Page name: Normal Nurse's Office [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-04 21:27:57
Last author: twitchboy
Owner: Blood Sucking Beauty
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Normal High Nurse's Office


Day Of The Week:Monday

Yui came into her own office and opened up her folders. She sighed. "It's the first day and noone is in the office. That's weird."

Oni leaned his head through the door. "Knock knock."

Yui came to the front door hearing someone. "May I help you?" The nurse asked excited yet dreading having business. She didn't like some of the cases that came to her. Kids would come to her with bull excuses to get sent home. She was hoping this wasn't another one on the first day.

Oni smiled as he walked in. "I dont even know why i come in on mondays. How is your day miss yui?" He sat down at the nearest chair.

Yui walked out to see the face of the man talking. "Oh. It's you Oni. For a moment there, I thought you were a student." She smiled her kind apologetic smile.

"I appreciate that youthful compliment." H leaned back with a sigh. Then a small grin broke in the corner of his mouth. "I do need a band aid though."

Yui looked at Oni curiously. "For what?" She headed to the little jar on the desk which was filled to the top with band-aids.

Oni broke out in a smile as she took the bait. "I think i scraped my knee when i fell for you." He put on his most innocent face.

Yui giggled. She didn't have to be professional now. "Well than I guess you'll need more than one huh?" She chuckled.

"You know it." Oni grinned. This was a start, a girl who hadnt flattened yet.

"Why did you come in today if you have no classes Mr. Oni?" Yui asked curiously.

Oni actually stopped to ponder. "Well, the way i see it i can sit at home watch tv, work out and sleep or cpome here and have the company of beautiful educators and staff. Besides, i need to be here in case on of my students need help or someone to talk to." He actually seemed to be speaking in earnest.

"Interest thought, Mr. Oni." Yui responded with a sweet smile.

Oni met her eye. "Oni is fine. You seem to be having a slow day as well." He wanted to pass some time and Yui was easy to talk to.

Yui nodded. "It's the first day. Nobody ever really gets sick on the first day. They just all want to go home."

"Then the nurse's office is exactly where i would want to be." Oni laughed, finishing off the last of his monster drink and disposing it in the trash.

Yui giggled. She thought Oni was a very interesting teacher. One she could really get along with.

He noticed the giggle and took a mental note. "So miss Yui why havent you voluntered to teach a health occupations class or first aid class with your skills? With the way these kids are always in trouble it could come in handy."

Yui smiled. "Well Mr Oni. I would but that would take away from precious time of me healing the children that are actually hurt. It would be nice to help prevent it but it's even more helpful of healing it when it happens." She said.

"Touche." Oni laughed, picking up a reflex hammer form one of the drawers and striking his knee but missing the tendon.

Yui giggled and Oni's impulsiveness.

Eventually after a few attempts he got frustrated. "How in the world do you do this? Its impossible." He gripped the hammer in frustration.

Yui chuckled. "Here. Let me show you." She held her hand out for the hammer.

Oni sighed and handed the hammer over like a little child who had been asked to hand over his slingshot with which he had been mischevious with.

Yui smiled and kneeled down in front of Oni. She slid her hand along his knee finding the tendon and than gently struck just below the knee cap hitting the reflex tendon.

Being a fighter and gangster in in his previous days his reflexes were astounding, however he didnt expect to see his foot fly up and connect with his face somehow completly avoiding Yui.

Yui laughed aloud. "What a fascinating reaction."

Oni minced and clutched his nose. "Facinating..not the word i would have used."

Yui chuckled. "I'm so sorry." She leaned closer to him. "Let me see. I have to make sure it isn't broken."

"Eh" Oni didnt know what she ment and kinda shrugged a bit.<img:44166_1164144921.gif>

Yui moved Oni's hands from his nose so she could look. "Well it's not broken." She chuckled.

He smiled shyly, "Thanks." He laughed touching his nose gingerly.

Yui smiled and than looked at the clock. "Oh my. Look at the time. Finally the first day is coming to a close end."

"Yeah i have to teach tommorrow." Oni smiled making his way to the door.

"Just don't get hurt." Yui threatened Oni in a joking manner.

"Thats not to bad of an idea. I get to come see you if i do." Oni chuckled.

Normal High

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