Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 8 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 8

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"Yeah! Does that mean you know the way in?"

Genbu nodded. "Yes I know the way in...this way..." He lead her over to a side that had one stone that had images of a large cat. "Place your hand right there..."

Tallia puts her hand on the stone where he is pointing.

A panel opened up, revealing a door.

"Whoa," Tallia put her hand on the knob of the door and looked at Genbu.

Genbu smiled. "Go on's safe..."

Tallia turns back to the door and turns the knob. She carefully takes a step inside and waits for Genbu.

Genbu followed her inside.

"Hello Tallia..." came a male voice.

Tallia jumped, "Okay, I was not expecting that..."

A man walked over. "I was however..."

"Thoth..." Genbu said with a smirk. "Good to see you..."

Thoth nodded. "You as well...."

"I've heard that name before..."

"I am the Scribe of the Egyptian Gods...and God of Writing, Knowledge, and Magic..."

"Oh. Does it bother you that most Egyptions don't tend to worship like the ancients?"

"They do in small ways that they don't notice they are doing...but in all... no it doesn't bother me....."

"Well, I guess that works for you. It'd probably bother me..."

"Yes it would.... but you are neither a god nor a mortal..."

"True, still getting used to that, actually. Although," a slightly bent smile comes across her face, "it makes some things a lot more fun!"

Thoth smiled. "You and your weapons and violence..." he laughed.

"That's because weapons and violence are fun. Especially if you're actually getting the real sickos out of the world! Right, Genbu?"

Genbu laughed.

"Yes.... like the ones in Tokyo that you two took care of..." Thoth said with approval in his voice.

"Yeah! I enjoy murder and violence, but more like the guy on that show Dexter than the crazies who do it just to watch someone die. He's a serial killers of serial killers."

Thoth laughed. "Yes the serial killer of serial killers...."

"It's a great show! I enjoy it." (I actually don't watch it but Josh does.)

Thoth laughed. "I know you do....." (( I"m just waiting for Chuck references))

"Yeah, but this seems kind of gloomy, living in a tomb. Now, knives and swords, those have life!"

"You would be surprised...come..." Thoth said, and then began to walk down the long hall.

Tallia decided to wait and see what was in store.

They walked out into a large courtyard with its own inner sun.

"It's certainly prettier than I'd imagined..." she sounded slightly disappointed.

"Do I hear in your voice my Gemini friend that want to see the weapons room?" Thoth asked smiling at her.

"Yes!" Tallia's eyes lit up.

"Come this way then..." he said, leading them through the garden.

Genbu laughed, and kissed her cheek. "You are so cute...."

Vander watched them both closely and when he noticed the man looking agitated, he told them to tell him they had to go.

Robbie and Crystal said goodbye to the man and headed off with Vander. As they were walking, they saw Shaiya. "Mommy!" the children cried and ran up to her.

"Hey, Shaiya-Selene, how'd things go?"

"I... I don't know...I'm scared...but.... Vander...." Shaiya looked down at the children then whispered to him. "I.... just met my father.... my real father..."

"Oh?" Vander asks, he's unsure if she's talking about her father as Selene or as Shaiya.

"He's my father I" she whispered.

"Okay...are you okay?" Vander put his arm around her.

"Yes... he says he never knew about me...and knowing my mother, I believe him..." Shaiya said softly. "He said that he'll help me with case...."

"I hope he is able to help you! This will hopefully be a good thing, then, right?"

"Me wouldn't believe what my mother had down... she had drugged and raped him years ago.... he never new about me...."

"Wow. That's terrible. Well, we'll make sure things turn out okay. We can do it together, and I'm sure your father will love to meet his grandkids..." he whispered in her ear on the last sentence.

"He does.... he wants to meet them.... I... have another meeting at the courthouse tomorrow morning.... hopefully after all of this I can get them together....I just don't want them to know what's going on...I don't want to scare them...." she whispered.

"That's understandable. They've had their pony rides, so they should be happy for a while."

Shaiya smiled down at her children. She then knelt pulling them into a hug. "Thank you Vander....for taking them...." She smiled up at him, lovingly.

He blushed a little. "You''re welcome."

"He...was happy that I had you with me....I am glad too...."

"Me too. I'd offer to take everyone out for ice cream, but not everyone can see me yet."

"Wha....wha.... where did you come from!?!" they heard a man yell.

"Huh?" Vander asked turing around and checking to see if Shaiya is touching his hand or something.

Shaiya was still holding both of her children. Shaiya just stared from him to the man that was just staring at them.

"Where'd who come from?"

"You!" the man shouted.((Shaiya is not touching him...))


"You weren't right there and now you are! What the hell is going on?!"

"I've been standing here the entire time. Perhaps your eyes are playing tricks on you?"

"I must be tired..." the man said.

"It's okay. Maybe you should shut down for the day and get some rest?"

The guy walked off muttering.

Shaiya looked at him. "'re visible...." she said softly, smiling.

"I am aren't I!? Quick, do you have a cell phone? I don't remember."

Shaiya pulled out a cell phone. "Here..."

"Oh, wait, yeah, I want it just like we used to you have to chop the vegetables!"

Semreh smiled and laughed.

"I know something's probably coming, but I am so glad to know at least partially who I am!" Cornelia told them as they walked home.

Semreh nodded. "Me too mom..."

WIlliam nodded still confused over what was happening but glad Cornelia was alive and ok.

Cornelia smiled, and took her son's hand and her love's. She had them grasped between her fingers and knew that they were both real.

"We're real mom..." Semreh said, smiling.

"I am here..." William said gently hugging them both

Del smiled at him. "I'm glad. I must admit that I don't quite remember you completely, yet."

It is alright, love... I am just glad that we are together again....

"Soooo...I don't know how my parents are going to take me being a goddess or being in love with a wolf god..."

All will be as it should...

"Okay, well, I don't think we can introduce you to my parents while you're in that form."

Fenris nodded.

Del hugs Fenris, still just glad to have found him at all.

He licked her cheek.

"Awwww...." came Flora's voice.

"So, any ideas what we do now?"

"I have some business I need to take care of...." said Loki standing up. "I will find you two later..."

Fensir nodded.

"Okay, we will see you when we see you!"

Loki disappeared.

He either is up to some of his old ways....or he has something truly important to take care....

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if there were others who've died that are being reborn and stuff."

Fenris nodded. I understand.... He nuzzled her cheek. You have come back to me...

Del giggled a little. "Yeah, and now I know why I was always out gardening and making stuff and why I hated learning about the slave trade from my tutors. Something weird happened a couple times that I was having lessons about it and my tutors stopped teaching me about it."

The releaser of slaves...

"Exactly! I don't actually remember what happened, but it scared them off the topic."

Fenrir laughed a wolfish laugh. That's my girl...

"Yup. Oh! You may need to know that someone called my house yesterday or so...and that Flora and Fauna would be the ones killed instead of me and that something else would happen to me. I don't know who."

Fenrir growled at that. I won't ever let anything happen to you again....

"I know. You couldn't really do anything about it. It's okay, though, we'll get through. I need to head home, my parents are going to be incredibly worried about me! We have to go!" she jumped up and pulled Fenris along. "Bye Flora! Bye Fauna!" Del hugged them both.

"Bye..." they said hugging her back.

When they left the house, Del told Fenris, "Okay, you'll have to go to my bedroom. My parents trust me and don't go in there. Of course, I'm an adult, but we're a close family."

Fenris nodded. As you wish, love....

Del smiled, happy to be with him, but sad her parents couldn't meet him yet.

Fenris licked her cheek.

"My parents will no doubt wonder where I've been, but they'll be okay with everything. I sometimes go sleep in the woods without saying anything to them."

Just as you use to...

Del smiled, "I hope they haven't missed me too much this time."

They are you family.... it is what they do...

"Yeah, you're right. I'll probably have to chat with them a while." Del said as they got into a part of the forest that she knew rather well.

Fenris walked close to her side.

Aquila blushed.

"It's weird, but really great for everyone!"

Eos giggled. "Yeah... I am half thinking that I should have been the virgin goddess...."

"Well, the more we have on our side, the merrier!"

Eos nodded. "Very true...."

"How are things going, besides all the love that's in the air?"

"Just fine... many of the zodiac are showing up...."

"That's good. Are any unaccounted for besides the thirteenth?"

"We still don't know if Scorpio was ever killed in the past... Libra is still a is Pisces......"

"Oh, well, I'm sure they'll show up sometime soon. But that's more than we'd found the last time I checked in!"

"I just know that more are out there because of Oracle's little hints...."

"I think we'll find everyone soon. We have to!"

Eos nodded.

"I'll help...any way I can..." Aquila said, moving closer to Aria

Aria smiled at him, "I'm glad. I wasn't going to ask, but I thought you would."

Blushing, Aquila kissed her. "Always...."

Aria blushed, too. "I'm glad we found each other. I know it's only been about a day or two but I know that you are who I've been waiting for my whole life."

Aquila nodded.

Eos smiled. "It was a truly long wait wasn't it....?"

"Yes, but he's here now, and that's what matters!"

Aquila blushed deeper.

Eos giggled. "You know... he is cute when he blushes...."

"He is a sweet heart, that's for sure."

Aquila wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, and gently kissed her neck. "You are too...." he whispered.

Aria giggled. "We should probably go see my brother now."

"Go on in...I was just getting some information from the achieves."

Aria went into her brother's office, "Hey, is anyone home?"

Epsilon looked up from some work on his desk. "Aria...welcome.... how are you?" he asked getting up, smiling at her.

Aria went and hugged him. "I'm good, now. And I have a boyfriend."

"Really? Congrats...when did this happen.."

"Earlier this morning. This is Aquila."

"Nice to meet you sir.." Aquilla said softly.

"You as well..." smiled Epsilon.

"He's a sweetheart."

Epsilon nodded. "That he is...I'm happy for you sis..."

"Thanks. I heard that love was really going around..."

"You are right....sis...I even think our good friend Abmisleo is in love too..."

"Oh, okay, I'm still a little unsure, but I think I can handle it!" the clouds started to disappear.

Helios smiled. "Forgive me...." He leaned down and kissed her.

The clouds disappeared completely and when he pulled away, Kenda had a slightly dazed look on her face.

"Kenda....?" Helios said softly.

"Hmm?" she said, still kind of dazed.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, yes," Kendaleigha said, her eyes clearing and her cheeks pinking.

Helios kissed her gently.

"That's...different than anything I've felt before."


"Well, yeah, I've never been kissed before, for one thing. Everyone always thinks I'm weird and so they don't want anything to do with me. But that was a little more than just a kiss, I know."

"I truly feel love in my heart for you...I knowit is love.....I want and will protect you...." he said softly.

"That sounds wonderful," Kenda sighed. ((The funny thing is that Josh and I had a conversation a couple nights ago about how he knows he loves me and he said that any time he thought about losing me, he started crying.))

((Awwwwwwwwww that's so sweet))

He hugged her close to him. "I will.... I promise...."

Kenda smiled. "Did you happen to see where my father went?"

"I am right behind you...." came his voice. "I was listening to the wind... from news...."

"Ah. Hi, Dad," Kenda said, blushing quite a bit.

"You know...I have been here the whole time.... it helps being the Air...."

"Oh...Right...Well...wait, does that mean you've been keeping a closer eye on me than I thought?"

"You're my baby girl.... though I know when not to look..."

"Well, that makes me feel a little better, I guess."

He hugged her. "I love you my daughter...."

"I'm glad you're my father, even if you do spy on me," she said jokingly.

He hugged her more. "I just worry about you..."

"Normally I would say that I can take care of myself and that there's nothing to worry about, which is probably true!"

"It is...but you never know in the world of gods.."

Kenda was unsure how she felt about finding all this out in the course of a single day.

Her father hugged her. "I just want your hapiness..."

"I know. I'll be happy...and now it might be easier knowing why strange things happen around me!"

He nodded.

Helios smiled at her. "I hope that I will make you happy as well..."

"I think you will. Have you always known...about us?"

"I knew your father...but I hadn't know of you....I had lost contact with your father..."

"Serapis...I'm here....we'll figure this out together...I promise...." she whispered, rubbing his back as she hugged him.

"We have to move its its not safe here for you and Neafa" he said calming himself down. He didnt care about himself he was worried for his family.

"I...have a place..." she whispered.

Serapis looked up at her.

"No one really knows about it....because my father had set it up....."

"If your willing to take us I would be honored" he said softly trembling as he laid there.

"I'll go scoop up Neafa..." Siria said quietly, quickly moving up and heading to get Neafa. Not a minute later, she had Neafa in her arms coming back over to him. She held out a hand to him.

Serapis gently took her hand in his.

"I love you..." she whispered, and then they disappeared. They all reappeared in the foyer of what was looking to be a very nice house, but it was obviously larger than the foyer was making it look. "Welcome to Vali's Villa... in the gorgeous cliffs of Greece..."

"Your home is beautiful Siria" he said softly looking at it all.

"It is very old...from the start of the earliest times of the Greek....over time... I have worked, and saved money to keep it nice and livable....and to keep a store of funds for food and other things.....thank you Serapis..." She started to walk down a hallway with Neafa still in her arms. "There is a beautiful room this way that I'm sure Neafa will love...and when I scooped her up, and sent your special bed here....."

He followed her to the other room that he knew was going to be Neafa's bedroom and saw the bed he had designed for her. "Its beautiful in this room siria" he smiled watching her as she tucked Neafa in.

"We just need one thing..." Siria said softly looking around the room. She moved to the center of the room that happened to be slightly circlaur. She lifted up what appeared to be a cap of some sort, revealing a patch of dark brown earth. Siria knelt down and pressed her hand against the earth. A tree started to grow through the ground as she moved back and away from the sprouting oak tree. The ceiling also seemed to grow in height, until it all stopped. "I know..."

"Thats really sweet of you to do that" he kissed her cheek gently and gave her a little nuzzle on the cheek.

"Anything for your...our little one..." she whispered.

"Our little one" he said nuzzling her and holding her close.

Siria nuzzled back. "Yes....our little one...."

Serapis gently placed his hand on the small of her back leading her out of the room. "Can you show me around?" he asked sweetly.

"Of course... have you ever read epics by Homer?" Siria asked smiling.

"Yes I have some very good works if I do say so myself"

She pulled him down the hall from Neafa's room, and into a room with a large olive tree grew from the center of the room and around a bed.

((I should know this I took greek literature and mythology lol))

"Oh wow its beautiful" Serapis said gazing at the breath taking room it was like something out of a dream.

"Homer was inspired by father's villa..." Siria said with a smile.

"I can see why this place is breath taking" he said as he walked the room he peered into the bathroom and saw a huge glorious bath that you would think of a king in.

"I'm glad you think so....I have put a lot into keeping it as nice as it is..."

"And you do a marvelous job at it and I hope that I can be of anyhelp that I can offer to keep this place so marvelous" he said standing there with her as they walked out to look at the rest of the villa.

"I would love that...some times when I had went out on my own from Randalfur's pack and....Arcadia...I would come here...." she said softly.

"Thats sweet it was your own little get away from it all" he said rubbing her back gently.

"But it hurt... I was just leaving Arcadia to the life she thought was her true one...."

Serapis pulled her close stroking her hair she hadn't told him everything so he wasnt sure about the whole back story but he understood the pain of letting people go trying to do the right thing, he had done that with packs he had helped build and protect in the past and he had left them like a ghost in the night when they had no longer needed him.

"I plated along with the story that Arcadia was Randalfur's daughter.... to hide us from the gods of the north....from Odin and his evil...." she whispered holding on to him.

Serapis gently stroked her hair.

"Serapis... thank you...for everything you have done...." she whispered.

"Your welcome my love and thank you for everything you have done for me and Neafa" he smiled looking down at her.


He pulled her into his arms hugging her tight.

Siria held onto Serapis, and then started to kiss his neck. "I love you so much..."

"As I love you so much" he said blushing slightly as she kissed his neck.

She started to purr.

He held her close as he kissed her neck softly and nuzzled it as well.

"Would you like to try out...the bed...? It's very soft..."

"I would my mate" he purred out softly leading her back to the bedroom.

Siria giggled, following him back to the bedroom.

Once there he pulled her into his arms kissing her deeply once more as he fell backwards onto the soft bed.

Siria purred into the kiss, raking her fingers through his hair, and pressing her body against him as much as she can.

Serapis curessed and kissed her with a fiery passion as he rolled her over so she was on bottom while they made out with one another.

Siria began to purr as Serapis moved his kisses to her body.

He pushed her shirt up off of her kissing her body along the way.

"Oh Serapis...." she purred, pressing her body up against him.

"Mate" he growled out against her skin as he moved down sliding her pants off as he continued to curess her skin.

They soon found themselves in a passionate happy hour, that lasted long into the night.

Serapis slept well that night better then he had in a long time.

When he woke up, he was being woke up by a bounce little girl, giggling as she climb the live tree and jumped on him again. "Daddy! UP! Up!"

Serapis made an Ooof sound when she landed on him. "Well good morning princess" he smiled sitting up in his bed.

"You were sleeping like a rock....mama said that you didn't have energy so she was going to cook breakfast..."

"Yes but now I have energy" he chuckled and suddenly pulled his daughter into a big hug and began to tickle her.

Neafa screamed, giggling and laughing. "Daddy! Ahh help!"

After a few more moments Serapis stopped. "Your so silly princess" he smiled at her. "Now go help Mama out in the kitchen Papa has to get cleaned up." he said with a smile to his daughter.

"Okay papa!" Neafa ran from the room giggling.

When she left he crawled out of bed and finding that his clothes were all in the dresser, he grabbed a t shirt and jeans and headed into the bathroom taking a quick shower. After enjoying that he followed the delicious smells tickling his nose.

He found the kitchen pretty easily. Neafa was seated at a large dining table, laughing. Siria was just turning around to place food on three plates that were already on the table. "Good morning, love..."

"Good morning yourself, don't you look ravishing" he smiled lovingly walking over kissing her cheek gently before he took a seat.

She purred. "Oh you are so..." She sat down at the table smiling. "I hope you like it...."

"This looks fantastic" He smiled and began to dig in to the breakfast feast before him.

Neafa started to dig in too, as did Siria. "This is so good mama...."

"Thank you Neafa..."

"This is truely delicious Siria" Serapis said eating another peice.

Siria blushed. "Thank you...I...had good teachers...."

"Well like I said this food is amazing and now I say they taught you very well" Serapis smiled and gave her a little kiss before he ate another sausage.

"Have you ever eaten food prepared by the god of wine and sex?"

"Ahhh no can't say that I have" he said sitting there.

"I learned for twins that had learn from him..."

"Very impressive, I am truely honored my lady" he bowed his head and smiled.

"You are a silly man....a very silly man...." giggled Siria.

"I find that to be one of my good points" he said with a chuckle.

A nut hit Serapis in the head, and Neafa started to giggle. "I think she wanted to share the nuts I had given her as part of her meal...." said Siria.

Serapis laughed. "Well thank you for sharing" he said picking the nut up and popping it in his mouth eating it.

Siria giggled as did Neafa. "Papa...I like it here...."

"I like it here to Neafa, you have Mama to thank for that baby she brought us here" he smiled.


"Yes little Neafa..."

"It's pretty!"

Siria laughed. "Thank you..."

Serapis smiled watching them he loved seeing them like this. After breakfast he got to washing the dishes for Siria, it was the least he could do.

"You didn't have to...."

"Its the least I could do in thank you of the beautiful meal" he smiled at her over his shoulder.

"Alright love...." Siria said. "I guess I'll show Neafa around, okay...?"

"That sounds lovely my darling" he kissed her softly then let her go on her way.

Siria smiled, after the kiss, and lead Neafa from the kitchen.

Serapis finished a little later and looked around the villa for the two.

"Neafa! Come back here!" He heard coming from a balacony overlooking the cliffs.

Serapis ran into the direction the yelling was coming from "Siria whats going on?" he asked worriedly.

Siria pointed out, and there was Neafa out on the cliff laughing and climbing the cliff.

"Neafa!!" Serapis shouted in horror. suddenly he lept off the balcony his finger nails shifting into claws as he landed on the cliff below, he slid down then grabbed ahold of a ledge. "Neafa, come here" he said in a tone that she knew he wasnt messing around.

Neafa climb up and along the cliffs as if she was in a tree. "Yes, papa...." she said softly, moving towards him.

When she was close Serapis scooped her up in his arm tight to his body and easily scaled back up the cliff side back to the balcony. Safe up there he set Neafa down and put his hands on ehr shoulders. "Neafa don't you ever do that again, it was not safe doing that, I know your a good climber but even the best climbers can fall. You could have gotten hurt or worse with the sea below. I just got you back Neafa please dont do that again." she could see the pain in her father's eyes.

Neafa started to cry, and burried her face into him as she hugged around his waist. "I'm sorry...sorry sorry...."

Serapis hugged her tight. "Its alright sweet heart its alright, Just promise me that you will never climb the cliffs again, that if you feel the need to climb you will climb the trees inside the villa or the garden on the other side of the house." he said stroking her hair.

"Yes Papa...I'm sorry was just so pretty....."

"Thats why we look at it from up here" he said picking her up in his arms and cradling her close. "Papa loves you Neafa I just don't watn you getting hurt" he said softly.

Neafa snuggled into him. " you papa...."

Siria came over, and hugged them both.

Serapis kept them in that hug for a little bit before they all decided to head back inside.

Neafa ran off to a large tree that was in the living room.

Siria looked up at Serapis. "I...I'm sorry...." she whispered.

Serapis hugged her tight stroking her hair. "Its ok sweet heart it is alright" he said lovingly.

"You sure...?"

Serapis nodded gently "Yes she has an adventureous spirit"

"I know...she is just wonderful...I love her...."

"I hope I wasnt to hard on her" he said as he turned watching her climbing around on the huge tree in the livingroom.

"She hasn't had anyone worry about her in a long time... you both have to get use it..."

"Yes your so right" he said watching her then sighed looking back down at Siria.

"Everything will be fine love..."

"Yes it will be" he smiled kissing her.

Neafa ran up to them, and hugged them. "I love you..."

"I love you to sweetheart" Serapis smiled kneeling down hugging her back.

Siria smiled at the two. "Who wants to go for a walk into the town?"

"Me!" Neafa cried out, smiling.

"That sounds lovely" Serapis chuckled looking at his two lovely ladies.

Siria lead the way, holding onto Serapis's hand who also held onto Neafa. They left the villa on the side facing away from the cliffs, they could see a town off a ways from them. "It's a nice long walk....long but beautiful..."

"Sounds perfect on a beautiful day like today" Serapis said with a smile as they headed down teh road together.

"It's soooo pretty..." said Neafa, looking all around.

"Yes it is" Serapis said gazing at the landscape rich with its own beauty.

"Most of the landscape is unchanged from centuries ago...." Siria said smiling.

"and it has held all of the beauty of each passing year and made it all the more beautiful with age" Serapis smiled.

Siria nodded. "I agree...look...there is a rainbow off in that direction..."


"Pretty in deed" Serapis smiled lovingly at Siria then looked over at the rainbow with Siria.

Siria looked at Serapis. "Really?"

"Yes really" he smiled lovingly at her.

"I love you too...."

Serapis smiled and kissed her cheek lovingly as they continued walking together.

Neafa ran around off and on the path, as Siria smiled loving, leaning against him as they walked.

Serapis smiled keeping an eye on his daughter. "I havent been this happy in a long time" he said lovingly to Siria.

"Well you have me...and you have Neafa....and you have cubs on the way...."

"Which makes me all the more happier, which makes me feel so alive" he said lovingly kissing her cheek. "I have all of you we live in a beautiful home so much wonderful things" he purred out softly.

"I just hope that Arcadia is alright too......"

Serapis gently rubbed her back their was nothing he could really say to that to make it better.

Siria looked up at Serapis. "Randulfur..."

"Arcadia's adoptive father? what about him?" he asked curiously.

"You knew him...right?"

"Yes for a very long time I knew him way back he was Fenris's second before he suddenly left a few months before the attack on the Pack. After that I've seen him and visited him through the years, he's held positions as pack leader with alot of group and brought the werewolf packs of north america to peace treaties. A good man" He said remembering it.

"He is a good man..."

Serapis smiled and nodded in agreement.

She playfully bumped him.

"Come on you" he chuckled pulling her close as Neafa skipped ahead of them and the two of them walked together following her.

After a long and nice silent rest of the walk, they came up to the town or well city. It was old and beautiful.

"Truly magnificent" Serapis said softly as they all walked together now Serapis held Neafa's little hand as they walked.

There were many shops and market stalls selling fruits, clothing, and jewelry.

