Page name: Puddle of thoughts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-05 07:16:54
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 2
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The cloaked figure walked down the snow cover sidewalk. The figure made sure to keep it's head down. It was obvious the town didn't want any guest, they looked on the newcomer with malevolent glares.
The glares didn't bother the new comer though, the newcomer had grown used to it.
   The figure stopped in front of a clothing shop. "Hmph...probably not meant for people like me to enter." She muttered under her breath which was visible due to winter's breeze, it was the first time she spoke in her true voice in a long time. She was about to continue when she noticed the wedding gown that was on display in the window.
   She couldn't help but wander...if her sister was still alive, would she have warn this by now?....Yes she probably would've. Her sister was so beautiful, talented, & poplar unlike her, sure they where twins...but that didn't matter she was the ugly bad twin.
It was her fault her sister was dead anyway, she wasn't quite sure how it was her fault, maybe she could've stayed beside her sister through all the madness, all that mattered is it was her fault.
It was okay though, because soon she would set things right.
this thought made her sad, before she would've been able to rely on someone to help her, but her sister was gone and her best friend was gone, and it was all her fault, so how could she ask for anyone to help her. Even though she told herself she couldn't ask anyone she still wanted to ask him so badly.
Her hand raised up to touch the dress, but was stopped by the glass.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by a knife pressed against her back. She let a gasp escape her lips as the man started to speak.
"We don't like strangers comin into our town, especially when we can't see their face. Now turn around!"
She raised her hands up as she turned around. The man smelled of cheap brandy and tobacco ,Two of her lest favorite smells. He had a light brown coat on and his greasy dark brown hair and beard made her wander if he was actually a homeless thug.
"Hehaha that's funny cause I don't really like your town." She chuckled making her voice sound like it could be a male or females, her voice was to high to make it sound completely manly but she still was able to make it sound close enough.
"You lil!" The man smirked as he stopped himself from stabbing her in the chest and slowly raised the knife to her lower neck. The only area that she had any skin exposed.
He placed the blade against her neck, not enough to cut it but enough to set in some fear for the normal person. "Come on~ I can't let this cow push me around" one of the voice started
this the fourth man this week to put a knife to her, only one of those men did she listen to the voices with, and that was because he wanted her to pay him back for the information he gave her, with her body. Like that'd happen!
"Look, if you lower your little toy now, I wont kill you." She stated a little bit of amusing coming through.
The man laughed as he took the knife away from her neck slightly.
She quickly lowered her left hand down between her neck and the blade and took hold of the knife quickly twisting it out of his hand.
The man looked at her hand in horror, it was clearly cutting into her skin but there was no blood. She didn't even flinch!
"I'm done playing." She stated switching the knife to her right hand as she grabbed the man with her left & picked him up off the ground.
"Wh-what the?!!" The man yelled as he caught a glance of her face & and realized it was a young girl doing this.
She smiled as she throw the man into a building on the other side of the street.
     "*sigh* some areas in Hell reminds me of areas in America..if this is even hell...what was that district again...hmmm I guess that will be one one of my first priorities when I get back." She said to herself as she turned and walked down the street to leave town.
I better start listening to my friends soon....or things might get bad again another voice said in a low tone.
"Oh shut up one needs, or wants you." She said out loud as a reply.

Next: Dancing with shadows

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2013-08-31 [Kbird]: Lol no she literally mean Hell in that statment I just forgot to get raid of the ****

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: XD Ah.

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: Besides that any other suggestions or comments?

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: I'm curious about Maniko's death and the voices in Meko's head...But I figure those are spoilers and won't ask. XP

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: Oh crap!! I forgot that I hadn't exsplained it yet!

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: XD Does she show up in Second gen, or does this all happen in the first RP?

2013-08-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Interesting. :D

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: Thanks..this take place between the two undead zoos. Because she is big part of the beginning of the second.

2013-08-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah, so who is the him she's talking about wanting to ask for help from?

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: Really? :o Cool~

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: Hehehe cant tell ;D

2013-08-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw. :(

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: Bad Kbird! Too obvious! D:<

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: it's gone!! >.< I'm sorry~

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: Much better~ XD

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: It's just...I didn't want to make Crimson sad

2013-08-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sad?

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: you mad the sad face. the :( face

2013-08-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, cause I wanted to know who it was.

2013-08-31 [ancienteye]: Kbird, if you want to tell her, do it over messages. We don't want everything to be given away! DX

2013-08-31 [Kbird]: I know!! I totally forgot! I have soooo much going through my mind I thought I'd already explained some of the stuff!

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