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2004-02-10 14:14:28
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Discordia smiled at Diana, "Yes it's hard to be a goddess in Rome and not know of Diana."

Faunus came dancing in, drinking from a bottle and eating grapes. "Hello!!" he shouted and jumped up on the altar. After yelling: "We need music to guide the sheep!" he started playing his flute

Bacchus appeared next to his own statue. "Ah, Faunus, always jolly! Gimme some of those grapes." He grabbed some of Faunus' grapes. "So, has anything happened here, it's usually soo boring!" He looked down at his altar. "Strange, no one seems to pray to the vinegod anymore.. People get to serious these days. What happened to dancing and singing, no worries? Society has changed in the last.. hundred years." he stated with a small laughter. 

"immm nmmm whammm ymmm memmm (I know what you mean)" said Faunus with his mouth full of grapes. "No one ever prays to me eather... unless they want me to watch over their sheep. But I guess thats what you get when you run around looking like a goat" he took a large sip of the bottle and started playing his flute again.

Bacchus laughed, a deep and merry laughter.
"hah, I'm glad we've got wine! What should I do without it.. I guess I wouldn't bare to live, I wouldn't excist.." He waved his and and let jars full of wine come in lines, dancing towards them. "Play Faunus, we are gods and do not need to sleep!" He grabbed a bottle and emptied it, some he drank, the rest made a small red lake on the floor, at the feet of his statue.

"I'll drink to that!" said Faunus and lifted his bottle towards Bacchus. "And now... Music!" and so he started playing his flute.

Apollo looked at the two and laughed, "Get down from there you drunk, you'll fall!" He yelled at Faunus, laughing the whole wile from his dancing.

"Well now, with all this music and wine, and only two men enjoing it! What is this?
My dearest Diana, I may not be worthy of you, but you can afford one dance." Bacchus bowed deeply for the beauty before his eyes.
He offered her a hand. "Only Cupid and Luna are dancing. Shall we correct that?"

"Hey, Bacchus!! Do you call that dancing?" Faunus yelled. "I'll show you how to do it!" He jumped down from the altar and started jumping around looking like something between a panicked horse and an indian preforming a war dance.

Bacchus politely tried not to laugh. But he couldn't help it. And it wasn't in his nature.
He burst out in a loud laughter. "Great Faunus! I couldn't picture you more elegant than this!" The laughter stung his chest, and Bacchus tried to shut up. 

"Of course I'm elegant. Everyone knows that goats are the most elegant cretures of them all." Faunus said. "You on the other side.... you couldn't look less like an elegant goat if you tried to. I guess it can't be taught...." He went back to his wild dance after drinking a bit more wine.

Bellona appears in a flash. "Oh, hello." she says in a bored voice, "What's new over here?"

"Hallo, Bellona!!!" Faunus yelled. "We're dancing! Come, join us! Have some wine!"

"Uhhhhh...No thanks."

"No?" said Faunus astonished. Hm... a godess who doesn't like to dance? How boring eternity must be for her... "Well, it's your loss," he said and started playing his flute, while continuing to jump around

Venus turned in Lucifer's arms, eliminating all but the tiniest of spaces between them. "When was the last time you granted me the pleasure of your company? One might think you've been avoiding me dear." tugging on his sleave, she pulled him towards the others. "Come on, dance with me."

"Go on brother dear. I will dance with Bacchus for i feel like dancing." Diana said taking his hand and leting him lead her to the middle of the dace floor to dance. Her hounds who had stuck to the shadows since following their mistress to the pantheon lay under a bench seemingly asleep.

*loud whistle sound* "Bacchus and Diana sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Faunus was singing as loud as he could. "This is fun!!" he yelled and continued singing while jumping around between the couples.

"That is quiet enough from you. You will say no more only play your music." Diana said in a matter of fact way ready to back up the threat with magic or arrows but she didn't think she would have to when a low growl could be heard over the music, " Be careful Faunus my hounds may have a liking to goat meat." Diana finished with a sparkle in her eyes.

