Page name: Ravenwood Estates 15 [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2012-05-02 00:18:41
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
# of watchers: 1
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Jake listened and shared in the stories, he kept an eye out for the wolf. Something about it made him uneasy almost like a nausea, he meant to ask someone about it. "Well, should we open our treats then or do something else before?" Looking at Lyssa first then the girls to see if they had any ideas. Moving closer to the brook to drink after the girls, the water was clean and cold and tasted wonderful.

"Treats!! We bought candy!" Samantha says excitedly and bouncing on her feet a little. She was grinning widely and was feeling very pleased about everything that was happening. She loved being out here with her family on an adventure somewhere new.
Orisa giggled soflty. "I think the cheese and meat and bread should come first. Cause I wanna eat the chesse." Orissa offered up her own opinion though she also wanted the candy she still wanted to eat the cheese first.

Lyssa smiled and set her pack down, "I guess I get to be the mother hen of our little group. So, everything but candy first then the candy." She took out every bundle but the candy and opened them, and passed out an equal portion to everyone. Jake had bought four loaves of travlers bread, Lyssa had purchased some dried fruits and some nuts. "Jake I think you should lead us in a prayer, since you are going to be a great servant of Pelor one day." She looked to her nieces to get their approval and encourage him to bless their little trip.

Samantha agreed whole heartedly because everyone needs prayer and the gods that's what Mummy and Daddy had taught all of the children. And so all the children beleived it fully. Samantha having no magical or divine talent looked to others for those sorts of things and Orissa being almost magical in nature herself well... she had high regards for the gods as well. Of course there is no true belief like the beleife of children. So Orissa accepted her portion of the food and sat patiently waiting to participate in hte giving of thanks.

Jake began his prayer and was quick to give thanks to all of the gods and goddesses of those assembled for food and fellowship. Lucas had told him that prayer should be direct and they should take into account that not everyone served Pelor. He finished up by simply saying, "Lord Pelor I ask your guiding light to usher us home safetly." Once he was finished they began to tear into the shared treats. It truly was a wonderful under the canopy trees, quiet and peaceful.

Once the prayers were said Samantha dug in with enthusiasm. Eating and munching without the stuffy manners she had to use at home or at the dinner table at GRandmothers house either. Out here she was free to eat and act how she wanted to. There were no rules and no one to enforce rules on them. It was freedom and it was wonderful.
Orissa on the other hand had put a handkercheif over her knees and used her lap as a table. Taking small ladylike bites from the cheese, bread and even the meat. She was a true little lady, in manner and breeding. She even thought it was proper though she loved her sister to death and tolerated things in her she didn't tolerate in others, Orissa was just a very prim and proper little girl.

Jake ate thoughtfully, wondering if they would be able to find things to do like this when they got home. "Its too bad there really isn't anywhere in Baerlon that we can do this." Lyssa looked at him and smiled, "There isn't acres of area around the Estate to find a secret place?" She looked at the sisters, "Do you two think we can find somewhere for just us children back home?" Jake started to think about what she said and figured Lyssa did have a point, it would depend on what Rissy and Sammy thought.

"There's always Mummy's grove.. she said she didn't make it she just encouraged the land to become what it wanted to be but couldn't because of the people." Orissa says softly between one bite and another. Orissa and Sammy especially were told not to explore too far on the grounds because if anything happened they were too small and something bad could happen very easily and no one would be able to help them. "But if you both came with us I think it would be great fun!" Sammy said with ehr mouth half full of cheese and bread. It sounded like another grea adventure to her.

Lyssa smiled thinking how quickly everyone would find any of the children if danger reared its head. She took another bite of the fruit then stood and got some water in her cup. When she returned she took a long drink, "So if we are all agreed we will find somewhere at the Estate to call our own then?" Jake agreed, unable to talk with the bite of food in his mouth, but he wondered how often he would be there since Asper moved out. Even though he loved living with the Ravenwoods, Asper was his big sister and with his niece coming soon he needed to be a good uncle.

Samantha went back to eating happily, looking forward to going home and finding the new place now. She was excited and happy which meant she was even more exuberant with her eating. Happy to get to see everyone and happy to see her parents and now hppy because there was something new to do while they were at home too.
Orissa on the other hand was still calm and collected and eating small bites at a time, she was being careful not to make a mess but she too was very excited. In a few more days her mummy and Daddy would be there to get them and take them home and then they xcould all go home and it would be fun and happy. Especially with everyone being together again in the house. Soon everyone would be having their babies.

Jake was smiling looking at the other girls, until he looked back to the entrance and his smile faded. There at the entrance was the white wolf and it was watching them. "Guys, we aren't alone anymore." was all he could really say. Reflexively he touched the hilt of his sword, knowing he was responsible for protecting them. He looked to Lyssa and asked, "Is it one of Alehail's friends puppies?"

"Maybe it smelled the food?" Orissa asks softly, Samantha too put her hands on the small dagger she had with her. It was an eating dagger but it was better then nothing at all. "Maybe it heard us talking and this is his home?" Samantha asks, neither of the twins knew very much about wolves or anything really but if Jake was cautious then Samantha was. Orissa however was trying to stay calm or rather she was trying to figure out if she should start being afraid or not because she wasn't and it would be appropriate or at least Jake seemed to think it would for her to be frightened?

The wolf tilted its head and observed them, before it moved closer to the group. Lyssa quickly pulled out a scroll, and prepared to cast the spell if she needed to. Then just like Alehial would the wolf formed into an elf, standing close to the average height and weight for an elf, with dark hair and green eyes. Holding up his hands he spoke in common, "Hold, I am no enemy, I am a traveller here to Sildea." He looked at the children each in turn, as if to figure out who they were and how they arrived here.

Samantha kapt her hand onher dagger. She had never met this elf before which meant he was a stranger, which could mean he was dangerous. She stayed on alert and kept a watchful eye on him. Standning up because it would give her a better advantage.
Orissa put her food away and pulled her pack close. Just in case. Even in Sildea it was still dangerous to trust men and women you had never before met with. At least thats what everyone kept telling the twins. If need be Orissa Could cause Animal sounds or bright flashes of lights to appear to aide them. She hoped they wouldn't need it.

Jake stood and moved forward ahead of them, "Our apologies if we are in your campsite, we will pack up and be on our way." He motioned to the others to pick up their equipment and supplies. Lyssa still had her scroll handy in case he tried something. She saw Jake's plan and added, "I'm sure our hosts must be wondering where we are by now." While she was unsure if the elf was a threat, he did however surprise them.

"I noticed you have some very nice supplies, could I perhaps purchase what you have left. Oh, I sorry my name is Jaret, I'm a druid from the northern elves of Andor. I have about ten gold I can offer you for the first food that isn't a trail ration." He smiled and bowed, his hands remaining far away from his weapons. Other than that he wore clothes that marked him as an elf and indicated he wa really a druid.

"Why haven't you gone to Sildea yet then mister Jaret?" Orissa asks softly. still half hiding behind Samantha for protection. She was glad that Jake and Lyssa were there because there was something kinda scary about this guy. "Our mummy is a druid too and so is our sister." Samantha says taking her hand away from her little dagger. If he was a friendly elf then that was okay. She knew there was something to the wolf. It wasn't like Wolf and Alpha at home were.

"I have not been here long and thought it best to approach one of Sildea's patrols. Although I have not seen one since I arrived here, so are you willing to sell a hungry traveller the remains of your snack?" He moved far enough to the side that they could easily move past him. "If not I will have to forage my meal or approach Sildea sooner than I had meant." He unhitched his weapon belt and sat it upon the ground and stepped a little further away from it.

Jake didn't let down his guard and waited for Lyssa and the twins to tell him they were ready to move. In all his life with Asper he learned to be cautious of strangers. And he heeded her warnings, until they met Darryl, he was different from everyone else. Now that Jaret no longer had his weapons on him, Jake breathed a little easier. Selling this traveller what was left was their decision.

"Um...You don't have to pay for it... You can have the rest of mine." Samantha says shrugging her shoulders. She had Orissa pull out the small bundle with more thenhalf the cheese and only a little of the meat left of it. Orissa handed it to sammy and Sammy tossed it to the stranger. She didn't want to get too close just in case. Cause if he was a druid he didn't need the swordbelt. That's what Mummy always said. Orissa thought about it and split the rest of her food in half and handed it to Sam to give the man as well. So he had a decent little bundle, though the twins weren't willing to give up the chocolates or candies.

"My thanks to you, are you sure you don't want anything for it?" he asked. Jaret nodded his appreciation and walked over to fill his waterskin from the brook. As he knelt by the water he was humming a familiar tune, one they all recognized that Grandma Lai had sung over the years. Jake motioned for the girls to head for the entrance while he followed behind. Lyssa took no time to think about it and herded the twins ahead of her.

The twins followed as theywere hearded. Though they both wanted to know more, if the older kids thought is was dangerous then it was too dangerous and they should leave. Samantha felt like she was running for nothing though and didn;t like it one bit. Orissa on the other hand was willing to listen to the older kids and follow their advice and if theydidn't trust the man then they didn't either.

"No, no money is needed, if I were you I would make the next patrol aware of you being here." Jake warned him as he backed after the girls, keeping his hand near his sword. Once outside the entrance did he turn and help Lyssa keep the twins moving. "We need to get back to Sildea right now" he walked in the back and kept peering over his shoulder as he talked. Lyssa spent all her attention keeping her nieces moving at a hurried pace.

"I don't think I like him very much." Orissa says softly to Lyssa Holding Samantha's hand tightly. She didn't want to say it but... something about the man unnerved her. She wasn't exactly scared but... she didn't want to be around him anymore. "We turn North-West here Lyssa not North-East." She offers soft advice on the way home. Orissa was the type of girl who very much so remembered things rather clearly. Samantha held tight Orissa's hand and took the lead. Since she'd come twice and Orissa remembered the way it was best they were in front. "I didn't think there was anything wrong." Sammy says with a huff. She hated cutting short their adventure.

They did not stop until they made the front gate to the city, where Jake informed the guards about Jaret. They thanked him and prepared to summon a group of druids and rangers to find him. "Come along we need to get back to Lady Sirrus's house for dinner." Lyssa let them rest a few moments however before heading back to the house. Jake however looked back again and wondered, was it the fact Jaret was a stranger or was something else at work.

Samantha grumbled the whole way back to the house and Orissa stayed silent and very close to Samantha. She was unnerved and didn't like it. Once they got to the house though the twins went to their rooms sotheycould washup and dress up for dinner. Setting their packs on their beds and helping each other undress so it was done quicker, then Orissa washed up first while Samantha tackled her boots and belt and pants.

A finger tapped Samantha on the shoulder, part of Orissa's powers manifested. It was a smaller pale figure with wide eyes, "Gurm polo merr jas?" Then pointed to her boots, it was clothed in what looked like some sort of dress. "Gurm boos my welhelo um jas?" it asked again in a quiet tone. Looking over at Orissa then back at Samantha and waiting for Samantha's answer.

Samantha jumped and scrambled away from the new creature. "What?" Samantha asks quickly unlacing one boot and kicking it off. She didn't know what this new thing wanted. She just didn't want it around. She didn't want any of them around. It was funny at first but not anymore. Not after they had gotten violent. She never understood these stupid things. They were so weird and Orissa never knew how to stop them.
Orissa was bathing still, cleaning herself off and then drying off and using lotion to keep her self in good care. She often had to put it on Samantha because Sammy would never do it herself, she thought it was a waste of time.

The little creature bent and uprighted Samantha's boot then knelt and unlaced her other one. "Gurm boos my welhelo um jas?" it asked again being slow and delibert. This one appeared to be helpful perhaps, even lifting Samantha's leg and pulling the other one off. Standing it went over and put some lotion on orissa's back. "Gurm polo suggy noti welhelo?" it chattered to her as well.

Orissa squealed and jumped, goosebumps covering her skin immediatly at the touch of the little female? creature. "S-Sammy!!" Orissa calls instantly afriad of the little goblin critter. Samantha was sitting watching the new creature. IT was... a lot different then the other ones and when Orissa cried out Sammy jumped to her feet and ran over. "It's helping! Its 'kay Rissy it's helping." Samantha says softly hugging her sister tightly. Orissa was obviously very scared of the little magically created goblin.

The creature sat and waited patiently while the girls talked. It stared at its hands for a little bit inspecting the lotion on them. "Cooly bim swsas nus bloom." and smiled at the both and held out its hands. It was almost like asking what it should do next, with the lotion on it's hands. Another head poked out from behind a dresser and looked around to see what all the commotion was about then ducked back behind it.

"It wants to help put on lotion Rissy... It's okay calm down! Remember what Aras said! If your happy they go away!" Samantha says hugging Orissa tightly. The other girl had her arms around Samantha tightly and was hiding her face against her shoulder, her eyes tightly closed. "I dun wan them here!" She says muffled by her sisters shoulder. "IT's okay maybe we should call Aras kay? um but the bells over by the door. So... you hafta let go! For a little." Samantha says rubbing her sisters back. Keeping an eye out for all the movement in the room and if any more show up.

The creature wiped it's hands on the crude dress and waddled over to the door and rang for Aras. Then returned to right both of Samantha's boots and begin to fold their clothes and opened their packs and put everything away. Aras showed up as the creature sat on one of the beds, "Girls are you both ok?" She skirted the creature and came to Samantha and Orissa noting the creature seemed concerned as well. Orissa's magic was bringing these things to her and they each did something different when they arrived.

"Yes... Orissa was just worried about today and... I guess she was bothered enough they came out again. But this one just been helping us do things. But Rissy's naked and won't let go." samanatha informs Aras dutifully. She knew her sister must be getting cold by now. Besides she needed to get undressed and wash up too, otherwise they might be late.
Orissa turned a little to look up at Aras with watery eyes. "I-I don' want th-them h-here anym-more." She says trying hard not to cry but she was scared of the little creatures even if this one was being nice... she had thought the others were nice too but then they attacked Sammy and the made.

Aras came over and offered Orissa her arms, "Let's get you dressed and ready for dinner. Samantha will need to get cleaned up as well or else you both will be late. I spoke with an old friend of mine who can help you and it will all be alright." A knock at the door brought the other creatures head popped out to look at it closely, then pop back in. "Samantha would you please open the door and see who is there while I help Orissa.

"YEs okay!" Samantha says hurrying to the door and opening it up a little bit to see who was there. "Who is it?" She asks softly.
Orissa let go of Sammy reluctantly but went with Aras because the creatures seemed to leave her alone. Besides she needed lotioned up the rest of the way and then dressed as well. So it would be better if there was help for it. Besides she didn't want to be naked if there was a guest coming to their room of all places.

It was a butler asking if the girls would be down shortly. Aras called out that they needed to get cleaned up first and would be down soon. After he left she tilted Orissa's head up to look at her. "My friend says that the creatures respond to somethings you do. Your desire to be helpful brought this creature to you, and your panic caused another one to make sure you were safe twice."

"But the others... they did stuff to and then they attacked Sammy and the maid and... it scared me!" Orissa says softly still looking afraid and as if she were about to cry. She was holding tightly onto Aras still and didn't care about ehr own nudity a bit. Samantha meanwhile had stripped naked washed and was going through the dresses and trying to find the least girly. Ready to sip the whole lotion process entirely.

The creature hopped up and moved over and began to lotion Samantha's back. Aras watched and pointed at Orissa to watch, she however prepared to dispel the creature if she had to. The creature rubbed in the lotion but stopped before touching inapproperiatly. Bt put lotion into Samantha's hands, "Gupo dinly bosh, ell sver, welhelo." Then hurried across to pick up a dress for Samantha, Aras looked at Orissa, "Maybe you should call this one nurse."

"Hey stop that! I don't want lotion! Go away shoo! I'll get my own dress!" Samantha says trying to wipe off her back and then running to the closet and grabbing a random dress that just wasn't one that the little goblin chose. Chase her tothe bed and trying to get it on before the little goblin could help at all.
Orissa held tightly onto Aras but watched all that was happening. She was too afriad to let go of Aras still just yet. Orissa didn't want to name anyone because if she gave it a name then it would become more real. That's what mommy had said anyways.

The creature sat down and began to wail, big tears formed in its eyes. Aras was at a loss for this, Corin had told her that the creatures didn't really have feelings because the only existed from Orissa's magic. She finished getting Orissa dressed keeping an eye on the crying creature on the floor. It was a strange site, and if she knew something to say to get it to stop she just might. The entire site was a little heartbreaking, and Aras wondered if the crying would bring more.

"Fine help me tie up the back then!" Samantha says scowling heavily, she didn't want it to cry either. But she didn't want them around anymore, she wanted them all gone and to not be there bothering them anymore. So she had her shift and the overdress on overtop of her clothes. Waiting for it to be secured around her body for dinner. This was all taking a lot of extra time and there was no way they were going to arrive on time to dinner any way you looked at it.

It hopped up and made a snuffling sound as it wiped it's eyes. Then moved behind Samantha and tied the dress quickly almost as well as any maid ever had. "Kunk sabo welhelo!" it chattered as it smoothed out the back of her dress and straightened the shoulders. Aras nodded her agreement and swept both girls from the room. "I think it'll be gone by the time we return from dinner and tomorrow, Orissa and I will go meet my friend."

"Okay fine...But only if this friend is safe and you're there so Orissa isn't scared! Cause I have more lessons tomorrow." Samantha says holding Orissa's hand tightly. Orissa was silent. She was still afraid of the little monsters and held Aras's hand tightly and clutched Sammies arm making them walk in step together or it wouldn't work at all. But the twins had always been close and it was rather normal for them to adjust their own persons to that of their sister almost instantaniously.

"I have known him for a great many years, since about the time I was your age. He is a little different, but is very wise and knowledgeable in the ways of magics." Aras walked along with the girls to the dining room and helped them into their chairs. "My apologies Lady Sirrus, the girls needed a good washing before they came down." She then moved back and took a seat along the wall with the nannies.
Orissa was silent all night. The imps or whatever they were showing up so suddenly had really scared her again and so she didn't join the conversation and if questions were asked she said yes or no, thank you and please as needed but not much else. Sammie on the other hand was much as she usually was and didn't mind letting Orissa have one whole arm. She was used to it and besides Orissa was left handed so there was no trouble eating while they clung to each other. Orissa's right arm holding tightly to Samantha's left. Even so Samantha had been practicing using both hands to do things. So she could be ambidextrous like her father and mother.

After dinner Aras spoke with Sirrus before taking the girls back to their room. "Now they should be gone, but just remember to be calm and they will follow suit. You can control them Orissa, Sammy and I are with you and won't let you get hurt, I promise." She opened the door and was a little shocked, the room had been cleaned, beds made and even the dirty clothes had been cleaned. "I suppose it decided to tidy up before it left. That seems nice." she said as she ushered them inside.

"Maybe it got bored." Sammy said trying to calm her sister down a little. She helped unlace her and let Aras unlace her own dress. Then Sammy helped Rissy with brushing her hair and just being extra attentive and close tonight. She knew her sister was frightened and that the constant attention would help calm her down some.
It was working too, with Aras there still and Sammy fussing over her Orissa was getting much calmer though she continued to look around just in case one of those things popped up again. "Can you... stay the night again Aras?" Orissa asked softly, wanting the woman and her sister in bed again. It was so... nice it reminded her of Mummy and daddy being in bed too and it made Orissa feel safer.

