Page name: Ravenwood Estates 20 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Fael returned a short time later looking somewhat happier, "Your mother said she'd handle them. I think Xeph is very happy with you Vex, I believe the smaller ones and any of the family you aren't ordered to watch will take well to you." It was obvious that he believed Conner would balk about this assignment and do everything in his power to escape her watchful gaze. "Conner might try a multitude of tricks to give you the slip, so I would familiarize yourself with his escape routes." Kaitlyn reached out for Fael who smiled and let her have his finger, if Elsa wanted to give her up then he would take her.

Elsa easily gave up her daughter. She wasn't one to monopolize her husband. Not of his family certainly. She had to agree though because Xeph who usually got bored after a little while of cuddling was still perfectly happy where he was. Elsa scooted back until she was supported by pillows and much more comfortable, hand on her belly where there was obvious movement going on even to Vex's eyes. "We should call Siria in and let Vex run away. I doubt she's been around babies how gently she's holding Xeph dear." Elsa said softly it was fun to tease people but Vex was getting more and more nervous the longer she was holding the baby boy.

Fael smiled, "Well, Vex has your curiosity been satisfied or have you not even touched his tail yet?" Elsa found his tail interesting and even to this day stroked it whenever she had the chance. Xeph had stopped his moving and wrapped his tail around Vex's wrist and he looked up and tilted his head at Vex. "I'm sure if you have any other questions about me or the family you'll stay and ask them. Otherwise if you'd rather leave I will call Siria to take Xeph from you."

Once the elven maid was called in and the babe was taken away Verex left the room and went back down into the kitchens. She was hungry and she often ate before the nobles had their dinners, so she wondered if she could get something to eat now before it was dinner time officially. She wondered what the cook would be like since she had met everyone else. And then she would head to the room that was hers and double check everything there as well.

The cook eyed her suspiciously, "Unfortunately, tonight you will have to wait like everyone else in the house. Tomorrow I will have your meals ready before the households but this is the best I can do." The rest of the kitchen staff moved about helping where they could and staying out of the cooks path when not needed. It was a little maddening, but surprisingly the cook's words were not full of venom or ego. To be truthful no one in the Ravenwood household seemed to act like typical nobles what so ever.

"Very well. Thank you." Verex said before retreating to her rooms until dinner time. She put her weapons away but close at hand and began to arrange her clothing and other items. She then sat down and wrote her first report to the guild of Soth. Once finished she walked out of the gate of the manor property and flagged down a courier boy. Paid him to take it to the guild and returned to the manor.

Dinner that night was fish and vegetables and a delightful chilled fruit that made Blades food pale in comparison. Bowers had suggested she speak with Lady Ravenwood to learn a little more about Conner and how he might react to her. She also had met Mistress Arten and her son, and Lady Lai again who was also nearing the end of her pregnancy. Most of the house was always on guard from the Disiciples of Soth and The Guild as well. A maid took her empty dishes and asked if she would like anything else.

"No thank you." She told the maid politely, before wondering where she should go and what she should do. Perhaps until she got to actually meet Conner once he arrived she should take a shift guarding or patrolling the grounds to keep busy and keep trained and sharp. She hated not having any active duties. Not to mention keeping plenty of practice in to keep herself sharp.

Well in advance of the Sildea groups return the house had been alerted that they were coming home, a runner had come with word Lord Ravenwood and his soldiers were three hours ride from the city gates. Bowers was busy making sure everything was ready for the Lordship to return, although he had the distasteful job of advising Lady Ravenwood that Poppy's father also had been advised that Flint was on the horizon and he sent word that he wished to meet with his soon to be son-in-law. "A terribly rude thing, Master Flint has not even a chance to wash the road from his bones and get a good home cooked meal in him before the vulture descends." he dropped his eyes and apologized to Alehial for speaking out of turn about a noble. In truth the demand to see Flint could not come at a worse time, as Altair was unaware that Lily had left the house for parts unknown. Truly, no one in the house knew how he would react to that news, and then again Alehial harbored the pin Galin had given her and his offer of protection.

"Deny his request as Flint will be staying in this home for the time being. If he is angry tell him he can seek council with Rand and the King. I agree too though, A vulture he is indeed noble or not." Alehial said not caring whether he told her what was on her mind or not. She trusted him with the trust she had given his father first. He hadn't let her down. She worried over how Altair would react to Lily's letter and her running off. Not only that but There was a blade in the house awaiting Conner's return to begin her duty as bodyguard and shadow. Alehial had asked Lai to come downstairs as Lessa would be home soon. And Verex Geheld was outside with the rest of the guardsmen. Elsa was in bed still she was due to go any time now. In fact she was already stretching and they literally were waiting on the baby now. Alehial was playing with her wedding ring nervously.

While Alehial sat on the couch worrying as she had for several days, Bowers crossed to the desk and produced a sheet of parchment and ink. Dear Sir, At this time Lady Ravenwood believes that Flint will require a little personal time to acclamate being back in Baerlon. So, she will pass along your request and when Flint is ready he will make contact with you, if you are displeased we encourage you to speak with Blademaster Rand or The King himself. Regards. Once complete he showed it to Alehial for her approval before he would summon a page to run this to Poppy's father. "Mistress, I know you are concerned about Lord Ravenwood's arrival with the fact that Miss Lily has left the house, but I know there was nothing anyone could do to prevent it."

"There was a reason she left... and I can't help but think I am one of those reasons. I admit I haven't a single idea on how to deal with this Bowers. Or Conner's reaction to miss Geheld." Alehial admitted. After all she didn't know everything and couldn't figure everything out on her own. She was only one woman and she was doing her best. Which lately seemed to be falling largely short.

"To speak plainly m'lady the only reason I believe young mistress Lily left is she is the daughter of you and Lord Ravenwood, I was raised on the stories of your adventures. She simply wished to be just like her parents despite the dangers and fears that you and he held for her, out of love and nothing more. Master Conner will balk and show displeasure at you decision to have Mistress Geheld to guard him, but again you do so out of love and desire to protect him as he is next in line to assume the title of Duke. Despite any anger or hurt feelings everything has been done out of love and that is most important." Bowers smiled lightly at her and left to get the page to deliver the message and finish preparing for everyone's return.

Alehial sighed softly and looked down at her own hands. She was back in shape from Altair being gone... she wasn't over eating any longer, she was working hard everyday because she had nervous energy and she prayed and communed constantly. Would Altair be mad at her? Would he blame her? She did. She blamed herself severely for the things that were happening. She had put her long hair into a braid, and pinned that braid to her head from top to nape. She was wearing a simple elven dress, cinched lightly at the waist and loose flowing at the top and bottom.

A couple hours later the wagon's and horses came through the main gate and rattled up to the house, cheers of the children could be heard from the inside of the coaches. Lai had come down from her rooms, almost at the end of her pregnancy to greet Lissa back home and see her grand and great grandchildren. Darryl had been spending most of his time with Asper and the baby, but made sure to check in with his mother daily she would assume that Asper wanted to see Jake. Of course the twins and Daniel would be overjoyed to see Alehial and their home again, Lucas and Tani landed a little bit away so they didn't spook the horses. In the back of the procession came Flint, Lyriel and Conner, they had left the soldiers back at the parade grounds and the three of them made an unofficial rear guard.

Alehial stood on the ground before the steps into the manor. She was waiting for her children to all come to her. She knew Jake would ask Darryl to take him to his sister and to see Karina first, and that was alright after all It was her right as sister to see her little brother. She hurried to the carriage's and opened the doors to hug each child and give them the hundreds of kisses they had missed on their travels without her. Her precious children whom she loved more then anything. It made her chest tight with pain at the thought of Lily not being here to welcome them all home.

Tani landed grateful they were done traveling. While it was a blessing to be given the ability to fly... she got weary after such long distances. She tucked her wings gracefully behind her back and waited for Lucas to join her on the ground. She would be glad for the hot springs here... and their own bed. Then tomorrow a visit to the church. But for now she was very much quite happy to be here in the only place she had known as a home.

Lyriel rode close to Conner and Flint both. For some reason Conner had been looking more and more troubled and Lyriel worried about him. Not only that but she knew FLint was searching everywhere for Poppy to jump out from behind anything and everything. Her own problems seemed pale in comparison to these two boys in her life. but she would be there to support them as she was always before.

Lucas smiled at Tani when he landed and took her hand in his, "It is good to be home." They began to walk back to the caravan wagaons and to see everyone. All the mounted members of the group hit the ground and finally breathed a sigh of relief, they were home with no major problems or loss of life. Flint saw Fael standing near Alehial and nodded to him, he had a lot to discuss with him and Elsa in the coming days. Conner watched the twins and mother, after all they had almost been seperated had not magic intevined and brought him to them. He noticed the woman standing at the door and leaned over to Lyriel, "Who is that? a new maid?"

Altair waited for Alehial to finish welcoming the children before he walked up and kissed her deeply, "It is good to see you my love. We made sure to bring them all home safetly to you and their mothers." He smelled like the road and crisp winds that were blowing down the mountains bringing the cool weather and snows. But his eyes shone with that spark she saw when they first adventured and in truth he seemed a younger more vital version of himself.

"I don't know... she doesn't stand like a maid and she's carry weapons. She's standing near the guards... Maybe Mother's hiring mercenaries?" Lyriel shrugged before she too headed for the house. She wanted to see grandmother and Elsa before getting clean and settling down into the house. As for the woman she was very curious indeed now that Conner pointed her out. But she figured there was a plan somewhere in Alehial mind, might as well watch in unfold.

Alehial held Altair close and reveled in the smell of the wilds on him. It made her ache for the days when they could just run off without telling anyone anything or be held responsible for anyone else. "I have some things I need to tell you Altair... Um... maybe we should go to the practice area." Alehial said softly thinking about how angry he might be. Inside the house was probably not a very good place for him to find out all this news. She was nervous enough about telling him what all had happened without him breaking their house.

The twins had hugged Alehial tightly and once they were released ran to see Grandmother. Who was heavily pregnant. Arissa nearly tripped on one of the stone steps though in her haste and Samantha was there to catch her and straighten her up before they hurried up the last few steps to see Grandma Lai. "Grandma Lai! We made it!" Arissa said excitedly latching onto her grandmothers leg tightly. Samantha did too but she didn't say anything, she was just really happy to be home and she was tired from their journey.

Verex watched everyone arrive, she knew it was a large family but numbers and seeing them in person. She had a feeling that's what it was going to be like here a lot of the time. She saw Lucas and B'Tani land, she saw Flint dismount as well as the rumored Lyriel, and Conner her new charge. She counted the children and put names to little faces. Jake being an addition thanks to the half Drow woman. The twins one of which was a budding sorceress, The little architect, the littlest Ravenwood as well. She eyed Alehial and Altair and saw how pensive Lady Ravenwood was. She figured she would begin her duty now and let them have time to talk to each other and not worry about her. She didn't even know yet Altair didn't know she was assigned to protect Conner. So Verex moved around the crowd of people headed straight for Conner.

Lai doted on every child despite age or parentage even giving Jake a hug and kiss in welcome, then she embraced Lissa who was very happy to be home. With a small pop sound Darryl had arrived admist the group and welcomed his family members back home as in a little while he would take Jake to see Asper and the baby. Flint had slipped quietly past the happy homecoming and made his way to his room wanting to shed his armor and get a decent bath and rest. Conner got into the group as well, the fact the armed woman was fixated on him gave him a case of the willies and he wanted to avoid her. When Altair released Alehial he looked around noting Lily was nowhere to be seen, "Dearest is Lily with Asper or is there something wrong?"

"Lily... isn't here. She... would you please come over here..." Alehial said trying to get Altair away from the happy homecoming. In coming home she had to confess to him about Lily running away and about hiring Verex to watch over Conner. He wasn't going to take it all well. "First... I wanted to tell you I hired someone to keep track of Conner so we wouldn't have to worry about him running around town anymore. I asked Rand to send one of his Blades. He sent a woman named Verex Geheld. Now please come over here so we can talk." Alehial said not wanting to tell him about Lily just yet. She was getting more and more nervous about it as well.

