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2005-12-17 20:15:08
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This is a page with random useless facts about me and a brief glimpse into my psyche, you sick bastards. I hope you're happy!

001: Name: Dustin
002: Nickname: Spike, Fluffy.
003: Country of living: U.S.A.
004: Birthday date: August 28th, 1985
005: Height: 5'10''
006: Eye color: Hazel, they change with my mood. Really dark means go away. Really light means come closer and suck my cock.
007: Sex: Male, but I would like some.
008: School/work: Work until I decide what I'll be going to school for. I clean a gym.
009: You smoke: I did before, such a letdown, and it's illegal. Never again.
010: Hobbies: Martial arts, drawing, reading, writing, and last but definitely not least- sex.
012: Relationship: [Woodsman] Yeah, he's a hottie. 
013: Piercing(s): Tongue, ears and nipples coming soon.
014: Tattoo: Chinese for wicked on my shoulderblade. It needs touched up, money would be good for that, lol.
015: Fave Country to go to: Ireland, those castles and hills are so gorgeous. Love the scenery and those sexy, sexy accents.
016: Nicest person(s): Nobody who works at Krispy Kreme. Lol. Those bastards. I think Jasin, Fiona and Steve are the nicest people. New people anyway. Anyone who knows me knows the older nicest people.
018: Person you would rather not have met this year: That guy who said I was a pink belt. Asshole. 
019: Who would you like to meet: Still Colin Farrell, of course.
020: Whom do you admire most: I don't admire, I adapt. I see something I like, I make it part of me.
021: Most sexy person(s): Colin Farrell, Brian Krause, Ryan Reynolds,
022: Favorite Pajama: No pajamas. My chances of getting laid increase exponentially with each inch of flesh exposed. . .
023: Favorite Cars: Anything fast and pretty.
024: Favorite Movie(s): Anything horror like the Nightmare on Elm Street series. I also love Kill Bill 1 and 2, Sin City, Matrix 1 and 2, (the third blew so much ass) basically anything where people get massacred or beaten down hardcore.
025: Favorite music: Rock, alternative. Pretty much whatever is on I'll listen to if i'm bored.
026: Favorite City(s): Chicago baby! Yeah! (spills beer on carpet) I've had enough . . .
027: Favorite Plush: Ping Pong, the world's first monkey to become a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do. Ask and I'll give you details.
029: Favorite Magazine: Honcho, Unzipped, All Man. You're a worthless individual if you can't figure what kind of magzine these are.
030: Favorite sound: The raptor screams from Jurassic Park, and I think the sound of bones being crushed would be nice.
031: Favorite TV-series: Too many to name but I'll give it a shot. Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama, Beast Wars, Transformers, American Dad, Charmed, Smallville, Buffy, Dark Angel, Ren and Stimpy, Strangers with Candy, Daria. . . the list goes on and on.
032: Favourite Writer: Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I can count. I just don't think you can.
033: Favorite Nickname: Uncle Spike
034: What is on your mouse pad:
035: What is under your bed: A bunch of random shit holding my bed up, oh and a monster who sometimes sucks my cock while my boyfriend's away. . . I love my monster.
036: Favorite color(s): Red, Black and Green.
037: Favorite Song ever: Too many to even consider that a valid question. Goddam vultures.
038: Favorite song at this moment: Scars by Papa Roach.
039: Favorite food: # 30 plate at Los Portales.
040: Favorite class(s): Martial Arts.
041: Favorite drink: Alcohol. It's not just a drink, it's a way of life for the hobos and bored housewives.
042: Lucky number: 3. Third time's a charm.
043: What do you think is greatest about yourself: Probably my sense of humor. I'm funny Goddamnit!
045: Favorite shoes: Vans, boots.
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: 1ish, unless I'm getting laid, then I go to bed whenever I finish.
047: What word(s) do you use most: Goddamn. Sacreligious AND profane.
048: Most romantic moment in your life: The first time I had sex with a guy. He pooped on my penis, came on my ass porno style and then wouldn't talk to me ever again. That was FUN.
049: Most embarrassing moment in your life: I shit my pants in a house my parents were thinking of buying. There wasn't any toilet paper so I cleaned up with the clean part of my underwear and threw them away. The realtor found them right before we left. I was like 8. Fucking realtor.
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside: Inside cuz i'm not about to go outside without company. There's jsut nothing to do except appreciate nature, and who wants to do that?
051: What do you do on the weekends: Work, sex, work.
052: What class in school do/did you dislike most: Math of any kind. Goddamn Pythagoras. Fuck you and your triangles.
053: Your Breakfast: I usually don't eat breakfast, but when I do I prefer to have small children. . .
054: What do you really really dislike to eat: Lol. Yuo don't wanna know, but I think you can guess.
055: Pets: Right now just two bettas. I've killed four lizards, a kitten, and two fish. ((sob)) I'm a monster. . . .
056: Laugh or dream: Laugh about a dream, unless it was sex with a dead person and then get help you sick fuck. . . .
057: Serious or funny: roflmao. You pick.
058: Fast or slow: Slow until I'm allllllmost there then fast like a jackrabbit. What? I like to pace myself when I'm running. . .
059: You prefer being alone or have relation: I prefer a relation usually. Being alone sucks. It creates loneliness, hmmm, imagine that . . .
060: Simple or complicated?: Complicated. . . but I wish it were simple. . .
061: Cremated or Buried: Make it burn . .. Oh Mah Gawd . . . oh that was goood . .. ..
062: Sex or alcohol: Yea, I like both. What's the question?
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: Stay up late. In fact don't go to bed at all.
064: Light or dark?: Darkness. No one knows your name and they can't see your hunchback.
