Page name: Outcasts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-30 23:22:52
Last author: i yell at my monkey
Owner: Itsme2
# of watchers: 13
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Have you ever felt like you're on the outside looking in? Like there's no one in the world who would ever accept you as you are? Hmmm...maybe I should make an Inside the Outcasts wiki!


Just add your name...AGAIN! *mutters* Some mean people destroyed my wiki!

1. [Itsme2]
2. [Zantia]
3. [Eloura]
4. [Shadow serpenz]
5. [dani california 311]
6. [unavailable]
7. [Nicolai Antredias]
8. [Miaye]
9. [azeral]
11.[Child Of The Dark]
12. [Gothic Vampire Princess]
13.[Child Of The Dark]
18.[i yell at my monkey]


Outcasts Poetry
Go! Go spill your heart!


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2005-04-29 [Itsme2]: I am, thank you very much!

2005-05-01 [Eloura]: wow. dang it has been so long since i have been here.

2005-05-02 [dani california 311]: thats good. and welcome back! :)

2005-05-04 [Eloura]: thank you. and yes it is good in my opion.

2005-05-05 [Itsme2]: YUp. Man, we need a topic. What do y'all think of ... um...that one thing?

2005-05-21 [Eloura]: wolves for a topic???

2005-05-21 [Shadow serpenz]: I love wolves

2005-05-21 [Eloura]: me too

2005-05-27 [Itsme2]: Wolves are cool. I have a friend who used to have a wolf for a pet. But the wolf died.

2005-05-28 [Shadow serpenz]: Wolfs I love them

2005-05-29 [Eloura]: Wolves Rock.

2005-06-06 [dani california 311]: they do. wolves are awesome

2005-06-07 [Eloura]: to true they are the best's

2005-06-07 [I am here to help]: is it ok if someone can put the wiki i have help made somewhere in here so people can find it it is The Crisis Center

2005-06-07 [dani california 311]: yeah,wolves are awesome. and not that help make this wiki,i just joined, but idc. does anyone else really care?

2005-06-07 [Shadow serpenz]: I wish I could live with wolfs

2005-06-07 [dani california 311]: i like them,but i wouldnt live with them

2005-06-07 [Shadow serpenz]: I would

2005-06-07 [dani california 311]: that would be geross in my opinion. i am an nside in a dark cold room kind of person. not an outdorrsy,live in a cave and sleep on dirt kind of person

2005-06-08 [Shadow serpenz]: your problem not mine

2005-06-08 [Eloura]: i would love to live with wolves it would be a dream come true lol i am outdoorsy and a dark cold room person i am both lol

2005-06-08 [Shadow serpenz]: you are my kind of friend

2005-06-09 [dani california 311]: i am not one to sleep outside,sry

2005-06-10 [Shadow serpenz]: I love the outdoors, theres no laws there

2005-06-10 [Eloura]: i agree with ya demon there are no laws (well i got one no littering the nature) lol

2005-06-10 [Shadow serpenz]: I would never litter I love nature to damn much

2005-06-10 [dani california 311]: same here. i hate literers and i hate literring

2005-06-10 [Shadow serpenz]: I hurt litterers

2005-06-10 [dani california 311]: yeah....i have never seen anyone litter,but if i did,i would probaly hurt them too

2005-06-10 [Shadow serpenz]: I have and I did

2005-06-10 [dani california 311]: gtk (good to know)

2005-06-11 [Shadow serpenz]: I would do it again

2005-06-16 [Eloura]: i would i was the one driving at different times (for those who ,litter from there car) and other than that i haven't seen anyone littering

2005-06-20 [dani california 311]: yeah

2005-06-20 [Eloura]: lol

2005-06-29 [Itsme2]: I don't like it when people litter. It makes me very sad: (

2005-06-29 [Eloura]: me too

2005-06-30 [Shadow serpenz]: I loath it when they do it

2005-06-30 [dani california 311]: yeah, it pisses me off

2005-07-01 [Eloura]: yea

2005-07-07 [dani california 311]: anyways

2005-07-08 [Eloura]: yes

2005-07-11 [dani california 311]: how r u?

2005-07-12 [Shadow serpenz]: I'm wonderful you

2005-07-12 [dani california 311]: i am good

2005-07-13 [stepforth]: well thats good its better than being bad just....

