Page name: Ravenwood Estates 14 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2012-05-01 23:45:17
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Alehial was still awake though she should be in bed. She had the ring Galin had given her on the desk to the side and paperwork in front of her. Altair knew his way about town but with businesses he didn't have much sense for future growth and how to prepare for it or anything. So she was doing a lot of paperwork a lot of wavers and signing for wages. reports and letters. Invitations she was mostly turning down like usual they only went to a few a year. Right now with Galin alive again and Alehial shuddered at remembering the gruesome scene now was not the time for parties. She rang the bell for Bowers though she needed another tray of tea and a clean cup. She was almost finished now.

"You rang for me my lady?" Bowers asked in a quiet voice not to startle her. One thing his father had taught him, the Ravenwoods faced enemies that constantly caused chaos. They and the household staff had to remain constant and unwavering for them to depend on. He hated knowing that the family felt so threatened and there was very little he and the others could do to help. In truth he wasn't even able to help very much when the disciples attacked the house, so he made up for it to serve as well as he could.

"Yes if you coooouuul-" Alehial was cut off by a yawn so large she covered her mouth and it still brought a smile moistness to the corner of her eyes. "I beg your parden. If you could bring me a fresh pot of tea with a clean cup please bowers and perhas a roll and cheese or something so I can finish everything?" Alehial asked, she knew he had felt useless during the attack but he hadn't been. He had been helpful and keeping the staff functioning was one of the most useful tasks he did in the house. Alehial would never be able to handle her family and enemies AND the household.

"My lady, if I may, perhaps some sleep and retackle this refreshed?" he never was concerned speaking his thoughts. Lord and Lady Ravenwood always told him how they valued his input. Bowers would gladly get the tea and food for her if she insisted on finishing. The household had been so quiet lately, with all of the little children in Sildea and the older children moving about on their own. In fact some of the maids would leave early since they didn't have much work to do, other than cleaning the more lived in rooms.

"In the morning I will check on Darryl and Lai, of course Elsa and Feal need spoken to and plans for the safety of the house drawn up and I need to send a message to Rand and the King that Sildea may be under attack. We need to send help to them and there's a lot of other things I need to do. I'd like to get the papers done tonight I'm almost done Bowers. I'll sleep as soon as I'm done I promise." Alehial smiles softly at Bowers she was touched by his concern and she knew she should go to sleep. But it was alright she really was almost done.

"Then shall I bring a hrebal version of the tea and the food you asked for?" He knew that Alehial left to her own devices would remain awake as long as House Ravenwood had enemies. "Also, any word on Miss Asper? I know the two of you have a 'tenious' relationship these days." It was being polite everyone in the house knew how they felt about each other. "The cook also wanted to know if he should prepare anything particular for the next couple days."

"Just keep us all fed is all. Regular meals at the regular times. I would appreciate the tea and snacks very much thank you Bowers. As for Asper I hear she has begun her labor but it will take a week or so before anything happens. Something about her race and her unique... situation." Alehial says softly with a shrug it was one of the things she wanted to find out about and would ask Lai if she could perhaps research some of it. For Alehial didn't want anything to happen to Asper if it would upset her darling Darryl.

Bowers bowed and left the room to go get what she asked for, closing the door softly behind him. The silence of the study closed in around Alehial, like a terrible spider's web. With Darryl unwilling to leave Asper she was trapped in Andor while Altair and those enroute to Sildea now raced to help protect her homeland. Fael, Darryl, Lily, and herself were the only defense for the house now. She jumped when she heard a less than quiet knock on the door, and a small fussing sound.

"Come in." Alehial says standing from the desk one hand on a dagger's hilt and then thought better and released it. "Arten when have you ever knocked?" Alehial asks softly looking at the doorway. While she had only moments to spare for all her worries and all the pressures she had to handle. All the things she needed to do but could not... all the things she shoulder have done and regretted. Arten was up later then usual though. Alehial wondered why but there was nothing she could do about it.

In came the new mother and her little one, if you could ever say dwarf babies were ever little. "We ain't borthering ye are we?" She was dressed without her armor or vestments and carried the little man wrapped in a blanket. He was fussing a little and Arten looked a little haggered she moved to a couch and sat down. "Shouldn't you be asleep right now, Lady Ravenwood?" she asked as she rocked him. She knew Alehial was concerned about everything going on and probably needed an ear to listen to her.

"Are you alright Arten? You really should be resting. I'm finishing up some paperwork... I thought if I got it all the way finished it would leave the meetings for tomorrow with my brother and the king. Then I'm going to check with Lai and then of course I'm going to see how Darryl and Elsa are doing. Come home and take care of Lilly and you and Elsa and everyone." Alehial says with a soft sigh before walking around the desk. Walkig close to the dwarf mother and leaning down she tightens the clothes around the baby just a little and the babe soon quieted and fell asleep with the rocking of it's mother. Alehial sat in one of the comfertable chairs.

"Ye're worried about them in Sildea, and ye can't make me believe otherwise. Yer always a good mother and I only hope to be as well with him." Arten looked at Alehial directly, for she knew what very few did how she thought. Both of her friends fought to defend home and hearth, and instilled that in the children. "How soon before you really go and try sleepin?" the signs of tiredness was begining to show, she might need to enlist Elsa or Lily to make Alehial stop.

"How can I not worry about my children. My husband... Arten you will be a good mother just as you've been a good friend to me!" Alehial said in return to Arten's directness. "I am just finishing up Bowers is bringing me a cup of tea and a biscut once I finish that I will go to bed I proooo-mise." Alehial says yawning and covering her mouth. "I've got to do the paper work to leave tomorrow free in case... I'm needed." Alehial said biting her bottem lip and looking at Arten with those My husband needs me eyes. Or I have to save my family. Her eyes started to tear up then. Alehial stood abruptly and blinked and swallowed a few times. She was not going to cry from her worry and she was not going to stop when she was almost finished.

Arten held out a hand to her, the tacturn dwarves eyes were a little misty as well, not like she'd admit it. "Come ere, help me with him for a little while till the tea and biscuit arrive." she asked. Alehial needed to relax and finally sleep, she would drive herself into a tizzy if she didn't rest. And without her knowing it she'd relax if she had a baby in her arms, it was relaxing. "He's been wanting to see what another set of arms feels like and yours are softer than mine." she said with a small laugh.

"Has not... he loves his mother very much already..." Alehial said sniffling just lightly but taking the heavy little baby in her arms. Immediately she sat and began to gently rock. Humming the dwarven lullaby as best as she could remember how much of it Altair had taught her. She held the babe close and cuddled with his hair covered head. He was so sweet and slept so soundly. "You must be exhausted without your neice here to help... I'm sorry I'll help more often Arten." Alehial said at the end of the lullaby realizing she was neglecting Arten because she had gotten used to relying in Bailey to take care of her aunt.

"Aw, now that he's here, it ain't so tiring as it used to be." she said picking up the song and even pulling the blanket from behind them to cover their laps and make everything more cozy and relaxing. No one could say she wasn't wise and could convince her to slow down until sleep carried her away. Lily and Elsa would be needed to help Alehial finish her paperwork and let her focus on protecting the house. The baby cooed and stretched out his fingers, screwing up his little face. Arten smiled at them and watched her son interacting with her friend.

With another yawn Alehial smiled at the baby and gave him her fingers. "my sweet child, Every person this house will love you much." Alehial said haltingly in Dwarvish. She wasn't fluent but the children and Altair and Arten had been working with her. Still rocking the baby Alehial settled in more comfertably and hummed the song once again. After only a few minutes Alehial held the baby protectively and was soon fact asleep in the crook of the chair. HEr cheek resting on top of the babies. HEr friends trickeries having worked and now Alehial was fast asleep, the baby in her arms soothing her nerves very much.

Bowers found miss Lily scrounging for something in the kitchens, "I'm used to catching you twin looking for hidden goodies. What brings you down here young mistress?"

"Trying to find the stash... I couldn't sleep. Conner can't fight very well and... I wish I was there to help them... I just keep worrying about everyone. Orissa and Sammy, Alloura and the twins. Jake and Gah! I want to fight! Mom's home and all she does is worry... she's trying to do everything again... was she always like this Bowers? Even before me and Conner were born? Because I think she might have been and is the same way now because Daddy always tells us not to make Mummy worry but she worries about everything all the time and do you know where the good stuff is?" Lily asks at lily speed not giving up her search for Conner's stash of goods

He opened the cupboard and reached up into the little hidden hole where Conner stashed things and produced a couple pieces of candy. "Apparently either someone else is aware of this or he quit hiding stuff there. Your mother lost someone when she was very young and now the idea of losing those most important to her frightens her. I know that the deaths of Flint's family vexed her so and she fears the eventual passing of your father." Bowers sometimes wished he didn't care so much for this family, for he knew that any loss would pain him just as much as it did them.

"Probably he has a new stash and it's probably not candy anymore. I know Mummy lost grandpa... When she was little. But dad's died three times... they argue about it all the time. And All my brothers and sisters and neice and nephew and aunt are all over there! I don't want to just sit here and do nothing knowing we handled the fight over here when there's one over there too... I'm scared... I'm scared Daddy might die too Bowers. I mean you can't come back after the third time... Everybody know that!" Lily says taking the candy and putting it in her mouth to sniffle and wipe her eyes. Sometimes she hated being a girl. Especially cause she was planning to run away. it felt like she was betraying them but no one understood!

He produced a handkerchief and handed it too her, Lily was as tenderhearted as Alehial sometimes. He patted her arm and offered a warm comforting smile. "Perhaps Lady Ravenwood could use you being near to ease her concerns. I've remembered many times when she has been upset, having you children close calms her." He poured a glass of herbal tea and put several biscuits on the tray to upstairs.

Finishing the candy she sighed softly and wiped her eyes before handing the hankercheif back. "No if she knew I was up this late worrying it would cause her to worry more. I'm going back to bed anyways... I'm on gaurd for when Feal isn't tomorrow. Elsa demands he join her for a nap so that's my shift, and breakfast together. Anyways I'm going to bed thanks Bowers. You're the best butler house guy... uncle figure person ever!" Lily says giving him a big hug before he grabs the tray and then she ran off up the servant stairs to sneak back to her room quietly.

Alehial woke up in the morning, laying on the couch and covered up to her neck. Lai was sitting behind the desk and smiling at her, "Good morning, did you sleep very well. Arten sent Bowers up to fetch me and I finished your paperwork after making several aww sounds seeing you with another baby." She smiled and took a sip of the herbal tea and rang for Bowers to bring more tea for Alehial. Arten and the baby were gone, probably back to their room a little while ago.

"that's not fair!! She tricked me!" Alehial said sitting upright almost instantly. Frowning heavily as she remembered saying something in dwarvish to the baby and then the lullaby and... "You... You women just because I'm so much younger! I'll have you know I am needed in those documents to sign!" Alehial said pouting heavily pointing her finger at Lai. Accusing her and Arten all at once for their deception. Not admitting their help was greatly appreciated and needed. She still needed to see about Rand and the King.

"You forget young lady, I am still an arch-duchess and my last name is Ravenwood. So, legally I can sign these, and Rand will be here for a light lunch giving you four hours to get a bath and change and go hug your girls." Lai neverminded being called deceptive or anything along those lines, she used to have to trick Altair into eating right and going to bed at a decent hour. Bowers came in with tea and some toast with fresh butter and the cooks preserves. "Good morning Lady Ravenwood, may I say you look well rested this morning, shall I have a maid draw a bath then tidy the study for you?"

"Your all against me now I know it! Bowers I thought you were faithful to me!" Alehial said still pouting but picking up the cup and taking a sip. Sighing softly at the wonderful taste of the tea. She knew it was a team up. They were all working against her... but what could she do. She hated being manipulated like this though. If they'd have asked or even force their help instead of tricking her into not being able to do anything.

Lai got up and came over to Alehial sitting close beside her, "You insist on trying to do everything without getting help or taking time to rest. Because we love you we got you to relax so you could sleep and regain you energy." She took Alehial's hand and set it upon her belly, so she could feel the baby bump. "He would dearly love to meet the wife of his brother, especially if she wasn't so upset and worried so." she said kissing Alehial's cheek. "Now, please enjoy your tea and toast, get a long hot bath and dress in something comfortable and go visit Elsa, Lily, before Rand arrives and Darryl after he leaves." she asked with a squeeze of her hand.

"It's a household conspiracy." Alehial sighed softly before doing as she was bade by her psuedo mother. Eating and drinking the tea before leaving to her rooms. After a long bath she sighed and grabbed pants and another tunic though this time she would wear a vest as well. Leaving her weapons in the bedroom, she went to Lily's room first. After spending some time with her daughter she composed herself in her own rooms once again and went to see Elsa.