Altair blinked at the admission she had went to Rand without asking him and he was plainly confused by what Alehial meant by Lily wasn't there. Instead of asking he followed his wife to the training circle to await her answers, "You children into the house and help the maids unpack your things and get settled." Inside the house Bowers felt like the manor was awakening as the little bundles of Ravenwood energy returned to its halls. Vrex had to jump to the side so not to be run over by the rush of children, Conner firmly stuck himself as far from Vrex as he could. It was apparent that the Ravenwood son had not been told that she was going to watch over his movements. Darryl snagged Lyriel and pulled her close to whisper who the new arrival at the house was and about Lily leaving, the rest of them would have to find out from mother and father.

"Thanks little brother... take Jake to meet his niece. I love you." Lyriel told Darryl. She looked over toward Verex then and smiled warmly. This was going to be hilarious... and Conner was going to hate it. Then the realization that Darryl said Lily was gone set in. Lyriel went to Grandmother immediately. She offered to help the pregnant Elf up the stairs so her daughter could help the younger ones or get some tea ready upstairs. "Grandmother I need to ask about Lily running off... what do you know?" She asked softly so the others wouldn't overhear her.

Alehial shuffled in the plain dirt of the practice circle. "I know I should have spoken to you about it first but everyone else thought it wasn't such a bad idea to have someone around to keep an eye on Conner. And I also need to show you this... and ask that you don't... react too harshly." Alehial said very softly before unfolding a piece of paper that had seen a lot of wear, probably from Alehial's very own nervous hands as they held out the letter to Altair.

He said nothing about her hiring a blade to watch over Conner, their son had grown up during the attack on Sildea, besides Conner would rage against this enough on his own. He opened the note and began to read with every sentence it crushed him that Lily ran away from her own family. "Has Darryl tried to find her yet or Rand sent word out for people to watch for her?" his voice was fearful for what might happen to their daughter with no one watching out for her. He could not be angry at Alehial, she was doing everything she could as was he out on the road instead he drew her close and held her. "She'll be okay, we'll make prayers to her safe return and we'll keep the rest safe." he said trying to hold a brave face.

Lai sat heavily and sighed before telling Lyriel, "Your mother has her note, I can't help but feel that ranger from years ago convinced her to run away with him. All attempts to scry or have Darryl locate her have been unsuccessful, if that cad wasn't involved than it was Galin and if that is true I fear one thousand fold more." Conner was still purposefully working on avoiding Verex even so much as walking Arissa and Samantha to there rooms and then making a sprint to his own. He had not seen Lily yet and he wanted to find out what had been going on here at home and who the woman was. Quickly, he stripped down and cleaned up a fresh suit of clothes and then he'd go find his twin and get a hug and some answers.

Alehial collapsed into Altair's arms. She wept openly letting him take her fears and worries and stress. "No she's completely hidden from us." She spoke between sobs. She was so relieved everyone was home and safe again and that Altair was here and he wasn't mad at her. He didn't blame her for what happened with Lily, and that more then anything is why she cried. She doubted herself so much she was always shocked by Altair loving her and accepting everything about her like he always did.

Lyriel listened in silence before she sighed softly. "I understand... It was foolish of her to leave. But I think I might know why. If Mother and Father wish it I will attempt to track her down in person. But I will leave that to them. You must be very worried Grandmother." Lyriel said worried about Lai and the babe. Lyriel hugged Lai gently trying to give her courage and comfort all at the same time. Lyriel knew if she did go hunting after her little sister, she would kill any man who might have hurt her while she was away. Even if it was Galin himself.

Verex was outside of his room door waiting. She was wondering when she might catch him to explain who she was and what she was doing following him around. After all anyone might be spooked by something like that. But Lady and Lord Ravenwood were busy, emotionally it seemed and Verex had no desire to try and get between them for any reason. Besides she needed to get Conner to his parents so they could answer more questions. This was already proving to be exactly like her other babysitting jobs however, following someone who evaded her with infantile tricks was not going to stop her however of doing a proper job.

Conner opened the door and almost ran headlong into her, "Holy Hell!" he yelped jumping back from her. "What is your problem and why are you skulking outside my bedroom door! Explain yourself before I have you tossed out of here!" Not waiting for her answer he shoved past and closed the door behind him, he needed to get rid of this woman and find his sister and find out what was going on. "Have you seen Lily, whoever you are, wait don't answer that I don't really know if I can trust you." he said heading for Lily's bedroom. Everytime Verex tried to close any distance between them he picked up his pace to keep her away from him, if Lily wasn't in her room he was going to find his parents.

"They are in the training circle." Verex offered knowing he would find no one in his sisters room. "Your parents that is." she clarified just incase he misunderstood her. She had opened her mouth to explain who she was, when he dismissed her she simply followed him. Inside Lily's room was as tangled as she always left it. Though her dresses were in order and so were her weapons of choice, and anything that meant something special to her, everything else was a jumbled mess. It almost seemed stuffy in the room, cold even, and even for all the things inside, empty. Verex waited calmly to follow his sure to be outrage down into the practice area of the grounds. She wondered what kind of confrontation it would be with his parents.

Conner noted the empty feeling and a sense of wrongness intensified in his gut and he headed downstairs and out the sitting room door. Walking past Lyriel and Lai who watched him with a knowing sense of where he was going and what he would find out. Once outside he saw his mother and father embracing and the feeling went from his gut to his heart, something was very wrong. "Mother, Father where is Lily?" he asked the look on his face showed his confusion and growing feeling that there was something going on. If Verex was behind him, he did not know and at this point did not much care.

"Oh Conner... I... Lily's not here baby... she... left." Alehial said blinking her eyes and wiping them subtly trying to gather strength for her son. This news would hurt him very deeply indeed and she needed to be strong for him. "She wanted something... we couldn't give her." Alehial said softly before holding out the note she had left behind for Conner. There was in the note a certain way of writing no one else would have noticed. It was something Lily and Conner had come up with on their own when they were younger. ' Conner, I know you are probably going to hate me for this. But your my twin and I love you. I ran off because no one would let me do or be what I wanted. I've crossed the sea and will write soon about my adventures. I wish you were here but you were off having an adventure too. I love you, Lily.' No one else in the family knew their code and Alehial wouldn't have even known to look for it. She did know however that Verex had started her job and no one had probably told Conner yet about her. "I... I have to tell you Conner that I hired Miss Verex Geheld to guard you. Rand sent his finest Blade for the job, so please don't b angry sweetheart." Alehial said as he was reading the note still.

He read the note again even as his mother's words sank in, but not making sense truly in his mind. "Wait, wha, you hired me a babysitter?! Re..Really why? the twins would need one more than I would. I'm the one who fought to keep them safe in Sildea or is this because Lily left and your overreacting and forcing me to have a nursemaid?!" Anything else he might have said was silenced by his father's hand meeting his face, "Boy do not raise your voice to your mother or disrespect her. What she did is because she loves you and wants you kept safe since you are next in line to be Duke and Andor will need you." Altair was hurting as much as Alehial about Lily, but their son would not have a tantrum and make things worse.

Alehial held back the tears she wanted to let loose. Conner had disobeyed her before most of her children had. But none had ever really fought her. None had seemed so... angry before. Not until Lily and Conner. "The girls won't leave home again. Not until Arissa can get her magic under control and Samantha knows how to protect herself." Alehial said softly before walking past Altair and Conner. It was clear Conner had upset her badly. This was the first time her family was fighting and she couldn't help but to blame herself. Lily's letter said as much. "Keep him safe." Alehial said softly with a thickness in her throat to Verex, she hurried into the house and to her rooms to wait Altair later.

Verex stood and watched, she was a little shocked. As far as she knew, no Ravenwood child fought their parents. Side step maybe. Kind of follow orders always. But no outright and open rebellion. She kept her face neutral however and nodded for Lady Ravenwood. She stood out of the practice ring and let Altair have his moment with his son. She was no nursemaid and Conner would find that out soon enough. Verex wondered what Altair would do with all the children who were home and how he would get them settled in if Alehial couldn't help.

Conner held his tongue and looked down at the training circle, he knew another terse word would be crossing the line and he would regret it. Altair had once encouraged Mathius to try besting him to gain the right to become man of the house, all the children remembered the fight did not last long before Mathius was submitting to his adoptive father. "You don't like how your mother handles trying to protect you, you hold your tongue until you can prove a better way to handle it and learn everything involved." the elder Ravenwood said before walking away past Verex and into the house. Walking past Lyriel he made a point to ask for help, "Lyriel, could you and Fael see the children are all settled and washed up, Alehial and I will come around and see them all as soon as we talk."

The slap had hurt, his father was still in better shape than most men Conner's age. but mother's tears hurt far worse by far. Turning he marched past Verex without a word, if he needed to understand the situation to be rid of his babysitter than so be it. However, right now he needed a drink and information from Uncle Lyle so he headed to the entry and grabbed his cloak. Lai noted when he tromped through the sitting room and out for the door he must be in trouble. It was also obvious to Lyriel as well, someone had tried to be an adult way too soon.

Verex said nothing, she silently followed Conner Ravenwood, through the sitting room, the main hall, the entry way. When they headed out the door she snagged her own cloak from the servants closet. She fastened it around herself and followed Conner out the door before it even had a chance to close. She didn't say anything, she could tell he was hurt and confused and probably angry. She wasn't going to stop him that wasn't what she was hired to do. She was hired to keep him safe that was all.

He wasn't even out of the gate and could feel her following him, "I'm going to Finn's and nowhere else you don't have to follow me." This would hamper any chance of doing anything by himself ever again. "If you're gonna follow so close what happens when I have to visit the bathroom or get a bath, will you follow me then too?" Her answer more than likely would make him cringe, how could his mother do this to him, when he was younger he practically ran amok with barely anyone seeming to care. What if he met a young woman and they wished to be alone? Nothing said the death of wooing like a female body guard watching everything you do.

"If you prove trustworthy I'll let you do it in privacy. If you prove deceitful I'll watch your every move and you will never feel alone again. Finn's is a wonderful place, I'll let you have some privacy with your pseudo uncle Lyle. I won't be far." Verex answered she used her best intimidating tone of voice for the answer he wanted from her. She spoke normally almost conversationally for the rest. Finn's was one of her favorite places to go personally, there was so much rumors and fights and hookups. It was like walking into a library of the common peoples minds. Vex loved it. However this was a business trip. She was in uniform even, water for her today while she kept an eye on her young ward. No one should recognize her at Finn's though, with her hair in a French braid over her head and in the blade suits. She hoped anyways. Or she might not be able to go to Finn's again.

Conner stopped and gave her his best, 'You've seen my parents and seriously think intimidation works with me?' look before heading into the main entrance of Finn's to a roar of 'welcome backs'. A small smile crossed his lips and he headed to meet Lyle Tosscobble who was now standing on his bar with his arms out wide for his best friend's son to give him a hug. Once the jovial greetings were out of the way and Conner had a mug of ale in front of him then the serious conversations started. Lyle admitted to the boy that he had not the foggiest where Lily may have set off for, but he did remember the ranger Gerard had been seen about. While Vex was giving Conner room to talk it did not keep him from indicating to his uncle that he know had someone watching his every move.

Vex let him have the space he wanted, as for the intimidation. It was a promise of what would happen, nothing more nothing less. She leaned against the wall and half listened to Conner and kept an eye out over the crowd. She was in uniform, if anyone saw it and recognized it they would probably move away from her, either that or harass her about being a woman and wearing it. She denied getting a drink at least twice while Conner was speaking with Lyle. She figured he felt more welcomed and special here then at home where everyone was a child of Alehial Ravenwood. Typical spoiled brat behavior. She saw more then a few dirty looks towards Conner but no one would do anything here... probably.

Conner glanced across the room and groaned as two pairs of eyes met his, Astrid the young lady he made acquaintance of and more importantly her man Soren. "Damnit Lyle why did you not warn me they were here before we sat down?" Conner hissed crossways before draining his mug of ale. Lyle followed is eyes and chuckled, "First no cursing scion of Ravenwood its beneath you and I did not see them come in, what did you do to them or more importantly him?" Soren got up from his seat, much to the earnest protest of Astrid and made his way over towards their table Conner didn't quite remember him so tall. "I suppose I should keep him from making my nanny do her job and make me look like a fool." he said standing up and heading to meet the large dockworker halfway and keeping Vex away from any fracas.

