Page name: Oreo.Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-06 16:12:27
Last author: dendrite.
Owner: Black Monkee Mutation
# of watchers: 5
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We Can't Live Without Oreos!!!!!

Link: **

Oreo Addicts:

1. [Black Monkee Mutation]<---Only "Kriz"
2. [Diro the Snicker]
3. [Miss Pinkki Doodles]
4. [~twilight falcon~]
5. [--Movie Freak--]
6. [blinx4436]
7. [heaven sent]  
8. [Lithium Lullaby]
9. [triad]My own oreo
10.[?katgirl?]i luvs anything chocolate...yummy
11.[Archeress of Mirkwood] - Chocolatey goodness with a white creamy center.
12. [DoneWithET] mmm oreos ::gargle::
13. [lost_memory]
14. [Rêveuse.] Oreos Are The Best.. *Drools*
15. [kambabyy] Oreos are yummyful! hehe
16. [star_warrior20] I have yet to try the Double Stuff
17.[cc323] Milks favorite cookie and mine too
19.[dendrite.] I love oreos especially in my Ice Ceam :o!
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2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: oh.....YAY!!!!!!

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mmmhmmm

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: *grins*

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: lets ignore her phyness

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Phyness, don't let him touch you!

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: lol lmao. . . . es chavando Vero. Don't ignore her Phyness. hey, we can do a trifecta here, what you say young grashoper?

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: okay

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: hey phy you want to do the trifecta?

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: whay is it?

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: wtf is a trifecta?

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: yeah my point exactly

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: lol you young hoppers are innocent

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: use your mind

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: enlighten us

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: please??

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: when you unite three minds together so many good things come up.. . see the 3rd is like a wild card, he/she does or creates anything he/she wants to, making the others job easier and funner

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: ohhhhh.....then yeah i want to

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: you sure it's our "minds" we'd be uniting? Aww, dude! She bought that....You are such a bunshole

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: hahahaha I'm smart, I should be a politiciann, they'd fall like flies. ok than phy, open your mind up, let the cells work

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: what does pinkki mean [Acomplished Exile]?

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: aha, reproductive cells

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: republicans would LOVE you, you're right. But that's in USA, and you can't run for anything cuz you be puertorican

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: Don;t listen to her, she is an anarchist, anti-christ. its all natural, neutral, lets do this, lets make our minds one!

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: I can run over there for anything, I'm an american citizen.

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: But you can't run for it cuz you're not from continental usa.....i'm not anarchist

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: what does she mean [Acomplished Exile]?

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: tell me now

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: deveel twists things, why ask him?

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: if i live tehre for one yr i can run................she is jsut pushing me around, she is mad at me for something i did to her some times ago.....yo uare young phy but come with me and ill show you saturn, the world as seen from the stars, ill make the lights deem a lil and we will unite our powerful beastial brains

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: *muffled laughter* yes, go with him phy!

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: *takes [deveels hand*

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: jsut coem outside and walk with me, we try each other out and see if we fit, with our roots become a tree and see what we make

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: okay i'll go

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: oh this is getting juicy, JOEY MIRA PA QUE ESTAN USANDO TU WIkI!!!! (andresito, tienes que usar un oreo en alguna parte ;)

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: join us pinkki, she is young, experience lacks

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: *glars at him*

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: oh oh............phy, I will make the world as round and tossign as an oreo

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: okay

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I ain't joining your "woodstock"

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: Ill be mroe direct.............quiero tu cock piece, sera estelar unir celulas explosivas que con nuestras convulciones reacionaran

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: where are you getting all this?

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: de mi dodne mas?

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: well combiantion fo my mind and brandon's thoguhts, gotta run

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: oh my gosh! que cojones! she's taller!!!

2004-09-06 [triad]: o.o he wants to fuck you phyness

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hi ho it's **** **** i o a! ohhhhhhhh what a wonderful daaaaaay

2004-09-06 [triad]: ERm wtf, should I edit fuck you for **** ***?

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: three cheers for **** hip hip hooray! ohhhhhhh what a wonderful daaaaaaay

2004-09-06 [triad]: gonna asume ur drunk?

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ohhhhhh what a fabolous day!

2004-09-06 [triad]: why is it faboulous?...its raining o.o

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I like rain. It's not raining here, though. Just a lot of thundering.

2004-09-06 [triad]: thundering is pinkki likes..grey?

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: grey?

2004-09-06 [triad]: yes the clouds. am gonna take a look at phyness bio...she might be hot...

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: not always gr ey

2004-09-06 [triad]: aww dammit she dsnt have a pic...yeah but today they are grey....grey is ....strangely kool

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mmmmmka....'dressed to get undressed'

2004-09-06 [triad]: right. grey...

