Page name: Oreo.Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-06 16:12:27
Last author: dendrite.
Owner: Black Monkee Mutation
# of watchers: 5
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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We Can't Live Without Oreos!!!!!

Link: **

Oreo Addicts:

1. [Black Monkee Mutation]<---Only "Kriz"
2. [Diro the Snicker]
3. [Miss Pinkki Doodles]
4. [~twilight falcon~]
5. [--Movie Freak--]
6. [blinx4436]
7. [heaven sent]  
8. [Lithium Lullaby]
9. [triad]My own oreo
10.[?katgirl?]i luvs anything chocolate...yummy
11.[Archeress of Mirkwood] - Chocolatey goodness with a white creamy center.
12. [DoneWithET] mmm oreos ::gargle::
13. [lost_memory]
14. [Rêveuse.] Oreos Are The Best.. *Drools*
15. [kambabyy] Oreos are yummyful! hehe
16. [star_warrior20] I have yet to try the Double Stuff
17.[cc323] Milks favorite cookie and mine too
19.[dendrite.] I love oreos especially in my Ice Ceam :o!
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2004-10-25 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Eeew, no.

2004-10-25 [triad]: lol

2004-10-29 [triad]: wtf, post bastards

2004-10-30 [shuthefuckup]: Halloween Party de 12 de la Central, 13$$ wanna come?

2004-10-30 [triad]: na, yo no perreo, q es la central?

2004-11-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: No perreas? Sera porque te dicen que no, porque si no estarias.

2004-11-02 [triad]: que carajo? yo nunca e ido a un party all knowing pinkki.

2004-11-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Sure.

2004-11-02 [triad]: you sure know it all pinks

2004-11-02 [triad]: lets see if you knw this, ha! em I wanking right now?

2004-11-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: fuck you

2004-11-02 [triad]: andres says: mi hermano esta fucking sick

2004-11-02 [shuthefuckup]: lol wtf, well lil sicky boy alomejor no perrea....but well all know Yoyo does xD

2004-11-02 [triad]: yeah...shes got the tols for it...ncie butt and all

2004-11-02 [shuthefuckup]: she's my wife bro, so keep it 2 urself -.-

2004-11-02 [triad]: ok it stays betwen my hand, mind and dick, :)

2004-11-02 [triad]: andres: God herbs shut up dammit

2004-11-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Oh fuck no. Dude, ewww. Shutup

2004-11-02 [triad]: suck asshole

2004-11-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: idiot

2004-11-02 [triad]: andre said all that sutff.....not me pinkki now lets make out huh?

2004-11-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Well, you two are brothers so you can't be too unlike each other

2004-11-03 [triad]: well.. not to sound rude or anything...but are you alike your sister? i think not....

2004-11-03 [shuthefuckup]: dude, ur fukin nasty x.x

2004-11-03 [shuthefuckup]: <img:>

2004-11-03 [shuthefuckup]: <img:>

2004-11-03 [triad]: well, hes screwed cause he dsnt have that much power with the senate he has.

2004-11-03 [triad]: andres:mamabicho vete pal carajo heriberto yo no dije nada de eas enfermedades pendejo, el jodido aqui eres tu, si, creeme que hay diferencia, no me juntes con tus inmadureces joida nena.         . . . . . . . . .alacran me lo mama!

2004-11-03 [triad]: fiajte, le azotaron a lso tres aprtidos. el pip le pegaron los cuernos sus seguidores con anibal. al pnp lo votaron a la gobernacion en todos lugares exepto el gobernador, so much for nothing y es lo mismo con anibal, ganara el gobierno pero esta solo, so much for nothing really de nnuevo, im ok with the results, pero ya saben, rivera schatts '08!

2004-11-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Mano si, Anibal se JODIO

2004-11-04 [shuthefuckup]: lol i know but still.. WE WON ^^ :P

2004-11-04 [triad]: lawl. pinkki is hot

2004-11-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: not necessarily, if all the pnps won, Rossello would win, no?

2004-11-04 [triad]: right. but hes such a shit face even part of his own party voted agaisnt him.