They shopped the bazzar together looking through all the beautiful Shops. Neafa now rode on her father's shoulders as they walked through the open air bazzar having a fun time together.

"You having fun, Neafa?" Siria asked looking up at the little girl on her love's shoulders.

"Yes! Yes Mama!"

Serapis chuckled holding little Neafa's hands. "this place is like a dream Siria I love it here" he smiled down at her.

Siria smiled. "It is...I thought that it would be a calming clear minds...."

Serapis nodded smiling as he enjoyed his time with his family.

As they were walking, Siria dropped to her knees. "Serapis....."

"Siria!" he put Neafa down and picked Siria up in his arms. "Come lets get somewhere out of sight" he lead Neafa with him while he wove through the side streets, he found a little out cove that looked like it wasnt used that often. He sat in the corner with Siria curled in his arms and he had his daughter sit close. "Shhh I've got you Siria you'll get through this" he whispered kissing the top of her head.

"Why...does...this hap...pen...?" she whispered.

"Mama..." Neafa had tears in her eyes.

"I don't know baby I don't know" Serapis said stroking her hair as he held her close.

Siria snuggled into him, her breathing slowing to a steady in and out motion.

"How are you feeling?" he asked after awhile of her breathing being its regular pace.

"Better..." she said softly. "It...didn't last like last time..."

"Let us rest here a little longer then it would be good if we went home I think" he said softly.

Siria nodded against his chest, holding on to him.

Serapis looked at Neafa. "Its ok sweety Mama is going to be alright" he smiled softly at her.

Neafa nodded. "Okay Papa...." she whispered, rubbing her eyes.

Serapis pulled her against him hugging her close as he held Siria as well.

"Love you, papa...mama...."

"We love you to baby" he said stroking Little Neafa's hair as he snuggled with his family waiting for Siria to feel good enough to move.

Siria looked up at him. "Let's go..." she said softly.

"Alright as you wish" he said standing up helping her to her feet. He picked Neafa up and put her on his shoulders again as they headed off to return home.

Neafa hugged on to him. Siria hugged onto Serapis's arm.

Serapis got them home as fast as he could without straining them. Once home he put Neafa down in the livingroom with Siria, and brought them a cup of tea for his love and a cup of juice for her daughter.

"Thank you..." they both said in unison, smiling up at him.

"Your welcome my darlings" he handed them each their drink then went to go get one of his own.

"Oh my goodnes..." came Siria's voice.

Serapis hurried out to the livingroom to find...

Siria was holding something in her hands, cupping it, and just looking back and forth from it and Neafa. "It's so pretty...but...where did you get it..."

"I've had it..." Neafa said shyly.

"What is it?" Serapis asked curiously.

Neafa looked up at her papa, shyly. "I..."

Siria, too, looked up at Serapis, holding up her cupped hands. In Siria's cupped hands was a piece of jewelry that Serapis had given his love so many years ago. ((Not the necklace, that's around Neafa's neck.))

Serapis gasped seeing it, it was a Sapphire gem cresent moon pendent.


"I I gave that to her mother a long time ago" he whispered softly.

"Oh..." Siria stood up, holding out the pendant to him.

"No Neafa should keep it" he said with a soft smile.

Siria turned to give it back to Neafa. Neafa pushed back on Siria's hands. "No..."

"Sweetheart why?" Serapis asked Neafa confused.

"Mama's..." Neafa said softly.

Siria looked up at him. "Neafa had said that she had something for me....and then when I saw just looked...gorgeous...and then you came in...and...I...."

"Its hers to give Siria you should keep it" he smiled at her lovingly then turned heading back into the kitchen leaving the girls alone.

Siria had followed him, wrapping his waist in a hug. "Serapis...I don't feel right...Neafa giving me an item that had been her mother's...and something special that you had given her out of love...."

"Neafa see's you as her mother and wanted you to have what she always saw her mother wearing." He smiled and kissed her softly. "But I understand here let me see the necklace, I'll be back in an hour or so" he said sweetly with a glint in his eyes.

"You have something in mind, don't you?"

"I love you to, I'll be home in a few hours" he said lovingly and kissed her. He went to the other room "Daddy will see you later Neafa" he kissed the top of her head. "I'll be back soon"

"Where are you going papa??" she asked worried.

"To town to get a present made for Mama, but do not worry little one I will be back soon" He kissed the top of her head.

"Your papa is hiding it from both of us...come here, and you had better come back safe and sound..." Siria directed the last to Serapis.

"Yes maim" he said playfully walking over to her.

Siria pulled him into a kiss. "You better..."

"I promise" he kissed her softly then with another little kiss and goodbye to his daughter he headed out.

It was a few hours later when he returned with two black rectangle boxes one was large while the otherone looked a little taller then most laptops thesedays but oother then that looked just like a laptop closed up.

Neafa looked at him confused. "Papa...what are those?"

Siria came into the room, and sat down on the couch.

"Presents for Mama" he smiled lovingly as he set them on the table for a moment.

"What? Serapis.... you didn't have to....really...." Siria said softly, blushing.

"but I wanted to" in the large box he pulled out a gorgeous long dress with slits running up the sides. the red was deep crimson with pink flowers running up from teh bottom vanishing the higher up they got on the fabric. he folded that up then opened the smaller box and revealed beautiful jewelry, the necklace was a sun pendent with a small pink flower while it had matching earrings and bracers as well. "I made the sapphire into a necklace for myself I wanted you to have something special" he smiled lovingly at Siria.

"Oh Serapis..." she whispered, before hugging onto him. "I love you soo much..."

"I love you so much as well" he said holding her close.

"It's all so beautiful Serapis... I feel so special...thank you...."

"Your very welcome my darling you deserve it and so much more" he said holding her close.

Siria blushed, and Neafa started to clap, giggling.

Serapis turned and smiled at Neafa. "Do you like what I got mama?" he asked his daughter.

Neafa nodded. "Yes papa... it's pretty..."

"Oh what is this?" out of the dress box suddenly he pulled out a small green chinese dress for his daughter. "I have a present for you to" he smiled lovingly.

"Papa! It's so pretty!" Neafa said excitedly.

"Go try it on princess" he smiled giving her the dress and watching her run off.

Siria leaned against Serapis, hugging onto him. "You are so wonder, Serapis...You were so sweet..."

"Thank you my love" he said lovingly holding her close. "I want nothing but the best for you and Neafa" he said lovingly.

"And our children to come..." she whispered, smiling up at him.

"Oh yes" he purred rubbing his hand on her stomach.

Neafa came dancing into the room. "Papa....papa....look at me!"

"Oooh arent you just so beautiful!" he smiled lovingly.

"Your papa just knows what to get look so pretty....." Siria said with a big smile to Neafa. "I'll be back, I must finish getting dress....."

Serapis smiled and kissed her. "Have fun" he said with a smile as she walked off.

Neafa twirled around the room in her dress, giggling.

"You look beautiful sweetheart" he smiled watching her.

"Really?" Neafa said, her eyes lighting up.

"Yes indeed" He chuckled smiling down at her.

"He is do, Neafa..." came Siria voice as she came out into the room.

Serapis turned and looked at her and smiled seeing how beautiful she looked in her dress.

"What do you think?" she asked, smiling shyly.

"You look magnificent" he smiled lovingly gazing her over. "Truely magnificent..."

Siria blushed and walked over to him, and leaned down and kissed him. "You are magnificent in ever way..."

Serapis smiled and curessed his hair. "I love you so much."

"Ewwww...." Neafa said, giggling.

Siria started to giggle too. "'Ewwww' is it...well come here..." She grabbed Neafa, pulling her over, and started kissing her all over, causing Neafa to giggle.

Serapis chuckled watching all of this.

"Papa...papa! Help me Papa!" Neafa giggled.

"Rar!" he playfully pounched on siria picking her up and kissing her then suddenly he swept Neafa up in his arms and gave her lots of kisses.

"Ahhh! Help!" both the girls giggled, and then started to tickle him.

Serapis fell over laughing.

Siria and Neafa stopped sitting up, laughing.

Serapis laid there on the floor laughing with them.

Siria slowly stopped laughing, smiling at Neafa and Serapis. "Oh what a silly family we are...."

"Yes that we are" Serapis chuckled happily hugging his little one and his wife.

Siria and Neafa snuggled in. "This is just so prefect...."

"Yes yes it is" he smiled lovingly.

Siria nipped his neck playfully without Neafa seeing.

Serapis chuckled playfully looking over at her.

Neafa was up and spinning around in circles.

Serapis chuckled watching her. "careful now sweety" he smiled

"Oh..." spin... "...kay..." spin... "...Daddy..."

Siria laughed, leaning against him.

Serapis laughed with her loving how adorable Neafa was.

Siria leaned in. "We had better watch that she doesn't go about and climb all of the trees in that beautiful dress of her's..." she whispered.

"Oh so true" He said worriedly. "Hey sweety before you play more why don't you change out of your pretty dress?" he asked his daughter.

Neafa looked down. "No good for climbing..." she said, and then ran from the room.

Serapis chuckled then turned looking at Siria. "Your such a good mama" he said lovingly.

Siria blushed. "Really?"

"Yes you are" he said lovingly nuzzling her.

Siria blushed and kissed him. "I love you so much..."

"And I love you so much" he said sweely kissing her back

Siria kissed back, her arms wrapped around him.

Serapus happily sat there making out with her.

A nut hit him in the head.

Serapis stopped with the kissing and chuckled pulling back he looked up to find his daughter int he tree.

Neafa giggled.

Siria laughed. "Are you a nut head, love?"

Serapis laughed. "I guess that I am" he smiled then looked up at his daughter. "Now lets see if our daughter is one to" he suddenly was up the tree and going through the branches to catch his daughter.

Neafa screamed laughing. She climbed up the tree, then jumped from it to a built out bookshelf in the room.

Serapis saw that all of the bookshelves were built into the wall so he didnt need to worry about knocking them over. He lept over and crouched there playfully ontop of the shelvees with his daughter. "Your not the only one who can climb little one" he smiled.

She squeeked, and jumped again back into the tree shifting into a squirrel, disappearing into the tree.

Serapis laughed jumping down to the floor. "Such a cutie she is" he smiled looking up into the tree.

Siria giggled, coming up beside him. "Oh yes she is...."

Serapis pulled her into his arms and kissed her cheek.

Siria smiled, and leaned into him. A nut fell on his head.

Serapis laughed and looked up.

Another nut hit him on the nose. There was a giggling squirrel high above them.

"You silly little squirrel" he chuckled as he caught the third nut she tossed down at him in his mouth and ate it.

"She must get that from you...." giggled Siria.

"Get what from me?" he asked playfully.

"Being silly...."

He chuckled "you know its cute "

"I agree..." she said and kissed him.

Serapis gave her a little kiss back.

Neafa as a squirrel fell on his head. Siria giggled.

Serapis laughed looking up at her ontop of his head. "Well hello to you to Neafa" he said playfully.

She squeeked and dashed down his back.

Serapis yelped and laughed wiggling around. "Neafa"

Siria giggled, and laughed as Neafa dashed out from under Serapis's shirt.

Serapis laughed standing there.

Neafa shifted back, and stuck out her toungue.

"Oooh your going to get it now" he said playfully as he shifted to his werewolf form and chased after his daughter around the house.

"EEP!" Neafa dashed off. "No...daddy!"

Serapis laughed as he chased after her and suddenly caught her. He pulled her against him and suddenly gave her a huge lick on her cheek.

Neafa giggled. "Eww! Swlabber...!"

Serapis kept licking her covering her in slobber.

"Mama help mama..."

Siria went on the attack, tickling and licking and nipping at him.

Serapis laughed letting go of Neafa and fell to teh ground under Siria.

"You are so silly..."

Serapis laughed laying there.

Neafa shifted into a squirrel again and started to jump on his stomach.

Serapis cracked up laughing laying there.

Siria got a devilish smile on her face, and grabbed up Neafa, running from the room laughing.

Serapis suddenly quickly shifted to wolf and quickly took off after her.

Siria laughed running faster from the wolf, giggling.

Serapis tore after her through the huge house

The squirrel and Siria dashed off into two directions.

Serapis slid to a stop and looked in each direction.

He heard them giggling...together.

He listened for them then took off in the direction of it.

"Run!" Siria shouted as Serapis ran into the room. Neafa slide between Serapis's legs, running from the room. Siria stood in the room, giggling.

Serapis suddenly playfully pounced on Siria making sure she landed on something soft and pinned her down wagging his tail looking down at her.

"Big doggy....good doggy....." she giggled.

Serapis wagged his tail and licked her face.

"Hey...hey...." she giggled.

He gave her a long lick up her neck and over her cheek.

She purred, shivering. "Mmmm.."

He shifted to human once more holding himself above her. "Now arent you beautiful" he said lovingly.

She blushed. "Thank you my handsome wolf man..."

"Does that make you my little red riding hood?" he asked as he let his wolf ears and tail form and his eyes shift wolf looking down at her.

"Yes....though I am not a little child..." she giggled.

"That you deffinantly are not" he said seductively leaning down kissing her softly.

She kissed him back, looping her arms around his neck.

He growled in his throat playfully as they kissed ooh how he wanted to go all the way but he knew Neafa would probably come looking for them soon.

Just then they were pounced. "Ah ha!" Neafa laughed.

Serapis laughed as Neafa landed on his back and he held himself above siria to keep himself from collapsing on her and hurting her. "Silly squirell" he said with a chuckle.

"I got you!" she giggled.

"Do ya now?" Serapis asked playfully as he suddenly shifted to his huge wolf again and began to gallop around the house with Neafa on his back.

Neafa held onto his fur to stay on him.

Serapis smiled to himself as he heard his daughter giggling and laughing ontop of him as he galloped along

"Get the wolf!" laughed Siria.

Serapis looked back at Siria chasing after them and barked out as he galloped.

Siria shifted running after them.

Serapis bolted around the house with Neafa on his back running from Siria.

Siria nipped his tail.

Serapis pulled his tail out of the way as she nipped for it.

She growled and nipped at it again.

Serapis dodged out of the way and yipped mockingly as he kept going.

Siria ran down another hall, disappearing.

Serapis slid to a stop and looked around listening carefully.

A howl echoed around the house.

Serapis trotted off towards the sound.

"Where's mama?"

"I don't know little one" He said and howled for Siria wondering where she had gone.

His back side (butt) got nipped, followed by a giggle.

Serapis yelped and whipped around facing Siria.

"Got you, silly wolf..." she giggled.

"No fair" he laughed wagging his tail.

"How so?"

"it was a cheap trick to get me where you could do that" he growled playfully.

Siria snickered. "Oh really? Okay...see ya..." she raced from the room, giggling.

"Hey!" he howled and took after her.

Siria laughed turning down a corner.

Neafa held onto her papa's fur.

"Hang on princess" He called to his daughter as he rounded the corner.

"I will papa..." she giggled.

They heard Siria giggle around the corner.

Serapis slid to a stop and gently creeped up looking around the corner.

"Papa...?" Neafa whispered.

"Shhh little one" he whispered back laying his ears back as he looked around trying to sneak up on Siria.


"What is it little one?" he aske turning an looking at her.

Siria stood there smiling at him.

"How in the world?" he whipped around.

Siria smiled. "This hall way leads to the circular hall that surrounds an inner courtyard used for training and as a gathering place....."

"Tricky tricky" he chuckled walking over and nuzzling her gently.

She hugged him. "Just smart..." she giggled.

Neafa hugged them too.

Serapis shifted to human and hugged them as well.

Siria kissed him. "I love you both..."

"I love you both as well" he said with a smile, suddenly he noticed the clock. "My is it that late already?" he asked mainly to himself. "Why my little princess you need to get cleaned up for bed."

"But papa...!"

"No buts little one its time to get ready for bed" he said lovingly.

Siria nodded. She then said sweetly, "Bedtime...and storytime..."

Neafa nodded, and ran off.

"Your such a wonderful mother" he said romantically pulling her close and kissing her softly.

Siria kissed back. "Oh Serapis.... I... just want make her and you happy...."

"And that you do my love that you do" he said lovingly kissing her.

Siria kissed back. Shall we go check on...our little one?"

"Yes lets" He put his hand on the small of her back and lead her off to their daughter's room.

Neafa was jumping in her tree bed waiting for them.

"Hello my silly daughter" Serapis giggled as he climbed up and sat on the bed then playfully snatched her out of the air and hugged her.

Neafa snuggled into him.

Siria climbed up on the bed. "Who wants a story?"


Siria giggled.

Serapis hopped down off the bed and went to teh bookshelf to find something.

He found a fun book.

"What book have you found ther, Mr. Bookman..." joked Siria giggling.

"Dr. Suesses Oh the places you will go" he chuckled.

"Purr...fect..." she giggled.

"Dr. Suesses..?"

"Well his name is Dr. Suess and he wrote this story." he said with a smile pulling his daughter into his lap then began reading to her.

Siria currled up on the over side of Neafa, wrapping the little girl in love.

The story went wonderfully and by the end Neafa ended up fast asleep snuggled against Siria. "So beautiful" he said lovingly.

She opened the door. "Hello sir how can I help you?" she asked looking up at him.

The young man smiled at her. "I should be the one asking that, ma'am...My name is Matthew...I am the CEO of Epsilon Archer..."

"Oh its an honor to finally meet you mister Matthew my Husband has told me alot about you" she smiled "Unfortunately you caught us at a little bit of a bad time if you don't mind waiting here for a sec?" she asked with a blush as she went off to the back bedroom. "Honey Its Matthew he's come to welcome us." she said and found Delta where she left him in bed but now with a happy look on his face and she knew he had finished himself off.

"Get over here, miss...." he growled.

"Honey Epsilon is here to greet us" she giggled seeing that lusty gaze on his face she had started something that he really wanted to finish.

"If you wish....I could wait..." called Matthew.

Delta blushed.

Arcadia held up a finger to Delta and went out to the other room. "I'm sorry I feel rude asking this but do you mind coming back maybe this evening?" she asked looking up at Matthew.

Matthew laughed. "I'd love to.... I guess I didn't expect for Delta to get busy so quickly... so...till this evening..."

Arcadia blushed and smiled. "Until this evening" she gave him a nod of the head then closed and locked the door behind him. She then returned to the bedroom where Delta was. "Now where were we?" she asked playfully walking over then doing a sexy wolf stretch getting down on the bed with him.

Delta flipped her so that she was on the bottom. "It was along these lines....but I'm going to change one thing...." He moves some of her clothing and entered her, drawing her into happy hour.

Their happy hour was amazing between the two of them afterwords they were curled up together in each other's arms. "now thats what I call giving Momma wolf some lovin'" she sighed happily laying there.

"You deserve the best, my love...."

"And you always give me the best" she said with a giggle laying there with him and gently gave him a happy kiss.

Delta held her close to his chest, kissing her back.

Arcaida pulled back nuzzling him gently and lovingly. "My handsome Mate I love you so much" she said gently nuzzling his chest.

"I love you as well my loving wolf...."

Suddenly her ears twitched hearing movement from the other room. "I think that our little ones are awake" she smiled and climbed off of him getting her clothes back on.

Delta stood up, dressing himself. "Shall we feed them? I'm sure that Matthew will be here at some point..."

"I'll get to making dinner for everyone you go and get our little rascals dressed" she kissed his cheek and headed out to go start making something for all of them.

After a while, Delta came into the room with all of their little one, all looking around three years old.

"Hello my little pack" Arcadia smiled and gave them each a hug and a kiss before she got back to work on making diner while Delta sat them down at the table which she noticed was brand new.

Aira looked around the room, seeming to take in all of the room, the whole surrounding.

Arcadia hummed to herself she giggled as Deamon came over and hugged her leg. "Momma whatcha makin?" he asked looking up at her.

"I'm making some steak and chicken stir fry" she said cutely down to her son. "Whats that?" he asked looking up at her.

"Something very yummy and good for your tummy so you can grow up to be big and strong" she smiled then gently patted his head. "Now go and sit with your brothers and sister.

"Ok momma!" he said with a happy little cheer then went back over to the table climbing back into his booster seat.

Vali ((Damn what was the other one.... and I had named her... the little healer/caregiver...)) joined Aira in a hand game as Deamon came back over.

((Raiel I have a list of all the kids that are being born to everyone in both roleplays lol)) Arcadia hummed to herself as she continued to cook the food for everyone when she heard the knock on the door again. "Honey could you get that?" she asked looking at Delta over her shoulder with love.

"Of course my love..." Delta said as he disappeared from the room.

She got to mixing the stir fry as she waited on the men. she looked over her shoulder and smiled at her children as they played and talked to one another.

"Good evening, my lady...and to you as well little ones..." came Matthew/Epsilon's voice.

"Children...this is a friend of mine...Epsilon..." Delta said smiling.

"Its good to see you again, sorry about earlier" Arcadia giggled as she served some of the stirfry in each of the bowls larger amounts for her and the men and smaller ones for her little ones..

"YUMMY!" cried the children.

Epsilon laughed. "It is just fine, my need for apologies..."

"Don't eat to fast now children" she smiled at them as they began to eat up. She turned and looked at Epsilon. "thank you for letting our family stay here Epsilon" she said with a smile.

"All friends are welcome here...."

"Now I do hope you enjoy your meal with us Epsilon" she smiled as she ate hers as well.

He started to eat, and smiled at her. "It is delicious..."

"Good I'm glad" she munched on her food it was the only thing that she could cook.

Delta nodded, smiling. "How is work?"

"WOrk has been good..." Epsilon said softly.

Arcadia quietly ate as the men talked

Epsilon looked over at Arcadia. "How is your love here treating you?"

"Wonderful as always" She giggled taking a bite of steak into her mouth.

"You really have a good guy with Delta here..."

"I know and I'm thankful for him each and every day" she had, had some horrible men in her life in the past and she truely was thankful for the amazing man she had in Delta.

The children started to throw food, giggling.

"Oh no no not good" Arcadia squeeked. "Sweethearts I know its funny but you should not throw food" she smiled and got to cleaning them up. "My messy little pups"

Epsilon laughed, as Delta started to help Arcadia with calming down the pups.

Arcadia got a wash cloth and washed them all off as Delta cleaned up teh mess after they were all calmed down.

"What a wonderful family..." Epsilon said with a smile. "But it is getting late...."

"Thank you for joining us for dinner Epsilon it was an honor and I hope we can have you over again soon" Arcadia said with a smile as she picked little Riael up in her arms who needed a little bit of cuddling.

"The honor was mine..." Epsilon said with a bow.

Arcadia smiled and bowed her head back in return.

Delta wrapped his arms around her. "Thank you again, friend..."

"Always..." Epsilon said, smiling, and then he left.

"that was a good dinner" she smiled and kissed Delta gently.

"Yes it was...." he siad kissing back.

Chicken landed in Delta's hair, and the cubs were laughing.

Arcadia covered her mouth as she tried to hold back her laughter but she couldnt she cracked up seeing him like that. "Oh honey don't you just love being a father" she said sweetly as she pulled the chicken and the few peices of rice that had gone with it out of his hair.

Delta laughed. "They're just like their father...once I was comfortable with my adoptive parents..."

Arcadia laughed with him then got to cleaning up the dishes so her pups didnt have anymore ammo to use.

Delta moved all of the children into the livingroom, into their playpen.

Arcadia got to finishing cleaning as they got to playing.

Arms wrapped around her. "Love you..."

Arcadia smiled leaning back into Delta's arms looking at him over her shoulder "love you to" she said with a smile. "The kids all happy in the other room?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yes they are... all very are a wonderful cook..."

"I'm not a wonderful cook all I know how to make is stirfry" she said leaning back against his chest with a giggle. 'And you can't raise four pups on Stir fry" she said cutely.

((Three?? she has more...Deamon, Aira, Vali, ^_^))

"You know I'll help..."

((Sorry I meant to say four lol))

"I know you will I was just making a little joke, But it is true that is all I know how to make I'm going to have to start investing in cook books." she turned around in his arms and smiled up at him.

"Or you could do what I do..." Delta said with a smile.

"and what might that be?" she asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Make it up as you go..." he said hugging her, and then kissing her.

"But what if it comes out nasty?" she asked looking up at him with her big gold eyes.

"Then I just call this great restaurant I know and have them deliver..."

Arcadia giggled, "your a silly wonderful man " she said lovingly and gave him a little kiss. "now I need to finish cleaning" she said sweetly letting go of him.

"I'll go have fun with out little ones...."

"Are you sure?" she asked sweetly looking up at him.

" go and have fun...." he said and kissed her neck.

"Thank you my love" she kissed him then headed out into the living room with her pups

Just as she came into the living room, all the children were cubs, and had jumped from them playpen and jumped on her, licking her face.

