Page name: Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2010-03-28 19:39:08
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 3

"So...are you staying?

"For now."

She nodded. "Rest well....til the morning?"

"You too." He said laying down

He fell asleep, as did Silia. Kii dreamt of his love again.

Kii frowned

Find me....


The figure kissed him.

He blushed hesitantly kissing back.

Soon morning came and all awoke.

Kii sat up with a yawn and a stretch

Ysamia sat up stretching too. "Morning...."

Silia was up and cooking at the fire.

Jahariss Woke and offered to help.'

Kii hugged his sister

"Thanks, Jahariss..." Silia said softly, letting him help.

Ysamia hugged back.

"Morning." Kii said

" did you sleep?" Silia asked.

"Ok and you?"

"As fine as can be in this world...." Silia said. "Now...we all need to eat before we get moving...." She handed out some food.

He took it gratefully and began to eat.

Jahariss thanked her and started to eat passing food over to Ysamia

"Thank you...." Ysamia said softly taking the food, and starting to eat.

He nodded and looked off into the woods silently. His hand momentarily settling on the collar.

Kii looked at him. "You and I are similar...."He whispered.

Ysamia looked at Kii lovingly and sadly. She loved her brother so much.

Silia nodded to what Kii had said. "He is right you know..."

"I know...we were both kept in a cage, at least you had your sister though..."

Ysamia looked at Jahariss. "I was always reminded of Kii...being told that I was just like him if I talked or went to him..." she whispered.

"Is that such a bad thing? He seems nice."

"That was I was freak...a monster too" she whispered.

"Neither one of you are a freak."

Ysamia hugged onto her brother.

Silia nodded. "There is nothing wrong with either of you..."

"Really?" Kii asked

"Really..." Silia said.

Ysamia hugged her brother.

He hugged back

"We need to pack up camp and get moving...." Silia said standing up.

Jahariss nodded and sat to work.

Silia worked on packing up.

Kii kept close to his sister

When everything was pack, Silia looked around. "Already?"

They nodded

Silia started to lead them away from the area.

Kii and Jahariss followed, Kii staying near his sister

Ysamia held onto Kii's arm.

he smiled.

Silia lead them down a long road.

Jahariss kept alert

Their journey was swift, and when the sun started to set, Silia had them stop and asked for help to set up camp.

They worked on setting up camp. Kii even gathered sticks for a fire

Silia asked Ysamia to help with preparing the food, which she did.

Jahariss came back with two large rabbits.

"Those look great..." Silia said.

"I figure two rabbits should be good for our numbers."

Ysamia nodded, then looked down. "Two was enough for...them...and me....I had to sneak out some for Kii."

"Why is that?"

Ysamia looked down, then at Kii.

"I will get another rabbit than." He said hurrying off again. ((could have him spot the other two below))

He spotted a young woman and young man.

He crept closer keeping to the shadows ((Go below))

"Either as you are or as my bride!"

"I would rather change every night than marry you!" She said with a glare

He backhanded her. "You will have sealed not only your's but that of your little friend..."

She glared at him in anger. "You said you won't change her back."

"She must earn it!"


"She knows..." he growled, "think about what I said..." He then stalked off.

She went back inside holding her cheek.

The kitten moved towards her, mewing.

She gently picked her up stroking her fur, "Hello little angel...what does he want from you?"

I don't know.....I really don't know....he thinks I do...

She sighed hoping someone would help them

Angel purred against her. Save....yourself....

"No. I want to help you too angel."

You could get out of here....I can't...even when I'm human....

"I am stuck in this glade..."

You could get free....


Him.... she whispered, not wanting to say it.

She shivered. "I...would rather die."

I shouldn't have said anything...I'm sorry...

"For what? It's alright..."

you sure....??

"You want me free."

The kitten snuggled against her.

She stroked her fur

Angel purred, and licked at her hand.

She smiled softly and kissed her forehead

Angel curled up in her arms.

She sighed wondering how they could free themselves.

A storm came up around the area.

She held onto Angel and sat near the fire watching it come down through the window.

Lightning flashed. Angel jumped.

"It's ok. I won't let anything happen to you."

Angel curled closer. I....hate...storms.....

She held her protectively

Angel licked her hand.

She smiled stroking her fur

Would my....

your what sweetheart?


She hugged her gently. "Of course. Of course you can sweety."

She licked her cheek.

"I love you."

I love you too mama...

She smiled and fixed them food

What are you making?

"Fish stew."

Okay mama... The kitten ran off playfully.

She smiled happily. "Don't leave the house please. I want you safe."

I won't...

She worked on making the stew glad to have company


She looked

He stood there holding Angel by her fur. "Hello beautiful..."

She rushed them . "NO! Let her go!"