Too little to late. She saw Conner and Lyle look. Saw the pretty lady and knew. She moved closer to the worker and by the time Conner got close to him. Vex was behind the worker. She didn't care about the whole stabbing someone in the back as long as it wasn't the finishing blow. She gave Conner a hard look however. He wasn't to fight this man. If the man wanted a fight she would deal with him. It was her job. How would her employers view her if she couldn't keep him from a simple bar fight the same day he had returned home? How would Commander Rand? She would lose face, she would be a disgrace. She would lose her badge possibly. If Conner got hurt Verex was going to be very angry indeed. This was her livelihood he was angry about. But as a rich spoiled brat he never had to worry about that. She would probably be out on the streets if she failed this one. Here eyes went from hard to pure steel in intensity. If she wasn't intimidating before she was now. She fingered something on her belt. She was ready to take down this brute.

"Ravenwood..." Soren started to say once Conner was in front of him, before Conner cut him off. "Soren, I know you might be cross with me, but if you let me buy you a pint I think I can clear all this business with Astrid up." his tone was calming and even Vex would have to admit fascinating. The big man looked confused and frusterated but nodded that he would give Conner the chance and a pint sounded good before violence. Conner pointed Vex back to her corner as he and Soren walked back to the table where Lyle had been sitting, the serving girl put two pints down and they began to talk. After a long conversation a couple more pints and one or two angry smacks on the table by Soren, the two young men actually shook hands and Soren headed back to Astrid.

"Bards." Vex used the word almost like a curse word. She had stayed close, not going back to the corner she had been in previously. She no reason to be happy about this assignment but she wasn't angry about it. There were worse to look after. Hell she'd watched over Poppy the court whore. After her second tryst with a man Vex had turned in a report to Rand and told him she would no longer follow the woman. No woman should be so loose with herself that respected herself at all. Vex wasn't a servant either and she wouldn't be treated like one. She knew Lyle's sharp eyes would have picked her out and he must have figured out what was going on because he hadn't bothered Conner much.

Conner was finishing his pint when he heard the worst note coming from the bard trying to entertain the crowd, he was a younger student with a whistlecane. The crowd was unimpressed and more than a couple booed while others made a less than polite comment about where to put the instrument. It took a few moments, but Conner decided to help the younger man out and made his way to the stage stopping to grab his extra lute. After a few seconds talk they began to play and the crowd quickly changed back into their favor, many patrons were dancing or singing along with Conner and drinking more than they had. A pint suddenly appeared in front of Vex, "For you miss from the owner of the establishment."

"No thank you. I'm on duty." Verex said eyeing the mug. She had a feeling she'd be having a hard time not getting time to enjoy herself later. But she never broke her word and honor was very important to her. Especially if word got back to Commander Rand. She didn't want to ever disappoint him. While it was probably foolish to try and impress him with her skills she'd never had anyone take an interest in her before. She didn't want to let him down. Which was why she was taking this assignment so seriously, while others might see it as silly and just another babysitting job. She kept her arms folded and watched the crowd. their reaction to the Ravenwood boy was understandable. He was talented. Verex just didn't care for music so much.

When the night wound down, coins began to grace the jar for the musical talent as they passed to the door or to the stairs to rooms. The young bard was thanking Conner and offering the lions share of the coins. "No need, you just keep practicing and do not lose heart or hope you are a good talent." Conner said coming over to Vex. "So, Nanny I believe my time here is finished for this evening shall we head back home?" he grinned. He snagged the pint that was sitting on the table that Lyle had sent over and swigged it down before calling goodnight to Lyle and the staff before heading for the door.

Vex said nothing, but she did follow him out. "You're not actually half bad I suppose." She said tonelessly, she definitely needed to keep an eye on this man. Especially to block any kind of Bard trick he might try to use on her. If she had to she did own a few things that would help counter some of the spells. She kept an eye on the dispersing crowd. She didn't want any fuss on the way home but with the guild so close who knew what would happen at night on the streets now a days.

"Is that your way of saying I'm talented or not a snot nosed brat noble?" he asked turning around and walking backwards while watching her. "And you know having a pint will not make you a horrible blade, it might actually make you a little more tolerate you prescence, Vexie." he continued before turning back around. When they arrived at the house immediately one could tell there were some bumpy homecomings, as Xeph could be heard the moment anyone walked in the door. "I believe my nephew is having an tantrum about going to bed, are you following me to the nursery as well?" Conner asked taking the stairs. He walked in to find the new Nanny desperately trying to sooth both children and Xeph just wanting to stay awake and making Kaitlyn very upset.

Verex didn't answer Conner on their journey home. When they reached the Manor she hung both of their cloaks up and followed him up the stairs. Verex was instantly uncomfortable being in the same room with both babies, and the young toddler. She wasn't a child kind of person. She didn't like children and most children didn't like her. Whatever the age. She wondered why their parents had not come to sooth the children, but then Elsa would go any minute. Labor wise.

Conner took Xeph from the new nanny and began to sing to him, it was an elven tune and he sang it as such. Xeph tried almost comically to fight his uncle's soothing tones. Kaitlyn with Xeph quieting down laid down and popped her thumb into her mouth and was soon asleep, Aurora was not far behind and the nanny looked appreciatively at Conner. It didn't take too long and by the time Fael arrived Conner was laying the now sleeping Xeph into his crib. Fael shook his head, "Some day you will make a good father Conner, saying you live that long", Conner snickered and patted the felid on the back before walking out.

"Your mother did not tell me you took care of your siblings and cousins and others." Verex said softly as she followed Conner. "Can I trust you to stay in your room tonight? Or will I have to keep watch over you still?" Verex asked, she was giving him a real choice here. If he lied she would never leave him alone again. If he was honest she would give him a little more space. There would be a few choices like these in the coming days but this was the first he would have to deal with.

"When Sildea was attacked, something or someone moved me and I killed a Disciple of Soth who was after my twin sisters so some things have changed. It's late and I plan on sleeping at least until an hour past sunrise as I usually do, goodnight Verex." he said arriving at his room and going inside. She wasn't too awful, but the idea of her being so wooden all the time pretty much made the situation unbearable to him. He lit a small candle on the window sill before preparing for bed, "A light to lead you home Lily." he said before praying for her safe return. Tomorrow he would check the waterfront and see if he could find a ship Lily would have sailed out on, an overland departure would have been noticed by guards or at least any blades near the gates.

Verex stayed where she was for a long time. She listened to him from outside the room. She heard him speak, then heard him eventually climb into bed. She waited a few more minutes but he seemed to be asleep. So she took the servants stairs down to the kitchen to try and get some kind of dinner. She was hungry, and Conner had spent the whole evening in the pub. So she raided the kitchen without disturbing much. Some day old bread and jams would have to tide her over until breakfast in the morning. She ate quickly and cleaned up after herself. She then went back upstairs and took herself into the bedroom she was given. She hung up her armor and weapons and moving silently the whole time and not using a candle to light the way she quickly got into the bed. She was a light sleeper and if Conner tried to run off then she would know. She booby trapped his most common escapes. There would be a small thump from where ever he was trying to run out of.

The next morning Vex felt like she was not alone and upon sitting up the youngest Ravenwood boy Sirrian and his twin sisters were in her room. Being the little boy was closer it seemed obvious the twins entered to try recovering their brother before he woke her. "Hi, I Sirrian whos yous?" he asked around his thumb in his mouth and in his other hand was a blanket.

"Verex Geheld. Hello." Vex said completely stiff and uncomfortable at once. The door had opened and she stirred she felt tugging on the bed and she handed a hidden blade. The moment it was known it was a child she had no idea what to do or how to get rid of it. What was she supposed to do? How did one handle children? Did you speak to them like normal people? Vex simply didn't know.

"I tink he wen this way, doors open." Sammy called from out in the hallway, she was obviously talking to her sister who was never far from her, they slowly and quietly snuck up to the door and peaked in. Not wanting to wake the new lady sleeping inside the room. "Maybe I get Conner?" Arissa asked her twin wondering what they were supposed to do exactly. Or how the woman would take to so many children. Samantha nodded her head. "Yeah, less hurry." She said turning around and headed straight for Conner's room where she knocked very softly.

As the twins went to summon help Sirrian climbed up onto the bed and took stock of Verex, "Yer pretty." he said smiling at her then giggling. A minute or two later Conner flanked by the twins came in, he didn't bother to knock, and looked at his little brother. "You know she isn't a sister and mum and poppa would be cross seeing you in here." he chided the toddler who only laughed again. Before Sirrian could slip out the other side Conner snatched him up and put him over his shoulder. "Vexie, Vexie didn't know you were into younger men." he teased before sweeping out with the twins in his wake. As he was closing the door she heard the little boy say the word he learned while in Sildea, "Jerk."

Verex glowered. Just because she'd never been around children... ever. didn't mean she couldn't handle them. Except for the fact she didn't know what to do ever with them. She got up quickly and dressed and donned her armor. She then left her rooms and carefully locked the door so no small ones would go in and find her weapons, and headed towards the places where Conner would be.

Samantha and Arissa followed Conner back into the strange woman's room and then out again. Mommy obviously trusted her so they could too, but that didn't mean either one of them was comfortable with being around her. They held each others hands and stayed close to Conner even now at home. "Conner I'm hungry." Arissa said softly tugging on Conner's pant leg. "Me too." Samantha chimed in softly yawning abruptly.

"Me twee!" piped Sirrian still over Conner's shoulder wondering when his brother would finally put him down. "Well then we will head downstairs as probably more of the family would be awake and I can turn this one over to a nanny." Conner said popping Sirrian playfully on the backside. The intrepid quartet entered the dining room where shortly before Altair and Alehial had entered and were sitting down. "Perfect, I shall turn the intruder of Vex's bed chamber over to mother and father to deal with!" he said somewhat mock threatening and set Sirrian on Alehial's lap. He then pointed the twins over to a spot at a table for three and turned his attention back, "Can we find a way to make this babysitter not so wooden and not follow almost every step, that is if you ever want grandchildren from me."

Alehial accepted Sirrian into her lap and arms. She cuddled him a moment before looking up at Conner. "I asked her to make sure none of those children come before marriage at least." She said in reply to Conner's mocking tone of everything this morning. She had cried heavily last night and she still looked exhausted. The last two weeks she hadn't had much sleep though and that wasn't likely to change too soon. Alehial accepted the hugs and kisses from the twins, returning them with a gentleness only mom's could do. Then she hugged and kissed Sirrian loudly.

Verex walked straight over to one of the corners of the room to get out of the way of Children coming down the stairs, and servants serving tea and juice to everyone. Food wouldn't be served until Alehial signaled for it to be and she was waiting for most of the children. Verex wouldn't sit at the table as she was a guard and she had no place. She would eat just after they were done. Or maybe she could sneak into the kitchens and get something. She wasn't really sated last night and she knew it would be like that for a while. She would just have to get used to it.

B'Tanii entered the room her wings tucked to her back to not hit the doorways. "Good morn everyone." She said with a bright smile. She was very glad to be back in the Manor and especially in their own bed. She had finished her prayers and had been cleaning her wings most of the morning. She waved at the twins before she took her usual seat.

Lyriel was waiting for Lai and Alissa to come down before she joined them. Lyriel had been keeping Lai company since they had returned home. She was glad to have someone to talk to about something other then Flint and his dilemma. She wondered how Conner had gotten along with his new body guard and she wondered where Flint had gotten to.

Conner leaned over and hugged and kissed his mother as well, "I apologize for my outburst yesterday as much as I hate the idea of being watched, I thank you for thinking of my safety." He then turned and motioned Verex to have a seat to eat, "At least you get to help make her try to blend in rather than stick out like a cactus sticker." he teased before heading over to sit with the twins. Altair smiled a little that his son did right and apologized to his mother, his harsh words broke through the hard head of his son. He leaned over and roughed Sirrian's hair and whispered to Alehial, "I told you he would come around and to have a little faith in that." Looking about he wondered about Flint and of course the absent members of the family.

Lucas came downstairs, having let Tani prepare while he bathed and stopped beside Verex, "I would suggest you take the chanced to sit and eat Conner at times has a full schedule and you might not get another chance." He then greeted his parents and everyone before taking a seat beside Tani and kissing her cheek. Lai and Alissa were last Altair's little sister was taking over the brunt of caring for her very pregnant mother had asked Alehial and Arten to teach her to help with the birth. It was odd to Vex to see such a large group and everyone greeted each other and was sitting down to a meal together.

