Page name: Ravenwood Estates 23 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2018-03-19 16:46:03
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Return to The Andorian Chronicles

For Alehial it seemed almost like old times, moving about the house and rousing everyone still there that they needed to be combat ready and in the dining hall of all places. It was the only room in the house able to fit almost everyone in, of course the smaller children would be in their rooms and of course under guard. As she had instructed Bowers and the house staff had moved the tables and left the seats so everyone could be ready. Now the only problem seemed that they would need to decide who was going and who would remain behind. The only ones she had not informed yet was Elsa and Fael, while the new baby was a source of joy, they both yearned to have little Xeph back.

She was very surprised when the front door opened and Lyle along with Darryl came into the entry of the house and hung their cloaks up. Lyle who had been retired for several years had all his equipment on and seemed as bright and cheery as always. Then to her continued surprise both Arten and Lia also came downstairs ready for combat, followed closely by her husband with Flint and Lyriel behind and then Lucas and Tani. With a wry grin Flint looked about and commented, "And woe to them the enemy that did wake the sleeping storm that is the Ravenwoods." It would normally had been Conner to make such a comment, but whatever was going to happen the boy was already there, the only thing now was to summon Xeph's parents and wait.

"Lai! you are still pregnent!" Alehial fussed as the elven wizard descended the stairs. Alehial was overjoyed at everyone wanting to help, and of course having every one around. She had dismissed all staff that had no combat experience or preference. Alehial was misty eyed at all the support she was getting from children and family and friends as well.

"And if needs be my magic will remain here at home while those who are going will handle that aspect." the elven wizard answered without any sign of letting Alehial talk her out of this. Daryl pulled a chair out and made note, "I think it best Elsa sits here. And most of the family stands over there out of line of sight." Almost everyone looked at Alehial for some sort of explanation to his words. Alehial herself remembered back when he was young and could see things that no one else could, even death.

"what exactly should we be expecting Darryl?" Alehial asked gently. While she fully trusted him and started ushering the family in the area she thought he meant by out of sight she motioned for Altair to go get Elsa.

Darryl looked at Alehial and shrugged, "I know he believes I can use my powers and more than likely whatever stops them and magic will be ended. So, my plan is to move everyone where they will need to go and go from there." Flint looked at Darryl for a long second, "Is it my ears or did he just sound like Conner for a second?" Most everyone would have to agree, for Darryl not to be certain of something was rare indeed.

Altair had left the growing army and proceeded upstairs to Elsa and Fael's room since Xeph's kidnapping only certain maids were allowed near the children. He stopped and knocked, "Elsa, Fael it's Altair may I come in?"

"Lyle, I want you with us, Tani you're coming too as well as Lucas, Flint, Lyriel, once Fael and Elsa get down here I want Fael to come with us as well. Altair will stay behind just in case, with Lai, Arten and everyone else. Now Darryl you're certain we aren't going to be straining you or hurting you with all this right? I don't want to see you suffer baby." Alehial said giving out the household orders like a general before turning soft and motherly and rubbing Darryl's arm like she used to when he was little. However to everyone around her they could tell that this is where Alehial thrived, being active and in charge like old times.

"Yes!" Elsa called from within. She was sitting in the rocking chair with their newest edition and their little girl was sitting on Feal's lap watching her feed the baby. They had sort of isolated themselves from the rest of the family as of late, but Bower's kept them informed of the major things though so they sort of had an idea of what was going on.

Altair entered with Julianna close behind, The young maid was trustworthy as she had been with the family for several years. "I need you and Feal to come with me, no other questions. Fael be prepared for battle and Julianna will stay with the children." He waited for them to get ready before turning to Julianna, "If anything happens bring them downstairs or cry out an alarm." For her part Julianna nodded and waited for Elsa to be ready to hand her the new baby, "I'll protect them with my life mistress."

"Thank you Julianna, He'll be done in a moment. What's going on Dad? I know Darryl's planning to do something but what exactly is going to happen? Are we really going to be able to get Xeph back?" Elsa asked she too look tired and worn down much like Alehial usually had of late. Elsa's face was pinched with worry and anxiety and it was clear she hadn't been sleeping well.

Altair looked at both of them, "Frankly to explain the whole thing may take too long, just trust in Daryyl and Conner." Julianna approached Caitlin and smiled, "Shall I tell you a story? Or perhaps with the Lord and Ladies permission I could take them to the nursery the twins, Daniel and the other small ones will be there with a great host of guards." She looked at Elsa wanting to ease the wizard's mind while whatever was planned happened.

"Yes... That'll be fine." Elsa said softly to Julianna. After a moment or two more when the babe was finished Elsa wiped his face and covered herself, then kissed his forehead gently and relinquished him to Julianna's arms and care. "Let me change..." She said to her father and husband as she stood from the rocker. She was after all only in a shift and robe at the moment. "Will I need to do anything like fight Father?" She turned to look at Altair with a questioning look. If needed she would die to get her child back but she wondered if they were going to even let her try to fight right now.

"No only be dressed and ready, Fael I believe you should be ready for combat." Altair answered her. Julianna sat on the side of the bed with Caitlin and her baby brother. Altair looked at Xeph's twin and wondered what made the elven maid take only one.

"Why Xeph. right dad? Why only one baby?" Elsa asked softly coming back dressed in a loose fitting gown. She wondered that too. Everyday. And she prayed. She had been studying all her offensive spells everyday just in case as well. Elsa walked over to the children and kissed their cheeks and heads, softly thanked Julianna and then turned to Feal. "Ready?" She asked softly.

Fael took her hand, "Yes, let us hope this day ends well." He also kissed his children and thanked Julianna who blushed that they all thanked her when they had done so much for her already. He then opened the door and turned to his wife and father-in-law, "After you."

Altair sighed, "She was probably under orders for just one child or only had enough room in the basket for him. Or little Caitlin was too much of a handful for her to slip by everyone." Caitlin proved at times to be a little more feisty than her brother perhaps that is what made the kidnapper leave her behind. "Either way, our family is assembled to rescue our own tonight. And whoever did this will pay dearly." he said as the walked down to the dining room.

Upon entering the dining room it looked more like the war room of a castle with all the assembled family and friends. Even a squad of guards from the elven consulate next door who had arrived in Altair's absence led by Alehial's cousin. They had been on the heels of Rand and three Blades who were ready for combat along with a another cleric. "This appears to be a mission the crown is even behind." Lucas said coming to embrace Elsa, "Tani and I will not rest until he is in your arms again. On Pelor's light I swear." Darryl was standing off on his own, eyes closed and looked like he was deep in thought, "Move the chairs two steps back and in a partial circle leave enough room on either side and Elsa is in the middle." he said opening his eyes.

Elsa was nervous and anxious, understandably. She hugged her brother and sat in the chair Darryl had told her too and that had been so deliberately placed. Alehial on the other hand had updated everyone as much as she herself knew. while she wasn't altogether pleased with her brother Rand or his guards... much less the king. She did appreciate the support, as well as from her cousin. Who she should walk over and see more often.

Darryl took a second and created phantom people, those who looked like they were coming to visit and give words of encouragement to the aggrieved parents. "Interact, I will have them leave the second this begins. The plan requires them to believe everything is happening at their whim rather than them having been manipulated into our hands."

A second later a portal opened and the five of them could see into a large room where a man stood beside Conner and Vex who was holding Xeph. "I hope I am not disturbing your moment Ravenwoods." the man mocked. And true to Darryl's word the phantoms
scurried away some commenting about "foul magic afoot".

Elsa jumped to her feet "XEPH!" She shouted and threw out her hand casting Flame Arrow, the moment she saw Xeph in safe hands, towards this unknown man in the portal. Elsa seethed with fury and vengeance. There wasn't anything anyone could have done she was clearly ready to do some damage and had prepared beforehand.

Alehial had jumped forward to grab Elsa and stop her but the magic formed before she got to her daughter. Clearly Elsa had been practicing and studying hard.

The arrow formed and flew to the portal passing through the image and impacting the wall far behind, quickly Lucas and some others moved to extinguish the resulting fire. "I am impressed Lady Elsa, when last we met such a spell was barely in your repertoire. Sit, please for we have much to discuss before our business is concluded for I propose a deal and you may have your son back." Something about this man seemed familiar to Elsa and his comment about having met before.

Alehial put her hand on Elsa's shoulder and urged her to sit. "Deep breath dear. Let's see what he has to say." Alehial spoke softly into Elsa's ears. She fully understood her daughter's sentiments but the only one with any power to do anything here was Darryl. Even for him, they had to find an opening of some kind. Although Alehial was also confused about how this man seemed to know her daughter when she had only ever been on one adventure on her own.

Elsa shook with fury but did as Alehial bade her. She took a deep breath and let it out. Her eyes were misty with tears of anger and relief at seeing her child still alive, she didn't let them fall however. She sat and after only a few moments of reflection knew who this man was. She remembered him. Just like Fael probably did. Elsa did not turn to Fael, he was best left with clear space to fight in, besides Elsa was not a forefront specialist. Being a wizard she needed time to cast her spells usually.

"I see you remember me Elsa and I see you remember me as well Fael." Kan Quan said removing his mask. Elsa remembered the fireball that should have killed him in Archeron, from his scars it seemed somehow he was spared death only to come back and steal their child. "Young Conner here has pled a deal I think will be easily accepted by all. He, the nurse maid, and child will be returned for the father. Fael will trade places and serve at my whim there will be no negotiating or changing the deal."

Altair looked confused, would his son set this deal up to come home and sentence his brother-in-law to slavery? Or was Conner being cunning and set something in motion to undo this vile man. Darryl had not spoken yet, but seemed to be taking everything in like when he was a child. His attention turned to Fael who he could tell was trying to control his rage at a foe who had his son.

Fael already knew his answer to Kan Quan, "Done, how will we do this exchange for I want my child home immediately." Somehow he hoped Darryl had a plan, but if not he would gladly die to have his son back home. Reaching out he put his hand and Elsa's shoulder hoping to impart some calm that their son would be home soon. He bore no ill will to Conner for his plan to be released alongside Xeph, in fact he was proud that Conner put getting the baby back his priority.

Elsa trembled. She visibly shook when Kan Quan spoke his piece. When Fael grasped her shoulder and gave his reply it only got worse. She hated Kan Quan then. Completely and wholly. She wanted to wring his neck and see the life leave his eyes and it scared her the intensity of her hatred. Her child, her husband and love of her life. She had no words, the tears she had been holding back rolled down her cheeks. She never looked away from Kan's face. She was glad he had suffered. She wanted him to suffer more. She wanted him to have a slow agonizing death from her own hands. Her hands were gripping the chair so tightly her knuckles were white and the wood was digging into her flesh. Elsa was struggling to breath through her utter rage and hatred and fright and loss.

Alehial could only take the situation in. Without Darryl there was no way to do anything... and as of yet there had been no openings. Alehial felt for her daughter, Truly understood what she was struggling with. She could see it in the girl's eyes. At the same time Fael was willing to sacrifice himself for her, something she knew Elsa couldn't protest. Alehial knew her own son too. Knew how deceptive he could be first hand. She had then a small inkling of what he might be trying to do. He must have become quite desperate to take things to this measure however. Alehial waited, held her tongue, her stance ready.

The Stolen Child X

Darryl had waited long enough, the man on the other side of the portal had ranted enough and the time was now to act. Anyone looking at the portal noticed Vex had been holding Xeph and in the blink of an eye Elsa had her son in her arms. Xeph who had only traveled that way once was surprised and let out a long cry until he realized his mother had him and he broke into a smile. "I believe it's time." Darryl said taking control of Kan Quan's portal, "Fael, mother and whoever else is going." On the other side of the portal Kan Quan went from confused to fisticuffs with Conner.

Alehial nodded to Darryl simply ran ahead and through the portal. She wasn;t about to leave her son alone with a madman any longer than she had to. She had already told the chosen who to follow her, hopefully Lyle, B'Tanee, Lucas, Flint and Lyriel were all also prepared for the fight ahead of them.

Fael too ran through the portal, Kan Quan needed to die to secure his family's safety, the rest fell into line behind Darryl who would keep the portal open and available to them to return. Safely now in his mother's arms Xeph made a happy noise and watched Elsa's face. Lai stood behind her granddaughter and squeezed her shoulder, "Welcome home little man, I suspect you have such a story to tell. Elsa let's have Arten make sure everything is okay with him, then we'll wait for the others to return."

Elsa finally shook out of her surprise clutched Xeph to her chest tightly, not enough to harm, but probably not comfortable for the little boy. Tears ran down her cheeks, there was no sobbing nor hysterics, just silent weeping and utter relief at having one of her first born back in her arms and safe again. She nodded to Lai wanting to know nothing had been done to him.

Altair made all remaining warriors spread out and keep a watchful eye for any attacks. Arten stepped forward and cast a few spells over Xeph who chuckled and giggled as the warmth spread through his little frame. "He is healthy and has been well cared for both by those who took him and his uncle Conner."

"Thank the god's." Elsa said trying to stop her tears. She sniffled and kissed Xeph all over. He didn't look malnourished or anything either. He had been gone so long she had been so worried. "you're sister is going to punch and kick you so much..." Elsa said with a soft giggle. The little Felid girl having become rougher with age, she wondered what milestones she had missed with Xeph. Was he at the same stages his sister were? More? she hugged him tightly again. "Daddy will make sure that man will never touch you again baby." Elsa said softly kissing Xeph yet again.

"Damn," Altair cursed watching Conner bolt after Kan Quan without a weapon, "boy your mother had a weapon right there!" Fael also bounded out the same door as Conner after the wizard. Arten watched the scene playing out, "I believe the boy is just like his father, jump first worry about the arms later."

"None of us have really been known to make wise decision during interesting times... except mother that is..." Elsa said softly watching. She was worried when she no longer knew where Feal was and she wasn't there to help protect his either but...

They could see Darryl and Tani through the portal and after a few minutes groups of sailors came to the room. Some of them had weapons and some needed help. It was hard to believe how many people were being held in Kan Quan's dungeons, most likely he'd been taking people for at least a decade or better.

Elsa said a quick prayer to the gods to watch over Feal and assure his victory over his nemesis. she continued to hold Xeph close but not as tightly anymore now.

Everyone was enjoying the victory that brought not only Xeph home, but Conner and several ships that had vanished. Arten and some other clerics took to raising the dead warriors and The Blades and guards took away the surviving warriors of Quan Kan. Altair watched as Conner and Vex returned through the portal and headed to him and Rand, he was impressed Conner and Vex came to them with minimal prodding. But he thought it best to let them to speak first.

"Welcome back." Altair said trying to keep himself from smiling at his son, "Congratulations at finding Xeph." Conner merely nodded not wanting to say anything about being right. Commander Rand also kept silent waiting for Vex to make her report.

Once Darryl was done and had gone home himself, Alehial had her hands full. She got the names of all men. Captured and hired. She had gotten a list of the treasure from Lyriel, and had to read through that. She needed to check on Conner because she hadn't really had a good check of him yet or his body guard or even the baby though she had no doubt the child was checked as soon as he came through the portal. She needed to speak to Rand, and the ships captain once he returned. She sent a missive to the docks to accept the docking for the three vessels under the Ravenwood agreement and pay the extra docking fee's for that. She called for Bowers to prepare a guestroom for Linlesse and would give her a tour of their home later as well. She was a tizzy of activity and movement and was certainly in her element.

Elsa meanwhile was in the front sitting room with all three of her children and her husband. she had the handmaiden with her to help corral the three of them of course, and she was red faced from crying recently.

Vex escorted Conner over to Commander Rand and the Ravenwood master of the house. She threw up a salute and released Conner only when close enough she deemed Conner wouldn't try to flee. "Sirs, I have returned Conner as ordered. Slightly just less than completely healthy." She added omitting that he was bruised up from his fight. "Xeph was also returned as requested." She finished her salute with. She was unsure whether Commander Rand wanted the full report now or in the privacy of an office that no prying eyes could get into or eavesdropping ears for that matter.

Linlesse was a little overwhelmed by all the people milling about, suddenly it felt very alien to her to be in this house and she needed to get air. Watching some of the others moving about she found a door and found herself in a beautiful glade behind the house and found a spot to sit down. Once she was able to quiet her mind she brought forth Shard, a little violet glowing crystal made of her mental energy. "Well we are here, just like you wished Mistress, so why so nervous?" it asked her. "I don't belong here Shard, and I'm afraid of what will happen. Still, it's amazing to actually be here among them." Linlesse said quietly.

Rand broke into a smile then righted himself, "Commendable, Vex as members of this house have been returned in much worse shape than him." Altair coughed lightly, "You came back as a statue for several months brother-in-law." Rand gave him a look, "Vex I will take your report tomorrow, without any of the Ravenwoods in attendance." Rand said quickly, "Until then return to the barracks or stay here it is your choice. I doubt Conner will be leaving the grounds anytime soon."

Vex saluted again. "I think sir... a bath is in order before all other things. If you'll excuse me." Vex said, she turned to look at Conner then and narrowed her eyes. "If you do try to leave next time you'll be brought back leashed." She threatens lowly hoping the commander and the Duke didn't hear her threat to the Ravenwood Heir. She went up to her rooms and grabbed an extra set of clean clothes and then made her way down to the baths.

Outside in the sacred Glenn of Alehial's behind the house. Samantha and Orissa sat in a tree watching this new person. They had snuck out of the house, again when they heard about what was going on. Orissa wanted to practice her magics and Samantha had stolen a knife and was the body guard for her sister. When Orissa heard/ saw the girl however her own eyes lit up and so the two girls climbed down the tree and snuck closer. "You think she is using magic?" Sam asked in a soft whisper. "I think she's like Darryl." Orissa said in an equally quiet whisper. They snuck closer until they could see the magical crystal person. "I wanna learn something like that!" Orissa said excitedly, "SSSHHH!!" Samantha shushed hurriedly and pulled her sister lower to the ground.

Suddenly the girl vanished and the girls felt a gentle tapping on their shoulders, "Hello, I'm Linlesse and I assume you are Conner's sisters?" Linlesse had heard the girls talking with the extra senses Shard bestowed on her and zipped behind them. She hunkered down and just looked at Orissa and Samantha wide eyed like they were the most amazing people she had ever met. Really without realizing her eyes began to glow green much like Darryl's blue. "Shouldn't you be inside where it's safe? I mean not that it isn't safe out here with me, but in where your family and guards are available?"

"If you're here it means you're not evil." Orissa said softly looking into the woman's face. "I can protect her just fine now!" Sam ground her teeth out and showed the woman her knife. The girls were identical in the face but one had straight hair and the other slightly wavy, Orissa's eyes too were more green and Samantha's more brown/golden. "Are you using magic?" Orissa asked softly touching Linlesse's face with a little hand.

Linlesse smiled, but reached out and touched the blade which became a rose flower, "I like flowers better than swords and daggers." She too reached out and touched both girls on the cheek and they both felt a warm sensation on their cheek. "My powers come from my mind, like your brother Darryl only I'm just learning and can't do what he does yet." When Orissa looked at Samantha she saw white heathers in her sister's hair, a flower of protection and Samantha saw cornflowers representing magic in Orissa's. Linlesse laughed lightly, "My grandmother had a beautiful garden while I was growing up, and I used to sit there with her or my aunts when we felt lonely for those family that were no longer with us." A single tear escaped her eye and traveled down her cheek.

"Are you lonely now?" Orissa asked softly before pulling Linlesse into a hug. "HEY! I stole that fair and square from one of Uncle Rand's Blades!" Samantha pouted throwing the flower down and crossing her arms. "'Sides Mummy says when words and peace fail a real good beating will always keep people in check!" Samantha said ruefully.

"I believe my words were when peace fails and war rules the stronger side will have to be stern." Alehial said with a frown looking down at the three girls. It was a strange sight to see, her twins and this young scion all together. Already Sam was upset and Orissa it seemed was clinging to any nice magic user. "You've found my Sacred Glen... I hope you enjoy it, when seasons change the flowers here bloom tremendously." Alehial said softly pulling Sam over to her side. "And you, stop stealing weapons! And sneaking off!" She said sternly, sighing because she knew she would have to start training the girl sooner rather than waiting longer.

Linlesse wiped away the tear and returned Orissa's hug, "I think your mother and my grandmother would have gotten along wonderfully." She picked up the flower and offered it back to Samantha, "How about I make it something a little more apt for protection and less likely to be taken by someone who means you harm?" The flower became a wooden sword with flower motifs, but to Samantha she could feel something amazing about it. Looking up Linlesse blushed a little, "It was a little confining inside, I hope you don't mind that I came out here. I never really thought to ask about anywhere I can't or shouldn't go."

Orissa kissed Linlessa's cheek and then walked over to her mother's side to be picked up. "You may go where ever you wish dear. Most are drawn to my little holy place, I know Orissa likes to try her spells here." Alehial said tickling said daughter lightly. Samantha's eyes went wide and she grinned, this was clearly going to be her new favorite thing ever. "Just don't break Mummy's trees." She offered some helpful advice. "They talk to her all the time." she added with a grin.

