Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 6 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Last author: Gypsy Mystik
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 6

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"That she is...look ahead... the pyramids..."

"Ooohh, they're pretty!"

"Thought you'd love them..." Genbu smiled.

"It's so weird that they are just huge tombs...I mean, why would you need them that large? I would rather...actually I don't know what I'd rather have done."

"They are live able homes, love...the only area that mortals find are the areas that are made for mortals to find if they discover a way in..."


Genbu kissed her. "Would you like to see?"

"Yeah! Does that mean you know the way in?"

Genbu nodded. "Yes I know the way in...this way..." He lead her over to a side that had one stone that had images of a large cat. "Place your hand right there..."

Crystal and Robby smiled. "Pretty!"

"Hello there... are you looking for a ride?" came the voice of the attendant.

Vander told Robbie to tell the man that he'd like himself and his sister to ride until they had to go. Their mom sent them with money. He also gives Robbie money behind his back.

Robbie told the man, then the man asked, "Where is your mother...?"



"Tell him that you just couldn't wait and that your mom will be in there a while."

"Oh please, we really wish to ride the ponies...please...." Both of them made puppy dog faces.

"Alright.... come on..." the man helped them up on the ponies and started walking them.

Vander watched them both closely and when he noticed the man looking agitated, he told them to tell him they had to go.

"Well, it's not so much that, but I still have amnesia from this life while I'm beginning to remember my past life. I'm starting to think that I just got sent forward into the future when everything happened and people just thought I'd died," Cornelia told him.

"Everything will turn out fine..."

"Yes, I believe so."

Aries nodded, then smiled a little. "I think we are going to be having company soon..."

"What sort of company?"

Semreh appeared in the room with a young man there. He looked familiar to Cornelia in more then one way, and she was drawn to him. "Mother..." Semreh said softly.

William remained silent not believing his eyes.

" it really you?" Cornelia asked.

He hugged her close. "C...Cornelia...I am so sorry."

Semreh stood there smiling.

Cornelia burst into tears. "I only remember our past life. Do you remember that?"

He looked down sadly. "No...I don't..."

"Father... this had been our home... centuries ago... I have kept it in our family.... "

"I know that I love we'll just have to work through this, together," Cornelia pulled Semreh into the hug.

He nodded. "I will try..."

Semreh pulled them all into a hug. "I'm just glad that I have my parents back..."

Cornelia just breathed deeply the scent of her family. She was nearly happy again.

"I will leave you all...but I will be back to speak with you... Aries..." said Ares.

Cornelia was unsure what to make of everything, but was glad that her family was back together and hoped that their memories would also be back properly soon.

Ares disappeared, and Semreh smiled happy to be a family again.

"You know, I'm getting kind of hungry. Let's go back and I'll make us a meal, just like old times!"

Semreh smiled, excited.

"Are you sure? I could help."

"Yeah, I'd like to just go back and be a family again," said Cornelia.

She saw that she had always had him doing the prep on items as she did the actual cooking.

"Oh, wait, yeah, I want it just like we used to you have to chop the vegetables!"

Semreh smiled and laughed.

Del went over to the wolf and wrapped her arms around his neck and then sat down with him curled around her.

Fenris's tail wrapped around her.

"Good morning," came Loki's voice.

Del smiled, petting Fenris.

"" said Fauna, smiling at her sister as she handed Del a bowl of fruit. "Breakfast..."

"Thanks! I'm sooo hungry!" Del dug into the bowl and ate.

Fauna and Flora giggled. Fenris licked her cheek. You are just as I remember you...

Del smiled at him. "I'm glad. I must admit that I don't quite remember you completely, yet."

It is alright, love... I am just glad that we are together again....

After the hug, Aria took Aquila's hand, "This is my boyfriend, Aquila."

Aquila blushed. "Hello..."

Eos smiled. "It is nice to meet you, my name is Eos... Aria, this is happy news... it would seem love is in the air for many..."

"What do you mean?"

"Erebus is in love...Abmisleo ((Zodiac of Leo)) is in love...little Chyrosa is in love...." Eos said smiling. "And I think Helios is off somewhere..."

"Really?! What's going on around here!? Did Aphrodite or Cupid decide to spread something around here?"

"Don't know... you'd have to ask them or Oracle...she's in love too..."

"Really? Well, there's lots of us who haven't been in love before, then."

"Yeah I know...." Eos said smiling.

Aquila blushed.

"It's weird, but really great for everyone!"

Eos giggled. "Yeah... I am half thinking that I should have been the virgin goddess...."

"There are many ideas within books and stories that are based on reality...many books of the past as well as a few of the present were writen by gods and goddess..." her father said.

"Really? That's...I don't quite know how to respond!"

Helios smiled. "Don't worry, gets crazy...."

Kenda sighed, knowing he was probably right. "So if gods and goddesses exist...then what does that mean. Wait, from everything I've read, when a person finds out about magic and gods and stuff, that person tends to be thrown into a crazy set of events that the fate of the world depends on...please tell me right now if something like that is happening!"

"The events that are happening to the world has been slowly happening for centuries... did you see the bombing of the White House a few days ago on the news...?" She remembers seeing it, and that President Bush was the only one there at the time.

"Yes, I think so."

"That was the goddess Nemesis at work through someone else... he was the target and no one else was hurt... I though would rather her find another way.." Helio said.

"Oh, okay, I'm still a little unsure, but I think I can handle it!" the clouds started to disappear.

Helios smiled. "Forgive me...." He leaned down and kissed her.

Neafa stiffed. "I... luv you Papa....."

"I love you to Neafa" he said sweetly stroking her hair.


"Yes Neafa?" he asked softly.

"You smell funny..."

"I smell funny?" he asked curiously.

Neafa nodded.

Siria waved at Serapis, and mouthed 'S-E-X'.

Serapis went rigid realizing it. "Oh uh sweety papa smells funny because I was wrestling with Siria" he said knowing that Neafa would smell the truth in that.

"You and mama wrestled...."

Serapis smiled lovingly that Neafa called Siria Mama. "Yes Mama and I wrestled."

"...You and mama wrestled... and you wrestle with her...."

So she was talking about her mother after all. "Yes Mama and I wrestled, and now daddy wrestles with her because I care so much about her just like I cared about momma."

"Oh..." she said, looking down.

Serapis blushed not knowing what else to say about 'wrestling' with Siria.

Neafa just looked at him. "What about mama....?"

"Neafa Mama passed away a long time ago sweety" he said softly not liking having this conversation just after he had gotten his little girl back


"I still love Mama with all my heart baby girl"


"Sweetheart, Mama will always be here in our hearts watching over us, but I hope you can come to love Siria and be friends with her." he said sweetly.

"She is my friend.... she's nice....but mama..."

Siria stood in the door way, and just watched. "Serapis... it's okay...."

Serapis nodded he didnt know how to explain this to his daughter that her mother was gone long since passed away. 

"I have to get her..." Neafa whispered snuggling into him.

"Sweety.." he said softly his heart breaking that she said that.

Neafa moved to get up. "I have to get her..."

Serapis held her tight. "Neafa you need to understand that your mother is gone you can't get her, she is gone from this world no longer among the living" he said trying to explain to her that her mother was dead.

"I have to go back..." Neafa said, still trying to leave.

Siria raised a hand to Serapis before he could say anything else. "You have to go back where Neafa...?" she asked calmly.

She looked up at Siria. "My tree.... mama's there..."

Siria walked over to Neafa and Serapis, placing a hand on both of them. They reappeared in the woods they had been in before, and Neafa ran off to her tree climbing inside.

Serapis walked over to the tree confused by what was going on.

Siria came up beside him, hugging him around the waist.

Soon Neafa came back out holding something in her hand, holding it close. "Mama...."

Serapis stood there looking down confused.

Neafa started to rub a locket against her cheek. "Mama..." she muttered.

"Oh sweetheart" Serapis lovingly scooped her up in his arms.

"Mama....Papa..." she said hugging Serapis.

Tears glistened in his eyes seeing the locket he and his wife had given her, he had given a locket to each of his children.

Siria took them back to Serapis's apartment.

Serapis walked over and sat on teh couch as he held his daughter close.

Siria sat down beside him, and started rubbing his back.

Serapis gave her a soft little smile then looked back down at his daughter.

Neafa had fallen asleep in his arms.

"Sleep well darling" he whispered lovingly and stood up walking off with her to her bedroom. When Dawn finally came he was going to run to the hardware store and furniture store and design her a new bed, one that would remind her of curling up in the tree.

"She's so happy to be back with you...." Siria said softly.

"And I'm so happy to her back I just hope she can be happy here with us in this new life." he said softly.

"She will be, love... she's been by herself for so long... and... Serapis... I just recalled why were-squirrels are rare...." she said softly, hugging him.

"Oh? why is that?" he asked curiously.

"Because unlike other were-creatures who can keep their population up by birth....were-squirrels can only keep their population steady by transfering the genes to another soul.... the were-squirrel is either close to death or driven mad by immortality because they are alone....after the transfer of genes the previous were-squirrel deads, and the new soul is now a were-squirrel..... but were-squirrels are constant on two things involving the new soul either was just a passer-by or... close to death...." She whispered.

Serapis went wide eyed hearing that. "Oh my poor baby" tears filled his eyes.

Siria hugged him, tears in her own eyes. "Serapis... love... she was alone... but she's here... now... with you...with us..."

"I know and I just hope that maybe we'll truely be able to bring her out of the darkness." he said softly as tears ran silently down his cheeks.

Siria kissed his cheeks, and wiped away the tears, forgetting about her own. "Love... we will... we will..."

Serapis nodded. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life" he said softly.

"I feel the same for you love...." she whispered and kissed him gently.

Serapis lovingly kissed her back, then pulled back smiling softly and lovingly.

"I will be here beside you..."

"My love, my mate" he said lovingly stroking her hair.

"I love you, mate..." she said nuzzling his neck.

"I love you to, mate" he nuzzled her back gently.

"She needs time....just as you get to know each other again..." she said softly.

"Yes so true" He let out a sigh. "But we'll do it we'll work it all out." he smiled softly.

"She needs you..."

Serapis gave her a soft smile, "Just like I need her and I need you" he said sweetly.

Siria smiled softly. "Oh Serapis..."

Serapis smiled and gave her a little kiss.

She kissed back. "Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes I'll be alright sweetheart" he smiled lovingly kissing her again.

Siria kissed back, then just behind his ear.

Serapis chuckled softly loving the feeling.

"We will be happy..." she whispered.

Serapis laid his forhead against her's. "We will I know you and I will be able to make a truely happy life together with Neafa." he said lovingly.

Siria nuzzled him. "I know...."

Serapis chuckled then playfully swept her up in his arms and carried her off to their bedroom.

"Oh my..." she giggled.

"My Mate" he growled out playfully.

She giggled. "Mine....." she growled playfully.

Serapis playfully took her to their bedroom and took her into another round of happy hour. The next morning Serapis was in the diningroom with a cup of coffee sketching out a design for Neafa's new bed.

Siria came into the room wearing Serapis's shirt. "Morning..."

"Morning yourself beautiful" he smiled lovingly over at her. "I love the look by the way" he winked.

"Thanks.... is she up yet?"

"No not yet I was just working on some sketches for a bed I'm going to make for her" he showed her the sketches how it looked like a bunk bed but closed in and almost designed like a tree.

"It looks are a great artist you know that...." she said, coming over and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"Thanks baby, I've done a couple life times here and there practicing art" he smiled up at her. "I just wanted to design something that would be comfortable for Neafa" he said leaning back and giving her cheek a little kiss.

Siria smiled. "She'll love it..."

"I'm glad you think so" he kissed her softly before pulling her down into his lap.

Siria giggled as she settled into his lap. "You are so silly..."

"Its just the way I am" he giggled lovingly.

She nuzzled his neck.

Serapis chuckled. "hey I was wondering? should you be in contact with your cousian? You've been away from her for a few days." he said looking at her curiously.

"shit... I had promised her too that I wouldn't just disappear like I had before.... can I burrow you phone...?"

"Yeah its right in the kitchen." he smiled playfully

Siria went over to the kitchen and dialed Arcadia's number.

Serapis turned his sketch book to a clean page and began to doodle.

He heared noises down the hall.

Serapis stood and headed off down the hall to where he heard the noises coming from.

The noises were coming from the room Neafa was in.

"Neafa? Its Papa I'm coming in" he said and opened the door coming into her room.

He didn't see her.

"Honey where are you?" he asked worriedly and began looking for her everywhere he could think of.

"Papa..." came her voice from the closet.

Serapis opened the door to the closet. "Hey there sweetheart" he said softly kneeling there in the doorway watching her.

Neafa crawled out, hugging him. "I...want mama...." she whispered.

"Oh sweetheart" he said softly that was the one thing he couldnt give her in this world and it broke his heart.

"Why....why..." she whispered.

He hugged her tight and stroked her hair comforting her.

Neafa snuggled against him.

Serapis stroked her hair and hummed to her softly.

"I'm sorry...." she whispered.

"What are you sorry about sweetheart?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help mama..."

"Oh sweetheart, Mama would be happy that you were alive that one of her children are still out in this world." he said lovingly.

She nodded, slowly.

"I love you so much sweetheart" he hugged her tight.

"She my new mommy?"

Serapis blushed. "If she'll have me yes, She would be your new Mommy, she cares alot about you and daddy and wants nothing more than for all of us to be happy."

"I.... want daddy.... happy..." she whispered.

"thank you sweetheart that means alot to me" he said lovinglly and stroked her hair.

Neafa silently held onto him.

"Come lets go get you some breakfast" he said standing up and carrying her off out of her room to the kitchen.

Neafa nodded, holding onto him. When they got to the kitchen, Siria was making breakfast.

"Hey there babe" Serapis said lovingly as he walked over and kissed her cheek then walked over and sat at the table with his daughter in his lap.

"Hey... didn everyone sleep well?" Siria said with a smile.

Neafa nodded.

"That's good... breakfast is almost done...."

"It smells fantastic" Serapis smiled.

Siria nodded.

Neafa snuggled into Serapis.

Serapis held her close and sat there watching his mate, she was so beautiful in the morning and he loved seeing her in the kitchen like this.

Siria sat a healthy looking breakfast on the table for them. Siria sat down, smiling.

"Mmm this smells fantastic" he said happily. "What do you think little one?" he asked looking down at his daughter.

Neafa nodded, and she looked down as her stomach growled.

"Come on sweetheart dig in" Serapis said lovingly.

Neafa did just that.

Siria giggled lightly.

Serapis chuckled and dug in as well at the delicious foods.

Neafa seemed to swallow her food whole.

"Woah sweetheart, slow down your going to get yourself sick" he said putting his hand on her shoulder.


He put his hand on the top of her head. "Its not going anywhere sweetheart we're not going to take it away, you can take as long as you want to eat." he smiled down at her. "Ok princess?" he asked.

Neafa nodded slowly. "Okay....papa....." She started to eat more slowly.

"Good girl" he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"She just has a big appeitite like her papa..." said Siria, smiling from Neafa to Serapis.

Neafa blushed.

Serapis chuckled and smiled. "You do ave a good point Siria" he smiled and then went back to eating his own food.

Siria smiled. "You have beautiful eyes, Neafa... just like your papa...."

"Th...thank you..." she whispered.

Serapis smiled at Siria for her sweet comment to his daughter.

Neafa blushing hide in Serapis's chest.

Serapis chuckled and held his daughter close.

Siria smiled at Serapis. "She is a beauty..."

"Yes she is" he said lovingly. "As are you as well." he said gazing over at her.

Siria blushed.

Serapis heard Neafa whisper. "I want to be as beautiful as mama....and her..."

"You will I know you will" he said softly hoping he could find something to at least let her grow up to a beautiful young woman.

Neafa nodded against him.

Serapis smiled holding her and smiled at Siria lovingly.

"I hope papa..." she whispered.

"I know you will... just as your papa does..." Siria said.

Serapis stroked her hair comforting her.

Siria started to take care of the dishes, as Neafa worked on finishing her food.

Serapis picked up his dishes as well and headed into the kitchen. "That was really sweet of you" he said softly and lovingly to Siria.

Siria nodded. "I want her to be happy..."

"I do to and she seems to be warming up to you" he went over and got close kissing her neck softly.

"Mmmmm... that feels good..."

"Does it?" he asked playfully pushing her hair out of the way kissing her neck more.


He pulled back. "your so sexy" he purred out against her neck.

She purred back. "Neafa is in the other room...." she whispered.

"Doesnt mean I can't call you sexy" he whispered as he pulled away from her and chuckled as he walked off into the dining room.

Siria smiled. "I love you... and you are sexy too...."

"I love you to" he called from the dining room as he grabbed more dishes.

Neafa was red faced.

"whats the matter sweetheart?" Serapis asked worriedly.

"What's sexy?"

Serapis turned red. "Siria!" he didn't know how to explain it to his daughter.

Siria came in. "What is it?"

"Ummm she wants to know what Sexy is" he said blushing looking down at his daughter.

Siria became bright red. "''s one of those things that one learns when their older...."

"Its something Adults who care about each other alot its a name they say for each other. but your to young to say it though sweetheart"

Neafa looked down nodding.

"It's okay little one...." Siria said softly.

Serapis kneeled and hugged her.

Neafa hugged back.

"Thats my princess" He said lovingly holding his daughter close.

Siria walked off to give them space.

Neafa snuggled closer. "Papa...."

"My little one" he stroked her hair.

"I love you...."

"I love you to Neafa" he smiled.

"I...what are we going to do now...?" she asked softly.

"We'll take each day as it comes sweety" he said stroking her hair.

She nodded. "Okay papa...."

"Good girl, now Papa has a little work to do so why don't you play with Siria?" he asked looking down at her.

Neafa nodded. "Yes....papa...."

"Good girl I'll be in my study if you need me" he smiled and stood then went over to Siria. "If thats alright with you of course?" he asked with a smile.

Siria nodded. "Why wouldn't it...?"

Serapis smiled and softly kissed her. "Thanks babe" he then headed off down the hall to his office.

"Hello again, my friend..." came Mani's voice from the side of the office as Serapis came in.

Serapis jumped. "Jesus Mani you scared me half to deat" he chuckled, what brings you here?" he asked curiously.

"Just checking on you..."

"Thanks Mani" he smiled walking over taking his seat at his desk.

"How's the little one?"

"She's doing alot better she's adjusting to a life with us here and I think she'll do great I'm working on designing a new bed for her to make her more at home so hopefully it will help."

"That's wonderful, Serapis... it is..."

"Thank you Mani, how have you been?" he asked curiously.

"I've been good... I had a good visit with the pack..."

"Good I'm glad to hear that, Has there been any word on teh shipment at all?" he asked curiously.

"Their staying quiet... but the winds are changing....something big is coming...."

Serapis grew still. "What kind of something?" he asked calmly.

"Human hunters and a secret government organization.... and that's just the tip... and their somehow connected to Zeus and to Oden..."

"Son of a.." he growled darkly sitting there thinking about it all.

Mani nodded. "Oden and Zeus are doing what they are being told to do though they think it's their idea...."

"This is not good, with the powers of Oden and Zues behind them the supernatural community is truely in danger."

"It's the evil that is behind them that is what needs to be stopped..."

"My question for you is what can I do to help I can help against the human hunters but the gods I'm no match for you know what happened to me last time I went against the gods" he shivered remembering his imprisonment.

"You can help by fighting..."

"Oh trust me I will be fighting like crazy" he said sitting there.

Mani nodded. "I am glad that you have some of your family seem happier...."

"I feel happier" he smiled at his friend.

Mani smiled. "I'm glad....You need this happiness..."

"Thank you my friend" he said with a smile. "How about you other then all of this going on how is your life"?" he asked curiously.

"It is a normal as it can get for my life..." he said lightly. "Oh How is Siria?"

"She is doing well I am so lucky to have her she has been there for me through this whole thing and she cares alot about my daughter." he smiled just thinking of Siria made him smile.

Mani nodded slowly, as if in thought. "I'm glad..."

"Something on your mind?" he asked curiously.

"It's probably nothing..."

"Are you sure?" Serapis asked worriedly.

"Gods of the Underworld are walking in the city...of the Egyptian underworld..."

"Do you sense the darkness from them?" he asked curiously.

"No... but you don't normally see gods or goddess of the underworld up here unless it involves people they concerned family or something is coming this way...."

"You never know though with the Egyptians they have been in the shadows a long time" Serapis said leaning back in his chair. "Besides if I remember the stories Fenris took Anubis under his paw many years ago when Anubis left the land of egypt for a new life."

Mani nodded. "Yes...and you mating with Fenris's niece..."

Serapis turned bright red from Mani saying that. "Ok that has nothing to do with Egyptian gods being in this world" he said embarressed.

"It does when Anubis sees Fenris's daughter as his own and in doing so sees Siria as his own niece...."

The hair on the back of his neck went up. "Oh by the breath of the beast he's going to skin me alive"

"Yes he is..." Mani laughed. "Just imagine if she was pregnant...."

Serapis went wide eyed then buried his face in his hands letting out a string of what mani believed to be curses in German.

"Serapis... calm yourself...."

"I'm sorry Mani its just I would love for Siria to be pregnant and everything. I would love to start a new family I just am not looking forward to being skinned by a death god." he shivered.

Mani placed a hand on Serapis shoulder. "She wouldn't let anything happen to you..."

Serapis smiled and chuckled. "Thanks"

Mani nodded. "I'm sure that Siria wouldn't want to lose you now..."

"Well thats deffinantly good to hear" he chuckled once more.

"now, I should get going... I have to make sure this evenings shipments get in alright...."

"Honey, I need to tell you something about my father that you need to promise never to tell anyone" she said sitting up and looking down at him next to her. "He's paranoid about you because of what he is. You see their is something about my father barely anyone knows"


"Yes" she nodded. "My father is two beings in one, before he was wolf he was jackal so now he lives with both beings inside of him."

"Oh wow..."

Arcadia nodded. "He doesnt realize I know but he let his Jackal side out a couple of times while I was growing up and their was just something ancient about him so I knew that he had been born a jackal and added the wolf to his soul later on." She snuggled against him. "My papa just wants whats best for me sweetheart so don't worry, let me put it this way he was born an outcast like you but he still wants whats best for his daughter" she said looking at him lovingly.

"A wonderful daughter..." Delta said. "And going to be a wonderful mother...."

"And your going to be a wonderful father Delta" she said lovingly.

Delta kissed her.

Arcadia stroked his cheek and kissed him back softly and happily.

He started kissing her neck.

She squeeked and blushed bright giggling softly. "Mmm I like that"

He did it again.

She moaned softly in pleasure.

He took her into happy hour.

"Now that is deffinantly a wonderful morning" she said lovingly after they were done and laid there curled up with one another.

"Very true..." he muttered.

"Something the matter sweety?" she asked worriedly from how he said that.

"No...I was just agreeing with you..."

"It was just your tone of voice though but ok" she snuuggled against him.

"I'm just happy that we are safe again..."

"I'm happy we are safe to and hope we can be safe for a long time" he said running her fingers over his hand.

He gently kissed her. "Me too...."

Arcadia curessed her fingers over his arm thinking to herself wondering about many different things.

"You're distracted..."

"Hmmm? I'm sorry" she smiled.

"It's okay..."

"I was just thinking about the little ones wondering how fast they would be here since I'm a goddess and all and your a Zodiac" she said playfully.

"I don't know.....I never thought of being a Zodiac as being some rare race..."

"But the powers of the zodiac could influence things" she said looking up at him.

Delta nodded, and then kissed him.

Arcadia happily kissed him back.

Delta smiled. "I love you so much..."

"I love you so much as well." she smiled back and gave him a soft kiss.

Delta held her close.

Arcadia happily cuddled against him as they enjoyed laying there with one another, loving the feeling of each other.

"I'm sorry to break out cuddling love... but with everything that happened involving that hunter.... shouldn't you check on your cousin....?"

"Oh my your so right but their is a thing about that, my Cousian doesnt carry a cellphone and I have no idea where she is" Arcadia said in a worried tone.

"Track her?" he asked pointing to their noses

"My nose isnt what it used to be from living here in the city but we can try" Arcadia said sitting up.

"There is a saying....'one never forgets how to ride a bike'...."

"True" she giggled but still doubted her abilities. her nose wasnt as sensitive as it used to be after years and years of pollution living in the city.

Delta kissed her. "I love you so much..."