Fael opened the door and bowed to his mother-in-law, "Greetings, did you sleep well?" He had heard from Bowers at breakfast that the lady was asleep upstairs in the study after Arten's child calmed her. Elsa was told the minute he found out, a tired Alehial could not help protect the house. A peck at the window meant that another of the druids had come to try and Fael almost growled. Turning he went back to the window and pulled the curtains, before returning to his stretches, to let Elsa and Alehial talk.

"Give me a moment." Alehial said before going to the window and opening the latch grabbing the little bird/druid before she could change and heavily throwing her hard back out the window. Closing the window and locking it she then closed the blinds again. "That should teach her a lesson she won't forget I hope." She smiled brightly at both the children before her. "Now then Elsa dear how are you doing any pain?"

Elsa just stared at her mother. It was easy to see she was frustrated and pent up but that was almost cruel. When Alehial came to the bedside and sat down close to Elsa and put her hand on her stomach and began to feel the child and how it lay Elsa was shaken out of her shock. "None that Feal does not ease for me with the numbing ointment. I'm swelling more then I did with the twins... But he is just as active as they were. He moves about all the time though his head's been down." Elsa said softly.

"Yes... you have what two almost three weeks left? you still need to get up and walk but not up all those stairs you can study here in your rooms. Come down for lunch and dinner and washing and that should be enough.He's doing fine and so are you. Let me know if the druids come every day and I will speak to them." Alehial says with a bright smile on her face she kisses Elsa's head and then smiles brightly at Feal. "Let me deal with them you too simply enjoy each other's company when you are together." She ordered before leaving.

Fael nodded to Alehial and then went to sit with Elsa, "I do not think the druid expected that from her. And thank you for the praise to your mother." he said before kissing her. He took her hand and held it light in his as he settled close to her. Outside they could hear the bird chitter angrily before leaving the sill. He wondered if Elsa would follow her mothers instructions or continue to try going to Lai's chambers to study.

"It wasn't praise it was the truth... I suppose I better follow mummy's orders. IT would probably make the swelling go down. Not moving up and down those stairs all the time... Poor mother though." Elsa said softly snuggling close to Feal closing her eyes and listening to his heartbeat. Now that the druid had left which was funny enough to see her mother throw the little woman in her changed form she wondered what her mother would do to them if she told her they came every day more then once a day and forced Feal to run or hide most of the time.

Fael gently stroked her neck, thinking over what it would be like to wake up beside a wife who wasn't pregnant. And the fact they could be together and learn more what they shared. "Perhaps we should entertain the idea of a place of our own before another child? Or do you think it is a better idea we remain closer to them and just wait until some of the chaos subsides." Elsa had been through this kind of situation before, and he was going to defer to her.

"Of course we will... but... it has to be in the perfect place and not in the city and... somewhere near the woods and after all this evil passes. It wouldn't be safe with three little ones and just you and me. We'd be sitting ducks for any one of Mum and Dad's enemies. Besides he needs to come out first doesn't he?" Elsa smiled rubbing their joined hands together over her stomach. Feeling the child stretch and push against his hand. Elsa was perfectly happy in that moment.

While Fael was taking a break from defending the house, Lily had her turn in charge. Most of the house guards showed her the proper respect, but would bring some of their practical knowledge to her decisions. They didn't wish to offend her, so there had been a lot of "Miss Lily with all do respect..." If she insisted in them doing it her way they would do as she wished. A fresh pair of eyes may show something none of them had ever considered.

Lily didn't like being told to be in charge. She didn't know how. She hadn't learned that from mom and dad yet. But she'd watched them often enough to know when you want something done your way you make sure it gets done your way. She had a check system made for all the guards that they thought was silly but with the enemy's ability to pop in wherever he liked it was good to have schedualed places you met even if it was just for a moment to make sure it was the right person. Lily too was going around the grounds. Her sword in hand she would sweep the outer perimeter of the property which was a lot.

None of the guards cared to complain about the new idea, especially with Lady Ravenwood at home. More than one did wonder when they had not seen the lady on the grounds. Most of them had served the family for long while, and several thought things were improving when she exited the house. The druid's bothering Fael and Elsa at least lent their services by patrolling from above. More than once a guard wondered when a crow flew over head, but Miss Lily seemed very happy to see the bird.

The good thing about the druids taking bird shapes was now her beloved could come and go without to much hindrance. While she was on patrol he came with her often. Out on the far edges of the estate. After all there was a thirteen foot wall around the entire estate and it was three inches thick. Only something like a seige weapon could get through... but Daddy did anything for Mummy and that's what she wanted. Protection and safety.

As she rounded the side of the house, she saw Uncle Rand coming through the gate. Always smiling, it made most people mad, those he cared for knew it was a mask. His job wasn't easy, working for the crown and caring for the royal family. Behind him came a small procession including Aunt Cyndil and a nanny with the tripellete girls. Rand waved at her when he spotted her and indicated her prescene to Cyndil who also waved.

"Uncle Rand! Aunt Cyndil! I'm glad you made it safely. Let me escort you to the house. Mom has a lot to talk about with you Uncle. I'm glad you brought the girls it'll help calm her. She'd been stressing out since she got here. Especially with the men who broke into the house and attacked us, we're all fine though and Mum wanted to talk to you and the king because she wants to make sure none of you have had any bad experiences and I don't think Feal would mind if I took another round. He was in the deep of it as well so... Oh yeah and Asper went into Labor but is going to be doing it for two weeks or something. I don't kno I don't remember all the details." Lily says hugging her uncle careful of her weapons and her gear. Then heading towards the house. Not wanting to get any oils or anything on aunt Cyndil's nice dress.

Cyndil looked at Rand to see if he absorbed half of what Lily said, Rand laughed and followed Lily. "Dear Niece, is there ever a time you take your time?" is asked in his teasing tone he used with the children. He loved his nieces and nephews dearly, as he did the rest of the unruly mob they called family. He hurried up to catch up with her, "So, I hear that you haven't found a suitor amongst the noble young men at court. Looking for a more rugged individual like your mother did when she found your father?"

"When I train I have to be calm of body and of mind. That's what mother always says and Daddy always says a calm mind is a mind that can figure out problems, and spells and why find a husband who's more concerned about appearances then I am when I'm wearing the dress and he's wearing pants. I swear they are all just envious of us girls in dresses. they wish they could wear them too just to be as good looking I betcha! Fucking ponces anyways here's the front door I'll leave you to it so you can all talk I'll see you soon I love you guys!" Lily says kissing Cyndil's cheek and the head's of all three babies.

"Young lady such language." Cyndil chided Lily with a mocked shocked face. The girls cooed at there cousin, Rand grabbed the young lady and kissed her cheek. "I'm glad your not caught up like the courtly ladies, and feel free to teach my girls to be more like you." He released her and knocked on the house door. Cyndil shook her head, Rand so wanted his daughters to be nice and sweet, but not be to eager to court and marry.

Lily giggled and went about her rounds again. Now that they were safely inside the house had had a duty to preform. Besides everything she said was true. But she had a man... one who loved her very much. Soon as this was all cleared up and the kids were safe at home again... she and Gerard could leave and go on their adventure together. Together they could learn a lot... Lily blushed and quickly moved to her rounds thoughts and mouth silent.

Bowers brought the entire group up to the study and made them comfortable, asking if they needed anything to drink before he went to inform Lady Ravenwood of their arrival. Knocking on her bedroom door, Bowers announced himself and waited for her response. Unsure if she was still cross with him for not waking her last night when she fell asleep. He hoped she wasn't, he served the family as well as his father ever did. In as much he cared, he also wanted to act in their best interests, and not be dismissed for doing so.

"Come in Bowers. I'm finished." Alehial said finishing putting her hair in a braid. Even though she cut it it still reached her shoulder blades. She had on her pants and fighting boots and shirt with little fighters bracers holding them in place. It helped with with slightly baggy shirts too. She had on her belt and there were daggers in her boots and one hidden in her hair. She was fully prepaired. For anything the day might bring.

"Master Rand and Mistress Cyndil and their little girls are in the study awaiting you. Shall I bring tea and biscuits up?" he asked her noting she seemed more ready for battle than talking. And he figured they brought the babies because Lady Ravenwood loved little ones. As always he waited in the Master bedroom for instructions before doing anything else. His father always laughed and told him that they always would tell any of the staff exactly what they wanted done.

"Yes and some meat rolls, Cyndil loves meat rolls. and jam raspberry That's Rands favorite." Alehial says sighing softly... everyone in the family was handling her again... but how could she not worry when her children and her husband were out there with her mother being attacked? How could she not fear for the safety of them all? Alehial sighed and straightened up. Walking out of the room and then down the stair's Turning into the room and knocking lightly she opened the doors. "Rand, Cyndil! It's so good to see you two again! Look how big those girls are getting!" Alehial said walking inside the room and taking the seat by Cyndil. Let them think she was being handled then.

The little girls, now a couple months older smiled and cooed at her and Cyndil smiled. "Has there been any word from those at the front or the army enroute to Sildea?" Rand asked. He shared concern about their home and friends still living there. A little while later Bowers brought the tea and everything else she told him to bring. Cyndil being her usual curious asked, "Have you been to check on Darryl and Asper yet today, because if you are going I'd love to tag along."

Alehial grabbed a little girl and tickled her gently sitting down again. "I haven't had contact since I warned Altair... Mother hasn't contacted me at all. I checked with Tarin-Gail and he wasn't attacked how about you and the king? Was it just us Ravenwoods again? Last I heard Asper had gone into Labor and it is going to last until she is actually ready to give birth. I was told not to worry it would last awhile. Something about Venirian's being so small and since she's half Dark elf and therefore a small build she might have problems. But I thought to give them time and space. Elsa was there with LAi not long ago. Asper I'm sure wouldn't appreciate me being there while she's in pain." Alehial says snuggling with the little girl and tickling her under the chin.

The baby giggled and grabbed her hands, Rand listened and kept one of his little girls. Cyndil looked at her, "But, it might be a chance for you two to come to an understanding, and give Darryl a chance to see you. How is Elsa doing with her situation." Rand chuckled mildly and handed the baby to Cyndil, "No sister dear no other attacks were reported anywhere else in the city. The King is curious if these men's identities were known to you before they were dispatched, since he has heard that Galin commands the guild and Galadrid is in charge of the Disciples of Soth."

"That's a lie... I was there to see the recreation of Galin... He is not a good guy he is still pure evil and still runs the mercenairy army. I may come to check on the baby but... We do not get along and I accept that. It will releive Darryl I'm sure but that's all it will do Bailey is there and she's more the expert then I am. Elsa is getting angrier and angrier with these druids and I am just about ready to get rid of them once and for all by contacting their society." Alehial sighs before making a face at the little girl and tickling her lightly again.

"Galin has allowed and incouraged any governement to not only check his operation, but to magically check members of the guild. Honestly, we have found nothing that indicates any ill from the guild." Rand did not beileve that Galin was completely clean, but had to have proof. Cyndil bouncing Lesi on her lap while the nanny had Kaila while Mara enjoyed her aunt's attentions. Rand continued, "So before I ask again about Flint, may I suggest dropping in on Darryl and Asper, just to put out there that you are here if she needs you."

"I have seen the proof Rand. Evil never changes it's course you know that as well as I do. It is why we will continue the fight for as long as our lives last. We are the only defenders strong enough to stop our uncle and My husbands brother. Flint as far as I know propabably went ahead to scout along with Lyriel. I will but I want to give them time... to work out things between them. I'm sure she's even more of a handle now then she was before and until they are prepared for me I will not intrude on them." Alehial smiled and tickled Mara again a little before letting her catch her hands and giving her a surprised face before pretending to eat her little hands.

"What has mother told you about the current state of Sildea and the children?" he asked. She had told him that the twins and Aras the house maid were outside the walls and that Lucas had left to find them. He didn't want to share this news knowing that it would drive Alehail to distraction. Cyndil looked at him and then to Alehial, a very worried expression crossed her face and she held Lesi a little tighter. The nanny, wisely after finding out about her new position learned to close her ears to other conversations.

"Mother hasn't contacted me at all! What has she told you? Are they safe? Are all my children safe? HAs the army gotten to the walls? Is Altair alright? Has he made it and begun a counter attack?! Mother had talked to you! You always make that face when you don't want to tell me something!" Alehial said handing MAra to Cyndil she didn't want to get angry and upset the baby while she was holding her. "Tell me the news Rand or I swear I will go myself and see to my babies!" Alehial threatened.