Arcadia fell to the ground laughing as her pups licked her face. She suddenly shifted into her wolf form and began to play with all of them.

Daemon started to tug on her ear, Vali was trying to curl up close to her, Aira was attackin Arcadia's other ear, and Raiel was batting Arcadia's tail.

When they pulled a little to hard Arcadia gave Aria and Deamon a gentle thump on the heads from her paws as she laid there she let little Vali curl up against her side as she wagged her tail swishing back and forth for Raiel to chase after.

Aira and Deamon started to play at dominance.

Arcadia laid there watching them making sure it didnt get to rough.

Aira was was turning into the female Alpha of the group.

Arcadia smirked watching, she felt Vali crawl up and lay next to her head. she leaned over and gently nuzzled and licked the top of his head lovingly. He was her little Omega of her little pack.

Raiel moved up, curling near them.

"What a beautiful family I have..." came Delta's voice.

Arcadia wagged her tail as she gently nuzzled Raiel as the three of them continued to watch Deamon and Aria wrestle.

The match was turning into draw.

Arcadia barked a soft little bark watching them as they grew tired wrestling.

Aira and Deamon hurried over to Arcadia. Delta shifted into his coyote form and laid curled next to his mate.

Arcadia leaned back and gently nuzzled and licked his snout before curling her body around her pups laying down happily with them.

My mate...our pups....

Yes, my mate, Our pups she repeated lovingly as she nuzzled him.

The pups started to fall asleep against them. Our room is a giant bed...come... Delta got up, and picked up two of the pups in his mouth, carrying them to the master bedroom.

Arcadia followed her mates lead and did the same with the other two pups and headed off to the bedroom as well.

Delta was setting the pups in the center of the room.

Arcadia set the pups she had down as well then laid down wrapping her body around them once more.

Delta laid down, wrapping from the other side, and resting his head near her's.

Soon Arcadia joined her pups fast asleep.

She dreamed wonderful dreams of her little ones and of Delta.

The nexted morning Arcadia awoke alone in the bedroom, she smelled breakfast in the air and heard the sounds of her little ones in the other room. Life is wonderful she thought to herself as she shifted to human and changed her clothes before heading out.

"Good morning, love..." came Delta's voice, as she walked into the room. "Mommy!" came their pups as children.

"Good morning to you my love" she said to delta then went to her pups. "And good morning to you as well my little ones" she said lovingly giving each one a kiss.

They all snuggled into her hugs. Delta smiled placing the food on the table "Breakfast is served...."

"Mmm smells wonderful" Arcadia smiled letting go of her little ones and going over to her seat.

"I worked very hard on it for the ones I love..." he said sitting down, himself.

"Well it looks marvelous" Arcadia began to chow down.

All of the kids were eating as fast as they could looking like they were really enjoying their breakfast.

"Easy easy my little ones dont eat so fast" she giggled as she got them to slow down.

"But..." "It's so..." "Good!"

"Yes but your going to make yourself sick" Arcadia giggled and gently put her hands on their heads. "Its not going anywhere little ones take it slow" she said as they began to slow down.

"Yes mama..." they said.

Delta laughed.

Arcadia giggled and got to her own meal once more.

ONce breakfast was done, Delta got to work on the dishes.

Arcadia took the kids into the livingroom, she found some toys in the kids room and brought them out for the kids to play with.

All of the children were running around going through all of the games that were available for them to play.

They had lunch then afterwards the kids were put down for their nap. "Arent they just precious" Arcadia said lovingly as she closed the door softly.

"Oh yes they are.... I don't know what we're going to do with them...." joked Delta.

"I say we smother them with love" she said cutely looking up at him as they walked back to the livingroom.

"Smother? Are you sure?" he asked smiling.

She laughed and smiled up at him. "With love of course" she said gazing up at him.

"OH... and I was thinking of what type of pillow I should use...." Delta joked.

"Your so bad!" Arcadia whacked his chest playfully.

Delta chuckled. "You started...."

"I did not" she giggled leading him off to the livingroom.

"Yes you did....talking about smothering them, but not saying in what way..."

"I did to! I said with love" she bumped his butt with hers.

Delta laughed. "That you did....that you did..." he said, grabbing her and swinging her around.

Arcadia gasped and squeeled as he did.

"You are my beautiful and loving mate....."

"As you are my handsome and caring mate" she said in reply as he set her down on the floor once more.

Delta pressed his lips against her's.

Arcadia sighed happily kissing him back softly and sweetly.

"I love you so much my baby..."

"I love you to" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Delta bit playfully on her neck, claimingly.

Arcadia moaned laying her head to the side loving the feeling of his teeth in her neck like that.

Delta growled into her neck.

Arcadia dug her nails into him moaning in pleasure at the feeling.

Delta shifted into his coyote form.

Arcadia was instantly following him shifting into her werewolf form.

He started to clean her fur, licking it, then nipping her.

Arcadia wagged her tail happily yipped and sighed happily at what he was doing to her all while they were standing there. If they didnt move to laying somewhere then she was going to fall from weak knees.

Delta's jow took hold of her neck, pulling her down, and then he snuggled against her.

Arcadia nuzzled him as she buried herself against the huge wereCoyote that was her mate.

I love you....

I love you to she gently nuzzled him and nipped his ear.

He growled deep in his throat, and did a claimly nip on her neck.

Arcadia gave a little yip and gasping noise as she calmed, it was only natural instinct that her butt went up in the air. Her body wanting him to entirely claim her.

Only if you wish for more children... Delta said, starting to lick her neck and muzzle.

Then don't do that you know how I get She gently licked his muzzle in return nuzzling him. Lets take this into the other room she said playfully walking off into their bedroom. Where she playfully sprawled out on the pillows.

Delta dashed after her, jumping on to her, rolling on her, nuzzling her.

Arcadia yipped and playfully rolled with him nipping and licking him.

Delta then just laid there with her, holding her close, his head laying over her.

Arcadia sighed happily loving laying there with him like that on their neat bedroom bed. This was how it was supposed to be.

Delta licked the fur behind her ear.

Arcadia made a happy nose as he tail wagged at the feeling.

Delta then felt like deadweigh on her as he fell asleep.

Arcadia giggled in her head and nuzzled her huge Coyote mate then joined him in sleep.

Something licked her nose.

Arcadia opened her eyes to find.

Vali was licking her nose.

Arcadia gave her son a big lick on the muzzle. she was still pinned under a snoring Delta so she couldnt do much else.

He licked he agsin.

Arcadia wiggled an arm free and reached out petting her son on the head. Such a cutie you are come snuggle with Mama and Papa she said sweetly to her pup as she picked him up and snuggled with him in their little pile they had going.

Vali snuggled in close.

There was a weep, and Daemon, Raiel, and Aira came in, and started to snuggle against them.

Arcadia gently nuzzled and licked each one as they snuggled up and soon she returned to sleep having her loving family around her.

When she woke, all the cubs were still around her, but Delta wasn't there.

Not wanting to disturb her cubs she lifted her head and looked aroud the room curiously

There was no smell of food or noises in the condo.

Delta? she gently slid out from between her pups and put a pillow in her place they could snuggle to. She shifted to human and began to look around for any note he could have left. Anything.

There was no note, as if he had left planning on being back before she woke up.

Arcadia went back to the bedroom shifting into wolf form again joining her pups.

The door to the condo opened and closed just as she was settling back down.

She sat up and looked over towards the door.

She could smell Delta.

Arcadia barked happily wagging her tail.

"No....can't...." called Delta.

Arcadia made a little whine. She gently nuzzled her sleeping pups then trotted out to the other room to see Delta.

Delta was setting down several bundles of wood and other materials.

Arcadia tilted her head. She shifted to human. "What is all of this?" she asked confused.

"A surprise...."

"What kind of surprise?" seh asked going over wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

"Something for you and the cubs...."

Arcadia giggled. "Alright if your not going to tell me I'm going to be with the pups again" she kissed his cheek then turned shifting to wolf trotting off to the bedroom again.

"It's something to connect you to your father..." he called after her.

Arcadia spun around and ran back out. "What are you talking about connect me with my father?" she asked after she shifted human.

"Well, I thought that we could just continue to live here...and maybe build a large home in the woods, but still have this place as a safe haven... so I had gone to talk to Epsilon and Thor...and they told me about a way to go back and forth between any location that you are thinking I thought...our families..."

"Thats amazing" Arcadia said astonished by the idea

"I thought you would... so I thought I'd make a door way or hall way looking type thing..."

"I don't want the kids though to be able to just walk through it though... and what about people coming in the other way doesnt this leave us open to danger?" she asked worriedly for her pups.

"That's why it's a will be fixed to only open for you and I..."

"Wonderful" she smiled lovingly.

Delta moved over to her, scooping her up in a hug and twirling around with her.

Arcadia squeeled and giggled as he did.

All the pups ran in, running around them.

Arcadia giggled. "Hello my beautiful pups" she said lovingly.

They all barked and started chasing each other.

Arcadia smiled and walked over sitting on the couch watching her pups.

Delta sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "They are lively this morning..."

"Well they got lots and lots of sleep when they came in and joined me and their big snoring papa" she giggled giving him a kiss.

Delta looked down at her, kissing back. "Really now? And I was thinking you had gone and got them..."

"How could I when you were sleeping ontop of me?" she asked playfully.

Delta blushed, ""

"I'm not teasing you, you fell asleep ontop of me" she giggled.

"No...before had teased me...and..."

"We didnt do anything naughty Delta" she said playfully.

"Oh yes we did...."

"No we played around thats it, we were close but we never did" she said really confused

"I thought we had..." he said softly. "I must have been mistaken...."

"we didnt do anything baby" she gentyl curessed his chest.

"I'll have to fix that...."

Arcadia giggled blushing. "Oh do you now?" she asked playflly.

"Yes...but after I get this built....and tested of course..."

"Of course my darling" she said playfully.

Delta twirled her around and then let her go as the pups started to wine with hunger.

Arcadia giggled. "Come my little ones" she gently picked up her pups and carried them to the kitchen to get them some food.

All the pups licked her face.

Arcadia giggled hugging her pups, gently she put them on the ground. "Hang on my pups I'll get you something tasty" she went to the fridge to look for some meat.

The pups shifted and started to either help out or play.

It was about an hour later that Arcadia finished cooking some chicken strips with frenchfries and greenbeans and she and the kids were enjoying their lunch together.

"And where is my lunch?" asked Delta playfully, as he walked into the kitchen, placing a kiss on Arcadia's cheek.

"We have plenty for you to sweetheart" she said lovingly as she made him a plate and put at the seat next to her.

Delta sat down, smiling at her, as he took a bit. "Yummm...."

"I'm glad you think so" she smiled sweetly.

When everyone was done, Delta sent all of the children out of the room to go play. "Come here...." he said seuctively to Arcadia.

"But I thought you had to finish the doorway, and as I can see it the doorway is not done" she said playfully wathing him.

Delta moved over to her swiftly, and kissed her. "ANd yet you would not come to me so that I could kiss you..." he said playfully.

"I wanted to make sure that you had your plans in order of what you wanted to 'do' first" she said with a smirk looking up at him.

"Well I needed to give you some loving..."

"Mmm a man who knows what his mate wants" she purred happily getting close and kissing him softly

Delta pulled her closer as they kissed in the kitchen.

Arcadia gasped in the middle of the kiss as she suddenly found herself pinned against the counter.

"My mate...." Delta breathed out before kissing her passionately again.

Arcadia gasped and moaned softly as he grinded against her while they're lips were locked.

He moved his lips, nipping her ear.

Arcadia sighed happily at the feeling.

"I love you...." he said softly.

"I love you to Delta" Arcadia said lovingly curessing his cheek.

"Now...let's get the dishes cleaned up and go spend time with our little ones...."

"Sounds good to me" she smiled and gave him a little kiss then got to work ont he dishes.

Delta took up drying the dishes.

Arcadia playfully bumped Delta with her butt as they stood there together doing the dishes.

Delta smirked. "Oh you..."

Arcadia gave him another butt bump then suddenly yelped and umped as her father appeared out of no where holding one of her sons. "Father?" she asked confused.

"Your little one appeared in the closet of where I was" Randulfur smiled. "You should be careful of the little ones if he was able to come to me who knows what will happen to the others?" he asked worriedly then suddenly nuzzled little Vali before putting him down.

"Oh my baby" Arcadia ran over scooping her son up in her arms. "Oh papa thank you for bringing him home." she said holding Vali tight. "Oh my babies I'll be back" she hurried out of the room to go check on her little ones.

"You've made my daughter happy Delta thank you" he smiled.

Arcadia found that the others had fallen asleep.

Delta nodded. "Thank you...Randulfur..." he said nervously.

"Your welcome kiddo, now ease up i'm not going to throttle you. Do you plan on marrying my daughter?" he asked curiously.

"Yes... sir..."

"Heavens be merciful calm down, yes I was freaked at first about you being with my daughter but you've made her happy, I'm happy to have you part of the family" he grinned.

Delta nodded. "I wanted to start what I never got to have...." he said. "The gods that raised be were nice...and I love's not the same...."

"Its not the same of having your own real family, and I'm happy for you and my daughter to truely have a family of your own, just be careful though your children have great powers, you need to be careful of something like this not happening again because you never know who's hands Vali could have ended up in."

Delta nodded. "I'm sorry........"

Randulfur put his hand on Delta's shoulder. "Don't be sorry kiddo" he smiled "Just learn from the mistakes and try harder in the future" he said with a smile.

Delta nodded.

"Good" Randulfur reached into his pocket then put something into Delta's hand when he pulled his hand away Delta saw a beautiful blue stone with veins of gold and black running through it. "If you ever need me for anything just hold this and call to me I will hear you"


"You are family now Delta, if you ever need my help just call" he smiled.

"Thank you...sir...thank you...."

"Please just Randulfur" he smield.

Delta nodded. "Yes sir.... Randulfur...."

Randfulfur nodded.

"I...can understand aren't comfortable....with a coyote...."

"Delta their hasnt been many were Coyote's that have walked this world, The last one I new off I knew only for a short period while I was growing up many many moons ago. I knew him well and he was a good friend and mentor to me but... he still frightened me for the things he could do in this world that many others could not." he said looking as Delta took it in. "The great trickster the man of Native American legend The Coyote God." he said softly. "I have not always walked this world as a wolf, I was born with the soul of the Jackal, a creature of death but also a trickster like my Coyote bretheren. That is why I did not like you at first."

"Because you didn't like yourself?"

"No, because I know what you can become if you take the wrong path" he gently put his hand on the side of Delta's head. Delta suddenly saw images of a man who from just speaking to them could get any man, woman, or child to do anything. A man who enjoyed causing Drama and Mischeif in people's lives and a powerful man at that Delta could just feel that the man was the soul of a Coyote the soul of one of the wild gods. Randulfur pulled his hand back. "You see now?"

Delta nodded slowly, looking dazed. "Randulfur...could it also have...been my eyes......?" he whispered.

"Your eyes had nothing to do with it Delta" Randulfur said softly.

"They better not have" Arcadia suddenly said coming into the room.

Delta just looked at Randulfur. "The man you showed me....his eyes...I've seen them the mirror...."

Randulfur then realized it. "My word you do have his eyes" he said softly. "But trust me when I say even though you have his eyes, I believe in my heart you are a good man" he smiled.

Arcadia went over and hugged Delta's side. "Yes he is daddy"

"I never knew my family...and my eyes...that means..." Delta fell back sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Your the son of teh Coyote god" Randulfur said simply.

Arcadia kneeled on the floor next to his chair and rubbed his leg comforting him.

Delta looked up at Randulfur, placing a hand on Arcadia's hand. "Randulfur....why would I have been alone....why...?"

"It could be for many reasons, your father may have not even known about you Delta" he said calmly.

Delta looked down trying to hide his face, but Arcadia could see tears.

Arcadia got up and pulled her mate to her chest stroking his hair.

"I am sorry Delta I will take my leave" Randulfur turned and left the room vanishing.

"Oh baby" she whispered softly. "I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" Arcadia couldnt bare to see her mate cry.

"Is it believe that you were abandoned or that your own father never knew about you....or is it better as I had beleived that my family had died...being the only way they would have left me alone....?" he whispered.

"I I cannot answer that for you Delta" Arcadia said softly as she hugged him close stroking his hair.

"Please...tell me what to think......" he begged in a whisper, hugging her.

"I think if your father knew you existed he would have been there in a heartbeat to take care of you." she said lovingly stroking his hair.

"And if he had...I don't know if we'd even be together.....if I'd be who I am now..."

"I love you Delta all that you are and I'll always be by your side, you have me now in this life and I'm not going anywhere" she said lovingly.

Delta held ehr close to him. "I'm sorry to be causing so much trouble..." he whispered.

"Don't ever say that, you are not causing any trouble Delta, your my mate and I'm here for you, you could never cause any trouble." she said sweely.

"Arcadia... you are so good to me..."

"I wouldnt be your mate if I wasnt good to you" she said with a little smile trying to get him to smile.

Delta smiled a little, and he rubbed at his eyes. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be I love you and thats all that matters" she kissed him sweetly and wiped his tears

"I just want the best for our family...."

"I know darling" she kissed him softly curessing his cheek.

Delta kissed her back. "How....were the little ones?"

"They are fine fast asleep in their beds safe and sound."

"Thank goodness... I'm glad..." he whispered.

Arcadia nodded with a smile.

Delta nuzzled her neck. "Mmmm..."

"Mmmm what?" she asked sweetly as she nuzzled him back and held her hands on his waist.

"You...I have you...and our little ones..."

"And never forget you'll always have us" she said lovingly curessing her hands over his back as she nuzzled his cheek and gave him a couple of soft little kisses.

"I could never forget love..."

"Now since out little ones are asleep lets let mama wolf give you some loving" she said sweetly giving him a little kiss.

Delta kissed back. "Mmmmm..."

Arcadia sighed as the kiss deepened.

"Love you..."

"Love you to" she said mouth to mouth with him.

Delta then stood up, hugging her. "To the room..."

"Alright" she giggled talking his hand and walking off with him to their room.

Once in the room, he pounced on her, growling playfully, and nipped her neck.

She squeeked and giggled sighing in pleasure as he did. "My mate" she growled out lovingly and squeeled as she found herself on the bed under him.

Delta rolled over, and pulled her on top of him, hugging her to his chest.

Arcadia giggled burying herself against his strong body. 

Delta kissed her neck.

Arcadia shivered and sighed happily in pleasure.

"You know what?" he whispered.

"What?" she asked in a happy sigh.

"I love you..." he whispered before biting her neck gently.

Arcadia gasped and shivered at the feeling. "Mmmmm I love you to" she said lovingly.

"Mine....all mine..."

"Yes all yours" she growled lovingly.

"I will always take care of you..."

"I know you will baby" She said lovingly curesing his cheek

"I know that I'm not that strong... but you give me strength...."

"I know that if your family was in danger you would have the strength of the god."

Delta kissed her.

Arcadia happily embraced the kiss back.

"I love you...." he whispered.

"I love you to" she said sweetly.

Delta nibbled on her neck.

Arcadia giggled and sighed happily.

He rubbed and curessed her whole body.

Arcadia gasped and sighed happily in pleasure. "oooh that feels so good"


"Mmm yes" she purred out happily.

Delta smiled, and nibbled on her neck.

Arcadia giggled and sighed happily she loved snuggling with him like this their moments together.

Daemon jumped on them.

Arcadia squeeked and laughed. "Hi sweety" she hugged her son and smiled seeing her other three children at teh door.

The children pounced on them. "OH you silly pups!" laughed Delta.

"Your so cute and silly" she giggled hugging her children.

"We love you mama...papa...."

"We love you to my cuties" she smiled and lovingly nuzzled all of her children.

Delta pulled them all into a big hug on the bed floor.

Arcadia giggled and snuggled up with her family on the bed she yawned as she snuggled and soon Delta found her fast asleep amongst her little ones and him.

He curessed her cheek.

she sighed happily in her sleep.

Arcadia... she heard a strong male voice say through her dreams. It was not Delta's or Randulfur's.

She growled in her sleep not liking hearing the strange voice in her head.

It sounds like you have my distaste for strangers speaking though my mind....thouh I hope you'd forgive me.... there was a sadness in the male voice.

"Who are you?" she asked curiously.


"Papa?" she asked softly with surprise in her voice not expecting to hear her father's voice.'s papa, sweetheart....

Oh papa, its been so long she said softly.

I didn't want to leave you...

You... You did what you ha to to protect me Papa she sai softly in her sleep.

Your mother...she is alive...and found me....freed me...but I'm am only my immortal spirit wolf form...

I'm just glad your alright Papa that you and Mama are happy together. she said gently snuggling into her pillow.

I want use to be together as a family again...

I do to papa but... your not going to like my mate... She said knowing how wolves didnt get along with Coyotes.

Mate? You have a mate? What do you mean?

Yes papa I have a mate I'm a full grown woman now and what I mean is.... My mate is a Coyote She heard her father growl in her head I love him with my heart and soul though papa so you have to be nice to him

My baby are my baby cub...and coyote? Why a coyote?!

Papa I love him with all my heart, I don't care that he's a coyote, he is a good man and has done nothing but treat me wonderfully and has even saved my life, twice! he and I have pups as well Papa and if you can't except that I'm happy with him, if you can't except my husband and pups for their Coyote blood then.... stay away from us papa because I will not have that hatred in my home and around my family.. she knew it was harsh but she would not let her father who hadn't been around in years control her life and treat her children and husband horribly with hatred for their Coyote blood.

My spirit...definitely my spirit.... Arcadia, I want you happy.... and please... I never wanted to be away from you....Oden is cruel...and who knows what he would have done to you or Siria.... I couldn't have you two lose your lives when you were so young.... he saved you're life and I'm sure that if you love him I will too...

Oh thank you for understanding papa she said happily. and i understand you did what you had to do

I'm sorry that I couldn't...Oden separated my humonaid form from my wolf form....and killed my humaniod.... it is my humaniod form that needs to be found now for I should have still been reborn...

I hope it can be found soon papa I really do

Your mother is dealing with all of this knowledge of her past life...and I am going to help her...your mate must protect you til I can see you again...

Do not worry papa my husband will protect me from everything that would bring harm to me he is a good man

Good...very good....

Be safe papa, I want your grandpups to know you so be safeshe said sweetly.

I will be...for you...

I love you papa

I will see you soon...

And with that she awoke to the wonderful feeling of her mate's arms wrapped around her body.

She felt him nibbling on her neck.

Arcadia giggled at the feeling. "Morning gorgeous" she said lovingly.


"Love you as well" she said lovingly looking up at him. "Where are the kids?" she asked with a little yawn.

"Their room playing...."

"Mmmm that means I have you all to myself" she giggled burying herself against his chest.

Anubis appeared back at the temple of the snake and turtle and went to go check on his son and grandchildren.

He heard sounds coming from within the room that his grandchildren had been asleep in.

Anubis slowly opened the door to the room and looked in.

Byakko was tied up in a chair in the center of the room, though he looked to be just playing like he can't get free.

"What are you up to?" Anubis asked with a chuckle leaning against the doorframe seeimg him like this. "Where are the little ones?"

"They're in the closet whispering on what they are going to do to me....well... the girl is doing that...the boy is trying to talk her out of it....apparently I did something to you...."

Anubis covered his mouth to hide his snort of laughter. "Oh heavens me now that is funny" he chuckled and went over to Byakko forming his finger into a long black claw. He then easily sliced the ropes off after which he went to the closet and opened the doors looking down at his grandchildren. "And here I thought that you two didnt get my wild side" he said playfully as they looked up at him.

"Hey you're okay!"

"I told you he was fine, that he was telling the truth!"

"But he wasn't here when we got up and he was...he could have done something!"

Byakko just shook his head, sighing.

"I'm sorry I didnt let you know where I went kids I didn't want to wake you up so I just left my son with you" he smiled down at them. "Now you going to come out of there to your grandpa or what?" he asked playfully.

The twins came out and tackled him in a hug.

"Son?" he heard Byakko whispered.

Anubis laughed catching his grand children in his arms hugging them back. "You heard me Byakko" he smiled at him sweetly then looked down at his grandkids. "Now you two what would you like to do today?"


"Not steal!"

Anubis laughed. "How about this we practice some sparring in the training hall for awhile?" he asked curiously

"Sparring? Why?" the twins asked.

"I'm up for some sparring..." Byakko said standing up.

Anubis smiled over his shoulder at Byakko then looked down at the kids. "Because you two have lots of free time now and I want you two to be trained to be able to protect yourselves. Besides it will be fun." he said as his clothes suddenly shifted into a training fighting outfit.