Faunus looked furiously at her, but stoped the singing. If those hounds hadn't been there I would have kicked your behind! he thought, peeking nervously towards the beasts. He started playing his flute like she asked him to, but made ugly faces at her when she turned her back at him.

I don't think you would have won with or with out the hounds Diana said only to Faunus, then so everyone could hear " Please Faunus sing just not the kissing song." She lifted a finger" Or anyother inappropiate songs." Diana finished with a mischevious smile.

" My dear Cupid, all those times we watched couples under the moonlight asking for romance. Why have you not spoken to me?" Luna asked pulling her hair arrangement out with a deft twist of her hand letting her hair, which was as silver as moon beams, fall down her back.

"Sweet Luna." Cupid said, "I have seen you wandering the Pantheon, and finally I gathered my wits and asked you." He said, touching her face softly. "Would you like to dance?" He asked her.
"Bacchus, if you touch my sister in a way she does not like.. I swear by Jupiter.." Apollo said.. But then burst out laughing by the way they were looking at him. "Alright, Diana, dont scowl, your my sister, I'm just looking out for you." He said, his eyes bright. Then he grabbed Discordia and spun her around in circles, picking her up and laughing. "Lets dance." He said, putting her down.

"Diana?" asked Faunus hopeful. "Can I sing about Apollo and Discordia? Please? Please, please, please? I'll sing very silently."

Diana just scowled at Apollo. "Heed your own advice brother I cannot save you if you you touch Discordia the wrong way." Diana replied then sweetly smiled at her brother, she then promptly stuck her tonge out at him, in a totally childish move. But what could she do he was her brother.
" Of course you can sing about him Faunus, as loudly as you want. But" Diana lifted a finger again " You will have to answer to him. I am an older sister and younger brothers don't take big sister advice to not kill you" Diana said and then winked and Faunus.

"Kill me?" said Faunus frightened. "He wouldn't kill me, would he?"
To Apollo: "You wouldn't kill me, would you? That's just something she sais, right?"

Diana just laughed. She had to stop dancing because she was laughing so hard, at the expresion on Faunus's face.

Faunus stuck out his tongue at her and walked to one of the corner where he sat down, sulking and drinking, until he fell over, snoring.

"What a drunk." Apollo laughed. "Sister how could you say I, sweet, friendly Apollo, would kill someone?" He asked Diana, batting his eyelashes at her and grinning charmingly.

Diana still laughing continued for a minute after Apollo's reply. "Because my love, you lose your temper too often then you come to me and say, Diana i need your aid i did... then like the good person i am i help you and everything in your world is better." Diana said with a not quiet sarcastic smile on her face.

Apollo lunged foward, extending his arms and tickled Diana around her sides. He started laughing as she was squirming around trying to get away from him. "Even.. though.. your.. my.. big... sister.." He managed to say between laughing. "I.. still... know.. your... sensative... spots!" He finally stopped and fell on the floor laughing.

"UOH! Not fair." Diana lunged at her brother who was laughing on the floor and tickled him in return " My dear the tickeling goes both ways." Diana said and pinned him down. She then kissed him lightly on the nose and let him up.

Apollo let out a silver laugh, and stuck his tongue out at Diana after she kissed him on the nose. He got up, and looked down at his sister, who was about half a foot shorter than him.
(Side note: Diana and Apollo are twins... sry did i forget to mention that? He's still taller than her Kit :P :D)

" My dear I don't think Discordia would mind if you danced with me a bit. When was the last time we danced?" Diana said threading her arm through his and leading him back onto the dance floor.

Apollo laughed and took her hand once they were on the dance floor. With a flick of the hand, music started playing. "I hope she doesnt. I dont know dear sister, but I know that it has been a while." He said to Diana, as he spun her around and they danced to the music.

" Who taught you to dance Apollo. You didn't learn it from me and you have improved. And you take after me in your choice of music it is lovely." Diana said playfully

Apollo laughed, "Why thank you sister, I learned from a mortal believe it or not!" He said grinning. " Oh I take after you do I?" He asked laughing.