"I love you so much as well" She kissed him lovingly. " now I'm going to shower and we'll go looking for my cousian"

Delta nodded. "Alright... I'll get dressed..."

"Sounds good" she gave him another little kiss before she went to the shower.

The water felt really nice against her skin.

Arcadia let the water beat down on her thinking about lots of different things.

"You haven't drown have you?" came Delta's voice.

"No I haven't drown" she joked back. "I havent even been in here that long" she giggled.

"I was joking, silly girl..."

"I know you were silly man" she laughed as she shampooed her hair.

She heard him moving around in the other room.

Arcadia thought he was just doing something so she ignored it.

The water started to get cold.

Arcadia turned the water off and climbed out grabbing a towel from the roack on the wall.

She heard a whistle.

Arcadia looked to where the whistle came from and giggled seeing Delta looking at her.

"YOu know... you shouldn't tease...."

"I'm not doing it on purpose" she said playfully and winked as she grabbed her towel wrapping it around herself.

"I like it..."

"Do you now?" she asked playfully standing there in her towel.


She giggled drying herself off. "I'm glad you can enjoy the show" she winked.

He smiled, growling.

Playfully Arcadia moved her foot and next thing Delta knew the door was closed and he couldnt see her which sent off that truely primal male side of him that he couldnt see his mate.

Arcadia giggled on the other side knowing not being able to see her naked would get him going.

"I'll be in the livingroom..."

"Alright baby" she called out and went back to drying herself off. she let the towel drop to the floor and grabbed her hair dryer to dry off. It wasnt long later she was in the bedroom pulling on a pair of jeans when she suddenly realized they felt tight. "What the?" she looked down and suddenly realized that her stomach had a slight curve to it. "Delta!" she called out not knowing what to say.

Delta came in, looking on guard. "What is it, love?"

"Sweety umm come here tell me I'm not imagining things" she said pointing to her stomach, she stood sideways to him and suddenly he realized she had a small belly.

He knelt infront of her. He then kissed her belly. "My babies...our babies...."

Arcadia blushed and smiled. "Yes our babies" she said lovingly loving the feeling as his hand ran gently over her small belly.

Delta kissed her stomach again.

"Your really happy to see me like this arent you?" she asked playfully as his hand slid over her.

"Of course... you're beautiful...."

"Awww thank you sweety" she giggled and smiled lovingly down at him and giggled as he kissed her little belly again. "this is only the begining" she said sweetly.

"I know.... next I have to go through having both of your fathers get at me....."

She giggled "They'll be good they'll probably grill you about being a good father to the little ones but they'll be good" she giggled and rested her hand on he rbelly rubbing it gently liking the sensation.

"I hope that that is all they do..."

Arcadia giggled. "I'll make sure of it" she pulled him up and gently kissed him lovingly. 

He held her close as he kissed back.

She pulled back giggling . "So should you and I go looking for my cousian still with me being like this?" she asked cradling her small little belly.

"Are you saying that you don't want to go out looking like this?" he asked smiling. 

"Yes I'm sure not right now at least I don't have any shirts that I think would fit I'll have to dig" she said cutely.

The phone started to ring.

"I wonder who that is" Arcadia quickly went and answered the phone. "Hello?"


"Siria! I was getting worried about you! Are you ok? Where are you?" she asked her cousian worriedly.

"I am with Serapis... at his place...."

"Alright I'm just glad to know that your safe, Delta and I were attacked by another hunter a couple days ago so I was worried" she said as she walked over and sat on the bed and gently rubbed her belly while talking to her cousian.

"Oh my... we...we were attacked by the thing that had captured Serapis...before we released him...."

"Oh heavens! Are you and he alright?" Arcadia asked worriedly.

"Yea... I was saved by a little girl... a were-squirrel..."

"A Were-Squirrel? really? now that is rare indeed, that was very kind of her to save you from the beast, I do have to ask though is the beast still out there?" she asked worriedly.

"Serapis ripped it all up... but who knows how many are out there.... Aracdia... the little Serapis's daughter.... Serapis wasn't born a werewolf...."

"Seriously? now the fates were truely on his side for the two of you to find her, she must hav ebene in the forests a long time. How is she adjusting?" she asked worriedly.

"She... is how you would image someone being after centuries of being alone as a child...she had thought that her papa, mama, and brother and sister were all dead.... but no Serapis is alive... he thought the same involving her...."

"They're deffinantly going to need you cousian I can just feel it" she said thinking about the whole situation.

"I know... she just wants her mama so much...."

"Well deffinantly make yoursself there for her Siria without her mother she'll really need that female influence"

"I know... but... Arcadia... Serapis and I have wrestled...." she said softly.

"You wrestled... Wait do you mean?... Oh my did you two shift? do you feel any different?" she asked as she cradled her small belly wondering about her cousian if she would also be having a litter of pups.

"It was intense... you remember how he was when we found him when we were finding Delta don't you..."

"Yes of course he was very wild and raw being trapped there. Oh my that must have been intense" she said realizing it. "you might want to go out and get a test just in case" she said wondering if Siria would feel that same change in her body that she did or if she wouldnt notice.

"I don't want to get a test... if it happens it happens... I just want the little one safe...."

Sitting there Arcadia suddenly smelled rich smells of earth and nature and felt a warmth inside of her, suddenly she felt a pressure low inside of her and looked down and realized her belly began to swell slowly for a few moments and looked like it was a few months larger. Arcadia went wide eyed seeing this but kept quiet. "Well its deffinantly your choice cousian, be careful though pregnancies for us will be funny seeing as we're not mortal." she blushed and smiled to herself as she rubbed her larger belly. She was deffinantly carrying a litter of pups inside of her seeing as she felt like if she grew like a normal woman this would be her at five months and it looked like she had devoured a few to many thanksgiving dinners on her own.

"I will be cuz..." Siria said.

"Sounds good I don't want you getting in trouble" she giggled. "Well be sure to call in I should get going" she said rubbing her belly gently and happily feeling that motherly connection growing as she sat there.

"Bye Siria...." came Delta's voice, as he wrapped his arms around Arcadia.

Then Arcadia hung up and leaned back into Delta's arms. 'Delta I got even bigger" she said blushing looking up at him behind her.

"You are a wolf goddess..... maybe you should stay in bed, and I have Vulcan bring out a"

"I deffinantly think that would be good.. Wait can he build one that fast?" she asked looking up at him as she held her hand on her belly leaning back in his strong arms.

"I think he had been building one ever since he found out about us...."

"But he didnt know I was pregnant was he expecting it all along?" she blushed bright red at the thought.

"Expecting it...." he sighed, yet smiled.

Arcadia turned bright red. "Oh my I feel so embarressed." she said softly blushing then suddenly giggled as she felt his hand slid over her belly.

"He just probably didn't think it would be this soon..." Delta said with a smile.

She blushed and giggled. "Well we just couldnt help ourselves" she said playfully loving the feeling of being with him like this.

"I know.... I know....."

"Well you should probably get going and go see Vulcan about the Nursery since I'm not sure when these little guys are going to come out if my belly is growing that fast" she said as she held her hand on her belly.

He kissed her belly.

Arcadia giggled cutely at the feeling then smiled lovingly as he nuzzled her belly lovingly. She squeeked as she felt a little kick. "your pups say hi" she said gazing down at him.

Delta smiled. "I will be back..."

"Sounds good my mate I'll be here" she said lovingly as she gently pulled herself back so she was leaning against the pillows.

Delta quickly left.

Arcadia rested her hand on her belly and turned on the tv to relax while her mate was away. She hummed softly loving the motherly feeling she felt inside of her knoing her pups were growing.

She thought she heard laugher.

Arcadia went rigid her fangs and claws instantly grew in defenseive mode as her body rippled to shift at any moment to protect her pups.

She heard footsteps in the hallway, outside the apartment and then it was gone, with the closing of a door.

Arcadia realized her senses may have been enhanced to protect her little ones she relaxed and laid back curessing her belly again still slightly shifted.

She heard movement in another room.

Arcadia instantly shifted over into her huge wolf form and stalked silently into the other room growling a primal growl deep from her chest.

She saw Delta and Vulcan with furniture.

Arcadia stopped before they saw or heard her and wagged her tail. She shifted back to human and summoned clothes to cover her body. "You know you two should warn a pregnant wolf woman when your coming in" she giggled and they realized she must have shifted at the sound of them because her eyes were still wolf.

Delta smiled. "Fisty...."

Arcadia walked over and kissed his cheek. "Oh Vulcan these peices are beautiful" she smiled and ran her fingers over the wood of the crib.

"Thought you'd like it..." Vulcan said.

She went over and gave Vulcan a hug in thanks. "So what else have you made along with the crib?" she asked curiously as she went over and sat on the couch.

"Changing table...a rocker..."

"Oh Vulcan really?" oh how sweet of you for everything." she said happily as she held her hand on her belly.

"You deserve it..."

"Awww Vulcan your so sweet" she smiled and giggled then yipped a little bit as suddenly one of the pups kicked.

"You should be in bed..." Delta said.

"I'm alright out o fbed for a minute, besides you two scared me so I needed to move." she said sitting there looking up at him cutely loving this protective side of him.

Delta leaned over and kissed her.

Arcadia softly kissed him back happily. "Your cute you know that?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yes I know... as you are..."

She giggled and smiled. "Well I should get back to the bedroom while you two do all the moving." she pushed herself up off the couch and headed off to the bedroom again cradling her hand on her belly as she walked off. she climbed back into her bed and relaxed again watching TV as she rubbed her belly.

There was alot of sounds in the other room.

She kept her wolf down knowing it was just Delta and Vulcan moving stuff into her spare room making it into the nursery.

The noises continued.

She used her magic to close the bedroom door and relaxed better not hearing the noises.

There was a kick in her stomach.

She yipped and giggled at the feeling. "aww saying hi to momma?" she asked playfully as she rubbed her belly. She softly hummed a lullaby her father used to sing to her when she was little as she laid there.

there was a crash.

"Delta!" she got up as fast as she could and went to the door going out into the hall worriedly. "what happened?"

There was a broken window. "It slipped... we're fine..." Delta said, looking over towards her.

Arcadia's nose twitched, she smelled blood Delta's blood. "your not alright" she said worriedly going over to them.

"I'm fine.... really"

Arcadia stopped coming closer. "Alright if you say so" she said softly and turned heading back to the bedroom quietly.

Delta quickly grabbed her arm. "I...I love you..."

"I love you to sweetheart" She said looking back at him as he held her arm.

The blood smell was still there. "I... I just didn't want to worry you...."

"I'm still worried about you Delta Knowing your bleeding I"m still going to be worried." she said watching him with those big gold eyes of hers. 

He hugged her. "I'm sorry..."

"Its alright sweetheart" She hugged him back still worried about where he could be wounded.

He pulled her into the bedroom, and pulled off his shirt. "Want to help me?" he asked with a small smile, showing his back to her.

"Oh heavens you really got nailed how did this happen?" she asked as she went to the bathroom and grabbed her first aide kit then came back and after sitting him down she got to work on checking the wound for glass as she cleaned it.

"Moving furniture... fell back against the window..."

"Oh Delta" she bit her bottom lip when he winced in pain as she cleaned it. "your lucky this is pretty shallow your Were healing should take care of it in a few hours" Arcadia finished cleaning it then placed gauze on the wound then wrapped a bandage around his shoulder and back to cover the wound.

"Thank you love..."

"Your welcome baby" She kissed the curve of his neck. "Alright you can get back to work but you need to be more careful" she said worriedly.

"Yes ma'am...." he said with a smile.

"Good, I wouldnt want our pups to come into the world and you be wounded" she said playfully pulling him into a kiss before he threw the blood covered shirt away and went to grab a new one.

Delta rubbed her belly, then went to finish helping Vulcan.

Arcadia climbed into bed again, leaving the door open this time as she watched TV relaxing.

After a while, there was silence.

"Honey is everything ok?" she called out to him as she climbed out of bed.

There was no one in the livingroom, and the other room was closed.

"Delta?" she opened the spare bedroom door.


Arcadia gasped at the sight of the room all made up and beautiful "Oh heavens this is breath taking" she blushed gazing over it.

"I'm so happy you like it..."

"Oh Delta its perfect" she went over to him and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

He kissed back. "I wanted it to be wonderful for you..."

"And it is" she smiled lovingly then turned to Vulcan "Again thank you for everything its perfect" she smiled standing there.

"You make Delta happy, you deserve it..."

"Aww thank you" she giggled and smiled then went over to the crib running her fingers across the rich wood.

"It's made of the strongest wood out there...."

"And all the designs placed into the wood as well wow" she said running her fingers over a carving of a wolf and a coyote in the wood.

"I'm glad you like it..." Delta said.

She squeeked and blushed as suddenly she felt a kick, a giggle escaped her. "Feels like the little ones are happy with it to" she said playfully putting her hand on the top of her belly.

Delta wrapped his arms around her from behind. "I love you...."

Arcadia sighed happily leaning back in his arms. "I love you to" she giggled as his hands curessed her belly.

Vulcan smiled at them. "I'll leave you too to your fun..." He disappeared.

Arcadia giggled "Vulcan is truely an amazing craftsman and a good friend" she said looking up at him.

"And... a good father...."

"Yes thats right" she said lovingly and nuzzled him as they stood there together. "An amazing father because he raised a man like you"

He nuzzled her back.

"And I just know you'll be an amazing father to our pups" she said lovingly and made a happy wolf sound as he rubbed her belly gently.

"Thank you, love...."

"Your always welcome" She said lovingly. "Now I should probably go and lay down again." she said as the pups kicked again.

Delta helped her to the other room. "I'll go make us something to eat..."

"That sounds lovely" she said with a soft sweet tone as she relaxed in bed again.

He leaned down, kissing her, before disappearing out the room.

Arcadia sighed happily rubbing her belly. "Mmm I have a great mate" she said softly to herself "And you have a great father" she said lovingly as she cradled her belly.

Delta walke back into the room, smiling with a tray of fruit, bread, cheese and drink.

"Its lovely Delta thank you" she said sweetly gazing up at him and gently ate her food.

"I'm glad..." he said softly, kissing her cheek.

When she was done she cuddled up to Delta enjoying this moment of peace with him.

He gently kissed her neck, holding her as she ate.

Arcadia sat there gently nibbling on a strawberry when suddenly she felt that pressure in her abdomin once more, and before their eyes her belly swelled larger. "Oh heavens I'm huge" she blushed looking down at herself as she grew heavy with all of their pups inside of her. It didnt take long for her belly to grow this time and stop at its larger size. "Oh heavens look at how big I am" she blushed and then she felt Delta stroke her belly That fatherly instinct kicking in knowing his pups would be here soon he loved seeing her like this.

"Our babies will be here soon....I know it..."

"Oh yes they most likely will" she giggled and sighed happily as his hand slid across her belly. "And you better be ready since your the one who is going to be delivering them" she said looking up at him.

Delta jumped. "What?"

"Well you didnt think you would be taking me to the hospital did you? who knows what would happen I might shift in the middle of it or partial shift and tear a human's throat out then we would have alot of pain to deal with so having a home birth is the best idea" she said looking up at him not liking how scared he was she didnt want him to faint in the middle of it or something then be all alone giving birth.

"I... I... oh Arcadia.... I love you... I..." He hugged her.

"Its alright sweetheart" she patted his arm. "I'll just call my cousian, you don't need to worry about it" she said looking up at him.

Delta nodded. "I wish I was more help...."

"Its alright sweetheart, but could you get me the phone I should call my cousian now before the pups decide to suddenly come" she said looking up at him with a smile.

Delta nodded, handing her the phone.

Arcadia dialed the number that siria had called her from.

"Hello?" came Siria's voice.

"Hey Siria its Arcadia, I was calling because I need your help" she said blushing not knowing how she was going to ask.

"What?! What's wrong? Did that coyote hurt you!?"

"No no Siria its nothing like that but... Ummm I'm pregnant and right now I look like I'm about to pop since my goddess blood sped up the pregnancy and I was wondering if you could come over and help out with the birth since Delta is a little nervous on that kind of thing." she said shyly.

"I'll be right over....of course..."

"What are you two 'Yep'ing about... you two are famos chiefs..." Erebus laughing.

"I feel so lowly compared to all of you me just a little lawyer" she joked.

"You are important to all of us... you are family and loved by us..." Erebus said.

"Plus mom... you keep us in check..." smiled Rasu.

"Awww your all so sweet" Tavia smiled lovingly at her family.

Erebus pulled her close. "You deserve it..."

"You really think so?" she asked sweetly looking up at him.

"Yes I really do..."

"Aww your so good to me" she kissed him softly.

Erebus kissed her, and helped her out of the limo with everyone else. The mall was completely empty.

"Wow that was fast" Tavia said looking at it all as she walked into the mall. "Oh wow all to ourselves" she twirled around.

"Except for shop owners..." Rasu said with a smile.

"Oh where should we go first?" she asked with a giggle walking past the shops looking at everything.

"Where ever you want to...." Erebus said.

"Oh what's that?" she spotted a really cute clothing store and headed in lots of unique styles.

"It's Dawn's Delight..." Yomi said.

Tavia walked around teh store "Oh wow this is so beautiful!" she said gazing over it all.

"Glad you like it, Tavia..." Rasu said, smiling.

"But its all so expensive though" she said looking at the price tag on a beautiful green silk tanktop.

"Come can...." Erebus said. "It's your day..."

"But I don't have the money and I don't want any of you spending money on me" she said blushing.

Erebus hugged Tavia. "I want to treat you..."

"Awww Erebus" she giggled and hugged him back lovingly.

He kissed her. "Go on...anything...."

"Alright alright" she blushed and giggled then began to walk through the store once more.

Rasu and Yomi giggled and started pointing out items to her.

Tavia looked at many of teh items and collected a pile to try on in the fittingroom.

"Fashsion show!" the twins shouted.

"oh no I'm just going to try them on in the fitting room" Tavia said shyly but had a feeling she was going to be doing a fashion show.

"Please!" they begged.

"Oh alright" Tavia gave into her children as she put her first outfit together.


Tavia came out in a gorgous waist length almost kimono looking emerald green silk top that had pink butterflies embroidered across the fabric while she wore a pair of cute butt hugging khaki colored cargo pants. "What do you think?" she asked curiously.

Susano-O smiled, as the twins cheered and whistled.

Erebus smiled lovingly at her. "You look beautiful..."

"Aww your sweet" she kissed his cheek then smiled at the twins. "As are you two" she giggled then went over to the mirror looking at herself.

She did look great.

"Wow this is deffinantly a great choice" she said looking at herself then she saw the price tag and paled. she couldnt let Erebus spend that much money on her.

Erebus came up behind her, hugging her around the waist. He whispered in her ear, " I would have seen your face in the shadows if it hadn't been for the view I had in the mirror....I'm getting you this..."

"Oh but honey its just so expen..." she gasped and blushed as suddenly she found herself pressed up against his strong muscular chest his mouth on her's kissing her possesively but also to shut her up.

He pulled away slowly, smiling lovingly down at her. "I love you... love has no price..."

"Alright my darling" she blushed bright red gazing up at him and gave him a soft little kiss before she let go of him and headed into the fitting room. She was glad the doors went all the way to the floor as she stood by the door with her heart pounding. She was thinking of the night before, Rasu asking her if Erebus was going to be their new step father.. She then got undressed and began to pick out the next outfit to try on not lingering on her thoughts of marriage, they had barely known each other a week and a half but yet she knew she wanted him forever.

She heard the twins moving around asking Susano-O and Erebus what they thought of other tops, skirts, pants, and accessories they thought would look great on her.

Tavia smiled hearing them wondering what she would be getting when she walked out. She Slid on a cute pink halter dress made from a soft cotton. "Alright I'm coming out" she said to them and walked out wearin gthe dress.

"Oh wow..." Rasu said.

Erebus smiled greatly, "Beautiful..."

"You really think so?" she asked playfully as she twirled around in a circle for them as she stood there barefoot.

"Yes... of course..."

"Maybe with some gold strappy sandals and a gold necklace with maybe flowers on it and matching earrings I could see something like that" she giggled twirling around once more.

"That would be prefect, mom..." said Yomi.

"This is a deffinantly keeper" Tavia said with a smile looking at all of them. "Alright lets see what I can pluck next" she said as she walked back into the fitting room for her next outfit.

Susano-O laughed at her playfully.

Tavia went into the fitting room and looked at all the clothes her children had picked out for her trying to decide on her next outfit.

She found a pale blue strap top with a silver tiger head on it, and a black skirt that would reach down to her knees.

"Oooh" she slid the outfit on then walked out. "What do you all think?" she asked standing there for them.

Erebus looked over at the saleswoman, whispered something to her. He then walked over to Tavia, and kissed her.

Tavia blushed and melted into his arms kissing him back. a little confused on what he could have been saying to the saleswoman but not caring as his hands curessed her sides and they kissed each other.

Erebus pulled back. "Let's check the next shop... and don't worry about changing..."

"really?" she asked happily as she went back into the fitting room to grab her actually clothing and slide on her flip flops. She felt bad leaving all those clothes in the fittingroom like that.

"Aren't you going to grab the other clothing?" Rasu asked. "I thought you like it all...."

"Right of course silly me" she giggled and grabbed her dress and her first outfit then headed over to the register to pay for them.

"It's been taken care of ma'am," the saleswoman said, politely.

"Really? well thats good, but I don't want to be rude but I do need a bag for my stuff" Tavia said standing there.

The woman smiled,a nd bagged her things. "There you are ma'am..."

"Thank you have a nice day" she smiled and headed out with the others to continue shopping.

"To the shoe store!" Rasu said, smiling.

"Oooh my greatest weakness" she giggled and twirled around happily excited for shoes.

Erebus laughed. "Then the shoe store will be our next stop..."

Tavia giggled walking off and soon they reached the shoe store Tavia headed in and began looking at the shoes. "Oooh so pretty" she giggled and began to look at all sorts of different things.

"The same rule applies here..."

"Three pairs one for each outfit" she said in reply to him with a little wink and went onto looking around.

"Alright, love..."

Tavia giggled and went on her shoe shopping spree.

Rasu and Yomi went on the spree with her.

Tavia went through all sorts of heels, strappy and boot alike. She picked out a pair of black strappy sandal High heels for the outfit she was wearing.

"Don't you look like a picture..."

"Huh? what do you mean?" she asked confused as she stood infront of a mirror looking at herself.

in the mirror she thought she saw her elven faher.

Tavia yelped and threw herself backwards against the wall in terror.

His image was gone.

Arms wrapped aroung her.

Tavia dropped to her knees trembling. "He was in the mirror looking at me" she felt the tears in her eyes.

Erebus held her. "I have you...shhh...."

Tavia buried herself against his body crying knowing her children were confused.

"Shh... I'm here...."

She buried herself against his chest trying to calm down.

He rubbed her back, helpping her to calm down.

"Thank you Erebus" she said lovingly as she took deep breaths calming down.

Erebus kissed her.

Tavia gave him a little kiss back then buried herself into his arms. "Well this ruined today" she said softly.

"No... you just need something to cheer you back up..." he said.


"...are you okay...?"

"I'll be ok after awhile." she said softly with sadness to her voice.

They hugged her and Erebus.

She felt happy to have her children's arms around her.

"We love you mama...."

"I love both of you so much" she hugged them tight.

"Why don't I treat you all to some ice cream...?" said Susano-O.

Tavia giggled and smiled. "That sounds lovely."

Susano-O nodded, and lead them to an ice cream shop that was in the mall. "What flavor?"

"Ummm I'm in the mood for something fancy, how about Blue Bubblegum?" Tavia giggled.

"Yay! Mom likes our favorite!" the twins chanted.

"its one of my favorites" she smiled.


Tavia happily ate her icecream as the person handed it to her it made her feel better.

Erebus leaned over, licking some of her ice cream.

"Hey thats mine" she giggled and kissed him softly sneaking her tounge into his mouth playfully.


After a few more moments she pulled back and licked her lips. "Mmm delicious."

"You know...." Erebus said smiling down at her.

The twins giggled.

"I know what?" she asked curiously looking up at him as she took another lick of her icecream.

"I think it is you that is delicious...."

Tavia turned red and giggled looking up at him. "is that so?" she asked lovingly.

"Yes...." he said, kissing her.

Tavia squeeked and sighed moaning in her throat as she kissed him deeply.

"Ready for some more shopping...?"

"yes I'm ready" she smiled looking up at him.

"Where to next?"

