Name: Nervote Trosneck
Username: [
Code: N@
Gender: Male
Age: 79
Species: Wood Elf
Clothes: Tough leather royal jerkin made by the elven armourers and matching under-hose. He wears hardened leather boots to protect him from the woodlands he normally travels through. He aslo wears a green hooded travelling cloak, this is incredibley worn and colour at the bottum of it is fad and brown. Sheaths on his brown leather belt and contain his twin short swords. He has a quiver on his back, which holds his arrows, and is held by a strap across his chest. The quiver also contains a sleeve on it where his bow is stored when it is not in use.
Occupation: Fighter, Scout, Ranger
Physical Description:
Eyes: Thin, long seeing and green
Skin: Pale white, has not been affected by the sun due to the trees of the forrests.
Hair: Long brown hair, not tied back however is smooth and is straight.
Height: 6'' 2'
Build: Skinny compared too most, however is taller than most of the other group.
Other: Good looking.
Mental Description: He is a quick thinker and has a fair amount of brains, although his need to help everyone sometimes over powers him. He is has a sharp mind and is good at working out things such as puzzles. Sometimes his rationality overpowers his brain and he would rather fight than think calmly like normal.
History: An wood elf ranger/ fighter/ scout from the homeland of the wood elves: Forrests. His past is unknown by most and he only shares it to them who are close too him or that he trusts will not betray him. He shares slight bits of information with his friends, but not too much at once.
So far Nervote has released the following information ....
He is the nephew of a great elven king in the palace in the forrests.
His sister is
Home: The Wood Elf Homeland of Forrests
Hobbies: Training, reading, thinking and relaxing.
Health: Normal
Is hard skinned which means he does not get injured in forrests or other such woodlands, this also allows him to take more blows thna others. Wooden weapons do not affect him much due to growing up in the forests and always being scratched etc. by it.
• Twin short swords, which where hand crafted by him.
• Elven Long Bow, which was given to him by the king of his homeland, also his uncle.
• Quiver, with sleeve to hold bow
• 40 fine long elven arrows with eagles feathers as flights
• Short Sword Sheaths, richley made from leather
• Basic food supplies, does not eat to much due because of the long time he goes without food normally
He needs no money has he is a craftsman, hence he makes his own weapons, and he is also and extremely good hunter which means he is capable of getting his own food.

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