Page name: Ravenwood Estates 19 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2013-11-16 01:40:37
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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"I bet she's abosuletely adorable! Feal do you think he'll come soon too? Our baby I mean... I mean I know logeically I have four more weeks to go at least... but you think he'll hurry or um... I'm boring you aren't I?" Elsa asked looking accusingly at her husband and Felid on the bed beside her. Often of late Elsa felt like when they were alone he was thinking about other things. Of course he would be what with Galin loose and all the other enemies and their children being stuck in Sildea and whatnot, but still Elsa right now felt very lonely with such an empty house all aorund her and that she really didn't like going up and down the stairs all the time so all her studies and everything else had been taaken or done in her room.

Feal brought his mind and attention back to Elsa, "I think he'll be along on his own time my love. And no you are never boring, I am a little concerned that now would be a time an enemy might attack us, since we are spread so thinly. But, your parents trust me to protect the estate and I will not fail them or you." He leaned over and kissed Elsa several times on the lips and touched her stomach to feel their son push against his hand. When Galin had returned and attacked the warrior had looked amazed that Fael without a weapon in hand had struck him where Alehial had missed him, he knew he had marked himself to the evil Ravenwood that night.

"I know you are worried sweety but Galin this time is using tricks rather then strength as he had previously. I don't think he will try and risk another attack as he had in the past. He won't rush ther next time it happens. But he's still the same man, he beleives nothing can stop him this time and you are probably just something he will try to work around or he will use as much magic as he can get his hands on to over power you. I would focus on training more then doing rounds. Beside others can walk the ground as well as you can." Elsa said smiling softly at her husband. She put her hand on top of his and smiled at him.

Fael looked at her almost teasingly, "Are you saying I've gone soft my love?" He smiled at her and kissed her gently again, "I know they will not attempt another direct assault here, but I fear what tricks he might have in store for us." The house had gotten very quiet as of late and he knew it bothered and saddened Elsa to be so far away from family. He only hoped that Galin would leave the traveling members and children alone until they reached home. He had spent a little time with the books about the Ravenwoods trying to learn as much as he could about Galin and what he was capable of.

"Not soft my love, but as you say there is always a way to better yourself. I fear it too sweetheart. But you are here with me and I will trust compeltely in you, and your skill. As for you, you had better beleive in the fact that if anything goes on I will use all of my power I have acrued and I will protect you as much as I am able." Elsa says running her hand through Feal's hair, he loved being stroked and possibly the term pet could apply to his almost purr.

Fael wrapped her into a hug and nuzzled her neck, in four weeks their child would be born and then a slight time of them being able to enjoy one another without a baby bump in the way. They had felt that they hadn't spent enough time with Katelyn and Xeph before they left for Sildea. "I love you Elsa and will so for as long as we both live." he declared in a whisper in her ear. Bowers had discussed dinner plans with them and would bring the meal to them instead of Elsa having to try the stairs again. "So, are you wishing to go to Darryl and Asper to see your niece?" he asked knowing the answer already.

"I want to but I was told even traveling by carriage isn't a very good idea with me having only four weeks left. Mother doesn't think it's a good idea considering the twins came so early. Not only that but Asper seems to have changed quite a bit after having Karina. We will probably have to wait until after our little man is born sweetheart. I love you very much as well my sweet gentle animal." Elsa said softly and she cuddled back with him sweetly. She was looking forward to a little break from being pregnant.

Fael held her close for a long while and rubbed her lightly, "I'm not sure if it was only the fact you had twins. But, considering the fact you are giving birth to the first of a race anything could happen." Bowers knocked and annouced he and one of the other servants had brought food. Most of the time Lord and Lady Ravenwood forbid the children from eating in their rooms unless they were sick or in Elsa's case expecting soon. Fael gave her another kiss and got up to let them in.

"I think it's probably because by the time I was in the family... so was Darryl, and then Matty, and then all the other little boys and girls came. I think I'm getting a little lonely without a lot of people being around me all the time. I've always taken care of mommies babies and I guess I'm a little sad without a lot of children all around me. That and you know... it's your kids and it's a whole new race of wonderful beings and I want to do my part and love all of them for as long as possible for me!" Elsa said softly, and she waited on the door to open and Bowers to come inside with the food.

They brought in dinner and set the small table near the bed and Bowers bid them to ring when they were done with dinner. Fael came to Elsa and gave her a reassuring kiss, "I'm sure in short order you'll hear the sound of feet and laughter ringing throughout the halls. So, we should eat now before the food gets cold, my love." he could not resist and leaned forward and kissed gently above her heart and playfully licked the top of her cleveage. Elsa could see the tip of his tail flick back and forth in what she called a happy motion.

Elsa giggled at his actions and she nuzzled the top of his head, she had learned a long time ago she had only to act like he did or even like she had seen cats do before for him to get really pleased while cuddling. She sighed softly and began attempting to sit up so she could go to the table and eat with Feal. She was really needing some help these days. She seemed to be sweeling a lot more then she had with the twins, for one her legs were constantly hurting and she had to sit down a lot more this pregnancy.

Fael help her to the table and made sure she was comfortable before sitting across from her. They ate and discussed finding a way to get to see Karina before her own baby was born. "Perhaps Darryl could use his powers or something along those lines?" The only hole in Fael's idea was that Asper had mention that Darryl was using up his powers to help the family too much. "I think we will have to work on it, perhaps the answer will present itself."

"I might just have to content myself to scry on them. It's not nearly as good but I'll have our little boy soon and I'm sure with him in my arms and with the twins return I will be content for Darryl and Asper to bring little KArina to us one day." Elsa smiled softly at Feal, Elsa as much as she loved Feal had really been feeling lonely, while her grandmother occaisionally came down to visit and Lily sometimes spent afternoons with her older sister Feal only came at night or for the occasional evening meal more recently every meal, but Mother was gone or locked in her study more often then not and Elsa was really lonely. She didn't weep or mope about or anything because that's not who she was but she did hurt because of it and there was a little of that lonely hurt in her smile more and more recently.

There was a knock at the door and a small cry, announcing that Artin and her little boy was coming to see them. Feal smiled and opened the door for the dwarven cleric who came in with her little boy and took a seat, Feal's. "I was wonderin' if I coulda nay get yer help Elsa, but ye nor ye can tell Alehial or Altair anythin about it." She produced several small scrolls from her pocket and set them on the table. Kruek had quietted down and was looking about this strange room at everything that caught his attention, already he was a strong little boy.

"What sort of help did you need Aunt Arten?" Elsa asked making sure her hands were clean before reaching for one of the scrolls Arten set down on the table. Elsa ached to hold a baby but she knew little Kruek was not so much little as just a baby. Though it was a simple enough trick to get Mother to calm down was to give her a baby in her arms. "Would you like something to drink? We still have some left in the pitchers." Elsa offered not wanting to be a bad host even though it was their bedroom and not a house they owned. It was rule of thumb in the house to treat your room as a home to all the older kids anyways.

"No I am fine thank you little Elsa, these as you will find out are requests. For courting." Arten said handing Kruek to Fael. Fael looked a little shocked the dwarven baby was heavier than he looked and strong too. For his part the little one was fasinated by the man now in front of him and extended stubby little fingers in an attempt to reach this new person. Arten smiled ruefully as her son wanted to grasp at the man in front of him. Many a person that underestimated the grip of a dwarven child paid the price and had to plead with the parents to make the little one let go.

"Careful Love, He is his mothers baby. Why bring courting papers to me Aunt Arten... Certainly you can't be thinking of Kruek now?" Elsa asked readjusting herself into the seat as the little boy began pushing at her uncomfertably. It was the last month of her pregnancy that she would feel the most discomfort and it was always the last month things seemed to happen in the world to add stress to any Ravenwood child or lineage. Though speaking of lineages someone ought to check on grandmother Lai Elsa hadn't been able to get up the stairs to go and visit her. She should send Lily. But she turned her focus back onto the scroll in her hands. She began to scan over the words.

The scroll was from clans wanting to send their finest males to court Arten, and it seemed like there was a good amount of scrolls. The dwarven cleric made her usual surly sound and folded her arms over her chest. Kruek managed to get his hand around one of Fael's fingers and was now looking with interest at his prize. "Me and the wee one spent most of yesterday looking at these with Lai until he decided it was time to soil himself. Powerful thing the smell of a baby dwarves stool." she said with a laugh.

"I could only imagine Aunt Arten! My goodness you seem to be a highly wanted female, but Aunt Arten... do you want to get married? I thought for sure you thought men would only get in the way like Daddy does. Or all those stories you used to tell us about how men only ever got in the way or messed things up. Has having Kruek changed your mind about having a man around?" Elsa asked softly, chuckling softly as she looked over the other scrolls quickly. Even to Elsa some of them seemed like very good matches... at least politically. "Do you want someone you care for Aunt Arten? Or would you be satisfied with a man someone else has chosen for you. If you are serious about this then you should head back and take time to meet all the men. If you are very serious you will make them come to you."Elsa said still looking over all of her scrolls.

"His father was all the one I needed, but not since he decided he didn't need us." Arten's words were devoid of any feeling for the smith who fathered Kruek. The baby, having decided that Fael was worthy promptly fell asleep and began to snore softly. He looked at Arten and Elsa almost unable to believe the noises coming out of this small child. Arten smirked, "His father did about the same and I hatre to say my father does to. I believe with Alehial and Altair's permission I will allow some of them to come visit, once we make sure they don't work for the Sothies."

"Aunt Arten... you know... some men are sometimes a little, well they need a gentler hand sometimes. You didn't exactly put out a welcome mat and a pint of ale now did you? But maybe you could give him a second chance one day. When you are ready of course but if you want to you know none of us will think ill of you. But if you want to try someone new it's up to you Aunt Arten. I'll help you if you want me to." Elsa said smiling at her husband. He certainly wasn't used to dwarves in general. This was Elsa's first experience with a baby Dwarf certainly.

"No, he fled when this family needed him most and I will not abide a coward to raise my boy. I'd as sooner marry the halfling, he has a backbone somewhere inside that little pot belly." Fael quickly turned his back so that they did not see his reaction to the thought of Arten and Lyle together. Arten smirked at Elsa, they had knoen each other long enough that the dwarves comments did not even cause her to pause. "Could you be a dear though child and and compile the names onto one list so I may figure out who I will reply too."

"Would you like me to put the ones you might like best at the top of the list Aunt Arten... I know you have some peculiar wants of men. Heavens knows all the women in this house have some things they like better then others." Elsa said with a little gigle, she would do it too for her Aunt. Elsa and the other older kids were probably the closest to Aunt Arten, even though she'd been around for a long time. It was around then that Lily knocked on the door. Everyone knew how Lily knocked on doors by now and it was deffinetly her. "Come in Lily." Elsa said knowing it was probably time for a round around the house, either that or Lily wanted to take it, though Feal had only been letting her accompany him and not do it herself as of late.

Arten smiled at Lily walked in, "I'm sure it will not be long before we have to make the same lists for her. Although, I'm sure her father will beat them all off with clubs." Fael looked at the snoring bundle in his arms then at Elsa and Arten trying to figure out where to put him. "Lily, do you believe you can handle the patrol at this time?" he said. Knowing it would show great faith in her and her abilities.

"What? Um no I don't mind at all! Just... keep them off me is all I ask! Thanks Feal I won't fail I promise! I will keep an extra eye out!" Lily exclaimed before carefully backing out of the room again, when everyone was focusing on her Lily never felt comfertable, especially when they talked about her future... and men. She already had a man in her life and she didn't want any others. Soon ever so soon the brothers and sisters would be back and she could slip away with Gerard.

