Page name: Ravenwood Estates 25 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2020-07-09 01:28:17
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Return to The Andorian Chronicles

Fael looked at the woman in the bed, she was upset at his question but he had told the truth. He had no memory of her or this place, she said his name, but even that didn't sound correct to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm normally more composed..." Elsa says softly wiping her tears from her face. She sniffled softly and tried to not look a morning mess. "I... my name is Elsa, we have been living together for a few years. We are in our shared room in my parents house." Elsa said relaxing back against their headboard, the less threatened he felt the better. Also the more calmly she explained the situation the more likely he would be to stay calm and believe her. "Um... soon, our son will wake up to need fed, he is our third and... he isn't very old at all." Elsa says unable to keep the concern from her voice or face.

"Are they like you? Or like me?" Fael asked looking about for these children she spoke of. As if almost on cue a small cry came from the other room and his eyes darted to the connecting door. It was only a few seconds before a soft knock came from the door and Julianna called out, "Mistress, are you and the master decent? The littlest is hungry and I hope I was quick enough so the others did not wake." "Who is that?" Fael said his eyes narrowing, "You said children and that was not the voice of a child."

"I'll be right there Julianna thank you!" Elsa called out sitting up slowly. "Her name is Julianna she is a former nursemaid that has worked in this house for many years. She is helping us with the children. The twins are just now two and our youngest only a few weeks." Elsa says going to the door and opening it halfway. "Faels not just ready but I can take him and feed him now. Thank you." Elsa says graciously as she took her youngest. She closed the door and took a few steps towards Fael so he could see their youngest son, whose tail was wiggling unhappily free from the blankets he was bundled in.

Fael blinked and watched his son free from his blankets and hungry with confusion. The child was just like him complete with tail, but try as he might he could not remember the child's name.

Elsa went to the rocking chair and sat, settling herself and the babe a moment before loosening the top of her sheet to bare her breast and let the small boy eat before he really got upset. She figured Fael would need a few moments to sort his thoughts or perhaps feelings so she did all this in silence other than a few comforting noises for her son. She did wince slightly when he latched onto her nipple. But she began to hum an old elven lullaby mother had sang to all the children and now she always sang to her own.

Fael watched as Elsa fed their child, unable to understand why he could not remember them. He moved closer to them both smelling his child and the mother hoping something would make him remember them.

"His name is Dahar." Elsa says softly watching the babes milk sleepy face, still he suckled. She would have to switch sides soon. She didnt remember her twins ever being so hungry. Elsa stilled her rocking so Fael could better see their son. Blushing only a little at baring almost both breasts to him, even though they were married and were good at the other stuff too. It was all a little awkward and new with him not remembering.

Fael reached out and lightly touched the child, "Dahar. I cannot explain why I would forget my child or his mother. Foul magics perhaps?" he asked looking into Elsa's face.

"Most definitely. After he has eaten his fill... I will study my spells... I am a decent wizards, if I may say. Perhaps a simple dispel will remove the fog of memory." Elsa says softly looking at Fael's face as he was so near. She reaches out slowly and cups Fael's cheek. Her eyes tearing up again, her hand was barely touching him so he could pull away or push her away if he wanted. She really wanted to kiss him but that was simply too much she knew.

"Am I a good father and husband?" he asked looking up into Elsa's eyes. Fael was about to say something else when a rough knock at the main door of their chambers and Conner's voice on the other side.

"Sister? Fael? I sure hope you guys are acting normally." Conner said and the knob began to turn as Fael growled.
"I'm feeding Dahar! Don't come in just yet Conner!" Elsa says quickly, she removes her hand so Fael could move freely. But she also knew the damage he could do and wanted to save Conner any hurt if
she could. "Let me get decent before you barge in!" Elsa says quickly switching Dahar to the other breast, he would be done soon and asleep if she was any judge of her pigiest son yet.

The knob stopped twisting, but Conner spoke through the door, "So, anything weird going on? Lyriel and Lucas have forgotten everything about their lives and father is afraid it might affect others in the house."

Fael looked at Elsa and quietly said, "Perhaps those other people are like me?"

"They forgot everything? Are they okay? No one picked any fights did they?!" Elsa was concerned about Lyriel possibly becoming aggressive or Lucas for that matter with his angelic wife. "Once Dahar is done I'll study my spells quickly, maybe a dispelling will stop the problem?" She offers to Conner as she had to Fael. To Fael she spoke softly. "It must have affected several people in the house."

"Lyriel knocked Flint silly, Lucas offended Tani who flew off. I'm checking with everyone for anything else being off. So far only those at our little meeting last night have been affected." COnner informed her before walking away from the door. His next stop was Grandma Lai and Aunt Arten, hopefully with the three of them they could figure something out.

The twins ran past him in the hallway giggling to each other, though Samantha was far more energetic today than Orissa who had had her magic all dispelled the other night. It took a real physical toll on the small young girl and she was still recovering. They were surely off to get into mischief like always. Headed for the new girl Linlesse's room.

Buried under her blankets Karina, going by the name Linlesse was trying to squeeze a few more moments of sleep before getting up for the day. Only one foot was visiable from underneath in her natural skin tone (being a light sleeper she could change her illusion to look like Linlesse in less than a heartbeat.) While Darryl was recovering his powers, she assigned herself to continue her training and help out around her parents house. Still she found it weird to act like a guest around her parents, she still could not tell them the truth about who she was. It was bad enough that Lyriel, Elsa and Samantha knew.

"Lin!!! It's morning!!" Samantha burst through the door dragging her giggling sister behind her noisily into the room. Although the door bounced off the wall and smashed into her making her squawk and catch it. "Too hard! Up Lin! Let's play!" Sammy says putting the door back against the wall.

While this was going on Orissa walked to the bed and clambered up slowly, letting out a big breath once she was on it properly. "You can have her today... I'm too tired for her." Orissa confides in the sleepy Linlesse.

When the door opened she quickly put her illusion back up and groaned. Moving the covers down she peeked at Orissa, "Oh no, I've been much too busy to handle hurricane Sammy. I think we should send her off to Elsa while we get more sleep." She then winked at Orissa and pulled her under the covers to snuggle. Her other hand then crept out and motioned for Samantha.

Orissa giggles and snuggles close to Linlesse, closing her eyes and relaxing only the way a child who really trusts you can.

While Sammy grumbles but crawls in under the blankets to lay on top of Linlesses's stomach with a mischeivious grin. "Can you train me today in the circle? Cause the house is going nutso." She whispers as if the rest of the house didnt know just yet.

"We heard Lyrie punch Flint this morning and run past our room." Orissa says softly and sleepily.

Linlesse went to answer both girls when a loud boom happened from downstairs, she sat up and tossed off the covers, "What was that?"

Sammy crawled out of the covers and pulled Orissa behind her. "An attack." Samantha says her twin huddled close. Sammy pulled out the little dagger she always had hidden inside of her pants, she wouldn't be caught again and she wouldn't let anyone ever near her sister again either.

"Let's go get Aloura, and Sirria and go to gramma Lai." Orissa told Sammy who nodded yes. "Go get 'em Lin!" Sammy says encouragingly to her cousin. "Don't get hurt!" Added Orissa. Then they both snuck out the hallway headed for the nursery just down the hall.

Linlesse nodded, "Down to the nursery and we will wait to see our next move." She grabbed her staff and peeked into the hall before opening the door and ushering the girls out.

"What in the nine hells?" Conner said still waiting to be admitted to Elsa and Fael's room. He saw the girls coming and motioned them to hurry to the nursery. "Fael I think we are under attack hurry to the entry when you can. He then hurried to his room to get his gear.

He was met with Vex in his room, his chest piece over one arm, weapons and belt in the other. "Good armor up! Hurry!" Vex says, she was slightly out of breath and she immediately dumped her arm loads onto him before drawing her sword quickly and stepping into the doorway pulling him further into the room. "Were they behind you? How many were there? Is your sister in cahoots?" She rattled off keeping an eye out.

As he got prepared he tried to answer, "NO one was behind me, the estates spells keep enemies out. And no not even with her memory she wouldn't betray us." Conner did not wear the heavier armor but magical items that helped like heavier armors, hence he was ready much faster than anyone else.

Altair was in the dining room with Lyriel and Sirrian when the first boom rattled the front doors. He turned and went to check the doors, coming back in he felt the pangs of an attack starting. Looking to Lyriel and Sirrian he spoke quickly, "We must head upstairs now. I won't be able to defend you. We must get Conner and Fael and anyone else to defend the house."

"What's going on? Also you dont look so good old guy." Lyriel says holding Sirrian on her hip and reaching out to Altair cautiously. "I mean dad... upstairs huh we can make it..." Lyriel says no longer as good at lying as she normally was.

Vex nodded and motioned for him to stick close as she went down the hallway, while he was her priority she knew he would try to go somewhere not safe.

Altair's group met up with Conner and Vex at the top of the stairs in one look Conner knew his father was in bad shape. He turned to Vex, "Get them to the nursery, I'm gonna start shaping up a defense. Send Fael, Linlese, and ...." He stopped short realizing without Lucas, Tani and Lyriel the house was low on defense. "Vex, I need you to protect my younger siblings and servants. I know it is counter to your orders, but I need you to guard them more than me."

"No." Vex says her tone serious. She was glowering at Conner outright. "My orders are to keep you the heir safe. And I know you are going to be doing stupid shit and could use some back up. While your casting or whatever. We go together or you come to the nursery as well." Says says groping her sword until her knuckles were white. She clenched her jaw as well, ready to fight this boy who was trying to be a man.

Lyriel set Sirrian down and took his hand before putting herself under the old man's arm and getting ready to half carry him. "Give me a sword... if nothing else, I'll do my best. Shouldn't there be an alarm or something you can sound?" She asks then because a house this size was stupid with no real plan of attack. She narrowed her eyes at the armored female, there was something not quite right with her but it wasn't clear to her why. "Alright old man... where is this nursery and is there a healer or doctor there?"

Conner turned to Vex, "We deal then, get them to the nursery while I get some sort of defense ready. Then you rejoin me and we and the others fight them off." He was already making mental notes on where his spells would work best.

Altair looked to Vex, "I change your orders for just this once, let him prepare the defense while you and Lyriel rally Fael and Flint and anyone else that can help. Then face them in force. Be careful my son." he finished placing his hand upon Conner's shoulder.

"Very well." Vex says before scooping up Sirrian. "You get Lord Ravenwood, I'll get the dwarves, we meet at the nursery. We armor you up. You might not remember anything Elf but I'm sure your body will." Vex says giving her own orders out. She then walks away down the hall towards Arten's chamber first.

Arten's door was semi ajar and as Vex peered inside the matron dwarf was pulling on her armor and her axe was laying on the bed beside her son. "I heard the noise girl, do me a favor either pick him up or the axe. Only enemy blood goes on that axe."

Conner went to the entry and peeked through the small window, there was at least thirty men and a spellcaster working on getting into his home. Two guards came into the entry and he set them to work setting up defenses. Bowers and the other house staff were sent upstairs and given instructions to see to any wounded that managed to get back up the stairs. Quickly he cast a couple spells that should even the odds.

Altair was gasping for breath before Lyriel got him inside the nursery, "Gods, for all times for this to happen." He sat heavily on a chair and watched as his young children and grandchildren entered.

Linlesse got the twins inside and turned to them, "I have to go, if they are attacking here the may go after Darryl and Asper. With him being weakened they will need all the help they can get, be careful." She said looking at Altair for approval before speeding out the window and towards his home.

Vex grabbed the Babe on the bed, "with all due respect ma'am, I think Lord Ravenwood is having a heart attack." Vex says juggling both Sirrian and the dwarven child. She could hold them both but... if it took too long it would start to hurt. She was worried but she had a job to do. " we took him to the nursery with all the other children. I came to get you a d your neice."

Almost on cue Arten's niece entered ready for battle and took the little dwarf from Vex, "Wouldina miss this for the world. Brings back memories of other fights and adventures with the Ravenwoods."

Arten shook her head and plucked her son out of her niece's arms and glared at them, "Dina' be so ready for a battle in yer home. I will see to 'im and to Altiair, you two rally the rest and make sure Lai is ready with spells."

"Ladies please Lord Ravenwood commanded I see both of you to the nursery. The able bodied warriors will fight but you need to see to the children. I am to get Fael and Elsa next Lai is upstairs and much safer, her and her daughter. It will give them time with their spells." Vex says u sure of how exactly to deal with dwarves... especially those that stayed around Ravenwoods.

"What of Flint and Lyriel?" Arten asked. Already they were moving with purpose towards the nursery.

"Yeah about that... it seems a few members of the house have... lost their memories of... everything. Lyriel is one... Lucas is another." Vex says adjusting Sirrian once again, she was worried about the men outside trying to get inside.

Flint was coming down the stairs strapping his sword on, he had come to during the first couple attempts to get past the wards of the house. He wanted to find Lyriel, but knew that right now he was needed in the defense of the house.

"Flint good timing! Report to Conner, and keep him safe. I am in charge of the nursery and Lord Ravenwoods care for the moment. Collect Lucas but be careful! He has lost his memories and knows nothing! Get him in armor though and he should be well enough in a pinch!" Vex says from close to the nursery door. She knew he could hear her well enough from the stairs. She could see though a swelling on his jaw near his temple. His wife even without memories was apparently a good aim.

When she arrived into the nursery Arten was already looking into Altair's attack and looked up at her. Her visage said there was no easy fix for this situation, and the lord's face was trying to keep everyone calm.

"Lady Arten, if you could continue to keep charge of the room, I will go get the Lady Elsa and Lord Fael, Then Lady Lai and her daughter." Vex says surveying the room and all the occupants. She was a little concerned that that new girl wasn't here, "Girls... I know you are rather close to Linlesse, have you seen her about?" Vex asks getting down to their level for a moment to speak with them. She knew they still wouldn't trust her but she needed a general idea of where everyone was in the building.

Orissa hid behind Samantha, Samantha likewise stepped forward putting on a brave face even though both girls disliked this woman a lot. This woman was better than the ones that wanted to kidnap or kill them. "She went to help Darryl and Asper." Samantha said sourly not liking that she had to talk to Vex and be helpful. Samantha was also trying to keep her little knife hidden because the adults would try to take it if they knew.

"Thank you girls that's helpful." Vex said patting Samantha on the head only to earn a grunt and her hand getting shoved off. Vex wasted no more time and left the room, it was a short stop to Elsa and Fael's room and she knocked gently first. "Ma'am, Sir. All the children have been gathered into the nursery and I think you both should Join Conner in the main room downstairs." Vex called through the door. "If you would like me to escort please say so, otherwise I'm off to get Lady Lai." Vex says waiting a moment.