Byakko shrugged off his robe, smiling lightly.

"Come to the training area" Anubis smiled putting his hand on the back of the kids backs leaded them and Byakko to the training grounds.

The training area was huge, and weapons decorated the walls. "Genbu's collection of swords..." said Byakko moving to the center of the room, strecking.

"Now kids we're going to do some stretching before we get to some traing and sparring." he smiled and snapped his fingers suddenly the kids were wearing training outfits.

The twins looked at each other. "Must we...?"

Anubis chuckled. "Yes you must" he smiled.

The twins sighed. Byakko just laughed.

"Trust me with the way you two are this will be fun" he said as he got to starting his stretches to warm his body up.

Laverna moved to touch one of the swords on the wall.

"I wouldn't if I was you, little one..." Byakko said. "Genbu doesn't like it when someone touches his swords when he is not here..."

"Laverna...." Anubis said it as a warning to his voice even though his back was to her.


"I told you to leave things alone..."

"Nemos you are just no fun some times...."

"Laverna you may be the goddess of thieves my dear but you need to learn how to control your impulses." Anubis said turning and looking at her.

"I'm not....I..." she folded her hands with a hoof.

"Oh come here you" Anubis said with a chuckle picking her up in his arms.

Nemos shook his head at Laverna. "She never listens to me...."

Anubis chuckled. "Now you two lets have some fun with a little sparring he said putting Laverna down. "Then you and I can go out and steal you an ice cream if your good." he whispered to Laverna hoping that would make her happy.


"Whats the matter sweetheart?" he asked wondering what he was doing wrong.

Nemos giggled. "She's always like that after I've stopped her..."

"Nothings wrong..." she said.

"If your sure" he said patting her head.


"Alright now all of us lets do some training." and from there he and Byakko for the next few hours trained the children.

Laverna and Nemos after a few hours sat against the side of the training room, tired out, while Byakko continued sparring with Anubis.

Anubis was taking it easy on Byakko since this was only a sparring match but he was deffinantly impressed with Byakko's moves.

There was definitely an ancient skill that Byakko had in him.

Anubis was proud of Byakko he was a strong man.

"Can we eat?!" called out Laverna.

Anubis caught Byakko's kick. "yeah sure thing kids what are you in the mood for?" he asked curiously.

Byakko stood there with his leg caught in the air, as if it were normal.

"I don't know...."

Anubis let go of Byakko's leg and let him stand normally. "Well since this is your first real day with me lets do something good."

She looked at him unsure. Nemos nodded. "Okay.." he said.

Byakko stretched out his arms.

"I say we do a huge egyptian and chinese food feast" he said with a big smile.

Laverna and Nemos looked unsure.

Byakko smiled softly.. "Really now?"

"Wbat's the matter with that?" Anubis asked with a chuckle.

"I get the egyptian.... but you also suggested chinese? Any specail meaning?" Byakko asked with a smile.

"I don't know its just another thing just in case they don't like teh egyptian food" he chuckled.

"Alright..." Byakko laughed.

"Alright off to the kitchen." he picked up his grandchildren and put htem on his shoulders carrying them down the hall.

Byakko followed, to instructed where he should head to get there.

Soon they reached the kitchen, Anubis put his grandchildren down then got to work on cooking up a huge meal.

Byakko watched, sitting back at in a corner, while Laverna and Nemos crowded around Anubis.

Anubis was an expert cooking the meal he smiled as his grandchildren were so enthralled watching his hands whip together the meal.

"What is that? That doesn't look like food...normal food..." Laverna said.

"This is normal food, its chinese and Egyptian foods why? what did you normally eat?" he asked curiously as he cut some steak into peices and marinated them in a special sauce mixture he had whipped up.

Laverna gave a look to Nemos that read don't you dare say, and when he started to, she punched him in the arm. "Hey, Laverna!" Nemos shouted, rubbing his arm.

"Then don't say anything..."

He looked down at them his eyes growing hard with a stoney gaze. "What are you two not tellingme?" he asked in a tone that they knew not to mess with but held the love of a grandfather in it.

Laverna crossed her arms, and glared at Nemow, daring him to say something.

"Laverna why don't you trust me to tell me?" he asked softly and so kindly.

"Because you will be upset..." Nemos said.

"We're family I wish you could trust me" Anubis said sadly. "If you don't want to tell me then I will not push it" he said going back to cooking.

"It's her nature..." Nemos said, getting Laverna's tongue stuck out at him. "Trash...scraps...."

Anubis went rigid for a moment then he softened. "You never have to eat scraps again sweetheart" he said softly looking down at them with those warm gold eyes of his.

Nemos smiled, while Laverna smiled weakly.

"None go hungry within the temples..." said Byakko.

He finished cooking the meal and laid it out on the table.

"Looks delicious..." said Byakko.

"Well don't just stand there looking at it dig in"

Byakko smiled slightly, and sat down, and did as he was asked.

Nemos and Laverna sat down too, still just looking at it.

"Go ahead and eat" he said with a soft smile.

Nemos and Laverna then started to eat hungerly.

Anubis smile watching their faces fill with delight at the taste as they continue to eat he was glad to be able to make their lives happier.

"You are a wonderful man..." Byakko said softly.

"Thank you Byakko" he smiled at the other man.

Byakko nodded. Don't leave again...

Anubis nodded I promise not to run off again

Byakko sighed. Thank you...I...don't

Anubis turned and smiled at Byakko. I promise you will not lose me again

Byakko smiled softly.

"What now?" asked Laverna.

Anubis looked over at them curiously.

Nemos just looked back at him, as did Laverna.

"Are you all full?" he asked curiously.

The twins nodded. "Yes..."

"Alright then hmmm" he turned and looked at Byakko" Do you have any ideas of what we could do next?" he asked curiously.

"I haven't thought of what to do that children would like to do....since...I was younger than them...." Byakko said softly.

"huh....." Anubis put his hand on his jaw thinkin about it.

"You're not thinking of..." Laverna started to ask, but then stoped.

"Not thinking of what?" he asked curiously having a bad feeling this had something to do with their old 'parents'

Laverna growled under her breath. "Why did I chose then to be like you Nemos...."

Nemos shrugged.

"Honey what are you growling at?" Anubis asked confused. He felt like he was being a horrible grandfather.

"They were preparing us to...with..." Laverna started.

"Each other..." Nemos whispered.

"WHAT?" Anubis asked horrified he couldnt believe this, he promised himself he was going to the underworld and he was going to torture the souls of that man and woman that would do that to his grand children.

Nemos and Laverna shrank back.

Byakko looked at Anubis. "Calm...." he muttered.

Anubis stood and took deep calming breaths turning his back on them so they wouldnt see the anger on his face. "Its not you kids so do not think this anger is directed towards you"

Nemos and Laverna nodded. Byakko then said, "Think on those thoughts later....they are what is important right now..."

Anubis took a deep breath and calmed himself then turned smiling at them. "Alright now let us go do something together, lets go out and get you some new clothes that you can pick out. Then whatever else you would like" Do you mind coming with us Byakko? he asked his son mind to mind.

"really?" the twins asked.

Byakko nodded. you needing help with two children? or is it that you need my help keeping you calm...?

Both.. Anubis admitted in his mind. "Yes really" he smiled down at them. "How does that sound?"

"Oh my sweet babies" she said softly as she carried Vali out into the living room and sat on the couch with him. "What happened baby?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't know....mama..."

"Oh my sweet baby" she stroked his hair and held him close.

"I love you mama....Grandpa...was with a kitty...."

"With a kitty?" Arcadia asked confused.

"A kitty lady...."

"Well now I wonder who that could have been" she said not knowing about her father's romance with Bastet.

"She was pretty...and he promised her he'd come back to her this time..."

"Well now isnt that interesting" she smiled down at her son. "Now my little one, you must be tired from your experience lets get you to bed" she said lovingly carrying him in her arms heading back to her children's room.

Vali nodded, snuggling against her.

Arcadia cradled her son close and hummed to him as she carried him to his room then she laid him down in his bed and stroked his hair as she softly sang a lullaby While she tucked him in.

Vali had fallen asleep.

"Sleep well my prince" she said lovingly.

All was well in the room.

Arcadia got up and left the room gently closing the door behind her then headed off to join the others.

"Yes my you wish...."

"No this is as you wish you silly man" she said with a sexy purr as she worked him. The next hour passed and soon he felt so good and relaxed all the knots gone from his back.

"If a shadow could just completely melt away...I think you'd have that gift....."

"Oh do I now" she asked climbing off of him lounging there on the pillows in a way that made his mouth water.

Erebus crawled over to her. "Yes you I said.... magic hands...."

"Well these magic hands are for no one but you" she said with a sexy purr to her voice as she lounged there watching him with lusty eyes.

Erebus gently pushed her back, straddling her. "Oh I love that..."

"Do you now?" she giggled laying there under him. She did feel a little silly with her belly between them.

Erebus started to kiss her all over, her belly and everywhere.....

Tavia giggled and sighed happily loving the feeling of it. luckily the tribal clothes she was wearing didnt cover much of her body at all. "Oooh erebus that feels good" she purred happily.

"That was the plan...." he whispered into her ear, his lips brushing against her skin.

"Oooh Erebus" she sighed out happily her eyes fluttering closed as she enjoyed his lips on her skin.

"Yes my lady...."

Tavia giggled laying there gazing up at him her heart filled with love and loving what he was doing.

Erebus sat up, smiling down at them. "What shall I do for you, my lady?" he said, standing up, bow to her.

"Oh my lady now?" she asked playfully laying there. "and here I was trying to make you feel special" she lounged there watching him. "Mmmm well I am in the mood for a bath" she purred out in a sexy way.

"As you wish my lady...and you always make me feel special...."

"I know but you always do special things for me I wanted to do special things in return." she squeeked and giggled as he came up and laid a big kiss on her belly. while he did that with her powers she created a beautiful bath area for them.

Erebus smiled, and moved over the the bath, and ran the water.

Tavia giggled standing there and as his back was turned she undid her tribal clothing leaving her standing there with only her jewelry now she truely looked like some ancient goddess.

Erebus didn't turn around, but stopped the water. "Lavender or jasmine..."

"Jasmine would be lovely." she said standing there watching him.

Erebus stood up, and waved a hand causing an oil vase turn over, poring into the water, filling the room with the scent of jasmine. He waved an hand again and jasmine petals fell from the sky, into the bath.

"Oooh very Avan Garde" she purred walking over hugging his waist and he could feel her all naked except for the jewelry she wore.

"Hmmm...heaven indeed...."

"Now my handsome shadow god" she playfully undid his floor length tribal loin cloth and tossed it to the floor. "Lets enjoy our bath together" she said loving running her hands over his muscular abs.

Erebus smiled, and carefully scooped her up. He stepped into the bath, setting her down into the water, before sinking into the water himself.

Tavia let out a long and happy sigh leaning back against his chest as they lounged there in the water. "Now I have to admit this does make me feel like a queen" she curessed his cheek as they lounged there in the water together and she sighed as his hands ran over her belly.

"That you are my love..."

Tavia purred happily at the feeling of lounging there with him the jasmine filling her noise it was a delicious smell indeed and her shadow god made it perfect she squeeked and giggled as she felt a kick in her belly where one of Erebus's hands laid.

"OUr...storng...wonderful babes...."

"Yes strong like their daddy" she giggled putting her hand ontop of his that was one her belly.

Erebus laughed low.

"Whats so funny?" she asked looking at him over her shoulder giving him a little kiss.

"Life...and lady..." he said kissing back.

"and that is funny how?" she asked gazing deep into his eyes.

"Because laugher is healthy for the soul..."

Tavia laughed and smiled at him nuzzling him. "Yes that it is. "now good sir if I remember correctly you promised me a massage" she purred out looking at him over her shoulder.

"As you wish..." he whispered against her skin, as he started to massage her.

Tavia melted in his arms at the feeling. "Your hands are much more magical then mine good sir" she purred happily. loving the feeling as he curessed his hands up her back massaging the knots that had formed from her baby belly.

"Yes...that may be...but I can't give myself a massage...."

"You still have magical hands my shadow god" she purred out softly as he worked down her sore body.

"As do you..." he whispered, his breath gliding against her skin, as his hands worked her shoulders.

With that was the last words between them as she melted happily into the feeling of his hands as he worked over her body.

Tavia woke from a sleep that she didn't know that she had fallen into. She could feel that she wasn't in the bath, but on a soft bed that hung on thick strong veins like a swing, her lover's arms wrapped aroung her.

Tavia smiled laying there loving the feeling of being in his arms on this amazing bed. This had to be what heaven felt like.

She felt Erebus start to kiss her neck and shoulders.

"Well hello my king" Tavia purred happily loving the feeling.

"My Queen... did you rest well?"

"Oh I rested marvelously my king" she said happily rolling over so she was on her back and looked at him next to her.

"Oh... Rasu and Yomi have headed back to the States....they do have school...."

"Thats understandable I'm sorry for keeping them away so long" she giggled

"it's not your fault... they have been bouncing back and forth alot..."

"If your sure then ok" she smiled looking up at him.

As she looked up, Erebus kissed her. "I am..."

Tavia smiled snuggling happy with him. "I love teh bed by the way" she purred laying there. "Its so soft and I love the vine thing" she said sweetly.

"I thought you would, my goddess..."

"Mmmm most deffinantly" she purred snuggling in his arms.

He started to nibble her neck as he rubbed her stomach, lovingly.

Tavia purred happily loving the feeling of it.

"What is it that my lady wishes...?" he purred.

"Mmmm I don't know surprise me" she purred happily as he continued rubbing her stomach.

Erebus continued to lay there beside her, holding her, curessing her stomach, and kissing and nibbling her neck. However, Tavia felt something gliding against her skin, several somethings, gliding around her legs, brushing between her legs.

"What the?" she opened her eyes looking down her body to see what it was.

There were shadow tentecals curessing her legs and brushing between her legs more. "Shh...Relax..." Erebus whispered, continueing to kiss her neck.

"Oooh my" she blushed but then a rush of pleasure from them flowed across her body and she laid her head down again purring and moaning happily at the feeling just basking in it all.

One tentecal entered her, sliding around inside of her.

Tavia gasped moaning in pleasure. "Oh heavens Erebus why havent you done this before?" she moaned deeply loving the feeling of what was going on. She could feel it moving around inside of her curessing all of her sweet spots many she didnt even know of. Her eyes fluttered shut as she moaned again at the feeling of what he was doing to her.

"I haven't before because I didn't want to scare you...because of how afraid of the shadows you had been before...." he whispered.

"Ooooh the feels soooo goooood" she purred out in utter ecstasy lost in the moment of what he was doing to her. "We deffinantly have to do this when I'm not pregnant" she said making a promise of that.

"It feels the same on this end too...seeing as the shadows at apart of me...." he purred.

"really?" she asked and suddenly gasped at something he did inside of her that felt so amazing.

"Yes...." he whispered, and then licked behind her ear.

Tavia sighed at the feeling then moaned again as the shadow tentacles continued to pleasure her. "Are you sure your not part sex god?" she gasped out as she could swear another tentacle was inside of her making the experiene all the more mind blowing sweat was glistening on her skin from just the sheer ecstasy she was in.

"I am sure.... I am the shadows ecstasy and sex...."

"You sure?" she asked before crying out in pleasure "because damn you sure as hell drive me to ecstasy and we sure as hell have alot of sex" she moaned out arching her back as she laid there on her side.

"That is because you draw it out of me...." She felt a third tentacle inside her.

"By the heavens!" Tavia gasped out in immense pleasure they were deffinantly going to have to do this when she wasnt pregnant anymore. She could feel them inside of her to her core and it felt sooo good as they thrusted and did so many other things inside of her. Their powers seemed to lick at each other making it all the more wild.

Soon the tentacles were drawn out, very, very slowly.

"Why did you stop?" Tavia whined with a purr to her voice after they had left her body.

"Because...I don't want to wear you out right now..."

"Oooh you have a good point" she purred out laying there feeling so good at the moment. She smiled feeling a kick in her belly as the little ones were happy she could feel. They seemed to have liked when the magics of their parents were dancing together like that.

"I can't wait..." he whispered into her neck.

"I can't wait for alot of things" she purred laying there.

"You just want the shadows in you again..." he purred.

"Mmmmm no matter how wonderful the shadows are" suddenly Tavia rolled over and moved so she was strattling him just below his man hood. "It will never replace the real thing" she said running her fingers ever so gently down teh length of his man hood. "They are really fun though" she purred looking sexy above. him.

Erebus shivered, and started to growl.

Tavia giggled "But you said you don't want to wear me out so we're doing nothing more" she said playfully climbing off of him and returned to laying on her side with her back to him again.

"I can't help that you drive me crazy...."

Tavia rolled over so she was facing him "I can't help that you do the same to me" she said sweetly as she rested a hand on teh side of her belly after feeling another kick.

Erebus started to rub her belly again. "Our' going to be a wonderful family..."

"Oh yes a truely wonderful family" she purred happily as he rubbed her belly. "oooh something is happening." she suddenly felt her magic hum inside of her and next thing Erebus knew under his hand Tavia's stomach swelled two months larger making her look six months pregnant now. "oh my" she blushed and giggled.

"This is so wonderful...." he purred.

Tavia blushed and smiled seeing the look in his eyes. "You really like seeing me like this dont you?" she asked with a purr laying there on her side as he curessed her belly.

"Yes...because I caused the start of it..."

"Is that the only reason you like seeing me like this?" she asked playfully loving his reason but seeing their was something more in those eyes of his

"Because you have become bright with that motherly glow that just drives me crazy...."

"Awww" Tavia blushed at how sweet that was.

He leaned in, kissing her passionately.

Tavia kissed him back with just as much passion and love.

"Now... my queen... what would you like to do?" he purred.

"A walk sounds lovely, Other then that I'm not to sure just yet" she smiled at him as she sat up, she called back her tribal garb to her body.

"As you wish my love..." he said, standing up bowing to her, before helping her up.

Tavia giggled as he helped her off the swinging bed then she stood there and smiled as he summoned his tribal garb. "Well since your the one treating me you can create the next area" she said playfully before kissing him softly.

Erebus laughed, and waved his hand, and a paradise like Eden appeared in front of them.

Tavia gasped at the sight of it all. "Oh Erebus! its beautiful!" she happily.

"I thought you'd like it..."

"Oh Erebus you know just what I love" she said happily wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him down kissing him softly.

"I know...I know my love..." he purred, into the kiss.

Her stomach suddenly grumbled in hunger. "In the mood for a picnic?" she asked as she pulled back.

"Sounds purr-fect love..."

"Oooh that it does" she said playfully.

He snapped his fingers and there was a lovely picnic in a clearing.

Tavia walked over and gently sat down. she gently curessed her belly with her hand as she looked at what it all could be.

There was fruit of all sorts, and fresh bread and cheeses....along with fresh juices.

"Oh wow magnificent" she giggled and picked out some fruit and began to eat.

"I thought you would...." Erebus said, taking up a glass of juice.

"Mmmm so delicious" she purred happily as she chowed down.

"Yes you are..."

Tavia blushed as she had a peice of watermelon in her mouth and giggled contining to eat.

Erebus leaned over, and licked her neck.

Tavia blushed and purred loving the feeling as she sucked on teh tips of her fingers of teh watermelon juice that was on it.

Erebus pulled her hand from her mouth and started to clean off her fingers with his own mouth.

Tavia blushed more as he did getting turned on once more. Her tounge gently licked her lips as she watched him with hunger in her eyes.

"Very delicious indeed..."

"Am I?" she asked with a lusty breath sitting there watching him.

He started to lick up her arm.

Tavia giggled and sighed happily watching him as he continued.

He licked all the way up to her neck, and behind her ear.

Tavia melted and moaned when his tounge curessed her ear.

"You are all mine..." he whispered.

"All yours, no one but yours" she sighed happily in pleasure

Erebus started to rub her belly and kiss it.

Tavia purred happily laying back on the blanket moaning softly loving the feeling.

He then feed her a strawberry.

Tavia sighed happily as he slid it into her mouth then she bit the juicey berry eating it as she lounged there.

He licked her lips then kissed them.

Tavia buried her hand in his gorgeous black hair as she made out with him her body melting with happiness at the feeling.

"How is my queen feeling?" he asked softly, and he pulled back to just hold her.

"I feel marvelous" she said with a smile looking up at him, "Still a bit hungery though" she said cutely and gigled as he began to feed her.

"I can't have you starving...can I?"

"No I don't think that would be good" she giggled leaning herself up against him a little bit as he fed her all sorts of delicious thing.

After many of the bits of food, Erebus would kiss her.

Tavia would lay there making out with him feeling satisfied in more ways then one.


"Erebus..." she whimpered clinging to him.

"I'm here..." he said pulling her closer.

She buried herself in his arms hoping that her father would go away.

She didn't hear anything else. "I'm here..."

"I wish he would just leave us alone" Tavia said softly looking up at Erebus.

"He can't get here...that's what I see in the shadows..." he whispered.

"Do you see why he keeps pestering me even though he can't get here?" she asked looking up at him.

"Power... the would seem he sent it here to hide it from you because he feared its power..."

Tavia gently put her fingers on the necklace. "But why send it to where I am? why not keep it in his realm? and What is this necklace if you can see that? why does he fear it?" she asked looking up at him.

Erebus closed his eyes. "He... sent it here when you were a child....and..I don't know..."

Tavia let out a long sigh as she buried herself against him.

"YOu have it now...."

"But I do not know why it was meant for me or what it is for" she said softly running her fingers across the beads feeling so confused magic from her world could be truely powerful in the right packages.

"It could be possible that it was away of preserving this gift from yourself...from Pheobe..."

"Can we not talk about it anymore?" she asked sitting up and turning her back to him.

He began to massage her shoulders and back and arms. "I'm sorry...."

"Its alright" she sighed softly pulling her hair over her shoulder letting him get to her back better.

He continue, planting kisses at the base of her neck.

Tavia giggled cutely at the feeling.

"My gorgeous goddess..."

"My handsome god" she said lovingly to him over her shoulder.

Erebus leaned over and around, kissing her.

Tavia giggled and kissed him back.

"Now my gorgeous love...shall we pull ourselves from our lazy day?"

"Yes we should" she smiled up at him.

Erebus stood up, and then helped Tavia to her feet.

Tavia squeeked and giggled getting to her feet. "Well since we're ending our lazy day what should we do?" she asked looking up at him.

"Get the apartment ready...."

"Oh my thats right" she squeeked blushing "Oh Erebus my apartment isnt big enough to raise little ones" she said freaking out.

"Will you marry me?"

Tavia squeeked and turned facing him "What did you say?" she asked lovingly.

"I said will you marry me?"

"Oh Erebus of course I'll marry you" she ran over and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck squeeling with joy.

"I'm so glad...because I want you to move in with me..."

"But wont it be a little cramped with all three of us there I don't want to be in the way" she said talking about the fact that Erebus lived with Nyx.

"Don't worry..."

"If your sure then alright I would more then love to move in with you and marry you and call you my husband" she said with a purr.

"I would hope so..." he purred back. "I would think out little ones would have alot of questions if we didn't..."

Tavia giggled resting her hand on her belly. "Then we simply must" she said with a loving smile.

Erebus pulled her closer, and kissed her neck.

Tavia moaned softly at the feeling.

They disappeared into the shadows, reappearing in her apartment.

Tavia giggled. "So how are we going to move all my stuff to your place" she asked as her clothes shifted to a long tunic shirt that had a black tiger on it and cute baby bump while she wore a pair of jeans and flipflops now.

"Like this...." he said with a smile. He waves a hand and shadows started to eat up her things..."

"Oh wow" she said watching all of it happen.

Erebus laughed. "What have I done with you...."

"What?" she asked confused.

"You use to freak out when I did that...and now..." he kissed her.

Tavia lovingly kissed him back. "I love you and all of teh shadows that you are" she said gazing into his eyes.

"I love you too so much, Tavia..."

"my darling" she curessed his cheek lovingly.

Shadow engulfed them, and they reappeared in a very large living room area, Tavia's things already mixed up with Erebus's and Nyx's things.

"This is your home?!" she gasped gazing at the huge place

" I had said before...centuries of investments and savings..."

Tavia smiled and gently curessed her belly. "I think we're going to be happy here don't you?" she asked her belly cutely.

"Yes I do...." he said, kissing her neck.

Tavia giggled leaning back in his arms.

Erebus held her. "So I take it you like it here...."

"Oh yes its gorgeous here" she went over to the huge windows and looked out seeing a breath taking view of the city, "Marvelous." she giggled as she noticed a hottub on the balcony but didnt say anything of it. She then headed to the kitchen to begin her exploration.

