Under the scorching desert sun, a young animal is seemingly dead in the shadow of a large boulder. Buzzards fly overhead and some even land on the rock itself and peer down at the creature. Upon further inspection, one can see that it is a young Himmel, roughly three. It has aqua-colored fur with organic, yellow patterns on it. Laying on it's side, the poor animal takes slow breaths. His eyes open partially from time to time but his vision is blurry. The poor creature hasn't had a drink in days and the heat was getting to him. If no one intervened, he would surely perish.
If it wasn't for the buzzards, the guardian of the desert would have never found him. Sniffing at his still form, Saithsarda, a fellow Himmel of thirteen stared in shock at him being here. "How... how did you get here...?" Frowning, Sai licked at his neck, then at his front legs so that he would cool down slightly in the afternoon heat. "You should know better then to be running around in the middle of the day Sai..." The Himmel muttered to herself.
The kit pulled his tongue in but his eyesight still stunted him. He didn't flinch at all when Sai started to lick him, not even able to tell that she was there. His chest rose and fell slowly as sand blew away from his nostrils.
"Alright... Better get you to some water." Saithsarda gently gripped his sides, ears back and lifted them both into the air. It took a little while, because she was trying to be gentle. Sai didn't know where he came from, or how he got so far being so young in the pavements, but she knew she had to save him.
"Hey, wake up cutie." Saithsarda spit some water at him. They were deep underground, right next to a fast paced rive.
The small himmel opened his eyes and lifted his head. Still disoriented, it took him a second to gather what was going on. Immediately upon seeing Sai, he jumped to his feet with cat-like reflexes and hissed at her. The hairs on his back flared up. He backed up and kept his little fangs out.
"Watch out, you don't want to fall into the river." Saithsarda was calm, not even offended and one ear went up, then the other to the side. "Do you speak?"
He didn't seem to react to her words. The himmel just growled until his foot hit the water's edge. Looking behind him, he spun around and savagely started drinking as much as he would. The kit kept an angry eye on Sai however, not trusting her in the slightest.
"You're gonna make yourself sick if you don't be careful," She warned, then when he didn't stop she growled and swiped at him with a paw. "I don't want you to puke in my cave."
Quenched, the young one jumped back from the swing. Not able to understand her language, he took it as a threatening move. The poor thing was terrified. He didn't know where he was or who this creature was, but he wasn't about to let his guard down. He gritted his teeth and yowled loudly at her to back off. Though his voice was high pitched and youthful...and not too intimidating.
"Heh." Sai laughed, keeping her pose completely neutral, maybe even playful. "I won't hurt you." Laying herself down, she continued to watch him with her deep amythyst eyes, calculating. "Hmm, you must be, at least three, definitly half grown." Her ears perked, "And definitly a male." Chuckling, Sai shook out her cheek fur.
Why wasn't she attacking? The himmel relaxed a little, seeing her posture. Still cautious, he kept his ground and extended his head towards her and sniffed at the air. He suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose with his front leg. The poor creature didn't know what to think anymore. She smelled...VERY familiar. Having not smelled his own kind before, the poor little male paced around Sai, keeping a safe distance away.
Her tail tapped against the smooth rock, but otherwise she remained mostly still, only her neck twisting around to watch him pace around her. Purring, Saithsarda cocked her head at him again.
Right now, the kit wanted her to attack. Everything else he encountered did. Since Sai just sat there, he didn't know what to think. Behind her now and a bit to the side, the himmel sat and just watched.
This is the polite thing to do, Saithsarda twisted her neck and pushed her nose under his jaw, taking in his scent from the source.
The kit froze up and yelped when she moved so quickly towards him. His tail curled under his legs, completely scared that she was going to tear out his throat. His legs started to shake uncontrollably
She repeated the phrase more firmly in her mind, while her nose was touching his throat. THIS is the POLITE thing to do. Saithsarda pulled back and sighed. "This is going to be tougher then I thought..."
The now timid himmel took a small step forward and arched his neck towards her face. Although he didn't know what she said, he read her movements. Maybe she wasn't going to eat him after all. With his neck extended, he sniffed at the air, scared to get too close.
Sai turned her head, watching him almost mimic her, "So, you are learning." She cheeped him and laid on her side, enjoying the temperature of the stone beneath her. She had no doubt that he wouldn't attack her, and therefore opening displayed her colorful stomach at him. "I will hunt for us, after I get in a nap."
The kit just stood there for a moment. He crept closer and carefully started to sniff at her from a closer proximity. Moving away from her chest, he tip toed around to her backside and spine, trying to figure out WHAT this creature was and why it didn't attack him.
Twisting her head again, Saithsarda lunged at her side, using her teeth to grab for a pesky bug and comb through her fur before she went and extended her neck towards the river. Near it racing rapids was a pool that was naturally carved into the stone, and it was this that she hovered her head over. Then, "C'mere." Saithsarda nodded with her head, then tilted it in a series of wobbles, trying to get him to come over.
The little himmel was hesitant, but understood her gesture. Still unable to trust her jaws, he was slow and cautious. He had stopped growling and was silent. The kit looked at her as if to say, 'What?'
She touched the reflection with her nose, causing a slight movement through the water, "Look, we are the same."
Unsure of what she was signaling, the himmel climbed up to the little raised pool. He peered down and looked at himself briefly, not understanding just yet that they looked alike.
Carefully, Saithsarda raised a paw and slowly slipped it into the pool, the ripples distorting the image until it froze again. "See? My paws, your paws, your face, MY face."
The himmel started to guess at what she was telling him. His eyes went from the pool to her face. The kit's large ears bowed back, unbelieving that this was another one like him. He just stared up at her with his large yellow eyes as if he had known her for all his life. From his closeness, she could smell his dirty fur and see how undertaken care of it was.
Saithsarda wrinkled her nose, "Poor baby, you stink. I do believe you need a bath." He should be old enough to know how to clean himself, but Sai went on the fact that he was just a youngling and was focusing on survival. "Not anymore-" She muttered to herself. Making sure he was watching, Sai dunked her face in the water, rubbing the water into the creases of her limbs, licking to get the water in deep.
The young one watched Sai and shook off the droplets that hit him. He didn't seem to know the concept of 'cleaning one's self'. Sitting on his rump, he itched savagely at his side before biting at his elbow. Finished, he resumed to observe.
"Hmm... I guess I need to get you a dust bath first." Shaking her fur out, the Himmel turned and trotted up the tunnel, through a complex cave system, but made sure he was following her.
Even though she was trotting, he had to practically run to keep up. Like a little lost duckling, he chased Sai, not wanting to lose her in these tunnels. For a while, he had forgotten they were in a desert. It was so nice and cool down here.
Quickly the air rose in temperature until finally in the last cave the air became very warm and stuffy. Once Saithsarda was out though, the breeze picked up and took away from the heat signifigantly. Waiting for the young kit, Sai shook herself again.
The little one slowly crept out, not liking the scorching hot sun on his back again. He had spent days in this heat and hated it. Running and standing in Sai's shadow, he whimpered up to her.
"Come on-" Saithsarda took off, hovering in the air while she waited for him to join her.
He recoiled and jumped back when she left his side. Already, he felt a bit lonely. Tucking his tears and tail down, he looked up at her and started to whine.
Saithsarda frowned, then let herself drop to the ground. "So, you don't know how to fly either. Geez Sai, just assume he knows everything." Shrugging, as much as a beast like her can shrug, Saithsarda turned and trotted for a shadowed area, so it would be cool enough to roll in.
He quickly ran after her, not wanting to lose the only 'friend' he has ever had, other then little woodland creatures occasionally. With his bright aqua fur, he stood out like a sore thumb in this place. It was a shock he wasn't eaten yet.
Sliding to a halt, Sai quickly shovelled out some sand, pointing to the thin dip in the flat landscape then to him, then back to the darkened spot. "Roll in."
Not completely getting it, he climbed down into the little hole and wrapped himself up in a circle. He looked like a chicken on a nest. He tilted his head and perked up an ear.
Grunting, Sai tossed some of the sand from the pile she made on him.
The little himmel tried to stand up it was hard to really see while sand was being dumped on him. He shook out his fur only to have sand tossed back onto it. In the cloud, Sai could hear him sneezing and trying to fight the dust. He growled, not enjoying this at all.
She laughed, as she had only tossed on one handfull, "You're a silly one." Waiting for the cloud to settle then made sure he was watching her. Saithsarda proceeded to flip onto her backside, twisting in the sand and dirt like a horse.
The himmel did the same, though not to mimic Sai, but more so to try and get the sand out of his eyes and nostrils. He tossed around like a rabid animal. It was quite hilarious. His little legs flew up in the air before he dug his head into the sand. He was so dramatic.
Putting a paw lightly on his neck, Saithsarda used her nose to dig him back out, licking his nose and eyes clear. The she proceeded to lick the rest of him, snapping her jaws on any escaping fleas or other pests.
He stopped flailing about when she started to clean him. It felt AMAZING. He started to lean into her licks more and more. The kit crawled out of the hole to get closer to her.
"If- I was- your mother- this is what she would- do." Saithsarda muttered, cleaning him further, but staying clear from his vent. No way would she clean that for him yet. "You have to learn to learn to do this yourself, y'know."
He still arched into her tongue, lifting his back has it ran down his spine. Even though his fur was getting clean, it was also spiking up in odd places. He sat down and purred lightly, fully enjoying this treatment.
"Alright, that's enough. I'm hungry." Sai said after another minute, shaking out her own fur and stretching, "Since you can't fly this might take a while, but you're a but scrawny and could use the excersise." Snake quick, she lunged forward against the rock, snapping her jaws down on a lizard. After snapping its neck, she tossed it at the little Himmel's feet. "That should sustain you while we walk."
