Page name: Order of Inari RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-25 21:33:16
Last author: AnubisX32
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 5
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This is an opportunity for those in low ranks to advance. I will be training new members in rp combat through experience. And by that I mean me, by myself. A multi-fight will help me prepare for writing the finale to The Legeands of Inari: Act I as well as giving the members a chance to actually beat me, and encourages them to work together.

I will post once after every member has gone but not longer than after 3 members have posted. You can't just make a post in which you hit me, you have to work together to prevent me from avoiding/countering your attacks.

[!!! Post below this line! !!!]

Wes glows brightly, his energy prepared and raised to the maximum. He carries his staff at the ready, standing on the stadium floor. The arena is a circle of tiles covered by a high-reaching glass dome that prevents outside interference from weather and non-combatants. "Begin."

Talon faces wes grinning with her own staff in hand slowly sizing him up although she knows very well what his capabilities are(going for my mageness w00t w00t holla)

Pheonix comes up slowly and stealthily behind Wes. Raising her flail at ready, she standing perfectly still like a snake waiting to strike. Grinning, she winks at Talon.

Talon quickly rushes up to Wes and attempts to hold him in place for phoenix.

Seeing that Talon has most of Wes's attention (for reasons other than this RP... but we won't get into that hehe), Pheonix swings her flail at Wes's head, but slips on the slick marble flood, and realizes that her blow isn't heading for Wes's head.

Wes slurps talon playfully, rolling over with her so the flail misses him (yeah, i saw what you were suggeting, its been tried before by other jelous people o_< jk) energy gathering around his free hand, causing it to glow with silver light*

*keeps rolling after wes stops not knowing what to expect she gets quickly back up to her feet and gets into a neutral stance*

Pheonix watches her flail put a huge crack in the marble floor as she herself hits the floor. Getting up quickly and franticly, she chases after the rolling Wes and Talon.

as she is no longer rolling as phoenix would like to think-_- she quickly takes aim and fires a few fire darts at wes

((oookay, you guys are trying to get in WAAAAY too many posts before I can do anything. if theres three of you, you only get ONE post EACH for every ONE of MY posts)) Wes's silver-aura hand blocks the darts as they hit his fur, which has become like a metalic glove. He charges energy in his entire body as he draws a pair of weapons he hasn't used for a long time, a pair of meteoric swords with runes cast into the blade which is segmented. He lashes out at the flail with the sword which extends like a whip, knocking it aside as he draws the swordwhip back, the runes glowing in reaction to his charging energy*

Anubis joins in and draws his swords, now attached to chains wrapped around his arms. he spins one, and throws it in a left to right ark at Wes.

(talon is sorry the lots of postings was talons bad *smiles sheepishly*)

Without her flail, Pheonix reaches into the back of her mind and releases her pent up mana energy. Focusing that energy at her finger tips ready for use, her aura flares a silvery blue-green.

Wes counters the graceful arc of Anubis's sword with a crescent shaped sweep of the swordwhip, collapsing both and holding them, arms crossed, at his sides, his body hunched over and his aura a dark, eery shade of violet.

Pointing her hand at Wes, Pheonix releases what looks like milky white tendrils of mist. Upon reaching Wes, the tendrils wrap around his arms and middle, hardening vice-like into a subzero cuff around him.

Anubis, his swords being held by Wes, pulls hard on the chains, hoping to pull him forward and, because he is traped in Pheonix's ice, force him to fall.

Having crossed his arms for his attack, the tug breaks him free of the ice. The swords lash out extending viciously, with an explosion of energy that rips through the sound wave in all diretions around him as the swordwhips slash after it, a combination of flame and sound energy rippling out of the runes on each segment of the blades, melting the ice around him, the energy waves sending huge earthquake-like shockwaves through the ground after them as his eyes burn with an intense, dark red color that matches the energy released

talon being tho only one still with her weapon in hand she quickly ran towards wes dodging the fissures caused by his quake staff at ready to attack

Thrown back by Wes's shockwaves, Pheonix hits the wall with a dull thud, knocking objects off as she slides down. Grabbing the first thing her hand touches she rushes forward, dodgeing debis and fissures as she goes. Lashing out with her new found weapon, she is shocked to find that it is only a mere leather bull whip. Oh well, she thinks, to late to turn back.

