Page name: Rant-Readers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-27 19:06:53
Last author: Alexi Ice
Owner: Sinchao
# of watchers: 8
Fans: 0
D20: 10
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Note:This is the Reader's section of Alpha And Omega

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Thank you for listing your name. - [Sinchao]

Writer of Rant:



[Hello Sunshine]



[Evolution X] NO.1! Yey for people with opinions!

[hotpunkrocker]so awesome NO.2

[ACCOUNT DELETED.]-I RANT a lot too. Get it off your chest, man!

[Alexi Ice] - <Wants to be number Zero.>

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2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: I made a comment on my own wiki... O_O

2006-09-23 [Evolution X]: So your not lonely... ;q

2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: OPMG! It's EvoX!

2006-09-23 [Hello Sunshine]: ZOMG it's Sinny.

2006-09-23 [Evolution X]: OMFG! ITS BITH OF YOU! hi.

2006-09-23 [Hello Sunshine]: o-o Bith? That's a funny word! =O

2006-09-23 [Evolution X]: Both, sorry. Hit the wrong key.

2006-09-23 [Hello Sunshine]: :O It's fun to say, though! BITH

2006-09-23 [Limbed]: no.. i'm not here.. just leave me out of the conversation.. i'm not important enough.. just leave me be

2006-09-23 [Hello Sunshine]: :O Cor! -Pounce- Me beez sorry for leaving you out. ;_;

2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: Let's all hug Limbo-man!

2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: *hugs Limbed*

2006-09-23 [Hello Sunshine]: Would glomping be permitted?

2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: Anything goes for now.

2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: BY THE WAY. This is NOT a fanclub, [Limbed]. It is merely a place for readers and writers to gather.

2006-09-23 [Hello Sunshine]: =O -Glomps teh Limbo-man, as deemed by Sinny-

2006-09-23 [Sinchao]: -laugh-

2006-09-24 [Limbed]: oh god.. what have i brought onto my shoulders now..
i'm getting overthrown with attention.. it's.. it's.. just too normal..
and well.. maybe it is not a fanclub.. it is turning into one..

2006-09-24 [Sinchao]: Well, not into yours. xD

2006-09-24 [Limbed]: people!! behold!! it's the confession! OH MY GOD!! Sinchao gave me the monopoly status!!    OH GOD!! MY COOCKIES ARE BURNING!!

2006-09-24 [Evolution X]: Cookies... its spelt cookies... anyway HORRAY FOR LIMBED! *waves flag*

2006-09-24 [Hello Sunshine]: Huzzah! Huzzah! Vive le Limbed! Vive le Limbed!

2006-09-24 [Sinchao]: -whisper- I might just make him one, though...

2006-09-24 [Hello Sunshine]: Hehehehe....-Whispers- You do that, Sinny.

2006-09-24 [Sinchao]: ^-^;;

2006-09-24 [Limbed]: OH GOD!!
it's turning into my fanclub instead of sinchao's..
OH GOD!!!!

2006-09-25 [Hello Sunshine]: Mon Dieu?

2006-09-25 [Sinchao]: Que?

2006-09-25 [Limbed]: xD
don't give that message any attention.. i was kind of.. kind of.. kind.. of..
well.. let's just say that i was not totally 100%

2006-09-25 [Evolution X]: Im never 100% so dont take anything I say seriously...

2006-09-25 [Sinchao]: Well, we all know [Limbed] is getting more stupid with the second. IT'S NOT A FANCLUB FFS! xD

2006-09-25 [Limbed]: isn't it the fact that i'm getting smarter.. and all of YOU are getting more stupid?

2006-09-25 [Sinchao]: Nope.
There's no way NightsFire would getting more stupid.

2006-09-25 [Limbed]: well. she just reached the ulitimatum already..
but the other just have a long way to go.. for sinchao still a short way though..

but i'm just getting smarter..

2006-09-25 [Sinchao]: Arrogance... Tch! And don't say you know yourself well.

