Page name: Oreo.Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-06 16:12:27
Last author: dendrite.
Owner: Black Monkee Mutation
# of watchers: 5
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D20: 12
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We Can't Live Without Oreos!!!!!

Link: **

Oreo Addicts:

1. [Black Monkee Mutation]<---Only "Kriz"
2. [Diro the Snicker]
3. [Miss Pinkki Doodles]
4. [~twilight falcon~]
5. [--Movie Freak--]
6. [blinx4436]
7. [heaven sent]  
8. [Lithium Lullaby]
9. [triad]My own oreo
10.[?katgirl?]i luvs anything chocolate...yummy
11.[Archeress of Mirkwood] - Chocolatey goodness with a white creamy center.
12. [DoneWithET] mmm oreos ::gargle::
13. [lost_memory]
14. [Rêveuse.] Oreos Are The Best.. *Drools*
15. [kambabyy] Oreos are yummyful! hehe
16. [star_warrior20] I have yet to try the Double Stuff
17.[cc323] Milks favorite cookie and mine too
19.[dendrite.] I love oreos especially in my Ice Ceam :o!
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2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: O_o

2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ...not here too....pls

2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^Frankie's hot!!!

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ^^so is Lindsay!!!

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Jason Momoa to be exact.....And Lindsay is NOT hot...She's just cute and got big boobs^^

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Jason Momoa is not hot he just has a weird name, LOL

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS, YOU BUNSHOLE!!!

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ....i know his name to know its a really weird one! ^^ lol

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: He USED to be on baywatch....not so purdy...But now he has...DREADS!!! Sooooooo hot!!! *melts*

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: oh wow, so he's a .......nvm^^ lol

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: Say it, say it, say it, say it, say it!!

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: He's a?

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: ....o.o'

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: nvm i 4got

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: ..mmkay.. Time and time again we into the depths of who we are. But you can't be running away from what you're trying to find...</i>Missing: </i>

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: Keeps saying something's missing!? ><

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Wtf man

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: Nothing..o.o

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: right...... ok dude get some snikers....dont let hunger happen 2 u^^ xD

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: woah!

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: O.o..

2004-07-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: What a name

2004-07-09 [Diro the Snicker]: Oh..yeah..wierd eh?

2004-07-09 [Black Monkee Mutation]: huh?

2004-07-10 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Rien

2004-07-10 [Black Monkee Mutation]: who's Rien

2004-07-10 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: rien means nothing

2004-07-10 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^

2004-07-10 [Black Monkee Mutation]: right... ok

2004-07-13 [Acomplished Exile]: rien is de nada, that is what the dictionary told me

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: de rien is de nada....rien is just nothing

2004-07-13 [Acomplished Exile]: lol ok, there she is

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O yeah

2004-07-13 [triad]: I wont to join fiends!

2004-07-13 [triad]: oreos are sexy

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Had to be your brother

2004-07-13 [Acomplished Exile]: You can't join!you are too fat!

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: That only proves further more his loyalty to these here oreos

2004-07-13 [Acomplished Exile]: Good point but still, stay away

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: :(

2004-07-13 [Acomplished Exile]: fine fine fine go on his side then

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: LMAO....You know I annoy you just cuz I care :D

2004-07-13 [Diro the Snicker]: ...

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Why, hello, Snicks...What has left you speechless now?

2004-07-13 [Diro the Snicker]: Cause I'm lost.. like always..

2004-07-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Ah, plaussible reason

2004-07-13 [Diro the Snicker]: ^^

2004-07-13 [triad]: Am not fat breasted man.

2004-07-13 [Diro the Snicker]: O.o'...

2004-07-13 [triad]: Meh, am bored

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: Your body has no tonificatiosn at all, make life useful dude

2004-07-14 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: And you have such a great physique, dontcha?

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: A whole lot better compared to him, i kick his ass

2004-07-14 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: and I bet I can kick yours! :P

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: no way lol hahahahahahah that is really funny lol you are really funny

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: i beat the helll out of you boobs

2004-07-14 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: lmao....wanna bet?