Free bath AND a meal?! This was great! The himmel dove down and immediately ripped the little creature open without hesitation. He was fairly clumsy and not as quick as Sai so finding food on his own was always difficult.
Watching him, Sai patiently waited until he was done, then yawned loudly, "Let us go. Prey will be moving around about dusk, and that's when we will get there by how slow you walk." Going off at a fast walk, Saithsarda turned to the south.
Coughing on a few little bones, he turned to her and followed as if he was her own. Although he was small, he was fully hydrated and seemed to get some of his 'spunk' back. The kit stayed close and ran in her shadow.
Muttering a few hours later, "You better learn to fly soon, although I am proud of my form, walking around the desert is too time consuming." They had arrived at a place more sand then rock, with tuffs of course grass springing up and around. "Now stay quiet." She cocked back her ears and began to slink around, keeping her nose close to the ground.
He imitated her and crept behind her. He sniffed the air a little, curious as to what she was stalking. Catching a whiff of something, he went into a sloppy sprint, passing Sai and heading up and over a hill of sand to see what was on the other side and what he smelled.
"Hey..!" Sai hissed heavily, "You want to risk us going hungry?!" She snatched his tail and pulled him back, praying that he wouldn't vocallize a yelp or surprise.
He whimpered a bit as he was pulled back. He fell back on his butt and looked up at her curiously. What was she waiting for? He got to his feet again and waited for her now.
Flicking an ear back at him, she showed her teeth, hoping he could see her displeasure. "Shhhh..." Saithsarda muttered, just moving her head, with both ears thrown back over the ridge. There! In the small valley the dunes created lay some thicker patches of grass, was a large male camel peacefully grazing.
His ears perked up when he saw the camel. They quickly lowered as he spied down at it. A light growl vibrated in his throat as his teeth barred. Hairs on his spine turned up and flared.
It must have been a young male, just fresh out of his herd and most likely looking for females of his own. Saithsarda grinned, "Well I'm just the female for it." She whispered to herself, barely audible. Then, she began a very slow descent into the slope, pausing when the camel looked up, spotting her. In an instant the camel was fighting to climb of the ridge opposite of her, not fast enough though. Sai bowled it over, clamping her jaws down on its neck, and wrapping her long body around its legs so it couldn't struggle.
The young one stared from the top of the hill in awe at Sai. He had never been able to take anything that big down by himself, only rabbits and other smaller woodland creatures. He ran down to meet her, but stayed a fair distance away as to not interfere with what Sai was doing. Watching carefully, the himmel noted how she was wrapping herself around the prey.
Choking the beast to death, Saithsarda didn't release until she was sure it had passed away. Then, she unwrapped herself, tearing into the stomach and hump. She hissed at the smaller himmel, warning him to stay back. Until he was full grown, it was her right to eat first.
He tucked his ears down and backed up. When she started to eat, he leaned his head forward and sniffed at the air. As the scent of blood hit him, he felt his stomach gurgle with hunger. The little lizard was nothing in comparison to the large amount of torn flesh Sai was eating. He whimpered a little but stayed back.
Rolling her eyes, she tore out a chunk, and threw it over her shoulder at him. Sai inwardly chuckled, Hope it hits you.
Of course, it did. The himmel yelped and jumped out from under it. Realizing that this huge peice was all for him, the little male smiled and licked at the flesh. Before diving in however, he ran over to Sai's back leg. Not wanting to inturrupt her eating, he rubbed up against her fur, purring. Without words, it was his way of saying 'thank you'.
"Don't mention it kid." Sai muttered, tearing off the legs and swallowing them, then proceeded to devour the fatty hump. When she was done, Saithsarda tore off the hide, setting within the neck meat for later.
The himmel was already gone from her side and started to devour his own little chunk. As if pretending it was still alive, he tackled and rolled around in the sand with it before eating it once more. It was quite a cute thing to watch.
While he continued to eat, Saithsarda set to cleaning herself, licking away most of the blood from her claws and ears, but had to rub her face in the sand. Shaking it off, and fully clean, "Ready?"
The little kit burped and stretched, alert and ready for Sai now. Since he wasn't raised by anyone, or so it seemed, he didn't even bother cleaning his own muzzle and fur.
Saithsarda glanced up at the sky, and frowned. "Well, it looks like we need to fly to get home." Setting her chest on the ground, Sai motioned for him to come here.
He ran to her side and settled on the sand like she did. The young one started to lightly rub his cheek on her leg.
Moving slowly, so as not to startle him, Sai grabbed the skin of his neck with her lips, grunting as she lifted him up and onto her back. Then she stood. "Hold on," Saithsarda took a few steps over to the leftover meat and picked it up with a claw.
Like a terrified cat, his claws extended and grabbed onto her skin tightly when she ascended. He tucked his body down, close to hers. He yelped, feeling his stomach rise into his throat.
She didn't mind his claws so much, but next time they needed to do this, he was flying on his own. Moving through the air, they made good time and just as the sun set, they reached the cave systems again.
From the flight, he noticed the bite marks on her back. When they got through the cave tunnels, the himmel hopped off and looked up at her. He trotted over to a pool of water and drank from it happily.
Joining him, Saithsarda also drank, then turned her tongue onto him. Cleaning him like she did earlier, she closed her vibrant purple eyes and yawned.
He wanted to talk to her, but didn't know where to start. He hadn't been taught a thing and was as feral as himmels came. The kit leaned into her licks, enjoying how motherly she was being to him. Seeing her yawn, he did himself, squeaking a little as he closed his mouth.
Then Sai took a chance, and touched her nose to his, Stay calm. Memories began to flood from her to him, going from her mother dieing, to her father coming back, his death at her hands, and up to this moment.
The little male's eyes opened wide. His ears bowed back in submission. The kit was silent for a moment, staring up at her. Taking a breath, he opened his mouth, "Sai...thsarda..." he chimed, a little surprised at his own voice.
"Hello there young kit, it has been a while since I have met something that spoke back to me. I am surprised your mother did not relay those important memories to you." Saithsarda yawned again.
"M-mmm..." the young one struggled. He was having difficulty making his mouth move in the way he wanted. "Muf..er...Motter..." He took another breath and concentrated, "Mother?"
"Your mother, I am not your mother." Sai said, smiling slightly at his attempts, "You'll get it eventually."
Nevertheless, the kit stayed close to her, nuzzling on her leg. Now that he knew where the bite marks were from, he felt sad for her. "Sl...sleepuh."
Nodding, "Yes, we sleep." Saithsarda turned and licked him again, getting some leftover blood before laying her head down. Wiggling her body, she turned on her back, but kept her head upright as she pulled her coils into an S shape.
He stayed where he was, alone in the middle of the cave. His ears perked up as he pouted. Taking the chance, he slowly walked up to Sai's tail. A little scared to go to her chest, he brushed up against it and laid down. The kit rested his chin on the bulk of her tail. Now that he found someone like him, he didn't want to leave her side.
Saithsarda grunted, letting her ears fall over her eyes, "Nice of you to keep my tail warm..." Murring slightly, she dozed off after flicking a paw backwards to scratch at her belly.
The kit closed his eyes and fell asleep soon after. Though during the night when the air became much cooler, the little male found himself quite cold. Barely awake, he slowly made his way to Sai's upper torso. He curled up against her chest now, feeling much better. The kit was soon asleep once more.

Sai awoke near dawn, feeling the small warmth from the unknown baby Himmel, the only other one she had seen since her parents made her smile. Moving her body, she wrapped herself around him, To keep him warm. So she argued for that to be her reasoning.
He slept for a while longer as Sai wrapped around him. Stirring a little, he nuzzled against her fur, loving how warm and soft she was. Sai could feel a light purring coming form his throat.
"You have never been loved before, have you?" Sai asked quietly, not sure if he was awake, "What is your name anyway?"
He didn't reply to the first question and just chose to answer the second. Closing his eyes, he focused on what he wanted to say. "Mae-lex." he said, opening his eyes, pleased at how well it came out. His big yellow eyes looked up at her with a smile.
"Maelex huh. Nice to, officially, meet you." Saithsarda raised her head, yawning, then lowering her head down on her backside, looking down at him with one eye. "What happened to your mom?"
"I'm not sure..." Maelex admitted, thinking hard about his earliest memories. His ability to speak improved dramatically. "Was she one of the humans in the brown suits?"
"Humans?" Saithsarda had never met a human before... but she had seen them from afar off. "Your mother was a Himmel, not a human."
"You are the first I have ever seen." he admitted before pausing, "Are you-?" he began, looking up at her with a tilted, head.
"A Himmel? Well of course I am. Not sure about you though," Sai joked.
He blinked, that wasn't what he meant. "M-m-..." he hesitated, "Mother?"
Saithsarda frowned. She felt sad that she had to say no to him, "No, I'm not. If I was, you would be a lot healthier then you are now." Poor thing. "I will take care of you from now on though."
Maelex smiled widely and embraced her chest, nuzzling his muzzle in her fur as much as she could, "Thank you, thank you!" As if he was adopted, Maelex couldn't be happier.
Her eyebrow raised at that. "You know, in a dozen seasons you should be larger then me. Until then, however, you must do as I say. Ok? You do not know this world like I do, and although you have my memories, you do not have my experience." Saithsarda smiled at him, "But I will teach you. Today's lesson is flying."
Maelex perked and jumped around excitedly. "Come on! Let's hurry!" he smiled, wanting to fly like Sai could. He ran to the tunnel and spun around, wagging his tail quickly, "Come on, come on!" He ran a little deeper before looking to see if she was coming.