Elsa giggled, at least with Kruek in his arms Feal had to let other people help and he could never try to pass of a child when he had been entrusted with it. Though Kruek was the most peculiar little babe Feal would probably ever come into contact with. Elsa looked over the list of men one more time. She wanted to get as much information on them as possible and she would do just that. Then she would organize them and write out the list, names, jobs, and other such details included. Then they would see how they came out of the background checking and then they would see how well they handled the whole family on top of that. Out of all the men that might leave two behind if they were lucky.

Arten turned to Lily who was trying to sneak out, "Were you coming to see Fael about the patrol or just wanting to visit little flower?" Arten always called Lily flower as a pet name, she liked having the young lady along she was always full of questions and life. The house had been breathing a little easier now knowing everyone was safe. She and Lai had discussed how much Conner had grown after hearing he protected his sisters. Fael brought the still slumbering Kruek to Elsa and letting her see him closer.

"the patrol Aunt Arten, I know you don't like being bothered after a certain time... or before breakfast or right before lunch and you don't like being bothered while feeding Kruek or when he's been put down for a nap." Lily said ticking off the times she'd been yelled at or gotten in trouble for trying to visit Aunt Arten on her fingers. IT was rather comical how organized Lily was about everyone in the house. "Besides I want you to be able to understand him you've been waiting for so long for him to come around and then of course the way his father ran out was deplorable and you have every right to be angery anbout it and I wouldn't dream of bothering you or trying to make you unhappy on purpose or anything Aunt Arten, and This is Elsa and Feal's rooms after all and I know Feal likes to do the rounds exactly on time and he's been letting me tag along the last few times so he was a minute late to the door downstairs so I thought I'd come up and see what was keeping him from going on the round with me." Lily said earnestly, she knew her family well and they always wanted some kind of answer to ones behavior and if any deviation happened they always got suspicious.

Arten smiled and got to her feet, "I do not yell I chastize child. And I was the one who cast every healing spell when you got hurt and didn't want your parents knowing?" The tacturn dwarf hugged the young woman and smiled at her, "I love ye kids like my own and thankfully you all don't snore like him. And I offered any time you wish you could come see him and be a doting cousin." Her words as always were gruff, but in the middle of them was her true meanings. It had always been this way with Aunt Arten and even the boys admitted growing up they were loved by everyone in their house.

Lily had hugged Aunt Arten in return and smiled brightly at her. "I know Aunt Arten, but I just wanted you to have some time with him Mommy is always grouchy if we interupt her cuddling time with the other babies and I'd hate for you to be grouchy now that Krueks here and your not in pain anymore and I want the house to be safe so I should probably go and patrol now so Feal doesn't get grouchy either because he's rather turse when he get's grouchy and it's hard to deal with him because then Elsa gets grouchy and I'd rather avoid all of that if I can if it's at all possible so I'm going to go but I'll be back later Aunt Arten and I'll come and play with Kruek tomorrow okay? Probably after breakfast but I love you all and I'm going to go patrol now if no one else minds me going so make sure the house and the grounds are safe." Lily says giving hugs and kises to everyone in the room before heading out the door and down the stairs and even then outside to begin the patrol.

Arten turned to Elsa, "that girl needs to learn to slow down else she will have finished before he ever gets it inside her." Kruek cried out obviously hungry and Fael made motion to Arten who took her baby. "Come child let me bare my milk for yer hungry mouth." she said leaving the room. Fael looked at Elsa and smiled, "Soon our child will be out and crying to be fed, along with his brother and sister." Fale smiled and she could see his tail twitch back and forth while her was thinking that happy thought.

"I cannot wait for our children to return to us. And for our newest son to be born. I can only imagine the litter each of our boys will have from their own wives." Elsa said softly sitting back in the seat and relaxing spreading her legs. It was rough being pregnant, this time around was even worse. Her legs were swollen and she ached much more this time around. With her legs spread and as she slouched in the chair, she looked over the papers again and again. She would find one Aunt Arten would be proud to want to be with. "Poor Lily... anytime anyone gets her nervous she just talks away... or if she's happy... or excited... or unhappy... I have heard her speak normally you know." Elsa says finally realizing the longer she spoke the less normal Lily sounded.

Fael rubbed her legs to reduce the ache she felt, "Is this helping my love?" He knew that she had been hurting as of late and would do as much as he could to lessen it. Her concern for Arten proved she was a natural mother, and at some point they would have more children she was still young and healthy. "Lily will begin to speak normally as she grows older and more secure in who she is." Fael said as he worked the ache from his wife.

"You really think so Fael? Mmmmm that feels wonderful. I do hope Lily calms down a little. She wants so hard to prove to the world that she is just like mother." Elsa said with a happy groan of comfort. She didn't know why her legs were swelling or sore this time and not the last time. She didn't really like it one bit but at least when Fael rubbed her legs it made them feel tons better and she wanted very much for it to stop. HEr pregnancies hadn't been too hard or anything but still it was tedious all of this waiting around for something to happen.

Fael smiled at her praise, "Perhaps we should have asked Arten her clerical opinion about the swelling and aches. Either that or would should inquire with your mother or grandmother." he suggested. Fael continued to work on her legs easing the tension she felt, it was his duty to provide comfort to his wife in all things. Lily exited the house and began the patrol pattern she and Fael had worked out with diligence. She had not seen Gerard in several days, how many days would he wait for her so they could leave.

"Mother swelled up sometimes so I don't think it's a big problem sweetheart, it just... it's just bothersome is all. It won't kill me darling. I'm much more worried about the rest of the family." Elsa sighed hard, her husbands hands felt like miracles, from everything he'd even learned he could do the most amazing things with his hands and the knowledge he used for them.
Meanwhile Lily was doing rounds and she was worried. She'd not seen nor heard from Gerard and the Family was much more scattered then they had even been before. Her family was in sildea, and her brother had just had his baby and grandma wouldn't leave her rooms and mother locked herself in the study and had no time for anyone anymore. Perhaps she should leave now... so things couldn't get worse. That's what dad said... if you made things worse things couldn't do it on their own at all.

A caw caught her attention and she looked up to see Gerard's crow form sitting on the wall looking at her. The white mark upon his breast was a way for Lily to tell her lover from the common bird. Looking about the bird flew into the barn, probably the only place on the grounds there was not a guard. She only had a little bit more for her patrol and she had just been thinking about him. One of the gate guards waved in her direction, Fael felt it was easier at times to have them wave, but would change it in case an enemy would try taking the real guards place.

Lily waved happily at the guard. She took her cues from the guards and soon enough she was headed for the barn. Once inside she looked around quickly. "Gerard?!" She whispered loudly, she wanted to find him and yet be quiet and not let anyone know he was around again. SHe was so happy for him to be here and while she was even thinking of how much she missed him. "Gerard are you in here? Oh please say you are I've been missing you terribly and with everything that's been happening I could really use a friend right now and someone who cares about me! Please be in here!" Lily said quickly getting a little flustered she was upset she couldn't go see the baby and everyone else seemed to be avoiding her though she knew it wasn't really on purpose or anything but it still hurt to be so alone all the time. If there was nothing else she would leave that minute with Gerard. Her family was safe and she did miss the little brothers and sisters and neices and nephews but no one seemed to pay any attention to her and her loneliness wasn't helping her feel any better.

A little hay dropped on her from up in the loft, "Are you looking for me?" Gerard was not dressed for combat, a loose pair of trousers and a cotton shirt were all he wore except for his boots and his smile at her. He motioned for her to join him in the loft so they could talk. The barn was far enough from the guard posts that they could talk for sometime before she would be missed. For Gerard time was growing short and they needed to move soon.

"Oh Gerard you are here! How wonderful I was so afraid it wasn't you for a moment! You look exceptionally handsome today Gerard I like you dressed down like this! It's rather wonderful I think! Darryl's wife Asper had her baby a little baby girl, like we all knew she would but apparently she's changed somehow now that the little girl is back. I'm not allowed to go, and mothers been cooped up and now she is gone over there helping with the birth and everything. Elsa is stuck in her room now and Aunt Arten is looking at men to marry. Everythings gone all funny Gerard no one even cares if I'm around anymore... I... I don't know I feel like maybe I should just leave with you now! No one would probably even notice if I did!" Lily spoke as she climbed the ladder up into the hay loft. She was in full battle regalia, just in case there was an attack or anything on her. But she settled close to him in the hay anyways.

Gerard smiled again and held his hands out to her, "Come here my love, let me show you how much I need you. I cannot wait until it is our time to have a beautiful baby nestled safetly in your arms." His eyes spoke volumes to her and again made her think strongly about leaving now. Once she allowed him to undo most of her armor and weapons he took her into his arms and kissed her deeply. As they laid there kissing and chastly touching Gerard leaned near her ear and told her how much he loved her.

Lily nearly melted at his words and his touch. Never in her life could she imagine a man who might love her more then he did. "Oh Gerard... if only I had all my things I would leave with you now! I'm sure no one would even notice I was missing until everything settled down and they took a head count or something. Mother probably wouldn't even care if I was gone! She only ever makes me wait and not move or go anywhere or do anything I wanted to! I wish I had thought to stash my stuff here... in... the... barn? I did." Lily looked surprised that she hed forgotten that she HAD stashed her things to leave with Gerard in the barn. "I did leave my things here in the barn." Lily said softly and slowly, more then likely the first time Gerard had heard her speak at a normal legnth of time.

His eyes took a level of hope that made her excitement build, "Really, you have everything here in the barn? So, we could begin our adventure today? I can get the boat available to us late today and we could be on our way to the horizon. When we return from across the sea it will be with enough money to make them understand how important you are. And with children your parents will dote over and be proud to call thier grandchildren." Gerard kissed her deep and held her even closer, he was happy everything was coming together.

"Y-yes... I can grab it and we can go... After all Elsa is too busy to notice and Grandma never leaves her rooms now...mother wouldn't care either if I was gone, she cares much more about my brothers and sisters in Sildea. Can we leave soon?! If I brought my things... we could leave soon? Today for sure? We could begin our lives together?" Lily asked softly, the light in his eyes and the way he held her made up her mind. No one would think it strange if she stayed outside. Not only that but, the idea of getting out of here and being useful, doing something anything at all was amazing! She was ready to leave now... leave with Gerard.

"Yes, we can head to the dock long enough to arrange our transportation. I only have to grab a few things and we can be on our way." he said before kissing her again. They laid for only a few more moments longer thinking about the adventure before them. Gerard gathered her things and waited for her to get ready to put them back on so they could leave.

Lily left her prized everything behind. Things she thought couldn't be replaced. But she did keep the neckless her mother had given her. Her mother gave all the children gifts when they came of age. Alehial was the best mother and Lily kept the neckless but left everything else that was of most importance to her. "I'm ready if you can carry my stash I know how to get out past the guards, If I use my spell of the wolf I can get out and we can go to the docks. Then we can start our lives together! And when we get to the first town we'll get married!" Lily said excitedly grabbing her stashed goods it was a backpack holding things she would probably need and her money. Pulling it onto her back and dressed in her armer she waited only for Gerards say so to change. Of course she still had trouble with the spell and she wasn't so much a wolf as a tall thin golden retreiver like canine. But it still suited her purpose and she took off from the barn, keeping to coverage so no one from the house could see her she headed into the little grotto skirting her mothers Nature shrine and heading to the rock wall where there was a little hole underneath. She wriggled under and through it out the other side shook off the dirt and kept going. She didn't change back until she was several streets away, once she was back in her normal form she looked about for Gerard.

The crow alighted down and changed into her lover, "Let's hurry to my room to get my things then head for the docks. My uncle wishes us to get married when we reach his home in Valusia." Gerard put his hand in hers and led her quickly to the place where he bedded down. Quickly he dressed and watched Lily with a large smile, "I love you dearest Lily and cannot wait until we are wed." Lily could not however control the small pang of guilt that she would be leaving without seeing Conner and saying goodbye to her twin.

