Page name: Never Ending Gates [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-11 23:24:57
Last author: Priest Kel
Owner: La Luna
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 Big black wrought iron gates greet you and welcome you back to the castle like if you had a choice.

Kiley appeared in front of the gates, a man had a hand on her shoulder. He was unusual, wearing a toga, winged sandals and a winged hat he told Kiley something quietly before disappearing again. "Thanks Uncle Hermes!" Kiley called as he left. She turned entering the gates and moving on to the Never ending Grounds not so happy about being back.

Blanche practically stormed through the gates, determined curiosity evident in her features as she began to inspect and scrutinize. This place was a hell hole and to be frank she wasn't walking on sunshine at the notion of spending another semester here. "Bunch of bullshit if you ask me," Blanche spoke to no one in particular. The girl entered the Never ending Grounds.

"This again?" Daniel cough lightly into his balled fist as he walked through the gates, his enthusiasm sorely lacking. Yet again the place looked about as inviting as a burning building, or perhaps a place known for being homed to cannibals and rapists. Though optimism wasn't on his mind he walked in the Never ending Grounds.

A largish but thin wolf paused at the main gates. He sniffed the area, howled once, and paced for a moment. Matt could pick up on the scents of the other students. He spent all summer here after they had gone home to their families. Out on his morning run, though, he had missed their arrival. Leaping the fence, he ran up to the Never ending Grounds.

A little bit after the wolf disappeared, a girl in a long skirt and tank top with copper skin approached the gates. She had a bag over her shoulder and a look on her face that said clearly how poorly her trip had gone. Tazi opened the gate and walked into Never ending Grounds, a scowl on her face.

Milo entered pushing open the gates and entering the Never Ending grounds, already knowing this year will be a dozy.

There was a loud crash and Melinda stalked out of the woods, Leafs in her hair and she looked a little worse for the wear. She was dragging her trunk and her broom. Her familiar Plato scampered after her. The orange cat blended in with the slowly changing leaves. She trudged her way to the gates, they opened with just a lavender flicker of her eyes. She didn't understand why she had go here, but she didn't have a choice. She stalked onto the Never Ending Grounds.

Walking up the gravel path, a relatively tall girl came upon the wrought iron gates, eying the structure up and down with minimal interest. Just another cage. Smoke plumed from the cigarette between her lips and the crunch of gravel was loud beneath her black combat boots. The dust that clung to the patent leather shoes suggested that she had walked for some distance, perhaps up the entire private drive without displaying any of the powers she was there to keep hidden. On her back was a rucksack, the only pocket open the one on the side where her pack of smokes were sitting. Akantha took the fag between two fingers and flicked the ash onto the ground as she pushed open the gates with her other arm, her black tank lifting to reveal a piece of skull jewelry shining in her belly-button. The chilled autumn weather had no affect on her wardrobe and she entered Never Ending Grounds with a natural swag in her step that her small denim shorts only served to enhance.

Amun Al-Massri had done his homework. This place was crawling with chicks. He could practically smell them as the yellow taxi opened the door and kicked him and his three bags out. Ah, the price of being rich and foreign was that, often, he was mistaken for being snooty. And he was. But not to taxi drivers. "See you," he said, winking shamelessly at the middle aged taxi driver that couldn't help but shift in his seat under the penetrating gaze of the young Egyptian boy in the backseat. Being an incubus tended to have that kind of affect on a person, and this being uptight, small town America, well, it was no wonder the taxi driver was upset at his own erection. Laughing evilly, Amun picked up his bags and walked smoothly into Never Ending Grounds.

Ashley Clarke had just hung up the phone when the taxi cab came to a halt outside the gates of the school. He could hear the extremely low drone of the thoughts of his classmates in the distance. They were not loud enough to make out any actual thoughts, just that they were there. He looked at his cab driver and focused. The man had a family, but they lived on the other side of the country, and he didn't pay child support. He focused a little harder and saw that it wasn't because the man couldn't pay, but wouldn't. He was too busy paying for his whores. Suddenly Ashley was sick to his stomach when he picked up an image of the very back seat he was sitting in being used for one of these late night forays. He took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked back to the cab driver who was smiling, and hoping that his sob story about having to try and feed two boys and a wife on his minimal salary was going to earn him an extra tip. He returned his glasses to his face. "Listen very carefully good sir. I thank you for the ride to this school, and I truly appreciate your generosity in not charging me at all. However," he said as the cab driver tried to interrupt, "I do so hope that you enjoy your next visit to Bambi and that your company never finds out that you are using their vehicle to house your immoral and illegal activities. Good day sir." He picked up his suitcase and bag and exited the cab, leaving the driver absolutely speechless. He smiled to himself as he made his way to the Never Ending Grounds.

  Leads to: Never Ending Grounds
  Back to ---> Never Ending Nightmare, Start Never Ending Nightmare,

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2010-12-03 [La Luna]: Haha nice entrance Flisky

2010-12-03 [Flisky]: I figured I might as well have them both on a bus and running late. ^_^

2010-12-03 [La Luna]: Hehe and cursing?

2010-12-03 [KnightAngel]: Yeah, nice entry I must say XD

2010-12-03 [Flisky]: Yeah, well, Tazi is a bit eccentric.

2010-12-03 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* well makes only stuff that more interesting I'd say XP

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