"Vex, If you could come get Xeph, I've got Dahar, and Julianna can handle Kaitlin. Unfortunately... I think We will need a moment after moving the children. Fael is... not himself right now." Came Elsa's voice, it was clear she was moving around in the room, and she could hear a slight mewl/cry then the babe went quiet again. "Lost his memories too Ma'am? So far Lucas and Lyriel are also having memory issues. Both are reporting to Conner for the moment as it seems they haven't lost their touch, just the memories." Vex says waiting outside of the room. She was willing to help with Xeph, of all the children in the house he was the only one she had a shared history of any kind with and didn't mind because of how sweet and snuggly he was.

Lai and her daughter had also arrived into the nursery, Lai looked a little pained walking all those steps in her condition. She looked down before entering and saw only Conner and Flint preparing defenses and she became fearful. There wasn't enough to defend the house, and there was nothing anyone could do to help them.

Elsa opened the door to her room. She had a bag full of books, a bag full of blankets and nappies, a small child in her arms and a toddler at her legs. Vex knelt down and scooped up Xeph quickly and turned on her heel. They would follow she knew, plus she needed to hurry back to Conner's side, there were too few warriors.

Conner saw Vex walking past the steps with Xeph in her arms, he looked to Flint and nodded before the upturned a table. "This is going to be rough, I take it that something is wrong since Fael has not joined us. Are you up to this?" he asked checking how the defenses were shaking up. Another slam to the doors made them move, the wards were failing and soon they'd have a invaders in the house.

Vex got to the room and deposited Xeph in the crib with Sirrian. She shoved an extra sword in Lyriel's hands then and pulled her out of the room. "Don't let anyone get into that room you hear me?!" She barked orders at the Drow. She then grabbed the twins. "I need a favor little sorceress. I want you to cast your lights spell on anyone who enters this room that you don't know or that you know will try to hurt everyone. Do you understand?" When she got a nod she turned to the scowling face of Samantha next. "And you, cut at ankles or knee's. You keep your sister and father Safe." She says with a nod before leaving the room and standing beside Conner, then she went around the table. The first thing they encountered would be her.

Both Flint and Conner went around the table and stood beside her. "Strength in numbers and with the width of the entry hall the three of us should do a good job holding them back." Conner said with Flint nodding. "And we shouldn't hope for help from Darryl, his house is also under siege and mother has called for him wherever she is." he finished as another crash made the first crack in the front door.

Upstairs in the nursery Altair suffered, first because of his health and second because his son was having to protect their home without him. Bowers had brought his armor and weapons, but he was too weak to put them on and try as she might Arten and the spell casters were focused on trying to restore the others memories.

Orissa watched the unfolding scene before her and something was telling her to use her magic in a better way then casting lights. The old man's words stuck in her head, the power to harm or the power to heal.

Orissa chewed her bottom lip before walking over to her father and taking his big old scarred and calloused hand in hers. "I love you Daddy... so don't be mad." She says quickly before she used the magic she hadn't yet. It would heal her Daddy if that was what she wanted. And it was, it really was. she concentrated really hard, harder than on any other spell she had ever cast and prayed that it healed her Daddy and Maybe Lyriel, and if it was strong enough Fael because those three could defeat anything in their way. Even though everyone had worked so hard to drain all the magic from her, she felt the swell of it anyways, not as much as usual but enough. Always enough.

The front doors finally could hold back no longer and burst open allowing the first of the invaders into the house. Although, none of the could have expected the magical explosions that laid half their number. Conner snickered and then began to sing, his words flowed over Vex and Flint giving hope and purpose to their stance. More men entered into the house, this time being more aware of where they stepped before engaging the defenders. Conner's defense plan was a saving grace as each defender only had one invader to face and therefore destroyed the advatnage of numbers.

Vex wasted no time, whatever it was Conner was doing with his song, well she felt capable to say the least. She lunged forward with her short sword drawn, trying not to give the intruders much time to get within the house. Already she had a dagger in her other hand in case her sword was knocked away, she had a chance at a second strike.

As they cut down soldiers more continued to pour through the door and take their place. Flint was surprised that so many invaders were trying to get inside the house and how well they were doing at defending it.

"What's the plan for their next trick and who is covering the rear of the house?" Vex asked shouting over an opponent before dispatching him. Close quarter combat, alleys and such were sort of her forte.

Conner answered quickly, "I used another item to close it off, right now the front is the only way inside unless you can fly or portal." He quickly dispatched his enemy and began to sing again, he could only keep this up so long though. Already he could tell they were out numbered and he could only hope they did not have any spell casters in their ranks.

"Good." Vex replied gritting her teeth and engaging yet more men. She was doing her best to keep them bottle necked in the front entryway, not into the foyer proper. The more room she had and the less they did the better. Now was a fine time for the Ravenwood household to go to Hell. Especially when she wasn't on good terms with the guild and doubting them currently.

The next man shocked Vex, once close he pulled his shield and rocked Vex backward gaining a foothold into the foyer. Flint suddenly found himself facing two as an extra man slipped in beside his other opponent. Conner was about to call out when a spell pushed him back as well making his song falter and the boost it gave them ended.

Vex grit her teeth and moved forward grabbing the guy's shield and bashing the guys own face with it. She swept his legs out from under him and stabbed him in the throat, she was trusting that Flint could handle two as she tried to close up the gap again. Perhaps it was just a small laps.

Flint tried to close the distance using his shield knocking one man back, only to have the next man wielding a hammer hit him hard enough that his arm went numb. Still he managed to slice the other man deeply allowing him to try parrying the next hammerfall with a slash of his blade. Conner managed to get back up as a man closed on him, with a grunt he accepted the charge impaling the man on his blade. However the man took the sword clean out of Conner's hand and he faced the next man without a weapon.

Vex was once more in a position to block up the entryway but not without her own wounds by now. And before she had, had Flint as a fall back, now she didn't, nor could she keep an eye behind her while she was preoccupied fighting those in front. Thankfully they weren't opting to push her out of the way, instead focusing on trying to kill her, which was helpful.

Conner dodged his new opponent's swing and managed to connect with his jaw and sending him backward a few steps. He picked up another sword and made his way to protect Vex's flank, still keeping the invaders away from the stairs. "Vex, in case.." he paused a moment, "It's been an honor fighting by your side."

Another spell came from the entryway striking all three of them, Flint found himself unable to move. Conner too could not move any longer, it was a hold person spell and the caster was too far for Vex to reach. The battle was over now and they had lost, all four men turned toward Vex. "Surrender or we kill the scion of house Ravenwood."

Vex dropped her blades. It wasn't that they would just Kill Conner. She needed to buy time for everyone upstairs to heal up or get fixed or whatever. "Now guys, let's not be dramatic girls about this. It's not like I enjoyed killing all of your comrades. They were weak and I was a better fighter, besides this is a paying gig same as yours." She said, still standing in front of the door, the least she could do was slow things down. Even if it got her beaten.

The man to her left moved in quickly and bound her hands, the other two bound Conner and Flint. Then the leader and another warrior stepped forward, "Do not fear, we are really only here to kill Lord Ravenwood not his children, unless they decide to fight us. I take it he is upstairs with the others?" the wizard motioned towards the stairs. With Altair sick it was almost certain that he could not defend himself or those in the nursery.

Vex head butted the man binding her hands, the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking making up for the pain in her forehead from the impact. "This is a lot of men for only Lord Ravenwood." She says casually, ignoring the man with blood pouring from his nose. She had her hands spread she just didnt want to be bound if she could help it. "Nah. See he evacuated the house, we've got a plan. Same as you." Vex says with a shrug.

The wizard cast quickly and lightning crackled in his hands, "Would you really be so stupid so that I have to kill the three of you and everyone else we can find." Some of his men moved around and began to pull at the table blocking the stairs. "Where did his Lordship go? This will go so much easier, at least this part will go easy." The mage finished.

"I just got hired. They haven't told me about safe houses or emergency evacuations. I'm not fighting you sir Wizard, just him. I wouldn't dare try to take on a wizard. I'm just a hired peon after all." Vex says spreader her hands wider to show she was unarmed and being compliant.

More men appeared and bound Vex's hands together and forced her to kneel with the others. The wizard released the spell and cast another, his voice became amplified, "Lord Ravenwood, my men and I have been sent here to kill you. Only you and none other as long as they do not resist, I know you to be a man of honor. And so I give you my word, come out and surrender and no one else will be harmed."

As soon as she was placed with the others she sat cross legged instead of kneeling. She also got to work on loosening her bonds. Just enough she could slip out if she wanted and not removing them entirely. She had had a lot of practice at this. She really hoped she wouldnt have to try and fight the wizard if Lord Ravenwood actually showed up or something.

One of the men stepped forward and put his sword to the back of Conner's neck. "Lord Ravenwood I will give you until the count of ten to be down here or my an will kill your son." the wizard said again. He then began to slowly count upwards from one. At six from up on the landing Alitair's voice called out, "I'm a sickly man give me a moment." And in a couple moments Altair was standing on the ground level with them. His color looked terrible and he seemed frail even though his weapons were in his sword belt.

"I'm here and I give in to your demands only with a request of my own. Release them and allow them to go be with the family and give me a warrior's death." he said looking to his family.

Vex finally got her hands free but stayed still. She couldn't save both Ravenwoods, so who should she attempt to help? Conner with the blade? Or Lord Ravenwood against the wizard.

Altair looked right at her, his eyes spoke to her "Don't you move until this is over and don't you attempt to help me." He noticed the wizard was looking at his swords and smiled, "Forgive a sick old man not wanting to believe I just gave up. These three will say that I tried to help and your man just cut me down. You know try to make my death sound heroic."

The wizard nodded, "I believe we can allow that, if only more assassinations were like this more civilized. Go ahead Seg, cut down Lord Ravenwood." The large man wielding a battle axe stepped forward and looked at Altair, "Lose your head or more slash from shoulder to hip, old one."

"I should say the shoulder to hip, I've heard if you behead someone the mind remains alive for a few minutes." Altair said pulling both swords from their sheathes. "Come along, while I have the strength to hold these." Seg nodded and charged him axe high and Altair did not move until the axe began to swing down. Then a quick step to the side and a single slash, both Seg's hands and the axe fell to the floor.

Seg looked at his hands, confused about what had just happened before another slash took his head from his shoulders. Altair turned with perfect form and faced the wizard and the rest of the men with a cold look in his eye, "Next." It would seem to Vex he no longer needed any help in this fight.

Well... vex closed her mouth and leapt to the side, grabbing the man with a sword to Conner's throat and wrenching the blade sideways from the man's hands. Now that she had a blade she pointed it back at the man, her hands bonds hanging loosely from her wrists. "Back off... or die." She gave him the options.

Three men charged past the wizard, who now looked less sure of his mission and faced off with Altair. The sounds of blades hitting blades and slashes drawing blood filled the room and when they silenced the three men lay dead and Lord Ravenwood suffered not a scratch, "Next." By this time the wiard was already casting a spell to open a portal to escape.

The man Vex disarmed stopped moving and put his hands up.

Vex had a moment to think, and really she didn't even hesitate. She spun on her heel and launched herself at the wizard, she was only a few feet away and to the side. If she successfully tackled him... they could then question him. If she missed... well.

The wizard met her eye, his went suddenly wide and then he exploded. In truth every man still alive that invaded the Ravenwood house exploded. What was a moment of victory for them turned into a bloody storm.

Vex landed hard and squelched as she sat up. "What?" She asks trying to wipe her face with an equally coated arm. "Ugh" she made a face but carefully got to her feet anyways.

Conner was helping Flint up looked about, "Darryl?" thinking his brother stepped in but then shook his head.

Altair nodded, "He would have appeared or at least left us one to question, no doubt whoever sent them wants to stay anonymous. God's this mess will take forever to clean up."

While everyone was milling about finding their own weapons Conner looked at Vex, "Are you alright? I mean the wizard blew up right in front of you."

"I've seen just as bad... but I'm not going to lie... I really wouldn't say no to bathing right now." Vex said shaking off her arms but continueing to make a face. She did however find her own two blades and after a shrug put them in their sheaths. Everything needed cleaning anyways.

Altair nodded to Vex, "Ladies first, I'll call to a maid to bring you a couple towels and clean clothes. Conner, I know you have a spell or two for cleaning up a mess. Your grandmother might come down or your sister for that matter to help. That is though if they haven't figured out how to clear up the memory losses."

"Thank you my Lord." Vex says with a nod to lord Ravenwood. "You should try and help the others upstairs. You did a good job down here." Vex says nodding at Conner too before she started to make her way towards the bathing chambers.

Julianna came down to the baths with towels and clean clothes for Vex and herself as she had slipped in the blood and gotten it everywhere. "Only in this household." she said setting everything down. "Do you mind mistress? I would prefer to not sit around covered in dead men." she said unlacing her dress, but waiting to see if Vex would prefer to bathe alone.

"I don't mind at all... I'll be a few more minutes..." Vex said struggling with all her buckles, between the blood on them and the blood on her fingers she was having a hard time getting all her armor off. In fact she hat taken off her grieves and gaunlets and that was about it. She did however keep a very close eye on Julianna.

Julianna got her over dress off before noticing the issues Vex was having, "Can I offer help m'lady?" She had helped many of the other women in the house with armor and courtly dress and she felt there was much difference between them. She had figured that Vex was watching her due to the traitorous elf maid who stole baby Xeph.

"No... I'll get it." Vex says unlatching the one she had been struggling with and moving on. "Thanks though." Vex offered up lamely, as she continued to struggle with the other buckles and armor.

Julianna finished disrobing and got into the bath and sighed before starting to clean the blood off of herself. "You and the others were very brave mistress." She said looking to see how much progress Vex had made in removing her armor.

"Just earning my pay." Vex says getting another latch loose, two more to go, she was geitting her teeth somewhat and was unhappy with the feeling of drying blood on her skin and in her hair. She was bad at small talk and honestly tried to avoid people when she could. She half thought it was why Commander Rand kept giving her babysitting jobs.

Julianna watched Vex, "May I say it's kind of like watching the wee felids trying to get each others blankets. Are you sure I can't help you get them off so you can get the blood off?"

"No. But thanks." Vex said eyeing Julianna suspiciously. She finally got the latches opened and took off her chest piece. She begins to peel off her clothing, that would surely have to be burned after this, and hoped Julianna would hurry up and finish bathing so she could be alone to bathe. No one trying to kill, her fight her or talk to her. No job to do, just Vex washing herself clean.

Julianna got out of the waters and grabbed a towel to dry herself then got into her clean clothes. "If you like leave your clothes in the basket with mine, Lord Ravenwood has already said most everything ruined by the blood and such will be burned and replaced." She then put her slippers on and went upstairs leaving Vex in peace.

