Page name: Oreo.Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-06 16:12:27
Last author: dendrite.
Owner: Black Monkee Mutation
# of watchers: 5
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We Can't Live Without Oreos!!!!!

Link: **

Oreo Addicts:

1. [Black Monkee Mutation]<---Only "Kriz"
2. [Diro the Snicker]
3. [Miss Pinkki Doodles]
4. [~twilight falcon~]
5. [--Movie Freak--]
6. [blinx4436]
7. [heaven sent]  
8. [Lithium Lullaby]
9. [triad]My own oreo
10.[?katgirl?]i luvs anything chocolate...yummy
11.[Archeress of Mirkwood] - Chocolatey goodness with a white creamy center.
12. [DoneWithET] mmm oreos ::gargle::
13. [lost_memory]
14. [Rêveuse.] Oreos Are The Best.. *Drools*
15. [kambabyy] Oreos are yummyful! hehe
16. [star_warrior20] I have yet to try the Double Stuff
17.[cc323] Milks favorite cookie and mine too
19.[dendrite.] I love oreos especially in my Ice Ceam :o!
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2004-07-04 [Black Monkee Mutation]: YEAH! I Love Oreos,....and so shoul YOU!!!!!!

2004-07-04 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ^^ DO YOU??? O_o

2004-07-04 [Diro the Snicker]: ....

2004-07-04 [Diro the Snicker]: Sometimes you're just freaky..

2004-07-04 [Black Monkee Mutation]: awwwwww THANKS BRO, so u joining?^^

2004-07-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ROFLMAO.....Ok....Couldn't think' of anything other than oreos?

2004-07-04 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol yeah, CANDYBARS or just CANDY andumm COOKIEDOUGH, wich ill make one of that soon ^^

2004-07-04 [Black Monkee Mutation]: DORITOS and ill make u the VicePresident of that one, LOL or no no no, ill make the Anti-HaggenDaaz Club just for you..awwwww now isnt that just sweet Yoyo?

2004-07-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ....

2004-07-04 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL!

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: ...<img:>

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: u face whore

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Hah!.. Get on the damn member list crap!

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: u want in? u POST THE FUKING POSTER!

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: O.o..ok.. take it easy.. sheesh.. cranky mofo

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol dude im not cranky, im SMILIN like a CHEESE :D^^ ...yes they smile so shut up .... anywayz, postit bitch, and whats a fukin Mofo u MofoFoka

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: I DID! And shut up you rotten piece of cra-- cheese!

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: *gasps* do NOT tell me to shut up u puny spiky shitty condom head!!!!!!

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: ......Take the condom crap out and it's fine..

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: And how can I be a condom head and spiky?.. please explain!..O.o!

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL well ur a weird condomn my friend, a fuked up too much used up some drunk guys ass condomn, Lol xD

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: What the fu--...?!

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: awww u shut up cause u know what im talking about DONT YA! LOL!!!!!!

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: .....Ok.. I think you need more sleep man.. And that's coming from someone who doesn't.. funny.. You need your medication! ><

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol im taking my DRUG right now biatch! DDR!!! WHOOOOOOOOO

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: That's eating up your braincells.. if you had em anyways..

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: uhh... HA HA HA??? u suck man, ithink ur the one that needs the sleep dude >.<

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: I don't.. I'm used to not sleeping the 'required' time.. Not like I'll be able to sleep much anyways...

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: uhhhh............. yeah that, ^^ bbl dude , goin shoppin with mommy pa ropa pa las Vegas :) so l8er Snicky

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: It's SNicker or SNICKS! ><... Ropa pa las Vegas?.. Wtf?

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: q cojos Yoyo te dice Snicks so it can be snicks?! well fuck that i call u snicky so it can also be snicky!

2004-07-05 [Black Monkee Mutation]: btw chek out th enew piks, u like them?^^ lol thats when th elights went out, i was playing with the Lamparita thingy , lol

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: ......-_-..

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: I found a way to someone anime-ish with photoshop.. doesn't work with me photos tho.. too much 'detail'.. freakin low quality

2004-07-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Joey...I am the Queen here!!! sound like ET: Don't be an asshole....lmao Joey style: Don't fuck it up

2004-07-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Christopher...You'd be excited too if your dick were growing

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: ....O.o

2004-07-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Don't ask, better if you don't know

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Ok.. I wont...

2004-07-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^ Ok....where's my lil christ, anywho??

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: I dunno.. are you blokin me!? ><

2004-07-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]:

2004-07-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Then.. you're not online on MSN.. ok.. ><'... Thought you did

2004-07-06 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Hey ur the Queen? i thought u were the Princess ^^ lol,

2004-07-06 [Diro the Snicker]: Who you talkin to?

2004-07-06 [Black Monkee Mutation]: i left a message for Yoyo, a message then when she reads she'll say: ....screw you Joey!!! thats the YOYO STYLE , xD

2004-07-06 [Diro the Snicker]: ...You have no idea...She gonna give me nightmares!!! She knows..><

2004-07-06 [Black Monkee Mutation]: she gonna give u nightmares...she knows... she knows WHAT

2004-07-06 [Diro the Snicker]: She knows why she gonna give me nightmares... I didn't talk..geez.. so much trust.. I feel the lov.. anyways. gonna go soon.. mom walked in ><

2004-07-06 [Black Monkee Mutation]: wtf, dude i asked what does she knows, lol wtf r u talkin about get some sleep mister spiky

2004-07-06 [Diro the Snicker]: She knows.. what she has to know..