"Well I kind of want to go back and get those black shoes since we ran out" she said standing there in her flipflops.

"Alright..." They headed back to the shoe store.

She picked up the black shoes she had tried on before that she really liked and went over to buy them, she just wanted the black ones since the store unnerved her after that moment so she just wanted to go in and out.

Erebus lead her out when she was done.

"Hmm now where should we go?" she asked playfully as they walked along together with the group and she peered into the shop windows.

"Any shop you want..."

As they walked along Tavia noticed a high end Lingerie shop that she really wanted to go into but she didnt want to do it infront of her kids. That would be something for just her and Erebus to do

Susano-O bowed to them. "I must be going... I have a concert in the states in an hour...."

"Aww alright have fun at your concert Susano-O" she smiled at him and waved as he walked off.

"Thank you..."

"Your welcome bye!" she waved as he vanished off. "Well then now what should we do?" she asked as she continued to walk down the hall she glanced in the window of the lingerie store looking at the sexy yet beautiful peices.

Rasu and Yomi ran off and around the corner of the hall.

"Why don't you go in there..." Erebus said with a smile.

Tavia turned red and giggled. "Well I guess we can now I just didnt want to go while my kids were around" she said playfully taking his hand leading him inside.

"Mmmmm I think I'm going to enjoy this...."

Tavia giggled at the tone of his voice as she then began to look around the store. she found some really cute peices. "Would you like me to model them for you?" she asked with a soft purr to her voice as she held them up.

"You know I think your sexy..."

"I know that but I wanted to get some fun things" she said playfully in return. "And sense we have teh mall to ourselves" she winked

He kissed her.

Tavia sighed happily kissing him back blushing as the kiss grew deeper as they stood there together.

"Are you going to show me?" he asked with a wink.

"oh yes" she said playfully and got him to sit down in one ot he plus seats as she skipped off to one of the dressingrooms.

Erebus laughed, relaxing in the chair.

It wasnt long until Tavia came out in a Turqouise bra and panties that were trimmed in bright blue lace. "What do you think?" she asked as she walked out in it and giggled as he stared at her.

"I want to attack you," he said with a smile.

"Do you now?" she asked playfully and turned around posing for him.

Shadows pulled her back against him. "Yes..." he said as he kissed her stomach.

Tavia squeeked and sighed happily sliding her fingers in his hair as he continued to kiss her stomach. "That feels good" she giggled softly.

"I'm glad..."

"Oooh if you keep doing that I might try to get you to do something naughty," she purred out playfully looking down at him.

"Do you have any more?"

"Oh I have plenty" she pulled back from him and walked off to the fitting room again. Not long later she walked out in a black corset with beautiful scroll work designs across the fabric in white plus a matching pair of panties. "What do you think?" she asked standing there lovingly.

"We are going to be having fun later...." he growled.

"Oh are we?" she twirled her hair in her finger standing there. "And maybe if I wear a pair of Black spike heels with this?" she asked and giggled seeing him get more and more turned on.

He growled.

"Oooh mister growly you must like that idea then" she said playfully doing a little dance for him since she noticed the cashier had walked off out back.

"Another....please...." he growled.

Tavia giggled and walked off into the changing room again. the next one she walked out in was a soft cherry blossom pink with white flowers stitched across the fabric and a small amoutn of white lace along her breasts.

"Mmmmmm..." he moaned.

"Oooh is this a favorite?" she asked standing there pulling her hair over one shoulder running her fingers through it.

"You are my favorite..."

Tavia blushed bright red. "Your so sweet" she went over to him and leaned down kissing him softly.

"Just as you taste...."

"Oh my" she blushed then gasped as he pulled her against him for another deep kiss both of them were just so excited.

He then moved to pay for the lingery. "Go get dressed...."

"Yes sir" she said playfully and went to the fitting room pulling on her clothes quickly still wearing the pink set under it. she put the Lingerie she had been wearing in the bag with the others when he walked over. "All dressed" she said looking up at him.

"Come on we have to go collect a few things..." he said with a smile and a wink.

Tavia blushed and smiled. "Alright" she took his hand gently.

When they left the shop, Erebus called out. "Things! We're heading home!"

Rasu and Yomi ran up laughing. "we're not things!"

Tavia covered her mouth to keep herself from cracking up. "Your all so cute" she smiled hugging Erebus's arm.

The twins stuck out their tongue at her and Erebus.

"What you are" she giggled standing there. "Hold on before we go home I want to do one last stop" she let go of Erebus and went into another clothing store this one was simple jeans and T shirt types of outfits with a few halter tops and things like that here and there. She wanted to get a feew more pairs of jeans and fun t shirts.

Erebus smiled watching her.

She bought four pairs of flare jeans, one that hd teh holes already made in them but looked really sexy on her when she had tried them on and about eight different shirts with images and slogans and such.

"How's it coming?"

"All done" she said walking out of the Fitting room with her pile of stuff.

Erebus laughed, then paid for everthing.

"Now we can go home" she said snuggling against his side holding her bags. she giggled seeing her children looking at teh shirts laughing at some of them as they read them.

"Leads head back...." Erebus said, walking with them all back to the limo.

Tavia climbed in and relaxed in her seat happily after a great day of shopping.

Erebus held her against him as Rasu and Yomi climbed in, and the limo started off.

Tavia sighed happily snuggled against him tracing circles on the top of his leg feeling so relaxed.

"Awwww...." came the unison of the twins.

Tavia froze and blushed bright red.

Erebus pulled her closer. "It's okay... their just happy for you..."

"I know they are honey" she giggled and kissed his cheek and snuggled up to him.

The limo pulled up to the manor. The twins ran off, and Erebus helped Tavia to bring her things in.

They set her things down by her dresser. "That was alot of fun" she giggled happily then blushed as suddenly Erebus spun her arond.

Erebus started to kiss her deeply as he pushed her back against the bed.

Tavia squeeked in her throat as they fell over on the bed. Her hand plunged into his rich black locks as they laid there making out with one another with the heat of the sun between them.

Erebus started to pull of her clothes, kissing her skin as he went.

Tavia gasped and blushed as he worked his way over her body, it felt so good and she wanted so much more.

"You were a tease at the store you know?" he growled.

"Oh was I?" she purred out playfully laying there being even more of a tease as she gazed up at him. Her leg rubbing up and down his leg.

Erebus grinned evillishly. "Oh yes you were...are..." He leaned down kissing her passionately, as his hands explored her body. 

She moaned deeply in her throat as her hands curessed his hair and back. Their lips danced passionately as they grew hotter against one another.

He entered her, pulling her into a crazy and passionate happy hour.

When they were done they laid in their bed happily entangled in each other's bodies. Tavia laid there curessing her finger over the curves of his toned muscle thinking to herself about her conversation with her daughter the other night about marrying Erebus. She hoped he wanted to she really did.

He laid they nibbling her neck.

Tavia giggled and sighed happily at the feeling "I love you so much Erebus" she said happily.

"Be with me..." he whispered into her ear.

"I am with you, you silly man" she said looking up at him curiously with a little giggle.

"...Forever..." he whispered. He held a beautiful ring up for her.

"Oh Erebus!" she squeeled and threw her arms around him happily. "Of course I will marry you" tears of joy filled her eyes.

"Oh tavia thank you...." He kissed her gently.

Tavia kissed him back. "No thank you my love" she said happily and slid the ring on her finger. "Oh Erebus its perfect" she blushed as she kissed him again.

"I'm glad... I want the best for you...."

"Your whats best for me" she said lovingly and kissed him deeply once more.

"I'm glad you think so..."

"I know so" she stroked his cheek lovingly gazing into his eyes. "I love you so much" she said nuzzling him and catching his lips with hers kissing him softly.

He intensified the kiss.

Tavia melted against him as their making out shifted into another happy hour of passion.

After their second happy hour, Erebus held Tavia very close to his chest, stroking her hair.

Tavia was fast asleep cuddled up against him. Her blonde hair draped around that moon kissed alabaster skin of hers that he loved so much.

She dreamed of a great marble hall with thirteen thrones.

The hall seemed to be influenced by all the great cultures of teh world as she looked at it. She walked into the main room where the thrones were and looked at the symbols upon each one.

Each throne had the symbol of each of the Zodiac, the thirteenth sat in the center with all twelve of the Zodiac symbols on it in a circle.

Tavia gazed over the beautiful of the Throne of the thirteenth, the symbols were all gold and done with pure beauty.

A young woman walked up to her. "Hello Tavia...Phoebe..." she said softly with a smile.

"Hello miss" she said softly turning and bowing gently to her. She realized she was wearing a beautiful flowing black dress with diamonds woven into the fabric amking it look like stars on the night sky.

The young woman smiled. "It is good to see you again..."

"I wish I could say the same my lady but I do not seem to remember you" Tavia said embarressed.

"You wouldn't remember me anyways...Phoebe.... I was just a small child before you disappeared..."

"Well then its an honor for me to meet you as Tavia" She said bowing to the woman.

"I know... I know your name being Tavia..." she said with a smile.

"But I do not know who you are still my lady" she said shyly.

"It is a gift of my race...." the young woman said softly with a smile. She walked down the row of thrones, running a hand over them. She then walked back, a gracefully sat down in the thirteenth's throne, smiling at Tavia.

"Oh my lady it is truely an honor" Tavia bowed to the thirteenth.

She smiled. "We are all family... it is I that should bow to you.... for allowing the Zodiac to call your home ours...."

"I just hope we don't hurt her." he said thinking about it all.

"It's meant to be protection...."

"No I mean when we put it on her, She's going to fight back" he said worriedly.

"She or the one controling her?"

"I don't want to hurt her physically is what I'm trying to say sweetheart" he said with a sigh.

"The evil just used her to try and kill you... I saw how she was before... she loves you..."

"I hope so chyrosa" he stood up and went to the door. gently he placed his hand on the seal and then with a fick of his wrist swiped his hand through the blood unsealing the room. he went into the room on gaurd ready to do what needed to be done.

He saw Nyxia off in a dark corner crying, curled up in a ball tightly.

"Nyxia, its Marek I'm here to help" he said lovingly hoping she was doing alright.

"Why...? Why am I locked in here....? Brother... did I do something wrong? What did I do to make you upset with me....? I...I... why....?" she cried.

"It was for your own safety. I'm so sorry" he said softly walking over and stroking her hair comforting her.

"What did I do? Do you hate me now too? I..I... I was just in bed, and then I'm in here... why brother why?" she cried. "I'll be good... I thought I was good for you...."

"No sweet heart I don't hate you at all" he picked her up into his arms cradling her close.

"But... but... you locked me in here... what did I do? is it bad for me to sleep, brother....?" she cried.

"You didnt do anything I was hurt sweety and I didnt want the bad things to get in and get to you again like our father had I didnt want you to get hurt again" he said hugging her close stroking her hair rocking herback and forth.

"Hurt you?" she said, with tears.

"Yes a dark being hurt me and I didnt want him to hurt you so I hid you away in your room so he wouldnt" he said softly.

"Okay, brother..." she said softly.

"I was given something to protect you sweetheart." he held out the ring. "this is for you" he gently slid it on her finger and softly mumbled the seal.

She sniffed back tears. "Thank you brother... it's pretty..."

"It is pretty and it looks beautiful on you" he said sweetly stroking her hair.

She looked up at him. "I... I really didn't do anything wrong....?"

"You really didnt do anything wrong" he said lovingly holding his sister.

Nyxia hugged him.

Chyrosa came and stood in the doorway, a robe around her.

Marek hugged his sister back tight and happily.

Chyrosa smiled at the two.

Nyxia then yawned.

"now sleep well my sister" he picked her up and laid her back into her bed tucking her in before he walked out.

Nyxia curled up, going back to sleep.

When Marek came out of the room, Chyrosa closed Nyxia's room door. "Marek... just imagine all of the other gods and goddesses that happens to... the lapses in memory..." she said softly.

"I know its just truely aweful that so many have to face such a darkness" he clenched his fists together.

Chyrosa nodded. "I know..." she whispered.

"I'm guessing Bastet is one of the ones effected by the darkness?" he asked as he walked over and sat on the bed.

"You know?"

"It wasnt hard to figure out, the gloomy look in her eyes, Also the fact that many moons ago I used to go drinking with Anubis." he said sitting there watching her.

Chyrosa laughed lightly. "Then did you know that Bastet had two child...a son and a daughter... and her daughter is Anubis's...."

"I did not know that adn from what I know neither does he" Marek said thinking about it.

"I only know because Bastet's children are the priet and prietess of the western temple and of the Zodiacs those element is the Air..."

"Well knowing the fates and knowing Thorthia she will find a way to bring Anubis back to his children." he smirked.

"Oracle, the prietess of the northern shrine would have see to it to connect them at the time they a to Byakko has been tracking him down for centuries..."

"And he hadnt found him at all? or had Byakko just not wanted to confront Anubis?" he asked confused.

"Byakko never knew the father he was named for... he didn't know how to talk to him..."

"That is very understandable. " he said softly thinking about it.

"He wanted his sister to at least have a father if he couldn't..."

"Thats really sweet of him, Well I hope anubis will get his daughter back and who knows maybe end up with Bastet again because he loved her alot."

Chyrosa nodded. "One can hope..."

Marek smiled softly then laid back on the bed once more staring at the ceiling.

"I'm worried about them too..."

He sighed softly laying there looking at the ceiling.

Chyrosa kissed his cheek and then snuggled against him.

Marek stroked her hair and just laid there, his eyes fluttered shut as he felt his exhaustion catching up to him.

He woke to the feeling of pressure on both sides of his chest.

Marek went rigid and looked down thinking he was going to wake up with knives in his chest again. after what had just happened a few hours before.

He found Chyrosa snuggled against his chest, where she had fallen back to sleep. On the other side, he had a smaller body snuggled against him, and he felt that side of his chest was damp from what had to be tears.

He let his eyes shift to the darkness and realized it was Nyxia next to him. He stroked her hair and laid back again holding the two of them close to him.

He continued to feel her tears against him, as she held onto him.

He didnt say anything he just let her cry it out knowing that she needed it.

"Papa..." he heard her whisper.

Marek laid there silently confused on why she said Papa, hoping she wasnt having a relapse but he laid there quietly pretending he was asleep just in case.

"Papa....I'm free papa... evil papa can't hurt me any more, papa.... I have my big brother....."

Marek laid there confused, evil Papa? who was her good papa then.

She snuggled into him. "My... brother..."

Marek felt so happy to hear her say that like that she sounded so much happier. He smiled to himself as he drifted off back to sleep once more.

I will have both of you back... he heard in his dreams.

Marek went rigid and held back his need to snarl at the voice.

"Marek....?" came Chyrosa voice softly through his dreams.

Marek grumbled and opened his eyes. "Huh?" he whispered.

"You were snarling...."

"Bad dream my love I'm sorry" he said looking up at her.

"You sure?"

"yes I'm sure" he said looking up at her.

"She joined us..." she whispered. "Such a little thing..."

Marek looked down at Nyxia curled up against him quietly and smiled. "she looks more peaceful then she has in days" he said softly.

"I agree...she needs you so much..."

"And I'll be here for her" he whispered softly stroking her hair.

"I love much...."

"I love you so much as well" he said lovingly kissing her softly.

She kissed back.

" love me.....?" came a small soft voice.

Marek pulled back and looked over at Nyxia. "Of course sweetheart, Of course I love you baby sis" he said lovingly.

Nyxia smiled slightly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright sweety I just had a nightmare is all" he said moving so he was sitting crosslegged on the bed looking at the girls.

Chyrosa and Nyxia hugged onto him.

He hugged them in his arms lovingly.

Nyxia snuggled into the hug.

"I will protect you both with all that I am."

"I know love... I will protect you both too..." Chyrosa said softly, then kissed him.

Marek softly and lovingly kissed her back holding her close.

Chyrosa smiled, pulling back.

Nyxia just watched him.

Marek smiled at the two of them. "I'm so happy to have the two of you in my life" he said sweetly to them.

Nyxia nodded as Chyrosa smiled.

"Now since we're all nice and awake why don't we all go grab some breakfast" he smiled.

the two looked at each other with big smiles.

"What are you two planning?" he asked playfully.

"Nothing..." they both said smiling.

"I know Mischeif when I see it" he chuckled.

Chyrosa ran off, pulling Nyxia behind her.

"Hey!" Marek shouted laughing and chased out of the room after them.

They turned into a room, and when he got there, he didn't see them.

"Chyrosa.... Nyxia... where are you?" he stayed in the doorway looking around.

He got drenched in water, yet it didn't touch the floor.

"Funny ladies" he said and sighed wiping the water off of himself and turned heading off down the hall to go back to his bathroom and get a towel to dry off.

He didn't find any towels.

"Really funny ladies." he grumbled and did what they didnt expect him to do, he actually stripped the bed and used the top sheet as a towel since he didnt have any. He really didnt like this Mischeif stuff.

"What are you talking about?" asked Chyrosa coming in with a tray of food. "I...." She looked down.

Marek folded the top sheet and threw it into the hamper. "Your not hte one who poored a bucket of water on my head?" he asked looking over at her. "Or you didn't get my little sister to do it?" he asked curiously but seriously.

"I had Nyxia throw up a shield of darkness that could keep you from the kitchen....and she did..." Chyrosa looked down. "I know you don't like stuff like that....I didn't want you to get upset again...."

he took a deep breath and let it out going over to her. "Its alright I believe you it wasnt you baby, by the way breakfast looks fantastic" he smiled trying to cheer her up.

Marek thought he heard light laugher.

Chyrosa smiled at him. "Thank you... Nyxia helped..."

"Smells fabulous" he smiled as he gently took the tray from her and walked over to the table and sat down begining to eat.

"Why do you look upset, brother?" asked Nyxia softly as she came and joined them.

"I'm not upset" he said as he took another bite of his food. "mmm this is truely good" he said happily.

Nyxia sat down as did Chyrosa. They both watched him.

"I have to admit thats a little weird having you two watch me eat." he chuckled.

"Why?" they said with a smile.

"It just is its uncomfortable to me" he said looking at them and the whole in unison thing was giving him the shivers as well.

Merak could really see a similarity between the two, like sisters.

Still was creepy how they spoke in perfect unison.

Nyxia got up and went over to Merak, and hugged him.

Merak wrapped his arm around her shoulders holding her close.

"I love you brother...." she whispered.

"i love you to little sister" he said lovingly hugging her close.

Nyxia snuggled into him.

Marek smiled and stroked her hair.

Chyrosa smiled, then looked at the clock. "I have to met up with my papa..."

"Alright Chyrosa, I guess we'll see you later then" he said with a smile.

Chyrosa leaned over and kissed him. "You will..."

"Until then" he said and gave her another small little kiss before she headed out.

Nyxia watched as Chyrosa left.

"Now my little sister what would you like to do today?" he asked with a smile looking down at her.

"I... don't know...." she whispered.

"How about, we go and explore?" he asked playfully and stood up and picked her up in his arms.

Nyxia cuddled into his arms.

Marek walked out of the room and they began to explore the huge temple inside the sphinx.

"It's pretty..." she said as she looked around at all the relics and items in the halls and rooms.

"Its very pretty, Deffinantly a sight to behold compared to the more simplistic style of the greeks" he said as they looked at a statue of anubis as the jackal headed version of himself with his warriors garb and everything.

Nyxia nodded. "Pretty doggie..."

Marek smiled. "This Nyxia is anubis the messanger of souls a walker of the dark realms and a good friend of mine. You would have liked him if you met him."

"An amazing lover..." came Bastet's voice softly from behind him.

"My lady it is good to see you" Marek bowed his head to her.

Bastet bowed her head.

"How are you doing today my lady?" he asked as he held his sister close.

"I am as fine as I can be..."

"Your home is truely beautiful my lady, Nyxia and I have really been enjoying ourselves."

"I am glad... Chyrosa is a good friend of mine...."

"And we truely thank you for letting us stay here" he smiled at her. "Don't we Nyxia?" he asked looking at her in his arms.

Nyxia nodded. "Thank you...

Bastet smiled softly. "Have you.....seen Anubis....?"

"No I have not my lady but I have heard stories of him, how he runs as a powerful wolf in the world now helping the werewolves of North America and how he rules them as their silent learder that if anyone needs him he steps in."

"Really...? Thank you for telling me..." Bastet said softly. "I... have to go..."

"Of course my lady" he said and bowed his head once more as he and his sister watched Bastet walk off.

"She's sad..."

"yes she's sad she hasnt seen the man she loves in a long long time" he said softly.

Nyxia nodded.

"Now come let's go explore some more" he said sweetly to his sister and walked off with her again.

She nodded, following him.

Marek held her little hand as they explored together, they found many rooms with treasures and so much history it was a fun time for the two o fthem.

"I love you so much..."

((Oo Nyxia said that to her big brother?))

((Yes.... brother...sister love... it's normal..."

"I love you so much as well sis" he smiled holding her hand tight.

Nyxia snuggled into the hug.

Marek stopped walking and hugged her tight. "You want to stop now and do something else?" he asked curiously.


"I don't know lets see what we can find" he chuckled.

Nyxia smiled, giggling.

They soon found an indoor garden that held so many glorious flowers. "Oh wow look at all of this"

Nyxia looked around with wide eyes.

"Come on sweety" he picked her up and they explored the garden together.

Nyxia followed him.

They came across a beautiful flower that was shaped like a lily that seemed to shift and shimmer like the waves of teh ocean while the inside stems were long and whispy a soft white like that of the ocean. "I havent seen this flower in years, People have believed this to be extinct" he said smelling it gently. "This is the Atlantis flower Nyxia" he said

"It's pretty... my favorite flower..."

Marek smiled. "Its very pretty many of the ancient flowers are truely beautiful."

Nyxia hugged him. "You are th best big brother...."

"Awww thank you nyxia" he hugged her back "your the best little sister" he said looking down at her.

Nyxia hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry..." she whispered.

"What are you sorry about?" he asked confused.

"I'm sorry... your mama... she tried to help me...." she whispered.

"Its alright sweety its alright" he stroked her hair gently.

She hugged him.

Marek hugged her back. "lets get some lunch then we can come back" he said sweetly picking her up in his arms and carrying her off.

"Okay..." she said softly.

Marek carried her quietly through the halls thinking to himself on the way.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing sweetheart I'm just lost in my thoughts."

"Oh.. I thought you were upset..." she said softly.

"no I'm not upset but thank you for worrying" he smiled.

Nyxia nodded.

He hummed softly as they made there way off to the kitchen where he set her down and got to work on lunch for them.

"What's you making?" she asked, trying to sound cute.

Marek chuckled "I'm making some macaroni and cheese. Something simple" he chuckled.

"Okay..." she opened her mouth.

He grabbed another spoonful and grabbed a little bit for her and fed it to her. "Taste good?" he asked curiously.

Nyxia smiled. "Yummy..."

"I'm glas you like it" he chuckled and smiled.

"I've never had it's smooth....."

"It is" he smiled and chuckled. "indeed it is" he said as he stirred it.

"I've never eaten anything like what you've given me before...."

"Is it good?" he asked curiously hoping she liked it.

"Yes, it is..." she said smiling.

"Good I'm glad" it wasnt long until he was done and they sat together eating their mac and cheese.

Nyxia smiled, enjoying her food. "Can I have a drink?"

"Oh yes of course I'm so sorry" he blushed and went to grab them drinks. "here pomegranate rasberry juice" he smiled.

"Thank you...."

"Your welcome" he smiled as they finished their lunch together, he was thinking of what they would do to pass the time as they hid in this place.

Nyxia stood up and started to walk from the room. "Pretty..." she mumbled.

Marek cocked an eyebrow and followed. 

He started to hear the sound of music being played. Nyxia continued to follow it.

Marek grew a little nervous, Music from unknown sources made him nervous especial after dealing with Sirens many years ago.

Nyxia stopped in front of a door. She looked over at him. "It's in there...."

Marek nodded and gently opened the door quietly going in.

They saw a young man playing a floor harp. He had long white blonde hair and appeared to have bright blue eyes.

"We should not bother him young one" Marek said softly to Nyxia.

"But it's so beautiful...." she whispered.

The young man looked up. "You are not bothering anyone, sir..." His voice had a musical tone to it.

"If your sure about that sir" he said leading his sister in they found some large fluffy pillows and sat down on them.

The young man began to play the harp again.

Nyxia leaned against Marek.

Marek wrapped his arm around her shoulders and listened to the beautiful music.