"Of course, but you will need to be calm and keep control over them." Aras hoped that before they left Orissa would have a decent handle on the mischeivous creatures of magic. So she too removed her overdress and settled in to tell stories or sing if the girls preferred. "I think they want you two to like them. But like smaller members of the family cause mischief if ignored."

"Can you sing... the old one about the princess... and how she saved the humans Aras?" Orissa asked after nodding that she understood and would work on what she had told her. With Sammy and her hair braided for the night and them both tucked in when Aras got in too, Orissa wanted to listen to the old sung... the really old song in old proper elvish that Mummy sang to the girls only on special occasions.
Sammy was in the bed and snuggled tight on the opposite side of Aras on Orissa and she too wanted to hear the special song. It was their favorite. But she was so tired from everything that had happened her eyes were already closed even though she wasn't completely asleep just yet.

Aras began to sing, it was every childs favortite song and she knew it well. She began to sing to the girls and noted that Samantha would be asleep first. The girls were both tired and stressed so they needed to get some restful sleep. Tomorrow would be busy and even with lessons, she needed to take Orissa with her. She happened to look across the room and noted a few imps appeared and seemed to listen in rapt attention to the song, even swaying to it.

It wasn't more then a few moments and SAmantha was asleep, cuddled in the warm bed next to her sister. Listening to her favorite of favorite songs, feeling safe and happy. While Orissa stayed up watching Aras wishing it was Mummy instead, they were almost to the end of the song by the time Orissa finally fell completely asleep, curled up closely with Samantha by this time and pressed against Aras's body with her back. Both girls were finally asleep and feeling safe again.

She turned and looked at the imps, some of them also curled up and began to snore quietly. The one she thought should be called nurse walked among them and produced little blankets and covered them up. "Olw nufg poni wtih?" it turned and chattered. "Your kind scare the girls, especially the aggressive ones, you should keep them away unless there is a reason for them to come out." she chastized quietly. Nurse looked under the other bed and nodded at Aras's words, almost like she understood and vanished.

In the morning Sammy was the first to wake. Used to getitng up and sneaking to watch Daddy and Mummy practice in the morning light she used the facilities and then washed up and got dressed in pants and a shirt. She then rubbed her eyes and yawned waking up the rest of the way. She began to streth out her body a little and look around the room. Orissa sometimes slept late... especially when the imps were around.

Aras had been awake for an hour before Samantha awoke and smiled at her when she awoke. She had watched them sleep for a long while and decided to enter into her trance state. "You seem very ready to start your day Samantha, can you stay here near your sister while I go and change?" She sat up and stretched before gathering her dress and slippers. She looked around and noticed that all of the imps from last night were gone.

"Yes." Samantha says softly before crawling into the bed to lay again with Orissa. She was happy to be with her sister. Sometimes... she wished Darryl would just come and take them home. But she was liking it here... even if she'd been scared and Orissa needed a special teacher too and Mummy had said Sildea was the only place to find one. Orissa continued to sleep peacefully. She never even rolled over when Aras left the bed. Yesterday had been a lot more excersize then usual and then she'd been frightened again by the magic things that came around. So she was sleeping in some.

Aras kissed Samantha's cheek and left quickly, she would clean up quickly and change then return. "Urur noth paryr?" Nurse chattered and picked up the discarded sleeping shift and put it into a basket. Then it clambered back under the bed. She could see a couple of sets of eyes, but once the one went underneath they all disappeared. It seemed like when Orissa was very peaceful they were calm.

Samantha watched and was a little wary but when they went away again she was happy, or at least comfertable again. She waited for Aras to come back but it seemed the 'nurse' as Aras was calling her was there to take care of them even while Orissa was sleeping and unaware of the magic coming out... spilling is the term Mummy and Daddy used, about Orissa's magic. Because she didn't know how to use it it was spilling out.

Aras returned after a little bit, in a different dress and her hair braided. "Thank you for watching her Samantha, I think I needs to wake her and get her ready for the day. Orissa, dear one, it is time to wake up." Aras spoke in low but firm tones not wanting to startle her. They had a long day ahead of them, and the sooner they were ready the better. Gently she shook her small charges shoulder.

Samantha put her hair up in a pony tail while Orissa was waking up. Orissa meanwhile was a little groggy and rubbed her eyes looking up at Aras. "Morning." She says softly before yawning and covering her mouth. Orissa was always mindful of her manners, all of her manners, no matter when or where she was. She was always a little slow to wake up though, not as much of a morning person as her twin sister was.

Once the girls were clean and dressed they met the boys and the rest of the family downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning children, I have some news from home for all of you. It seems Aunt Arten has given birth to a baby boy." Lai had sent her a missive earlier that morning and it made her smile to hear the good news. Aras curstsied and took her chair with the other nannies and maids.

"AW! I thought we'd be home by the time she had her baby! Elsa and Asper too!" Samantah grouses upset she hadn;t been able to give congrtulations in the proper dwarven she had practiced just for the occasion. Orissa smiled brightly though she was happy Aunt Arten had her baby and everything was alright. She wondered if Mummy went home to help but she didn't say anything. She was a little tired still and often in the morning Orissa let Samantha do most of the talking.

Sirrian looked about and noticing he was not the center of someones attention tossed a handful of poridge at Alura. His nanny was quick to clean his hand and lightly chatize him. Alura in response pointed her finger and babbled at him. "Orissa, you have probably already heard you will not be seeing The Ancient today. I expect you will behave and listen to everything Aras tells you."

"Yes grandmother." Orissa says softly, she didn't know what or who her new teacher was or what he or she would be like but... she was curious. Right now though she was eating her breakfast and making sure there was something other then just ham and bacon on Samanatha's plate. Orissa always made sure her sister ate a little of everything... well almost everything. Not leeks and spinich and brussel sprouts though. Everything else though.

After they were dimissed Aras took them upstairs to get ready for the lessons. "Samantha, I was told that today will be a lesson on bows, I hope you have fun and listen well. Orissa today you will need to dress in pants, as we will be going into the forest to the east of Sildea." Aras began to disrobe as well, having brought suitable clothes fo the trip. She knew that Orissa liked wearing a dress, but she might be less likely to make the hike without pants.

"A bow? ALRIGHT!" Samantha said stripping from the dress and tossing it on the ground to quickly scrounge up the pants and putting them on before pulling on the shirt and tucking it in then grabbing her belt and putting it on to help keep the shirt in the pants and the pants up. She then went for her training boots and began to lace them up. It always took a while but Then again Orissa was the one good with her fingers Samantha was just powerful. It's why she was going to be a good fighter.
"I can't wear a skirt? Not even a skirt and a shirt? and my big boots?" Orissa asked, she hated wearing pants and she hardly ever agreed to doing it. If she could get away with it and she tried hard to do so she always got to wear a skirt.

Aras leaned down and looked Orissa in the face, "There may be some thorns and I do not want your legs cut up. And I know that he has lots of walking throughout the forest during your lessons." She then turned and began to help Samantha lace up her boots. But, looking over her shoulder to see if Orissa was doing as she said. It was refreshing to see Samantha so excited to go to lessons, but the lack of excitment on Orissa's part.

Orissa pouted and grumbled and was unhappy but she undressed slowly and hung up her dress and took of her shift and hung that up too, before getting a pair of pants and scowling at them putting them on. She hated the feeling of pants between her legs. Even if there were thorns she didn't like this one bit. But she didn't want to get chastized either and she certainly didn't want Aras mad at her.
Samantha grinned at Aras and let her finish since she was a lot faster then Samantha anyways. "Thanks... Stop it Rissy pants ain't so bad! You wear them when we play out in the rain and the mud!" Samantha says goading her sister for once enjoying the fact the pouty unhappy one was Orissa.

Aras gave Samantha a slight pat on the back, and smiled at Orissa's pout. "It is not that bad and better then me having to extract a thorn from your little bottom." she mocked playfully. She took Orissa's hand for a second and squeezed it, "It is for the best my dear, I promise." There was no anger or disappointment on her face, she cared for them too much. Already she knew that the lessons would go well, and on the way back they would stop at the market.

Orissa still didn't look happy in the least. She hated wearing pants the only exception when it was raining or really muddy. She tucked her shirt in too and put on a belt and then... except for her slightly darker colored hair... and her slightly paler skin... she was completely identical to Samantha.
Samantha grinned and took her sisters hand entwining their fingers together. "Now we match!" She smiled brightly and excitedly. Though they still needed their hair put up and back out of the way in some fashion. Other then that It was like looking in a mirror almost or a double image. If not for the few shades paler orissa was or the darker hair that Samantha had it would be impossible to tell them apart.

Aras looked at them both and smiled, "Now shall I do both of your hair the exact same way? You look nice though Orissa and for this first meeting you will both have to make concessions." She walked behind Samantha and proceeded to pull her hair back like she normally liked it. Forgoing the elven style she did not like, and hugged when finished turned her attention to Orissa. And began to duplicate the same for her, tickling Rissy's neck with her nimble fingers, and hugging her when finished too.

Samantha grinned and was happy that her hair got done in her prefured way hugging Aras tightly back. She was all ready and raring to go for her new lesson. Where-as Orissa who giggled at the ticklish touch to her neck and hugged Aras still was grumpy and unhappy about being forced into wearing pants. Not being allowed to wear a dress and to have to do all these things she didn't want. She didn't like dressing like this. And she didn't want to look just like Samantha.

Stopping just before she finished, Aras quickly took Orissa's hair out and grabbed something off of the chest of drawers. "I know, you like to be more feminine than Samantha, so this will help while you are wearing boy clothes." Interweaving a thin pale ribbon into the braid, and giving Orissa a more girly nature. She looked at Samantha and smiled, knowing that Samantha would be happy Orissa might brighten up. "There now, a pretty ribbon to give you the pretty girl look for you meeting." she said with a smile.

"I'd still want to be in a dress." Orissa says though she was happy about getting a ribbon in her braid. She just hated how pants felt and the shirts. She felt almost naked and it was uncomfertable how the clothe touched all of her all over.
Samantha grinned. "Well too bad! This teacher will help you more then the other one so put up with it if you want those things to stop scaring you." Sammy says folding her arms, though the grin kind of ruined the tirade it got through and Orissa became silent. She did want a better teacher and she'd put up with this if he really could help.

She took their hands and took them down to the entryway, where Jake waited for Samantha. "Have a good session little Samantha, I know you will do well." she patted her shoulder. Then turning she offered her hand to Orissa, "Something unique awaits you today, I promise." Aras then picked up her old traveling pack and blackwood flute, and headed to the east. Orissa would soon forget the pants and how she disliked them, magic would be the name of her lesson today.

"I'm not little!! I'll be the best too!" Sammy shouts in return acting mocked but really she was excited about her lesson and she wanted Orissa to have a good time too. But Sammy was excited to learn something new... which was a little weird because Mummy and daddy didn't teach long range until they had short range under control.
Orissa on the other hand held Aras's hand but was still sullen about the clothes. She hated wearing pants and she didn't like the feel of them. Unless she really wanted to wear them then it was okay but even though she didn't want to wear them... she was a little scared about a new teacher though... one they had to go out into the forest and two it was a whole new teacher to find a teacher that she knew nothing about at all.

Aras led Orissa out into the forest east of of they city and to the appropriate spot. Where they sat and waited for Noma to arrive, her father had told Aras he was too old to train the young Ravenwood. But, Noma was a adequate replacement. "Are you thrist or hungry Orissa?" she asked taking a drink from the water skin. Trying to keep the mood light she began to sing a little, Noma should be able to follow her voice easily.

Watching from a tree branch not far away, Noma watched with rapt attention. The younger girl seemed out of sorts and Aras, her father's friend was singing to her. The tune was catchy and she loved how elves sang and she hummed along. Fluttering to a closer branch she smelled something sugary and sweet. Oh, how mistress Aras knew what her family loved more than gems and places to explore.

Orissa shook her head no and since she knew the song too decided while she waited she would sing along. Leaning against Aras for support even though she was very happy still the longer they waited the more nervous she was getting about who her teacher would be and she wanted to go back. Orissa however with a grin decided tovuse a trick she did at home with Samantha and added a second voice to her own so it was as if Samantha was there singing with them... and then a third voice... Alehial's singing the song. So Orissa's voice, Samantha's and Alehial's were singing at the same time, along with Aras.

After the song subsided they could hear tiny hands clapping and wings flapping lowering something towards them. Then a shimmering in the air and a doll sized creature stood before them and curtsied with a smile. "Truly amazing gifts you both possess, and such beautiful faces. I am Noma, my father told me to meet you her to see about helping with Oriisa Ravenwoods training." The voice was tiny and a little high, she turned about letting them see she wore no weapons on her lithe frame.

Orissa squeaked and clutched Aras's side tightly snuggling close as she could. She'd never met a fey creature but she was always told if there was something you don't know near stay close to an adult to keep you safe. Even though she was interested and the little woman spoke... it was still weird and curious and a little scary. there were no weapons but if she was a fey Mummy said they have magic to use if they needed it.

Aras stood and ushered Orissa to her feet, "Welcome Noma, I am Aras and this is Orissa." She bowed and returned the smile to the sylph, they were beautiful in their own right. Noma came closer and with a slight gesture formed a pile of leaves into a chair and had a seat. Her smile was pleasant and her large green eyes had a laughing quality to them. "I understand that someone is having some problems dealing with runaway magics and would like to learn control."

Orissa nodded her head and when Aras bowed she curtseyed even though she was in pants. She still held tightly onto Aras because Aras could be trusted to protect her and be with her and she was safe. this little fairy was... pretty and had magic and was strange and it scared Orissa just a little bit. She didn't like being scared but without Samantha there or someone there to protect her she often was.

"If I may things may go more smoothly if Orissa could cast a spell to see your aura. She needs to make sure that you are 'safe' to speak with." Aras asked politely. The slyph tilted her head and stood up moving closer to Orissa. "A fine good idea, I would not begrude her being cautious about a stranger as I hide invisible. Young Orissa, you should see my aura as being neural as nature is and good as you are." with a smile and a wink.

"I dunno how to do aura's." Orissa says softly, she liked the little lady but was no less wary of her as before. While she was funny and talked sweetly Orissa was not one to be taken lightly. She had fallen for a trick like that once and she didn;t want to again cause it was scary and she hated scary things. But if she could see this aura thingy and it showed she was safe then she would work with her.

Aras knelt and cast the spell and made the target Orissa, so she could see auras. "You will see me Orissa as Chaos and good Just like your mother and father, although I believe the Lady Ravenwood is neutral." Sure enough Orissa could see both Noma & Aras's auras and they were both telling the truth. Almost laughing Noma turned around again letting Rissy see all of her aura. Aras let the spell go and the world looked right again and she smiled again and took Orissa's hands.

Orissa nodded "So... what do I do now?" She asks softly, still shy of the little woman and still not wanting to let go of Aras but she did want to learn how to use her magic and if the little woman was going to be her teacher then she should be getting taught right? So Orissa tried to be a little more gracious to both women even if she was still hating the pants and waited to be taught.

"We shall see what you can do, and how often you can conjure, and even summon one of your little creatures. Then we will sit and talk and tell stories and maybe practice again before your return with Aras back to Sildea. Does that sound agreeable to you my young pupil?" she asked again smiling at the mention of Aras. Watching her charge and Noma, Aras took a seat and began to play her blackwood flute. It was dear to her as the girls were, her father made the instrument and taught his only daughter to play it.

"Okay sounds good... Um so what do I conjure first?" Orissa asks softly, she didn't know what her new little teacher wanted her to do exactly but she was willing to give it a shot and Aras was right there nearby and playing that pretty flute so everything was okay and Orissa knew she was safe. How well Noma taught was a different story though, it greatly depended on how well Orissa understood.

"Anything, but no damage to the forest, alright?" she responded. "Make pretty lights or sounds or make yourself float." Noma was sure the young lady practiced thing on her own. And seeing what she would have to work with would be intriguing. She then returned to her magically created seat and waited for Orissa.

Orissa concentrated hard and she did the lights the ghost sounds and even the dragon's roar, then she thought about some other things like Gramma lai and her lightning but thought that might not be safe... so instead she tried to float, but she'd never done it before so it didn't really work. And she blushed hard because she hadn't been able to do it. So she made a small ball of light in her hands, it wasn't fire it was just light. She used it to practice reading at night when she was supposed to be sleeping. "That's... all I know." She says softly.

Noma sat back very impressed at so much power for one so little, she folded her hands into her lap and thought for a long second. Aras had stopped playing about the time of the roar and paid close atention. Noma broke her silence, "Wonderfully done, now can you summon one of those creatures? I need to see it maybe get a feel for what purpose they serve and then I can better show you how to deal with them." Aras spoke up next, "Don't worry Orissa we can make it go away as easily as you can bring it about."

"I don't know how to make them come... they always just... show up." Orissa says softly looking down and letting her ball of light dissapear. She was proud at being able to do what she could though. "I can do a little bit of lightning too... but I thought it might upset you." She says softly, wanting to be honest and yes she was very proud of herself for figuring it out from Grandma's Lai doing it.

"No need right now, and I applaud your decision to withhold creating lightning here in the forest. Let us try something, I am going to show you a spell and you will duplicate it, ok?" She then stood and began to cast a missive spell. Suddenly her voice rang only into Orissa's mind, "Did you understand how it works, just focus on someone you wish to speak to." Then she ended the spell and retook her seat, "The more you attempt to learn new spells or practice those spells, the less magic the creatures will have to manifest themselves."

Orissa had paid close attentions to how she cast the spell, and so she replied with the missive spell. "I don't know what you mean.... they won't come if I play with my magic?" She asks the little fairy woman. It was the best Orissa could come up with out of what the woman had said. After all Orissa was still only five and as smart and grownup as she seemed she was still only five.

"There will be less magic which is what they use to make themsleves, so practice keeps them away. I believe if you know how to dispell magic that will help too. We will work on it, won't we as you learn and grow tings will get easier." She was very pleased at Orissa's speed in catching on to spellcasting. Aras smiled at the kind words from Noma to Orissa.

" Mummy says that when one has talent they should always put their best effort into that talent to create great skill with it. So if you can teach me lots... and want me to practice at Gramma's house I can do that!" Orissa says not quite sure how to end the spell, she could feel it and wondered ho long it would last... also she wondered if she... just tried to stop the feeling of it if that was how you ended the spell. She would wait though and ask her new teacher. Orissa was a very inquisitive girl but she was also very cautious and shy about things.

"You will just need to stop concentrating on speaking though your mind." "And yes, I will help you learn even heading to Baerlon with you to continue your lessons." She crossed her little legs and noted Aras's surprised look with another broad smile. "Hopefully there will not be a problem since I can change my size accordingly. But, it may be best not to tell everyone about my tagging along."

"Come with me to home?" Orissa asks surprised as well. She was shocked this little woman would want to leave her home forest to go to the city with her. But Orissa was glad she'd have a teacher for a long time. She didn't have anyone else to teach her things. Especially because grandma Lai didn't let her watch her doing magic anymore and Elsa rarely did very much magic. Orissa often just tried things out and if it worked it did if it didn't sometimes it made her sad but usually not really.

"Yep and you may not notice me, I can become tiny like a doll or even like a mote of light. You and I will continue to help you master your magic, and keep the creatures inline." She smiled brightly then shrunk down and flew into Orissa's hands. Noma stood there for a little while then flew up to hide in the cowl of Orissa's cloak. She giggled as she did so and even tickled Orissa's neck.