2004-07-06 [Black Monkee Mutation]: o.o what does....she know?

2004-07-06 [Diro the Snicker]: Yeah.. It's between Me and her. Don't worry bout it

2004-07-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: joey...I AM the QUEEN...oh, and what message? NO SEAS TAN ENTROMEDITO, CHRISTOPHER...I know what I know...

2004-07-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]:

Oh, and, INDEED.....SCREW YOU....That pertaining to the "princess" comment....

2004-07-06 [Black Monkee Mutation]:


Ok im sorry for beein so"ENTROMEDITO", my badlol

2004-07-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...You ever call me princess again...You're getting screwed...In a



2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ...uh...What can I do to get screwed in a good way?

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: Sorry to bust in.... the interesting 'screwin' remarl caught my eye..

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Oh oh oh! I just figured a way to screw Joey in a bad way...I'm on top!!! Oh yeah...Let's see who's gonna BREAK into tears (no pun intended)

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Snicks, you can a bring a girl some chocolates... Great aphrodisiac ;P

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ..Let me refrase.. "What can I do to get screwed in a good way by you?" *sweatdrops* ...And being on top might be a good way to screw him in a bad way..

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol guess we'll have to find out if thatll work huh Princess? LOL

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: You do not know what you're getting in.. If she's on top you won't like it..much...Unless she's nice.. that would be something else

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: vous êtes parti, ma princesse m'a laissé tout seul :(

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ohh, u mean YOU know ? aha...oh yeah i forgot bout ur lifesize barbie doll u play with, sorry, LOL!!!!

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Joey, be nice to your cousin....And when I said bring a girl some chocolate...I meant me! ;P

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: Oh good.. gimme your address and I'll be there in some minutes!

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Shhhh...Don't discuss this infront of my husband!!! shhhhh....LMAO....No wait...DO DO! Maybe that'll get Joey's engines running...*whispers* I think I need to put some viagra in his Brisk

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]:

WHAT?! WHY YOU @#$%^&*( !@#$%^&* !@#$%^&*(!!!!!!

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: LOL!!!

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: WHY I WHAT? Come, mon petit poulet....Don't be afraid of a widdle girl.....WHY I WHAT?

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: The viagra comment.. I guess..

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Nah....I've been doing that since we met....Shhhh

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ...Ok...*sweatdrops*

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]:'s ok *pets*

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: why do u sweat so much snicky, r u looking at the barbie and its makin u hot? and no ur not u liar >.<

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ......-_-.... Then you ask me why I don't go to family activities..

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: low blow...ouch

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL, dude u dont come cause u prefer staying in your computer playing games and doin shit, wich i found is not pretty cool , we LOVE u man!

I love YOU!

we want you with us, we dont care ur a spiky snicky hoe or that u use barbies, we still loooove you and ur PART of our FAM^^ get it? Lol

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: *cough*lambeojo*cough* This is like the corny resolution of a kiddie movie o.O

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ...First of all.. I didn't go last time cause of personal family problems.. It wasn't cause I preffered to stay in front of my monitor doing shit.. althought that is indeed what I did. So cut the bullshit

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Shhh...Don't ruin

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]:

the moment

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol dude that was last time, but the OTHER times? theyve been PLENTY u know, ya no se pueden contar con los deos y tu lo sabes >.<

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O u got one last thing to count with ^^

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: Yeah.. I know there's been times I don't go.. Might be hard for me to get there.. or I'm doing something else.. Having split parents doesn't make availability for both the same as if they were together you know..

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: u can still go if u try dude

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: I do.. but there has been times where both sides have something to do.. What do you I'll do.. My mom won't let go

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ur mom wont le go? thats fucked dude, this is ur fam! hell with her

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: She's my family too asshole.. If I have activities on both sides.. and most of the times I go with my dad... And him having other children ain't something I'm really fund of. Maybe that's why my mom might want me always to go with her.. Cause she doesn't want to be alone.  My mom's said aint as big as your side dude. We are only like 10 people...

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: how come Tana comes? lol its ok dude, nvm dun get pissy, sorry

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ..She has a car....><.. or had one anyways..

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol what happened to it ?

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Flubber made it fly awayyyyyyyyyyyyy

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: She's on NY.. not her car anymore

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ON ny?

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: Oh yeah yeah, k^^ who's car then? O_o

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ..My mom's.. And yes. she's in NY.. New york.. Studying..

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: He went bye bye...

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: I know.. he told me..

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: :( Mon petit poulet left

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: what does poulet means?

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: chicken in french

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ..O.o.. Your small chicken left?...

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yes...

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Well...big chicken....but I call him my lil chicken

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: ...Dunno why'd you call him that.. and I'm not sure I want to know..

2004-07-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL well ur Poulet came back to see his Princesse left :( lol

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Why does the clock say we were talking at 4?

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: Cause....It's.. I dunno..><

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Joey, thankiu so much...

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: Mmmkay... I don't think he's here...

2004-07-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Nah, but he always reads the previous pages...

2004-07-07 [Diro the Snicker]: yeah..true..

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL!!!, yeah i always read, xD, thx 4 what?

2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...Noooothing, sweetheart!

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: aha...

2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Don't you AHA me! AHA is MINE!

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: says WHO Miss. FINE ???

2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I don't say fine that often...I just want AHA *puppy face*

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol ..... No.  be a member andMAYBE ill consider it, ^^ lol

2004-07-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'm not too fond of oreos =/

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: :o oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! do it for my wiki then^^

2004-07-08 [Black Monkee Mutation]: yay ur a member^^ lol

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