2004-11-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bullshit

2004-11-04 [triad]: A:lol es ya monarcal, instintual como ella le dice bullshit a lo que no entiende o a lo que es verdad pero no sabe como refutar. por favor senorita, eduquese antes de debatir

2004-11-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: instintual? well, at least i know vocabulary. Please, read a few pages of a dictionary before you "debate"

2004-11-05 [triad]: y dando vueltas va, lo que no sabe no lo va a decir, solo disfrazar, dando vueltas va nanan

2004-11-05 [shuthefuckup]: o_O ur like Ghandi

2004-11-05 [triad]: pwning pinkki is kool

2004-11-05 [shuthefuckup]: wut?

2004-11-06 [triad]: a: ghandi? thats quite a compliment, well, relatively when compared to pnkki, yoyo lmao what else?

2004-11-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: you know, i'm sick of this. fuck off

2004-11-07 [shuthefuckup]: .> dude, u should drop it..... <.<

2004-11-07 [triad]: A: ah ahora I should cuz it aint funny no more to her. good one kriz. . . . esto no lo digo para joder, hablo en serio: Tu le dijiste bullshit a lo que el dijo mas arriba y a muchas cosas que digo en otras ocasiones , osea, se esta discutiendo seriamente o por lo menos eso se persive y tu sales con esa bajesa de bullshit que es insultante y ni lo explicas pq lo dices. siguiendo esto, com oqueires que te tratemos bien o como te enfogonas al ser moelstada si solo presentas falta de are getting what you give, piensalo en verdad, no justifico el joderte y no lo hago de mala forma pero lo paro, no prob pero piensalo senorita, solo recibes lo que das.

2004-11-08 [shuthefuckup]: O_O damn...

2004-11-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ahora tu me vas a decir que no lo hacen por joder. well, fine. whatever you say andres cuz your always right and all i say is disrespectful. I'm a sooooo sorry cuz i'm just fucking disrespectful and you are so proper all the time and everything you wish to say. i don't give a fuck anymore. so shut up cuz i won't listen.

2004-11-08 [triad]: yo lo hago por jdoer pinkki. but andre...i dunno....

2004-11-08 [triad]: A: andre is an ass.

2004-11-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Well, I don't care. Since I am such a drag, I won't be bothering any of you anymore. And I HOPE you return the godawful favor.

2004-11-08 [triad]: a:you totally misundertood my invitation.

2004-11-09 [shuthefuckup]: Yoyo.....

2004-11-09 [triad]: pwning 101 lol

2004-11-10 [triad]: lol Kriz are you mad at someone?

2004-11-10 [shuthefuckup]: hmm.....not right now why

2004-11-10 [triad]: your name, curious

2004-11-10 [shuthefuckup]: lol tired of the other one xD

2004-11-10 [triad]: lol ltes make another brand new wiki man

2004-11-10 [shuthefuckup]: dude iw as thinking of that

2004-11-10 [shuthefuckup]: dude i was thinking of thatl

2004-11-10 [triad]: what should we do, propose ideas. . . . . . . . coke wiki? something many like or dislike

2004-11-11 [triad]: itll be the same as here. . . andres will pwn pinkki, ill be captain obvious and kirz will jsut be kriz

2004-11-11 [triad]: a:jebuses callate mano

2004-11-11 [triad]: A: I made a wiki kriz-o and fellahs, its Ego Trips- I made it after reading wikis like rules of meesseging me and some other elftown non sense rules. It is not intended as a message to anyone here.

2004-11-11 [shuthefuckup]: a LIST wiki, put anyone we want to kill in it o_O

2004-11-11 [triad]: lets put the ego trippers of elftown

2004-11-13 [triad]: there is a list now, keep adding dude

2004-11-13 [shuthefuckup]: huh

2004-11-13 [triad]: *yawns*

2004-11-13 [shuthefuckup]: they should die...

2004-11-14 [triad]: yesh they should. . .

2004-11-14 [shuthefuckup]: but....who are They?

2004-11-14 [triad]: erm....linkin park fans....

2004-11-14 [triad]: A: There a no words to describe how blind my brother is, its incredible

2004-11-14 [shuthefuckup]: Lol xD linkin park dosnt sucks man

2004-11-17 [triad]: linkin aprj ix teh msot talentde bnad eva!

2004-11-17 [triad]: a: jajajaj

2004-11-18 [shuthefuckup]: ...>.>

2004-11-18 [triad]: lol u always stick on pinkkis side...

2004-11-18 [triad]: no man, its just that he is not on your side

2004-11-19 [shuthefuckup]: No dude....i just like LinkinPark too o_O

2004-11-19 [triad]: lol...u relate to their angsty lyrics dont you?