2006-09-25 [Limbed]: i know myself 'too' well

2006-09-25 [Sinchao]: ¬¬

2006-09-25 [Hello Sunshine]: <<; I'm fairly sure I was insulted a ways up there, but I'm not sure. I'm not at fullest capacity right now, barely got two hours sleep. ^^;

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Nope, you weren't insulted at all! nuh-uh.

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: staying out of this

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Hahah! We all should! xD

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: The number of conversations im dropping know, you could follow me around.

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Ehhhh?

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: ...just ignore me

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Lols, okay

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: ...

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: I can't just ignore you! You're part of the wiki! WTF?!

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: ...ummm

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Exactly! Talk you **&%^&^! xD

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: ...NEVER!

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Eto... Didn't you talk just saying that? -,-;;;

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]:

2006-09-26 [Sinchao]: Now you did! I'm sure of it.

2006-09-26 [Evolution X]: ...poo

2006-09-26 [ACCOUNT DELETED.]: It was either a trap, or a cleverly done ploy to get [Evolution X] to speak.

2006-09-27 [Hello Sunshine]: <<; -Cough- Very clever plan.

2006-09-27 [Limbed]: i think it sucks..
but then again.. that's me  ^^

2006-09-27 [ACCOUNT DELETED.]: What sucks? The trap? Or speaking?

2006-09-27 [Limbed]: ermm.. everything?!

2006-09-27 [Evolution X]: ...

2006-09-27 [Sinchao]: Limbed is yet again ruining the mood.

2006-09-27 [Limbed]: xD
sorry. i just felt like it.. and i still do feel like it..
so.. fasten your seatbelts!!

2006-09-27 [Evolution X]: There's a new MortalKombat game where you can drive coming out...

2006-09-27 [Limbed]: yay!

2006-09-27 [Evolution X]: Its has loads of character based weopans.

2006-09-27 [theedoekje]: and there is a new need for speed on its way to.. can't wait till i can download it:P currently still enyojing nfs most wanted.. pretty cool game that is:) only those cops are a bit to pushy from time to time

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: MK is kind of a crappy game though. Only Shoalin Monks ruled. The one where you could Co-op.

2006-09-30 [Hello Sunshine]: I feel left out, because I don't play many video games. ^^; Resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 3 so far.

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: Resident Evil isn't really my style... ^-^;;;

2006-09-30 [Hello Sunshine]: Ahhh. I <3 action games like Resident Evil 4. They scare me to death, though. xD

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: Lols. You should try Doom. =P

2006-09-30 [Hello Sunshine]: XD I would if I had a decent console.

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: I have Xbox and GameCube.

2006-09-30 [Hello Sunshine]: I just have a gamecube. With no memory card.

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: NO... Memory card.... What's the use if you can't save?!

2006-09-30 [Hello Sunshine]: There is no use. -____-;

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: Then buy a Memory Card! xD

2006-09-30 [Limbed]: buy buy buy!!

2006-09-30 [Evolution X]: I have a Gamecube, BUY BUY BUY BUY! actually the next gen is coming out on december 8th so I would wait for the new one.

2006-09-30 [Limbed]: no.. BUY BUY BUy a mem-card..

2006-09-30 [Evolution X]: December 8th, you could atleast wait.

2006-09-30 [Sinchao]: No, buy buy buy

2006-09-30 [Hello Sunshine]: -Cough- I'm poor. <<; No job, and no allowance.

2006-10-01 [Limbed]: hmm>?!


2006-10-01 [Sinchao]: NO job, and NO allowance... Hmmm. STEALSTEALSTEAL! xD

2006-10-01 [theedoekje]: hmm bankrobbing is a profession:P

2006-10-01 [Evolution X]: ...I have a few connections. <-<

2006-10-01 [Sinchao]: I have too many! Wait... Was that smart to say? xD

2006-10-01 [Hello Sunshine]: Psh yah! Get me some money, Sinny! :D

2006-10-01 [Limbed]: yea.. why not give all of us a little fortune..

2006-10-01 [theedoekje]: yeah and remeber family comes first:P

2006-10-01 [Limbed]: i don't agree...
however. 'thank can be arranged'
all i have to do is get a kitchen knife and get near to you..

hmm? sorry? what family?

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