Page name: Nami the Nymphet [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-11 05:57:35
Last author: wicked fae mage
Owner: wicked fae mage
# of watchers: 4
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"Do you need anything?" Nami asked.

"I'm good," Nagi blushed as he settled into Nami's bed. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep next to the wall?"

"Nope, I hate sleeping there, in fact," Nami replied as she joined him on the bed.

"Are your parents iffy because I'm a boy?" he wondered as he settled onto his back.

"Nah," Nami said as she snuggled against him. "Are you uncomfortable with me cuddling? I am a cuddler..."

Nagi smiled, "You were cuddled up to me the first day we met, I think I'm alright with it."

"Okay," she blushed.

"You..." Nagi stammered, "You're a vampire fan?"

"Very much so!" Nami said excitedly, "Gothic stuff, dark stuff and general awesome fantasy."

"You're not the typical pretty girl, are you?" Nagi asked as he gingerly slipped his arm around her.

Nami snuggled closer to him, "I'm just me." She sighed, "You're not a mean jock that is stupid and only gets by on scholarships, are you?"

"Not as far as I know," Nagi replied as his cheeks reddened. "I...I...I like to actually be a person, not a stereotype."

"Good," Nami said before kissing his cheek gently. "I won't feel bad about befriending you, then."

Nagi blushed as he roused to Nami still cuddled up to him as she was. "Nami?"

"Hmm?" she asked subconsciously as her fingers continued caressing his bared flesh.

"W-what are you doing?" Nagi asked sheepishly as Nami leaned up and kissed his lips. "N-Nami?" he moaned. Nami continued not replying to him and only making sensual advances. "Nami...we've known each other for three years, but come on..." he pleaded, "Nami..." he moaned as he started giving in to her. "Gah...stop it...okay...keep going..." he said as Nami's fingers slipped from on his inner thigh and now down his abdomen.

Nagi sprung awake, breathing heavily, panting instead of breathing. "What is it?" Nami asked weakly as she rubbed her eyes.

Nagi blushed when her fingers caressed his cheek. He wiped the accumulated sweat from his forehead and cheeks, shivering a little. "A...just a dream..."

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked softly as her fingers lightly tickled his abdomen.

"N-no..." Nagi stammered.

"Was it a nightmare?"

Nagi shrugged, "More of a weird dream that will never happen, you know..."

"I've had a few of them in my day," Nami admitted.

"How awake are you?" Nagi asked nervously.

"Just enough to reply," Nami said calmly.

"Oh..." Nagi sighed, "Sorry for waking you up." Nami pressed her lips to his before falling back nearly on top of him in a cuddle.

"It's okay, handsome," Nami said dreamily.

"H-handsome....?" Nagi swallowed hard as Nami cuddled even closer against him with her fingers still caressing his bare flesh. "I...I...I can get used to this..." he admitted, mostly to himself. "Except minor details..." he glared downward as he let his hands slip.

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2009-12-13 [wicked fae mage]: I mean, can you infer?

2009-12-13 [Ravendust]: what do you mean?

2009-12-13 [wicked fae mage]: Nagi's actions....

2009-12-13 [Ravendust]: xD, well I knew what your intentions were so I got it right away, I would suggest having somebody who doesn't know read it and then ask them xD

2009-12-13 [wicked fae mage]: Lol, I'll have Matt or somebody read it xD

But what all do you think his actions include?

2009-12-13 [Ravendust]: *shrugs* Dunno xD

2009-12-13 [wicked fae mage]: Is that your way of not stating awkward verbs?

2009-12-13 [Ravendust]: more or less *Nod* ^^;;

2009-12-13 [wicked fae mage]: *falls over laughing*
Let me see if somebody else can pick up on the subtle hint xD

2009-12-13 [Ravendust]: xD indeed

2009-12-13 [wicked fae mage]: MATT IS ONLINE!!!!!

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: umm WOW

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Yup, do you get the...subtle hints?

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: Oh yes. Loud and clear. XD

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Are you sure?

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: OH yes!!

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Lol xD What do you think of these?

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: i stand by what i said, I AM THE NUMBER ONE FAN!!

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Lol so far you are. You can fight with mortal kombat to the death for the title when you have a challenger

2010-01-29 [Fearathress]: Oh and i shall!!! *Nod somlemly*

2010-01-29 [wicked fae mage]: Lol

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