The kitchen was huge, big enough to host a large gathering.

"Oh wow this is wonderful!" she smiled walking over to the counter putting her hand on the beautiful granite.

Erebus came up from behind, and lifted her up, setting her up on the counter, and started to kiss her.

Tavia squeeked and instantly melted into the amazing kiss with her lover.

Erebus kept her on the counter as his kisses explored her neck and shoulder, his hands curessing her.

Tavia sighed softly and happily just lost in the amazing feeling of it all.

"You two do realize that people do cook in there..." came Nyx's voice, and then a soft laugh.

Tavia blushed pulling back from Erebus. "Oh I'm sorry" she said shyly.

"It's okay...." Nyx said.

"It's good to see you are safe..." Erebus said seriously.

"Me too...and hmmm....Erebus....I'm a great grandmother...."

Tavia just sat there quietly she had talked to Nyx before but not much so she didnt really chime in.

Erebus moved over, and hugged Nyx. "Congrats sis...not sis, did you ever think you'd hear this....You're going to be an aunt!"

"What?" Nyx hurried over to Tavia, and gently rubbed Tavia's belly and whispering to it.

Tavia smiled and giggled as she did that, she was curious on what Nyx was whispering but thought it was sweet as nyx bonded with the little ones.

Nyx looked up at Tavia. "You will make a wonderful mother..."

"You really think so Nyx?" she asked sweetly blushing that Nyx thought that.

"Of course Tavia....yes I really do..."

"Thank you nyx" she smiled sweetly as she put her hand on her belly.

"Erebus had better know how lucky he is to have you...."

"That would be for him to answer" she giggled and smiled at Nyx.

Nyx eyed over at him.

Erebus put up his hands. "Hey...I do know, sis...Tavia is going to be marrying me..."

"Really? That's great!"

Tavia giggled. "Yes I'm so excited" she smiled sweetly at the two of them.

Nyx hugged her, careful of her belly. "Wonderful...simply wonderful..."

Tavia giggled hugging her back she squeeked as the baby suddenly kicked. "Be nice to your auntie little one" she said putting her hand on her belly.

"Oh they will be strong, Tavia...very strong...."

"You really think so?" she asked sweetly rubbing her belly gently. 

"A Shadow god...and a moon and fertility goddes.... yes I do..."

Tavia smiled lovingly curessing her belly. "You hear that little ones even your auntie believes in how strong you are" he smiled.

Erebus smiled, and laughed, helping Tavia down off the counter. "We all believe it love..."

Tavia giggled and smiled at them as she snuggled against Erebus, "I am so happy I really am" she giggled.

"So, Erebus... when are you planning on fixing up your suite of the apartment?"

"Soon...very soon..."

Tavia stood there not knowing what they were talking about.

Erebus smiled, taking Tavia's hand. "Now...let me show you my 'apartment' of this apartment..."

"Alright" she giggled holding his hand letting him lead her off.

Erebus lead her down a short hall, and then opened a door that made her think they were walking into a nice size living area with doors that lead off of it.

"Oh wow how pretty" she said gazing at the room thinking it was just a livingroom.

Erebus lead her across the room, smiling. "And here is the bedroom..." he said, as he opened double doors leading into a large bedroom all of dark woods and wall colors, everything that stood out of being very Erebus and Shadow like.

"Its deffinantly very you" she giggled walking in running her hand over the frame of the bed gazing at the room. "Very handsome room indeed" she smiled at him.

Erebus scooped up Tavia, and fell into bed with her, holding her close. "Thank you...."

"Your very welcome my handsome god" she said lovingly curessing his hair.

He nippled on her neck. "My godess..."

Tavia sighed happily at the feeling. "Mmm this is perfect, but my darling we need to set up the Nursery for the little ones" she giggled rubbing her belly.

"You haven't seen the room next door....we can use that room...."

"Oh have you always had a nursery ready in your other room?" she asked playfully just poking his bouttons.

"Nope...never knew what to do with that room... don't really need an office..." he laughed.

Tavia giggled as she sat up and climbed out of the bed and headed over to the door going into the room.

The room was large and empty.

She went and checked out the large closet liking all the space that was in it then went to the window loving the breathtaking view of the city. "this is perfect, with a little paint here and some nursery things it will be wonderful" she said lovingly.

Erebus came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Wonderful...."

Tavia sighed and giggled happily leaning back in his arms. "What do you think of painting the room a shade of green?" she asked lovingly.

"Sounds wonderful..."

"You really think so?" she asked lovingly turning around in his arms facing him. She squeeked adorably and giggled as his hands slid under her shirt over her belly curessing her skin.

"Yes...I do..." he murmured, into her skin.

Tavia sighed happily as he curessed and kissed her belly. "I love you so much" she said loving as he stroked her belly.

"As I you..." he knelt and started to kiss her belly.

Tavia sighed happil loving the feeling of his lips on her bare skin like that. "Mmmm that feels good" she said happily.

He licked across her belly.

"Oooh" she sighed happily loving the feeling.

Erebus carefully scooped her up, taking her back to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed.

Tavia giggled adorably gazing up at him as he came sitting down next to her and went back to curessing her belly. "You know we need to get the nursery made" she said playfully before sighing happily at what he was doing.

"All will be done...."

"Oh?" she asked playfully then sighed happily melting back into the supersoft pillows.

He started to nibble her neck.

Tavia giggled and sighed happily in pleasure.


"Mmmm yes my sexy beast all yours" she said playfully laying there looking up at him.

Erebus licked her neck, rubbing her belly.

Tavia sighed and moaned happily at the feeling of everything he was doing to her.

"I will never let you go...."

"Good I never want you to" she said happily.

He stroked her hair, holding her close.

Tavia snuggled against his chest.

Erebus nibbled on her ear.

Tavia sighed happily melting against him just in heaven.

"I love you lovely goddess...."

"And I love you my handsome god" she purred out snuggled against his chest.

He nibbled more on her neck.

Tavia sighed and gently pawed at his chest feeling very arroused at the moment.

"I love you so much....."

Tavia playfully rolled him over on his back and straddled his waist. "I love you to" she giggled sitting there above him. She giggled as his hands instantly went to her belly curessing it.

"Maybe I should keep you like this..." he said jokingly, smiling.

"What pregnant?" she asked playfully as she pushed his shirt up and curessed his muscles.

"Yes.. pregnant..." he laughed.

"And why do you want to keep me pregnant?" She asked as she curessed his muscular chest and stomach

"Because of your glow..."

"Is my glow that nice?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes it is...." he said and then licked her neck.

She shivered. "Does it make me sexy to?" she asked with a purr slightly granding herself over his manhood, she was just getting so excited at that moment she need something.

"Yes...very sexy love..." he growled, and she felt something grace between her legs.

She gasped and moaned softly in pleasure. "oooh that feels so good" she purred out happily.

He started to nibble her neck, as a tentacle entered her, his arms wrapped around her.

Tavia gasped and melted into his arms moaning happily.


"All yours" she purred melting into his arms moaning as the shadow tentacle pleasured her.

"Love...describe your perfect nursery...." he whispered, continueing with his tentacle.

Tavia moaned happily as she held herself above him careful of her belly. "Rich light teal walls and on one of the walls a beautiful huge portrait of black stallions running along it. the furniture a rich dark wood with a cute little black horse mobile above the cribs. While in the corner a rocking chair that two people could sit in so you and I could sit together at night as we rock our little ones to sleep." she said sweetly.

"Sounds perfect, Tavia..." he whispered, pushing in yet another tentacle.

Tavia moaned deeply digging her nails into the bed under them. "Oh heavens" she purred out in pleasure loving the feeling of them deep inside of her.

Erebus pulled the tentacles out of her.

"Aww but I was enjoying that" she said cutely all of a sudden as she sat there ontop of her her belly swelled a little bit more, not much it just looked like she was not seven months instead of six. "Oh my" she giggled putting her hand on her belly which was now making her shirt tight and her belly was cutely poking out from under it.

He gently pushed her onto her back and kissed her belly.

She squeeked and giggled sighing happily. "Mmmm that feels so good" she smiled watching him slide her shirt up over her belly.

"I'm're so beautiful..."

"Awww Erebus your so sweet" she smiled up at him. "So I think our children are growing when our powers have been merging" she said playfully. "Because the time before when we were having our... funI could say I got this big" she said sweetly "and then after just that little bit here I am now." she said.

Erebus smiled. "Then I guess I have to get to work..." he whispered before licking and kissing her neck. She felt two tentacles enter her at once.

Tavia gasped and groaned in pleasure as he eyes fluttered shut and she laid there moaning happily as he got to work on pleasuring her so incredibly. She felt that tingle of power inside of her as it engtangled in each other and begin to grow.

A third snuck in, pushing in with the other two.

Tavia gasped and moaned in pleasure. "Oh heavens Erebus" she moaned in pleasure. 

"Yes..." he purred against her skin. "...heaven..."

Tavia gasped and moaned in pleasure as he pleasured her so amazingly and that magic feeling inside of her grew.

He slowly pulled each tentacle out, one at a time.

Tavia blushed and moaned happily as he pulled out of her, when he finished pulling out of her she laid there gasping. She pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down at herself, she blushed as she felt the pressure inside of her build and before their eyes they watched as her belly grew heavier rounding till she looked 9 and a half even ten months pregnant. "Well I bet you very soon They will be here" she giggled.

"From the looks of it will be...maybe now..." he said as her water broke.

Tavia gasped blushing embarressed she had done that on their bed then moaned in pain as the contractions hit her.

He turned her over and started to help with the birthing.

The hours passed slow as she gave birth to their children.

In the end, Erebus had waved in five cribs for their little ones.

Tavia had been so exhausted from the birth she had just passed right out fast asleep.

When Tavia finally did wake up, she was alone in the bedroom, warm, heavey sheets and comforter placed over her, wrapping her in a warm cocoon.

"Mmmm so snuggly" she said in a groggy voice as she rubbed her eyes, she pushed herself sitting up, she noticed she was in a nighty now. "I need to see my little ones." she still felt so sore but she wanted to see thm.

They weren't in the immediate room.

Tavia winced sorely and climbed out of bed and headed to the nursery.

In the nursery, she found Erebus asleep in the rocking bench, his whole body laying on the length of the bench, one of the little ones, a little girl laying asleep on his chest, one of his arm wrapped over top of her. All the other little ones laid sleeping in their cribs that were set up in the room so that the cribs lined two of the walls with the bench under a large bay window, large colorful pillows lay on the floor on either side of the bench. Three toy chest were set around the room, with cushioned tops to use them as extra sitting. The walls were the color she had described to Erebus as well as the type of furniture. There were pictures of the walls all of nature with a mix of day and night scenes.

Tavia blushed at the beauty of the room and how handsome Erebus looked with their daughter. "Your such a good father" she whispered softly going over to him and gently stroking his hair. Gently she picked up and cradled her daughter in her arms. "Hello little angel." She said softly and curessing her hair..

Her little girl curled into her chest, grabbing at her hair.

"So beautiful" she smiled lovingly gazing down at her daughter in her arms who sleepishly held onto Tavia's hair.

She started to eat at her hair.

"Hey hey thats not good for you" she giggled pulling her hair gently from her daughters mouth. "You hungery?" she asked as she sat down on one of the pillows on the floor so not to bother her husband. Gently she pulled off her nightgown enough to let her breast out anad gently brought her daugther's mouth to it.

Her daughter started to suckle.

Gently she winced at the strange sensation then relaxed at the feeling. "Good girl feed well" she whispered and smiled.

She heard others start to wake up, hungry.

She smiled, quietly she went through each one of the five children feeding them and got them to go back to sleep without waking erebus up. he had helped her so much in giving birth and setting up such an amazing nursery.

Erebus rolled over of the rocking bench, yawning but not waking.

(Now or not waking?)

Tavia smiled lovingly at him and gently went over kneeling next to the bench stroking his hair as he lounged there.

He purred in his sleep.

"I love you so much" she whispered lovingly curessing his hair gently as she watched him look so peaceful.

With his eyes still closed, he whispered, "I love you....too....Tavia..."

"Are you awake?" She asked curiously.

He's eyes didn't open, but he did smile. "No...I'm dead..." he said softly with a chuckle.

"Your so bad" she giggled cutely and leaned down kissing him softly. "Our children are beautiful" she whispered lovingly.

"Just like their mother..." he whispered kissing her back.

"And handsome as well just like their father" she gave a soft giggle talking about the boys as she stroked his cheek.

He pulled her up on top of him on the bench, holding her close to his chest.

She giggled and buried herself into his chest. "Mmm I love you" she said sweetly.

"I love as well...."

"You looke so cute with our daughter" she sai lovingly tracing circles on his chest.

"Thank you...I was so tire...and so..." he laughed softly.

"Well return to sleep my darling' he said lovingly curessing his hair. "The children are fed and happy fast asleep" she said romantically.

"You need to rest to my love..."

"I will darling I will" she snuggled against him curessing his chest tracing little circles on his muscles.

"We need our rest with this bunch...." he whispered.

"And you continuiously talking isnt getting us our rest any sooner." She giggled softly.

He nipped her neck.

Tavia giggled and buried herself against his chest with a yawn she nuzzled him.

Erebus held on to her, as he fell back to sleep.

Tavia fell back to sleep as well cuddling against his big strong body.

The next time she woke up, Erebus was in the middle of the room playing dead as the children, now looking to being two, were bouncing on his stomach.

Tavia was surprised to see them looking so old. She smiled loving this precious moment of her family together.

"Mama!' they cried seeing her. All of the kids ran at her, jumping onto her.

"Hello my little ones" she said happily hugging them to her chest lovingly.

"Mama's awake! Yay!"

"Yes I am my cuties, now that I'm awake lets spend some quality time together" she giggled.

"But daddy... he's..." they started to said, but then Erebus jumped up with a roar that sent the kids jumping and laughing.

Tavia laughed thinking her husband was silly.

The children jumped on him to protect their mommy.

"Careful now" Tavia said with a giggle.

Erebus laughed, falling over. The children climbed all over him.

Tavia couldnt help but laugh as well this was all so sweet and cute.

Erebus then laughed, waving a hand, and shandow started to pick each child up, all of them giggling. "Such silly children..."

"Yes they are just like their father" she giggled. "Now put them down" she said sweetly.

Erebus didn't, but he did walk over to her. "Really? And why may I ask?" he said with a smile, pulling her into a hug.

Tavia squeeke and giggled in the hug. "And I want you to put them down so I can play with them to" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

"I'm sorry...I've had dinners with Bastet before...they're all formal..." she said as she walked down the hall with them.

"Its alright baby I'm just playing with you" he said gently taking her hand in his as they walked while he held Nyxia with his other arm.

Nyxia snuggled against him. "You're silly brother...."

"But it makes me all the more fun" Marek smiled and kissed her forehead.

Nyxia giggled. "yep..."

Chyrosa giggled at them.

Marek suddenly stopped them at the door to the dining area when he saw Bastet with a black haired man together. "We shouldnt bother them." he whispered softly to Chyrosa.

Marek felt himself drawn to the black haired man, but not in the way he was to Chyrosa. It was like the gifts over the Dead connected him to the man.

Chyrosa nodded. "I agree...we'll give them a few..."

Nyxia giggled, and snuggled against Marek.

His back rippled with anger knowing what had happened Isis had hurt him using the woman he loved. "Its ok baby its ok" he whispered stroking her cheek looking down at her, he pulled her into a soft kiss with him.

Bastet kissed back, and he felt the fresh tears that were running down her cheeks.

"I love you bastet" he said softly as he pulled back from her lips, "I always have and I always will love you" he whispered kissing her deeply.

"Please....forgive me....please....." she whispered.

"Of course I forgive you" he whispered softly and stroked her hair.

Bastet hugged onto him closely. "Thank you thank you...."

"Now come here my Egyptian Princess" he said softly and pulled her in a deep passionate kiss like so long ago.

Bastet blushed, kissing back. We have an audience....

Anubis pulled back then looked over in the direction he heard the people.

Marek blushed standing there with the girls. "hi there sorry for interrupting we will be giving you your alone time" he said shyly and lead the girls away.

"Wait...You are my guests....this feast is for you..." Bastet said softly, cleaning her face quickly.

"Thank you so much my friend, Bastet...." Chyrosa said smiling sweetly. She looked over at Anubis. "Hello, Anubis....Randalfur...."

"I'm sorry I wish I could say I know you in return my lady it is an honor" he bowed his head.

Marek went over sitting Nyxia down in her chair.

Nyxia looked between them.

Bastet looked from Anubis to Chyrosa. "This is my friend Chyrosa, she is the only daughter of Abmisleo....the Zodiac of Leo..."

"It is an honor my lady" he bowed gently to her.

"I am Marek her Knight and this is my little sister" Marek said bowing to them

"It is an honor to meet you as well sir."

Nyxia giggled at Anubis her eyes bright yet dark, as if she hadn't always been happy if at all loved. Anubis was remembered of his mother's eyes.

"Thank you Anubis..." Chyrosa said with a smile. "It is good to formally meet more of the great gods of egypt...."

Anubis smiled and nodded. "As it is to meet the daughter of the great Abmisleo I only met him a few times but he is a good man"

Chyrosa smiled. "That he noble knight here was trained by him..."

"My I do have to say you and I should spar some time" Anubis joked.

"The honor would be mine Lord Anubis I have heard many stories of your great fighting skills."

Anubis smiled. "Please just Anubis and some day soon I hope we can spar." he smiled.

Bastet smiled softly at them.

Chyrosa giggled at them. "I am sure that will be a sight to see, Anubis..."

Nyxia wiggled in Marek's arms. "Down?" she asked softly.

Marek gently put her down on the ground. "Sorry little one" he smiled setting her down gently.

Bastet smiled at Marek. "She is a lovely child..."

Nyxia looked down, blushing. A gentle bleeze came through the area from vents in the walls around the room to keep it cool and fresh. Anubis could smell the sweet scent of his mother.

Marek smiled, "thats my little sister for you" he put his hand on the top of her head.

"Mother?" he whispered to himself smelling her sweet scent he remembered long ago burying himself against her when he was sad and smelling that sweet scent that would always calm him even when he felt so bad.

Nyxia tugged at Anubis. "You...smell..."

"I'm sorry I didnt mean to offend you little one" he said looking down at the small child.

"Nyxia...why did you say that?" Chyrosa asked softly.

"He smells like mama...." Nyxia said, pointing up at him.

"Mama?" he asked confused looking at Chyrosa and Marek for an answer to this.

Bastet looked thought full.

Chyrosa looked at Anubis. "I don't know who her mother is... Marek and Nyxia there share the same father.... but not the mother...."

"How interesting" he said looking down at the young one.

Chyrosa looked at Marek.

Nyxia looked up at Anubis. "Why do you smell like mama?"

"I'm not sure sweet heart maybe your Mama is an egyptian like me" he said not thinking anything else of it.

"She doesn't feel like mama..." Nyxia said, pointing at Bastet. "And that boy with the music and his mommy...don't either... you do..."

Anubis suddenly put alot of things together like why he smelled his mother's scent when this little one came near him. She was his sister, they had the same mother. "Maybe little one like that nice man over there" he said kneeling down to her level. "Maybe you and I are brother and sister as well."

Marek went a little wide eyed hearing this and looked at Chyrosa.

Nyxia looked up at him. "Really?" she asked excitedly.

Chyrosa looked at Marek, and shrugsged. "I didn't know... but her eyes did remind me of this beautiful goddess that I had met a long time ago...Nepherete..."

"I'm not sure little one but let me say you smell like mama to me to" he smiled down at her.

Nyxia looked at Marek. "Brother! I have another brother....!" She ran over to Marek hugging him. "More family....I have more family..." She then started to cry into Marek.

Chyrosa looked sad.

"Why are you crying baby? you should be happy that you have more family" he said picking her up cradling her close.

"Mama....mama died...." she cried.

Chyrosa looked over at Anubis, sadly. "I'm sorry..."

Anubis began to shake he bolted out the door he needed air.

Marek cradled Nyxia close gently curessing her hair.

Bastet started too follow but Chyrosa stopped her, going after him herself.

Marek held Nyxia close and gently stroked her hair.

Bastet looked at Merak. "Nepherete is dead? For how long?"

"I am sorry I cannot answer that my lady I only met her a few times, and she was still alive when I was throne from the heavens."

Bastet nodded. "And I have kept myself locked in here for some time..."

Marek cradled his sister close stroking her hair comforting her.

Nyxia cried herself to sleep.

"She's not dead..." Chyrosa said as she walked back into the room. "It was a lie...Osiris has been in contact with her this whole time..."

"Thats wonderful to hear" Marek said softly. "Nyxia will be so happy I hope their is some way we can bring them back together" he said softly stroking Nyxia's hair. His heart was sad that she was going to be leaving him he loved Nyxia with all his heart but she belonged with her mother, Not with him Chyrosa could see the pain on Marek's face as he looked at the ground infront of him as he held his sister.

"Marek..." Chyrosa whispered, placing a hand on his cheek.

"You can bring them back together...but all those who either left the Sands or those young ones of the Sands are safer anywhere but here..." came Bastet's voice sadly. "And I am sure that Nepherete will agree..."

"She belongs with her mother though" Marek said softly holding her close.

Bastet sighed. "Just as mine did...but I sent them away when it became too dangerous for them to be around me... Nepherete... she is the sister of Isis, Osiris, and Seth... my love... is Nepherete's son.... Anubis... but Isis hates her and me... and as long as Anubis doesn't try anything to that the place of Horus, her son....Anubis is are you...."

Marek took in all of the information as it was given to him.

Chyrosa hugged Merak, as Nyxia moved in his arms, tightning her hold.

"Sleep well sister" Marek said softly stroking her hair gently.

Bastet moved over to Merak and stroked Nyxia's hair. "Protect her...Isis can not know that she is here...."

Marek nodded. "I will protect her with my life"

Bastet nodded. "You will as will Anubis..."

"As will I..." Chyrosa said softly.

Marek nodded in agreement.

Bastet looked out the door. "O.."

"Osiris is talking with Anubis... privately...father and son things...."

Marek sat down in one of the dining room chairs letting his sister sleep in his arms.

Chyrosa sat down in the chair beside him, resting a hand on his arm.

Bastet sat down at the seat at the head of the table, and waved a hand, adding another chair and plate.

Marek turned looking over seeing Anubis and Osiris suddenly run in.

Osiris stared at Marek. "So it was the Marek I thought it the threat was follow through with even as I did as they told me....damn it!"

Marek sat there confused not knowing what was going on.

Anubis walked over and put his hand on his father's shoulder. "Father?" he asked worriedly

"Isis found me one day trying to see Nepherete... and she threatened me that if I saw her, she had a friend of her's do something to her that will torture her for life...a friend that did something to torture a great friend of mine....if that little one is your sister, Anubis...if she is Nepherete is her mother...and you are Marek...and this little one's sister...then you are Marek....the son of my great friend, Nyx...." Osiris spoke softly, tears in his eyes. "Then you are Marek...Nyx's son.... and Isis had done to Nepherete what her friend did to your mother...."

Anubis stood there horrified his body ached to change he wanted so badly to rip out Isis's throat and feed her to his hounds of the underworld. That woman was nothing more then a monster.

((What about Marek? ^_^))

Chyrosa gasped, tears in her eyes, and Bastet wasn't looking at anyone.

Marek sat there at a loss for words. He didnt say anything he just kept looking down at Nyxia in his arms. He kept his anger silently bubbling beneath the surface.

Osiris looked at Anubis. "Screw Isis...screw this...I will not stand aside again...You, Anubis...but my Only True son have all the right of that of a prince and ruler..." Osiris then looked at Bastet. "You have my protection like you always have...but I am extending it more...."

"You also have my protection..." Chyrosa said, strongly.

Osiris looked at her. "Young could you give...?"

"She could give the protection of the Universe..." came Wadjet's voice from behind them.

Anubis turned looking behind him, he bowed his head. "It had been a long time Wadjet" he said softly.

Wadjet nodded a bow to him. "Hello Marek...Chyrosa..."

"'s nice to see you outside of your serpent form..." Chyrosa said smiling.

Osiris looked at Chyrosa. "You're the...." Not looking at Anubis, Osiris said softly, "Son...what do you know of the Zodiac?"

"The Zodiac are the beings of the heavens those who can bring peae and balance to the universe each one symbolizes the great heavenly signs. Twelve of them are known but it is writen in the halls of knowledge and in prophecy that the thirteenth shall take their place at the head of the council of the zodiac and bring balance to the universe with their power using the help of their fellow beings." he said standing there.

