Page name: Quixalia [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-23 14:00:56
Last author: Augury
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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Land of Dreams

We are a group of hackers. Our skill is honed and perfect. We have the best of upgrades and have new ones installed every week. We have overridden every system on the planet.

Except for one.

There is a game system called X-12-1S. This system is the only system on Earth that is capable of hosting human minds. The bodies are kept safe in a cyberkinetic glass coffin, keeping their temperatures and blood pressure at normal levels during gameplay. Their minds are kept within the system with the option of leaving at any time. The producers were especially careful to keep several escape options open.

There is only one game accessable to play on the X-12-1S. It is titled "The Call", and is an MMORPG, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. The number of players logged in at any time is insane in its amount, and the number of servers is nearly infinite.

There has been news coming in from our connections that there is a gamers convention at which 15 tickets are sent out to random gamers for a personal X-12-1S each, fitted with infinite cookies and cheats for "The Call", along with a personal server, all expenses paid.

You can bet your hard drives that Team Quixalia ain't gonna pass this up.

Quixalia Team
Quixalia Members
Quixalia Rules
Quixalia Auditions
Quixalia Random Banners
Quixalia Avatars

NOTE: We DESPERATELY need players. Recruiting is encouraged. :)

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2004-04-14 [Zaran's Song]: I've carried a life-size Legolas cutout around under my arm for three hours in a mall before. Much, much strange looks. Lots of fun.

2004-04-14 [Orey]: AWWW......... I have done that before. Little girls tried to take it from me! That was scary... it was like midgets attack.

2004-04-14 [Zaran's Song]: A little girl in EB with her brother was imitating me and it was pissing me off.

2004-04-14 [Orey]: lol.... i would have scared her somehow... just to see her cry.

2004-04-14 [Zaran's Song]: I tried. Nothing had any effect. I even snarled at her and she just tried to snarl back.

2004-04-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol. act like you've totally lost it. offer her a bag of candy and a nice ride in your car. lol.

2004-04-15 [Zaran's Song]: I believe I shall next time it happens.

2004-04-15 [Orey]: I'll want to watch lol

2004-04-15 [Zaran's Song]: I know. I'll tell her to 'go get me that.' I point. She runs over and gets something and comes back. 'Not that. That.' I point again. It'll go on for hours and she'll finally get frustrated and either cry or leave. I hope it's the former.

2004-04-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! :D

2004-04-15 [Zaran's Song]: I've done that before to older children. It works and it is vastly amusing.

2004-04-15 [Orey]: lol.... i'll remember that one.

2004-04-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! :D

2004-04-15 [Zaran's Song]: That is the same as your last comment. I'd like an original thought if you have one.

2004-04-15 [Orey]: ok... hmmmmm.... I'm not original lol

2004-04-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: what? original? what is word? lol. ;)

2004-04-15 [Orey]: I have no idea... that word isn't me lol

2004-04-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! she speaks the truth. lol, jk...

2004-04-15 [Orey]: lol... your not supposed to agree with me.

2004-04-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! :D

2004-04-15 [Orey]: So yeah...... Pnelma... you talked to pink?

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