He grabbed her pulling her quickly into a kiss.

She slapped him trying to get Angel

He pulled Angel away from her. "Tsk, you don't..." he smirked.

"GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER!" She screamed

Miki lead them over to the cave, heading inside to its concealing darkness.

He followed looking around in interest

"This will be a good place to rest for the night...."

"It looks secure..."

"Right..." Miki nodded. "It's prefect....for tonight...."

He laid down to rest. "Do you think they will find us?"

"I don't think so..." she whispered.

"I hope not...." He gathered branches and shrubs and pulled them over the cave entrance to hide their hiding place

"That's a great idea..." she said as she started to help him.

He smiled hesitantly. "It seemed a good one."

Miki smiled. "You may have tracker in your bones..."


"You were acting like a tracker just then..."

"I...just felt it was right and would protect us..."

"That's good...very good..."



He smiled and laid down

Miki sat back against a wall.

He closed his eyes to rest

He fell to sleep, and dreamed the dream again.

He tried to study it in more detail

He couldn't get a clear image.

He frowned

He felt a hand on his shoulder.

He jumped and growled looking around panicked

Miki jumped back. "Hey...I'm sorry... You just didn't look like you were getting any good sleep..."

He settled and relaxed. It's not that...I keep dreaming of someone...

"Really? Same here...."

"You do?"

"'s been strange...."

He told her as much as he knew

"Mine....looked like....royalty....though...look at me...." she said softly.

"I don't know...what is royalty?"

"We were forced fighters to royalty..."

'oh..."he still looked confused

Miki sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Not knowing..."

"You don't need to apologize...."

"Thank you..."

Miki smiled.

"What now?"

"We could continue away from here more, or camp..."


Miki nodded, and started to settle down.

He helped

Miki smiled in thanks.

He looked around the area

He saw a rabbit.

He looked at it curiously. "What is that?"

"Oh that's a rabbit...."

"Is it edible?"

"Yes it is....we'd have to kill it, skin it, and then cook it..."

He tried to catch it

Jahariss watched curiously

The rabbit jumped out of the way of him. Miki giggled softly. "You were so close..."

He looked at her than back trying to find the rabbit.

Jahariss killed it. "Is this what you want?"

Sekar stiffened and growled ears flat against his skull as he backed up.

Miki glared at him. "Who are you?"

"Relax...I mean no harm. My name is Jahariss. My friends and I are camped not far from here if you want to join us. You might be safer that way." He said holding that rabbit and one other he had caught before he spotted them

He looked at him. "Make me." He growled trying to break free.

"The Gods are the high elders...disrespect us here, you disrespect the Gods as well..."

"You aren't gods." He said in anger

"We are as close!"

He turned and began to leave. "Not to me."

"Get back here!"

He continued walking

"Get back here or I will hand the young man to the guards of the kingdom..."

He stiffened and turned in horror. "What? What young man?" He said trying to mask his expression.

((this priest does have the hots for Merak. He desires him hence the reason Merak is uneasy around him))

"So I have your attention now..." smirked the priest, walking over to him.

He tensed. "What young man?"

"The one that had come from your room....looking for you...." he smirked.

"Don't hurt my guest." Merak said growing worried

"Really? I think I may have some fun with him....he is handsome...."

"W...what? can't." His eyes were wide pleading with him.

"Then you had better be a good boy..."

"Fine...but let him go...please...he saved me from being killed."

"He will stay here... as insurance..."

"That isn't right! You haven't the right to hold him against his on will!"

"It was his will to be here..."

"Because he wanted me safe...please...let him go."

The priest went up to him, grabbed him possessively. "Then you had better not leave again..."

He shivered in fear and slowly nodded. "Ok....just...let him go...please."

"Get to your room and stay there..."

"Let him go first..."

"Go now!"

"But how do I know you will keep your word?!"

"Faith..." the priest said with a slight smirk.

"I don't have any faith in you..."

"Then have faith in the gods that he is fine and to your room!"

He went still worried about him. "Please be safe..."He whispered as he sat down on his bed

He heard the door to his room click locked.

He threw himself onto his bed praying he was safe

He felt something sharp under his pillow.

He frowned and looked

There was a knife that had Kyuno's scent on it.

He picked it up and held onto it hiding it. He hoped Kyuno was safe

He had the feeling something was off.

He tried to find a way out of his room

He couldn't find a way. Just then a cloth filled hand covered his mouth and nose, and he started to lost consciousness.

He struggled Kyuno!

He lost consciousness. When he next woke up, he found that he was bound to the bed.

He looked around frantically his breathing becoming labored. ""

The priest came into view.

"Father? W...why am I tied up?" He asked in confusion

The priest striped himself of his robes, and walked over to Merak, and began to slowly cut off his clothing with a knife that he had picked up from beside the bed.