Rand moved to sit beside her and took hold of her hands, "Alehial, the twins and the nanny left in the early morning for a lesson with Orissa's new teacher. Lucas and Tani arrived and he set out to find them, Flint and Lyriel are traveling over land to catch them and Altair, Conner, and the army are force marching to arrive in time." Rand was concerned that Alehial would fall to despair in the face of this news. Cyndil let the nanny take Mara and placed her free hand on top of ALehial and Rand's. "Sister, Aras one of mother's most trusted household maids has Orissa and Samantha and she is a very competent young elf, she'll keep them safe until Lucas finds them."

"Galadrid!! He's after Orissa again! One elf won't be enough! Not even Lucas! Not against Galadrid!" Alehial said pushing off their hands and standing. "Bowers! Get Lai!! I have to go to Sildea! NOW!" Alehial yells her eyes looking wildly around as she thought about everything her little girls were going through trapped outside the walls of Sildea and away from Safety. "I have to go to the study! Let yourselves out or stay I don't care!" Alehial said, as she turned on her heel and began to head for her study where the pin Galin had given her was. Surely he could stop them... he had to! She'd... have to bargain some way out of getting his assistance.

Rand followed her, "Alehial you know as well as I do that Lai can't teleport you inside the forest. And by the time you arrive the battle will be over, you have to trust in those already heading to Sildea. Altair has already advised me that the army will head to the city and he will enter the wood and find the girls and Lucas." He regretted telling her and now with Lai hurrying down the steps, she could probably heard the panic from her rooms. "Alehial, what is going on? I heard you upstairs?" she asked a great deal of concern in her voice.

"Galadrid is going after Orissa again! I want you to send a missive to Altair tell him I'm coming home. Then send a missive to my mother ask her where the meeting place is. I don't need her to teleport me Rand. I know most of the trees in that forest personally. I'll get there on my own. I need my weapons and I have to get to the study I left something there." Alehial said in a pure panic. Her babies were in trouble and she had to save them. An elf she didn't know was there only protection and Lucas might get there in time was not good enough. "I will be able to Enter Sildea... the forest Accepts druids especially if the forest knows the druid." Alehial said before heading for her rooms for her weapons.

Lai began to cast as Rand continued behind ALehial, "What about the home here? Elsa and the others need you here, the enemy doesn't know that the girls are outside the walls. If Galadrid is monitoring the movements of the druids, you will alert him to the fact someone is outside the gates. He'll start sending search parties out to find anyone that might be a threat to his mission." Rand hated being practical and honestly would prefer to strap on weapons and go with his little sister.

"I WILL PORTECT MY BABIES!" Alehial snarled turning on Rand. She was angry pissed and felt utterly helpless if she did nothing. "I told them I would always save them! I have to save them! Let Galadrid find me! At least my babies will be safe!" Alehial said stepping into her bedroom and strapping her weapons on firmly. She hurried to get it all on. She didn't care about personal risk and She had to talk to Galin. Make him agree to not attack the house while she was away. It was the only way.

Rand grabbed her tightly, "THINK, Alehial I understand you wanting to get to them, but you must not let emotion override your mind." He began righting the straps she missed, before even letting her loose. "You do the girls no good if you fall to the enemy, then what will they do? Trust me that mother choose Aras to watch over the girls because she is bright and quick and reminded mother of you in many ways." Lai followed into the room after finishing her missives with Altair and Sirrus as well.

Tears fell from Alehial's eyes as she stared into Rands. "I have to protect them. In any way I can." She said softly before pulling out of his grip. She headed straight for the office and closed and locked the door. Grabbing the pin she wiped her face of the tears there and composed herself. "Galin... I need to speak with you." She called holding the pin in her hand hard enough it was making an imprint. She wanted this over quick so she could go to her daughters and keep her promise.

A portal opened and his voice called out to her, "You will have to come to me, as I am not allowed into Andor." She realized that the voice was in her head and not coming from the portal. He was inviting her to wherever he was currently. She knew that Altair would be screaming his head off that this was a trap. But, what could she do, if she needed another ally to protect her children.

Alehial drew one of her scimitars and walked through it without another word. There was nothing she could do. He controlled the Guild of Soth she knew that. He was the only one... Altair would be to late and Lyriel had other orders. There was no time. She had fto find out where her girls were and keep them safe. No matter what it took. Though several things were off limits. If he really had turned over a new leaf she would see it now.

She exited into an office in which Galin was standing looking over a map of Glaeron. It was easy to see he had several figures represnting the guild and some dark colored ones for the Disciples of Soth. "I am checking over all the information I have on Galadrid & the Disciples movements. If you will be so good to share more knowledge with me I will attempt to divert as many guild members as I can to help." Looking up he meet her eyes and took a drink from a cup of coffee.

Alehial looked away first. "they are already at sildea's walls. Galadrid is going after my Girls. The only way they got in was with assistance from their dark gods. Sildea rejects those of ill intent. I will not betray my people by giving you all the locations of Sildea, Galin. Even if I do need your help I am not giving you access to do much harm later." Alehial said keeping the blade in her hands. She didn't like how relaxed he was again... how soothing he seemed to be. It was all a ruse. Fake. He was still evil she could feel it. "Recall you're men... take as many back with you as you can. Altair and I will handle the rest and give me your word no one touches my house." Alehial demands looking back up to meet his eyes, regretting the break of contact before. It showed her as lesser of strength of mind. She wasn't she just... her children were in danger and she was betraying Altair again... and.

"They are not my men Alehial, once I came fully to my senses and was brought up to the current histories, I severed all ties with the doppleganger of your uncle. I have allowed you to have Lai cast a spell to read my aura, what else would you like for me to do to convince you?" He knew that she was unnerved by the calmer aspects he was showing. "I will pray the girls will be safe, and brought home safe. But, I believe you should not go into battle alone, you are acting like me, reckless."

"I am acting like a furious druidic warrior mother. I will not have you nor any of your men fight alongside me. If you can't do anything then this was a waste of time." Alehial said turning around to leave. Her sword was never sheathed and she didn't even think of the consequences of turning her back to Galin. She was only thinking of how to save her girls. It was then she realized the portal had shut behind her and she didn't exactly know how to open it back up. "I'm leaving Galin." She said looking over her shoulder not even wanting to acknowledge she came here for his help.

"Are you?" he asked not looking up realizing she was trapped with him. "Fury, I felt quite a bit of that until I realized it led to my death. And that fury got me killed now didn't it Lady Ravenwood as did obsession." He picked up another piece of paper and moved a group of guild warrors into Ophir, they were hunting some bandits for a local lord. "Did you expect me to attack you, with the weapon out you'd have thought I was here ready to gobble you up." he said with a chuckle.

"I know that hatred is still inside of you. I also know you are planning something. What I cannot say... But I know it." Alehial said sheathing the sword. She had to calm down. He was baiting her... keeping her here... trapped. "Something about you stabbing my beloved son in the chest with no provication when you awoke as you call it might make you remember my hatred for you in this life as well." Alehial said cooly as she turned around weapons sheathed, standing in front of him confident.

"I awoke as a startled beast, your uncle placing a sword in my hand and telling me to strike at my enemies. I did so blindly, and until I learned more did I truly find out who my enemy was. Do you not believe people can change, did not your cousin?" He gave her an almost hurt expression, but turned back to his map. "Have you given anymore thought to my offer for protection? I have some conditions, but none too awful for protecting the youngest of your children and yourself of course. I know that Altair will chase Galadreid to the ends of Glaeron and beyond without thought of the home fires."

"You awoke as you truelly are. Leave my cousin out of this. I can't think of anything until my children are safe again and near me for protection. Damn you Galin... Coming back and putting on this fake persona... trying to 'help' me. If I refuse that protection will you continue to attack my home until I agree to let my youngest and myself stay in your clutches like last time?" alehial asks trying to sound flippant but her voice got tight and her hands held into fists. She was afraid she was going to lose her children and he knew it.

He looked at her again for a short while then crossed between her and the table. "Then if you have proof druid, execute me for the crimes as Andorian law states. Or are you afraid that once you strike and the disciples continue to keep coming, you'll find yourself wishing I was still around. I am bringing the guild to bear against Galadrid and the disciples, much like my brother wishes he could do. Consider what you will of my offer for protection, but remember this protection I speak of is far from your uncles eyes and those of his servants."

Alehial had backed up two steps. Steps she couldn't take back. She was afraid of him. She did her best to hide it but it was there now... fear had finally crept in. "And yet I still do not know if you are in contact with him seeing as he has many with the sigil of your guild." Alehial says, she wanted to leave, needed to go back to the house. "Let me go Galin. I tire of this conversation. you have proven your point." Alehial says softly scowling, it would be too confusing and her home left undefended. She couldn't go.

"No one who serves Galadrid will ever carry the symbol of my guild. And you can leave whenever you really wish, focus on returning to where you left and a portal will open for you." He turned back and looked at his map and moved another guild piece overseas in Valusia. There was not a lot of time to finish this meeting, there were others that needed to speak with him. "Again Alehial I hope the twins are safe and Altiar gets to them in time."

Alehial concentrated and when the portal opened she stepped through waiting until it was closed she fell to her knees and began to cry. Why had it been him to point it all out... that he had the power to overcome the household... that Altair might not get there in time... that she couldn't keep her promises... that she was afraid of him at last. what could she do? There was nothing she could do to help... and it meant breaking her promise to her beloved daughters.

She heard the click and Rand and Lai entered the study, she immediatly came and wrapped Alehial in her arms. "It's ok, I promise, Sirrus said that Lucas was hot on the girls trail and Altair informed me they are less than a day behind FLint and Lyriel. Everything will be ok, everyone is asking the gods to watch over the girls. We will have to make sure the house here is well defended." Rand looked like he was going to echo those ideas then just closed his mouth.

Alehial cried, mumbling in her sobs about her babies. Not saving her babies. Asking what should she do... she couldn't lose her babies and on Alehial wept, all her fear and anger and frustration and helplessness and the feeling of betraying altair coming out all of a sudden when face that she can't keep her children safe. Not for a moment... She was so terrified. Like when elsa had been taken. She was so scared but this time she couldn't do anything.

Rand quickly sent Bowers to summon Elsa and Lily and even called for Darryl. Alehial needed her children and to be reminded that they had never failed one of the children ever. Fael and he would handle security around the house while the women helped to keep her ladyship from spiralling out of control. Arten showed up shortly after ELsa with her son in her arms, Fael went to get Lily and take her place and she would stop and help Cyndil bring up the little ones. Quickly he cast his own missive and advised Altair to make the march happen quickly, because Alehial was begining to panic.

Elsa knelt and hugged her mother tightly along with LAi. She didn't know why her mother was suddenly so... broken. Why her mother was weeping the way she was. Unless something bad had happened. Never in her life had Elsa ever seen her mother like this. "Grandma?! Aunt Arten? what's wrong?!" Elsa asked trying not to squish the baby. But her mother should calm down with the babies and the ladies and the pregnancies. It had always worked before.

Alehial continued to cry but she moved subtly to give Elsa's stomach more room. She quieted her weeping to not upset Arten's babe but... she couldn't stop the tears now that they were released. It had happened in private after Altair was brought back at the end of the last war but... she could only pray that he saved her babies. She put a hand on Elsa's shoulder and held her close seeing as this once happened to her.

Rand waited until they released to hand a handkerchief to his sister. It would be a long time until they heard from Sildea what was going on. THey would just have to keep Alehial calm and hope Altair came through. Lai leaning close plainly said to Alehial, "They will protect the girls, next to you no one would move heaven and glearon to protect them then Altair, Lucas, Flint & the rest of them." She knew that the children would be safe, she prayed hard to the gods and she new their Grandfather was watching over them.

Alehial sniffled and used Rand's handkercheif. Tears still fell from her eyes down to her cheeks and she continued to cry but there was nothing she could do. Alehial had only just reached her prime and it was hard to come to terms with with so many children and so many enemies she already had. HEr husband was growing older and she... was ripening She's noticed her hips widened a little more. She may have even grown an inch, even her chest seemed a little snug in clothes. But to have so many children and with a human and be unable to save those children from the very evil they had been promised protection from was the worst failure as a mother Alehial could see.

"Mother it's me Conner, have I got a weird thing to tell you. I'm in Sildea, the forest, one minute I was with father the next I'm here. Don't worry, I'll find the twins and the elf, then get all of us to Lucas."
Lai looked at Alehial knowing that someone was speaking to her mind, having used the spells so often she was familiar with it. "What is happening dear? Who is contacting you?" she asked quietly, hoping it was good news.