He felt the presence of a god in the room with them.

Marek thought it was just the man in the middle of the room playing his harp.

It was but there was another off in a corner.

He looked over in the direction of the other presence.

He saw a woman watching the young man, with a motherly smile.

Marek smiled then went back to watching the young man.

The young man finished.

Nyxia smiled. "Pretty..."

"Thank you," the young man said.

Marek smiled patting her head.

The woman walked over. "Ihy, that was as beautiful as ever...." ((Ihy is the Egyptian God of Music))

"Thank you mother...." ((Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of Motherhood, love, etc...))

Marek stayed silent watching everything.

The woman looked at him. "hello sir..."

"Greetings my lady" Marek bowed his head. "your son is very talented."

"Thank you sir..."

"Your ver welcome my lady"

She smiled. "Is Bastet treating you kindly?"

"Yes she most deffinantly is." he smiled.

"I am glad," she said. "Ihy stays here to help her out, plus his music is soothing..."

"It is very enjoyable music I must say, very soothing after much stress." he said sitting there.

Ihy walked over. "I am Ihy, the god of music... and this is my mother Hathor..."

Randulfur went wide eyed. "Oh heavens, I'm so sorry that happened" he said sweetly for some reason their was something about this man she knew she could trust. unlike her father this man infront of her gave her that parental comfort she had never felt. 

"Thank.... Robbie doesn't know... and I don't want him to know...and Crystal... of my happened yet again on my way to Georgia....."

"Oh heavens me" he said worriedly, "you are such a strong woman for continueing on your path and living after you've been through so much"

"I've been through so much more..." she whispered. "...father..."

"So I wasnt imagining things before" he smiled down at her.

"What...?" She looked at him as if she didn't realize she had said the last part.

"Oh its nothing babbling to myself there on that last part" soon they ordered and they had their food. "So what is it your going to school for?" he asked curiously as he took a bite of his fish.

"Education degree... to be a teacher..." Shayia said. "And I did what I had to my love... I said something you responded to... what is it....?"

"You called me father, and you did the same thing mind to mind back at the temple" he said sipping his juice.

"I'm... doing it again... but... you're not... from my past life... how do I...are you my father?"

"My daughter, the preistess says I am." he said softly.

"Father..." she moved over to him, hugging him, crying hard.

Randulfur hugged her tight. "I'm so sorry I wasnt there for you" he said softly as he held her close. "If I would have known I would have come and taken you away from the darkness of that home." he said stroking her hair.

She cried into his chest.

"Shhh I've got you now sweetheart and I'm not going to go anywhere again" he said softly.

"So many men..." she mumbled.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." he said softly.

Shayia rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry... I'm so weak..."

"Your not weak at all your one of the strongest women I know living through everything you have" he said sweetly.

"I... just don't want my children to suffer..."

"I promise you your children will not suffer I will do everything in my power to keep your mother from taking them from you" he said sweetly.

"Oh father....thank you...."

"Your welcome my daughter" he smiled happily.

Shayia smiled at him, drying her eyes. "I...why weren't...?"

"Why weren't what?" he asked softly.

" always told me that my father was a bastard that just left her..pregnant.....she lies all the time, but I had never questioned her back you.... about my father....I'm so...stupid..."

"I barely remember your mother to tell you the truth, years ago I went on a business trip to Seattle. I was at a bar in the hotel I was staying at after the meeting I had next thing I know your mother walks over to me and after that I woke up alone in a bedroom missing all my clothes" he said with a sigh. "If I would have known who she was and known about you I would have taken you away in a heartbeat from her." he said softly and she could see the feirce fatherly protectiveness in his eyes.

"I... thank you for saying that...I...after this... I'm taking the children back to Georgia... they have pre-school... and I have work...and classes.... I...I... father... I have someone from my past in my life..."

"Well I hope that maybe one day I could meet my grand children. But I hope the person from your past is good" he said softly.

"I am god....I gifted him with a power from....the moon....he is Cancer....."

"Well now two of my girls are with Zodiacs how wonderful" he smiled

Shayia nodded. "Really?"

"Yes my adoptive daughter is with the Zodiac of Capricorn, and my third daughter, the one you met today is Libra, the scales as I said before." he smiled.

"I have more sisters...?" Shayia whispered, looking down.

"Yes you do, and I just know that both would love to meet you" he smiled lovingly at her loving the thought of her meeting Tamesis and Arcadia.

"I have another sister...."

"Yes you really do" he smiled.

"No... I have another sister...."

"Oh?" he asked finally understanding. "tell me about her."

"I.... she left when I was young.... she...protected me.... from what was going on....from the men that came....until she ran away....with out me.... I was ten...I...had my first miscarriage when I was eleven...." she whispered.

"Oh heavens! thats aweful!" he gasped out in a soft whisper.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't she come back?"

"Oh sweetheart" he moved and pulled her close in a gentle and loving hug.

She cried into him.

Randulfur stroked her hair and let her cry all she wanted against him.

"Father....I... I'm so scared....." she whispered.

"Why are you scared sweetheart?" he asked worriedly.

"She won't stop.... never....she wants all of my children...." she whimpered into his chest.

He hugged her close. "Shhh baby I've got you and I promise on my soul that I will not let your mother get your children." he said and jotted his cell number on a peice of paper. "This is my number if you ever need to call me I'll come as fast as I can" he said softly.

Shayia nodded, taking the paper.

"Wait...." he suddenly realized what she meaned. "You have more children then just...." he felt the hair on the back of his neck raise in anger knowing that witch of a woman had his daughter's little ones.

"Yes..." she whispered.

He had to shove down his anger hard right now but he was going to take a visit to the witch woman later. "We'll get them back sweetheart, I will do everything in my power and we'll get them back"

She nodded. "I... should go.... I want to buy something for Robbie and Crystal...."

"Alright sweety, I promise I'll be there in the morning at the hearing." he said as he sat there with her. "Especially so I can give that witch of a mother of yours a heart attack seeing the man she used came back into his daughter's life" He thought to himself. "You be careful out there though sweetheart" he said lovingly.

Shayia nodded. "Thank you, father..."

"Your always welcome my daughter." he smiled

She nodded. "I... see you at the hearing tomorrow...."

"Yes you will I promise" he smiled and pulled out his wallet paying for their little lunch.

"Thank you, father..." she said, hugging him.

"Your welcome sweetheart, now sleep well tonight and if you need anything just call" he said hugging her back.

She nodded.

Randulfur let go of her then headed out with her. "Until tomorrow Shayia" he said with that fatherly love she had never had before.

She smiled lovingly. "I love you..."

"I love you to sweetheart" he smiled lovingly back.

She hugged back, "Til tomorrow...."

"yes til tomorrow" he said giving her a hug back then the two of them went on their seperate ways.

He saw many people pass.

He headed off heading back to the Snake and Turtle temple thinking to himself on everything he had learned today. His mind was swimming with questions on so many things.

Oracle looked at him when he came up. "What is wrong, Anubis...?"

"I discovered I had two unknown daughters today" he said looking over at her.

Oracle smiled. "So you followed what I had Tamesis tell you then...."

"You knew?" he asked curiously not surprised.

"I'm an oracle....yes I knew... are you looking for the address?"

"No I'll be seeing her tomorrow I'm going to be at the courthouse with her as moral support against her mother" he said and their was bit to his voice when he said mother. that woman didn't deserve to be called a mother.

"I was asking if you wanted Her address..."

"Oh well yes I do, How is it you have it?" he asked curiously.

"It is a surprise, that I who is named Oracle, is in fact an oracle.... I foresaw you going...."

"Well now I shouldnt be surprised" he chuckled and smiled.

"Oh... should I tell you....?"

"Oh please tell me" he begged.

"I was already going to tell you the address... it's just something else that I just saw... related to you...."

"Oh?" he asked curiously wondering if it had anything to do with his daughters not thinking really at this moment it could be anyone else.

"Fenris... and you are going to be grandparents....."

"Really?! thats wonderful!" he said excitedly but ready to tear Delta a new one and make sure he is truely a good mate for his daughter.

"You might not wish to harm him too much.... Ares, Vulcan and Aphrodite would be very upset with you..."

Randulfur shivered. "Yes of course" he chuckled uncomfortably that she had known what he had been thinking.

Oracle smiled shaking her head. "Oh... your niece is here too..."

"Siria really?" he hadnt seen her in a long time

"Yes... she is here... Would you like that address too?"

"Yes I really would that would be wonderful" he said with a smile.

Oracle gave him the address for Shaiya's mother's place, and then for where Siria was currently.

"Alright thank you Oracle for both of them" he smiled and gave her a small bow of his head. "I'm going to get some rest for now but deffinantly thank you." he then turned and headed off inside to his bedroom.

"Rest well..."

He walked off to his bedroom. Getting there he closed the door behind him, kicking off his boots he then climbed into his bed and drifted off to sleep. But his dreams this time were not like the past, this time they were dreams of the desert, of Egypt, Of Bastet.

Anubis.... He heard whispered through the dream.

Randulfur grumbled in his sleep at the voice.

I' sorry...I wish I was dead....

It took him a moment but then suddenly he realized. Bastet?.... Is that you?..." he asked softly.

Is that a surprise? I... should die....

No bastet you should not die, you have not been yourself he said with deep compassion.

I tried to kill you... and I will continue to try and kill you... I'm not safe with anyone around...

Bastet, you are an angel of the desert sands my beautiful golden lioness. it was a name he used to call her long ago. You don't know how many years I have missed you so, You will be freed of the darkness one day I can feel it

I am no angel... I am just lucky to have Leo and his little have my children... your daughter... you have a daughter.... I...

Bastet, I have never stopped loving you in all these years we have been apart. he said sincerly.

Anubis.... I have to most my nights in a cage....

It doesnt mean I love you any less


Bastet.. he replied softly in his sleep remembering so long ago.

I... miss you...

I miss you as well bastet

I... have to go.....

Bastet wait! will I ever speak to you again? he asked with longing in his voice


I will pray for the day when I can gaze upon your beauty once more and hear your sweet voice in person.

He didn't hear any reply.

He sighed in his sleep and let the sleep pull him deeper.

He woke early in the morning.

He looked at his watch and saw he had about four hours before the court hearing. He got up and took a shower. afterwords he got dressed and headed out. He grabbed breakfast and got to the Courthouse about a half an hour before the hearing he stoodoutside in a pair of sunglasses waiting for his daughter.

he saw her walking up the courthouse steps slowly.

"Shayia are you alright?" he asked worriedly walking over to her.

"I'm... okay...I just don't want to lose my children..."

"I Promised you yesterday I will do everything in my power to help you keep your children" he said putting his hand ont the top of her head.

Shayia looked up at him. "Thanks..."

"Come lets get in there" he said and put his hand on her back and lead her off into the courthouse.

"I...I'm scared," she whispered.

"I know sweetheart, I'm here for you" he kissed the top of her head and stayed there by her side.

Shayia headed into the courtroom, and sighed seeing that her mother wasn't there yet.

Anubis looked around and saw no one else in the courtroom so he shifted his clothes to a suite and took a seat next to his daughter at the table. He pulled his hair back into a ponytail and snapped his fingers making a pair of glasses and put them on. "Meet your new lawyer" he smiled looking down at her.

"I didn't have a lawyer before... could pay for one...."

"Well I have a degree in law so I'll be your lawyer" he smiled down at her, "But also don't let your mother know who I am yet" he whispered the second part. "I don't look like I did eighteen years ago so she won't recognize me for the most part but still just to be safe for now" he said as a breifcase materialized next to his chair. The door to the courtroom then opened and they saw her mother walk in.

The woman smirked towards Shayia. "If you just come home, Shayia, this will all be over...."

Shayia shivered slightly, and then shook her head. "No... I... I'm not coming back with you...."

"If you won't, I know my grand children will be..."

"Unfortunately for you they will not be if I do my job well today Miss?.." Randulfur spoke up, he pulled a spark of magic forcing her mother to focus on him instead.

the woman just stared at him. "I doubt that..."

"Doubt is nothing but a poison miss" he smiled a kind smile that pissed her off because it held so much knowledge behind it he looked ahead as he sensed the Judge about to come in. He used his magic to give the judge the 'idea' to let the defendent bring up any other evidence before he made his final decision.

The 'defendant' brought up that Shayia was a single mother, that she was trying to work as a waitress and go to college, yet she had runaway before finishing higheschool. Shayia though spke up saying that she did have her GED. The 'defedant continued by saying that what money was left from her job after buying the school and for the 'small' apartment Shayia must have, there is nothing left for food for the children, for growing children.

(Shayia would be the defendent because her mother is trying to take her children away) Thats when Randulfur piped in. "Your honor some new things have come into light recently. You see Shayia has recently come in contact with her father again, If I may approach the bench sir I have paperwork you must see?" he asked as he pulled out paperwork that he had created but all was true to the case.

The woman stood up. "Her father? her father left not wanting to be a father!"

"Her father was not informed of Shayia's existance" Randulfur said walking up to the bench as the judge signaled him forward. "this is a written letter from her father. Randulfur DarkFang, Owner and CEO of DarkFang enterprises plus many other business's as well. This is a written statement that he had never been informed of the existance of his daughter. This statement here is a bankstatement that he has put half a million into a bank account for Shayia's children's college funds for her and has offered any Financial aide she might require in the future to help her raise her children." he said revealing a series of bankstatements. "And of course the DNA tests where Randulfur Darkfang is a 100% match to being Shayia's father." He said before turning and returning to his seat.

"I don't know who Randulfur Darkfang is..." the woman said. "Shayia's father's name is Robert!"

The judge looked over the paperwork. "I'm sorry maim but all of this proves her case and the DNA test was done by one of the top genetics labs in the country that I can believe that it is nothing but 100% true." he said looking over the paperwork and read the letter which intaled details of how Shayia's mother came and went in the night and didnt inform him on Shayia at all keeping the chance of a bond with her while she was growing up from him and that he was willing to pay Shayia a monthly version of childsupport in order to help her way as part of helping her and making up for not being there. The judge put the papers down. "I have come to a decision" he said sitting there. "I hear by call this in favor of the defendent Shayia that she will be given full custody to keep her children, and you Maim will not be aloud to bring this to court again until her youngest is at least thirteen." the judge then banged his gavel.

The woman glared, and stormed out with her husband.

Shayia looked at him. "You.... you are Randulfur Darkfang?" she whispered.

"the one and only" he smiled at her. "And it is true what I said about the college funds for your children, I put two hundred and fifty thousand in a college fund for each of them so that they don't have to worry about any bills or anything when they go and so its there for them and you know they have that choice." he smiled as tears filled her eyes hearing that.

"Really?? Oh wow.... I...I...I had tried to get a job at one of I guess our companies...."

"Oh? which one?" he asked curiously as he put his papers in his breifcase. Who ever didnt hire his daughter was going to get a thrashing.

"I don't remember the name just the name Darkfang... I was applying to be a secretary..."

"Well don't worry sweetheart I'm here now and whatever you need I'll help" he smiled.

"I... want to be with you..."

"Really? thats wonderful" he smiled and hugged her, "I was planning on buying a house here in the city would you be willing to move here with your children and your lover?" he asked curiously.

Shayia jumped up and hugged him. "Oh papa...."

Randulfur smiled and laughed spinning her around. "Oh you don't know how happy this makes me sweet heart" he said looking down at her.

"I want what is best for my babies..."

"I promise they will be happy here, I'm excited to meet my grand children. We will head down and pick them up and pack your things then come back here, I believe you will be happy here."

"My children are up here....with my love..."

"Oh are they? I didnt know" he chuckled embarressed as they walked out together.

"I... didn't want my mother to know... I... left with with my love...and with my sister... from when I was Selene..."

"You had the right idea" he said patting her head. "But they're safe and I will do everything to protect them from your mother. "

"Thank you...."

"your always welcome."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Buy a home here in ashland and go from there."

Shayia smiled. "I have to go...I'll call you... okay?"

"Sounds good sweetheart be careful." He smiled and gave her a little hug. "I'll see you later say hi to your children for me"

Shayia nodded. "Bye....papa...." She hurried off.

Randulfur walked off and headed to go see if he could get a list of houses on the market.

He was able to get a listing of houses on the market.

He went to a cafe and sat down looking over the listings, he wanted a big house so that his family could come and stay with him if they would like.

He felt his wallet slipping out of his pocket.

His hand suddenly whipped down and gripped teh wrist of the pickpocket. "If you don't want me to snap your arm I would suggest you let go of my wallet." he growled deeply without turning and looking at the person. He felt the person let go and he reached down grabbing his wallet with his free hand. He then turned to look at teh person as he held their wrist tight.

What he saw was a young girl, maybe eight years old. She just stare at him. "Go ahead... break it... I don't care..." she spoke, her voice soft yet strong.

"Where is your parents?" he asked calmly trying not to scare her.

"I'm not telling you..."

"Oooh so scary, give me a good reason I shouldnt take you to child services?" This is just what he needed some kid pickpocket to deal with.

She bit his arm, glaring at him. A breeze went by and he caught on to a familiar scent.

Randulfur couldnt quite put his nose on it. "Sorry kid thats not going to work on me" he pulled her over so she sat down in the chair next to him. "No parents huh?" he asked as he used his glamour, a special type of magic that made people more at ease with him, or seduce them depending on the person.

"I have parents, stupid!" she growled. "Whatever you are doing... stop it..."

"Well now isnt that interesting" he said realizing she had magical influences. "Why are you on the street?" he asked prying with his glamor as it was starting to make her feel so safe with him.

"I have to work just like everyone else," she said.

"But your only eight why would you be working on the street? where are your parents?" he asked feeling her gie into his power.

The girl just crossed her arms. "Their working too..."

"Let her go!" called out a boy that looked to be her twin.

Randulfur let go. "Get a better job kiddo." He said and watched her run off.

The girl ran up to the boy, and when Randulfur turned back around he got hit in the head with a small rock.

Randulfur growled but ignored them.

He was hit by another rock.

when they threw another one he caught it mid air with his magic and threw it back at them.

"Ahh!" the boy said.

"Stupid bastard!" the girl shouted. ((Yes, an eight year old say that))

((Lol)) Randulfur didnt trn looking at them he just sat there reading the listings he had been given.

He heard footsteps running away. An hour laer it hit him. It was his Shayia's scent!

"Damn it!" He growled and tossed money on the table for his coffee and went to follow the scent.

Another hour later, of the scent twisting and turning all over the city, the scent started to head east out of the valley, out of the city itself.

He slid out of view and shifted into his full animal jackal form and trotted out of the city following the scent.

He came up to a two story house in the mountians outside of the valley, there were several cars in the front yard, and two of them were just leaving. There were old toys all over the place, and with his sensative hearing he heard the sounds of moaning and multiple people in 'happy hour'

He snuck walking beneath the windows listening, he walked by many windows with people in happy hour. Heavens what is this place? he thought to himself quietly.

He noticed the address, it was Shayia's mother's home.

Randulfur was horrified, Shayia's children were in this hell hole? he growled softly to himself as he made his way through the grouds this place was a damn Whore house.

He saw an open window up on the second floor.

Randulfur shifted into a scarab beetle and climbed up the wall he climbed in sneaking down the wall then made himself one with the shadows.

The room looked like that of a child's room, a girl's bedroom. There were moons and stars on the ceiling, a book shelf of books that looked like they were books saved from the trash or given away by the library, there was a collection of stones on a dresser, some knick-knacks, and a picture of two girls, one of the girls looked like it was Shayia when she was 9, and the other girl was maybe four years older and looked like it could be her sister

Randulfur hid in the shadows and looked over everything wondering if this was Shayia's old room.

He smelled her all over the room, the scent was years old, but it was there. Light shown in to the room from outside as a car drove up. He noticed that the glass on the picture frame had been broken at some point as if it had been thrown. The glass was taped back in with care for the picture.

Randulfur looked at the picture. Shayia" He thought to himself.

The other girl in the picture looked like she was or would have been protective of Shayia, maybe the girl that Shayia had said had left.

Randulfur set the image down and decided to do a little snooping, creeping as one with the shadows he made his way through the house.

Each of the other rooms was being used as sex rooms.

Randulfur was disgusted by all of this, but it made him worry, where were Shayia's children.

"Laverna! Nomos!" He heard the bitch woman who was Shayia's mother call.

He heard footsteps running and a door close. "Yes mother..." he heard them say in unison.

"Have you given your given your father all of your earnings?"

"Yes mother..."

"Good... go to bed... you have an early day in the morning..."

Randulfur glared at the woman, but their was nothing he could do at the moment so he left the house of horrors to come up with a plan. Outside he shifted into his jackal form once more and trotted off heading towards teh city.

he made it back into the city.

He panted softly to himself as he walked into the city, he heard a fountain trickling near by he trotted over to it and gently drank from it. He suddenly heard a hissing coming from a near by tree and a familiar dark power "Seth it has been a long time" he sat down looking up at the huge snake in the tree "What brings you to this realm? he asked looking up at his old friend no matter what the old stories said Seth wasnt as evil as they made him out ot be.

Seth shifted. "Anubis... you have been away for a long time... and only now do you start to use your birtrights....why is this...."

Randulfur shifted to human again. "I have only recently needed them, in the life I have been living I have not needed my birth rights" he said looking at Seth sitting in the tree.

Seth smirked. "You have been missed..."

"I have missed you and the others as well old friend" He smiled up at him, "So are you just going to stay up there all night or are you going to come down?" he asked jokingly.

Seth slipped from the tree branch, landing on the ground with a soft thud. "What have you been up to....?"

"Living my life of a different being" he let his eyes shift wolf for a moment for his friend. "I've been under the protection of Fenris he gave me the soul of a wolf to call my own and from there I have lived as a wolf on this world hiding my past protecting and guiding other wolves in this world." he said sitting ont he side of the fountain.

Seth nodded. "I am glad you have been able to live through the times..."

"I've had my close calls but I have done my best through out the years."

"I'm glad... so what brought you out this way?"

"Brought me out as in using my birthright again? well, I found out I have two daughters I did not know of, one who is strong like her mother and carries the will and power of the scales that I used to gaurd over and my second daughter born to a mortal woman who drugged me and raped me, I only found out of the two of them a few days ago. My second daughter Shayia she needs my help badly, I helped protect her and her children from her mother taking her children from her. But I ran into two young kids today, I followed them to a house on the far outskirts of the city in a mansion that no one would look at." He growled. "They were her other children I found out that her mother had stolen." he growled darkly. "It was a place that the darkest souls would cringe, oh how I wish to get my hands on that woman's soul when she dies" he snarled.

"Have you spoken with any of the other gods or goddesses of the underworld....? They may be able to help...."

"No I do not wish to bother the others with my problems." he said leaning back looking up at the stars.

"The only one that I know would just claim a soul without a normal death would be Hel..."

"Again, I don't wish to bring anyone into my problems."

"You will have to at some point, friend..."

"But this is not that point right now" he sighed.

"If you say so, but from my opinion... all are changing... what do you remember of Hel anyways? or of Hades?"

"Hel was always a quiet woman when I met her during my time with Fenris and Hades I didnt know him to well but the times I met him he seemed like a cheerful man." he remembered when he had gone to Hades palace a few times for the festival of the dead Hades was always a showmen and a good man making sure his guests were always happy.

"Hades is now as the mortals think of him... an evil person...however it is because Zeus is using something to control him, he tries to fight it.... but he loses the fight..... Hel was exiled to never walk the surface of the earth for very long before she must go back to her realm in the underworld....She has become two sides of a coin... she can be truly evil at times, showing no mercy and at other times can be very loving.... she has lost herself especially with what happen to Loki and her brothers...."

Oracle smiled back. "Thank you for giving me the chance to have the chance for us to know each other..."

He smiled and nodded.

She kissed him.

He kissed back. "I should walk you home."

"Thank you..."

He smiled and nodded. "Can I see you again?"

"OF course..." she said with a smile.

He smiled. "Here is the number for the house...I don't have a cell."

Oracle pointed to his pocket smiling.

He frowned as he reached into his pocket

There was a cellphone in his pocket.

"What? How?"

"I'm not normal..." she reminded him, smiling. "It has my number..."

He looked at it. "Thank you so much!...can you teach me how to use it?"

"It's like a normal phone.... but yes I can..."

He blushed. "Sorry...I am not used to it, you saw what mom and I have..."

"It's okay Tashi.. I understand..."

He hugged her.

She kissed him.

"I love you. What way?"

"I live at the shrine..."