"Nonsense! I shall write them a letter and leave it for them! I'll hire a wizard or bard to let me see or talk to him! This is your time now Lily! You'll finally have your adventure and mum and daddy will see what a wonderful daughter you are... when you return." Lily mentally chastized ehrself. She smiled brightly in return to Gerard and she took out a quill and paper and quickly wrote a goodbye to the family and to Conner. Mostly to Conner, and a little explanation. She rolled it up after it dried and she tied it with one of her ribbons. She would ask a passing boy to take it to the Ravenwood home later. Before they were to leave. Once they were on the boat there was no way grandma Lai or Elsa could use any spells to get her and Asper would never let Darryl leave her side. Besides Darryl would have mummy to deal with too. Once he was dressed and had his things Lily took his hand again as they rushed to the docks and to their boat.

As they made it to the boat Gerard took her hand and smiled, "This is a token of our new life together." He placed a braclet on her wrist and clasped it shut, "Wait here dearest, I have to talk to the captain." He walked up the gangway and shool hands with the Captain. A short conversation later he motioned for Lily to join them on deck as the sailors began preperations to depart. "Our first stop my dear one will be Illian." he said instantly making Lily think of the stories of her parents in that place.

When she waited she flagged down a boy and gave him a full gold coin to deliver the message she had written, she then sent the by off and when she got onto the deck she was overjoyed, all guilt forgotten in the moment until of course she began to think of Illian, by all rights it was a horrible place no girl she go to. That's what Mummy always said, "Gerard... you won't leave me anywhere in Illian will you? Only my parents were there once and a lot of bad things happened to them and Elsa was there too and they had a horrible time and I'm not sure if I want to stay in Illian very long I mean I want to see it and be there and everything but my Father told me it's dangerous and to never letmy guard down there and that evil horrible things happened to people who weren't prepared!" Lily said holding tightly onto Gerard as the boat swayed on the waves, she deffinetly didn't have 'sealegs'.

"We will be there only long enough for the boat to drop it's other cargo and pick up things to take on to Valusia. Do not worry my lover, you are mine." he said wrapping his arm abourt her and drawing her in close. the urge struck him to take her under deck and ravish her until she bore his children. We have a romm until it's time to go." he offered her his hand as they prepared to leave.

Lily took it and held it tightly. She needed him for stability on the boat and she didn't no she couldn't go exploring or adventuring without him, he was the one who brought her here gave her courage and helped her be strong. If he said they wouldn't be at Illian for long, then she beleived it completely. She would go off the boat for maybe a day or two, but that was all she would never stay the night off the boat and she would be on guard the entire time they were at Illian. "How do you walk on a boat!" She sighed unhappily, after all she had only ever been on land and in the city or in Sildea.

As the boat set sail Gerard went over the finer points of walking on a sea going vessel and kept her close by. And little by little Andor and her family receeded until se could no longer see it what so ever. The crew was all polite to her although Gerard had not given them their names, in case her family tried to find her through the vessel. "Here dearest, I have something for you, it is part of the wedding bands." On Lily's wrist he put on a braclet and kissed her deeply, he was very happy for now her family couldn't find her at all.

Lily brightened a lot, "OH GERARD!" She cried out happily and hugged him as tight as she could. She hadn't yet mastered the walking on a boat stuff yet but she could practice her daggers. It was her best skill, was throwing daggers. So she could of course practice while she was on a boat. She was almost spot on normally, she was glad she didn't always hit her mark, if she had then Gerard would be dead probably. "I can't wait to polish my skills even more! That way we'll be the perfect fighting team! fighting and killing those who oppose us!"

Alehial wasn't sure what to do now. Of course she was helping take care of Farryl and Asper and the baby by way of taking care of them but she had literally just made a deal with a devil. She agreed to take her babies with her into Galin's protection. She could never tell Altair, or Lai. She could tell no one. What would she do about her twins? Her little girls? Did she take them with her? Would it be safer with her or with their father. Galadrid wanted them, she knew that but what if Galadrid really was working with Galin like she thought they were. Things weren't as they seemed and she was terrified she chose wrong, but she was afraid, more afraid then ever now, because she had already agreed and the one thing Galin always wanted when he came back, was her. SHe pulled fresh scones out of the oven, if not for Jessa instructing her they would be burnt.

Some of the usual well wishers appeared Lyle, who thoughtfully brought his children and a sticky bun for the new mother was first and did not overstay his welcome. Darryl was beaming and thanked everyone for their compliments about how beautiful a little girl Asper and he had. Rand came with the Queen and her younger children who thought the baby had the most darling eyes and cute smile. Of course the Queen fussed over Asper as well, telling her that when she felt up to it she wanted to have tea. Cyndil asked respectfully to them both if she could hold the little one for a moment, Lyle ribbed Rand about another Mornenson child in nine months.

"I doubt that Lyle, Rands in enough trouble over the kings desicions of late with sweet Cyndil." Alehial said with a smirk as she went about getting drinks for everyone. Those who weren't in the room were in the sitting room. "So What do you think of Darryl's work on the place Rand? A little different from when you and Cyndil would hook up and shack up hm?" Alehial asked, the house in fact almost looked nothing like it had before thanks to the work Darryl had done to it. Alehial was relieved to not have to think about what she had agreed to and was planning on doing while the family was here and gathered. Alehial of course was not trying to bait anyone into anything more then conversation, because the queen was here and Alehial didn't want to start anything. Gareth was pushing enough buttons of late that anything was a sore topic it seemed.

"I may have done the work, but the house is all the shared design between Asper and me." Darryl said kissing the top of his wife's hand. Everyone agreed that together they produced many beautiful things. Cyndil was still cooing over Karina as she brought her back to Asper, "I think she wants her mother because she did not soil her swaddle. And Lyle if Rand was ever home most nights it might become a time that I would want another baby." Everyone laughed at the comment and the fact Rand's mouth dropped open in surprise.

Alehial stayed in the background for the most part. She watched her children and her family being together and being happy. She only hoped her descision to go with Galin didn't destroy all of this.
Asper took her daughter back and covered up with a blanket while she began to feed her. Asper wasn't an especially shy person but for some reason with all these people in the room she wasn't agitated she just didn't want anyone to see her daughters face, or share anthing with them. She never knew things could be like this.

Rand spoke up, "I think we should give the young family some time. I remember a time when Cyndil finished with a feeding that both she and the little ones were very tired." Everyone nodded agreement to his suggestion and Darryl thanked them for coming and showed them out. He then returned and sat near Asper and Karina in case he was needed for anything. It was nice to see everyone and even better that they were so respectful of Asper and the baby, he looked over at her and smiled at his love and their child.

Asper was already dosing slightly once everyone was gone. It had taken a lot of energy for her to be bright eyed and on guard with them all around. Not to mention Karina had this way, Asper wasn't positive but she was almost sure that was like her fathers ability to sooth her. It was like being tricked and not being able to fight it. Karina always fed good and when she did Asper felt at peace, no fear or anger. Worry yes but the little heartbeating next to hers and the feel of being connected with Karina and whatever the little one was doing Made Asper get all the rest she needed without Darryl having to mother her to do so.

A knock at the main door caught Alehial's attention, was a last minute visitor coming to wish the new little family well. For some reason a knot formed in her stomach, a feeling of foreboding that made her sick. Thinking back to the promise Galin had made that as long as the children retired from adventuring he'd find a way to keep them all safe. Darryl had appeared beside her having heard the knock, he left to find out what was going on. "It's Fael mother, I think its good news he brings." his words were small, almost like he was a small child again.

"What's the matter Darryl? Feal?" Alehial asked softly almost worried, she wiped her hands on the apron around her waist and came to the door. She was cleaning up after all the guests she couldn't cook so she cleaned. Scared the wits out of her new lady in waiting, the first few days. But now Feal was here... that meant something bad. That meant one of the girls. Nothing good could ever happen if a man came running with news.

Fael handed an open missive to Alehial, it was from Lily and told them that she was running away to adventure with Gerard and would come home when they were done. Darryl's eyes flashed and she knew he was looking for his sister and the man who took her away from Andor. Fael looked apologetic, "I must get back to Elsa mother, is there anything we should have her or Lai do?" Darryl disappeared for a short while then reappeared and looked distressed about what he found.

"No Feal go home watch over the rest of them. Darryl come into your sitting room. Tell me in private. It's alright Feal thank you for bringing this to me." Alehial said softly, She took the paper and reread it for herself not that she did not beleive Feal but suddenly the bad feeling in her gut turned into a hard stone. She swallowed and led Darryl into the quite room, once they were inside and she had closed the door she looked to Darryl. "Tell me what you found sweetheart. It's okay I'll take care of it just let me know what you saw." Alehial said her stomach tight with fear for her daughter, while she didn't feel Gerard himself was so dangerous, anything could happen to Lily.

"I can't find Lily, it's like she is cloaked from me and I can't locate him either. It isn't the first time I've been prevented from locating someone, but what will we do?" He was nervous and aggitated that something might happen to his sister and he wasn't able to protect her. Alehial could only guess the reaction Lai had to the missive and even Elsa's concern. And if Darryl couldn't locate her then maybe all magic would be unable to find her.

"You worry about protecting Asper and Karina, Darryl. You let me worry about the other kids. You have a family of your own now and your own home, that, is your first priority. I will head home and speak with Altair and Grandmother Sirrus." Alehial said untying her apron. This meant dangerous foes if someone was taking enough effort to hide Gerard and Lily from a scion as powerful as Darryl. It was terryfying to think her eldest daughter born from herself was hidden away who knew where and out of her grasp to save her.

When she arrived back at the Estate Lai was coming across the landing with a couple things from Lily's room in her arms. It didn't take a genius to figure out she was going to try every method of scrying she had access to. Lily was special to Lai, it was around the time of her birth that the miracle of Conner returning to her after so long. Conner and Lily were her first grandchildren and she loved them as if they were her own children. If Gerard was still anywhere near Lily he may wish to run before a member of the family figured out how to find them.

"Lai! Lai calm down please! We need to slow down and do things methodically. Like when Lily left the note and how she got out of the city without being seen. Calm down please Lai I need your help." Alehial said rushing forward to grab some of the things from Lai and slow her down. Alehial didn't want Lai and Elsa too worked up in their conditions. But she really didn't want to panic herself either and she was close to panicking. It was her own baby and all of her other babies were all gone from her so knowing her twins who knew what kind of dangers her daughter was getting in over her head at.

Lai looked at Alehial intercepted her with some tears in her eyes, "I never should have let her go so long without spending time with her. If anything happens to her I will never EVER forgive myself." Bowers had appeared and equally looked distressed at the news Lily had left the safety of the house and maybe even the city. "Lady Alehial, shall I send a runner to Master Rand's to summon him for help in finding miss Lily?" was all he could ask. He began to pickup several items that had tumbled from Lai's arms.

"No! Not yet! If we summon Rand the whole castle will know, and if the castle knows the servants know and the nobles and the city! WE have to try to do things ourselves first. Maybe they are still close." Alehial said harsher then she reall meant. But her hands were already trembling in fear for her daughter, so headstrong and outspoken who knew what kind of trouble the girl would find herself in. Alehial went to the scrying room nearly running in her haste. She cast her spell and began to panic a little more openly when it failed. What if Galin devised this? What if he hadn't? What if it was someone else... or Alehial's mind was in a hundred places at once as she began thinking darker and darker thoughts.

Lai also cast and panic set in, there were only certain times when a scrying spell would not work, another spell blocked it, or the person was dead. Her tears began to fall freely at the second thought of losing her dear granddaughter. Bowers was shortly joined by Fael who knew the note was causing quite a stir inside the house. "Mother is there anything you wish for me to do?" his request was genuine and if Alehial gave him something to do then he would do it gladly. Alehial thought of the ring in her pocket, should she turn to Galin or try contacting Altair?