Lyriel came and helped as much as Alissa let her. She too greeted her mother and sat in her place. the table was full except for Darryl and Asper, and Elsa and Feal. Elsa was due at any moment Feal wasn't letting her leave her bed. Vex sat. Everyone was telling her to. She was stiff and not used to this sort of setting. There was the mess hall in the guild and in the Blade's compound as well, but there was nothing as close knit as all of this. IT was strange and she didn't particularly care for it.

Alehial gave Altair a frown but smiled at seeing all of her children home again. Though she felt a pang as Vex sat in Lily's spot. Not only that but Elsa was upstairs and would need them soon enough. She hugged Sirrian and signaled to the servants that it was time for the food. Since everyone was there except Flint and she decided to let him be. "I know... but he's so hard headed I worry. And with Lily gone." Alehial left that comment be as it was and she sipped on her tea.

For the immense size of the family and amount of children, the staff was very adept at getting everyone food while it was hot and not leaving anyone waiting for long. Flint appeared from the entryway after also hanging up his cloak and bidding everyone good morning, he turned down food but accepted a cup of coffee. Conner smiled and passed a note to Arissa and told her to pass it along until it got to Vex, actually it went down and around the table to the blade. Dear Vexie, just a note to let you know your weapons and armmor are not to be worn at the table per Lady Ravenwood's rules. That and I will not be leaving the house until around lunch time to go visit my uncle your commander and then maybe stopping at my family's warehouse and docks. Sincerely, Conner.

Altair noticed the note being passed and figured Conner was either being an ass or there was something important he was imparting to the young lady. He shrugged and turned to Alehial, "And what are you doing today? I would assume piling all the kids around you?" Aurora who was cooing for her nurse decided to begin to fuss so that mother or father would take her. The nurse knew Lady Ravenwood had her hands full with Sirrian and smiled when Master Ravenwood motioned that he would take her. Even with all the conversations most of the family knew what everyone else was doing for the day and where you could find them.

Alehial spent her time feeding Sirrian and cuddling him and feeding herself. She was letting them have coffee today but then no more coffee in the house. She didn't like the stuff and how... it affected some people. "I am going to visit with my children yes. And see how the twins are doing... and check on Elsa and perhaps I will ask Cyndel over to see them all as well." Alehial said pouting at him, then cooing at Aurora. She too noticed the note and decided today that it was fine. She would let Vex sit at the table but she would have to remove her weapons next time. absolutely no weapons at the table.

Vex worried a moment about her outfit. She had been warned once already by Lady Ravenwood and forgot all about it. But then the Lady was busy with her husband and children. She also wondered how in the world he had written the note while at the table. Regardless she had eaten quickly and finished just as quickly. She still felt awkward sitting at this table around all these people and mostly all the children. She excused herself and stood just outside the dining room in the entrance way. She was however starting to hate the nickname Vexie. Vex or Verex no other variation would she allow. She would have to have a real 'talk' with Conner soon enough.

After breakfast Conner slipped out through the kitchen and started up the servants stairs, he bribed Arissa and Sammy keep Vex busy while he looked for clues about where Lily went. The house was big enough that it should take his babysitter a little time to locate him, hopefully after he went back to his room to figure out if he should start telling everyone where he believed she might have went. Everywhere he knew Lily would hide things any scrap of paper or even where she hid her journal and in under twenty minutes he exhausted anywhere she might use for a hiding place. Slinking back to his room he changed into more normal clothes that would let him blend into the general populace of the city and docks, he would insist Vex do the same or else he'd petition Rand for someone that could. Although right now he had to go help Arissa with her casting minor spells and a little instruction on daggers with Sammy, the cost of a deversion as he hoped Vex wasn't outside his door as he opened it.

"Nice try." Vex said her arms folded across her chest. She was glaring at him. She had been rescued and scolded by the Lady Ravenwood after breakfast and she had herded her children away from the Blade. "Another stunt like that and I will tie a bell to you." Vex threatened angrily. She didn't know what he had been up to but by the time she arrived upstairs she had heard him in his bedroom doing something. She had simply waited outside of his door. He was starting to annoy her.

"In truth my dear overwatcher, I did not leave the house and really did not need you following me like a puppy or love sick fan of my music. I gave you the note telling you exactly my plans for the day and I intend on following that schedule to the letter." he replied giving her the same smile his father used to give his mother. Slipping past her into the hall he first found his mother, "Mother, I come to see you in effort to redeem my poor nanny, she was so excited by her first official day watching over me she forgot that one important rule. She informed me she will never make that mistake again if you'd only forgive her nervousness this one time." Conner knew his mother would accept his apology on Vex's behalf. All the children near his age came to him for help on wording apologies and he even got Lyriel out of trouble for leaving the city without telling anyone for four whole months.

"I already spoke to her Conner quit being an Ass. She didn't know and she doesn't feel comfortable sitting at the table. Be nice to her Conner." Alehial warned as she was sitting in the study with the twins on her lap on the small couch inside of it. She accepted Vex's formal salute with one of her own. Alehial knew it would be hard for the guard the fact she was a woman wasn't helping too much. Alehial was trying to coax Arissa into showing her what she had learned on how to control her magic. Alehial hoped they would have time for private lessons everyday.

Vex ground her teeth at the boy. She held herself rigidly at attention. If she had to ruin his plans... or his fun. Then she might as well enjoy it and really make it hell for him having her follow him around. Next time in Lyle's place, she would stand on stage behind him. OR even better in front of him. Oh the plans she was concocting for his torture and her carrying out her duties. He would regret challenging her. Verex Geheld was up for any challenge and she could play nice. Or they could play hard.

"Well, I tried Vexers, mother could you at least tell her she doesn't have to be two feet behind me at all times, it is making me a tad self conscious and even afraid to talk to young ladies who I might one day bring home to meet you." Conner knew he was pushing both his mother and Vex, but of course when Sammy snickered he began playing to the crowd. "And besides what real trouble could I get into here in the house? Please make it your order or condition that she not be so rigid and I promise to behave myself more than I usually do, I mean I told her were and when I am going and I intend on keeping that schedule." He gave his mother a semi-pleading look, like when he was little and wished to go with the bigger kids.

"Conner remember when you were young and the demon rats came out of the basement. And a few months ago when a portal ripped open in the front entrance nd your crazy undead uncle came through it and tried to kill Darryl? And if it weren't for Feal he would be dead? We all would? No. I leave it to her to do as she see fit to protect you and I know you don't like it and I know you'll make her miserable, but just remember baby... I love you and if anything happened to you or any of my children. I would die. My heart would stop beating. Maybe if you talk to her and discuss things with her she might go easier on you?" Alehial said setting Arissa on the couch Alehial stood and hugged Conner, kissing his cheek and running her fingers through his hair 'fixing' it in a mothering way. "I love you Conner so much... please don't do anything that would make having her here necessary?" Alehial asked pleading a little with Conner using the look he was using on her on him this time.

"I'm not going to do anything stupid, the demon rats were when I was little and believe me Galin doesn't attack the house because everyone is home now. Just please for me and I will work on my relationship with 'her' if you just order her not to sit upon me and let me have a little space. Call it a compromise and I love you too." he said understanding using compromise may be his only avenue. A knock at the door announced Bowers who wore a very irritated experssion and a missive in his hand. "Forgive the interuption Lady Ravenwood, this came for you and Lord Ravenwood." he said handing the message over.

"Verex please don't hover. At least at home. If it's that fat old pompass lard of a lord I swear I will do something very violent." Alehial glowered at the missive in Bowers hand. She took it though and opened it. "Thank you Bowers. Go on Conner run around visiting your friends." She dismissed her son with a final kiss to the cheek. She would get back to the twins in a moment after she read this missive. So far she had been receiving at least two a day from Poppy's father and she had already forbid him of coming onto her property or Flints.

Conner smiled at her then Vex when he turned to head out of the study, winning a slight victory was enough he supposed and headed back to his room. "Alright Verexous, I need a little bit before we head out, so you can go change into something that blends in with normal people. Then we will meet downstairs in say twenty minutes unless you want to watch me talk to my sister Elsa." Quickly he went inside and shut the door before she could yell at him, making new versions of pet names for her was quite fun.

Sure enough it was another missive wanting the two families to meet as King Gareth had agreed upon and intoned when he sent the royal decree about the marriage in the first place. Altair came into the study and saw the look on Alehial's face and shook his head and wnet to sit with the twins. "Don't forget your children are here so you can't curse in any language." he said kissing each daughters forehead in turn. "I could always go speak with him if you like, you know me and my version of diplomacy." In truth he longed to knock the wind bag on his ass for causing his wife and family such distress during these times.

"I'm ready to shove that royal decree somewhere for him." Alehial ground her teeth. He just wouldn't leave them alone. Not even for one full day. Alehial was going to do something she was certain she wasn't going to regret. Alehial handed Altair the sheet. So he could read it too. Altair royal cousin... was getting a little more or less understandable with what he was doing lately.

Vex tightened her hands into fists and went into her room. She changed from her blade armor to her plain armor. Blend in fine she would look like a merc for hire. she was still fully geared. She then waited in the hallway outside her own room door as she waited for Conner to appear. Just you wait Ravenwood. Just you wait. she thought to herself as she glared at the door to his room.

Conner walked out and looked at her new manner of dress, "Very much improved now you look like a partner in crime instead of a order following yes girl." He waved her along with him and walked to Elsa and Fael's room and knocked then waited to be admitted looking back at Vex and smiling, "So, later I want to hear your story and such we can play a game of question for question if you like." When Fael admitted them Conner introduced them to her, "Fael and Elsa might I present Vexeroni, Vexeroni my sister Elsa and her husband Fael." Sitting beside Elsa Conner leaned over, "I need to ask some questions about Lily before she took off and of course see how long before the next nephew is born."

"We've met Conner be nice to her she's sweet and Xeph likes her." Elsa giggled softly from her place on the bed. She had started contractions a few days ago and they were all just waiting for anything else to happen at this point. But she did look very tired. She was laying trying to relax on the bed holding Feal's hand once he settled down next to her again.

Vex stood inside the room but stayed by the door. She was always nervous around pregnant women too. She couldn't help and didn't know what to do with them or how to treat them. She had no intention of telling this spoiled brat anything though. Besides she could guess most of what she didn't know about this boy.

Conner thought quickly, "Do you know where Lily went at all before she left? people she might have spent time with to make her plans?" This was only the tip of the ice berg so to say for his questions, but he wasn't gonna bother her too much. Suddenly the rapid triple taps came on the window and Fael began to get aggitated, "Those women need to get away from this house." "I will handle this." Conner said walking over to the window, "Vex be a dear and bring that basket over here for me." He opened the window and all three druids were perched on the sill, "Good morning ladies." he greeted them and then cast his spell. They all three quit moving and Conner called out, "Oh Darryl, your little brother needs some help to protect our future nephew!"

"Vex handed him the basket. She wasn't a servant and she wasn't going to be treated like one. But he had asked nicely and for that she wouldn't say no. Obviously the druids agitated Elsa as well, But Feal was looking somewhat more dangerous today. Perhaps it was because his wife was almost in labor already. As for Darryl coming she didn't really know what to think about him. She'd seen him only a few times.

Conner quickly put the birds into the basket and handed it to Darryl, "Could you take this to anywhere that would take a bird maybe months to fly back here? These are the druids that are bothering Elsa who may be giving birth any minute." he smmiled and winked at his sister. Darryl's eyes flashed and the basket and everything is contained disappeared with a pop, "Was that all you needed Conner?" Darryl asked and came to pat Elsa's hand before he poofed away. With a satisfied grin Conner bowed to Elsa and Fael, "I would love to stay and wait for the baby to arrive, but I have a twin to track down and drag back so mother can give me some breathing room. No offense Vexers, but if Lily was home, you would be watching her and I'd be doing other things." he said walking out the door blowing Elsa a kiss.

"No offense but from what I've seen she made the right choice." Verex said looking at Elsa on the bed and then Conner before she gave Feal a salute and opened the door trying to usher out the young master of the house. "I can see exactly why Lady Ravenwood hired be to get in your way." Verex said as he was passing her to go out the door. Maybe that would shut his smart little mouth. But it was actually true. With a family this crazy anyone would seek out their own piece of normal. Or even companionship, even just a friend if nothing else. This family was large and magical and you couldn't get away from them easily. They were terrifying.