"I would never dream of harming any living creature that is a friend to this family." Linlesse said crossing her heart. "Did Master Darryl say when we'd begin my training?" she asked stifling a yawn. With all the sudden usage of her powers she was quite tired and almost ready for bed.

"Not today for certain dear. He too used quite a bit of his powers. I'm sure you'd like a bath and some rest. We have spare clothing so please feel free to follow me back to the house and we can get you washed and to your room." Alehial said with a soft smile. she was holding Samantha's hand now while the little girl held the wooden sword in her free hand, and Orissa was sitting on her hip in Alehial's other arm. though the little girl looked to be easily half as tall as the half elf, Alehial had no problems holding her daughter.

"A bath does sound really good and an actual bed sounds heavenly." Linlesse said following Alehial. As they approached the house she eyed the multitude of windows each leading to someone's bedroom. "How many people live here? I would venture to guess thirty or more? Does anyone ever get lost on their way to breakfast? I think I will get lost a lot.." her questions just bubbled forth as they walked.

"We have many children... born to us and gifted to us by the god's. Family that stay with us as well, but yes if we include the servants there are around forty two people that live in this house. We had to enlarge it once..." Alehial had laughed at first and gave some background on their home which they were opening for this girl. But near the end of her explanation of the rooms her voice went soft as if she were remembering something. "No one gets lost if they just follow their noses! But if you do need help, all you have to do is call. Bower's our butler is ever as watchful for trouble as my husband and I. No one here will harm or shame you." Alehial said with a broad smile for Linlesse over her shoulder. This girl made her think of Lily and that made her chest tight.

Orissa looked down at Sammy and Sammy looked up at Rissa. "You can always ask my imps too. they will help... 'cept for Toad. Toad likes to play mean pranks on people." Rissa offered up shyly now. Samantha grinned. "Yeah but only if Rissy doesn't practice her magic like she's supposed to! Then they all come out!" Sam giggled making Orissa stick her tongue out at her twin sister. "You don't practice your maths either Sammy!" She said to her mother mostly. Alehial laughed softly and continued to lead everyone into the house. Setting the girls down and shooing them off she turned to speak with Bower's about a set of spare clothing for Linlesse. "I think if you don't mind I will join you in the baths. Unless you wish to use the personal ones?" Alehial asked turning to look over at the younger girl.

Linlesse blushed a little, "Um, that's fine but you really do not need to go to such trouble over me. I'm sure you have more important things to do, like see your grandson or question .Conner. Sorry, I sometimes get off track and forget names."

"That's fine dear. There are a lot of names that will be new to you now. Well I'm heading to the baths, if you'd like to join me." Alehial offered her invitation again. Though not much had happened Alehial was as always fastidious. She had left Rand and Altair in charge of everything and would be getting back to Sirrian and Aloura as soon as she could.

"Of course La..dy Ale h..Ravenwood? I'm not sure how to address you." Linlesse admitted as she smiled at Bowers who left to find her some clothes. She fell into step quietly behind Alehial until they arrived at the baths and saw Vex which made her smile a little.

"You can call me Alehial or Lady Ravenwood. Whatever you're comfortable with. Vex, Glad to see you made it through everything alright. I trust Conner is being handled by either Altair or Rand?" Alehial said with a small smile, this young blade was taking this job very seriously and didn't seem interested in her wayward son in any romantic fashion which was a relief and confidence booster. Alehial began to unbuckle armor and remove weapons. It sometimes took a minute.

Vex who had finished washing and was simply soaking blushed very lightly. she wasn't used to bathing with other women, or being around them in general but... as she was living in this house it was something she would just have to adjust to. "Ma'am... yes ma'am, With both Commander Rand and Lord Ravenwood ma'am." Vex said a little nervously. Vex was taller than Alehial by quite a few inches and much broader. However Vex's mixed blood made her skin quite a bit darker tanned, and it only showcased the scars llittering her body. "Linlesse glad you didn't get swallowed up by the household on your way in." she greeted the much younger girl.

"I must admit, it is a little daunting than staying at an inn. So many rooms and people, I'm not even sure where I'm sleeping tonight. But I do know it'll be the best night sleep I've had in a long while." Linlesse said moving to take off her clothing. She then got into the water with a slight groan, "I've missed this..." she said closing her eyes, "I..mean you know a bath, they really didn't have them in the cells."

"You weren't sharing your cell with a bunch of men!" Vex laughed. It wasn't something she had done around the people in the household as of yet. "You will be safe in this house. Next to the king's castle this is the safest place in the capital you can be." Vex said not exaggerating at all, she was trying hard to stay relaxed and not get to tense around Lady Ravenwood. But she was still being respectful. After all Lady Ravenwood was her employer.

Alehial smiled as she stripped away the last of her clothing and also entered the water slowly. She was much more pale than either girl at the moment. And other than a few white stretch scars on her trim stomach and some older battle scars her skin was flawless. "I hope no one took liberties Vex? and thank you for the compliment I have tried to bolster this house as best I can. Linlesse I do hope you can relax and enjoy your time here. It's not often Darryl get's to be around other Scion's. Not with his wife." Alehial said trying to remain somewhat upbeat and conversational. She didn't want either girl to be timid or shy. It was good to see Vex relaxing as well.

Linlesse blushed, "I would think that Conner would not let that happen, he seems to care a great deal about his friends." She watched the interaction between Lady Ravenwood and Vex. It was weird that she was here with these women and even with Lady Ravenwoods other twins. "Lady...errr Alehial, why hasn't Conner been betrothed yet. Is he not of age yet?" she asked trying to sound casual.

"No. But that doesn't mean it was entirely civilized either. After all they only gave us a few buckets for lavatories." Vex said with a shrug. She ignored the whole Conner wouldn't let anything happen remark because as a bodyguard and a blade she was more than capable of taking care of herself in any kind of situation.

Alehial smiled at Vex relieved nothing had happened to the crew, and then turned to Linlesse with a more thoughtful expression. "Well... to answer as best I can... The men and woman in this family... are hhmmm well they have a somewhat wild streak let's say, in no small part coming from myself as well... but... it's been decided between Altair and myself we should Allow the children a chance to have their adventures and sate their lust for Adventure... before marriage is thought of. As for Conner... I had hoped he would fancy a quiet girl from court by now but... it seems he takes too much after his family." Alehial paused to get the soaps to begin washing herself. She tilted her head. "In fact... now that he is an adult by human standards... or nearly... perhaps we should begin to inquire about girls of marrying age for him." she hummed softly a dancing tune as she began to lather her hair. She had offered the soaps to Linlesse as well.

vex fought hard to keep her face neutral and not show any emotion. All she really wanted to do was howl with laughter. Conner would have a fit. this would be hilarious soon. She just had to keep it all secret. the surprise of it would be the most fun. though she had a feeling any girl from the city wouldn't suit Conner. Not with his skill set and family mind set after all.

Linlesse took the soap and said her thanks before also lathering up and washing herself. "Are all of your children so, adventure minded? None, show the desire to live, normally?" she tried to ask her questions carefully, not wanting to upset her host. "What of you Vex, do you think this has cured Conner of his adventure lust?"

"I'm afraid for our family this is quite normal actually..." Alehial said with a smile for Linlesse. "And it's not so much that they crave the adventure more like... it calls to them? One way or another they all end up having an adventure or two. Like Darryl did... and even my Lucas." Alehial said before dunking to rinse her hair.

"I think Conner takes very much after his father. He wants to live his own life... and choose his own path in life. Even though it has already been set. I doubt however that he will never get the chance to adventure again, after all in this family adventure seems to find you." Vex said with a soft smile, she tried to also word her answers carefully but it seemed Lady Ravenwood knew all about her family's oddities and didn't complain when people spoke of them. Or pointed them out. Or thought them odd or strange. Or asked a lot of questions about them.

"But, you are beside him correct Vex? I mean much like Lady Ravenwood and the rest of Lord Ravenwood's adventuring party." Linlesse said also rinsing her hair. The comment wasn't suggested that anything happened between Vex and Conner, but for a long second it stuck in Alehial's mind. Linlesse submerged herself in the water again and came up with a almost childish giggle, "One could not imagine the grime and filth that I feel has been washed from my body, even my spirit feels clean."

"I am his body guard. For as long as I am alive and on this assignment he has my life if he needs it. If no one else I will stay and protect him." Vex said with a shrug. That was pure Blade mentality. It was what they were taught and drilled over and over again. But she had to admit Conner had been more capable than she had really expected. She then stood and left the water to begin drying off and applying lotion. she was embarrassed being bigger than both Lady Ravenwood and Linlesse in body but she was human and they were not.

Alehial smiled with how diplomatic Vex was speaking and how she had already proven to keep her son safe she would rest easy in the knowledge she was there for him. "Would you like help washing your back? I can't imagine you've had a proper cleaning in a while. I know what it's like being out there in uncertain places and not knowing much more than what you have with you." Alehial smiled, she did watch Vex and wondered at the wounds she saw there. She recognized the whip scars immedietly, and there were a few burns and sword places... even one or two stab scars. Not many were fresh and some of them had happened when Vex was very young Alehial could tell. But she kept silent on that matter.

It was never truly fair for the twins, ushered back into the house and promptly sent to bed. However, one good thing that happened was once dressed for bed Conner came to their room. "Well, I came to thank you for the help you gave me and if you like I'll sing our favorite song, Mir Da'len Somniar." Conner loved the song preformed in high elven, many people loved the song especially children who would sleep contentedly before the end.

"Yes!" Both girls chirped happily, Orissa was brushing Samantha's hair, her own already brushed. While they were unhappy they weren't unhappy enough to do anything about it. Besides with all the excitement that had happened already they were both fairly tired anyways. Orissa finished and put away the brush before heading to Sam's bed and the two got comfortable quickly. "Okay Conner ready!" Sam said sitting up in the bed waiting happily for him to begin.

Conner lowered the lamps in the room and came to sit on the side of Sam's bed and cast the spell to create the accompanying music. He then smiled, "Elgara vallas, da'len (Sun sets, little one) Melava somniar (Time to dream) Mala tara aravas (Your mind journeys) Ara ma'desen melar (But I will hold you here) Iras ma ghilas, da'len (Where will you go, little one) Ara ma'nedan ashir (Lost to me in sleep?) Dirthara lothlenan'as (Seek truth in a forgotten land) Bal emma mala dir (Deep within your heart)Tel'enfenim, da'len (Never fear, little one) Irassal ma ghilas (Wherever you shall go) Ma garas mir renan (Follow my voice) Ara ma'athlan vhenas (I will call you home) Ara ma'athlan vhenas (I will call you home)."

Sam fell asleep within the first verse but Orissa struggled to stay awake. "I'm glad you stayed home Conner... I'm glad your home again now." Orissa said softly half asleep before finally giving in all the way on the last part of the song. Sam had popped her thumb in her mouth, a bad habit she was trying to quit, but Orissa was holding Sam's free hand tightly even in sleep. As if too afraid to let go. They never went to sleep this fast for anyone else in the family except for Alehial.

"Good night tiny terrors, sleep well." Conner said giving each a kiss to the forehead. He then let himself out of their room and decided rather than going to bed to just roam about the house. So much had changed in him while he was gone, the home seemed so different now since they returned.

Vex was walking up the stairs, fresh from her bath, her clothing dropped of for cleaning and her weapons all oiled and the rags given to also be cleaned. At the moment she was wearing a loose top and large loose men's pants cut off just above the knee's. Her shoulder length hair was down for the first time, and it frames her face making her look much more petite, though nowhere near petite as elven blooded women did. She had a roll of bread and a small back with a little meat and cheese. It wasn't fancy but they hadn't eaten proper in a while and it would fill her at least. she also had a water skin over her shoulder. It was clear she was going to simply relax tonight. "Can't sleep?" She asked coming across his meandering form on the second floor.

Conner gave her a slight nod, "I sang the twins to sleep. It's kind of strange when I was away I was so focused on finding Xeph. Now that I'm home, this place seems so different, it's hard to explain." he shrugged. "So, not in your usual attire. Not worried that I'll make a break for it?"

"I was instructed to relax tonight." Vex shrugged her shoulders, she looked down at her food. "care to dine? you can try to explain why your house... which is full of weird by the way now suddenly seems weird even to you." Vex said with a grin. this was her peace offering at long last. He had finally earned enough respect from her to be treated less like a charge and more like a companion. Besides she was sure he would be hungry as well.

"I would be honored, but I fear my explanation may not make much sense." Conner admitted and fell into step beside her. Vex would pick where to eat. He did note that his mother was speaking with Bowers and Linlesse about where the girl would take her rest. "This place was nowhere near the place it is not long ago, my father's uncle ran the family almost destitute after my grandfather Conner died. My parents rebuilt it and the family name while becoming champions of Andor and collecting children." he said with a chuckle.

"Taking this assignment came with few perks. But one was knowledge." Vex said with a shrug. "I have learned of the entire family history. both human and Elven, though we know only what Commander Rand was willing to give. I even got hands on documents of the land." Vex said leading the way to the 'war room' Conner had used before. what Commander Rand had given her was a complete history of the couple, she herself had researched everything else she could possibly find on the Ravenwoods. their properties, history and land holdings.

"It was an odd life growing up." Conner admitted, "We played with the other noble houses, but we never quite fit in. Mother feared people trying to harm us, but we saw how some other nobles were. Some lazy, other covetous or cowardly except to servants. Never willing to sacrifice for the good of the people, so we all started training and training, trying to be an example to the others. But, in a lot of cases we sacrificed normal lives and experiences life brings. I used to chaffe at the idea of duty, then I protected my sisters and then left to get Xeph and it started making sense."

"It sounds like... at least to me, that you are only now deciding what kind of duty it is you want to believe in." Vex said pulling the chairs to the table and lighting the lanterns in the room, she then divied up the food. "It sort of sounds like you all thought it would be riding in to save the day brandishing your sword and talents and winning. But life isn't like that. Adventures aren't always nice or turn out good." Vex said before sitting down. "Lord and Lady Ravenwood made sure to teach you all everything. Right and wrong, up and down even left and right. they never even only gave you one path to follow, which is a lot harder by the way." Vex said pupping some cheese into her mouth to chew on.

Conner looked at Vex, "Then you'll love this. I want to go back out into that world out there, and make a difference for people. Live up to the example of my family, learn to be like them and be a beacon of light in dark times." He took a sip of his drink and looked at Vex, "Care to help me change the world and protect those who need it?"

Vex chewed for a few moments in silence as she stared at the table before sighing softly and looking at Conner, she sat up in her chair and leaned forward toward him her face more serious now. "Out into the world. Making a difference. Beacon of light?" she stated his words at first and then the last was a question. "A beacon of selfishness and violence. Into the world to show that you are a rich blow hard. Make a difference to you." she stood up then and shook her head. "Tomorrow... I'm taking you on a trip. One I'm sure will be very educational." Vex said trying to keep her face neutral and not show just how clearly she was disappointed. She had thought he was maturing... changing because of what had happened. He had changed... but the difference wasn't much and not useful. "I'll speak to your mother and get her permission. Have a good night..." she paused then and she hoped this would have some small effect "Conner." She said before leaving the room and the food behind. She would go speak to Lady Ravenwood and go to bed.

Instead of finding the lady she found the lord, Altair was checking on his children and was shaking his head as he left Jake's room. With all the excitement he had forgot that the young man was visiting his sister in fact he sometimes forgot which door was which in this house. It had grown so long in such a short time and when he saw Vex coming he wondered what was next in store for his son. "Good evening mistress Vex, not even home a day and it looks like you have something on your mind."

"Just Vex please sir. I'm only a Blade after all." Vex said smiling as she came upon him. "Yes I do actually sir. I was wondering if I could have permission to take Co- er... Master Conner, to the edge of the city? He speaks of making a difference in the world... of living up to the family. I want to show him... that even here it isn't all what he thinks." Vex almost slipped up and was too familiar with Conner's name and rank. Then in her explanation though vague she hoped he understood exactly where she wanted to take Conner. The very edge of the city just outside the tall walls guarding everyone so safely.

Altair nodded, "You have my permission, but do not underestimate him. His heart is pure as are his intentions, but may be limited by his vocabulary. And you don't need to refer to him as Master Conner to me, COnner will suffice."

"Yes sir. I'll do my best to remember. Thank you sir." Vex saluted once more and left to her own room then to sleep. As well as to prepare for the trip the next day. she wasn't certain why she was trying to show him this... or why she wanted him to understand this... but it wouldn't probably make her job a lot easier in the long run so why not really.

Darryl had returned home and yawned, no one was in the immediate area so he snuck down to his room and quickly absorbed enough energy to take care of any problems if they arose. His new plan was to find his family and let them know Xeph was home then get a bath and probably go to bed.

Jake was having a good time seeing his sister and of course meeting Karina, when they heard a voice speak out. "Mistress Asper, Master Darryl has arrived back at home." It's tone was friendly and made Karina giggle.

Asper didn't trust that voice for a moment. She kept a blade in her hand and unlocked her training room's door. "Come in." she offered standing to the side of the door ready to kill if it wasn't Darryl. Jake and Karina were on the other side of the room. Safe and where she could see them.

For a long time nothing happened, the door did not open and the voice didn't say anything else. "Uh, Asper. I think the voice just announced Darryl was home so you were aware." Jake said a little nervous. Darryl had said no one could enter the house without causing the house to defend them.

"If I trusted everything little brother... we would be long dead. He will come find us then." She shrugged but didn't put away the weapon. She went back over to Jake and Karina though and made a rueful face at the little girl. "you are a queer babe." She told her daughter after a moments observation. Other than Karina they were wearing armor and Asper had her hair up in a short bob of a ponytail. She kept her hair short usually, it was easier to hide it that way, and while training to keep it out of her face and eyes would put it up more recently.

With her mother so close Karina grabbed a hold of her thumb in her tiny fist and cooed, those violet eyes began to glow even as her smile spread across her face. "She's very happy isn't she?" Jake asked wondering if he had been so happy as a baby. A soft knock followed by Darryl's voice shook him out of his thoughts.

"Asper, Jake? is it alright for me to come in?" he asked through the door. Karina looked at her mother and cooed again, it was an oddly calming sound and her eyes shifted to the door. Darryl waited for an answer, this room was Asper's and he would not enter except with her permission.

"Come in." Asper said looking up but not pulling away from Karina. "You were happy with me too Jake." Asper said softly for just Jake to hear before Darryl arrived. she was tempted to smile at both Karina and Jake but stopped herself from doing so. She had questions for Darryl like what the hell was up with that weird voice for one. and how things went was another.

Darryl entered without his staff or his coat he looked at Jake and Karina before smiling at Asper, "It is good to be home again. And with good news, Xeph is back in Elsa's arms and the man who took him is dead." he told them as he came to stand near Asper and look in on Karina who now had her mother's thumb in one hand and her pinkie in the other tiny fist. Risking her ire Darryl kissed her cheek and put his arm around her, "I'm glad you had everything in hand here." The praise would probably gain him a little quip, but he was glad to be back with his loves.

"In hand." Asper rolled her eyes but she allowed him his physical affections. She wasn't comfortable doing it in front of Jake. However Darryl was being good... and so could she. She wiggled her fingers for Karina's interest. "We heard a voice announcing you, was that something you had a hand in or should I be more worried?" Asper waited no longer to ask of this. If it was a threat she wanted to know now. If not... all the same she needed to know.

"I thought it might be a nice idea to announce comings and goings, I can remove the voice and perhaps make it more of a feeling if you like?" Darryl said wanting to make it comfortable for her. He still needed to tell her about Linlesse and her request to be trained by him. "After I get cleaned up how about some supper, I'll let you two decide what we will have." he said letting Asper out of his half embrace. If he was truly lucky maybe Asper would at least meet Linlesse before making her decision.

"the voice is fine if it is your doing. I dislike you tampering with... anything else." Asper finished lamely. She hadn't told Jake of what had happened between her and Darryl while she had been pregnant. Jake didn't know of her past either. She wanted it kept that way, he really didn't need to know. She shivered as he loosened his hold on her. " I don't care what we eat. But Jake and I also need to wash after training in here." Asper said grinning at Jake and his oil smudges cheek and hands. He was a little fumbly oiling weapons and such. She herself smelled of her armor and the oil, and while the smell was familiar and comforting to her she knew Darryl didn't prefer it.

Darryl smiled at her, "Well, I probably smell like the inside of the creature the man who took Xeph was using as a base. Well, I will take Karina with me and wash up while you two finish here. Then when you both wash up I will get dinner ready." He took hold of Karina's basket and smiled as his daughter finally let go of her mother and blinked at her.

Asper held the basket a moment and didn't let Darryl leave until She leaned forward and kissed Karina's forehead. "Be good Karina." Asper said letting them both go and turning her back to them. "Alright Jake let's see how well you do getting out of the armor now." She said already undoing her own with deft fingers. they would put the weapons away after getting out of the armor as it would be a bit easier to move around. Not that her's hindered her nary.

After Darryl left Jake walked over and caught his sister's arm, "You are a good mom, better than ours ever could have been. And you and Darryl are good for each other." He then went and began to remove his gear and put it away. "I have lessons tomorrow at the temple, would it be better to walk there or ask Darryl? I'm not sure of the way from here compared to the Estate."