Orissa giggled and squirmed around until Noma quick and then grinned at Aras and ran over leaping on top of the elven maiden and giving her a great big hug. Orissa loved her and wanted her to come home when they went home. She wondered if she asked if she would. Mummy and daddy would surely let her come cause there were some empty rooms still in the house and all.

Aras wrapped her arms around Orissa and returned the hug, she hoped it was because Noma was going to travel back to Baerlon with her. The forest around them had been full of activity since they had arrived. Keeping ahold of her little charge she began to let the melody wash over her. An odd noise made her open her eyes to see one of Orissa's creatures. "Orissa, Noma I think you have your wish about one of the magic creatures." then she began to giggle.

Orissa tightened her hold on Aras and turned to peek over her own shoulder. She didn't like them and didn't want them around but... Noma wanted to see them and Orissa had to guess it was a good thing for it to show up now. But why Aras was smiling about it was confusing to her and to hear Aras giggle was... fun but not when it wasn't Orissa making her giggle or making her so happy in the first place.

The creture was the colors of the forest and instead of hair it had flowers and bright brown eyes. It was dancing and swaying to the sounds of nature, then would fall down and roll about in the leaves. Hopping back up it approached and picked two to hand out to them. "Mula cassy polu toma?" he chittered that sounded like birds. And when it smiled Orissa could see it had what looked like river stone as teeth.

Orissa held tightly onto Ara's leg not letting go. Hesitantly reaching a shaking hand out to take the flower the creature was offering because she was afraid it would get angry, but clutching tightly onto Aras. Orissa hated them now... ever since they attacked before, they frightened and scared her and she hoped she used enough magic they wouldn't be able to come around anymore.

It danced back away and began to try with no progress to do a somersault. "I think you are safe Orissa, your happiness and joy brought it about. I think it is playful and you need to assert command over it, they come from your magic." Noma was quick and very clear when she spoke to Orissa. "Tell it to sit down & then show it how to do a proper one, I think you'll be surprised."

Aras put a reassurring hand upon Orissa, "You are safe with us here little one. My magic and Noma's can dispel them, send them back to where they came from. But, you will need to get control of them and yourself to be truly safe from them. If you master them they will not be able to put you or Samantha in danger, or make you afraid." She hoped her words would make Orissa bold and as steadfast as her parents.

"I can't do a somersault." Orissa said softly still tightly holding onto Aras's legs. Orissa didn't want to control them she just wanted them to go away. They were bad and most of them were scary. This was why she never wanted to be apart from her sister. Sammy was the strong confident one, Orissa was the smart and magical one. Orissa was not strong, and she was not brave unless her sister led the way first. It had always been like that though.

Seperating Orissa from her leg so she could get down to her level Aras looked her in the eye. "Orissa I know they scared you, and you would prefer they go away. But, they are a part of you and your magic and because of that you need to show them that they belong to you. And you make the rules that they have to obey, kind of like a parent and children." She patted her charges cheek and got close enough to whisper, "I have faith in you."

Orissa frowned deeply and turned to look at the thing. Not only this but she didn't understand what Aras was talking about. But when the little imp like creature got closer... only ten feet away or so Orissa couldn't stop the tears from filling her eyes and falling down her cheeks. SHe turned and grabbed a hold of Aras once more only this time she was trembling and now the tears just kept coming. Rissy didn't want more of them showing up. She didn't want to deal with them. She was afraid of them. Orissa wanted her sister and she wanted Jake and she wanted her mummy and daddy. and brother Lucas and she just wanted to stop being the one who had to go away from everybody and the one who had to get 'special' training because she was dangerous.

Aras knelt and wrapped her arms about Orissa, "Orissa, please try, just muster all the courage I know you have and tell it to sit down. Once you do that I promise they will not be so scary and will behave the way you tell them. I can use magic to send it away, but I cannot be beside you forever, you need to assert control over them." She stroked Orissa's back trying to calm the little human child. Her charge would gain so much contol if she would take a stand against her own little creatures born of her magic.

"I wanna go home!!" Orissa shakes her head clinging tightly to Aras. Now that her fear was out there wasn't much in the way of really calming her down. "I want them to go AWAY! I WANT SAMMY AND MUMMY!!!" Orissa says her power flowing through her with her anger and her fear and everything. She took a deep breath and all that came out were sobs after that. She didn't want this training anymore and she didn't want to be away from her family anymore.

The creature turned into two, then four, then eight, the one remained but was joined by bright red ones and pale blue ones. She needed to do something before they lost control of the situation, and she turned Orissa so her back was against her. Her chant began and she felt the tingle of magic and some of them disappeared leaving only a few. "I've done what I can Orissa to make them go away, try seeing them as some of the younger brother and sisters. Noma and I will do what we can, I promise and we will go home, just please show me that you can order them to sit down at least."

"SIT!!! SIT DOWN! I WANNA GO HOME!" Orissa cried her powerful magic once again flowing through her, this time in anger more then anything else and directed at the little creatures. She just wanted to go back and see Sammy and Jake. She wanted Mummy. She was tired of this place and wanted her parents she didn't want all this. She wasn't strong enough for all this without Sammy. Orissa and Sammy both felt like a half of the same person. They didn't feel like if they parted they were ever compltely whole or right.

The creatures looked at each other, then back at them and sat down and crossed their legs. Aras hugged her little charge close and whispered in her ear as she looked at them. "You did it, Oh Orissa you are very brave, look at that. Everyone will be very proud of you!" she kissed the young Ravenwoods cheek and smiled at her. This was a very large first step Orissa had just made and they listened to her.

"You should be pleased Orissa, they did as you said when you told them. I feel you will only control them better as time goes on." Noma sat closer to the pair and watched the creatures sit there and look at one another. The left over red one leaned over and pulled a flower free from the other and popped it in its mouth. The flowered one turned and pointed at the red, "Uth gon Tumi Supp Subb!"

"I wanna go home now! I want Sammy..." Orissa wept, she didn't care that they listened to her, if she got really mad she could make anything go away. But right now she wanted to be back in a dress and back with her sister. She didn't want to deal with all these stupid things and she didn't want to be out in the woods anymore. She didn't like it anymore, this special training not when those creatures came out. She wanted them to go away again and leave her alone.

Aras sighed not knowing what to do next, "Alright, we will head back to the city. Will you come back out with me tomorrow to learn from Noma again?" There was no way now to convince her that she weilded all the power against these things. She looked down at Noma who also was at a loss for how to convince the budding magic user to continue. A couple of the creatures simply began to fade away and other got up and wandered away, without her will to keep them in place.

"If Sammy will come with me..." Orissa said softly clinging to Aras and just wanting to leave. She was lonely and uncomfertable and unhappy. If it was using her magic then she was excited but if they just wanted her to... do stuff with those creatures... then she didn't want to. She wanted them to stop coming. Not make them do tricks. Using magic was fun and made her belly tingle and showing off was really fun... but Orissa was very afraid of those creatures.

"That is more up to Noma and not myself little one." Aras replied. Noma had wanted to be kept a secret until Orissa was a little bit stronger in her magic. "If Samantha is here will you use her strength to help you control them if they appear?" was the only question Noma posed to her student. Aras stood and took Orissa's hand and they turned back towards Sildea. The little creature following in their wake, until Noma dispelled it.

"Yes ma'm." Orissa said wiping her eyes though she was still teary, she really wanted to go home and see mummy and daddy and everyone. She didn't want to be here anymore, scary things kept happening. Especially lately. With the creatures and then that wolf man... and now this lesson. Wearing pants and all this other stuff. She just didn't like it.

When they got near the city Aras stopped her and got close to her, "I know everything that has happened lately is upsetting to you. New things always are, but being brave and learning how to control fear will make you very strong. Someday when you have mastered your fears and are ready we and Samantha can go on a proper adventure." She hoped that before she would go home she might be able to tell her creatures to behave and they would listen. Right now though she desperately wanted Orissa to smile for her, she loved smiles of both girls.

"Really? You'll go on a real one with me and Sammy?!" Orissa asks startled a little and smiles softly, though it was still a watery smile it was very genuine. Orissa loved Aras very much... so much she wanted Aras to come home with them. She knew Mummy would agree with it. Mummy always liked helping Elves relocate if they wanted to.

"Of course, but you need to be prepared to travel and fight sometimes." she whispered and wiped away the last sign of tears. "Maybe we will take Jake with us or find a cleric who can go with us." Aras had the feeling that Orissa and Samantha would ask their parents to take her along with them, and was seriously considering going. Noma had long since flew from them and promised to await them in the morning. "We will need to get you all cleaned up and back in your dress for dinner."

"Yes! Alright!" Orissa finally smiled brightly, her fears and such behind her in the way only being five could manage. Orissa was suddenly pulling Aras along though she wasn't completely sure of the way back she had a good general layout of the path they had traveled. Orissa was smart and she would only get smarter the older she got that much was clear. She of the twins would be the smart and cautious one.

It didn't take long for the gates of the city to come into view and then Lady Sirrus's home. "I need to speak with the Lady, you should go up and get out of those clothes and prepare for a bath. I will come up and help you as soon as I finish." She squeezed Rissy's shoulder and smiled at her before pointing her to the stairs. Then she took a deep breath and gently knocked at Lady Damodreid's study door.

Rissy hurried up the stairs and stripped as soon as she could. a little wary being alone in the room but happy for the most part. She tossed the pants and shirt she didn't like on the ground and went to the closet to pick out her and her sisters dresses for dinner. Samantha was the one who was late from class today and it made Rissy feel good to have some time to organize things for them.

Aras came up and smiled at her, "you should be in the tub already young lady." It made her happy seeing that Orissa felt better now after her ordeal. "Your grandmother said it was alright that if your parents approve I can go to Baerlon." She had also advised Sirruis that the three of them would leave early for Orissa's lesson and be back in time for Samantha's lesson. Sirrius felt it would be alright as long as she could get the girls awake.

"REALY?! Grandma will let you come with us home?! That makes me so happy!" Orissa says happily before leaping into the tub. She had now the best news for the day. She couldn't wait for Sammy to come back now because now... well she had such good news! She was so excited she could hardly stand not to fidget and indeed that's what she was doing playing in the water more then she ever did she was acting like Sammy now.

Aras pulled up her sleeves and took the rag and soap and began soaping the young girl up. "Now about tomorrow, all of us must get up early to go for your lessons, then arrive back her so Samantha doesn't miss hers, alright?" Hopefully the creatures would understand what they were attempting to do and provide them with a chance to do better. If Orissa could learn a little control over them before returning home, they would be so proud of how she had grown. "So, tell me Orissa is there room at your house for me, where would my room be?"

"mmm probably the servants quarters downstairs but there's a staircase that goes to every floor of the house. me and Sammy are on the second floor next to the nursery and closest to the stairs. Mummy says it's because She and Daddy protect the babies and sammy and me will be safe with Bowers the butler. Only Bowers is the son of the real Bowers who was Mummy's first butler who she forced into retirment because he was getting old." Orissa says explaining things in the house so it would be easier for Aras to understand and fit in and be happy living there with them.

"I see, and where is everyone else's rooms?" Aras asked as she scrubbed Orissa clean. She would bathe shortly after getting Samantha cleaned up as well. Glancing over she smiled seeing the dresses that Orissa had picked for herself and Samantha. "Do you think I'll be given a room on the first floor, will I have to share a room or will I have my own?" Taking some water she began to rinse Orissa's hair.

"Anyone whose married is on the secnd floor and Grandma is on the fourth floor. The third floor is for bachlorts. That's what Daddy says. Mummy says it's a word for anyone of marrying age. Lily is on the first floor too and so is aunt Arten but she's a dwarf. And Because you'll me Sammy and Mine's maid or nurse you get to have a single if you want it. There are lots of rooms and most of the servants have family they stay with a lot of times. Mummy and Daddy give them locks though if they want to leave things and some of them live in town and come in the morning. then leave at night to go home. except Bowers. Mummy has to order Bowers to go home and see his Daddy and sister." Orissa says chatting away happily, not at all purterbed by the fact she was getting bathed or that she could get a mouthfull of soapy water.

Aras paid attention and when the water got near she covered Orissa's upper lip. "Slow down some or you'll drown in the bath Orissa." she playfully chided. "Do you think Samantha will agree about me coming with you?" she asked wondering what the twin would say. Tomorrow morning early they would venture back into the woods and have another leson for Rissy and Samantha would lend morale support. "You are all done young lady and you can stand up while I get you a towel to dry you off."

"Sammy will love it and if she doesn't then I'll make her love it. IT'll be so much fun Aras! I can show you all our favorite spots! Like the den that Mummy's first companion dug for her puppies and the grave of Daddy's wolf. The fort and the holy ground Mummy made in the woods behind out house. Mummy said she just helped nature come back to where it was supposed to be. But we're the only house in the whole city with trees and a spring and a big garden and a shrine to the gods. Mummy says that just because there is no symble doesn;t mean it's not a holy place and that if we go there no demons will ever hurt us." ORissa says talking excitedly about the place Aras would be coming too. It was very exciting to her and even though she didn't understand half of what she was told she often pretended she did, and she understood more and more every month.

She pulled Orissa out of the tub and began drying her off, then wrapped the towel around her while tending her hair. Aras smiled seeing how excited Orissa was and hoped Samantha would be excited too. Samantha should be back soon and she figured it best to whisk her into the tub before she could argue. "There I believe we can get you dressed and you can read some while we wait for Samantha." She put the towels into the basket of soiled linens and clothes to be washed.

"I HATE bows." Samantha exclaims throwing open the door and sitting in the middle of the floor pulling off her boots. She was very clearly unhappy. And her shirt sleeve was a little torn. She began to disrobe not caring about the door but Orissa jumped up and closed it quickly before helping her sister undress. "SAMMY!!?" Orissa exclaimed once the shirt was off. there was a large bruise on her left arm on the inside right before the wrist. Like she ran into something hard only it was already turning green. Sammy pulls her arm close to her stomach. "I wanted to prove I could do it but the stupid bow never shot right!" She says scowling in explanation.

Aras immediatley was angry, the instructor should have healed this minor injury before allowing Samantha to return to the house. She knelt and gently took Samantha's arm in her hands, she began to cast a minor healing spell. "Bows require time to learn and master, I have no doubt that you will catch on. Come along lets get you into the bathtub and cleaned up before dinner." She grabbed Samantha's pants legs and gave them a quick tug off of her.

Samantha got into the tub but was silent, the instructor had even said maybe she would be better at crossbows and they would give those a shot next. Sammy hadn't told him about her arm. She didn't want to seem weak and it wasn't fair when she was healed all the time but Jake was told to tough it out unless there was blood or a break. She hated being treated like a girl but was soothed by the healing of Aras and the worry of them both. She did notice though that Orissa was in a really good mood and was curious though stayed silent in the bath.

A new rag in hand she began scrubbing Samantha clean while singing a childs song about bathing. She winked at Orissa then joked, "Now when we go back to Baerlon am I going to have to dunk you in the tub there too?" Wanting to surprise Samantha to gauge her reaction to hearing that their grandmother had given her leave to go with them. "And if you are interested, would you like to accompany us to Orissa's lesson tomorrow? We will have to leave early, so we can be back in time to get you to yours."

"What?! You're gonna come home with us!? Really?!" Sammy asked jumping to her feet and giving Aras a big hug despite being wet and soapy. "I thought I wasn't allowed in the tower cause I'm a magical dunce." Sammy scowled repeating the words of the ancient wizard. It wasn't her fault she couldn't do anything with magic at all. Mummy said it was because Rissy had taken it all up inside herself when she was a baby and because of the war with the dragons.

Orissa giggled seeing Sammy's reaction and then seeing Aras soaking wet and soapy. "I got a new teacher now Sammy." She says softly already picking out her sisters clothing for dinner. And some soft indoor shoes. Sometimes her sister needed the help like this. She never cared for skirts and would wander around in her trousers all the time. But dinner was a formal event.

Taking the opportunity to wash Samantha's back Aras didn't complain about the hug. "Now sit down before you slip and bruise yourself." she chided with a smile. "We wish to teacher Orissa better control of the imps born of her magic. And to that end she needs her sister there to bolster her courage, can you do that for us?" She looked over and nodded her approval over what Orissa had selected for Samantha to wear to dinner.

"I'll be there and I'll help! But I can't do any magic." Samantha says softly sitting back down in the tub to let Aras finish washing her. For four year olds these two girls seemed much more intelligent then most their age, but Alehial always attributed that to the strangeness of the times they were in the womb and near the dragon and such. Everyone loved them the same so it didn't really matter but it was clear these two girls were very different from normal human four year old children.

"That's fine and all we can ask for, brave warrior." Aras applauded her willingness to help. "There all done now wait for me to grab a towel to dry you off." She stood and grabbed a towel and robe before returning back to her charge. As soon as she was dry Aras sat her on a chair and began brushing out her hair. Like their mother both girls had very beautiful hair and Lady Sirrus had purchased pins that showed off its beauty.

Samantha sighed loudly she much prefurred doing this all herself and not bothering with it taking long or being thorough. Half dry and clothed was fine even her hair got braided for bed so it didn't matter if it was still wet but Aras always dried her completely and worked on her hair until it was mostly dry then let her get dressed. As for her twin who was giggling at the scowl on Samantha's face she scowled deeper no help there these two were of the same mind about this kind of stuff.

Once done, dried and dressed she took them down to dinner and the family had a very nice dinner. Sirran entertained everyone by singing at the top of his lungs the newest song the maid taught him. Lady Sirrus could hardly understand how her daughter kept them in order. After dinner they got a chance to sit and listen to stories before bed. When Aras took them up to get tucked in, "I will wake you both early and we will head into the woods for your lesson, goodnight young mistresses."

"Night Aras." Came the sleepy unison voices of the twins. Once the door was shut Samantha climbed into Orissa's bed once again just like almost every night. Together they fell asleep holding each others hands and with their foreheads together. Peaceful and safe inside the Sildean walls and in their grandmothers house. After all tomorrow was a big day and both girls were excited about it.

True to her word, Aras entered their room early and gently shook them awake, "Good morning my younglings, are you ready for our first adventure together?" She had laid out some clothes and a couple things she thought they may like. And also brought breakfast upstairs for them to enjoy before leaving. In truth she brought some soft but sturdy boots and a robe she modified last night so Orissa while being protected would still look lady like. Noma would be waiting in the agreed upon place for the lesson, and she wanted the fey help for Orissa, so it was a good idea to be on time.

"Nuh!" Came an angry grunt from Samantha, while Orissa popped her head out of the covers and yawned but covered it. "It's really early." She whined softly tears in her eyes from the large yawn. Both girls had a hard tme geting up before the sun was up or even matching the sun getting up but then. They both still needed naps in the afternoon too. They weren't quite old enough to be children but they weren't toddlers anymore.

"Come along girls, the day may be very long today, and I have surprises in store." Aras was dressed in traveling clothes and had her pack with her, strapped to her waist was her sword as well. While she had some training, it was purely a last ditch defense. Quickly she uncovered four small feet and began to tickle them, hoping to motivate them. She had also brought provisions for the trip into the woods.

With much giggling and fighting of sheets the girls ran out of bed and to the dresser. Sammy sat down to Rissy could do her hair as best she could She was good at braiding but not at the bun part. But when she was done Sammy got dressed within minutes and got out her little dagger. All Ravenwood children had a dagger on them for safety of just in case. Then Rissy sat down and unbraided her hair and brushed it out. She didn't want tot wear pants and was moving slowly because of it.