" Of course i would like to dance Cupid. Oh look Diana and Apollo are dancing as well. Come lets show these two how to dance." Luna said a twinkle in her eye, she dientangled herself from him enough to stand, and waited for him to lead her to the dance floor.

Cupid bowed, took Lunas' hand and kissed it gently, then led her onto the dance floor. "Yes, lets show those two goats how to dance." He laughed and spun Luna around and went into a common Roman dance.

" I believe the goat has passed out do to drink in the corner." Luna said and indicated with her crystal clear silver eyes the direction Faunus was snoring. " Come Cupid lets have some fun." Luna said then laughe happily.

Cupid glanced over at the snoring goat.. "Yes dear you're right." He grinned, then he picked Luna up and spun her around, setting her back down, and kissing her on the cheek.

" Why Cupid you are such a gentle man." Luna said then kissed Cupid on the lips. " You love to spin don't you Cupid just so I'll hold on tighter right?" Luna said winking mischeviously.

Cupid blushed a light red and said, "You caught me darling." He grinned and spun her around fastly, making her grip his arm in surprise. "Like that?" He said, his eyes playfull.

"Yes you take after me Apollo. For you are smart witty and tickelish in the same spots." Diana said and gently tickled him in the same spot he had tickled her earlier.

Apollo laughed and said, "You left out charming... Oh wait.. I forgot you didnt have that atribute.. Your stunning." He said grinning.

" Good catch dear brother. I have my own charm. But i never practice it around you for you'll get over protective and jealous." Diana commented, she hadn't traded banter with Apollo for some time it was a nice change.

Apollo laughed again. "Are you exersising that charm right now dear sister?" He said playfully. "Me? Jealous?" He asked. "Diana, you are sadly mistaken love!" He laughed.

" Look how you reacted to Faunus. Think if you found me...occupied." Diana said a mischevious twinkle in her eye as she winked at her brother.
Lucifer arched his eyebrow suddenly at Venus then realized she had offered to dance. He yelped in realization and wrapped an arm around her waist, lulling her onto the dance floor meerly by smiling and staring deeply into her eyes. He laced his fingers with hers and raised theyre hands together to his lips so he could gently kiss her fingers and sigh softly.
" AAHH! Cupid, you know how to woo a godess." Luna responded by throwing her arms around his neck to hold on tighter so they looked into each others eyes.
Discordia laughed at Apollo and Diana's bickering from the side and strolled over to Mercury.

"See Mercury? Don't you feel ashamed for laughing at us earlier?" Mercury shook his head,

"I never would have believed it if you told me... but I have to belive what I see, and I apologize... somewhat"
"I only reacted to Faunus the way I did, becuase your my sister and I'm trying to watch out for you." He said sticking his tongue out at Diana. "Not becuase I was jealous, I dont really care what you do with Faunus." He said playfully.

"FAUNUS! Eeeewwww! Brother i thought you knew me better. I thought you knew i had better taste." Diana grabbed Apollo's tongue before he could pull it back in, " And only stick this out if you are ready to defend it." Diana said a smug smirk on her face.

Cupid grinned and kissed Luna passionatly!

Luna caught off guard was surprised then returned the kiss. After a minute she broke the kiss. " Love and moonlight mix well. Don't you think?" Luna winked at cupid then kissed him on the lips again.
Voluptas appears in a puff of smoke. "Good day, fair gods and goddessess. What's goin' on?"
Cupid nodded and kissed Luna some more.

" Now my dear what will the others think?" Luna asked when she came up for a breath, she smiled sweetly at him then kissed him deeply so he couldn't answer right away.

Apollo managed to pull his tongue in enough to get Dianas fingers in range of his teeth, he bit down on her fingers, not too hard, but hard enough to make her yelp.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?" Diana said and tickled him merciously.

Apollo laughed and managed to gasp, "I'!!!"