"Darryl and I will both take you. It's a good thing she died." Asper said said seeming mostly distracted now, that Jake had said such odd things. Jake had only heard stories of their mother from Asper, the truth, but still it was odd for him to say such a thing. As for being good for each other what did that even mean? she hadn't thought about his lessons still. She frowned she should have. Jake had always come first, she wasn't liking how she had shifted her focus away from him so much in the last two years.

Jake noticed her look and stopped what he was doing and took her hands again, "No, do not feel you've failed. You asked Darryl's parents to help and guide me. It was time for you to live and be happy with Darryl and Karina, I'm learning to stand on my own and I'm happy with everything you set in motion for me."

"Being happy has nothing to do with it. I promised you I would take care of you until you didn't need me anymore and were better off without me around." Asper said looking down only slightly into her brother's eyes. She still worried greatly by how much he looked like his father, but there was no helping that. "you haven't gotten there yet and I've just thought the Ravenwoods with all their money and intelligence and connections would do a better job getting you ready for the world... I see now they haven't done any better than I would have on my own!" Asper snorted and looked unhappy, the topic of the Ravenwood family often made her mood sour. Even though she was technically one of them.

"I still have time and I'm still learning, you'll see." Jake said letting her hands go. He was disappointed that Asper always seemed to think he wasn't getting better at standing on his own feet. With the last of his gear removed and stored he went ahead and headed to get washed up for dinner.

Asper frowned harder. She didn't know why he was upset. She stood alone in her room of thievery, thinking. Hadn't she just said she wanted to be more hands on? Hadn't that been what he always loved? Did he not want her help anymore? Asper couldn't help the painful sting she felt in her chest. She wondered then too about why her chest felt tight and her throat made it harder to swallow. She dismissed it however and put everything away in it's proper places, she then went upstairs to change into cleaner clothing and wash up. She was thoughtful and silent the entire time.

When she got back downstairs she found Jake playing with Karina who was extremely entertained by peek a boo, all the while Darryl was stirring what smelled like a wonderful stew while rolls baked in the oven. Neither had heard her and where having a chat. "Darryl, how long did it takes your parents to acknowledge you were growing up?" he asked. Darryl chuckled, "It's not easy to admit when a child has grown up. There are still times my mother fusses about me, almost like how Asper fusses about you. And there is nothing wrong with it, do not run to being an adult too quickly, I find it overrated at times." They both laughed about it, then Karina let out a hungry cry and Jake asked, "Is she okay Darryl?" He nodded, "Yes, I believe she may be hungry if you'll watch the stew I'll take her to Asper."

"Since she needs me, I guess it's good that I'm here now." Asper said not wanting to give away her eavesdropping. She walked over and picked up Karina gently and carefully. "You sure do eat a lot more than Jake ever did." She commented before she looked at Darryl and wondered for a moment if he had too. He would just tell her to speak to his mother though and instead of going through all of that she said. "I'll feed her in the sitting room. The couch is more comfortable." And she turned and went away to go feed Karina.

Karina fussed only a little bit until Asper began to let her nurse, even in the dim light of the room the baby's eyes shed enough light as to almost see comfortably. Darryl came up a short time later as Karina was getting sleepy in her mother's arms, "Shall I bring up your supper and her basket?" He was trying to gauge the best time to bring up the conversation about his new student.

"Yes. I'm quite hungry, and she is almost asleep." Asper said nodding her head. She knew he could see in the dark if he needed and since her blood was mixed she could see just fine, even without Karina making light. Which sometimes worried Asper as to her using her powers so much... and was she actively using them? Asper rocked Karina gently to sooth the child to sleep faster. She hadn't whispered though she didn't believe in pampering babies.

Darryl went down to the kitchen and gathered her supper and using his powers made the basket float behind him. By the time he returned Karina was sound asleep. "She seems to fall asleep as quickly as everyone said I used to when I was little." Darryl mentioned setting the tray down and bringing the basket closer. "Jake went to his room to do some reading for tomorrow's class. He said he'd come down to say goodnight before he went to bed."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to how her eyes glow..." Asper said softly using one finger to gently stroke her daughter's face. For all her grouchiness and scathing words, Asper really did care for Karina and Jake very deeply. So deeply it disturbed her a great deal. Darryl's love just confused her and when everyone tried to tell her it was love or explain it as if she were an imbecile she just got mad. Asper hadn't liked the floating of the basket but she was trying to be more calm around him using his powers without him needing a reason. If what he said was true and it sometimes happened without thought, then she needed to be less severe. Still after all that had happened, it made her wary. She lay Karina in the basket so she could eat however and patted the couch next to her so Darryl could join her.

Darryl let the basket float gently to the floor and sat beside Asper, "I remember being afraid of the dark when I was little, until I realized I could control the light my eyes could create. As she gets a little older and learns new things her glow will subside a little until just emotions will bring it back." He explained remembering when his own eyes grew brightest when his family was in danger. "I wanted to speak to you about the rescue." Darryl began hoping this would not lead to an argument, "There was a young woman who helped everyone, she is a psion and asked if I could help her get control of her powers. The safest place to do that is here inside my training room, is it alright that she comes here so that I may help her?"

Asper slowly put the plate of food down onto the small table in front of the couch, she finished her swallow and turned to look Darryl straight in the eyes. "So... This young female psion... who we don't know. Never met. Who can't control her powers... at all? Dangerous to herself even... You want to bring here. Into m-our home. The one place you said no one would be able to harm any of us. To bring a young, dangerous and wild younger woman. Into your room, so you can train her alone?" Asper asked going through the list of things very slowly, she was ticking the items off on her fingers not moving her gaze away from Darryl's in the slightest. "And you are asking me if that is okay?" she finished with, and then looked away. It was hard for her to look at Darryl straight in the eyes for long. After all... His blue eyes and blonde hair... his peach skin, he was the epitome of human looks. she was a freak, as welcome and sweet as he was and most of his family, she had grown up in a much harsher world and knew she was too different from others. While she could usually put up the front that it didn't matter and it didn't bother her, it was when she looked at Darryl in the eyes. He liked her for her, but she was still a freak in her head and heart.

Darryl took her hand and with the other brought her gaze back to his, "She helped Conner and the others rescue Xeph, her powers are based on speed. My training room is the safest place for her to gain better control of her powers, and in our home no other powers function unless I permit them. And she wouldn't be staying here, mother and father allowed her to stay at the Estate." he finished his responses to those first points. Now came the part where she'd scoff but he meant every word, "As far as being alone with her, she is a little younger than Lily and I would ask you meet her first before saying no. And the other, you are my wife and mother of our child no woman could replace you. I love you and our life together and I would never dream violating our vows to one another." he whispered before giving her a gentle kiss. "Will you at least meet her, Linlesse just is looking for a place to belong."

Asper let out a sigh. Letting her eyes slide to the side so she wasn't looking him directly in the eyes. "I'm starting to think... you are getting smarter than me." Asper said softly then in a slightly defeated tone. "I don't like it." she said her tone getting firmer and her lips pursing together. It was the kiss, and the hands. She could feel his sincerity. She could always feel his sincerity and that more than anything usually rattled her and her beliefs in the world that she had formed. "Fine. She can come to meet me. No promises on training!" Asper said giving him a quick hard look to enforce that she wasn't promising anything. Then she leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss. that first one had been nice.

"Nope, I fear I will never have the quick mind and wit you have. But, how about I make the visit a little easier, we can take Karina to see my parents and we can meet with Linlesse. No pressure, and we can always leave so you can feed the little one or some other excuse to come home?" Darryl tossed out to hopeful seal her agreement. "And since you've been caged here so long, how about we let Jake watch Karina and I take you to Finn's for dinner and a sweet roll?"

"Karina can come." Asper said quickly, she wasn't arguing with the compliments. "Karina doesn't need to go anywhere where we aren't. Finn's sounds nice though... let's all go." Asper said grinning after all Finn's was similar to where she would take Jake once in a while to 'treat' him when she had scored big back in the day. she did appreciate him trying to make her more comfortable but all she needed for that was their home and him and Karina and Jake. She was a woman of simple needs however.

"You want to take Karina to Finn's?" he asked making sure he heard her correctly. He wouldn't argue, but the way she took security he doubted she'd ever take the baby here. "If you wish then, so be it. I'll advise my parents and Linlesse to expect us tomorrow after lunch for a short visit." He smiled at her, she was still Asper but she was trying to be more accepting and he loved her all the more for the attempts.

"Why wouldn't I take Karina, it's where we will be and therefore the safest place. As for Linlesse, no. She comes here. Where you said she can't use her powers. It will be safest for all parties if she can't use any powers that she can't control around me or my child." Asper said with a frown. Plus this way she didn't have to see Lady Bitchwood. Asper was often finding as many excuses as possible not to go back to the Ravenwood estate now that they had left it.

Darryl chuckled, "Well that was going to be my first suggestion, but I thought you'd be more receptive if nothing took place here until you said so."

"I already said so! Don't laugh. We've both been nearly killed enough times Caution is understandable." Asper said leaning away from him on her own cushion of the couch and folding her arms unhappily. Him more than her which worried her a great deal more than her own mortality. After all he was much more important. She was only important to three people. Darryl seemed to be a national treasure.

Darryl instead of letting her escape pulled her onto his lap, "I apologize, I know the Estate makes you unhappy and this situation makes you nervous. And while I wish your relationship with the rest of the family was better, I understand it's not easy to be as open as they are. But, never fear or worry where my heart lies." he said giving her a light kiss on the neck.

Asper wiggled a bit to try and get back to her side of the couch but when he didn't really let her go... and she knew he would if she seriously fought him, she pouted and kept her arms crossed. "You and I both know it's your mother. Not the house." she said mumbling it almost. "you had a baby with me that practically guarantee's our relationship forever as far as your family is concerned." Asper said then leaning back against his chest still pouting. though if anyone would have said so, she would probably punch them.

Darryl sighed, "The relationship between you and her would improve if there was more between you two than me, Karina and Jake. All that really matters is we love each other and our little girl." Almost if on cue Karina giggled and cooed from her basket.

"You are supposed to be sleeping little girl." Asper said with a stern voice as she leaned over in Darryl's lap to pick up Karina gently. "you can't possibly be hungry again..." Asper said with a suspicious tone looking at her daughter. Asper didn't remember Jake being so hungry... though he did scream a lot louder. Then again it took a lot more effort to get him food. Asper checked their daughter's diaper quickly and then simply sat back in Darryl's lap with a sigh.

"She is happy for probably no other reason than she knows she is loved. Elgara vallas, da'len (Sun sets, little one) Melava somniar (Time to dream) Mala tara aravas (Your mind journeys) Ara ma'desen melar (But I will hold you here) Iras ma ghilas, da'len (Where will you go, little one) Ara ma'nedan ashir (Lost to me in sleep?) Dirthara lothlenan'as (Seek truth in a forgotten land) Bal emma mala dir (Deep within your heart)Tel'enfenim, da'len (Never fear, little one) Irassal ma ghilas (Wherever you shall go) Ma garas mir renan (Follow my voice) Ara ma'athlan vhenas (I will call you home) Ara ma'athlan vhenas (I will call you home)." he began to sing, not as well as Conner but all the children knew this lullabye as it was a family favorite. Little by little the glow inside the basket softened until it was dark.

"Elven?" Asper asked softly. She had never actually heard Darryl sing before... and while it wasn't pitch perfect or as fluid as the rest of his families version, Asper liked hearing his version all that much more for it not being perfect. She herself only knew two languages, common and trade. but she found the song to be pretty if nothing else. She was content to be on Darryl's lap for now as well.

"Yes, if you like I can sing it again in common." Darryl offered leaning back and rubbing Asper's back. "I can't express how much quiet moments like these mean to me." he whispered not wanting to wake Karina or disturb Asper's contentment.

"No... it was just nice to hear you sing to her..." Asper said laying her head on his chest. It was nice to just sit on someone every once in a while she supposed. Asper always felt more at ease in the dark. she knew why and it bothered her a little but why fight what you are all the time? she did like moments like these too though.

"Since she is asleep, shall we not follow suit? Or would you prefer to wait here a little longer?" Darryl asked. His powers were diffusing the light from the fireplace but allowed the warmth to flow through the room.

"Let's go to bed." Asper said. She stood carefully not to hurt Darryl and picked up the basket with Karina in it. "you can grab the dishes right?" She asked with a semi cruel grin. She did like making him do things for her. Especially menial things. Things she had to do for Jake for forever. But bed did sound nice, even though she had napped not terribly long ago.

Darryl looked back at her and smiled, "Yes, and if you wait I will even help you into your shift." He loved when she was playful. He picked up the tray and followed behind her, diverting to the kitchen and setting the tray on the counter before turning to go upstairs.

Asper had finished putting Karina in her own crib in her own room for the night when she met Darryl in their room. She left the door open between Karina's room and their own but closed the door's to the hallway. Asper was glad Karina slept so good. It made things a lot easier when she did. Asper sat on the edge of the bed and wiggled her boot clad foot at Darryl. She began to pull of her shirt as well. "I believe you offered assistance." Asper said grinning still at her husband.

Darryl nodded and knelt taking a hold of her foot and pulling on the left boot then the right. He brought his hands up and unbelted her pants before he began to remove them, once pulled far enough down he looked up at her, "Can you lift up a little for me? I'd hate to yank you off the bed, trying to get you undressed."

Asper blushed lightly and planting her hands behind her lifting her buttocks off the bed. His face was very near her core and she didn't follow the Andorian or Elven fashion of under clothing. She went bare beneath her pants as all poor women of her country did. "I'd hate to be yanked." She said trying to keep her voice even and teasing still. Sometimes things he did made her terribly uncomfortable with herself and this was one of those times.

Darryl moved after pulling her pants off and was between her spread legs as he worked on her shirt buttons. He then leaned forward and kissed the skin that was revealed as each button was opened, all the way down to her stomach. He remembered when they played before Karina was born, how she had pleasured him. And in her current position it seemed time for her pleasure. Slowly he kissed each of her thighs before he moved closer to her sex.

Asper's breath hitched at each kiss and her muscles tensed all the way down. She had gotten softer all around since Karina's birth, but no less sensitive it seemed. "D-Darryl..." Asper moaned his name in a whisper, she didn't want to wake Jake or Karina, but they hadn't played in a while and it made her ache in surprising ways. she was looking forward to the contact between them she realized and couldn't help the warmth she felt in her womanhood from his close proximity.

He looked up at her and smiled, his glowing blue eyes softened at her moan then he reached out with his tongue and tasted her. He had done this before and she seemed to enjoy it so he fell back on those memories and pleasured his wife. The idea happened all on it's own, they were teasing and being gentle with one another and they arrived here. Reaching up Darryl touched Asper not just in spots that would give her pleasure but make her happy as well.

Asper bit her bottom lip to keep herself quiet. But she couldn't help but hum in appreciate of his work. He always treated her so gently as if she were precious. Even at times like these. It was always soothing that he never yelled and went slowly. It was gentleness she never had from anywhere else in her life. It didn't take her long to climax "Darryl I want more." She whispered huskily looking down at his face between her thighs still.

He nodded, "Of course." He rose and quietly removed his clothes and sat beside her kissing her deeply as he touched her skin. Darryl was ready to make love to Asper, every time they laid together the world felt perfect to him. And the fact this was the first time since Karina was born he wanted to make it a good experience for them both.

"We'll buy the tea in the morning. No more babies... but we can still have the fun." Asper said with a grin before she leaned forward to kiss him just as deeply. She put on hand behind his head and twined in his golden locks to squeeze tight so he couldn't leave that position. she then worked her way by shimmy and a twist mostly onto straddling his lap. she could see how ready he was for her. It made her feel strong to see him so excited for her.

He groaned his agreement to her conditions, so many times he had told her another baby would be a decision they would both agree to. One hand left her waist and aligned himself with her sex and slowly started to lower her onto his erection and he reveled in the feeling of them becoming one.

Asper had to release her hold on his hair to grasp his shoulders. "W-were you this big before?!" She groaned out softly. Trying not to make noise as she sank onto him. He felt larger. He felt huge. She panted for breath not even halfway down, eyes closed in concentration, and her thighs trembled gently. The feel of them connected made her throb with need for rough and deep but the recent delivery demanded a gentler approach. However it all made her extremely wet and her breasts felt tight and full of milk, it was certainly something she had never experienced before... with him... again.

Darryl couldn't form the words he wanted to say, Asper's body was so tight around him. "I do..don't thin..k it's changed since the...last time." he managed to whisper as the last of him entered her completely. He placed his hands on Asper's hips and waited until she was comfortable, then they would begin to move.

"MM!" Asper moaned trying to calm her body somewhat. She sat on his hips, with him fully seated inside of her. Her whole body was taut with pleasure and the feeling of being stretched. He radiated warmth from his body where he touched her and inside of her as well. "Sh-shit!" She moaned clenching around his girth and shuddering relaxed, she could only stand a moment or two of time for adjustment before she needed to feel his member move within her. So carefully, she rose up only a little ways and then again slowly sank onto him. She did this until she could work herself up to a semi decent pace and at least halfway off his length. Everything was so agonizingly slowly paced as she tried to adjust to him.

It was a wonderful feeling they were sharing and Darryl tried his best to help Asper as she tried to adjust to him. When stopped for a moment he leaned forward and whispered, "Perhaps this happens when it has been too long between coupling?" He chuckled a little and kissed Asper's neck as one hand held her back and the other her backside.

"Does that happen?" Asper asked panting, biting her lips in order to try and silence her moans from getting too loud. She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to work herself up and down his shaft. Slowly growing accustomed and increasing her speed. Though she could fit all of him now, it was still a very tight fit. It didn't however decrees the pleasure and she knew she wouldn't last long even with such a slow process. In fact she kept shuddering trying to hold off. Asper loved sex, she just liked the act more than the end.

Darryl kissed Asper's neck and chest as she continued to move, "I'm, I'm no not sure." Recalling some of what he had read when they first were trying to make a relationship between them, he reached down and began to lightly rub her nub. It was important to him that Asper reach climax.

"FUCK!" Asper moaned louder than meant to in shock at his sudden enthusiasm, her back arched and her head rolled back, her stomach tensed and her womanhood squeezed Darryl tightly, even her thighs went very tense. She pushed herself down deeply onto his manhood and ground herself there as her orgasm swept over her.

Darryl almost yelped in surprise as Asper's body completely tensed all around him, he did bring his arms up to keep her from falling off of him and to the floor. Her orgasm brought his to him as he swelled and his seed entered her in several long blasts each made him groan. As Asper looked up she could see the light from his eyes clearly as he was unable to keep them from glowing brightly during his climax, the entire room took on various hues of blue around them.

Asper closed her eyes and could still see the blue glow, she sighed softly as her muscles relaxed all at once and she clung to Darryl for support. The warmth in her womb made her shiver a little and she leaned forward to rest her head against Darryl's shoulder and just breath. She wasn't used to such exertions and it made her tired. It also made her breasts swollen and sore, she almost hoped Karina woke soon so she could feed and release some of the ache of full breasts.

Almost if on cue, the little crystal that Darryl had on the night stand lit up and Karina could be heard fussing in her room. "I'll go get her." Darryl volunteered getting his breathing under control and knowing once they separated that Asper would need a few moments to clean herself up.

Asper rolled off of him and laid on the bed a moment. "Good, she's probably hungry again. She eats all the time." Asper said with a grin before she picked up a discarded shirt of hers and began cleaning herself somewhat. She then arranged herself in bed, propped so she could feed Karina easily and comfortably. Asper knew though that soon enough she would be ready for bed herself.

A few moments later Darryl returned with Karina who had quieted down once her father picked her up. "And here is your mother little one." Darryl said handing Karina to Asper. When Karina started to feed, he took the opportunity to also clean himself up and redress before having a seat on the edge of the bed.

Asper settled herself and Karina comfortably and let Karina latch on. Asper seemed happy and was even smiling softly, unaware of course. she used one finger to gently pet Karina's now chubby cheek, feather light, as if mesmerized by her daughter. Her daughters pale, ashy skin, her ever so soft dirty blonde hair. Her pink glow beneath happy eyelids fluttering contentedly at feeding.

"I wonder if I ever was like Karina? I never knew my birth mother, she was probably afraid about my eyes and thought I might be a demon or something. So, she was haggling with a dark cleric who was going to sacrifice me before Alehial and Altair beat his price." he had never told her that the Ravenwoods saved him from certain death when he was little. "I'm glad our baby gets to grow up with us, guiding her and teaching her to become someone we will both be proud of." he said leaning over and touching Karina's little hand.

"She was probably just hungry. Besides... you know what I've done for Jacob and myself already." Asper said softly not wanting to disturb Karina because if they were lucky when she was done eating she would go right back to sleep. If not then a diaper change and staying awake and playing for a few hours until she nodded off again. "I had a lot of offers for Jacob through the years too. Besides with her being a psion... she can do anything she wants. With few people of ability to stop her." Asper said with a thoughtful grin down to her daughter. What a thief this little girl would make! the scores she could pull off! But no doubt Darryl would want her to be a hero like the rest of the family.