Aras knew the stalling ploy and today was prepared to beat it, leaning down she drew Orissa back so the secret would be between them. "You may wear a dress, but you must wear pants underneath and boots, no slippers and no delicate fabrics. I do not need a naked young lady of house Ravenwood on my hands today, agreed?" She turned and helped Samantha find her other boot, which was a common occurance considering how Samantha came home almost every day. The weather was nice outside and they should have a productive session with Orissa and her imps today.

Rissa smiled and braided her hair quickly before getting dressed in the clothees until she came to the modified robe. "Aras How do I put this on?" She asks softly it was sort of a dress but kind of not and her had her shirt on and her pants but shouldn't figure out the top dressish part Aras had made. She had put her arms in backwards to begin with and was trying to gfigure out the skirt part of it.
Sammy in the meantime located her boot and worked hard on lacing it herself so Aras could help Rissa. It took her a long while but she finally got the knee high boots on and her belt and dagger. She was ready to go and took some of the rations out of Aras's bag and put them into her own. She would consider it conditioning.

Aras quickly, but throughly taught Orissa how to put on the robe and a couple of the hiddey pockets where if they kept making them for her could hold wands or other magical items. She pecked her charge on the forehead and smiled at the both. "Well, bard, sorceress and most importantly our brave warrior are we all ready to go on our journey into the forest?" It would be a overcast day and they would be out in the forest really before all the shadows were banished by the sun. But, she was very confident that everything would be safe for them all.

Samantha and Orissa both holding Aras's hands smiling brightly as they went along for their adventure early in the morning. Even though they were just in the room still. "Yup!" Answered Sammy in her usualy brass way of speaking like her father. "Yes." Came the polite and well pronounced soft spoken affirmative from the other twin. Alehial thought it was perhaps because she fought during the war and went through what she had to with Galin but no one knew and everyone loved the girls anyways.

Almost an hour after the girls had departed, Lucas and Tani arrived in Sildea. He was beat from the constant flyin, but knew their extended family needed them now. He glanced at Tani and smiled, she never once complained about the about of time they spent in the air. The first elven guard saluted him, having heard that the Palidian was like a grandchild to Lady Sirrus. "We have no time," Lucas started, "Inform Lady Sirrus there maybe an immeninet attack against Sildea."

"Led by evil gods Orcs and Elves are on their way to Sildea. Please hurry and alert your military officers at once, there may be little time. We could not see through the dense covering of the tree's." Tani offers as well, she didn't get a salute but they needed to know what was going on better then hey you might be attacked. HEr wings quivered though. Even resting on her back like usual they drooped quite a bit more then usual. They had flown hard and fast and made a two day flight in a single day. She was exhausted but she would not... NOT fall when the people were in need.

The guard nodded and hurried off, they would alert the defense forces and the council quickly. Others hurried off to the gates to close them in preperation for an attack. Lucas placed his arm around Tani, knowing she was more tired than he was and kissed her cheek. "Truly amazing the friend and lover that Pelor had blessed me with." It was heartfelt, but barely scratched the surface of his feelings for her.

"We need to speak to your grandmother. Altair wanted the children safe." Tani says, she was sent on a mission and she was going to fulfill it. She was so tired though. Even though it was been her wings ler legs and arms ached and she was wishing for a chair or some sort of rest she could have from their fast and furious flight. Tani smiled at Lucas though and leaned against him just a little she still wasn't very comfertable with touching in public. something she wished she could just get over.

Quickly they hurried to the house and found a runner already there and advising Lady Sirrus of the news. Sirrus greeted them, but the concern was already marked on her face. "Aras took Orissa and Samantha into the forest to meet with Orissa's new teacher." About that time the warning horn sounded all about Sildea, the attackers had arrived and everyone capable of fighting was being called to the defense of the city. Lucas looked almost stricken, there would be little chance of escaping the city into the forest to look for his little sisters, Altair and the others would be their only hope.

Tani panicked and by doing so thrust out her wings knocking then straight into Lucas and into the wall which made her wince. "Sorry! I'll go find them!" She says turning on her heal swaying a little before righting herself and heading for the door again. It was because she hadn't arrived in time. She could have pushed herself harder to fly faster but she was worried about Lucas keeping up so. ' Blessed Pelor hear my plea protect the twins from the evil surrounding this city. Keep them safe so no harm will come to them! Let me get there in time! I beg thee father!' She prayed hard not noticing a column as she walked out of sirrus's house and clipping it with her shoulder and wing. She was tired. But the girls were in danger.

Lucas caught up to her, "Tani you can't venture out, we have been flying all night. We will have Lady Sirrus send a missive and alert father and Lyriel while we recouperate. I want to get to the girls, but we will be no good if we can't lift our arms to defend them." He took hold of her hand so to keep her from trying to fly away. Silently, he pleaded with Pelor to watch over his little sisters and their companion.

"But Lucas the girls! They have already tried to take Orissa more then once!" Tani says softly before taking on a determind looking and grabbing Lucas's arms. "Pelor give him the strength I have not and give him the ability and strength we used in our flight here to warn these good people." Tani prays using a spell she had only heard of and seen once. Hoping it worked and gave Lucas what he might need to rescue the girls. After the spell/prayer was finished Tani slumped against Lucas, she was so tired... she was exhausted.

He felt invigorated, but realized she gave him the last of her strength. Effortlessly he lifted her and went back inside the house, "Grandmother is there somewhere I can set Tani so she might sleep a little?" Sirrus pointed into one of the ground level bedrooms and he took her inside and stripped her of armor. PUtting her comfortably onto the large bed, he kissed her cheek, "I will use what you & Pelor have given me to save them Tani." He turned and headed outside, he would leave through a side gate, hopefully missing all of the invading force and getting out onto the girls's trail.

"Go carefully... I love you." Tani said softly before her exhaustion overcame her and she fell asleep on the comfertable bed. All her energy was taken. The spell and prayers had worked and it had taken the last of the strength from her. She wouldn't be able to help now, as she would have wished to do. But at least with what she had done now the girls had a chance to be safe and unharmed. Lucas would save them and Pelor would watch over them. She knew they would be alright she had faith.

"Grandmother, I need you to contact father and Conner, and Lyriel and Flint they should be made aware that I am going after Orissa and Samantha. The battlion will need to move faster to flank these invaders and decimate their ranks." He opened his pack and divested it of everything except what he or they would need then hefted onto his back and hurried for the door. He hoped that the rest of the family would hurry to Sildea's defense, but was afraid this might be a foreboding shadow. Moving quickly he slipped out the gate before it could be sealed.

Aras and the girls had went to the predetermined meeting place where she was waiting. Aras was not sure what Samantha would make of the small doll-like fey, but knew that she would be respectful. She took a seat and played her flute a little before they would startthe lessons. The morning had been bright and the forest quiet. THey would not have a lot of time before she would need to get Samantha back for her lesson as well.

"And she's so pretty and she's really smart you wouldn't beleive it! She's just like me doing lights and stuff." "Really? I bet she isn't near as pretty as mummy, or as talented." "She is because she's like me... she is part of magic. That's what mummy told me." "Mummy says you got all the magic cause of her riding the dragons in the war!" "So what! It's who I am!" The twins where quickly bickering softly, not wanting to startle the forest around them like Mummy had taught but bickering all the same.

Aras focused and let her music reach out to calm the bickering, bards had an ability to fasinate the audience. The haunting tune tickled the girls ears and mixed into the warmth of the sun filtering throught the trees. Her father had told her that the music from this flute could melt the heart of a frost giant and place the most restless spirit to rest. In the future years she could see having to moderate several row between these two. The thought made her think of how both girls would change as they grew up.

The girls quited and listened to Aras's music leaning against each other and holding each others hands fingers entwined like they often did when right beside each other. they were both silent as they watched her play their little fight forgotten already and only the pretty flute and the melody remained behind. Neither girl noticed what she had done or that they had been fighting again or that they had stopped. They just were content and happy and together again with Aras and everything was pretty and nice and beautiful.

Once the fight was over they set about to starting Orissa's lesson. "Very well Orissa focus on bringing one of the imps to you. Then you will make it do as you bid. Samantha, you will be right here to make sure nothing bad will happen to your sister." Aras put the flute away and sat waiting to see if she would need to dispell Orissa's imp.

"I don't want to start with the imps!" Orissa said clutching her sister tightly. "Teacher isn't here yet either so we can't start!" Orissa said in an attempt to not do the imps. She hated the imps. They scared her. "I don't like the imps either they do bad things." She says frowning, she disapproved of most of the imps. At first they were funny and would be sweet and play trick on other people but lately they had been getting violent and doing more.

"I am never very far away." Noma said as she lighted down on a nearby log. She was dressed much like the other night, looking like a porcelian doll dressed in light shades of forest material clothes. "And I believe for safety that we should start with the imps, they are the reason for all your fears and now with this bastion of courage here you can force them to behave." she bowed her head to Samantha in greeting. Aras smiled knowing that Noma could convince the girls to learn how to take care of the little imps. Noma sat and produced a couple of tiny berries that was her breakfast for today and waited.

"Then I'm gonna bring out Nanny." Orissa said clinging tightly to Sammy. She concentrated really hard on what the imp looked like and how it acted. Trying to make it appear her face all scrunched up with effort. She'd never made them appear before... they always had just come. So she really didn't know how to do this.
Sammy put her hand on her dagger just in case and held tight onto Orissa, completely oblivious of the power growing around her sister as she tried to make one of her imps appear. She was dead to magic. Couldn't feel it around her and couldn't get it to work for her. She felt the affects of it though sure enough.

"Barga polok subba do?" they heard an imp say. When they opened their eyes, ther was nanny looking around and shaking her head. The imp began moving about gathering leaves and stacking them into ordely piles. Aras laughed and quickly hid it behind her hand. "She seems to enjoy cleaning." Noma commented a wide grin on her face. Nanny then abandoned that pursuit and came over and started dusting off the twins.

As soon as the imp came near Orissa clutched Sammy tightly and Sammy's hold on the daggers hilt tightened until her little knuckles were white. They obviously didn't like the imp touching them or interacting with them at all. Even though this one was so nice and gentle compared to the others. It still scared Orissa that her powers had randomly created these creatures. that and they had harmed a maid and her sister already. So they weren't good things not all of them. Orissa only thought of Nanny to trust though.

Aras thought for a minute, "Orissa why not ask Nanny to come get my waterskn so the two of you can get a drink?" Her voice was calm and soothing, as always to try calming the girls down. Noma nodded her agreement, a good first attempt with a good natured creature of magic. Nanny, without a guide began picking flowers into a little bundle. "Beffuts, Minu, Minu, Beffuts." she repeated over and over.

"G....Get the water Na-nanny." Orissa said fearfully watching the little imp just in case it turned and showed sharp rows of teeth and dangerous hurting claws and a tail like a dagger. She was still holding onto Sammy who nudged her. "P-please." Orissa added at Samantha's nudging. Samantha had her hand on the dagger and was ready if anything did happen but Nanny was fussy about getting things done right and so courtousy must be obeyed.

Nanny looked at them and smiled nodding so earnestly she might do a somersault without her hands. Then hurried to Aras, "Palo, huy sell witr so Ori san Sa?" The elf maiden handed her the waterskin and she hurried back to the twins. Orissa noticed that Nanny had flat teeth much like her own and smelled faintly like the ointment mummy had used on them once when they were sick. While Orissa had the waterskin, Nanny bent to inspect Samantha's boots for dirt and dust.

"No cleaning my boots!" Sammy said angrily she liked having dirty boots. IT showed she had been on an adventure and still was... it meant she had gone somewhere. That she had traveled. Orissa took the water and took a sip to be polite before looking at her twin and the little imp. "Don't clean her shoes NAnny. She doesn't want them clean yet." She says with a little bit of a scared face but with almost angrily as she clutched tightly to Sammy.

Nanny stood up and made a little face, Noma chuckled from where she sat at the imp. Now Nanny sat down and big tears formed in her eyes and she began to wail. "I think it has upset her that you seem angry with her Orissa, she only wants to help you." Aras said to try clarifiying why the imp was crying like a child who had someone tell her there was no reason she was alive. Noma nodded and approached the girls and Nanny, "Everything I have seen of them would dictate would tell me that they want to serve and protect you and Samantha."

"But they attatcked us before!" Orissa said wanting Nanny to shut up. "Go pick Berries Nanny!" She orders wanting the imp away from her. Orissa still clung to Sammy but she didn't really understant what they were telling her. If the imps wanted to help why didnt't they. Why were they so bad and sometimes mean?
Sammy sighed it was good to get Nanny doing something... she was the most annoying imp, but Sammy was glad Rissy was getting some control over them because it would come in handy that was for sure she just knew it would. Meanwhile she still watching the forest and kept guard. Jake and told her that if she was the only warrior it was up to her to stay alert. But she was only five and she was distracted easily.

Noma thought for a second, it seemed that Nanny did as Orissa bid her, why did the one they said attacked do that. "Girls have you been given anything by someone you do not know? Or was there anything odd before the other imp attacked you?" Aras watched Nanny and listened to what NOma said, the fey was trying to solve a puzzle. Nanny busied herself gathering wild blueberries and bringing them back to Orissa first and then to Samantha. "Kuly, Ori hsit ollo ney own, osi Sam doo ruy hsus." Before bringin some to Aras and Noma as well, then eating some herself and showing the blue stains on her teeth.

"Um... we went out on an adventure and met a man in the woods... a druid who could turn into a white wolf." Orissa said thinking back on the day they were refering too, everything else was normal every day stuff as far as she could remember. "Yeah and we had gone into the plaza and went shopping which was why there was probably more then one of them." Sammy adds remembering the attack and holding the knife tight enough her little kncukles turned hite.

"That wasn't the day the imp attacked the other maid, the trip into the woods was after that." Aras corrected, she recalled very well because of the fright they had given Carrelle and the girls. But the druid was very strange, several of her friends had made note of it to her. With the borders open to outsiders, it wasn't unheard of for a druid or ranger of any race to show up at the gates. Noma sat very still and popped a berry into her mouth. Nanny who had nothing to add to the conversation began to wonder around sorting leaves again.

"Oh... then it... It was the night of my nightmare. I dreamed... I dreamed somebody who looked like daddy came and took Mummy away." Orissa says softly getting a better hug from Samantha. The girls huddled together too young and afraid of what might happen if their parents the hero's of all Hero's weren't there to save them from anything anymore. Orissa had dreamt he came to Mummy nd they talked and he smiled and Mummy got mad and he gave her something and she would leave them. Tears started running down her face as she rememebered she didn't want that. She didn't like it or want to let mummy go at all.

Nanny hopped up and produced a handkerchiefand brought it to Orissa and checked to see if Sammy needed one. Aras quickly deduced what happened, "Oh, Rissy, they reacted to your distress in the dream. Sweetheart if you hadn't been so upset they wouldn't have reacted that way." Noma nodded her agreement that Aras might have been right in her assesment, "You girls have been afraid for really no reason." Almost thrilled to hear her people were not evil made Nanny clap her hands and jibber happily.

"No! They aren't supposed to hurt anybody! They had sharp teeth and red eyes and were really scary!" Orissa said until Sammy put both arms around Orissa and hugged her sister tightly. IT was also the night they had been fighting each other. Orissa was afraid her powers would create more of them and they would attack anyone... no not anyone but everyone close. She scared herself with her own powers. Sammy knew there was nothing she could do but her eyes watered too. IT was her fault they faught and she had the nightmare and Rissy's magic scared her too.

Aras got up to come to the girls, wrapping them in a hug, Nanny followed suit right after. "Nanny, I think I have this taken care of thank you." she whispered and the imp nodded quickly and moved away. She whispered and soothed both girls until they calmed down. They were begining to understand how Orissa could control them and therefore not fear them anymore.

Once both girls had calmed down and sat in Aras's arms still holding each others hands. Orissa wanted to do something else. "Can we learn about other things and not the imps?" She asked softly afraid she'd get in trouble. Sammy wondered what it would be taught if they agreed. Orissa was part of magic they kept telling her. Magic was who Orissa was. She was special and needed special training. Sammy didn't like the big difference between them.

"Of course, but you will need to dismiss Nanny, I'm sure she has something else to do." Aras said. A bird lighted down on top of Nanny's head and despite shaking in every angle the bird stubbornly refused to go. Noma listened to the bird chatter and began to have a drawn face. "Aras, I fear there is a problem back in the city of elves. A force is besiged the city and the elves inside, you and the girls will not be able to return there."

"What do you mean?! We can't go to gramma's?" Orissa and Samantha asked afraida nd worried now. Hugging Aras tightly. They were both afraid. They didn't have Mummy or Daddy here to save them and the family was really far away and they were outside the city! ORissa began to panic and Sammy scowled because she left her weapons at home. The two girls began to panic because Orissa was told she was wanted before and to becareful.

"Do not worry, we will find somewhere to hide until someone can come get us. Noma will you go to the city and inform Lady Sirrus of our situation and ask for her options on what we need to do." Even though the elf maid was terrified, she did not allow her charges to see or hear it. She would protect them like they were her daughters, even if it meant giving her life for theirs. Please elf-father, I ask you to bring a miracle to bear and protect these children from what seeks to harm them. she silently prayed.

Orissa was crying softly in her fear holding tightly onto Aras and Samantha was holding Aras but had drawn her little knife. "We have to find something to chelter us and an open place isn't a good place." Samantha says to Aras even though she too was scared she promised Rissy she'd protect her the next time something happened. And now Aras was here too and Samantha was the only fighter so it was up to her.

Aras stood and offered the girls her hands, "I know somewhere we can go." Without another word she led the girls into another part of the forest where they could find places to hide. Minutes turned into an hour of travel and they found an old wolves den under a white oak tree. She popped her head inside and seeing there had been no occupant for years slid inside. "Alright come along you two, once we get in here I will hide the entrance and we will wait." 

"Please please don't let us be found!" Orissa prayed outloud to the gods mummy prayed to. Sammy kept her knife out the whole time and was praying to but silently. She needed to be strong for Aras and Orissa because she was a warrior. It was her job to protect them even if she only had a knife. Orissa was what they were after it had to be. Cause of her being magic and powerful.

Aras hide the entrance and produced enough to make them cofrotable and warm in the nest. "We'll be safe in here, just limit the amount of talking we do alright?" And so they began to wait for help from the Ravenwoods or the city itself. She got them some rations and passed her waterskin for them to drink. With an arm around them and her sword at the ready in case they were discovered, they waited.

A couple hours later the sky opened up and it began to rain, but inside the blind it was warm. The only thing uncomfortable about it was that the three of them were concerned about being found. A slight movement above them had Aras move forward sword ready. Until Nanny plopped into the den holding the hat full of berries. She held them out to the girls proudly with a hopeful smile that they were happy with her.

"Th-Thank you. But you need to go now Nanny. Go away... You might give us away. Go back okay. To where you came from. We need to stay hidden." Orissa whispered urgently to the little imp female. Taking the berries and handing some to her sister too. They needed to stay safe and hidden why Aras didn't come inside with them too worried Orissa a lot. She was scared that Aras might get hurt staying outside the hiding hole.

Aras slipped back inside as Nanny began to fade away her last gibberish being, "Ewe Ori u Sam neywe ufa." The elf nodded her head and took a seat with the girls. "Noma came to me, Lucas is somewhere in the woods and is looking for us. And Lord Ravenwood is coming with soldiers to run the invaders off, we will stay here until we are found by your brother." She touched each of the girls faces and gave them a reassuring smile.