"Patience young Maelex," Saithsarda stretched, with her chest on the ground and her front legs fully straight, her haunches high in the air as she cracked her back into alignment. Then, neatly she lapped at the water in the pool, taking her time before turning and following him at a trot.
Finally seeing her follow, he barreled down the tunnels. He needed to be told exactly what path to take, but ran out mindlessly when he saw the exit. He flinched when the scorching bright sun hit his pupils.
"If you take it slow, the sun will not blind you as much," Saithsarda said, coming up behind him at a walk." She took in the hot air and breathed out a long sigh, scratching in the sand to clean her claws. Although not much lived here, and the sun was unforgiving, she was free here. Her mother, in her middle ages had been caught before by some people, she wasn't sure they were human. Saithsarda didn't want to risk that. Here, she could be free, but at a price.
Maelex found a nite little hump of sand and sat eagerly with bright eyes. It was so nice being with someone who cared about you. It was an experience completely new and amazing for the little kit.
"Alright, this is what I want you to do. Focus on the memory that I sent you from my mother, that was sent from her mother, and so on. It is something that unless you have this memory, makes learning it extremely difficult and not second nature."
Doing as she asked, Maelex closed his eyes and tried his best to think of the memories she gave to him. The memories want back generations upon generations and it was hard not for his clear thoughts to not get cluttered.
Smiling, Saithsarda touched her nose to his, to give him guidence. Images flashed through Maelex's mind, but it slowed to a halt, of a young Sai with her mother, silvered fur from age. Her mother was old, missing a thumb and had bright blue eyes. Feelings of doubt, trust, and the feeling of weightlessness washed over him. "Look at your feet." Sai whispered.
Everything was crystal clear. The old mother's eyes were breath taking and nearly hypnotic. Opening his eyes, he looked down.
Maelex was hovering a good few inches off the ground.
He yelped, suddenly not feeling the ground. He froze up, not knowing what to do next. Stiff, his butt started to float up and flip him upside down. "Ie ie ie!!"
Laughing, Saithsarda moved a paw, pulling his tail down so he stabilized. "Here, hold onto my shoulders, and I'll take you higher." She turned, moving her torso against his chest so that he could grab on.
"But-...butbut..." his claws dug into her fur, pulling his body low onto hers. Still, his butt floated a little higher then his front.
"A Himmel afraid of heights?! Unheard of!" Sai joked, then slowly she took them higher, the breeze slightly cooler as they swirled through the air, taking a flight path that she did normally to survey her territory.
Unable to keep ahold from her swirling, his claws slipped out of their grip. Maelex yelped and spun in the air backwards. He tried to fly like she did, but his mind was cloudy with fear. His hips lifted a little but it only spun him into a barrel roll.
Catching him in her arms, Saithsarda looked down at him with a tender smile, "Try again. If you have to grip harder, you won't hurt me." Carefully, she reached backwards with him in hand, giving him space to climb to her back.
Maelex was a little scared, but trusted her to catch him every time. He hung onto her once more, and nodded that he was alright now. Again, he tried to think of the old himmel with the bright blue eyes.
Moving forward again, Sai tried to not swirl as much, but focused more on examining the land, trusting that he would be able to hold on better now.
Maelex was a lot more secure now. It's not that he was scared of heights...it was the falling part that was horrid. His pupils opened as he looked around the yellow landscapes, then at the red plateus.
Angling downwards, they landed gently on a large outcropping of rock, where Sai proceeded to lay down her musk. "Basilisks like to come this way, so I refresh their memory on who lives here." Setting off into the sky again, she did this several times in different places.
"Basilisk?" he asked, still in awe at the sights. Having being a passanger made him eager to try and fly on his own.
Sensing his curiousity, "Try to keep your haunches in the air. Basilisks are... creatures with really tough scales, they have eight legs and the face of a turtle, or something like that. Since these are lesser, our natural ability to repel magic protects us from their gaze. But... they like to hunt down the meager herbs that I collect and steal them." Saithsarda gritted her teeth in annoyance.
"Oh..." he faded, staring at her bit marks. Since he knew where it was from, he asked, "Does it hurt?"
Silent for a moment, "More emotionally then physically." She turned her head as she saw something glint in the distant, and turned to aim for that.
"Woaah!" Maelex crouched down on her back, holding on for dear life. "Are you lost?" he asked, not having the slightest clue there the den was at this point.
"Not at all, I know this place, as it is my home and territory." The glint, as they got closer, turned out to be a shield half buried in the sand. Sai's hackles raised on their own as she circled the area slowly. "Be wary," She told Maelex, "I don't like this." Landing, Saithsarda abruptly moved her shoulders so he slid from her to the ground and slinked forward, her nose sniffing. Also half buried around the shield were some bodies of Pinkies... or humans as what Maelex had called them.
Maelex knew the stench of death far too well for his age. Dead carcasses from a meal was different- this smelled like a slaughter and it made him uneasy. "I...don't like this." He stayed close to her leg, "S-sai..."
"I don't like this either... Shush." She heard a noise, freezing. "Is... is someone ...there?" A Pinkies voice. Moving forward again, Saithsarda nosed through the sand, and under the shield lay a man, badly wounded. She could tell he didn't have much time left. When she saw her, he flinched back, grimacing in pain.
Maelex's pupils widened. He inched closer, sniffing at the man. "H-hello?" he asked, not heeding Sai's request to be quiet.
"Ah..." His body shivered in pain, lack of water, and attention. "We... were attacked by two... strange beasts." Cocking her ear, "Basilisks?" Asked Sai.
"No..." The man uttered, slightly in shock that she was talking to him, as his eyes searched for the other, younger voice. "They looked like... dragons... but they only had... backlegs." Saithsarda pulled back, angry. "Wyverns."
Maelex sensed no danger in this poor man. As if having a strange connection with one like him. He whimpered and licked the man's scruffy cheek.
Saithsarda looked at the shield, flipping it over and ignoring the minor splatters of blood. "Come Maelex, help me by digging him out." As far as she could tell, the man was injured with a bite to the chest.
Maelex went to work immediately, working to dig out the area at his shoulders. He tucked his ears back, worried that he might die. Even though he didn't know anything about him, Maelex wanted to save his life.
Sai on the other hand kept her body above him to make shade and dug out behind him. The wound was half covered in sand and looked like it was infected. "You are prepared for more pain?" Saithsarda asked the Pinkie.
Grunting, he nodded, reluctantly trusting this giant beast who could somehow talk. Gripping his ruined plate mail, the Himmel pulled him out of the hole, the man nearly screaming in pain.
When he screamed, Maelex scurried back, a little scared of it. He forced himself forward and dug him out more. Although Sai did most of the work, Maelex tried his best.
Looking around them, Saithsarda's eyes narrowed, unsure of the nearest place of water would be. They shouldn't take him to their home. "Where Sai where..." She muttered, then her ears flicked up in a direction. "There is an oasis not far from here, by flight, Maelex I need you to be strong and fly while I carry him." The unknown man had fallen unconsious.
"But- Umm.." He looked around, then at the sky. "I'll ...try."
The older Himmel growled, "Don't try. Do." She didn't want to scare the kit, and she realized she might have been a little too harsh, "If you need help, you could hold onto my tail, and I will go slow and not too high up, alright?"
Maelex shook his head. He looked in the direction she pointed to and ran towards it. He would hover a little in the air and lightly land again. Though he tried again. Lifting up into the air wobbily until he stuck there.
Saithsarda smiled, watching him before lifting up as well, with the Pinkie in her arms. It took her about twenty minutes with Maelex in tow, but the man was still breathing. She hoped that would count for something of his chances. There were a few green things here and there, with a tiny pool of water at the center from the inground river. Just barely big enough for Sai to stick her head in. Quickly, she took some mouthfuls, motioning Maelex to do the same.
"Graah!" Maelex forced out everything he had and tumbled into the water. He started lapping at it quickly before running over to the man. "Is he going to be ok?" he asked Sai.
Cupping some water in her claws, Sai slowly dribbled it down his throat, hoping he would swallow some. Then taking an advantage while he was knocked out, Sai began the slow process of cleaning the gastly wound.
Maelex went to the human's face. Now that they were away from the smell of death, everything was more clear. Leaning over, he sniffed at the man closer. Then it hit him- this was the man who had let him go as an infant. Bowing his ears back, he nuzzled his cheek on the man's, purring lightly.
"Wha... what are you doing?" Saithsarda asked, curious. She tried as best to get all the sand out, but she could only do so much as she didn't know how long he had been out in the desert. By the look of his wounds, it couldn't have been more then a few days.
Not even second guessing it, he said, "He is my Father." Maelex seemed to look past the obvious species difference. He saw something in this nearly dead man and he knew it was the same human that saved him.
"Father?" Sai made a face, "H-how is that even possible?" Then she realized what he meant, "Oh... he... raised you?" Saithsarda wondered how he had gotten in the state that she had found him in, but pushed that thought aside.
"We need to take him back to the den. Please?" Maelex looked up at her with the largest, most water eyes ever. His ears bent back submissively.
Sighing, Saithsarda reluctantly nodded. "Alright." Making sure the man was still breathing, Sai took him up in one arm, the other motioning for Maelex to climb onto her back.
He shook his head, "I want to do it." Without waiting, he went into his 'runway-like' take off. He would surely tire out before he got to the den, but his ambition was admirable. Maelex wanted to show his 'father' just how grown up he had gotten.
Now holding the man with both hands, Saithsarda raised herself and set off in the direction of the underground river cave system, with a shaky Maelex floating behind her.
