Page name: Mythical Land Lake [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-23 21:47:05
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The lake inside of the forest surrounded by cherry blossom trees.

Takashi dove into the lake. His brightly shining scales illuminated the water a golden color matching his dragon scales. His tail slammed down into the lake.

Damion sat under a tree with his wings curled against his back and his trench coat over top with his hood over his head. His eyes were shut but he was paying attention to everything his "apprentice" was doing. The sakura trees around his swayed with the wind.

Luna landed on the grass, curling her wings around her. She leaned over the lake, not noticing Takshi nor Damion. She splashed some water onto her face, her eyes closed.

Celeste jumped onto another tree branch quietly, she watched Luna carefully, this time determined to catch her. She smirked, thinkin gof last time. She thought she saw a shimmer of gold on the water, but ignored it.

Takashi poped out of the water right infront of Luna hoping to scare her. "Who are you?" He asked curiously tilting his large dragon head.

Aedin wondered the lakes shore, walking aimlessly. He strode strait past the dragon, and leapt silently into the tree, perching beside Celeste. "What are you hunting?"

Celeste grabbed the branch, slightly surpised by Aedin's sudden apperance, "A demon for her head this time." She brushed her long black bangs out of her face. She watched Luna, not taking her eyes off of her, but making sure of what Aedin was doing.

Luna laughed, looking up at Takashi. She patted his head, "I am Luna. And you are?" She glanced at his scales, "Love the gold." She grinned. Her silvery hair, slid out of its ponytail as her hand pulled on the tie, revealing her small horns.

"That demon is going to kill you if you attack her." The seer stated bluntly, his violet bangs blowing in the faint breeze. "My visions have never been wrong..."

"And I've attacked her before, all she's got is wind and fire, and those oracles of her's. I already know that if I attack I could be killed, it comes witht he job," Celeste explained, still watching Luna. "Why are you warning me?" she asked suddenly, "Don't mythical hate humans or something?"

Takashi smiled. "Takashi!" He said proud of his name. "And thank you."

"What are you slacking off for Takashi?" Damion yelled from under the sakura tree. His hood covered his face completely so he appeared as nothing but a bundle of black clothes.

"Gomen Sempai!" Takashi yelled back.

"Slacking from what?" Luna asked, her golden eyes glancing at Takashi and Damion.

Yami walked up to the lake, pulling her black jacket back on and fixed her top hat. Her face was slightly hidden by her bangs and the hat. Her visible blue eye looked for Luna. She walked up to her and squatted down, not noticing Takashi, "The darn bounty hunter is back in teh forest, though I don't know where.."

Damion stood up finally revealing his fairly small stature. He lifted his hood only a little so only his chin was seen. "Who are you?" He asked Yami. Immediatly he didn't trust the group gather near him and his apprentice.

"Sempai...Please...calm down." Takashi begged jumping out of the water away from Yami and Luna. He changed back into his human form revealing a very gorgeous young man seeming to be 17 or 18. His hair was long and orangish red and his clothes were all black and red.

Yami looked up, and stood up slowly, "Calm down Damion, we're no threat to you. I'm Yami and this is my 'sempai' Luna."

Lunma stood up and her wings fluttered slightly. She grinned and waved slightly, "Damion huh?"

Damion's eyes jetted to Yami through his hood. "How did you know my name?" Little by little he was reaching into his jacket for his blade.

Takashi gulped silently afraid of what was going to happen. He walked over to Luna. "I would hide if i were you..." He wispered.

"I'm an oracle and just put away the sword," Yami crossed her arms, she wasn't afraid of anyone.

Luna laughed, "I think I'd rather see this."

Damion removed his hood revealing a very pale young face and long black hair. "Oracle you say?" He questioned with interest.

"S-s-sempai!" Takashi was shocked to see Damion finally remove the hood in public.

Yami pulled off her top hat and gave a teasing bow, "Ay, that I am, well me and my sister Yumi that is." She stood back up and flicked her white bangs out of her face and showed her whole face, thinking it would be rude if she did not show her face as well. HEr vibrant blue eyes looked at his face, "Just like I thought.."

Luna smiled kindly and walked up to Yami, laying a hand on her shoulder, "Be careful what you say, remember?"

Yami chuckled, "Of course, Luna."

Celeste shrugged off the strange mythical's warning, and jumped down from the tree and aimed a kick at Luna's side.

Luna sensed Celeste and moved a the last moment, pushing Yami out of the way. She smirked, 'Long time no see huh Cely?"

Celeste smirked, standing up, "Ay, that it be Moony, that it be." She flicked her long black ponytail back over her shoulder and charged for Luna, this time surpising her and knocked her down.

Luna kicked Celeste off of her and into the lake.

Celeste swam to the top and surfaced, climbing onto the bank, "That wasn't very nice Luna," she taunted.

"Neither was that last attack of yours' Cely," Luna smiled, crouching down.