"I... I don't know! Oh Lily! My baby..." Alehial too felt tears run down her cheeks as she thought of the worst for her daughter. Altair was with her own mother in Sildea and her other children. Alehial sank into a seat and hugged herself. She really didn't know what to do, she was terrified for her daughter either answer was horrible to think of and she dreaded the truth either way. Alehial simply couldn't think to do anything at the moment with the fear for her daughter she was trying to deal with.

Lai quickly looked to Fael, "We need Arten, she can at least use a spell to ask the dieties what is going on. It may not be the answer we need, but it should put us on the right path." Fael nodded and went to get the cleric and most likely her infant son, who was never far from his mother. Bowers still stood in the doorway with an armful of Lily's things which he set down and pulled two handkerchiefs and handed one to Alehial and the other to Lai. His eyes showed that he to felt sorrow and a sincere wish that Lily was alive and well.

Alehial took the hankercheif and dabbed her cheeks. "My little Lily! Why did you leave! Oh my baby girl!" Alehial spoke lowly as she hugged the hankercheif to her chest. She would die if her own daughter had been she couldn't even think it. She was too afraid to think it. Alehial only knew terror for her daughters situation and on top of the rest of what was going on Alehial was really at the end of her wits and just about everything else.

Arten arrived and handed her son to Fael and picked up one of Lily's things and began to cast her spell. Lai came to sit near Alehial and took her hand in her own and hoped they would get better news. After a few minutes Arten's eyes opened and she spoke, "Lily is alive something with her is blocking your spells and Darryl as well. They can't tell me where she is, but she is okay such as it is." Lai squeezed Alehial's hand and dried her tears, now they only had to find her and bring her home.

"Why! Why did she leave! Why would she leave our home! Now or ever! Why would she leave us like this! This note! a backpack full of supplies gone! She even prepared for it! How could she leave us!" Alehial asked angrily, bitterly broken heartedly, it was like getting stabbed in the heart by her own child. The betrayel the sadness and the fear churning in her stomach was killing her.

"Only the gods know why she did this, perhaps she is trying to prove she is your daughter?" Arten said before sitting nearby. "I'll wager my father's beard that pain in the backside Gerard had something to do with it!" she added ruefully. They all remembered Altair's anger when Lily had lied to them about seeing the ranger, and that he had promised to kill him if he approached Lily again. That meant if Gerard was involved then he made her leave Andor and run somewhere that the Ravenwood reach did not extend. There were only a short list of places they could have went where the family or Andorians were not welcome.

"Even so, she would know better! Lily is... She's... she's gone!!!" Alehial cried sobbing even harder. Thinking that her own daughter wanted nothing to do with them anymore was a horrible thought to even think. That her own daughter wanted to leave the family. The wound in her heart only hurt even more at the thought of her own family hating the family so much that they had to run away to get away from it.

No one spoke for a long time, Alehial saying that Lily hated her family shook them all very hard. The young girl had never told anyone she was unhappy at home and even had shared charge in safeguarding the house. Fael handed the babe back to Arten who thanked him quietly before he left to inform Elsa what they knew. Lai sat close to Alehial and held her close, she was as upset, but felt for her daughter as well. Arten began to recite a prayer that the gods would watch over Lily and bring her home.

Once Elsa heard the news she pushed herself out of her chair and hurried to the stairs. While she was due soon this was something that would make her go up and down the stairs as often as she needed to to help her mother and grandmother. This was impossible. Lily was happy at home, while a little upset and left out a lot she was still happy here at the house. She had just gone on errands for Elsa and her grandmother and visited with her friends. There seriously couldn't have been something so terrible that Lily had to leave home because of it. But then the Ravenwood girls were always very strongheaded and independant. Anything could have set Lily off and convinced her to run off but she wouldn't know what to do on her own.

They sat in the sitting room trying to comfort one another, Arten made Elsa take her seat when she arrived. Arten again echoed an earlier comment, "Should we not have yer brother reach out to friends an have them look out for Lily? An should we also not inform Altair about Lily's departure and possible involement of Gerard?" Almost without thinking Lai let slip an elvish curse to the human ranger that whisked the dear girl away. Bowers' eyes had a look of surprise that Lady Ravenwood would say something like that, but understood Lily was dear to everyone in the house.

"No... not yet... Altair is trying to help mother change the councils mind. They are trying to close the borders to any strangers once again. I can't have him leave the children there not with all the political tension running rampant in Sildea." Alehial said she had stopped crying but instead shook as if she were cold. Even thouh it was still occasionally snowing it was begining to warm up for spring slowly but surely.

Arten spoke up after listening to the whole situation, "Perhaps it would be best if we switch Altair and Alehial, I mean the council might be more willing to listen to a natove child. Altair can setup contacts to watch for Lily, not that I don't have faith you all can do the jobs you are currently doing." To move Alehial and Altair would mean that Daryyl would have to move them and that would mean calling for him. Fael came to take a knee beside Elsa and placed his hand over her stomach, it was aweful that Lily would not be here for the new baby's arrival. Bowers left the room for a little while then returned with tea and some biscuits for the group.

"Sildea has apparently already orders the sheilds to stay on permenantly. Darryl wouldn't be able to take us in... I need to pray." Alehial said softly to Arten. Alehial was truly distraught with what Lily had done and she didn't know how she was going to cope with everything. Not knowing if her baby girl was all right or not. She was terrified. She made her way into her glen, and before long she was praying to all the gods to watch over her children and to keep them all safe even if it meant she had to sacrifice everything for them. She stayed outside so long she missed dinner, and the moon was almost below the horizon before she went to bed. Then she woke before dawn and returned to the glen to pray, she refused breakfast even though Bowers insisted.

Elsa hugged Fael even though the baby kicked and fussed inside of her she felt she was to blame for Lily being unhappy enough to run away. After all she was the big sister and woman confidant for Lily as was grandma Lai. But then again Elsa knew just knew this is what her parents felt like when she ran off like she did or got captured all the time and she felt aweful. She drank the tea Bowers brought because she didn't want Fael fussing and if she didn't eat she got sick still.

Bowers was concerned about Lady Ravenwood and because he was he sent the page away with a note. It was obvious later when Rand's carriage came through the gate and Cindel departed with her children in tow. The boy's hurried towards the glen to see their aunt and Cindel and the nanny took the girls into the house. "Aunt Alehial, Aunt Alehial!" the boys called in unison coming right up to her and hugiing her tightly, "Mother brought us and the girls for a visit!" They were always excited to see their aunt as she would fuss over them and always had something wonderful to go with their tea.

"This is a surprise! OOF! You both are too big! Stop growing this instant!" Alehial said fondly hugging the boys back. But it was true they were only thirteen and already larger then her and taller then her. But they had the same fondness of her as always. "I suppose your father sent you to come and fetch me then?" Alehial inquired of her nephews. They looked incredably like their grandfather. Alehial really need the exuberance of youth right now and so she hugged both boys back tightly as she could. "We can't leave your mother be or she'll chase out Aunt Artens baby and upset the old dwarf! Let's go." Alehial said with a sad smile on her face. It made her miss Lily all the more the excitement of these boys being around.

"Actually, it's just mother, the nanny and us children. Father is doing something for the king right now." They each walked on either side of Alehial and put their arms in hers and escorted her back to the house. Cindel was inside the entryway holding Arten's little boy while the fussy dwarf held one of the girls. "I must say Cindel compared to him this one has barely any weight at all." she kidded. Cindel nodded, but was easily able to hold the dwarven infant due to her strength.

Alehial smiled sadly seeing Cindel holding the baby and the boys and either side of her. She knew someone told them it was just finding out who did it and waiting for Rand to get the information and show up. and the king and then Altair and the rest of the family and then she would be blamed for not being able to control her daughter or see what was going on.

After a little while the children went into the sitting room, leaving Cindel alone with Alehial. "She'll be back, she just wishes to prove herself to her parents." Cindel said coming to hug Alehial. "And do not worry, no one at my house knows but me and no one will. But, have you told Altair yet? He should really know what is happening as well." Cindel had always been a staunch supporter of Alehial and knew that she needed someone not so close in the famly to talk to.

"yu didn't read the letter she left Cindel..." Alehial said falling into Cindels embrace with a sof sob, she didn't want everyone to come back and find her weeping again because everyone was already so worried she didn't want to hurt anyone else. She just couldn't tell Altair because he would go off on a hunt for Gerard and Lily and they really couldn't afford any major distractions right now. Even though it was their baby if they left to go find one child there was a large chance the other children would all be in great peril as well. Alehial simply couldn't decide on how to do anything at the moment because of her terror for her baby girl.

Cindel held onto Alehial and comforted her before she ever thought to try giving any advice to her dear friend and sister. "Alehial you need to tell Altair before he finds out another way, have him come home with the children and the two of you decide the next best move, together as you have always done." The words held more weight coming from someone Alehial had confided much in and seen quite a bit too. "Come let us take the girls into the sitting room and you and I will discuss how to tell your husband what has happened." She squeezed Alehial's hands and then raised her chin to wipe a tear or two away and try coaxing a smile.

Alehial sighed softly though she couldn't smile. "It's my fault this happened at all Cindel, what am I supposed to tell my husband about our daughter... The truth would kill him." Alehial said sadly. She knew it would too. She had been thinking almost all night and all morning about calling for Galin and asking for his help. He had much more people he could call on then she did. But she still didn't trust him. But he might be able to bring her back... yet at the same time he had once offered to raise her as his own child her and Conner. Alehial was so scared for Lily that she was fighting the desire to summon Galin and speak with him.

"Sister, tell him the truth and let him read the note. He has a hand in this as much as everyone else. Many things have tried killing your husband over the years, and yes he will hurt just as you are but together you will solve the problem." They had a seat and while playing with the girls they began to hatch out what Alehial should tell Altair and it took a bit of the worry off Alehial's shoulders. Bowers brought tea and sandwhiches for them and Cindel began to fuss over Alehial about eating something. Rand had always told his wife she could out mother a mother hen and always seemed concerned about everyone at the same time.

Alehial ate half a sandwhich and one cup of tea to ease Cindels worry, it wasn't that she was hungry because she wasn't. She always felt like she over ate when Altair filled her plate with food and she ate it all. After all she was half elven she ate half of what humans did and twice as much as most elves. she also ate meat which most elves did not do. While she knew what she was going to tell Altair now. It also solidified her other thoughts. She would call on Galin and make with him a deal.

A good while later Cindel and the children bid Alehial farewell and headed home, leaving Lady Ravenwood alone with her thoughts. Bowers came and asked Alehial about dinner and waited for her decision. The whole house was silent and it spoke volumes to Alehial more so now then ever. The question now was would she meet with Galin first or tell Altiar and see what his reaction was. The sun was already low in the sky and the shadows were stretching from the mountains over the city.

Alehial gave Bowers a vague answer of what would be served. She then made her way to her room. Getting her pin out of the place she kept it hidden she then summoned Galin with it. She would always love Altair but he was getting older and it scared her more and more how dangerous their lives were. While Galin was fresh and young again, thanks to evil deeds. He was still evil but They had already made a bargain perhaps he would be willing to do another.

He entered the room through a portal almost twenty minutes later, dressed in dark clothes. "Well, Lady Ravenwood summons me to her bedchambers and she is not fully armed? I believe it must be something dire indeed to call for me like this." he said looking about in case this was a trick. Part of him wondered what she was going to ask him for and what price she would pay for it. Smartly though he held his tongue and waited for the lady to speak, it was the civil thing to do.

"I need... I need help... Your help Galin." Alehial said softly, sitting in on her chaise lounge chair, hands on her lap knuckles white with the strength of her grip. She didn't want to ask. Didn't want to be forced to go to him to help their family. Not after what he had done and who knew what he was planning on doing. But her fear was so great for her daughter and her husband that she saw no other option but this one. Even with all the support she was lost this time on how to act. On what to do. To many enemies and not enough strength or ability to deal with them all. This was her last resort. He could see that in the way she held herself. How she kept her eyes on the floor and never looked up at him. Then of course she was wearing one of her favorite elven gowns and hadn't tried to arm herself even after she had summoned him.