Before the blastwave hits him, Anubis pulls the swordwhips down and to the sides, forcing them to hit the ground to his left and right, leaving twin gashes in the floor. as his swords continue to tear the floor open with the foce of the explosion wes made, anubis jumps back into the large ditch the swords made as they passed each other, forming a semicircle in the ground about half a meter deep and ducks, pulling the swords twoards him, he lies on his stomach in the ditch, almost burning on the ground, heated by the swords and, once he catches his swords, crosses them over his head and flattens himself against the side of the ditch in the direction the blast is coming from, hoping that the majority of the explosion will pass over him.

Wes doesn't loosen his grip on the handles, and feeling Anubis seize them, he sends a blast of energy through the chains which due to the fact that Anubis is holding two of them, channels through his body like an electric shock. He pulls hard on the chains using his own lunar kinetic force on Anubis and lightening him as he attempts to throw him off of the bladewhips, towards Phoenix.

Anubis, feeling the pull on his swordwhips, quickly uses his sharp claws to cut the purposly weakened link on the chain behind the section of it that he is holding to seperate them from him. while he pants from the pain Wes caused him, he quickly searches the weapons on the wall. finding what he was looking for, he dashes twoards the wall and grabs two daggers, holding them blade down and run-jumps at Wes. while he is in the air he concentrates on Wes, making him 6 times heavier than he normally is and crosses the daggers ready to make an X shaped slash at Wes 

Wes counters Anubis's spell easily being a Lunar class at a much higher level, zeroing out Anubis's gravity as he jumps so that he doesn't come down, gritting his teeth as he burns a spell into his shoulderblades, his tunic shirt falling away in a pile of blue embers as the feather shaped runes on his back glow a blazing blue-white. The air shimmers as he draws in light from the air, his body becoming a mass of almost solid-white, his eyes, his pendant, and the runes on his back both glowing a bright electric blue.

Continueing her forward movement, Pheonix lashes out with her whip, catching it around Wes's neck. Lifting up her footpaws, she lets the momentum of her movement carry her around in a clockwise motion, tightening the whip around his neck. Useing her kinetic abilities, Pheonix sends a blast of ice energy up along the whip to Wes's head, leaving a purple green haze in its wake.

Anubis, seeing Peonix attack Wes, uses the time to focus a cloud of darkness around Weses head, to temporarily blind or at least distract him. Then, after bringing gravity back to normal, Anubis quickly, but quietely sprints twoards Wes preparing to stab him with the daggers

Energy bursts from the burning blue runes, forming a pair of gigantic wings. Wes slices through the whip with a claw as he leaps into the air, out of the shadow cloud. A blast of bright light surrounds him and as it fades, there now seem to be two of Wes hovering over the others, both preparing spells as they draw their staves

Anubis stops, makes another cloud of darkness around each Wes, then jumps back twoards the wall and throws one dagger at each Wes, then reaches twoards the wall for another weapon.

roan silently watches as the battle wages on, studying his oppponents moves before he strikes. blinded temporarily by the flash of light that engulfed wes he goes into adefensive position, readying a shield of ice before him. seeing no danger to him he casts ice over both wes, enveloping them in ice as he jumps preparing to strike.

