Page name: On the subject of 'Beauty'. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-18 22:27:46
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On the subject of 'Beauty'.

- Poem and Article as written by [Chimes].
This wiki is part of 'On the subject of...'


Beauty – be it: physical, emotional, artistic, all of the above or simply beauty in one of its other forms – can often be overlooked. Some say ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, such a clichéd quote though it speaks truth that many choose to ignore. It is not what they see that matters, it is what is in your eyes that truly matters.

I do not speak for all when I say this, however the want is universal; everyone wants beauty, in some form though may be not the most obvious. Sometimes a simple flower can bring happiness into a person’s life due to the beauty it holds. Other times it is something flowing with more grandeur such as the Niagara Falls or the Northern Lights. Seeing the beauty within the love of a mother and child can be humbling for many a soul.

Beauty is not just in what you see, but what you feel, what you hear, what you touch, what you write, what you say and even what you smell. Learning to appreciate each and every small portion of the beauty in this world would take over a lifetime. But appreciating what is beyond your own back door is a small step towards realising what is really out there.

    I am the drifting river
    Running through your soul
    Like the blood in your veins
    Bringing your thoughts
    Out of the drone of the day
    To the splendour of your senses

    I can be whoever
    Or whatever you want
    Taking you to new places
    Letting you see
    Through eyes that are untainted

    They say I have rose-tinted glasses
    That I don’t see what’s really there
    But they don’t know
    That I see what I see
    That it’s in my eyes
    When I see a face in the crowd
    A face not knowing its worth
    That what I see is wonderful
    Nothing belonging on earth

    Do not trust in these eyes
    Trust in the ones inside
    Then you can drift on peacefully
    And live in beauty once more

    I am the spirit of beauty
    And believe me you’ll always be blessed.

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Nothing is perfect; not one being in this world can say that they have achieved complete and total perfection. Though I don’t know who said the above quote I believe that it is true. Happiness is the truest form of beauty. Remember it and smile at the future.

You do not have to agree with anything I have said here, this is merely my personal view. Everyone is allowed an opinion and this is mine.



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