Osiris just continued to look at Chyrosa.

Chyrosa smiled sweetly at Anubis. "Hi..." she said softly.

Marek looked up and cocked an eyebrow.

Anubis suddenly went wide eyed and let out a string of curses in egyptian he then looked back at Chyrosa. "Your the thirteenth Zodiac" he said in shock.

"Yes... I am... and I have been around here for centuries....its just I am weakened because not all of the Zodiac are alive or know what they are...." Chyrosa said softly. "Marek was taught by my father...and I have choosen him to be my Knight... He loves Nyxia...he loves her, she is his sister... and they had named her for Marek's mother because they had planned to use this little girl to kill his mother to take her place as the Goddess of Night...."

"Thats aweful!" Anubis said in horror that they would use his mother like that then use the sister he hadnt even known of to kill another goddess and take her place so they could brainwash his little sister. Anubis couldnt hold it back any longer he suddenly snarled and next thing everyone knew he was standing there in his Anubian form with his jaw in a snarl.

Chyrosa looked at Anubis. "Calm yourself...she left and found Marek....and Marek has been teaching her...showing her..."

Anubis took deep breaths trying to regain himself, soon enough his body shifted back to normal. "By the moon above I am sorry I.... Its just Its hard hearing all of this after being gone so long" he said taking deep breaths.

"You do not need to apologize....I am angry too...but I use the scales to balance them...." Chyrosa said softly.

Nyxia started to stir. "Brother...." she whispered.

Marek looked down at her. "I'm here sweet heart" he said softly as she woke up.

"My lady I havent been lord of the scales of death in a long time I gave that position over to Thoth many moons ago when Horus threatened my life if I stayed in the underworld longer then to just deliver souls" Anubis said standing there and he saw the look in his father's eyes finding this out, Osiris had always wondered why Anubis no longer ran the scales of death's judgement.

"As I said...and I said it infront of the one that can truly do this... I stripe Horus of his powers...and give them to true son..."

Chyrosa nodded with a smile. "You are the lord of the scales and much more now..." she said as Anubis felt more energy enter him. "And my Lord, I would like to ask you if you would be Marek's second in command as one of my Knights, one of the Knights of the Zodiac...."

Anubis looked at Chyrosa in shock he felt the new powers growing stronger inside of him tingling underneath the skin. "I I do not feel worth of such a position my lady" he said standing there. He truely didnt feel worthing of something like that for the zodiac from teh thirteenth herself.

Chyrosa looked at Marek. "Marek, my Captain, my Knight...what say you? He is your you think he is worthy?"

Marek looked over at them "I feel you are very worthy of the place of second in command to the Zodiac Knights hound of the shadowlands." he said knowing Anubis had not heard that name in years.

Anubis got down on one knee before Chyrosa "I would be honored my lady to take upon that name as second in command" he said kneeling there.

"Stand up... you don't have to do that...not here at least not now..." Chyrosa said, smiling.

Anubis stood and smiled down at her. "It is an honor to call you family Lady Chyrosa." he then looked at Marek. "You as well Marek."

Marek nodded. "Yes I agree Anubis it is an honor to call you brother"

"Yay! I have my brothers!" Nyxia cried out happily, reaching out for Anubis, cutely.

Marek smiled holding Nyxia out.

Anubis smiled and went over pulling Nyxia into his arms. 'Hello my little sister" he smiled hugging her close.

"Do you like pink?" she asked him cutely. "Marek thinks I look cute in pink...better than all black...."

"I think you would look adorable in pink and i love you in this green to, color is deffinantly wonderful on you little sister." he smiled down at her.

Chyrosa smiled, and then sent Anubis images of how Nyxia had been, knowing that as her brother, he should know how much Marek had helped so far.

Anubis held his hand behind his back and made a stuffed black jackal form in his hand. "I have a present for you little sister" he said as he took in the images. He just wanted his little sister to be happy.

"Really?" she said excitedly, eyes bright.

Chyrosa wrapped her arms around Marek's waist.

Anubis smiled. "Yes so that when you see it you know how much big brother Anubis loves you" he smiled as he pulled out the stuffed jackal from behind his back.

Marek smiled hugging Chyrosa in his arms watching this.

Nyxia smiled big, and hugged the jackal to her. "Marek! Look... another friend!"

"Your friend is adorably Nyxia, he will be happy with all of your other little friends" Marek smiled lovinglt as she hugged the jackal tight.

Nyxia hugged the stuffed jackal close to her.

Chyrosa smiled. "You are a wonderful big brother already, Anubis...just as you are going to be as a father...."

Anubis smiled. "I hope so I deffinantly have some catching up to do" he said with a smile. "Now I know their is a good meal to be eaten we should enjoy this feast Bastet has prepared" he said sweetly looking over at Bastet with love in his eyes.

Bastet hugged him. "I love you so much, Anubis..." she whispered.

"I love you do Bastet" he whispered back giving her a little kiss, he couldnt hug her to well with Nyxia in his arms.

Bastet then sat down in her seat, as did Chyrosa.

Marek took his seat next to Chyrosa.

Anubis gently set Nyxia down letting her pick her own seat as he took his seat next to Bastet. "Will you be joing us father?" he asked looking at Osiris.

Osiris nodded, taking the other end seat, opposite from Bastet, and Nyxia took the seat across from Marek and next to Anubis. The food appeared on the table.

Anubis and the others began to eat the wonderful food Bastet had prepared for them. "truely delicious" Anubis said smiling at Bastet with love.

"Thank you...I was celebrating Chyrosa and Marek, as well as Nyxia...but that was before all that has happened..... we now have much ot celebrate...."

"Oh yes we truely do" Anubis said with a smile.

"Yes let this night be for nothing more then happiness now"

Nyxia giggled, and cheered.

Chyrosa smiled, leaning against Marek.

Marek smiled down at her and kissed her on her forehead then looked back at the others.

Anubis smiled watching the happiness that was now in the room.

The only one that was not fully happy was Osiris.

"Father? are you alright?" Anubis asked worriedly looking over at his father.

"Yes...I am just happy for you all..." he said.

Anubis could see something was wrong with his father and knew Osiris was to strong a man to admit it.

Osiris smiled softly to Anubis. "I am fine...."

"If you say so father" Anubis said softly then looked over at the other as Chyrosa made a joke.

Chyrosa was trying to get everyone to relax. "Anubis... what would you do if your heart pulled you in love with a child?" she asked seriously.

"I would do nothing" he said slightly disturbed by the question. "For the pull is to a child. If I found the child again when they were older then I would try something but seriously no nothing" he said sitting there wondering where the hell this came from.

Chyrosa giggled. "Just about a few weeks ago, Marek met this..." Chyrosa shifted to the cute little girl she was then.

"Oh my" Anubis said looking at the little girl then looked at Marek. "Taht must have been so awkward" he said with a chuckle.

"Yes yes it was" Marek laughed.

"I like to go though school over and over again...." she said cutely.

"Your the only one I know sweetheart" Marek laughed as the others joined in.

Chyrosa shifted back. 

Marek smiled and kissed her softly. "Your so cute"

"Thank you..." Chyrosa said with a smile, and a kiss to Marek's cheek.

Marek chuckled.

Anubis smiled happily watching all of this.

"It looks like you lucked into a wonderful family love...." said Bastet, smiling softly.

"Your a part of this family to Bastet" he said taking his hand in hers.

Bastet nodded. "Yes I am..."

Anubis smiled lovingly at Bastet so happy to have her back.

"You two are so cute...." giggled Chyrosa. Nyxia nodded. "Yep!"

Anubis blushed and chuckled. "Thank you chyrosa I can say the same for you and your lover"

Marek choked on a peice of steak a little bit then coughed it up

Chyrosa giggled.

"I want a lover!" came Nyxia's voice.

Both Marek and Anubis choked on their food from Nyxia saying that.

Bastet and Chyrosa laughed softly at their reactions. Osiris jsut smiled, shaking his head.

Nyxia looked around at them. "Did I do something bad?" she asked softly.

"No sis no, its just your way to young for a lover" Marek smiled looking down at her.

Anubis agreed taking a swig of his wine. then looked at her . "Yes sister to young for a lover."

"But all of you are cute...."

Marek patted her head. "Trust me little one in due time you will have one, you must be patient" he smiled down at her.

"Okay brothers...." she said cutely.

"Soooo cute!" Marek and Anubis said in unison.

Bastet and Chyrosa giggled. "You two are the cute two are acting nearly like twins....." giggled Bastet.

"Very cute," agreed Chyrosa.

The boys blushed and looked away from each other not sure what to say it was just natural how they were acting. Anubis guessed they were on the same wave length.

"Whats wrong with you two?" Chyrosa asked softly.

"We've done this before, for some reason when he and I get near one another we suddenly start acting like as you said twins" Anubis said sitting there as Marek took a drink of his wine then nodded in agreement.

"Really? Wow...that's truly strange..." Chyrosa said softly, looking thoughtful.

"No one has been able to figure out why, they just get amused seeing us mimic one another" Marek chuckled as Chyrosa was now noticing it was stopping. "It comes and goes" he said explaining it to his lover.

"If it weren't for you two being from two families far apart...another possiblity would be that you two are close cousins...." Chyrosa said.

"Well with the breeding scheduals of gods you never know" Marek chuckled.

"You should not say that as if we were animals..." Osiris said standing up. "God of Death and Night..."

"I'm sorry it was out of line of me I've had a little to much to drink sire" Marek said excuse himself of the rash comment.

Osiris shook his head. "You do not need to be's just...I think it is are related..."

"What?" Anubis and Marek said in unison staring at Osiris.

Osiris looked at Marek then at Anubis. "Nepherete...was adopted into our family...we never knew where she had come from...but Seth and I were the only ones that knew...Isis truly thinks that she and Nepherete are sisters...." he said softly. "So it is possible..."

"Well hey then I say the more family the better" Marek said with a smile, he was happy to have a family after so long of not having one.

"But mother looks purely egyptian though father" Anubis said looking at his father.

"Glamer and the sun can do that to it helps having at least some Egyptian blood..."

"I see how interesting" Anubis said taking it all in.

"So there is a possiblity...?" Chyrosa asked.

Osiris nodded. "Nepherete was a rare woman indeed....she may have been a goddess of the family of the home...but she had some power over the dead....which is why Isis used her to help bring me back the first time..."

Anubis nodded in understanding.

Osiris looked at Marek. "Don't you feel it, Anubis? The power of Death...the eyes...."

Anubis looked at Marek and really sensed him for the first time. "He carries the blood of death strong in his veins while those eyes... They're hades's eyes" he said softly realizing all of this.

Marek just sat there watching the two death gods as they looked at him.

"Now think of your mother...of Nepherete's..." ((Hades had a sister, and twin ^_^ Zeus, Demeter, Hera, Posiedon, Hestia, and Hades/sister...all single births but for Hades...don't you just hate some Gods))

Anubis stared at Marek for a few moments then gasped. "In the name of the darkness" he said softly.

Marek was confused on what was going on.

"Have you seen Hades's eyes?" ((Think of when he saw Hades upset and not at all like the Hades that had hurt him...))

"Yes I have figured out I am the son of Hades already, I did that just an hour ago with her help" he said putting his hand on Chyrosa's.

Osiris pulled out what looked like picture. "Nepherete sent this to me, in one of her letters...." He looked like he didn't want to hand it over, but did.

Marek took it and looked at the image seeing a beautiful woman sitting there, her rich egyptian skin and black hair seem to accent those feirce eyes. "her eyes are the same" he said softly looking at it taking it all in.

Chyrosa leaned in looking at it. "She's beautiful..."

Anubis nodded in agreement across the table. His mother was one of the most beautiful of the Egyptian goddesses in his opinion other then his Bastet

Chyrosa looked thought full, then at Marek. " and Anubis are...."

"Cousians" He smiled at Anubis across the table. "It is truely an honor" he said with a smile.

"As it is from I to you Marek" Anubis said with a smile.

"My brothers are cousins? Does that mean you're my cousin too??"

"Ahh..." Anubis didnt know how to explain it.

Chyrosa looked at Nyxia with a smile. "The important thing, Nyxia is that ANubis and Marek are you brothers first and foremost..."

Nyxia nodded. "Is he moving in with us?"

"no sweetheart I'm not but I'll be sure to visit" Anubis smiled.


"Nyxia whats wrong?" Anubis asked worriedly.

"Family lives with family...." she whispered.

Anubis felt sad. "Nyxia you live happy with your other big brother and his love I have my own family I need to take care of but I promise I will come and see you whever I can" he smiled.

"I'm sure that Anubis would be welcome to have you stay with him, anytime..." Chyrosa said softly.

"Once I get a new place to stay yes you are more then welcome" he smiled at his little sister.

Nyxia nodded. "Okay brother..." She went over to him and hugged him.

Anubis gave her a big hug. "I would be happy to have you come stay with me any time little one" he smiled and kissed her cheek.

Chyrosa leaned on Marek. "We have such a big and wonderful family..."

Marek layed his head against hers "Yes one big happy family" she said lovingly.

Bastet smiled. "I'm so happy..."

The rest of the dinner went by wonderfully.

Soon dinner was over.

They all said goodbye to Osiris then went their seperate ways. Marek carried Nyxia in his arms who was close to falling fast asleep.

Chyrosa brushed some hair from Nyxia's face.

"Your an amazing woman you know that" Marek whispered lovingly to Chyrosa.

"Really?" she asked smiling, as they made it back to the area where they were staying. "I was thinking the same for you..."

"Really I'm a woman since when?" he said playfully to get her to laugh. 

"Oh you know what I mean..." she giggled. "but then again..." She had a cute evilish look in her eyes that were also laughing.

"What are you planning?" he asked looking at her playfully. Soon they reached their quarters and he put Nyxia to bed after which he walked out to their room when suddenly he blushed as his body suddenly began to change, his muscle shifted he yelped as he felt his manhood vanish replacing it with womanly parts and then his breasts plumped out. "Chyrosa!" she laughed.

Chyrosa was laughing on their bed. "Awwwww you look so beautiful....."

"Hahaha" She laughed standing there then went over to the mirror. Playfully she stripped down to nothing and looked at herself in the mirror nude. "Oooh sexy" she giggled as Chyrosa blushed she had done that.

"I...I...." Chyrosa was blushing deeper and deeper.

"You wanted me as a woman" She said playfully.

Chyrosa, blushing, hide her face. "I..."

Marek made a robe appear on her body and tied it shut. "I'm not naked anymore you can look" she said sorry for making her girl uncomfortable.

Chyrosa looked up at her, still blushing. "Girl or are love...." she whispered and stood up, walked over to her, and then kissed her.

Marek blushed bright red and sighed melting into the kiss with her.

He felt himself shifting back, as they kissed, Chyrosa's arms wrapping around his neck.

Marek groaned happily as he returned to normal making out with his love.

She pulled back. "I...I'm sorry...I was just....was playing around"

"I know you were just playing I was to, and thank you for the compliment" he smiled.

Chyrosa pressed against him, as she hugged him. "I love you, Marek so much..."

Marek blushed a little bit feeling her press up against him like that. "I love you so much as well Chyrosa." he said gazing itno her eyes.

"Do... you want to have fun again?" she whispered.

"have fun?"

Chyrosa looked at Marek, tilting her head. "Like...before...."

"Oooh, I would really like that" he purred out gazing down at her. 

Chyrosa giggled. "And you are already half way to said fun..." Pointing out that Chyrosa herself was dressed and Marek was only in a robe.

Marek chuckled "Well we must change that wont we?" he asked playfully.

Chyrosa giggled, and scrambled to the head of the bed playfully.

"Ooh come back here you" he growled playfully crawling after her.

She giggled more. "No...oh help me...."

Marek playfully grabbed her leg and dragged her over to him before he pinned her under him and kissed her.

She kissed back, but playfully struggled.

Marek playfully pinned her holding her arms down.

"Oh what...oh what am I going to do....?" she softly cried out, smiling up at Marek.

"I'm going to gobble you up" he said playfully and began to kiss and gently nip her here and there.

Chyrosa giggled and wiggled, smiling the whole time.

"Mine going to gobble you up" he growled playfully against her skin.

She continued to giggle. "Yes...yours..."

He pulled off her bra and panties tossing them to the side then playfully rolled with her across the bed.

Chyrosa moaned happily as Marek kissed and touched her all over.

Marek pulled her into an amazing happy hour that lasted late into the night.

When the time for morning came, Chyrosa and Marek were tangled in the soft sheets, legs over lapping, and her head on his chest as she slept.

Marek sighed happily laying there as he gently curessed her hair this was how it was supposed to be.

Chyrosa curled closer into Marek.

Mark held her close and lovingly.

"" she muttered in her sleep. ""

"I love you to baby" he whispered lovingly curessing her hair.

He felt her lips rest against his chest in a kiss.

Marek smiled.

She hugged onto him tighter.

"Did you sleep well darling?" he asked lovingly knowing she was awake now.

"Yes...did you sleep at all?" she asked softly.

"Yes I did darling" he smiled lovingly. 

Chyrosa snuggled into him. "I'm glad...."

"Did you think I wasnt?" he asked playfully.

"Yes....especially after everything...."

"Well you did wear me out so I deffinantly needed teh sleep" he said playfully

"I wore you out? I thought it was the other way around...." she giggled.

Marek laughed. "I guess it could be both ways he said playfully.

Chyrosa giggled. "I agree...."

"Mmmm now this is how I want to wake up every morning." He said lovingly.

"You can...always...."

"Mmm Good" he said playfully and buried his face into the curve of her neck.

She giggled, purring.

"Oooh what a good kitty you are" he purred playfully against the curve of her neck.

She shivered. "Oh you..."

Marek pulled back and smiled down at her lovingly. "Your so beautiful in the morning like this" he said lovingly.

Chyrosa blushed, trying to hide her face in his chest.

"Why is it you hide your face from me?" he asked softly and lovingly.

"Because I'm blushing...."

"I know your blushing but I don't understand why you hide your face from me" he said playfully getting her to look up at him.

"So that I can do this...." she started kissing and nipping his skin.

Marek gasped and moaned happily in pleasure

Chyrosa giggled.

"Your so bad" he said with a purr.

"Don't tell my daddy..."

"Oooh I promise that" he said giving her neck a little nip.

She shivered. "Marek...." she purred.

"Mmmm my sexy woman" he said in that gruff sexy tone of his.

She purred.

Marek chuckled and kissed her neck.


Marek pulled back and nuzzled her "I love you to"

Chyrosa snuggled against him.

Marek sighed happily snuggling with her not wanting that moment to ever end.

There came a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Marek called, Gently he rolled Chyrosa off of him next to him then climbed out of bed. He formed a robe on himself and tied it at his waist as he walked over to the door. He answered it. "hello?"

Nyxia stood there rubbign her eyes. "Brother...."

"Hey there little one" he smiled picking her up close. "Sleep well?" he asked holding her in his arms.

Nyxia snuggled into his arms. "" she yawned out.

"Aww your such a cutie." eh smiled walking back over and sat on the bed with her snuggled up in his arms. "So what do you want to do today little sister?" he asked looking down at her.

"I...want to go home...." she yawned again.

Marek looked over at Chyrosa for help to that answer, they couldnt go home not with Zues still out there looking to kidnap her.

Chyrosa looked at Marek. "We can....." Friends have moved your apartment into a condo owned by Epsilon Archer.

"Yes we can go home Sweetheart" Marek said with a smile looking down at Nyxia happy that they could go.


Marek chuckled and smiled. "I'm happy to it will be good to go home" he said sweetly. "Now why don't you go get washed up and dressed so Chyrosa and I can get dressed to little sis" he said with a smile.

"Okay!" she ran from the room.

"I had mental spoken to Thor and Epsilon...You'll have more room...but all of your things are in your own condo..."

"Its bigger then my penthouse?" he asked surprised his penthouse had been pretty huge.

"Was your penthouse built with magic?"

"Ahhh no" he said with a chuckle.

"Well there..." she giggled.

"Well I'm excited to see it" he said with a smile.

Chyrosa took his hand as Nyxia held onto him, and they reappeared in a much larger condo. Beautifully decorated and furnished.

"Oh wow would you look at all of that" he said gazing at it all. :"Hey wait we left our things back in egypt" he said worriedly.

"We did?" she giggled.

"Its all here isnt it?" he asked with a smile.

"yep....we couldn't leave our things.... not that Bastet wouldn't mind..." she giggled.

"Your so good to us" he said lovingly giving her a little kiss.

She kissed back. "Just as you are to me..."

He kissed her happily.

"Check out your bedroom...."

"Alright" he said playfully and headed off to where he guessed his bedroom would be.

The room was huge with a larger than king size bed, with enough room to fit about twenty people.

"Holy...." he gazed at the huge room and the amazing bed. "If I hadnt just walked in from a condo I would have thought this was some secret chamber in a temple" he chuckled as he walked around the room.

"This building is own by the Epsilon Archer's the top floors he saves for friends and himself...."

"Truely impressive, and are all the condos made like this? with magic?" he asked curiously.

"Just the top ones that Matthew gives to his friends and family that have abilities...."

"Well I feel honored that I was aloud to have one of the condo's up here" he smiled turning and facing her.

"I was coming back to an apartment like this when you had dropped me off before..." she giggled.

"Oh?" he asked playfully.

"Oh yes you..." she giggled.

Marek chuckled gazing out the window again.

There was a gorgeous view of the city and the surround mountains.

"You know I didnt think it was possible that their was a more beautiful view in thei city" he said as he looked out.

"Matthew and Thor know how to pick them..."

"Well there we go" he smiled going over to her wrapping his arms around her.

She leaned against him. "I love you so much..."

"I love you so much as well" He said lovingly hugging her close.

Little arms wrapped around his legs. "I love you"

Marek smiled down at her "I love you to little one" he smiled sweetly.

"My room grew...."

"And is that a bad thing little one?" he asked playfully.


"Good" He chuckled and picked her up in his arms.

"It's just strange...all of the things that you bought fit in one space..."

"What do you mean little one?" he asked confused.

Nyxia pulled him to the room that was was now twice the size of her old one.

"Wow this place is huge" he said looking at it all.

Nyxia nodded.

"Marek...remember our bed that can fit twenty people..." Chyrosa reminded him.

"Yes I remember that but what does that have to do with Nyxia's room?" he asked curiously

"Her grew just as our's did...that's what it has to do with just gives you more room to grow and play..."

"Okay, Chyrosa..."

Marek chuckled. "You two are cute" he said with a smile.

They both stuck out their tongues at him.

Marek couldnt help but laugh at the sight of them like that.

The girls jumped at him, tackling him with tickles and kisses, the kisses from Chyrosa.

Marek laughed falling to the floor cracking up.

They continued to tickle him.

Suddenly Marek began to tickle them in return.

"Ahh!" They jumped and tried to escape.

Marek wrapped his arms around them pulling him close as he tickled them.

"No..." they giggled. "No..."

Marek laughed tickling them. "Mwahaha"

"help help!"

"No one here to help you" he chuckled and tickled them more.

"I could help..." interrupted a deep male voice.

Marek jumped to his feet with the girls in his arms standing. He let go of them and turned to the voice.

Thor stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, smiling slightly. "Hello, little Chyrosa..."

"Thor...Hi..." Chyrosa said with a smile.

"Lord thor" Marek bowed gently

"You seem to enjoy bowing..." laughed Thor.

Chyrosa hugged Marek.

"I'm just being propper" he said joking playfully.

"I understand...though we are all family in this building...well the top floors that is...friends and family..."

"Yes Chyrosa told me, Its just hard to train an old dog out of its habits" he chuckled.

Thor laughed. "That is true..."

"So what brings you to our home this day?" he asked with a smile.

"Checking on you two..."

"Their is three of here though i must say" he said playfully as he held his Sister in his arms.

"Yes I see that... but I have always been one of damsels in trouble...and there are two damsels..." Thar laughed, smiling.

Marek broke out in laughter. "So true I would be worried if you considered me to be a damsel."

Thor looked at Marek as if he was being serious about thinking about it.

Marek cocked an eyebrow.

Thor looked over at Chyrosa, with a smile. "If he was the damsel, would that make you the shining knight...?" he laughed.

Chyrosa and Nyxia giggled.

Marek couldnlt help but laugh as well.

Thor laughed more.

"You are silly..." Nyxia said.

"Thank you little one.." he siad.

Marek smiled scooping Nyia up in his arms. "Your silly to little one" he said sweetly.

"Thank you for checking on us Thor....would you tell Matt hello and thank you for us?" Chyrosa said smiling.

Marek held Nyxia close watching Chyrosa and Thor not saying anything else.