The next morning Asper woke before anyone else in the house, she laid there in the quiet hearing Darryl's breathing beside her and nothing else. It was peaceful and even Andor outside the house was barely awake, today was the day she'd meet Linlesse as she had told Darryl to bring her to the house.

Asper hated being awake in the early morning. She didn't care for noon either really, but she knew exactly why she was awake and she still didn't like it. But for now her being up this early meant she could study Darryl's face while he slept. She rarely had the chance to after all since he was always wanting to look her in the eyes.

Darryl was sleeping soundly after last night, his breathing was deep and easy. She glanced at the crystal and found it was quiet as well, even Karina must still be asleep.

Asper gazed at Darryl's sleeping face. For some reason her chest felt tight... her throat thick, making it hard to swallow and even her eyes felt hot. She hated the way it felt. She hated feeling this way, every time she looked at him. But his face was so serene, his skin so smooth... his hair so fair. Long lashes, perfect bow lips, straight nose and high cheekbones. He was not a muscular man but neither was he soft. Asper reached out with a shaky hand and forced it steady to gently ever so softly run her fingers through his hair. If this new scion woman tried to take him from her... she wouldn't be able to stop her. Asper had no powers, she wasn't strong either. If it wasn't for his so called love for her, his fondness she would be alone again. Asper leaned forward and kissed his forehead lighter than a feather and whispered softly. "Please don't leave me..." She pulled back and removed her hand as well, she would dress and attempt breakfast, since he was always making it for her.

She slipped out of bed and dressed, heading to the bedroom door and as she touched the handle she heard him in his sleep say, "love you asper." The kitchen was warm and the fire was already ready for the day, Jake was sitting at the table reading a book and already dressed for classes at the temple. "Good morning sister." he said with a smile before taking a sip of his tea. Most mornings he liked the chocolate the cook made every morning, but today it felt better to have tea.

"Morning... Did you need food? I can make something." Asper offered looking around the kitchen. She realized she had no idea where anything was. She hadn't cooked here before. she began raiding the pantry for eggs and things to put in the eggs. Everything scramble was her specialty in the morning. Which was anything she could get her hands on in the pan all at the same time. "Or a sandwhich or something?" She asked then remembering he would be there most of the day.

"There is a little bread and butter left from yesterday and a piece of fruit, that will hold me until lunch at the temple." Jake said with a smile. He was trying his best to keep his healing herbs straight in his head, it was a lot of information to keep straight. Alehial had been helping him and he was grateful to her for all her help.

"Alright then..." Asper said putting everything onto the counter before coming over to look at his book. Sort of hoping it had pictures to clue her in on the content. "Studying hard?" She asked curiously. She'd never had lessons, she didn't know what it was like, but she did know Jake really liked going. She turned away after a moment and got out a knife and began to chop things up. She put a small pan on the fire and put a little oil in it to get ready for everything she was about to just dump in it.

"I've been having problems with healing herbs, this book isn't really helpful. Alehial has been helping which I find works better, like when you taught me to start a fire or how to get out of the house so Nurth and his buddies didn't see me." he said before taking a sip of tea and turning a page.

"Maybe a book with pictures would be better... Then Darryl and I could take you out of the city and we could spend the day looking for them? Then when you find them you can list off what they were good for? Or make a salve or something out of them?" Asper suggested, she wasn't much of a nature person but she knew her little brother was more inclined towards it since living with the Ravenwoods and traveling to the Elf kingdom. Not to mention Darryl loved it. Asper dumped everything into the pan with an immediate and satisfying sizzle. She cracked and mixed six eggs into the pan as well and stirred before turning her back to it to look at her brother at the table. "Maybe we can fix up a picnic, I'm sure it would probably be good for Karina too." She offered, not wanting Alehial to be better with her own brother than she was. Despite that being the very reason Asper had left him in their care.

Jake smiled, "I'd like that, I'll ask about a book with pictures during lessons today. But, it will have to be sometime when you and Darryl aren't busy." He wondered what all Asper had put in the pan, some of her more elaborate creations never made it past bite number one. "Is Darryl still asleep? We need to leave for lessons soon or he'll have to teleport us so I won't be late." He hated to bring up his brother-in-law using his powers to help him, but being late was frowned upon.

"Nonsense. You can run. You know the way by now surely there are shortcuts? Besides being late rarely kills people... students I should say." Asper said with a scoff, going back over to the pan and stirring the 'food'. It didn't smell bad yet. Asper didn't want to wake Darryl, but she might for Jake's sake.

"You're gonna let me go by myself?" Jake asked almost not believing an adult would leave him out of her sight, especially his sister. "If I leave now I'll make it in plenty of time, is that okay?" he asked closing his book and putting it in his satchel. He knew where he could save a little time and catch up to some other kids from his class.

"When haven't I trusted you to be alone before? Just take a dagger, and if you're in trouble hold this and call for Darryl." Asper said handing him one a Darryl's power stones. She would ask him to fashion another neckless, one for Jake this time. "Better scoot then. Don't get in trouble... we'll come pick you up though, so I can finally have a look at this place you go everyday." Asper said with a wink.

Jake gave her a hug and gathered his things before heading for the door, when he threw it open he found Linlesse on the other side, "Um, hi you must be Linlesse? Asper, the young lady Darryl might be teaching is here. Should I let her in?"

Linlesse smiled and extended her hand to Jake, "Yes, I am and I saw you back at the Estate, Jake right? It's good to meet you, you know formally." She straightened and put her hands behind her as Jake called back into the house, she was early and if they wanted she'd go do something for a little while, she was just really nervous about meeting Mistress Ravenwood and Master Ravenwood together.

Asper scowled and walked out into the entry-way glad she had dressed when she woke. "She's here now so you might as well." Asper said folding her arms and frowning. "Let me go get my husband." Asper said, very clearly just overjoyed at Linlesse's arrival. "Go to lessons Jake!" Asper yelled as she started to climb the stairs. Leaving Linlesse to stand awkwardly just inside the door. Asper totally forgot about the food on the stove and walked into the nursery first to check on Karina and then to get Darryl.

Jake walked past Linlesse on his way out a little taken with the pretty young woman, "Um, bye have a good meeting." Linlesse smiled at him and waved goodbye shutting the door behind him.

With a start Linlesse smelled the burning food Asper had left cooking. "Oh gracious!" she said hurrying into the kitchen and snatching the pan up. Whatever the mistress was cooking was ruined and she scraped it into the trash and quickly cleaned out the pan before spying out some of the ingredients Asper had used. Shrugging she cut a couple slices of bread and made a hole in the middle then began cooking an egg in the hole, it reminded her of home and she smiled.

As Asper left the nursery and still sleeping Karina, she smelled the smoke coming from the kitchen and Linlesse's "Oh gracious!"

"Damn..." Asper muttered angrily. This girl showing up made her completely forget the breakfast she had been cooking. and Now she was in a more fowl mood. Asper didn't like how young the girl seemed, but she knew appearances were deceiving, Darryl looked very young still too. Even though Asper wasn't all that old herself, she disliked the girl for her even younger age. Asper went into the bedroom, deciding Linlesse probably saved the kitchen.

Darryl woke up hearing Asper come into the bedroom and rolled over, "good morning, I must have overslept." He then noticed the look on her face, "What's wrong?"

Linlesse figured while Mistress Asper was doing something else she needed to keep her nervousness under control so she made a few more pieces of bread for her and The Ravenwoods.

"You're little protege is here... Already. And I burnt breakfast." Asper said trying to keep her annoyance off her face. She was actually working on it very hard, the girl was young... and potentially just as strong as Darryl. and she wanted Darryl to teach her privately.

"Really? I know she was excited to discuss training, but I didn't think she was that excited." Darryl commented as he got up and went to wash his face and select something to wear. "How is Karina and Jake this morning? I know you had said something about walking him to classes." he asked pulling on a shirt and tucking it into his pants then getting his boots. Walking over he drew Asper into his embrace and kissed her cheek, "Good Morning my love, did you sleep well?" It was the same question every morning, and he never missed asking her.

"I sent him off on his own. He's the age where he probably wants to find companions or a girl. Having adults around all the time get's in the way of that." Asper spoke while Darryl got dressed, she liked watching him do things the normal way. "Karina was asleep when I checked on her. This girl can't use her powers though right? At all? right now." Asper asked wanting to be absolutely positive about that. "Well enough." She answered kissing his cheek back quickly, just a peck she gave a quick squeeze of a hug and let go. It was clear she wasn't comfortable showing affection while the girl was here.

Darryl looked at Asper realizing that right now Asper needed to take comfort in how her house would protect her. "Yes, her powers are dampened, the only ones with powers in our house are myself and Karina. Everything is perfectly safe here. Let's go eat and get to know Linlesse, shall we?" he said holding out his arm to her.

"Fine. Let me check on Karina again." Asper said touching his arm with her hand to acknowledge his offer, but gently refuse it. She was very uncomfortable with the amount of affection he wanted to show in front of Linlesse. Even though they weren't in front of her just yet. Asper walked to the babies room to check on the little girl again just in case. It was clear Asper wasn't comfortable really at all today.

Darryl nodded, "I'll come with you, it always makes me smile to see her in the morning with her mother." They found Karina awake in her crib waiting for them, and she cooed and held out her hands to them.

In the kitchen Linlesse had everything waiting for them keeping warm on the hearth, she was sitting at the table with a mug of hot tea in front of her. Perhaps this was a test to see how patient she could be, it would be best to just sit right here and wait. Someone would come, they did forget breakfast (if that is what it was) burning on the stove.

Asper picked up Karina gently and cradled her close. "Good morning, are you hungry?" Asper asked in a semi conversational tone to her daughter. Of course Karina still being so young wasn't even verbal now but she generally went after Aspers chest if she was hungry. Sometimes Asper thought something might be wrong with Karina only because Jake had been so much noisier as a babe.

Karina in response yawned and laid her head down upon her mother, going almost right back to sleep. Darryl chuckled, "Sometimes even without speaking she says much."

"Oh well...Even if she isn't I am, and I know you always are in the morning." Asper said with a gentle shrug, she didn't want to disturb Karina. Asper turned keeping Karina in her arms and made her way down the stairs. "I left her in the kitchen." She said over her shoulder, so Darryl wouldn't have to search for her.

When they arrived in the kitchen Linlesse stood up and looked at the floor, "Good morning, I know I was early but I really didn't sleep last night and really wanted to meet you Mistress Ravenwoo...." she stopped in midsentence and broke into a wide smile. "Is that your little girl? She is so precious..."

"Food first." Asper said ignoring everything the girl had said. "Also. Call me Asper. Never Mistress Ravenwood." Asper said giving Darryl's arm a squeeze with her free hand, she then walked over to the stove, still holding Karina close so she could sleep, and inspected what she had been making for breakfast. She sighed and began to scrounge up the ingredients again to start over. This wasn't the first time she had failed cooking. Just the first time in this house and for her husband. Now that they were married.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't quick enough to save your breakfast, but I made several pieces of eggs in the basket for each of us. If you like you can have a seat and I will bring it over." she offered not wanting Asper to try balancing the baby and breakfast.

"How about you both sit and I will bring breakfast to the table." Darryl countered pulling a chair out for Asper. She should have already noticed that Darryl's eyes had flashed over the food, checking to make sure it was safe for his wife and eventually his daughter as well.

"I have two hands. Both work last I checked." Asper groused unhappily, Instead of taking the seat though she grabbed three plates in her one free hand and set the table. Then made another trip to grab tableware, and yet another for glasses. Karina was asleep and didn't care what was going on as long as she could stay asleep. Asper hated being idle and treated as if she couldn't do things.

Linlesse fetched the serving plate with the food on it then picked up both the tea and juice and brought them over. "If I may ask Master Ravenwood, I feel a dampening field around me. Did you create a field to suppress powers of psions?" she asked refilling her tea.

Darryl nodded, "Right now only my powers function in this house, in time Karina's will as well. But no one else's, the only place your powers can function is in the training room I have set aside. While I am more than happy to help you, I will not risk my family's safety in even the smallest of ways."

Linlesse nodded her head, "I understand completely. Forgive me I don't think I asked the little one's name, I really don't know where my manners are." She had a wistful look in her eyes watching Karina sleeping in Asper's arms, "I'm sure you must have questions Asper, I'll answer any you might have if it sets your mind at ease."

Asper listened to the two of them talk and then, Linlesse stated she was ready for questioning. "Pour tea for Darryl and juice for me. We can move to the sitting room after breakfast. Then I'll ask questions." Asper said giving Linlesse only a sideways glance. She really didn't like how the girl was eyeing Karina, the look on her face... as if she wanted to be where Asper was. Asper was very careful to keep both her face and voice neutral, she dished out her own food and dug in, no prayers. She knew Darryl would pray, he always did.

Darryl indeed did pray over his breakfast, Linlesse looked a little confused then did something sort of close. As they ate Darryl asked some general questions about her powers and Linlesse stated she could move faster than almost any person or animal, and had some offensive abilities. "I've also been able to read objects only once or twice, oh and I can walk up walls and across the ceilings." she explained as the were wrapping up breakfast. Then they all went into the sitting room, Linlesse carried Asper's juice and her tea while Darryl took his own mug in and sat beside Asper.

Asper settled herself and was a little amazed Karina hadn't woken to eat. Normally she was like clockwork, perhaps she was getting ready to grow? Jake did that sometimes... sleep a lot right before he got bigger or longer or taller. Asper didn't mind it too much though and once she was settled she looked Linlesse up and down. "Are you ready?" She asked. It was the only warning the girl would get before Asper began her questions.

Linlesse took a sip and set he mug down, "Yes, I think I am." She gave a nervous smile again and prepared herself for any questions the lady might have for her.

"How old are you?" Asper asked right away. She was planning on starting slowly with more acceptable questions and work her way up to some of her more concerned questions. She propped a pillow behind her back and another under her arm to support Karina's weight a little. the little one was starting to gain weight.

"Sixteen." Linlesse answered without hesitation.

"Have you reached maturity?" Asper asked immediately. Sixteen was young but most girls by sixteen had their monthly cycle. Thus she could have ulterior motives, not to mention the way she stared at Karina and glanced at Darryl continuously.

Linlesse blushed but looked Asper in the eye, "Yes, I have had my cycle." She tried not to look at anyone of them too much. They were such a good family and lady Asper was such a good mother to her child.

"Are you interested in my husband?" Asper asked keeping her eyes locked on the girls face the entire time. "Are you looking for a partner?" She asked a second question that followed the first.

"Partner..." Linlesse said the word and then the realization of the what Asper meant crashed into the young girl like a tidal wave. "Oh! Gods! no!"" she squeaked turning probably the brightest shade of pink either of the had ever seen, "he's so old...I mean no offense Master Ravenwood..." she quickly followed up. Darryl as it was hadn't said a word he was looking at his wife in stunned silence. Karina even managed to make a shocked noise at the change in mood around the room.

"Good. I don't share. Are your parents aware of your journey here?" Asper asked next rubbing Karina's back gently. Asper herself wasn't shocked too much, more relieved with the response and amused by the blushing.

Linlesse had gotten some measure of control back before Asper's question, but now her eyes dropped to the floor. "My mother passed a couple short months after I was born. And I'm sure now my father knows I've gone, but it's the reason I came for help to gain better control of my powers. I wish to go home and be able to see how things have changed without the possibility of my powers getting the better of me."

"Your mother was the Psion? What country are you from?" Asper asked, she didn't care too much about sappy backgrounds, or story's. She just wanted the rest of her answers from this girl.

"I'm not sure who I got my powers from, my father if he has them never uses them, and I'm from Valusia but I don't think originally." Linlesse looked up at Asper keeping eye contact with her.

"Very well, what are your parents names? And how did you get captured?" Asper asked. She needed to know if there were anyone against Darryl's family that could inadvertently be using Linlesse.

"My father is Ioan and my mother was Gwyneth." Linlesse answered then turned a little shy again. "I used my powers to the point of exhaustion and when I woke up I was in my cell and unable to use my powers to escape."

"What do you know of the Disciples of Soth? Or Soth in general?" Asper asked next, her questions came with very little space between them. She had clearly made a list as soon as she heard of this girl wanting to be with her husband for extended periods of time. As well as simply not being with her.

"Only what I've heard while locked up from the other sailors and in that case it was nothing good." Linlesse answered still holding eye contact although she smiled a little as Asper's face was bathed in violet light as Karina woke up and fussed. "Do you wish to stop until she's been fed? I don't mind waiting."

Asper looked down at Karina and gave her a hard look. "you picked a fine time..." She grumbled but she looked at Linlesse and rearranged Karina slightly, pulling up her shirt and tucking Karina under in a fluid motion, Asper rarely wore the undergarments of the kingdom and was bare beneath her shirt so Karina could readily latch under the shirt. With the shirt over Karina's upper body and Asper's arm, Karina was brought right up to Asper's breast to feed. "She's fine. She eats and sleeps and that can be taken care of anytime." Asper said making a slight face as Karina latched and fisted her breast roughly. "Be gentle child!" She admonished toward her shirt and rolled her eyes. "Why did you not go to the Enclave for guidance?" Asper asked with a finality that said this was her last question.

Linlesse screwed up her face as if the answer might make her look foolish, "What's an Enclave? When I got captured Kan Qan kept asking if I knew Darryl Ravenwood because he had powers like mine. So, I decided if I ever got free I'd try to find him and see if he could help me." She smiled at Asper, "I think it's the mark of a good mother who is ready to take care of her child no matter the time."

"I don't give a damn what you think of how I raise my daughter." Asper said giving the girl a nonplussed look. Asper really didn't. If she didn't care what the Ravenwoods said why was anyone else better? Asper did give Darryl a sideways glance. "Is the Enclave so exclusive to other psions only those with lineage know of it?" She asked Darryl softly, her face confused and not happy about it. "I'll allow it." she finally said after a quiet moment of contemplation.

Darryl shook his head, "They only look for those they feel have the most promise or the most to gain from their way of teaching. I was never given the opportunity as Alehial and Altair raised me as their own showing me love and affection. And I believe Linlesse was saying not all mothers are as good as you, not even my own." he said unable to truly shake that he almost became a sacrifice to a dark god so his mother could buy drugs.

"But they still wanted you... Just how powerful are you that this all powerful group wanted you so badly?" Asper asked looking up at her husband suspiciously. Though once she saw his face she scowled. "Stop that! Alehial and Altair loved you. I married you. You have brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins. You are 'loved'" she said the word with a roll of the eyes and a sarcastic tone. "So stop that." she finished looking into Darryl's face. She was the only one allowed to be moody and hateful. Unless they were in a fight then Darryl was more than welcome to crispyify any one of the bad guys he wanted as angrily as he wanted. Asper winced as Karina grasped her breast in her little hand with her sharp little nails again. "Anyways I give Linlesse permission to have your training, here. Every other day, for now." Asper said looking over to Linlesse.

"I rejected them when they returned, he had a chance to take me when I was young. I've never pushed myself to the brink of my powers." Darryl explained.

Linlesse could not help but smile having won the approval of Asper to train with Darry. "I should probably leave and head back to the Estate." she said before standing up and hearing the rain outside.

"Travel carefully." Asper said nodding her head to Linlesse. She couldn't really show her out with Karina feeding at the moment. But she did reach under her shirt to let Karina grab her hand and fingers rather than her breasts. Asper wondered what the training at the enclave was like though, and if it would make Darryl even stronger than he was now?

After seeing Linlesse out Darryl came back in and quietly sat on the couch beside Asper. Karina released her mouth and fussed being unable to see everyone, her glowing eyes lighting up her mother's shirt.

Asper pulled her out and adjusted her on her shoulder to burp her gently. "What's wrong? I know you're upset so don't even ask how I know." Asper said patting Karina's back gently, and looking over at Darryl's face. She knew some of the stuff she asked was probably shocking to him as well, but was he so surprised at her questions? Weren't they reasonable for a married couple?

Darryl looked at Asper, "I'm not upset, but the questions were a little uncomfortable. Especially about if she'd had her cycle or if she had interest in me. Although her answer that I was old bothers me just as much as the question." his face was priceless, like he was trying to deny that he was almost in his mid-thirties now.

Asper laughed at his face and comment. "To her we Are! Even to your brother and sister Conner and Lily we are old. Though neither of us tops your grandmother." Asper said with a chuckle. Karina burped and was turned around so she could look around the room properly. "We need to be careful with a girl Darryl. Not just because your a catch." Asper winked at him at that. "But also because she might try to find a little special friend and with her powers not controlled, that spells trouble. Especially since you are taking charge of her teachings." Asper said. She hadn't thought she really needed to explain her questions but then again they both thought very differently.

"We will have to see how her teaching progresses, I'm a little more interested in how our daughter is growing up." Darryl said tickling Karina's cheeks. Karina began to coo and laugh at the soft touches and grabbed Darryl's finger before pulling it to her mouth.

"Normally, she can just about support her own head now, but everything still goes in the mouth. and will for like years." Asper said with a shrug. She did smile softly though at Darryl playing with Karina.