Yami stood herself up and leaned against a tree, she was used to Celeste poping up and trying to capture Luna for the price on her head. Celeste had never fought her, so Yami held no personal grudge against her, just that Celest was a human, and Yami disliked humans since her and her twin were kicked out of the village. She gripped the top hat in her left hand, and looked to Damion, "Though it true, my twin and I are oracles."

"What some help girlie?" Aedin shouted from the bank, grinning widely towards the hunter. "Just because my eyes don't work, doesn't mean I can't see you need it."

Takashi was shocked at the sudden action and looked to Yami wondering why she didn't stop it.

"Hmmm." Damion examined Yami and walked over to her. "Twin oracles. Haven't seen them in awhile." He sniffed Yami and paused with a curious look on his face. "Hmm i wonder...." He started mumbling to himself.

Celeste looked to Aedin, "Are you crazy?" She paused, and stood up straight,"I'm a human and you're a myth, Why would a mythical offer help to a human?" She frowned, "And don't call me girlie!"

Luna smiled and charged at Celeste knocking her to the ground, and back into the lake.

Celeste aimed a kick at Luna's side, and hit her target. She pludged back up to the surface, pulling herself out.

Luna gasped and the air escaped her lungs, she hurriedly swam back up to the top. She swam to the bank.

Celeste laughed, and smiled teasingly, "And now your wings are wet and you can't fly..."

Luna smirked, "No, I can't. Good job there, but I can still run and fight."

Celeste chuckled, "That's true," she looked over at Takshi, "Come on hun, get over it, I'm a bounty hunter, this what I do." SHe smiled.

Yami looked up in surpise at Damion, wondering how he got so close to her and why he was so close to her. Normally people tended to stay away from her and her sister. "There aren't many twin oracles, so yeah I would expect that...." She gripped her top hat a bit tigher, a bit nervous, though not in a bad way which surpised herself.

"I do what I please girlie. I may be young, but no one's bested me yet." The seer replied with a shrug. "But if you don't want help, then maybe I'll help the demon."

"The name's Celeste," She growled, "And maybe I should find out...uf!"

Luna tackeld her to the ground, sitting on her so she couldn't get up, and summoned a small ball of fire into her hand, "Now, have we learned out lesson yet Cely?"

Celeste smirked, "You wish Luna," kicking luna off and into a tree.

"You two seem more like siblings than rivals." Aedin pointed out bluntly. He took a seat in the shade of a near by tree, closing his eyes and leaning back against it.

"Well,we go way back, don't we Cely?" Luna smirked, the fire still in her hand, she threw it straight at Celeste, who flipped out of the way and pulled out a dagger and plundged it into Luna's side. She gasped and fell back.

Celeste smirked, kneeling over her, "Oh, yeah, way back Lun.." SHe smirked, "Your mine now...and I will bring oyu in this time.."

"Well, that wasn't very nice..." Aedin muttered, standing up from his perch, and walking towards the pair. "I've seen enough of this kid..."

"Excuse me? This fight doesn't have to do with you..." Celeste frowned, not wanting to add anyone else into the fight than nessacary.

Luna pulled the dagger out and nailed Celeste int he leg. SHe smirked, "Your in dreams human..." SHe growled, smirking.

Celeste smirked, "Joke's on you..I wearing that little armor from that friend of your's." She pulled out the dagger which only inflicted a small wound.

Luna stood up, her deon side kicking in the notorious fast healing factor. "Guess it's on both of us.."

"I'll be back for the bounty later," Celeste smiled and turned to Aedin, "Now just who are you? And why don'r you mind that I'm a human?" She walked up to him.

Damion smiled. "You wouldn't happen to be her from a few years back huh?" Damion asked curiously.

"And just who is 'her'?"Yami asked coyly, she teased him.

"A twin..." Damion responded as he circled Yami. "A twin oracle...." He sniffed her. "You smell like her."

Yami watched as he ciricled her and the tree, "Well, my sister Yumi really doesn't go near all, she prefers to be alone. So if you're talking about a female twin oracle, it must be me I can only presume, if I am indeed who you are talking about," Yami smiled, for once showing her more intellectual side.

Damion smirked and stepped away. "Well if you are her...then wouldn't you remember?" He grazed his hand just under her chin. "Soft skin like hers was." He smirked. "Now i know you are her..." He winked at her.

Yami blushed lightly, the pink spreadign across her cheeks. She quickly placed her top hat back on, trying to hide the blush. "I may or may not have met you, I meet people everyday..." SHe cleared her thraot softly.

Damion laughed. "I'm a hard one to forget." He gave her another suttle wink.

"I highly doubt that's her, Master." Takashi said from behind Damion.

Yami looked at Damion, he looked slightly familar, "Well maybe you do look a bit familar..." She squinted a bit, as if trying to remember something.

Takashi jumped onto Damion's back. "He fucked a twin oracle a few years back and believes that may be you."

