Page name: New Varse rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-11 22:29:19
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 2
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Here in lie the rules, i am flexable, but please don't make a habit of breaking any

# 1 No power playing/god moding: I understand your character may be powerful, but please do not force other characters into doing something. Your character is not invincible to everything, that being said if you pit a younger character against a more experianced one, expect yours to get hurt or otherwise defeated.

# 2 Do not kill somone's character without their permission: Characters will most likely die i get that, but be courteous and discuss the outcome of it before hand if you intend to kill their character.

# 3 Sex an intimacy: It happens, if it's headed towards sex, make a seperate wiki to go to so that those of us who want to see it can and those who don't can remain un offended and be about their merry way. Anything else i just ask that you use discretion and be aware that there may be some people who might not appreciate seeing something like that in an rp.

# 4 Posting: This is probably the only one i'll be something of a stickler to. Try to post at least once a day. I will try to keep the rp at a reasonable pace for those of you who can't get on frequently, but prefferably you'd be able to post frequently. That being said, if you're in a rp room and someone hasn't posted yet, be patient and wait for them to post. I will set everything back and restart the conversation if to many people get left behind.

# 5 Complaints: If you have an issue, talk to me about it. Please do not complain on the wikis why? Because it gets annoying and interferes with other peoples converstations. Send it to me, or send it to whomever you have a complaint against. If that doesn't resolve it then come to me and i'll do my best to work it out.

# 6 Coarse language: I honestly don't mind a character who is abraisive, just if you insist keep it to a mimimum because after awhile it starts to read and look bad.

Any questions? Feel free to ask!

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