The daggers impact on the ice shields, which glisten in the air for a moment before shattering, ice shards raining down on those below as the Wes's both break free, quite clearly more than just an illusion. They hold the staves like cannon as they begin to shine with silvery-blue auras. The discharge knocks them back several feet in the air as the hawk-shaped blasts of energy soar towards their marks, glowing phoenix-like masses of flame each about the size of a large eagle, towards Anubis and Roan. The two Wes move back to back, striking a defensive stance

roan quickly raises his tail in front of him, flowing ice into it to create an impenatrable shield.....snarling at the audacity of wes he fires off a gigantic missile of ice, as it nears its target objective, it breaks into a million shards of deadly ice. he smirks a laugh and runs for cover frm the oncoming explosion. unexpectdly he slips and falls in a pool of melted water from his earlier attack, he then slides and crashes into the nearby post, cracking his arm, making it useless. he growls at his own stupidity and hopes that his attack prevailed.

The two wes's work together, joining their staffs in a V shape, energy flowing together to form a concentrated mass of flame energy which fires in time with the ice missile, which like the ice divides into a myriad of particles. However, the flame's act more like smart missiles, seeking out the ice in such a way that over half of the shot fired by Wes continues past the ice as the rest is neutralized, their combined controll and power overwhelming the lower ranked warrior's

Anubis, seeing Weses attack, jumps up and temporarily eliminates gravity,using his momentum to go higher. At the same time, he creates a double of himself out of concentrated darkness on the spot he was standing a second ago, hoping that if the blast would change direction to follow him, it would be fooled by the "shadow puppet". He then jumps off the ceiling, returns gravity to normal and heads for the wall after he lands, to find another weapon.

The second attack is diverted by the double, impacting on the ground behind it which erupts in intense flames like a napalm blast, actually burning away some of the ground itself with the intensity.

roan hurls his weapon into the oncoming flames and projects his prana into it, making it glow with energy, as it reaches the flames he pushes it to its limit, making it explode with enough energy to redirect the attack back to its creator. he runs along the wall to a spear to his liking and grabsit. he then continues upward to where anubis stands, throwing him the spear, he says "ya know, if we are to win this battle, we must work together, as much as i dislike it...." he turns and runs down the aisle and leaps into the air toward wes, flowing thjrough the air on a sheet of ice, weapon raised. he smiles.

The flames circle around into an aura between the two Weses, which land side-by-side, each preparing a different spell, one glowing white, the other emiting shadow

Seeing Roan go twoards Wes, Anubis runs to him and jumps, then lunges at Wes from above, pulling back the spear to thrust it forwards once he's within range.

roan turns his pathway into a slide towards the wes and encases them in ice, immediatewly stopping their chanting. closing it over, he nimbly runs down the slide he created and jumps at one wes, thrusting his other spear foward as he does so.

As the Weses are enclosed in ice, the other two cannot see what happens next. They can, however, feel a shudder run like a shockwave through the arena, cracks forming in the sides of the ice dome, but not breaking it open. The spears sink through and stop, then are pulled inwards. A snapping sound follows and two shattered spears come tumbling out of the holes they made. Light around the holes seems to be bending, like the air over a fire

Anubis, landing on the floor, runs to the wall and grabs a metal staff with a spearhead at each end, creates 3 shadow puppetes surrounding Wes at a safe distance, then covers himself and his weapon with a thin layer of shadow and, darkening the arena, takes a place among his shadow puppets, which were created in an offensive stance. He then lifts the shadow darkening the room as he takes the same stance as his puppets and waits, indistinguishable from the three shadow versions of himself.

roan falls backwards, regaining his balance as he runs to a safe distance. he then looks towards anubis to see him creating shadow puppets of himself. he runs to the nearest wall and grabs a few swords off a bracket, and takes an offensive battle stance, watching what happens next.

Ice shards fly outwards as the two Weses emerge, each wearing armor and holding a great broadsword/chainsword, the metal of the first glowing and shining with a pure white brilliance, the other a perfect void of black. The glow of their eyes matches that of their weapons. They swing their swords together sending another pulse of energy radiating outwards in all directions like an expanding bubble, a Nova-class gravity wave. (One is using pure Solar class energy, the other pure Lunar class energy)

Roan tries to block the oncoming wave of energy, throwing up a twelve foot wall of ice between anubis, himself, and the oncoming energy. praying that it holds. he runs to anubis and asks him if he has any plans.