Damion's eyes widened and he punched Takashi in the face. "Don't be so damn blunt about it!"

Yami's eyes widened, "Well, you...unless you had those w-w-wings..."

Damion smiled and removed his tench coat for the first time. He unfolded his wings and flapped them once. He smirked. "Hmmmm."

Yami froze completely this time and a blush rose to her face resembling somthing close to a tomato, " the..gods..." She reached with one hand and pulled her top hat back to its original position, so they couldn't really see her face.

Yumi walked into the clearing and saw Yami, she walked over, her white dress swinging around her knees. She glanced at Damion and then to Yami, she sighed, understanding. "Sister..."

"Yami cleared her throat, letting go of the hat, the blush now staining just her cheeks brightly. "Yes Yumi?"

"Is that..?" Yumi said, already knowing the answer, but still asked her sister anyhow.

"I suppose..yes.." Yami sighed lightly, avoiding eye contact with Damion.

"So you ARE her." Takashi smiled brightly. "It's funny Damion hadn't forgotten you since he seems to forget about all the others." He winked at the new twin that appeared before them.

Damion folded his wings back up and walked over to Yami. "Ahhh so I found you. It's true what Takashi said. I do forget the women but're the only one that i hadn't." He had stepped closer to her as he spoke and when he finished he grazed his finger below his chin. "You were too damn good to forget." He winked.

Yami pulled her top hat off, holding it in her hand, "Well..good for you then. Yumi, when Luna is ready, please be ready as well this time." Ths blush had blossomed even more, and she was trying to ignore Damion, but was failing.

Yumi glanced at Takashi, and nodded in response to Yami. "Dragon.." she replied to Takashi, smirking knowingly.

Takashi smiled. "So you can tell?"

Yumi nodded, "Oracle," she answered simply.

Yami gripped her top hat loosely, and smiled over at her sister, happy that was speaking to some one other than her. She glanced at Damion, hoping he wouldn't notice.

Damion smiled as his eyes wondered towards Yami. He saw her eyes on him and winked. "So how bout another round babe?" He approaced her closer.

Takashi laughed. "Heh. true." He shrugged his shoulders and looked through the corner of his eyes at Damion and Yami and smiled. "Uh oh...he's on the move." He wispered to himself.

Yumi snorted slightly, rolling her eyes. "You could say that he's trying to be on the move..."

Yami looked at him fully this time, "And do you even have what it would take to go another round with me?" She smirked, leaning flully against the tree this time, backing away from Damion.

Takashi laughed. "Oh...he is more than trying."

Damion smirked. "Oh..i think i had what it takes befroe so why not now huh babe?" He walked closer as she stepped away.

"Hmm..maybe that's true, though I don't think so.." Yami smirked.

Yumi chuckled under her breath, "Doubt it..."

Damion came up to her at the tree and put an arm on each side of her so now his body was pressing lightly against Yami's. "Well let's give it a go...right here and now...see if I do have what it takes?" He said in a very seductive tone.

Takashi turned around. "Oh my. Master don't you think you're going a bit far with this?"

Damion smirked at Takashi's comment but never took his eyes off of Yami's eyes. "What do you say?" He asked her.

"I t-think... I have to agree with T-Takashi," Yami replied, the blush returning to her face brightly, more so than before.

Yumi looked slightly shocked, taking a step back, accidently bumping into Takashi.

Damion grabbed Yami's hand. "Why would you believe that little runt when you can have this..." As he spoke he pulled her hand closer this his stomch and ran her fingers along his muscles that could be felt through his shirt. "Do you really want to refuse this?" He slid her hand up his shirt along his soft skin and his pure 6 pack.

Takashi turned and grabbed Yumi. "S-sorry." He looked at Damion and his eyes widened. "Oh shit...this is bad."

"No that's bad," Yumi corrected, blushing slighty, looking up at him.

Yami's infamous temper snapped, she pushed him back, scowling lightly, "Hey! Don't think you can just get what you want from me buddy! Got that?!"

Damion laughed after he fell to the ground. "Just like last time. And from what i recall...i still won you over." He stood up and dusted his legs off and sprouted his large wings. "If you wish to play know damn well i can return the favor." He winked at her as he flapped his wings to stretch them out from lack of use.

Takashi looked shock. "He' love?" Takashi mumbled to himself, not realizing that he said it outloud.

'Ha! I let you win me over!" Yami mocked him lightly, her anger still in place.

Yumi buried her face in her hands, "Oh by the gods! Now all hell will break lose.." She realized for the firtst ime she didn't know the name of the man behind her, "Who are you?"

Takashi shook his head to break from being mesmerized at his master's infatuation. "Oh pardon me." He bowed politely. "My name is Takashi. I am Damion's apprentice. He is training me to control my dragon power."

Yumi nodded in reply, "Yumi, Yami's sister..."