"My mother hired you in case my Won't Stay Dead Uncle or any of his Crazed Zealot Cronnies decide to try killing me. And believe me, the weapons that march towards me might be more than either of us can handle. And again, had my sister not decided to run away as she did then you wouldn't have this post." he retorted passing Lai who promptly laid her hand up the backside of his head. "You will not talk to her in that tone young man, if an attack does come you do realize she will be putting her life in danger to protect you." she chastized him. Lai then looked at Vex, "I for one am happy that you will be keeping an eye out for dangers to my ungrateful grandson."

"Yes ma'am, I am more then capable of taking care of any threat other than crazed mages, rampant high level Druids and your uncle. Anything else I'm sure I will be more then adequate to handle. However Master Conner, Your twin sister did run away, thus my being hired in. Be glad you had parents who want you safe." Vex said saluting Lai swiftly as soon as she saw her. She would have bowed but she always felt awkward bowing in this house. Saluting seemed a lot better of an option. Vex almost wished they would go to Finn's again. At least there she was comfortable.

As they continued downstairs Conner turned, "You see right there you assume that I am mad about their concern, when truly I am not I just need a little space to operate and you to be less stand out. If you in blades armor protects me, you're wrong it makes you a target for the first villian seeking my head. Let's go and do what my schedule talks over and I will be less of a pain if you try acting more like a person than a golem okay?" he proposed a deal. He handed her cloak and put his own on and opened the front door and headed for the gate, only trips to court and any official business used the carriage. Most of the family had no trouble walking anywhere in the city, from the homes of nobles to even the poorer side of the city.

Vex stayed silent. Her orders hadn't covered being inconspicuous. Actually she had thought that was the point. To become the new target so he could get away or she could handle it. Perhaps she could learn more if she spoke to Commander Rand or Lady Ravenwood. "Anyone would think it strange a lady companion you were not flirting with or touching." Vex commented as they walked, after all Conner Ravenwood had a rather large reputation. There situation was going to be noticed regardless. But it would be nice to have this little thing cleared up. "Why bother trying to figure out where she's gone she'll come back when she's satisfied." Vex said not understanding why he was so frantic. The parents yes. Him no.

"It's hard to explain if you don't have a twin and I'm not saying I'm going to force her home I just..need know she's safe." he explained as they got closer to blades headquarters. The guard outside saluted Vex as Conner blew past and went right to Uncle Rand's office and knocked four times to the resounding "Come in Conner." He turned and held up a finger to Vex, "Give me just a moment with my uncle then I'll give you the same courtesy, deal?" The door closed and he had a good twenty minute conversation before opening the door and motioning Vex inside where Rand was sitting thinking over what Conner had told him. "Good Vexie, I will be waiting outside for you and I promise not to leave without you, good day uncle." he said before walking out and leaving Vex to speak with her commanding officer.

"I would but I simply don't trust you." Vex said with a shrug. She saluted the Commander from outside the door however. She did have questions and she would like to speak with Commander Rand. But she could do so through a missive sent along later with a report. Vex had accepted the hello's and salutes from the other Blades and returned them all. She knew Commander Rand would have heard her comment. But so far Conner had kept his word for the most part. It's just his words covered so little and left him so much room that she couldn't possibly accept anything he said. She dreaded having to stay in his room, they all tried to sneak away eventually and more often than not she went without sleep. In the case of Poppy, well... silk rope leaves no marks and who would believe a body guard would actually tie a lady to her bed to keep her in it? Certainly not her father. But when she was betrothed Vex was off the hook. Poppy was trusted now that she had someone selected for her. Vex wasn't going to trust a bard or a nobleman's son. Certainly not both in one.

"Geheld, he is true to his word this time that he will wait for you." Rand said impatiently drumming his fingers on his desk. Today was turning out very stressful, after last night when Flint paying him a visit and Cyndil being cross that he couldn't help more. On top of that the King had sent a missive about Flint and the Ravenwoods dodging Poppy and her father and left him trying to figure out how to approach his sister and brother in law. When the prince became king he would beg the newly crowned leader to stay out of arranged marriages all together, nothing good ever came from them in most cases. Answering Vex's questions or settling things between her and Conner would make things easier for his dear sister and him.

"I did have a few questions Commander." Verex said saluting and shutting the door behind her with a glare sent Conner's way. "Am I allowed to hit him? Not like to hurt him... just... in case. Also am I supposed to be a body guard... or a shadow? Lady Ravenwood simply said to watch over him and keep him safe. I assumed she simply wanted a guard to be with him at all times. She didn't go into great detail describing any of my duties. I don't want to seem disrespectful because I'm not! But given vague orders doesn't let me know what my orders really are. Should I act as... a companion? Not a Blade? OR should I act as a Blade at all times? I am... concerned about his hunt for his sister as well." Verex admitted all of her worries about her orders. In truth Alehial hadn't told her much, the few things she had told her were very vague things like keep an eye on him. Keep him safe. generals. She had thought it was more of a military family. She wanted this cleared up and then she would deal with Conner Ravenwood and his attitude.

Rand listened and sighed, "Harming him is the exact opposite of what you were hired for, but to be safe ask his mother for clarification. If you stand out then anyone wanting to harm him will not strike or look for a time when they can strike a better chance in stopping an attempt on him is to be invisible to his attackers. The Ravenwoods are a tight knit family and his questions do not per se mean he is leaving Andor to try finding Lily, just so he might give his parents piece of mind if they wish to locate her. I assigned this for you because you have done a comendable job so far, learn to interact with him and the family and you'll find the assignment less chaffing than you do currently. Does that help, or should I be more direct with orders when I give you a little leeway?" he asked steepling his fingers and regarding her.

"No sir, as for the previous comment. At times it seems small harms do better to keep large ones away is all I meant by it. Then I shall do my best to protect him without being seen." Verex saluted, obviously Commander Rand wasn't taking this impersonally. She had no problem working with them. Working within their house rules. She was nice to them all. She was learning quirks of everyone and what to avoid. She didn't like being chastised but as far as they went this was a very mild one from Commander Rand. Verex understood though that family made things difficult. Though she had none of her own she had seen it often enough. "I'll head out now then sir." She asked in a statement. After all Conner had things he wanted to do and she didn't want the Commander any angrier or upset at her then he was now. She knew his half dragon wife made things at home often difficult and running the Blade's couldn't be easy. Not to mention everyone was wondering what the King was doing lately. Vex would keep her head down and her nose clean.

"Understand Vex, I know Conner will be a handful he is the product of a willful mother and rash father it would do you good to take this and read up on the family and some of its high points." He pushed a book across to Vex, it was the unofficial biography of the family Ravenwood with several places marked inside. "I point to one, that to find Alehial in Sildea Altair broke a decades long closed borders of the elven kingdom. And in an effort to save him Alehial made a deal with Galin Ravenwood to travel to Illian to find and rescue him, that is the stock that brought him about." Rand wanted to make sure she understood Conner could be a handful, but for the most part his heart would still be in the right place.

"I will read it then sir. Thank you sir." Verex took the book and saluted once again. She wondered why she had never heard of this book. Or why such a thing was ever created. "To ease your concern sir. He hasn't actually done anything troublesome yet. Just bothersome. For all his puff and stance, I doubt he would ever leave his family or endanger them on purpose." Verex said softly, hoping Conner Ravenwood wasn't an eavesdropper, she would deny this comment if ever it was spoken of again. She wanted to make Commander Rand proud, she wanted him to think she was worth this job and the promotion to Full Blade. He was honestly the only father she had ever had. She would try and ignore any jests from Conner for Rand's sake. Vex was a very closed off kind of person usually and she kept her self to her self. She didn't really have a past so she preferred to live in the moment. Besides in this profession she might not have a very long future either.

When she left his office Conner was sitting with a couple Blades that had tried getting her attention when they arrived they were talking back and forth about their new assignments. "I know Lord Kaffer's son, he's fond of learning games of cards not very good at playing but that never stops him." he told one of them. He looked her way and smiled, "Is your business with Commander Rand completed Mistress Geheld?" Conner knew she would appreciate him treating her respectfully in front of her peers. Bowing to the seated Blades, "May your assignments be successful and safe." before heading for the main gate. One more stop and then he could head home for the night to do a little more work and let Vex relax and do her homework.

Vex also said her goodbye's and followed Conner out. She put the book in her bag. Mistress Geheld... boy she was going to get heckled for that. Though they would be heckling her for anything she was sure. "Master Conner I want to thank you for not making a fool of me in front of Commander Rand. Or the Blades. Not that they don't know everything you do already, it was nice that you put up a front for me." Vex said walking along, strolling almost, the way she stood now was nothing like a guard at all and more like a tired wanderer. It was still chilly out in this spring weather but she snuggled into her cloak for the affect more than anything else. He wanted not a body guard she would give him a wandering sword hire.

Conner nodded a little, "One more stop then we're headed home with plenty of time to wash up and not be in armor for dinner. So, I would assume my uncle praised you for putting up with me and my family or words of encouragement to stick with the assignment." There was no need to act foolish in front of Rand or her friends in the Blades all it would do is make things more abrasive between them. "After dinner I'm going to take over what used to be my brother and sister-in-laws room if you care to once over it for escape routes. Which reminds me I need a small stop after the next to pick up a couple things, Vexie."

Vex had replied in kind to her comrades a farewell similar to their greetings earlier "Not necessarily. I have already checked the entire house but for the Study and your parents rooms." Vex said softly not wanting to be overheard. She wanders along with Conner, she wasn't going to be sitting at the table again and that suited her just fine. It was awkward and there were missing spots dotting the table and it was clear Conner was trying to fill them. For what reason she didn't know.

He led her down to the waterfront and the harbormasters offices and went inside, "I have no enemies inside if you would let me conduct my business by myself please." Before Vex could answer she felt her Guild pin activate and Master Galin Ravenwood's voice in her head, "Guild member Geheld, if you have a moment I would like an update on your new assignment." With his exile still in place he was not supposed to set foot inside of Andor's borders, but the Guild was allowed and beginning to thrive. Vex had been told that the Master could speak with her through the pin, but he had never done so until today. Conner was watching her, waiting for an answer to his question so he could speak with the harbormaster in private.

"I'll wait here then." Vex said with a shrug. Once he was gone inside she answered Master Galin. "I am here and ready to answer any questions sir." she replied with her pin. She leaned against the building Conner had gone into and let on nothing that she was speaking to anyone about anything. After all it was one of her specialties.

"You have been brought to the Ravenwoods to watch over one of them, which one have you been tasked with watching? Also, I wish to know where Flint Ravenwood is, I understand the king plans on pressing his betrothal to your former charge and keep me informed of any missives to this end. I also would like you to continue conceal your membership in the guild until I feel the time is right." his words were firm. She had never met Master Ravenwood, but had been told that if she served well then she might meet him face to face as she continued to rise through the ranks.

"I have been given charge of Conner Sir. Flint is somewhere on the grounds avoiding the King as far as I am aware, he's been shady lately in the house. Even the dark elf hasn't been by his side lately. I know how the other Ravenwood's feel about the guild sir. I wouldn't show myself unless it was necessary." Vex stated in return. It was curious that he chose to speak with her now but then who knew anything in the minds of those who started anything great or evil? Certainly not Vex.

"Excellent, I know his safety is paramount in his mother's mind and only fitting you being the best of young members of the guild to take the assignment. Keep your reports coming to the guildmaster there and your eyes open for Flint, other than that keep doing the job you are best at." And just like that she felt his mind release hers, just in time for Conner to leave the harbormaster's office with a smile on his face. "Well, I no longer need to make that stop, we can head home and do whichever we like until dinner." he said setting back off for the estate. "Oh, and you need to join us for dinner otherwise you'll upset my mother by making her think we're too good or you're too good to eat with, it doesn't happen often and I'd hate to see you repremanded again."

"Your mother has spoken to me about these matters. I feel you just wish to see me uncomfortable Conner Ravenwood." Vex said walking by his side once again and hunching into her cloak to keep the chill of being so close to the harbor away from her. She looked like any other adventurer weathered and tried. But walking with this young lad would make other people take notice of that surely.

He chuckled lightly, "Why Vex if I did not know you better I'd think you have a sense of humor. No, what I wish is to bring a sense of normalcy back into the house for my mother's benefit. With Mathius and Lily both missing and her concerns about everyone else's safety she does not need constant reminders and you eating with us helps in a way." Once they arrived back at the estate Conner went to Darryl's old room and began his work again, Vex would have a couple hours to herself before dinner. As they topped the stairs a rush of Ravenwood children passed heading for the study.

