Page name: On the subject of 'Jealousy'. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-18 22:34:01
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On the subject of 'Jealousy'.

- Poem and Article as written by [Chimes].
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Jealousy, a fickle feature if ever there was one. No one is above jealousy, at one point or another it seeks to consume us all. Reactions to it are always different, yet sometimes the same. However little sense it may make. One is always wanting that which belongs to another, though it may be very subtle – even unnoticeable – at times. It can be the bane of a being or it can be the small, barely bothersome, itch at the back of the brain or the heart.

Many a relationship has been ruined by a bout of jealousy from one of the pair, whether it founded or not it can rip happiness at the seams. Jealousy can turn the most sane into a monster, if at the right intensity. There can be many a reason behind it, or even none at all. Most jealousy is merely a pointless hindrance fuelled by want or greed, though it can come from the actions of others. The things that you notice above all others.

Jealousy can evoke the worst, and sometimes best, characteristics in people. Though more often it is the former. The most jealousy can do is lose people, it cannot be a point of gain. Though some may argue, I personally see no gain in being jealous of someone in more than a joking manner. Being jealous of a talent does not let you have it, neither does being jealous of a person and what they own. We may not be able to escape the coils of jealousy but we can choose not to act upon it, pushing it to the back of our minds where it can be ignored.

    I am there, always
    Sitting in your soul
    Breathing in your thoughts
    Whispering their secrets into your ear

    I am the fire that burns
    Seeping through your heart
    Drifting like a plague
    As their fingers caress and touch

    I am the fly on the wall
    Watching their charade
    Telling their tales
    Speaking the words you dare not think

    I know what you want
    I know what you seek
    I tell you never
    And you believe

    You take all my words
    Keep them inside
    Watch them come true
    As you see through their lies

    I am the listener
    As you spew out your rage
    Growing ever vengeful
    Wanting all you wished for
    Wanting all of him

    I am the guide
    As you cut out your heart
    Just to get him back
    Just to keep his favour

    I am the truthful
    The teller of their crimes
    The seeker of their secrets
    Your companion for all time

    I am jealousy
    I’m always in your mind

"To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is, a dissatisfaction with self."
Joan Didion.

The only way a person can avoid jealousy would be to have perfect happiness, but what defines perfect happiness? Does it even exist? Two of the many questions that run through my mind as I think. Is there any sure way of smiting jealousy for good, or will it just rear it’s ugly head in the future? I cannot be sure and I am sure no one else can too – though however impossible, I guess there is always hope. Letting jealousy become you can be the biggest mistake one can ever make, pray you don’t let it happen to you.

You do not have to agree with anything I have said here, this is merely my personal view. Everyone is allowed an opinion and this is mine.



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