Maelex was still a bit wobbly, but he improved from just this morning already. At least he managed to get his front into the air along with his butt.
Making it home, Sai set down on her back legs, carrying the man through the tunnels. When he woke up, all he would be able to see is the blackness. It was a good thing Himmel's could see sort of decent in the dark.
Maelex was exhausted. He slowly and painfully walked into the den and went to quench himself at the small pool of water.
Setting the man home, the Himmel also went to the water and dribbled some water down his throat again. "Well... I hope he is alright..." At least he wasn't bleeding everywhere.
Maelex looked up at her, "I'm hungry." he said flat out. "What should we have to eat?" He looked to the man, "He will be hungry too."
"I could go hunt if you need it," Saithsarda replied, "-But I don't really want to leave you alone with him." Her tail curled around her back legs as she sat in the common Himmel position of resting.
Maelex frowned and looked at the man. "Do you want me to come with?" he asked, bowing his ears back. "He can't walk away."
"Your decision. If he wakes up in the dark alone... he might... get upset." Saithsara turned to leave, trotting up to the hot surface of midday.
Maelex turned and looked at him. He surely had to be the same man who took care of him and who released him from the cage. Turning away from the exit, he walked to him and curled up two feet away, waiting.
Sai returned a few hours later, two dead gazelle in her jaws, swaying as she padded down the tunnels. If Maelex was paying attention, he would be able to hear her soft footfalls. "Has he gotten any better?"
Maelex had dosed off himself but was startled by Windige approaching. He shook his head, "I think he has just been sleeping this whole time. He isn't.." he quickly trotted over to the man, wondering if he had passed when he was napping. Maelex reached out and licked his cheek.
"Grruahh...." the man groaned, coming to. "Ack!" he winced as his gaping wound was agitated. "Dammit this hurts!" he shouted.
Sai had by then dropped the meal, having already eaten before the run back. "Pinkie, if you would let me, I can clean your wound further, but it will hurt. Very bad."
"Yea right- after you eat me." he said, looking around at the cave. In a dark place with carnivores, he was screwed.
"She won't eat you..." Maelex said. He turned and went to eat at the meat Sai brought in. Maelex nuzzled up against her leg as he walked by, much like a cat.
The man turned away, not trusting them. He didn't seem to recognize the little kit at all.
"You didn't seem to mind our help earlier," She growled, annoyed at how he was taking this.
"Sorry, old habits die hard as they say." He shrugged, trying to sit up. He opened up his shirt a bit so he could see his wound. "I can't believe I'm not dead yet."
"Well, you haven't been bleeding that much. Also, it doesn't look like the wyvern bit you very hard, maybe it just threw you. Do you remember what happened?" Saithsarda went to the water, lapping it at thirstily.
"Well- I was fleeing from the kingdom. A fugitive I guess? It was hot and I had lost my horse." He took a slow breath, "I think some soldiers caught up with me but there was an attack- I don't remember much after that."
"What I want to know is what those wyvern were doing in my territory." Saithsarda growled, then, remembered her manners, "I am Saithsarda, guardian of this desert."
Maelex bowed his ears back and laid himself down next to Gordon.
"Gordon Gorskik. Nice to meetcha." He said, still examining his wound. He looked down at the smaller himmel, caught in a stare. "Hm.."
"He seems to believe he knows you," Sai murmured, still not quite believing it. She was surprised he could see so well in the dark, but then again, with the reflection of the sand, and the water the light was bouncing off their pupils slightly.
Maelex rested his head on Gordon's leg, not wanting to move. Gordon looked down strangely at the himmel. It was dark and nearly impossible to see the creatures markings. Even when they were in the sun, he was too out of it to notice. Hesitantly, he rested his hand on Maelex's head- feeling a little awkward right now.
Maelex in turn purred lightly.
"Have you eaten your fill, Maelex?" Sai asked after a few moments of silence. She wasn't sure what the Pinkie could eat that was here, but she would ask him once Maelex finished his own meal.
"Yes, I'm finished." Maelex replied. He had eaten when the two were talking with one another. He looked now to the man, "Thank you for saving me."
Then it hit him, this was the little himmel that he had brought to the king! "Woa... you're the little himmel baby, aren't you?" He lifted his hand and scratched his head before laying down on his back completely, laughing at the irony of this situation.
Saithsarda's hackles raised slightly, "How do you know about Himmels?" As far as she knew, her species stayed away from humans like they were a disease. At least, her mother had always warned her about anything that could talk back to you that wasn't a Himmel.
Gordon winced as he laughed, his wound aching more and more. "Easy, easy... It's actually the reason the soldiers are trying to catch me. I released his precious, newborn Himmel."
"But that was... a while ago right?" Sai looked at Maelex. "He is the correct size of a three year old." How long do these Pinkies chase each other?
"I was in hiding at a village on the edge of the desert due north. Someone caught wind of my bounty and the chase started up again. Though-" he looked down at his stomach, "I don't think they'll be getting one."
"The best thing we can do for you right now is to keep you comfortable, and for you to eat. But... I don't think you can eat what we do." Maybe Sai could set out the meat to dry in the heat. Surely, he could eat that.
"Whatever I eat is just gonna come out of this gash." he said, wincing at the pain when he talked. He might not make it any longer then another day or so.
"Would you like me to ease your passing?" Saithsarda commented, could be a joke, but one couldn't tell with such an animalistic face.
"Uh....you got a *cough* shot of insulin?" Gordon asked, trying to stay still while he spoke. "Damn it's cold down here..." Maelex was still nuzzled up close to him, trying to keep him warm. He knew that this man wasn't going to make it but- he had saved his life! But poor Maelex couldn't do anything to repay him.
Sai cocked her head, "I do not recognize that word, so I guess, I cannot help you." At least the man wasn't going to die in the unbearable heat or from being eaten by some animal.
"So I guess you found yourself a Momma, eh little one?" Gordon asked, petting Maelex's head. He remained laying on his back, not wanting to rip open his wound anymore that what it was already.
"Momma?" Sai wrinkled her nose, then realized, it was true. She was treating him like her own. However... Saithsarda masked a quick shiver from her haunches by sitting down. He would eventually become her mate, she was sure of it.
Maelex smiled as he was lulled into a nap from his petting. Although he had just woken up from a little nap, Gordon's scent and petting was soothing.
"Make sure this little kit grows up decent, alright?" he said, taking slow breaths. "I went through hell to save him and don't want it to be for nothing."
"He will not be harmed while under my care." Saithsarda uttered quietly, bowing her head to the man.
"Good... go--good.." Gordan said, struggling for air once again. His condition wasn't going away or getting better. Maelex was sound asleep with his chin resting on Gordon's stomach. The poor little kit truly saw something in this man. He was the first living thing that Maelex saw when he was born, thus his longing to be with his 'parent'.
Saithsarda's eyes flashed, feeling his life diminishing, "Safe travels beyond this world Pinkie." She set herself down, watching his last moments.
His death now was a lot more comfortable then how it would've been out in the hot sun. As his internals flooded with blood, he slowly lost all feeling as he slipped away.
Sai let Maelex sit with him for a few hours, her eyes not waivering from the pair and only occasionally blinking. It was strange how this reminded her of her own mother's passing. Saddened by that memory, her eyelids grew heavy, and eventually she too slept. They would bury him in the morning so that no scavengers would disturb him.
Morning came quickly and sure enough, Gordan had passed in his sleep. Though sometime before his passing, he managed to take out a necklace of some sort with a simple steel pendant on it. Gordan had tried to put it around Maelex's neck, but he fell short and it was resting on the cave floor next to him.
Awaking, Maelex whimpered as he mourned the passing of this human. Being so young, he didn't know how dangerous humans were in nature. Bowing his ears back, he licked the human's now cold hand.
Flicking her ears up, Saithsarda opened her eyes and glanced at him, "I am sorry for your loss, young Maelex, but we need to bury him so that no predators track his scent down here." Carefully, she rose and stretched briefly before taking his stiff body gently into her hands.
Maelex nodded and saw the necklace on the ground. Reaching for it, he took it into his mouth. He wasn't too good with his front paws yet. He waited for her, ready to follow.
Sai lifted him and herself into the air, moving through the caverns slowly. It was early evening and semidark outside. Leaving him off to the side, the Himmel climbed up onto a cliff, surveying a good spot and somewhere close where Maelex could visit him. The skull of her mother was to the right, above the large pile of rubble that was her grave, so, Saithsarda turned to the left. She proceeded to feel for cracks before finally blugeoning the side with her tail. It wasn't long before she had a decent pile.
Maelex wanted to climb up and help, but he stayed with the corpse and made sure nothing would come and get it while Sai was up there. Setting the pendant down, he ran his nose along the ground before flipping the necklace strap on his snout. Carefully, he slid it on around his own neck. Maelex didn't know what it was, but he wanted something to remember Gordon by.
Not noticing the movement, Sai dropped down next to him, "Why don't you show him how much you have learned about flying, hmm?" She murmured quietly, taking the body once again and hovering up to the burial site.
Maelex smiled innocently up at Sai before doing his best to get up into the air. He was so proud of himself and what he had accomplished thus face. He leapt into the air and focused all he could at looking like a pro, taking his attention off of Sai and Gordon.
Sai began the slow process of delicatly placing the stone on top of his cold body, leaving his face for last.
Maelex had gotten a lot better but his butt kept floating up a little higher then his front. He did a few sloppy flips but he was proud of them nonetheless. Maelex hoped Gordon was proud.