Darryl after freeing his hand put his head lightly on Aspers shoulder, "I don't know sometimes I'd like to lay my head against someone I love and just listen." He moved until he could hear her heartbeat and closed his eyes, he could hear the requests from his parents and was taking care of them as he listened to Asper.

"Jake still does this every once in a while too... maybe you boys were coddled too much." Asper said lightly, she had adjusted Karina slightly further down so she wouldn't try to reach up and rip her father's eyelids off his face. Babies were destructive without knowing what they were doing after all. Asper simply sat and wrapped her arm around Darryl's shoulder and rubbed small circles gently.

"What would my wonderful wife like for supper tonight? Finn's or perhaps I could whip something up?" he said enjoying this quiet moment alone with his family.

"You promised we could all go to Finn's. So that is where I want to go. You can keep us all safe right? Jake and Karina?" Asper asked then, getting a little nervous at the thought that perhaps too many people would mean he wouldn't be able to keep them safe from Lash.

"I can, but if you are concerned we could ask her Grandparents to watch over them." he suggested to let her enjoy her first evening out of doors.

"No... I want Lyle to meet her too. Besides I bet she'll like Finns just as much as I do!" Asper said with a grin. She knew Darryl was trying to be considerate but Asper didn't care to let Karina leave her side, or Darryl's.

"Since we will have a little time before supper tonight, I will make sure to have a response to anything that may endanger you or the young ones." Darryl said. His room had served as a place to see how to best use his powers to defend his family and homeland. Although now he would need to make doubly sure nothing happened to Karina or Asper. Watching Karina's eyes glance about he wondered how her powers would develop, could she see things like death as he did years ago? Or could she produce a shield to protect herself and someone close to her? "I do not know how powerful she may become, but I know she will have no better teachers than the two of us."

"I remember the state I found you in as well. So if you could you know... put a cap on anything like that she might accidentally do... I'd appreciate that too." Asper said thoughtfully looking down at her daughter. "I'll go put a bag together, rags and clothes, for her spills." Asper said reaching down to take Karina from Darryl so he could go prepare, unless he wanted to take Karina with him. Asper was good either way.

"I'll hold onto her while you back the bag, give you some time with both of your hands free." Darryl said with a grin. He liked holding Karina and even more so sharing time with Asper.

Asper shrugged and leaned forward kissing Karina on the forehead then tilted up a little and kissed Darryl lightly on the lips. "Behave while I'm gone a minute." She quips with a grin before stepping out of the room to head up the stairs. She grabbed a small bag and grabbed a fresh diaper clothe and a blanket, as well as a second set of coverings. She also though of the spill clothes. There wasn't a lot to pack up so she was done in no time.

When she arrived back in the sitting room she found it empty, Darryl and Karina had relocated. It wasn't hard to find them as Darryl had said about going to his room to assure that any problems would be easily handled. He was standing back with Karina in his arms watching a fight taking place over some brigands wanting money. The men were impressive, but little match for Asper and himself even Jake was involved. "I doubt any Disciples would attack during dinner, they don't seem that foolhardy to disturb our meal." he commented already aware Asper was in the room.

"What's all this?" Asper asked curiously, she had been shocked at first and a little panicked, but seeing Darryl completely at ease and Karina in his arms did much to soothe that first burst of panic in her. She agreed though, seeing as the whole capital was aware of Darryl and what he was capable of. Especially his uncle's men.

"In here I can create anything, so it's helpful for training safely. When Karina comes into her powers we'll train her in the usage in here. Better than how I learned to control mine." He said turning to look at Asper. Karina was fully awake and her glowing violet eyes looked around before looking at Asper and her smile spread across her features.

Asper smiled briefly at her daughter before looking up at Darryl with a straighter face. "Okay, if that's what you think she will need. I'm personally pretty glad for how you turned out." Asper said with a shrug of her shoulders. She walked forward and kissed Darryl on the cheek and then Karina on the top of her head.

Darryl didn't respond to her comment on how he turned out, but smiled at he kiss. Karina cooed when her mother kissed her and reached out to hug her. "I reached out to Jake and he will meet us at Finn's, so we are ready to go when you are."

"Well I'm ready to go then. Let's go introduce Finn to the newest Ravenwood terror." Asper laughed as she caressed Maria's cheek before turning to leave the room. She didn't know if Darryl wanted to pop them over which would be a waste of energy or walk.

Darryl ended the simulated battle and turned towards the door, "I don't think the walk will be too bad, but if it gets too chilly we will use my powers. I don't want anyone getting sick." he said getting his cloak and waiting for Asper to keep up.

Asper pulled her own cloak around her shoulders. "Just keep her covered, she'll be fine." Asper said shrugging her shoulders. She was glad to be going out. She had also put a dagger or two on her person just in case.

Winding through the streets of Baerlon from their home to Finn's took very little time. Jake was waiting for them when they arrived, drinking a small mug of tea and talking with Lyle Tosscobble, the owner of the tavern and inn. When he saw them a broad smile broke across his face, "Well, I'll be Master and Mistress Ravenwood along with tiny Karina truly my establishment is well blessed with great patrons tonight!"

"Flattery will get you no where Tosscobble!" Asper grinned ruefully at the little man, she threw her cloak over her chair and sat beside Jake giving his hair a tussle. "Any issues getting about little Brother? She asked before making herself more comfortable at the table.

Jake smiled and nodded, "No, no trouble getting around the city."

Darryl hung his cloak and sat down with Karina on his lap, she was looking about her bright eyes taking in every color, shape and sound all at once. Lyle went and got them some mead and bread, "I remember those eyes only many years ago and a different shade." Karina turned to look at him and giggled at him as he set down the tray.

"Is she much like him when he was a babe?" Asper asked softly, she had been curious and wanted to ask someone but she refused to speak with Alehial. And no one else seemed to really want to tell her. Asper tucked her hair behind her ears and grabbed a mug. It had been a long time since she could enjoy herself out... without being pregnant or afraid. She smiled then brightly at Darryl and Karina sitting in the chair.

"He always was a quiet child, but very good natured even when things weren't that good. Nothing rattled him and Alehial even believed that he could see creatures of another realm even death and the gods." Darryl smiled but said nothing, he had heard these things from his parents long ago. When movement in the rear of the tavern caught his eye, there was a man who didn't really belong. It wasn't human but neither was it a demon or devil it was something else.

"As a babe even? I wonder if Karina can too? She's only a few weeks old though... what caught your attention Darryl?" Asper asked suddenly and looked the direction he was looking. "Hey now! Quit ogling strangers!" Asper hissed unhappily.

Darryl turned his attention back to Asper, "It was someone I thought I recognized. I'm sure as she gets older the more she will notice." Lyle smiled, "I remember the brigands who broke into the house and during the fight one turned on little Darryl only to vanish when the little psion said "G'bye" never did find out where he went."

"Is that what you were thinking about earlier at home?" Asper asked curiously as she finished her first mug. She smiled at Jake, "speaking of things... I hear there a girl your sweet on." She said with a grin to her little brother.

Darryl shook his head, "Other than Uncle Lyle and his children, I barely know anyone here, unlike Conner, Flint and Lyriel. Is that true Jake is there a young lady who caught your eye?"

Jake turned three shades of red, "WH-who said that, I m..mean I don't think their is anyone."

Lyle snickered, "Reminds me of your parents at one time or another Darryl."

"You are still a terrible liar Jake!" Asper laughed softly before looking between Darryl and Lyle, "what reminds you of them?" She asked curiously, wondering what he might possibly referencing.

"Alehial and Altair tried to deny what they felt for one another for the longest time. But, in the end it was easy for all of us to see, not like that was hard living in a tent on the frontier." Lyle said taking a drink from his mug. "I think it unfair for you to out Master Jake's secret, you just hold your cards a little closer to the vest m'boy."

Their meals came and Lyle took his leave to check on other customers and to Asper's disbelief Karina fell asleep amongst the hustle and bustle of the tavern. Darryl though wondered about the man no one else could see and what his arrival meant for his family.

Alehial gathered her breath and courage for what she was about to do... She was once again in Flint's old home, in the living room. She couldn't do this anywhere else, she pulled out the pin she kept tucked on her person and closed her fingers around it, gripping it firmly. "Galin, we need to speak... now." Alehial said with determination.

A few minutes passed then a portal opened and Galin stepped through into the room and glanced around. "I usually don't violate a king's command, but your tone was firm about this meeting. What can I do for you Alehial?" He took note of how she was dressed and armed, even though he knew not to dismiss any lack of weapon. His eyes kept hers for any sign of her summons, but he kept his face neutral and waiting for anything.

"Cut the bull. I have been waiting weeks and still you haven't brought Lily home! Nor have I heard from her again! You said you know where she is, so take me to her!" Alehial said narrowing her eyes and clenching her fist. The hand holding the pin pressing it painfully into her palm. She wantedd to draw her swrd and demand it. But she had seen what he was capable of, When he stabbed Darryl, not that long ago.

He held up his hands to placate her, "It's not that easy, she does not trust me and if you were to suddenly show up would that not mean you got your information from me? Think of the damage that would cause between you and her and not to mention if she told Altair that you asked for my help to find her. Be patient, I will try again to speak with her, but I fear there is some unrest in the city and I have men working to calm it."

"Have I not waited long enough!? Unrest? Is she in Danger?" Alehial at first was still simply angry, but when he said there was unrest, she had no real gauge for what Galin would term to be unrest, so she was worried immedietly about Lilys safety.

He raised an eyebrow, "waited? I fear you have become very demanding Lady Ravenwood, have I not started looking for the other wayward family members as well? I do have limits to what I am able to do and no the unrest would have to grow much larger for it to threaten Lily and her companion. So, do you risk your bond as mother and daughter or do you bide a little more time while I try to get Lily to agree to contact you?"

"It is hard enough to trust a liar but to keep asking for more patience with no further proof?" Alehial scoffed folding her arms over her armor and under her bust. "How do I know you are still attempting to get her to agree? I am attempting to be patient... I am trying to Give you the benefit! But given all you ha e done to me and my family, you... you aren't the same... but neither am I." Alehial said first angrily and then softly at the end, she dropped her arms and put her hands on her hips next to her hilts.

"Shall I run to her swordpoint just to convince her to write a letter home? Or perhaps you want me to kidnap her and send her home, risking countless lives when her companion finds out? If these sound like a good plan tell me, cause neither sounds very likely to succeed Alehial." he said walking closer to her. "Perhaps if you write a letter I could deliver it and maybe that may make this easier."

"No! She has made it clear she wants me to stay away from her! She has been missing for too long! Dammit all!!" Alehial put one hand to her forehead, covering her eyes for a moment, before running her hair back into her braided hair in frustration. "I asked you to find her and bring her home! Fuck!" Alehial cursed her left hand gripping the hilt of her scimitar tightly. It was clear she frustrated. "Take me to see her. Whether it ruins our relationship or not. I need to see she is okay." Alehial said finally turning to look at Galin again, not noticing or bothered by how close he had gotten.

"No." Galin said taking her wrist in his hand, "I will have one of my people use a spell to let you see her without compromising your relationship. For now it will have to do, until she trusts me to bring her home or at least to contact you." he said looking down at her. He had changed his tone and demeanor, he was concerned about her worries, but wanted Lily to want to see her as well.

Alehial scowled up at Galin, "No?! Let me see her?" Alehial tried to pull her arm free. " She is my daughter! How will your magic work but not my own?!" Alehial asked angrily, his understanding tone and manner made her doubt her own emotions. This is why she didn't want to speak to him, but he was the only one who knew where Lily was. "Why? Why you?!" Alehial looked up at Galin's face, her eyes watery with tears she refused to shed and looking into his understanding eyes.

"I am your ony link to her and I will not risk that for you. And the magic I will employ will be when my spellcaster is near her. Something blocks scrying and even Darryl's ability to locate her like it was with Xeph." Galin said letting his grip loosen but holding her eyes, "This is the way it must be else you could lose her forever Alehial, and I know that will hurt you worse than my refusal to take you to her."

"Then let me see her... if nothing else..." Alehial said looking down and away from Galin. She knew she shouldn't take her eyes off of her enemy but his eyes seemed to pierce her own. Like he could see how she was uncertain about everything. Like he did in fact know what would hurt her most. She pulled her arm to her chest and hugged it to herself with her other hand. She was confused and Galin seemed to not be at all. She had been full of determination not to let Galin squirm free of his obligation but as soon as they were together she folded.

Galin put his hand on her shoulder and lowered his face to her level, "Give me a couple days, when I contact you I will have what you wish to see. As I said she is safe, waiting tables in a tavern." he told her. Of course he left out everything about D'Karis and assassins.

Alehial made a face when he mentioned her job. "A tavern girl?! Lord's, as if I taught her nothing! I will wait. But Galin my patience is coming to an end. If you will not... or cannot help me... I will go and do it myself." Alehial warned looking him firmly in the eyes, the bright green of them narrowing to focus on his own. She didn't stop to think he was only a breath away from a kiss. She was so focused on her efforts to find her children.

The corner of his mouth perked up, "Have I not been a man of my word so far? Have I not desired to correct the wrongs of my life, even that of a man who was not me?" His eyes softened a little, he wanted to reach out and touch Alehial's face even a brief kiss, but it was still too early in all this. His game would be a long one and giving into a baser desire would undo all his work until now.

Alehial narrowed her eyes again. "I still do not believe that a bit! And you will not convince me otherwise. But... you have kept your word to me. You did find Lily... I will wait. But not long Galin." Alehial said pulling her hand loose from his and stepping back, keeping her eyes on him, also stepping out of his range making his hand fall from her shoulder. It felt weird to her being so close to him. "Contact me soon." She said softly before pointedly turning her back to him to leave the home.

He bowed low, "Check your pin tomorrow about time that you normal have the noonday meal. Perhaps I will have what you desire then, and where shall we meet once Lia opens her school here?" he asked tipping his hand a little that he knew some of the inner gossip of Andor.

"I really shouldn't be surprised to know you are spying on my family... where would you say would be a place I could frequent without suspicion then. Because this housee is one of the few places I go anymore..." Alehial said turning around in the door way to face Galin once more. Her right hand on the door frame delicately.

Again he smiled, "I leave that to you M'lady Ravenwood. As I have my requirement for our next meeting, you now have yours." He then touched his pin and the portal again reformed and he turned to leave.

Alehial had stepped quietly and quickly, grabbing his shirt sleeve before he went through the portal. "Thank you for this Galin. Even if it is all a farce or plot. I couldn't live if my children hated me. So thank you." Alehial said softly, her expression soft and sincere as well, she was looking up through her lashes at him.

He reached out and touched his finger to her chin, "Once long ago there was not so much bad blood between us. Perhaps after I've proven that I've changed we can get some sort of that back." he smiled at her but waited for her to release him. Although the way she was looking at him was increasing his desire.

"I don't believe that... and neither do you. I just didn't want this left without being said." Alehial said softly still feeling the conflict inside of her and it showed on her face. She pulled back however and hugged her arms tightly to her armor clad chest. Before turning away and leaving the room for real this time. "Until tomorrow then..." Alehial says softly as she leaves the house.

Galin watched her leave, once alone he keyed his pin to open the portal. "Every move has a counter and sometimes they bear unexpected boons." he said before entering the portal. Then the house was again silent and empty.

When Alehial arrived back at home it was getting late, dinner would most likely be over and most of the children in bed. It occured to her that Altair may question her missing a meal as she opened the door. Bowers was in the foyer and turned to see his mistress had returned home. "M'lady, it is good to see you are home. Shall I have the cook make something for you?" he asked reaching out to take her cloak.

Alehial handed the cloak to Bowers and shook her head. "No thank you... I ate while out." She said with a small smile, she hadn't planned on being out so late... Or not being needed either. In fact nothing was going to way she intended. "Conner and Vex returned safely." She asked seeing both their cloaks were hanging. She was relieved they had come home not too long after the incident at the wall.

"Yes M'lady although they had very little to say to one another." he said hanging her cloak up. "Master Ravenwood had asked about you earlier then set to putting the children to bed. Before heading to the study." he reported.

"Thank you... I will change first I think." Alehial says nodding her head at his report. She went to the stairs and began to ascend. The house was still full but without most of the older children it felt empty to her. She entered her room and went to her closet. She took off her weapons and hung them properly.

Their room was also quiet and felt alone, it was rare that Altair didn't sense her being home and come to speak with her. As she began to change the pin fell from her pocket and landed on the stone floor. A curious thing that pin, it belonged to a man who she should hate. But, it was the only link to her missing child.

Alehial knelt down and picked it up once more. She sighed softly and tucked it into her bosom for the moment. She pulled on an eleven dress and then a robe over top of that. She put the ring in her armoir next to her makeup. She sat down to brush out her hair.

When she had finished Altair had still not came into the room, most strange in it's own right. All of his equipment was in his case, the armor having not been worn in some time. Everything was quiet and had changed since they had settled down into a normal life.

Now that she was back to herself, Alehial left the room and made her way to the study. Her hair loose about her shoulders and her gown flowing as she walked down the hall. She wondered if something came to keep her husband so occupied.

That something was more of a someone, as she opened the door she found Altair on one of the couches with Alura in his arms. Both were asleep a storybook open beside them.

Alehial smiled, sadly, happily. She was conflicted about everything now, but she walked over, her footsteps completely silent. She took the book ever so gently from Altair to try not to wake him. She then scooped up Alura into her arms, and walked from the room to put her littlest girl in bed for the night. After putting her down Alehial covered Sirrian back up with his blanket as he was always kicking them off. She made her way back to the study and sat on the edge of the seat to gaze at Altairs face as he slept.

Shortly Altair woke and looked around as Alura had been there before he fell asleep. He saw Alehial and put it together rather quickly, "Was she asleep or just me?" He was almost sure that his little girl had outlasted her father who had been up since before the sun rose.

"I took her to bed. She was well asleep, as much as you." Alehial said with a small sad smile. "Come to bed, my dear. The couch is no substitute." Alehial said getting to her feet in one smooth graceful motion. She held out her small hand toward her husband and waited. She wanted held... because she didn't know what else to do.

He took her hand and got up off the couch, "She wouldn't go to bed for the maid and I brought her in here to read. I was going to ask Conner, but both he and Vex returned in a sour mood so I thought better of it." They went into their bedroom and finished getting read for bed. Altair took her hand in his and kissed the back of it, "I think this house just keeps getting busier around us all the time. Sometimes it feels like I barely get tie to see you let alone spend much time with the children."

"It does seem like there is always something happening. And someone missing." Alehial says softly as she climbs into the large bed and slides under the covers, then she gave Altair a pouty face and patted the bed beside her. "No more talk, all the cuddles now!" Alehial pouted cutely on purpose to try and get him to hurry.

He smiled back and joined her in bed slipping his arm around her and pulling her close to him.

Alehial placed her head on his chest and sighed softly when she heard his heartbeat strong and steady. It was a bad habit of hers, that she had picked up after he had died a few times, but she relaxed upon hearing it. Practically becoming a puddle in his arms as she relaxed completely against him. She had braided her hair for bed, and was wearing one of her eleven shifts, she enjoyed the softness but sometimes... She missed the course cheap fabric they used to wear... And she missed the earthy smell after they had been traveling through the forest on a quest or adventure.

Altair smiled, they didn't need any more words, this was their time to just be with each other. Their room had always been a place of quiet and sanctuary from the outside world. But, for him just being beside her was the best place to be.

"Tomorrow..." Alehial started to speak softly and paused as if gathering courage or trying to find the right words. "Tomorrow I am going out into the town. I've sequestered myself long enough..." Alehial left a hesitant end to her declaration, she snuggled closer then to his chest and closed her eyes. All the stress made her tired and the days activities wore on her. Plus she still hadn't been sleeping much as of late, despite Altair and the others telling her to.

As if on cue Altair began to stroke her back like he always did, it was something Alehial hated that he could do. He called it stealing her stress and would slowly render her into sleep. "That we can do tomorrow, but it's night time and sleep is calling my love." he whispered quietly.

"Ass, don't think-" Alehial was forced to pause so she could yawn, and she snuggled closer yet, almost laying atop Altair "-you can get away with this..." Alehial said softly in a muffled voice. The words slurring at the end as she began to drift off into slumber. "All the time." She finished as she fell promptly asleep.

"I still got it." Altair whispered with a smile as he continued just a little longer until he was sure she was asleep. Laying there together he listened to her breathing and let it carry him away into sleep.

Linlesse was in her room meditating, after breakfast she would leave for Daryl and Asper's for her first true day of training. She sat crossed legged in her room in front of the small fireplace in just her shift. Grandmother would have had a fit seeing her doing this, but she wanted to be comfortable but not naked in case she had visitors. Thoughts of home flittered up as she tried to concentrate on her breathing, were they safe, was everything better, would she ever return to them again. It was maddening trying to hold her concentration today.

"See I told you she was busy!" Came a whispered young voice. " No she's not look she keeps screwing up her face! She can't do it." Whispered a second female voice. "I don't think she'd like it if you said that." The first said with a giggle. "Shush! 'Sides she likes us! She wouldn't mind." The second voice said. If one were to look about the room, they would notice the door open a crack and two heads and two eyes peering into the room. The younger Ravenwood twins were awake and up to mischief already it seemed.