Vex stood out of the way of stampeding children. "Your mother informed me I was not needed at the family table." And with that being said Vex went silent but more thoughtful than awkward or angry. She had hung her cloak and his when they entered downstairs and while she had time she was planning on reading the book Commander Rand had given her. She had a feeling that Conner's nice behavior was only going to last so long before he was up to some of his infamous tricks.

"Suit yourself Vex I would believe that you in normal clothes and with the rest of my family will go a long way to an easier time with them." Conner wondered why the herd was heading to the study, they must want something from mother or father he closed the door to his own private war room and began to work. First he found a place to put his map and began to logically figure where his twin disappeared to starting by deciding she left by ship. If one wanted to hide the fact of the family pedigree then it stood to reason they crossed the sea meaning a stop over in Illian. "Now sister dear, I doubt you chose the destination so that adds some complication to finding you." he said pointing to Illian and looking to the other side of the world for an answer.

That leaves a lot of ground to cover and account for." Vex said looking over his shoulder. She didn't care about the families dinner rituals not after getting permission from lady Ravenwood to take that time for herself. She had followed Conner inside. She took a look at the map. "If I were a Ravenwood... I'd go where there are few contacts and a lot of bad guys. Because no one would look for a shy timid flower." Vex threw in her two cents. She didn't know lily really or what it felt like to have a family... Sisters and brothers... It seemed overly complicated to her.

"It would be somewhere that she did not look overly foreign, so Mu is out along with Archon." Conner responded turning almost directly into Vex's face. He took a step back into the map, "Vex, we really need to discuss space between the two of us as in not close enough to hug or mistakenly kiss, deal?" However Conner grinned after his remark and moved to the table and took out pen, ink and paper and began to write out a list. "When dinner happens you intend on catching a nap, bathing, meeting a male friend, or anything else?" he asked trying to start a conversation or at least figure his babysitter out a little bit. Also from his bag he pulled a bottle of honey mead from Finn's and two glasses and poured one for himself and one for Vex as well.

"Distance bid your problem. My time is just that mine. What we need to know I who has contacts or money enough to get magic that can thwart your family and bribe people to keep quiet about it. Didn't peg you as being a shy one." Vex stated taking a step back and crossing her arms. She had an eyebrow raised and almost a smirk on her lips. Almost anyways. This was the first time Vex had teased him.

Conner looked up and slid the other glass to her, "Dear Vex you should be careful how you tease. Rand's dear wife, my aunt once worked for my parents and look where she wound up." he smirked right back at her. Conner hadn't seen much of her enough to gauge really anything about her, "Oh gods what am I thinking? I mean she is supposed to watch me, there is no way I'd EVER think about what lay under that armor." To banish any thoughts about Vex he went back to his list and research, "She might not have went too far south, my great-cousin and her husband are there as ambassadors so she could run into them." He took a drink and looked up to see if Vex had drank any or had an opinion about the matter.

Vex looked at Conner for a moment and then at the map."Right. Well if she's going for exotic either the mountains or the desert. Unless you like the rest of your family think her unable to handle herself in a fight." Vex posed the question accusingly. She crossed her arms over her armor, she was curious to whether he would take of fence or not. She wasn't going to drink anytime soon not while she was in this house. The only reason she wasn't reporting this alcohol was because of Rand. Everyone had secrets he had once told her... While guarding they weren't yours to tell.

"She can handle herself and a sword just fine, however she hasn't been given a great deal of opportunity to prove it to others." Conner answered with a tinge of ire in his voice. He had the utmost confidence in his twin and balked when father refused to let her come along when they skirmished a band of orcs. "Vex, try to understand if we are going to coexist together I may have to tighten up a little and you need to loosen up some. We are here in the house and in this room where no danger exists feel free to enjoy a simple glass of honey mead." he said refering back to the map. "I also figure she would go somewhere that freely speaks the trade language which leaves only three countries." he crossed the others off the list.

"I don't drink while on a job ever. I'll do The best I can to 'loosen' up. You have three left? What will you do once you know which country she is in? Tell you mother? She will surely send people to retrieve her once she knows where she is. No of fence but your mother is panicking." Vex said sitting in one of the chairs in the room. She sat comfortably which meant like a man. It was easy to act like a woman in armor.

"I would petition my brother, Darryl to check those first except that something blocks his abilites of sensing her, else she'd have been home a long time ago. The smaller brothers and sisters returning is calming her somewhat, when Mathius and his group return then she'll almost be back to normal." he explained. He made mental notes to sneak into the study and grab the books pretaining to these three and reading up on them quickly before talking to anyone. Conner picked up her glass and drained it smiling at Vex, "it was some of Finn's best you turned down next time I will bring tea I guess."

"I thought you only wished to know she was safe. I guess no one trusts her to fend for herself. I am more surprised lady Ravenwood does not simply take all her children off into the mountains to keep them safe. Like a mother bear with her cubs." Vex laughed a little at the very image in her head. Twelve children and their spouses and children and their mother and her children. All in one cave. It was obvious that Vex thought the family strange. But then no one knew Vex's past.

Conner fixed his gaze upon her and smirked, "My trust in my sister only fails when it comes to the Sothites, they managed to launch a full scale attack upon Sildea. And don't put the ferocity of my parents to a bear, the bear would lose." he said. "I believe dinner is almost ready and if you do not wish to come along then I will take my leave." he said standing up and bowing to her.

"I will be keeping my eye on you Conner Ravenwood. Whatever you are planning. You had best keep me in them." Vex said before standing and after a hard look over this boy she took took her leave. She had some reading to do anyways. Also she wanted to re-organize her equipment to not look like a Blade. She could do that while dinner was going on. She would eat as well. She didn't need to know everything in the book and decided to glance through it and pay attention to the points Commander Rand had pointed out for her. She was glad she had set up alarms however in case Conner decided to try and lose her to go find his sister. She had a good system set up and was fairly certain he wouldn't get by or out without her notice.

Conner smiled as several less than cordial answers ran through his head as he reported for dinner with the family. Leaning over he asked Rissi and Sammy if they would like to do a little stargazing after dinner and before bed. He also extended the invitation to anyone else who wished to come up, as they were going to look from the roof outside his bedroom window. It was a good while after dinner she heard one of her alarms going off Conner had opened the window in his room which led out to a flat part of the roof not too high above the gardens. 

Vex wearing her none blade standard armor with things arranges more to her personal tastes decided it would be a good idea to keep an eye on them from outside with them. So she made her way outside to stand where she could see them all on the roof. The twins were ecstatic to the point Arissa set off the dancing lights spell because she could.

Conner snickered, "Arissa we can't watch the stars if yer dancing lights get in the way." They laid back and watched the sky above them and took turns pointing to the constellations or making up their own and stories to go with them. "Okay those ones that form a frown, that is Vexorus the grumpy who follows that one which is Conner the cantankerous who moves quickly away." He leaned over and picked a piece of candy and popped it into his mouth. He figured she was somewhere nearby and wanted to tease her a little bit, it kept him from missing Lily terribly.

Vex ignored Conner for the most part. You really couldn't see the sky all that clearly here in the middle of town. But even still Vex found she enjoyed hearing Conner and the girls pointing to constellations speaking of elvish lore human lore and a few others. Vex only knew how to navigate with the stars she didn't know what they were or what they meant. Vex wondered briefly if all rich families knew things like constellations.

After a little while a few more family members came out to watch and listen to stories, shortly after Altair and Alehial came out Conner began to sing in elvish. It was one of the songs he had come up with when Lily helped him write it one night when they were in this exact place looking up into the stars. Lucas had climbed out onto the roof and asked Tani to meet him there since she could not climb out of the window.

Alehial held onto Altair tightly. Tani wasn't a great night flier but there was enough light to see and she smiled at Vex before she beat her wings and landed up on the roof. Lyriel had climbed out as well and had snagged a few of the younger kids on her way out. Handing them out to persons like they were almost candy. Vex looked up at the roof. The whole family she understood a little better now after looking at the book. She even understood Galin more... But she knew even more why all the children were running off. Mathius and Lucas and lyrical seemed the only ones given leave and they came back of their own volition.

Altair counted heads quickly and smiled, "Well at least we know this roof is sturdy." Minus only a few people they were all there together and looking into the sky. Conner looked at his sisters and nudged them, "you two better not nod off cause I'm not tossing you back through that window. Maybe Tani will have to fly you down to Vex and then take you into the house that way." Lucas smiled and nudged Tani hoping that would get some conversation started between her and his sisters.

"Oh right um... I would be honored to take you to the ground if either of you are too tired to make it back through the window!" Tani offered to the girls. "I'm not sleepy..." Arissa said folding her arms, she was still displeased with Lucas and the angel. "Me neither." Mumbled the half asleep Samantha elven songs almost always put her to sleep and tonight was no exception. Vex stayed quiet below but ferryig children was not her job and she would keep her eyes on Conner. That was her contract. "I can take her if it's a hassle." Lyriel offered she was usually bored at home.

Conner turned, "I figured you'd be keeping tabs on Flint since he has been missing from the family table since we got home." Altair had been concerned with his nephews absence for a couple days, but figured he was deciding his path alone." Conner began to sing again, this time singing a song that Vex had heard several times before mainly on the anniversary of the end of the dragon wars.

"Very well I will go to him." Lyriel said before she easily jumped from the roof and landed gracefully onto the grass below. "Good luck." Was her passing to Vex for the night. She had something she wanted to speak to Flint about anyways. A plan to help with his current circumstances. A plan she hoped he would be okay with.

Flint was back at his house, or that is the house that belonged to him after his mother and step-father had passed and left it to him. Although, he could not bring himself to stay in any room other than his own and was currently reviewing scrolls in the sitting room. Sitting not far away was his half eaten dinner and a partially empty bottle of ale.

"Glad to see your eating healthy. Come up with a plan yet?" Lyriel asked softly from the doorway. She knew how to get in and out when she needed from this house and the guards let her right in. It was silly of Alehial to pay for blades to guard this house but apparently necessary to keep poppy and her father from breaking in. Lyriel wondered then how exactly Flint would take her plan. Hopefully good she had a backup but she might need to get him drunk for that one. Or them both drunk. But that was worse case scenario.

"I read and re-read these and try to find another area where I can foil the kings decree do you have a better plan?" he said looking up and smiling at her. Lyriel knew the house just as well as he did, from years of exploring together and he enjoyed the memories.

"I brought something to help us brainstorm." Lyriel said pulling out a bottle of fire wine. She took a seat next to him and put the bottle in his hands. " I have an idea that might make poppy and her father refuse you.... But it might be a long shot." Lyriel said as she took off her cloak and set it aside. She unpinned her hair and let the braid fall straight down her back. She was wearing some casual pants and shirt her sword belt and her cloak was all.

Flint popped the cork and handed the bottle to her first, "Ladies first" he said with a laugh. "So, you have a plan that will make my betrothed and her gold mining father turn the king down, this I can't wait to hear." He set the scroll on his lap aside and turned all of his attention to her.

Lyriel took a liberal swig from the wine made a face and passed it over to him. "Yes. If you have no riches... Or any claim to what your step father left you... If you were basically a begged they wouldn't want you. Sign away everything even the house.... And become a paladin. A knight for the church can't be that different from being a soldier can it?" Lyriel said only after he had a good drink of the wine himself. He might not be up for this suggestion though and the king would be mad but if it happened hr wouldn't tempt the wrath of the gods lyriel was certain of that.

He coughed and wiped his chin, "Paladin? you can't be serious, I would never pass the entrance tests and I have no head for scriptures and hymns." He let the comment about giving everything away slide, for he was unsure what Lyriel would think if she knew what he had already done. "Besides, their are supposed to be chaste until married and you and I have rolled around enough to well past that."

That's true didn't think about that... Oh well I gave it a shot right hurry and take a proper drink. Once this I gone we can go to Finn's and keep drinking and stay the night over there. Alehial hired a woman to watch Conner and I don't feel like watching him thwart her or vice versa." Lyriel said. She had honestly forgotten that chaste part of becoming a paladin. She needed to pay more attention to her brothers and sisters apparently.