"Conner It's Galadrid! You've got to help but Galadrid is coming for Orissa! Alehial instantly answered her voice still paniced and full of grief and the regret she was feeling went with the message. " Do what you can but remember you are our heir!! Save them!" Alehial probably couldn;'t be more contradictory then she was with Conner right now. But all she knew was it had to be Galin... but who else could it have been.

"Got it, save the sisters and keep my backside away from danger. Don't worry mom, I'll save them, I promise." Conner sounded like his father in just that moment, full of determination and a touch of bravado. The other family members in the room looked at her questioningly. Rand wondered were Lily was, she might be able to decipher what her mother meant.

Lily got to the top of the stairs a little out of breath. She was after all wearing everything including a small pack just in case. She gulped in air and rushed into the room. "What's going on is mom okay?" She asked her Uncle first because she always wanted to be respected as a member of the family and a grown up and a military person. She knew instantly her mother was talking to some one with a spell, no one could miss that but by the panic and worry and grief she could see on her mothers face she didn't know what had happened or who it was.

"C-conner!" Alehial choked out before the tears returned and her silent sobs began to wrack her body again as her heir went to find the girls and was also put in danger. There was nothing she could do and even though she knew she was worrying everyone she couldn't stop the overwhelming fear gripping her heart and making it hard to breath properly. Her little girls were in such trouble and now Conner... and she couldn't do anything. Even at home she was useless there was no job for her here in this house. She was trapt by the danger that might happen.

Lai grabbed ahold of her hand and held it tightly, "Tell us what is happening Alehial, what has COnner told you?" She feared something else had happened while Altair and Conner were heading to Sildea. Everyone in the room was concerned what Alehial was learning. Rand still holding Alehial was at a loss, she had never truly despaired like this in all the time she was married to Altair. Even dour Arten was at a loss for what to do next, to ease this trouble.

"He's g-gone after th-the girls!" Alehial choked out between sobs not letitng her voice get to high because of the babes in the rooms. Elsa held her mothers arm tightly and Lily came over and gave her mother a side hug and laid her head on her arm. They were both wearing to many weapons for much else. "He'll be okay... he's got all kinds of tricks... and he's not that bad with a sword Mummy." Lily said reverting to the little kid way all the children refered to Alehial. Now one honestly knew what to do and Alehial just couldn't stop. It was her job to protect everyone and be the strong one but she couldn't not when her babies were in so much danger.

"Lily is right sister, that boy is quick witted and has many tricks. More than likely he'll not only protect the girls but do something else amazing while doing it." Rand had lost a great deal of games, from chess to cards with Conner. The heir to the title was a tactician and even knew how to weild more weapons than many people gave him credit for. "Trust in those men to find Orissa and Samantha, no one with the name Ravenwood knows the meaning of quit."

Alehial continued to cry. She didn't know what was happening and her family was in trouble. There was nothing she could do and she was stuck here in this house. Stuck with no enemies but Altair's brother... who was up to something she could not prove and could not stop and he kept offering the protection she yearned for, for her children but she could not betray Altair like that.

Rand finally picked Alehial off the floor and with some help removed her weapons and sat her on the couch. Immediately the girls descended upon her, trying to comfort and ease her pain. Rand wished he could call in some sort of favor, find a way to send his blades to Sildea to find the girls. However, the elves magic wards kept all magic out of their forest. Even Darryl's abilities had unforeseen difficulties when he used them.

Alehial took some comfort in everyone being there and eventually she calmed down a little. Not so hysterical in her crying and her sobs and calming herself down to just tears as she held Lily's hand tightly, and Elsa's and leaned against Lai. She was still feeling it all but to finally have the dam inside of her burst was embaressing and she had worried everyone and still had the same problems so it was all wasted energy and she had made herself ook weak and scared every... she even saw it on Arten.

Arten walked over and set the baby in ALehial's lap and took a step back and took a deep breath. "We have gotten soft, when the five of us ran o'er half this world, we trusted in each other. I don't see where this has changed any even after all these years. I trust my child's life in all of ye's hand as ye once trusted theirs in mine. Despair is unbecomin' people like us." she said placing her hands on her hips.

Alehial at once snuggled the baby and got it comfertable against a much smaller chest. Her tears slowing. She knew that everything Arten said was true but there was nothing she could do. She prayed every morning after her required time in the wilderness and meditation. "W-we've been plit up and and gained m-more to lose then we had before." Alehial answered softly gulping down the rest of her greif and uncertainty and of course her fear.

"We've protected the world as well as our families and lovers. It is just a matter of finding the place and time when we can do what we do best." Lai added to Arten's attempt to bolster the morale in the room. The baby actually snuggled against Alehial and scrunched up his nose, but settled in the protective embrace. "Or my sister shall we force you to lie in your bed and surround you with little ones, as I'm sure you will do when Altair brings yours home."

"They will surround me you mean.... And yes when they are sade and sound that's what I want..." Alehial said with a small sad smile holding the baby tight in her arms. Knowing he was probably used to a slightly tigher grip. He was so sett she didn't know why Arten wanted to be a single mother. but it was her choice and none of theirs so there was no reason really to talk to her about it.

Most everyone smiled knowing that the comments were bringing Alehial back around. The baby opened his mouth and yawned stretching his stubby little fingers toward Alehial. "I hope them enroute find that copy of ye uncle and put 'em down hard and for good. Bringing back Galin, shoulda left'em in oblivin were he belonged." Arten had been away from battle for too long and she would have relished the idea of crack Sothites and orc heads wide open.

"Arten you just became a mother calm down. You have your little boy to see to now you know." Alehial gave the baby her fingers. She knew he would already be strong, drawves were reported to be even at birth. "Hello little one. I'm you aunt Alehial." Alehial says it being easier to say then I'm your cousin but not really. Besides focusing on the baby was helping Alehial calm down a lot.

Darryl woke well before Asper and watched her sleep listening for any sound of discomfort. He rekindled the fireplace and snuggled closer to his wife, she was nervous even asleep he could tell. Already he decided to later use his hands to release the tension she felt, perhaps that would even help with the baby's situation. Bailey was on the roof using the backdrop of the garden to relax and commune with her goddess, Darryl was in her debt. He would wait until Asper would wake up before deciding what to do for breakfast, perhaps a nice porridge and fruit.

Asper groaned before grimancing lightly. "Hurts.." Asper groans turning her head to Darryl, she could feel her stomach contract and it did hurt. The baby was going down so slowly but she contracted all the time. She wanted something to stop the pain or make the baby come now if she was already in labor. She could also feel her hips ache feircly as they stretched. Or at least that's what bailey told her why they hurt so badly.

He grabbed the liniment and got up to expose her lower body and began to rub it onto her to dull the pain she felt. "Is it helping?" he asked watching her for any signs of relief, it pained him that she hurt so bad. Darryl began moving things in the kitchen so that he could steep her some of the tea that Bailey had prescribed to her. "I wish there was more I could do to lessen your pain further, although Bailey and I would be willing to try anything you suggest." Using his powers he proceeded to try and see if he could do or touch anything to lessen her pain.

"I just want to have the damn baby or not! It hurts... My hips do feel... a biit better thank you. Can I have some of that tea Bailey gives me?" Asper asked softly not looking up. It made it hurt less and calm the baby down from moving around so much. Asper hated the pain but it was an every day pain now... though it had slowly grown worse over the two days.

"I will go fetch it right now do you want anything to eat?" Darryl wiped his hands on a towel and pulled her shift down and covered her back up. He waited until she told him her wishes and kissed her gently before heading to the kitchen. The water was hot and ready and he mixed the drink for her and got everything else ready. He then hurried back upstairs with everything for Asper, smiling when he brought it all to her.

Asper had shifted her position so her upper back was flat but her belly was on it's side. and so were her legs still. Her back hurt and she wanted to get out of the bed but walking was hard. Bailey and Darryl both wouldn't even let her use the toilet without them assisting her the entire time. She wanted her freedom back and this was the perfect cage for someone like Asper.

"Here is the tea and I brought some porridge and a little bread with sweet cream and preserves." He set them down and came to her, "I know you might not think much of it, but if I could take some of this pain for you I would. Would you like to sit up, I can adjust the pillows for you again." Darryl knew that she was under a lot os stress and pain, and it hurt knowing the wasn't much of anything he could do. Bailey poked her head into the open door, "I must say the garden is very nice, how are all of you this morning?"

"the fact I'm fucking awake and it's goddamn fucking morning should give you a fucking clue!" Asper snapped suddenly as another wave of pain went through her. She did use her arms to lean up so Darryl could move the pillows but never again was he going in her mind. Not ever. Once she was seated she had her legs open in a semi cirlular form as she sat/lounged on the pillows. "the tea please.... Before the food, and you promised to never ever get in my fucking head again." She said softly looking up at Darryl, though she seemed less angry and more worried and scared. That was the usual look on her face these days.

He handed her the cup and wrapped her fingers around it, "And I will honor that promise, but you can't fault me for wanting to spare you so much of it." Bailey took the smart tone in stride and waited for Asper to accept what Darryl told her. "Can you really do that Darryl, take away her pain?" she asked a little awe struck. "I would take it upon myself, let it flow from her to me. But, I swore never to enter her mind without her permission." he said again and stroked Asper's cheek.

Asper closed her eyes and frowned taking a sip of the tea before sighing softly it felt good on her throat But she couldn't tell them why she wouldn't let him in her mind... because it was the only place that belonged only to her now. HEr body and children belonged to the ravenwoods. Her soul to the dark gods. But her mind was her own and she would protect it. "I never want it to happen again." Asper said opening her eyes not realising they were still misty from her almost teary confession to Bailey about why.

Bailey looked and surmised quickly, "Darryl if'n ye don' mind. Could ye get anything fer dinner tonight? I heard golla fish from Mu is bennificial for mother and baby. And if is ok with Asper you should check into whats happening at home." Darryl looked at Asper quizzically, "Would it be alright with you?"

"I don't know I've never had fish before." Asper says shrugging. "But go if you want I know you miss your family." She said flippantly sipping the tea again before grimaning and breathing hard for a moment. "Besides Bailey's trying to get rid of you so follow her orders or we'll have a mad dwarf on our hands." Asper said to darryl before holding her hand out to him. She wanted a hug if he was leaving because she hated him not being around she felt... like she would be attacked again... she hated feeling that weakness but she did and she needed the comfort he provided her.

She got more than she wanted, he gently wrapped his arms about her and even kissed her lips then neck, "I'm only a call away if you need me." He smiled at her and rubbed the side of her face. "I will get some of the fish before I come home and another treat for you my love." Darryl always kept eye contact with Asper, he hoped she took it as he was telling her the truth. "If you want anything else just cal for me, either of you." he said before winking away. After he had gone it left Bailey sitting on the couch waiting and being patient until Asper wanted to know why she asked Darryl to leave.

"Well?" Asper says grouchily, sipping her tea again and waiting for Bailey to begin. Asper never did beat around the bush and she rarely held anything back. But now her protector was gone, LAsh was still alive somewhere and could get to her like Darryl could and she was sitting in a room in labor with a silent dwarf while she sipped tea. She also had her legs propped up and her feet on the bed with her legs spread a little. IT helped relax her back what with how low the baby was and her hips and all.

"I'ahm tryin' to get a feelin' about ye Asper." Bailey said moving over and laying her hands on Asper's stomach. "I know ye don' care for the extravagant lifestyle of the estate, so Darryl built this place to make you happy. Don' the prospect of knowin' he'd destroy or create half the world fer ye to open yer heart to him, mean anythin'?" The baby pushed against the midwife's hand and Bailey nodded. "Is it so horrible to care and be cared for? Ye act like ye know ye will never see anything good." she finished looking Asper in the eyes.

"A feeling about me? Like that's hard. I'm a half breed monster who's a coward and weak and useless on top of that. The only good thing I've ever done was Jake. And now he's taken care of. Until Venir stuck their noses into things and I was pushed into this position Jake was the only one with my heart. Darryl is nice and sweet. But he's... to nice too sweet to trusting and innocent about the world I can never be. Your aunt got rid of my scars Bailey but that doesn't mean I can't feel them or remember that they happened. That I lived because I was fast enough of hand or strong enough to simply not die of hunger or a beating. I won't be turned into something that can damadged so easily and I won't let myself fall for soft hearted traps. Everyone has darkness in them. I just have the share of three in me." Asper says before wincing and groaning as the girl began to shift her position and stretch inside of her. "It hurts!" She groans breathing evenly but holding her midsection. She was closing her eyes and looked in serious pain. The baby was moving further down ever so slowly but when it moved around like this it hurt the most. Asper was clutching the bed so hard with one of her hands her knuckles were purple.