Linlesse, gave up hope of mastering her breathing this morning and opened one eye towards them. "Good morning, Samantha and Orissa. Come on in." she said with a smile and uncrossing her legs and pointing her toes at the fireplace. She enjoyed spending time with them, in fact she loved seeing all of the Ravenwoods. It was akin to living inside the greatest story you were ever told.

"Ha see told you orc breath!" Orissa giggled as she rushed in and jumped on top of Lin's legs. "Morning!' She said happily beaming up at their new friend. "Yeah well at least i didnt wet the bed and made my magic clean it!" Sammy said rushing in to hug Lin, to not be outdone by her sister. Orissa went bright red and screwed up her face angrily before pinching her sisters leg making Sammy cry out and smack Orissa hand hard.

Linlesse smiled a little, "My grandmother said that accidents were just that and nothing could never be so bad you couldn't fix it. And magic, now at your age is useful. Although, you should be careful about name calling. Samantha might actually catch 'Orc Breath'" she said to Orissa. Then to Samantha, "maybe striking her wasn't the best way to handle her pinch. Even if she shouldn't have done that either." But she returned the hugs and affection the twins gave her.

"I didn't use magic on purpose... Nanny cleaned it... not me." Orissa said softly embarrassed she still had so little control over her powers. And bladder. Sammy made a face but relented. "I'm sorry Rissa I know you didn't mean it." She apologized. Both girls hugged Linlesse tightly and kissed her cheeks, each girl picking a side to kiss simultaneously.

She returned the kisses quickly, "So, who else it awake already? Or am I your first stop?" She hopped up and went to her dresser to find something to wear today. "I mean I know the staff is up, it always seems like Bowers is awake. But are Conner and Vex or Elsa and her little ones awake?" Deciding on a pair of loose pants and a green tunic she shooed the girls up onto her bed while she changed behind the screen. "What are you guys doing today? I have training with Darryl and then I'm free to do something."

"We came here first. In case you were lonely again." Sammy said quickly helping her sister up onto the much bigger bed. "Grandma Lai is going to make me read old books today again... even though i dont get it. But that's after the tutors are done." Orissa said once on the bed. "How come you don't have to go to the teachers lessons Lin?" Sammy asked then, wondering why she got a free pass when no one else in the house did.

"Well." she said stepping out from behind the screen to sit on the bed to put on her boots, "I am sixteen and my time for those books is long over. Besides, my training is much like how master Darryl trains. And to do that safely I need his help. Orissa, I think Grandma Lia hopes you are a wiard, but I would believe you are a sorceress and will no doubt be a good one." she finished lacing her boots and leaned back on the bed. Reaching out she gently poked Samantha, "I'm waiting to see you in the practice ring learning to swing your sword at the bad guys."

"Mommy won't let no one teach me yet. She says schooling first then I can learn the elven steps, which are sword forms of the elves." Sammy says pouting about it. She also wanted to learn sword play now, she was already five! "Mommy got me two teachers but they both died... everyone knows I'm a sorceress... I've been kidnapped lots." Orissa says softly hugging her knees to her chest on the bed. "That's why Sammy wants to learn swords." She adds.

Linlesse hugged them both again, "I know that must be scary and I respect Sammy for wanting to protect her sister. But, right now that's all of our jobs cause that is what a good family and friends are for. Perhaps, I can convince Lady Ravenwood to let us go on an adventure later or even join us on one?" she mused to the girls. Her staff by the door pulsed lightly catching her attention, "We should go eat, or wake up more of the household then go eat."

"Bowers is up and so is chef. They wake hours before dawn." Orissa says smiling at Linlesse. The staff caught her attention to and she scurried off the bed to go look at it. She knew not to touch but she could feel something from it. It made her that to hold it and figure it out. Sammy smiled, " you think mommy would really leave the house?! Even though there's no work?!" She asked hyper at the thought of mommy taking them out now.

"Perhaps, I was going to see if I could do a little work here at the house to get some money to buy some new clothes, at least warmer clothes for an Andorian winter." Linlesse said with a smile. "I suppose I could ask if she and you two could come and give me some fashion advice and then we'll try to get her to have some fun." she said with a wink. "Go ahead Orissa you can touch my staff it won't bite." Linlesse said. It was a psionic weapon and posed no threat in the little girl's hands. She leaned over and tickled at Samantha and laughed as her plan sunk in with the girls.

Orissa smiled at Lin and reached out slowly. She could feel it now... The power inside the staff. She touched it and got a jolt down her spine. It made all the hairs on her arms stand on end. "It feels like big brothers... But different." She said softly out loud, she rand her fingers over the wood her little pudgy hands not big enough to wrap around the staff, but she was mesmerized by the feel of it. Then she grinned widely, she had synched with it. She could see it now. The magic. She didn't understand it and certainly couldn't use it, cause it was Psion, but she could see it now.

Sammy laughed before the hairs on her hands raised too in goosebumps. "Sissy stop now!" Sammy said squirming loose of Linlesse and sliding off the bed to grab the staff and pull it away from Orissa. Orissa eyes were glowing softly around the edges as she stared at the staff. Sammy put the staff against the wall again and hugged Orissa tightly until Orissa eyes faded back to normal and she hugged her back. "It's okay Sammy I was just looking at the magic... It was beautiful... But not yours." Orissa turned and looked up at Linlesse.

"Mine functions a little different from Master Darryl's. When I wield it it turns to crystal and I can change how it looks, even turning it into two shorter staffs." she said reaching out and taking it. With a little concentration it shrunk in size until she could put it in the holster at her waist. "Shall we go?" she said holding out her hands to the twins.

"Darryl only uses his if he's showing off." Orissa says softly taking one of Lin's hands and smiling up at the girl. "Yeah when he's serious he just kills people. Like proof and dust. He does it for his wife all the time." Sammy says taking the other hand. The girls walked Linlesse out of the room and down the hallway to the stairs.

Linlesse reached out and shut the door behind them and headed for the dining hall. And sure enough Bowers and a few maids were up and working already. They took seats and ordered breakfast and waited to see Alehial to try to schedule their adventure.

Alehial entered the room not long after their food had been ordered. She was in a house dress and her hair was loose around her shoulders. She had both youngest one on each hip. "Good morning you three, up early I see." She smiled as she got the other two into their high seats. She placed her own order and the babes.

Linlesse smiled then winked at the twins, "Lady Alehial, I was wondering if I were to want to exchange some of my money to do a little shopping for warmer clothes, would you be available go along to give me a little advice? Perhaps after my lesson today, and maybe take the twins with us?" She tried her best to sound like it would mean a great deal to go shopping with them.

"I would suppose you are in need of quite a bit of clothing... and supplies I should imagine. Come to think of it, all the children need new clothing, they just all keep growing." Alehial said with a smile as she ruffles Sirrians hair gently. She gave a kiss to the twins as well quickly and sat down when her tea was brought out.

Linlesse smiled, "I'll be happy to help with them, if you'd like after my training with Master Darryl today." She asked the maid for two eggs and a sausage along with a little bread and tea for her breakfast. "What are the two of you having ?" she asked the twins curious if their order would be the same or differ wildly from each other.

"Mmm oats for me please and a hard egg." Orissa said thoughtfully, Sammy on the other hand knew exactly what she wanted "two dippy eggs and sausage and beans and bacon and toast and potatoes!" She grinned happily telling the maid.

Alehial chuckled but went quiet and thoughtful after a moment. "Very well after lessons we will go to the market, I will invite Elsa and her babes as well, surely they need clothing too." Alehial agreed.

Linlesse giggled imagining the large procession of Ravenwoods going to market today. "Well, I will help as much as I can knowing that the smaller ones outnumber the adults."

"Well the girls behave well, but there will be guards and an extra servant to accompany us, I'll have a carriage sent along to bring what we purchase back to the manor." Alehial said with a wave of her hand. This little troupe would be nothing compared to when she had all the other children who were all roughly the same ages or close.

She thanked the maid who brought her food and set to eating, although she did say her prayers first. As Linlesse ate she talked with the twins about what kind of clothes they wanted. Sirrian decided he wasn't interested in his food and more at his sisters, "ORISSA! SAMMMA! Wanna play wif SISSIES! MOMMA!" Alura as always was quiet and ate well for her mother.

"If you eat you can play. No food no games." Alehial said sternly offering him the spoon with food on it. She spoke evenly not getting upset in the slightest. Sammy and Rissa giggled and scarfed down their food, so they could play a little before the tutor came.

Linlesse finished her food and handed the empty plate and cup to the maid and thanked her. "Oh dear I'm running late, I don't want to be late my first day." she said getting up from the table and bowing to the twins and then Alehial. Then she turned into a blur of movement and sped out of the room past a surprised Altair and out the door.

"ZOOM!" cried a surprised Sirrian who fell into a fit of laughter.

Alura looked shocked and a bit confused much like her father who was now eyeing the closed door.

"Linlesse is running behind and trying to catch up." Alehial said fixing her hair, giving Sirrian a wry grin. She kissed Alura's forehead and smiled at Altair. "Good morning sleepy head." She said.

Altair took a seat across from the twins after giving the usual morning kisses to everyone. He looked at Alehial when the maid asked what he wished for breakfast, "I don't suppose that there is any coffee?" However he asked for two eggs, bacon a small cheese and bread as well as some fruit. He took stock of everyone else in the dining hall and smiled, "I suppose that Elsa and Fael are still sequestering themselves with the small ones."

"I've heard that they have been venturing out to meals once a day. I was going into town today... to order new clothes for the children, I was going to invite them to come along. I'll even foot the bill." Alehial said with a smile as she wiped first Alura's mout and then Sirrians clean. "I suppose... I should let everyone enjoy coffee again, I've been hearing complaints...and found Conners stash." Alehial said eith a sigh. She was trying to keep her family healthy and their like of the bitter drink had her confounded.

"I know some of the kids would be forever happy if you were to do that." Altair commented. "Conner thought his hiding place was inspired, have you been that dogged in your pursuit of the competitor of tea?" he smiled at her.

Alehial blushed brightly. "I was looking for Else's stash of North candies." She mumbled as she finished feeding the two little ones. Sammy giggled and Orissa pinched her and shushed her quickly. They rarely got to see their mother blush and so they were trying to stay quiet to witness this.

"Excuse me M'lord, a missive has arrived and the girl's tutor is here." said Bowers from the doorway. In his hand was a rather official looking document and Alehial could see the royal seal on it.

"Alright girls you are dismissed. Make sure to do well, and I'll reward you with something from the market." Alehial promised with a smile for her daughter's. She was almost done feeding the other two but Sirrian was more playing with his than eating it.

"ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM!!!" Sirrian said trying to move faster than his mother could get the spoon to his mouth.

Altiar took the missive and opened it, reading it quickly and setting it down. "Gareth wants to see me as soon as I can get to the castle." he said looking at ALehial.

"Does it say why? Should I come?" Alehial asked worried now, she was thinking it had something to do with the children's marriage recently but it seemed perhaps not. She was getting exasperated with Sirrian dodging his food and stopped feeding him for now. He could feed himself if he was hungry enough.

"It doesn't say, I would assume it may be over Flint or something else. I don't think it'll be anything important to change your plans." Altair mused over a sip of coffee. He did however look at Sirrian, who under his father's eye stopped moving so he could be fed.

Alehial finished feeding Sirrian and let them both loose. They could run around for a bit until it was time to leave. " You should get ready to go then. It's not wise to keep a king waiting." Alehial said turning her attention to her husband fully now. She needed to go ask Elsa if she would like to join them shopping herself.

Altair nodded and finished his coffee then got up and gave Alehial a kiss, "I will see you later then, my love." He then quickly went upstairs to change for his audience with the king.

Alehial made a face at the taste of the Coffee but once he had gone she too got up from the table. She headed to Fael and Elsa's room and knocked politely on the door. She wasn't certain if they were all up but knew Fael would be.

Indeed the felid opened the door and welcomed his mother-in-law, "Lady Ravenwood how may I be of service?" The room was quiet as all three children were still sound asleep. Xeph on his stomach his tail moving of it's own accord. Caitlin curled up with her thumb contentedly in her mouth and the newest not making a single sound from his bassinet.

"I wanted to extend an invitation, I will be taking Alura and Sirrian, as well as the twins and Linelesse to market to get clothing and shoes. I wondered if your family would like to come to get some as well, seeing as the little ones are getting bigger." Alehial said with a smile at the scene in the room. Even Elsa was sprawled on the bed fast asleep and not quite as adorable but sweetly.

"I will pass it along as soon as she wakes, the little one wanted to feed a couple times last night and Xeph did not want to sleep." he said smiling at the little ones. "I apologize that we haven't been more active in the house lately.

"No need I remember those days fondly, it is good she can keep up with all three!" Alehial chuckled softly "the invitation is for all of you. And I don't mind splurging on you two either." Alehial said with a smile for Fael.

Fael nodded and smiled, "It is an honor, and I believe we will take you up on the offer mother." Suddenly Xeph awoke and cried out, Fael went and picked him up. He turned to Alehial, "Would you like to hold him for a while?"

"Please!" Alehial said with a warm fond smile. She reached out and cradled Xeph against her tucking him in close but leaving his tail unfettered. "There now little one." She hummed softly to the little Felid boy.

Xeph looked at her his eyes studying her face for a short time then he stretched and yawned. The sound could almost be described as a meow before resting his head against his grandmother and nodding back to sleep. Fael moved somethings off of the rocking chair and offered her the seat.

Alehial chuckled softly and sat with a thankful nod to Fael, rocking gently as she held the sleepy little boy. What a curious personality they all seemed to have developed. She wondered if perhaps it was their genetic disposition or simply their unique personality. Regardless she began to sing softly, a habit she had when holding a sleepy baby. A very old elven lullaby.

Elsa blinked slowly and looked around the room quickly. Smiling when she found her mother holding her oldest boy and singing him their song. "Good morning all." She said softly chescking quickly on the rest of the babies. It had been a while since Alehial had visited though and Elsa wondered at the occasion.

Fael sat and watched Alehial with Xeph, "My love, your mother wants to go out shopping for clothes with us, your sisters and Linlesse today. I think it's a great idea for all of us to get out and get some fresh air. What do you think?" he said looking at Elsa and smiling.

"Oh that sounds grand! I haven't been out in ages!" Elsa said with a broad smile, she got up then out of the bed to wash hands and face. "When are we planning this? I'd like to clean up a little... and prepare the babes." Elsa added quickly as she began looking through her clothing, she frowned and realized all she had were things to lounge about the house in and a few dresses from her pregnancy's. She was in definitive need of a new wardrobe.

Alehial smiled watching her first daughter. " Not until after lessons are over. Plenty of time to prepare, dear." She said with an affectionate smile for her daughter and husband. She was thoroughly enjoying her cuddles with the sleeping boy though.

Asper awoke to the sound of the crystal announcing that Linlesse was there and the following announcement that Jake had granted her entrance to the house. Darryl was already awake and holding Karina who was cooing and enchanted by her father talking to her. Looking over at his wife Darryl smiled, "Good morning, did you sleep well?" It then occured Karina had slept the night through without needing a feeding or changing.

"As well as I usually do... but more. Is she hungry?" Asper asked curiously, in fact as she sat up she realized her breasts were for one very heavy and two very full. She yawned and stretched though.

"I have no doubt she is hungry." Darryl said glancing at Asper. "Would you like anything before I begin working with Linlesse?"

"I'm certain I can manage. Go have fun being the teacher for once. And send Jake off to lessons so he won't be late." Asper said taking Karina gently from Darryl. As she Leander close to gather her little peaceful bundle though she did give Darryl a kiss on the lips. " And have a good morning." She said with a smile for him before she settled back into the bed and bared her breast for Karina.

Hours later Asper was in the kitchen when Linlesse came into the room and smiled, "Hello Mistress Asper, I should have said good morning when I arrived." She went over and poured some water into a clay cup and took a drink. Karina cooed from her basket and Linlesse turned and smiled at her as well, "Of course I wouldn't forget you little one, Good Day Mistress Karina." The young psion seemed rather happy still despite her lessons of the day.

"You were both eager to start. Want a sandwhich? I made some for every one, I can't promise they taste as good as anything Darryl makes." Asper said mangling a loaf of bread into slices. Some slices were very thick some thin some were only half slices. The meat was more evenly cut and so was the cheese, it seemed Asper wasn't really made for kitchen work.

Linlesse was quiet for a moment, "They look just fine to me. Should I let Master Darryl know they are ready?" Karina giggled from her basket and that familiar violet glow could be plainly seen.

"Yes..." Asper said softly, leaving the counter for a moment to check on Karina, she always worried the little girl would use a power suddenly when her eyes glowed like that, because Darryl did. Asper then looked at Linlesse too. "Do your eyes glow?" She asked with no fact or subtly. She wanted to know if they had a different color too.

"I sometimes keep them low so not to worry people." Linlesse said letting her green eyes glow just like Darryl's. "Their glow ties into emotion and powers, brighter for love or anger or if we are overexerting. Dimmer for contentment or if we are out of energy." She turned around and yelped in surprise as Darryl was standing there. "I had wondered what was taking you so long, but I see Asper made lunch, thank you." he smiled at her and his eyes brightened up when they met hers.

"Do they all glow in different colors?" Asper asked then as she went back tot he counter and sort of mashed the sandwiches together. She plated one for each person the look on her face almost daring them to make a comment about how they turned out.
She also got three glasses of water, she figured they would be thirsty after so much practice. She gave Karina a spoon to hold, and scooted her and the basket near her.

"Whatever color our eyes are, that's the glow." Darryl said as he took the plate and let his fingers brush over hers. Linlesse nodded her thanks when Asper gave her a plate and then bowed her head for a moment saying a quiet grace. Darryl took a bite, "I believe we are done for the day Linlesse, you said you were going to go shopping with my mother, sisters and the little ones. You'll need time to clean up, Asper would you like to go as well?" he looked at her with the hope she might be interested in a little shopping outside the house.

"Hmmm." Asper responded to the answer she was given. She had finished her sandwhich before both of them and put her dish in the sink. "We don't need anything for the house so I'm going with a no." Asper said shaking her head. She snagged more meat and cheese to munch on though, she wondered why she was always hungry but figured it must be because she was feeding Karina too.

"Maybe." Linlesse offered, "Something new for you to wear or something for Karina. I have no doubt she's getting big." Darryl smiled at Asper, "I leave the decision to you. But, maybe it would be better to show my mother how you'd like Karina dressed before she spends coin on something you'd hate."

"Then we are all going." Asper said with a shudder at thinking of something overly laced and 'adorable' Alehial might put her daughter in. Asper however was still unwilling to leave the safety of the house and Karina's side, not when she knew Galin was out there somewhere and he had already unleashed Lash on her.

Darryl smiled, "we will get ready and meet all of you in the market Linlesse. Until then safe travels and remember your lessons."

She smiled and took her plate to the sink and washed it and Asper's and dried them before bowing to both and leaving out the front door.

"Alright fine. I like her. Happy now?" Asper said rolling her eyes. She leaned over though and picked up Karina, if they were going out she needed bundled up against the cold as winter was nearly upon them. Asper too wanted warm layers to wear out. She began to go up ththe stairs to Karina's room.

Behind her Darryl actually smiled, the young girl was a wonderful student and very eager to learn. And now that Asper admitted that she like her it easier for him to teach her without worrying that his wife might decide to not ler her in the house.

A short time later A small parade left the Ravenwood estate heading for the market place. At the same time Darryl and Asper brought Karina to the marketplace as well. Linlesse had assigned herself to look after the twins and firmly had them by the hand. Leaving Alehial to deal with Sirrian, while a maid carried Alura. To most of the merchants it was the chance to make a lot of sales as long as their goods were of quality.

For Alehial this was very nostalgic of when her oldest children were young again, except when they reached the market other than a handful of shops in buildings everything had changed. The market was almost completely unfamiliar to her. The other thing Alehial noticed was that, in this main market place of the city... She saw a lot less non humans or mixed races. In fact when looking for her favored seamstress shop which had been run by an elf, it was gone. And another shop was in its place.

Elsa had her youngest in a sling on her back bundled up and was carrying Caitlin, because she was always the most well behaved of her twins while Fael, with his mask and hood and tail hidden carried Xeph. She was watching her mother and was a little worried by how confused Alehial seemed. Also she too noticed there were a lot more humans and less of other races around thinking it quite odd.

Meanwhile Orissa holding Linlesse's hand was looking around her in awe of everything. There was a stall just for Candy, there was a stall for hot breads, there was a shop of magic which she really wanted to go in too. Samantha on the other hand while also excited zero'd in on the more adventurous shops, and toys. Both girls looked and pulled at Linlesse's hands as they strained to go look closer.

Asper was wearing pants and a tunic with a heavier longer woolen tunic over top. She didn't like winters here in Bearlon, she was also wearing a hat of disguise. She hated leaving the house without something to hide her half drown status. She was thankful Karina could blend in easily enough on her own with her more blonde hair and her slightly more human flesh toned skin.