2004-09-06 [triad]: shit ivna aint coming here....

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ivna?

2004-09-06 [triad]: haha Ivan*

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: How do you know?

2004-09-06 [triad]: caus eme was watching the forecasters and they say it wont, its no a sure thing you wan it to come?

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: and i read the paper and it said it would. So who knows. It's supposed to pass near CAbo Rojo....And it's the first in history to intesify in such low latitudes, so I think that would contribute to making it less predictable, but they assume it'll reach cat. 5

2004-09-06 [triad]: yeah and fuck us good. But i dunno the map said it be aiming at this lil island and suddenly take a turn west and miss us big time

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: well, it's supposed to hit this...i forgot the name island at 8pm aprox today, later hit two more islands and pass us by near cabo rojo, but not actually over us.

2004-09-06 [triad]: hmm maye...but then again, the american map sed it pass like 1oo plsu miles from cabo rojo....who knows pinkki

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: frances was supposed to pass about 150 m over us, but she passed more than 200 over

2004-09-06 [triad]: yeah frances had a big puss, but it apparently got stronger in Fla and screwed it good.

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: frances wasn't no puss, she just didnt get close to us

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: anywho, florida is screwed, first charlie? then frances, and ivan is a possible threat.

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: florida is my birth place, god bless it and god bless all of us

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: -.-

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: in 9/11. . . . buldings fell in ny but a nation rose-Georgin Wassim Ali-Bushem

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: yet.. . . . after teh death of 2000

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: yet.. . . . after the death of 2000+ in america and millions more in the world cuz of terrorism, kerry says we msut fight 'sensitive' war on terrorism. lol

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: we musn't sink down to their level, it is uneccesary. we just need to prevent.

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: nope. we are not sinking to their level but..............we are fighting them. the thing is this is a nation and although your philosophy is the right one the terrorist wont budge, they will jsut keep going cuz remeber, this fellas gave their lves and took 2000 more for their cause, it is not as simple, they are determined.

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: fighting how? kiling, that's what they do. That's sinking down to their level. Anywho, if you take away their head, their mastermind, they ain't nothing but blind chickens. By locking them all up, we can prevent. those "2000" that died, died cuz le dio la gana. Don't give me that patriot "peace" bullshit. You fight to make peace? that's bullshit

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: arrestarlos?pero como los vas a arrestar?no se van a rendir! tienes que buscarlos y amtarlos pq ellso no se van a dejar arrestar, they are too proud!died cuz le dio la gana?wtf? you are sick if you defend terrorism

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: mera rtu eres muy inocentona.................esta es la realidad, ni aunque tu estuvieras en poder podrias escaparla: nos quieren matar(crisitanos, occidentales). esyto es la selva ay q defnederse en verdad, por 8 años con clinton no se hiso nada y eso que nos atacaron y nos hicieron 9/11----bullshit lets go, sure como tu no mueres en ataques ps..........

2004-09-07 [triad]: haha kerry sucks, terrorist are mind less cause they only follow their religion, and only religion as they se it.

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hello, take them by force. You think people who are arrested give up easily? sedenlos o whatever. They are too proud? Si son muy proud se suicidan, canto de idiota, como los kamikaze creo que eran que se tomaban un veneno si los trataban de capturar. I'm not defending terrorism either, i just don't say you should make peace by fighting. they don't wanna kill christians, this aint las cruzadas ni nada, they dislike bush or what usa is, not what it stands for, cuz it does shit to promote what it stands for. because usa tira la piedra y esconde la mano. Cuz no se preocupa por terrorismo hasta que le pasa a ellos, and anywho no ayuda a nadie mas tras sufrir eso. unos TERRORISTA atacaron lo

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: de 9/11.....y va usa, y que ataca? a los terroristas? ok, pues lo trataron de buscar, y despues que? THEY ATTACK IRAQ Y TODA ESA GENTE!!! PARA? A pq DE MOMENTO se recordaron que hussein era tan malo y esto y lo otro....que buenos, verdad? que coincidencia que ellos tiene todo el petro que queda....Eso es como si unos terroristas de aqui atacaran al white house y venga usa y haga una guerra contra puerto rico entero, y anadete a rep dominicana para mas diversion

2004-09-07 [triad]: So you are saying bring back Saddam Hussein?

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: No, i'm just saying they did it for the wrong reasons. Anywho, i don't know much about saddam, so i can't say anything. But, now usa is imponiendo all this WOW! democracy shit, saying it's the big shit. asshoole

2004-09-07 [triad]: Yeah USA has screwed up some shit, but do we want Saddam back?lets leav eit at that

2004-09-07 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-09-07 [triad]: haha Hi you...why wats your opinion on the war?