"Oh. Ok. Let me take you there than."

Oracle smiled. "Thank you...."

He smiled and took her hand gently leading her toward the temple

She held his hand the whole way. "Thank you for letting me be in your life, Tashi..."

"Thank you for coming into it and helping mom."

"You are so welcome...."

"well we are here. Goodnight." He said kissing her cheek

"Goodnight, Tashi..." she said softly with a smile, and kissed his cheeks.

He smiled. "If you want to talk...come visit or call me."

"The same goes for you..." Oracle said.

He smiled. "Good night. I should get back.' He said kissing her gently then heading home

He made it home.

He checked on his mother

His mother was sleeping peacefully.

He smiled and readied himself for bed feeling happy and content for the first time in as long as he could remember

He finished up.

He laid down to sleep

He dreamed of Oracle.

He smiled

The dream Oracle kissed him.

He kissed back

All will be well...

He blushed

Go to the fountain in the center of the city.... only one descended of her blood can find her...


Go to the fountain in the center of the city.... only one descended of her blood can find her...

Descended of whose blood? Find who?

Go to the fountain in the center of the city....


He woke up.

he got up and checked on his mother

She was asleep in her bed.

He wrote a note telling her he was going to be back and went to the fountain

The fountain was large and at the center of the whole city. he thought he saw a shadow in the water.

He frowned and looked closer

He thought he saw a woman with long black hair laying in the fountain.

He reached for her trying to save her

He fell in, and sank, going deeper than the fountain should have been.

He tried to get to the woman.

As he swam towards her, it started to be like he was swimming towards the surface.

He still tried to reach her worried about her

He broke through a top water surface, seeming to be standing in another fountain while in a huge room.

he looked around for the woman in confusion and worry

He saw the woman lying on an alter.

He went over to her in concern and tried to wake her

a light glow came from the woman.

Tashi took a deep breath and put a gentle hand on her. "Miss?"

The glow grew brightly, then deadened down. The woman bolted up, taking in a deep breath.

He leapt back in surprise. "A..are you ok?"

The woman looked at him. " are you?"

"My name is Tashi..."

"Tashi... My name is Nyx..."

"Nice to meet you..."

"Where are we...?" she asked softly.

"I...went through the fountain...I don't know..."

"Fountain? Your eyes... they look like someone's I know..."

"They do?"

" daughter's eyes..." she whispered.

"Your daughter's?"

"My daughter Artemis has those eyes...."

((OH MY! Tashi is her son?!!!!!!!))

"That's not my mother's name...My mother's name is Kagome."

((No... great grandson lol ^_^)

"What was your father's name?"

"I...don't know...he left my family when I was young...he abandoned us."

Nyx nodded. "I...I'm sorry..."

"It's ok...why were you asleep?"

"I don't know... the last I remember... I was heading home..."

"I...saw you under the water..."

She looked confused. "Water?"

"The water in the fountain..."He explained what he had seen


"I know..."

"We had better get out of here before whoever put me here gets back..."

"Ok. Follow me."

He got back to the area he came in through.

Tashi held out his hand to her

Nyx took it smiling at the young man.

Tashi smiled and went through holding her hand

As they moved through it, they began to move faster. Nyx seemed to be pulling him more than him pulling her through it.

He frowned

They made it back through the fountain. "Thank you...Tashi..."

"You're you have a place to stay? If not I can take you to Oracle she could help you..."

"YOu know Oracle?"

He blushed, "We...are seeing each other..."

"That's do you want to head back there?"

"If you want..."

Nyx took his hand, and a darkness swirled around them. they disappeared, reappearing in the temple.

His eyes widened. "Wha? How?"

"I am Nyx... and if you are with Oracle you must know something..."

"She healed my mother..."

"That's great...."

He nodded looking around for Oracle

"Nyx... I am glad to see you are okay..." came Oracle's voice as she ran up.

Nyx looked over at her. "I guess I am... Tashi here helped me..."

Oracle hugged him.

He blushed hugging back

"I'm glad your happy Oracle..." said Nyx.

Oracle nodded. "Me too...but you want to know why he has Artemis's eyes...your daughter's eyes...."

Nyx nodded.

He looked between them, "Are you is Artimis?"

Oracle shook her head. "Your mother isn't Artemis.... but you are still related to Artemis... and Nyx as well.... your mother is mortal... but your father was Artemis's son..."

Nyx looked at Oracle. "What?! My little girl had a child..."

"Taken from her just as your son had been...."

Tashi looked at them both in shock. "W...what? But...he abandoned us...."

Oracle looked at Tashi. "Before he was your father, he had been taken from his mother... Nyx... I'm sorry... Artemis had been raped... just as you were later...."

Nyx got tears in her eyes, and growled under her breath.

"He never knew his mother, and had run from the people that had him...when it became this century, he fell in love with your mother, but those people had found him with the help of an organization that has gained an interest in those individuals that are different... gods, werecreatures, vampires, etc.... Your father ran to protect you...."

Tashi looked down sadly. " sorry...why did he empty the bank accoutns than?"

"Zeus has thieves that do his dirty work..."

"Why would a god need money...or was he...framing my dad? How did he not know about the rest of my family?"

Oracle closed her eyes, then looked at Tashi. "My sight shows that your father had worked hard at hiding all of you...."

"and...where is my brother?"

"He went looking for your father... he had gotten taken himself by....I can't tell who... just that they had white coats, and he's been in a test tube this whole time...."

His eyes widened in horror. "Where? How can I help him?"

"I can't see, I'm sorry..."

He looked down sadly

"I haven't met her during this life... but before, yes..."

"I hope she is nice again..."

Hekate smiled.

He focused on turning back

He changed back.

"Thank you for teaching me."

"I'm always here to more..."

He smiled

Hekate kissed him.

He kissed back

"What time is your first class?"

"I...don't know. I want to apply for the university but my parents thought it was unnatural for me to graduate early..."

"Come on... let's go apply..."

He smiled and nodded

She lead him out of the back and into the main cafe.

He followed.

"Hey... after we take care of college apps, do you want to have a job at the cafe?"

"I would love that."


He smiled. "Thank you for everything."

"You deserve it all..." she said with a smile.

"I do?"

"Yes...all the good in your life..."

"Thank you so much."

She kissed him.

he kissed back

She continued to walk with him to the university.

He followed her

She walked with him to the admissions office.

"I don't have any of my paperwork..."He said suddenly realizing it

hekate held out her hand, and it appeared. "I'll have to show you to do that next...." she said with a smile.

He smiled thankfully

"Go on... I'll be here..." she said with a smile.

He blushed and knocked on the door

"Come in..."

He went in with the paperwork."I would like to attend this university."

"Have you done the paperwork?"

"Here it is sir."He said handing it over

The man looked over the paperwork. "It looks like you have everything in order..."

He smiled hopefully. "Yes sir."

"However with your age, you need a parent's signature..."

His smile faded. "I...don't have any." He lied.

"Oh... that is a different story..." he signed the papers, and smiled at him. "There you go..."

"Thank you so much sir. Where should I go for my classes and books?'

The man handed him a list and a map.

"Thank you sir.' He said and left looking at the list and map

The list had a list of classes and of the books he need to get.

"If you could close the door on your way out..."

He did so/

"How did it go?" Hekate asked.

He showed her the map and schedule

"You're in!" She hugged him.

He hugged her too


"Thank you."

She kissed him.

he kissed back

"This calls for a celebration..."

"what do you have in mind?"

"A big party at the cafe..."

He smiled. "Sounds nice."

"Great..." she said smiling.

He smiled. "Shall we?"

She took his hand and ran off with him.

He followed happily

They got back to the cafe, and it was pitch black.

He looked around

"That's strange...." Hekate said, looking around herself.


Hekate started giggling, and turned on the lights. "Congrats!" several people cheered.

He blushed looking around. "T...thank you..."

"YOu deserve it," Hekate said with a smile.

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back. "Come on... there's cake..."

He smiled and followed

"I hope you like double German chocolate cake..."

"Yes. I do."

"I'm glad..." She said cutting him a piece.

He smiled. "Thank you."

She kissed his cheek. "You're welcome..."

He smiled.

The pary started.

he smiled. "Want to introduce me to everyone?"

Hekate smiled, and whispered into his ear. "Their random people that are here all the time..."


"They're good people... otherwise I wouldn't have done it with them..."

"Thank you. No one has ever done anything like this before."

"they will now...."

He smiled and hugged her

She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

The music grew and the lights flashed around them.

"Want to dance?"

"Of course..."

He started to dance the best he could with her

Hekate smiled greatly dancing with him.

"You are really good...sorry if I am clumsy."

"You are doing great..."

"I am?"

"Yes you are..."

He smiled. "Thank you for everything Hekate."

"I love you..."

"I love you too."

Hekate smiled, then kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

She tickled him.

He laughed trying to tickle her


He smiled

"Stop stop please..." she laughed.

He smiled stopping

Hekate smiled. "Love you..."

He smiled and kissed her. "Love you."

Hekate kissed back.

He smiled and took a piece of cake feeding it to her with a blush

Hekate ate the cake. "Yum..."

He smiled

Hekate giggled. "Gabrial...?"

"Yes?" He said feeling trully happy.

"Your hair is like a rainbow...."

"Huh? Really?"

She pulled out a mirror.

He looked

"Being scared...being a coward..."

"You are not a coward... it takes a brave soul to escape as you have..."

He hugged him close. "Really?"


"I love you."

"I love you too..."

He snuggled close

" love..."

"What if he finds me?"

"Then he finds trouble...."

He hugged him

"I won't let him touch you...."

"What if he hurts you?"

"He can't do more than he has already done to me..."

He stiffened and looked at him worriedly. "He hurt you too?"

"I was locked away inside a box for centuries before the great war in the heavens..."

He looked at him in worry. "I am so sorry."

"I'm fine now..."

He hugged him tightly

Atrox hugged him back, and kissed his neck.

He blushed and leaned his head to give better access

"I love you so much..." he whispered into Nilus's ear.

He shivered in pleasure. "I love you too. A...Atrox?"


"I....want to have sex with you..."

"You do?"

he blushed looking down. " and trust you...I don't want to feel him..."

Atrox nodded, and he slowly took of their clothing, and slowly and gently pushed himself into Nilus.

Nilus gasped in pleasure and surprise. " are being gentle?"

Atrox stopped, moving only to not hurt Nilus. "Why... won't I?" he asked softly.

"I...he was never gentle I didn't know it was possible to be gentle." He blushed. Atrox noticed there was scaring as though Zeus had been very rough and forceful with Nilus. " you better."

"I'm glad you like me better..." Atrox said, moving more in Nilus, still being gentle.

He worked with him. "Want me as I am or a girl?"

Atrox looked at him, tilting his head. "Why would I want you any way than how you are...?" he asked softly.

Tears filled his eyes and he carefully hugged him. "Thank you!"

Atrox just held him close, sitting back with him on his lap, still in him.

He hesitantly moved on him making it pleasurable for both of them

Soon Atrox cummed in Nilus. "I love you..."

" you," He managed tiredly but happily

Atrox slowly pulled out, and held Nilus close.

He hugged him back. "Thank you so much."

"I love you... I'd never hurt you..."

"Thank you so much. I feel the same way to you."

Atrox kissed him.

He kissed back

He stroked his hair.

He closed his eyes and relaxed

He fell asleep and dreamed of the Nile.

He looked around

It looked so peaceful.

He smiled and walked along it

He saw a creature come out of the Nile, it looked like a gator with a hippo back side and lion front body.

He stopped and looked at it not sure if it was friend or foe

It walked up to him, and licked his cheek.

He gently petted it

It licked him again.

He smiled."Hi..."



It licked him again.

He smiled and hugged it

Master... welcome back...


It nodded.

He petted it trying to remember it

he then woke up.

He sa tup looking around

"What's wrong, Nilus?" Atrox asked softly.

"Strange dream..."

"YOu sure?"

he told him


"It was strange..."

"We'll figure it out..."

He smiled and hugged him

Atrox kissed him.

He kissed back

"Breakfast!" came Mania's voice.

"Shall we?"

He nodded, and got dressed.

he got dressed too

Atrox walked with him to the diningroom.

"There you are..." Mania said smiling.

He blushed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome..."

Atrox nodded to Mania as he sat down.

Nilus sat down too

"Dig in..." Mania said with a smile.

He started to eat

Atrox smiled eating himself.

"Thank you Mania this is really good."

"Thank you Nilus... you are so kind...."

He blushed. "I am?"

"Yes you are....."

"Thank you for saying that."

Atrox kissed his neck. "it's true..."

He blushed and shivered in pleasure

Atrox nipped his ear playfully.

He blushed and closed his eyes savoring the feel. "That...feels good."

((I was just thinking...what if Alaric is Atrox's son with Alaric's mother? If there is someone that doesn't like Atrox it could explain the curse...unless you had a plan for his family))

((I like that...))((Me too ^-^))

"I'm glad you do..."

He hugged him wanting him to continue'

Atrox kissed his neck.

He shivered in pleasure and closed his eyes savoring the feel

Atrox continued.

He smiled in pleasure

"You two are too cute..."

He blushed. "S...sorry I forgot you were there..."

"It's okay... I have some things I want to do..." she said leaving the room.

"Did I hurt her feelings?" He asked in concern

"No... she likes to go off sometimes...."


he kissed him.

He kissed back

Atrox smiled, holding him.

"Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome..." he said kissing his neck.

He shivered and moaned in pleasure

I will find you... came Zeus's voice.

He jumped and shivered in fear

"Nilus..." Atrox said softly.

"He...said he will find me..."

Atrox held him closer. "I promise you... he will not find you..."

He held onto him

"He will never hurt you again...."

"Thank you."

He kissed him.

He kissed back snuggling into him

"I love you..."

"I love you."

"I...can't sleep on the bed...I would be uncomfortable, not used to it."

Artemis gently pulled him to the bed, pulling him onto the bed. She laid down beside him, snuggling him.

He held her close blushing

"You don't have to sleep on the floor again..."


She kissed his cheek.

He smiled and held her close

They both fell asleep.

He held her close

"I love you...." she mumbled.

"I love you and I always will."

"Thank you Sol...I won't leave you..."

He smiled and kissed her gently

She kissed back.

He smiled and closed his eyes to rest.

She snuggled against him more.

He gently put his arms around her

They both fall asleep.

He snuggled closer

He dreamed of his love.

He smiled

He felt something kiss his neck.

He shivered in pleasure

It happened again.

He opened his eyes

Artemis smiled down at him. "You just looked so kissable... I'm sorry I woke you up..."

He blushed. "It's fine I liked it. It was the best way to wake up."

She nodded, blushing.

He kissed her neck gently

"That.... feels good...." she said softly.

He grinned against her neck and gently nibbled

She purred. "Sol..." she whispered, running fingers over his chest.

He drew in a sharp breath of surprise. "That feels good too."

She lifted up his shirt a bit, and kissed his chest.

He groaned in pleasure and trailed a hand under her shirt

She purred at his touch.

His hand hesitatingly brushed her breast

She softly moaned.

"Did that?"

Artemis blushed and nodded.

He blushed gently stroking her breasts

Artemis kissed all over his neck and chest.

He blushed and slid her shirt up taking a nippple into his mouth

She gasped. "Oh Sol...."

"If...I do too much tell me." He whispered

"I will....I like it..."

He suckled her other nipple and gently eased a finger down her pants gently stroking her.

She gasped in pleasure.

He started to pull down her pants.

She pulled at his pants.

He helped her and took off both their shirts. "You sure about this?" He asked with a blush

Artemis blushed, nodding.

He gently entered her

She gasped.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked in concern

"No... it' just felt so gentle...."

"I will always be gentle with you." He said lovingly as he gently eased further in

She purred in pleasure.

He gently made love to her letting her set the pace

"Oh Sol... it feels like.. you have given me my purity back..." she said softly.


"I love you..."

"I love you too." He said lovingly as he kissed her

She kissed back, snuggling into him.

"What if...I got you pregnant?"

"You didn't rape me.... and would you stay with me?"

"I will always stay with you and I would never rape you!"

Artemis closed her eyes at the raised voice. "I... I wasn't saying you would rape me..... we just had sex....I was just asking a question... I love you...."

He hugged her close." sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I love you with all my heart...I want you happy and safe."

"Thank you love...."

He smiled and gently kissed her. "Shall we get breakfast?"

She nodded. "Yes..."

He waited for them both to get dressed than lead her to get some food

Artemis and him came into the kitchen where there was a large breakfast waiting for them. "Good morning, Sol...Artemis..."


"Did you two sleep well?"

"Yes, Aphrodite... I did..."

"Yes. I did too...did you?"

"Yes, a little better than I had in the past..."


"Yes... I have had nightmares after losing you...."

He blushed. "Thank you mother..."

"You...called me mother..." she said happily.

He blushed. "You...are..."

Aphrodite hugged him close. "My baby...."

He blushed

"You make me so happy..."

"I do?"

" do..."

"Thank you..."

She hugged him close.

He hugged her back

Artemis kissed his check.

He blushed

"You mean the most to me..." she whispered.

"Thank you."

Aphrodite sat down to eat as did Artemis, smiling.

Sol set down as well and started to eat

"Aphrodite, this is deleciou..."

"Yes it is."

"Thank you..."

Sol smiled slowly relaxing. "I...thank you both."

Artemis kissed him.

He kissed back

"What would like to do?"

"I...don't know..."

Artemis kissed him again.

He kissed back

"Would you like to go out?"

"Ok." He said with a smile

Artemis took his hand, and went out with him.

He looked around

Artemis hugged his arm. "So.... you really okay with your mother?"

He nodded, "I want to know her..."

Artemis hugged him.

He kissed her

She kissed him.

He smiled

Artemis hugged his arm.

"What now?"

"We continue looking for our loved ones...."

He nodded. "Where should we start?"

"The Oracle of Delphi..."

" do we get there?"

"Oden in dream..."

"I'm're not losing me..."

He nodded and kissed her.

Nemi kissed back.

"Sanzo will protect Nemi."

"And Nemi will protect Sanzo..."

He smiled and hugged her

"We will protect each other..."

He nodded

She kissed.

He kissed back

"What do you think we should all do tomorrow...?" she asked him.

"blow things up?"

Nemi giggled. "I think we should do that just you and me...."

He smiled excitedly

"But what would you like to do that involves hanging out with Isaac?"

He looked thoughtful. "Blow him up so he won't steal Nemi from Sanzo."

"He is not going to steal me away from you... you and I are together forever..."


"If you want..." Nemi said softly, looking down.

"I want that very much."

She kissed him.

He kissed back

Nemi smiled. "Nemi loves you..."

He smiled.

"Isaac's up..." Nemi said looking towards the door.

Sazo looked toward the door. "Oh. Do you like him?"

"I told you... he is just a friend... I do like him as a friend... you I like in a different this way..." she started to kiss him deeply.

He kissed back just as deeply

"You are so special, Sanzo.... you make my heart jump..."

"You make Sanzo's explode." He said with a smile

Nemi giggled. "Come on... let's get some breakfast..."

He got up and stretched

She tickled him while his arms were up in the air.

He laughed and tickled her back

"Ahhhh..." she laughed, running from the room.

He ran after


How do I answer?

We will find each other soon.... howl!

His eyes widened in shock

There was silence.

He held his head thinking he was losing his mind

You are not losing your mind... I am you and you are me... one soul split in two...


YOu and I are one....

We are?

We are Fenris... name is Isaac...

You are my missing self...

How can we reconnect?

He was met by silence as if someone didn't want them to talk anymore.

He tried to push through the barrier

He couldn't.

He sighed in frustration

Soft light came through the window.

He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.

He heard sounds in another room.

He got up and headed out cautiously

It sounded like Nemi and Sanzo were up.

He sighed in relief that there wasn't danger.

He's stomach growled.

He went toward the kitchen not wanting to disturb them

The kitchen was simple, but there was enough supplies to make a good breakfast.

He started working on breakfast

It was quiet.

He worked on breakfast making enough for the other two

He heard the others moving around more.

he set the table

he could smell the breakfast finishing up.

He put a serving on each plate

Nemi ran into the room.

"I hope you don;t mind...I made breakfast."

Sanzo ran in with a grin

"Thanks Isaac..." Nemi said.

"You're welcome."

Sanzo sat next to Nemi

"Let's dig in... this looks so delicious..." Nemi said.

Sanzo took a bite than smiled. "Ok maybe I like him he make good food."

Isaac started to eat. "Thanks...I guess."

Nemi giggled. "Isaac... Sanzo was thinking you'd take me away from him....but he is right.....this is soo good..."

Isaac looked up. "Your attractive Nemi...but sorry your not my type...if you were a guy maybe."

Sanzo looked at Isaac than at Nemi. "He wants to still Sanzo from Nemi!"

"NO! I you aren't my type."

Nemi hugged Sanzo. "I'm your's Sanzo and we are all friends here..."

"Ok." He said with a smile

"Isaac... thank you for breakfast... it was kind of you..."

"It's the least I could do."

"So would you like to some anything?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know... I have to plan out my plans for revenge.... so I like to relax doing other things..."

"I never had time to relax."

"You do now...."

"I don't know what to do."

"There's the park.... or movies... anything..."

"Blowing things up is fun." Sanzo said.

"Actually...I always wanted to go to the beach."

"That sounds fun..."

"Can Sanzo blow up part of beach?"

"You throw the bombs into the water..."

Sanzo looked happy

Nemi giggled and finished her breakfast.

They finished theirs too

"Who's ready for a day at the beach?"

Sanzo bounced up and down

Nemi laughed. "What about you Isaac?"

"As long as he keeps them away from me"

She looked at Sanzo. "Sanzo, did you hear Isaac?"


Nemi smiled. "Beach here we come.....!"

"Can we stop somewhere for swim trunks?"

Nemi laughed lightly. "Of course..."

"Lets go."

Nemi lead them out the back to a black sedan.

Sanzo smiled. "Shotgun!"

Nemi laughed. "Alright...." She got into the driver's seat, waiting for Isaac to get in.

He got in too

Nemi drove them to a local shop. "Here we are boys... let's shop..."

They got out.

She headed into the shop with them, the shop had great looking beach items.

Isaac got some swimtrunks.

Sanzo got swimtrunks with fire on them

Nemi picked out a black bikini.

Sanzo smiled

"Ready now? I'm buying..." she said.

"I will pay for my things." Isaac said

"Let me Isaac..."


"I want to treat my friends...I haven't had friend before... people feared me..."

"Alright...if you are sure."

"I am..."


Nemi smiled. she went and paid for their things. "Ready?"

"Yup." Sanzo said with a smile


"To the beach we go..."

They smiled and followed her to the car

She drove them down to this huge beach on the eastern part of the city.


"Beautiful isn't it...."

"Yes it is."

"last one in is a rotten egg," laughed Nemi as she ran from the car.

Isaac and Sanzo ran for the water

Sanzo tackled Nemi sending both of them toppling into the water just as Isaac jumped in.

Nemi laughed as she came back up to the surface.

They all laughed. "Looks like a tie."

"Yes it does... a perfect tie..."

"So no one is a rotten egg."

Sanzo smiled. "And all of us are at the same time!"

Nemi laughed.

Sanzo grinned, he dove under the water with a fake shark fin and started swimming near some swimmers with only the fin showing.

Isaac sighed. "He is a strange one..."

"I know... but I like it..."

He smiled. "I feel bad for the swimmers...he's probably going to scar them."

"He's like a little child right now.... Oden has destroyed him... Sanzo has deep intellegence... but Oden..."

"We will help him...Nemi? Do you...know what I am?"

"Human yet not..."

"I...heard a voice...a wolf call first..."

"What did the voice say...?"

He told her

"there is something about you that cries out wolf..."

"It...said...'we are Fenris..."

"It would explain why Oden wants you, Fenris was the only one that was not sent away to a prison..."

"Wasn't he chained and exiled?"

Sanzo bit the foot of a swimmer

The swimmer screamed out, running.

"As a pet..."

He looked at her in shock and growled.

Sanzo giggled and started swimming with his shark gear around another swimmer
((I love how they are having a serious conversation while Sanzo is in the background doing this lol))

Nemi nodded. "Behave Sanzo!" she called out to Sanzo. "You know Isaac you did just growl like a wolf..."

He blushed. "I did?"

Sanzo swam over, "But it is fun..."

"Yes you did... and I know it may be fun but just behave yourself, silly..."

He smiled and kissed her. "He did what?"