065: Speak or Silence: Speak if it adds to the converstaion. If it's gonna piss me off or make you look stupid, then you can stay silent. In fact, it's better to remain silent and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
066: Tall or small man/woman: No taller than I am and not much shorter than I. I'm not gonna look like a sideshow walking down the street with my boyfriend.
067: Newspaper: I don't read it. Too depressing.
068: Hug or kiss: both ad then we can fuck.
069: Happy or Sad: Happy.
070: Life or Death: Duh. What a stupid fucking question. These little "plz kill me" freaks on here must've put up this question. . .
071: rock or country: Rock on!
072: Left or Right: Righty Tighty Lefty Loosy. I'm a righty ;)
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: It doesn't matter. They still end up in your belly. Dumb question # 3.
074: Dark/ red/ Blond: Dark. Tall dark and handsome.
075: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: Winning lottery numbers . . .And could I take a peek at the guest list?
076: You believe in reincarnation: To a point yeah, I'm not gonna come back as a butterfly, maybe a bodybuilder, but not a butterfly . . .
077: You believe in Aliens: Yeah. Someone has to keep the redneck farmers in check . . .
078: When you die, what will be your last words?: I'm fine . . . It doesn't hurt.
079: Does true love exist: It's a good possibility. Ask me in 6 months.
080: How many kids would you like to have: For dinner? Or to lock in my basement and force to make me clothes.
081: What is the one thing you can't stand: Stupid people. And the scream of babies. Not sure which one is more grating on my nerves.
082: Best feeling: Being loved and cared about.
083: Worst feeling in the world: Being used.
084: What are you afraid of: Nothing. BRING IT ON MARY ! ! ! !
085: Are you an emotional person: Gay! Hello! No, not really. I can be really cold and unfeeling sometimes.
086: Do you ever cry during a movie: Not since I saw the Milo and Otis when I was 5.
087: Your goal in life: To get out alive.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at New Years Eve: Not to drink so much. Doing good so far.
089: Favorite art-artist: Dali, and M.C. Escher.
090: As what animal(s) would you like to reincarnate: A big fucking cat or large beast of some sort. A liger or a timber wolf.
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: Lol. It's too easy. Well, it depends on the male of course, but I'm partial to a great big, juicy, throbbing. . . smile. : )
092: Most original place to get drunk: The front yard at a birthday party.
093: What do you think of Elftown: I like it.
094: Is there something you miss about Elftown: Haven't been here long enough to tell.
095: Where did you get this question list: Stole it from a hobo after I broke a bottle of Jack over his head and then stabbed him with it. True story.
096: Besides Elftown, what do you do most on your PC: PORNO.
097: Is there a question you missed in this all: Not really.
098: Fave actor(s): Umm. I like Jim Carrey and Micheal Rosenbaum.
099: Fave Book(s): Tears of the Dragon by Dean Koontz, The Stand by Stephen King.
100: Fave Comic Books: Laughter of the Damned, Arsenic Lullabies.
101: Fave Anime: I hate anime with a passion. *Starts burning things and breaking chairs*
102: Fave Gaming Platform: Playstation 2
103: Fave Game(s):PsiOps, Abe's Oddysee, GTA 3, 4 and 5
104: Fave Poet(s): Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson.
105: Fave flower(s): Hahahhahaaaa. I'm not THAT gay . . .
106: Fave Superhero: Rogue from the X-men. She's the best superhero ever. From just a touch she can steal your powers and then kick your ass with them. Ho-yeah
107:Name one turn on you find in a guy: I like guys who don't act like women. Girly guys blow ass.
108:Name one turn off you find in a guy: I don't like guys who play games or ignore me.
109:What religion are you?: Agnostic, I believe is the word for it. I take different parts of different religions that I think make and put them together to make my own theology.
110:Do you believe in hell?: Hell's not in keeping with my beliefs. I believe Hell is real if YOU believe it's real.
111:Girlfriends? Had some, but prefer men.
112: Do you drink: Yes, I certainly do.
113: Smoke: NEVER !
114: Do drugs: Not a lot of them and not often.
115:Have u ever hurt yourself: Of fucking course. What the fuck? I'm not a stone or a chunk of diamond or something. I'm fragile too . . .*sniff*
116:Ran Away: No, but I hid for awhile and made everyone THINK I did.
117:Biggest fear: Dying in a horrible accident or being kept alive in a coma.
118: Fave Actor: I like the guy from Van Wilder and the new Amityville. MMM mmmm.
119: Actress: Jessica Alba.
120: Have you ever beat some one up: Yeah, he grabbed my ass without permission. Can't have that now can we ?
121: Has any one beat u up: Not yet, but I imagine it's just a matter of time.
122: Who do u hate: They know who they are . . .
123: Who is ur best friend: Megan, Leslie and Chad.
124: Have you ever been in love: Yes
125: Thought about suicide?: Yes, but would never actually do it. Suicide is for the weak, unless you've tried before and failed and want to do it again, then suicide is for the weak and stupid.
126: Killed someone?: I don't have to answer these ridiculous questions . . .(yes, shhhh)
127: Made out with a stranger?: Haha, yeah. A couple of them. Boys and girls. Tee hee.
128: Thought you're going crazy: Yeah, but then I just sharpen my knives and I feel better.
129: Kissed same sex: Yeah, and it was/is great.
130: Killed a animal by accident: Yes, and I still miss her. Jasmine was my cute-cute.

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2005-04-23 [prisoner#81378]: lol.....this is what I call good reading! heheheheee....I must link this page!!!

2005-04-24 [The Crimson King]: lol go ahead. I would be honored.

2011-06-23 [Dark Wizard]: pris where the hell are you?

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