Page name: Quixalia [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-23 14:00:56
Last author: Augury
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
# of watchers: 7
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Land of Dreams

We are a group of hackers. Our skill is honed and perfect. We have the best of upgrades and have new ones installed every week. We have overridden every system on the planet.

Except for one.

There is a game system called X-12-1S. This system is the only system on Earth that is capable of hosting human minds. The bodies are kept safe in a cyberkinetic glass coffin, keeping their temperatures and blood pressure at normal levels during gameplay. Their minds are kept within the system with the option of leaving at any time. The producers were especially careful to keep several escape options open.

There is only one game accessable to play on the X-12-1S. It is titled "The Call", and is an MMORPG, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. The number of players logged in at any time is insane in its amount, and the number of servers is nearly infinite.

There has been news coming in from our connections that there is a gamers convention at which 15 tickets are sent out to random gamers for a personal X-12-1S each, fitted with infinite cookies and cheats for "The Call", along with a personal server, all expenses paid.

You can bet your hard drives that Team Quixalia ain't gonna pass this up.

Quixalia Team
Quixalia Members
Quixalia Rules
Quixalia Auditions
Quixalia Random Banners
Quixalia Avatars

NOTE: We DESPERATELY need players. Recruiting is encouraged. :)

Username (or number or email):


2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: go for it.

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: I mean, I'm not gonna draw it, but you're welcome to. ;)

2004-04-21 [Orey]: yeah i will draw it lol... just wanted to know... though it would be cooler!

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! pictures are ALWAYS welcomed with open arms. :D

2004-04-21 [Orey]: yeah... so avitar... what for that??? hmmmm?

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: 'kay, the avatar's like what your character looks like when he/she's playing 'The Call'. It can be just about everything and anything. Hybrids are limited to 5 different blood types.

2004-04-21 [Orey]: oh ok.... fantasy creatures and such????

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: go for it. must be able to speak in some way, though. ;)

2004-04-21 [Orey]: ok so no telapathic creatures then?

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: telepaths I can allow.

2004-04-21 [Orey]: ok cool... rice and beans!

2004-04-21 [Orey]: i have no ideas for my avatar!!! ahhh lol

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! pick anything.

2004-04-21 [Orey]: thats it the range is to big..... so much to choose from lol

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! go check out the Avatars page and see if you can't dream up something.

2004-04-21 [Orey]: tis funny! i tell you... leting me be creative and i get brain freeze lol

2004-04-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol.

2004-04-21 [Orey]: i know it's bad!

2004-04-29 [A Forgotten Dream]: This looks super cool, do you think I could join?!

2004-04-29 [Orey]: Yeah... just put your character togethere and send it to Pnelma Tirian

2004-04-30 [Pnelma Tirian]: YES!! JOIN! JOIN! PLEASE! I LOVE this RPG and I want it to be LOVED!!

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