"He growled like a wolf..." Nemi said.

"Cool want to hear me sound like a cat?"

"You a cat?" she asked with a smile.

He nodded vigorously

"Show me?" she said with a smile.

He started to meow like a cat

" someone that I haven't talked to yet..."

"How do you know you love that person then?"

"I'm drawn to them... a pulling sensation...."

"Oh...I...feel pulled to him."

"It is a pull of true love, brother..."

"But...what if something happened? Mother and Father said I have to remain pure and avoid relationships..."

"And he is a priest...who would do as you wish..."

"What about the relationship part?"

"You need to be happy... we all need to be happy...."

"But mother and father..."

"What does your heart tell you?"

"My heart isn't mine to give to anyone though...mother and father's belief in what I am made sure of that...I don't want to betray them."

"Have you ever wanted to investigate those beliefs?"

"What do you mean?"

"Talk to the Oracle..."

"Where is she?"

"She had left earlier today, which was strange... so she should be coming back soon..."

"Ok...I hope things work out for us both..."

"Me too... me too..."

He hugged his brother thankful for the support

"Let's get this room fixed up... and then go see if she is back..."

He nodded and worked on cleaning up

His brother helped out.

"I think it looks great now."

"I agree... come on...." his brother said with a smile.

He followed

They made it to the rooms.

"Is She back?"

"It doesn't look like it... not yet..."

"What should we do now?"

"We wait..."

"Or I could just be walking up?" said Oracle, walking up to the two brothers.

Drake jumped a little. "Oh miss Oracle..." He said bowing in respect

Oracle laughed. "Come into my room so that we may talk..." she said, heading into her room.

Drake followed her

"You want to be in a relationship..." she said.

He blushed. "I...don't know...."

"With Zaku..."

He looked down. "I...can't..."

"Drake... do you believe that gods exist?"

He looked down. "Yea...but I don't think I come from the gods as my parents believe...surely my birthmark is coincidental."

"There have been many gods that have been kill who have been reborn... and yes you are one... but you do not have to stay pure as they believe..." Oracle said.

"He really is a god reborn?" his brother asked.

"Yes, he is..."

Drake's eyes widened. "W...what?" ((Baulder was considered the most pure of the Norse Gods just so you know)) ((Yes, but he would have made himself that way...))

"You are Baulder....reincarnated...."


"You are....what you are..."

he sat down in shock. "than...I really can't be with him..."

"And why not?"

"Mom and dad..."

"And if I told you he was a god too?"

"Wha? He is?"

"He is the god he is the high priest of...."

"The temple he invited me to?"


"I don;t know what to do..."

"I'm transferring you both to the Phoenix temple..."

"What? What will our parents say?"

"I will take care of that..."


"Go get ready..."

He nodded and hurried off still reeling from the revelations

His brother came up, "I have my things...I'm excited..."

He nodded. "I...still can't believe this..."

"It's Oracle....for ya..."

He sighed.

His brother hugged him. "It's going to be okay..."

"Will it? I am scared...what is expected of me?"

"We'll have to ask Oracle more..."

He nodded

"Come on... Oracle's going to let us use the statue..."

He followed

"Are you two ready?" Oracle asked.

The brother nodded. "I am..."

He nodded still shocked

Oracle looked at Drake. "Drake, are you okay?"

"I...don't know...I just...I'm shocked."


"That I really am a god..."

"It will soon become easier..."

"I don't know..."

"No worries..."

"What did mom and dad say?"

"They want you safe..."

"I know."

Oracle looked at him. "They said that if I was going to send you somewhere that wasn't a temple, they wouldn't allow it..."

He looked down. "Ok...but...we are going to another temple."

"Yes you are.... all will be well...."

"If you say so..."

Oracle nodded. "Just face the statue..."

Drake did as instructed

They disappeared. ((Go down to Kyo and Jackie))

She lead them to the apartment and unlocked the door. "Want something to eat?"

"I'd love that...Chyrosa..."

"Yummy," she said with a smile.

"Chocolate Pancake!" said Delthion laughing.

Lyrra smiled a little. "You had that for breakfast about chicken and dumplings?"

"Okay, mommy..."

"That sounds great, Miss Lyrra..." said Chyrosa.

She smiled. "Make yourselves comfortable. Is pink lemonade good?"

"I'd love some, Lyrra..." Abmisleo said softly, with a smile.

"Me too me too..." said both Chyrosa and Delthion, smiling.

She poured the four of them each a glass of lemonade as she worked on dinner

Abmisleo came into the kitchen. "What can I do to help you?"

"Rinse the lettuce for the salad..."

He nodded and did as she asked, then started to chop it for the salad.

"There are some cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and carrots in the fridge if you and Chyrosa like them."

"We do, Lyrra... thank you for telling me..." Abmisleo started finishing up the whole salad. He then set the table to get it ready for them all.

She blushed and thanked him. "Food is ready children." She said as she put a serving of the chicken and dumplings on each plate

Chyrosa and Delthion ran in smiling, each taking a sit, making it so that Lyra and Abmisleo would be sitting next to each other.

Lyra blushed as she sat down.

Abmisleo sat down after putting salad on each of the plates. "it smells delicious, Lyra..." he said.

"Thank you. it is my homemade recipe..."

Abmisleo took a bite. "Mmmm... it's wonderful..."

She blushed. "Do you like it Chyrosa and Delthian?"

"Yes mommy..."

"Yes Miss Lyra..."

She smiled eating her food.

Abmisleo kissed her cheek. "I'll have to treat you to a nice dinner next time..."

"You...don't have to."

"I want to, Lyra... I want to treat you to everything you've ever wished for..."

She blushed looking hopeful. "I...why?"

"Because I feel connected to you.... and...." he gently kissed her lips. " deserve it...."

She blushed and kissed back

"Awwwwwww...." came Delthion and Chyrosa's voices.

She blushed

"Eat your dinner you two..." Abmisleo said with a smile.

Lyra blushed more

"Yes daddy..." "Yes, mr. Abmisleo..." the children said, smiling.

"Anyone want apple cobbler with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?" She said as they finished eating

"Me!" came Delthion and Chyrosa.

"I would love some..." Abmisleo said politely. "Did you make it?"

"I make everything homemade, better quality that way including the ice cream." She said getting it from the over and serving everyone.

He took a bite. "This cobbler is perfect Lyra..." he said with a smile.

"Thank you like it too you two?"

"Yes mommy...."

"Yes Miss Lyra..."

She smiled happily

Chyrosa and Delthion were whispering back and forth, smiling.

Abmisleo smiled at Lyra. "Their so cute..."

"Yea...Delthion hasn't had any friends before...I like seeing him have the chance."

"Chyrosa loves making new friends and she loves learning..."

"They are both sweet children."

"Where does Delthion go to school?"

"He's homeschooled."

"You must be a very good teacher..."

She blushed. "I try."

He kissed her cheek. "I'm sure you are a great teacher..."

She blushed. "Thank you...can I..."She bit her lip not sure if she should ask

He leaned forward and kissed her lips.

She blushed and kissed back. "Can I...umm...."

He looked at her, smiling. "Can you?"

"Teach her too?" She whispered

"You want to?" he asked with a smile.

She nodded. "I think it would be good for both of them."

"Chyrosa would you like to be...?"

"Homeschooled? Yes... it will be fun!" she said smiling.

"Really? You will let me teach you?"

"Yes, Miss Lyra..." she said with a smile.

"Thank you so much."

"You two go play..." Abmisleo said.

"Okay..." they said and ran off.

Abmisleo smiled at Lyra. "I hope you're ready for little Chyrosa..."

She blushed. " up for the challenge and I promise to do my best."

"I'll pay you if you help with supply..."

"Only with supplies ok? It is my pleasure and it will help Delthion have a friend."

"Yay!" Delthion shouted, as Chyrosa giggled.

Abmisleo smiled. "Lyra... thank you..." He kissed her.

She blushed kissing back. "Thank you for letting me."

He looked over at Chyrosa and Delthion. "They play as if they have been together all their lives...."

She smiled. "I looks like they are best of friends."

Abmisleo wrapped an arm around her shoulders pulling her into a hug.

She blushed

He kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

"I will never hurt you...."

"I...believe you...Thank you. I'm sorry I lied..."

"Lied?" he said softly, showing no sign of being upset.

She still looked down. "As you can see...we live here...we aren't passing through..."

"Thank you for telling me the truth..." he said softly, kissing her cheek.

She blushed and nodded

" are so wonderful..."

"I am?"

He pulled her gently around a corner in the kitchen and gently kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

He pulled back, smiling lovingly.

" you."

"I love you too...." he said softly.

She blushed ((just so you know she is in danger of loosing the apartment because she is behind on bills, she doesn't know though))

There was a pounding at the door.

She frowned and went to the door opening it. "Yes?"

It was the landlord. "I'm here for your monthly payments..."

"Oh...umm....I have a little more than half and I get my paycheck tomorrow is that ok?"

"I have to have the money now, you are way too far behind..."

"I have been much is it?"

"You are $3,000 overdue..."

"What? How?! I paid...I...please...I will do my best to pay...I don't have that money though..."

"I want it tonight..."

" there any way I can pay it in increments?" She said trembling

"No there is not... you are several months overdue..."

"Please sir...I don't have the money...and my son...please..." Tears rolled down her cheeks

"I will be back later and you better have the money..."

She shut the door trying not to cry. She trembled as she called the bank to see how much she had in savings. She was sure she wouldn't have enough unless she got into Delthion's savings which she didn't want to do.

She found out she didn't have enough.

"What's wrong?" Abmisleo asked softly, hugging her.

She cried into him trying to explain. "I don't know what to do..."

"I have room..."

"I...can't ask that of you...I doin't want to be a burden..."

"It wouldn't be a burden..."

"I...don't know how to thank you...are you sure it is no trouble?"

He kissed her.

"Thank you..."

"I want to make you happy...."

She blushed. "Thank you so much...will you help me pack?"

"Yes of course..."


Delthion and Chyrosa came into the room. "Mama?"

"Pack your things baby we are moving."

"We are?? Why? Where?"

"Ambesleo...he is letting us live with him..and Chyrosa..."


Chyrosa hugged Delthion. "This will be great..."

Lyra smiled and began packing

Ambisleo helped with the packing, as did Delthion and Chyrosa.

Soon their belongings were packed since they didn't have many to begin with. "Now what? Will he let me out of the contract?"

"I'll take care of him....alright?" Abmisleo said softly, kissing her cheek.

"Ok...are you sure?"

"Of course....I want to do this for you...."

"Thank you."

Ambisleo smiled, and lead them out of the apartment.

She followed

"See any that you like, Falcon?" he asked softly.

He pointed to one that was Gothic revival in style. "That one."

"I like that one have a great eye, falcon...."

He smiled

"Now all I have to do is buy it, and it's our's...."

"Ok." He said happily

Vann hugged Falcon close.

"If we get the house...can we visit Chyrosa and the others?"

"Of course.... and they can visit us..."

He smiled

Vann kissed his forehead.

He smiled

"Would you like to go with me to go buy some things for the new house?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yea!"

Vann smiled. "Come on... let's get going..."

He followed him

Vann took his hand, and lead him out into the city, taking him to the furniture store.

He looked around excitedly

"See anything you like...?"

He climbed onto a really nice canopy bed and bounced up and down on it. "I like this! It has more room for us"

"You still want to sleep in the same bed?" he asked curiously.

Falcon looked at him curiously in return. "You don't want to? I...feel safe that way."

"I... didn't say I didn't want to..."

He smiled and hugged him

Vann hugged him back, holding him close.

"Do you think that bed will be good? It is comfy."

"It's perfect..." Vann said softly watching him with love in his eyes.

Falcon smiled

"What else do you see?"

He looked around pointing out a really nice wardrobe and some other furniture

"You have a perfect eye, Falcon..." Vann said with a smile.

Falcon grinned looking around. "look..."He said pointing to an ornate chest. It was set in a corner and looked like an old antique. "That looks neat."

"Would you like it?"


Vann spoke to one of the salesmen, saying that he'll take the chest. "Anything else?"

"Your turn to choose.' He said with a childish grin

Vann showed Falcon a large wardrobe of oak with gold enlay.

"I like that!"

He bought it too.

"How will we get this into our home?"

"They'll take it to our home and inside..."

"Oh. Can we see the house in person?"

"Yes, of course... " Vann said, picking Falcon up. "Let's go..."

He hugged him and smiled

Vann walked with him to an alley, and then they reappeared infront of the Gothic house Falcon had picked out.


He sat Falcon down. "Go on...explore..."

He ran through the house looking around. "So big!"

"Pick out our room!" he called.

"aren't we sharing?"

"Yes we are...I said pick out Our room...."

He looked for the biggest room.

He found it.

"Found it and look at the view!" He said running to the windows

"WOw... it's perfect..."

He smiled looking out the window

It was a beautiful view.

"Look at the view."

"gorgeous..." Vann said.

Falcon hugged him

Vann held him tightly.

"I like this house allot."

"Wonderful..." he said, hugging him tightly.

He smiled and raced off to explore the old house more

Vann laughed happy to see Falcon so happy.

Falcon stopped when he came to the stairs leading up to the attic. He gathered his courage and headed up the stairs. ((an attic was where his parents were killed, he doesn't remember but he is still leary around attics))

Vann came up to the attic stairs. "Falcon... you don't have to go up there...."

"I...want to see what's up there."

"Are you sure?"

He hesitated and shivered. "I...don't know..."

Vann scooped Falcon up, hugging him close. "YOu don't have to, Falcon..."

He hugged him. "I wanted to see if there was treasure..."

"We'll check another day, alright..."

He nodded. "What now?"

"How about I fix us a big dinner?"

He nodded. "Can I help?"

"You can always help, Falcon..."

He smiled. "What are we going to make?"

"I was thinking about home-made pizza..."


Vann laughed, carrying him back down stairs. "Let's get out the stuff..."

he bounced up and down waiting

Vann helped Falcon get everything prepared.

Falcon helped

Vann put the pizzas into the oven. "Now we wait..." he said smiling.

Falcon smiled. "Yay. Tag you're it." He said as he ran out of the room

Vann laughed, and gave chase.

Falcon hid under the stairs

"I will find you my little one..." he called out.

Falcon smiled keeping silent

Falcon started to get tickled. "Got you..."

He laughed and squermed, "That tickles!"

"Good...." He continued to tickle him.

He squirmed. "S...stop!"

Vann laughed., and stopped.

He hugged him

Vann hugged Falcon close, burrying his face in his neck.

"What's wrong Vann?"

"Nothing.... nothing at all...." he mumbled into Falcon's neck.


"Yes..." he said softly, kissing his forehead.

He smiled. "I am glad."

Vann smiled.

He yawned. "I'm sleepy."

"Then it is to bed with you..."

"Read me a story?"

"Of course...."

He brushed his teeth and crawled into bed

Vann sat down on the bed, close to him, and began to read him a story.

He fell asleep after it was over

Vann just sat there, holding him.

Vann had a bad feeling he was in danger again

Vann carefully scooped Falcon up protectively.

"What's wrong?"

"That feel... from before..." he murmurd.

He hugged him tightly growing scared. "We...forgot the pizza it might be burning!"

Vann ran from the room, pulling out the pizza.

He noticed a small fire had started but the pizza was fine

Vann took care of the fire, and then cut the pizza for them.

He ate a piece. "Yummy!"

Vann smile. "I'm glad..."

He smiled and ate. "Full."

"Would you like anything to drink?"


Vann poured them both milk. "Here you go..."

He smiled and started to drink it. " you think we will see them again?"

Vann smiled. "Yes I do..."

He smiled and yawned. "OK now I really am tired."

She ordered pizza and than went through the collection of movies they had seeing what one he wanted.

He picked out the Lion King.

She put it in and sat down next to him

He snuggled against her.

She stroked his hair gently angry at Oden for forgetting his promise and more importantly for forgetting their son's birthday. "Luscious?"

"Yes mommy?" he said, looking up at her.

She pulled some wrapped presents from under the couch and handed them to him. "Happy birthday sweetheart." She said with a smile. Each present said "From Mommy & Daddy with love." But in reality she had gotten the presents alone without Oden's help. But she didn't want her son to be sad so she had made it so they were from both of them. "We didn't forget angel."

"Oh mommy... this is great..."

She smiled. "Open them."

Luscious started to open his gifts.

He had a laptop some games and cartoon movies he had really wanted.

"Oh mommy.... these are great!"

She smiled. "I'm glad you like them. We knew you wanted them." She hugged him and kissed his forehead

He hugged his mom back. "I love you mommy."

"I love you." She said as she got the door for the pizza she tipped the delivery boy and closed and locked the door. She poured Luscious some milk and fixed him a a plate of food. She fixed herself food and drink. "I have desert for you too but we will eat that after dinner ok?"

"Okay mommy... I love you too..."

She smiled and ate. "Having a good birthday?"

"It's perfect, mommy...!"

She smiled. "I am glad."

"You are the best mommy ever..."

She smiled and held him close. "Thank you angel. I will be right back I need to use the restroom." She said heading to her bathroom and closing the door. She than called Oden.

"Yes?" came his voice.

"I know you are busy love but...It is Luscious' birthday, could you at least come for the cake and ice cream it would mean allot to him and to me Oden."

"Five minutes... I will be there..."

"Thank you love." She said as she hung up. She did her business and washed her hands than went to the kitchen getting the cake from the fridge. She put the candles on the cake and waited for Oden

Oden came into the kitchen. "Ready?" he asked.

She smiled and kissed him lighting the candles and getting the ice cream. "Thank you for coming." She said asking him to bring the ice cream as she headed into the living room with the cake. She started to sing happy birthday to him.

Oden brought in the ice cream. Luscious ran up to him, hugging him. "Thank you for the gifts daddy... you and mommy are the best...."

"You deserve them..." he said.

She smiled happily as she sat the cake down and got the paper plates ready. "Blow out the candles and make a wish."

Luscious did as he was told.

She smiled putting a slice of cake on each plate. "Peanut butter cup ice cream or chocolate chip birthday boy?"

"Chocolate chip..."

She took a scoop and put it on his plate. "What about you Oden?" She said with a smile happy he made it

"I don't want any..." he said, as he started on his cake piece.

"Ok...'She scooped a bit of both ice creams on her plate and put the rest of the cake and ice cream away. She than sat down to eat with them.

When Oden had finished, he kissed Luscious on the head. "I have to go...I will be back later tonight..."

"Okay daddy..."

Amira kissed Oden. "I love you."

Oden nodded. "Love you..." he said, and left.

She cleaned up. "alright angel time to get ready for bed." She said helping him move his things into his room and get ready.

"Okay mommy..."

She tucked him in and read him a bedtime story. "Night." She said kissing his forehead.

She left his room and brushed her teeth than showered changing into a sexy nightgown hoping Oden would come like he said. She laid on the bed waiting

She fell asleep waiting.

She rolled in her sleep

Warm light woke her in the morning.

She sat up and sighed. He lied... She got dressed and went to check on Luscious

Luscious wasn't in his room.

"Luscious?!" She said growing worried

"In here mommy!" he called. "Daddy made us breakfast....!"

She hurried in breathing a sigh of relief. "I waited up for you.' She said to Oden.

"I got in late..." he said. ((Lying lol))

"Oh ok..."She said setting down to eat. " long can you visit?"

"I have to head back out..."

"Oh..well thank you for stopping by." She said kissing him. She hid the movement from Luscious but she gently rubbed Oden's package

"Hmmm...eggs?" he asked.

"Yes please."She said gently squeezing it

He put eggs on her plate.

She sat down and started to eat. "Thank you for breakfast."

Oden nodded.

She looked to her son and ruffled his hair

Oden stood up and hugged her from behind, and slipped a hand between her legs from behind. "Have to go..."

"MM'kay. I love you." She said as she carefully turned and kissed him. "Come to me tonight?" She whispered in his ear. "I miss you."

Oden nodded, and left.

She dropped her son off at daycare and went to her modeling job

"Work it..." said the photographer.

She worked as he asked and did sexy poses

"Yes yes, work it..."

She continued her poses

"Alright... that's it..."

She smiled taking a break after awhile

"Alright everyone back to work!" called the photographer after thirty minutes.

She went back to her work

Soon work was over.

She headed to pick Luscious up


She smiled and hugged him. "How was your day sweety?"

"It was great mommy... I had a great"

"Good but busy. What do you want for dinner tonight?"


"Lets try for something a little more healthy sweety, any other idea?"


She smiled. "You had pizza last night how about...macaroni and cheese with vegies and sousage?"

"Okay mama..."

"Does that sound good?"

Luscious nodded. "Yes mama..."

She smiled and hugged him taking him home. "Want to help?"

"Yes, pleazzzzzz"

She smiled and had him help work on dinner when they got home

Luscious hummed as he helped.

She smiled happily

"You are the best mommy!"

She smiled. "Thank you angel."

Luscious ran away helping out.

Soon the food was done and she dished out two plates. "What do you want to drink?"


"Orange, apple, pinapple or mixed?"

"Mixed please...."

She poured them both juice and sat down to eat.

Luscious started eating, a smile on his face.

She smiled. "So how was your day?" She asked eating as well

"It was great...."

"Do anything fun?"

"We watched at movie...."

"What movie?"

"Ice Age..."

"Did you like it?"

"Yes mommy..."

She smiled. "I am glad."

Luscious smiled.

"What would you like to do now?"She asked as she cleaned the dishes and put up the leftovers

"Play a game..."

"Ok a board game or something else?"

"Board game..."

"which one baby?"


She played monopoly with him

He giggled.

She smiled."Something funny?"

"Nothing mommy... I love you..."

"Love you too." after the game was over she smiled. "Bath time."

Luscious jumped up laughing. "No...." he ran from the room laughing.

She smiled and ran after him. "I will get you little one."

She ran into the chest of someone.

She stumbled and looked.

Oden stared down at her. "What is going on?"

She hugged him. "Sorry...Luscious won't take his bath and seems to want to hide." She said with a smile as she kissed him. "Luscious your father is here."

Luscious came out of hiding. "Hi daddy..."

Oden nodded. "Bath now..."

Luscious hurried off to the bathroom.

She leaned against him. "I wish he listened to me." She said with a smile. "Will you...stay the night love?"

" go help Luscious...."

She smiled and did so, after he was done with his bath and his teeth were brushed she put him to bed and told him a bedtime story. "Goodnight." She whispered kissing his forehead and leaving his room. She went to Oden and kissed him



"He didn't try anything...we just talked a little."

"IF you see him again, leave the area or call security..." said her father.

"Why? He was nice dad."

"I don't want to lose my baby.."

She hugged him. 'You aren't losing me."

He hugged back. "You're my baby girl..."

"Daddy? I am not going anywhere."


She hugged him

He hugged her closely.

"Daddy? Why are you so worried?"

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you..."

She smiled. "I will be careful."

"Good..." he said.

"So...what are we doing tomorrow?"

"I have a big business meeting..."

"Oh and than?"

"I am taking you and your mother out to dinner..."

She smiled and hugged him. "Ok."

He hugged back. "What's your plans?"

"I don't know...I want to take these candies to him and get to know him...I will be careful."

"Good.... I hope so...."

"I will."

Her mother giggled. "Such the over protective father..."

She smiled at her mother too

Her mother hugged her. "It's late... time for bed..."

She hugged them both and headed upstairs to ready herself for bed. "Night.."

"Night hun..."

She brushed her teeth and changed into a nightgown. She than brushed out her hair and laid down to sleep

She dreamed that she was walking through a desert, and she came across a giant black scorpion.

She froze not wanting to move

The scorpion came up to her, just staring at her.

She tried to keep still, terrified it would attack

Strong protective arms wrapped around her waist. She felt safe.

She looked

It was him.

"T...the scorpion..."

My friend... you are in no danger...

She relaxed. "Ok....but it is so big..."

He gently took her hand and raised it to pet it.

She blushed

He kissed her neck.

She blushed.

She woke up.

She stretched and dressed in a pale blue dress with leather sandles. She put on a pearl drop necklace and earrings amd went down stairs with the candies

"Breakfast sweetheart..." came her mother's voice.

She smiled. "Morning."

"Morning... you look pretty..."

She blushed. "Is it too much?'

"No, you look wonderful..."

"Thank you...if he wants...can I invite him to dinner tomorrow night?"

"Of course sweetie..."

"Thank you." She said as she finished eating. "I am heading to give him the candy I will be back soon."