" That does not give you the right to bite me... even though you have in the past." Diana said smiling and having more fun now then she had had in a while. Apollo always made her laugh and have fun.
Cupid kissed Luna back, then pulled away, looking into her eyes. "Let the hens think what they want to." And he kissed her again.

" Is that what i have to do to get you to kiss me?" Luna asked between kisses. She raised and eyebrow and smiled.

"No dear Luna.. Just look at me and I'll fall into your eyes and kiss you." Cupid said, kissing Luna again.

" Are all you see my eyes and my kisses?" Luna asked pulling her face back, pouting slightly. "What about who i am inside?" Luna asked seriously determined not to be distracted by kisses.

"Oh' Diana, I will bite you if I wish too.. And yes I have done that in the past." Apollo said grinning.

"Yes you have... and you will have problems trying to bite me if you can't stop laughing." Diana comment and began her ruthless tickle assult.

Apollo falls on the ground shaking in silent laughter, tears streaming down his face.

"Admit defeat and I'll let you up." Diana said laughing her self.

"Luna.. your just not kisses and eyes.. your a beautiful person... I love your charm, and your personality.. not just your kisses.. even though I do love those." He said looking into her eyes grinning.

" I am glad you said that dear." Luna said and leaned in a kissed him on the lips. " Shall we dance some more?" Luna asked sweetly.

Cupid kissed her back. "Yes sweet heart, I think we shall." He then twirled her around in a circle and started dancing more.

"Aaahhh!" Luna said surprised she clung tightly to Cupid so she wouldn't be too dizzy when he stopped.

"I will never admit defeat!" Apollo yelled and started tickling Diana back.

" NNNOOOO!" Diana said loosing the upper hand momentarily then gaining it back. " Haha! admit it I beat you, dear brother." Diana said supressing laughter when Apollo tickled her.

Apollo laughed and rolled over, sitting ontop of Diana. "HA!" He yelled triumphantly. "Now what dear sister?" He asked sweetly as he tickled her.

"This dear brother." Diana hip checked Apollo's side causing him to fall to one side allowing her to gain the upper hand again." Truce?" Diana aske innocently.

Cupid set Luna down, "Too many spins dear?" He asked kindly.

" No." Luna said then kissed his cheek. " I just wanted to hold you tight is that so wrong?" Luna asked looking up at Cupid batting her eyes.

"O then thats perfectly fine my dear." He held Luna tight.

" Good, because i love to dance and you seem to know how to dance." Luna said smiling then kissed Cupid's cheek again.
"OK OK!" Apollo yelled. "Truce." He said, holding out his hand to Diana.

Diana tickled him once more than took his a hand and helped him up, smiling.

Apollo took it and stood up. "Lets go see what the silly mortals are up to this morning sister." He suggested

" Where shall we go first dear brother? And what about Discordia?" Diana asked simply
Cupid smiled, "Why thank you Luna, you are a lovely dancer yourself." He said, returning the kiss.

Luna replied with a thankyou kiss.
Apollo bit his lip. "Perhaps she could wait here? Or come with us." He said looking over to Discordia. "If she'll come with us, we can go to Ikilios' Palace." He said. "Discordia, do you want to go torment the mortals with us?" He asked her.

"Of course, I'd never give up the opertunity to play with the mortals, if you don't mind me coming." She said, laughing.

"We dont mind at all." Apollo said, running over to Discordia and picking her up, then running back to Diana.

"She can come. BUT!" Diana holds up a finger " YOU, Apollo, must not be distracted or we will leave you behind." Diana said then winked at Discordia.

Apollo laughed, "I'll make sure only to get distracted when your not looking sister." He said putting his arm around Discordia.

Diana just smirked. "Shall we go?" and with that Diana left the Pantheon in a swirl of leaves, she headed towards the palace

Apollo looked at Discordia and said, "Hold on tight." And in a flash of light, Apollo and Discordia left the Pantheon, heading for the palace.
Malekith slips into the pantheon I petetion whatever gods may be listening. My ceasar is in danger, and I don't know who all is plotting against him. I pray that you give me the wisdom to discover the traitors.