2004-11-20 [triad]: and that is wrong because??????????????

2004-11-20 [shuthefuckup]: hmmm i dunno the lyrics but if i do relate with them, whats wrong with thhat?

2004-11-20 [triad]: Have I said its wrong?

2004-11-21 [triad]: a:so what is your basis?

2004-11-21 [triad]: nothing....

2004-11-22 [shuthefuckup]: O_o

2004-11-24 [triad]: interesting. . .

2004-11-24 [shuthefuckup]: lol

2004-11-24 [triad]: this is shitfucking boring...are you gonna go watch korn dude?

2004-11-25 [shuthefuckup]: nah, ill tke some POPKorn tho, xD

2004-11-25 [triad]: LOL yeah korn sucks

2004-12-05 [triad]: lol lets just shut this down

2004-12-11 [shuthefuckup]: ECHO *echo*.....*echo*..................*echo*................................

2004-12-11 [triad]: lol the car sucks wow this is pathetic...this wiki....psot dude

2004-12-14 [shuthefuckup]: doritos kik ass

2004-12-26 [triad]: lol

2004-12-27 [shuthefuckup]: ....merry still reads all this crap.; lol

2004-12-27 [triad]: aswethinkweizm

2004-12-29 [shuthefuckup]: o_O supercalifragilyspiecycalidosose? lol with typos xD

2004-12-29 [triad]: wtf?

2004-12-29 [shuthefuckup]: .> Santa is gay

2004-12-29 [triad]: mano que ?

2004-12-29 [shuthefuckup]: s-a-n-t-a i-s g-a-y ?

2004-12-29 [triad]: How come, did he fuck you?

2004-12-29 [triad]: A: note that was my brother, pelase dont associate me with his disease

2004-12-30 [shuthefuckup]: uhhh no...o_O wtf man, why, u want him to fuck YOU? ill talk 2 him dont worry, i have his dead corpse in my closet >.> red motherfuker didnt gave me all my presents >.<

2004-12-30 [triad]: you said hes gay, i asumed you knew this cause he had done something to you...

2004-12-30 [shuthefuckup]: uh not really, u dun really have to be fuked by someone to know he;s gay, u can know it just by lookin at them

2004-12-30 [triad]: yo uare lsot joeewy

2004-12-31 [shuthefuckup]: o_O u ok?

2004-12-31 [triad]: many times did you wank in 2004?

2004-12-31 [triad]: heribeto callate mano deja esos temas estupidos ya

2005-01-01 [shuthefuckup]: ummm u should really listen to ur bro u know, itll help ya

2005-01-01 [triad]: lolz am so ashamed of my self

2005-01-31 [shuthefuckup]: ni nu ni nu >.>

2005-02-01 [triad]: yall should listen to tool

2005-02-01 [shuthefuckup]: im downloading an album with BitTorrent.,....but the damn thing i skinda slow >.> never heard it tho

2005-02-01 [triad]: wich album?

2005-02-02 [shuthefuckup]: lol duno i started downloading the names that cought my attention >.>

2005-02-03 [triad]: get some tool and some coldplay dude

2005-02-03 [shuthefuckup]: lol sure

2005-02-05 [triad]: ye. lol

2005-02-25 [shuthefuckup]: Como murio Bimbo?

2005-02-25 [triad]: dunno how. . .

2005-02-26 [shuthefuckup]: A BIMBASOS!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

2005-02-26 [triad]: haha erm lol

2005-02-27 [shuthefuckup]: xD

2005-02-27 [triad]: wow this wiki has gone to shit

2005-02-28 [shuthefuckup]: lol it has hasnt it xD

2005-02-28 [triad]: lol lil joke here..between us males.... We have grown up we should no longer play dctor, we should now play ginecologist

2005-03-01 [shuthefuckup]: Lol q charro xD

2005-03-02 [triad]: i know. . . wonder wat pinkki would say if she saw it. . .

2005-03-02 [shuthefuckup]: if she sees the wiki? O.o

2005-03-02 [triad]: yeah she always gets on my ass...

2005-03-03 [shuthefuckup]: xP  ignore her then, o.O

2005-03-03 [triad]: she ignores me now...i did something offensive to her...sorta.. but I apologized

2005-03-04 [shuthefuckup]: lol i dun even care anymore, i deleted her from my lists and we dont talk^^ so yeah :)  lol

2005-03-05 [triad]: LOL why?