Smiling softly at the little Himmel, Saithsarda place the final stones then turned to bow her head at her mother's grave. "May they fly to the heavens on swift winds..."
Maelex landed next to Sai and rubbed up against her leg. He was sad, but felt comfort with her nearby.
Preening his mane with her teeth, Saithsarda ignored her own pains from her past. She had a new responsibility now... one she would not take lightly. This little Himmel could be their species last hope.
Maelex purred softly as she cleaned him. He arched his back a little, enjoying the itching. He walked around her front paw, rubbing up against her still.
"Come, it will get cold soon, we should get below." Sai brushed his back with a claw before climbing down to the cave entrance to wait for him.
Maeles climbed a little but his arms werent as long so he flew down the rest of the way.
Two short years later
Sai had taken care of Maelex just as she promised herself and Gordon she would. Though as the days turned to months, Maelex grew nearly double in size. He was about at the same length as Sai but he still had a ways to go before he was his full size. He also was an excellent flyer and hunter now thanks to his adopted mother's teaching.
It was near sunset, and Saithsarda, now fifteen years of age sunned herself on the ledge next to both her mother and Gordon's burial site. Surveying her land, Sai with her head nearly straight flexed her back legs, enjoying the peace. Over the last two years, they had had a few more sightings of humans and their presence, edging closer and closer to the two Himmels.
Maelex peered around the edge of the cliff, spying on Sai. As quietly as he could, he tip toed over to her from behind. Although he was technically an adult now, he still liked to mess around like a kit. Maelex had missed out on childish games growing up and enjoying goofing around now. Next, he bowed down in a crouch, ready to pounce on her.
Not hearing him, Saithsarda sighed softly and glanced below herself at the land near their den's entrance. Having arrived an hour earlier from an outting, she wondered briefly where Maelex was, and if he had hunted for himself already.
"GOTCHA!" he shouted, tackling her. Maelex leaned forward and grabbed one of her ears in his mouth and pulled it back playfully. He growled, hoping she would join in.
Thankfully, he had grabbed at her right ear instead of her torn left so Sai didn't flinch. Rolling onto her back, Sai kicked him into the air and over the side, murring.
"Woah!" Maelex squeaked as he was tossed over the ledge. He fell for a second before he adjusted and hovered in front of Sai. "You can never even pretend to let me win, can you?" he said with an unpleased face.
"Why pretend?" She joked, then reached forward with her neck to lick at his cheek. "Have you eaten? Night will soon be upon us."
"Not for a while, but I'm not hungry." Maelex perched himself on the same ledge as Sai. "What about yourself? I could see if I could find you something if you are hungry." He stretched out before suddenly remembering something. "Look!" Maelex tilted his chin up. He was starting to grow the male himmel's beard on his chin. It was short but surely it was a start. "How amazing is this?!"
"I've saited my hunger earlier." Sai squinted and turned to look at him from his new position. "Look at that..." She murmured, lifting her lip to smile, "Very nice, you're growing up!" Preening his mane, she untangled a knot with her tongue then sat back, enjoying the last of sunlight.
"Oh come on- I'm already grown up." Maelex did his best to pose like a strong, masculine himmel. "Have you seen a himmel as strong, brave and sexy as me?" he raised a brow, flirting a little.
"I don't have much to go off of!" Sai laughed, "Not sure about the sexy part however." She stood and stretched, then lifted her torso into the resting position, "I came upon the carcass of a lion today... I believe the humans had hunted it."
"Really? Should we go spy on them tomorrow?" Maelex offered, laying himself down on his stomach. "Or...you don't think- they would come here, would they?"
"They had not taken any of the meat, instead they had skinned it, taken its teeth and paws." She blinked, "To be honest this scares me. I might have to ask you to kill humans... I hope you are ok with that."
Maelex looked away and glanced at the pile of rocks that was Gordon's grave. "If they would ever try to do something like that to you, I would kill a thousand of them without hesitating."
"Let us hope it does not come to that." Saithsarda commented, touching his side with her tail in appreciation. "Perhaps we should go and check it out. I believe their camp is at one of the northern oasis'." Closing her eyes, she let out a little purr for a moment before climbing down to the cave.
Maelex climbed down and almost passed her on the way down. "Are we leaving now? Or in the morning?" he asked, brushing up against her when they were at the bottom.
"We can leave tonight, but I need to drink." Trotting inside, she made short work of the distance and took several deep drinks of water from the pool before returning outside. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Maelex said, looking out into the distance. "You don't think we are going to kill any tonight, are we?" he asked.
"We shall see," Sai responded quietly, taking to the air in the typical Himmel swirling fashion.
Maelex glanced down at the small necklace that he still wore from Gordon. Taking a breath, he bounded into the sky and closed the distance between himself and Sai rather quickly.
Heading North, the slight sunlight disappeared, leaving a chill in the air that wouldn't bother the two Himmels, not yet anyway. The humans, however, would need a fire. Saithsarda narrowed her eyes, looking for that flickering light. Letting out a slight bark to Maelex, she motioned more to the right as she had spotted the tiny campfire off in the distance.
Maelex saw the little glowing ember and sped up so that he was aligned with Sai, "They might not see us if we stay high enough." he suggested.
"That is a good idea. Let them believe we are dumb beasts, perhaps they will leave us alone if we are just appear that we need water." In the air, Sai nuzzled his cheek, then angled herself higher as he had said.
"I can't believe that I still can't tell when you are being sarcastic or not." Maelex said, turning his body up, swooping up to Sai once more. They almost looked like they were dancing in the air. A tango of sorts. As they grew nearer, the illuminated fire held a group of roughly ten people with tents all around.
Saithsarda flicked an ear at his comment, inwardly chuckling. With the night sky as their cover, they were able to circle above the camp that was off to the side of the water. Since Himmels made no sound as they flew they were safely undetected for the moment. Unless someone happened to be stargazing.
Maelex squinted as he gazed down at the humans below. He moved more closely to Sai just in case she needed to direct him.
Each one had some sort of thin thing attached to their belt, oddly enough they sported handles on the end, and the small flat shields she knew of from dead caravans Sai had come across in her life. They appeared rather harmless. Saithsarda nudged him, heading for the water by making a wide and curved landing, No talking.
Sai blended into the sandy landscape, though near the water- Maelex was almost transparent. He perked his ears forwards, trying to listen to the circle of humans near the fire.
She touched her tail to his rump, Careful, mind the reflection in the water. Moving forward quietly, the older Himmel stopped when the small pool of water did, so they could just fall back on the dumb animal image. "The King has gone too far! With my... and taking so many... this will ruin the kingdom!" Said one man, obviously the hot headed leader.
There was a human there, though its hair was just as short as the other men, the faint wiffs Saithsarda caught were different. A female. She didn't know what the "correct" term was.
Maelex tilted his head as he caught word of the humans chatting. Carelessly, he broke awake from Sai and crawled up silently behind a tent. He made sure none of them could see him from this angle.
"We have to do something." The female uttered, her manner of speaking differnt from the men, as well as her looks were quite unique. A strange tilt to her golden brown eyes, and her skin was very light compared to the darker tones of the men. Lower his hand over her shoulders, the main speaker cleared his throat, "We can't do this alone. We need help. Krista, can we ask for assitance from your kingdom?"
She shook her head, "I'm not sure."
Maelex stayed low as he listened. So close to the humans like this, he could hear one of the travelers breathing in the tent right in front of him. He peered around hesitantly, catching a glimpse of the group before he turned to look back at Sai's direction.
The woman cocked her head as she saw something in her periphial vision, clutching the arm of the man next to her, "I just saw something." All the humans turned to look in the direction she was looking.
Saithsarda drew in a breath and held it. The female, Krista as he had called her, had been looking in Maelex's position. Hurriedly, she slapped her paw against the edge of the water, then proceeded to bend to drink. The humans in turn flipped around with shiny sticks out towards her. "What... what is it?" Krista shrilled, getting to her feet.
Maelex froze up at first but quickly backed away when the attention was taken off of him and at Sai. Why did she do that?! Keeping with the plan, he stayed hidden and moved around to the other side of the tent so that he was hidden. However, he watched the humans, making sure they didn't attack.
"It... it looks like some sort of... dragon." One human responded, taking a few steps closer to her. Closer, being not thirty feet from her but twenty five. "I guess it's just drinking."
"Should we kill it? We need money, I'm sure a creature that size will bring in money from goods." One of the men glanced back, "You crazy? That creature will tear us apart. It's a sign from the gods that it hasn't attacked us yet!"
Maelex couldn't help but bare his teeth at the men's backs. Talking about hurting Sai...how dare they!? A low growl escaped but it was masked by the crackling flames. He waited for one to make a move.
One of the men, this one with very dark skin and light caramel blue eyes put away his weapon, passing the first man. His hair was the longest of the bunch, tied in neat braids with several feathers inlaid within. Holding out his hands, he watched as Saithsarda raised her head, water dripping from her muzzle.
Maelex didn't like this situation. They were all gawking at her and it was making him very upset. Maelex slowly walked around the tent with his eyes locked on the humans. He had to do something. Bowing his head, he ran into the tent he was hiding behind.
"HEY! What the hell?!" the man grunted from inside the tent.
Maelex jumped back into the light of the fire. Now he was the center of attention and Sai could leave if things got bad.
Which he should know Saithsarda wouldn't leave him. "There's another one?!" Shrilled the woman again, back away from the fire with the man trying to calm her. "Maybe they are mates." Murmured the dark man, shshhing Sai when she growled and perked her ears at Maelex.