"I don't usually plan more than a few seconds, but let's deal with the problem at hand" Anubis said as he cast a spell of concentrated shadow around roan's ice wall, for a bit of added protection, then prepares to jump back, in case it doesn't hold.

As the nova/gravity wave hits the barrier it warps, and the energy flows around. Coming in on both sides and from above, the shadow-wes absorbs the shadow protection as the light-wes cleaves through the ice, leaving the way clear as they charge the others, the lunar class going for Anubis as the solar class bears down towards Roan.

Anubis, knowing that any magic he used on the lunar class attacking him would be useless, jumped back, brought up the staff defensively and created a mass of concentrated shadow around the solar classes head, forming an extremely tight mask, making it impossible for the solar class to see. Then, using the shadow from his shadow puppets, he encased the solar class comepletely in shadow, hopeing to at least slow it down so roan would have a better chance to do something.

roan going as fast as he could, ran bound the shadow class in a block of ice asdense as hecould make it. heturned and ran towards the wall grabbing a sword in both hands from a bracket. he drew down upon the solar class trapped in shadow and jumped sliding down his previously made ice-ramp. jumping again at the end he ctapulted himself behind the wes and stabbed both swords to his back, empowering them with ice as he done so.

Sidesteps the ice-ramp, avoiding the swords. Bringing the light sword down on the other swords, dispelling the frost magic from them and giving roan a case of 'mana burn' as the energy shorts out some of his power. The solar wes seems unaffected by shadow, possibly because the light drives the shadow away as fast as it touches hiim. The shadow wes forms an energy matrix around a large Cloud (FFVII)-style sword on the wall and uses gravity to rip it freely, sending it spinning viciously towards anubis who finds his gravity suddenly super-increased, other weapons nearby on the walls drawn towards him.

Anubis forms an extremely dense dome of shadow around himself, then quickly shoots it outwards in all directions. as it speeds away from Anubis, it continuously increases in size as he feeds more shadow energy into it, hoping that it will be strong enough to deflect the weapons. He then tries to counter the shadow wes'es gravity spell.

roan jumps away from the solar wes, towards anubis and theoncoming weapons. he uses some of the little power left to him to freeze the swords flying at anubis and comingontothe shadow they burst intoa million fragments flying everywhere in the room. roan ducks behind a nearby pillar to avoid the deadly-sharp shards flying through theair.

The two stellar Wesses force the weapons through the expanding barrier, Dark Wes draining the shadow of energy and increasing the gravity further, Light Wes weakening the drained shadow barrier and forming a matrix of energy to retain the shards.

Roan forms a sheet of ice seven foot thick over a large section of the ceiling. then, draining the cold frm the ice and directing into the two wesses, the water melts forceing itself onto the weapons and kitsune standing there. roan protects himself under a small ice dome conjured over himself and anubis. fainting with the effort of forcing the raw energy into the wesses, he blacks out. praying his tactics worked.

The solar Wes melts and burns through the ice and water as it falls, but the shadowy lunar version is trapped with reduced flame powers, forcing him to slowly work his way out with lunar and music class skills. The Solar Wes sits, gathering his energys again while waiting for anubis to counter, the ice shield both keeping him out and locking anubis in.

Anubis, knowing that he can't take on the weses by himself, forms a shadow barrier inside the ice, to buy as much time as possible, and tries to wake roan by scraping off some of the ice with his staff, and tossing it on roan, hoping that the cold would wake him and simoultaniously tries to reduce the effects from shadow weses gravity spell as much as possible.

The two Wes's merge once again after the Lunar Wes breaks free. The sword once again becomes the Sword of Memories, its mirrorlike blade gliding through the ice and shadow barriers slowly but easily as you might think of a lightsaber doing. He turns up the gravity inside even more, forming a field around himself to protect him from the distorting gravities. The mirrored blade is reflecting a strange mystic pattern as light begins to bend under the gravity as it begins to reach towards 10Gs, or 10 times normal earth gravity.