Bailey walked over to her bag and took out a small bundle and set it on the bed. "Would ye call Lyriel a monster, she is a full drow where ye are a half. Would ye call yer daughter half a monster or a quarter monster?" The dwarf unwrapped the bundle and showed the item to Asper, "This would allow a midwife to end a child to save a mother's life, I hope to never use it. I would you be the kinda coward to end your child so closer to her birth, you have been dealing with pain and relying on your husband.

She sat and took Asper's hand and put the blade in it, It was cold and honestly felt too heavy to wield. "If I would use this I would call meself a monster, something evil and loathsome. How about I let you ask a higher being who truly has your soul, they can'na lie to you. Perhaps it would put ye mind at ease, and let ye feel the love I see Darryl has for ye. Maybe that power might give ye perspective on your life with Darryl."

Asper groaned the girl still moving. "I would ask you to kill me if there are complications then. Let her live. She's her fathers daughter and I lay no claim to her. Lyriel was raised by hero's she is accepted. Or she just knows how to fool everyone. My daughter is the purest thing I've ever felt other then Darryl. There are no gods. If there were then they hate me. They let me suffer for years. Starve and be beaten. NEarly die countless of times. If there are gods then I curse them for not giving the help I needed for Jake. I dont't beleive in the gods and if they do exsist I curse them for letting me live a wretched life and making me what I am." Asper says fouly before scrunching up her face in pain again as the child was twisting inside of her. Asper used the dagger and ripped through the bed near her side at the pain. The child was pushing against her hips and her chest and it hurt. Then there was a crack and Asper cried out in pain instead of groaning. It was easy to see the baby while moving had just pushed out two of Asper's ribs. Broken from the inside by the child as it tried to move. No tears fell from Aspers eyes but she breathed heavily and put her hands on her stomach trying to stop the child from suddenly becoming so frantic inside of her.

"Talk to her, calm her while I help knit you back together." Bailey ordered as she began to prod the baby over so she could heal Asper. "So, if you hold no claim over the girl then you intend to abandon her and Darryl at the first opportunity. They don't hate you, mistreated you grew strong and caring for Jake made you responsible, and now here with Darryl can make you loving." She cast her spell and Asper's ribs began to repair themselves, but the baby still was agitated and trying to get in one place. "I found something that Darryl had drawn a few days ago, and if you ever question how he feels for you then it would put that to rest."

"It hurts! How the hell am I supposed to talk to her when she'd killing me inside! Darryl's the only one who can calm her!" Asper groaned in pain laying flatter on the bed. HEr healing ribs and the child still moving agitatedly, "I make no claim because she shouldn't have a woman like me as a birth mother. She deserves someone who beleives in 'love' and all that nonsense! MM!" Asper was near tears in her pain, the child was pushing her hips apart and was still trying to push against her ribs. Asper didn't want to call for Darryl until Bailey was finished... but her threshold for pain was at it's peak and soon she'd be crying for him regardless if Bailey was finished. She did hope that this meant that the baby was getting ready to come. She was already coming early but this was just pure pain inside of her body.

"Ye do care about her an ye have fleetin moments of showin love ta her an yer husband. Try, put yer hand against her an speak from yer heart, ye don have ta be perfect. And no matter what ye are her birth mother, she is growin in yer belly, if ye leave don ye realize Darryl will probably never try finding love. That is how far his devotion to ye and his marriage rests, is part of him." Bailey spoke calmly and kept nudging the baby who was still being stubborn, just like her mother.

"She only listens to Darryl... She'll fuss if I talk to her but she only moves... I think it's a AAaahh! A psion thing." Asper panted trying to keep her breathing even and deep. Asper ignored the talk of love and her showing it to Darryl and the baby. She didn't beleive in it... people only ever used each other to gain something. She'd even taught Jake to ask for things. But she kept him out of harm as much as she could. Still though she hadn't known what she was doing the entire time so it was a miracle he was as nice and well behaved as he was because she certainly wasn't. This was it her pain had reached it's limit when the baby pushed against the freshly healed ribs threatening to break them again. "UGH! D-darryl!" She called in pain, she wanted him to sooth the baby like he always did.

Bailey had heard enough, taking her hands she put them atop the baby and looked hard into Asper's eyes. "Talk to her, think about what you want for her, even if you don't believe in love between you and Darryl. Tell her that she is loved and wanted, I know that must have been something you wanted growing up, someone to care for you. Sometimes, that place or people don't come to us until later in life, your time for that is now." Bailey had seen Darryl in the doorway, Asper hadn't she wanted the girl to give it one solid try to sooth her baby.

"If Darryl doesn't come then take her out now! It hurts!" Asper said the tears from the pain she'd been feeling the entire time finally falling down her cheeks. When she was a child she just didn't want to be hit and she wanted food. She had nothing to offer this little baby and Only Darryl could sooth her. Never once had Asper wanted someone. People hurt you. Therefore she didn't want anyone. She wanted to be alone and safe and fed all her life that's all she ever wanted. "Please please Darryl! It hurts it hurts!" She began to cry. Now her hormones really unleashing from the pain she was feeling and the frustration with Bailey and the fact the baby never listened to her.

Bailey relinquished and nodded to Darryl, who hurried to her side and put his hand over hers. "I came as quickly as I could Asper, come talk with me to her." He wiped away her tears and began to talk soothingly to the baby, even with his attempts she wasn't calming enough. Bailey moved forward again to check Asper. "Well, my opinion on her coming early may be exactly right, we need some help and the only one on hand is Lady Ravenwood."

"She's going to break my ribs again! Fuck it hurts! Just make it stop! I feel like I'm being pushed apart!" Asper cried rubbing her hands with Darryl's soothing talking was so not happening right now. The tears continued to run down her cheeks as the pain continued. A little less now but the baby was still pushing against the ribs which mean also pushing apart her hips faster then was good. "Make it stop! Please I'll do anything just make it stop!" Asper begged tears still falling down her cheeks as she attempted calm deep breaths.

"Bring your mother here Darryl, I will need her help to bring this little one into the world." Darryl looked at Asper then focused and warned Alehial before moving her to them. "She'll help Asper I promise, she wants the best for us I promise." Bailey gathered her kit and began to make ready for the baby to arrive. Lady Ravenwood would be very surprised to suddenly be in the new house assisting in the birth of her granddaughter.

Alehial did show up but with her own kit for birthing. Wobbling a as her body adjusted to being here after being there. "Let me see. Bailey tell me what's been happening." Alehial demands as she pushes up Aspers sleeping shirt Tsking softly before pulling it back down and feeling the child move around she muttered something in elvish... when the child continued to move around alehial sighed. "A glass of water and Bailey pull out the vial with the yellow powder in it. and bring me the small bag with paper packages in them. Hurry up! The babe isn't ready to come yet." Alehial said militarily. This was going to be hard for Darryl to take but Alehial had no choice. Asper was barely dialated and well this was the only advisable thing Alehial could think of. She'd been studying what Bailey had been before she left the house. That and she'd been talking to midwive's for humans. Pouring the entire vial into the glass turning the water slightly yellow tinted and then searching her small paper packages pulled out a small one ripped off the corner and poured it in as well before swirling it around mixing the ingrdients. "Drink this Asper... All of it and I promise it'll stop the pain for a while. IT will calm her down I promise." Alehial said handing the cup to Asper.

Asper took it even if it was a poison the promise of releif was to much temptation for her and she took a heavy drink before making a face. "Argh!" She complained of the taste with the noise before downing the rest like a shot. "She's pushing so hard! It hurts! It... it's blurry..." Asper says softly the baby still moving about but aspers eyes, her pupil's actually going wide before she laid her head back and only soft even breathing and her chest moving up and down came from her. The baby was still moving however and Alehial began to gently message and push the baby back away from the hips. After another five minutes even the baby went still, having apparently fallen asleep as well.

Alehial sighed softly. "It's alright Darryl. Just some sleeping draft for the mother and the little girl." Alehial said softly glad it had worked. "Darryl check on the baby make sure her heartbeat is steady, then check for the problem. It's very possible the baby was panicking because of something inside the womb." Alehial said hoping it really wasn't the cord around her neck. But what she'd been told was the baby moved arounhd a lot so it was possible the baby was choking and that's what had happened. But only Darryl could find and or fix the problem with his powers.

Darryl's eyes flashed looking through Asper and to the baby, "No, there is nothing physical, except the baby seems not getting nutriention she needs. Do I need to get Asper eating more vegetables and fruits to make it easier on the baby?" His eyes returned to normal and he looked quizzically at the women. Very suddenly he seemed to get sad and gently stroked Asper's cheek, Bailey could swear she saw a tear forming. "This is my fault I should have made sure she ate better, will you both stay and watch her while I get better food." he asked before disappearing.

"I'm guessing now that she can eat sugar he's been doting on her?" Alehial asked Bailey and when she got the nod of yes, she sighed. "A regular diet of meat and vegetables three times a day with no desert, Not enough nutrition and to much sugar... that's what made the child frenzied. She should be fine now as long as she stays calm for the next few days until her diet is regulated." Alehial said before checking under Aspers legs again. " She's dialated a bit more... I'd say a two... possibly a three... mmm two and a half it seems. The baby pushing caused that. The baby is already moving back a little so her hips will ache more and so will her ribs but the child did no damadge I can see to her. She'll likely stay low or close to were she is now for the rest of this however long it will last. Hopefully as close to the due date as possibly, but it shouldn't cause any further dialation or pain to Asper not if Darryl aplies the lotion and gives her a dose of pain medicine. You'll make sure of this? I'll leave a good portion behind besides elsa is due a month after ASper is... so I have plenty of time to get more supplies." Alehial told Bailey.

"I'm concerned about the girl's mental health as far as her physical, Lady. She believes the baby would have a better life without her in it, I know that pain would be great to yer son. The life she had before now has proved poisonous to the life she has now." Bailey nodded her aggreement to everything else Alehial said and wiped Asper's forehead. "So, where do you think he is off to? It's a broad world out there full of vegetables and fruit out there."

"Knowing Darryl I'd say tracking down the most potent healthy for a pregnant woman greens and fruits known to people kind. Asper is with Darryl, and Lash the one who made her this way is still out there alive. She won't leave. You can trust me at least on that. She will never forget or let anyone else forget how hard her life was, least of all herself. She thinks she's a monster because that's what she was always told. She thinks she's poisenous because that's all she's ever heard from people. Nothing has ever gone right in her life and she isn't going to start trusting it now. But she feels safe with Darryl here to protect her." Alehial says with a shrug. She couldn't help with the mental part because as far as Alehial was concerned the young woman WAS mental.

"I suppose ye'll need to help Darryl along, since ye and his lordship have been the ins-n-outs of marriage." Bailey sat down and flipped open her manual and began to read again, it had never occured to her that the nutriention may have been lacking. "Elsa had told me that at one time ye and Asper had a slight altercation once. I understand ye care much for yer children, but what about if you aren't partial to their choices?" She raised an eyebrow, not expecting an answer, but it would be nice to hear one.

"She's everything I try to teach my children not to be or to do as she has done and will again! She act's as if she is tough and can do things and has a lot of skill but then chickens out and RUNS AWAY! Not exactly the kind of person I want around my younger kids as a role model!" Alehial says waving her arms in the air as her already frustrated self instantly get's worked up. She wasn't worried about Asper or the baby because the powder should work on a human for four hours at least. For asper maybe longer. Altair and I have only been in fights because of evil in the world and my own stbburness! His too actually. I can't live their lives for them but I hope to guide them and so far Darryl's the only one who's gone off track of the finding a good partner part of it!" Alehial huffs digging in her bag and pulling out the pain powder packets.

"So, are ye hoping the baby takes more after her father than mother? And do you suppose was Darryl's attraction to her?" Bailey smiled, having travelled with Elsa the idea of odd attractions sounded right up this familys alley. Alehial was right though, with Lash alive and out there the safest place for Asper was in this house beside her husband. Puzzled though what it would take for these two women to find a common ground, other than Darryl.

"She is a psion... She'll have to be taught by her father to control all of that. I'm afraid I did poorly with Darryl but now he knows and he can teach his daughter. Only he can handle Asper for long either." Alehial says taking a seat and putting the little paper packets on the side table and shut her bag relaxing in the chair. "If only she hadn't begun labor so early. She's should havenearly four weeks to go... it troubles me she's so early. I mean what about if they have another child will the same happen with that one too?" Alehial asks not for once thinking of Asper as a person but as a family memeber whose health and the health of the next generation was in question.

"Well, her hips are spreading so if another baby comes along her body should really remember. And all women find out that there is a surprise or two with the first pregnancy. Wasn't there a couple in store for yer first?" she grinned having heard from her Aunt about the first children. Somehow she wasn't sure that there would be a second child in the future for Asper and Darryl. "Any word on the group in Sildea, I have been making regular prayers for the saftey of ye family."

