Page name: Order of Inari Classes and Divisions [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-22 01:53:13
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--Order of Inari Classes and Divisions--


Im REALLY gonna have to split this up, so if this page gets really small and you cant find any info, go to the half-dozen-plus side links ill have up x.x

These are the three major distinctions registered in the Order of Inari Members page, their general color, their ranking (updated as they advance) and their kinetic class (sometimes referred to as their element).

When you become a member, you are given a large amount of Power from the pool you see behind you. This Power manifests itself in two ways.

~Firstly it gives you a kitsune form if you are not already a kitsune. Yes, even non-kitsune are allowed and encouraged to join.
Your kitsune form is created by your true personality. It looks exactly how you think it would look. Some of us have red fur, some have blue or black, others are solid white, and there are those rarer ones who have very rare colorations. Take Jayden over there ~He indicates a tall indigo furred kitsune, who has a single tail but extremely long, rougly 8'~

~As you age of course, you gain more tails. Some prefer to keep them under a binding spell, as many tails can become a hassle sometimes.

~The other portion of your aquired Power will give you one form of mental control over an element, and what kind of Kinesis you develop also depends on your inner Self.

~All kitsune naturally have a skill of illusionary magic. A good example reference would be Shippou from Inuyasha. However, our 'illusions' tend to feel quite solid. (ill make a page to describe all the spellwork eventually ><)

~Flame Kitsune (Red) - Power to mentally generate, control, and manipulate flames. Those who have mastered it can even transmute the flame energy into solid objects.
~Frost Kitsune (Bluish White) - Power to mentally sap heat from the air, extinguish fires, freeze water, and create smaller objects out of the water in the air. Masters can weild it with the force of a tsunami. (i dont think i need to tell you how strong that can be do i?)
~Thunder Kitsune (Yellow) - Power to mentally generate, control, and drain electrical energy, as well as some electromagnetic power, but at a reduced rate compared to pure electric charge. Neophite class kitsune generate an internal power level of on average 50 horsepower worth of energy, while masters can generate the force of a strong lightning strike up to 4 times.
~Aqua Kitsune (Blue) - The mental control over water, which also allows the user to breathe to some extent underwater, is one of the highest valued Sage skills, as it can be used to purify water as well as control it. Masters can even generate powerful rainstorms.
~Music Kitsune (Violet)- This unique trait is one of the most powerful Mage skills, but also one of the most chaotic and dangerous when not fully mastered. It has one of the most obscure traits, giving Music Kitsune a sort of internal tempo that prevents enchanted sleeps and dispells illusion, as well as enhancing their battle tempo. The kitsune with this trait can generate powerful shockwaves through the air as sound or through the ground as mini-quakes. Masters can controll the direction of the spell and generate enough power to cause sonic booms and ground fissures.
~Terra Kitsune (Brown) - These slightly rarer kitsune are some of the strongest. They command the earth around them, molding it as they see fit, the higher classes even able to levitate it. While metals cant be controlled, stone, sand, mud, clay and soforth can be moved at the users will. Masters can control some natural raw metals such as ores, and with refined training can also command forged metals as well.
~Solar (White) and Lunar Kitsune (Black) - These two are so similar we tend to pair them up. They aren't so much about control of an element as just a form of kinesis. Solar kitsune can generate light in vast quantities, and masters can project everything from sunlight to lazer spectra to ultraviolent. Lunar kitsune are masters of stealth beyond what normal kitsune illusion skills give you, and mastery allows them to generate a nearly impenitrable shield against light known as Dark Matter, which is actually dense enough to swim through.
~Gaia Kitsune (Green) - These are the 9th and final kinetic class. They can manipulate living plants and sometimes controll smaller animal life, but most will be able to resist control; even masters struggle to controll anything larger than a grass snake or a housecat. This class is best suited for Sage class. Their herbal and regenerative skills are leauges above others. They are ideal for healers and anyone working with medicines or growing food. Masters can heal wounds that would be considered fatal. Legeands say that some can even raise the dead...

Rarely with extensive training some Order members gain controll over multiple forms of kinesis.

~More information on multiple classes at Kinetic Research Labs

Order Rankings

Our order is one of the larger sects of the kitsune. We don't have leaders, only those we hold in higher respect after they earn their titles.

Neophite: A newly joined Order member
Tyroge: An Order member who has completed the basic training
Sage: A member must have gained advanced control of our spellcasting Power and pass a trial.
Mage: A member must have gained advanced combat skills and trained under a High Mage until he or she is deemed ready.
High Sage/Mage: A member who has mastered their specific art and been declared by a Valorian to be ready.
Valorian: A member of our order who is looked up to with high respect, a title earned by performing a heroic act of honorable mention. its distinguished between the titles of Valorian Sage or Valorian Mage
Grand Kitsune: You dont really want my kind of title, do you? you must be regarded with all our other titles, High Sage, High Mage, and earn both Valorian titles, and hold all the titles for a minimum of 20 years.

~Back to Order of Inari

~Further information on classes: Order of Inari Archives

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