Not far from the little burrow stood a female mage and several warriors all wearing Soth's pin. Her spell of locating found this place with little trouble and now she was waiting for the perfect time to fetch them. The elf would not be able to fight well and she would put a anti-magic circle around the tree so the Ravenwood daughter couldn't use hers. One of the Avorial's was tracking the palidan miles from here. This would be her easiest order from the masters yet and she just had to pick the right time.

Orissa immedietly crawled closer to Aras. "Something isn't right... I feel... tingly." Orissa says softly, she didn't know what it was she felt. But it scared her tht she was fealing this tingle. She'd never felt it before. Samantha took out her knife and scooted closer to the opening hidden just on the side of the opening. IF anyone reached in they would get a very hard lesson. And painful too from Samantha, she had sworn herself to protect Orissa and if Orissa felt scared something really was wrong.

Aras wrapped an arm around Orissa and watched the opening, she hid them well and prayed Lucas would be along shortly. She was a little glad Samantha had moved to the side of of the hole. The young warrior could stick any unwelcome guest and give Aras a chance to thrust her sword outside the hole. Lord Ravenwood would hopefully be quick and scatter these enemies to rescue them. "Orissa, can you describe what the tingly feeling is like? Is it a nervous feeling?" she whispered in Orissa's ear.

"Nuh uh... it kinda sounds likea fly... somewhere outside or a bee... It feels... It feels a little tingly like the bee sounds... but just for a little while then it stopped... but I think I'm starting to feel it again... and it's closer." Orissa whispers in her softest voice back to Aras. It was hard to explain because she felt it before but she thought everyone could and that it was normal.

"It's ok, everything will be alright, we'll be home before long." she whispered winking to Samantha. Aras was trying to keep all of them calm and hidden from this invading enemy. Her head picked up as the sound came to her ears. The leaves whisked away and a large arm stuck itself into the hole reaching for them. Under her breath she prayed, "Father Corellon, please help us."

Samantha took both hands on the dagger and stabbed the arm deep in the middle of the arm where Daddy always said it was the weakest. "NO!" Orissa screamed in terror as the hand came through the hole. And then Samantha went into action and Orissa felt a lot of the tingly. "It's happening! It's tingling I don't like it!" ORissa said softly hlding tight to Aras. She was terrified she knew that these were not people here to help her.

With Orissa holding her Aras couldn't thrust her blade out of the hole. The owner of the hand howlled in pain and swung his hand back knocking Samantha away and disappearing with the dagger still buried. A voice outside the tree called the injured man an idiot before turning to talk into the hole. "Oy, young misseses, cute trick I must say you are a worthy adversary. Now if'n you please to come out 'ere or'e else me and me mates 'ere will set fire to this 'ere tree."

ORissa tightened her hold on Aras. She was trembling now she knew they were here for her and there was nothing she could do once the tree was set to fire except get out of the hole... which is what they wanted them to do anyways. Samantha on the other hand grumbled and sniffled just slightly because she hit her head and it hurt and she scraped her arm. She didn't have any other weapons but daddy always said everything was a weapon. Dirt rocks and tree limbs, but with the threat of being set to fire she too looked at Aras in fear. "Fine we're coming!" Sammy calls if nothing to try and stave off any other attackers or get in another hit. She decided going out rear first would be better because they couldn't grab her hair if she went out head first.

Aras grabbed her and brought her close, "No, listen both of you, I am going to cast a spell and when it starts we run." She made sure they both understood and looked back to the hole and focused. Chanting in elvish, Orissa could feel magic flow from Aras it swirled about then shot from the den. Outside cries of pain and panic rang out as the sound of fire was heard from the attackers. Swallowing her fears she moved forward intending to exit the den first, "Follow me girls and no matter what happens stay together."

"No! You'll get hurt!" Samantha complained knowing as a bard Aras wasn't as strong or able to defend like a soldier or even like a druid or ranger. Orissa was crying but nodded her head understanding what Aras wanted them to do. She and Samantha held hands tightly and followed Aras out of the hole. The fire could be troublesome to the forest and burn a lot of it if it wasn't control and besides the girls were taught to fear fire.

They were surprised first by Nolo's injury by the sister, then worse when Hireck, Tul, and Megaish were outlined in fire. Sila quickly cast a dispell to put them out, and Ashba squared off with the elf wench. Aras headed toward the only one that wasn't on fire, sword high. The girls were behind her, counting on her to protect them, she could not fail. The unarmed man was the only one that stood between them and the forest, and her world exploded into lights as he moved faster than she ever thought and struck her.

Ashba had been trained on the fighting techniques of many races, the elf woman was no trouble for him. Slapping away her attack and striking her several times dropping her to the ground. The maiden was bleeding from her nose and lip, panting for breath. Sila noted the defeat of the young woman and called to the twins, "My friend can break her neck with only a simple strike, if you behave yourselves she will live. Make your choice and you all may survive what is to come, so what is your answer?" she put her hand on her hip.

"ARAS!!!" Orissa screamed in terror seeing thier friend and caretaker taken down so quickly. Tears streaming down Orissa's face as Sammy wrapped her arms around her sister and made her look away. She was crying too but she hadn't screamed. She was still alive. "It's uncle... who wants us... isn't it." Samantha says sheltering and craddling her sobbing sisters head. Orissa wasn't meant to be around blood and torture. She was never good with violence.

"I will not give that order if you two behave and do as I tell you to, do we have an agreement?" Sila asked even as the others put themselves out. They were under orders to deliver the girls to the master, but if it kept them complacent then she would spare the elf. Tul produced some rope for which to tie their hands, especially Orissa's since she could use magic. Megaish knelt and after healing the elf bound her hands in front of her and tied another rope so she was tethered to the children. Sila did not like children or whiney little elves either, but she wanted to keep the masters happy.

Orissa cried and walked so close to Samantha they walked in the same step together. "You are evil. Mum and dad won't let you get away with this or uncle." Samantha said glaring as much like her mother as she could to Sila. But really Samantha was just as glad for her sister walking so close to her as she was because she was afraid too. Terrified they'd meet their uncle and he would do horrible things to a lot of people and to mum and dad.

Tul knealt and took Orissa's hands first, putting them in a small sack and tieing it securely, then tieing Samantha's as well before connecting them to Aras. Once that was done they let the girls be close to the nanny, anything to get them to shut up while the next move was decided. Aras got as close to them as she could, "I'm so sorry girls, we'll be ok, some how I'll get you home." Nolo looked at the small group of prisoners, especially the elf, "So what you think I can have some fun with the woman?" Sila glared at him, "Anything we capture goes to the master you all know that, I'm sick of debating let's set out for the meeting point. They came and got them to their feet and set off deeper into Sildea.

Orissa continued to cry and sob. She was so afraid of these people and what they were going to do to her. If it wasn't for Samantha and Aras being close Orissa didn't know what she'd do. As it was she could feel chaos. The more angry the people who captured them got the more chaotic Orissa felt. She was crying so hard it hurt and only the line of Samantha's movement kept her moving and not falling over. Samantha cried to but silently they didn't need to hear it her fear. They knew they frightened them. Such jerks.... IF she had a knife she would kill them.

Into a clearing they were marched and there were even more people waiting for them. Galadrid and a large warrior in armor were talking far from them, once they came into sight though they stopped. "Hail my masters we have found the children as you had instructed. The girls were sat together while Galadrid and the taller warrior talked. Aras pulled something from her pocket and leaned over to wipe Orissa's tears then put the dark cloth in her pocket, "You hang on to this for me, ok?"

Orissa nodded huddling close to her sister. Sammy tried to be bigger and protect Orissa from the two large men as best she could even from sight but what with them being twins and wearing the same clothes and having the same hair. Sammy knew Aras was going to do something. She wanted to save them and they needed saving. Sammy sent up a prayer to Pelor to help them because she didn't have any weapons.

"Well, my nieces daughters how nice to finally see you both." Galadrid said moving near. "So, I bet you are interested in knowing why we brought you here to meet with me. Orissa, I will leave your sister and your nanny be if you agree to come with us. I promise you will not be harmed and returned to your mother and father when we are done. So, young magic, will you come?" he asked reaching toward Orissa's cheek.

Orissa just got more terrified the closer he got. She didn't want to leave she didn't want to go with him and she was close to panicing at the moment. Until that is Samantha leaned forward and with a growl bit Galadrids hand before he could touch her sister. She bit as hard ar she could before letting go and throwing herself at him trying to knock him over from the leaning position he was in. "Don't you touch my sister!" She growled out angrily. Even with her hands tied it wasn't going to stop her from protecting her twin. Once that started happening Orissa curled tighted to try and protect herself and chanted in a high pitched scared little voice for help over and over and over. With pleases mixed in and tears running down her face.

The large warrior cuffed Samantha hard enough to daze her and pulled Galadrid away. He was swearing in high elvish and looked non to happy with the group of prisoners. Aras pulled Samantha and Orissa close, she had to do something to give her girls a chance to escape. Waiting until Samantha regained her senses she pulled the closer and whispered, "My loves listen close to what I say, I am going to create a diversion and you to will run back southeast to the city. Please don't argue or look back, I will be fine and help will find you I know it." she said kissing both of their cheeks.

"No please don't make us leave Aras!" ORissa said snuggling as close as she could get to the elf. She didn't want to be left alone in the woods. She knew there was more in the woods. More bad guys. Mummy always said Galadrid always had a plan. Samantha's head was sore and she was still realing just a bit but she too didn't want Aras to do something to get hurt or anything. "I'll help!" She said her hands almost already out of the rope binding around her wrists. IT was a trick she got from daddy by dislocating her thumb. Which happened a lot because of an accident not long ago.

"There is no other way, Samantha you must safeguard your sister and yourself. Orissa it must be done, you need to get back to your parents, I love you two like my own and must protect you. Please do this I cannot let them take you away from your parents, when I tell you to you must run." She knew that Galadrid would change tatics and that would mean hurting the girls. The plan came to her quickly and she knew that it was the only recourse she had left to her.

Samantha watching the men around her glaring at them took one of the small daggers from Aras's boot. All elves had a dagger in their boot and Samantha would need it to free her sisters hands quickly. She wasn't good at untying things. Samantha swallowed though and even as she glared tears were begining to run down her face. Orissa never stopped sobbing, just saying no and that she wouldn't go. Sobbing and pressing herself against Aras. Orissa knew what was going to happen. Mummy and Daddy told them what Uncle Galadrid did. They didn't want this either of them.

"Orissa no matter what my cloth in your pocket belongs to you be brave, you too little Samantha. I love you both dearly now get ready." she used the dagger Samantha took to cut her bonds. Quickly she stood and pulled a sword from a guard and cast another spell. "Run!" she shouted even as her spell was forced ended by the wizard. The armored warrior charged back but was held at bay by Aras, while Galadrid screamed out for them to grab the girls.

And then the shouts and cries got louder around them and several pairs of Orissa and Samantha showed up and began running all over. The men were getting confused as they chased pairs for duplicates around. A hand grabbed the girls and Nanny began to pull them in the direction Aras had told them. "Ori un Samna kum uma eweuy, O tak bef safa!" she said looking fearfully over her shoulder. Her fellow imps could only keep this charade going so long.

Orissa stumbled and Sammy cut her bonds quickly. "Wait!" Orissa commanded before turning to face the chaos She began to mumble the words aiming at her great uncle. The strongest magic spell she had a bolt of lightning flew from her hands and headed for Galadrid hitting or skimming others in the process but not Aras. After the spell went off Orissa wiped her eyes with her sleeve and Grabbed the stunned Sammy and ran as fast as she could. She deffinetly didn't want to get caught now. But again Mummies advice filtered into Orissa's head. Never run in a straight line. Zig Zag and run through rough terrain or bushes to confuse those who are chasing you. If you are still small girls then find a prickle bush that something has made a den in and hide. So Orissa took the lead and did as her mother said. Sammy following after like a good body guard though she had seen the destruction of the spell clearly.

Nanny helped the best she could to lead the girls to safe spots they could rest. After a time they were unable to run any further and the three of them stopped to catch their breath and bearings. Nanny though tired made it a point to check on the girls and try to comfort them. The area of the forest was very foreign to them, if pursuit was behind them then hiding would be the only option. Aras had not followed behind, and for the time being it looked like the twins and Nanny were on their own.

Samantha took them behind some bushes surrounding a tree, hidden from the direction they came from... but only the direction they came from. She and Orissa were breathing heavily and Samantha was looking out keeping watch while getting her breath back ignoring the tears the longer she didn't see Aras coming. She had to protect Orissa. It was her job. But Aras wasn't coming... Aras would never come back. Because uncle Galadrid... Samantha wiped her eyes when her vision blurred. She said nothing to Orissa who sat clutching the clothe Aras had given her as she tried to get her breath back. She was praying though over and over that Aras was okay.

A long time passed before they heard footsteps and saw several men appear through the trees. They were following the girls' trail and more than likely would find them. Nanny began to talk low to herself or someone that the girls couldn't see. "All right girls, get out here or we gonna have to hurt your friend." the shorter of the two said. Nanny came to Orissa and shook her head, she thought it was a trick that the bad men were playing.

Signing for Orissa to stay where she was Samantha looked out of the bramble bushes... or over them really. Letting her head pop up. She had a good hold on the dagger. She was afraid of what she was going to see but she knew Orissa nad her couldn't run much farther. They needed a rescue or else they were gonna be caught for good. Samantha was afraid of that really afriad of that. But what else could they do.

The man pointed to her and the other smiled, "The two of you come out right now!" They were smiling smugly, until two armored warriors came out wielding some wicked weapons. Apparently, neither of these men thought they were a match for these two. Quickly they retreated back the way they came and the warriors motioned to Samantha the way they should go. Nanny was already pulling on Orissa to follow her past the towering warriors.

Orissa trembled and continued to sob into the clothe as she was pulled along by Nanny. Samantha kept her grip on her small dagger and followed her sister keeping an eye on the warriors. She didn't like them showing up suddenly but she was grateful for the saving. She just wanted to keep her and Orissa save. She wished she was strong enough to go and get Aras back too.

As they got beside them, a slow hissing sound happened and the warriors shrank until they were the same size as the girls and Nanny. Orissa's magic had conjured them to help try and protect the sisters. A long while later the trio had to stop again to rest near a small brook, Nanny started to look sickly her magic was nearing an end. "Oso yeh Sman, K oly punt Sileda oho meen." she said trying to scoop up some water which flowed right through her hand. With the last bit of magic Nanny wrapped her little arms around Orissa, wanting to comfort her, she disappeared.

"I feel kinda tired...." Orissa said softly, more drained of energy then actually tired though. Not a lot just more then she'd ever felt before. She was tired and did get a drink from the stream but she was tired from running for so long. Samantha cursed and got a drink too. "We cant go to the front doors... they'll be closed... 'm sure. But I dunno where we are or how far..." Samantha said before walking over and hugging her sister tightly. Orissa clung to her instantly and so the girls huddled together closely afraid and lost and all alone.

"Aw, looks like I lucked out into finding you two." a voice sounded behind them. This warrior carried a longsword and looked like a tracker, he also had a more sinister look in his eyes. "The master is very cross that you escaped, and now I doubt you'll ever see a weak willed member of your family again. Pity, I'd give anything to gain some fame gutting a Ravenwood and carrying their heart back to the Disciples." Neither girl would be able to outrun him and Samantha could not out fight him either.

The girls trembled. After being startled out of their wits, then seeing this man and his eyes. "Don't come closer!" Samantha said though her little voice trembled with fear and she was barely holding back tears. Orissa however kept a tight grip on Samantha still crying hard. They were only five years old and all alone... "HEEELLLPPPP!!!!" ORissa screamed quite suddenly in her tearful fit.

"Looking for a Ravenwood to gut, I might be willing to show you what we can do. But, threaten my sisters again and I'll send you back to your friends in pieces." Conner had began to hear the commotion but hurried when he heard the girls. The other man blanched a little, he had not anticipated that an older one would walk right into this little conversation. "Conner right? Would have liked one who knew how to use a sword, not his mouth."

"CONNER!" Both girls yelled at once before running to him, Samantha helping Orissa who tripped while getting up. They tightly hugged a leg each before hiding behind him. "Conner can beat you because Mummy and Daddy trained him!" Samantha says before making a foul face at the man. Orissa just clung to Conner and cried, still holding onto her sister as well. She knew they were safe but she also in a way knew Aras was gone forever.

The two men moved forward and met with sword clashing, rather than being more passive Conner was being aggressive. The other man had not considered being in a fight and still wore his cloak therefore moved awkwardly. The man sneered and commented, "Why not surrender Conner I will kill you quickly before I take them to my master." Conner was quick to rebuke him, "Never, I will take my sisters home and if not you as a prisoner then leave you here for the crows." The other man tossed his cloak at Conner then came on with a vicious thrust hoping to impale the young bard.

Samantha kept Orissa close to a tree so she was between the fighting men and herself. She knew Orissa was tired but Rissy was still crying and Sammy wanted to help but the only thing she could do was keep her and Rissy out of the way so Conner could kill the bad man and they could go home Like Conner had promised. They wanted Mummy and Daddy trerribly but Samantha thought of protecting herself and Rissy first while Rissy wanted Aras back and Mummy and Daddy and just cried.

The enemy never saw Conner's off hand, his longsword knocked the thrusting blade aside. Like his parent's Conner carried at least three daggers, one of which now was buried to the hilt in his opponent's stomach. "I told you, you'd never hurt my sisters and I will leave you for the crows." Conner whispered before letting him fall. He turned and stepped away, kneeling he opened his arms to his little sisters. "Are you two alright? Gods, mother and father will be relieved I have you."

Orissa bolted into his arms but Samantha just walked over looking at the dead man the whole time. It was the first dead man she'd ever seen before. After he'd been alive and scary too. "I want Mummy and Daddy! They can get Aras!!" Cried Orissa clinging to her brother tightly. While Samantha in Conners arms kept staring at the dead man and the blood still pouring out of the wound and the dagger imbedded in his stomach.

Conner hefted them both up and moved them away, he checked both for wounds before really saying much else. "Daddy is on his way to Sildea Oriy, and Lucas is somewhere in the forest too looking for you two. Sammy don't look at him alright, let me see if your hurt. Mother is stuck at home but sends her love to you both, we'll see her soon, I promise." He figured following the warrior's trail back to the camp would be easy enough, but now his responsibility was to his baby sisters.

"We're not hurt..." Sammy says softly looking up at Conner. Before great big tears began to fall from her cheeks too. She'd been trying to be strong to save Orissa but not that Conner was here she was just a little girl again and finally everything was over for her. Orissa sniffled and nodded at what Sammy had said. "Aras is back there... She protected us and we ran away... I thunderbolted them... and then... then she never followed us out again." Orissa said sniffling harder before crying again. though after a few moments of Conner walking she fell asleep. She was magically drained and physically. Samantha continued to cry though, she had been brave as long as she could.

Conner moved them further away and put them close together and covered them with his cloak to keep them warm. He kissed each of their cheeks, "Samantha I have to move around the area to look for any more of them. Stay with Orissa under here alright." he whispered stroking her face before moving away. The idea that there were more out there and he also needed to contact the others to advise he had the girls. Having already hid the others body and getting his dagger, all before realizing he wasn't alone.

Both girls huddled closely together and helped shushed each other. They would wait for Conner to come back. They were afraid of being alone again and they had to be quiet in case anybody bad was coming. So they stayed hidden holding each other and comforting each other while they waited for there big brother to come back and make things safe again. they were both terrified and wanted to go home.

