Page name: Mythical Land Outside [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-27 00:16:00
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Outside is where the normal people live who normal shun those from the forest. The forest is seen by humans as a circus attraction

Aubrey sat on a bench near the forest line as he stared down at his sword. "I'll get him....I swear i will." He mumbled to himself. His face seemed to remain normal but it was obvious that anger was brewing just by the look in his eyes.

Yumi sat at the forest line, watching Aubrey, though ready to run back into the forest. SHe had a curiousity about humans, almost being one herself, but the fact that she could see the future, but was hesitant to trust any of them.

Blake was sitting five feet away thinking about his grandfather,his mother,and other things.

Artemis heard someone speaking outside of his house so he went out and found Aubrey sitting on a bench. He asked, "What the hell are you mumbling about now Aub?"

Blake heard Artemis and looked over,he sighed and layed back and looked up at the clouds.

Aubrey looked up at Artemis from his sword. "Oh. Hey Artemis." He looked back down at the sword and slowly slid it back into its leather case that he slung across his back. He looked back up to Artemis. "How you been?" He asked in a very quit toned voice.

Blake looked at a cloud,that looked like a fairy,he had always been curious about fairies.

Celeste walked out of the forest, holding her dagger in her hand, muttering under her breath something about 'Damn mythicals..." She stopped short when she saw the group, wondering who they were.

Aubrey saw Celeste walk out of the Mythical forest. "Mythical?" He wondered.

"Try human..."Celeste repied, walking over to the group, adressing Aubrey.

"Did you kill any?" Aubrey asked looked at the dagger.

"If I have to..." Celeste too looked at the dagger. "I'm a bounty hunter," she explained.

"So you've been around there right? What's it like in there?"

'A forest..." Celeste answered and sat down, her legs tired and giving up on her.

"Well NO SHIT..." Aubrey answered cockily. "But what about the lake? How many live from it now?"

"How should I know?" Celeste shot back, "I only go in there to get a few bounties once and a while.."

"Hmm. Then i will find out for myself." Aubrey stood up looking determined.

"Do you have training?" Celeste snorted.

"I don't need any." Aubrey insisted.

Celeste laughed, "Have you ever captured a mythical before?"

"I'm after only one..." Aubrey stated. His determination grew. "I don't care about the others."

"I didn't ask that...I asked if you've ever captured a myth.." Celeste turned around to look up at him.

"Well considering im only after one and you see me going in there...then do you think i have??" Aubrey asked with a talk back attitude. He loved being a wise-ass, especially to women.

Celeste laughed loudly, falling back from her laughter, "I don't care what you're go ahead and get yourself killed, just have fun!" She teased.

"They are stupid Myths! They can't do ANYTHING and they wont hurt me!" Aubrey tried to persuade.

"Luna, half-demon, controls wind and fire. Yami and Yumi, twin oracls, can tell what you are doing and what you plan on doing, those are only a few, ther rest could skin you alive if you don't know how to handle 'em," Celeste laughed and stood up this time.

Aubrey smirked. "I'm after a vampire-demon, goes by the name of Damion."

"Ah yes, Damion..godd luck finding him," Celeste smiled.

Aubrey smirked. "And why is that? Is he really that tough?"

"All myths are tougher than they seem," Celeste smirked, "lesson one.."

Lucy walks around for her sister, Bella.

"Hmmm." Aubrey stood. He grabbed the hilt of his sword and started walking towards the forest.

Blake stood up and walked over to Celeste,"What can you tell me about fairies?"

"Uh..faries aren't really my forte..sorry," Celeste stood up and followed Aubrey.

Blake sighed disappointed,Maybe if I go into the forest,I'll see one. he thought to himself as he quickly followed after Celeste,he wanted to see and talk to a fairy.

Aubrey had wondered bravely into the Forest.

BACK TO-----Mythical Land of Mystery

IN TO---Mythical Land Forest

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