Knowing that he isn't powerful enough to return gravity to normal, Anubis instead focuses all his energy into removing the section of the feild around the hilt of Weses sword, hopefully causing it to become too heavy for Wes to hold up, making the blade rize as the hilt descends and begins praying that Roan will wake up to help him.

Wes feels the weight and tosses the sword aside. He was getting tired of relying on spells and tricks and felt like finishing this hand-to-hand, though the back of his mind told him he would be kicking himself later as Anubis would likely not do the same.

roan awakes. dizzied and disoriented he looks around. he sees a fox-like creature running towards someone else. suddenly he realizes HES a fox. and the word kitsune comes to his mind. he rises from the floor and steadys himself. he runs toward the first kitsune he saw hoping he doesnt fall. and reaches his hand out. a faint tingling sensation runs down his arm as a jet of ice envelopes the kitsune in front of him. roan stares wonderingly at his arm. and starts for a nearby pillar. WHO AM I?? he thinks to himself...

Wes falls flat to the floor, glancing up and seeing the all-too familiar signs of memory loss written across Roan's features as a pillar of ice forms on the dome behind him, closing the entrance behind them. Sliding forwards across the slickening ground, he aims a triple-sweeping spin kick towards both of them with both legs and tails, hoping at least one of the three will make contact. He brings the arm not helping him pivot up to his torso, ready to react

Anubis, about to ask Roan if he's alright, notices Weses attack, then simoultaniously pushes Roan as far back as possible and jumps forwards over Wes and as soon as he lands, he preforms a quick low spin kick.

Wes is still moving through the multiple-hit spin kick, tripping Anubis and lashing out with his arm, seizing his leg as he tries to kick, tossing him with their combined momentum hard over his shoulder

Anubis attempts to flip and land on his feet, but his back slams into the wall before he has a chance. After a few moments, he manages to get up into a kneeling position and, still dazed, tries to recover the breath he lost from the force of the impact.

realizing he must do something about the kitsune attacking him and the other, roan runs at a nearby pillar. without even knowing what hes doing, and reling only on animal instinct, he climbs the pillar quickly using the ice flowing from his hands. when he reaches a height around twenty to thirty feet off the floor, he jumps at the kitsune nearby propelling himself with ice as before. and a name comes to his mind, wes. he pours his power into his arms creating dual ice blades harder than any metal and sharper than a razor. he makes a circular cut at wes, avoiding the whiriling legs and tails, and bending backwards makes a thrust at wes's chest, using ice to throw a thousand tiny shards out of the swordtip. blocking an incoming kick with his leg, he grabs the kitsune on the ground and jumps back from wes. putting the kitsune on the floor, he asks his name, and waits, watching wes.

Wes moves through the center of the circular cut, lashing out with a hard blow of the wrist to roan's forehead trying to stun him as he lands on his shoulders, using his tails for support to kick out hard aiming for roan's stomach to wind him.

Seeing the attack on Roan, Anubis quickly does a vertical kick on the leg Wes is attacking Roan with and temprarily pins it to the ground, then preforms a quick spin kick with his right leg aimed for Weses side and draws back his right fist for a simoultanious punch as he replies to Roan's question "It's Anubis."

Wes's arms surround themselves with flames as he brings them crashing down hard in on the pinning limb in a double-fisted swing. He lashes out with his tails like a whip, a sonic charge lashing out point-blank into Anubis and Rawn with virtually no escape in the enclosed space.

Anubis clenches his teeth from the pain of weses attack on his leg as he crosses his arms defensively in front of him, jumps back with his other leg and summons a shadow sheild in front of himself to stop if not weaken Weses sonic attack.