"Alright.... remember your father is taking us out tonight..."

"I know." She said with a smile as she hurried to see him

She made it to where ever she is going.

She looked for the boy

She didn't see him. "Zanos?"

"Hello!" echoed down.

She looked up

Zanos was swinging in the ropes and lights above.

"Ummm...Zanos? I have something to ask..."

Zanos smiled, and fell down, landing on his feet. "Yes, miss..."

"umm call me by my name...its Alaina...I got you something.."She handed him the candy. "I...ummm if you aren't busy tomorrow...would you like to join my parents and I for dinner?"

"Really? Me....?"

She blushed and nodded. "I...want to know you..."

Zanos smiled. "I'd love to get to know you too..."

She blushed. "Where are your parents?"

"Don't have any..."

She looked at him sympathetically. "I am sorry...I didn't know..."

"It's alright... I lost them long ago..."

She hugged him

He hugged back. "thank you..."

"where do you stay?"

"I have a small apartment...."

"By yourself?"


" old are you?"

"17...." he said.

" shouldn't live on your own...we could talk to mom...we have plenty of room at the manor.."She said with a blush

"You live in a manor?"

" family manor."

"Oh wow..."

She blushed. "Wanna see it?"

"Alright....thank you...."

She offered her hand

Zanos took it.

She blushed and smiled at him taking him home

"Oh... you do have a beautiful manor..."

She blushed. "Thank you...come meet my mother." She said leading him inside. "Mom..."

"Yes, sweetheart...."

"This is Zanos. Zanos this is my mother. Mom...can he...move in if he wants? He is living on his own and we have plenty of room..."

"Oh sweetheart you'd have to talk to your father...."

"Ok...can he join us for lunch?"

"Yes sweet he can..."

"Thank you ma'am..." Zanos said.

She smiled. "Zanos want a tour?"


She took his hand and showed him around trying to get to know him

Zanos told her how he had spent alot of his years traveling, and studying acrobatics and martial arts.

She smiled. "Wow...I do allot of concerts for fund raisers." She said telling him more about herself

"That's great...."

She smiled. "Thanks...did you hear my performance?"

"Yes I did.... it was beautiful..."

She blushed and smiled. "You really liked it?"


She hesitantly hugged him

He hugged her back.

She blushed further. " glad you liked it."

"You have a beautiful voice...."

She blushed. "Thank you very much."

"Forgive me...." he whispered, and gently kissed her.

She blushed and hesitantly kissed back

Zanos pulled back slowly.

She was beat red. "I...liked it..."

"I did too...."

She blushed deeply

he kissed her again.

She kissed back

Arcadia...her love is a coyote...the Zodiac of Capricorn....

I she happy?

She's scared after two close calls...

What happened?!

Hunters... her love tore apart the first one.... but then they had run from the second... and then Zeus kidnapping Delta...Arcadia was able to save him....

He growled.

She is safe now...


It is good to have you back up here from the waters, my friend...

I am glad to be free

All will be right....

He sighed hoping that was the truth

It's soon going to be morning before you know it..

Yea...I know

There was silence.

He laid down to rest

He fell asleep.

He pulled the covers close

He dreamed of Tamesis.

He smiled

He could smell her hair.

He smiled

He could feel her gently caress his face.

He opened his eyes happily.

He saw Tamesis sitting near him on the bed, her head looking at a wall, but her hand on his cheek.

"You ok?"

"Yes... I just met my father...this morning..."

"Your father?"

"Yes... I had never known him....but it wasn't his fault... the evil that is coming into greater power has limited control over mine and Byakko's mother.... she was forced to try and kill my father..." she said softly.

he held her close protectively. "I am sorry."

"It's okay... Byakko was like a father to me... but he didn't have any real knowledge of how a father acts anyways... his father had been killed during the great war..."

"I am sorry."

"It's okay... I have my father now...and I have you..." she said, turning her head towards him, smiling.

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back.

"I love you.:"

"I love you too..."

He hugged her close

Tamesis leaned against him.

"Was your father kind?"

"Yes...he was...He's name is Randulfur...he was a friend of Fenris's... but he had been known by a different name..."

"I see."



"Yes... he is my father..."

"He was a friend of my brothers?"

"Yes... when he started going by Randulfur..."

"I don't recall him talking about him..."

He then recalls that Fenris started a pack of wolves that would be the beginning of all wolves, Randulfur had been one of the wolves's name.

"Wait...that was one of the wolves..."

Tamesis nodded.

He smiled. "I see. He collected many."

"Many to be the first wolf pack..." Tamesis kissed him.

He kissed back

"Do you want anything to eat?"


"Come..." she said softly, standing up.

he got up

She lead her to a kitchen area. "Morning you two..." said Byakko.


"I have breakfast on the table... then I have to go take care of some business..."

"Alright thank you for everything."

"Of course... enjoy sis..."

"Bye Byakko..." she said as he left, waving back.

He smiled and handed her a plate of the food

"Thank you..." she said, sitting down.

"Of course. I love you."

Tamesis smiled. "Any plans for you?"

"I don't know...learn about this time...protect you...and well..."

Tamesis smiled. "I can give you a tour..."


She smiled. "Shall we?"

He smiled and followed her

"Now remember, I am blind... I'll do my best," she said smiling.

"I know." He said gently holding her hand

She smiled, leading him outside, and then down a long trail through a wooded area that lead back to the city.

"Where are we headed?"

"Back to the city... and then just around it I guess..."


"I was going to show you around...remember...."

"I thought you meant around your home..."

Tamesis laughed. "Oh... let's head back then...."

he smiled. "It's can show me around out here too."

Tamesis blushed, and nodded.

He kissed her cheek

Tamesis blushed.

"I love you"

"I love you too..."

"Shall we continue the tour?"

"Yes...Ashland is almost like its own has it's own beach...."



"Hmm. This place is strange..."

"I... agree..."

"You do?"

"Yes I do... but it's also been affected by many deities and magical beings..."

"I didn't know.."

"Not many do..."

"Well...this area is unfamilair to me."

"I know... that's why I'm showing you..."

"Where is this place?"

"We are in a dragon shaped mountain range in Kentucky..."

"Neat...but where is Kentucky?" He said with a smile

"In the United States, which is in North America..."

He frowned. "Strange..."


"The mortals explored the rest of the world than?"

"Yes they did..."


She nodded.

He gently hugged her

She hugged back.

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too...."

He smiled walking with her and getting to know her as he told her about himself as well

Tamesis lead him past a shop that had old looking swords in it.


Tamesis stopped. "What?"

"a shop."

"Oh that shop... it's run by a woman that Oracle says is one of the Gemini..."

"Want to go in?"

"She's not here....the woman is with Genbu... in Egypt..."

"Oh. I see."

"Genbu is the high priest of the Earth Shrine in the north....he loves old swords...."


"Shall we continue our walk?"

"Yes of course."

The cop grabbed his arm. "You can go... but not before you eat something..."

He shivered and looked at him in confusion. " are giving me food?" The officer could see the pain and distrust in the boy's eyes, eyes that should never belong to a child. This child had obviously been through allot, the innocence of childhood had been snuffed out in his eyes.

"Yes... I'm giving you food...I can be a big softy..."

He looked a little uncertain but his stomach growled

The cop gently lead him inside and sat him down at the kitchen table. "How about some scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, and orange juice, and milk?"

he blinked. "I...can have all that?"

"Yes... you can..."

He looked at him in disbelief

"I'm not taking you to the orphanage or to the jail house.... this is my personal house....."

He slowly nodded looking hungry

The cop poured a glass of milk. "Here... you can drink that... while I start cooking..."

"Is this...milk?" He asked in awe as though he had never had milk before

"Yes it is milk... it will help with strengthening your bones and teeth..."

"Really?" He looked down at the glass and took a sip. " good..."

"I'm glad you think so..." he said as he cooked.

he drank the milk quickly

The cop laughed lightly. "Would you like more?"

He nodded

He poured him some more.

He drank it

The next thing he knew the cop placed a plate of food in front of him and a glass of orange juice. "Here you go..."

He started to eat ravenously and drink the orange juice. "It's good....thank you..."

"Don't eat too fast... you'll get a stomach ache... and you are welcome, young man...."

"'s Alaric."

"Alaric... my name is Ares...."

"Ok. Nice to meet you."

Ares nodded. "you want more?"

He nodded. "Yes please. Sorry...for accusing you of rape...I was scared."

"It's not every day that that happens..." he said with a smile. Ares refilled Alaric's plate and drinks.

Alaric looked down guiltily. "I am sorry."

"Did it happen often?" Ares asked softly.

Alaric looked down. "The sex?"


He nodded looking scared again

"I'm not going to let that happen to you again..."



He looked like he wanted to believe but was afraid to. "Thank you so much."

Ares looked torn between something, and then gently pulled him into a hug.

He stiffened in fear than slowly relaxed. "Why....are you nice? especially after what I did."

"Because you did it out of fear... you didn't really want to pull down anyone's pants..."

"No...but it always helped me in the past...your the first one to ever refuse me."

"That would be before I'm not going to rape little boys or any child...."

"You do?"

"I would never rape a child or anyone..."


"Really.... it is wrong to do so..."

"Thank you. Is it...wrong of parents to sell their children for sex?"

"What?? Did that happen to you???" He pulled Alaric closer in a hug.

He nodded and told him about his family. "They didn't do it to my siblings...they started at first by taping me than they sold me for sex..."

"Why just you?"

"I...don't know. They loved them and treated them well they hated me."

Ares hugged him more. "You won't have to worry about that life any more... please... stay here..."

"What? Really? But I am a felon..."

"I'll take care of that..."


Ares refilled Alaric's drink. "Don't worry about it."

He finished eating and drinking. "Can I...have a bath?"

"I'll show you where the bathroom is..." Ares said standing up, and showing Alaric where the bathroom is. He grabbed one of his undershirts that would be like a gown on Alaric and handed it to Alaric. "Put this on after your bath... that way I can wash your clothes..."

"Thank you." He said going in to take a bath, the first one in months

The bath water felt great on his skin.

He scrubbed himself down from head to toe still feeling dirty. Than he just soaked until the water went cold. dried himself off and put on the shirt. When he came out he had some raw areas where he had scrubbed at his skin too hard.

Ares took Alaric's old clothes and put them in the washer. He then lead Alaric over to the couch, carrying with him a kit. "Looks like you rubbed some spots raw... does it hurt?"

He nodded. "I...felt dirty..."

Ares started to put oinment on Alaric's skin and bandaging the really bad spots.

He winced, Ares could tell he was really sensitive,probably due to what he had gone through

"I'm not trying to hurt you... I'm just trying to help you to heal..."

"I..I know.."

Ares smiled nodding. He finished bandaging him. "There you are..."

Alaric yawned. "Thank you..."

"Come...I'll show you to a room...."

Alaric followed

Ares opened up a door a ways down a hall, the door opening into a deep blue room with a large king size four poster bed with deep blue sheet trimmings, and deep blue sheets.

Alaric looked shocked. "I...can use it?"

"Yes you you like it?"

He nodded and went to the bed climbing in and laying under the covers. "Thank you."

Ares smiled, and made sure he was covered well. "Good night, Alaric..."

He was already asleep Ares could tell he probably hand't slept properly in a long time

Ares left the room.

Alaric curled in his sleep

A while later Ares came back into the room, laying an extra comforter over him.

Alaric whimpered in his sleep

Ares sat at the edge of the bed, and stroked his hair.

He settled. After nearly a day he woke up with a yawn and looked around. "Morning..."

Ares smiled down at him. "Morning... sleep well?"

He nodded.

"That's good...ready for some breakfast...?"

"Yes please." He said with a tentative smile that made him even more cute

Ares smiled. "I've put some clothing in the chair over there..."

He went over to the chair and started to dress. His back was covered in scars.

"Who did that?"

"Did what?"

"Your back...."

he looked back. "My adopted families..."

Ares went over to him and hugged him. "No more..." he whispered.

Alaric stiffened at first than slowly relaxed. "Thank you."

Ares gently rubbed Alaric's back. "You are welcome..."

He stiffened.

Ares pulled back slowly. "I'm not going to do anything to hurt you..."

"Okay...."He whispered still looking a little tense

Ares lead him to the kitchen and started to make pancakes.

He followed and looked around

When the pancakes were done, Ares put them on the table. "Alaric... breakfast is done..."

He sat down and started to eat. "Thank you."

"You are welcome..."

He finished eating. "Now what?"

"We get down to work..."


"yes...would you.... like a true family?"

He nodded looking hopeful but still a little distrustful.

"Would you like to stay here...?"

"What do I have to do?"

"Nothing but help out if asked, if you have time, or if you see something that needs to be done.... I'm not going to order you around..."

"Do I...have to...."He started to undress trembling

"What? No.... I'd never do that to a child... to no one that is unwilling...."

He looked up with relief and fixed his clothes. "Than...what do I need to do...I don't understand..."

Ares sighed smiling. "Don't worry about don't have to worry about anything....just know that I would never make you do that again..."

"Ok..."He said looking around the room with interest

"Have you been in school?"

"No...what is it like?"

"It can be fun.... would you like to go?"

He hesitantly nodded

"What's wrong?"

"I...don't know how to read..."

"I will teach you...." he said kindly.

"Ok. How?"

She headed to her next class

"What was that about?" asked one of her friends.

"I dropped my notebook and Tyr was returning it."

"Tyr? Like that god we talked about in class...?"

She smiled. "Yea. He saved me from some creep before class."

"Wow... but I didn't know there was a Tyr at this school..."

"Maybe he goes to a different school."


"He is nice."

"You like him..."

She blushed and nodded

"Then I hope you see him again... "

She blushed and nodded. "I am seeing him after school. I want to treat him to dinner to thank him..."

"You're going to pay for him? Wow..."

She blushed. "What? I know I have never shown interest before but is it that shocking?"

"It's not that... it's that you are paying..."

"Or cooking him the meal..."

"Oh... is that what you were thinking about doing?"

"If he wanted it..."

"You should have asked him..."

"I will...but he wants to treat me."

"A gentleman...." she said smiling.

She blushed. "I know but I want to thank him properly."

"You are such a great person...."

She blushed. "Thank you."

"Come on... we've got class...."

She nodded and followed her

The rest of the day went by fast.

She hurried outside when classes were over,

Tyr was leaning against a tree outside, looking around the area.

"Hey." Selune said with a smile as she came up. "If you won't accept me buying dinner than please let me make you something."

"You know I'll have to repay you in some way if you do... but I am sure anything you make will be wonderful..."

"I want to make you dinner as a thank you...but watch out for my sister. She looks at any attractive guy like they are fair game and we don't see eye to eye." She said with a blush leading him toward her home

"I'm attractive?" he asked innocently.

She blushed and nodded. "Very..."He said as she opened the door. "Mom dad I am home and I brought a friend!" She said leading him inside

There was silence.

"They must be out..." she said leading him to the kitchen. "Can you eat seafood? I make a delicious seafood scampi"

"Yes I can..." he said with a smile.

She started working on the dinner glad her sister wasn't present

"You have I beautiful home..."

"Thank you. My parents worked real hard to make it that sister is the only down side...I think she is jealous of me for some reason."

"Really? I can see one reason..." he said with a smile towards her.

She blushed. "Thank you."

Tyr walked up to her, and tilted her chin up. "Selune...forgive me...." he whispered, and then lightly kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

Tyr slowly pulled away. "If you didn't want me to...."

"I...liked it." She said with a blush

Tyr smiled, and kissed her again.

She kissed back

"I'm home!" came her sister's voice.

She stiffened and worked on the food. "Brace yourself..." She whispered as she put in the noodles

"OOOh.... who is this Selune? What a cutey... I didn't know it was my birthday..."

"he is my guest..." Selune said in agitation as she worked on the food.

Trisha smirked. "Really now..." she said and playfully fingered his chest.

Tyr just stared at her. "I'm sorry... I'm taken..."

Selune looked at him quizzically. "Umm...Tyr food is ready." She said putting the serving on each plate. "Trisha...I invited him as a thank you. He saved me now please leave us alone."

"Awww... whatever..." she said, and left the room.

Tyr turned and looked at her, smiling and sat down.

She handed him a plate and sat down with hers after pouring them each a glass of ice tea. "You...have a girlfriend?"

Tyr took a sip of ice tea. "Only if she'll have me..."

"Oh...good luck." She said taking a bite of her food and fighting the lump that was forming in her throat. I should have known he was interested in someone else...and to make matters worse he kissed me....She snapped her head up wide eyed." you"

"Of course..." Tyr said softly.

She blushed and slowly nodded

Tyr stood up, moving over to her, and gently kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

"Thank you for agreeing to be with me...."

She smiled. "I...feel happy and safe around you like the food?"

"It's delicious..."

She blushed. "You're not just saying that?"

"I am not..."

She smiled."Thanks."

Tyr smiled. "You are welcome, Selune..."

She smiled and finished eating after he was done she smiled. "Want something for desert?"

"I'd love some...."

She smiled and got them each a slice of chocalate cheesecake

"You made this too," he said with a smile.


He took a bite. "Delicious..."

"Thank you."

He kissed her lips, smiling.

She blushed and smiled. "Thank you for caring."

"You're welcome...."

She took care of the dishes. "I am surprised my sister gave up on you so soon."

When she looked over at him, her sister was hugging him around his neck trying to get him to react. Tyr just stared over at Selune. "She didn't...."

"Please let go of my boyfriend." Selune said walking over and looking at her sister angrily

"Your boyfriend...?" she said glaring at Selune, still holding Tyr. "What guy in their right mind would..."

She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Tyr stood up, pulling out of her grasp. "I am not going to let you speak to my girlfriend like that, and I am taken... by Selune..." Tyr wrapped an arm around Selune's waist.

She blushed and leaned against him. "I are the one who attracts guys who are not in their right mind..."

She glared at her. "Who bitch!"

"Don't call me that Trisha..."


"Trisha please leave the room you are killing the mood."

"I'm glad... I think I'll stay..."

"Tyr...want to go see a movie or something?"

"Sure... I'd love to..." Tyr walked Selune out.

She walked with him. "Sorry about my sister..."

Tyr nodded. "It's alright...."

She hugged him

He hugged her, and walked with her to the movies. "So what would you like to see...?"

She smiled and chose a fantasy movie. "Is that good with you?"

"That is very fine with me..."

She smiled. "Thank you for liking me..."

" you...." he said softly, before kissing her.

She blushed kissing back. "Even if...I am freakish?" she whispered showing him her ears

"You are not freakish..."

"I am not?"

"You aren't..."

She smiled tears of releif in her eyes and she kissed him

Tyr kissed back.

"Thank you."

"We are all different..."

She hugged him

"I like your ears...."

She blushed. "You do?"

"Yes I do..."

She smiled

Tyr kissed her ears.

She shivered in pleasure. "Mmm..."

Tyr smiled at her. "Do yu want to know something?"


Tyr leaned down, whispering into her ear, "Fenrir didn't bite off my hand...."

Her eyes widened. "Wha? But....gods aren't..."

"Real...?" He kissed her again softly. "Was that real?"

She blushed and nodded. "You...are the...Tyr?"

"Yes..." he said softly.

"Wow....but...I am human...why do you like me?"

"It doesn't matter what you are, Selune..."


Tyr kissed her.

She kissed back.

She took her hand and walked with her to the kitchen where she made pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream


She smiled as she sat down to eat

"YOu are the best mommy in the world...!!"

She hugged her. "Thank you angel."

She hugged back.

She cleaned up and headed out with her daughter to the park.

"Yay! I love the park!"

"Do you want to go to the zoo after this?"

"I want to see the kitties!"

She smiled. "all right that's what we will do."

"Yay! You are the best mommy Ever!"

She took her to the zoo.

"The kitties!" She ran up to the lion's pit.

She hurried over to her daughter and gently held her hand. "The lions."

"I know mommy... but I want to see all of the kitties...." she said smiling.

"There is a tiger exhibit too."

"Yay! That next please mommy..."

She smiled and lead her to the next exhibit letting her take pictures and taking some herself

"Pretty!" Brianna said smiling.

She smiled. "Lets get something to eat than we can visit the other exhibits."

"Can I have a hotdog?"

"Yes, what do you want to drink?"

"Coke?" she said hoping.

"You are a little young for coke angel. Your options are lemonade, juice, milk or chocolate milk."


"Alright angel. Pink or regular?"

"Pink," Brianna said with a smile.

She smiled and bought a hot dog with french fries and sliced apples for her and a slice of pizza for herself along with two lemonades. Brianna's lemonade came in a kiddy cup shaped like a tiger head with a swirly straw. "Want to set at that picnic table near the flamingo lagoon?"

"Okay mommy..." she said smiling, very happy.

She lead her over and sat down with her taking some pictured of her

Brianna giggled, doing silly posses.

She smiled happily. "Where now?" She asked as they finished lunch. She listed off the other exhibits


She took her there next. After they saw all the exhibits she took her to the souvenir shop. "What would you like?"

She pointed at a stuffed giant panda.

She bought it for her and handed it to her. She got her a dolphin necklace and a few other things including a shirt with a tiger on it.

"Thank you mommy..."

"Your welcome. What do you want to do now?"

"I want to go home.... I'm.... tired...." she yawned.

She picked her up gently and headed home with her.
"Having a good birthday?"

"It's been a great birthday mommy..." she said tiredly.

She hugged her close and tucked her in when they got home. She put her daughters things away than stacked a small pile of wrapped presents in the corner, the last of her presents. She smiled and kissed her forehead before going into the kitchen to work on her birthday cake

She didn't realize but the radio was on. The song playing was that of a very famous rock artist who goes by Thunderbolt. His voice drove her heart crazy.

She blushed ((eep is he Zeus or THor?))

((Thor is not a badguy.... and not it's neither of them... it's someone else MWHAHAHA! ^_^ ))

The radio announcer came on. "That was Thunderbolt... he will be coming to Ashland as apart of his tour..."

She blushed listening for the day and how much the tickets would be. Probably can't afford it...

"Now I know all you lucky listeners want to see him live.... how about this.... the 9th caller wins tickets to their concert as well as backstage passes...."

She called crossing her fingers

"Hello... WHYU?"

"Yes I am calling about the tickets...did I get them?" She asked hopefully


"Really?! Thank you so much. How do I collect the tickets?"

She was given the address.

"Thank you so much." She hung up after giving her name. She checked on her daughter.

"Mommy..." she said, just coming out of the bathroom. "I...I'm sorry..."

"For what baby?" She asked in concern.

Brianna pointed towards her bed which had a discolored spot. Brianna had wet the bed.

She changed the bedding than her clothes. "It's alright. it was an accident angel, just try not to do it again.. Sweetheart, we need to go pick something up ok?"


"I won ticket to see Thonderbolt with backstage passes!" She said hugging her

"You did?? You won tickets?! yay! You are so lucky!"

She smiled. "Lets go get them." She said taking her to the place. "Do you want to come to the concert? It may be loud but I will be with you."

"I don't know mommy..."

"Will see." She said hugging her and taking her to pick up the tickets

When they got there, the desk assistant asked, " May I help you?"

"Yes I was told I won tickets to see is my id." She said showing the assistant. Sybil said holding Brianna.

"Ah, here we are...." the woman said with a smile, handing the tickets over. "The concert tickets, plust the backstage passes...."

"Thank you so much." Sybil said with a smile as she took them. She looked to see how many

There were two tickets and two passes.

She smiled and headed home with her daughter. "Want to come with me angel?" She asked looking at the show time and date

It was tonight.

"Yes mommy..."

"Lets go to will be part of your birthday gifts." She said with a smile. She took her home and got her ready. She got ready in a pretty outfit. "Ready?"

"Yes mommy...." Brianna said smiling.

She smiled and left a note incase the others got back early than headed to the concert

"Muzic Muzis!" Brianna said. ((I didn't mistype ^_^ ))

"It's music sweetheart."

"Music Music!" she giggled.

She smiled and nodded as they got there and she gave the tickets over and showed them the backstage passes

"Alright, the passes will get you two in to the back after the performance and into the after-party..." she was told.

She blushed and nodded. "Thank you." She said going to their assigned seats.

"This is going to be great..."

"I know. Can you see well angel?"

"Yes mommy... this is great!"

She smiled watching and listening holding Brianna's hand

A handsome man with long black hair came out on the stage with the band. She felt drawn to him.

She blushed

The concert started. He had a wonderful voice.

She blushed listening to it

"Mommy your face is red....."