A little while later Conner returned and pulled back the cloak, over he shoulder was Lucas. "Alright, we are going to find a place to hold up the city is under attack already and father and his men are getting close." Lucas hugged both girls before taking Orissa's hand, Conner taking Samantha's and they moved off to find a more secure place to wait for the all clear. Conner did want to see about finding Aras, he remembered her from when he and Lily had visited often over the years. He and Lucas also discussed the possibilty of running afoul of Galadrid and his men.

"I...I wanna go home Lucas..." Orissa says softly sniffling and holding his hand tightly. Samantha was holding Conners and she nodded. "I want Mummy..." Sammy said hanging her head, both girls had been scared out of their wits threatened had someone they loved they knew was dead and Samantha especially watched someone die and be dead after being alive. they had been running and Orissa's magic had been used up and she began to walk slower her legs dragging. She was tired... really tired.

Lucas picked her up and carried her to where they were going to stop and wait. Conner opened his backpack and fished out some food and his waterskin and passed it out to them. "Alright, Lucas is gonna stay here with you two while I head to check on the camp." Lucas eyed him until Conner reminded him that he had agreed to let this happen. "I'll be back shortly all right." he said before heading to the trail.

Samantha took a drink but she didn't eat. Orissa didn't even rouse she had fallen asleep in Lucas's arms while they had been walking. She was to tired to continue on. Samantha sat down and leaned against the tree and kept wiping her eyes even though she wasn't technically crying. She wasn't letting her tears fall because she was supposed to be strong but she wanted Mummy so bad too.

Conner followed the trail, and it led back to the camp which was now abandoned. He knew it was time to inform mother of the situation, he took out his bedroll and after putting everything securely away he cast. "Mother can you hear me, I have news about Orissa and Samantha. I found them and Lucas has found us, the maid with them however. It was just like Tess, I have her body hidden away until father and Lucas can help me take her back to grandmother in Sildea.

" thank the gods... how do you know about Tess? I made sure none of you kids had to see that. You make sure to be careful... Thank heavens you boys found those girls... Are they okay?! Are you both alright?" Alehial said her worry still coming through so was her releif. After dealing with Asper this was great news and terrible news. " Lucas can fly you all into Sildea, you'll all be safe then. Where are you outside of Sildea... it would be best to let your grandmother know." Alehial said thinking how mest to get all the children to safety even the boys.

"To be honest I snooped into some of you and fathers papers, Shaken up and Orissa exhausted her magic. I had to kill a invader in front of them, he left me little choice. As far as Lucas flying us into the city and our location, I have no idea. Lucas told me he was attacked by someone calling themself a Avoral druid, do you know what they are? What about Darryl? I think it best he deliver them to you at home and let us clean up our enemies here."

"That's... not good. Darryl is having to deal with Asper right now... Asper got the baby too excited and it's a little touch and go for the night. Besides Darryl might draw attention to where you are if he popped in and out. I would never want to leave you two boys at the mercy of a large group... especially if they are avoral druids. For now hide and comfort the girls and let them rest. Stay out of the way of any enemies and as soon as Asper is calm and alright I'll see if Darryl will part from her to gather the girls. The safest place for them is away from Galadid. That is a deffinet. I wish I were there to help you but I've got my hands full here." Alehial said she didn't know a lot about avoral druids since it had been a long time since her studies, she wanted to get more information on them. Also she had to deal with everything happening in her household and now Darryls. At least she didn't have to worry about the girls so much... and the youngest not at all being inside the walls. But she worried about everyone else as well.

"I'll do my best to keep us several steps in front of the enemy, I promise. But, the girls sent me to find Aras and I do not know what to tell them. I hope we get a handle on all these troubles, else it maybe a long couple of months ahead." Conner headed off back to the girls and Lucas, but not before doing the most important elven death rights for Aras. Orissa and Samantha were all that mattered now, keeping them safe was his and Lucas's responsibility now.

When Conner returned Orissa was still sleeping in Lucas's arms and Samantha was leaning against him and the tree asleep as well. It was hour past their usual nap time and all they had been through they just couldn't keep themselves awake any longer. Both girls were quiet sleepers though and both were touching Lucas. He was obviously their rock of defense and hope to get safe or to go home. Orissa was sleeping heavily but there was a slight frown on her face, every few minutes.

Conner squatted down and used hand signals from their childhood to inform Lucas of everything. The warrior grimaced hearing that Aras was dead, the girls would be very upset when they were told. He signed back trying to find out what their next option was and grimaced more when Conner returned they were on their own, until father could find them. Nodding his agreement to Conner's suggestion that they needed to move somewhere more defensible and hidden from enemies. Samantha wound up in Conner's arms as they moved off looking for somewhere to wait out the storm engulfing Sildea.

When the girls awoke Conner was going through his pack to find food for them and Lucas was keeping an eye out. It was almost dark and they had found a little nitch in a natural stone crevice. Conner gathered some things to make a bed for the girls and make a cover to hide them. Lucas afterward gathered some small tinder to make a smokeless fire to keep everyone warm. It seemed to the brothers that this was unreal, Sildea had always been a safe harbor for their family.

"Conner I don't feel good..." Orissa said once she woke up, she still felt... tired almost but not like she needed a nap. She'd never had all her magic used up before. IT felt like an absense of a pressure... or like there was a weight she normally couldn't feel. Though she couldn't put it to words. She just wanted comforted. Sammy woke hearing her sister talk and sat up. She didn't hurt... she knew Aras would never come back and seeing Conner kill that man... all that bright red... the bubbling and coughing... Sammy stared into the fire silently. She just kept seeing the dead man covered in blood, that continued to come from his body.

Conner abandoned his search for supplies and came over to check on Orissa and Samantha both, with almost fatherly concern. "What's a matter Rissy? I bet you used up all that magic you carried, it takes a toll to cast like that I know." He picked her up and sat beside Samantha and held them both close to him in front of the little fire. "Sam, how about you? Feeling alright, I know you have been dealing with a lot." he knew seeing the fight with the Sothite was her first dead body. Lucas looked in and saw the trio together, he slipped back outside after laying his pile of wood nearby.

Orissa nodded and snuggled against him, she didn't really understand it completely but if he said it then it was true and that was what had happened. She looked over at her sister and wondered what she was thinking... it seemed very serious.
Sammy looked up at Conner. "Is that what Mummy and Daddy do to? Even Lucas and Lyriel?" She asked softly looking back into the fire, her little eyebrows were creased in thought. "And MAthious and Flint too." She added a moment later. She did lean back against her brother and against her sister but she wanted to know the answer.

"Yes, but it isn't what they would prefer to do, he gave me no other resort. He was going to hurt you and Rissy and you two are my sisters, my blood and I'd defend you both with everything I have. We all would." He was going to let Lucas come back in and wait with the girls soon while he checked on the body and see what was happening around Sildea. But, sooner or later they were going to have to make a descision on keeping watch and how best to sleep. Conner had killed orcs and other monsters, but this was his third human/demihuman kill, and it bothered him a little.

"I want to kill uncle Galdrid. Like you did that man. I want him dead and bleeding... somewhere no one will go looking for him. I want to learn how to kill bad men." Samantha said deffiently staring into the fire, her face had gone from thoughtful to angry. "I want to grow big and kill men who hurt MY family." She said putting her arms around her knee's and glowering into the fire. She wanted more then that one man dead... she wanted them all dead. and she wanted to be the one who got to do it... but she knew she was too little to do anything but lightly wound.

Conner lifted her head to look him in the eye, "Sammy, we fight to protect our family, and you can take up the mantle of protecting them as well. But, don't give up being a little girl for now, Lily and I got to be children and have fun. You and Rissy should do the same, be warriors and wizardesses later when you grow up some more." Conner had no idea Sammy felt like this and was a little concerned about this. Mother could better help with how Samantha was feeling all they had to do was get them home.

"But I can't help save ANYBODY!" Samantha says looking up at him before tears fell from her eyes and she hid her face in his stomach cried. She hadn't been able to save Aras and she couldn't save Orissa or herself. It was all their fault Aras was dead, all her fault because she couldn't fight the bad guys. This time it was Samantha's turn to sob her little heart out. Se would work as hard as she could to become a warrior no matter what Conner said because she couldn't do anything until she was strong and big. She clung to Conner while she cried and sobbed.

Conner wrapped his arm around her and held her close, there wasn't much to say. She felt she was unable to do anything and even though he believed differently that she tried. "Sammy, you have all the will of a fighter of great ability, you will need time for your strength and skill to catch up with that spirit." Lucas came in and had a seat nearby, he felt horrible that they had been so late to get to the girls and Aras. He had no doubt that Samantha would have fought until she had no more strength if she was older and had a weapon.

Orissa dragged herself up and stumbled over to Lucas and sat in his lap. "It's too late now." ORissa said softly to Lucas snuggling against her big brother and favorite protector. She seemed very lethargic and her eyes dimmed from the usual brightness they held. "She'll never play if she can get stronger... and she'll never stop trying to be what she wants." Orissa said softly leaning against Lucas and sighing heavily. She too had to learn more control over her own powers... so she didn't have much time to be a child either.

Conner picked up Sammy and let her get it all out, rubbing her back lightly and trying to soothe her. Lucas did the same with Orissa and hoped that Tani was safe in Sildea, more than likely she was trying to help defend the elves. "Would you all like to pray with me, for those in Sildea and of course our family?" Conner nodded that he would and he would add his voice for Samantha as Lucas would for sleepy little Rissy. Conner longed to call for Darryl and beg him to take the girls to Alehial.

Orissa sleepily added her voice to the prayer in th parts she knew for Pelor's prayer. But Samantha continued to cry she was a little soothed with her brothers being there and praying for them all. But she couldn't stop the tears of anger and sadness and loss. Not until the sun went down completely and she fell asleep her head on Conner's shoulder and one arm flung around his neck. Orissa too had gotten sleepier and sleepier. "Bed now?" She asked in a sleepy voice looking up at Conner.

Lucas looked to Conner, "I will take the watch, you and the girls can share my bedroll to keep warm." Conner nodded and got them all settled under the heavy blanket. Almost immeadiatly they fell into a deep sleep and Lucas tended the fire. When the time was right, he would wake Conner and have him take the watch. They would have to hide until they could find a way to get back.

Both girls slept deeply. But they both were clearly having unhappy dreams. But nothing woke them in the night not even Conner leaving and Lucas taking his place. Both girls were worn out emotionally and physically. In Orissa's case magically as well. Neither girl knew what was going to happen but there brothers were there so they knew they were safe, that knowledge seemed to be enough for the girls to be a little comfortable at least. Even if they were frowning in their sleep.

Tani awoke to several interesting things, the first being she was laying on a bed. The second was that Sirrian was cuddled up next to her, "Tani warm." He had discovered her while hiding from his nanny, the whole house was in a uproar with the twins being missing. Sirrus had been irate since she could send no one out to help look for her granddaughters. Lucas after recieving Tani's blessing left to find his sisters.

"Oh Sirrian did you run from your Nanny again?" Tani asked soft scooping the child up extra carefully and sitting up spreading her wings to allow her to do so comfertably. She then shook her wings a little yawned and got off the bed. She opened the door to see where she was but she didn't really know Sirrus's house and was afraid to go poking around in another persons home. IT was not polite nor honorable. "Maybe we should go downstairs... I'm sure someone down there can help us." Tani says smiling softly at the little boy in her arms. She never did hold the children much so she was being extra cautious and holding him in both arms. Not that she would drop him but... just inexperience.

Sirrian cuddled against the warmth and smiled at her, "Tani me go fly with you?" He knew that he was safe with her and even more so than just in Grandmother's house. The nanny caught sight of them coming down the stairs, "Oh, thank heavens, I have been looking everywhere for you Sirrian. He didn't wake you did he miss Tani?" Giggling Sirrian threw his arms around Tani's neck, "Tani take me flying!"

"No he didn't wake me. Thank you for your concern miss. I'm sorry Sirrian I can't take you flying right now. Samantha and Orissa got lost in the woods and I need to go find them. Stay with your Nanny please Sirrian." Tani asked the little boy before kssing his forehead. Then dientangling him gently she handed him to the Nanny. "I will go preform my morning mass... please tell mistress Sirrus I will be back for my armor and weapons once I return." Tani said bowing her head to the maid before walking out the doors. It was much later then she usually woke but she gave the last of her energy to her husband so she had needed to replenish. Finding a statue before the church itself for Pelor, small but still there, Tani knelt and bowed her head begining her morning ritual.

Not far off, Jake watched Tani as she prayed to Pelor this morning, it lifted his spirits a little. Since the twins and Aras had disappeared and the invaders arrived he had been feeling very sickly, almost nausous and it worried him. Waiting for her to finish before he approached her, "Tani, I have a question and hope you might be able to answer it for me. I keep getting this sick feeling, like when I get too close to the walls or even once before when I was out in the woods with the twins and Lissa. Is there something wrong with me?" he asked not realizing he was becoming a Paladin like Lucas.

"Jacob... you would like to follow in Pelor's ways wouldn't you? I've seen the interest. Do you pray each morning to the sun?" Tani smiled softly she could see the subtle change happening already. "There is nothing wrong with you Jacob. Just that your destiny is unfolding." Tani said softly with a smile waiting for him to answer the questions she herself posed. She flared out her wings so they could settle against her back again comfertably. She always had to spread them to kneel. IF he was worried she would help him the best she could. It might even help keep the enemy further back from the walls. Even a single boy could change the events of the future.

"I do pray and I want to be the kind of hero that Lucas and Altair and the rest of the family is. Only, don't you have to be, well, like them all good and everything?" Jake knew that Lucas had been blessed by Pelor, he just couldn't see getting that blessing for a simple boy who grew up on the streets of Venir until he came to Andor. Then everything changed, Asper and Darryl married then began to wait for their baby, and he had been sent here to Sildea. Was this the plan that Pelor sought for him? He spent a great deal of time confused about who he should try to be.

"What makes you think you are not good Jacob?" Tani sighed. the search would have to wait a little while. Right now Jake was clearly in need of her. probably had been for a while. "Let's sit over here." Tani said pointing to a bench nearby. She needed to have a talk and perhaps if it was Pelor's will... give a blessing. He wouldn't be a paladin, he would just be blessed and turned towards the path Pelor and Jake had chosen for him. Tani would be the conduit and speak for her god if it was his will.

"Well, I always thought you needed to be from a family like Lucas or Altair. You know noble, I figured I'd be just a fighter like Flint or Mathius or maybe a cleric like you if I had any magical aptitude." He didn't quite understand magic like Orissa and Lissa wielded. And could even less understand the magic of nature like Lord & Lady Ravenwood or Lyriel. "I mean magic granted by Pelor to do his will, makes more sense then where the others magic comes from." he said feeling a little embarassed.

"Magic in all forms is what it is. Your sister sheilded you from the evils of Venir very well Jacob. Pelor is a god of healing and helping. There are no requirments other then to do Pelor's will to become one of his followers. Lucas fell from the path because of what he found out about his home and whom had done it. But he found me... and Pelor brought me to him. Slowly I have seen your heart change Jacob. You are a good boy. Not yet adult and not yet ready to take up any true mantle yet. But I can give you Pelor's blessing and ask him to favor and guide you. Either becoming a Cleric like myself or a fighter in the name of Pelor, if this is what draws you to him... then follow that draw. For now I will give you this." Tani said softly pulling the Medallion of Pelor off from around her neck and with a blessing put it over Jake's. Now when you go near the wall with Pelor protecting you, you should not feel so nauseuos from the evil you feel outside the walls." Tani says with a kind and soft smile for Jake. She was waiting for an answer whether he wanted the full blessing or not. IT would deffinetly make him feel the greater good of Pelor and people around him and the evil in others.

"I'd, I'd like that, I know that I could do good things for those who need help. Thank you Tani for wanting to help me, I know there is more important things than my tiny problems right now." He lifted the medallion and looked at it and smiling, he felt better talking with Tani. "And once this is all over I know I have a lot to talk about with you and Lucas. What will we do now? I know that we will have to help defend Sildea."

"You will help keep the archers quivers full and for the meals to be distributed For now that is all you will be able to do. If any follower of Pelor see's the medallion stop and give them a prayer. Not come... If I am to bless you and prepare you for your future in Serving Pelor. It will be done now while he graces us with full light." Tani said standing and offering Jake her hand. Walking back over to the statue Tani name's herself fully and asks pelor a pittiance of his time to hear her plight. Turning she waited for Jake to do the same with his name. Feeling the sun shining down on her and the strength of her god flowing through her she wraps Jake in her wings. "Great Pelor, God Of healing and protection from the darkness. Bless Jacob and give him direction in the life he wishes to devote to you. Give him strength when the dark seems overwhelming through your light. And through him let others be appeased and put to ease. Guide him on the path to Fight for your name or to heal. But give him power against the darkness coming." Tani intoned the words while JAke was inside of her wings and the sun shone down through the top she'd left open. Putting her hands on Jake's chest. "May Pelor find thee worthy of serfdom." She said with a very fond smile, before she opened her wings quite suddenly and put them against her back. HE should be able to walk near the wall without feeling so sick now under Pelor's protection.

Jake had done as Tani, although he stumbled before using the name Ravenwood, unsure if Pelor would be angry since he was not a blood member of the family. But, after Tani's words he felt a warmth and strength fill him up to the top of his head. "Thank you Tani, I hope I serve proudly since you provided me with Pelor's blessing." He smiled up at her and then moved off to start trying to help where he could. When she turned Lady Sirrius was watching with a small smile on her face, "I think you will find the young man will be a credit to the service of the sun god."

"For him to have such an aura of Pelor's will now... it is a sign Pelor was already directing him and the boy needed just a little more confidence in himself that Pelor knew I could give him. IT is a pleasure to meet you again mistress Sirrus I'm sorry it had to be under such dire circumstances. If there is anything I can do to help please do not hesitate to ask it of me." Tani said bowing respectfully. Tani always felt lost with Lucas around in matters such as these but she wanted to suit up and go find him and help bring the girls back safely.

"You assistance in defense of Sildea is greatly appreciated, as would any help in tending to the wounded. But, if Pelor calls you to another path I would understand you doing anything else. I am concerned if you attempt to fly over the wall they may try to shoot you out of the sky." Sirrus could see why Lucas loved Tani so, she was beautiful and that radiated from deep inside her. Sirrian had found her this morning and apparently curled up because he knew Tani would protect him.

"They haven't surrounded the entire City... the army I saw was certainly not large enough to pull that off unless they were standing one man apeice with a few feet between him and the next offender. Pelor only gives me direction when I ask or there is dire need. What I feel now is love for my husband and deep concern for the little twins. I have felt the evil moving... Pelor Favors this city... I could feel that the first time I came. The only impression from my god was to JAcob this morning. I think it best I stay here and tend the wounded or help in defence when they finally reach whatever point they are wanting to get to. I can however check in on Lucas should the need arise at any time. Though I fear he may be in battle or need remain silent and if I startle him." Tani sighed softly before closing her eyes and inhaling smiling brightly at Sirrus again once she opened her eyes. "I'm sorry to ask this but could I perhaps have a late breakfast... I-I didn't realize how much I gave Lucas. I've never preformed the spell before. But I slept long and I am very hungry."

Sirrius smiled again, "Of course, you can ask for anything you desire back in the house. I have a little information, although most of it distressing to me personally. Conner is also in Sildea, someone or something moved him here into the forest, I would presume to find the girls. Our family right now is praying they meet up and can find the girls before the enemy." She would have preferred to send most of her soldiers out to move through the forest, but Sildea must be defended.