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: 10 bucks mines have less curves and shit,

2004-07-14 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: so? I'll just kick you with the heel of my boots in hopes to castrate you right away

2004-07-14 [Diro the Snicker]: ........O.O'...

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: oh man doesnt she sound hot, wait till you see her with those boots damn.....................anywa I'll just punch you in one of your boobs in hopes of un-flating them

2004-07-14 [Diro the Snicker]: Are you talkin to me?..o.O

2004-07-14 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LMAO

2004-07-14 [Acomplished Exile]: do you have boobs?

2004-07-14 [triad]: oreos make me perdy

2004-07-15 [Diro the Snicker]: ...Uhh..*checks his chest* No... but I used to..><

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: un-flating them? ARE YOU CALLING ME FLAT?!?!?!!? But I'm almost a C :'( I do look hot with those boots don't I ;D

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: lol

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: damn you are hot chick with a brain of a hot chick, if i un-flate its beacause they are big!(they look like balloons)

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: it's uninflate!!!! >.<

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: lol

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: But thankiu for comparing them with BALLOONS....That is awfully nice of you....

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: you are really feeling dandy today aren't you?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Just a bit drunk of all that cologne I smelled today....Why do people put on so much cologne? Pablo almost killed me X.X

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: well i guess this is as clsoe as i'll ever get

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: want to have sex?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Bring the rubber ;D

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: just liek they say, they are so easy when drunk

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ftiklmrdd only lasts a dew minutes

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: i ll take it

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: drunkeness...

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: its drunkness

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: whatever!

2004-07-15 [triad]: C, thats nice.

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: btw....brain of a hot chick?

2004-07-15 [triad]: ask him....sound slike an insult cause hot chiks dont thik regularly, still ur hot but not dumb watever goodnight

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: But he's gone =/

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bye

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: well you are hto and you amde a natalia ojeda type os tatement so there you go!, watch your moth next time young lady!

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: WHAT?!!?!? HOW DARE YOU USE HER NAME IN MY PRESENT?!?!?! what comment was that?

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: well chick and chick go on par don't they?it was some were in the baloon conversation, can't recall exactly

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: W&IWRTHEI%&*#

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: yea were the fuck are all the other oreo lovers? I guess having a life :(

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: i can't believe you said that....

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: Im mad pinkki! I cant stand this bullshit!dammit

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hmm?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: you're mad?!!? you weren't compared to her!!!

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: i only comapred you in a fisical sense, i know you are diferent

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: FISICAL?!?!!? even worse!!! she's fat and big boned and and....SQUARE!!!

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: eso es verdad, esa fue mala mia, pero comparada con nata ramirez?is she your long lost sister or cousin?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: lmao....natalia isn't so thin either

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol.i ll say even more, she has got the best boobs in your class

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: if you like estrias, sure

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: in her boobs?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: sure, why not

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: uhhhhhgggggggggg

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: well then...............mimi, marieta, they have the best boobs

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mimi....denise YUCK...mimi mimi!

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: denis can pul oof una rusa easily but yeah mimi wins! *cheers*

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: rusa? wtf? NO!!! DENISE SUCKS BIG BANANAS!! MIMI RULES :D

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: rusa=put the pistola between your baloons and rock the boat!its so sweet and dam thinking of it makes me horny

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ummm....ok

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: want to try it?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: no, thanks

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: Fuckyouself and fuck this bleeding heart of mines!

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bye!

2004-07-15 [triad]: should i eat an oreo at 10 30 am or wait till midday?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: How about you eat...TWO oreos? One at 10.30 and one at 12 :D

2004-07-15 [triad]: naw at 12 ill eat about 5...theyre reduced fat

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Ewww....Reduced fat?!?!? Don't eat them then!!!

2004-07-15 [triad]: yey, yes cause i can eat like 10 and still be thin, plsu they got this nu improved taste!

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: are a disgrace

2004-07-15 [triad]: ...why ballons?

2004-07-15 [triad]: i dont eat so many, jsut like "4"

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: original is the best.....reduced fat sucks...go to the gym afterwards or sumthing!