"Of course..." Thor said. "Chyrosa here is family... the daughter of after her..."

"On my honor I will I promise" Marek bowed his head.

"Good... you are a good man...."

"Thank you it is an honor to hear that from you."

Thor nodded. "See you all later..."

"Until then" and with that Marek watched him leave.

Chyrosa kissed Marek's neck.

"Down girl" he said in a playful tone.

"I'm not a dog..." she said playfully.

"Dog?" Nyxia asked.

"You don't know what a dog is?" Marek asked curiously.

She just stared at him.

"Alright come with me" he said playfully carrying Nyxia to the other room. There he sat her down on the couch then went to his bookshelf looking for a certain book.

Anubis walked with Bastet hand in hand heading to her bedroom so she could sleep he could see she was tired.

Bastet leaned against him as they walked. "I'm so happy for us....and for you...."

"I have a larger family and you back in my life I'm ontop of the world" he smiled lovingly down at her.

Bastet nodded. "I was very surprised by what Osiris had told us about your mother...about Nepherete..."

"I deffinantly agree it was a shock" he said as his fingers traced up and down on her side.

She purred, and deep cat's purr.

"I have missed you so very very long my darling" he whispered lovingly as he curessed her body.

"I have missed you... so much...."

"My beautiful feline" he sighed out as his hand slid under her shirt over her silken skin.

Bastet purred out more. "Room...."

"Yes my lady" he said lustfully as the shadows swallowed them and suddenly they were in her room. "It has been to long" he whispered.

Bastet leaned against him. "It truly has...."

He tilted her chin up and kissed her passionately with all the love he felt and missed for so long.

She kissed back, pressing her full body against him, a leg coming up around the back of one of his legs.

Anubis reached down and suddenly hoisted her up so she was wrapping her legs around him. "Need you" he growled out in between their kisses.

"Take me..." she purred.

Anubis growled and quickly removed the clothes that kept him from his woman chucking them to the side he carried her to the bed where he laid her down and began to kiss over her body. "My goddess" he curessed her body with his lips gazing over every inch by beautiful inch.

"Anubis...." she purred out. "My god....." Bastet raked her hands through his hair, and pulled at him.

That night Anubis took her into a happy hour that shook the stars pretty much 'worshipping' her like she deserved after so long.

When it was all over, Bastet laid on the bed, her head laid on top of Anubis's chest. "That was..."

"Amazing, perfect, fantastic?... Heaven?" he asked playfully curessing her hair as they laid there together.

"Heaven..." she whispered in agreement.

"I missed you so very very much" he sighed happily.

"I missed you so much too.....and I'm so happy in so many ways...."

"As am I my darling" he said lovingly.

"Watch after Tamesis and Byakko, please...they...both need you..."

"They need you to" he said softly looking down at her with sad eyes.

"I have to stay here longer...if something were to happen...." Bastet whispered with tears in her eyes. 

"I know you do, I I just wish you could come out into the sunlight to be free" he said softly.

Bastet nodded. "As do I...."

Anubis gently nuzzled her as he held her close.

"All will be as it should....soon..." she whispered, nuzzling back.

Anubis smiled and sighed happily

Bastet smiled at him softly. She then looked over to the closet in the bedroom, confused. "A...multi-dimensanal...?"

"What?" Anubis asked confused.

"The's never done that before..." she said, still looking at the closet. Anubis could feel that there seemed to be an energy now coming from the closet.

"What in the world?" he got up and walked over towards the closet confused.

He heard weepering on the otherside of the closet as the energy disappeared.

Anubis gently opened the door as he listened.

Inside, he found a little three year old boy, knees pulled against his chest, chin on his knees. His soft black hair covering his face as he cried softly.

"Hey there little guy what are you doing in here?" he asked softly and kindly.

The little boy looked up at him, tears in his eyes, his eyes bright yet scared. "I...I don't know...I...was playing with my brother and sisters....and...I don't know...." His eyes sent a chilly through Anubis, the eyes reminded him of someone long dead.

Anubis shivered "Do not worry young one I will help you get home I will not harm you" he said softly.

The little boy just simply nodded.

"What's going on, love?" asked Bastet softly.

Anubis gently picked the little boy up in his arms and stepped out of the closet. "He appeared in your closet."

"He's so's okay little are in safe hands here...." Bastet said softly.

"Where are you from here sweety?" Anubis asked looking down at him.

"I don't house..." he said softly.

"What is your name little one?" Bastet asked.


Vali? that was fenris's brother's name this couldnt be coincidence, suddenly he sniffed the child and picked up his scent, His eyes went wide as he smelled his daughter, his Arcadia "Coyote and wolf" Anubis suddenly said rrealizing it. "Sweety is your mommy a big pretty wolf and your daddy a big strong Coyote that wears glasses when he looks like a human like you and me?" Anubis asked curiously. 

"Daddy always has glasses...and mommy is pretty...she said that daddy had a good idea naming me Vali...said Siria would be happy...." he said softly.

He knew it, he gently stroked his hair. "Do not worry little one we will get you home soon. My name is Anubis I'm your grandfather"

"You don't smell like mama...but mama's scent is on you...."

Anubis smiled, "I am not your Grandpapa by blood but I raised your momma as my own" he smiled down at the little one "Do not worry I will take you home little one" he said with a smile.

Vali snuggled into him. "Anubis...." he whispered. "....Randulfur....."

"Yes that is right little one" he smiled down at him then looked at Bastet with loving eyes, "I will be back my love that I promise you, I need to get him home then go and check on my other grandchildren." Oh how his heart ached to leave her again now that he finally had her back.

Bastet nodded. "I am going to be here..."

Anubis kissed her softly. Then using his powers he sensed for Arcadia and transported himself and Vali through the darkness to her.

Anubis went to the greater gardens int he sphinx. "Father!" he shouted to the heavens knowing his father would hear him. "Faaather!" he bellowed out, he had to know if this was true.

Osiris appeared. "Anubis....what's wrong? What happened?"

"Tell me its true tell me my mother is not dead" his skin shimmered as he was close to shifting to his Anubian form. His eyes were as cold as stone but they held so much pain inside of them. "tell me its not true tell me my mother is not dead" he growled out. He could bare the thought of it he was ready to lash out at his father so many years without his mother and she was dead?

"I just receive the reply to my letter before you call me...she is alive, Anubis..." Osiris said softly. "She is very much alive..."

"Really?" came Chyrosa's voice. "Then this means that Nyxia has been lied to just as Merak had....Nyxia believe that her mother had died....she has been without her mother for centuries...."

Anubis's hands were trembling as he slumped back against a tree. "Thank the heavens." he whispered putting his face in his hands. "Miss Chyrosa if you wouldnt mind I need to speak to my father alone" he said looking up from his hands at the woman.

"Lord of the Scales of Death... I am connected to you...I know of your pain...for mine are the Scales of the Universe... however I will do as you ask...I must go calm little Nyxia, for I'm sure that Meark is doing his best..." Chyrosa then turned and left.

Anubis pushed himself to his feet as he watched Chyrosa leave then turned to his father "Bastet told me, Isis had something to do with everything that has been happening to her" he said looking at his father take this is. "Isis made Bastet blind my daughter when she was nothing more then an infant, and who knows what else. "

"Which means that as far as we being chased away was her doing too...."

"It wouldnt surprise me in teh least..." he said letting out a long sigh. "I'm scared father, Bastet.... she she's loosing her energy, she's slowly dieing."

Osiris nodded. "She hasn't left the haven of the Sphinx in centuries...she is like a small cat kept in a cage for years.... mink and weak...."

"Do you know of anyway I could stop this from happening?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't know.... Bastet locked herself up here...but if she leaves, she will bein the open for the evil that controls her to get to her..."

Anubis stood there not knowing what to do he didnt want to loose bastet he couldnt bare the thought of loosing her.

Osiris looked down eyes closed. "I feel her here...your's like she is so close...."

"Mother?" he asked surprised.

"The smell..."

Anubis shook his head. "No that is not mother that is my sister" he said softly. "from what the greek visitors have told me the girl was taken from her mother. She smells just like Nephertete"

"But who? Her father....?"

"I'm not sure, they did not tell me who that is, I just know she has the same father as the one Marek"

Osiris looked at Anubis then. "Marek?"

"Thats what the man said his name was" he said standing there.

"I know who the father is...." Osiris said and rushed back inside.

Anubis quickly followed after him.

He blushed, "Thank you."

She gently kissed his forehead.

He blushed and smiled

"And I know you will take care of our oracle here...."

He nodded

"I have to go find that daughter of mine to tell her that she is a have an uncle...."


"In a way...he is your grandmother's brother...." Nyx said softly.

"Who is he?"

"His name is Marek...he...had been taken from me after his birth....stolen from me....but we have found each other again..."

"Oh...where is he?"

"He...the last I saw him...he was with his love...."

"When was that?"

"I don't know how long it has been..."


Nyx hugged him. "Thank you...."

"For what?"

"For helping me...and for being a wonderful young man...."

He blushed and nodded.

Nyx looked around. "Oracle's disappeared...."

He looked around worriedly. "Why?"

Nyx looked towards the door in the room, and foot steps sounded coming towards the door. "She may have went to go get someone.

"She will be safe right?"

"Yes I will be safe..." said Oracle as she came into the room, followed by two people.

Artemis went over to Nyx, and hugged her. "Mother..Nyx..." she whispered. Nyx hugged back.

" are my grandmother..." Taki whispered.

Sol watched

Artemis turned and looked at Taki. "Grandmother?"

"Yes, Artemis...your son...had a son..."

Artemis rushed Taki and hugged him.

Taki blushed. "Hello grandmother..."

"Oh my goddess....please what is your name? You are so handsome..."

He blushed. "Taki..."

"Taki...that's a beautiful name..." Artemis said softly, hugging him.

He blushed, "Thank you grandmother."

" are so polite...that's wonderful..."

He looked down. "I have an older brother...but my other brother died..."

Artemis hugged him closer. "I'm so your older brother?"

"I...don't dad he left...till recently I thought they both abandoned mother and I..."

"My....son....abandoned you? I..."

Oracle shook her head. "Your son...your father did not abandon you...just as your brother didn't..."

" told me that...but before that's what I had believed...until Oracle told me otherwise that's what we believed...because when father vanished our bank accounts were emptied and there was no sign of him...I thought he wanted nothing to do with us...but Oracle said he left to protect us..."

Atremis hugged Tashi. "We're family..."

He nodded and hugged her again. "I am know more family..."

Artemis looked at Sol. "Sol.... I love you....I have so much...but we need to find your sister..."

He nodded. "Oracle...can you help locate my sister?"

Oracle nodded, and closed her eyes. "She is some sort of private boarding school...."

"Boarding school? Do you know where?"

Tashi remained silent wanting Oracle to be able to help them

"I'm trying to see..." she whispered.

Sol waited silently

Oracle then slowly said the name of the school.

"Does anyone know where that school is?"

"I think Eos goes there...though being the Dawn she really don't hae to..." said Nyx.

Hekate smiled, leading him into the back apartment. "I just thought you'd like to be someplace less noisy...."

He nodded. and looked around. "What if they come here?"

"They know that I will get after them if they do...." Hekate said softly.


"Yes...this is private apartment..."

He smiled happily. "What if they come to the club though?"

"The club is fine as is the cafe....that is free to everyone..."

"What if they come into the club?"


"My family."

"I have look outs..."


Hecate kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Hecate leaned against him.

He held her close happy for the first time in his life.

She kissed behind his ear.

He shivered in pleasure

"Would you like to go someplace special...?"

"Like where?"

"With a great view..."


Hecate hugged him. "Do you like beautiful views?"

"Yes...but I don't get much of a chance to see them."

"Close your eyes...." she whispered before kissing him.

He blushed doing as she asked. "Of course you are the best view I have seen."

She giggled. "Thank you, open your eyes..."

He did as she said

He saw an amazing view of the Earth.

He gasped and looked at her, ""

"I'm Hecate, goddess of the dark moon and magic...." she said with a smile.

"I..can breath though..."

"This is a magical place...only those of the gods and goddesses...or of the Zodiac and their Knights.... or our guest may breath here..."

"Oh...what do you mean by Knights?"

"Those sworn to help the Zodiac and keep them safe...."

"And where are they?"

"I would now be one because of my love for you...." she said smiling.

He blushed. "Wha...what do you mean?"

"Remember me telling you that you are a Zodiac? That makes me a help you..."

" what is yoour job?"

"Help you as you need it..." she said with a smile. "And remember.. I just became a knight...anyone can be a knight though as long as they are deeply connected to a Zodiac...."

" are there more than twelve or are there as many as there are zodiacs?"

"There are as many as there are Zodiac, though Gemini is actaully two people...and then there is the Thirteenth...he or she would have a Knight to... and the Knight would most likely be the Leader of the other Knights...."

"Wow...this is allot to take in."

Hecate nodded. "I know....she said softly. She kissed him gently.

Atrox smiled. "My Nilus... my river god..." he whispered.

He blushed. "I love you,:

"I love you..." he murmured into Nilus's skin.

Nilus shivered in pleasure. "I love you too."

Atrox pulled Nilus into another happy hour.

He went with it gladly

"I love you Nilus...."

"I love you too. I never knew anyone would love me...I am glad you do."

Atrox smiled and kissed him. "As am I..."

He hugged him happily

A scream split the air.

He bolted up eyes going wide in fear

Atrox rushed from the room towards the scream.

Nilus followed in worry not wanting to be alone

Mania was dead outside.

Nilus' eyes widened in horror and he trembled, tears rolled down his cheek. He felt like it was his fault. "Mania...."

Atrox grabbed Nilus, and held him to his chest, hiding Nilus's face in his chest. "It's not your fault....never your fault....she's not your fault..."

He cried into him. "Who....who did it? Why?"

"The mana of the world...that's what does it...she will be back...."

"How? I don't understand..."

"I never understood either..."

"How can she come back?"

"I honestly haven't figured it out...but it is hell to tell her that I am a friend..."


"She is reborn again..."


Atrox nodded. "It can be hard at first..."

"When will she be back?"

"A day or two...."

He sighed in releif and hugged him

Atrox kissed him. "All will be fine..."

He kissed back and hugged him feeling emotionally drained

"Let's get you to bed...."

He nodded still scared about what happened

Atrox scooped him up and carried him back to bed.

"Stay with me?"

"I should never leave you..." he said as he sat on the bed, and then laid back, holding Nilus to him.

He snuggled into him

Atrox kissed his neck.

He gasped softly

"You like?"

He blushed and nodded

Atrox kissed him again on the neck, then nibbled it a little.

"S..should doing this after she died?"

Atrox stopped, and just held him. "You're right...I'm sorry..."

He shook his head and hugged him. "'s ok...shouldn't we burry her?"

"No... she'll be reborn but to yher it is like watching from a dream..."

"But what should we do with her body?"

Atrox waved a hand, then kissed his neck. "She will be waking in her bed..."

"All the temples and shrines are beautiful... all have items made of precious stone...."

"I still think you are more beautiful."

Artemis blushed. "I..thank you..."

He blushed and kissed her

They made it to the north temple.


Artemis nodded. "If you are..."

He nodded

Artemis headed into the temple, but stopped. A cloaked figure stood infront of them, hood up.

He hurried protectively infront of Artemis.

"Hello, Lady Huntress....and Aldebarian...." the figure greeted.


The figure lifted its hood.

Artemis smiled. "Oracle...why did you scare us?"

"I didn't mean to...I was heading out to see you two... I...have been distracted..." she laughed.

"So you are Oracle?"

Oracle looked over at him, her long green hair falling slightly into her face. "Yes, Aldebarian...Sol...Angel..."

" me Sol..."

"No matter the name you are one person...just as with your sister...."

"I want to find my sister and Artemis' son."

Oracle smiled. "At the moment I am hosting a young man here....but he is not Artemis's son....he is her grandson..."

"Wha...?" Artemis was shocked silent.

He looked between them in shock. "Should we meet him?"

"Come on... your mother is here too..."


"This way..." Oracle said, walking towards a closed door at the back of the temple.

Sol gently took Artemis' hand and followed

Nemi kissed Sanzo back.

He hugged her

Nemi snuggled against him.

He held her close with a smile on his face

"You are so wonderful Sanzo..." Nemi said smiling.

"So are you Nemi."



Nemi gave him a ring, a silver ring.

"What's this for?"

"It's a promise ring...I want you to have it..."

He blushed and put it on. "Promise what?"

"That we'll stay together..."

He smiled and kissed her nodding enthuesastically

She kissed back. "Love you..."

"Love you."

Nemi smiled at him.

He kissed her

Nemi kissed back, leaning against him.

He smiled

"What would you like to do now?"

He kissed her

Nemi smiled, sighing into the kiss.

He smiled happily

"What are you thinking...?"

"I feel safe with you."

"I feel the same about you..."

HE smiled and kissed her

"So besides blowing things up...what do you like to do...?"

He looked thoughtful then shrugged. "I never got to do anything else..."

"Have you ever dreamed of doing anything?"

"I don't have dreams..."


He shook his head. "What is a dream?"

Nemi started to describe what a dream was.

"Oh....I don't think I ever had them...only ones where I have been attacked...and one where you were."

Nemi hugged onto Sanzo. "I'm sorry, love...."

He hugged her and shook his head. "Can you be my dream?"

Nemi hugged him back. "I will be your dream... but I am also your reality..."

Isaac laid down to rest.

He heard howling again.

He sat up trying to reach out to it.

My body...


We will be one....


The Thirteenth...

"The thirteenth of the month?"

No... The Thirteenth Zodiac...

"How do I find him or her?"

I do not know...

"Is there a way to know who they are?"

Look for the serpent tattoo...


Yes...and the double star of both wrists...

"Male or female...?"

I do not know...

"Where should I look?"

Everywhere... Then the voice was gone.

"How....can I find them?" He whispered.

He was met with silence.

He sighed sadly not sure what to do


He looked around

He saw a mouse just staring up at him.

He frowned and gently held out his hand

The mouse ran over to him, climbing into his hand.

He gently held it.

The mouse licks nose.


No Mau...


My name is Mau...

"Uh...umm...what are you?"

A mouse... Mau giggled.

"Mice can't talk..."

I'm no ordinary mouse... Mau laughed.

He sighed. "I can see that..."

I'm a spirit... and you're a wolf...

"I am not exactly...I have to find my other half..."

You will... just open your heart to it...

"But....I have to find the thirteenth zodiac...I don't know how I can do that when there are only twelve..."

Only twelve? I many have forgotten the promise... the prophecy.... so many have forgotten the Serpent-bearer....

"Lyra...thank you for telling me... now..."


"Now I have something I should tell you...and I hope you won't run away...." he said softly.

"What?" She said worry and fear filling her

"I am older than I appear...."

" old are you?"

"Do you believe in...immortals....?" he asked softly.

"I...don't know...I've not really given it thought...are you saying you...are you making fun of me?"

" would I do that...I am asking you seriously..." Abmisleo said softly, looking at her seriously. She could tell he wasn't joking.


"Gifted by the gods...and I am something that is much like gods...." he whispered.


"I am human but I am gifted by the gods...Chyrosa the daughter of myself and a goddess...who was killed centuries ago...."

She sat down. " allot to take in..."

"You're not human either...."

"What? But...are you sure?"

"Yes...I am sure...I have been around for some time...."

"W...what am I?"

"A a vampire...yet not as resticted...."

"But...I can go in the sun and I don't drink blood...."

"You are still young...and the Lamia is able to go out in the sun..."

" do I not know?"

Abmisleo hugged her. "Lamia was a goddess with her immortallity, but she was only a gifted mortal...but was unable to have children....a neighbor family died in a plague, and she took in the child...but the child died as well....the town believed she had killed them...turning her into a monster in word alone....Lamia became the protector of women unable to have children and of women falsely acused of murder..."

She froze and looked down. " that why they died?"

"During the time of the first Lamia..." He held her in a hug. "I am not going to let anything happen to you or to our little ones..."

She blushed and looked up at him. "Our?"

"Yes...your son and my daughter...our children..."

She blushed tears in her eyes. "R...really?"

"Yes...I wanted to be honest with you....about me and Chyrosa....those I think you should ask her about herself...." He pulled her into a hug.

She hugged back happily

"I love you..."

"And I love you..." She whispered

"I will protect you..."

She closed her eyes and nodded. "Thank you."

He kissed her.

She blushed and kissed back


She jumped and looked over at Delthion with a blush. "Yes angel?"

"Is he going to be my daddy?" he asked cutely.

She blushed deeply. "He wants to help care for you and I...and he said he wants to be a father to you and Chyrosa be like a sister to yes. We are a family now..."

"Yay!" Delthion shouted.

She smiled and hugged him

"I have a daddy! And a sister!"

He blushed and kissed back hesitantly

Vann looked down at Falcon. "I have been wishing to do that for some time....."

He blushed deeply. "Really?"


He blushed and kissed him quickly

Vann smiled, kissing back. "I wonder what your new friends well think...?

"I...don't know..."

"We'll figure something out..." Vann said, and then a knock came to the door. Vann looked. "I don't like one knows that we moved..."

He bit his lip. "I'm scared..."

Vann stood up, and went to the door. "It's the little girl....?"

"Oh..." He bit his lip not sure what to do

Another knock came, and then Vann opened the door. "Hello..."

"Is Falcon here?" Chyrosa asked.

"Ah...he's not here...."

"Yes he is...."Chyrosa said slipping past him. Her little legs carried her over to where Falcon was. She just smiled up at him.

He blushed, "I....don't know what happened....I..."

Chyrosa shifted her age, and she now appeared to be an eighteen year old girl. "Hi Falcon..."

"You....can change age too? I don't know how I did it..."

"I've been able to do it for mother...she was a goddess...but she was orignially from where ever you are from....I can tell....I don't know much about her but my father says that I look like her sometimes...."

"I..."He looked down getting a flash of the slaughter and he trembled in fear tears filling his eyes.

Chyrosa quickly hugged him.


"For what?" she whispered.

"I...they were killed....because of me..."

Chyrosa just hugged him.

He started to cry

"Falcon...please don't blame yourself....please....." Chyrosa whispered.

He turned and went to Vann pressing his face into his chest knowing he would offer love and comfort

Vann held him. "She is was not your fault...."

"But...they came for me."

"I've hidden from my father that I've had...." Chyrosa looked down.


"I caused deads too...there is something about and I...that our powers are and can be too powerful for us..."

"I am being hunted..."

"You can stay with me...I have friends that have a safe haven..."

He looked at Vann then her. "What about Vann? We just found this house."

"Then I will have friends make it safe..."

He nodded hesitantly.

"Thank you miss... I wanted this for us..." Vann said.

Chyrosa nodded. "Of course..."

He hugged Vann still scared for what he remembered

"I will help you when ever you need me too..." Chyrosa said.

Vann nodded, holding Falcon closer.

"Thank you..."

Chyrosa smiled, and her eyes lit up. They reminded him of his mother's.

"Y...your eyes...are like mother's.."

(Are they half sibs? I wanted him to be unique...))

((Chyrosa is the Thirteenth AZodiac... she has the abilities of all of the Zodiac... Gemini can change appearances.... ))

Chyrosa giggled. "I...really? I love the color of your Falcon... I have different abilities... just as I know you must.... your's are your's alone... I have the abilities of some friends...two friends, they're twins... have the ability to change their appearances...."

"Oh...but...I don't have any abilities..."

Vann kissed his forehead. "You do...powerful abilities...."

She hugged him. "Of course. I want to be married sweetheart. And I wouldn't mind more children."

"YOu going to marry the man in my dreams?"

"Was it your father?"


"What? I...who was it?"

"I...don't know...." Luscious said.

She frowned. "You love your father don't you?"

"I do... but you looked so happy with him...."

She sighed. " was just a dream though..."

"I know....but it was so real.... he looked like one of those pictures of Greece...of one of those strong fighters...."

"Hmm....I don't know what to tell you Luscious."

Luscious hugged his mommy.

She smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I want you happy mommy..."

"I am angel."

Luscious smiled up at her.

She kissed his forehead

Luscious giggled. "You are the best mommy..."

She smiled. "and you are the best son ever."

He giggled. "Can I have a treat?"

"What would you like?"

"Ice cream?"

"Sure." She said. "Go get dressed and I will take you to Coldstone."

"Yay!" he said, running off.

She smiled and got dressed

Luscious ran back in dressed and ready to go.

She hugged him happily. "Ready?"

"Yes mama..."

She smiled and took him for icecream

"I want three scoops pleeeease mommy..."

She smiled and nodded

"Yay!" Luscious said with a smile.

"Is it good?"