"I would consult with my god but... I cannot be the one to ask the questions and I have not prepared that spell to be honest. I can try and contact Conner if you would like. It wouldn't be a problem. I felt no ill when I communed with Lord Pelor this day. But that doesn't mean something already could have happened... I'm sure the gods will reveal all soon. If you would like to join me I would not detain you Lady Sirrus. If there is more you wish to speak on that is." Tani said diplomatically, it was still strange that Lucas called her grandmother... and that Alehial and Altair kept telling her to call her mom like all the children did.

She chuckled lightly and took Tani's arm with a slight smile. There had been very little to smile about with her beloved granddaughters and grandsons now in danger. "It is ok about casting anything, save that for when the enemy is at our walls, then will be the time that magic will be most needed. But, for a small second let us discuss more pleasant things, I understand that you and Lucas are married. Has there been any discussion on when you two will attempt to have children of our own?" she decided to inquire about more great-grandchildren.

"When Pelor wills it. But most we don't want to chance anything until after Galadrid and Soth's disciples are taken care of. I would not want to leave the world missing a leader or important healer and figurehead in any time of crises." Tani says softly following the gentle pull of her arm by Lady Sirrus. When Pelor told her though... Tani would do it. She would obey her lord and yet it scared her... the idea of having a child. Seeing Asper hate it so much and Elsa's obsession with it perturbed her a bit.

Sirrus smiled, and walked unhurriedly toward the house passing elves preparing defenses. Sildea had never been under any kind of threat like this before, except when years ago when Alehial and her friends turned the tide of a demon's attack. "I am glad to hear you and Lucas are looking to doing your duty. You and LUcas will have truly blessed children, and I hope you both get peace in which to raise them." The idea that another version of Galadrid leading these men made her sick, the version from this time had his flaws, but he loved his home.

"I wish for that as well. Lady Sirrus... If there is ever any need I will gladly come and assist." Tani says softly not wanting to seem overly presumptuous but wanting to further the relationship between Her country and Sildea the last of the Elven countries. She was trying to keep herself and her mind occupied. She was worried about her husband and the twins. She was worried about a lot of things and she wanted to keep herself from dwelling on them.

They arrived back at the house and Sirrus had the cook make something to eat. Sirrus had to leave for a meeting with the druid's council, Lyssa was sitting in the dining room with her spell book in front of her. The young half-elf was trying to be absorbed in her studies, but it wasn't going so well. She was thinking about her nieces and nephews, she wanted to be out there looking for them, it was what her brother would be doing. Reaching out to pickup her tea cup, she instead knocked it over and cursed quietly having not noticed Tani in the room.

"If you're having trouble with your studies then it's best not to force yourself into studying young Lessa." Tani says softly with a smile on her face as she picks up a towel and mops up the mess of tea and sets the cup right. "Would you like to talk Lessa?" Tani asks softly before she sits down and smiles brightly at A serving elf and asks for fruit and a bowl of grains. A simple breakfast for her. She tried to live simply, even though she was the princess of the country and an icon of a god to her people.

"It isn't right, I should be using my magic to try and help find Orissa and Samantha, not to metion aid Lucas and Conner!" She was angry at herself for not being able to do more. Her mother had forbidden her to leave Sildea and they could not send her home by magic. It was maddening being here and helpless, she had been told before that this was the influence of her father's blood on her elven side. "I want to help, but, I keep being treated as a child." she said crossing her arms over her chest and staring at the spell book.

"You are deffinetly a Ravenwood. Lessa let me give you an image to ponder. Say you are outside the gates. You are barely a level one wizard as of yet and you haven't matured fully as well. The Army would find you... If they found out who you were they would torture you and possibly kill you. If you tried to find Conner and Lucas on your own imagine some army scouts following you and finding them and the twins. If they have them..." Tani paused a moment and put her hand out palm up and open. "Lessa you may feel adult and you may be well versed in what you have studied... but remember Alehial has only just reached full adulthood herself and she has had eleven children, is married and saved the world at least twice so far. You are still younger then she was before she left home.
Continue your studies and practice what you know, that is the best thing for you to do right now. Your mother is very worried about your safety and the safety of the others. If you left the safety of the walls of Sildea then think how your mother would feel after all she had been through losing your father twice... and Altair more then once, instead of thinking about what you cannot do. Think of what you can do best to help those who can do what you cannot." Tani says with a soft smile. She didn't interact much with the family because often she had to be at the citadel in her homeland and Lucas was often with her. When they were at the house it was a time for rest more then anything else and she often found everyone busy and so she kept to herself to not disturb anyone.

Lyssa glowered, a trait everyone argued which parent she got it from and huffed. "Tani, but that means then we have to trust them to take care of themselves while we wait here for those invaders to try attacking the city. I know I shouldn't be irritated or distracted, but I feel so useless." She closed the book and poured a little more tea into her cup and added the sugar. Everything was so out of their control, probably out of Alehial and Lia's control as well.

"We should trust in them. They are very capable... even the little ones. If there is one thing Alehial had done it was to teach all of the children how to survive and fight back. Do not feel useless. You can help once the battle has begon and you will see what battle really is. Something even those older then you have not seen in many years. Battle is not pretty and it is an occasion for which only the desperate use to get their way or the oppressive. Take guidence from your teacher and grandmother. Give thanks to your gods that the battle hasn't begun yet and that Lucas is out there looking for the girls." Tani said gently patting Lyssa's arm on the table, she felt for the girl but there really wasn't anything they could do. The both of them were stuck in the city and would simply have to wait.

Hours later both women would see the invading force begin its offensive, elven archers were forced to fire and be fired on by their own people. Jake moved along the walls helping where he could by bringing supplies. And in one case ministering to an archer as he began his journey into the next life. Sirrus and Tani heard about the young servant of Pelor and how he was a credit to the human race and the family name of Ravenwood. The next wave of invaders were taking their places and without a more solid line of defense stood a good chance of breaching the wall of the city.

Tani administered to the wounded and the dead, being gentle and helpful as she could. When the outlook on the walls were bad she left her work to the others and climbed the wall. She had a few offensive spells she always had on hand just in case. If her magic would help then she would use it. It was a wonder that the higher druids weren't using their offensive spells to cut swathes through the offenders. But then they beleived in nature and the balance. It wasn't often that they got involved when there was a battle not when they had warriors trained and ready.

Several druids finally decided to begin launching salvos of spells, to their dismay most did not decimate the enemy like they hoped. The invader's druids fought back and the other spellcasters began to open 'fire' upon the city walls. Jake ran past Tani with a bucket of water dousing a small fire that started. Lyssa was not on the wall, Sirrus had forbidden the younger children from being in harms way. Lyssa would be needed to help the servants with the little ones, Sirrus was not far off and Tani could see her concern about Jake.

Tani kept an eye on Jake but even though she did she did she administerd first aid and sparingly her spells of healing on the battle on the walls. Soon but not yet she would unleach the ball of fire spell she had... for now she was best serving the city by keeping the men alive and taken care of. She wanted to be a more use but her wings made her a target and she kept them close to her back and she kept herself down. Her first offensive spell had been a simple ball of fire in the middle of a large group, since then she kept down as her wings had drawn their attention to that part of the wall.

Not far from Jake a ballista gunner had been hit many times and lay bleeding. Jake saw that he was aiming towards a giant in the ranks, "What should I do?" he asked the elf. After the man passed on what he could Jake aimed, prayed, and pulled the release send the shaft to its target. It struck true into the monsters stomach and he let out a whoop of success then dove to the wall as arrows flew his way. Sirrus sent an entanglement spell towards the group of archers on the ground in response.

Tani headed over and touched Jake's shoulder gently. "Go on don't stay in one place, replenish arrow's and get the wounded taken to cover. Elves heal well and almost all of them have healing spells. Just make sure they are taken down if they can be saved Jake. You are doing well." Tani encouraged before making her way away to another part of the wall. She stood a little to look over the wall and see the army. Hoping to cause a slight distraction she stood and extended her wings. They were still white on the inside and the sun shone on them brightly. Sending another fireball down into the group, she then dropped fast to the ground and tucked her wings in tightly.

Arrows whistled overhead in response to her spell, further along the wall several archers rained arrows back. Jake had begun working to take an injured man to safety, before several elves came to help him. Sirrus was concerned, what she could see was more of an siege than invasion. "Captain, I want the young Ravenwood sent back to my house now, he is not yet ready for this." The man nodded and headed to go intercept the young man and have him sent to safety.

"Sirrus... let him at least help by keeping the lines going below for weapons and armer. He can handle this, besides you need the energy he has to spare." B'Tani said carefully standing and keeping out of the way and out of the way of fire. The seige... it was better then they could have hoped. "Besides the council should gather to discuss long term plans for this. And the time it will take for Altair Ravenwood to arrive behind enemy lines." Tani said as worried as she was about her husband and the girls she was also worried about the seige and how well planned the way the enemy army was compaired to Sildea's defence.

She pondered Tani's words, "Only until he begins to lose that energy, then he will go to the house. I will need him to help Lyssa with the smaller children." She turned then to summon the council and instruct them where to meet. Arrows, some flaming flew over the walls and started small fires which people ran to put out quickly. The hope that Andor would arrive to split the enemies attention was what they were all clinging to now.

Tani would wait a little longer before going to the first aide area. For the smaller injuries they were using healing techniques and bandages. Saving the spells for those more heavily injured. Tani had plenty of healing spells available to her, it was her primary vocation to be a healer. So after some more time passed and the sky began to darken a little Tani headed to the first aide area. She took Jake with her and set him to easy tasks such as boiling the bandages and bringing poultices of healing creams and warm water to bath or clean wounds and hands. But once he was getting worn down Tani sighed. "Alright to the house. The children need looking after and you need a proper meal in you. Save some energy for tomorrow Jake." Tani said with a smile taking a small break from her healing. She was one of maybe a dozen total healers in the city. They needed her to stay as long as she had energy and spells to cast.

A group of soldiers were having a conversation as Jake passed, they suddenly fell silent and watched until he was out of sight. One of the men spoke up, "I heard the whole reason they are here is because of those children." The others listened and two shook their heads, "I still have no idea how they arrived in Sildea though." Jake happened to pass by again and handed each man a waterskin and gave one to Tani before he left. "One must never forget what that family did for Sildea, they are our staunchest ally and friends." The second man said before taking a sip from his waterskin.

"The reason they are here is because Sildea is the last standing stronghold of elves, not to mention the biggest thorn in the side and ally of the Ravenwood family to any of those men who claim themselves as enemies of the Ravenwood family name. As are the Ravenwoods are the biggest Ally of Sildea, saving the country not one but multiple times. You should be proud to be fighting to protect their children who will become the next generations hero's. Those that you will be glad to fight alongside just as their parents." Tani said leaning over the elves who were speaking. Her eyes were narrowed and she was angry... Angry these elves passed judgement on these poor children... Just because of their parents acts that saved the world, they were put through all kinds of hardships and trials no children should be put through.

The one that had argued the same point stood and left his fellows, the other two looked a little ashamed at her chastizing. But, the fourth seemed more in a mood to argue, his shoulder had been bandaged from an arrow wound. "No offense mistress, but this war between the disciples and the Ravenwoods has nothing to do with my home country. How many of my race need die before the Ravenwoods take care of their own children? Things were better when our borders were closed to the outside world, everyone understood this forest and city were not for them or their kind."

"I suppose the demon escaping it's ancient seal you could have taken care of by yourself as well? The poisening of an elf in high position slowly changing the minds of the citizens to kill all humans which would have led into a war between the human race and the elven would also have been a good thing? Open your eyes sir elf. Without the Ravenwoods. Without Lady Sirrus having done what she did... the world would be a much darker place then it is now. Even in the dragon wars... if there hadn't been an opposing army do you think they would have left you alone just because you wanted them to?" Tani asked looking at the elf and his shoulder. It was just at the point Tani would have used a minor healing spell on but the way he was blaming one family and two persons. Well she didn't blame him for wanting to put the problems on someone else but he was putting it on the wrong person.

"My lady, I believe I did not debate that they have helped us, by why can they not watch over their own young? No elf I know has sent a child to Andor because they believe an enemy may attack." He had a small group listening to his coments as he took a small draught to lessen his pain. "I will say no more, but there are others here that feel like I do. Where will we draw the line." he asked before falling silent and pulling a blanket over his shoulderes.

"How about debating that they are Lady Sirrus's grandchildren, and as such blood relations to this city." Tani says before frowning at the man. "Or the fact that the elf we are fighting comes from another time line that even in this time line was a seed of badness in the city and to it's peoples." Tani says before flipping her wings back and turning her back to the man and moving on to another wounded or injured man. She was the only healer that would see to the needs of those still coming in with heavy injuries.

It was well into the night before Tani was done seeing to the wounded, a runner from the house came to fetch her for dinner and her time to rest. "Mistress requests you return to the house, you will need to rest before the attacks start in the morning." The city was quiet and still, several archers remained on the wall and many more soldiers patrolled close to the wall. Most of the people who lived in houses close had already fled to other homes away from the fighting. Even when she arrived at The Morninson house, she found several people being told where to find open beds and places to stay until they could go home.

Tani came in, it was hard to keep her wings from drooping. She had been cleaning bandages and reapplying healing salve before the servant came for her. She would have stayed longer, working harder but a summons from the speaker of the council was not to be ignored. Especially since she was kind of family, sort of, she entered and immedietly went to clean her hands and arms. She didn't want to be covered in blood before the children saw her especially Lyssa.

The servant brought Tani several towels and a hot basin of water, "Is there anything else you need mistress?" She was the elf who usually cared for little Xeph and Kaitlin. "May I ask a question Mistress? I have noticed some whispers about this invasion force is here because of the children. If this is the case, my fear is that if they break through the walls that they will be coming here, how best can I defend the little ones in my charge?"

"Take them and hide. I know there are a few hiding spots in this house... From Alehial, panels in the walls and such. Take the children there if the force get's inside. But the point of the force I think is more to try and bring down the walls of Sildea then it is to get to the children of the Ravenwoods. The only children I would think that would be targeted are the older ones. Especially the twins. I only pray my husband has found the girls and is keeping them safe now." Tani said softly as she scrubbed her hands and arms, then she frowned at her tunic. "Could I inconvenience you to find me a tunic to wear? I'm afraid this one's been stained and I'll keep using it while I am in the healers house. I'll wash it later in a special solution." Tani says once she had all the blood off of her body. She pulled off the tunic and sighed, she couldn't show up to dinner in just her armor.

"Of course, I think I know where to get one for you." she said leaving the room to get it. Returning a little while later with it, "I think this will work well for you. Also, I know you aren't able to give me permission, but I would like to go back to Andor with Lady Elsa's twins, they are very dear to me. But, could I ask your help when I ask to return with them?" she kept her eyes on the ground. After she changed and the maid left to go get her charges, they were all in the dining room, Jake was sipping a mug of warmed cider and Lyssa was again drinking tea.

"I will speak with Lady Sirrus and Alehial once this is over. I know many get very attatched to the Ravenwood children. Thank you for your help." Tani had replied after changing, she took her seat at the table and asked for water. She didn't want to spend rations that could not be replenished. "Jake... How are you doing after today?" Tani asked softly looking over at the boy. She wondered if Jake was alright... she knew Sirrus hadn't wanted him out there but he was such a practical boy and Asper his sister had done her best for him Tani could not help but do the same for the path he had chosen for himself.

"I wish I was allowed to do more, like you and Lucas do, I want to learn to heal as well as protect." He took a long sip from his mug and thought long and hard before he spoke again. "Tani, can I learn from you, Lucas, and the other Ravenwoods to be a good man." Lyssa looked up and made a funny face at what Jake had said. "Jake that is silly, your skill with, blade or poultice has almost no bearing on what kind of man you will grow up."

"Lady Sirrus doesn't want you to be exposed to too much to soon. In time you will learn to heal some. But unless you wish to become an avatar of Pelor then the healing you will learn will be little. Not nearly as much as myself. But you will be able to help. As for becoming a good man. Jake you may be young but your sister Asper has already instilled everything you need to become a good man. Just keep doing what you beleive is right and what you should do and that's all you need. The rest is learning the rest of what this country is and keep on studying and practicing with your sword and skills." Tani said with a smile, at Jake, the boy seemed so earnest and at the same time he seemed almost forlorn. "Lyssa I don't think that's what he meant by the way... He wants to know how Lucas and myself have become such good people, not how we learned to weild our weapons or heal the injured. As you learn from everyone else that patience is key."

"But, isn't it through your training and experiences you learn to better serve Pelor?" Lyssa asked enjoying any conversation that didn't include the enemy at the gates. "So, a merchant would learn to be a good person by starting as a clerk and showing compassion to the poor in his city. And the prince learn by absorbing the knowledge given through his tutors and watching his father the king." Jake watched the exchange with growing interest, Tani was very spiritual and Lyssa had a very practical, wizardly approach to everything.

"It is but for wizards you learn through the books and the practice of preparing your ingredients. Yes using them will teach you but not as much as you will learn from your studies. Jake as well needs to keep up with his studies, and the writings of Pelor. HE will have to do a great deal of physical training but unless there is a balance between the physical training and the knowledge and knowing from your studies then he will become imbalanced in heading for his goal. The same is true of you Lyssa, While you need to practice what you know it is best to study and prepare while you can." Tani said with a smile as she spoke to both children. Though Tani wasn't very old herself and she hadn't been out in the world for more then a year or so now, she was often figuring things out and learning from others and using what she learned.

"So, everything needs to be in balance; mind, spirit, and body. Where I will gain spirit from Pelor' teachings, Lyssa will gain mind from studying. And we should make sure we are strong in body to defend ourselves in case magic is unavailable." Jake surmised with a hopeful look, he wanted to grasp the discussion and add to it. Lyssa smiled at him and took a sip of tea before looking back into her book.

"Yes that is the main point. Everyone has spirit, it's using that spirit to focus your skills and use your magic that let's you do these things. But I think we should wait for the others for dinner now and leave the discussion for later. I will if you like keep you nearby if you wish JAke." Tani offers the young boy, she knew Lyssa wanted to do more but Lyssa needed to study and be patient as a young wizard she didn't really have the magic yet to be able to help much other then helping prepare magic paraphernalia for the other wizards.

Shortly after the staff began to set the table for dinner and the maids began to bring the children down. Daniel was very distracted by the hole left by the missing twins, as many of the others. Sirrian looked about and asked a couple times about his sissys, and was explained to that they weren't coming down. Lady Sirrus did not attend the meal, a butler explained that she was meeting with the councils about the invaders. Lyssa shut her book and set it aside so that she could eat and participate in the conversation around the table.

Tani blessed the meal and tried to keep the conversation light. She didn't tell anyone of the fact that she knew where the twins were. She didn't say anything about knowing where the older boys and her husband were. Not that she actually knew. Without Sirrus at the table Tani was the eldest and she was the one who carried the conversation. She also helped distract Sirrian from asking about his sisters too much by letting him, share from her plate and feeding him bits. It was odd sitting on a high stool and eating at the table of the high councils elven speaker's table. She was a religious icon and a dignitary and she was a wife and warrior for Pelor... she was this great pillar and yet she still didn't know.