Galin blinked, he was surprised that the once firey Lady Ravenwood now seemed so fragile and small. "It must be dire indeed for you to ask from me, so please what do you require Alehial?" he asked in even tones. He crossed the room and moved the chair from her vanity and sat across from her and waited. Alehial almost wondered if he was telling the truth that he had changed, that coming back from the dead changed his outlook. Or was the predator lurking just below the surface, cloaked in a righteous man disguise and the whole time waiting to pounce.

"Lily has run away from home... She has no idea what the world can be like without family there to protect her and she ran off with a man who's no good. She's been sheilded from us and the gods can only give us vague answers. You once told me you would love my children as your own... and we struck a bargain already to protect my children. I have no other choice. You are my only option and before you get a swelled head know that if I find out that you had any hand in this or were involved in any way I will not hesitate to kill you." Alehial said finally not liking how near or comfertable he was in her own room. But she couldn't help but need his help and it was killing her inside. She was already keeping secrets from Altair for the first time in their lives and this wasn't exactly a small secret to keep. Not only that but Galin had proven less then trustworthy in the past. She could only hope and pray he wouldn't try taking advantage of the situation completely.

"I'll send missives to all my guildhouses to keep an eye out and will pass the information on to you. But, she is her mother and father's child and probably wishes to find adventure and love out in the big world. I'll need you to write out descriptions for Lily and this dangerous man, also what would you like done with the man himself." Galin spoke easily and was rather surprised that a fledgling Ravenwood would leave the safety of the nest and risk what was outside the city walls. He leaned forward and held her gaze, "And does Altair know about this or my new part in finding precious Lily?"

"Of course he doesn't and he won't either Galin. I can provide a semi recent sketch of her and have it sent to your guildhouse for you to have copied. Stop the man from returning for her. I don't care if you kill him or not. Altair wants him dead. I know you won't do this for nothing Galin. After all I know exactly who you are and what you really are. What do you want for this favor?" Alehial said goosebumps raising on her arms from Galin's Direct gaze and his nearness. Last time he was this close, Alehial had almost given in to him and given up on Altair. Now she had already struck one deal and was ready to bargain for one more. She didn't know what he would ask for but she knew the more bargains she maid the more control he had over her and it would be her downfall more likely then naught.

"Nothing." he said almost immediately, "She is my family and while her father and I do not get along, I have hopes one day the Ravenwoods will find some common acceptance. If the man causes any difficulties I will see my men handle it, I will need the best discription you can give me though." Galin was elated, the news she just inferred to him could not strengthen his position more. "I will wait here while you collect the sketch and write the description if you do not mind. My personal guard get nervous when I go where I choose on a whim or summons, I hope you understand."

"No I... I understand. I'll be a moment." Alehial said softly, getting up from her duvan. She wasn't sure what had just happened one moment he was serious and now he was... even more serious. It was confusing to say the least, but then again this was Galin. Alehial went to her dresser and pulled out the sketches of all of her children. They were done during the winter soltice just before the young ones went to Sildea. She grabbed the one with Lily and after biting her lips a moment to stop her tears from reemerging she turned back to Galin and stood by his side handing him the picture. "I want this back soon." Alehial said her voice tight and her eyes watery still. She was having trouble keeping herself composed. Even giving her picture to Galin hurt right now. "Find my baby Galin, and bring her home to me please." Alehial said blinking quickly before taking a sturdying breath. She would probably cry again after he was gone. After all the wound was still fresh Lily had only been missing four days now.

"I will return it tomorrow, and now a written description of this man, his name, and anything else you believe relevent about him." Galin made light contact with her wrist when he took the sketch and looked down at it. Lily had grown into a beautiful young woman and it made him smile, "She is every bit as tough looking as her mother." He sat back into the chair and waited for Alehial to write out the description, he would have his best trackers begin working on this. While her back was turned he smiled, the game was about to begin and his brother was already three moves behind.

Alehial wrote down everything she could think of about this man. Once she was finished she dried the ink and handed the paper to Galin, she then let out a sigh, it was a shakey thing and she seemed far too fragile for looking almost exactly the same as she had before when they had come together. "She's much more like Altair, She even takes after the human in her, I never should have let her run around on her own." Alehial said softly before wiping the tear off of her cheek. Alehial was torn completely inside, her daughter had clearly left the statement about how she really felt and Alehial still had to tell Altair and here she was making deals with one of their almost unkillable enemies.

Galin felt like pushing his luck this night and set his opposite hand on her shoulder and whispered, "I'll find her and bring her back to you Alehial. While I search do think about my offer to help you protect your other little ones, I had heard about the attacks on Sildea." He gave Alehial a confident smile to reassure her that he would help her, also he sent a summons to all the heads of the Guild houses around Galeron to be ready for new orders. He activated the ring and brought the portal back open. Only something made him wait to see if Alehial rebuffed his advance or submitted to him.

Alehial covered her face in her hands and her tears ran down her cheeks. "I raised her and loved her and she felt she had to run away! What did I do?! Why did she want to leave our family?! Wasn't it good enough here for her?!" Alehial asked as she began to weep openly. She didn't want to show this kind of face to Galin but there was nothing she could do about it. She was still completely heart broken about Lily running away.

It was truly sad to see what his welp brother turned the proud half-elf druid into a weepy, moopy soft woman. Galin further pushed that luck when he put his arms about her, "It's alright Alehial, I would bet the man had more to do with her leaving then one might think. She'll be found and brought home and you'll see everything is alright, I cannot stay too much longer if I want to get my men looking. I will however return here tomorrow night at the same time to return your sketch and update you." He let her go and turned to step into the portal, the heads of the guildhouses would be waiting and he still had to have his mage copy the sketch and draw up this other one.

Alehial knew she should know better but she couldn't help but feel comforted by What Galin said. By the fact that she knew he would keep his promise whether or not he was going to use it against her sometime in the future or not. He would do his best. Since he had more contacts and more followers then the Ravenwoods did there was a much larger chance he would find her Lily and bring her back home. "Don't think this makes me think you any less evil Galin." Alehial says softly unable to muster a normal or even scathing tone of voice. Not at that moment.

He said nothing else and turned to walk through the portal, it was a good night for him overall. The portal closed and Alehial was left behind in her room, what would she tell Altair when he returned. The house was again quiet and it felt more like a tomb than a home to her at this time. Galin's offer to help safeguard the little ones still rang in her ears and she kept hearing his words over and over.

Alehial made up her mind and she got ready for dinner, though this night she chose her favorite pair of pants and one of Altair's old worn out traveling shirts, For dinner. She would head back out into her grove again to pray. Everyone was starting to notice how she ate less. In fact she had noticed herself how she was losing some of the fat from the years of eating like Altair always made her. In fact because she also practiced with her elven blades in the glen she was getting back down to her size where her clothing from when she was in the frontier were fitting better then the clothing she owned that had been made most recently. She would continue doing so until she had come to a decision.

Bowers was at a loss for both Lady Ravenwoods were now withdrawn and not eating much and even Elsa and Fael were taking meals in their room since the baby was due soon. The house was very quiet and the maids went about their duties and waited for any of the family to need them. When Alehial finished and went back out to her grove he quickly cleaned up then took Lai her meal while the cook dropped off to Elsa's room. Part way through her training she felt Conner reaching out to her with his magic. "Hello mother, father wanted me to contact you. The council will not be swayed they are closing Sildea's borders, we will be leaving the day after tomorrow and heading home. We hope all is well."

"Conner?! Oh um yes dear, I understand I'll inform everyone and we'll be ready and waiting for you all." Alehial responded as a surge of grief ran through her at hearing her babies voice, knowing she had lost his sister hurt so much more. She right then hearing Conners voice made up her mind. She would go to Galin not now but if need be... when the time came she would go to him and trust in his army to keep safe all of her children.

"Father was unsure if Daryl will be bringing the younger ones home faster, Tani and Lucas may fly ahead and I have no idea what Lyriel and Flint intend." And also one of the maids has asked father if she can return with us, she has grown close to the tiny ones." Something about his tone had changed, like he was embracing his responsibilities in the family especially his baby sisters. Conner was sitting in the twins room watching as one of imps, they called Nanny fuss as they bathed for bed. He was unhappy that Sildea could no longer be counted on as a refuge for their family, but the council felt they were a target as long as the borders were open.

" I understand dear, Daryl is taking care of... his wife and the baby. It was a hard labor after all she is such a tiny girl. Lyriel and Flint will probably take the longest route they can to return, seeing as FLint know's what awaits him here. I love you Conner, I love you so much my darling baby boy." Alehial sends back in return, she was having trouble not falling into a fit of weeping again. How was she ever going to tell Altair what happened if she even reacted this way to just hearing Conner. Though that gave her an idea. She quickly went to her desk got a sheet of paper and quill and wrote a missive to Rand requesting a guard for Conner when he returned. Someone to be his companion and protecter. Mostly protecter seeing as he was the eldest of the Ravenwood bloodline and the heir to everything.

Once she was done with the missive and it was on its way to Rand, she realized that the loneliness and silence of the house pressed down upon her. Even walking about the main rooms and seeing the pictures of the family, and she remembered they were scattering away from her and she felt powerless even given how much power she had. To have to align herself with Galin to protect the children, what would Altair or even the children say.

Alehial decided it would be best to go out into her glen once more. At least the silence there wasn't so... trapped. Even though she wasn't she felt almost free when she went out to her holy shrine. The sound of moving water, the bugs and frogs living in their own way. At least there was life out there and not so much dead air as there was inside the manor. It was unfair to think such things but when she was alone Alehial missed her wolf friend and she missed being in the frontier before it was a real town. When it was still wilderness and tents. She found herself longing to shed the title of Baroness and flee into the forest more and more every day. But now she was running from one place into another. More then probably a trap at that.

Verex was interuppted by the young page with a missive in his hand, it bore the seal of the Blades. When she opened it and finished reading it was a summons for a new position and she was to meet with Commander Rand at the Blades headquarters. It was rare that she'd get such an invitation as she was still a journeyman in the organization. But, if the paper said report it might mean something bright in her future. A small scribble at the bottom of the missive informed her that she'd only have twenty minutes, and she was a good thirty from base.

Verex smiled, shortcuts were all over the city if you knew how to find them. She tucked the letter into her vest breast pocket and took off at a run. Running down side alleys and climbing a ladder onto a rooftop she traveled that way not slowing down a minute. She made it to the Blade's headquarters with at least five minutes to spare and she took only as much time as it took to walk calmly through the offices to get her breath back to normal which she did. She knocked on the Commanders doors three times and waited until he called to enter. She did and stood at attention just in front of his desk behind the guests chairs. "Verex Gehald, Journeyman Blade reporting for duty sir!" She saluted and held the position. It wasn't often Journeymen got summoned like that, not for a mission anyways. Usually they were sent for small things and as back-up. She was curious as to what it was she was summoned for. She had made it to the office at exactly twenty minutes from when she had received the missive. But then Verex always followed every command no matter what. If she was given twenty minutes she made it in twenty, if they said before twenty she would have found a way.

Rand Mornenson looked up from his scroll, one that the Blades kept for every member listing everything about them and he smiled. "At ease Gehald, I'm impressed that you made it here in the allotted time. Shows what most of your trainers forwarded to me about you and your abilities." he said never hinting if she was praised or rebuked by them. He indicated for her to take a seat before he went any further with their meeting, "Sit and would you like something to drink?" Over the fireplace Verex could see the axe that had belonged to the first leader of the Blades and beside it was the Dragonrider armor that Rand had worn during the wars.