Yami still leaned against the tree, she crossed her arms, her anger going away. She blushed at her actions, slightly mad at herself for getting that way.

Damion stared of admiration at Yami. "You still are the most beautiful being I have ever laid my eyes on." He folded his wings. "I guess you're right. You are too good for me." He turned around and leaned over to grab his trench coat.

Takashi smiled. "Well i figured that since you look identical. And Damion has said many times about twin oracles."

Yumi thought for a second, 'You said he was in love?"

Yami blushed at what Damion said, "Thanks.." she whispered and heard what Yumi said, "In love..? With who..?" Her eyes widened in shock.

Damion ignored what the others were talking about. He was always seen as a player and one who just wanted to have fun. He didn't want to realize that he wanted to be tied down. He didn't want to believe that what he felt was love.

" love." Takashi looked at Yami. "With you." He looked over at Damion feeling sorry for him.

Yami blushed, looknig down at the ground. She glanced at Damion, walking around him so she could look him inthe eye, "Is it true?"

Yumi watched them carefully, wondering what was going to happen. Just becasue she was an oracle doesn't mean that she saw evrything.

Damion looked at her. "Uhh of-of course not!" for the first time in years, Damion actually blushed. "Why would you all think that?" He could turn his eyes away from Yami and his muscles seemed to relax causing his coat fall back to the ground.

"Yami pointed to Yumi, "I'm thinking it becasue she's thinking it..."

Yumi pointed to Takashi as the one to blame.

Takashi looked around. "What the hell? Why me?" He thought for a moment. "....Oh..." He looked and Damion frowned. "Stop denying it Master. You know it's true you are just afraid to believe it."

Damion frowned. "Yea...i guess you're right." He looked at Yami. "I'm sorry."

Yami blushed, "What's there to be sorry about?"

Yumi smirked at Takashi's reaction and laughed.

"Because it's...not like me." Damion frowned.

"DAMN RIGHT IT'S NOT LIKE YOU!" A man jumped from a tree and approaced Damion.

"Who are you?" Takashi asked this new man.

Yumi frowned, not liking this new man already.

Yami glanced at the new person and looked back to Damion, wondering what was going on with him.

Luna glanced at the new man, "I ask the same thing..."

Damion looked at this new man. "T-t-Tonani???" His eyes were wide. "Damnit. Why are you here?"

"I've come to finally settle this you fucking dickwad!" This new man named Tonani said with aggrivating passion.

Luna stepped up to Tonani, pushing him lightly on the chest, "Settle what exactly?"

Damion stepped away from Yami. "Please Luna. Don't get involved." He lightly pushed Luna away. His eyes locked on Tonani with a vicious appearance. "He's my brother."

Tonani smirked in an evil way. "Bout time you acknowledge it."

Takashi looked at Damion and Tonani with a confused look.

Yumi walked over to her sister and dragged Yami over to Luna. "He's right, they are brothers and it is not our fight..."

"So then we will not get involoved," the twins chorused.

Luna growled lightly, "fine then.."

Tonani growled and showed his feirce fangs. "Damn half blood thinking you can do as you wish huh?"

Damion growled when he heard 'half-blood'. He looked at the twins, Luna, and Takashi. "I'm sorry." He wispered to them. He sprouted his wings and wrapped them around himself waiting a few moments. He unfolded them again and looked entirely different. His fangs were longer than Tonani's and obviously very sharp. His hands now had long vicious claws. His eyes were a ferocious red. He had the look of murderous intent on his face. "You wont escape now, Tonani." His voice deeper than it was before and had a furious accent.

Takashi's eyes widened when he saw the transformation of his master. "D-D-Damion?" He backed up with his eyes wide. He looked as though he would cry.

Luna's eyes widened, her mouth open in shock for a moment before her temper snapped, "I'll show you half breed you damn -oof!"

Yami stepped forward and grabbed Luna, and pinned her to the tree, "Stay calm Luna! Let Damion take care of this!"

Yumi nodded, "He obviously wants us to stay out for a reason..."

Damion, within a flash, appeared behind Tonani. Damion grabbed Tonani's neck wrapping his hand entirely around Tonani's throat.

Tonani smirked. "You may have gotten faster...but i have growned stronger." Tonani sprouted his wings and pushed Damion away. He grew short claws for fingers. "I'll finally rid of you!"

Yami turned around, "Rid?! I don't think so!" Yami ran over to Damion, kneeling by his side.

Damion looked up at Yami. "Please don't. You'll get hurt." He tried to retain from getting angry. His demon side was always something else from his normal self.

Tonani flapped his wings and hovered in the air looking down at Damion and Yami. "Fools. I will always be better."

Yami glared up at Tonani, "Like I care what you think! You're no better than anyone else..."

Luna formed a fireball in both of her hands, "How about...Yami steps away and the 'half breed' finishs with the demon there..." Luna smiled teasingly.

"VAMPIRE!" Tonani correctively yelled. "The immature one there is the demon."