In a flash of light, Apollo was in the pantheon, all mortals unaware of his entrance. He looked down at Malekith.
What makes you think your worthy of knowing mortal? He said in Malekiths mind.

i did not say I was worthey, but what I do now, I do for the ceasar and Rome, not for myself. if that is not enought, what must I do to be granted this information asked Malekith

I am not able to tell you that. For the Gods themselves don't know. It is as much a mystery to us as it is to you. Apollo said, wanting to tell the mortal all he knew.. but he couldnt.. that would be wrong...Go to the Latium inn if you want to talk about this subject face to face. The choice is yours. Apollo said, his voice fading from Malekiths mind.
Ikilios, Caius, Kaeso, Leonor, Kathryn, and Sarconia entered the Pantheon from the Palace.
with a puff of sand Somnus enteres the Pantheon obviously interested in the ceasar
Ikilios looked around the Pantheon and saw that it was quite empty. He began setting the breakfast on the stairs where they were still under the sun. He should pray to Somnus...but not like this....I'll just hurry up with breakfast.

Malekith looked up. face to face he wondered. Am I worthey of such honour. We shall see and with that, Malekith got up, and walked out of the Pantion, towards the Latium Inn
In a flash of light Apollo leaves the Pantheon, and appears as a man walking into the Latium inn.
"So, Caesar, how was your sleep?" Leonor asked, concerned, as she broke bread and handed him a piece.

Ikilios smiled warmly, accepting the bread and taking a small bite. "Ever so full, my dear Leonor, ever so full. But tell me, how was yours? I trust you slept well?" Ikilios asked, studying Leonor. Malekith's words echoed in his head.

Leonor smiled. "Sarconia and I had a little talk and we've gotten closer and more comfortable with each other than the last time you saw us together." She replied, pouring everyone a cup of watered wine. Leonor smiled at Sarconia and Kathryn, urging them to make small talk with Caius and Kaeso.

Sarconia giggled and poked Leonor, giving her a look of, YOUR SO MEAN!! She looked at Caius.. then at Kathryn, her cheeks turning red.

Ikilios caught the blush in Sarconia's cheeks. He did not smile. Leonor's safety...Ikilios abruptly got up, surprising everyone. "I aplogize, I was suddenly compelled to pray," he muttered as he walked away from the stairs, deeper into the temple.

Sarconia glanced at Leonor, her face confused.

Caius looked up at the Caesar sharply, That was odd Trying to lighten the mood and take Leonor and Kaeso's minds off the abrupt change in Ikilios' mood, he changed the topic. "So what does everyone have planned for later in the day? Anything in particular?"

Lucifer let go of Venus, tired of dancing. He pecked her on the cheek and walked over to where Leonor stood. He kepy himself hidden, though in full sight of any god, behind Leonor.

Leonor sighed, lowering her eyes. Perhaps Ikilios had troubling issues he needed to discuss with the gods...."Well, the only thing I had planned for today was to visit the Pantheon with Kathryn and Sarconia." Leonor replied softly.

Lucifer nibbled on his lower lip, seeing Leonor unhappy was quite the weakness. He wanted to give her a hint for the day to come. He thought for a moment and then nodded. He took a step to the side of her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving a faint squeeze, and letting his arm fall back to his side.

Leonor felt something uplift her heart and she smiled. She closed her eyes briefly, sending her thanks to whichever god had favored her enough to do so. She opened her eyes, her green eyes glittering anew. "Well, Caius, what about you? What had you planned? If you have nothing to do, we'd love your company." Leonor said with a smile, nudging Sarconia.

Caius smiled, the perfect invitation. If he and Sarconia could keep Leonora busy all day, perhaps she would forget about the Caesar's troubling mood. They had to stay happy the both of them to be blind to anything else. He would have to talk to Sarconia alone soon to arrange that. "I'd love to spend the day with you two, unfortunately I only have the morning off, I have to spend the afternoon delivering messeges for our favorite croony, Lucius." He said lightly, trying to catch Sarconia's eye.