Alehial decides finally to stop and ask someone nearby about the seamstress and where or what had happened. She was certain she was still in business, after all she kept placing orders through Bowers and they kept receiving clothes from her. After speaking for a few moments she frowned deeply, rejoining the group she looked at Elsa before announcing. "We will do some shopping here... then we will head to the market on the west side." There were several small markets all over Bearlon, the two biggest were this central market and the one near the docks, all others were considered... less fortunate areas to work or have business.

Linlesse crouched down and brought both girls in front of her, "We can't go to both at once, so someone has to volunteer to see their shop second. And if we have time I will take you both to the stall for some candy, and the one who volunteers will get first pick there." In truth she was fibbing just a little, she'd get both girls something at the shop.

Fael listened to Alehial and added, "This area seems not to favor those of non-human lineage. Would it just not be best to go to those shops and spend your coin there?" He was a little nervous of the people looking down on elves and non-humans and being around his children.

"While they may not favor the lineage Feal they will favor the coin we have to spend and the family name."Alehial said, getting a hard look in her eyes. Her shoulders set back and her back becoming rigid. "We will shop for the other things we need. Then go where we need for what we really came for." She said in a manner that Brookes no arguments.

Elsa smiled at her mother. She reached out her hand to touch Fael's arm. "No one will dare to do anything to the Ravenwoods. Even if we are a little odd." Elsa promises him. While she was simply human Elsa felt closer to non human races. Her husband especially but she too was disdainful of close minded people.

The people from the stalls looked at the Ravenwood troupe with interest, their clothes spoke of money, but many had never met Lord or Lady before. However, some did know that Lady Ravenwood was a half-elf and they had several children some of which were of mixed parentage.

Fael glanced aound at the people, after having a child stolen from them he was acutely aware of any danger to his family.

Sammy looked at Orissa and Orissa looked back after an intense moment of staring they both spoke quickly almost under their breath. It was gibberish but after only a few mkoments Sammy shrugged and Orissa grinned brightly. "Magic shop!" Orissa proclaimed proudly to Linlesse. Sammy nodded her head in agreement with what Rissa had said.

Alehial smiled softly at Fael. "I have my full assembly of spell at the ready not to mention your own skills. We won't get any physical issues today." Alehial said reassuringly. She had however noticed the less curious and more upset faces amongst the crowd. She wondered when Bearlon had become... so prejudiced. It wasn't when the children were all younger, she had often taken them around the city. So within the last ten years at least it must have begun, that was before Galin returned so this wasn't his doing. Alehial shook her head to dispell her thoughts and instead they went to the store that sold magical ingredients for spells and such.

Linlesse and the girls followed Alehial into the shop which had a sign above the door The Phoenix Feather. Inside the shop smelled of herbs and spell components, inside locked cabinets were items of magical natures with small cards written with titles, powers and cost in gold and in many cases Price Not Negotiable. A sleepy cat sat upon one of the counters and opened an eye when they walked in, a young man was busy sweeping behind another counter and an older man was behind the main counter writing in a large book and really didn't look up when they entered, as he seemed very focused in writing in his book.

Alehial looked around for a moment only before turning to her younger daughter "Orissa, you may have one item, of a decent price. Do Not Touch It First." Alehial warned sternly. The last time Orissa had been taken into a shop, she had grabbed a few items and set things off or absorbed what was in them. Alehial was positive that's where her goblins had come from. Beyond that Alehial nodded to the rest of the family, Elsa would know what spell components she needed. And Alehial wanted to pick up a few wands, and some tea for her and Altair. And a few spell components for herself.

Elsa smiled at her mother, she had her hands full with so many children of such diverse and unique skills and backgrounds. She walked over to the shelves all of her things were at and looked at the prices.

Linlesse made sure that she kept one of Orissa's hands while they looked about the cases, many of the items were expensive. Even as Alehial located some of the items she wanted the old man still kept writing in the book. "May I help you M'Lady?" the young man asked bowing low.

"Yes you may, we have quite a list that needs met I'm afraid. My oldest daughter, the one with the babes, she will need spell components. I will need a few things myself, once it is all packaged, I will be having a servant come to pick it up. The order and payment is to be made for the Ravenwoods." Alehial said quickly. She gestured to Elsa looking at what she would need and Alehial herself produced a list from a pouch. Having to juggle Sirrian just a little to get to it. There were a few wands on the list for household use and personal, as well as tea for her and Altair. She had a second list with the first that was things for Lai as well.

Asper was looking around the shop curiously, some of the magic in here would be useful if she ever wanted to pull any jobs in the future. But she held Karina as she wondered about looking.

Orissa nodded at her mother that she wouldn't touch and wondered what she should get. Or what would be useful. What she really wanted was some offensive magic... in case bad things happened again. So she was looking at scrolls of magic missile and fire balls.

In all their looking Linlesse lost grip on Orissa's hand and the young girl eyes full of wonder wound up behind the counter near the old man. He looked away from the book and hard at Orissa, his eyes were failing and he had wrinkles upon wrinkles and his voice was barely a whisper, "Young one so strong in magic, what brings you to my shop? Are you looking for a weapon or perhaps a shield for those you love? I have many of both things in my shop and many that can help you, but you must choose what is most important to you."

Orissa smiled at the old man before scrunching her face up thoughtfully. "A weapon... to protect those I love." She finally decided on. After all she got posed these questions a lot and as a heroes child she knew sometimes a sword was better defence then a shield and vice versa. "A spell... that lets me be strong." She added softly demurly fidgeting with her hands. She had promised her mother she wouldn't grab anything.

He chuckled and smiled at her, "very smart little girl. strength does not come from a spell, but from the heart and the mind and I think that you deserve two things." He held out a little small metal ball and a quill, "You do know that sometimes a weapon can make you visible to an enemy. and sometimes the best shield is a the fires of a home with those you love and trust."

"Thank you sir. I will try to remember." Orissa said sweetly smiling back at the older man. She took both items in her hand curiously. The last time she touched a magical item she absorbed the spell from inside of it. It didn't even need activated, she could just know what it was and how to use it.

The metal ball was cold and felt light in her hand and then a curious thing happened. Orissa felt like she was holding water and then the ball got smaller and smaller and the cold ran up her arm until it arrived in her head. And as sudden as it started it was over and Orissa was standing there with just the quill in her hand. The old man turned back to his book and muttered something that she did not understand.

Rissa tilted her head and looked at her hand curiously, then she looked at the quill, it hadn't done anything at all, she so left all of that and continued to look around at magical items her mother might let her buy.

As she walked past a rack entitled blank spell books the quill quivered in her hand. and when she looked down she could see the quill glow with magic. And in her head she felt the need to write something, anything perhaps a hopeful story about an adventure she and Sammy would go on one day. Her mother was going over her list with the younger man and Linlesse finally came up behind her and slipped her hand into Orissa's free hand, "Did you find anything interesting Supreme Mage Orissa?" She smiled at her with the little nickname and looked at the quill, "Or is that the item you are buying today?"

"The old master gave me a test... and a reward. I think I'll ask mummy if I can have two blank spell books. They will be cheaper than one magic item or wand or scroll." Orissa said with a smile as she took Lin's hand again. She smiled at her sister, she wanted to try out the new spell in her head. In fact she hadn't been using any of her spells recently and there were a few she needed to work with until she fully grasped them. And unlike Elsa and grandma La I, she didn't need components.

Sam knew that look on her sisters face. She got new spells, or one at least. And she wanted to try it out. It was alright with her though because she was planning on working on the elven steps alone in the practice ring and they could do that together. Seeing as daddy still didn't want to teach her yet.

Linlesse knelt beside Samantha as Orissa went to speak with her mother, "Perhaps after we get home and settled you can show me what you had learned in Sildea? I too need to practice my combat steps." and she winked and held out a pinkie finger to seal the deal.

The young man had been gathering everything that Alehial had on her list and as it was all laid out for the Lady's approval. "Will there be anything else Lady Ravenwood?" he asked, looking very tired and worn down. He must be an apprentice by the looks of him, his clothes were not of high quality and it looked like he had gotten very little sleep last night. He did however smile and be as friendly as possible.

"No i-" Alehial began to say but Orissa hugged on her skirt and Alehial stopped and smiled at her daughter. "Yes dear did you find what you wanted?" Alehial asks softly. Orissa nods her head and smiles back. "Just two blank spell books... please mommy." She said sweetly up to her mother. Alehial nods and looks at the young man. " two blank spell books and that will be the last of it." Alehial said with a smile. Of course she had plenty to cover the cost but she wondered if they would let her put it on the Ravenwood trading tab.

The apprentice nodded and got two books that looked very close to each other and set them with everything else. "And with the rwo books come to 1,650 gold, lady Ravenwood." he said trying to stifle a yawn.

Over near a set of steps the twins saw two sets of eyes watching them, both very close to their age. One set was a little boy with grey hair and red eyes the other was black hair and stark blue eyes. They watched with interest the arrivals into the shop and had seen Orissa interact with the old man and whispered to one another.

Samantha noticed the boys and how they stared at her sister. So she freed herself from Lin and stomped over to Orissa. Grabbing her hand and pulling her away from mommy and back to Lin. "There are weird boys talking about you. I don't like it." Sammy whispered to her sister. Orissa looked over her shoulder and smiled at the boys, she liked the one with red eyes. "So what. We are interesting." She giggled softly letting her sister lead her around.

The one with the grey hair stuck out his tongue at Samantha and the other chided him. "That one called us weird Cassin." Said the one. "Well you are a little different Nazri." said the one refered to as Cassin. "Well so is she then, cause she doesn't have any magic aura." Nazri said watching the twins.

Samantha heard them chatter at each other and she went red in the face. Her being a magical void was a sore topic after all, especially with Orissa being what she was and all. Orissa heard them too, and instead of comforting her sister she instead focused for a moment while her sister led them back to Lin. She was summoning two imps. Or trying to, the pink one that always tickled and the little green one that got grabby and clung to people. They should if she did this right appear behind the two boys.

Samantha now beet red either angry or embarrassed turned to glare at the two boys on the stairs, she had only called them weird because they were staring, but now she was getting a little worked up. "Tight Sammy... too tight." Orissa spoke softly wiggling her fingers in their clasped hands. It made Sammy loosen her grip with a sorry under her breath.

Sure enough Orissa's imps arrived, the tickler taking to the dark haired boy while the grabby one tried to catch the grey haired one. Although, Nazri wasn't keen on letting it touch him and bounded the rest of the way down the stairs leaving his brother behind. "YOU'LL NOT HAVE ME WHATEVER YOU ARE!" he squealed like the hounds of hell were chasing him. and ran past Elsa, Darryl and Asper then past Alehial and Aloura. "Help Da! It's after me!!!! The other one got Cassin, but this one won't get me!!" he cried before jumping into a shadow in the room and vanishing.

Alehial was putting their goods on the Ravenwood business tab, and wasn't paying too close attention to her twins, not while Linlesse was there keeping an eye on them. She was holding Aloura as well, and trying not to let the young one grab things.

Asper meanwhile grinned at the children's antics and pointed out to Darryl the two things she needed. A wand of block the seed and delipatory.

Elsa had her hands full with Caitlin wanting to grab things from the cases or smearing her face up against them. She was having a pleasant time though.

Darryl nodded to Asper that they had more than enough to buy them, then watched the young child run from one of Orissa's imps until he vanished. Then looked at Asper, "That is why I'm glad Karina will more than likely have psionic powers."

The old wizard screwed up his face, seeming to bring together a complex line of rebuke for his apprentice's children. Then his face calmed, "Lorne, when you finish up with her purchases and straighten up I shall pay you and then release you from any further employment. I have warned you about bringing the boys here."

Lorne looked up at ALehial and then sighed and went back to finishing the contract for the purchases, "Yes Master, I apologize for the chaos they have caused. It has been an honor being your apprentice and clerk." Up on the stairs the other boy was still giggling as the imp continued to torture with tickles.

Alehial scowled softly and turned on her twins. "Orissa Clara Ravenwood! What do you think you are doing?" Alehial said in a scolding tone, she moved Alura better on her hip and grabbed her sorceress daughter by the ear. "Call off your imps, Orissa, right now." She warned.

Orissa scrunched her face at the pain from her mother's ear hold. "But mommy!!! Ow! I'm sorry!" Orissa said pulling back her magic quickly last her mother get really angry. The imps vanished instantly and Orissa clung to her mother's wrist.

Sammy let go of her twin and went further red. "Mom! No she was defending me!" She said trying to get Orissa out of such trouble.

Alehial gave both girls a severe look. "What you have done is disrupt a store, had a good man fired from his job and apprenticeship and sullied our honor by behaving this way! It does not matter what anyone says about us! How we behave says more about us! Now you both apologize to this young man and the shop owner, as well as the boys!" Alehial said strictly. This was the first time the girls had ever behaved in any manner to cause mischief on purpose and Alehial worried about Orissa using her magic this way.

Elsa shook her head. They were Ravenwoods through and through she tried to stop kaitlyn from giggling and she knew Fael would be having similar troubles.

Asper grinned though she had enjoyed the entire show really. She wondered though at the little gray hairs and red eyed boy, was he a halfbreed like her or something else she wondered. "That will causee our own problems I'm sure.. But none you can't handle." Asper whispered back not wanting Alehial to turn her wrath to her.

Lorne looked up, "No M'lady I knew what might happen by bringing them here, Nazri is a little willful and causes plenty of trouble on his own. I'm sure mine had a hand in what happened as easily as yours, no need to apologize." Up on the stairs free of the imp now, sniffled and wiped his face on his sleeve. Behind Asper she noticed the little red eyes peering out from under a sales case, "Is it gone? They won't get me, no they won't."

"I'm sorry sir but I must insist. Magic makes you no better than any other, and to use it for anything other, than a needed purpose is folly. Orissa apologize." Alehial's tone of voice left no room for arguments from the twins. Alehial released Orissa ear and gave her a hard look then. Orissa held her ear tightly to her head but shyly curtsies to Lorne. "I'm very very sorry I got you into trouble sir." She said softly, Alehial then pointed to the boy on the stairs, and Orissa hung her head and walked to the steps. She curtsied again and called up the steps "I'm sorry I made my imps tickle you... and scared you..." she didn't look to Alehial before she walked over to the counter where the other boy way. She was trying hard not to cry now as she curtsied again "um sorry my imp chased you and got your daddy in trouble." She said before walking back up to the old shopkeeper that she had spoken to before. "I'm very sorry to have caused mischief in your store sir... and I promise not to again... Um you can have this back... since I was bad." She said softly offering him the quill he had given her before.

The shopkeeper shook his head, "While your misuse of magic had consequences, it does not change the answer you gave that won you the quill. Your apology is accepted, however it changes nothing for my former apprentice." He looked back to Alehial, "You are raising your children to be responsible and that is a good thing and brings honor to the name Ravenwood."

Samantha was mad now and the wasn't sure who she was mad at most, her mother, herself or the boys for being big babies. But she clenched her fists and trembled in anger.

Alehial nodded her head and she too apologized. "I am very sorry my children started this. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help." She told Lorne giving him one of the Ravenwood name cards she often used in business dealings. She turned to the shopkeeper as well. "And sir, I will attempt to keep better watch over my daughter's should we return... so that no other incidents such as this might happen. I'm afraid she is young and doesn't yet understand the gravity of wielding magic." She apologized.

The old man nodded and turned back to his book and Lorne took the card with a nod of his head, "Thank you M'lady." He packed everything up and handed it to the staff to place on the wagons for the ride home.

Orissa stepped over back to Sammy and the two immediately clasped hands and stood shoulder to shoulder. Orissa watch tears in her eyes and holding the quill tightly to her little chest and Sammy with her free hand in a fist and her jaw clenched tightly shut. Both girls stepped over to Linlesse then and didn't make another peep.

Elsa lead Fael from the shop quickly as her twins were welled up a little now and there were far too many interesting things for them to get a hold of in the shop.

Alehial finished her business and smiled at Darryl and Asper and baby Karina before she too ushered the maid holding Sirrian out the door, as she cuddled Alurra closely and followed behind. Making sure Linlesse led her troublesome daughters out of the shop.

Asper was content to let Darryl handle the money and the wands since her hands were full of Karina. But she did have one question. " Your boy... what exactly is he? Is he truly your child?" She asked of Lorne, curious to know if there was other half creatures like herself, or from similar situations.

Lorne looked a little pained as he tried to find the right words to explain he two very different sons. "They are both my sons by different mothers..." he satrted only to be cut off by Narzi who finally came out fro his hiding spot. "My mum was a devil and Cassin's was a cleric and they well...." he didn't finish the story as his brother on the steps turned bright red. Lorne ushered Nazri back to the steps, "Both of you get your things and sit there until I'm done."

"I can understand how difficult it is... to be half of something no one trusts. You seem like a fine father. I'm sure they'll both turn out more than fine. I would if I were you mean on the Ravenwoods favor a bit. They can be useful sometimes." Asper said with a grin at her husband. She herself wasn't wearing her HoD or make up, and she was holding a small babe who's eyes periodically glowed. She was very aware how it was to be different and not accepted easily... or at all.

Outside Linlesse leaned down to give Orissa her handkerchief, then turned to Alehial, "I'm sorry I let them out of my sight. I should have kept a closer eye on them while we were inside." she hoped by taking a little of the blame off of the twins things would calm down quickly. "I'll understand if you wish to cut this trip short." she completed hoping Lady Ravenwood would decide to keep going so she might get the twins a little candy as she had promised.

Alehial smiled softly at Linlesse. She was a very bright young girl already and seemed very mature, quite different than her son but she ship is her head. "We have a lot of shopping to do. Just because one of my children's behaves badly isn't going to change that fact. I believe however that my daughter has learned her lesson." Alehial said before freeing on of her hands from holding Alura and stroking Orissa's hair gently.

Orissa took the hankcheif and wiped her face carefully before handing it back. She nodded her head that she had understood she had been bad. She clutched Linlesse's hand and looked at the paved stones of the road.

Sammy was still mad and she was holding tightly onto Linlesse, she was also looking at the ground because she had seen what mommy did to those who showed inappropriate attitude towards those who didn't deserve it.

They then left this marketplace and headed to another market where the seamstress who Alehial had hoped to find had her shop. The neighborhood was more diverse here and many travelers of different races could be found. Linlesse held the twins hands just a little tighter as they passed shops and stalls selling all sorts of things. "This is truly an amazing place. where do you think we should go first?" she asked aloud.

Alehial scowled, worn down cobbles... warn and used wood being re-use. Not more than a few years ago most of these shops were in the main market and were well received, now... in a packed market. With house's all around and even warn down everything. These were the slums, and Alehial was more than unhappy about that. She led the way to the seamstress's new shop. She entered quickly and ushered the rest of the family in as well.

Kenia Olowenys had come to Baerlon when the elves opened the consulate along with her husband Lathai. Things had went well for many years, everyone loved her fashions and she could barely keep up with the demand for her clothes. Then came those who pushed her and the other non-human vendors from the market and from notice of the nobles. Lathai was working in a tavern down the street keeping the peace, but it scared her when he returned home with bruises or a cut. She was just finishing repairing a hem when she heard the door open and she looked up moving a dark chestnut lock of hair from in front of her face. She blinked for a second, unable to really believe Alehial Ravenwood was here in her shop again.

"By the God's! It is good to see you again Kenia!!" Alehial said with a broad smile at her friend and only Seamstress to dress the Ravenwoods. She readjusted Allura on her hip, and walked closer to the elf woman she hadn't seen in a few years. "I'm afraid I've finally warn the clothes you made us years ago and need new ones for my children..." Alehial said with a smile, "I also brought some of the grandchildren. To get a few outfits at my expense." She said waving at Elsa and her husband and kittens, and Darryl and Asper and their little one.

Kenia returned the smile and came around her work table to see the Ravenwoods, "It is good to see you again Lady Ravenwood. I don't have quite the supply I had years ago, but my shop is at your call." She had not been lying, between the payments for the shop and trying to get fabrics they were not doing very well. A couple of her apprentice seamstresses had left looking for more profitable work in the other marketplaces.

"I will get you what you need Kenia and foot the bill no worries! But I need your talented hands to make the clothing! I haven't had you on retain for nothing all these years! How have you been dear? Come meet the last four I've had. Daniel is turning out to be quite the architect... the twins are Orissa and Samantha, Lynn is a new friend we recently acquired. The little devil boy my maid is carrying is Sirrian and this little girl is Alurra. My daughter Elsa whom you must remember is married to Fael and those are their three children Xeph, Kaitlyn and Dahar. Then Darryl got himself a wife as well and their newborn Karina." Alehial let out a comic sigh as she finished her monologue of introductions of everyone to Kenia.

She smiled at all of them in turn and told Alehial her family had grown into such fine people. "I do not know though if you still wish my services. Many of those who supplied me will no longer do business unless I can pay the tariffs for bringing materials into this area of the city. And alas, many of my apprentices have left me as this area is sometimes dangerous and without guards unless you can afford them." She hated telling Lady Ravenwood her troubles, and hoped Thatcher the Brute didn't hear about her visit and raise his fees upon her shop.