"Yes well... my first was under pressed and unusual circumstance. And it was twins. Unusual for half elves in any case. No word... last I heard Conner was moved form horseback to woodland. and he was looking for the girls." Alehial said with a sigh. She rubbed her forehead and looked down, there was nothing she could do but... "I suppose you could show me around the house while I'm here and Darryl's off finding the perfect diet for his wife." Alehial says to Bailey as she gets to her feet.

Bailey felt a little wierd showing Darryl's mother around his house, being the dwarf was a guest here. The roof was the last place she showed the druid, she knew Darryl was proud of the retreat. "I think your son got a bit of yer green thumb m'lady. I think I'll go back down to check on Asper, and if he has returned." Turning back to the stairs Bailey left Alehial alone on the roof surrounded by a beautiful garden.

"Or sometimes he might get a little homesick." Alehial smiled softly and used her low level spell to help the garden grow with more vigor. It wasn't the first time she used the spell in fact that's how her forest became a forest in only sixteen or so years. but one spell would only enhance it about on year's growth... should anyways. After breathing in the clean air on the roof she went back downstairs and to the bedroom to wait for Darryl.

Hours later before Asper should awaken Darryl returned and made some things for her to eat. He returned to their bedroom and noted that Bailey and Alehial were keeping watch over her. "Thank you for staying mother, do you want me to send you home?" he asked quietly. He leaned over to see if she was still resting comfortably. Bailey, mumbled a quick something or other and left the room to had to her own room.

"I need to tell you some things first of all for the next few days give Asper a single packet of this powder in the mornings. It'll help dull the pain but keep using the lotion too. Keep feeding her the proper things and no more sweets. She can have sugar in her tea but no more sugary confections or chocolates or trips to places to get her things. She's been stretched by the baby but after a few days the baby will be fine just for the next three or four days try not to upset the baby. I love you honey and you're doing a great job. Let me know if there are any more problems." Alehial said giving Darryl a hug and kissing his cheek. "Take me home now please."

Darryl moved them back into the study, he smiled and went to the bookcases and picked up a book of children's stories. "I want to help Asper learn to read better, with her not being able to go anywhere we have time. Thank you for coming to help I know you don't see eye-to-eye with Asper." He fell silent after saying that, he was upset with what happened and his part in it. "I should get home, Asper should be waking up soon and I want to be there to keep her calm."

"It's alright Darryl I love you very much and care for Asper's well being. Just be a little more careful in what she wheedles out of you. Remember my words and the pain packets every morning and she'll be fine. Bailey can handle the birthing if anything else happens, that Bailey needs me for just come get me." Alehial said with a smile Kissing Darryl's cheek lightly and brushing his hair out of his face, he needed a haircut soon. She always liked to keep his hair chort and it'd grown long enough to fall in his eyes.

"I will and I love you too." he said before vanishing, and Conner's voice echoed in her head. Darryl reappeared in their bedroom and set the book down and sat beside her. Asper was sleeping peacefully, he wished that he could change things, but he promised not to meddle. He began to build up his patience, he would need them when Asper woke up. Medicine in the morning, more good food, less sweets and no wine, she would be VERY angry.

After another hour or so of resting Asper groaned. She had the worst aftertaste in her mouth. Slowly opening her eyes she saw the bedroom and then Darryl. Her hands instantly flew to her stomach and she relaxed feeling the large bulge of the baby in side of her still sleeping. "What happened?" Asper asked looking at Darryl immediately expecting foul play. "Give me a drink... my mouth tastes like someone pissed in it... please." Asper said always crass... always gruff. Though she was still sleepy from the stuff Alehial had given her, and her voice was gravely from sleep. Asper could only rely on Darryl and trust him to keep her safe through all of this.

He got her some juice from his quick travels and pressed the glass into her hand. And began to relay the situation, "The baby got upset when you did, so we have to keep you calm and her too. We will give you a packet of the medicine my mother left in the morning and use the balm grandmother made for you. And increase good things and limit sugary things to your tea and things will be ok." He instead of his customery stroking her stomach lightly rubbed her forearm and waited for how she would reaction.

Asper sipped the juice and blinked. "What is this? I've never tasted it before... IT can't be native to Andor." Asper said with suspicion, she hated him using a lot of his powers and leaving her. Though she really did like the juice and took another sip of it. "Not the sleeping stuff she gave me? Cause I sleep all the time because it's fucking hard to walk around and sit down and get fucking up all the damned time. Not to mention how many times I have to fucking piss all the time now. Fuck my hips hurt..." Asper ranted having missed the part about the sugar intake.

"No, the stuff from the paper packages, to deal with the pain and I will be here to help you with all the rest. You'll stay in bed at least for a while until moving doesn't endanger you both. The juice isn't native, I got a bunch of very healthy things for you both and will be including them into our meals." He didn't leave a lot of room for Asper to argue, reaching over he took the balm and slid her shift up. He began to apply it to her hips to help with the pain of the baby.

Asper frowned at him she didn't want to be bed bound. But then he lifted her shift and she moaned in releif. It always felt good when he massaged anything that hurt... and the numbing balm was so helpful... more so right now then any other time. "mmmnnn my lower back too?" She asked softly in a voice filled with almost pleasure. IT just felt so good and felt good afterwards when he massaged her aches. If she hadn't just woken up she might have fallen back asleep again but as it was she just enjoyed the massage he was giving her.

"Of course, anywhere you hurt I will do my best to help. I know the end of this pregnancy hasn't been easy with the attacks and other problems." He was trying to find the best way to approach the subject that she may or may not like. But, in the end he figured the best way to handle it is straight forward and truthfully, things he learned from mother, father, & Asper too. "If we decide to have anymore children, I will let you decide when Asper. I will be happy with just my beautiful wife and our adorable daughter."

Asper when from mind numbing releif and pleasure to a wide eyed open mouthed stare at Darryl. "Another?! No fucking way! Not even if those fucking Venirian's come around again! A whole year Darryl that's how long I've been fucking pregnant and you want more?!" Asper asked as if he had grown two heads or something. She was trying to push herself up into a half sitting position to deny another child. But yet... if the Venirian's came again she would go through with it. IT was always the husbands discretion not the wives. But she couldn't really refuse until Lash was gone. He was a danger to her own life and her daughters. Asper gave up pushing herself up and laid down putting her arm over her face. Everything had gone wrong the moment she'd met Darryl. Yet... she was better off then she had ever dreamt she'd be.

He grimaced, perhaps he had been too straightforward and turthful with her. "Asper, I said 'if' we decide to have more, not like I want another baby right away. I want another child to be a decision we both want, and I just want us to be happy, no matter how many or just the one child we have. All I want is for us to be a happy, loving family." Darryl began rubbing the balm into the muscles of her back and really without thinking, gave her a small peck on the lips.

Asper groaned softly in pleasure and releif as he worked her tight back muscles. Not going to remind him again there was no such thing as love. The peck also made her think about everything. If she stayed here she was nothing but a... a wife... sitting in a house all day. There was no use for a person like that. She was not a person like that. What was she supposed to do once she had the baby... It was a fluke of nature Jake came out as well as he did. Asper knew she couldn't do it again. How could she? An abomination like her shouldn't even have children.

Darryl as he was reading the tension flow away from the muscles read her face as well. "I was thinking, that once the baby is old enough we can do like mother and father and do a little traveling. They still adventured knowing that Elsa and I were safe here in Baerlon, and protected the world too. I figured we could treasue hunt a little, if you wanted to keep your skills sharp." Travelling and adventuring was in the Ravenwood blood and it brought mother and father closer together. He could only hope the same was true for him and Asper.

Asper groaned as he found a particulalry sore spot. "Why... We have all the money we need don't we? besides we can't trust anyone with her not with LAsh still out there." ASper said a hand instinctively coming up to rub her stomach gently. She knew though that more then likely the Venirians would show up again after the baby was born some months after probably and continue to expect Asper to continue to wifely duties of giving her husband children... mainly she was supposed to have sons but... they'd never dealt with a full year term pregnancy so they had left for a time. But they'd most likely be back.

"I trust my parents, as should you to protect our baby in any case of our abscene. And sometimes the need to adventure is to find excitement, make a difference, or test yourself." He smiled seeing her unconscious move to protect their baby, she would be a good mother even though she doubted that. "Besides, I think that finding an ancient treasure vault would go a long way to telling the Venirians to go screw themselves." He smiled at her, tipping his hand that he knew what she worried about.

"No... Not until I see Lash cold and dead. She'll never be safe. He... He's been changed somehow..." Asper said looking at Darryl her face and eyes dead serious. "She's done nothing to deserve any kind of torture... not the kind he would give her." She said before she wiggled wanting him to rub more. It felt good and she didn't want to talk about lash... and the Venirian's would most liekly try to weasel the money from them because she was female and Venarian. They were like that. "Now what about our new meals you said?" She asked changing the topic abruptly.

"More vegetables and good things, less sugar and no wine. But, I did use my powers to make them a little more appealing to you." He kept rubbing anywhere he could see tension, the object was to keep Asper comfortable and relaxed. Tomorrow morning he would bring her juice with the pain medicine and tea with a little sugar. Later Bailey was making dinner for the both of them, and he was interested in trying it.

"What do you mean no wine? Why not! You can't just take it away from me!" Asper protested but not to much because what he was doing felt great. "I'm eating plenty of vegetables. More then I ever have!" She protested that too... for more to protest against. This was all Alehial's doing she just knew it. That woman would do anything to make Aspers content moment back to hatred of being pregnant.

"Because most of it contributed to what happened, that is why I will get you the juice of any fruit you wish. But, nothing that will get you another broken rib." He moved his hands to another spot to ease more tension, steeling his mind in preperation for a fight. Bailey poked her head inside and told them dinner would be ready in almost an hour. Darryl nodded and turned back to regard Asper in case she wanted to argue.

"What do you mean to what happened?! Fruit?! What am I a five year old? This is all because of your mother isn't it! She came in knocked me out and told you a bunch of shit and you beleived it all!" Asper growled angrily, She knew it had to do with Alehial... it wasn't something Asper was going to let go. "I want grape juice Darryl, Fermented for nine months! that's what I want!" She said looking over her shoulder at him.

"Asper, the baby pushed out one of your ribs and was in distress. I love you both enough to say that no more wine and no sugary things until after she is born. Hate me if you will, but I would hate myself more if anything happened to either of you. My mother would not wish ill upon you despite how she feels about you or how you feel about her." Darryl kept working on the tension spots, moving to head off the new growing one.

"Yeah a fucking punch to the face shows a person just the thing the other one is feeling about you! Fuck! All I am is denied here! At least in Venir I could steal it if they said no! But I come here and it's no stealing no sleeping with you then MArry you have a baby stop being disagreeable. Come to dinner or else. No sugar, no alcohol. Now you're even telling me what I am and aren't allowed to eat!" Asper was one step below shouting at this point, she was really debating leaving but again Lash... It was tempting... she could be free... but she would not be safe. She could choose whatever she wanted at anytime... but not here.

"I'm not denying you anything." Darryl retorted, "I simply want you to put your helth and our babies health above your desire to drink wine and eat sugar that helped cause the situation where I was afraid I was going to lose you both. All I ever want is for you to be happy Asper, for us to be happy and together." He recovered from his retort and released her, putting her shift back in place. "I'm sorry Asper, I never meant to ruin your life or happiness. I will bring your dinner when Bailey is done." he said standing up.

"Fine! Go then! prepare this dirt stew or whatever the hell it is! I don't care!" Asper said turning on her side her back to him. She was rubbing her stomach again, a habit she ahd developed over the year she'd been pregnant. She hated them deciding everything in her life. What she wore, what she ate and drank. How she spoke. They hated everything about her. Then when she was finally comfertable and... HE even denies her too. Well she could do it right back. She would deny them everything but food and drink.

He was frusterated and didn't understand, he never asked Asper to change who she was or anything about herself. What was he doing wrong, alone in his meditation room he tried to understand and find the answer to his problem. "Elsa are you busy, I need some help and mother might over react." He would wait for her to agree before putting this all on her, she was pregnant too after all. Maybe she and Fael understood and could advise him better then he was doing right now.

'Not busy just napping... marriatal problems or baby problems little brother?' Came the sleepy yet amused message back from Elsa who yawned when answering her brother mentally. Mom overreacted to everything. But Elsa didn't know about this afternoon having been napping. This baby was making her more sleepy then any of the others. So she waited for Darryl's reply to her own question.

