Happy Holidays to everyone of my readers! Isn't Vincent pretty? -swoons-
Well here you go! Another comic! Vincent and Eve. Having a heart-felt conversation. Except, you know, Vincent would like to go to sleep. Wouldn't you?
W00t! Another! And THIS time with VOICE BUBBLES! Although...I must say...I don't really like it much...maybe I'll go back to writing it...-shrugs-
Pink is Eve, blue is Vincent. Get it and love it. POOF! 0.0!
Here's another one! And I've got another one that I need to ink. And then a third one that I need to finish. I'M CRANKING THEM OUT! LOL. ALL FOR YOU!
And here you go! I've got a second one that I just need to finish inking the letters for, and following that one I need to finish drawing then inking the third one! =D
Wait, wait, I've got another one! ^_^
This will go down as one of my favorite comics ever...he he he...I just love the way Vincent and Meg are staring in awe and horror. Just makes you wonder how aggrivated you can make Abby...Oh, and that IS blood on Vincent's knee. It's Pan's blood. So is the blood flying underneath the glasses...-sniggers-
LOOK! AN UPDATE! And it's not inked and on Pink paper due to the fact that you just don't quit badgering. Geeze! Lol. Plus, that's all I had available last night at...3 AM I think it was? I don't quite remember...So there. One of my scripts drawn out for you. Now I have another script to draw out (that continues the story =d)
And a nice little comic to celebrate the holiday! =D YAY!