"Yes mommy it is mommy!"

She smiled and kissed his forhead thinking over his dream

"Love you mommy..."

"I love you too." She said as she sipped her iced tea

"Enjoying yourselves..." came Oden's voice.

She glanced up with a smile. "Oden...what are you doing at an icecream parlor?" She asked with a smile.

"Finding you two..."

She smiled happily. "You found us." She said kissing him

He pulled her close, and kissed her back.

She smiled happily

"We're heading home..." he stated, and arm wrapped around her waist.

Zanos and her father seemed to be getting along alot better than it first appeared.

She smiled happily. "Told you he is a gentleman."

"That you did..."

She smiled happily and looked over at her mother wanting to see her reaction

Her mother was smiling happily at her.

"Dad's getting along with him." She whispered happily

"I know.... you really did pick a keeper..." she whispered back.

She blushed deeply. "He is sweet."

Zanos looked over at her, with a smile as he continued to talk to her father.

She blushed and smiled back

"I approve of him..."

She smiled happily. "I am he can stay if he wants?"

" long as he doesn't go near your room...."

"Daddy...he is a gentleman..."

"I understand sir...." Zanos said. "He is just worried for you..."

She blushed and nodded

"Could she at least show me to the room that I'll be staying in?" Zanos asked.

Her father nodded.

She took his hand and lead the way to a really nice guest room

"Thank you for the room...."

She blushed and nodded. "Do you like it?"

"Yes...I do like is a beautiful room...."

She smiled and hugged him. "You can personalize it more if you want..."

Zanos nodded, and leaned in and kissed her. "THank you..."

She smiled and nodded. "Of course."

Zanos hugged her. "You have so kind..."

She smiled happily and hugged him

He hugged her back, and then kissed her cheek.

" glad we met."

"Thank you for having the concert that night..."

"She blushed and nodded. "I try to help...I am glad you were there."

"It's my job..." he said with a smile.

She smiled. "Still...I am glad we met."

"Sorry..." he whispered, and then kissed her lips.

She blushed kissing back

"Thank you..... for...not slapping me away...." he said softly.

"Why would I? I love you."

He kissed her again.

"Supporting her is how we help.....making sure that if we are here, she is locked in a protected room...."

"Oh...and we can do no more?"


"I am so sorry, it must be difficult."

"It can be...but she is our mother...and we love her...." Tamesis said softly.

He held her close

Tamesis smiled up at him. "Her room is down the hall..."

"Is it safe to see her?"

"Yes... it's safe or should be..."

He took her hand and headed that way

Tamesis pointed out some of the glyphs on the walls.

He studied them curiously

The walls told of much of the Egyptian gods. He saw the glyph of Bastet, and he noticed runes craved over the glyphs that were around her, bad, dark runes.

He frowned and tried to find a way to remove them

Tamesis stopped walking. "Jarmanger?" she whispered.

He told her what he was seeing

"Those may have been there for years...I don't know..."

"They're bad..."

Tamesis shivered.

"I will try to find a way to remove them."

"You are wonderful, love..."

He tried once more to remove them

Some began to fade.

he worked harder

"Hello Tamesis...."

"Mother..." Tamesis said with a smile, using the wall to walk to her.

Bastet hugged her. "Oh Tamesis...why are you here...?"

"I wanted to see you..."

He watched them carefully just in case.

"Oh my baby girl...I'm fine....I'm fine...I'm just glad that you are safe..."

He stepped closer a bit

Bastet looked at him. "Jarmanger....hello..."

" know who I am?"

"How can I not...." she said with a smile.

He frowned in confusion.

"The brother of Fenris... and of Hel....son of Loki..."

"I hate Loki..."

"Hate...leads to more hate...."

He looked down. "I know...but I can't forgive him either..."

"Then let him work at regaining trust...."

"He didn't bother to find me..."

"And what if he did? You as well as I know who to really ask about that... the Oracle of Delphi and priestess of the Earth Shrine... or Thoth or even his daughter Thorthia..."

"I don't need to hear this...I want nothing to do with that fool...he shouldn't be a father."

A tall man walked into the area. "Jarmanger...if Loki had not been your father, you would not be here... nor would your neices nor your grand neices and nephews..."

He growled. "I know...but it doesn't mean I should accept him as a father now...and who are you?"

"Thoth...." he simply said.

"I see....It's not your business..."

"It is when I know all knowledge...."

He tilted his head at Alaric.


"I'm just enjoying having more than just me in this house again...."


"Some friends and I helped to raise a young man that never knew his family..." Ares said.

"Where is he now?"

"He has been traveling around...and he has found a young woman that he has become very protective over...."

"Oh...what is his name?"


"Oh. Will he come around here?"

"Maybe...he hasn't been around for awhile... he's been going through some personal things...."


"Alaric...what's wrong? Did you want to meet him?" he asked softly.

"I don't seems like we might have things in common..."

"I could always invite him over...he knows that he is welcome any time..."

" he nice?"

"Yes he is...quiet but very friendly..."


"He actually does have a room here if you'd like to see..."

He slowly nodded

Ares took Alaric back up stairs and down the hall that had the bedrooms. At the end of the hall, Ares opened a door that lead into a large room. The wood furniture was a rich color, and there were shelves of books, along with a few things that interested Alaric.

Alaric looked at those things closely

((What does he like?))((I don't know he has lived on the street and never had the oppurtinity to have fun, but he likes to star gaze and he likes animals))

There were scenes of coyotes on the walls under what looked like a stary night.

He looked in awe at it

"You like that?"

He nodded

"If you wish, you are free to come in here....I'm sure that Delta won't mind..."


" needs to be lived in...and I'm sure he'd love to share with you..."

"Thank you..."

"I am sorry about before...I have my duties as an officer...and then when you .... please don't do that again like before..." Ares said softly with care in his voice.

"When I...pulled down..."He looked down tears in his eyes

Ares pulled him into a hug, gently holding him and rubbing his back. "'s okay now... you are safe here..."

Alaric stiffened and slowly relaxed.

"I won't touch you in anyway that you don't want me to...I would never...."

" not used to this kindness..."

"You are welcome to stay here and call this home...."

"Thank you...does this mean I don't have to go back there?"

Ares nodded. "That was another reason why I was offering that you stay in Delta's room.

He looked relieved. "I never want to go back there."

Ares nodded again. "You can call this home....come and go as you please.... but you are still young.... and there are laws about that so please be back inside by eleven at night....for your safety...." he said kindly.

"Back home?"

"Sure. Ready to meet my folks?"

Tyr laughed. "Sure am..."

She took his hand and walked inside. "Mom, Dad...I am home there is someone I want you to meet."

They came into the room. "Sweetheart....who is this?" asked her mother.

" Tyr, my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?? When did this happen?"

She blushed. "Today..."

"Oh my baby...." she said hugging her daughter.

She blushed. "Mom..."


"He is sweet."

"Oh I'm so happy for you..."

"Where is dad?"

"He had gone to go get something for me from the store..."

"When is he coming back? I want to introduce them."

"I don't know...he didn't leave that long ago..."

" was harrassing him..."

"What? really?"

She nodded

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she likes cute guys." She said with a blush

Tyr smiled lightly.

She hugged him

Tyr hugged her back.

She smiled and gently kissed him

He kissed back.

She smiled. "I am glad you agreed to stay."

Tyr laughed, smiling. "I wouldn't think of being anywhere else..."

She smile happily.

Tyr then kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

"You are wonderfully sweet..."

She smiled. "So are you."

Tyr smiled. "Thank you..."

She smiled happily. "Ummm mother...could you talk to sis about it?"

Her mother nodded. "When she gets back..."

"She left?"

"Yes.... said she had to do something..."

"Ok." She said hoping her sister wasn't going to try some of her old tricks

"I have to get some work done..." her mother said.

"He is, he is like a father to me. And his children are great."

"That is wonderful...."

She nodded, "I...conceived without being with anyone." She whispered

Susano-O looked at her, seriously. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yes..."She checked and reassured that Brianna had fallen asleep continued in a whisper. "My...parents wanted me to have an abortion...when I they found I was too far along they dumped me off at a hotel with only a little money. I had Brianna and I have fought to give her the best. I am glad to have had her she is my miracle. Sorry...for telling you all this...I feel I can trust you..."

"I believe you....they shouldn't have dumped you...and I am glad that your employer has been so good to you..."

"Same here...I don't know where we would be without him."

Susano-O smiled softly. "Forgive me..." He leaned forward, and kissed her.

She hesitantly kissed back

Susano-O pulled back after a while. "I am sorry for being so forward...." he said softly, gazing into her eyes.

She blushed. "I...liked it...I feel something for you."

"As I for you...I am very glad that the both of you were able to come to the concert..." he said softly, still gazing into her eyes.

She blushed. "Me too...I always loved your music...and I felt an attraction to your I know I feel even a deeper connection to you."

Susano-O pulled her onto his lap, and just gently held her to his chest.

She blushed and leaned against him

"This feels so right...." he whispered against her hair, before kissing the top of her head.

She blushed closing her eyes with a nod

"I will not take you from your job...but I want to help support you..." he whispered.

She blushed. "W...really?"

"Yes...." he said softly, kissing her gently.

She kissed back. "I...but we just met..."

"I know....however I know what is in my heart..."

She blushed and nodded. " wouldn't be right...I would feel like I was taking advantage of you..."

"And I don't want you to just up and leave your job..." he said softly.

"I don't think I could..."

"And you don't have to...I just want you happy...."

She blushed and nodded. "Thank you.,:

"I do want to help you financially..."

"You don't have to..."

"I want to..." he said softly, before kissing her. "I love you..."

She blushed and kissed back. "I...feel the same."

"And I will care for your little one as well..."

She blushed. "Really? My ex...he thought I cheated on him so...he broke up with me."

"I will never abandon you..." he said holding her close.

She blushed. "Thank you..."

"Thank you for coming to my concert..."

"I am glad I could make it...glad I won the tickets."

He kissed her neck.

She shivered in pleasure closing her eyes

"It's...getting late...and the little one is fast asleep..." he said gently, holding her close.

She nodded. "We took a bus anyway and I think they stopped running...could you give us a ride back? We live on Brookfield lane."

"I'd love to....faridat...." Susano-O whisptered into her neck. The last word sounded foreign even in his mouth, definitely not Japanese, though the word seemed to hold so much love behind it.

She went over and looked

There were movies of all sorts...

She picked up a copy of The Last Unicorn.

"That's a favorite of mine ...." Hel said with a smile.


" is...I may be a goddess of the dead...but I do love it...."

She smiled and hugged her

"So wanna watch it?"

"Yes of course..." Hel said, putting in the movie.

She sat down to watch it.

Hel sat down on the couch with Sya.

She snuggled up with a smile

"You enjoying the movie?" Hel whispered, resting a hand on Sya's shoulder, holding her close.

"Yes momma....and I am glad to have a momma as nice as you."

"I'm glad that you agreed to come back with me...."

She smiled happily

Hel leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

She smiled happily

Hel held Sya close as they watched the movie.

She smiled happily and eventually drifted to sleep

The next time she woke up, she was laying in bed under big warm covers.

She slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes

Morning Sya... came the familiar voice of her friend, who looked like he was placed right up against her while she slept.

She hugged Mr Ursa with a smile. "Morning."

How did you sleep?

"Good and you?"

Strangely as usually.... he laughed.

She smiled. "Lets go see what mommy is doing."

Mr Ursa laughed. She is Hel...there are alot of things she could be doing...

She nodded and looked down. "I know...but...she does love me right?"

Why wouldn't she? She had been in here for a while after she put you into bed, Sya... just staring at you...just watching you...



She smiled

Hel came in just at that moment. "Morning sweety...I have breakfast ready..."

She hugged her and nodded. "Morning mommy."

Hel scooped her up, holding her. "Hungry?"

"Uh huh. What are we going to eat?"

"I was thinking we'd have pancakes..." Hel said softly, with a small smile.

"Can we have...frenchtoast instead?"

"Of course...." Hel said softly, and kissed her forehead.

She smiled. "YAY! I get my favorite!"

Hel smiled gently at her. "Really?"

"I love them with powdered sugar and syrup..."

Hel giggled was whisper-like. "And when did you learn this little one of mine?"

"Is it really? I...feel I am being selfish..."

"YOu are not being selfish at all...."

"I...I'm not?"

Zaku leaned in, and kissed Drake. "Not selfish at all...."

Drake kissed back with a blush

Zaku smiled, pulling back. "You are a very unselfish person...I can feel it..."

He blushed deeply. "Really?"


"Thank you."

Zaku smiled softly, and kissed him again.

He kissed back

"Would you like a tour?"

"Yes please."

Zaku stood in front of Drake and offered him his hand.

He took it with a blush.

Zaku gently squeezed Drake's hand, before kissing his cheek.

He blushed. " this really alright?"

Zaku looked down at him, and smiled. "Yes...but what do you feel in your heart?"

He kissed him with a blush

Zaku wrapped his arms around him, kissing back gently.

He blushed and leaned against him

"Would you like to see your room?" Zaku asked softly.

"Oh...yes please."

Zaku lead Drake out of the sitting room they had been in, and then down a hall. When they got near the end of the hall, Zaku opened a door to a beautiful bedroom with deep warm colors of reds, oranges, and yellows.

He blushed and looked around. "Wow..."

"I'm glad you like's your's..."

"It is? Thank you..."

"You're welcome, Drake.... my room is just across the hall..."

He blushed and nodded. "Ok..."

Zaku kissed him.

He returned the kiss with a blush

"You are welcome to my room at any time....for anything..."

He turned red and slowly nodded. "Ok...thank you sensie."

"I would be sensei in the class I am Zaku to my friends and the ones close to me...." Zaku said softly before kissing Drake's cheek.

He turned red and nodded. "Z...Zaku..."

Zaku kissed him on the lips.

He blushed deeply and hesitantly began to kiss back. " shouldn't I mean...I am a are a guy...and you are my sensie..."

Zaku nodded. "As you wish....I think we all need some rest... I will let you get comfortable and some rest...."

Drake looked down trying to hide the tears. "G...goodnight Sen...Zaku..."

Zaku reached out and wiped Drake's tears away. "Would you like me to stay?" he asked softly.

" going to bed night...thanks for the help sensie..."He said hurrying to the bed and diving under the covers. He was so confused. It hurt to be near him, it hurt to be away from him...he couldn't love a guy...could he? He covered his head with the blankets as well. He didn't know what to think.

((I am making him a challenge ^-^))

((I can tell... ^_^ I like the challenge))

He heard the door to the room being closed softly. That night he dreamed of Zaku and how gentle and understanding he was.

He cried into his pillow when he woke

A knock came to the door.

He dried his tears and went to the door without opening it. "Who is it?"

"It's Jamie..." came the priestess's voice, the sister of 'him'.

He bit his lip and slowly told him of his past.

"I....." Zaharie started slowly. "I...I'm sorry...."

He shrugged. "I've grown used to it..."

"No one should be use to it...."

"It's all I've known."

"And I have to say what my brother has gone through is all he knows, and yet he is in love with Suzaku...."

"Yea...but...I don't know..."


"I...guess it is all I knew aside from the temple."

"We're temple children aren't we?" he laughed lightly.

He smiled a little. "I guess we are."

"School is how we get out...."

"I am sorry..."

"For what?"

"That being the only way you relax..."

"Our parents are demanding, and wish for us to be devoted completely to the temples...."

"Oh. It must be tough..."

Zaharie nodded. " took Oracle to get both of us away to even here......"

"were they cruel?"

"No..... just too protective...."

"Oh...I am sorry."

Zaharie nodded, and kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

"I....wanted to come here...because of you..." he whispered.

He blushed deeply. ""

Zaharie nodded. "I had seen you once, and wanted to meet know you..."

He blushed and kissed him

He kissed back. ""

He blushed and leaned against him. "I...feel the same."

Zaharie smiled, and walked with him, holding on to him.

He leaned against him happily

"You..don't mind me being here at the temple do you?"

"I am glad you came."

"I am too..."

He smiled

Zarahie kissed his neck.

He shivered in pleasure. "That feels nice..."

Zarahie did it again.

He leaned into it

"You....smell...nice..." he whispered into his skin.

He blushed. "I do?"

Zarahie nodded. "Yes..." he said, and kissed his neck.

He gasped in pleasure. "That tickles..."

Zarahie laughed lightly. "Really?" he asked, and did it again.

He purred in pleasure

Zarahie blushed.

He smiled. "Be that as it may, I need your help finding a girl for our shy brother."

Liam whirled to look at Miach. "Waa?"

Jezza blushed. "Okay...."

"What?! No..."

Jezza leaned in close to Liam, and whispered, "I'll tell you about the girls up front...he won' know that...." Liam felt a little more protective of her, something more....

He blushed and slowly nodded. "O..ok..."

Jezza blushed, and looked at her notes. Miach noticed.

Miach cocked an eyebrow but kept silent. interesting

Jezza looked over at Miach. "What?"

He wrote a note and passed it to her. It read: You two like each other more than siblings.

Jezza quickly wrote back: Miach! I...I can't... and you know it....and you know that I was adopted right? But I'm still your little sister....I....

He wrote back: You aren't technically related and if you love each other I say go for it.

She wrote back:

He sighed. "They would want you happy." He whispered

Jezza looked over at Liam, and then down blushing nodded to Miach. When class was over, Jezza moved over to Liam after everyone else had left. "Liam..." she whispered, and then quickly kissed him before pulling back and looking down, blushing.

Liam blushed and began to stutter. "W...what...was that for?"

Jezza was blushing looking down. "I...Miach...I...he said....go for it...I...I'm sorry...I...."

"are you two...makig fun of me?" Liam whispered as tears entered his eyes. He quickly fled the room.

"Liam wait! We aren't making fun....please come back!" Miach said looking upset and worried

Jezza looked at Miach. "I shouldn't have done anything...." Jezza ran from the room herself, ending up actually passing Liam. A notebook slipped from her bag, as she ran, turning down a hall and disappearing. Liam nearing slipped on it.

He picked it up trembling and looked down at it.

It looked like an old notebook that looked to have gone through some years of school. Just by looking at the cover, Liam could see that his name had been doodled is many different styles all over the front with all sorts of colored sharpies.

He picked it up with a blush and hurried after her

He saw her run down another hall.

He called for her hurrying after

Jezza looked back, face red from the tears that still fell down her cheeks.

"Jezza...I am sorry...I please forgive me...I thought Miach put you up to it...'He said offering her her book

Jezza looked down at her book. "I...I....Miach had....but that was him telling me to actually tell you....I...." She took the book. "Than you for giving me back my book...."

He gently hugged her. "I'm sorry for making you cry...I love you...I was afraid you were teasing..."

" do?" she whispered. "Really?"

He blushed and nodded. "I..have for awhile liked you...but mom and I was afraid..."

Jezza hugged him. "Liam...." she whispered.

"I am so sorry..."

" you too, Liam..." she whispered.

He held her close.

Jezza pulled back and blushed. "I...we have to get to class....and find Miach..."

He blushed and nodded. "Alright..."

Jezza hugged her notebook to her chest, and started to walk with Liam to their class.

They saw Miach talking to the girl. "Typical Miach..." Liam muttered.

"He's not likeing it..." Jezza said softly, watching. "She's not his type..."

"How can you be s..."He stopped seeing Miach scrub at his cheek once the girl left. "How did you know?" He asked her in awe.

"When he was even flirting with me, he just seemed like habit, not true interest...." she said softly. "Come on... let's grab him and get him to class..."

he nodded thinking over what she said. He liked to think he knew his twin the best but he had never realized he wasn't truly interested. "Does that mean he has someoen?" He whispered.

"Miach is as you had been..." the last part had come out softly as if she wasn't sure that she should even assume they were together...yet.

He gently kissed her. "But than why is he pushing for me to get a girlfriend?" He whispered as they neared Miach

She stared at him in surprise. "I...but...."

He blushed. "I...I'm sorry if I ran into either of you....or caused you to drop any thing earler"

"You didn't...but...why me?"

The guy blushed. "I...feel drawn to you..." Aiko could feel that she felt the same.

She blushed not sure what to think. She had never been attracted to guys and here one stood. "I...feel the same...."

Ai looked between them. "Got any brothers?"

The young man nodded. "Yes...a twin..."

"Care to introduce us?" She said with a smile

" name is Rasu..."

"My name is Aiko, this is my twin Ai." Aiko said.

"My twin's name is Yomi..." Rasu said smiling softly.

"Where is he?" Ai asked.

"He had snuck out to get out mom a gift...oh there he is..." Rasu said, pointing as a young man with slightly shorter hair than Rasu. "Hey Yomi..."

"Rasu...who are your friends...?" Yomi asked with a smile.

Ai smiled and started to flirt with Yomi. Aiko sighed in exasperation

Yomi flirted back with Ai, and she found out that Rasu and him worked at this great restaurant in town that was five star.

Rasu looked at Aiko. "What's wrong?"

"She is such a flirt..."

"Yomi can be too...but they seem to be hitting it off..." Rasu said.

"I guess they are getting along..."

Rasu leaned in and kissed her cheek, which at the same time Yomi leaned in and kissed Ai's cheek.

They both blushed deeply.

Yomi and Rasu looked at each other, and smiled. "Would you two..." started Rasu.

And Yomi finished, " to have dinner with us?"

"Id love to!" Ai said.

Aiko looked a little hesitant. "Alright..."

Rasu kissed Aiko's cheek. "What's wrong?" he whispered.

"I...have never felt this way..."

"Neither have we...but I know I want to follow this feeling..." Rasu said softly.

Yomi wrapped an arm around Ai's waist. "You two over there ready to go?"

Rasu nodded, and offered his hand to Aiko.

Aiko slowly took his hand.

Ai leaned against Yomi

Yomi and Rasu walked with Ai and Aiko down the street trying to get to know them as they headed to where ever they were going.

"So how long have you been at the school?"

"Not long...we move around alot..."

"You won't move soon will you?"

"No...there is no plans for moving again...." Rasu smiled softly at her. "You have nothing to worry about..." he whispered.

She blushed and nodded

Rasu and Yomi lead Ai and Aiko to a large chinese restaurant named Sunny Night. It looked really great and expensive.

"You sure this is ok? It looks pricey."

Yomi smiled as did Rasu. It was Yomi that then said, "Of course...." followed by Rasu saying, "We own it..."

"Huh?! You...own it?" Aiko asked in shock.

"Nice..." Ai whispered

Rasu nodded.

"A family restaurant..." said Yomi.

"Oh...and we aren't intruding?"

"'re not..." said Rasu. "Yomi and I own it...opened it ourselves..."

"With the help of a friend..." Yomi said.

"Oh...what about your parents?" Ai asked.

"Father's dead... and..."

"...we just found our mother again... she had been taken from us..."

"I am so sorry...."Ai said, and Aiko agreed

Rasu and Yomi nodded to them in thanks. "It is alright..." rasu said.

" was a long time ago that we..." Yomi said.

"...lost our father..."

"Thank you though..."

"Both of you...

They both hugged them.

Rasu lead Aiko, while Yomi lead Ai into the restaurant that looked to still be empty, but was preparing for that night's dinner group. The twins held out chairs for the girls.

Miach looked for Liam and Jezza feeling like a fool

He saw Liam turn down a far corner.

He headed that way in concern

He saw Liam and Jezza up ahead hugging.

He stopped and sighed in relief. He was glad they had made up. He decided to let them be for now.

"Hi, Miach..." came the voice of one of the girls from his classes.

He inwardly sighed. He flirted with girls to try and pass himself off as normal...but in reality he truly was attracted to males and on top of that he had feelings for Liam. He was glad that Jezza and he found each other, it would allow them to be happy. He plastered a flirtatious smile on his face as he turned. "Hello cuty." He said with a bow.

The girl blushed and started to flirt heavily with him.

He inwardly groaned further but returned some of the flirting. He hated how he was lying to himself. Maybe I should tell people my sexuality...but then again...

The girl then kissed his cheek. "See you later Miach...class is calling..." she said with a smile.

He waited till she vanished from veiw than scrubbed at his cheek in irritation.

He hears footsteps.

He looked up

He saw Jezza and Liam walking towards him.

He masked his annoyance from the girl and the hurt at knowing Liam would never be his. "Hey guys, patched up now?"

Liam looked at Miach. "You ok?"

"Of course, we should get to our next class." He said turning away

Liam looked unconvinced. "You never suggest going to class...what's wrong?"

Jezza sighed. "Miach...Liam.... I really don't want to be late.... though I do have the excuse that I'm new.... you two are... Miach is right... let's get to class...." She gave Liam a soft look that said that they would talk about this later.

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