" alright angel..."

"You sure's bright red..."

" see that band member? I...think he is cute.."

"Really? He's singing he lead?" (('s his band...))



She smiled listening and watching. "He is wonderful..."

A few hours later the concert was over.

she picked up Brianna and headed to where they needed to show their backstage passes. "Are you enjoying it angel?"

"Yes mama...."

She smiled and took her to where they could go backstage

"Pass?" a guard asked.

She showed the passes to the guard

"Go on back..." he said. She felt drawn to a room near the back.

She blushed and went to the door knocking

"Come on in..." came a strong voice.

She blushed going in with Brianna

'Thunderbolt' looked at them with a smile. "Hello..."

She blushed. "Hello...I am Sybil and this is my daughter all were a big fan..."She blushed not sure what to say.

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you... My name is Susano-O..."

((OH!!!)) She blushed. "Nice to meet you too. If I may ask...what is your inspiration?"

"The beauty of the storm, of rain and lightening and thunder...of love felt in the soul..."

She blushed deeply. "It's wonderful." ((remember she wears a fake wedding ring to keep creeps away amd help at school))

She sat down with Brianna. "Umm...I never thought I would be able to meet any of that I have I don't know what to say...I am sorry....I'm waisting your time..."She said guiltily.

"It's no problem, miss...I have to say... the young man that has your heart is a lucky man..." he said.

She blushed but looked confused "What? I..."She looked down at the ring and her eyes widened in understanding. "Oh...this...umm...actually this isn't really...I mean to a single mother. This is to keep creeps from hitting on me. Brianna is my only family..."

"Really? She is a beautiful child..."

Brianna blushed.

She smiled and ruffled her daughter's hair. "It's her birthday."

Susano-O smiled at Brianna. "Happy Birthday, little Brianna... you have a wonderful mother..."

Sybil blushed. "Angel...why don't you thank him?"

"Thank you sir..."

Susano-O smiled, nodding. He looked at Sybil. "Would you both like to join me for dinner?"

She blushed. "Are you sure we wouldn't be a bother?"

A gentle hand touched her shoulder. "Little one..." came a female voice softly.

She sat up wiping away her tears and hugging Mr. Ursa. She looked up to see who was there

There was a young woman sitting on her bed, with long silvery white hair. "Come with me little one..."


"Home..."she said kindly.

"H...home? I get a home?"

"With me....little one... you and your friend there..." she said kindly.

"He is Mr. Ursa."

"Hello there Mr. Ursa..."

There is something dark about her... in a good way... I like her...

She smiled. "I get a home?"

The young woman smiled. "Yes you get a home... and I like you too, Mr Ursa..."

"You...can hear him?'

"Yes I can...." she said with a smile.

Sya smiled happily. "Everyone else thought I was lying or imagining he could talk...can we go now? I hate this place."

"We can go, little one..." she said softly, smiling. She stood up, and held out her hand to Sya.

She took her hand and with the other held Mr. Ursa close.

The young woman just walked out of the orphanage with Sya, calmly. "Time to head home...."

"Don't you have to sign papers?"

"No... that was taken care of, little one..." she said softly.

She smiled happily a little afraid of the other kids reactions as they left

the other children glared, but happy that she was leaving.

She tightened her grip on her adopted parent's hand afraid they would hurt her

"I have you little one...they can't hurt you any more...." the young woman said.

Trust her.... no one wants to mess with her...

"Thank you."

The young woman smiled gently at her.

"What should I call you?"

"My name is Hel...." she said softly.

"That's the name of a bad place I thought..."

Hel smiled, and giggled. "It was the name given to a powerful Norse goddess, who the first Christians feared and used her name to name their my name has only one 'L'..."

"Oh. So you were named after her?"

Hel looked at her just smiling.

She is the Norse goddess...

Sya's eyes widened. "You...are her? But...why adopt me than? I am nothing special!"

"One, you befriended the one little crazy soul that escaped me... plus... I know how it is with being different..."

"Mr. Ursa is dead?"

Hel nodded.

I'm a spirit... but I'm still going to be here for you....

She hugged Mr. Ursa. "Thank you...both of you."

Hel nodded. "He's your guardian..."

She smiled."I know."

That I am...

She hugged him and than hugged Hel. "Thank you for getting me out."

Hel kissed Sya's forehead. "You're very welcome..."

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to my home..."

No no... that's not good...I...

Hel looked at Mr Ursa. "Not there... to an apartment I have..."

"Go where?"

Hel looked at her. "Ursa there was thinking I was going to that you to my home in..." she pointed down.

Sya looked at her. "So...your name is Hel...and you live there? But I thought that was for bad people."

"I am it's ruler... and no, all spirits go to me...."

"Oh ok."

Hel lead her to an apartment building and took her up to the top floor via an elevator. "I have the whole top floor appartment. You'll love it... beautiful view..."

She smiled excitedly

When they got to the top, she was greeted by a huge apartment with beautiful furniture and colors.

"Pretty!" she ran through it looking at everything closely still holding Mr. Ursa

"Third door on the right, the one closes to the outside windows...."

She went there and looked

It was a room that was just prefect for her.

She smiled looking at the starry ceiling and light blue walls. She went over to the bed and looked at the star covers. The room was night looking and there were all sorts of stuffed animals of exotic animals. "How did you know?"

"You did it by going into the room... I wanted you to be happy with it..."

She smiled and ran over to a toy chest with a crescent moon on it and looked inside. She ran over to Hel and hugged her tightly. "Thank you...but you gave me something better than a nice room..."

"Oh..." Hel said smiling, hugging back.

"You gave me a mommy." She said hugging her

Hel held Sya tightly, and kissed her forehead. "I'm so happy to have given you that...."

She smiled happily

Hel smiled. "What would you like to do first?"

"Can we play...hide and seek? And no using magic!"

Hel laughed. "Alright..."

She ran off to hide

"One, two, three, four..." After a while, Hel headed off to find her.

She had hidden in a chest in the house

"Sya.... I will find you...." she called out.

She smiled keeping silent

There was a knock on the chest as if someone sat down on the lid.

She stated silent

"Hmm... I'm so tired, I think I'll rest right here on this chest for a few hours...." said Hel.

She smiled trying not to giggle

"OH yeah... I remember now... this is my shaking chest..."

She frowned confused

the chest started to slowly shake, not too much, but just enough.

Sya cried out scared

the chest opened and Hel picked her up. "I didn't mean to scare you...." she said softly.

Sya started to cry into her

"I'm so sorry....." Hel whispered.

"I...was shaken when I was in a box by some of the boys in the orphanage..."

"I... am sorry, little one..." she whispered.

She slowly settled down. "Don't do it again?"

"I promise... I hadn't known..."

She nodded. "I know..."

Hel hugged her close. "I'm so sorry...."

"It's ok mommy..."

Hel smiled softly. "You called me mommy...."

She blushed and looked down. "Sorry...I want a mommy...sorry..."

"I never thought anyone would want to call me that...."

"I do...if you want me too..."

"Please..." she said softly.

She hugged her tightly. "Thank you for being my mommy."

"Sya... my little one... you are very welcome...."

She yawned

"Let's get you to bed..."

She nodded. "Ok mommy.."

Hel helped her get changed and tucked into bed. "Good night sweety..."

"Night mommy. Night Mr.Ursa."

Night Sya...

Hel kissed her forehead.

She smiled and closed her eyes

Hel left the room.

Sya snuggled up to Mr. Ursa falling asleep

She dreamed of a dark world, yet she felt safe as she saw Hel there.

She looked around

The world was not as people described it.

"What is this place mommy?"

Hel looked over at her, smiling a soft smile. "My imprisonment...."

She hugged her

Hel hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Mommy."

Hel hugged her closer. Sya woke, and it was still night out.

She sat up and got up leaving her room. She started to explore carrying Mr. Ursa with ehr

The apartment Hel had brought her to had dark, rich wood furniture with the fabrics being different shades of dark blue. There was a large wall mirror with silver trim on one wall, there were swords of different shapes and sizes on another, and there was five paintings throughout the room, all of five different men but with two appearing to be twins.

She frowned and went up to the mirror looking at it. "Pretty."

it is a pretty mirror, Sya... but why did you frown? Ursa asked.

"The pictures...I wonder who they are." She whispered going over to them and studying them

Her father and brothers...

"Oh." She smiled looking around more

You're safe here, Sya...

"I know I just wanna see." She said exploring her new home.

"What do you think of the apartment?" came Hel's voice.

She turned and smiled. "Much better then the shadowy place."

Kyo walked to his next class trying to avoid the other kids


he tried to act like he didn't hear or care as he headed to class

A book hit him in the back.

he turned to see who his attacker was a cold look on his face.

He did see anyone looking at him.

A girl walked over, picking up the book. "Are.. you alright?"

He nodded.

"They're sure you're alright?"

"I'm used to it." He said with no show of emotion

"I.. am too... but then again they don't want to mess with me anymore...."

"Why is that?"

"You'll have to see at the school assembly..." she said with a smile.

He frowned the only emotion he showed. "Oh...well I will see you around I need to go to class."

"I have to too.... see ya, Kyo..." she said, smiling, hurrying off.

He tried to mask his surprise at her knowing his name. He shrugged it off and hurried to class

When he got to his class, the teacher said, "Alright everyone... I need you to just put your things at your seats and then head to the gym..."

He did so and headed to the gym

The principal had everyone sit. "I have a treat for you all, one of our students is going to demonstrate for you some of her talents..."

The girl from before came up, her red hair pulled back. She started to go through a series of maneuvers with a long sword, including some flips. It all reminded him of the priestess of the Phoenix temple.

He watched her closely

It was the same exact training the priestess did.

"How?" He whispered

She seemed to look towards him, and winked.

He frowned in confusion

The demonstration soon ended and everyone was dismissed to head back to class.

He got up heading to his class. Is she training under Jackie?

"Hey Kyo..." came the girl's voice.

He turned to look. "Did you train with Jackie or one of the priestesses of the other temples?"

The girl laughed lightly. "You could say I trained with Jackie..."

"You did? How did you meet her?"

The girl looked around, finding that they were alone. Her blond hair changed to black. "Hello Kyo..." Jackie said with a smile.

he smiled a little, he was able to show emotion around other workers. "How? Why are you here?" He said.

"I go here, Kyo... I may be a priestess... but I still need school...." she said with a smile.

"Why change your appearance?"

"Because it's fun..."

"Oh...well I will see you at the temple I need to get back to class."

"See you Kyo..." Jackie said and hurried off.

He went to class

He was the last to get to class.

He sat down getting his things out

"Alright class I want you all to right a paper on the country of your choose for next week..."

He wrote down his assignment

"Class dismissed."

He packed his things and headed to his next class

" relax..." came Jackie's voice.

"Hard to do here."

"And you ask why I change my appearance... you know I'm never this happy..."

"I don't have that ability."

Jackie smiled slightly. "Kyo...they will stop...."



he shook his head not believing it

"Kyo...believe and everything will be alright..."

he sighed. "I don't know."

"I have a feeling that things for you are going to change..."

He shrugged and sat down in his class

Jackie walked off to another class.

The rest of the day was boring.

He headed to the temple


he turned to look

Jackie was walking up to him. "Want to walk back to the temple together?"


"You know.... alot of those guys are just jealous...."

"Of what?"

"You are kind, very good looking..."

"No I'm not...I am cold and distant..."

"Says who?"


"Then you're not hearing those that think what I said of you..."

"No one has said that..."

"I just did...oh.. Oracle told me earlier that she is transfering two of the Earth Shrines temple workers to the temple..."

"Why?" He said trying to change the subject

"She said that it had to do with my brother and you..."

"And me?"

"Yes and you..."

"Why me?"

"She's sending down two others...and she didn't say more..."

he sighed not sure what to think

Jackie laughed. "Everything will be cool...."

"If you say so..."

When they got back to the temple, Jackie smiled again. "Alright... Kyo, please be in the main room in an hour..."

"Ok." He said going and changing into his ouitfit. He began to work

It was soon five minutes til time.

He went to the room

"They should be here soon..."

He nodded waiting

Two young men appeared, and he felt drawn to one of them.

He blushed.

Drake looked around

Jackie looked at the newcomers. "Welcome..."

"Thank you, priestess..." said the young man Kyo felt drawn to.

Drake bowed in respect. "Thank you for the welcome."

Kyo looked at Drake's brother blushing.

Jackie smiled. "You may call me Jackie..."

"I am Zaharie..."


Kyo blushed. " Kyo."

Zaharie blushed. "I...

"Kyo.... why don't you show Zaharie there to his room.... I wish to talk with Drake..." said Jackie.

He blushed deeply. "Ok...follow me please Zaharie..."He said leading the way.

Drake blushed looking at Jackie afraid of what she wanted

Jackie looked at him. "Welcome to our temple...Drake..."

"Thank you."He said with a bow of respect. " not sure I should be here though..."

"Because of my brother...."

" older...and my parents wouldn't approve..."

"You have to follow your heart..."

"How can I? Mom and dad expect so much...and if I am a god reincarnated...I have to listen to them." He said sadly

"My brother is a god.... and I do know many gods reincarnated..."

"But my parents expectations...wait...your brother is a god?"

"Yes... he is...he is Suzaku himself...."

"He probably hates me now..."

"He does not hate you... he has been praying for your happiness..."


"Because he cares about you?"

"But...I'm nothing...special..."

"He is pulled to you....his heart calls for you...."

He looked uncertain.

"What does your heart say?" Jackie asked. Drake felt his heart pulling him across the room to a simple door with a phoenix on it.

He looked toward the door with a blush.

"Go... he's been in there for a few hours now...prayer.... why don't you go say hi..."

He bit his lip and nodded tentatively heading to the door. He hesitated than knocked

"Come in..." came Zaku's voice softly through the door.

He hesitated several seconds before going in. "S..Sensie?"

Zaku had been sitting infront of a statue of the phoenix. He stood up looking at Drake. "Drake..." he said softly. "How are you?"

" a god? You...are one too?"

"Yes I'm a god... and it would seem that Oracle is sharing her knowledge..."

He looked down. "I...don't feel like a god..."

"Gods and goddesses don't have a specific look...."

He looked anywhere but at him. "I...don't know how to be one..."

Zaharie followed Kyo.

Kyo blushed leading him to his room. "Here we are." He said unlocking the door and handing him the key with a blush

Zaharie nodded, blushing. "Thank you...Kyo...I...."

"Yes?" He asked blushing

"I...I like you..."

He blushed. " do?"

Zaharie nodded, blushing.

He blushed deeply. " you...too.."

He blushed. "Really?"

He nodded

Zaharie nodded. "I...wanted to come here to meet you..."

He blushed even deeper. "What? When...did you see me before?"

"I had....seen you heading here one day... and I..." he looked down blushing.

He blushed too

Zaharie blushing, kissed him.

His eyes widdened and he hesitantly kissed back

After a while Zaharie pulled back. "I...I'm sorry... if you didn't want me to....I..."

He blushed and kissed him again

Zaharie leaned into the kiss.

He blushed and stumbled a little

"Are you okay...?"

He blushed. "I...lost my balance..."

"Are... you okay now?" he asked softly.

He blushed and nodded looking up at him. "I a little dizzy."

Zaharie nodded. "As long as you are alright now..."

He nodded and leaned against him

Zaharie lead him over to a couch, holding him as they sat down.

"Tell me about yourself."

Zaharie smiled. "I am one of a family that worked at the Earth Shrine.... Drake is one of my brothers...."

"I mean your interests..."

Miach and Liam headed to class Liam occasionally pulling his twin along when he stopped to flirt with an attractive girl. "We will be late for Chemistry again at this rate."

"Loosen up Liam. Life is passing you by stop and appreciate the beauty around you."

The girl started to flirt back with Miach.

Miach grinned. "See? She likes me." He said heading toward her.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Fine. Be late for class, but you will get in trouble."

Miach looked at his brother and sighed than turned to the girl. "I'll see you around my sweet." he said with a flirtatious wink. He started to follow his brother. "You really should loosen up. Studying all the time is a bore."

Liam sighed. "And being a flirt is shallow." He said heading toward their class

The girl waved, giggling. "See you later hottie..."

"See you later angel of beauty." he returned as Laim dragged him into the class room.

"Everyone, please take your seats," said the teacher.

Liam took a seat at the front of the class, Miach sighed and sat next to him. They both got their materials out.

The teacher started to talk about the history of the periodic table.

They took note. Miach took the occasional note still casting flirtatious gazes at the girls.

Liam took more detailed notes

Soon the class was over. "Remember class, I want a paper on one of the elements from the periodic table..."

Liam put his things away and nudged Miach. "Come on."

Miach put his stuff away and followed. Liam looked at their schedule for their next class

The next class was history.

Laim smiled and told Miach. "Boring..."Miach muttered.

"Miach...the only classes you like are those either taught be attractive girls or ones talking about their anatomy."

Miach grinned. "Not true I like the ones dealing in mythology and the occult."

Liam smiled. "Yea. I suppose... but please...take your classes more seriously." Liam said as they sat down in the classroom.

More students came in. Then a beautiful young girl walked into the class room. She had long black hair and beautiful bright sea green eyes, and soft-looking lips. It was obvious that she must have skipped a few grade levels, which was the thing that caught Liam's attention. Her beauty was what caught Miach's attention. She went and sat down near the middle of the back of the room.

Miach caste a flirtatious look her way.

She looked at him, giggled, then pulled out her notebook and pen.

Liam pulled Miach back to face the class. "The teacher will be here soon."

"You know Liam you could be placed in advanced classes too, why do you stay in this one?"

"Because someone has to ensure you study!" Liam whispered.

The teacher came in and started in on the ancient civilizations of the East.

Liam took notes as Miach continued to try and flirt with the new girl

The girl smiled back at him, but took notes at the same time. Soon the class was over, and the girl was one of the first to leave the room.

Miach sighed. "She was hot."

"Did you hear a word the teacher said?" Laim asked as they left the room.

Miach shrugged. "That's what you are for little bro."

Liam sighed. "Why don't I let you fail again?"

Miach grinned. "You love me too much and you are to kind a person."

Liam shook his head. "You are shameless and sucking up won't work." He said looking at their schedule.

Their next class was Greek Language Studies. ((It is a Private Boarding School so that is going to be a class... ^_^ )) ((fine by me ^-^&))

They headed to class

When they got to the class room, Miach saw the beautiful new girl seated near the back. She was reading a book, and he could see she had one leg crossed over the other..

He walked over to her ignoring Liam's protest and sat next to her. "Hello gorgeous."

Liam glared at him in irritation than took out his notebook and supplies. I am not helping him tonight! He thought in irritation

The girl looked at Miach with a smile. "You really think I'm gorgeous?" she asked.

"Very. And your eyes are breathtaking. My name is Miach what is yours?"

"My name....? Couldn't you continue to call me gorgeous?" she asked smiled.

He smiled. "all right."

The teacher began the lesson.

Miach tried to flirt with her quietly.

Liam took notes trying to ignore his brother

The girl giggled softly at Miach.

Soon the class was over.

"Would you join me for lunch beautiful?" Miach asked

Liam came over with his things. "I am not helping you with your assignment this time Miach. I doubt you heard even a word the teacher said!" He said irritatedly, he than turned to her. "Sorry about my brother he is an idiot. If he is bothering you I apologize."

"I am no idiot and sure I heard what he said, he said "class dismissed." Miach said with a grin. "I know you will help me you won't let me fail."

Liam glared at him. "I will this time, it will teach you a lesson."

"I'll catch him up, I have all the notes down..." the girl said with a smile. Her note book was still open, and Liam could see that she did indeed have the notes even with his brother hitting on her. "And yes.. I'll join you for lunch..."

Liam sighed. "I wouldn't if I was you. He deserves to fail if he doesn't take his class seriously."

Miach smirked. "Your just jelious that she agreed to come to lunch with me. Seriously lighten up Liam."

Liam sighed. " my idiot older brother name is Liam, and you are?"

The girl smiled. "Do you really want to know?" She then giggled. "You can call me Angel..." ((She's having fun with them... ^_^ )) ((I can tell))

"Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Liam..." she said with a smile. she gathered up her things.

Liam looked at the schedule again

He and Miach had Calculus up next.

"What's your next class?" Angel said.

"Calculus and you?"

"I have the same...." she said with a smile.

Miach smiled and offered her his arm

Angel took his arm. "Thank you..." She put her bag over her shoulder.

Liam sighed and walked to class. He even gets the smart girls...

Miach smiled as they walked he still flirted with her

Angel smiled at him, and then looped her arm in Liam's. "I like this... walking in the middle of two handsome young men..."

Miach smiled.

Liam blushed deeply. ""

Angel giggled. " both are..."

Liam looked surprised at the compliment.

Miach smirked. "Told you,"

They made it to the classroom. "Liam, do you want to join us for lunch?"

"are you sure?"

Angel nodded. "I'll feel so lucky to be eating lunch with two cuties."

"And I for having lunch with such a beauty." Miach said with a wink.

Liam continued to blush

Angel giggled.

Liam blushed. "How long have you been here?"

"I just got my parents to transfer me here from my public school..." she said.

"I see. How was your old school?"

"It was nice, but I wanted more of a challenge..." Angel said.

"So you wanted to come here?" Miach asked

"Yes I did...I had heard that it was the best...."

"It is." Miach said with a smile. "Because I am here."

Angel giggled.

Liam sighed

"It's the best school because of the academics... the boys are just a bonus..." Angel said.

Miach smiled. "Why thank you."

Liam sighed. "Please don't encourage him..."

"I was trying to get you to stop sighing..." she said winking at Liam when Miach wasn't looking.

He blushed. "You...were?"

"Yes... I was...cute boys like you two are bonuses to the academics here at the school..."

Liam blushed while Miach smiled. "And Cute girls like you make coming here worth while." Miach said

Angel giggled. "You two are too cute..."

Miach smiled and Laim blushed as they entered their next class

Angel went and sat down.

They sat down next to her.

Angel smiled, as the class started. Liam and Miach noticed other guys staring at Angel and they felt protective of her.

Liam wrote notes but scooted a little closer. Miach put a protective arm around her shoulder

Angel giggled softly. When class was over, Angel looked at them. "You two are silly... you two have a protective side, I like that...." she said smiling.

Miach smiled. "I always protect beautiful women."

Liam blushed. "I..those guys were eyeing you..."

"They were?"


"I feel so safe with you two..." she said, smiling sweetly.

"Really?" They both asked at the same time

"Yes I do... is there a reason I shouldn't?"

"'s just...Miach is a flirt and I...well...people think I am too shy."

"Together you two are quiet the pair..."

"We are?"

"Yes you do...."

"Thank you."

She smiled at them both with a loving smile.

They smiled back. "Want to get lunch?"

"Yes, I'd love to..." she said with a smile.

They lead her to the cafeteria.

"Where should we sit...."

"How about getting our food and eating outside on the grounds?" Maich asked

"I think that's a great idea..." Angel said with a smile.

They got in line

Angel got a salad and some fruit, as well as some cheese, and water.

Liam got the same and Miach got a chicken sandwitch, fruit and a tea. "Are you a vegeterian like Liam?"

"No... but I like to eat healthy...."

Miach smiled and lead them over to a shaded tree. "It this good?"

"It's great, miach..." she said sitting down on the ground.

Liam sat down and began to eat as did Miach. "So tell me about yourself beauty." Miach said with a flirtatious grin.

Liam sighed

"Well...I..." she started. Miach's cell started to ring.

He frowned looking at the number."Sorry..."

It was his parents.


"How are classes, Miach?"

"Ok I is everyone?"

"Your mother's fine, how's Jezza doing?"

"What? Isn't she there with you guys?"

Angel looked at him in concern at the sound of Miach's voice.

"No, we've sent her there to farther her education more...."

"Jezza is here? I haven't come across her...we will look for her. When did you guys do that?"

Liam looked up in surprise. "Jezza is here?"

"Her first day of classes was today..."

"We will try to get a hold of her dad. Does she have the same cell number?"

"Of course..." he said over the phone.

Angel sat there listening.

"Liam call Jeza." Miach said.

Liam dialed her number

Angel took out her cell phone, and showed it to Miach and Liam. The screen on the cellphone read: Liam She smiled at them.

Liam dropped his phone in shock and Miach's mouth dropped. "B...but..I flirted with so different!"

"I know... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you...."

"Why didn't you?"

"I wanted to surprise you two..."

"You did that well."

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