Damion got up and growled. He coudn't hold the anger in any longer so he flew into the air tackling Tonani and ripping his skin and wings to shreads with his long claws and sharp fangs. Blood was going everywhere and he was ignoring those around him.

Yami gasped loudly and reached out to pull Damion off of Tonani.

Tonani struggled.

Damion fell off from Tonani after Yami pulled them apart. He growled and looked at Yami with blood dripping from his lips and fangs. His claws clenched. He looked deep into Yami's eyes and started to relax.

Yami reached up and wiped off some of the blood from his mouth, "You okay?"

Luna walked over and helped lift Tonani up, she gave him a small smile, teasingly as if to mess with his head.

Damion nodded. He didn't want to talk because he was afraid of becoming enraged and attacking Yami.

Tonani got up and pushed Luna away. "AWAY HALF BLOOD!" He yelled and stared down Damion. His body was torn and his wings were now unusable.

Luna smirked, and opened her hand, causing wind to hit Tonani hard and knock him to the ground, " bad.."

Yami smiled gently, and hugged Damion, hoping to help calm him.

Damion felt suprised when Yami hugged him. His body immediately relaxed and his wings folded. His claws slowly started to go away but in an istant his wings wrapped around him and Yami to hug her closer to him. He was afraid of grabbing her with his hands since they were still sharp and deadly. He used his wings to hug her in return.

Tonani growled viciously.

"Well..I would offer to help you up..but you're such an arrogant bastard..I don't think I will," Luna laughed lightly, her red eyes shining.

Yami smiled lightly at Damion's response and hugged him tighter, but not tight enough to squeeze him.

Yumi looked to Takashi, "Are you arlight?"

Takashi looked at Yumi and nodded. "Yes. I guess i will be." He looked back at Damion. "I've never seen him like this."

"Nor her..." Yumi mused.

Yami pulled back to look at Damion, "Better?"

Luna was still laughing at Tonani.

"I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR HELP!" Tonani snapped as he jumped up punching Luna in the face.

Damion smiled. The blood on his fangs was still there and his eyes had changed to a dark blue. "I...I need blood." He realsed the wings from around them and looked at Tonani.

Luna smirked, tilting her head away from his fist. She nailed him in the gut, "Never said you did..demon..."

"Okay...Have some of mine.." Yami said, releasing him as well.

"no!" Damion said sternly. He looked back at Tonani. "All i need is his." He said releasing his claws once again.

Tonani coughed up blood. "YOU...LITTLE...BRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Alright," Yami shrugged, trying to stay out of the way.

Luna laughed, "That's all you got?!"

Tonani tried to stretch out his torn up wings.

Damion watched Tonani as he was preoccupied. He smirked. "I must do it quick. Tonani tends to heal quick." He growled and attacked Tonani once again like before.

Takashi jumped when he saw Tonani attacked by Damion again.

Damion flew into the air carrying the weakened Tonani so nobody else could interfere.

Luna smiled and walked back over to Yumi and Takashi.

Yami stood there for a moment and then joined the group.

Tonani fainted from the sudden impact from Damion.

Damion sucked the blood from Tonani's neck slowly. When he finished he dropped Tonani's unconsious body to the ground and flapped his large wings to relax himself. The blood dripped from his mouth and hands.

"Better?" Yami asked again, smiling this time.

Damion nodded then landed swiftly on the ground. He smiled at her.

Takashi looked at Tonani then at Damion. "M-m-master?"

Damion looked at Takashi. "Lesson number 1...always be prepared."

"That's true," Yumi smiled.

Luna looked over at Tonani and walked over to see if he was alright.

Yami smiled back at Damion widely, blushing, though not knowing why she was.

Damion walked over to Yami and kissed her cheek leaving blood smeared on her. "Oops." He said before licking her cheek to get it off of her.

Yami blushed even more, muttering, "It's alright.."

Damion licked the rest of the blood off of his lips then kissed her cheek again, just this time much closer to her lips.

Yami turned her head and kissed him full on the lips instead, smirking.

Damion's eyes widened when she kissed him.

Takashi laughed when he saw the two kiss. "Told ya..." He said to Yumi.

Yumi nodded back, smiling.

Yami pulled back, "You were taking too long.."

Damion laughed. He nudged her gently with his elbow. "How bout we find somewhere private."

"Oh no....." Takashi laughed again.

Yumi smiled at her sister and Damion.

Yami smirked, "You're going to have to earn that..."

"Aw...That's mean." Damion sighed.

"Well at least we know he is feeling normal." Takashi laughed.

"Yeah, how about you dragon?" Yumi teased, she stood there for a moment, realizing what she did and blushed.

Yami smiled and kissed Damion again, "Better? Or am I still mean?"

"What about me?" Takashi looked at Yumi. "And the name is Takashi..."

Damion tried not to smile. "'re still mean."