"Then I will simply have to bring materials to you. Our business has grown and I see no reason for it not to continue to do so! But Kenia, did you both inform the Embassy of your troubles? Tarin-Gail I'm sure would have done his best to help you." Alehial said first with confidence and then with a little worry. If a prosperous business woman and business was treated this way... how were the rest of them treated? Why were they being separated so? Alehial had a lot of questions.

"They have done their best to help us, but he can't assign guards to us all the time. In truth I didn't want to give up my old shop, but business slowed down so badly that I was forced to move when Talis Juddean bought the building and made the rent impossible to pay. And of course there is..." she trailed off as the door to the shop opened and a man entered.

"Good day Kenia, time to collect your daily fee plus part of what you" he too trailed off noticing the people in the shop looking at him. "Is this a bad time?" he said looking directly at Kenia. His tone was enough to harden Fael's features and Linlesse reflexively put the twins behind her. Darryl too placed himself between the man and Asper while she held Karina, suddenly the man looked a little concerned for his safety.

Alehial turned around as the man entered. She then handed Alura the the maid holding Sirrian. It wouldn't be for long. "There is no time like the present I believe the human saying goes." Alehial said looking the man up and down. She then stepped forward to stand just in front of him, it seemed Alehial had something in mind. "Man... how much does Kenia pay as a daily fee? And how much does she owe Thatcher?"

While Alehial seemed ready for a fight, Elsa was not. She held Kaitlyn close and offered to take Xeph from Fael just in case, mother needed help.

Asper looked at Darryl and then at his mother. She knew this type. Dealt with them all the time. This was an orginization... and she knew what was going on right away... She even had a rough idea on what Alehial was planning because she knew what sort of woman she was. Asper was not afraid of this thug and so stepped to stand beside Darryl so she could watch and Karina could see.

Samantha tightened her grip on Linlesse's hand and scowled heavily. While Orissa shrank back behind Linlesse as if hiding from the man would help, she was ready just in case mother told her to run or she could use a distracting spell.

Thatcher's man looked worried but did not shy away from the questions, "Two gold per day and she owes a total of twenty. So, currently twenty-two gold pieces." he said tapping his belt pouch.

Linlesse scoffed, "That would be immpossible to catch up if she doesn't get much business, or keep paid up."

Kenia nodded, "I barely make enough to put food on the table and keep supplies, I even have been unable to pay my guild dues for my shop." She didn't want to look helpless in front of Lady Ravenwood, but it was hard to hear the amount out loud.

"I see... hmm yes that is quite the predicament isn't it. Well don't you worry a thing about it. Consider it taken care of Yes? But do tell me... what is she being protected from that is worth two entire gold peices a day? I hope it's something important... you see I'm a firm believer in supporting the community and all communities need protection, so what you are doing is a service really." Alehial said with a sweet smile on her lips. It was clear to her children she was playing the fool of a noblewoman. Her questions while probing could also be harmless if she was useless.

Elsa took Xeph from Fael anyways at this point. She knew her mother was about to do something nasty to this man... and she wanted Fael free in case there was a retaliation, Elsa had seen her mother work all too often in situation similar to this one.

Asper too grinned just a little, holding Karina close, maybe Alehial wasn't so bad after all. Asper could see the look in the Ravenwood head's eyes, recognized it as well, she wondered if the halfway before her did, he was staying his ground though which meant he was a small fry, he was disposable. Asper wasn't going to tell anyone what she knew though.

"Well, we keep an eye open for real trouble, and of course make it easier for goods to make it safely to Kenia's shop. There are some really unsavory types around here, Thatcher likes to protect those who contribute to our little comunity." he explained hoping the noble would take his explination.

"Yes I see what you mean... unsavory types who use extorsion and fear to control others, the kind that demand repayment for nothing and bully those that don't pay up. The kind that smiles politely as they break your fingers." Alehial said softly tilting her head to the side a little and rubbing her chin a little as if thinking for a moment. "Do you think I could speak with this Thatcher... perhaps I could make a deal with him myself. Sounds useful to know someone like him who's willing to go so far to protect strangers and their merchandise." Alehial said smiling softly up at the lackey. She hoped he took up her offer. "Why I could settle Kenia's debt at the same time I'd wager and wouldn't that make you look outstanding to him!" Alehial smiled brighter then.

"Sorry, Thatcher doesn't meet people he doesn't know. That's why we collect for him, but settling her debt might convince him to meet you." the lackey said with a slight smile. If the noblewoman settled the debt then he could get a little more favor with the boss.

"Well that is... cautious of him but I'm afraid that's a lot of money to pay and I want to be certain it goes to the right man. Not that I think you would steal from the payment in any way!" Alehial said with a sweet smile, at the man. "However since I am willing to cover Kenias costs and it is a lot... I'd really prefer to meet Thatcher and pay him personally the entire amount up front." Alehial said keeping that smile on her face. She was biding her time with this fool lackey. She wanted the truth of it... whether or not this was one of Soths ploys or just a bottom feeder she needed to take care of.

Darryl moved away from Asper and Karina for a second and focused on the man who suddenly looked a little confused. Then his eyes flashed and an older man stood beside the lackey, who looked mystified that his boss was there. "Mother this is Tatcher." he said stepping back to his wife and child.

Thatcher who had been a guard when the first dragon war had happened, now was an older man who had simply left the city guard to make his own way extorting the people of Baerlon. "Where in the nine hells?" he said until noticing the woman before him and of course Kenia. "What kind of elven magic is this?"

"How cute you think elves are so powerful." Alehial days with a smile. "Thank you Darryl for bringing him to me... now then Mr. Thatcher I wanted to speak with you about Kenia and her debt to you... no doubt to others on this street as well. Oh... and you can send your lackey away. He won't be needed in out discussion, I can personally guarantee your safety or my name isn't Alehial Ravenwood." Alehial said watching this ungrateful wretch before her.

Thatcher waved the man off then turned and looked at Alehial, "I know who you are Lady Ravenwood and who most of your family is. And as far as my business with Kenia it is between her and me, not some noble sticking her nose into everyone's business." As his tone became more disrespectful, a low growl came to Alehial's ears from Fael. The want to be crime lord was making the felid very angry.

"See Mr.Thatcher that's the thing. If I weren't the type to stick my nose into things like everyone says I am... the dragon wars would have gone a very different way." Alehial said with an arched brow at the taller older looking man. She didn't back down. Compared to Galin this man was practically nothing. "I am speaking with you because I want to hear what exactly it is you think you are doing and give you a chance to convince me not to take some sort of crazed action against you." Alehial said with a polite smile and tilt of her head.

Elsa nearly groaned, everytime they stepped out of the house with their mother trouble always seemed to follow, whether on purpose or not Alehial was drawn to it, it seemed. She hoisted her twins up on her hips a little better and then tried to shush them softly when first Kaitlyn then Xeph began to growl softly like their father, soon she heard a tiny purr growl mix from her back as her youngest joined in, all their tails lashing about in agitation.

Asper leaned against a shelf holding fabric, might as well be comfortable while watching. But now she could see exactly where Darryl's meddling habits came from. And for the first time she was looking forward to seeing Lady Ravenwood get into some trouble on her own.

Linlesse took a step back with Orissa and Samantha's hands in her own, the girls were her responsibility and if needed she could always find this thing later. She did cast her eyes at Asper and Darryl for a moment then to Elsa and Fael, it was always good to know what everyone was thinking.

Thatcher scoffed at Alehial and even looked around at those in the room, "Convince you? No one cares about this area of the city, in fact I keep the worse one's in line. Report me to the guards, hell most of them won't be seen out of barracks after dark. In fact if you were to attack me, it'd be likely you thrown into the lock up for initiating violence." He grinned at the thought of Lady Ravenwood sitting in a cell. "Yer too far removed from the mud and violence noble woman, so I guess you no longer wish to catch Kenia up on what she owes, or perhaps you'd like to pay for everyone who owes me?"

"You know Thatcher... you seem to forget I'm a druid. I don't have to touch you... I just need to keep you still while snakes slither all over you... or ants bite your flesh... I do know of several wolf and coyote packs nearby that should be hungry this time of pupping season..." Alehial says tapping her chin thoughtfully. "How am I to know what your were doing outside the city? What would I know of anyone from this part of town? Mr. Thatcher do you own this building? Or any of them in this market?" Alehial asks softly a thoughtful look on her face. "Or do you simply charge for protection? I think i can solve a few peoples problems... hopefully without violence but then I was never one to shy away from it." Alehial said smiling, acting as if once again she was in fact willing to pay.

"The owner knows of my services and of course he gets his cut." Thatcher says to Alehial. Her veiled threats made him nervous, but the Ravenwood name was one of the true nobility and he doubted she'd risk those threats. "Some way to teach the little ones, Lady Ravenwood, you disagree with what someone else is doing so threaten his life. Your one step away from a tyrant or perhaps you plan on takng the throne of Andor for your own?..." Anything else he might say was cut off as Fael caught him by the throat and brought his back to the wall and rose up several inches off the ground.

"Now you see Mr. Thatcher, I'm not inclined to say you are wrong with how I teach my children to live their lives. But insulting me will certainly not gain you any favor of this I can assure you." Alehial said sweetly, she stepped up to Fael and touched his arm and shook her head no. She had this well in hand, though she appreciated the motion and offer from her son in law it was more aggressive than what she wanted. "I at least keeps my threats civil... and do not take advantage of others. I get my support by being supportive in turn. It's called true respect Mr. Thatcher, something I don't believe you have ever had. Would tyranny under my hand be so bad I wonder?" Alehial said with that same sweet smile and expression on her face. She had an idea now... of what she needed to do. "Thank you Fael, but I can more than handle Mr. Thatcher and his threats." Alehial stressed softly to her son in law.

Fael held Thatcher a moment longer then growled again and dropped him like a sack of potatoes on the ground. He then stepped back beside Elsa and his children while Thatcher coughed and hacked on the floor. Linlesse coughed lightly, "Perhaps Kenia and the children can go to the other room for fittings while you continue this discussion?" She felt this might be something the twins, Karina and Elsa's little ones did not need to see.

"Nonsense Linlesse, how will they learn if they do not see the examples given to them? I did similar things for all my children. Now then Mr. Thatcher, I believe Kenya's sum was something in the way of twenty gold?" Alehial asked softly. "Oh Kenia can you be a dear and get me your receipt ledger. I do want to document this, and if we could get you to sign as a witness and I believe Elsa as well should sign it." Alehial said reaching into the pouch she wore. She rummaged for a moment before pulling out a hand ful of coins and jewels. "I suppose I didn't clean this out from the last time I used it!" She laughed lightly before dropping the gem stones back into the pouch and counting out the coins.

Elsa sighed softly and co tinged trying to quiet her children down. The baby had stopped but she could feel his tail wiggling about. "Xeph! Kaitlyn! That's enough hush now!" Elsa said bouncing both her children gently.

Asper grinned, she saw what Alehial was doing and she certainly approved. Karina was fascinated by the shiny things Alehial had in her hands. "Someday you'll get to have those Karina... but not now." She whispered softly to her own daughter.

The twins giggled softly, they loved when their mother took charge and showed everyone who was boss.

Kenia went to get her ledger for Alehial and of course Thatcher watched Alehial, "So do you intend to do this for her every time she falls into arrears?" If the noble was going to bail the elven seamstress out then he literally found the golden gooses. If not they would simply go back to the old setup.

"Or I'll buy the shop, buy the product and supplier, buy the street and market and muscle you out of business like I have many others. Set up my own fair priced market with its own private militia for protection and rule the commerce of the entire city Mr. Thatcher. Become a true merchant queen as it were. You have given me a wonderful idea, and I think I may just follow your suggestion. Don't fear I will let everyone know it was y oy that adviced me." Alehial said calmly, she finished counting out the money and put the rest back into her pouch.

Asper handed Karina over to Darryl then and once certain he had it she stepped forward herself, "instead of paying him... you could pay me, Lady Ravenwood. I wouldn't mind stretching my legs... and it's been a while since I've had some entertainment." Asper said raising an eyebrow, she was mostly getting in the way right now. She wanted to see what would happen... other than Alehial doing exactly what she said she would... and kicking this Thatcher ass.

"Will you be serious please for a moment everyone? Mr. Thatcher is running a legitimately underhanded business but it is still legitimate. Mom... please the other merchants are already angry enough with you and your business ideas and policies and how well you are doing in comparison. Mr Thatcher... if you could please stop antagonizing my family I for one would appreciate it, I would hate for you to be injured or worse because of your threats which I'm certain you cannot do as much harm as you say." Elsa said getting exasperated with her twins and handing Kaitlyn to her father since she was instigating. "Calm yourself and her!" Elsa scowls as she makes Xeph look in her face. "Enough baby. " she said before kissing his nose.

Thatcher smiled, "At least someone in your family has a lick of sense. And you little lady, I might seem old but I can....." the rest of his comment to Asper stopped as Darryl's eyes flared in his direction. "Now, if you'd like to conclude our business so I may leave and you may shop Lady Ravenwood." he changed the subject quickly. Kenia set the book down and took out a quill and ink.

Alehial took quill in hand and wrote in common For payment of protection for Kenia, Seamstress, to Mr. Thatcher guarantor of protection, original sum two gold per day, total sum of owed amount of twenty gold peices paid in full by Alehial Ravenwood. Then she wrote a second version in elven which stated something similar but not exactly the same thing. It took more space in elven however. She signed and dated it and then turned it so Mr. Thatcher could as well. "Thank you for the offer Vex but I will deal with this entire situation myself. No need to have Darryl rampaging through the streets on your behalf dear.

Asper shrugged and walked back over to Darryl kissing his cheek and then Karina on the top of her head.

Elsa sighed softly and pulled out a sweet toffee giving it to Xeph. Her little boy finally calming if only to work on the tough chewable candy now forcing his concentration elsewhere. She got another piece out for Kaitlyn as well. Fael was another matter though, though she trusted him far more with his own emotions.

Sammy looked at Orissa a moment before Orissa sighed and shook her head, if only she knew how to use a spell for flames... she would light the man on fire... then he wouldn't be a problem anymore. But Orissa said no to Sammy doing anything and she wouldn't either, especially not after having just gotten into trouble.

Thatcher counter signed the reciept and smiled smugly at Alehial, "It has been an honor doing business with you. Kenia I will send my usual man for your next pickup, until then." he bowed and turned and left the shop. Fael kept his eyes on the man unhappy with how everything shook out with this underhanded thug.

Kenia closed the book and looked at Alehial, "I cannot repay the help you've just given my M'lady Ravenwood. Shall we begin fittings for everyone, I will do my best to make the finest for your family." she smiled at the twins as she spoke. Already she noted the subtle differences in the girls and had idea that Alehial would like as well as both girls. "Where shall we begin?" she asked turning the sign in the window to closed, she had a feeling that she would be very busy.

"Well... after you take our measurements I will send some men to help you pack up. I'm sure your not overly fond of being in this district, I will purchase some property near my residence and set you up in your home... I think I shall have to request some new clothes for my mother in law... and my aunt as well... not to mention their children... Altair too probably needs an updated wardrobe." Alehial said quickly ticking the list off on her fingers. "With our order you will be quite busy... I can see if my cousin and his family need your services as well as my brother. I will try to refer you to as many people I can. Not to mention get you stocked up from our mercantile stores..." Alehial said motioning to Linless. "This one first. She has no wardrobe of her own currently. Then the twins... Then Elsa and hers, then the babes, I will only be needing a new gown or two so it's I'm not overly important." Alehial said with a laugh.

"Lathai will be happy to learn that we will be working for such a wonderful family again." Kenia said motioning for Linlesse to stand so she could measure her. Linlesse looked a little unsure as she stepped forward, "Um, what do I do?" Kenia smiled, "Just stand normally and I'll do the rest." She then took her measuring string and got some paper and charcoal pencil and began to measure asking general questions like fit and colors that Linlesse liked. After a short time she let Linlesse return to her chair and looked to the twins, "Who gets to go first?"

Alehial noticed a small group was outside the shop and very interested in what was going on inside. Several people were talking back and forth and pointing to the shop door.

"Samantha. She doesnt stand still if she isnt the first one." Alehial said with a smile as she had Sirrian in her arms again, he had been giving the maid issues, Alurra was napping in the maids arms. Alehial turned her head slightly and tried to listen in a little better to what she might catch people out the window saying.

Elsa had distracted Xeph with a shiny knick knack from inside the baby items bag she had brought, he alternated between holding it and chewing it. Her littlest had been behaving so far and with her little girl with Fael there weren't any issue as she was having.

Asper was leaning against Darryl's arm clearly bored, she hadn't taken Karina back from him just yet.

"Very well, Misstress Samantha." Kenia motioned for her to step up onto the small stool. It didn't take very long for her to get the little girl's measurements. While she did she asked Samantha the same questions about her taste in colors, which pieces of fabric when she touched that she liked and which she did not. And while Alehial was distracted with Sirrian and the people outside asked Samantha, "You have the look of a little girl who is not fond of dresses correct?" She then let Samantha get down and called on Orissa with all the same questions except the last which became, "You have the look of a little girl who likes dresses correct?"

Outside the shop Alehial heard people discussing that the noblewoman had paid off Kenia's debt. "Will she pay mine if I ask of her? Mine is half of what Kenia owed? What of Thatcher's men, will she make them leave us alone and stop taking things from my shop?" It appeared many people in this neighborhood had a new sense of hope with the arrival of the Ravenwoods.

Samantha grinned at Kenia. "Dresses are fine... but I like pants better! She whispered conspiratorially to Kenia. Samantha helped Orissa onto the stool and stayed nearby. Orissa giggled softly and nodded her head. She definitely preferred skirts over pants.

Alehial grinned, her idea would be well received by the people, now she would just ha e tto convince the other merchants. And if they wouldn't agree... well Alehial was used to getting things done by herself.

One by one everyone was measured and asked questions in regard to fit, colors and materials until it was Asper and then Karina's turn. "Would you prefer I measure the little one first or you mistress? Kenia asked Asper. Darryl smiled as he held a now napping Karina, "I believe her mother should go first. Perhaps when you are done she'll be awake.

"Yeah me first." Asper said sighing and stepping forward. This whole trip had been boring for the most part and she could already see Alehial had her head in a whole new plan. Probably another goody two shoes trick that profited the family and fortified the half elf woman's claim in the world. How her husband put up with her Asper didn't know.

Kenia noted Asper's dour mood and chuckled inwardly to herself as she began to measure her. "Your little one is very well behaved mistress. Would you like something softer perhaps loose fiting while you are still nursing?" Her tone and questions were meant to draw out Asper's creative side and maybe help her cheer up a little.

"Thank you... no. I'm fine. Use whatever color or fabric you want. Just nothing... pastel. Or pink. Or purple... for me and my girl." Asper said quickly amending the any color comment. "Darryl can choose one if he wants." She shrugged then. While new clothing waz a novel concept as long as her clothes served their purpose Asper didn't care too much about what she wore or what it looked like.

Kenia smiled to her and then approached Karina and Darryl, "Well no matter what I will make sure that you approve of the designs before I sew a stitch. I know that making sure the clothes you wear and especially those your child wear mus be of good quality." She took her time measuring Karina as she had all the small ones. Karina cooed and giggled as the elven woman gently used her measuring string and hands to get her size then looked up at her mother and smiled brightly.

"Pants and shirts. A dress if Darryl wants me to wear one. Karina will just be in skirts for now... Pants can come when she is mobile." Asper said watching Kenia with Karina. Darryl was the only other person who could make her daughter laugh like that. It was making Asper grouchy.

Alehial took out her coinpurse again and instead of pulling out coins she pulled out a thick metal emblem. The Ravenwood Crest. It was a slightly smaller version than her personal one... it was for her merchants and vendors... including her suppliers. "Kenia, while I begin the process of moving you, use this. It means you are now a Ravenwood endorsed Vender of goods." Alehial said with a smile keeping it out of Sirrians grasp.

Kenia looked at Asper, "Of course mistress." Then outside of earshot of Fael and Elsa, "I'm sorry to have tickled her a little, but thank goodness she was easier to measure then the other three little ones." Elsa's three being part cat had decided that capturing the string was more important than holding still. Even Sirrian and Alura moved more than Karina did. She then took the token from Alehial and smiled at her new patron, "Thank you for giving me a chance to rebuild my business, Lady Ravenwood."

Darryl looked at Asper trying to see if he could figure out what was wrong, she had been in a mostly good mood today. Karina looked at her mother and began to fuss, he figured she might be hungry as she did not feel wet.

"Alright then... give her here." Asper said frowning harder. She wasn't sure why she was grouchy now... or why it upset her that Karina only wanted her when she was hungry. Asper grabbed a cheap clothe on the counter and threw it over her shoulder and Karina's head, she lifted her shirt and let Karina eat, while standing.

Alehial smiled at Kenia, "I haven't moved you just yet dear! Take a few days to plan the clothes and I'll send some boys with packing crates, they will help you pack and move you. I will purchase a building soon." Alehial said with a smile, she glanced at Asper and her smile softened with a knowledgeable look.

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