Wes charges Anubis, battering the shield with a blinding flash of punches, setting his claws through the shield as his eyes begin to glow dangerously

Anubis pushes the sheild in Weses direction, attempting to push him away as he darkens the room to give him time to escape with Roan.

Wes's eyes glow brighter, turning a deep red as he shatters the shield. He picks up two of the shards, throwing them with incredible force and accuracy. He begins throwing an insane barrage of shards intermixed with fireballs

Anubis condenses the darkness in front of him to fom another barrier, but not before 4 sheild shards and 2 fireballs pass through. He changes the first shard back to normal shadow, but then one of the fireballs hits hime squarely in the chest, pushing him back and stunning him, which is followed by a shard cutting his left arm, the side of his stomach, his right leg and the last one impales his lower right arm. Before he can scream in pain, the second fireball hits him straight in the face and sends him flying through the ice dome, shattering that section of it. He uses some of the little energy he has left to disipate the shadow shard in his arm and creates a barrier around were he lay, to give him some time to recover.

Wes forms a massive ammount of flame around one arm, which rises and condenses in a twisting pillar to form one of the phoenix-like creatures he used earlier, which hops from his arm and glides out of the ice barrier, seeking Anubis and diving straight for the shield the second its keen, glowing eyes spots him inside of it.

Anubis forms a small barrier around the pheonix and condenses it until no air can pass through, hoping to suffocate the flames.

Wes cracks the shield like an egg with a vicious backhand, his arm enveloped with black flames. He turns to face anubis, his eyes seeming to emit the same black flames. He lept like a wolf at Anubis, hammering at him with his arms bathed in the ebony pyre.

Anubis forms a small, extremely condensed shadow shield before each blow, to give himself a split-second longer to attempt to dodge it. He managed to dodge a few of the attacks, and several of them hit his left arm, envelopping it in the black flame. He then ducked, formed a shadow spike around his fist and attempted to hit wes in the stomach with the flaming, spiked arm.

The needle-like energy weapon sank several inches into Wes's stomach with no apparent effect. He brought his claws into play as he viciously struck out at his face in a furious, berzerk rage.

After the first few cuts, Anubis left the shadow spike in Weses stomach and formed a solid shadow ball around each of Weses hands, then kicked his stomach, pushing the spike in further and pushing Wes away, as he made three-inch spikes t inside of the shadow ball, peircing his hands, then did the same to the spike in his stomach.

Wes staggered back, moving as if ready to pass out, head hung low and shoulders slouching. His hair fell like a curtain over his eyes, his body surrounding itself with flames as the shadows seemed to melt into the flames. Where the spikes pierced nothing could be seen but the nightmarish fire. He gave an unearthly growl that seemed to shake the air around them, lifting his head just enough that the cold silvery light shone from his eyes behind the blue curtain of hair, piercing into Anubis's as he lept like a tiger, spinning at the last second to slash with both hands and tails, which had taken on the texture of metal.

Anubis jumps over Wes in an attempt to dodge the attack, but still gets the side of his leg cut on one of his claws. He then spins, facing Weses back as he lands, then launches a continuous stream of shadow spikes twoards his inraged foe.

Wes kept on attacking Anubis with ever-increasing ferocity. The spikes only seemed to add fuel to the fire. Wings of black flames rose out of his shoulders. His strength seemed to be growing more and more with every second.

Anubis, refusig to give up, made each spike that impaled Wes explode, hoping to stun him momentarily as he made the room go pitch black, hoping that, in his state of rage, he wouldn't be able to see through the increasing darkness.

Wes's fire threw back the darkness, and by this point Wes was so close, the explosions caught him just as badly as Wes. His hands are a blur of color and fire. His claws seemed to be growing longer as he threw his fangs into the mix, totally blinded by his urge to take down this stubborn opponent. By now his body had pretty much healed over the worst of the damage. He moved back a pace, wrapping them around him to blind and burn.

