Page name: Outcasts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-30 23:22:52
Last author: i yell at my monkey
Owner: Itsme2
# of watchers: 13
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Have you ever felt like you're on the outside looking in? Like there's no one in the world who would ever accept you as you are? Hmmm...maybe I should make an Inside the Outcasts wiki!


Just add your name...AGAIN! *mutters* Some mean people destroyed my wiki!

1. [Itsme2]
2. [Zantia]
3. [Eloura]
4. [Shadow serpenz]
5. [dani california 311]
6. [unavailable]
7. [Nicolai Antredias]
8. [Miaye]
9. [azeral]
11.[Child Of The Dark]
12. [Gothic Vampire Princess]
13.[Child Of The Dark]
18.[i yell at my monkey]


Outcasts Poetry
Go! Go spill your heart!


Username (or number or email):


2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: ummmm...lemme think....I know this...ummm....

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: Stop talking gibberish or just stop talking!

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: Sorry, it's a song....

2004-06-07 [Nicolai Antredias]: oh. ok then

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: Have you heard of the band Relient k?

2004-06-07 [Nicolai Antredias]: nope

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: They kinda rock!

2004-06-07 [Nicolai Antredias]: kinda

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: ok, they rock a lot!

2004-06-07 [Nicolai Antredias]: lol

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: i see.......u guys talk about weird things when i am not around....

2004-06-07 [Nicolai Antredias]: eh who us never

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: yeah,ya do.....

2004-06-07 [Nicolai Antredias]: nope not i. i talk about normal things, you just think they are wierd.

2004-06-07 [unavailable]: relient k... *thinks* yeah I've heard of them

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: i know,not u,but the others...oh,and hi pippi

2004-06-07 [unavailable]: hey!

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: how r u?

2004-06-07 [unavailable]: okay, little headache :s u?

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: i am good.hope u get better.....

2004-06-07 [unavailable]: tnx

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: welcome.....

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: members!!!!  No, we never talk about anything're just out of the loop!

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: thanks....

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: no prob'm....

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: anyone here?  Cause I got no one to talk to...!

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: i am here......

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: Ooh...yayness!

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: ok,dont do that....

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: excuse me?

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: please dont say yayness!please dont,please?

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: ummmmm...may I ask why?

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: its annoying...

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: how old are you?

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: me,i told u,13

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: hmmmm......well, sorry, I'm not gonna stop saying yayness on my own wiki page...

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: fine,u can say it

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: hmmm....

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: id like the word,but w/e....ur wki..

2004-06-07 [Itsme2]: yup...well, you know, I think you and I have two different're more....well, yeah...and I'm more myself, so yeah....It's just part of who I am.

2004-06-07 [dani california 311]: what do u mean by i am more 'yeah'?

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: Nothing, I just think we're on opposite ends of the spectrum...

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: r u saying i am not happy, and u r?

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: nope....I'm just saying that we have different personality traits....

2004-06-08 [Q_Q]: hi this me ya i fell like shit

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: Why???

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: hiya itsme2

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: Hey, Forest....yeah, your username is kinda long!

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: eej

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: hmmm?

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: i know. ;p

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: just saying hello

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: hello Nightflower

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: said eej, and, so, yeah.....Hi, [unavailable]!!!!!!!!

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: hey, what's the highest amount of stuff you can get at McDonalds for 5 bucks?

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: havent been to McD's for a long time. Would kill for a........ Ahhhh forgot what they have there

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]:'s right down the street from where I live...tell you what...I'll buy a big mac with fries, and pack it up and send it to you, then at least you'll get to look at what's left of it...

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: hmmm...then I won't have enough money for postage....

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: yay.

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: double yay...just be happy in the fact that somewhere, there's a hamburger with your name on it...

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: i think im gonna cry. *sniffles*

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: I'm sorry!

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: hey don't cry, or else I'm gonna cry with you

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: ok then. *laughs*

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: :)

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: grrrr....

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: why are you growling

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: I think because you're laughing now :p

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: no....I just couldn't think of anything to say/ I growled

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: haha

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: lol

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: yay McDonalds! I'm lovin' it!

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ba ba ba BA baaaaa......

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: lol

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: yay...

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: whiej

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ::snaps teeth st Nightflower::

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ::snaps teeth at Nightflower::

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: 0_0

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: Down [Itsme2]. no bitting.

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: bitting?  I wasn't....I was biting!

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: :'(

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: and I didn't even do that....I snapped my teeth AT her...not ON, yay!

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: but I'm sorry...sometimes I confuse people's faces with fries!

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: hehe tnx :p

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: i was warining not to bite. it isnt nice to unless they deserve it or......

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: I wasn't trying to!!!!!  Get off my back!  ::sits in corner and cries::

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: -hugs [Itsme2]-

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ::sniff::

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: Don't cry, or I cry with you

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: okey dokey....I'm happy now!

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: oh im sorry :(

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: you're sorry I'm happy?

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: no im sorry for making you cry

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ok, ok, that's alright, then!

2004-06-08 [unavailable]: gotta go, have to study for my exames tomorrow :s byebye -hug-

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: oyasumi nasai [unavailable]

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: buh bye....::huggles::

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: Does that mean bye, in Japanese?

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: it means good night.

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: oh....ok, that works!

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: ja mate ne means see you!

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ja mate ne?  is it pronoinced just like it sounds?

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: 'ja ne!' means bye

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ok...

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: i was just saying...