"Aww..what can I do so that I'm not mean?" Yami stepped closer to him, teasing.

Yumi was still blushing but tried to hide it, "Uh-was just asking if you were alright after all that..and I know your name..Takashi.."

Damion licked his lips and smirked. "Aww well i have quite an idea."

Takashi laughed. "Well yes...YUMI, I am fine."

Yumi stuck her tounge out at Takashi, and sat down against a tree.

Yami smirked, "And what might that be..? Hmm?"

Damion grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. "Well it means we should be alone." He nudged his head towards his little cottage.

"I said you'd have to earn that, so slow you're roll cowboy, I never said it doesn't happen in the future," Yami alughed, blushing.

Damion laughed. "Well that is why you are mean."

"I think I might just take back that vision," Yami stuck her tounge at him.

"Awww Come on." Damion begged as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Yami blushed, muttered, "..Fine.."

Damion smirked. "Goodie."

"Master....can we finish training?" Takashi asked from near by Yumi.

Damion turned his head. "Yes yes alright. Get into form."

Takashi nodded and ran towards the water. As he did so his body immediately transformed into a large elegant golden yellow dragon.

Yami's eyes widened, "Wow, beautiful..." She smiled.

Yumi watched and stood up and instead leaned against the tree to get a better view.

"Takashi is indeed a beautiful creature when he wishes to be." Damion joked. He approached the water and looked down at the golden shimmer illuminating off it. The glow light up his face and the sakura trees around them.

Takashi poked his large golden orange head out of the water and gazed at Damion waiting for a command.

Damion made a swift movement of his hand and arm which sent Takashi to swim deep under the water but the glow seemed to remain.

Yumi nodded her head in agreement even though Damion was joking.

Yami walked over and sat at the water's edge, looking up at the sky.

Damion reached into his pocket and took out an apple. He threw the apple into the air and as it reached high above the lake water surface, Takashi jumped out with perfect technique catching the apple in his mouth. He slammed back into the water splashing everyone around him.

Yami laughed, taking off her jacket and clapped for Takashi.

Yumi clapped lightly as well but was out of the spalshing zone.

Damion tossed both of the twins an apple. "Try it. Test his ability. He is my artist..." He seemed proud of it.

Takashi poked his head back at the surface. He looked at Damion who made a hand motion again making Takashi dive back under.

Yami and Yumi took the apples and tossed them at the same time over the lake.

"My name's Aedin, and I guess you could call me a seer, basically like an oracle, but I see the past and future. I manipulate time as well..."

Celeste stood her ground, "You still haven't answered my other question..."

"Hrm...I don't know." Aedin muttered with a shrug. "I guess being blind all my life, I never really noticed the difference between mythical beings and humans, unless I was fighting them, because it never came up. Plus, I'm mistaken for a human all the time..."

"Well aren't you a blunt one?" Celeste smiled and pulled her hair out of it's updo.

"I don't see a reason not to be blunt. It doesn't do any good to 'beat around the bush' as you humans say."

"As most humans say, I don't see the point in using those sayings..." Celeste leaned against a tree.

"Well none the less, most things like that are stereotypical anyway, and basically useless in the real world." Aedin shrugged, brushing his violet bangs behind his ears as he turned to leave. "Well I suppose it's been nice talking to you, maybe you'll be lucky enough to come across me without a fight one day. Until then..."

Takashi jumped out of the water and did a double front flip catching both apples in his mouth. He side slapped back into the water splashing a wider range.

Aubrey was walking through the forest his hand strongly grasping the hilt of his sword. He heard laughs, splashes, and talking near him so he jumped into a tree hiding very well quite a distance from the group. He finally found the lake...and the one he was looking for.

Celeste saw Aubrey and ran after him, she grasped him by the shoulder and pulled him to her. "What do you think you are doing?" she whispered lightly, frowning.

Yami clapped, laughing, while Yumi clapped lightly, and frowned.

"I'm going to kill him is what I'm doing..." Aubrey said in a whisper.

Takashi poked his head out the water.

"Very good. Now get out and dry off. Don't transform.." Damion commanded.

Aubrey heard Damion's voice and looked to him. "Found that fucker. And i WILL kill him..." He told himself in a quiet voice.

Yami looked to her sister, "What is it?"

"The same you're thinking," Yumi answered.

"Celeste is here with someone..." Yami answered back.

Damion looked at them curiously. "Huh?"

Takashi jumped out of the water and shook off the water drenching those surrounding him.

"Why is she here?" yami questioned.

"Like I know, sis," Yumi answered, and looked to takashi and damion

Damion growled when Takashi soaked him. "Fucking dragon.." He mumbled then walked over to the twins. "What is going on??"

"Celeste is here is all.." Yami answered, laughing lightly at the fact he was soaked.

"You said she is here with somebody....anything we should be concerned about?" Damion asked clenching his fist.

Takashi took a step closer which in his normal form would be more like 10 steps.