Vex did just that and slowly sank into the water, grabbing a cleaning clothe and dry scrubbing most of the blood off before properly cleaning off. She let out a slow sigh as she finally rinses her hair of all the blood. What an ordeal, today had been especially for Vex. She had to take extra care of the cuts and bruises all over her body from the fighting. She would use a potion in her room tonight. She got out and was toweling herself dry quickly so she could get changed into the plain clean clothes that were there.

As she got to the top of the stairs a flagon was handed to her by Lord Ravenwood, "Drink, you've earned it and it'll help in case this happens again." Conner and Flint were sitting on the stairs flanked by some of the others. "We've heard from Darryl the fight at his house had a couple unexpected turns, but every one is okay now." Conner said looking up at Vex.

Vex took the drink cautiously and nodded her head murmuring a thanks. She leaned against the wall watching the family in the aftermath of this, and the semi cleaned foyer. "So did this one." She simply said but nodded her head at Lord Ravenwood and his sudden vitality.

Darryl's house

Darryl's eye opened as he felt the psions push against his warding at least a dozen were being used to breach the house defenses. Quickly he got out of bed and grabbed his staff, "Asper, Jake, someone is trying to break the warding of the house." As he made it to the family room he activated one of his powers and tried to divert the forming portals. They would open, but if his powers worked well enough then they would be separated and easier to handle.

Asper jumped up and grabbed her spare dagger, then she snatched up Karina who was sleeping in her basket nearby. Asper was almost always prepared, and as much as Darryl thought it unnecessary it was certainly very necessary now.

Jake came from his room already strapping leather armor over his bedclothes and sword belt in hand, "Darryl is this a test?" Even as the first portal opened in the sitting room and two men stepped out. On instinct from being taught by Altair he pulled his sword and dagger and did not wait for the men to pull theirs.

"Upstairs and close the door to our room you will all should be safe in there!" Darryl called out as a portal opened in the family room and he pushed out with a gout of flame. On the other side the flaming soldiers did not live long. Down from the kitchen he felt another portal and hurried that way.

Asper had Karina strapped to her back, the little girl barely fussed about it. She was standing near the stairs ready to get Jake or help Darryl if need be.

Jake came up the stairs leaving his two enemies with crippling swings from his sword. As he reached his sister and Karina a portal formed at the bottom of the stairs and Lash and a female disciple stepped out. "Nice home Asper, although I'm disappointed I didn't receive an invitation to visit sooner." he said. The sounds of battle happening in the kitchen meant that Darryl was engaged and wouldn't be able to stop them.

"I was going to invite you soon... it was going to be several parties in one, a welcome to my home and your funural!" She grabs Jake by the shoulder and pushed him behind her and toward her room. "Go to the bedroom I'll be right behind you." She hisses at him, a little but of wild around her eyes. Jake was never supposed to meet Lash. Jake didn't even really know about Lash. He thought his father was dead.

Jake hurried to Asper's room and waited while she followed, the man and woman with him also followed. The man was waiting for Asper to run into the room and motioned to his friend, "Do not let her shut that door. Get us in there." Karina let out a wail as she began to pick up on everything going on in her home. Lash smiled, fear was his ally.

Asper was backing into the room, already her hands reaching for her daggers, there was no time to sooth her babe as the threat before them required her full attention. Asper was not afraid. Not yet. Right now she was angry, angry at Lash, angry at herself and angry that her baby was upset. By the time she had reached the doorway she knew she would ha e to act very quickly to close the door, so she aimed for Lash's companion and let loose two of her throwing daggers, one aimed for the woman's head the other a leg. She then grabbed the door to close it while they are hopefully distracted.

Lash almost smiled, Asper thought the woman was the real danger close to them. Quickly he tapped into his powers and lobbed some of the viscus material which hit the door keeping it from closing. The first dagger missed her head, but the second did strike her leg, he pulled the dagger out and dropped another glob to keep her from bleeding.

"Fucker!" The woman cursed as Lash pulled the blade free. The black goop was concerning but it took care of the bleeding. "Little fucking halfdrow!" She curses again drawing her blade and glaring at Asper who was struggling trying to get the door shut.

"Take Karina Jake! Now! I will get the door closed!" Asper barked the orders, she had another dagger and was trying to remove the sludge like black stuff, while also keeping an eye on Lash and his current partner. He would be within his whip range soon and Karina could not be in that range.

Jake hurried and pulled Karina from the backpack and took her back away from the door and set her on the bed. And then started to head back to help Asper when Lash hit the door with all the force that knocked the halfdrow woman backwards.

"Hurry up!" Lash had ordered the woman before using his powers to hit the door harder than a man twice his size. He then stepped into the room and saw his son and the mistake picking themselves up off the floor and the baby on the bed looking at him. "Well, everything comes full circle." he said letting one of his whips form.

Karina was pushing her speed as she got closer to her parent's house. However as the main door came into sight she realized there was no one to open the front door for her and give her admittance. Quickly she made a slight course correction, she was going up the wall and in through the roof entrance, she just hoped she'd be there in time.

The female guard was right behind him wrenching the door open fully, and almost growled at the half drow on the ground. She wasn't a child killer but the abomination was an entire different matter.

Asper shook her head and gripped her dagger tighter, she was horrified when the whips came from nothing. She bunched up and srpang from the ground intent on getting up close and in lashes face with her blade.

The female goon however grabbed asper midlunge and slammed her inti the ground, knocking the blade from her hand and slamming her head against the floor. Her pained yell and then wheeze filling the room with sound. Then the goon put her hands around Aspers neck and began to squeeze. Asper was clawing at her and fought beneath the much larger woman. Her thoughts solely on needing to be free to save the children.

"Not Yet!" Lash boomed at her, "Get her on her feet, I have worse plans."

Jake was up in a flash and was about to strike the goon when Lash used his whip to disarm him.

"Not yet boy, but I like the fire in yer belly." Lash said and Asper knew what he was going to do next. "My only son, they told you I was dead didn't they?" Lash snickered. "No, not dead wasting away in an Andorian prison. And your sister and The Ravenwoods knew all about it." He walked over and picked up Karina looking her over. "All so that." he said pointing to Asper, "Could whore itself out to them to keep herself safe and rich."

The female goon had gotten to her feet and hauled Asper by the neck with her. Standing she arranged Asper's back to her chest her arm around her belly and over her chest, her fingers tight in Aspers throat but letting enough air through.

Asper made an angry desprate noise in her chest and throat and she struggled, which only caused the goon to tighten up her grip. Not only were her fears coming to life in front of her but she knew he was going to kill her and possibly her little girl right in front of Jake. She was clawing at the goons hands, until she couldn't anymore and then she got more air from the goons grip. She was fighting, she was trying to get loose.

Jake stood almost shocked at what he heard, this man was his father and Asper and The Ravenwoods knew where he was and did not tell him. "What are you going to do?" he asked looking from his father to Asper.

"I'm going to take you with me and we'll make you strong and capable and you won't be alone because this little bundle is coming along too." Lash said looking at Asper with a smirk.

Asper was getting weaker in her struggles. Until finally she slammed her foot against the ground. A small blade sprung from it protruding from her sole only a scant inch but she stabbed the bitch in the knee and scrapped down with all her might. She was dropped and she pushed off the ground toward Lash and Karina, tackling them and protecting Karina was foremost in her mind.
The goon was on the ground clutching her shredded leg, the one with the black goop already. Unless she had a potion or healing spell soon her leg would be useless.

Lash was prepared for any new tricks Asper had learned, and used one of his whips to toss Asper away from him and her child. However he was not prepared for what happened next as Jake stabbed him and wrested the tiny baby away him. His goon had gotten to her feet after guzzling a potion and pulled her sword.

Jake backed away towards Asper brandishing his dagger, "Get away from us or I'll kill you both."

Asper was quickly going over options in her head. There was one thing she could use however it was extremely dangerous for everyone in the room. She decided against it however and instead scrambled beneath the bed and pulling out yet more daggers and a small brown pouch. "Jake you need to back up another foot..." she says her voice coming out strangely calm, her eyes focus on Lash, daggers in hand and that brown pouch in the other.

The goon reached out for Jake and Karina and a blur of motion hit her full in the chest sending her crashing against the wall. Linlesse's staff had hit the woman with all the force of having been shot from a ballista, it went through the woman pinning her to the wall. "Get away from them." Linlesse growled to Lash her eyes glowing brightly, "You won't harm any of them Lash."

Lash straightened at his name, did the thing tell everyone in the Ravenwood family about him? How did this girl know of him and how did they not know about the power she could wield. "I still think you are all outnumbered, the psions in the kitchen have Darryl in a stalemate and I can summon more in an instant.

Asper wasted zero time and while he was opening his giant flapping mouth to spout more lies and garbage she decided it was as good a chance as any. Besides his attention was now on Linlesse, bless the young girl. Asper didn't so much as lunge as she threw herself with all the force she could muster, dropping the little brown bag and aiming technically for Lash's legs. To be specific the femoral arteries.

(Speaking of the kitchen) Darryl was truly being tested by the psions, and of course it was the worst time for his mother to call for an extraction from across the sea no less. But, they were in a burning building he explained he could not bring them all and a man's voice said take Rosi and the women and so he did. With a pop the psions nowhere faced with two Ravenwood women and a serving girl who wasted no time grabbing a frying pan and laying it upside the nearest attackers head with a resounding BONG.

Alehial saw strangers and simply ran another man through with both her swords. She didn't have to take more then two steps and a lunge, she was after all quite used to Darryl grabbing her from place to place by now. She pulled her blades and swung her blade toward the third man.

Lily however was rarely 'popped' in by Darryl and was a bit disoriented, she did however grab a chair for balance and then whirled smashing it into the nearest man's chest and stomach as hard as she could, which ended up smashing the chair on him.

As she set to lunge at Lash the woman pinned to the wall made an unearthly noise and exploded. Filling the room with blood and all manner of ichor, Jake had been able to turn so that Karina was spared the shower of gore. Asper, Linlesse and even Jake's back weren't so lucky and when the haze settled Lash was gone.

Down in the kitchen Darryl heard the sound and grabbed his staff and headed to his bedroom ready for a second fight to defend his family.

Asper spat onto the floor. That was gross. "Jake are you and Karina safe?" Asper asks walking close but making sure to not touch at all. Even though Jake was covered in some gore... his front and karina were still okay. She heard them on the stairs though and not knowing who it was she unleashed a kick toward the door to hopefully hit whoever it was back.

Alehial rushed right on after her son. After all there were children in this house and bad guys. Lots of bad guys. Which was relieving because Alehial was still very stressed and needed something to help her relieve it.

Darryl having a sudden view that Asper was launching into an attack did the only thing he could for his mother. Another teleport was out of the question so he made Alehial incorporeal until Asper's kick passed through her.

Jake had Karina and turned around to see what had happened, then noticed everyone was covered in blood and well everything else. "We are okay, how about everyone else?" he asked, not sure how to approach the fact he not only knew his father was alive, but had cut him.

Linlesse made a disgusted sound, "For the love of everything that is holy!!! This makes the second time I've been covered in remains of the enemy. I'm over today, I really am, if it is okay master I'm heading back to the Estate to wash...again."

To their credit... the mothers of the room recovered from their startling moment and put away weapons and such in a calm manner clearly not addressing each other. "Linlesse, i want you to stay here for just a little bit if you don't mind. I am certain Darryl will agree that having you here was of great help." Asper says talking carefully now that Alehial was here and she could see Jake starting to process information.

"Here Jake let me have Karina. And we can get you all washed up yes? Come along." Alehial says walking over to the boy and smiling gently at him. " Linlesse dear if you go tell my daughter Lily and her friend downstairs they cN begin to get things ready to clean up the room and belonging. Darryl dear please don't forget Lily's.... her.... friend" alehial finally manages to get out.

Linlesse made a pained look but nodded, "Yes Ma'am." She clearly was not happy being cover like she was, but picked up her staff and stowed it again. "Um, Lily won't attack me will she? I mean we haven't met yet." Linlesse said, but Karina was jumping for joy that she would finally get to meet Aunt Lily.

Jake said nothing, but kept Karina close, she was a reminder that not all his family had secrets or were dangerous. And headed to the baths, he'd get Karina's basket and set her inside while he got cleaned up.

Darryl frowned as he addressed Alehial, "I can't teleport anymore today, I've burned through almost all of my powers during this attack and the last one. Besides, I can't sense him and the inn just collapsed in flames." He looked toward the steps, he was sure this news would hurt Lily greatly.

"If you cannot sense him it means he isn't dead. Come along Jake, We can let Linelesse have the next bath." Alehial smiles at the girl. "No. She will know you are not an enemy dear." She then snatches up a blanket and the basket while she herds Jake through Karina's room then into the bathing room.

Asper exhales very slowly then. The last of her things put away and the realization of what had happened hitting her now too. Lash was not only here but... more powerful, and very much so in control of her like he had always been. Only... now Jake might hate her too. For finding out the truth, not that she had really lied she had just never... told him the truth.

Downstairs Lily was moving the dead bodies into a group while Rosi was picking up bits of house and debris. Lily wasn't worried about the bad guys winning because Darryl and Mom were both up there.

Linlesse got to the third to the last step and slipped, bouncing down the last three with a OOf! at the end. She looked up at Lily and Rosi and quietly said, "Lady Ravenwood said all is clear and we can begin to clean up. It is rather nice to meet you by the way, I'm Linlesse, Darryl's student, you'll forgive me if I don't extend my hand." she finished looking at the gore still covering her.

Lily turned and watched the decent and smiled extending a hand anyways. The girl needed help up after all and she had been moving dead bodies. What was a little more blood. "So my brother took a student? And his wife was okay with that? Up we go." Lily says with a smile pulling the younger girl to her feet.

Linlesse had accepted the hand up and smiled, "Well, there was an interview, a long sometimes uncomfortable interview...." She looked over at the pile of bodies and made a quick motion and the vanished, "Just in case they too were about to explode."

"Explode? Does Darryl have some new tricks since I have been home? But all the same thanks. I certainly don't miss this part of adventures at home! Or the traveling." Lily says grabbing a towel from the kitchen and wetting it to at least help the girl get a littls cleaned up. "Here Linlesse, until you can get properly cleaned up." Lily says before going about and tidying up the kitchen again. After all Darryl was her big brother and she couldn't leave his house a mess.

"It seems more a trick the bad guys picked up." Linlesse said wiping off her face and exposed skin. She still felt it, but at least it wasn't all over her any more. She looked around for some way to pitch in and be useful, until she saw Rosi. "Are you okay? I know it's an awful lot battles like this and exploding enemies, it's my second so far or third they seem to run together."

