Falcon?" he questioned as Falcon ran in.

"One of the villagers was chasing me...I don't know it...happening again?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"I haven't heard of anything happening..." Vann said hugging Falcon to him.

"Why did he chase me?"

"JUst a misunderstanding I'm sure...shhh... everything will be alright...." Vann whispered, smoothing Falcon's hair.

He slowly relaxed and climbed into his lap. "I'm scared...I don't like it here."

Vann stroked his hair, and rubbed his back. "Then I will take you from here..." he said softly.

He nodded holding onto him. "I don't like it here...I see blood here..."

"Then I will...go pack up..." he said softly.

He nodded and packed his few belongings.

Vann gathered a few items in a pack, and waited by the door.


Vann scooped up Falcon, and headed out towards the woods around their little home. They traveled a ways into the woods, until Vann just stopped, looking around.

"What's wrong? Did they find us?" He asked clutching him in fear.

"Nothing... nothing's wrong, I was just checking the area..."

He relaxed a little nestling into him. "Why am I hunted?"

"I don't know..." he lied.

"Will it ever stop?"

"We must hope..." he said, and kissed Falcon's forehead.

Falcon smiled a little feeling safe. "I love you Vann." He said. He loved Vann like and older brother.

"I love you too Falcon..." he said softly, and began to walk again.

He nestled in his arms and fell asleep.

The next time Falcon woke up, he was laying in a soft bed in a room that had many things he had never seen before. ((They had been in an area that did not have modern things...a nonmortal place...))

He sat up and examined them curiously.

Vann came into the room with a bowl of fruit. "You're awake," he said smiling.

He nodded playing with some of the things as he tried to figure them out. "What is this?"

"That is called a television..." Vann said, and turned it on.

Falcon jumped and stared at it in fascination

"Now don't sit too close... it can hurt your eyes if you do..."

" does it work?"

"This is called the remote, and this is the buttons for moving the channel up or down, and this is for the sound, for up and down..."

He watched with fascination. "And what's this?" He said pointing to a different object in the room.

"That is the electric lamp..."

"And this?" He asked pointing to everything he could that intrigued him,

Vann explained all that he could.

"Why didn't we see these before? How do you know about them?"

"I know about these objects because I have come here before... and we didn't see these before, because we had lived in the areas kept hiden from mortal eyes..."

" we are among mortals now?"

"Yes... there are many that live here....mortal and not..."

"Oh...are we going to meet any nice ones?"

"We should, Falcon... ones that will help us....."

"With what is hunting me?"

Vann nodded. "Yes Falcon..."

"I hope they can help."

"Now, why don't you get some rest..."

"I just woke up...I'm hungry."

Vann laughed, "Sorry... fruit?"

He nodded eating some. "Can you teach me about stuff from this place?"

"Yes I can..." Vann began to teach him, telling him about things from this world.

Falcon smiled happily. "These things are weird."

"It takes some getting use to..."

Falcon smiled at Vann. "Now what?"

"Would you like to go to the local park?"

"Yes please." He said looking excited.

Vann got up and scooped Falcon up. "Here we go..." Vann took Falcon out of the room, and into the city.

Falcon climbed up onto his shoulders and looked around in awe. He began to point to things asking what they were.

Van started to tell Falcon all about everything he pointed at.

He smiled happily. "Wow...there is so much..."

"Yes, yes there is.... and look at all the different people..."

He looked around intently studying the people.

Alaina walked through her family's manor, she had just gotten back from school and she began to get ready for her concert.

"How was school, sweet heart?" her mother asked.

"Busy but good and how was your day?"

"Busy as well... I have been planning a dinner party for your father and some of his clients..."

"Oh? How big will it be?"

"There is to be around fifty people beside ourselves in attendance, your father's clients and their wives..."

"I'm I required to attend?"

"You must make an appearance.. but that is it, my child..." she smiled at Alaina.

"Ok. When?" She asked

"It is tonight, please

"Ok I will attend mom." She said hugging her.

Her mother hugged back. "I love you, dear..."

"Love you too."

"Why don't you go get cleaned up and ready..."

She nodded and hurried to get ready.

Down stairs in the main rooms of her home, Alaina could hear the sounds of the party preparations being done.

She Selected a a navy blue dress with a white sash and put it on than carefully pinned up her hair allowing a few locks to caress her neck. She examined herself in the mirror and than slipped into shoes that matched her outfit than headed downstairs. She usually liked to attend but currently she had homework and a charity concert to plan.

She heard music downstairs.

She went down stairs listening to the music.

She found the down stairs all decorated, and her mother sitting at the piano, playing a beautiful melody.

She smiled and join in adding voice to the lyrics she went with lyrics that complimented the music perfectly and came from her heart.

"Wonderful..." came her father's voice, as he came into the room, with a smile.

She blushed and hugged her father. "I thought of it on the spot."

"I should call for a producer to come and speak with you..."

She blushed. "Daddy..."

"You have the voice of angels my dear..." said her mother.

She blushed. "You two are making me blush."

"Such a beautiful blush, won't you say Paul?"

"Yes, Nance..."

She giggled happily.

"A wonder could succeed at anything..."

"Thank you...shall we welcome our guests?"

"Of course," said her father with a smile. He went over to the main door.

She smiled helping in making the guests comfortable.

There were many older couples at the party, business men and their wives.

She was polite to all of them.

There were a few young men from the company that hit on her.

She was polite but tried to avoid their advances.