He shared everything, not sparing really any details from his sister. Asper just made eveything sound like there was nothing good about being here with him or pregnant. And rather than just tell her he let her see everything as it happened. Somehow, she could help tell him what to do to make Asper happy again and actually look forward to being a mother and wife. "What am I doing wrong, is it possible she'll never love me and the baby?", Darryl asked begining to despair a little.

'Oh Darryl... no... Didn't you see her eyes? The emotion? Yes she's angry about being controlled to some degree because it reminds her of Venir. But she's terrified she'll mess up. It's not all and I bet if you check on her she'd be curled in the blankets hating the fact that being pregnant makes her cry over stupid things. Not that this is stupid honey. IT's just... She didn't want to be stuck in one place because she was afraid of Lash. Then you promised to protect her. But now that she's pregnant she doesn't know how to be a mother. She knows how to do what for a baby but not how to be a mother. She think's she'll never be one because of the lies she was told. You're not doing anything wrong Darryl. She's just a damadged person. Like I was when Mom and Dad first took me home. Asper is afraid Darryl, and she turns her fear to anger because that's what she's always done. She's afriad you won't care for her unless she gives you more children... or does what you want. She's been in Venir for a very long time Darryl, and she's only been here for a year. Go and assure her and apologize... break the rules and give her a little chocolate. It won't hurt. She'll be properly fed from now on. So little bribes are okay." Elsa said fully awake after Darryl showed her everything. It was something that woke people up when he did things like that.

He heeded her words and on the way back upsatiars stopped and got a little choclate for Asper. Once back in their room he set on the bed again and touched her shoulder, "Asper, I'm sorry, I just got caught up in trying to take care of you. I love you and everything about you, and no matter what you say or do I will still love and want to protect you. What your mother and Lash did and told you isn't true, I know the good and beauty inside you." Taking her hand he set the choclate on her palm and looked deep into her eyes.

Asper covered her eyes, but brought the chocolate to her mouth and sighed softly at the taste. "I never wanted you to see any of that. IT's my past... mine and... there's no such thing as love." Asper said her voice shakey the chocolate gone and more tears fell down her cheeks. "Why does everything have to be so hard now!?" She asked before using both hands to hide her face. She hated crying and she found herself doing it a lot. She didn't want to let Darryl see her crying though... she didn't want him thinking she was weak.

He gently pulled her hands down so they could see each other, "There is no reason to hide anything from me." He wiped them away and stroked her face, "You are dealing with a new situation and that can be scary, and I am scared too. Maybe together we can reconcile everything, from what is best for you and the baby, to you and me." Darryl leaned down to give her a slight hug and kiss on the cheek. "There is love, you just have to relax and trust another person, just remember neither of us is perfect and that is a good thing."

"I'm not scared! This is stupid! All of it!" Asper said hiding her face in Darryl's chest. She hated being so needy and dependant. She hated that she wanted Darryl with her... that when he left it really hurt her. She ws pathetic and she knew it. Needing him... uncapable of doing anything herself without help, just about anyways. She hated he always imagined this love between them and that they would just always be together with a bunch of kids probably. She hated the fact she was crying because she couldn't be that person.

He touched her softly, remembering what Elsa had told him about how Asper turned fear into anger. Not again, he wouldn't forget his sister's words, he resolved to be with Asper. "It's ok, then I'll be scared for us both, you can be concerned then. Cause as long as you are here with me, I feel like I can do so much more then before. You make me happy, even before we married and you got pregnant, I never knew quite as much happiness."

"That's stupid! You have everything here... money, family, why would an abomination like me make anyone happy?" Asper asked holding Darryl tightly around his chest her words muffled by his clothing. Tears still linking but not as hard as before. She just didn't understand his logic, if you could call it that. Sometimes he was like a child and then sometimes he was like this... like a man... like a man with purpose and a plan and no one would stop him. IT confused her, his switching... because it was happening more and more.

"Because you do, and you are not an abomination." he said without hesitation. "You are my beautiful wife and mother of our child and no matter what you hold my heart. You always will Asper, no one will ever replace you no matter what happens." Thinking about everything they did for each other from when Jake had been taken up to defeating Lash in her memories. "How about a small glass of wine with dinner tonight, I'm sure it won't hurt."

"I'm not hungry..." Asper said softly clutching onto him. She wanted him to stop saying these things. She wanted to stop crying... she was just so confused. It wasn't fair... the world wasn't fair... was this the world trying to build up for something incredably bad for her again? Nothing good happened to her ever she knew that. IT had been ingrained in her mind over and over. BAd things happened around her, she was the cause of bad things.

"Well then later when you are." he said and began to rub the areas where tension remained. "Is there anything I can get you right now, Asper?" he whispered her name with reverence. Darryl wanted so much to banish the poisonous past that her mother and Lash put there. But, that would change her, he needed to help her understand there was nothing wrong with her. "How about I get some warm water and help you wash away some of the sweat and stress of earlier."

"Yes... I'd like that." Asper said softly letting him go and laying back on the bed. The baby had been awake a while and the pain was returning of the contractions. But nothing at all like earlier. This she could handle even if her hips really were sore. cleaning the sweat from her body really would be a releif. She felt dirty... sticky and gross. She shivered the way he said her name... like he held her above anything else. But that wasn't true, he had his mother and sisters and father and brothers.

Darryl went and gathered water he quickly infused it with rose and lavender and a couple other things he wanted for her. Coming back he shut the door, pulled down the covers and helped her out of her shift. Darryl couldn't help how he looked at her, she was beautiful to him pregnant or not. He got to work gently using the rag he had to clean away all of that, then after drying her applied lavender loition to her skin. The last touch was to instantly change the covers and helping her into a new clean shift.

Asper did feel a lot better and a little hungry after all of that. She sat on the bed holding her stomach. It was so distended and she could feel her little girl moving. The way Darryl looked at her when she was naked... was almost reverential. It was frightening and make her heart ache all at the same time. "I think... I'm hungry now." Asper said softly head low, she didn't want to see those baby blue eyes that trusted and held so much emotion.

"Ok, I will go and get a plate of dinner for you and some juice and a little wine, and bring it back up for you." He stroked her cheek again and pulled the new covers up so she kept warm. Then he went downstairs to get dinner for them. Darryl felt better about them now, Elsa was very wise in how she consoled him. Maybe he needed to help her somehow, he plated the food and got the drinks before heading back up to their room.

Asper had pulled a small table close to the bed. She was tired again... she was taking naps a lot and she didn't like it. but she'd fall asleep in the middle of things a lot. So it was her final deffiance of the bedrest order. Though she did relax more when Darryl came in with the food. "Are you going to eat with me?" She asked almost suspiciously. maybe the food tasted aweful and he was going to Fynn's to get food. The bastard! Asper scowled at the plate he held.

He had come through sideways, so was a little confused but couldn't say anything since he carried two waterskins tied together in his teeth. "Muf courfe If'd eft wiff youf. Whefre elfe woulfd I?" Darryl set the plates on the table, both were identical with bread and fruit. Setting three glasses down he poured juice for both of them and a little wine in her second glass. The finishing touch was a candle and he lowered the light from the fire but not the heat, "Dinner by candlelight tonight."

Asper sighed and grabbed the juice glass and took several sips. "I thought I had to eat vegetables." She said looking at Darryl sideways, just a glace. "A tray would have made the trip easier you know." She adds before picking up a fruit and looking at it. "I've never seen one of these..." She says suspicion lacing her voice. in fact there was more fruit she didn't know then she did know on the plate. The bread she knew... and there was honey and butter.

"No, good food, not a lot of sugar or bad things, several more nutrious vegetables and a couple exotic fruits, but even fish and some lean meats. Um, we don't have a tray, I forgot to get one." He cut into the fish and took a bite, it was very good and he smiled at her. "Tomorrow morning, I will bring you the pain medicine with breakfast and tonight if you start to hurt tell me so I can use the balm. Other than that I thought if you felt like it we could read a little." Darryl had been thinking hard about how to show Asper that he did love her and wanted her with him.

"You suck at teaching." Asper pointed out eating the fish carefully, then the meat and finally some of the fruit. IT was all very good but it tasted a little bland after having such great cooking again. She just wanted to not be pregnant anymore. But apparently she had like a week and a few days to go or something. After she had eaten as much as she could she scooted over and back and laid down. "I'm going to take a nap..." She yawns before putting a pillow between her legs and one under her head.

"Alright, I'm going to clear the dishes and table, then wash them up. If you need me call." He stood up and kissed her cheek before stacking up the plates to take to the kitchen. After finishing them he came back up to move the table out of the way and sat near the fire and watched Asper sleep. Darryl would run over everything he might need for when Asper was ready to give birth. After a short time and figuring out his next move Darryl nodded off.

Asper woke the next day while it was still dark it had the light on the edge that said the sun was rising. She hadn't meant to sleep that long but stuck in a bed what was she supposed to do. Read? So far she knew the and at and on and in and is. Not exactly reading standards. She could write even less unless it was copying. Though she had no handwriting of her own. IT was always a copy of what the person showed her. YAwning and then groaning as she woke the pain seemed to flare in her hips and lower back. Hell even the valley of her legs not her nethers but the valley hurt. Where each leg caused the crease of walking. She was really awake now... and really had to pee... and really hurt.

Darryl entered the room and smiled, bringing her juice mixed with the pain medicine and a mug of tea with some sugar nearby, eggs, fresh bread and fruit. "Good morning, how did you sleep?" he asked putting the juice glass in her hands, "here it's the medicine to help you deal with the pain." He sensed the other discomfort and grabbed both the chamber pot and the screen and moved close to help her go. Hoping she didn't mind him using his powers to know right after she did what she needed. "After you eat I will get the balm out and take care of any residual pain that you are having."

Asper drank the juice... all in one go. Then slowly got into a sitting position before getting up and letting him help. Once finished with that she sat again to eat her meat and fruit. Lot's of fruit she noticed. She did put two spoonfuls of tea in her tea though and drank it as she ate. She was silent the entire time. It was extremely early... the sun was only just rising as Asper finished her breakfast. She didn't like mornings... she didn't much like days period for that matter. Once done however she laid down gratefully back onto her back, once again feeling a little sleepy now that she was full and could feel the medicine pushing the pain back.

Silently he took the plates downstairs and came back up to her side. He crawled into bed beside her and kissed her cheek. "Was everything ok?" he hoped she had found it suitible. Darryl knew he would probably do a good share of the cooking, unless they got a cook. Slowly he rubbed her stomach with a gentle motion, wanting to sooth her and the baby. "Do you need any of the balm right now, Asper?" he asked quietly near her ear.

"A little on my hips... But this feels nice right now." Asper said sleepily, putting her hand on top of the one that was rubbing her stomach. She felt so drowsy and sleepy and content. Her stomach was full and she just wanted to sleep in the comforting warmth that Darryl was wrapping her in. The pain wasn't so much that she couldn't ignore it for now. She was good at that after all. It was pretty much what she did... Asper ignored most pain as long as she could, if it wasn't that bad then she ignored it. It didn't seem that bad at the moment and she was content.

He continued to sooth her and the baby with a small smile on his face, it was a nice content feeling. "Don't hesistate to tell me ok, I don't want you to start hurting." This was what he always wanted, laying close to the one you love. It was what mother and father had, and all the kids yearned for it too, even Mathius who said it was a and screengirly thought. He used his powers to again lower the light level, but keep the warmth in the room.

It wasn't very long only a couple of minutes until Asper fell asleep again. Even though the baby was awake and moving gently. Asper was to drowsy to stay awake for too long. So she drifted into sleep and snuggled against Darryl's warmth, Sated and fed she was no longer hungry and her pain wasn't enough to bother her either. She slept fully and when she awoke several hours later with the need to use the restroom again she moaned in pain at the flare of it in her hips.

His eyes popped open the second she moaned, the inner light actually was almost bright enough for her to see by. "Are you alright Asper?" he asked raising up to see what was wrong. A few seconds later he understood and got out of bed to get her the chamber pot and screen. "Alright, whenever you are ready." he said reaching out to help her. Again using his powers her brought the light back up enough for her to see.

"Thank you... and I think... the numbing stuff... I mean I want you to apply it." Asper said after she finished and cleaned up a bit more. then returned to the bed. She hated to be confined to the bed but it hurt to move around so it wasn't like she could really disobey easily especially not with Darryl hovering around her like a worried dog. She slid her night dress up and exposed her body before just taking it off. It felt abbrasive and she felt hot, besides he had seen her naked many times before. She was a little disgusted at the lines of her skin that showed how much her stomach had stretched to accomodate the baby inside.

Darryl looked at her and began rubbing the balm into her skin. "Is the material irritating you skin? I can change it to something that might not bother you." He always thought Asper was beautiful and he had been given information so that to help her after the baby arrived. AFter he finished he kissed her lightly on the lips, "I love you Asper." Then he settled back in behind her until she needed or wanted something else.