2005-03-05 [shuthefuckup]: i dun remember, she kept ignoring me andnot talking adn shit, i just got tired O.o i guess

2005-03-05 [triad]: o well..does same with me...sept she deleted me from her list

2005-03-05 [shuthefuckup]: lol well iw asnt gona keep up with that shit, lol so yeah, anywayz, Dude sup

2005-03-05 [triad]: notn...tirandole alguien

2005-03-06 [shuthefuckup]: na, wastin time x.x

2005-04-06 [dendrite.]: gotta have the oreo :D

2005-04-06 [shuthefuckup]: lol SOMEONE TALKED! OMG

2005-04-06 [triad]: sexy

2005-04-06 [shuthefuckup]: o.O wtf, wuts sexy

2005-04-07 [triad]: the fact that someone psoted and as a resulkt a covnersation was started and also cats are hot

2005-04-08 [shuthefuckup]: ....cats r weird o.O

2005-04-08 [shuthefuckup]: wtf man O.o

2005-04-09 [triad]: neva mind that

2005-04-09 [shuthefuckup]: .>  u postin porn on my wikis man?  lol

2005-04-10 [triad]: am gonna masterbate with an oreo. .

2005-04-12 [shuthefuckup]: dude.....thats just wrong i wont be able to eat oreos anymore :'( U FUCKHEAD :'(

2005-04-12 [triad]: my dick is red now. . .dammit

2005-04-13 [shuthefuckup]: woah u have one? and i thought u were a woman o.o 

2005-04-16 [triad]: i am a women. .

2005-04-16 [shuthefuckup]: i knew that o.O

2005-04-26 [dendrite.]: yes someone talked

2005-04-28 [triad]: l o l

2005-04-28 [shuthefuckup]: that an ass ?>.>

2005-04-29 [dendrite.]: o.o a ass talked? o.o is that possible

2005-04-29 [triad]: LOL no

2005-04-30 [dendrite.]: O_o unless he farted or something lmao

2005-04-30 [shuthefuckup]: LMAO!!!!! hey dont make me talk back to him, xD

2005-04-30 [dendrite.]: ewwwww *hides* lmfao

2005-04-30 [shuthefuckup]: ROFLMAO!!!!

2005-04-30 [dendrite.]: I dont wanna die from butt fumes! @___@

2005-04-30 [shuthefuckup]: we can just get high? xD

2005-04-30 [dendrite.]: O_o getting high...from butt fumes that's some nasty shit! ur nasty Kriz!! LMAO

2005-05-01 [shuthefuckup]: LOL hmm....sounds 2 ME like uve tried it huh >.>

2005-05-01 [dendrite.]: O_O good god no!

2005-05-01 [shuthefuckup]: ...uhh huh >.>

2005-05-01 [dendrite.]: o.o bite me Kriz ^_^

2005-05-01 [triad]: whos sin

2005-05-01 [dendrite.]: I is his friend

2005-05-01 [dendrite.]: who are you?

2005-05-03 [triad]: kriz ex

2005-05-04 [dendrite.]: O.o ohhness and such um *claps* o.o

2005-05-06 [triad]: ty *blushes*

2005-05-06 [shuthefuckup]: Kriz EX my ass u gay bitch motherfucker. go fuck ur bro, homo piece of shit

2005-05-06 [dendrite.]:


Kriz has an admirer!!!!!!! *laughs her ass off until she falls out her chair*

2005-05-06 [shuthefuckup]: ...eww

2005-05-06 [dendrite.]: ahahaha oh you know you love it Kriz ahahaha

2005-05-07 [shuthefuckup]: ... thats just not right ..... -.-

2005-05-10 [dendrite.]: lmao

2005-05-11 [triad]: pathetic sense of humor you have lady

2005-05-11 [dendrite.]: ^_^ SHUT THE FUCK UP

2005-05-11 [shuthefuckup]: not pathetic....just plain fukin sick >.<

2005-05-11 [dendrite.]: ehehe who me :p

2005-05-14 [triad]: *yawns*

2005-05-16 [shuthefuckup]: yes o.O

2005-05-17 [dendrite.]: *nibbles on Kriz's head* o.o

2006-02-27 [Brisa Fuerte]: kris is so gay man

2006-07-30 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol mamate el bicho pendejo

2006-09-08 [dendrite.]: yum yum

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