Lucifer watched Caius carefully. Oh wonderful, another one's joined Lucius.. he thought, laughing inside. He gets a brilliant thought to help both Caius and Leonor. He dodged behind one of the tall marble pillars and changed into his human form. He smiled as he looked down at his robes that not even a peasant could pull off with out glowing. He tucked a string away from on the of the golden hems and stepped out from behind the pillar, walking purposefully into Leonor. "OH! Excuse me, lovely lady." he bowed to her and winked on his way down.

Apollo entered the Pantheon from the inn and saw Lucifer walking up to Leonor.Lucifer what do you think your're doing? He asked in Lucifers mind. He walked up to where "Lucifer" was standing, the mortals oblivious to his presence.
Sarconia laughed, "Lucius, that old weed." She grinned, winking to Leonor, but making sure Caius saw it. "Why would you want to spend your time with him?" She asked Caius, looking at him.. then blushing.

Lucifer got up from his bow and only acknowledges Apollo in his head, giving Leonor his most charming smile when he came to his full height. I'm...helping. now buzz of before I kick your little girly god's butt.

Apollo laughed in Lucifers mind.Stop with the foolish threats Lucifer. Helping? From what I know of you, your just going to make things worse.All is well.. You help your damsal in distress, I'm going to help someone whos worth my time. He said for Lucifers mind only, and he walked over to where Caius sat.

Caius.... A voice said in Caius' mind, only for him to hear.

Caius looked around him carefully, trying to be discreet, seeing no one he thought, Yes...?

You, Sarconia and Lucius are in danger.. The voice said in his mind. The man known as Malekith is suspicious... and thinks you three are a danger to Caesar.. The voice said again.

If Caius hadn't been sitting right in front of Leonora he would have sworn out loud. As it was he had to bite his lip from scowling. Malekith... the one Sarconia had told him was Caesar's assasion. Thank you, thank you immensely...? he trailed of realising he didn't know to which god he spoke. To whom do I owe the thanks for the warning?

Your welcome, I thought I might let you know becuase my charming friend is ...*cough* never mind about that. You speak to Apollo. Apollo said in Caius' mind.

Thank you again, Apollo. I won't forget this. If you'll excuse me I have to cut my thanks off short and share your warning with Scarconia. With that he smiled charmingly at the girls sitting near him. "I'm sorry but could I speak with Sarconia a moment?" he asked, blushing a little because he knew what Leonore would think of the request. But at least it made for a good excuse...

Sarconia glanced at Leonor, who just giggled, and turned red. "Sure." She said, getting up. "Where do you want to go?" She asked.

Lucifer furrows his eyebrow at Sarconia and Caius, confused. He shrugged and knealed down on one knee, taking Leonor's hand and planting noe single kiss upon her fingers. "Forgive me, for running into you, my lady."

Caius half wanted to stay and keep an eye on the strange new man, but his warning to Scarconia was far more important and he figured his brother may be able to fill him in later. He stood up calmly, trying to refrain from grabbing Sarconia's hand and dragging her away, and offered his arm. "We'll just head over by that pillar over there, I'd just like to speak with you a moment about something... personal."

Leonor watched with envy as Caius led Sarconia away. She was shocked by the strange new man. "There is nothing to forgive, sire, for it was all an accident. Please, get up, no one should have to kneel before me." Leonor said softly.

Lucifer chuckled, not moving from his knees. "Yes, but they should bow before your entrancing beauty. They all should bow to down to you, for you have the features of a goddess."

Leonor blushed deeply and smiled nervously. "Kind sir, please do get up. What you say is blasphemy. I can never be compared to a goddess, though your compliments warm my heart so." Leonor said, too frightened of Ikilios noticing this man. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea.
Ikilios sighed heavily, finding Somnus' statue quickly. He bowed low and went on his knees. He looked up at the statue. God of sleep, I greet you with a the humblest of hearts...if you can show me you are here, I shall go on and not burden you any further, Ikilios prayed in his mind, his eyes glittering as he lit incense and placed on three hangin platters around Somnus' area.
Lucifer got up from his knees and brought his mouth to Leonor's ear, letting only her hear. "I would know who to compare my Venus to...and you, you are the closest I have yet to see." he drops the hint subtly and turns to look her in the eye, his own dazzling with mischief.