He chuckled and took a healthy swig and handed the bottle back, "So are we gonna stay over there or come back here, there are plenty of rooms. Even your old one from back in the day even has some of your old clothes." He laughed again and nudged her again.

"PSH!! They wouldn't fit me now! Yes stay over there I'm sure uncle Lyle has a room he can let us use. Mate we'll come up with a better plan... Later." Lyriel said as she took another drink and handed it back. She certainly never wanted him left on his own. Or for the kingdom to ban him... She really couldn't think if anything else. "What's your latest scheme?" She asked relaxing in her spot some.

"fake my death and start over as a Ravenwood guardsman named Tobias?" Flint offered. "That way I'll be close and you won't have to try watching all over me?" he said.

"Ahahahahahhaa no way! Tobias!! Good lord! What a name!!" Lyriel broke into a fit of laughter at that. She pushed the bottle back at him so he could have another turn. She was laughing to hard to drink for the moment. It was no better than her second idea. They were all crazy at this point.

"Then what should I make my name, maybe you should choose since every so often you moan it." he teased taking a drink and watching her face. Tobias hadn't sounded so funny and worked better than finding a way to sleep for years and waking up as he was like in the stories.

"I don't know Flint. I like your name as it is already! Come on we can finish the bottle on the way to Finn's. I think you've been in this house for longer than you should have." Lyriel says standing up and taking the bottle taking a swig before handing it back. She grabbed her cloak and threw it on around her shoulders. "Let's go!!" She smiled down at Flint.

He hopped up and grabbed his cloak as well, "Alright, we will go terrify Finn's then get a room." They walked to the door and then left taking the most direct to Finn's. The place was already a hub of activity when they arrived and Lyle smiled when he saw them come in and hang up their cloaks. "My favorite two delinquent Ravenwoods, what will it be tonight?" he asked pulling up two mugs and waiting for their drink order.

"We want to forget our worries Uncle! Heavy stuff for us!" Lyriel said giving Flint a playful shove. If she was going to bring up her second idea she wanted that good drunken feeling in full effect. It was a long shot but... If it was the only way.

Lyle shook his head, "And where will the two of you be sleeping this off?" He took out a bottle of his reserve and had the serving girl bring it to them and he checked to see how many other bottles he had.

"Why here of course!! There's no better place to stay in all of Baerlon!" Lyriel said dramatically and with much flourish. She was wearing her hat of disguise mostly because there were newcomers of the city... Most people knew the Drow were evil and so it was easiest to not be disturbed if she wore it. If she ended up getting drunk and unable to concentrate then they could go up into a room and drink privately. Lyriel didn't care either way.

After the third bottle Flint was barely talking more slurring and Lyle had to come over and hand her the key to one of the rooms and a bottle of spring water. "Make sure you two drink a great deal of this so I don't have to make a maid clean the room too much." he said, "Besides your parents will have me strung up if they knew how much I let you two drink." Flint smiled, "Doesh that meansh wes aresh cuts offsh SmhLyle?" The halfling shook his head as he walked away, then marked that breakfast tomorrow would need some willow bark tea and plenty of water.

"Thanksh hUncle Little!" Lyriel giggled softly pulling on Flint. "C'mon human upshtairsh!" Lyriel continued to giggle she pulled his arm over her shoulders. "I love you Flint." She whispered softly. She helped him up the stairs and pressed the bottle of water in his hands. Then went downstairs. "Huncle Lyle... I need'ta talk with you." She said. She knew what she wanted done she only hoped he would help her. She would need the help if this was going to work.

Lyle turned to look at Lyriel squarely, "Shall we go to my office or is here okay?"

Lyriel cleared her throat a little and looked down at her psuedo uncle "office... Dephinetly office... Damn I drank too mush." Lyriel said softly, she had wanted him drunk but not out of it and she certainly hadn't meant to drink so much. But it was what it was and maybe it would still all work out.

Lyle led her through a couple doors to his office and gestured to a chair and took his behind his desk and poured Lyriel a glass of water. "Now what is it that could not wait until you woke up sober?" he asked. From time to time his nieces and nephews came to him for many things and sometimes he could help them. Altiar and Alehial sometimes fretted about his help, but if it was something truly bad he'd inform them.

Lyriel took the seat and breathed deeply to help sober herself up. "I can't think of how to stop the king from forcing Flint to marry sloppy Poppy. So... Maybe I should marry him myself? Would you help me?" Lyriel asked no longer slurring. She wasn't so drunk or so bad to worry about not saying what she meant by now.

Lyle's eyebrow raised, "Isn't this a question you should be bringing up to your mother and father I mean or at least Lai? It would certainly stop any move forward forcing him into aligning with the girl and her odious father." Lyle disliked Poppy's father to the point the man was banned from Finn's for badmouthing first Sheamus Finn and then the Blades in general and Master Tosscobble charged him triple in settling his bill. "You wish this marriage to be preformed before he has to stand before the king I take it and just not say I am betrothed to another. correct?" The idea that this was happening in such fashion boggled his mind.

"I want the whole thing to be done and legalized... Either tonight or while he's hung over tomorrow... I don't want anyone to be able to abolish it. Even if the king does Poppy's father wouldn't allow it after he willingly chose me right? It solves the problem..." Lyriel said getting a little more sober as they spoke. She hoped by going to Lyle her plan might actually have a chance of working.

"You'll need a cleric or paladin to officiate and of course witnesses to swear you and him married, Lucas or Tani perhaps? As far as witnesses I have a bar full of them, but you will have to inform your parents and grandmother after." Lyle had been told he was brave for a halfling, but standing against the might of Alehial, Lai and other Ravenwoods he'd a sooner not.

"the family can't know or it won't work uncle Lyle. I don't want anyone to get between the king and us. I really need your help... Please find a good paladin or priest to marry us. The tavern can be our witnesses and the whole thing will be done! Then Flint will be safe just like I promised he would always be." Lyriel said softly looking at her lap. She didn't want the Ravenwoods to be dragged through something for her trecjery or... Even doing this purposefully against the king which could get people killed. Treason was never a joke.

"I know of one who will help, but how will you get Flint to go along with this? And sooner or later it will come out and how do you think Alehial and Altair will handle it?" Lyle pulled a sheet of parchment from his desk and began writing a missive to a cleric friend of his that would marry the two. He admired Lyriel's plan and desire to protect Flint, but there was the life span of both to consider in this marriage.

Flint told me... that even if he could fall in love with another he would never desire a child... Perhaps... This is what was meant to be uncle Lyle. I will face even Alehial and the king alone if I must... But I will keep Flint safe and as happy as I can... For as long as he lives." Lyriel said softly. She was certain she could goad him into doing this with her. Perhaps tell him she wanted to re-enact their childhood playing?

Lyle shook his head, "You'll be the death of me child, you or one of your brothers or sisters will be." He summoned one of the wait staff and gave her the orders and missive to take to his friend. "Go convince your intended that you wish to be bound together and see what he says."

"... Thank you..." Lyriel said softly before leaving the room quickly. She hurries up the stairs and to her shared rooms closing and locking the door behind her. She needed to do something to convince him to do this... To let her keep him safe. She searched his out in this room they were sharing.

Sitting on the bed with the bottle of water in hand and smiled at Lyriel, "I left ya some water Lyriel."

"Thanks Flint... Hey listen... There's a guy downstairs... Priest of something or other... I think he can do something to help is out!" Lyriel said walking over to the bed and sitting on Flints lap. She took the water and drank it her mouth was dry anyways and it was better then more alcohol. She put an arm over his shoulder and let it drape behind him. She hoped he was drunk enough for this to work.

"He'll pronounce me dead?" he asked not quite grasping any inflected meaning she may have given him. Flint chuckled and put his head against her shoulder and he sighed. "Why'd I have to be a Ravenwood, I hate my father for everything he ever did and feel like I'm this black stain in my uncle's home. Like he's waiting for me to become Galin like its just below the surface of my skin." He looked up at her and smiled, "You've always treated me like that darkness never existed, thank you."

"Cause it doesn't and no... What if we made everyone believe that we got married? And made it look so good... Even the king had to recognize it? Poppy and her father would never settle to be second to anyone! You could give the house and company to the blades... And we could adventure to our hearts content and come home to visit... Like I always do. Only it would be both of us cause we'd be married right?" Lyriel said hoping he would get the idea of it and follow along.

He looked up at her bleary eyed, "But what if you found someone you really wanted to marry?" Inside he was happy about not marrying Poppy and being with Lyriel and striking out. "What about Alehial and Altair and the rest of the family?" he asked. From any discussion with them it sounded like Lyriel was too young for marriage and he'd ruin her if they did.

"Alehial... Has no regrets... And I don't want any either come downstairs... Let's help make you free. Let me help okay Flint?" Lyriel said softly before kissing Flint. She didn't want to go into any detail... Mostly she couldn't remember half of them right now the others she didn't want to explain right now anyways.

He nodded to the best of his ability and they stood up to go downstairs where preparations were already underway to turn the taproom into a wedding chapel. The bigger surprise was when they got into the taproom and Conner along with Vex were in the crowd. "Well, my sister has found a unique way to save our cousin. This is truly unexpected and unforseen." he said looking at Vex before taking a drink.

"To those who think they know this family yes. To outsiders... They think your family will always do the hardest... Or most strange or even the most crazy of ways to deal with things." Vex answered not drinking anything herself. She wanted to see how this played out. And how Lord Galin would react to the news of his only sons wedding of the drow female.

Conner snorted a laugh and put his cup down, "well I give it marks for being unconventional, but better her marry him than the bed hopping harlot. And as a wedding present I'm keeping my mouth shut about the situation." He smiled at Vex though, "Will you be trying to catch the bouquet of flowers?"

Lyriel pulled him down the stairs and shook her head at everything. "What's all this? Can't a girl get married and buy a round for the whole place without ribbons being involved?" She said blushing not that anyone could see the difference on her ebony skin.

The assembled crowd roared their congratulations and the cleric seemed out of place and oddly sober compared to many. "You want married in my tavern, I decorate how I see fit." Lyle countered tossing a bundle of flowers to her. Jocado cleared his throat, "You both realize that this is a binding marriage, I am not in the habit of 'playing' with one of my gods most hollowed rituals." Flint nodded, "I understand and as long as Lyriel still wishes then I will honor my vows." Somewhere in the back Conner thumped his glass on the table with a "well said!"

"No jerking around your gods then let's do this." Lyriel said catching the flowers and then scowling at them she holds onto them however and can't help but grin. This might just work after all... She might very well have been Altair's daughter the way she barreled through problems like these. But she smiled at Flint sweetly.

And Jocado called for silence and began the marriage ceremony, many around the bar held their tongues and the ritual came down to any parties objecting to the union. Conner glanced about wondering if anyone would speak, because he sure a the abyss was dark not going to he could deny even being at the proceedings if it came to it. However, being a good soul he dropped a couple coins in the hat passed around for the newlyweds. "Then with no one objecting to this union, I in the name of Pelor join you both in marriage. May the light of the divine watch over and protect you both so long as you may live, you may kiss your bride."

"Done and done!" Lyriel said before hauling Flint close and kissing him deeply. Everything went without a hitch everything was public and no one had objected. She had to admit to herself she had sobered up quiet a bit and was now very sleepy. It was getting close to the last call she knew. Her exhaustion would go away after her meditations for the night. She wondered about Flint though.

Vex smiled. A rare true smile. Galin was going to be pissed. But good for them. She looked at Conner who obviously supported them in this... But it did make her wonder. For now she dismissed it and she too had added a few coins to the almost filled hat that went around.

"With that" Lyle said, "The last call is on the house in honor of the happy couple." A great many cheers went up in celebration of both occurrences and a couple people came up to speak with the cleric hoping to get the same done at some point. Conner from his table called out, "Before you consummate throw the flowers!" It was always the high point of any wedding to see who was next on the list of condemned.

"I hope its one of you ugly bastards! Catch!!!" Lyriel shouts with a laugh from the bottom of the stairs. She throws it without looking where they were headed at all. She didn't really care she just wanted to get Flint upstairs and settled so she could settle herself on the bed with him to begin her meditations.

The flowers landed dead smack between Vex and Conner, "Oh to the abyss with that he said pushing them closer to Vex all yours." The crowd laughed as the newly wedded couple climbed the stairs they died away. Once back in the room Flint sat on the bed and pulled off his boots, "Well, I guess we don't need a second room now huh?"