"Rosi..." Lily started but stopped and shook her head. "This is my brothers home, and this is his apprentice. Apparently. Anyways we will be heading to my family's house fairly soon. Don't worry about anything I will vouch for you and cover for you. Anything you need." Lily says quickly all at once trying to offer it up as reassurance to the girl.

Rosi smiled at Lily, "Thanks luv, I know I'm in good hands." She poked around until she found a mop and bucket and got some water to clean up the floor. By the time Jake was done with bath, she had the floor in the kitchen clean.

When Lily heard the fuss of Mother around Jake and Karina she knew the bathroom was free. "Linelesse the bathrooms free if you want a go of it?" Lily offers up, she had been moving furniture out of Rosi's way while she was cleaning. She had also gathered up all rhe weapons and 'loot' she had pilfered from the bodies before stacking them. There were a few interesting finds and she had been going through them as well while they waited.

Linlesse smiled, "Thank you, good thing I pack for any issues, else I'd not have a thing to wear." She then hurried upstairs to the bath although she slowed near her parents room interested in might be going on.

"I'm sorry they broke through the wards, Asper. I never figured the Disciples could gather enough psions to combine power enough to crack the barriers." Daryl said feeling rather dismayed that his defenses for his family didn't hold out evil. "I'll find a way to improve them, make them better I promise." he was concerned because Asper really hadn't said anything since his mother took Jake and Karina to get cleaned up.

Asper shakes her head, she was sitting on the bed still. Looking at her hands. Thinking. About her failures. About Jake. Finally she clears her throat a little. "They did something to him. Lash used this black... goo. And his whips came from his hands." Her voice was still soft even though she had cleared her throat. She was very tightly keeping herself under strict guard.

Daryl crossed to Asper and took her hands in his, "We'll figure it out. We'll work together and find a way to beat him Asper. Don't lose faith in us, in what we can do and our life here."

"I want him dead. I don't want to figure it out... I don't want to be safe... we will be safe when my blade is tearing through his flesh and his blood is covering my hands." Asper says scowling before leaning forward and hugging Darryl. Sure she was gross and covered in everything gross. But not that she would say it out loud she needed the comfort. Jake might hate her and never forgive her.

Daryl hugged her back, he knew what his wife wanted and he'd never say it out loud either. He would wait until she wanted loose and then he would let her go, "I think we will need to move into another room until we can get this one cleaned up again." Hopefully Asper would let that comment take her mind off everything else at least for a little while. He did frown inwardly, with everything going on the Estate was packed beyond any and all thought. They could not fall back on their old home while the new one was restored.

Asper promptly released Darryl and got to her feet. She was already covered in yuck anyways so she started on the bedding. She pulled off the outer blanket and then the sheets and much to her relief none of the yuck had really soaked in beyond that. The pillows she threw in the same pile as the blankets. Then she moved on. The curtains she ripped down. anything fabric, she was getting rid of. "I'll need a bucket and a good scrub brush." She says pushing up her sleeves as she got into everything that was left in the open. A new basket for Karina would be needed, and blankets. "Do you need a jump? I have a few crystals tucked away in case." Asper speaks while she was working, usually if he was too drained he promptly slept. She didn't want that to happen, she needed him awake. He could still wield a sword after all.

"Maybe in a few minutes." Darryl said taking stock of everything in the room that was probably ruined. "Next time I think we should have a fight at their place." he surmised. "Conner Ravenwood and Vex at the front door." came the voice from the crystal. Darryl looked a little confused that his brother would be here now.

Jake was passing by the doorway and called out, "I'll go get the door. And Karina is getting fussy, she might be hungry." He finished the last part as he passed the kitchen area.

Linlesse turned her attention to Jake's voice saying she was being fussy, before remembering that she was in fact in two places at the same time. She smiled and looked at Lily and Rosi, "She really is the sweetest little girl."

"Oh we all are until we get old enough to have an attitude. And fight my mother." Lily says with a laugh, but she goes and gets the little babe. "Wow! Her eyes do the same thing as Darryls!" She exclaims as she sees her mother holding the baby who indeed was getting fussy.

"She is also a psion." Alehial says with a smile for her daughter. "Go help Asper in the room so she can clean at least her upper half and feed my granddaughter." Alehial tells Lily in a very I am your mother do as you are told sort of way.

Lily rolls her eyes but turns on her heels and heads up the stairs. "Asper, Darryl, your daughter is hungry! I suggest cleaning yourself up. I can clean up your room." She calls up the stairs then pauses. "Hey Rosi can you bring me that bucket and a brush? I can smell it and it is gonna be awful! Soapy water too please!" She calls through the house.

Jake pulled open the door and welcomed Conner and Vex into the house. Conner heard his sister's voice and sped past Jake and left Vex behind him. Skidding only to a stop when he entered the room and saw Lily. He looked between Darryl, Vex and Lily trying to find something to say.

Vex nodded at Jake peered around the home slowly. She was fully armored still and loaded with her weapons. It looked...awfully free of enemies. She edges into the house then.

"No you go clean up and take care of Karina. I will scrub up the floor and walls and ceiling and everything else." Lily says shaking her head and pointint her finger and arm toward the bathroom area.

Asper huffs. "You are as Bossy as Darryl is!" She mutters unhappily but drops the load of soiled linens. She then makes her way to the bathroom to clean up so she could feed Karina.

"Don't just stand there with your mouth open. Help Darryl clean up this mess." Lily says bossily to Conner and motioning to Darryl to get rid of the soiled mass Asper had been trying to deal with. "And someone help Rosi get me a bucket of water to start cleaning."

Conner made a motion and then proceeded to cast a spell and suddenly the room was spotless. "Just did the same thing at home a little while ago. NOW WHERE IN THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!" he shouted at his twin sister. Conner was happy she was home, but knowing the pain she had caused mother and father caused him to be a little abrupt with her. In the back of his mind he made note that now all they needed to do was find their mother.

"Well that would have come in handy earlier by ten minutes." Lily said ignoring her raging twin and speaking calmly before shaking her head. She walked past him to the door way. "NEVERMIND ROSI! WE GOT IT CLEANED UP!" She hollered before turning to look at her two brothers. "Mom's downstairs with Karina, so as soon as Asper's cleaned up and can feed her please let her know." She said to Darryl before giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She then turned to Conner and gave him a look, then looked him up and down with a suspicious look on her face. She sighs softly and begins to walk out the door intent on going back to the kitchen, tea was in order and poor Rosi had been left alone downstairs.

Rosi was far from alone, as Jake had been trying to find somewhere where there was no Ravenwood nor Asper. Finding Rosi in the kitchen making tea he sat at the table and put his head in his hands. His father was alive, his father was evil and wanted to hurt Asper and take Karina, and for that Jake cut his father. He wasn't sorry he did it, the man was really nothing to him he was just unsure about how he felt knowing that his sister and the family he grew to love had kept it from him.

Watching the young man sitting at the table made Rosi think of Da'Karis especially when he was younger and confused about his place in the world. She hunted around and got some bread and cheese and set it before him with a mug of tea, "Sometimes thinking is easier with a full stomach."

Lily walks through the doorway. "Seems my brother ran out of juice. Kar will have to deal with it on his own until either I can speak with my grandmother or my brother gets a full nights rest. Oh hey Jake." Lily says sitting down at the table with a heavy sigh as well. She was very worried about Kar and at the same time worried her mother or father might try to lock her away again.

Rosi looked up, "I'm concerned, without the inn or the monies hidden there he is alone without allies." Hearing Lily speak about needing to solicit other family members to help get him back from Valusia.

"Kar is the most resourceful non magic person I have ever met. Next to my uncle Lyle. I know he can take care of himself until we can get back to him." Loly says confidently, though she was sad all the money was gone... however coming back home meant she could get into her own funds and take some back with her. She was certain they would be alright. Plus she could armor back up properly. She looks over at Jake then ruffles his hair. "Think too hard and your brain will come out your ears." She says cheerfully to him.

"What should you do when people don't tell you the truth, or at least keep things from you?" he asked Lily. He took another sip of his tea and sighed, was the reason Asper and Altair kept this from him because they thought he'd want to leave and go with Lash? He liked his new life and his new home. Learning from Altair was fast becoming the best part of his day, almost as much as the lessons at the temple. Jake needed to talk to Asper and Altair and see what made them keep Lash such a secret.

"Depends on the secret I suppose. If it was something that might negatively influence you... then it was good that you found out now so you can properly judge whether or not you want it. On the other hand... if it was something really important and they kept it from you and it was something you needed, well I for one think it would be fine to be angry at them for it." Lily said slowly as she thought about it. She sighed softly and spoke again. "Then again... sometimes you tell people things and they don't listen anyways. Not everyone does good all the time... and not everyone who is bad is that way without reason either. you just have to think about who you are and where you stand and what you can forgive and what you can't." Lily says looking over at Rosi, Lily wasn't usually the one people came to get advice from. In fact she was waiting for her brother to burst back through the door and do some more shouting any moment. In which case she might just go home, and take Rosi with her.

Jake nodded, "I think I'm going upstairs for a while to think some more." He then excused himself and headed up to the roof garden.

Conner had found out his mother also had returned with Lily and was standing in the sitting room looking at his mother. He couldn't think of where to begin with her other than, "Where have you been?" So much had happened with Grell's people, Altiar's sickness, Orissa and her magical problems, not to mention the memory loss around the house.

"I can give you all kinds of excuses but I think you are old enough now that the truth will suffice." Alehial says looking up at her grown up son. She was rocking the little one in her arms and letting her suck and chew on her fingers to try and pacify her until Asper was cleaned up and could nurse her. "I was taking care of the family problems. Where I would do more good." She says simply then changes the subject. "Have you seen Lily yet? She could probably use a hug from her twin you know." Alehial says softly as if she hadn't heard the exchange upstairs.

"More good?" Conner echoed, "I'm pretty sure helping us find out what is wrong with father or Orissa. Or helping with the people we've taken into the house or how about the fact Lyriel, Lucas and Fael have no idea who they are. This family treats me and Lily like porcelain and leave everyone else to rot and ruin." His tone wasn't angry, just hurt and unable to understand where priorities lie with his own family.

Alehial's head whipped up to look into Conner's face her body tight with tension and she was careful to keep her grip on the child light still. "What is wrong with your father Conner? And Orissa?" Alehial asks though her eyes focused tightly on conner, her tone was not only an order but a cold question. The rest was merely trivial matters for the family but for Conner to phrase such about his father and little sister meant something truly awful was happening.

"Lyriel found him the night you vanished and wrested the information from him, he's been sick for months and it sometimes robs him of all his strength. And Orissa's magic has been running amok more often since the trip to the markets, the only way to keep it in check is casting dispelling magic on her." Conner informed her. "With the others out of commission it fell to me, Vex and Flint to try fighting off invaders. At least until Father shook whatever was ailing him off."

"Define 'sick'." Alehial's tone was tight and she began to rock Karina and herself. She didn't want the babe to pick up her utter distress and panick. Nor did she want Conner to see it. Better for him to think she is angry. Her patience was limited and she prayed Asper cleaned quickly to take the babe. She had to see her husband now.

"I'm not sure, he was weak unable to fight until whatever passed. Vex, Flint and I were the only ones able to mount a defense for the house until then. He fought them until Vex could get loose and free the rest of us." Conner told her the truth with no embelishments.

"Orissa's magic is going amok? In what way?" Alehial presses on, she needed to think but it was hard to do. Calm down and breath except she wanted to hyperventilate and scream. She was being careful, she was trying to be soothing for Karina, and herself some too.

"It was expressing itself....a lot." Conner said not fully understanding his sister's excess of magical power. "We had to cast dispelling magic to lessen it so she didn't get sick."

Alehial frowns then thinking hard. "The goblins again? Sick how?" Alehial presses her son for more details. Of all the times she wished for him to use his words and voice... was the time he couldn't or wasn't willing to.

"All of the above, it was like she had the flu and her goblins didn't drain her magic away. Grnadmother, Arten, father and I had to cast upon her to wick away the magic so she could feel better." Conner finished and looked to Vex to confirm what he had told her mother.

"She was sort of glowing and was feverish. It took them a while to get rid of it." Vex confirms jumping when Lily walked into ththe sitting room, Vex was sweating just a bit.

"Mother did you need anything else or can I probably take Rosi home?" She asks as she walked in, she notoced Vex flinch and that was weird. In fact this woman was weird altogether and a stranger to her. The other worrying thing was everyones faces. "What did i walk in on? She asks the very simple and short question.

Before anyone else answered, Conner walked over and hugged his sister. "Nothing, it doesn't matter now that you and mother are home. As a family we'll figure out how to help Lucas, Lyriel and Fael." With his goofy grin he ran his hand through her hair, "Grandmother will have a fit you cut those long locks."

"They got in the way during our missions." Lily says glad he wasn't yelling anymore. "What do you mean by the way? Whats wrong with Lucas, Lyriel and Fael?" She asks looking at her mother. Because honestly that was her look whenever something was wrong with Dad.

"I'll go get Darryl for the baby." Vex offers walking out of the room and up the stairs.

"They have no memory of anyone or themselves." Conner started looking back at Alehial. "Someone set the family up while you were gone to be overrun and who knows how many of us would have been killed. Past mother and father Lyriel and Fael are the most powerful in the house, getting Lucas was just a bonus to them." He smiled though, "Vex was a great help once father ordered her to fight beside instead in front of me."

"That's good. Since Rand posted her, and i hired her she seems to be holding her own." Alehial says tersely. She certai ly didn't think it coincidence but... was it Galin? Her uncle knew she wasn't at the house since they quite literally ran into each other.

"Mom hired her? What does that mean?" Lily asks looking at her mom then focusing back on Conner. He seemed older somehow or maybe just more mature, it made her feel just a tinge of loneliness again. Being home was already very complicated.

Before anymore could be said Darryl returned with Vex close behind, "I'll take her mother, I'm sure there is much that needs you at home." For little Karina this had been so much excitement that she had fallen asleep in her grandmother's arms and didn't move or wake when her father picked her up. Conner looked at Lily, "I'll tell you later I promise. Well brother, given your limit on power right now, I offer myself and Vex to remain and guard the house while you get some sleep."

"Oh Darryl I'm sorry this happened sweety." Alehial says releasing the slseping baby. She then reached up to gently stroke Darryl's cheek like she did when he was a very little boy. She then looked at Conner and Lily standing next to each other, they looked like adults. All her little babies had grown up. Conner said that they almost hadn't managed, but from Alehial's view they had all managed just fine.

Lily punches Conner's shoulder affectionately albeit hard. "There might not be that many next times brother." She says before hugging him and then leaving to room to get Rosi.