2004-09-07 [the loved wolf]: i hate it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-07 [triad]: Shoudl Saddam Hussein b bk in power in Iraq? In other words, should the war never have happend

2004-09-07 [triad]: Shoudl Saddam Hussein b bk in power in Iraq? In other words, should the war never have happend?

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: es que saddam is none of your beeswax! el te manda? no, what do you care

2004-09-07 [triad]: . . . you look at it that way or you can say. . . heck. . . arent i glad women in Iraq can now go to school? And that athletes are tortured for not finishing first at a competiton?

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mmmhmmm...

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: lol. el 60% del petroleo usado en usa es de norte america. erm Bush had dont nothing before 9/11 so why or how could've they attacked because of Bush? its not Bush alone, its all of america, demcorats as well ,independents-get that in your lil head, stop being so bias. ......bush, and i stress this HAD INTELLIGENCE FROM HIS CIZ AND OTHER INTL. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES THAT SADAM WAS GOIGN TO USE CHEMICALS AND SHIT TO ATTACK USA before they attcked he moved, one step ahead, eso fue natural, tu lo harias si supieras que te iba a a dar estoy seguro q te moverias o darias antes. el no sabia que no habian bombas-en verdad. it is nto really his fault and in the other hand sadam was a dictator

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: who used his militia to keep the order. usa ah habrido el nido de ratas para que sean libres y los SON-no lo niegues, pero como en iraq hay muchas tribus y eso ps ahora hay problemas, no podemso esperar que todo salga bien de momento, eso seria ser ignroante y los puedes arrestar pq el priemr policia q suba las escaleras le entran a tiros con sus mierdas q tiene o explotan el edificio y a ellos mismos, todo en defensa de Ala, para defneder la parte "muslim" que me trae al next point: it is a holy war, disguised. in name of ala! doesnt tha tring a bell? ala want to control everything-to them. they msut spread his word and since it seems al ala says is bomb bomb then that is how

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: tehy do it, remeber they are going to heaven after killing and blowing shit up. ultimo punto: senolita honestamente usted esta desinformada y muy biased, por favor eduquese mas, esta quedando mal

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: he knew about 9/11, he did shit about it...ABIERTO....dude, learn are more biased than me, permiteme decirte. that's it, screw this, you shut up and i'll do the same

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: una ultima cosa, traiem prueba de q lo sabia y te dejo quieta..............screw it cuz you lost hahahaha^^

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: pero en serio, triame una pruebita simple

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: el libro ese que sacaron, it has all the documents saying that the attack was prolly aereal with planes cuz they were learning how to fly them, and otras cosas mas

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: and you knwo what else the book said at the end?...................gosh me imprecionas vero.................dijo que ninguna de las dos administraciones(clintron bush) pudo a ver hecho algo para evitarlo. decia eso mismo senolita.its over i own you.

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: -.- oh fuck off

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mi amor, si no ponen eso, you think they're gonna let them print the book?

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: erm they dont have any control over that. really, that was made by the dems. in congress and..................ok habia amenza de atque aerreo......goodie, from were, who , when?

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: obviously the most important building in usa...i mean, the pentagon which is defense, twin towers is their economy and maybe the white house? YES THEY DO, you think they don't, that's so innocent of yo

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: gimme the proof

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: and tehre are so many things disney, empire state, sears tower, wtd, capitol, so many shit, and when was this happening?

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: disney? why disney? why empire or sears? why? no reason

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: si, son lienas importantes de coemrcio y matas gente inocente*******creas terror y havoc

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bullshit

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: no hace tanto damage como los twin towers

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: o si. pq matas inocentes ninos

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: but, mata a la familia with them, so no one will miss them or morn

2004-09-07 [the loved wolf]: STOP TALKING IN WHATEVER LANGUAGE YOU TWO ARE TALKING IN!!!!!!!! NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!!!! ITS ANNOING AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: i can^^ so GO ON   lol

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: First of all, it's spanish...SECOND of all, it's the native language of the owner, Joey, so deal with it! He's fine with it. Plus, Andres ain't talking about how he's gonna screw you, and our topic might bore you. We are merely doing you a favor ^^

2004-09-07 [triad]: phyness edcuate yourself and shut up^^

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: No! I don want her to kn ow spanish...such heresy!

2004-09-07 [triad]: Am tlaking about the war stuff, have some educaton on that...

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Oh, thaaaaaaat.

2004-09-07 [triad]: yes althou...both of u are biased and so em I, i think andres has a slight edge on the goverment.