"No. Thank you sir." Verex said as she took the seat she was prompted to by him. Rand Mornenson was something of a legend, dragon rider, half elf, married to a half dragon, father of twins and triplettes. Elder brother of the hero's of Bearlon, confidant and friend of his cousin the King. Verex knew a lot about the Ravenwoods but then information was one of her strong points. She'd bounced around trainers in the blades for a while now, even htough she came from outside of Baerlon, She was fast and learned faster. She was more curious to know about why she was called into this office but she kept silent it was often the best way to get information.

"I have a mission for you, one that will test you." Rand said watching her face for an interested look. "I have a noble who needs a sharp eye kept on them and believe me when I say you'll have a lot of resistance to your assignment. Rather than me shooting a lot of questions about your qualifications I want you to sell me on offering this to you." He always liked doing things a little differently and found if you dangled a carrot then made them work for it, they never questioned how long the stick was. Waiting for her to answer he picked up his coffee and took a liberal sip.

"If there is resistance then I am the best choice. I have never failed any test given to me Commander as I am sure my notes on your desk will let you know. I have also had fourteen men and women assigned to teach me so far and have learned everything they could or were willing to teach before I had to be reassigned. My qualifications speak for themselves. You need no reminders you see all that the Blade's do. If you want me to begin this mission you will tell me. If not you will give me another. I am here to serve The king and you Commander nothing more." Verex states, she did look interested but even then it was minimal facial expression. She waited though and watched the Commanders face intently. She wanted to know more about the mission and her breif glance at the papers on the desk only showed her own files and that of a few of the fully fledged Blade's that had trained her. She never rose to bait fully because it might be a trap. Nobles did that often especially female nobles who Verex was often sent to keep an eye on while they did their shopping in towns. Perhaps that was why she had been summoned now? Another noble needing some babysitting. Most nobles were never targeting for attack so they were easy jobs. Not that Verex needed an extra hand in combat. She excelled in her combat skills.

"What do you know of the Ravenwoods, everything hold nothing back." Rand quickly said, that might spark a little more interest and let him see what quality she was.

Verex held nothing back, ar so it seemed. She recalled all common knowledge and all knowledge of any guards who had ever entered onto the manor property, through those ever so high walls and gates. No other manor had as much nor as high of walls as Ravenwood Manor. Verex did know a few things that weren't completely common knowledge, like Lily's male friend who had gotten chased off. The fact that Soth as he was now known was brought back to the dead multiple times and had killed his own father when he was a werewolf the first time. The fact that Alehial had put his lovers head on a pole to incise and infuriate him into battle so she could keep her beloved Altair safe. That it was thanks to Alehial that the first Duke was returned to his rightful place before being taken again. That Soth was rumored to want the Ravenwoods blood children, the eldest twins to be raised by himself and suceed him as he had so desired in the war. Though it took a good few hours to tell all she knew of the Ravenwoods she spoke and when she was finally finished asked for a glass of water to replenish her dry throat. She was completely truthful and open to Rand. That much was true and clearly seen.

"And the people who work for them and those who befriend them?" he asked knowing many knew the answer. Life as or with the Ravenwoods was dangerous and a couple cases, most recently in Sildea.

"Are targeted or killed by others. Many consider the danger worth the benifit the Ravenwood family extends, and of course the better deals they get. They can ask for better prices atleast Merchants can for their goods. And they can enjoy better guard quality. Friends who have no trade get life long friends and after their own lives those of their children looked after in some fashion as the Ravenwoods always reward loyalty. To the extent of my knowledge Lord and Lady Ravenwood are even willing to give each adopted child a hefty inheritence once they come of age, even though it is not customary for anyone other then the femles and elder males to gain such things." Verex says offering more information she had obtained on the Ravenwoods once more. On several occasions she heard the dark elf child and the Bastard Ravenwood in the Tavern they favored that had been taken over by the Halfling. Verex was from a village between the borders so she knew of both kingdoms well and in her younger years traveled with her parents. Until they were killed and she was enslaved and then sold before fighting for her freedom and joining the Blade's as early as she could. The Blade's were her second home. Her first... well without them she would have died. They were more then fair, now she was able to live as she wished only owing any favors to her first home when they called on her. She viewed Rand as a type of father figure, she wanted to do her best at her job even if it was babysitting a noble brat. Though she had an idea it was one of the Ravenwood children though which one of the dozen she didn't know yet. But she did know she wouldn't be drilled on them if there wasn't something to do about them in this mission.

"Do you believe you can keep a member of the family safe even if they do not want your guardianship? I will now share a piece of information that if you speak it to anyone else will mean your expulsion from this division and possible imprisionment. Lily Ravenwood has left Andor and is heading into the unknown and Lady Ravenwood has requested a Blade to be assigned to one of her children. Do you accept this posting?" he asked setting the empty coffee cup down and waiting for her answer.

"Yes sir I can keep them safe. Yes sir I accept. I won't allow any harm to come to the Ravenwood even if they fight my pressence. I will make you proud sir." Verex said standing at attention and throwing up a sharp salute of the Blade's to Rand. Her guess was right but she was only a journeyman this was almost unheard of. She would have to work hard to pull this off and make Rand proud. The one she had to protect... the goodtimes skirt chasing twin brother of Lily Ravenwood, Conner, was going to be trouble for her and her life she just knew it. Especially since there was a second party going to be involved in this. Now all she needed to know whether or not this was a twenty four hour guard or just a daily one. either way she was honored to have been considered and offered this mission. But how did Lily Ravenwood get away from the city without anyone knowing and how had she not been recovered already. Those were the real questions and ones she probably wouldn't get answers to.

"Very smart, yes it is Conner and you will be attached to him at all times. Which means you'll have to be quicker and outsmart him, you will report tomorrow to Lady Ravenwood for exact orders then be there when Conner returns home. I give you now the chance to ask any and all questions." he said returning the salute.

"I know the Ravenwood's normal haunts sir, but I've heard Lady Ravenwood has begun to sequester herself inside her holywoods or in the house. Do I make two reports? One to you and one to her each day? Also will this be a twenty four hour survallience and will I be provided a place to stay or will I watch him and share his room? Or be given a rest or break by any other blade watcher? Do all standard rules apply to most nobles missions or are there any special rules to go along with the ravenwood house rules? Will I be expected to follow him into even the palace and the usual whore house dives his friends have been reported going to? Is this going to be a mission of indetermined time? Is the pay the same? Will I be required to wear anything other then my Blade uniform? Should I be discrete in my duties as body guard or is my presence to be known to any and all who come near? Am I also supposed to attend his bard classes?" Verex asked all her questions at once. She needed these answers to properly accomplish her mission and perform to the best of her abilities. also she needed to know whether or not she had to take all of her clothing and everything with her. She didn't have a lot to begin with but she needed to know how much supplies she needed.

"You will only need to be behind him when he leaves the estate and you'll have your own room. And I believe he'll not be frequenting any whore houses while you are assigned to him. Your wage and uniform will be left between you and Lady Ravenwood, as I know there may be some things she will ask of you." Rand then stood and walked around his desk and opened a small box containing the bronze pin of a Blade. The choice would now be her's to accept or decline the new position.

"I understand sir and I will not fail." Verex said dutifully, she knew she had the option to turn down any mission, but it was only a babysitting job and she was more then battle ready. She had seen plenty of real battle already and could hold her own very well, she was after all one of the best in the Blade's already. She was almost breathless she was so excited to get that silly little pin. Of course she'd have to report to another guild altogether soon after this and let them know of her movements. But right now she was proud and excited and nervous. Even if it was for an easy job.

Rand also handed her a sealed letter, "This and you shall report to Lady Ravenwood in the morning without fail. And I wish you luck my nephew can be a handful and as hard-headed as his mother and father." He then returned to his desk and picked up the next report and after a couple seconds looked up. "You are dismissed Blade Verex." he used her new title to end their meeting.

"Thank you commander, Sir!" Verex saluted and left his chambers quickly. 'Blade Verex! Finally!' She thought to herself standing just outside the doorway looking at her pin and then at the letter. She went to her Journeymen chambers and sat on her bunk, she would need to pack her things but first she wanted a look at this letter he had given her. After that she would pack her things and have them ready to go by sunrise. She would arrive at the Lady's house sometime after that. She knew the woman was a druid and she didn't want to arrive during her morning ritual, or rites. Vex began to read the letter after very carefully breaking the seal. Just in case she needed to reseal it without it looking disturbed.

"Dearest Sister, with your request for a Blade to keep eyes on Conner I have chosen Blade Verex Gehald. I believe she will be exactly what you would want able to protect Conner despite any objections that he might, or will have. If there is anything further you might want from this office please do not hesitate to inform me. With Regards, Rand."

"Seems a little cold to a sister... even if he is being official." Vex said before very carefully reheating the seal and making sure it closed with no detection. It was harder then one might think to do and Verex had gotten caught many times before, though surely she had gotten the hang of it now to the point even the sharp eyed Lady Ravenwood wouldn't be able to notice.

Her fellow journeyman wished her luck on her orders and envy at her promotion, none of them knew what she was doing however. The Blades kept orders quiet, only the Blade, Noble, and Master Rand knew where a Blade was assigned. The local guardsmen and even military members knew how to spot a Blades pin and would be available to her if needed. In the morning she would report to Lady Ravenwood and see what additional orders she would need to adhere to. A couple of her trainers had told her that their first orders had been a real learning experience and nerve wracking on top of that.

Vex wasn't worried about that because Trainers also lied trying to get reactions out of their pupils. So in the morning she sent her things to the Ravenwood Manor and made sure to get there ahead of them. Arriving at the gates in short order she was let into the property by the guards posted and made the walk to the house itself on the lands. She knocked on the door and waited a Bowers would answer, everyone knew of the Bowers. They were the most saught after Butler family in the kingdom nowadays. Vex's cloak was open on her hood and in the front of her clothing so the man would see her pin discreetly placed on her clothes. She had been to enough noble homes babysitting daughters to know the drill by now.

The door opened and Bowers looked out, reading every detail of the young lady before he spoke. "May I help you young lady?" he asked, she had a Blades pin but he decided to test her a little bit. He knew how Blades carried themselves and he also knew Master Rand would have sent them someone who knew how to be polite and diplomatic as well. The guards had been a little taken aback when the lady Blade walked in. It was a curious thing to see a woman Blade, but a lot of the Ravenwood women wielded swords and powerful magic.

"Yes sir, I have been sent here to see the Lady Ravenwood. I have instructions to pass this letter to her. If you'd please allow me to complete my instructions?" Verex asked and stated her business, obviously this man wanted to make sure she wasn't a barbarian type. "My name is Verex Gehald and I can wait here if need be sir." She offered politely. After all what was a woman without manners if not a barbarian? Though she wasn't acting with too much authority as a blade it was always better to behave you best to a butler. They were the first eyes and ears and nose to see hear and smell you. It was them you had to really impress.

"No need, mistress Gehald I will show you to the sitting room and summon Lady Ravenwood to come see you. Please this way." he said opening the door wide to premit her entrance. The house was amazing she had seen it several times and it was very nice inside. As she waited in the sitting room she heard an audible 'pop' in the entryway and someone head upstairs. A short while later Bowers returned, "Lady Ravenwood will be here momentarily, would you like some tea?" 

"No, thank you sir." Vex answered politely, she didn't want to set the letter down and drinking tea would make her do that. This was her first mission as a Blade, she was maybe the second woman to ever even make that title. She wasn't going to mess up this mission for anything. She wondered what the popping noise was and yet she refrained her curiosity and remained seated. She hoped Alehial would get there soon to give her her orders and everything, from what she heard Alehial Ravenwood was a bit of a recluse at the moment.

A short while after Bowers left the room a very pregnant elf which could only be Arh-dutchess Lai Ravenwood appeared followed by Lady Ravenwood herself. Lai found a seat and made herself comfortable, the third of her and Conner's children would be born soon. And then she could get back to protecting her family, she had felt guilty as of late and was crushed that Lily had run away. "Alehial do you really believe that this is the best course of action for Conner? He has always been an independent child, but you do know best how to handle him."