Asper walked down the stairs then and paused at the bottom. She wasn't settled enough to deal with the ravenwood viper. So she waited instead, for them to go. All of them. She just wanted her house again.

Darryl looked at Conner and Vex, "I appreciate the offer to keep watch while I recover my power, I should only need a good nights sleep."

Asper had heard what Conner and and Darryl were talking about, then heard footsteps behind her. Jake had finished cleaning up and stopped short from joining everyone when he saw his sister. He looked a little confused then turned and went back up the stairs toward the roof.

"Apparently it is no problem." Vex says glancing at Conner with a frown. She nodded at the Ravenwood head and then left that room to go do a sweep of the unfamiliar house, nodding at the upset looking asper as well before going around her.

Asper gives the guard a look before shrugging it off and entering the room. She gathers her baby from Darryl and holds her close. "No offence but if you are all done... get out." She says tersely before heading to the kitchen to make food.

Lily comes out of the kitchen though with Rosi close vehind and smiles at Asper. "It will get easier. And babies are always fun even with a bit of dNger around." She offers up.

Darryl sighed and looked at his family, "I will need a second, but Conner I do wish you and Vex to stay at least to give me piece of mind and rest." He then followed Asper to the kitchen giving Lily a thin smile as he walked inside to try convincing his wife to let at least Conner and Vex stay. "Asper, I think Conner and Vex should stay. At least until I have recovered enough strength to strengthen the wards that protect the house from invaders. Just until we get rest though then they can go home." He hoped his reasons were logical and she would except them.

"Lash will do away with them... like he does with everyone in his way." Asper says puttting a pot of water on the stove, holding Karina with one arm and close against her. She was trying to be quiet and get a pot boiling for food. Everything was cleaned up but she couldn't settle still.

Darryl placed one hand on Karina's back and the other rested on Asper's cheek, "He won't be back so soon, you said Jake cut him pretty deep. Even if he gets healing, why would he come back after it was obvious Jake chose you and Karina over him?" He then turned Asper's face to look at him and made a face, "But, if you feel Conner and Vex may be ineffective, we could ask my mother to stay and send for my father." Already Darryl knew her answer but hoped she might at least smile a little.

"Lash is a monster now. More so than he was before. He will probably want to destroy Jake too now that he has chose. a side specifically." Asper says in all seriousness before letting out a sigh. "I know you are trying to make me feel better but it just isn't going to work right now." The last part of her sentence almost sounded like an apology, though hear eyes moistened slightly before she hardened her expression and blinked it away. She did not pull away from his touch though.

Darryl nodded, "I had to try. And my love try to understand monsters are what Ravenwoods deal with best. My parents have defeated some of the worst monsters and people this world has, you and Jake have all of us. More than any monster can handle I swear it."

"Just so you know... from the outside your family looks like monsters sometimes too." Asper says softly before looking up at his face. "As if I'm one to talk." She scoffs then and turns back to the oven. Gently bouncing Karina, not wanting to wake her.

Darryl moved behind her and put his hand on her shoulder, "Considering the sometimes monster status of the family, you're pretty safe my love."

Bowers was very surprised when first Linlesse returned covered in gore. It was compounded when ALehial, Lily and a stranger showed up after. "Welcome home m'lady." he managed to say as he took their cloaks.

"You into the baths." Alehial orders Linlesse with a mothering tone then rounded on Lily "You go to Arten and get both of you checked out. And visit your grandmother. Also find Rosy some clothes I'm sure we have something that will fit for now. Bowers if you could send out a message to thd whole house that Dinner will be held in the dining room. Simple soup and bread will suffice. It is to be informal." Alehial spoke quickly and confidently, she then squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. What was going to happen next was something she needed bracing for.

Bowers shut the door after them and looked at Alehial, "Mistress. Lord Ravenwood, Lady Lia and Mistress Arten are upstairs with Lyriel, Lucas, and Fael looking into their missing memories." Linlesse had left the group to go get clean clothes and then on to the baths and get the gore off of her. The house was quiet, almost eerily so since the attack everyone was staying out of sight.

"In that case Lily send your father to our room. Bowers send that message." Alehial amended quickly, she wanted a few more things and to clean up a bit for herself. Perhaps another hair trim was in order.

Lily looks at Bowers and then at Rosie. "Okay... well then... off to aunt Arten's room. Um Bowers she should be around Elsa's size, so maybe some of her extra clothes." Lily says with an apologetic smile to Bowers before taking Rosie's hand and pulling her along up the stairs. "So um dining room, kitchen storage room servanta rooms and sitting room as well as moms war room that's downstairs. Basement is where the hotspring bathing room and storage is. First floor is Aunt artens room, mom and dads room, aunt artens neices room and the nursery. Oh my room and my twins as well as my twin sisters room. The rest I will explain later." Lily says explaining slowly poi ting in the direction of each room.

While Lily was giving Rosi the amended tour of the house, Bowers sent a maid to inform Lord Ravenwood that Lady Alehial had returned home and was awaiting him in their bedchambers. Without much ceremony Altair left his mother and Arten to figure out the issue with his children and son-in-law and left to his wife.

Alehial was in her closet, currently going through armor and weapons and not taking her best but her second best of everything. Putting them in her "pouch". She needed to finish this quickly and see all her children. She only hoped she had time, and that Altair didn't go crazy, after all she was doing her best.

He entered the room quietly and saw Alehial putting equipment into her bag of holding. Altair wanted answers and he knew the best way to get them was to make sure Alehial had nowhere to go. So, quickly he took out the key and locked their chambers door it was a tactic they both used when needing to get to the truth or needing to argue without the children seeing.

Alehial froze when she heard the lock click into place. "Altair?" She asks finishing stuffing her things into her pouch. She didn't really want to leave the closet. She didn't really want to see his face, she was afraid after all. She was sort of hoping maybe it was Galin and he was being cheeky and she could kill him. Though that did still leave her evil uncle to deal with.

Altair moved so that if she were to turn she would see him, he was still working on what he should say. "Where have you been?" he asked, "Where did you go? Do you know how worried we've all been?"

Alehial flinched at his voice, her hands clenched into fists and then relaxed. She turned then and seeing him standing there... in their room with that look on his face. Like she had kicked a puppy. Her heart beat louder in both breast and ears. "I had some... things pop up and I had to go." She says hesitantly, almost coming out of the closet but not quite. Just enough that if she needed space she could close the closet door between them.

"Some things pop up." he repeated back to her, "That you couldn't tell any of us what was going on?" Without thinking about it he reached out and pulled her into his arms, "Do you realize how worried I was about you?" Altair could not figure out how he felt right now was it anger, sadness or relief that she was here, safe at home.

"I had an inkling." Alehials voice said muffled by his chest. She was weak to his embrace. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged tight. She trembled, with relief, fear, sadness... and anger towards Galin. Hatred of herself too.

While the Lord and Lady were getting reacquainted, Lily and Rosi arrived in Aunt Arten's rooms where the taciturn dwarf and Lia Ravenwood were trying to figure out what had befallen Lucas, Lyrial and Fael. Elsa was on hand mainly because her presence kept her felid husband calm. Rosi was taken aback when she saw Fael and even a little bit with Lyriel.

"Quick intro... the elf is my grandmother, the dwarf my Aunt, the human female my older sister, the cat guy is her husband and my brother in law, the human blond one is my older brother, and the human with dark hair my cousin who is also my brother in law apparently? The drow is also one of my older sisters. Aunt Arten heals us mostly, grandma Lai blows people up, Elsa gets kidnapped but can also do magic, her husband is a protecter... which means don't fight him ever. Lucas is a paladin essentially and is married to a literal angel. Lyriel is. Druid like my mom but is way more fun and her hubs my brother in law/cousin used to be a soldier until my family ruined him." Lily gave the quick rundown of who was who and did what in the room. "Anything I can do to help?" She then asks actually stepping forward i to the room.

Rosi's eyes widened to the point she thought they might burst, was no one in this family normal?

Lily had only gotten one step in when her grandmother swept her into a tight embrace, "DO you know how I've worried about you!?" She ignored Arten who just hurmphed at the sudden outpouring of emotion to a child who still had her memories. However, knowing Arten as long as she did the elf knew she was happy Lily was back home as well.

"Grandma your baby is squishing me!!" Lily says but hugs back just as much, just more strategically. She relaxed into the hug releived and happy everyone was technically alright. Hugs from the others could wait until their memories were back. Pulling away after a few moments though she walks over to Aunt Arten. "Sorry I didn't leave a better note." Was all Lily said before leaning down and hugging the dwarven woman. Lily wasn't going to apologize for leaving, and in fact she didn't think much more needed said.

"Has ye father seen ye yet?" Arten asked once Lily released her. She figured the answer to be no, as Lily was not chained to the over-protective patriach of the family.

"I figure he is much more busy dealing with mom? Apparently she has been missing? As well." Lily says with a sly smile, before looking at her silent and apparently crying sister that remembered who she was. Lily dodged the ones that had no memories and came forward leaning down to hug her seated sister who only cried harder. "There, there sis. I'm okay. And we will uh... help everyone here too."

"Okay so... is everyone always so touchy feely?" Lyriel asks arms folded as she leans against the far wall watching this entire proceeding of hugs take place.

Arten turned and raised an eyebrow at Lyriel, "Sometimes you're the first one to do any hugging lass. Still, I'd drop a thousand gold pieces to figure out how someone got the three of you at one shot." The dwarven cleric moved closer and cast a spell touching Lyriel's forehead and musing quietly as she began to learn about the enchantment they were under.

Lia turned to Rosi and smiled, "Hello child, my name is Lia Ravenwood and Lily speaks the truth I am her grandmother as I raised her father from a young boy until Alehial took over." A chuckle by the door caught their attention as a young man probably not much older than Lily was leaning against the doorway.

"So, mistress Arten any idea what has befallen my wife?" Flint asked looking at Lyriel with deep concern.

"Flint!" Lily exclaims happily making her way to her cousin/brother in law. "Oh wow.... what a bruise!" She laughs and hugs him tightly. She was glad to see everyone all together and safe and healthy.

"I don't feel like something is wrong with me." Lyriel says ignoring Flint's presence in the room. "I also don't feel like someone who hugs a lot." Lyriel frowns as she listens to the muttering dwarf. She was getting tired of all this. She wanted to leave, she felt like she needed to go... wander? Travel? She wasn't certain which but she knew she couldn't over whelm them all.

Elsa sobers up a little and stands, "it doesn't seem to be a magical affliction, at least that I can figure." She says softly trying to regain her composure. She stands up to go confer with Arten.

"It's not just an magic spell, there is more to this an almost regenerating effect that almost radiates from inside them." Arten said looking at Lia then Elsa. "I think we need your mother child." she said to Lily and Elsa.

"I am not getting in between Dad confronting Mom." Elsa says quickly shaking her head, and holding up her hands. "I should check on my children, they might be hungry... Fael... would you like to come? And spend time with the children and me?" Elsa asks standing up and facing her own husband.

Lyriel grumbles under her breath and starts pacing around in the room. "I need some air. I need to go.... outside?" She says agitated towards Arten.

"Don't go far, once your mother and I get our heads together we will need to get you all back to right." Arten says nodding to Lyriel. "And let him go with you." she said motioning to Flint, "In case there are more of the enemy sneaking about."

Fael had decided to go with Elsa, she did not mean him any harm and to see his other children gave him hope he might remember them.

Rosi had kept quiet, there was so much going on here and she didn't want to get in the way.

"I'm not taking that pervert with me." Lyriel growled out heading for the door, pushing Flint out of the way and gently moving Lily.
Lily lets herself be moved and give Rosi a look then laughs. "Never a dull moment around this house!" She walks over to Rosi. "I'm not needed here so let's go get a bath and then we can go to my room!" Lily says cheerfully.

Flint looked at Arten then after she motioned him to follow Lyriel he looked at Elsa, "You lucked out. At least he isn't being aggressive to you." Then he went to follow at a respectable distance behind his wife.

Rosi nodded about leaving to get cleaned up and then to hopefully get some sleep. And the two young women got down to the bath almost catching Karina/Linlesse who barely got her normal form up. She smiled to them, "Oh, hello again. I hope you don't mind my being here or I could leave if you both wish to be alone."

"I don't mind you." Lily says with a smile. She heads over to the cabinets and simply strips naked. Then she walks over to the water and slowly walks in and sinks down onto a seat ledge. "This is it!" She says putting her hair up quickly and relaxes into the water. "Come on in Rosi. It feels great!"

Rosi nodded and did the same getting into the water and relaxing a little bit, "So, what happens now Lily?" She was a little afraid that Lily's family would force her to leave and she had no money to get home, not that there was a home to return to.

"We have two options. The first is that we wait and Kar will find us, he's good after all. The second option is we go look for him and hope he isn't doing the same. Two ships passing by each other kind of thing." Lily says to Rosi ticking them off on her fingers. "The good news... I should be treated as an adult and can now leave when I like." Lily says with a wide grin.

Linlesse listened to the interplay between them and wondered about what they had said. "You think your parents aren't going to ask you to remain here at home? At least during all these attacks and such?" She was almost done getting clean, but was a little bit nervous getting out while Lily and Rosi were here.

"I think since Mother dissapeared and I am unharmed and better now than when I left they cannot keep me here against my wishes. Besides everyone came out okay. And since my brother has a bodyguard (snicker) the numbers are the same. Essentially I am safer with Kar and Rosi, and the family is doing just fine." Lily says soaping up and washing up and then passing it all over to Rosi.

Rosi took the soap with thanks to Lily, "But how will he find us here? I doubt returning to a burned down tavern will accomplish much. And since my skill in fighting is only with a frying pan, could we not get your brother or some other family member to help us?"

"Staying in one place would be best... unless he is injured or captured. I think I should ask Aunt Arten or mother to scry or possibly question the gods on his status. I would ask my sisters but one doesn't know who she is and the other one's husband doesn't know who he is. So we still have options but slim ones. If we can ascertain his health... we can plan from there. If he is healthy and fine he will come and search for us. He is aware of my family." Lily says all while cleaning her body and washing her short hair. Some of the dye washed out leaving her hair streaked with almost blond and still mostly brown.

Linlesse made a sound which could only be called a squeak and quickly ducked under the water. When she surfaced she quickly wiped the water and soap from her face, "I'm so sorry, I just remembered I have something I have to go do." She then waded to the side of the bath and pulled herself off and grabbed a towel then the robe Alehial had given her and headed for the stairs.

"Mom never picks up anyone normal." Lily sighs softly and leans back on the side of the bath to relax. She was trying to think of all the changes in such a short period of time, not to mention the recent issue's plus on top of that Mother herself. Not to mention Rosi being dragged along. "Maybe we should find work and stay away from my family..." she posits.

