Page name: Poke'Adventures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-05-02 14:50:16
Last author: The Dizzy Raven
Owner: None
# of watchers: 0
Fans: 0
D20: 10
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Welcome to the Poke'mon roleplay where you catch, train, and battle the known Poke'mon in a new, created-by-me region called Holodahj. Everything original and true to the Poke'mon series is available here, too, including all types of poke'balls, potions, stones, berries, etc. So, please, do enjoy yourself! Just remember the rules and report to me, [The Dizzy Raven] if there is a problem or you have any questions.

Poke'Trainer Records
Holodahj Locations
Poke'Battle Stadium
Poke'mon League
Poke'mon Gyms
Poke'mon Center

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Poke'mon Lovers Forever!

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