2005-07-14 [dani california 311]: just what?

2007-01-30 [i yell at my monkey]: hello

2007-01-30 [Eloura]: Hi!

2007-01-30 [i yell at my monkey]: so how is every 1

2007-01-30 [Shadow serpenz]: i'm good, what has everyone been up to?

2007-01-30 [dani california 311]: hello,good and nohing,u?

2007-01-30 [Shadow serpenz]: Hellos, good and not much, y'll?

2007-01-30 [i yell at my monkey]: ah not much so asl every1

2007-01-30 [Shadow serpenz]: whats up?

2007-01-30 [i yell at my monkey]: not much

2007-01-30 [Shadow serpenz]: yeah, it looks like your the only other person on here

2007-01-30 [dani california 311]: lol, on too

2007-01-31 [Eloura]: *waves hello*

2007-01-31 [i yell at my monkey]: lol wats u ppl asl ???

2007-01-31 [dani california 311]: hehe, nothing

2007-02-01 [Eloura]: same .

2007-02-01 [Shadow serpenz]: wow, so whats everyone been up to?

2007-02-01 [i yell at my monkey]: damn will u ppl say wat gender u r and age plz i really dont feel like makin my slow ass dial up load up u ppls pages lol

2007-02-01 [Shadow serpenz]: ok, male, 18

2007-02-01 [i yell at my monkey]: lol thx u

2007-02-01 [Shadow serpenz]: your most welcome

2007-02-02 [i yell at my monkey]: so wat u up 2

2007-02-02 [Shadow serpenz]: not a whole lot playing world of warcraft

2007-02-03 [i yell at my monkey]: i want 2 find the origanal and play that again i loved the old skool warcraft it was awsum

2007-02-06 [Shadow serpenz]: yeah the origanal is better

2007-02-06 [dani california 311]: ok,welp, female 18. and i love WoW. wat level r u and wat server do u play on? and alliance or horde? the old WoW was deffinitely better, but i still have burning crusade =P

2007-02-06 [i yell at my monkey]: i dont play alot of games any more if i do there 1st persn shooter

2007-02-08 [Shadow serpenz]: I have a level 16    elf rouge, I'll get back to you on the server latter, oh and by the way Horde will always win

2007-02-08 [i yell at my monkey]: .....ok how sad lol is that all u ppl do is play games come 2 the real world and get a job lol

2007-02-09 [dani california 311]: hey, i have a real job and live in the real world =P and i have an elf rouge too on alliance and horde, but im on the oceanic server dath ramar

2007-02-09 [i yell at my monkey]: who old r u and do u live on ur own yet

2007-02-10 [dani california 311]: who? me?

2007-02-11 [i yell at my monkey]: yah lol

2007-02-11 [dani california 311]: oh,well, i dont live my own i will say that,but i feel weird about saying my age, but that should give u an age range.

2007-02-13 [i yell at my monkey]: im guna go from 12 - 18 lol i got out of my rents house at 17 so i d really know

2007-02-14 [dani california 311]: well,ur right. im in that range. so,yeh. so hwo r u?

2007-02-14 [i yell at my monkey]: ah im ok u

2007-02-17 [dani california 311]: im good,tired, but good.i just woke up. (9:00 am)

2007-02-17 [Shadow serpenz]: so whats up ppl?

2007-02-18 [i yell at my monkey]: nuttin if we r here lol

2007-02-18 [dani california 311]: nothing....

2007-02-19 [Shadow serpenz]: thats true

2007-02-19 [dani california 311]: if u r on here, its prollly because ur bored or u need to check ur mail from a friend for some reason or another

2007-02-19 [i yell at my monkey]: yah think its all of the above

2007-02-19 [dani california 311]: yeh, lol

2007-02-20 [Shadow serpenz]: yeah thats how it usually is

2007-02-20 [dani california 311]: mhm. or right now, which its just late and i am checking up on my friends for the night and going to bed

2007-02-20 [i yell at my monkey]: yah i go through like twice a day on fake elfpack myspace here and fake

2007-02-20 [dani california 311]: lol, yeh....i have an elftown and thats it. i hate myspace, but my friend soncivnced me to get one of these, so i have one

2007-02-22 [i yell at my monkey]: yah after work and b4 i got 2 bed 4 bout and hour

2007-02-26 [Shadow serpenz]: yeah I do this when World of warcraft is down

2007-02-27 [dani california 311]: omg! u sound like my bf.....that game is so funny. wat level u on?