"They are your family and from what we've heard I think they need you." Rosi said quietly. "It's me that I feel shouldn't over stay my welcome. This isn't my family or country even, a job at a tavern at least until or if Da'Karis finds his way here or...." She let the rest trail off with a sob and her tears began to fall.

Lily comes over quickly and hugs Rosi. "First we find out if he is okay. Then we plan on how to meet up with him again." Lily says rubbing Rosi's back. "You took care of me Rosi... well I'm going to take care of you."

Upstairs Flint was having a time keeping an eye on Lyriel never before had they been this at odds. He had convinced Lyriel to let him help with remembering all the children and people she might run across until they figured out what had happened. Although he had been unprepared when Linlesse came sprinting out of the basement and hugged Lyriel. "I need your help Lyriel, please!!" she begged the drow.

"Me?! What kind of help can I give you?" Lyriel asks concerned and surprised and looking down at the young woman clutching her. Lyriel was already on guard because of the pervert she was apparently married to. She put her hands on the young girls shoulders, gingerly. "Who is she? One of the children?" She asks Flint.

"Her name is Linlesse, she is Darryl's (your brother) student." Flint added. "Linlesse, you might need to see Alehial or Darryl, Lyerial isn't feeling herself yet." The young lady sniffled then nodded, "Perhaps I can ask Elsa, although she's in the same boat as you and Lucas. Oh, fiddle." she proclaimed and headed up the stairs.

"I mean her husband is but she's good to go. The blond little human wizard right? I think she could help... maybe." Lyriel called up the stairs after the young girl. "Damn. Where in blazes did all these people come from? And why does everyone think I can help them with god's knows what." Lyriel exclaims turning to Flint and fixing him with an accusatory look as if he was the one who had done it.

Flint motioned to the sitting room, "Perhaps if I tell you how you came to join the family it might make some sense. Perhaps even jog your memory a little bit." he poured them both a drink and motioned her to take a seat while he did the same. "Now I'm not the story teller Conner (your brother) is." he explained before starting to tell her the story of Lyriel Ravenwood.

"Let me stop you there... I don't remember any of that... and I don't feel like that is me. Also no you are not a good story teller." Lyriel says she had finished the drink at the beginning. She was up to the teen years and wasn't feeling it. "Listen, you are trying to help. I get it. But it isn't working okay?." Lyriel says before she leans down and grabs a peice of candy from the bowl on the table. "I need to get out of this house for a minute. I don't know why but I just need to not be in this house." Lyriel says agitated, she pops the candy in her mouth and leaves the room, with or without Flint tagging along.

Flint didn't wait and fell into step behind Lyriel, "Okay so no more conversation about your childhood. So where do you want to go? And wait." he said stopping her long enough to open her pouch and pull out the hat of disguise. "Not everyone deals very well with drow elves walking around town." he explained before going over how the item worked.

"Neat!" Lyriel says putting it on and thinking very hard on looking exactly like Flint. "So anyways how do I get out of this house?" Lyriel says quite quickly, turning and starting to look around the house once more. The hat instantly going back to neutral.

Flint shook his head, "We will go in a couple minutes, you need to just use the hat to change your skin tone from obsidian to something more like mine. It's stupid I know but, you used to say it was easier to jut blend in." He then waited until she was ready and lead the way to the front gates, they would go to a different bar rather than Finn's as they would be as well known and could blend in.

Lyriel was frowning the entire time. "Why should I blend in. If people don't like it... They can stuff it. I'm here and they don't have to like it." Lyriel says her focus clearly on keeping the hat steady.

Flint sighed, "Drow do not have the best reputation with surface dwellers. And while you are the exception to them, not everyone treats you as such. I used to be in the camp that said let the real you be seen and to hell if no one liked it. Until you decided the hat was a better idea."

"I am begining to think people... are stupid. And the stupid should be educated or gotten rid of." Lyriel says scowling harder. People were already avoiding them on the street though whether it was because of her frown or something else she had no clue. "This isn't much better than that house you realize." She says after a few minutes of walking in silence. She didn't know why but she was still uncomfortable with all these bricks and pavers and houses and people. Maybe the bar would be better.

Flint nodded, "When we were younger I always complained about the hat, and you are right. But, it was also you who decided to be the better person by using the hat and gained a lot of respect of the older generation." In a few minutes the arrived at the bar and Flint opened the door for her to enter first. Inside was a loud bar with several dwarves and other drunken races inside, some place that they would be overlooked by those inside.

"Classy. I think." Lyriel says her eyes needing no time to adjust to the dim lighting of being inside of a building. She was still frowning trying to keep her skin a sort of tannish white. It was hard to concentrate on it. She also felt like she did too much for other people. "Did I never do things for myself?" She asks Flint then.

"Plenty, but you understood what being a member of this family meant. Not to say you didn't have your wildside, but you kept it in check with everything else." Flint said walking with her to a table. "I'll go get some drinks and will be right back." he said heading to the bar.

Flint had left her alone, good, now was the perfect time to talk to Lyriel Ravenwood without anyone being the wiser. The old man approached setting a mug of spice wine in front of Lyriel, "They seem to treat you like a pet there, don't they?" He took a couple steps past and took a seat behind her, just in case she wanted to talk a little more.

"They who? And where exactly?" Lyriel asks sniffing the wine before taking a drink. It was good kinda hot down the throat but in a nice way. She takes a heftier drink then. Was this perhaps another person who 'knew' her?

"The Ravenwoods of course." he said with a slight chuckle. "Always prim and proper, collecting wayward children and making them be just like them. I've seen it before, disgusting really, some children have a far better destiny before them. How would you like the chance to find your own path?" he took another sip of his wine and waited.

Lyriel raised her eyebrow then and finished off the mug. "Listen... Do I know you? Do you think I have any idea of what you are even talking about? Destiny? Path... am I some kind of heroine?" Lyriel as she speaks forgets all about the hat and the whole skin color thing and so her black skin and lavender eyes and pale eyebrows make quite the picture of disbelief on her face.

Just then a fight broke out and people were shoulder to shoulder watching the action. The man said to her, "If you are curious perhaps you should step outside where we can talk privately." He then got up and went out a side door, leaving Lyriel to decide what to do next.

Lyriel looked toward the fight and shrugged. Flint said he could handle himself so he would be fine. She followed the guy outside, after having removed the hat and leaving it on the table, she would be right back in for it. Once out the door she looked around for the old man.

What she saw was a man, or elf just like her although his eyes were red. "I see you are curious about what they robbed you of. You could be so much more than a simple druid, you could be a ruler over men and liberate those who suffer." He watched her eyes then pulled out a simple pin, "If you decide to find out a better destiny you need simply hold the pin and call forVennis."

"My friend inside said that most do not trust our race. Also I'm not sure if you know this but this is a very mysterious and creepy offer." Lyriel says raising an eyebrow and looking at the pin. She folds her arms and cocks on hip to the side then and purses her lips together. "I think... I'll make my own destiny thanks. This one seems like it would either be a trap... or a lot of work." Lyriel says watching the red eyed drow before her.

He smiled, "Take the pin as a sort of insurance policy. I and my friends help people find a better way that doesn't include conforming to their way of life. True freedom to be who you want to be." Vennis continued offering her the pin again.

"I haven't been sold on their way either, mind you. Just seems to be a lot of work you know? Wanna tell me what happens when I say 'Vennis' and bleed? Or are you going to keep being darkly mysterious and obnoxious?" Lyriel asks using her fingers to quotate the name Vennis which meant nothing to her. She didn't get closer or even reach out to take the pin. For all she knew it was covered in some sort of poison meant to kill her.

"You hold it, not pierce our finger with it." he said rolling his eyes, "And Vennis is my name." The drow waited to see if she would take the pin or not, although if she decided to tell anyone it might cause some distress.

"Alright. What the hell. Worse thing that happens is I dominate a few men, right? So... Thanks I guess, Vennis. You seem alright as far as I can tell." Lyriel says shrugging and stepping closer holding out her hand for the pin. "Plus true freedom certainly sounds nice." Lyriel laughs as if it were some kind of inside joke.

Once she had the pin he pulled up his cowl and walked away, "Don't let it get around you saw my child. I'm supposed to be dead, at least that's what they think."

"Alright..." Lyriel says tucking the pin inside her blouse into her cleavage. She then decides going back inside is a bit over rated. She looks around a little before smiling to herself. She then climbs up some things she gets up onto the roof of a nearby building so she can still see the tavern and Flint if he should come out but she was no longer hindered by buildings and that certainly made her feel a whole lot better.

The night sky was clear and Lyriel could see the stars above her twinkle and she recalled hat Flint had said. For the most part drow lived underground and almost never ventured to the surface unless there was good reason. A few minutes passed until Flint came out of the tavern and was looking everywhere for her. It seemed like his distress was genuine that she had slipped out without telling him.

Lyriel jumped down and landed beside him gracefully. "Finally done?" She asks standing up. At some point she had put her hair up into a pony tail, and now she flicked it over her shoulders to rest against her back. "Lets go for a walk. I saw a nice tower, we can see the whole city!" Lyriel laughs softly turning her back and starting to wander in the right direction.

Flint followed her for several minutes and when she stopped he began to laugh, "You might not have your memories, but instincts are still there." The Spire of the Immortal Soul, this would not be the first time they climbed it, however it had been ten years since the first night they did. And it made Flint chuckle they snuck a bottle of brandy up there and it is where Lyriel first taught him how kiss.

"So did you win? I saw the fist fight start before I decided to climb." She asks clasping her hands behind her and rested against her backside. She was meandering at best. She wanted to see the city they were in. She had gotten filled in but she still just couldn't connect any of the pieces. And as helpful? As everyone seemed she sort of just wanted to be out on her own. There were too many people at that house and they all seemed to want her to do something for them.

The first thing they encountered at the tower was the wall, Flint turned his back to it and cupped his hands as to give her a boost. "Wasn't really a winner or loser as everyone scattered when the barman opened the rear door and called for the guards." he explained with a lopsided grin.

"It took quite a few minutes for all that to happen." Lyriel says with a cocked white brow, her lilac eyes filled with doubt. She steps into his hands though and boosts up and grabs the ledge. It took a moment of struggle to get her other leg up and finally get on top. It was fairly clear she didn't remember all her skills either, and not just her childhood.

Once she was up, Flint turned and jumped up to grab the top of the wall and haul himself over. It had been easier when they were younger and she could help him. "Well, I'm sure they needed enough time for coin to pass hands before running the fighters out." he said with a wink as he went over to the ground.

Lyriel rolls her eyes and hops down herself, though not entirely as graceful. She brushes off her hands and looks around for a way into the tower, "you are a native show us the way then city boy." Lyriel gestures to Flint.

He returned the smile and headed to the tower and found the spot just like the first time and began to climb. "Just follow me and we will be up there pretty quick." he explained as he started to go higher. Flint found out however, some of the places they stopped to rest were now to small for them and he had to press on. Throwing a leg over one of the statues he managed to turn around and see how she was coming along.

She was keeping up easily though she was a little behind because she couldn't figure out foot and hand holds. However her muscles were already trained for such things and her finger strength fantastic. However was was sweating and very carefully not looking down.

Flint turned and continued to climb until he made the rooftop then turned and reached down in case Lyriel wanted or needed some help.

Lyriel continued to climb looking for hand and footholds carefully, she was sweating hard and her white hair clung to her dark skin, though in the darkness it wouldn't be so easy to see. She was clenching her teeth and she was exhausted, she was trembling but the set in her eyes was determined.

Flint kept his eyes on her progress, ready to reach out and haul her up if needs be. They were so tired the first time they climbed this tower they had to wait until Alehial and Altair found them the next morning. He wanted to chuckle remembering curling up with Lyriel under his cloak to keep warm through the night, it was one of his best memories of them together.

Lyriel reached the top and hauled herself over the edge. Once safe she panted for breath. "Heights are far less interesting than I thought it would be. Gods. One wrong move and I would plummet!" She panted out, wiping her sweaty brow. She then decided sitting was better and sat her head tilted back so she could look at the sky.

Flint sat behind her and scooted a little closer, "Don't worry, hopefully I'd be able to snag you before you left the roof." Rooting around he came up with a bottle and passed it forward to her, "Ladies first."

Lyriel scoots a little away and snags the bottle. "I'm a druid right? Can I turn into a bird or something?" Lyriel asks before taking a drink slowly. "Ugh!!! It's bitter!" She says making a face but she lifta it once more for another drink before passing it back. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Do you know how to take your wild form? I've only ever seen you turn int your wolf form." Flint responded. It would be nice to know that she remembered something from her life, even if she didn't remember the people in it.

"I can turn into a wolf? That's fantastic!" Lyriel says with a large smile before looking down and frowning. "Except for falling off. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't help at all! So is everyone going to pressure me to be who I was. What if I'm not her anymore?" She asks folding her hands behind her head.

"They think you and the others were enchanted or cursed, and they hope once the right spell is found they can reverse it letting you all remember your lives." Flint answered leaving out the fact that Lyriel was his wife. "If we get attacked again, I fear Altair's bluff won't work twice. Meaning a lot more fighting and injuries." he looked at Lyriel and wondered what she was thinking. "You've been with the family for a long time, don't you want all those memories back, good and bad?"

"How should I know. When I woke up... I was in a huge house. I was alone and different. Everyone kept asking me what the problem was and what the answer was. Maybe I don't know. And is that such a bad thing. Listen we climbed up here because why not? And why shouldn't I be allowed to live that kind of life?" Lyriel asks sitting up and huffing. "Listen! You get all cuddly all the time. I don't know who you are! I don't know who I am. Can we just be people?" Lyriel rolled her eyes and took the bottle.

Flint laughed, he really didn't mean to but her tone and rolling of her eyes were so Lyriel. "You sound like you always have. Alehial and Altair have always wanted you to have the freedom to do as you want, but you have always been a huge part of the family. Elsa and Lily talk all things to you about boys and now husbands. And of course the boys, you've knocked back meads and talked sword play and even helped Conner come up with some of his bardic songs." Flint couldn't find a better way to say while the family wanted her to be her, Lyriel herself found herself happier in the hustle and bustle that came from living in that house sometimes.

"I sound like a busy body. Don't I ever just go off out into the world... you know... to see what's out there? Are there dragon's? Faeries? maybe a machine that makes drink as fine as this? Could I fly too?" Lyriel takes a deep breath and puts her heels on the edge settling her arms on her knee's and resting her cheek on her arms. Then she releases the breath slowly in a long sigh. "Maybe I was doing all of that because I didn't want to be left behind? Am I a lonely person? Am I happy? Should I try to go back? Maybe not knowing is better for me?" She says softly looking out across the sea and the stars.