"They bring out your eyes." Vex taunted after all she was supposed to look like a friend not a shield. She mostly invisible. But damn to land in front of them both. She put another mug in front of Conner she was tempted to take on herself but she refused.

Lyriel sighed and smiled she was leaning against the door and unless you were someone who really knew her you couldn't tell she was still drunk. "Shush get into bed so we can cuddle and I'm taking my reverie! But now... You are safe." She said as she walked over to the bed to start taking off her own clothes.

Flint nodded and shed his clothes as well and got into bed and waited for his wife to join him, "Well, good news you don't have to learn a new last name huh?" He grinned his usual lopsided grin at her and awaited her.

"When traveling I almost never use that name..." Lyriel says disrobing and climbing into the bed as well. after this she was sure things would be getting very rough for her and Flint. But at least now she didn't have to worry about his getting poisoned by Poppy or her father to take his possession's.

Flint drew up beside her and wrapped an arm loosely about her waist, he felt happier now then he had in days. "I love you Lyriel," he said kissing her lightly, "Goodnight." No matter where things went from here, they would face it together and would keep each other strong.

The next morning a missive was slipped under the door as they lay in bed still as the sun had just recently rose on the horizon. Flint was laying on his side next to her sleeping soundly still, it had been one of the good night's sleep in the last couple days.

Lyriel carefully extracted herself from the bed and his arms. She snatched the missive and read it quickly. She smiled and looked back at Flint on the bed. They would need to go and get rings... And of course so no one could argue the marriage consummate it as well. Setting the missive on the small table on the room she crawled over him and gently bit along his shoulder and up his neck. She could consummate now and get the rings afterwords.

He groaned and rolled over on his back and looked up at her, "Good morning, how did you sleep?" She was just as pretty as ever and he brought his hand up to her cheek and smiled at her. Lyriel protected and cared for him and he love'd every bit of her in return for it. "So, when do we tell Alehial and Altair?" he asked her.

"Here I am trying to seduce you and you want to talk about other people?" Lyriel huffed at him pretending to be upset at him. She Nuzzled his hand though and her silver lavender eyes softened as she looked at him through her eyelashes. Her ebony skin seemed to soak in the sunlight coming in through the window and her hair shone like star light in it's braid. She wore only her shirt still having removed all over clothing she had removed.

He smiled and let his hand slip down under the shirt to touch her body, "You never had to try seducing me as I always enjoy your company." he said. His pants were already loosened and her being so close aroused him and he sat up and kissed Lyriel deeply as his hand lightly touched her thigh. They were married now and that meant they could share each other as they wished and that made Lyriel Ravenwood the center of his entire world.

Lyriel moaned glad she had used her wand before waking him she readily accepted him. Letting him have access to her moist center she opened her legs to grant him just that even as she dominated the kiss between them. Pressing him into the pillows her breasts tightens making her nipples hard as they brushed against their chests rubbing the fabric of her shirt roughly over them.

When they parted he pulled her shirt over her head and brought his mouth to her breast and enveloped her nipple between his lips even as his finger entered her body. Lyriel was beautiful to him no matter if she used the hat to hide that she was drow or not, her beauty came from inside. He released her breast and moved back up to kiss her again as his other hand completely loosened his pants. This would consummate their marriage and that thought made him smile as he continued to pleasure his wife.

Lyriel not to be outdone herself wiggled her hand into his pants to toy with his manhood then went lower to cup his scrotum and gently tease him into complete carousel. She moved deeply as his fingers prepared her and then his mouth returned to hers. She was getting irritated at how long this was taking as she moistened further at this rate she would orgasm without him even being inside of her.

Flint loved when she touched him, her long supple fingers teasing him to complete hardness. He brought both hands to her hips and moved her to straddle his hips as he desired to be wrapped inside her and feel her love. It was wonderful feeling his manhood enter Lyriel's body there were no words to describe how her body clutched him and the noises she made. Flint groaned and wrapped his arms about her waist letting his hands rest on her buttocks as they began to thrust.

Lyriel was never one for slow lovemaking. She let herself sink completely over him. Moaning as he filled her completely. She wasted no time in thrusting her hips up and down over his shaft repeatedly her dangers gripping his chest tightly. She moaned deep in her chest and let her head fall back on her shoulders and she rode him fast and hard. Getting the pleasure she so desperately needed the contact she desired most.

Flint groaned feeling the contours of her sex slide over his manhood, Lyriel was all he could ever want in a wife and lover. He rose up and rasped his tongue against her nipple as he pulled her tightly against him. He wanted this time to last just a little longer than normal, it was special to him and he hoped she felt the same.

"Flint! Auhn!! Bastard! Move!" Lyriel moaned. She liked it hard and fast. But he as usual was stronger than she was and he slowed her down to the pace he wanted. She whimpered at his attack to her sensitive breasts. They weren't large but that never stopped him. She ground herself on him moaning. His fingers clutched his hair tightly as he continued with his attentions to her chest.

Looking up he almost smiled as he ground up against her as well and suckled hungrily at her breast before releasing it and falling back to let her speed up. "There is always something to be said for going slower my love." he said smiling up at her and rolling her right nipple between his fingers.

"Aah! You've never complained!! Eeh!!" Lyriel moaned her hips once free quickly lifting and plunging over and over. Giving her that delicious friction she craved. They rarely took it slow when having sex. She probably wouldn't slow down anytime soon unless he made her. Maybe. She arched her back as he continued to toy with her breast. She bounced a bit in her motions on top of him. She was getting close very close to completion now.

"Uhh, because I enjoy being inside you, while complain about it." he said trying to draw her back down for another kiss even as he played with her nipple. It was nice to be together like this and he wondered how often his wife would want to do this more often. He also arched a little driving himself a little deeper into her body and tensed a little bit, for he too was close.

"Do it!" Lyriel growled before claiming his lips hungrily. She began to use shorter thrusts against him. He was deep inside of her and it made her belly feel tight. She was close and when he pinched her nipple again she came. Her body tightening around him like a vice. Grinding herself down around him until he hit her cervix. She cried out into the kiss her sex like lava as her orgasm came over her.

As soon as she tightened around him Flint spilled his seed into her body and he groaned out as they rode the orgasms together. He released her breast and held her close to her and smiled, "Gods Lyriel its good to know we are married now so saying I love you doesn't get weird."

"Wow romantic." Lyriel laughed softly laying on top of him panting. Her cheek resting on his chest. Still connected she could feel the warmth of his seed inside of her. She would need another wand or two just in a case. They might be married but... That didn't change things much for her. "We need to go buy rings and let's hold off on telling people... Until... The king finds out. We have to stop by the church of pelor too..." Lyriel said sighing softly. This was going to be a rough couple of days... Elsa was still going to give birth any day now.

"As you wish my dear wife." he said trying it out as he rubbed her back and shoulders. The king would be angry and he did not know yet how to tell Lyriel about what he had done before she caught up to him.

"Silly human husband. Let's clean up and get our day started then." Lyriel said giving him a quick kiss before she took a deep breath and pulled up and off of his softened penis. She moaned as she felt the cold and then used the sheet to clean some of his cum from dripping down her thighs. She rose to the wash bin and washed her hands and face. After that she began to dress quickly. Pin her hair up in a bun and put her hat on her head becoming a tan colored elf with lavender eyes and brown hair. That was all she changed. She was ready to go. The hat changing to look like a fancy hairpin.

He stood up and waited when she was done he also cleaned up and redressed in his clothes and put his sword belt back on, "Shall we visit the same jeweler who made the rings for the family?" Both he and Lyriel had rings with the Ravenwood crest upon them as well as most of them. Putting his arm around her waist he smiled, he knew looking this way made her life easier but he loved the real her that much more.

"Might as well. We'll have to thank and apologize to uncle Lyle before we leave." Lyriel said knowing he would catch hell for this. But still it was too late now to regret besides this had been her last resort. Everything else had failed. She just hoped uncle Rand was on their side. Lyriel paused at the door and smiled at Flint. "This might be out most dangerous adventure yet." She said with a grin at him.

He smiled, as he always did when someone brought up danger and they went downstairs to speak with Lyle, "Oh, I'm sure Conner and his bodyguard throughly hate you as the wedding flowers landed between them." The apology he waved off, "Not the first time your mother or father have wanted me strung up, nor Lai I suppose." From there they went and arranged for the rings and then headed to the Blades headquarters to speak with Rand.

"Uncle Rand? We have some news." Lyriel knocked and stated when they arrived. She was all of a sudden full of trepidation. Once within this inner sanctum she let off the disguise and walked about as herself. If he wasn't on their side this might not really work. Plus she was going to use the excuse of alcohol... As much as they would let her anyways.

Rand was sitting at his desk when they walked in, "Should I be concerned when chaos and mayhem come to my office? And its good to finally find you Flint, the king tasked some of his men to find you for the next meeting of court." He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. "would either of you like a drink or coffee or tea?" he asked taking a sip of his coffee and setting the cup down.

"Coffee please and... We have some news about... Flint's situation." Lyriel said trying to do this delicately. She sort of was getting everyone into trouble now. And she just realized how much more so then she had originally thought it would. She took the coffee great fully. Alehial still disliked it and had it banned from the house. Lyriel loved coffee though.

Flint got a cup as well and sat with Lyriel as they prepared to tell Rand about last night and wait for his reaction. Rand watched them both, "If you are reporting about Poppy's past indiscretions I don't think it will change the king's mind much and if you are reporting one of Flint's I doubt it will change Poppy's fathers mind about the marriage either."

"Um... Well it might. See we went drinking last night... And... Well one thing led to another... And Flint asked me to marry him while we were drinking and someone ran and got a preist and then uh... Then this morning it was too late. So we thought we should come see you first." Lyriel said it all as fast and most believable as she could before she sipped her coffee and waited for his answer. Flint had asked her before in a similar manner. And since they had both been drunk last night she figured he would believe them. Hopefully.

Flint nodded and looked sheepishly guilty into his coffee cup, Rand was in mid sip and set the cup back down and looked at them. "You two have bigger problems on your hands than Poppy's idiot father and the king, do you two have any idea what Alehial and Altair will say about this? don't forget Lai and the rest of the family as I'm sure they will weigh in on the subject at some point." Flint looked up and tried to forestall that, "We plan on telling them we just thought it best to see you first thats all." Rand shook his head, "Do I even wish to ask about witnesses or if you two consummated this drunken union?"

"Well... It was at Finn's... And we were drunk... We went to the church of pelor already. It's done. What should we do Uncle Rand? How do... We break the news?" Lyriel asked softly if it was possibly she would have been blushing. She should have given this a whole lot more thought. She was so concerned with keeping Flint safe and happy she didn't even think about the repercussions of her plan. She finished her coffee though and tried not to squirm in her seat.

"I have no idea of how to break this to my sister, firstly they will be happy Flint no longer has to marry Poppy. But, they will not be happy finding out you two have decided in a drunken haze to get hitched. So, smartly I will not even weigh in on any ideas as Alehial will figure it out and come looking for me." he said. Flint looked at Lyriel, he did not want trouble for her and the family because of him.

"Okay but... Can you maybe... Weigh in on the lyriel is to young subject that will come about. That's all Alehial will talk about... That's all she ever talks about. Concerning everything I ever do. Will you take my side Uncle? Our side?" Lyriel asked, she was obviously scared of alehial and Altair's reaction to this.

Rand took a deep breath, this would land him in hot water with everyone pratically, but they were related to him. "Alright, I will support you as much as I can, but if your mother turns to Cyndil you will owe me."

"Deal!! Um... I guess we'd better go back now... At least to wash up." Lyriel said activating her hat. She stood up and gave a bow to Rand. "Thanks for letting everyone know for us by the way." She said with a smile before grabbing Flint and running literally from the blade compound. Once outside the compound she began to laugh all her nervous energy bursting out of her at once over this situation.

The walk back to the Ravenwood estate was one of conversation, "So, are we planning on moving into the house or staying with the family? Or if you'd rather we could buy a room at Finn's?" he suggested both of their plans were soon going to butt heads. He'd yet to tell anyone else except Darryl who helped him and Elsa who had better things to do right now. When they walked into the gates they heard Conner and his lute teasingly play the wedding march, but made it sound like he was tuning up, his shadow was not far away watching him.

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