"Yes Lai I really think having a Blade follow him around will keep him in line more or less. I want him under constant guard. This time we won't let anything happen to any of my children." Alehial said as they entered the room. Alehial let her mother in law pick what chair she wanted to sit in first and asked bowers to bring some tea and have to footstool close at hand for Lai if she wanted to use it. She then turned to the young blade who was standing and saluting. "Welcome to my home. I have to say I'm a bit startled at seeing a female Blade I'm sure you have a letter or note about you from Rand?" Alehial asked taking the note once it was given to her. Alehial didn't look in the greatest of shape. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked thin, incredably thin next to her pregnant mother in law even. But everything from the way she was standing to the way she sank into the comfertable seats just screamed of how worn down and tired Alehial must be lately.

Vex saluted once both women came into the sitting area, she handed the letter gently to Lady Ravenwood and then she sat down when everyone else was seated. "Yes ma'am but Commander Rand thought I was the best choice for this mission. He told me I was to speak with you to learn the details of my station here in your household." Verex said offering up a little information to try and be helpful. "My name is Verex Gehald. If you'd like cal me Vex Ma'am, and ma'am." Vex said to both Alehial and Lai, she didn't know she was going to see both Duchesses. She wasn't actually sure what protocal to use.

"Vex please sit, have you been offered tea?" Lai asked. Rand was a capable commander, but why for Conner would he assign this Blade, would not a male been a better choice. She sipped her tea and watched as Alehial read the note that came from Blade headquarters and outlined Rand's orders. She smiled as again the audible 'pop' happened outside the doorway she knew what that would mean. "Vex are you adverse to children my dear, for you see we have a lot of them here." she said taking another sip.

"I have been trained to complete my tasks in any given situation Arch Duchess, including multiple targets unable to defend themselves or protect themselves. Thank you for the offer Ma'am but I don't care for tea much. Water or coffee is preferable, unless you would rather I only drank elven tea then I will." Vex said looking from the Arch Duchess to the Duchess Alehial. She was a little nervous to tell the truth about how accepting they would be about a girl being the one to guard this boy of the house.

Alehial read the note and tossed it on the coffee table. "Dribble, I swear he doesn't take anything hlf serious except for his wife! You can drink anything but coffee and alcohol. Alcohol is forbidden while on duty or in this house. Coffee is simply forbidden in this house. I'll be willing to discuss your pay once I confer with my husband, but I will have a room prepared for you and your things sent for. It might be a little musty but I'd like you close to Conner's room I hope you're a light sleeper because he either snuck past my wolf or bribed her because I never caught him going out but we certainly always catch him coming back. There will be nearly a dozen children in this house so I hope you don't mind sticky faces and fingers and a lot of questions. As much trouble as Conner will give you I'd like you to see this through, he's a bit thick headed and stubborn, but he's a good boy. I only wish things didn't have to fall on his shoulders as they have. No one has been informed of what has happened in the house yet. But you will be and instructed to keep anything I tell you about it to yourself. Conner's twin sister Lily ran off, just over a week has passed and there's been no word and we haven't been able to locate her using any method. But she is alive that has been confirmed. I want nothing to happen to Conner you understand?" Alehial asked of this female blade. She was sure she was competant Rand wouldn't have sent her otherwise. But still this was Conner.

Before too much else could be said the 'pop' happened again followed by two babes wail and several comforting words. Then a man with glowing blue eyes and an elf maid entered the room with two children the likes Vex had never seen before in there arms. Darryl marked the woman in the chair, but handed Kaitlin over to his mother quickly. "I have to get back and bring Aurora and Sirrian back, the twins have yet to decide and Daniel and Jake wish to remain with the caravan, Jessa too Grandmother. He looked to Xeph and the new nanny, "Oh, this is Siria she was watching over Xeph and asked to be allowed to continue serving the family, mother." He then extended a hand to Vex, "I'm Darryl Ravenwood and you are?"

"Verex Gehald, Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Master Ravenwood." Verex said shaking his hand firmly, she was a little startled having never seen anything like this before but she had known informationally that there were these things inside this house. Like cat people. It looked like there was a lot more Vex was going to have to get used to then she had thought, and a lot of it was really weird, a lot weird. She was going to have to acclimate herself fast.

Alehial smiled sadly at Darryl. "Alright thank you for doing this Darryl you know how much it means. Welcome to our home Siria, I'll have my cousin check in with you and make sure you'll have everything you will need, there are quarters here you may move into if you wish and we will discuss wages a little later. Fael should be here soon once he hears his kittens wails. Poor babies it is a tough ride isn't it?" Alehial coo's at the babies after hugging Darryl and making him bend down so she could kiss his forehead. Then smiling warmly but still sadly at Siria the new maid. Seeing Vex's face was amusing though and put her into higher spirits but the thought of Altair coming closer to home and Alehial having to tell him about Lily was not something Alehial was looking forward to.

Sure enough even before Darryl vanished, Fael the young children's father appeared and smiled as his babies reached for him. Vex had heard about the felid but was unprepared for how he really looked. Lai smiled, "Those ears really do pick up everything don't they Fael?" He returned the smile and accepted Siria after she was introduced and took her and his children up to see Elsa. After they were gone it left Vex alone with them to ask any other questions that might be in her head.

"I know my wages will be fair so I won't even ask, Commander Rand wouldn't have sent me if he thought you weren't going to pay well enough. If you could have someone show me to my quarters and possibly show me around the house and the grounds so that I may become more familiar with where everything is I would appreciate it greatly. I will do the best I can to protect your Son ma'am and to stay out of the families affairs and simply be a shadow." Vex said saluting to Alehial. She was still shocked quite a bit about the Felid, everyone knew about him and the druids who were obsessed with him, but he didn't look feirce and terrifying to her, when he saw his children his tail had raised higher and the tip moved constantly, his eyes had gone soft and he had smiled even though she saw the slightly elongated canines it was nothing out of the ordinary really.

Alehial saluted back and smiled. "They will be very fair, I will ask Bowers to show you the house and then summon one of the guards to take you around the property. Bowers will also prepare a room close to Conner's for you. Welcome to the Ravenwood family Miss Gehald." Alehial said summoning Bowers after the salute. She could see the young woman was a little put off by everything so far, a heavily pregnant elf people popping in with glowing eyes. Her Felid son gathering up his Felid children. It was a lot to take in all at once. So she asked Bowers if he could show Vex around the house and get her a room, then to summon a guard and have them show her the property. She wanted to see her children as well and she knew Elsa and Feal wouldn't mind too much not with Elsa ready to give birth any day now. The third child and another male at that would soon be joining the small family.

Bowers took Vex to the room beside Conner's and opened the door, "The room to the right belonged to Master Rand which was claimed by Conner and to the left is Master Lucas and Mistress Tani's. You will get to meet them when the rest of the family returns, if there is anything you need please be sure to speak up." The room was rather nice as Vex had shared a room with three other aprentices and even three journeymen later. "I will leave you to settle in and summon someone to show you around the grounds, unless you have some questions for me now." Bowers figured there would be many questions in the near future, some about the house others about the residents.

"Commander Rand has a room here?" She asked softly eyeing the room, it was a pretty big room to make the modifications to this house must have been a small fortune itself. Can you show me the rest of the house? Are there any hidden passages or things about the house I should know? Any weak windows? Anything you would be bothered with me doing like checking the hinges and windows?" Vex asked softly she didn't want to upset this butler because he was one of the most influential in the whole kingdom.

"Excuse me I meant Master Conner, it was Rand's back when he lived here and no there are no hidden passages. I will happily show you around and you may look anywhere you wish except Lord and Lady's bedroom and study. I would probably avoid Lady Lai's chambers as well, Master Conner's room would be a good place to start when you are ready." He gave her some of the main points about where he thought Conner might try to escape, but admitted the young Ravenwood Lord was a sly and slippery one. "I think he takes after his uncle in that regard, at least to hear Lady Ravenwood tell stories."

"According to many things he knows quite a bit of sneaking and breaking and entering. Something most have attributed to his tiny uncle. Thank you Mister Bowers, please feel free to call me Vex instead of Gehald, all my friends do. I only use my last name when needed in many situations. Can you give me an approximate schedule for everyone's activities in the house as well? So I know who would be where and doing what. Generally speaking of course. Then I will begin to check the security of the house for sly Masters." Vex said hoping her slightly teasing tone wouldn't confuse him to making him think she was insulting the house in any way. Sometimes she had trouble connecting with people, like they spoke different languages almost.

Bowers then let almost the entire families schedule go in one amazingly long list. He would probably be the kingdoms best logistics officer in the military by her opinion. When he finished he showed her to Conner's room and waited patiently for her to do a security sweep. Then he showed her the rest of the house even to the hot springs, which he informed her was a favorite of the females in the house. Then he turned her over to one of the guards who had been posted to the house the longest for her tour of the grounds.

"Good Evening. I'll be escorting Conner Ravenwood as a private security detail. If you wouldn't mind showing me the property and perhaps a small detail of who is usually in the area doing what?" Vex asked the guard Bowers had brought her to. She was informed to simply call the butler Bowers. No other names and no titles required. She had taken a small amount of time to write down a few key points and she did find a loose window, and a door that looked like the hinge pin had been pulled once or twice. With her little list of things written down she was ready for the guards to give her a tour of the grounds.

The guard showed her around and filled her in on all normally occuring people on the grounds. He was also able to give her some insight on Conner's normal haunts when he would sneak away. Other than that the tour ended at Lady Ravenwood's grove, the most amazing place in the city. He left her side saying he needed to get back to his post. Dinner would be ready soon and Bowers had told her a place would be set so she could eat with the family.

"This really isn't describable..." Vex said her voice hushed, her tone reverent. She stood amazed that in only about fifteen years this forest this... wild place could possibly have been created in the very heart of the city. It was boggling to think one woman... had the power to do this kind of feat. No wonder there were so many stories about it.

Alehial smiled walking out from behind a tree. "The guards rarely come all the way inside my grove. Most seem frightened by the trees here. I shouldn't wonder why with every tree coming from wherever I have traveled to. Enjoying your tour so far?" Alehial asks softly, she was dressed differently now, in simple britches and a giant shirt. Her hair was in a braid now instead of up in a hairdo as well. She looked, perhaps no older then Vex was, she didn't even look like the same woman from before.

"Duchess! Yes Ma'am! I mean no ma'am not enjoying, this is to be my home and my job for the unforeseeable future. Therefore I am doing my best to learn every inch and ever nook and cranny of it. If I didn't I wouldn't be doing my Job. Commander Rand said I would be the best for this job... I don't know why he said it but I believe him. Ma'am." Vex said throwing a sharp Blade's Salute to Alehial, after all she held quite a rank on her own not even as a noble.

"No need for those here Verex, Ma'am will do just fine, I have no real use for titles. I just want you to keep an eye on my son. HE won't listen to me and he barely listens to his father. These are dangerous times and I simply can no longer allow him to roam freely as if he was a child. He is the heir apparent to the Ravenwood name and everything that goes along with it. Keep him safe and I'll be happy." Alehial said sitting down on a smooth short boulder. It was clear to see her now that she was a very tiny woman, she was short, muscled but not heavily and she didn't have nearly any fat on her body. She was a good looking woman and she was evenly proportioned obviously taking after her human father in figure, unlike Rand who took after his Elven mother.

Vex wondered how this little tired looking woman, who seemed so utterly fragile and sad had done everything the stories and histories said that she had. She also wondered why Soth desired her so. For her never wanted her dead, no he wanted his brother dead. Alehial no one could figure out why he wanted her, Verex would have to send a report to him telling him how drawn out she was. She hated to be forced into this double sided situation like this but she owed more then her life to the Sothites and that was where her hearts loyalty would lie First and foremost. If Master Soth asked it Verex would do anything for him. She doubted though that he even actually knew of her, after all he hadn't been revived yet when she had been saved and raised. "I'd better continue on Ma'am so that I will know your home well before your son returns with the rest of your family." Vex said.