"You have, most of your brothers and sisters have ventured out, but you all return home because of Altair and Alehial and family. You've been a quiet person and I don't know how you were before coming into the house, but the moment you arrived you joined into the horde of children running around the house you fit in and enjoyed the love and life they made for you. And for a selfish reason I hope you do get everything back." Flint said quietly as he looked toward the west.

"Cause you're my husband." Lyriel says with a slight frown. Lyriel stays in that position for a few moments quietly contemplating everything. "So. there is a big fight going on with this family and the kingdom or something? No one at the bar seemed to notice anything." She says at last, finally breaking the quiet around them on the rooftop where they were perching.

Altair hadn't released Alehial from his arms for a long while, his relief that she was okay outweighed his anger that she had left her home. He hadn't said anything, in truth he didn't know what words will spill forth first when he finally did begin to speak.

Alehial too was glad for the hold with what had was going to go do, she needed this comfort and strength to keep her going. She didn't want to tell him, she didn't want him to know. She didn't want this hug to end either. She did however want to know what was wrong with her children. While none were harmed this wasn't exactly much better.

"Alehial, I don't understand. Where did you go and find Lily?" he asked when he finally pulled back enough to look her in the eye. The worst place for Alehial to be since she never had much luck in lying to her husband.

"I found Lily by mistake... looking into the other things. But once I found her I knew I had to bring her home. When we got to Darryl's there was fighting going on, once Darryl liquified them we came right over here." Alehial explains briefly as she tries to avoid the primary topic of where she had gone.

"I don't think Darryl did that, some of the invaders here exploded as well." Altair confessed. "More than likely their master did it so not to be found out. So, Lily returned home with a friend will she be staying or heading back didn't say where you found her my love."

"Yes her friend Rosi... apparently she helped Lily out a great deal so yes we shall be taking care of her in return, if she doesn't mind of course. I had thought for certain Darryl was the one who had liquefied everyone... and what apparently is wrong with the others Bowers said they had lost their memories?" Alehial inquires trying her best not to make her nervous face or squirm in his arms. She was beginning to blush a little bit.

That old little tingle crept up into Altair's spine, she wasn't being truthful to him. "Yes, they can't remember anything about who they are in our family. All no memory of spouses or children or skills with blades or magic. Lai and Arten are working on it now, but Rosi has a peculiar accent where is she from?" Altair asked.

"No memories at all? That isn't good." Alehial went quiet then as he pressed her for more information, information she wasn't certain she wanted him to know. She was quiet for several moments before sighing softly. "I am trying to find... anything I can about my uncle working with your brother. We can't stay on the defensive all the time and the children are all still too little. I thought that as long as everyone was here and so were the older more capable ones than I could go and sniff out information." Alehial says trying to keep the emotions out of her voice, though now she could feel a tinge of warmth from her cheeks. Her body always betrayed her with Altair and Lai it seemed like.

Altair sighed, the one that Alehial knew meant he was unhappy with what he heard. "So, you ran off to spy on Galin and your uncle from that other place. We are supposed to be a team Alehial, not running off without letting the other know what is going on. Where did you find Lily? And the truth this time." he said setting his eyes deeply into hers.

Alehial's blush deepened and she clutched the fabric of his shirt. "We are a team! I am just doing the reconnaissance while you keep everyone safe at home. Galin has us cornered and he knows that." She frowns then and looks down at their feet. "In the great desert on the eastern continent. Lily was working at a Tavern and Inn, living there with Rosi." Alehial says leaving Kar out of it, Altair had enough to deal with at the moment.

"Valusia?!" Altair said, "How did you get there it takes weeks by ship and I know Darryl has been low on power lately." He wasn't going to comment on his daughter working in a tavern, not right now anyway.

"It wouldn't be reconnaissance if everyone could figure out! I am trying to be sneaky and I'm not good at it! Stop trying to figure everything out so I can just do it and I can save you this time!" Alehial says burying her face in his chest and working very hard on not blowing it AND not crying. She also had to leave soon. This was only making it a lot harder.

"No." Altair said rather forcefully, "We are supposed to be a team Alehial, remember in our vows?" In his head Altair was already wondering if he needed to tie her to the bed until she agreed to work together with him again. "We need to get everyone back into their right heads and then figure out how to handle these attacks." Already he knew she was holding something back and more than likely he wasn't going to like it.

"We are a team! But this time I'm going out and you are protecting everyone at home! How is this any different then when you do it! You won't tell me but I know you haven't been well! I know you are sick and I won't let you go running around playing at being the stupid jump off the ledges hero!" Alehial says gritting her teeth and releasing him. She didn't want to cry she was too mad now. How dare he make her the bad guy who is leaving home! She was doing all she could to keep everyone safe from Galin.

"I have not done anything reckless since the war and you know it!" he retorted. "We agreed that whatever happened after the war we would talk and come up with a plan together, and not withhold information from one another. Our younger children are afraid and the generation who take up our place are unable to do so, right now we need you here with us not chasing shadows and rumors." he reached out and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry I did not tell you that I was unwell, I was trying different remedies before having to tell my wife that I was unable to wield a sword or spell and thus useless."

Alehial turns around when he grabbed her hand, her face fraught with worry. "It's so bad already?! Altair why didn't you tell me! What's the matter?" Alehial asks her hands holding his face as if she could see the name of what ailed him and a cure she could give him. She didn't care about anything other than her family and he was the foremost of her family. He was her soulmate, and if he left her she would lose her heart she was sure of it.

Altair explained the loss of breath and rapid heartbeat and sometimes the loss of strength to her quietly. "I had a bout of it when they attacked and somehow Orissa seems to have fixed it where alchemy and divine magics could not." he explained. While she was examining him, he quickly undid her sword belt and let it slowly down to the floor. "Stay, help figure out how to help the children and then we will discuss how to handle this together." he implored her.

"Altair... what happens if you don't recover?!" Alehial says worriedly her hands on his chest, she leans forward resting her forehead just under his clavical. She sighs softly "I don't have a lot of time. What I've been doing is somewhat time sensitive." She says softly not wanting to talk about it but also not wanting to leave Altair now that she knew he was in such bad health.

"I don't know what Orissa did or how long it will last, but I want us to do this together Alehial." he said. As every time their world was threatened, it would take them together to overcome it. They needed to help the children first and then come together and help themselves.

"We are! I am! Just... you need to be here where it is safe. This time... I'll go get the information and bring it back. "I'll keep in touch and come home as often as I can." Alehial says hugging him tightly resting her cheek against his chest, she was worried about him and his health but she was equally worried that they didn't know what was going on anywhere else.

Before Altair could protest there was a knock on the door and Conner popped his head inside, "Did I miss the throwing of vases? I could come back later." Quickly he dropped his grin with both parents looking vexed at him. "A missive came form the king and I wanted to remind you that if we are sending me north to stand in your place for the weddings of the ten tribes I need to leave in the next couple days."

Alehial tries to pull back from Altair to gather herself in front of Conner especially. She was scowling, she didn't want her children scattered but at the moment especially, half of her children had no memories. Altair was not well at all either and Alehial needed to take control of this situation and get back before Galin grew too suspicious.

Conner didn't wait for one of his parents to take the missive, so he opened it and began to read aloud. "To the Lord and Lady Ravenwood, His Majesty requests you both to appear in court in one weeks time as to the decision made in regards to Galin (Flint) Ravenwood and to announce the coming courting of the crown prince. Sincerely Mikkel Rindal, Royal Scribe." Conner folded the missive and looked at his parents. "I believe I should be far away when court convenes lest Poppy's father which to switch his designs to me." he smiled again. When they were smaller and the parents fought or argued and Lily got upset Conner learned the easiest way to bring them together was to turn their attention to his bad behavior.

"Of course no one will give that up. Conner I want you to gather up everyone who's lost their memories and all our respective healers. If we can all just figure out what's wrong there will be one of us at least that can reverse it. I want to see the younger children and grandchildren as well, so we should have an easy dinner we can all enjoy together in the sitting room if nothing else." Alehial orders, as she removes herself from Altair and at the same time ignores Conner's attempt to distract them from unpleasant things. "Altair I want you to explain to me what the twins have been doing, magically and otherwise, I don't want them getting in over their heads."

Conner nodded, "I'll gather who all I can, I also assume we might need Darryl? Also I shall inform the cook that a giant family dinner shall be set forth." Before anyone could say anything else he left the room, more than likely they had more arguing to do...

Alehial turns to the closet once more. Now that Altair knew she was planning on going back, well... she could finish packing her little magic hole. With all the stuff she might need, she had a lot to do and get ready for and Galin (the older first one) needed an eye kept on.

As she worked Altair went over everything about the twins and the recent magical things happening in the house. "I assume you do not plan on honoring the missive about Flint?" he asked a little irritated that his wife who feared Galin so much now wanted to go spend time with him.

Conner wasted no time in passing along the orders of his parents, simply by telling the twins and sending them forth to tell everyone else. After speaking to the cook and casting missive spells to Darryl, Asper and Tani he went to get Lucas and the other forgetful family members and spellcasters.

"What is there to honor? We have tried to explain things, we have tried to follow the king's wishes. He will not listen to proper reason and is determind to see this through even though those in question and politely declined several times. At least in the elven courts if you had good reason and documentation, you were indeed allowed to decline." Alehial angrily states as she finishes throwing a few more supplies in her hole. "Besides we are simply too busy trying to save the country to listen to the young king bumble around with courtly affairs." Alehial finishes saying as she comes out of the closet to face Altair.

As they left their room to head for the gathering of family and spellcasters Altair commented, "The missive states plainly that Gareth wants us there. Do you really want to give him a reason to turn from ally to enemy? I feel we have enough of them right now." he finished before opening the door to Lia's apartments. Most of the spellcasters were there except for Tani and Darryl, Altair hoped Tani would be along shortly and Darryl was waiting for everyone to arrive before popping in.

"Altair... Gareth is posturing. Instead of doing much more useful things this is the line in the sand he is trying to draw. Which is a silly line. I have also recently learned of several things happening within the city, things he should be aware of and not allowing or at the very least he should be addressing these issues and is purposefully choosing not to. He is instead dealing with the greedy merchants. Alehial composed herself with a deep breath before they entered into Lai's room.

The three family members who were missing their memories were standing together along with Elsa and Lai. Arten came up behind Alehia and made a Harumph sound to get the half elf out of the way. "Sorry the boy woke from his nap." she immediately opened up one of her healer's books and began looking down the page. Lucas was standing out on the balcony looking up into the sky, he wished he had not insulted the winged woman he now found out was his wife, he let out a sigh as he saw nothing in the direction she flew off in.

Lyriel stood with hands on her hips looking around the room at all the people gathered silently her hair in a simple pony on her head and wearing the clothes she had found in her drawers.

Elsa was standing beside Feal trying to exude confidence and calmness for him since she knew it had to be trying his cat like nerves having all these strangers in one room. She still held Dahar as well considerign Julianna had her twins and they were already quite a handful.

Alehial moved out of Artens way with a murmured acknowledgment of her situation. "Now then tell me what we know about what happened to them please? And what we think it might be?" Alehial asks looking first to Lai and then to Elsa and finally Arten.

Lai shook her head, "All we know we gathered from Conner and Elsa. The children had their normal council meeting in the sitting room and then after that went to their rooms and awoke with no memory of the family or themselves." Arten nodded, "I doubt it is a sickness, or they would all have it. More it has to be a curse or some supernatural effect."

"Who on Glearon could possibly get close enough to them all to put a curse on them?" Alehial asks shaking her head before looking over at Elsa and cocking a brow. "Well Elsa as a budding wizardess you should be able to tell us something yes?" Alehial asks her arms crossed as she looked at her poor older adopted children.

Elsa blushes just a tad and adjusts the sleeping Dahar in her arms. "Well, um... I don't know... we talked about stuff and had refreshments and when we were done we all went to bed Mother. There wasn't anyone else in the room and nothing was out of the ordinary either." Elsa says shaking her head. She simply couldn't think of anything that had been out of normal for their family.

Altair simply said, "Darryl." And the psion appeared, "Yes father? I can't be gone long Asper is bathing Karina." His father smiled knowing Asper hated to part with Darryl but hated anyone knowing how much he meant to her as well. "I just need you to tell us everything you remember from the other night's council meeting."

As Darryl began to speak Conner arrived along with Lily, Vex and Rosi who simply just didn't want to be left behind in this huge house.

Lily smiled at everyone and frowned at everyone who hD lost their memories. But she turned to Rosi and quickly explained who everyone was. "The Drow is my big sister Lyriel, The man with the tail is a Felid and is my brother in law Fael, his wife my sister Elsa has their youngest baby with them, and the human obsessed with the window is my Brother Lucas, of course the lovely elf is my grandmother Lai, and the dwarf the the best Aunt in the world my Aunt Arten!" She says slowly these were the few Lily hadn't introduced Rosi to.

Alehial was paying attention to Darryl's explanation as well and though she nodded to her arriving children and extras her focus was on Darryl.

Lyriel rolls her eyes in the mean time and was quickly getting impatient with this situation and how long everyone wanted to just stare at her.

Elsa in the meantime was quietly explaining to Fael who the people who had just entered the room were so he wouldn't be too tense about it.

Altair looked around quickly, "Has anyone seen Flint? It's not like him not to be here with everything going on."

Conner piped up, "You know him, if it means helping Lyriel he's probably half way across the country looking for the cure." He then fell silent as Grandmother Lai gave him a look.

Darryl finished telling everything he could remember and then said farewells and popped back home, but said he could be summoned if they had a need for him.

Alehial frowned and thought for a moment, "Well Elsa can you take a look or perhaps you Lai? Make sure he isn't up to something? As for you three... we need to check you over so who wants to go first? I will check just in case for any poison, or altering effects." Alehial says stepping forward.

A missive spell then touched Lucas and Tani's voice came through this is B'Tani and I will be returning shortly, please ask everyone to meet me on the back patio, that is where I will be returning. was the message before it was gone again.

Lucas stiffened at first then relaxed, "B'Tani wants us to meet on the pack patio, she'll be back soon.

Fael looked at ALehial trying to figure out what all she might to see was wrong with him. "uh, I will go first I suppose."

"Just making certain it isn't some sort of brain effecting poison. It won't hurt i promise and then we had best do as tani asks." Alehial says and casts quickly, nothing reacted however and it told her nothing. Shaking her head and sighing softly she let's everyone know. "Nothing. We had better go outside and meet Tani." She lets Arten and Lai lead the way and ushered Elsa and Feal next then Lyriel and Lucas followed by the twins and their companions and lastly her and Altair.