Anubis, now frightened by his opponent's near-invincibility, but unwilling to show it, condensed all the shadow in the room into one large spike, and sent it flying twoards Weses head.

The spike just seemed to supercharge his flames, his body invisible among the flames which crafted them into the black form of a phoenix anthro. He drew a sword out of the air, the blade onyx black, glittering darkly as he swung it hard, cleaving the air aiming for his neck.

Seeing the sword, Anubis ducks, then jumps back and heads twoards the weapons on the wall as he dispels all the shadows from the room, seeing that they only seem to fuel Weses fire.

The blade lands quivering point-down in the ground in front of Anubis, cutting him off from the wall as Wes tugs it from the ground and in the same movement aims a crushing blow diagonally upwards, then in a half-loop bringing it crashing straight down.

Anubis quickly jumps back, still getting cut slightly, right above the eye. He then grabs the handle, and attempts to twist it out of Weses hands.

Wes twisted himself in midair to avoid having the sword pulled from his grip, then flips again to break free, kicking hard at Anubis's stomach with his viciously clawed footpaws

Anubis turned to the side, so he's to Weses side and a bit in front, grabs the leg he's attempting to attack with, pulles it forward hard and quickly launches an elbow strike at Weses face.

Wes twists around once again, his captured leg twisting free as the other one lands a vicious slash across his face, two-inch claws striking hard and deep

Anubis grabs Weses other leg and pulls it forward, then jumps and sends him a kick hard in the face, hoping to catching him off balance.

Wes's fangs pierce his foot deeply, but the kick connects nontheless. He moves backwards with it, reducing the force of impact as he does a backwards flip-kick right to the underside of his jaw, everywhere his body is touched is emersed in the black flames.

Anubis falls back and gets up slowly a meter away. He then returns all the shadows to the room and concentrates them around him, coating himself in a thick layer of shadows. He then launches it outwards in all directions, making a shadow ball that explodes outwards, tearing up the ground it passes over.

Wes funnels a mass of solar energy in front of himself, using it like a shield or plow, driving right through it like a knife, a blade forming along either arm as he plunges both forwards aiming for Anubis's chest, trusting that it will short out whatever might remain of Anubis's mana.

The whole dome shatters in a shower of dark sparks. Anubis concentrated too much of his energy into the dome, and overloaded it, like a lightbulb with too much energy. His mana now exausted, he quickly ran to the wall and took a sword with a serrated blade and held it down and to the side, ready to srike if Wes got close.

Wes collects the last of the energy in the air as Anubis's control over it cuts out, forming it all into a massive sonic charge, using the blade of light energy to catapult it towards him

Anubis jumps up and backwards, hoping to be able to pass over the attack, and throws his sword at wes blade first, hoping that he won't notice it coming. He then crosses his arms defensivly in front of his face as he jumps off the wall to sent himself farthr up.

The sonic attack isn't directional, and the cone-like blast knocks anubis and the sword back hard against the wall, burying the sword firmly in the wall up to the hilt.

Dazed by the force of the impact, Anubis slowly staggers to his feet. I have to find his weakness, he thinks and I have to find it soon, or I'm going to lose this fight. He takes another sword and another item he covered with his hand from the wall, held the sword in front of him in a defensive potition, and hid his other hand behind his back.

(Sorry I've been gone so long ><) Wes continues to fire off various projectiles of flame, light, energy, gravity and sound waves, keeping anubis unable to guess whats next, and helping to conserve each type of energy while reacharging others. His body is healing the damage its taken, and at this rate, effortlessly keeping anubis on his toes, is quickly turning the tide more firmly in his favor.

Anubis dodged some of the attacks, while the majority passed only millimeters away from him, still doing damage. He saw a fireball coming twoards him and turned the flat of the sword's blade to face it. When the fireball impacted upon the sword, it created a small cloud of smoke, Anubis quickly tossed the remains of the semi melted sword under the smoke, twoards Weses feet, as he simoultaniously tossed the dagger hidden behind his back at Weses head. He then ran through the smoke, preparing to deliver a powerful uppercut to his stomach.