2007-02-27 [i yell at my monkey]: so sad lol

2007-02-27 [Shadow serpenz]: it depends I have a blood elf at a low level right now, but my undead is level 68 right now

2007-02-27 [i yell at my monkey]: ...

2007-02-28 [dani california 311]: omg, 68? dude thats crazy. im working with a level 70 rouge and a new blood elf thats like 10 i believeand a 13 nightelf rouge. i like rouge =P but i have a priest and i have a funny dwarf thats a 13 as well

2007-02-28 [i yell at my monkey]: who how sad lol

2007-03-05 [Shadow serpenz]: the only thing i'll play is a rouge

2007-03-06 [i yell at my monkey]: ...

2007-03-09 [Shadow serpenz]: whats with the ...s all the time

2007-03-10 [dani california 311]: well, i like rouges, but i had to try other things, and i just got caught up in them. i love rouges the most though. ok, enough about that. ^^

2007-03-10 [Shadow serpenz]: yeah, so hows everyone

2007-03-10 [i yell at my monkey]: ah i put that everytime i dont know wat 2 say but want 2 show i was there 

2007-03-11 [Shadow serpenz]: oh thats cool

2007-03-11 [i yell at my monkey]: yah i guess lol if u say so lol

2007-03-12 [dani california 311]: =P

2007-03-12 [i yell at my monkey]: *grabs tounge* none of that lol

2007-03-13 [dani california 311]: no!
*takes tounge back* thats mine

2007-03-13 [i yell at my monkey]: lol

2007-03-14 [dani california 311]: u cant have urs now *takes [i yell at my monkey]'s tounge*

2007-03-14 [Shadow serpenz]: *stands out of the way* where is the popcorn?

2007-03-14 [i yell at my monkey]: *suxs on finger* lol

2007-03-14 [dani california 311]: ah! *screams and runs away* *yells* popcorn in on the table!

2007-03-14 [Shadow serpenz]: *runs to the popcorn then starts to watch the show*

2007-03-14 [i yell at my monkey]: lol thats wat i thought lol

2007-03-15 [dani california 311]: o.O hehe

2007-03-16 [i yell at my monkey]: ...

2007-03-17 [dani california 311]: weirdos..... =P

2007-03-18 [i yell at my monkey]: ur the 1 that freaked out lol

2007-03-18 [dani california 311]: *looks around* nuh-uh!

2007-03-19 [i yell at my monkey]: i call "2007-03-14 peice of the DL unit_411: ah! *screams and runs away* *yells* popcorn in on the table!"

2007-03-19 [dani california 311]: u licked my finger!

2007-03-20 [i yell at my monkey]: so u know u liked it lol

2007-03-20 [dani california 311]: hahahahaha. im a germaphobe.

2007-03-20 [i yell at my monkey]: lol i c i c well im clean lol

2007-03-21 [dani california 311]: yeh, but ur mouth isnt

2007-03-21 [i yell at my monkey]: yah hu i brush my teeth

2007-03-21 [dani california 311]: yeh, but it is still the germiest mouth of the mammals.

2007-03-22 [i yell at my monkey]: um ok then

2007-03-22 [dani california 311]: dont ask. plz dont. but yeh. that was an interesting convo we went off on.

2007-03-22 [i yell at my monkey]: ah if u say so still dont think my mouth is icky but w e

2007-03-24 [dani california 311]: im sry if i offended u. i just have that fear

2007-03-24 [i yell at my monkey]: lol nah it takes alot more than that 2 offend me trust me goin through basic trainin all they do is offend u 4 10 weeks lol

2007-03-24 [dani california 311]: wat branch u in?

2007-03-25 [i yell at my monkey]: army

2007-03-25 [dani california 311]: cool,cool. my bf was going into the marines, but he changed his mind because he didnt wanna leave me. sappy, i know, but basic training sounded fun when they talked about it.

2007-03-25 [i yell at my monkey]: ah wasnt 4 me lol and i would never go into the marines i hate runnin as it is i have 2 run a 15:54 min 2 mile marines have 2 run and 18:00 min 3 mile

2007-03-25 [dani california 311]: yeh,idk, he wanted to.