2004-07-15 [triad]: no, it snot that, its that my dad only buys reduced fat cause he lieks em and am not allowed to buy regular ones :(

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: talk to the hand

2004-07-15 [triad]: bah............a girl jsut offered me cyber :l

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: thankiu for notifying?

2004-07-15 [triad]: Welcome. Youre right denise is a fucking mess

2004-07-15 [triad]: thou ive heard shes a ncie shag

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: shag?

2004-07-15 [triad]: fuck

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: and where'd you hear that, sonnie?

2004-07-15 [triad]: erm ppl at school. IS it true?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I dunno, I haven't fucked her

2004-07-15 [triad]: i know but you kno more about ehr maybe,meh,your grade is whore infested.

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yes, but they are whores, not lesbians...How am I supposed to know if they are good lays?

2004-07-15 [triad]: i dunno, maybe you are a friend and she tells all her whore expirience to you? maybe you dont kno her well

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You think Marietta and I are.....friends!?!?!?!?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Don't you go to the same school as I do!?!?

2004-07-15 [triad]: yeah, i hope. Whya rent you frends with mari?

2004-07-15 [triad]: She to whory?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Cuz she's so.....argh!!!

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: -.- me cae MAL

2004-07-15 [triad]: understand, byee

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bye

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: Man you all bashing on my ex-, damn you ppl! no just kidding but you should start bashing on the real bitches like paola

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: paola?

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: yeah that bitch, navedo i think is her last name

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: oooooooooooh....that idiot? ok...she's worse than marietta...i guess...

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: lol why?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: she's a bigger stupid-er bitch

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: lol yeah so palstic.................ugh what a though*

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: paola?!?!?

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: yes mate!nice cute tight ass and that nasty bitch sent

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: paola is hot? she's hideous

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: whats wrong with you vero?she is good lookin, isel is a bit hideous

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: paola is good looking? paola is good looking!?!?

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!godamn, I'd do her at least, woudln't you?

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: not HER...I prefer marietta to HER

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: me too but marieta's face aint cutting it yo!

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: monkey ughh

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: neither is paola's!!!

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: hers is better, much better!anywho he best face is silivia's

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: WAY better...

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: silivia is lie kthe perfect girl really, raymond sucks arse, i want to hit him

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hit him!

2004-07-15 [triad]: Raymond is weird. I thought silvia was a whore

2004-07-15 [triad]: am hot

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: Fuck off fatfuck!

2004-07-15 [triad]: say wat breasted brother

2004-07-15 [triad]: say wat breasted brother?

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: the breats are gone fatfuck

2004-07-15 [triad]: na i saw them today sticked to ur chest

2004-07-15 [Acomplished Exile]: gay boy, take your crap somewehre else,you not eve na member yet

2004-07-15 [triad]: read the fucking member list balooned fuck

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: you take it elsewhere or just shutup

2004-07-16 [Acomplished Exile]: annoying fatfuck, cant wait for high school to end!

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: -.-

2004-07-16 [Acomplished Exile]: lol poor pinkki *hugs*

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: don't hug me! stay away, you perv!!!

2004-07-16 [Acomplished Exile]: lol you are not the only one

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: the only...what?

2004-07-16 [Acomplished Exile]: the only pro-hitler jesus christ i cant believe you!

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: i am not pro hitler...but he was a thousand times better than bush

2004-07-16 [Acomplished Exile]: lol come on

2004-07-16 [triad]: roflssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 1000 times better than Bush*??????????/ rofls! Has bush killed 6 million ppl jsut for them being from a particular race?

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: jews aren't a race...

2004-07-16 [triad]: yeah and hitler killed 6 million of em, yet hes better than bush?

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Hitler was a ruler, even though he didn't do good....Bush is a CLOWN that chokes on pretzels

2004-07-16 [triad]: How is he a clown? he makes decisions and sticks to em

2004-07-16 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: he chokes on pretzels...he doesn't know how to talk....he can't talk...he keeps repeating the same sh!t that doesn't make sense....

2004-07-16 [triad]: hes not a bright dude but hes no hitler...opinions

2004-07-16 [Acomplished Exile]: i wuv bushy.....................but im guessing kerry is wining these elections so oh well, so much for the war push

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