"That's right! And don't you DARE touch her!" Maelex shouted, growling furiously at the group. He stupidly forgot the whole 'dumb animal' approach. Not only did he confess that Sai was his mate(to him at least) but he also confessed to the humans that he could speak and was a superior being. If the humans were paying attention, they could see the necklace around his long neck as it rested on his yellow chest.
They were all shocked into silence... including Saithsarda. Then, she couldn't stop herself from puffing up her chest in pride, though most likely it would look like she was trying to make herself look more threatening.
"Did... it just speak?" The leader asked the group, then recovering, "Who are you? WHAT are you?" There would probably be many questions among them, though the one most in awe was the man staring at Saithsarda.
Maelex didn't care to answer any of their questions. Frankly, he just wanted to protect Sai. After raising him since he was a kit, he couldn't help but have an undenying love for her. Almost in a flash, Maelex darted around them and stood between the group and Sai. The hairs in his back stood up in defense.
They were shocked at how fast he was, and Saithsarda still didn't speak, crouching behind Maelex and letting him be dominant. The man that was still gawking lowered his hands and took another step forward, "We don't mean you any harm..." He said in a soothing voice, "We are simply fascinated and awed by your presence."
"Is it you who has been killing creatures, stripping them of their teeth only to let their bodies rot in the sun?!" Maelex asked, keeping his defensive stance. The silver on his back shimmered in the moonlight like a blade.
"We needed trade items, some money to keep us mobile." The leader defended them, "Having come across an older lion, we decided it would be best if we killed it instead of the younger ones."
"What are you needing help with? We couldn't help but over hear." Saithsarda commented quietly.
"And now the cubs are probably starving!" Maelex shouted, not pleased with this group's actions. Hearing Sai, he was a little taken back. Why does she care?
"Our king, has been sacrificing his wives to his demon god." The man uttered, "We have been forced to flee and become refugees." Saithsarda ignored Maelex's outburst.
Maelex turned away from the humans and walked up next to Sai. His tail rubbed up against her hind leg, What are you doing?
Doing the one thing Gordon would have wanted. They are from the same place as him I believe. Saithsarda touched her nose to his cheek, I can't believe you called me your mate. Then to the humans, "So your intentions upon this desert were pure, only as a Haven?"
The main male nodded.
Even though she had said that, he was half worried that she was going to scold him later for it. Again- he couldn't tell if she was sarcastic or not.
Maelex bowed his head and looked down at the simple pendant around his neck. Although he didn't know him for long, he still wanted to abide his wishes.
"You may stay here, but I asked that you do not kill any more animals. You may, however, hunt the basilisks that roam slightly to the northeast, they are a nuisence to this land." Saithsarda decreed.
Maelex snorted. Really? did the humans stand a chance against those beasts? Sai had to have been joking.
"Thank you..." The human said, "I am Ishmael, this is Krista, again, thank you for the allowance."
Maelex perked his ears up and walked forward to the group of humans. They seemed harmless. "You've never...seen anything like us before?" he asked, a little worried that maybe they truly were the last ones.
The man shook his head. Sai twisted her head and sent the man edging closer to her a warning growl. "I'm sorry," He whispered, bowing and falling back.
"Oh..I see." Maelex bowed his ears back but glanced around to make sure Sai was alright. She was fully capable of taking all of these humans alone- yet he felt very protective of her.
The fat man from the tent finally crawled out, "What in blue blazes are those?!"
"They... haven't told us yet," Ishmael responded, looking to them both curiously.
"I am Saithsarda. My... mate is Maelex, and we are Himmels." She replied quietly.
Maelex blinked wide. Really? She accepted him as her mate? He couldn't help but feel a bit proud, puffing out his chest and flaring the fur in his shoulders.
"Ho-!? They talk?" the fat man hollered. "What is with this place?!"
"What place do you mean?" Asked Ishmael, "There ARE other sentient beasts in the world besides us." That slightly shocked Saithsarda, other animals that are intelligent enough to speak? Her curiousity got the better of her.
"I wish to help you, Ishmael, with the problems of your dominant man."
All the humans began to chatter loudly. With even one of these creatures, surely, no matter how many others they could rally they would have the advantage.
Maelex perked his ears up a bit. "Sai..." he muttered, not agreeing with this at all.
Putting her nose under his jaw, Saithsarda breathed out calmly, a motion that only mates would do. Believe it or not, even though I am adamant about staying, I TRULY want to leave, I want to learn. I've never fully saited my curiousity. I want to now, they need help Maelex! Who better to help few against many than us?
Maelex tucked his head down a little, nuzzling her cheek with his chin and neck. He accepted that they should travel and see new things but... I don't want any humans or demons to hurt you, Sai. What if my protection isn't enough? I don't know what I would do if...something happened to you.
What's the point of being alive if we don't take risks and live? Fate has a funny way of approaching us, I believe this is what we need to do. Besides, I know from memories that this species once lived and died side by side with our ancestors. Maybe this is the gods way of giving our race a second chance. We're dieing out! Maybe we are the last. She sniffed at that, scared.
The humans watched their interaction curiously, but didn't interrupt.
Maelex took a deep breath and stepped away from Sai. She was right...even if he was worried about losing her- they had to do this. Looking at the group of misfit humans, he spoke, "We would like to help you with your endeavor. Tell us what you can about this demon king."
A few of the humans cheered as they sat back down around the fire, some still a little wary of the two newcomers. Ishmael put his arm around the female again, "Krista was a new wife of the king, from the neighboring kingdom of Thessilhof. He has many wives, but seeks more, sacrificing them one by one every moon cycle." Sobbing quietly, Krista spoke in a muted tone, "He doesn't even consumate the marriage, just kills them, one by one."
"More then one mate?" Sai questioned, and made a face when Krista nodded. "He married me to align the two kingdoms, and in doing so he was saving me for summer soltice, as a special sacrifice. He drinks the blood of the wives instead of eating, claiming that he is becoming a god and cannot drink anything less then royalty."
Maelex was disgusted. How could a creature do something like that. It was no wonder that he turned into a demon. "How protected is he?" he asked.
Ishmael shook his head, "I'm not too sure. Krista had only minor guards at best, we were able to save her without any incidents."
"I'm sure, even if there are fifty... guardians, we will suffer no hindrance," Saithsarda said, puffing up her chest.
"Is he truly a demon? Or is he just a human gone mad?" Maelex asked again, wanting to know exactly what they were up against.
Krista shuddered, "If not a demon, he has been enslaved by one. His eyes are rose red, with the color bleeding into both iris and pupil."
"I'm sure Sai and I can take him." Maelex assured the female human. He wasn't positive- but it sure made for good pep talk. Along with his newly announced mate, he puffed out his chest.
"Who will be King after him?" Saithsarda asked after a moment and the humans looked to one another, unsure.
"I will." The lager man stepped forward. He is my brother...I'm ashamed to say. He has been mad with power ever since we were kids."
"I see." Saithsarda lowered her torso to the ground, bringing her body in a curve in the soft sand away from the fire. So long was she that her tail dipped into the water behind her.
"We have to get him to the throne room," Ishmael explained, "The council fears the demon king, we need their hearts won over to recieve the crown."
Maelex looked at the fat man. It sure was an odd coincidence that the future king was in this little traveling group that they happened to stumble upon. He noticed Sai lay down but kept on his feet. "We can't just kill the guy?"
"...Since he isn't in direct line, we need a vote from the council. All the direct descendents have been killed, or have died." Ishmael countered.
"Well I think that since this 'council' haven't said anything to his demon king yet...they are probably just as corrupt. BUT- we'll leave that to you guys. Sai and I can handle this king." Maelex said, hoping he was right.
"They are afraid of him..." The woman muttered, "It is hard not to be."
Saithsarda nudged Maelex, trying to get him to be polite and sit down.
Maelex glanced at Sai before sitting down next to her. "Where does he reside?" he asked.
"In the castle, just as most of the royalty does." Ishmael looked to the larger man for a moment before returning his stare to the two Himmels. Saithsarda in turn moved her head to the side and against his neck. The man smiled at that, and touched Krista's arm.
"..And...where does this castle sit?" Maelex asked, wanting to know that from the start.
The large man known as Marcus chuckled and pointed to the East, "Straight that way. It's a few days travel though."
"A few days? I have been in the surrounding area, there are no human settlements for three days flight..." Saithsarda muttered, and Krista tilted her head at that, "Flight?"
"Yes, we fly." A few human's mouths opened into 'o's.
Marcus was the first to speak, "Well, as I said... a few days." he explained. He didn't initially want to tell them how far it was. Perhaps they would've changed their minds?
Frowning, "It is useless to lie to a Himmel, we are empaths and therefore can tell." She narrowed her eyes at the larger man, "We pledged ourselves to help, the least you can do would be to trust us."
"Well-" the fat man took a breath, "After you get out of the desert the landscape will get denser with forest. If you keep heading East there will be a blockade of mountains that you must fly over. Careful though, that is the outside border of the kingdom. From there it should be a week's travel before you get to the kingdom. However- it will be heavily guarded and if any of the King's workers see you two, they might be suspicious. The castle is pretty self explanatory. Big stone fortress."
"I understand." Sai responded, "-However, we are not going by ourselves, your group here will go with us." She tilted her head further, masking her movement by readjusting her position to get more comfortable.
Ishmael nodded, "I expected you would want it so."
Maelex leaned against Sai. There is no way we can carry all of them. And walking there the whole way will take a month at minimum.
We will take the ones that we need. Ishmael, Marcus, and two others. "We can't always have everything we want. Only four of you will be able to go. Ishmael and Marcus have to go."
Maelex looked at Marcus. Even though he was acting like an adult, he made an unsure face. He really didnt want to carry the fat guy.
