Page name: Perin Strata [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-02-21 16:29:05
Last author: Evolution X
Owner: Evolution X
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Perin Strata


Username: [Evolution X]

Age: 23

Sexual Preference (straight, bisexual, or homosexual): Straight

Personality: With a high tolerance of pain from working with high temperatures with little protection Perin can sometimes become short with the female rulers. At times like these he’s been known to talk back and sometimes even speculated of sabotage of his master’s machines. When finding himself at ease (usually when he’s smoking) he’s as compliant as every other slave.

Appearance: See picture; appearance is worn down by the years of hard work and bad working conditions. The eye was lost when a mistress decided to punish him as he was welding a wheel back together. His clothes are normal apart from the fact he has about a hundred different pockets where he holds his different tools and gadgets.

History: Born into slavery he was put into the mines like nearly every other male; he worked there for many years. His main job was the loading of rocks onto the mine cart system until one day it broke down and began spitting rocks out at the surroundings as it sped along. Perin grabbed the controls and used a sharp rock to play around with the electronics until the cart stopped ejecting rocks. Seeing that Perin had a knack for mechanical engineering he was pulled from the mines and shoved into the engineering profession; this was even worse than the mines, using high temperature objects with little to no protection while being whipped meant that the first week gave Perin severe burns. He kept working at it though, excelling in the subject and seeming to grip onto anything given to him; thanks to his talents and lack of constant need for an engineer he was passed from mistress to mistress. He lost his eye when a wheel from the previous engineer broke and he was welding it. The whip smacked his elbow and the hot flame of the torch scorched his eyes. Later that week the same wheel gave way and the mistress plummeted over a cliff; Perin was suspected but no charges were brought. Ever since then he seems to have been more defiant with his owners, responding less to the whip and more to praise.

Other: Somehow he seems to find tobacco easily, hidden packs of cigarettes and dog ends stashed behind his ear. He wears the goggles as a joke, saying that he had to protect what little eye sight he had.

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2009-03-22 [Artsy]: evo, how come your picture won't show up? o.O

2009-03-22 [Evolution X]: I dunno... I think the person deleted the picture

2009-03-22 [Artsy]: boo. whores

2009-03-22 [Evolution X]: yeah... T^T

2010-02-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: You need a new pictures please. :(

2010-02-21 [Evolution X]: grrrrrrr...

2010-02-21 [Evolution X]: done

2010-02-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: HUZZAH! Thankies. :3

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