"I don't believe so..."Yumi answered.

Damion sniffed and looked around. He smelled Aubrey and Celeste. "Hmmm...." He sniffed towards them again. "Two humans; female and male. Pose no danger.."

Takashi looked around. He couldn't seem to sense them.

"Whatever you say," Yami answered, walking back over to the lake.

Yumi slid back down against the tree, closing her eyes.

Celeste smirked, "We're not a threat huh?"

Aubrey clenched his sword tightly. He was ready to attack but knew he needed the right chance to get the one he wanted. "That damn dragon is in the way."

Damion stood with Takashi petting his head lightly. "Let's go for a ride." He told Takashi then jumped up onto the large dragon.

Takashi waited for Damion to get on. He stood up tall when Damion was on. He nodded and flapped his wings then looked at the twins.

Yumi had her eyes closed, but stayed still, she prefered to saty in the shade.

Yami heard Takashi flap his wings and she winced, shaking her head. I hate heights! she thought.

Takashi flew into the air with Damion on his back. Damion looked down. "OI! GIRLS! WANT TO GIVE IT A TRY?"

"Fuck..." Aubrey mumbled. "Now i can't get to him..."

Celeste chuckled and sat down on the branch fully this time. "Patience is the second lesson.."

Yumi opened her eyes and watched Takashi and Damion, not really giving too much of an interest.

Yami winced again, "NO THANK YOU!"

Aubrey growled and sat down.

Damion patted Takashi back telling him to land who immediately did.

"Didn't mean you had to come down," Yami chuckled.

Damion hopped off of Takashi. "Enough practice for today for him."

'Ah, alright then," Yami stood up and walked over to Damion.

Damion looked at Yami and smiled.

Takashi heard Damion and knew it was time to change back. He stepped away from the group for a quick moment for him to transform back into his human form.

Yumi opened her eyes, wondering exactly how he did that,

Yami smiled back and stepped closer, teasingly.

Damion smirked naughtily. "Well well..."

"What what?" Yami giggled, this time standing where she was and held her hands together at her waist. She smiled up at Damion innocently.

Damion smirked, picked her up with an arm behind her neck and an arm behind her knees. He started walking her to an area away from others.

Yami yepled as Damion picked her up, and her arms flew around his neck. "Where are we going?" Yami looked up at him, and saw the smirk. Then she wondered what he was up to.

Yumi blinked and then laughed ouright at her sister's reaction.

Damion hadn't said a word just carried her away.

Takashi laughed. "Uh. Damion is missbehaving again."

"She can handle him," Yumi laughed along with him.

Yami sighed, and just let him carry her away.

Damion laughed and took her to a cottage with sakura trees surrounding it.

Yami raised an eyebrow, "This place huh? Ah you're keeping me on my promise.." She grinned.

"Well i do believe i earned it..." Damion laughed.

"Oh, how so?" Yami laughed.

"Not really sure...but i think i did anyways."

"You're right, you earned it," Yami grinned, "Not really sure why you did, but you did."

Damion laughed. He was always such a pervert yet so mature. Takashi sighed as he watched the two walk off then looked at Yumi, the other twin. "So...what to do now..."

Yami smiled as Yumi smiled, they always did things at the same time, unintentionly of course.

Yumi stood up and walked over to Takashi, "What do you wish to do?"

Takashi sighed. "I'm not really sure..." He thought for a moment then looked at her. "How about a ride?"

Yumi paused, slightly afraid of the idea of leaving the ground, but nodded her head eagerly. SHe wanted to at least try because she knew you had to face your fears and Takashi was actaully pretty cute for her taste.

Yami rolled her eyes, "Well I did promise...but.." She paused unsure at how to exactly say it, "but..what happens after this?" She glanced up at him, blushing slightly, "Do we go back to the way it was before..or...?"

Takashi transformed and layed out her tail for her to climb up onto his back.

Damion stopped and thought for a moment. "I-I don't know."

"well honestly...I want to see you again..." Yami looked down at her lap, wondering what he would say to that.

Yumi smiled warmly and hopped up onto his back and loosely held onto his neck.

Damion smiled. He held her chin. "And we will. You can live here. Right here with me."

Takashi ruffled his scales gently. He ran a little and took off into the air. He flapped his wings and soared elegantly above the ground about 50 feet up.

"My sister and I--well we're wander-," Yami thought for a moment, "I will, and I think Yumi will be fine on her own, she always has." She smiled widely and hugged Damion, then pulled back smiling devishly, "But first I have a promise to keep." She kissed him gently.

Yumi 'epped' lightly and held onto Takashi tighter than before. She glanced at teh ground and tightly shut her eyes. She held her breath for a moment and then cracked open one eye, and saw the clouds. She opened her eyes and smiled widely.

Takashi soared right through a cloud feeling its softness.

Damion smirked. He picked her up and carried her into his bedroom.