"Very well Verex continue on. If you ever need me I will be here or in my study, Bowers will know where I am should you have need." Alehial said heading to a spot that was a little more worn then any other spot in the Glen. She settled herself in. And proceeded to ignore Verex as she left to go walk around the land again and continue to investigate inside the house and familiarize herself with everything.

Elsa sighed happily, Kaitlyn in her arms, even though she wasn't allowed to leave her rooms anymore because Feal didn't want her far from the bed, just in case the baby came any time now. But she had her babies back and her husband was here with her and she couldn't be happier. In fact the little one inside of her was kicking away, she didn't mind for now however and she continued to cuddle with her kittens. They had only gotten cuter and bigger and she hated that she missed even a moment of their growth. "I'll never send them away ever again Feal, Look how big they've gotten! Look how long their tails are! His fat their cheeks! Their hair grew so long!" Elsa said kissing her babies and touching them softly all over and over again. She was practically glowing with happiness.

Siria busied herself by making sure the rooms were in order and hummed an elven tune as she did so. "Mistress shall I get water prepared for their baths, they have not gotten more than a wiping with clean water since leaving Sildea." she smiled and waited for Elsa's response. Fael was having a time keeping Xeph from crawling off the bed, as the little Felid laughed as he thought it was great fun. Kaitlyn purred and snuggled close to her mother, her brother was more adventurous of the two. However, three tails in the bed chambers were flicking back and forth in contenment and joy.

"Oh yes please, it really will be much easier with you here Miss Siria, I don't dare trust any druids. Here Feal let me have a turn with Xeph, You can help Miss Siria bath them, as I'm sure they'll hate being submerged just as much as you do." Elsa giggled, she was in a truly good mood now that her babies had been returned to them. She was so glad they were home and healthy and their little purrs were so sweet and their little tails so soft and Elsa had missed them so much. Feal did too though she could tell mostly because his entire tail was twitching happily, more then anything else his tail gave him away. Elsa would get up and help them bath but she had a feeling Feal would protest her moving too much or something along those lines. She had a week left until she was due or so they had last heard before the whole family had left for Sildea and she was content to believe that this was truth.

Xeph giggled and wiggled about even in his mothers arms, "Gwara." He made several more little noises but smiled and blinked at Elsa and Kaitlyn made some in response and then the baby would kick. Siria hurried to get the bath ready for the little ones and even got warm towels ready. Both children eyed the water and made unhappy noises that mother and father planned to put them in the tub. Siria chuckled and came to get Xeph, "They received a bath every night in Sildea they should be fine with it, I believe they are trying to get out of it."

"Of course they are. Their father takes baths only because the smell offends his sensitive nose." Elsa laughs happily, she had gotten off the bed and was standing helping to wash the little ones. She pet them and scratched their little heads fondly, every little trick she knew of to calm them. "Come now little kittens the less fighting the quicker you get out of the water." Elsa said softly, she rubbed noses with her children and strokes their backs soothingly, she was so happy to have them home. Happier then she could express. She leaned over and kissed Feal stroking his tail affectionately.

Once the baths were done and the little ones dried off and redressed they decided it was time for a nap. Both found little thumbs and popped them into mouths and before long were sleeping soundly. Fael laughed and returned the affectionate stroking Elsa right back. The little one inside kicked again then decided to do as his brother and sister and take a nap. Siria took care of the bath water and took the clothes to the laundry, giving Fael and Elsa time alone.

"It feels so good to have them home again." Elsa said softly snuggling close to Feal, watching her children sleep and rubbing her stomach knowing they would have one more precious little one to love and be with. She was glad though that the kicking stopped it hurt after a little while and he seemed to know the spots to hit to make it hurt the most. Usually she was okay with it now she was a little tired because of it. Being so heavily pregnant she got a lot more tired a lot easier now. "I think... I definitely promise no more kids until you say so." Elsa said softly letting him take more of her weight so she could conserve her energy a little longer.

Fael took more of her weight and began to move her closer to rest on the bed with her little ones while he checked the estates security. "I'm going to patrol for a little while, why don't you rest with them and I'll wake you for dinner my love." Siria had returned and took up a seat not far away in case the babies woke and to keep them out of mischief. Feal also wanted to check on the newest member of the household and see how she was fitting in. Verex would only find peace in this house until Conner returned then she'd see how chaos sometimes reigned in the Ravenwood household.

"But Feal I don't want to sleep more! I'm always sleeping!" Elsa complained but she tucked herself as much as she could around her babies and pulled them close, She knew she would lose the battle simply because of her body and with Siria nearby she didn't need to worry about any spying druids. Soon enough she was fast asleep her arms around her babies.

Verex was just done with the basement storage and the servants quarters she was heading to the main floor to check out everything there once again and familiarize herself with the house. She would have the whole place memorized once she was done. Then she just had to fill her time until Conner Ravenwood showed up. That was her real assignment and she would fulfill it no matter how long it took. Or how much of a playboy he was.

Fael was at the bottom of the stairs when she came into the entry, he bowed low and respectfully to her. "Finding everything to your satisfaction, I thought you might like to patrol the grounds with me. I can point out the areas Conner uses to escape unnoticed." he said knowing Conner would hate that Fael sold him out. But, Alehial needed peace of mind that nothing would befall Conner. He then went to the door and opened it waiting for the young Blade to consider his offer.

"That would be helpful but please you have a higher position then me no bowing is necessary. I'm sorry about our meeting earlier... I've heard of you and been warned of the many peculiar things and people in this household but seeing something in person. I would appreciate any help you could give me I have a feeling this won't be like my normal babysitting nobles jobs. No offence to anyone in this house and no offence to you of course sir. Commander Rand gave me this job... but considering everything this family has gone through... I can only hope to keep up with my skills." Verex said stopping in front of the door Feal held for her. She bowed in return when she apologized for being so shocked at seeing him. IT was one thing to know, but it was another to see it in person.

He chuckled as they walked out, "The bow was more a formal greeting than a show of rank, my training taught me to bow with fist covered by my other hand. It means while I respect you I will fight to defend myself and my family. And I like how you say 'peculiar' around this house is normal and I find it refreshing." For the next hour Fael showed here the ins and outs of the estate, even those places very few people knew about. "Do not underestimate Conner, even though he has a free spirit he is dedicated to his family." Fael warned.

"Commander Rand told us you held the position of guardian for your people. That makes you someone of Rank higher then my own. All Ravenwood family members are deadly serious about their family, but that does not make then any less human for the most part. Alive... or young... or even foolish at times. With the situation being what it is Master Feal I make no judgments and I certainly do not or will not underestimate the enemy or the family. Everyone has secrets unfortunately for Master Conner I will become privy to them and I will stop him if they are destructive or foolish. But that will only be based on the situation at hand and his own decisions. Please call me Vex it's easier to say and seeing as I might be here for a long time I'd rather a friendly greeting then a formal one at all times." Vex said deadly serious and then with a soft smile for the last part. "Would it be... impolite of me to ask you a... question?" Vex asks suddenly seeming nervous and unsure of herself.

"As you are new to the house and getting to know the surroundings there is no impolite questions. As long as they do not violate the family or my vows to my wife." Fael answered. He was used to a lot of questions at times, and curious stares from most of the people in Andor. To everyone's relief he was never angry or upset with questions or stares, better to him then his children. "You do realize though I will ask a few questions of my own in return." he said with a wry smile.

"That's fine I have nothing to hide from Commander Rand or this family. Though I do have things I am not at liberty to discuss. Okay here goes... Can I touch your tail? I mean not like yank it or anything I just want to know what it feels like." Vex said blushing softly at asking such a forward question. Usually she could keep her curiosity in check but would it feel like a cats or like human hair? Or something completely different? She really didn't mind questions being asked of her but there were some things she was sworn to silence on.

Fael chuckled and thought a long second, "Perhaps you should come with me and meet my wife Elsa and the children. There would be less trouble if any in if you were to hold one of them." He led her back into the house and up the stairs to where Elsa and the children were snuggling on the bed. He poked his head in first and asked if Elsa minded to meet the Blade assigned to the house and Conner. Then he waved her to follow him inside, Xeph quickly pointed and made several noises at his father wanting his attention.

Verex was stiff formal even. Giving the Blade's Salute to the young heavily pregnant mage on the bed. She eyed the children, she hadn't realized her question would take her this far. In fact she felt downright uncomfortable being around such young children. Let alone if he wanted her to hold one. Well that wasn't going to happen. What if she dropped one? What if she held it wrong? What if she hurt it? There were to many bad things that could happen in this room. "On second thought I should probably go scout around more." Verex said after watching Feal pick up his son much to the little one's delight.

Elsa smiled and waved them in she was still very tired but the children were awake and she snuggled with Kaitlyn who was content to play with her mothers neckless, even showing on it though Elsa didn't mind a bit. She was curious as to why there was a female blade in the house but then everyone forgot to keep her in the loop now that she was detained in her bedroom thanks to her over protective husband.

Fael turned and without really asking deposited Xeph in Vex's arms, much to both of their surprises. Xeph looked up with his eyes and studied Vex closely before throwing himself into her. Fael looked at Elsa and began to speak, "Vex is here by order of Uncle Rand to protect Conner. She had a little curiosity about my tail so I figured it would be better to let her touch one of the childrens." Fael knew Elsa trusted his instincts and wouldn't be too upset that Vex now held Xeph who cooed and purred pressed so he oculd hear the Balde's heartbeat.

"ah alright then.... wait why a female? Wait there are female Blade's? Oh man this is hilarious mom hired a babysitter for Conner! No offence Miss Vex but this is too good!" Elsa said giggling on the bed, she was having too much fun envisioning the fits Conner was going to throw when he got home and found out he had a babysitter. No doubt a capable fighter and sneaker if she was supposed to keep up with Conner but hilarious all the same.

Vex almost dropped Xeph but she held on firmly and almost dropped him again when he cuddled against her chest, her armor couldn't have been comfortable, granted it was all leather but still, how could a little human? purr like that and his tail was all over the place she could only feel it brush her fingers which were uncovered every now and then when it went past. " Maybe you should take him back? Am I hurting him?" Vex asked worried the noise was unnatural and that she was doing something wrong. She'd never been around babies before. Not ever.

Fael shook his head, "No, I and the children can purr when happy and he seems to like you." Xeph stretched up and Vex could feel him rub under her chin and he made a small growl sound that made everyone smile. Kaitlyn laying with her mother echoed the sound and her tail twitched furiously. A small knocking sound at the covered window drew her attention even as Fael sighed and shook his head. "I need to go find your mother to see about getting rid of them again my love." he said before getting up and leaving the room.

"Should I do something? Why is that bird being so noisy? are you really sure it's alright for me to hold him?" Vex asked noticing the two birds outside the window one seemingly more upset then the other. Banging on the window with it's beak and flapping it's wings harshly. Vex held Xeph tighter not liking those two birds one bit. Though it was strange to have such a tiny fragile creature snuggled to her chest and it was weird that he was purring and growling as if he couldn't figure out which one he wanted to do.

"No Feal will handle it, he likes you and he's a good judge of character. As for the birds they are Druids, that have banded together and decided they need to help the race of my husband continue on. So they constantly try to rape him and get to my children. We've forbidden them from stepping foot on our property but that doesn't stop them from using their animal forms." Elsa growled herself very unhappy with them. She cuddled Kaitlyn close and carefully got off the bed to shut the blinds on the birds glowering at them the entire time. She then offered a seat to Vex who took it not knowing what else to do and elsa sat back down on the bed with Kaitlyn in her arms. "My babies are sweet but Xeph really has a mind of his own. He's like a little wild boy already and my little Kaitlyn will just cuddle and hug forhours without getting tired of it!" Elsa cooed about her children.

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