Sarconia takes Caius' arm and walks with him. "What was it you needed to talk about?" She asked him. Her blue eyes filled with curiosity.

Kathryn who had remained unnoticed went to pray then she followed Ikilios, making sure he was safe.
I am indeed here sounded Somnus' voice in ceasar's mind Your servant Malekith has told me of your nightmares. You are lucky to have so loyal a servant

Yes, truly the gods have blessed me so. And these nightmares...I do not know what they mean. I have sought Lucius' wisdom but he tells me not to fear, that Rome is in good hands, but i cannot believe his words for these dreams are vibrant, so real i fear I am not dreaming...please, Somnus o lord, who sends me such dreams? Such visions? Is it you? Are the gods telling me something that i should know? or perhaps be aware of? Ikilios prayed fervently.

It is not I who sends the dreams. They come from within you. You alrady know why you dream what you do. Listen to Malekith, for he speaks the truth that Rome, and you, are in danger. I cannot tell you who though, for even the gods do not fully know. But trust in Malekith, for he will serve you well sounded Somnus

"Ahem."Kathryn cleared her throat behind Ikilios. " I do not mean to disturb you but I feel we have gotten off on the wrong foot. I thought this was a good place to maybe start over. Hello my name is Kathryn. It is nice to meet you Ikilios." Kathryn said shyly extending her hand towards him.
Venus! Leonor had chills running down her spine at Lucifer's whisper. "I am unworthy of such an honor." Leonor replied with a smile, searching his eyes. Not even Ikilios had given her a comment as high as this.

Lucifer smiled and sent a thought softly into her head, Ikilios couldn't think of something as high a praise as that...but I....I can compare you to the sunrise on the coast. I can compare you to a dazzling star blazing into birth. They have no chance against you...though...I cannot have what is not mine. He bit his lower lip, smiling slightly at her and blushing.
Ikilios jumped with a startle and turned around, standing up. He looked down at Kathryn and smiled lightly. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "I believe I must apologize as well, my lady Kathryn. And I, dear lady, am Ikilios, a ceasar of Rome, and hopefully a good one at that." Ikilios replies.
Leonor blushed deeply. However high the honor or however tempting it was, Leonor stayed true to Ikilios. I apologize, kind god, but i could never be yours, Leonor thought, a bit angered and a bit frightened that she had said that to a god. I will always be there for Caesar and him alone.
Lucifer smiled widely at her and accidentally bursted out, "Exactly what I wanted to hear!" He hugged her and lifted her off her feet, spinning her around once before putting her down again. He smoothed out his robes and coughed politely. ", is the lady up for a day on the town? Maybe a Colosseum visit?" He inquired in a friendly voice.
Kathryn smiled, " Well, Ikilios from what i have seen you are a fine Ceasar. And none of that m'lady nonsense i am just Kathryn. Tell me Ikilios what do you have planed for the rest of the day?" Kathryn asked gently removing her hand from Ikilios's grip and turning around. She almost started walking when she stoped and turned around, " Shall we walk and talk Ikilios?"

Ikilios smiled widely. "Walking and talking is just fine, Kathryn. And i apologize for the title, I was just being a gentleman." Ikilios replied, ofering her his arm.

" It's not that Ikilios. It just brings back bad memories." Kathryn said then shuddered and with a visible show of will pushed the thoughts from her mind. Kathryn took his arm. " Now Ikilios. What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Kathryn asked curiously her earlier emotions in no way evident.
Aurora was taken aback at Lucifer's words. She smiled in amazement. he actually thinks my journey with him is beautiful. That's sweet. I'd find it touching if it wasn't from a bastard like him. She thought this privately to herself. Seeing the sun's position, she frowned slightly and stood atop her pillar, looking about the place, wondering to stay or go, to take her post at the beginning of the world.
"Well, nothing really...well, there is a game on the colosseum today...I hear it was supposed to be great fun...would you like to accompany me?" Ikilios asked, momentarily forgetting Leonor.