2007-03-26 [i yell at my monkey]: i could also say he chicken out and said he stay with u so he didnt sound like a chicken lol

2007-03-26 [dani california 311]: but thats not true. he just wanted to stay with me.

2007-03-27 [i yell at my monkey]: um hum ... u might wanna keep believin it sweety

2007-03-28 [dani california 311]: watever. anyways. so how r u?

2007-03-28 [i yell at my monkey]: im alright urself

2007-03-29 [dani california 311]: same. tired,but same

2007-03-29 [i yell at my monkey]: i c i c lame lol

2007-03-29 [dani california 311]: lol,yup,basically

2007-03-30 [i yell at my monkey]: ah im so tired now i juts finish a drawin it took me 3 hours

2007-03-30 [dani california 311]: ah, sounds fnu. i dont draw, im not good at it

2007-03-31 [i yell at my monkey]: ah not so much fun as it is time consumin

2007-03-31 [dani california 311]: agreed.

2007-03-31 [i yell at my monkey]: i posted it in my profile at the bottom of the page u should check it out

2007-04-01 [dani california 311]: ok,i shall

2007-04-01 [i yell at my monkey]: k

2007-04-01 [dani california 311]: thats pretty.

2007-04-01 [i yell at my monkey]: thx yah

2007-04-02 [dani california 311]: hehe,welcome. u want that on ur back?>

2007-04-02 [i yell at my monkey]: yah i got a tribal rabbit and scopio that is goin on my right side of my chest (born in year or the rabbit and scopio is horscopething)

2007-04-02 [dani california 311]: right. i figured that much out. sounds cool ^^

2007-04-03 [i yell at my monkey]: yah i think so

2007-04-04 [Shadow serpenz]: so what y'all been up to?

2007-04-04 [i yell at my monkey]: um havin a mental break down count sum ??? cuz other than that nuttin at all

2007-04-04 [dani california 311]: ugh. nothing

2007-04-04 [i yell at my monkey]: i posted that other pic

2007-04-04 [dani california 311]: o,ok. i will look later at it ^^

2007-04-05 [i yell at my monkey]: um k

2007-04-06 [dani california 311]: hehe

2007-04-06 [i yell at my monkey]: did u look???

2007-04-07 [dani california 311]: yes,i did. very pretty, but i like the first one better still

2007-04-07 [i yell at my monkey]: lol ah most ppl like the scorpion and tribal rabbit better but thats kewl

2007-04-08 [dani california 311]: well, im different, wat can i say.... *shrugs*

2007-04-08 [i yell at my monkey]: its alright happy easter by the way

2007-04-09 [dani california 311]: thank you, u too

2007-04-09 [i yell at my monkey]: ah mine suxed lol

2007-04-09 [dani california 311]: did it? y

2007-04-10 [i yell at my monkey]: i was alone on easter

2007-04-16 [dani california 311]: aw =( im sawy

2007-04-17 [i yell at my monkey]: its ok

2007-04-17 [dani california 311]: *hugs* anyways, u feel better now?

2007-04-17 [i yell at my monkey]: ah nah cuz it wasnt real

2007-04-17 [dani california 311]: o.o ooooooooooook then

2007-04-18 [i yell at my monkey]: yah lol

2007-04-18 [dani california 311]: ur special... o.O

2007-04-19 [i yell at my monkey]: lol um ok then lol

2007-04-19 [dani california 311]: sry, im in a crappy mood.

2007-04-19 [i yell at my monkey]: ah ull yah that sumtimes

2007-04-19 [dani california 311]: huh?? wat did u say?

2007-04-20 [i yell at my monkey]: just wat it says "ah you'll yah that sumtimes"

2007-04-20 [dani california 311]: lol, sry. idk, i couldnt figure it out at the moment.

2007-04-21 [i yell at my monkey]: lol its ok

2007-04-21 [dani california 311]: ugh, im tired.

2007-04-21 [i yell at my monkey]: i got a headache

2007-04-21 [dani california 311]: ouch, that sucks. i have one too, a migraine.

2007-04-21 [i yell at my monkey]: well mine was so bad it pushes my skull out a little bit

2007-04-22 [dani california 311]: i throw up and cant feel my body or move. my rents hafta move me to throw up because i cant move myself no matter how hard i try. sometimes i can, sometimesi cant,but they never risk it.

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