2004-09-07 [triad]: argument not goverment lol

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Everyone is. He is just more obvious, ain't you, douchbag?

2004-09-07 [triad]: wat now we are name calling?

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: not you, Andresito...He's a douchebag, schmuck is too small a name for him.

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: lol, shut up, i feel like grabbing boobs and buns lately, your are perfect lil one, beware

2004-09-07 [triad]: haha...

2004-09-08 [the loved wolf]: First of all i no spanish i just didn't want you to knowgot it???????????

2004-09-08 [triad]: second of all...

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Don't you dare!!!!

2004-09-08 [triad]: haha he wont dare...

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I think he would o.O

2004-09-08 [triad]: youd slap him right?

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: i'd say so

2004-09-08 [Acomplished Exile]: lol............ prepare you hand then vero

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: DON'T YOU DARE!!!

2004-09-08 [Acomplished Exile]: que vas hacer se~olita?

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ROFLMAO tu eres mas melodramatico, i could've killed you! oh my gosh...not enough blood to your head!!! ROFLMAO

2004-09-08 [Acomplished Exile]: eso es verdad...............asi que espero que usted no haga un show de mi sentir en sus nalgas, no? to be on a par?

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: It's invasion of privacy or sexual harrasment (panda!)...or some other infraction to some law!

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: so you going to go with your read butt and report me to freddy?

2004-09-09 [triad]: she should. . .

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I should!

2004-09-09 [triad]: plus dude..grab someone elses but, like a whores but, they wont mind it.

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^

2004-09-09 [triad]: haha:)

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Right, grab Raisa's ass

2004-09-09 [triad]: shes not whore enough...jessicas ass will do...

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ouch

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: no, raisa will hit me, hit me good, but in the other hand vero is so sweet looking and looks so calm and nice, ill take her

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Then I'll tell Raisa to hit you!

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: ha ha ha. . . .. . hahahahahaahahaha. . . .. . sure, she will defenitly hit me for you. . . . oh yeah. . . . .jahahahahaha

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hey, we're talking again

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: de donde callo ese milagro?since when?

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ....

2004-09-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: O_o ..u shouldnt grab her ass -.-

2004-09-09 [the loved wolf]: what???????????????????

2004-09-09 [triad]: dude.. read the whole sts of evwents elading to the above...

2004-09-09 [the loved wolf]: i did?

2004-09-09 [the loved wolf]: i did

2004-09-09 [triad]: then...well...i think he should grab amriealys ass, its bigger plus mariely trusts him a bit...

2004-09-09 [the loved wolf]: ohhhhh okay

2004-09-09 [triad]: ahh too bad your not in PR

2004-09-09 [the loved wolf]: yeah

2004-09-09 [triad]: ^^

2004-09-09 [the loved wolf]: *smiles*

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Andresito! Beto is stealing your catch...

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: take it man, my interest rate has plunged along with everything phyness could provide

2004-09-10 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Ouch, some bitch slapping in order

2004-09-10 [triad]: lol evil.....why ill takee a look at phyness house...

2004-09-10 [the loved wolf]: *slaps [Acomplished Exile]*

2004-09-10 [Acomplished Exile]: bitch, take your damm pantis off! dont ever slap bitch

2004-09-11 [Black Monkee Mutation]: O_O wtf

2004-09-11 [the loved wolf]: no

2004-09-11 [triad]: o . O

2004-09-11 [Black Monkee Mutation]: uhh.....O_o

2004-09-11 [triad]: hey vanity

2004-09-11 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-09-11 [triad]: hi you...

2004-09-11 [the loved wolf]: whats up????

2004-09-11 [Black Monkee Mutation]: one's here when im here.... x.x

2004-09-11 [the loved wolf]: i'm here

2004-09-12 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Chrissy, you spook people away!

2004-09-12 [Acomplished Exile]: you are fugly man

2004-09-12 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-09-12 [Acomplished Exile]: hey miss

2004-09-12 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: She's ignoring you, Sherlock

2004-09-12 [Acomplished Exile]: if she were online maybe she'd ignore me but im her daddy and she cant do that shit to me

2004-09-12 [Black Monkee Mutation]: not crissy -.-

2004-09-12 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yes, you are, Chrissy. My lil Chrissy ^.^

2004-09-12 [triad]: awwwwwwww shes ignoring you bitch

2004-09-12 [Acomplished Exile]: we'll see how smart you are when the k-9s come!

2004-09-12 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...

2004-09-12 [triad]: o.O

2004-09-13 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ok then my Lil Cute Pumpkin^^.  And who u callin Bitch CycleBoy?

2004-09-13 [the loved wolf]: yes deveel i am ignoring you and you are not my daddy and i can do that shit to you

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