He struggled. "NO! FATHER THIS IS WRONG!" He tried to see if he could get to the knife Kyuno gave him

The father continued to cut his clothing. Merak's finger tips brushed the knife.

He grabbed it and tried to cut at his restraints still struggling

The hand with the knife was grabbed. "No you don' belong to me...." the priest said, before grabbing his manhood.

He screamed and struggled. "NO! I...KYUNO!"

The priest nipped his neck. Then he whispered, "You're friend can't hear you..."

"Please...father why? Let me go..."He trembled in fear struggling to get the knife again

"I want you all to myself..."

"B..but...this goes against the plan to violate me against my will!"

"I will have you or...." he smirked.

"W...why?" He whimpered tears in his eyes. "The gods won't be pleased...>" He reached for the knife again

"I don't care....I will have you... just as I had your friend..."

His eyes widened in horror. " MONSTER!" He gripped the knife and tried to cut his bonds

The priest grabbed his manhood, roughly. he then swallowed his manhood.

He screamed and slashed at him with the knife after breaking through one of the bonds

"I will be heading back with you..."

"Will you stay with me?"

"None may know that I am with you....I have work as the Black Rose that I must do...." she said softly.

"When can I see you again?"

Rael looked at her. "I will be near by..."

She kissed her gently

Rael kissed back. "We will see each other every night...."

She smiled happy to hear that. "I want to help you too,"

Rael nodded. "Thank you... now we must head back to your world..."

"Alright love."

Rael started to walk back over the water. "This way..."

She followed.

Rael took her hand, and bent down and touched the water. They both slipped through the water and then they were standing on the water and the world looked normal to her.

"How will we meet up tomorrow night?"

"You'll know when I am near by...."

She kissed her. "I will smell the roses?'

"Yes...just like at the old man's place...."

"Who was he?"

"My father...."


Rael nodded. "Yes he is my father...didn't you think it was strange that the roses were strongest there?"

"I did...I just thought was you in disguise or you were friends...I...threatened him..."

"He's use to it...."


"He was the starter of the legends of the Black Rose...."

"He was? Than he passed the legacy to you?"



"he's who told you about the field...?"

"Not partner's father too."

"Really? Hmmm... interesting..."

"Why do you think he knew about it? Of course he spoke in riddles...but still..."

Rael laughed. "Riddles...oh my that bastard..."

"You know him?"

"Living in my world...extends your life...."

"He lived in your world?"

"No...even as a child he was a little bastard..."

" said living in your knew him as a child then?"

"I meet him once during one of my trips here..."


"A complete brat..."

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"no...I hurt him though..."


"I rejected him..." she said simply.

"He wanted you?"

"Yes....he did...."

She hugged her protectively

Rael laughed. "Don't worry....I'm all yours..."

She kissed her

Rael kissed back passionately.

she smiled. "I guess I should find that friend of mine and make sure he stays out of trouble."

Rael nodded, "I will help you..."

"Thanks." She said leading her to where he had last been

They didn't see him anywhere.

She looked around in worry and searched for tracks

"There's horse prints over here.....and foot prints running after..."

She nodded heading that way her worry growing. "I don't like this."

Rael nodded, resting a hand on her shoulder.

She looked

"I'm here for you..."

"I am worried..."

"Damn it...." He continued to ride back to the castle.

He noticed what looked like him land than enter the gates

Ryiou continued up to the stables of the castle, quickly getting off and handing his horse off to a stable hand, before rushing up the castle steps, heading inside.

Some of the servants looked surprised to see him

Ryiou rushed past them to get to his sister.

he heard his father's yell

Tarsas watched silently.

"You all will marry as I see fit for the good of the kingdom..." Tarsas noticed there was something more in the king's eyes.

He studied him carefully to figure out what it was.

"I love someone else..." Seanna whispered

"What!?! I will not have this! I have chosen your husband and you will marry him!"

"I would rather die..."

He walked over to her, and roughly grabbed her wrist. "You will do as I say..."

Ryiou rushed into the room. "Father! What are you doing?"

A cloaked figure then rushed through the window, scooping up Seanna before dashing out.

"What?!" cried the king.

Tarsas watched silently

The king screamed for the guards.

Ryiou smiled.

The king turned on Ryiou who them stopped smiling. "Where did you go!? You know your duty..."

Ryiou was silent. "I'm sorry father... I know my duty is to the kingdom..."

"My I have his hand my lord?"

The king spun on Tarsas. "What? How is it that you think I would want you to marry my son?"

"I love your son. How is it any different from me being with your daughter?"

"Love my son!? How can you love my son!? I will not have it...Ryiou knows his place... he is to be marrying the woman I have choosen for him...!"

