Page name: Operation: Brad Pitt [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-25 03:32:06
Last author: Yanaba
Owner: Yanaba
# of watchers: 2
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A wiki dedicated to an unforgettable night of vandilism, fun, and friendship!

The story

Part 1

Once upon a time, there were these four girls who went to go see "The Phantom of the Opera" movie. Three of the four liked it, while one, crazy lunatic (*cough*sarah*cough*) thought she was in a "perpetual singing hell". Well, the movie finally ended and, as the girls were walking down the hallway to the back exit, the most beautifully, gorgeous vision appeared: an 8-9ft tall, cardboard standie of Brad Pitt as Mr. Smith!!!!(*singing angels*) The girls were awe-struck! Suddenly, one crazy lunatic (*cough*sarah*cough*) grabbed the heavenly poster and started to drag it with her to the exit, while all the other three girls could do was laugh their asses off! Well, the crazy girl didn't get to far as she realized that the poster was way way WAY too big for her to carry on her own. She wanted it! Slowly a plan started to form in her mind. As she pretended to be casually leaning on the wall beside the poster she started to unscew the nuts and bolts holding it together, while convincing the other girls to join her in her evil scheme to steal the beautiful Brad Pitt. Unfortunately...a camera was right beside the poster pointing towards *cough*sarah*cough*, and she gave up her conquest, for the time being.

Part 2 the weeks and months went by, the lunatic *cough*sarah*cough yearned for the sleek, supple carboard standie everytime she went to the movies. Each time she passed by the gorgeousness, she thought "sigh....I wish he were mine..." (lol) She voiced her opinions to the other girls, who, as the time went on and as they saw more and more trailers for the Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie, started to agree that the lovely Mr. Smith should belong to them as well. At first they all joked about it, but soon they too were getting ideas in their heads and scheming to steal the poster. After sharing their many ludicis ideas with each other, they finally decided...LET'S DO IT! Let's do something that we will remember for the rest of our lives and will bring our friendships together with an unbreakable bond of insanity and, IT'S BRAD PITT!!! This is gonna be fucking awesome!!

What will happen next?.....STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!

The Culprits

[Animal*Girl]--the master planner
[Aleka]--the smooth talker
[Yanaba]--Miss paraniod
Emily H.--the crazy one
Vanessa S.--the get-away car driver
Nick E.--the inside man

The Pictures!!!

coming soon!

The Shrine

coming soon!


back to hilly's hookers?

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2005-07-25 [Yanaba]: hey...mary.....we need the pictures.....

2005-07-25 [Aleka]: i know i know... i've got to by pass my dad's new fire wall thing... freaking frustrating but i will manage

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