Daniel sat quietly and ate, he didn't have much to talk about nothing as interesting as the others anyway. While Jake learned to weild weapons and fight the good fight, he was learning from elven craftsmen and engineers, hardly exciting. Everytime he took up a weapon he usually wound up needing healed by one of his parents. Conner joked that maybe someone made a mix up and he belonged to a merchant family. But, Jake always treated him as an equal, and they were seldom away from one another, until today that was.

After dinner Tani told them all to have a good night, she was going to clean up say another prayer and then get her own rest so she could be of more help the next day for healing. She knew Lucas could handle things but... she was still worried for the safety of the twins especially at nightfall. In the woods while the city was under seige. It was a dark time and she was trying to keep the children out of it too much and not let them worry about anything. So she very well couldn't let any of them know she was worried either.

The next morning brought dire news, while they enemy was attacking the plan began to show that they wanted to breach the wall nearest the homes and market and flow into Sildea. While they would meet stiff opposition, the deaths would be staggering and threatened the elven city. Jake was preparing when Tani came down stairs and all the children looked fearful. During the early hours Alehials friends and their children had arrived to help in defense of the house. Sirrius looked pensive as though she knew the dire situation her homeland was facing and the possibility of losing the battle.

Jake turned to Tani he was dressed in his armor and had a sword at his waist. "I'm ready to go help defend Sildea alongside you Tani." he spoke even though he seemed very nervous. Sirrus put her hand on Jake's shoulder, "I do not want you out in the thick of the fighting, help out here to protect the children. Tani believes that is how you can best serve Pelor this day." she said her eyes asking Tani for her help in this matter. Lyssa had a firm hold on Sirran as his nanny had little Xeph in her arms.

"It is true Jake... You will be of most good here in this household. Protecting the Ravenwood children and the spellcasters. While their spells are strong they cannot defend themselves while they cast those spells. You must be their defence. Trust in Pelor to guide your hand and keep them safe Jake." Tani said gripping his shoulder lightly and giving him a smile. She was not worried, much. she knew Altair would arrive soon and when he did with a men he hd with him they would be able to curb the tide of invaders. With the fighters inside the city they should be able to hold off the attackers if they could make a barricade of sorts to keep them from spreading out too much. "I will help the people move further back into the city away from the walls and then join those in the fight to quell the tide." She said standing tall, though she knew she would make a target with her white wings there wasn't much she could do but her part in this battle.

Jake nodded and went to stand beside Lyssa and took Sirrian's other hand. He would not fail Tani and his family, this was the most important thing right now to be strong and do Pelor's will. Lyssa smiled at Tani, knowing that they didn't want Jake in danger as much as she did. Even with his orders the older friends of Alehial would keep him safe as well. "Good luck to you all, may Pelor and Corellon Larethian inspire and guide you." the others nodded at the young man's words.

Once outside they could see soldiers moving the people further into the interior of the city. Everywhere faces showed concern and outright fear that invaders may get inside and begin killing everyone. Druids and warriors were erecting barricades to help keep the enemy from spreading all over the city. Large hedges and vines popped up and anchored themselves between buildings, all in all it was the best the city could do in defense. From the walls the sound of yells and cries of the injured sounded as arrows filled the air between defender & invader.

Tani helped move the people and gave them words of encouragement. Telling them that Altair and a small army was on their way to help. Then she went to the walls. There wasn't really much she could do from so far away as she was mostly a melee fighter but she helped pull the wounded back and to tie their wounds nd tend to them. those who didn't need spells that badly got a quick bandage. Tani would have to wait until they were closer before she could help too much with the protection of the city. For now she would hve to play nurse/doctor.

Suddenly from the wall was a surge of magic and the wall turned to ash, spilling bodies down to the ground. Invaders began surging through the giant hole made in the living wall. Some elves not set for combat cried in terror and fled to the city center. Druids & warriors began to set themselves for the long battle that would happen. Many elves, even Lady Sirrus' brother-in-law said that those walls would never be breached.

Tani caught the injured man she had been bandaging and herself with her wings from the top of the wall. The sudden weight meant she lost several feet though and she had to lay the man nearby. "Sorry." She appologized quickly before heading straight out. Wings spread to hopefully catch some of them offgaurd. She heard many chants begin and while the elves had hoped the walls wouldn't fall there were more then a few battle hardened elves who had been ready just in case.

Magic and arrows began to fill the sky and soldiers on both side began to fall. Most of the invaders slowed when she had appeared, but it was short lived. Orcs and men flowed from the wall and the elves were being pressed back way from the wall. An orc squared up to face Tani hefting a wicked looking blade covered in a black ichor. At his feet was an elf who was foaming at the mouth, most obvisouly poisoned.

Tani wasted no time with words or battle cry, tucking her wings in tight she instead lunged forward her weapon swinging with the force of her arms and the forward motion of her lunge. She wanted to take down the orc and move on. She was a warrior like any other and she could take on a few enemies to do her share. "Keep a LINE!" Tani yelled swinging her weapon again to dispatch the orc before her. She couldn't stop and help the elf at his feet. She had to protect the families and the city as much as possible.

From the gapping wound in Sildea's walls the invaders flowed like the posion that coated their blades. Elves fought and even though scores of enemies were falling, more came to take their place. Lady Sirrus was sending as many elves as she could spare to help try stem the influx of orcs. To Tani all she saw was orcs, meaning the humans and elves were outside still waiting. Once the orcs softened the defenders they would enter and there would be little resistance to their conquest if Andor didn't arrive soon.

"STAY STRONG!" Tani yelled, from her training with Lucas and the family not to mention her experience in other battles she knew how to keep the orcs back well enough and keep her energy. But the elves were falling back and falling prey to the larger more violent race of beings. She just hoped the wizards would be sending some kind of help soon, flame wall or exploding acorns or something anything. If Lady Ravenwood could do those things surely some elves here could as well. Tani kept up the fight. Wings tucked tight and high, as she used her body to it's fullest capabilities. 'Let our companions come to our aid!'

Spells began to rain down on the enemy side of the line, giving the elves a chance to regroup after handling those in front. The Orcs seemed for a long second to hesitate before again trying to surge forward. Cries of alarm happened as another section of wall vanished and allowed more enemies to enter the city. Moving forward the elves began to lengthen their line so the druids could begin working magic to plug those holes. Bolen, a warrior to Tani's left gave a little ground to try recovering his second blade and the orc he faced sliced his leg before falling.

Tani took care of another orc, glancing over she grit her teeth and ripping her shirt she extended her wings knocking at least two orcs back, then leaning over she quickly wrapped his leg and tied the makeshift bandage tight. IT left her vulnerable but she would not stand there and do nothing while she could at least do this much. It only took less then a minute but anything could happen in a minute in battle. She grabbed her weapon, still on her wrist from it's strap and turned to rise and fight again.

Bolen began to shake, but kept his blades in hand and cut down another incoming orc. "All of their blades are poisoned, be careful!" he called as loudly as he could. Suddenly the muscles of his stomach cramped and he began to retch, it had been the same with many others. Two other warriors moved up to give Tani some time to get her weapon ready. Sinking to one knee his hands no longer could hold his weapons as he continued to retch.

"Cover for a moment!" Tani asked the two elves as she stayed kneeling. They needed more men like Bolen, reaching her hands down over his leg and the other against his forhead she began to chant to rid him of the poisen. With that and a healing potion he should be fine to continue fighting. "Drink." She said softly after the chant handing him the small bottle. She then grabbed her weapon and turned. She herself was immune to poisen so any of the small knicks and cuts she had never affected her. She had also made anti poisen potions while they had been waiting for the battle. "DOWN WITH THE ENEMIES!" She tried to bolster the men and women fighting around her.

The elves bolstered by some of the most well trained swords in all the country of Andor. Hopefully, the renewed defense of their home would be enough to hold on. Sirrus, in a desperate hope cast hoping to find out how far her son-in-law was from them. Her concentration was broken however as orcs began breaking through the spell walls of the second hole. However, a little hope showed as Lyriel and Flint appeared in their midst.

"Press FORWARD!" Tani yelled as she began to do just that, on her feet and swinging, she was a bringer of light and hope, she was the image of faith and of her lord. She would save those who needed saved and protect the weak, administering healing when she could fight no longer. This was who she was and there was nothing that was going to stop her... unless the orcs finally took her down or injured her to the point she had to give ground.

Several orcs began to press the attack and the many more were tearing at the holes letting bloodlust take them even as archers cut many down and spells flew from elven hands. There was very little give or take in the lines, both sides had their heroes and champions. Still the human invaders waited, the orcs were serving their purpose. A lucky swipe found Tani's left leg drawing blood, the victory cry was short lived as Bolen repaid her saving his life. Outside, one lone figure mused if this was going to be worth the heavy toll the alliance was going to pay.

Tani spared no time in ripping another length of her shirt off and wrapping her leg. She wouldn't get poisened, she was completely immune, she getting back up she just had to favor the leg a little and she continued on. Fighting alongside Bolen, They made a good team not letting any orc pass them. Tani was doing her best, she had never fought such an onslaught before though. Still she gave her best and trusted in Pelor to kee her strong.

On top of the wall one of the elven horns sounded, someone was approaching the city. Sirrus breathed a sigh of relief, the battle had been raging for hours and the horn brought the news that Andor had arrived. Outside the walls the enemy commander turned to his armored companion. "The plan failed, we did not acquire what we came here for." "No, something much better, plans change you know that, every disciple with a pin is to portal away now, let the orcs cover our withdraw."

Tani continued to fight, pushing the orcs back as she could and taking them down. She was however almost at her limit. Her leg burned from the wound and she had never fought this hard for this long. Tani would not let this opportunity slip past to take down the orcs and hearten the elves. But really her heart soared with hope and trust. She knew now that Altair was here the tides would turn drastically.

Andor's soldiers wasted no time bothering with those winking out from before the gate. Led on foot by Altair they began crashing into the rear of the orc lines and swiftly began cutting them down. His children were in danger wether young or older, he would not abide losing any of them. An orc turned and caught the blade he took from Illian all those years ago to the throat. Some orcs thought to break ranks and flee, most with Andorian soldiers close behind.

Tani let the elves take point in crushing the orcs while she slowed down. Breathing heavy and very tired she needed a break, she was glad that Altair had finally arrived however and would be here to protect them now. Everything would turn for the better and she would no longer have to make the descisions ortell everyone what was going on. She found she wasn't actually very good at it. She was much better doing the smaller more simple things.

Bolen offered her his arm, "Lady, we should have your leg seen to and perhaps get you some food and water. Andor will see to what remains and then will come the time for mourning." Stopping before she took his hand he walked to a orc dying and showed it mercy. "May your god recieve you as a worthy orc warrior. As I know the elf father will recieve all my brothers and sisters this day."

"I'm fine... just tired..." Tani smiled brightly at Bolen. She took his arm and let him help her up. Her wings slightly spread to help her keep her balance. Tani was tired her muscles ached and she had no idea where her husband was. "If you could take me to where our wounded are, I would like to tend to them first." Tani said softly looking around for some sort of field aid tent. She would do what she could until she was forced to stop. She didn't care for her own wound, but that of others.

"Of course Lady, this way." he said leading her to where he had been told an aid station was to be. And upon arrival they saw Tani's skills would be needed in the worst way. Many elves were sickened by the poison or had other battle injuries. Most though talked about how Andor had come to Sildea's aid and the Ravenwoods who fought valiantly beside them. Druids, clerics and anyone who could tie a bandage or even administer antidotes were moving between people.

"Take me to those who need me the most." Tani said spreading her wings, she knew from experience those who saw her white wings gathered hope and drew their strength until she could administer to them. She set to work immedietly, she didn't stop to take care of her own leg, there was no time. Too many poisened and wounded that needed her magical hands to cure them. Besdes she wasn't concerned with herself, she was much more concerned with the twins and those family members she had heard nothing of.

Wounded began to flow in from the battlefield until none were left, but there was no healing left to be had in Sildea and the only magic was that of wizards. Even Altair went from warrior to healer to help his wife's people, and even prayed with those who lost companions. Sirrus was sure that even in the outer areas of Sildea Lucas and Conner would hear the signal and return with the girls. Bolen had long since taken a seat against a building and after several drinks of water succumbed to exhaustion. Andorian soldiers patrolled outside and inside the walls of the city, they would do so until told otherwise by Altair.

Tani was outside giving sermon to those who wanted it. And giving final rights to those who had perished. HEr job wasn't finished yet and she was going to make sure she did everything that was needed of her before she let herself rest. It was the least she could do for the family and for Sildea. Even with her injured leg she wouldn't stop. She had made sure Bolen had a blanket over him when he fell asleep but she continued on. She had a duty to uphold and she would do it with pride.

A hand took hold of her and pulled her close, "Oh thank gods." Lucas and the others had been moving closer since the first horns sounded and had been escorted into the city by Andorians and elves. The twins were getting a full look over by Sirrus while Conner was reporting to Altair. Lucas had pleaded with his father to let him find Tani and make sure she was alright, which the elder agreed, he knew what it was like to worry. Upon noticing her bandage he knelt and removed it placing his hands upon her leg and healing the injury, looking up and smiling that she was safe.

"Lucas!?! Thank Pelor!!" Tani said dropping to her knees to hug him tightly. She leaned against him fully letitng her wings drop finally, not caring how dirty they got. She was so very relieved, so much so that all she could do was hold onto Lucas and give him all her weight. "Sorry if I'm heavy." She says softly so glad he had made it back safely. She hadn't cared about her leg and though it no longer hurt she didn't feel any less tired then before. If anything she felt a little more tired.

"You are never heavy, I'm sorry I missed the fight princess, I should have been beside you." whispering his nickname for her. He kissed her temple and wrapped his arms about her and felt strong enough for both of them. "We should get you in somewhere to rest and get some food and get warm." He spotted the twins walking with Grandmother followed by Altair and Conner knowing what they were going to do. They had left someone behind out in the woods and they needed to bring her home as well.

"I have to attend the dead." Tani says softly closing her eyes and breathing deeply. She was very tired and everything ached, but as a preistess she didn't want to let down anyone or give up when she could do more. She was very fervent in her wish to do as much as she could for those she loved and the lord she served. But really all that was going through her mind was that Lucas was safe and he was holding her.

"No, they are in the hands of their people. And when it is time I'm sure Sildea will be more indebted if you help with the memorial to them." Lucas stood and lifted Tani off the ground and headed for Grandmother's house. Conner cleared his throat, "Father, Grandmother I want to go back out into the woods...." he didn't need to say why they knew it was to bring Aras home. He remembered her from when he was little and loved hearing her sing and tell stories, much like she probably did for his sisters. This was his way of honoring the sacrifice she made so Orissa and Samantha could escape.

Orissa and Samantha were both in Altair's arms, they were both shaking. They had been so scared. While Rissy was the girlier of the two Sammy had still been scared terribly and they both missed Aras. Neither girl was stupid and when Aras never came back and Conner asked to go in the woods. Well both girls clung to their father and cried. They didn't even notice when Lyriel and Flint came over. They were just wanting comferted by their father.

Altair knelt and lifted them both, "Conner I give you leave if you do not go alone. I need to see to your sisters and your mother who is worried sick about everyone." Sirrus nodded her head, "I have some men who can go along and with FLint volunteering." Father looked at his adoptive daughter, "I'm glad you are safe as well." He got close and gave Lyriel a peck on the cheek considering his burden, and began walking after Lucas.

"Be safe FLint Conner. There could still be some left in the woods." Lyriel warned before giving FLint and Conner both kisses on the cheeks and following everyone else inside. Her body ached and she needed a few minutes respite. She also wanted to help with the kids, who she too had been worrying about. She knew the younger ones would have had a hard time especially.

"We goin ome?" Rissy asked softly cuddling against her fathers chest. "See Mommy?" Sammy asked after Orissa's question. They were both holding tight to Altair and they might just like Elsa had once not want either parent out of their sight for a good long time. While they loved the whole family they knew they were safe with mommy and daddy and lucas. They were the safest of the whole family. And that's who they wanted to be with. They were terrified of the bad guys now and they wanted to go home right now.

"I will have to see, Darryl and Asper may be bringing your nephew into the world soon. If he can't steal away long enough to bring you home we will have to make other arraignments." Altair knew the only way to make the girls safe was take them home, and conversly the only way to help Alehial was to bring them home. Truthfully he was very impressed with Conner and Flint stepping up to take on responsibility. Aras was one of the best caretakers of his children and trustworthy enough she put their lives above her own.

A short while later after Orissa and Samantha had a proper going over to make sure they were not hurt. Then bathed and fed and hugged by brothers and sisters, Sirrian particularly was sitting holding a hand each. Altair activated the mirror that would allow them to converse with Alehial in Andor. "My love are you there? I have good news for you Alehial come to the mirror." He waited for a short time to see if she would activate the mirror on her side for them to talk.

"Altair?" Alehial called going to the mirror and looking through, she brightened almost immedietly upon seeing her husband and mother and the twins through the mirror. "What happened?! Is everything alright?!" She asked quickly needing to know her girls were allright, not only them but Sirrian as well, because he was the youngest and she needed all of her babies to be safe and unharmed.

"Sildea has a couple breaches in the walls and suffered heavy casulties, I arrived with the soldiers and rushed to assualt what did not flee. Everyone is fine though, Lucas and Conner brought the girls back after it was all over. Tani pushed herself caring for wounded until she was spent, Flint and Lyriel are probably just as spent but he is going with Conner to bring Aras back." he said the last part low enough the girls did not hear. Alehial was looking better knowing that the children were all okay and doing well. Now the most important part now was finding a way to get the little ones home.

"Thank the gods everyone is alright. Should I have Teran-Gail appeal to Gareth for men to come and help Sildea?" Alehial asked worriedly looking into the mirror. She ached to hold her children again and to know they were safe. To go over them and show her love for them in the physical manner.

"I have my men patrolling inside and outside the walls, taking orders from elven commanders. Your mother intends on sending requests for aid from the other cities so, the men are in place until we hear something from them. What about Daryl, could we tear him away from Asper long enough to bring the younger ones home to you while I help here?" Sirrian started chattering to Orissa and Samantha, "Thas mummy, thas mummy, we shoul goes say we luv hers." Altair turned and motioned for them to come and see their mother and let her see them.

Alehial smiled at her children and put her hands on the glass of the mirror. It was very obvious she missed them very much. "Thank the gods." Alehial said again softly. "I don't know if he will leave Aspers side... she's been having some trouble, but I will ask." Alehial said wishing she could reach through the mirror to tough her babies and hold them. "Oh Sirrian sweety I miss you very much!" Alehial said smiling at all her children.

Orissa and Sammy holding each others hands, both clutched onto Altair's legs and looked at their mother. They both wanted to go to her but they knew it was magic and they couldn't, it was just a picture of their mummy. "I wanna go home!" Orissa said out loud looking at Alehial and then up at Altair.

"I know Orissa. Mommy will speak with Daryl and see if he can take all your little ones home." Altair bent to a knee and wrapped his arms about both girls. Their children had a awful scare and if not for Conner who knew what would happen. It was enough to make him want to pursue those who fled from the walls. He had thoughts that it was Disciples and those that worked with them that did this, that meant Galin and that angered him even more.

"I promise girls Mommy will bring you home as soon as I can!" Alehial said through the mirror, she was saddened that yet again her children were being pursued and held at arms length from her. But what could they do, there were enemies and there was only so much one could do to make their children safe.
While Orissa and Sammy both clutched their father tightly they still didn't let go of each others hands. When they saw mommies face and Daddies it told them there deffinetly was something to fear and be afraid of.

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