"Why is it any different? We feel something for one another."

"You wouldn't be able to produce an heir..."

"Magical means..."

"I will not have my son married to a man..."

Ryiou just looked down and a way.

He quickly grabbed Ryiou and vanished with him. He pulled him up onto his nightmare and quickly rushed away with him

They were followed by the shouts of his father and the guards. "Don't...this will just get worse..."

He smirked his eyes flashing molten fire. "You mean more exciting.I won't let anyone else have you." He whispered holding onto him as they took flight, a hand slipping down his pants

Ryiou gasped. "Tarsas....please...I...oh god...Tarsas....I don't want you harmed...."

"I enjoy the challenge. I won't be parted from you, not ever for you."

Ryiou blushed. "I...oh...." He was shivering and breathing heavily

"are you alright?" He asked in concern as he pulled his cloak around Ryiou.

"I'm....okay...I...mmm..." he moaned, placing a hand on Tarsas's hand that was in his pants.

He smiled and massaged a little more

Ryiou shivered more. "Tarsas......I...." he muttered, leaning back against him.

He withdrew his hand gently. "Are you going to say you don't like it?"

" do...did...I like..." he said softly, unable to make sentences.

He smirked and kissed his neck

Ryiou shivered, leaning his head to the side more.

"I love you."

" do....? you...." he whispered. It began to rain lightly.

He looked up and grinned. "Hold on..." He whispered. Soon a swirling storm crashed around them but they were kept dry, it obscured them and hid them from pursuit, but Ryiou felt like he was close to falling

Ryiou started to slip. "Tarsas!"

He pulled him closer his hard chesseled chest pressed against his back. Ryiou could feel his warmth and smell his earthy scent. "I would never let you fall." He said against his ear.

Ryiou blushed nodding. ""

He nodded as they landed near a nice sized manor.

Ryiou's mouth was wide in awe.

"You like it? It's not as grand as the castle is home."

"I was going to live as a traveling you think....I..." He looked down blushing.

"I'd like to hear you sing."

Ryiou looked at him. "R...really...?"

He nodded leading him inside

Ryiou blushed deeply. "I...I'm getting"

"Why?" He asked kissing him

"You...." he whispered.

"I am you want me to take you back?"

Ryiou just looked at him. " it's not that...I've just never felt this nervous...."

"Try to relax."

Ryio sighed out a breath. "Tarsas..." he blushed. "You make me nervous..." he whispered, still blushing. "I will try..." Ryio closed his eyes and started to sing softly.

"Beautiful voice."

Ryio blushed. "Really?"


"Th...thank you...."

he gently kissed him. "Only giving compliments where they are due."

Ryio blushed, kissing back.

He trailed a hand under his shirt

Ryio took a deep intake of air. "Tarsas..."


Ryio was blushing deeply.

"Tell me not to if you don't want it." He said as he began to remove his pants

Seanna felt herself flying through the air and then the movement of horse and the familiar pull.


"Yes...beautiful one?"

She hugged him tightly. "Thank you."

She felt him press her tiara into her hand as they rode.

She put it on. "Thank you...but my brother...where is he?"

"I don't know....just we have to get you far from here...."

" brother..."

"You first then I'll head back..."


"Hold on...I don't want you to fall off...."

She did as asked

Cain looked to the skies. "It's that damned Nightmare...."

She shivered and hugged him closer

"I'm going to follow him...there are two riders....."

She nodded

"It looks like that man is more interested in your brother than you...."

"Ry...what if he gets hurt?"

"That's why I'm following from here...."

She nodded

He had their horse continue to follow.

She hoped her brother was ok

They continued to follow the nightmare.

She held on

It began to rain lightly. "Pull my cloak over you..."

She did as he said

His horse headed into the woods, galloping between trees and brush as it started to pour.

She clutched his shirt trying to keep her balance

One of his arms reached back, holding onto her.

"Thank you for helping..."


She hugged him around the waist as they rode

He sensed out the nightmare and its riders.

It lead toward a steep ravine

Caine got off of the horse and started to lead the horse with Seanna down the ravine.

He got to a point where it looked like to horse couldn't go any further

Caine reached up to help her get down. "We have to continue on..."

She nodded and held onto his hand. "Ok."

Caine carefully lead her on.

She followed as best she could

In the distance she saw a large manor.

"Wow...look at that."

Caine looked ahead. "It is possible that your brother was taken there. I don't see anything else in this whole area for miles..."

She nodded

Caine continued on with her, keeping her close.

She stumbled

Caine spun and caught her. "You alright?"

"Y...yea...I think so."

He scooped her up onto my back.

She held on

Caine started to continue to track down the slope.

He got to the bottom

He sat her back down on the ground. "You alright?"


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