"Dinner everyone..." called out her mother.

She came to the table to set where her assigned seat was

A young man from the company sat down beside her. "Everything fine with you?"

"Yes. Why?" She asked politely

"You just seemed quiet..."

"I'm thinking about my assignments...sorry. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Very much so..." he said, smiling charmingly at her.

"That's good." She said.

He smiled more.

"Is there something wrong?" She said a little uncomfortably.

"No... there is nothing wrong... I am just transfixed by your beauty..."

She cocked a brow. "Umm...thank you...but I am sixteen."

"I'm willing to wait...." he said smiling.

"Umm...sorry not to be rude're not my type..."She said hoping he would take the hint. He's creepy... ((who is this guy? Is he important?))

((Not important))

He shruged and started to talk with some of the others in the room.

She sighed in relief and asked politely to be excused. She began to head upstairs to work on homework.

She got up to her room.

She went in and shut the door than began to study.

The party sounds continued below for a few hours.

She sighed trying to focus on homework.

The party ended, and the manor was soon quiet.

She finished her homework and got dressed checking to ensure she had time to get to the concert.

Jarmanger walked with purpose toward the place he sensed Oden was.

He came to a large office building.

He began to walk toward the building not caring about his appearance

There were many people outside the building that were giving him dirty looks.

He smirked and glared back. Stupid mortals. If only you knew.

He saw a young woman up ahead a ways from him, and then he saw a few guys start to hound her. He felt drawn to her.

He went over there. "Leave her alone it is obvious she isn't interested in you." He said angry for the interruption but interested in the woman.

"What you like this bitch!? That's a woot...!"

One of the guy pulled the young woman, her stumbling into the building wall.

Jarmanger smiled cruely and lashed out with his magic soon several cobras slithered toward the womans attackers. "They will strike if you don't let her go." He said his eyes taking on the reptilion slit.

"What the hell are you?!" one of the men shouted, jumping a way. The men rushed off. "Freaks!"

The young woman was leaning against the wall.

Jarmanger dismissed the snakes and hurried over to her. "Are you alright?" His eyes were no longer slitted and they shone with worry

The young woman looked over at him. He saw that her eyes were pale. She was blind. "Thank you for helping me..."

He looked her over for injuries. "It was my pleasure are you alright?"

"Yes... I am fine... thank you..." she said and then smiled. It made his heart jump.

"Where were you heading?I could escort you."

"I was heading home..." she said. Jarmanger felt a power from her, an element, the wind. She looked at him, yet didn't look at him ((blind, you know ll)).

"Where is your home? I can take you there." He said trying to figure out the feeling.

"The Khan Temple..." she said, smiling softly at him. His heart jumped. Jarmanger had heard of the Khan Temple before, one of four temples that guarded an element and a set of the Zodiac.

"So you are not a normal mortal." He whispered gently leading her.

"That is correct...Jarmanger..." she whispered back. It made his heart jump at hearing her say his name, eventhough he had not said his name.

"and may I know your name since you know mine?"

"Tamesis...good serpent..."

He kissed her hand gently, "A pleasure."

"It is good that you are free once more... I am sure that there are many that would be happy of your return..." she said softly, a slight pink on her cheeks.

"Are you one of them?"

Tamesis nodded. "Oracle... from the Earth Shrine.... foresaw you coming... and our... meeting..."

"I see.Is there anything else she told you?"

"That I should pray and thank Aphrodite..." Tamesis said.

"Why is that?"

"For the love that would be brought into my life..."

"I see..." He said as they came closer to the temple. "Congratulations."

She stopped them. "Relax..." she said softly. She leaned up and kissed his lips lightly.

"Was it...about us?" He asked after returning the kiss.

"Oracle sees was..."

"Will I be successful in my goal or did she not say?"

"Which? To kill Oden or to kill your father?" Tamesis asked, head facing down as they walked.


"She said that there are many that wish the death of Oden... as for your father... he and Fenris's wife have freed Fenris's wolf soul from it's prison..."

"I don't was his fault. dead."

"Fenris lives... he has been reborn... he can not truly die if his Wolf still lives... would you kill one of the Zodiac's guardians...?"

"I will kill them both...Oden for what he did and ...F...Loki for being responsible for our imprisonment and the death of my siblings. He is no father to me any longer."

Tamesis looked like she was going to say something. then she just said, "I can not let you kill Loki...the Zodiac of Capricorn will be in danger again... and you would prevent him from trying to make it up to his grandchildren?" ((Remember he doesn't know about Fenris's daughter... Jarmanger only know that one of the twins had a daughter....))

"Grandchild...I will punish him than...kill him after his usefulness has been done. I will not accept his apology I hate him...Is there a way of getting a new guardian to replace him?"

"No, I spoke current...grandchildren... and Loki has protected the Zodiac of Capricorn much better than Zeus..."

"What if I took over after killing both of those assholes?"

"You'd have to take that up with the Capricorn himself and his mate..."

"Who are they and where can I find them?"

Tamesis looked at him with her pale eyes. "You want them dead so much you are willing to over look other things in life...? Jarmanger, I am drawn to you and you do not see me... I may be blind, but I am not stupid...." There were hints of tears. Tamesis started to walk off, slowly.

He gently grabbed her. " drawn to you too...I...please don't. I am not worthy of you."

Tamesis looked at him again, stopping. "You are worthy....I just do not wish to be in the way of your revenge..."

"I'm not...I want to protect you..."

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