" That sounds like great fun. But what of your duties as Ceasar? IF you have no duties than i will gladly accompany you. If you have duties then i will hand you over to Lucius who i am told is your advisor and helps you run things around here." Kathryn said a humorous twinkle in her eye.

Feeling mischevious, Ikilios let out a deep chuckle. "I'm sure Lucius won't miss me for one day. Come, let's go to the Colosseum before we miss it all!"

Kathryn laughed, " Lets get the others and we can all play hookey together. I won't say i told you so when you get yelled at though. Lead the way Ikilios." Kathryn said winking at Ikilios finally in a good humor.

"no one yells at Caesar!" laughed Ikilios as he headed over in search of everyone. Ikilios saw Leonor and cheerily wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, which threw her offguard profoundly.

" Oh! I have yelled at you Ikilios. You may not remember it but i did. And we need to work on your manners." Kathryn chuckled softly at Leonors reaction.

Ikilios chuckled. "That you have, dear Kathryn. Come, let us go. Kaeso, Caius, whereve Caius is, if you'd like to come, you're more than welcome to join us! You too, Sarconia," Ikilios said, his smile fading. Ikilios, along with Leonor and Kathryn leave the Pantheon for the Colosseum

Venus sat back, watching Lucifer's interaction with the mortal woman. and why should he have all the fun? After all, he DID invoc my name... And he knows I know it. What other name could make the girl blush so? Having made up her mind, she slipped into her human guise, and headed out after Lucifer and Leonor. "Hello. Did I overhear someone say they were going to the colosseum? Would you mind terribly if I were to accompany you? I wish to go as well, but lack a proper escort." Batting her eyelashes at Lucifer, she ducked her head to hide a miscevious grin.
Oh, this is most interesting. The gods acting as foolish mortals, as usual, and even going as far as to fall in love with one. Aurora chuckled deep within her throat, sliding gracefully off the pillar and landing with a small flourish. Wandering about the Pantheon, she thought a minute, then turned back and re-mounted her pillar, simply watching.
please continue at the Pantheon 3 due to length of page!

back to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2, Ikilios' Palace 3
back to the Colosseum, Colosseum 2
back to Latium, Latium 2
back to Rome

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2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]:

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lmao...cheese man, by kitty

2004-02-10 [ShiftySkillet]: lmao....ok gotta sleep....

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: go cheese man reply and light a fire under your noexistent tail!

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: gnite, molly ;P

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: go cheese man three min!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: 2 min!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: i have a self apointed bed time cuz i spent way to much time on this wiki yesterday night i think it was 1145-1200 midnight before i left! or sumtin like that!

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: hehe, thats still good tho

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: i'll stay for two more posts that means ikilios reply and leonors and then i am gone!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: u don't even invite leonor u just assume she'll go along men!! * throws up hands exasperate*

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: lol, i cant believe u, damien! what happened to ur manners!

2004-02-10 [§pitfire]: lmao. s'ok. mine are far worse. I've just invited myself.

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: lol, thats ok!

2004-02-10 [§pitfire]: yay!! lmao. wasn't sure where I should put it tho, here or somewhere else, but since the'yre not at the colosseum yet.... i just added it here. :)

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: that stupid cheese man didnt post his entrance in the colosseum before he signed off

2004-02-10 [§pitfire]: hehhe. I should do it! grrr...

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: u can if u want~!

2004-02-10 [§pitfire]: lmao. I'd feel pretty bad... mebbe. lmao. nah. I'm going to bed anyways. I've got my friend waiting to give me a massage!! lmao. not what it sounds like ppl!!

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: eh, you need a password?

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: where arez Leonor and me and ikilios

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