"Hey! I can walk you know!" Yami laughed loudly, smiling all the time.

Yumi laughed softly and now loosely holding onto his neck and reache dup one hand, touching the cloud.

The large water dragon smiled. He loved the feeling of a new person on his back, especially now that it's a woman.

Damion smiled and dropped her onto the large bed. "Yea i know." He climbed ontop of her with a wide smile.

"Ow my back," Yami said in mock anger, crossing her arms, trying to be 'scary'.

Yumi laughed, "This is actually fun!" She shouted over the wind for Takashi to hear. She saw his msile, but didn't think much of at the moment, and instead tightly hugged his neck once more, grinning.

Damion sneered jokingly at Yami. He grabbed her legs and spred them apart.

Takashi went for a nose dive right towards the water.

Yumi screamed playfully, and giggled, holding on tight.

"HEY!" Yami voiced in protest, "You can't jsut do that!"

"Oh? And why can't I?" Damion asked playfully.

Takashi swooped down to the water and skimmed it. The reflection on the water glowed beautifully. It had a orange/red essence.

"Hey! I'll get wet you," Yumi laughed, and her hairtie had come out when he had done the nosedive, so her silver hair flowed behind from the wind.

"Because you didn't ask!" Yami stuck ehr tounge out at Damion. "That's why."

"Well may i?" Damion winked.

Takashi dipped his own head into the water and soared up then to the land gently landing onto a grassy field surrounded by trees. He layed down his tail for her to climb off.

"Only if you lay down with me," Yami winked.

Yumi climbed off Takashi by pushing her self back toward his tail and then hopping off. She smiled at his dragon form, walking over by his head.

Damion raised an eyebrow realizing that Yami probably had no idea what he was planning to do. He chuckled lightly. "Hmmmm...."

Takashi flew into the air by about a feet feet and shook. A cloud of smoke formed and on the ground sat Takashi in human form. He chuckled. "So? Did you have fun?"

Yami laughed, "I meant come here.." She leaned up and gently kissed him.

Yumi nodded, "Yeah I did..I hate hiehgts, but it was still very fun!"

Takashi stood up with his chin up. "I make heights fun." He pointed his thumb at his chest as he said 'I'.

Damion laughed and pulled her pants down shaking his head.

"No?!" Yami laughed, playfully batting his hands.

"I still don't like heights though," Yumi chuckled at Takashi. She sat down on the feild.

Damion chuckled. "My lips will be a bit......preoccupied." He chuckled again.

Takashi walked over to Yumi.

Yumi looked up at Takashi and fell back. She laughed loudly. "You know, I haven't this for a long time..."

Yami's eyebrows raised for a moment, finally compleltely understanding what he was planning, "Oh?!"

"Oh?" Takashi said. He looked around then kneeled down infront of her and smiled. "I can make you feel even more free." He gave her a quick wink.

Yumi sat up slightly to face him and leaned in close, "Oh yeah? Well I'm not exactly my sister here," She smiled teasingly and tackled him

Takashi chuckled as he was tackled. "So you're not willing to be.......set free?" He laughed lightly. "Ever had sex with a dragon? Ever had sex while.....flying?"

Yumi blushed and got up, "I'm a virgin," she muttered. Then she turned on him, "And I plan to keep it that way for a while." She crossed her arms, sighing heavily, but the blush was painted heavily on her face.

Takashi chuckled and slid his thumb on her cheeks to rub off that blush. "No need to blush around me." He kissed her cheek just where he had brushed her at.

Yumi blushed lighter than before, "It's not a fac that I speak of often...not that it comes up." She added the last part quickly, embarrassed.

Takashi looked into Yumi's eyes deeply feeling an urge to lean in and kiss her but he didn't want anything to be too sudden. "May I kiss you?" he asked quietly and in a total different tone from earlier.

In responce, Yumi leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Well since, I kissed you Takashi, yes..." She smiled.

Takashi leaned down and kissed her back. He placed one of his hands behind her head and ran it through her hair.

Yumi purred at the sensation, and smiled into the kiss. Her own hands wound around his neck, pulling him down further, though she went up on tip-toe to help with ther hieght difference.

Takashi kissed her slightly harder. He loved this feeling.

Yumi swiped her tounge across his bottom lip, purring lightly at the feeling.

Damion smiled and licked her stomach lightly.

Yami squirmed lightly, letting a breathy laugh.

Damion laughed again and slid down her pants licking lower and lower.

Yami gripped his hair, "Damion...not now, we have time for that later," she flashed a dazziling smile.

Damion sighed. "Why?"

"Because we have time later, but now is time we have to make up," Yami smirked, and sat up.

Damion sighed and sat up. He raised his right eyebrow. "Make up for what?"

Back To---------Mythical Land of Mystery
Deeper into-----Mythical Land Forest

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2008-04-26 [Kiss My Sass]: sorry I've been MIA and all ut I've been going through some stuff and now I'm back though XD

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