this is for
The Harry Potter Wiki
all people who makes new char. for my wiki need to have
RPG name:
Pet/Pet's name:
Backround Info:
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:
~Harry Potter~]
RPG name:Matty Confea
Wand:13"Holly and Phoenix
Pet/Pet's name:Owl/snowball
Backround Info:she is a sixth year from Australia and she is living near Harry (and other stuff will be added) her father is in Askaban (death eater) and is really good at defence aginsted the dark arts
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:Seeker
RPG name: Raven Mirokii Nariecha Aelita
House: Ravenclaw
Wand:11 and a half inches Ash and phoenix feather
Pet/Pet's name:(cat) Crimson
Backround Info:16 and in 7th year, she can use magic without a wand, but never shows it. She comes from a small town in England, high in the mountains. She is tall, 5' 7" to be exact. She hates the school clothes and always just wears a dark blue cloak and black pants and shirt. A chunky silver chain hangs around her waist.
(optional(only [~Harry Potter~] can pick the players for)Quiddich position:Seeker
Username:[Septimus Phoenix]
RPG name:Amaleh Arbetal (as known to by the rest of the school, though this is not her real name)
Wand:13 inches Birch and Dragon heartstring (though she truthfully doesn't need a wand)
Pet/Pet's name:(Feral Meerkat) Mopho
Backround Info:Hogwarts, and everone in it, believes Ams to be a 15 year old witch, an exchange student from Australia who came to Hogwarts in the previous year. Truefully, she is known as Carter, a demon who has come to hogwarts to identify a possible demon hunter after an unsuspecting undeveloped demon at the britsh wizarding school. Her assignment is to find the demon, stop the hunter, all without bringing attention to herself.
(optional(only [~Harry Potter~] can pick the players for)Quiddich position:want to be beater...

Username: [Mitsune]
RPG name: Arduine Faust
House: Slytherin
Wand: 9 inches made with Ebony and a single Unicorn hair, flexible and bendy, excellent for jinxes and hexes.
Pet/Pet's name: Isadori (owl)
Backround Info: Isn't exactly a full-blooded witch. She got into Slytherin because she was adopted by a wealthy Pure-bred family. Outgoing, at least within her own house. The rebel, gets in trouble, a lot. Although she's a very good witch. Good enough to rival Hermione Granger... that damn-blasted Gryffindor! Short dark blue hair...tied up in a ponytail or left down, bangs covering her blue eyes. Shortish... 5'2-ish.... She's got a tattoo of a Japanese Mon on her lower back. And a stud in the nose. Wears very long, chandelier type earrings. She wears a mutilated and cut up version of the school uniform, prefers her own style, thank-you!
RPG name: Cristina Carballo
RPG name:
Pet/Pet's name:
Backround Info:
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:
Username:[~Harry Potter~]
RPG name:Matty Confea
Wand:13"Holly and Phoenix
Pet/Pet's name:Owl/snowball
Backround Info:she is a sixth year from Australia and she is living near Harry (and other stuff will be added) her father is in Askaban (death eater) and is really good at defence aginsted the dark arts
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:Seeker
Wand:12inch swishy redwood with unicorn tears
Pet/Pet's name: black cat named Fiery
in uniform: wears guys pants (has no qualms with skirts, they just restrict too much movement due to their exposing nature) and hates to tuck in her shirt.
casual: typically wears baggy pants and a tight t-shirt
Backround Info: Long brown hair tied in one solitairy braid. violet eyes. Short. Lightly tanned. Has two older brothers who long since graduated. She's originally from Spain, fourth year, fifteen years old. Mixed blood. She's extremely intelligent but extremely casual. Likes to tease and is mischevous. Generally likes people and doesn't anger easily (happy go lucky. :P) but you don't want to get on her bad side... she can get VERY creative.
optional(only [~Harry Potter~]can pick the players for)Quiddich position: would like to try out for Beater
Username:[~Harry Potter~]
RPG name:Matty Confea
Wand:13"Holly and Phoenix
Pet/Pet's name:Owl/snowball
Backround Info:she is a sixth year from Australia and she is living near Harry (and other stuff will be added) her father is in Askaban (death eater) and is really good at defence aginsted the dark arts
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:Seeker
Username: [*elf-daughter*]
RPG name: Aria Muller
House: Gryffindor
Wand: 13 inches, holly, phoenix feather
Pet/Pet's name: Owl, Giyrha
Backround Info: Moved to London from America at 3 years old.
Quiddich position: Keeper
RPG name:Larain Woods
Wand:13"Holly and Phoenix
Pet/Pet's name:Owl, Gyri
Backround Info:She is a sixth year student. She was young when her parent died, she vowed that she would find the person whom did so. She know's much of Hogwarts, and some of the students. She loves to study, and keep up on her grades. She had wizard parents. She has blonde hair to the middle of her back, and green eyes. Her physical appearance is, blonde hair, green eyes, where's nice clothes most of the time.
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:
RPG name:Raven Foreswift
Wand:12"1/2 Ebony Phoenix feather
Pet/Pet's name:Luna
Backround Info:[~unknown~]
(optional(only i can pick the players for)Quiddich position:
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