Wes's keen hearing cut through the smoke, showing him what was coming. He fell to the floor on one palm, twisting it and ducking low, his hand catching the sword by the hilt. His foot delivered a smart blow to the flat of the blade, and as he spun around a consecutive kick knocked it right back towards Anubis.

Anubis front flipped over the sword, landing in front of Wes and aimed a punch at his head.

Wes blocked the punch with the broken sword in his hand, pushing back with a slash, the blade springing out into its full size, the damaged parts made of solid light.

Anubis jumped back, but was still cut by Weses sword. Ignoring the somewhat deep wound, Anubis jumped over Wes, landing behind him and then ran twoards him at full speed, preparing to punch Wes with all his might. (oh, and Roan sent me a message saying he'll be back on either later today or sometime tommorow, i deon't remember wich.)

Wes seizes Anubis by the forearm, reaching back to do so, and at the same time tripping him with a foot while pulling, hurtling him with their combined force spine-first towards the wall

Anubis grabs and pulls Weses arm, hoping to slow his forward momentum enough to be able to get his feet on the floor and stop himself, while at the same time hoping to throw Wes off ballance and knee him hard in the stomach.

Wes feels him swing around too far, feeling himself half-winded by the force of impact. He grunts with pain, growling as he lunges forwards, cracking his skull hard against Anubis's jaw, pulling back his right arm which is glowing a fierce red color.

Anubis, his jaw bleeding from were Wes hit it, jumped low and brought back both legs, preparing to kick off Wes with both feet, hoping to hurt Wes and at the same time put distance between them.

The kick lands in his stomach, throwing him over Anubis's head in an arc, but letting him land what he hopes will be the final blow. He palm-thrusts the glowing arm into Anubis's face, the energy spreading into his fur and causing it to harden like steel, half-blinding him and leaving most of his body immobilized. Wes rubs his injured side, trying to heal his ribs and hoping his opponent has finally gone down

Anubis attempts to move, but only manages to fall over, still in the relativly same potition he was in before he fell.

~Return to the Order of Inari~

Username (or number or email):


2006-04-28 [AnubisX32]: cool^^

2006-04-30 [Just Paula]: *"accidentally" punches anubis in the face*

2006-05-05 [AnubisX32]: *"accidentally" kicks talon in the shin*

2006-05-07 [Wes Foxx]: *accidentally* picks them up both by their ears and puts them in time-out energy spheres until they learn to get a long

2006-05-07 [Just Paula]: *pouts* we was just having fun!!!

2006-05-08 [Wes Foxx]: I know :P *The barriers turn into... muffins!.. for some reason.*

2006-05-08 [AnubisX32]: MUFFINS!!! *eats all of it*

2006-05-08 [Just Paula]: *punches anubis again*

2006-06-09 [AnubisX32]: hey! *punches back, while eating muffins*

2006-06-09 [Just Paula]: meh... i'm not in the mood for anubis bashing right now.... maybe later...

2006-06-10 [AnubisX32]: O.o

2006-06-10 [Just Paula]: yeah i know... depressed-enough-no-to-want-to-senselessly-beat-someone tal is scary eh?

2006-06-12 [AnubisX32]: very. Mind if I ask what you are depressed about?

2006-06-12 [Just Paula]: My life... If you wanna add me to your buddy list you can read about osme of it in my diary

2006-06-13 [AnubisX32]: k

2006-06-15 [Just Paula]: *kicks A-Noob-is in the face*... oops my foot slipped

2006-06-16 [AnubisX32]: O.o ow my face *picks up teeth*

2006-06-16 [Just Paula]: aww no retaliation? *pouts*

2006-06-17 [AnubisX32]: *throws teeth at talon*

2006-06-17 [Just Paula]: EWWWWWWWWW

2006-06-22 [AnubisX32]: XP

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