"Just hot... and itchy right now... besides now I'm comfortable again, what am I supposed to do now. I'm bored." Asper said laying on the bed and snuggling against the warmth of Darryl even though she was hot he seemed to make her feel much better. Somethig about the feel of his skin against hers. She didn't dwell on it ever though. Right now she was bored however, she was awake she wasn't hungry and she wanted to do something. Being pregnant and stuck in bed sucked.

Darryl stroked her skin and smiled, "Well it isn't you cause your skin is smooth and soft to me. After the baby comes, I've been told to get you a lotion that grandmother said you'll like. Well, what would you like to do?" he asked interested in what she thought might be fun. He reached over and took out the book he took from the family library. He had another thought, but it would require use of his powers and letting them move about in their minds, but allow her out of 'bed' technicaly.

"I don't want to be read to. I'm just so bored from lying on the bed all the time! I mean Give me money to count or something... coins or one of those simple books maybe... the one's that are mostly pictures?" Asper said with a slight whine in her voice. She wanted to scratch her her growing stomach. IT did itch. Burned a little too, just a little, and it was very difficult to not do it.

He pulled a book from the estate to his hand, "This was one of my favorites when I was little." Smiling he placed the book in her hands and focused his powers to heal the discomfort he could read on her face. "I know you hate it when I use them, but I could tell you were having a slight discomfort and wanted to take care of you." Without much more fanfare he closed his eyes to check in on the rest of the family and how much help he could be. Her other ideas had some merit and after a little thinking he would make up some things to keep her interest.

Asper glanced at the book out of the corner of her eye. Then still frowning opened it. It was strange laying in such a soft bed being cared for while she was so full of life. Water gathered in her eyes as she suddenly and very strongly missed Jake. The only thing she thought she had ever done right other then her skills at theft. "Darryl... Jake's okay right? He's safe in Sildea?" Asper asked softly trying to stop herself from crying. She hated to cry. She hated being weak. During the entire pregnancy she was constantly having to wait for the aid of everyone else.

"He is inside the walls with Grandmother and now Tani as well, and Father will be there with the soldiers soon. Believe me if the invaders even get close I will go and help protect our family, and bring him back here to see you." Darryl wanted to comfort her, he worried about the children too and how best to help them. "I know how excited he was when mother and father said they could come home, he calls for me everyday to tell him how his sister is. Would you like me to use a small bit of my powers so you can talk to him?" Darryl knew she might jump at this chance to reconnect with her brother.

"No... Just tell him to let everyone else handle the fighting and to stay out of the way and safe." Asper said shaking her head. She was afraid what Darryl's powers might do while she was technically in labor. She sniffled softly trying not to and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "I just miss him... It's nothing important." Asper said softly opening the book he had handed her again and tried to figure out the words. She swallowed thickly and refused to seem so weak as to need Darryl to go get her baby brother... or to have to speak to him. She told herself over and over that she didn't really need to be in his life now anyways. He was going to be completely taken care of better then she had ever been able to do so. With a shakey breath Asper leaned against Darryl and tried to collect herself. While she didn't feel the pain now she knew it was there, and that she was going to have the baby... sometime.

"Its ok to miss him and want to see or talk to him, and it is important." Darryl said reaching out to wipe away an errant tear. Then he wrapped his arm around her to make her feel more safe. Jake had assumed that he would stay with his sister, unless she no longer wanted him around. The Ravenwoods were nice and treated him like family, but Asper was his sister and only real family. He had told Darryl this before he left for Sildea with the others and that is why Darryl made sure he had a room here in their house.

Asper settled against Darryl more comfertably and started to try and figure out the words in the book. The smaller words she was fine with anything two syllable or more she had trouble with. But other then that she didn't say anything else until she had figured out the book for a few pages and her stomach rumbled. She didn't want to say anything about it until she had finished the book, She hated not being able to do something everyone else seemed to be able to do easily. But she blushed a little the purple coloring on her cheeks not exactly good looking. She had only been able to go through four or five pages and still had perhaps that or double to go. But she didn't want to stop until she had finished the book.

He didn't need powers to hear the rumble of her stomach and he smiled lightly. "Asper would you like me to get you something to eat, while you keep working? I could get you some bread with honey butter and a little juice until you are ready for something more filling." Darryl was very proud of Asper, she was determined to understand what she read and he had a very good thought. "Your doing so well, when the baby gets here you can read it to her." he said with a warm smile.

"She'll probably learn faster then I am and read tougher stuff to me." Asper scoffed then blushed again when her stomach growled as she thought about the food he was talking about. "Yes... Lot's of honey not just a little!" Asper said thoughtfully, since they were taking away her sugar again. Asper was almost exasperated. She could write the whole book... just by copying the letters but actually reading and knowing what the words said... that was the hard part. She didn't want to give up yet and she didn't dare read out loud because then she'd be made a real fool.

"Yes, I will get you the food, just keep working I have faith in you." he said kissing her temple and slipping out of bed. Downstairs he padded quickly and came back with the bread and the juice of a couple apples he pressed using his powers. Asper didn't always believe in herself or her worth, and Darryl firmly believed after Elsa's help to change that. "Why not read out loud the words might sound closer to words you've heard?" Carefully he helped her sit better and placed the tray close at hand, then sat and began checking how everyone was fairing that he could sense.

"No... I'll sound stupid." Asper said picking at the food and sipping the juice. "How'd you get apple juice? This is the middle of winter." Asper asked sipping the juice again... Then taking a few bites of the food he'd brought for her. She wanted to be distracted from her reading because it was a lot like work... legal legitamite work... and she hated that. So any kind of break would have been nice. Really nice. So she was making one by changing the subject and putting a little heat on her husband... again.

"Well, I had gotten the apples and just applied a little pressure and there you go." Darryl explained. It was his attempt at dodging her direct question, since he knew she would complain about his use of powers. "You won't sound stupid Asper, it's how I learned to read and the others too. Besides, other than Bailey, its just you and me here and I'd never think you sound stupid." Smiling at Asper he started to let his extended vision check on his family, everywhere they were.

"A little pressure? How did you get apples that aren't dried? The difference being that you were young and I am an adult. Kids doing it is fine... adults doing it is stupid." Asper said giving Darryl a hard look. But she wanted a longer break from the book before she went back to it. Other then that she wanted to eat the food he had brought for her. Something to take her mind of work and off the whole being in labor fact that was hovering over her.

"The other day while you were sleeping I gathered somethings that would be good for you. Since it was late I didn't lose too much power, and I used a fraction to press the apples to make just enough juice." He smiled and tried to get her look to soften a little. "Please believe, I have enough in reserve to protect you and our family. I won't let anyone hurt you, you mean too much to me to ever let that happen."

"Your parents call on you all the time... I just want you to have what you need when you need it. Using it to pamper me isn't important at all. I just want to make sure you are reserving your power for when you actually need it." Asper said eating some more of the food. She felt uneasy knowing he was using his powers and for silly little things. Asper sighed softly and picked the book back up. She was tired of doing everything.

"They don't want to, I know that they always apologize for asking for help. And I do have what I need, she's right in front of me here in our house." He found father and got a quick update on how soon they would arrive at Sildea, and relayed the information to mother as well. Trying in vain to locate Mathius or Cybil, he was concerned about them alone in Pachuca. Now that he located everyone and made sure they were ok, he gently touched Asper's stomach and smiled knowing their daughter would finally be born soon.

Asper sighed softly and relaxed more on the bed. She'd never say but she loved the feel of his hand on her stomach. "I just want you prepared in case." Asper said softly before putting the book between them so she didn't have to face him anymore and drop the subject. She was always afraid of LAsh coming back and other Scions, or even a scion hunter that she accidently sicked on him once. She just wanted the whole pregnancy to be over already but she was told that she couldn't hurry it... it would happen when she was ready.

Darryl let the matter drop, partly because his mind was racing. She was relaxing and not so guarded, Elsa was right in her advice. There must be something very nice for his sister. Suddenly he figured it out what Elsa would like more than anything. Focusing his powers he smiled then touched Elsa's mind, "Thank you sister your advice worked, hope you like the peace and quiet."

At the Ravenwood estate Fael was very confused and made his way up to his and Elsa's room. "Dearest, have you been working any magics in the last couple minutes? I was trying to reason with the druids and all three vanished suddenly." He was relieved to have them not around, but was concerned that his wife might have hurt them. Dismissing that thought he sat on the bed beside her, Elsa was irate with them, but she wasn't the kind of woman to kill over that.

"No it was Darryl and why do you bother confronting them?! Your clothes are messed up!" Elsa nearly growled getting out of the rocking chair with some effort and coming over to her husband. Scowling heavily she fixed his shirt and pants, "Don't talk to them... don't even look at them! I don't care if I can't please you like I should... I love you." Elsa said softly leaning her head on Feal's chest. She hated those druids and how they made her feel insecure. Which was completely silly and she knew that but she was so far into the pregnancy they couldn't really do much together now. Not intimatly anyways, and Elsa for one missed it, and the ability to spend time together and laugh about things.

Fael wrapped his arms around her, "I find that if I growl loudly enough that they leave me long enough to do my patrols. Darryl didn't hurt them did he, even misguided they are still 'somewhat-good' people." There was no real way to put it and not sound like he enjoyed the attention, he HATED the attention from the misguided druids. "I love you too, and no matter what any woman is they aren't you my love. When you are able we will spend an evening in one anothers arms and talk like we used to."

"I hate waiting... I miss... everything. I love our children... my babies... I just feel silly... and stupid." Elsa sighed hugging Feal back in return. Listening to his heartbeat she smiled softly with her eyes closed. She wondered if they would ever stop feeling like the first time they fell in love with each other. "and dumb." Elsa mumbles softly, she always was highstrung but she was never used to being pregnant and dealing with everything while jittery and on the move.

"I would begrude you silly, but never stupid or dumb, you are living with much right now. And I believe that Darryl had done us a great favor we now have a great amount of time alone." Fael never thought he could feel like this with anyone, he had always been apart even though he was accepted back home. This beautiful woman gave him love and more importantly a future and a family. Looking down he placed a kiss upon her head, "So, what do you have planned for today my love?" 

"Will you tell me more stories from your people... I still don't understand the one with the woman throwing children from the cliff or the one about the... man tree? I'm not allowed in Grandmothers study and with Bailey gone Moother and Grandmother and you are all paranoid I'm going to have him early! I don't want to be denied my studies and magic... why does Magic affect pregnancy or make it more difficult it's dumb... But maybe if you told me some stories and laid with me?" Elsa asked softly looking up at Feal with her bottom lip sticking out just a little in a pouty face.

He kissed her gently and smiled, "Of course I will lay with you and talk." Helping her lay down befor he climbed into bed next to her and wrapped her in his arms. The stories from the oasis were not just those peoples stories, they had been collected from all over Glaeron. "Well, which story shall I start with my beautiful wife?" he asked kissing her neck lightly. This bed was a happy place, so many good things happened here and hopefully would continue to happen here, lately darkness was milling about, but not here.

"Pick one to tell me. You know them better." Elsa said with a soft smile and a content and happy look on her face. Cuddled up against her husband feeling his body next to hers. Elsa was deffinetly calmed now and she was very glad Darryl had gotten rid of the druds to give her and Fael this time together. Even though she had a few more weeks to go she was greatful for her family and prayed they came out of the situation well.

Fael picked one of his favorites and began to tell her the story holding her close. Taking his time from time to time to kiss Elsa or gently rub her stomach, it was nice without the distractions. After he told a couple stories he quieted for a little while and just nuzzled against her skin. "I will need to go on patrol in a very little while, what would you like to do about dinner? I suppose we could have the cook send something nice up and eat just the two of us."

Elsa nodded drowsily. "Sounds good." She says her voice thick and sleepy sounding. "Mother should be nice and calm with Grandma Lai and Aunt Arten with her. Especially with Aunt Artens son being in the room." Elsa chuckles cuddling right back with her husband. She loved the feel of his tail rubbing against her legs. She was very comfertable and relaxed and so was the baby inside of her, She really didn't feel like moving in fact she was half asleep as she spoke to Feal.

He continued to tell the story until Elsa was completely asleep then slipped out to request the meal brought upstairs. Once that was out of the way he began his normal exercise routine, something he hadn't done very well since the druids arrived. Flexibility was more important sometimes than strength, Fael focused on both in equal parts. Once completed he stripped off his clothes and placed them into the laundry, Elsa would be cross if he tried to do any thing else first. Filling the wash basin Fael then began to wash the sweat and grime from his body.

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