Chuckling at his expression, "If not four, then three." The darkest skinned of them all stood up, the one that had seemed so fascinated by Saithsarda earlier, "I will go, and protect Marcus. I am Aamir, blademaster and one of the personal guards of the king."
"Wow... looks like you aren't living up to the job description." Maelex joked, unable to act like an adult ALL the time.
Aamir took on a horrified look, his face growing red in embarrassment before Saithsarda bowed her head at him, "I'm sure you realized the king's evil and now protect the rightful new king to the fullest of your abilities." Then she poked Maelex with her tail, Meanie.
Maelex smirked at Sai before seeing the man's embarassment. "So- we leave first thing in the morning." he said, positive of himself.
Ishmael nodded, "I am the leader of the order below the king's own, and I know the backways of the palace... Leaving tomorrow will be good as we should arrive there before the next full moon." Krista almost made a comment against it, but remained quiet.
Maelex bowed to the humans, "We will meet you here in the morning." He looked at Sai, wanting to be with her in private after this.
Tilting her head, "Stay safe, the desert can be a dangerous place at night." Saithsarda stood with Maelex and bowed as well. Turning to leave, Sai took to the air silently.
Maelex quickly followed, leaving the humans to stare with wide open mouths. It didn't take long for the Himmels to gain speed and enter their little underground paradise.
"So... I am now your mate, young Maelex?" Asked Sai coyly, going to the water with a slight bounce in her step.
"Oh- I did say that didn't I?" Maelex got nervous now that he didn't have to be strong in front of the humans. "Well I just erm.. .I thought that I um."
Taking a few delicate laps, Sai turned around and sidled around him, slipping against him briefly against his coils, "You just thought... what?" She spoke slowly, playfully.
Maelex was too nervous to notice her playfullness. He just stared down and started to stutter. He really did love Sai and hoped he didn't offend her by saying he was her mate. Unable to read her sarcasm, he muttered, "Am I going to be punished?"
"Only if you want to be... and in the best of ways." Saithsarda whispered naughtily, but moved away. "Maelex, we might be the last of our kind, but you have proven yourself to be a strong male, and worthy of me as your mate."
Maelex almost peed himself. He looked at her quickly before he started to nuzzle all around her head, chin and neck, "Really?! You mean it?!"
"Have I ever lied to you?" Sai whispered, licking his cheek fur.
Maelex leapt back from the lick, unable to contain his excitement. He bowed his front and wagged his butt in the air happily. Maelex happily mewed and jumped all about, as excited as he could be. He rolled over onto his back, went around and got to his feet right away.
Saithsarda smiled, then sat back on her rump to watch him. "You are about the right age, and I am no longer in the status of alpha." Bowing low on her belly, Sai closed her eyes and bent back her ears submissively.
"Can we mate? Please? I wanna mate with you! Let's do it! It would be awesome! Please?" he bounced around.
Her eyes opened wide at that, "Uh what?" Now she wasn't sure all of a sudden of giving him his dominance was a good thing. "We should probably wait on that."
"Oh come on!" Maelex grunted, instantly upset. "Didn't yah see how I protected you and stood up for you, hm? You should let me mate with you!"
"I'd rather not, just because you did all that does not mean you get mates as a reward." Sai stood up and returned to her previous position, this time with her tail curled tightly around her rump.
Maelex bowed his ears back and lowered his head. He still had many things to learn. "Oh..." is all he muttered, this being a total buzzkill. Walking in a slow circle like a cat, he laid down away from Sai. He didn't get it...she seemed so happy to be considered his mate. Isn't sex what mates do together?
Frowning, Sai stood and stepped around him, curling against him like she used to do when he was young. She had stopped doing this when he was large enough to keep himself warm, but now it was more of an intimate cuddle.
Maelex lifted his head and rested it on a segment of her torso. "We are going to be okay, right? I mean...this demon can't be too bad if he is in a human body."
"I hope not," Sai answered after a sigh, "It sounds like a big deal, but it might only be that way because they are weak... because they are human." Rubbing her cheek against his neck in turn, Saithsarda sighed again before setting down her head, content.
Maelex lifted his head off of her side and nuzzled towards her front more. He rested his head next to hers, cheek to cheek. "I know I'm still small..." he muttered, "But I will do whatever it takes to protect you. I promise."
"You're almost full grown Maelex, just a few feet more. Even then, I'm longer then normal Himmels that I have seen from my memories." She smiled besides herself, leaning her head against his, "and I know you will."
Maelex leaned his head into hers as well, smiling gently. He closed his eye and went to sleep quickly.
Ishmael stepped out of his tent at dawn, leaving a slumbering Krista behind. He had one light armor, with some chainmail in the joints. After the two creatures had left, they had adjusted several of the camel saddles that they had, and in doing so they hoped they would fit.
One of the guards shouted, making him turn his way. The sight of the two Himmels as they had called themselves flying down were breathtaking.
Maelex kept next to Sai as they descended down to the humans. He had forgotten up until just now that he had to carry them. He shrugged a bit...this is how it was gonna be.
Saithsarda landed gracefully, not even sending any sand flying at bowed lightly to the humans in the soft light, "Good morning." She blinked her amythyst eyes and looked at the smouldering flames, then at the guards that were cautiously moving around, trying not to be overly on edge.
Maelex started to pick out some of the meat that he had between his teeth from breakfast. He was charged and ready to go. "You guys all set?"
"Yup, just packing up a few more things." the larger man said, walking over to the two.
"May we have permission to try these onto you?" Asked Aamir to Saithsarda, holding onto a makeshift saddle. She looked to Maelex, trying to send him a 'don't get jealous' look, then she nodded.
A few wanderers that were in the group headed over to Maelex to set him up with a saddle too. He cringed but gave into them for Sai's sake. As they tightened the strap around his underbelly, he growled low in his throat.
They fitted her with one as well, using several buckles to connect to a strap around the neck as well so the seat wouldn't roll. Overall, it fit decently well, and Saithsarda shook herself, then trotted in a small circle before smiling, "Ingenius."
Maelex wasn't as impressed. Having a tight strap around his underside as well as a connector to his neck was bothersome. He felt almost like he was being tied down to himself. The fur on his back flared up in annoyance.
"If you don't like it my mate, I will carry all three of them," Sai commented to him, sure that he would step up to the plate and tolerate it. She thought that he would moreso then her because of Gordon.
Sure he missed Gordon, but it was also humans who locked him up in the first place after he was hatched. Not to mention- these things were uncomfortable. "No, it's just itchy."
Ishmael stood back from her, after marvelling at the softness of her fur and surveyed his handiwork. "Alright, whom will be taking whom?" Saithsarda glanced at Maelex, "It doesn't matter to me."
"I think there should be an equal weight distribution." Maelex offered, glancing over at the next king.
"Hey!" he said, a little offended.
"I'll take him," The older Himmel interrupted, not wanting them to get in a fight with the humans. One of the other guards added a second saddle to Maelex, sealing the deal.
Ignoring how uncomfy the saddle was, Maelex laid on his stomach, allowing the humans to climb on. He casually swayed his tail from side to side as they moved onto his two saddles.
Setting her chest down, Sai copied her mate and look over her shoulder at Marcus. "Will you be able to hold on?" She was worried she might drop him. Ishmael climbed into Maelex's back and glanced over, "There are straps in the saddle."
"Ill be just fine." Marcus said with a cheery smile. "Just don't do any loops." He climbed into the saddle, careful not to harm the himmel.
Eventually the two humans were completely aboard Maelex. Without hesitating any longer, he ascended. Although he didn't like being the pack mule, he tried to be careful with the two fleshbags on his back.
Saithsarda followed her mate, doing her best to not spin as much, heading in the direction that Marcus had indicated the previous night. Ishmael and Aamir clung to the saddle for dear life.
Maelex waited for Sai to fly next to him properly before picking up speed.

Most of the provisions for the journey had been placed on Sai, however they had to stop a few times, and find somewhere to stay for the night early. All three humans were sore, and slightly airsick. The two Himmels on the other hand were not tired at all, as flying in the heated sky was decently easy. Saithsarda had called to Maelex, pointing out the edge of the desert, where a small stream lay hidden in the tall grasses that marked the beginning of other lands. It was most likely more dangerous here for the humans then anything, but both predators had not a worry for it. One Himmel would be enough to deter anything from attacking, with two there... Saithsarda smiled evilly into the shadows. A free meal if anything else.
The humans had left the saddles on the two Himmels so that they wouldn't have to remount them in the morning. Maelex stretched, trying to ignore the strap around his underside. He pranced over alongside Sai, "You thirsty too?"
"A little." The stream was very close, and all the two Himmels had to do was to take a few steps. Aamir unstrapped a sword, inspecting it before nodding to the mates in appreciation.
Maelex turned away from the human and walked next to Sai. The two made there way out of earshot of the flesh bags, nearing the stream. "So what do you think of this little trip so far?"
She shrugged, "Too soon to tell, all we have done is flown a day's worth of travel..." Sai lapped at the water slowly, her eyes looking around them still a little cautious.
The younger Himmel didn't yield like she did. Looking at Sai, then to the water, he jumped in like a kit and splashed her. He jumped up and down, smacking his tail against the water roughly, giving himself a quick bath.
Shaking her fur free of the droplets, "Some mate you are," Saithsarda stuck out her tongue at him, a little bit of her own playfulness in her posture.
Still in the water, Maelex jumped around and wagged his tail playfully with his rear up in the air. "Pff...the females line up to be with me." he joked, "Besides- I'm the best you could get." Maelex didn't mean it offensively, just hoping to tease her enough so she would attack.
