Page name: Nanao [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-12 03:38:44
Last author: Dezmond
Owner: Dezmond
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
D20: 9
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Screen Name: [Dezmond]
Character name: Nanao Suzuki
Race: Phoenix
Age: ageless, (looks to be in early twenties)
Sex/Gender: male
D.O.B: March 19th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Alignment: neutral
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 115lbs
Skin/Scales/Body Fur color: Pale white, almost translucent
Hair color/length/ type: His hair is firey red, and pulled back and braided. It falls to his waist, and his bangs lay just past his nose.
Eyes: reddish brown
Home: Nagasaki, Japan
Family: none
Tattoo(s): a tribal marking in the small of his back. When he's in danger, or in an extremely emotional state, the markings spread over his body, increasing his abilities tremendously.
Wings: one set of golden down wings.
Power(s): Pyrokenesis
Weapon(s): Extremely skilled in hand to hand combat, he's also a master with small blades, though he carries none, he bends the flames he uses into whatever he needs.
History: Recently reborn, he has no memory of his past, he only remembers his name, and nothing more.
Other: none.

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