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: yay!  Now I can speak Japanese-ish to people

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: konnitiha means hello

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: yay!

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: konnichi wa means good morning/day

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: does the chi sound like shi?

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: sounds like chi

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ok...

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: did you like the banner

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: I can't see it...It's not showing up on your page...

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: drats how do you load pics onto elftown for banners

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: first load it into your pictures/drawing thing on your page...

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: ok.

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: have fun...

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: who?

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: [forest the gaurdian] learning how to put up a banner....

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]:'s really not that hard...ooh, I just had deja vu!

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: forget it,call me when u r done telling her,because its going to be boring watching u guys talk...

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: oooookey.......

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: got it loaded

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: yay!

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: is it over?

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: ooh, I like! Now get the properties, and put those where you want it, on the wiki...just add <JPG: at the beginning, and another > at the should work, then...

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: yeah! boredom is over..i think....

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: ok. now can i put up a different pic or do i have ta keep the other one up

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: no, you can put another one up if you want

2004-06-08 [dani california 311]: i suggest u keep the other one up too. if u dont,she might kill u...

2004-06-08 [Nicolai Antredias]: :p

2004-06-08 [Itsme2]: and why would I kill him?

2004-06-10 [Louis De Pointe Du Lac]: because he is an ass j/k

2004-06-11 [Itsme2]: but...but...he's not!!!!

2004-06-11 [Itsme2]: he's really nice and I don't want to kill him....

2004-06-11 [dani california 311]: well,because its ur wiki,u made that one,i figured u would get mad and ill him for that....

2004-06-11 [Nicolai Antredias]: no dont kill me!!!!!

2004-06-11 [dani california 311]: ...just dont erase it and she wont. besides,i dont think she would anyways....

2004-06-12 [Itsme2]: I'm not gonna kill him!  And what did he do that would make me want to do that???

2004-06-12 [Nicolai Antredias]: yea

2004-06-12 [Itsme2]: cause I'm confused!

2004-06-12 [dani california 311]: u were telling me the other day that u dont want any1 to mess with ur wiki,got that? ok,now,he was going to erase something so i told him u might kill him for u get it?

2004-06-12 [Itsme2]: All I said is I want to be able to say yayness on my wiki without anyone jumping all over me....and he wasn't going to erase anything....

2004-06-12 [dani california 311]: no,i thought he meant by 'other pic' he meant the pic that u put up...

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: hello all. I know none of you personally yet, this is the first wiki i've been in where I dont know anyone

2004-06-12 [unavailable]: hey!

2004-06-12 [Nicolai Antredias]: hello

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: how are you today?

2004-06-12 [Nicolai Antredias]: good. how are you doing Yuki?

2004-06-12 [unavailable]: Hey Yuki I like your drawings

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: i'm pretty good. Thank you very much

2004-06-14 [dani california 311]: welcome newcomer r u?

2004-06-14 [yuki undefined]: i'm good. you?

2004-06-14 [MUSiCismyLiFE23]: wow, ok I haven't said anything in here for awhile lol. The last time i was here there were only 3 people. YAY more people!!!!

2004-06-14 [unavailable]: whiej :p

2004-06-14 [dani california 311]: hi....

2004-06-14 [dani california 311]: i am good

2004-06-14 [Itsme2]: hey...what's up?  Yeah, I've been out of town, so.....

2004-06-15 [MUSiCismyLiFE23]: la la la la la

2004-06-15 [unavailable]: *jumps around*

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: yayness!

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: oh no...what happened to the banners???

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: Darn it...stupid soda....

2004-06-15 [dani california 311]: where were u? where did u go?

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: me?  I went to this little podunk town in Iowa where they didn't even have a wal-mart....that's sad...

2004-06-15 [dani california 311]: yeah,it is.practicaly everywhere has a wlamart....sry for them...

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: I know...but thankfully I'm home again....yay!

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: what's been going on?

2004-06-15 [dani california 311]: idk,nothing really....

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: well, that can be good...

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: Has anyone seen the commercial for that movie, Two Brothers?  It looks really retarded....

2004-06-15 [dani california 311]: yeah,it is going to be boring.....

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: yup...

2004-06-15 [dani california 311]: dot dot dot

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: I got nothing else to say...I'm freakishly bored...

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: dot dot dot

2004-06-15 [Nicolai Antredias]: hello

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: ello...

2004-06-15 [Nicolai Antredias]: wassup

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: drrrr.....yeah...

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: Are you ok?

2004-06-15 [Nicolai Antredias]: who

2004-06-15 [Itsme2]: you...nevermind, I sent you a message...

2004-06-16 [dani california 311]: riiiight....

2004-06-16 [Itsme2]: yup: )

2004-06-16 [dani california 311]: yeah

2004-06-16 [Itsme2]: yayness...

2004-06-16 [Zantia]: lol how is everyone

2004-06-16 [unavailable]: great :D

2004-06-16 [dani california 311]: mesa is ok too

2004-06-17 [MUSiCismyLiFE23]: I'm bored, lol

2004-06-17 [Itsme2]: I'm just peachy...

2004-06-17 [Zantia]: hey i'v jus made a wiki anyone wonna go to it its a bit crappy at da mo but i'm buildin on it tell me wat u want on da page and i'll try puttin it on there okies its chattin and chillin

2004-06-17 [azeral]: hey

2004-06-17 [dani california 311]: ok,ad hi

2004-06-17 [Itsme2]: hey...whatcha all up to?

2004-06-18 [dani california 311]: n/m.u?

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