"What females?" Saithsarda asked, serious enough that she ignored the second part.
Maelex paused, "They uhhh...are on leave for a while. They'll be back in spingtime for all the lovin'" he said.
She looked confused, "You've... seen other female Himmels besides me? Where, why haven't I smelled them on you?" Her ears wilted, "You would choose them over me?"
"Of course not!" Maelex suddenly changed his expression and lowered his tail. He didn't mean it seriously, "I haven't seen any others...but even if I did, you are my mate, Sai." His ears lowered with hers.
Watching him with deep purple eyes for a moment, Saithsarda whinned softly and nosed at his muzzle, afraid that he had meant it. When he said he didn't her haunches shivered briefly before licking his neck. "I thought... maybe you..." Her lip quivered.
Maelex kept his stance in the water as Sai stepped in, nuzzling and licking his neck. He turned his head and looked at her seriously, "That I what?" he asked gently.
She looked away, "That you had another female, besides me," Sai murmured. Her head was lowered, but her ears had raised back into their normal position, although her facial expression was quite sad.
"I haven't even had you." Maelex said before it hit him and he finally figured it out. He smiled and stepped closer, rubbing his cheek against hers, "I would never dream about being with any other female, but you Sai." Gently gliding his neck around hers, he purred lightly, sending the vibrations onto her.
Her eyes closed at that, though she couldn't admit it outloud for some reason. Maybe it was because she still had the mentality that she was his mother. Saithsarda let herself lightly purr, "Thank you..." Was all she could utter.
Maelex smirked and nuzzled her for a bit before his attention span shifted. He jumped back and wagged his tail in the air once again, "Now! We battle!" he joked. He was after all...still young.
Ishmael stuck his head through the grass, raising an eyebrow at the male, "We spotted some gazelle off in the distance, if you two are hungry." Looking at him, Sai glanced to Maelex, still a little down from their conversation before padding after the human.
Maelex was a little disheartened that his play was interrupted once again. He sighed and slowly stepped out of the water and shook out his fur from the water droplets. Not wanting to hunt right now, he lowered his head and slowly followed a few feet behind the others.
Aamir was tending a small fire, working to get it started while the daylight began to ebb, "Is there a way you wouldn't mind catching us a hare?" He asked quietly, not wanting to offend them. The Himmel looked at Maelex, "I don't mind." Wondering if he will get the hint to follow her, Sai flicked her tail, then disappeared into the tall grasses.
Maelex practically dragged his feet behind him as he followed Sai. He left his tail glide against the sandy ground behind him. He ruffled his coat, still a little damp from earlier.
Once they were away from the humans again, Saithsarda crouched in waiting for Maelex, planning to surprise him.
Maelex yawned and shook his head a bit on the exhale. He kept his stride as he followed the sandy footprints of Sai, not particularly looking at her.
Leaping out of the tall shoots, Saithsarda gurgled happily and tackled him, ears down submissively.
"Oof!" Maelex grunted as she pounced on him. Completely caught off guard, he stared up at her as if not knowing what the hell happened. "S.....Sai?"
Grinning, "Oh hi-" She began to lick his face, up and down, even nibbling gently on his would be beard, then licking against his neck and cheek.
Maelex started to giggle under her licks, "H-hey! No fair! I wasn't paying attention and I already got a bath in the river!" he countered. Though he did secretly enjoy the playful, yet somewhat romantic, attention. His tail wagged from side to side like an excited kit.
"I'm not- giving you- a bath..." Saithsarda admited slowly. Her vent was thinly opened, revealing a hint of her scent as she was standing over him, pressing her thin body against his.
"Then what are yo-" he caught a light whiff and stared up at her with wide eyes, "Wow..." Not only this, but he could feel how she felt when she pressed down against him. Being the hormonal-driven teen he was, something started to poke out of his sheath almost instantly.
Sai chuckled, gliding her coils over his, then pushed further against him. Maybe he got the hint. Opening her vent further, her own scent washed over both of them, "I told you in th beginning, that I am not your mother, and I told you last night that I was relinquishing my lead over you."
Maelex perked his ears up, "But I asked if you wanted to...I-I thought you didn't want to...toOooOO~" The scent hit him like a tidal wave and practically made him pass out with ecstasy. A firmness slid out from his sheath completely as he laid on his back. It ran up her stomach, practically pulsing.
She tilted her face, looking at the tapered end of his Himmelhood, the tip in a likeness to their tails. Smiling, Sai licked him again.
Unable to help himself, he tried to gyrate his hips a bit, wanting to penetrate her valve despite their switched positions. There was a low growl coming from deep in Maelex's throat, something Sai hadn't ever heard before.
Cheaping in response, she dropped her ears down submissively, getting to her feet. Perhaps he would like to get into a more natural position.
Maelex got up onto his feet and started to rub his body all along hers lovingly. As he glided to her backside, he leaned in and sniffed at her erotic scent. His knees almost gave way as it nearly made him dizzy.
Saithsarda crooned, lowering her torso to the ground again and arching her neck. No words were needed as her vent opened even further, showing off her gleaming insides.
"S-sai.." Maelex muttered before he walked up to her backside. He got into a mounting position, pressing his chest down against her spine, letting a deep purr vibrate in his throat. His tail lifted in anticipation as he tried to find her vent with his thickness. Maelex was having a bit of difficulty since she was still a little bigger then he was.
Arching her neck further, Saithsarda yearned for him to latch onto her neck with his teeth, but she didn't voice her wanting. Instead she mewled quietly, squirming her hips and trying to help him.
Before Maelex could bite down on her neck, he glanced at her scars made from a full grown male. He couldn't even reach it with his own teeth if he tried. Thinking it over, Maelex stepped down and dismounted, having not penetrated Sai at all. "Not yet." He looked away, embarrassed. His tail curled between his legs, yet his erection stayed firm. "You deserve a real male. One that has a longer beard and that can protect you. I can't fool myself like this." Maelex bowed his ears back, ashamed that he misled her like this.
Sai was beyond words at this point, but the moment he backed away she tilted her ears and hissed softly, "What are you talking about," Having issues forming her words because of her sexual drive, "You are a real male. You are my mate." She pushed her hips further up.
Maelex looked at her perked rump and nearly quivered. He forced himself to look away. "You need someone full grown. A himmel that you KNOW can protect you from anything!" He puffed up his chest a bit and getting a stern voice. "Saithsarda, I am your mate and you are mine but I will not impregnate you until I KNOW that you will be safe while nesting. I refuse to risk your life otherwise." Even though he wasn't an adult, he sure sounded full grown just now.
Growling, "I've protected myself for a long time, Maelex." Although her vent was still wide open, she lowered her haunches. "Besides, you still aren't old enough to... impregnate me."
His masculine pose faded instantly when she said that. He suddenly felt as if his entire proposal went on deaf ears. Now he just felt stupid. His tail lowered and his ears pulled back. Maelex thought he was doing the right thing, but in reality just let Sai down even more. "O-Oh..." he looked away, wanting to run and hide in shame.
It took great control for her to close her vent and seal off her scent from him, but she succeeded and took to her feet again so she could face him. "Maelex..." Extending her neck, she licked his cheek, looking him in the eye, "If you want to wait, I will respect that."
"It's not that I don't want to- cause I do! I just thought you- a-and now..." Maelex was panicking a little. He couldn't look her straight in the eye. He was so ashamed at how he had turned a beautiful himmel like Sai down during such a perfect moment. He was mounting her and everything! "I-I'm.." his eyes were watering a little and he didn't want her to see, "I'm sorry!" he shouted before running away.
Sai let out a tiny cheap, "Wait! Don't go!" she tore after him, determined not to let him go.
He had darted into a tall, grassy patch. Maelex curled himself up in a ball and buried his face in his coils as he weeped. Even though he was in the tall grass, she could surely still smell him. How could he ever redeem himself after something like that?
Approaching him slowly, Saithsarda dropped her ears as low as they could go, nosing her way through the grasses. "Max...?" she called, saying his childhood nickname. When she found him, all in a ball, she touched his side tentitively, "I love you... Max."
"I'm sorry..." he muttered, his voice muffled between his coils. "I must be such a disappointment." Maelex unraveled a little, "It's just that when I saw that scar on your neck, I realized how much larger the bite was and..." he took a breath, "I don't know..."
She looked at him for a moment before replying, just as quietly, "He bit me twice, so it looks larger then it is." Himmel's didn't have that large of jaws, but for a Himmel to have done that in one bite... well, they would have to be larger then forty feet long.
"So...you aren't ashamed of me?" Maelex asked, bringing his ears up a little. "I let you down...I'm not a very good mate." he admitted sadly.
"Of course not!" Sai nuzzled him, "Maybe you are too young still, and that is okay. I was not offended, just a little..." She didn't finish, but kissed his face and cheek, wanting him to bring back his old cheerful self.
"Umm..." Maelex looked away for a moment before up at Sai, "I'm still the strongest, sexiest... most masculine male around!" he said confidently, getting his spark back. He got to his feet and smiled his usual, flirty smile, "I was just worried that you couldn't handle...all of this." he shrugged, posing a little.
"I can..." She replied, nodding. Then, standing, she yawned and scratched at her belly, "Ready to hunt?"
"Alright alright... we can try round two later." Maelex said, half serious. "Bet I can kill one bigger then you can!"
Saithsarda rolled her eyes, "I'm sure they will all be the same, the humans just need a rabbit. Are you hungry?"
"Starving!" he smiled, the growing Himmel that he was. He hesitated, "A rabbit? That's it? There isn't any meat on those little things. It's all fluff."