Once everyone was gathered out on the back patio, it wasn't very long until Tani came into view. In fact she was very hard to miss at the moment while she wore her ceremonial clothing. White silk vestments, lined in gold with Pelor also in gold thread upon her front. It was tailor made for her though and as such hugged her a little tighter than they normally did just so they wouldn't blow around thanks to her wings. She wore no armor otherwise, though her mace hung at her hip off of her golden sash around her hips. Her hair was braided and pulled back from her face, a gold chain around her head almost like a crown, her wings where so white it was a little hard to look at her in the air. She backwinged until her feet touched the ground but she didn't even look apologetic as she usually did at causing such a ruckus from the wind if her wings. She very much looked the celestial angel she was half of.

Lucas could not understand for the life of himself why he could not remember this beautiful woman who was his wife. He did tell himself he would apologize and ask for her forgiveness for how he reacted when he first woke up. Making sure he caught her eye he tried to give her a smile but it looked half forced, but enough to hopefully she might come talk to him after speaking to the family.

Arten looked at B'Tani, "Any word or ideas from on high?" The tacturn dwarf figured the young woman might commune with her and Lucas's god in chance of finding out what happened or how to fix it.

"It is nothing life threatening or even all that dangerous. But I did confirm it is a curse of types. So I thought to do a greater blessing upon the entire household. I spent all day preparing for it, it will be my first preformance of it, I wanted to warn you all in case, I can of course still preform several individual blessings if it is needed." Tani smiles graciously at Arten and thr lord and lady Ravenwood, her wings tucked against her back and held high off the ground. She glanced at Lucas but isn't quite look at him. He looked off and she was getting goosebumps being around all three of those afflicted.

Alehial sighs softly, at least someone was going to be doing something to help and had been working on it as well. "Well that is good news! Just a few questions though dear, how far will this blessing reach? My grove is a sacred place devoted to my Gods. I wouldn't like to have their blessings over ridden suddenly. Also is there anything you might need? Or should I leave this to you and Arten perhaps?" Alehial asks speaking quickly somewhat like Lily used to before her own trip.

Arten who had been quiet listening to what B'Tani found out piped in, "The blessings won't interfere with each other as the deities are indifferent to each other. I believe though if we are going to blanket the house with this spell then we might want to increase the power. I will cast along with Tani, and together it should take care of the problem even though we don't know what caused it still."

"Indeed that is a wonderful idea. I thank you for your offer Arten. And I mist apologize as some of the objects you have gathered in your travel days if they were crafted by dark magic will be totally ruined." Tani tells Alehial quickly and bows in reference to Arten's offer to join in. "I do not know the extent of the blessing dimension, but the main target are these three." Tani gestures lightly with her arm.

"Of course... That does sound like it would take care of everything... please, continue I will not interfere." Alehial says nodding her understanding of the situation, she does however put her hand into Altairs and holds it tight.

Vex who had been standing near the door to the house not far from Conner had pressed herself into the wall when Tani arrived and at their conversation she had begun to sweat, the longer they spoke the more she couldn't stand still. Soon however she coudln't stay on the patio and quickly went inside, her breathing rapid and her eyes scanning the room, though she mostly focused on the patio doors.

Vex wasn't the only one concerned, above them invisible on a window sill was Xibix who was honestly terrified that the spell would ruin him as well. "Stupids Cubus gunna gets me killsed. Me's gonna have tas comes up with se new plansy to stays safes." he whispered before taking flight towards the elven embassy. There he would be safe according to the dwarven priestess' estimations.

Tani backed away from the family a few steps and she spread her wings wide so as much sunshine as possible hit them, then she went down on one knee. "Arten, I am ready when you are." She offers to the Dwarf, after all she was an elder of the family, and of her own religion and Tani was nothing if respectful of that. However once the Dwarven Cleric began she too began her blessings.

In all the world a surge of holy power had only been felt once or twice a generation, in this case the flow of grace from the two women was felt and seen. It moved though the air bathing everyone in a feeling of peace and hope, to poor Xibix it felt like fire nipping at his tail. Even as far away as the inn where the incubus was staying he felt the holy power as a wave of pressure that made his demonic features shrink in size. To say the least any evil within the city of Baerlon grew very concerned and it would last for several days.

Alehial couldn't help but smile broadly with this her household would be back to normal and safe from evil for a little while. She squeezed Altair's hand tightly.

Lily was amazed, she probably wouldn't see something like this ever again in her whole life. She watched in aw as not only Tani but Aunt Arten was amazing.

Elsa smiles brightly and turned quickly ro look at Fael and see if it worked and his memories returne to him. Dahar slept peacefully throughout thr entire mess.

Lyriel watched as everything started, it was interesting to say the least. After a few moments as the two clerics proceeded in their blessings her body felt weird, her head started to hurt too a little and as soon as she reached her hand up to her forehead, she gasped and took a step back eyes wide as all her memories rushed back into her head all at once. Making her groan and blink.

Altair had to smile as Alehial squeezed his hand, it was an amazing sight to see and he too looked to his family to see if the three had regained their memories.

Fael groaned as everything came back in a dizzying array of memories and feelings, it wasn't painful but it was a lot to take in all at one time.

Lucas blinked rapidly while not only his mind returned but so did his powers and palidan status. All in all he felt like he was being reborn for a third time, into the church as Tani herself had helped him rediscover his powers years ago. And of course as he watched her he remembered his love for her and decided once she was done he would make amends for hurting her pure heart, even if he had not meant to.

Tani finished her blessings and tiredly got to her feet and shakily tucking her wings in against her back, not holding them quite as high now as before. It had taken a lot of energy out of her to give that blessings but already the entire manor felt... lighter and much more comfortable for her to be in.

"Fael honey? You okay?" Elsa's asks adjusting Dahar a little bit and reaching her now free arm up to caress his cheek lightly. She hoped he was well, it had been frightening him not knowing who she was.

"Oh shit." Lyriel curses breathing a little heavily, she quickly however schooled her features and smiled apologetically at Altair and Alehial for her cursing.

Lucas hurried forward and caught his wife, "I have you my princess." his whispered using his pet name for her. He then gave her a kiss on the cheek, letting her know the spell had worked, but still being very proper in front of his parents.

Fael looked at Elsa and smiled, "I remember everything my love, from our first meeting to our children's births." He then leaned down and kissed her deeply while his other hand lightly stroked Dahar's cheek.

Altair smiled at Lyriel, "We will let you off this time. I know what it's like to have your memory return. And the consequences of what you did while unable to remember."

Tani smiles and wraps her arms around Lucas. "And you don't feel gross anymore either." Tani says with a smile just for him glad to have his support after such a large spell. She hoped they could perhaps talk with each other alone after this she still wanted to know what was going on.

Elsa leaned in against Fael and kissed him ernestly in return, she was so very grateful he was back properly, and that they would all be safe again with his memories intact. Her children too would be glad to be back with them and not just Julianna for the day.

"I punch Flint all the time. He can take it dad. He is a big boy. Speaking of which where did he go?" Lyriel asks, she certainly didn't remember him saying anything about leaving. She had a lot she wanted to talk to Flint about... mostly about what they had spoken about when she had no memories and... She touched the pin in her pocket and sighed softly.

Altair looked around, "I'm not sure where he went. I saw him at breakfast today." He looked at Alehial, "Have you seen him?"

"Not at all." Alehial said shaking her head. She was glad all her children were good to go again. With this she needed to give their orders and then she would have to be off again. "Before everyone runs off... Altair and I have discussed some things. For now getting information is what is needed. With everyone well again now. I realize keeping us all in one spot is... just making our family one big target. I'll be leaving again soon and i have something for each of you to do to help the family." Alehial says getting everyone's attention.

Lily was surprised her mother was planning on leaving again and was even more surprised when it seemed she wasn't taking dad. She was more than curious about what the big plan was though especially just after everyone had been fixed.

Lyriel looked at Altair surprised as well, especially with his healthy problems recently. She stood straighter though and after glancing around at all her family she knew whatever it was she was ready to do it for her mother.

Elsa looked up at Feal for a moment then at both parents still holing hands and her mother's speech, she was puzzled, the way mom spoke it seemed like she was prepairing them for battle.

Tani looked quizzically at Lucas and others before she too focused on her mother in law and father in law (ish). She just hoped whatever was going to happen next did not take them all by surprise like this one did.

Everyone else watched and waited for what was to come next, Altair did not look happy about her announcement to leave. And for Alehial she could almost feel his hand turn cold in hers as she spoke. Lucas was watching everyone talk, but could not shake the sense that something was wrong. Like whatever had effected them was not quite gone from the house and the larger feeling that something truly evil was still in Baerlon.

Alehial hept their hands interlocked despite his coldness. "Conner and Vex will head to the Northlands in place of Altair and myself for the union taking place, once finished they will return home and I am letting him take charge of everything concerning our business under Altair's advisement of course." Alehial says looking at her son and Heir. Her gaze shifts then over to Lucas and Tani, "I would ask that you two return to Malkier and travel doing good as you do here but keeping your ears and eyes open for anything about the Guild or for Galadrid. No need to broadcast yourselves necessarily, but you have been here for longer than I am sure the Malkierian churches would wish." Alehial says before looking over at Elsa and Fael. "I know you both are stalwart protecters of our family and home and i want yoy to remain so but I also know you both wish for a place to yourselves and want you to start looking. You don't have to leave now of course or even soon but i would like you both to find a place, either outside of Bearlon or even up at the frontier so we can begin to make a place for your family." Alehial explains. She took a short breath and squeezed Altair's hand again. "Lyriel when you find Flint I want you both ready to travel... see just how far the Guild has spread and if the discontent between. humans and other races is getting bad anywhere else or if it is just here in the capitol of Andor." Alehial turned then to lai and Arten and smiled. "Lai you should begin on the college of Mages as Flint has wished, Arten if you could keep an eyes on my children to remain home and my husband? Altair will care for all of the younger children until my return, I hope it won't be a long one. I also want to make a modification to everyone's signet rings before I have you all begin, so we can all stay in touch as needed without having to rely on bards and wizards, no offense." Alehial says to everyone gathered, she was clearly ready for a barrage of comments and questions.

Everyone nodded for the most part, she could feel Altair was not completely on board with her plan. He believed that their strength belonged mainly in the family remaining together. It had worked in the past and he thought it would continue to work for them.

"I know you might not all be on board, but until we get a better grasp on what's going on... I'm just not certain this is something we can fight passively." Alehial explains minutely looking at everyone glad most of the children were being understanding about this. Even as Altair wasn't, she didn't want to fight or be at odds, but they couldn't stay in the house and keep getting targeted over and over.

Conner nodded and looked towards the house, "Am I ready to learn Vex some of the ins and outs of Northlander wedding ceremonies? It'll be a nice escape from battling disciples left and right." he then left the room to finalize the plans to head north.

It took Vex several moments to calm down and follow along behind him. She trailed behind s body's length away her hand on her sword hilt the entire time.

"What about the summons? Regarding... Flint and I?" Lyriel asks softly straightening up properly now and glancing at Altair. He wasn't happy, was this wise? Was her mother still distressing? She wasn't certain but she needed to know if Flint was safe. If she had kept him safe like shs planned/hoped. If they were denied after this she would take him and run. She simply wouldn't abandon him to be a tool for someone else.

Lily looked at Rosi for a moment, they hadn't been listed. "Maybe we should let the house manage itself for a little while rosi... I can take you to meet my uncle, the one with thr Tavern." Lily says with a smile gesturing for Rosi to follow her.

Tani remained silent and thoughtful, still leaning a little on Lucas, her wings tucked back. She was worried about returning to the mother church, even with Lucas by her side. While they agreed to loosen control, and pull back there more heretical ways of worship, Tani didn't have a good feeling about this, but it might just be here. She wanted to speak with Lucas privately.

"Once Flint in located we will go and answer the summons... I won't leave you until things are settled." Alehial promises them all even though both Conner and Lily had both left.

Lucas stood listening to everything, he wanted to get a chance to speak with Tani as well. Returning to Malkier and the church there would be a little interesting, as she was considered royalty by their standards. But, Pelor would guide them and keep them safe as he could only pray the rest of the family would be safe.

Lyriel nods her head and with a look to both parents she then left to find Flint, she wasn't sure where he might have run off to when... well she certainly made a mess of things without memories. She couldn't beleive she had punched him either.

Tani kisses Lucas's cheek then. "Let us go to our room, I need to rest dear." She says softly pulling her wings tighter to her back, though they trailed the ground a little. That and they would have to begin to pray and pack.

Alehial turns as the children and Lai and Arten all left. "Altair... will... do you feel up to coming with me? To court?" Alehial asks softly, both of her hands holding his now. She was so afraid he was still mad at her, that perhaps he was still unwell.

"We've missed today's session I'm afraid." he said looking out the window, "Might be tomorrow before Flint and all of are ready to stand before the crown." He released one hand and began to lead her from Lai's rooms back toward their own. They would need to talk, and try to spend a little time together before she would go back to Galin. A plan he wasn't thrilled with and didn't trust, not on her part though it was his brother that gave Altair cause to doubt.

"Altair..."Alehial said his name softly, but she let him lead her back to their rooms. He didn't seem to understand how worried she was about the constant attacks the household was receiving. About the children... or his health now that she was told about that. These mysterious attacks had been happening or weeks he said. And for weeks it meant he hadn't thought she should know.

He also didn't say anything as they walked back to their room, he hated the idea she might believe his brother had changed. Galin was still the man who killed his uncle, father and tried to take his wife for his own. Something had come between them, they had always been together on threats to the family. And now she wanted them to split up and go separate ways, where there might not be someone to help like they just had happen.

Alehial stared worriedly at his back, her eyes hot with unshed tears. He was so disappointed in her, and he certainly didn't believe in her to lead their family and try to keep them all safe. But the children hated being tied down, most had run off for one reason or another. So far anytime they were all together was when they got attacked, and now she finds out Altair has been having random debilitating attacks, how could she not do all she could for this family, any way she could.

Altair removed his sword belt and returned it to its spot by the door and went to their bed and took a seat. He watched Alehial, neither had spoken since leaving Lai's rooms and made their way here. It was hard to see where to begin, but they needed to be on the same page one way or another before they went to court or even before anyone left the house.

Alehial was wringing her hands, her face full of worry. She had though refused to cry and as such forced the feeling to do so down. "Please talk to me." She asked watching him from her spot between the doors and the bed. "I know I kept it from you... but you have clearly been keeping things from me as well. All I am trying to do is protect everyone, and take care of the situation." She explains once more as if perhaps he still didn't understand her plans.

Something inside Altair just snapped, he got back to his feet and took hold of Alehial by the sword belt and pressed her against the wall. Taking hold of her by the hand he kissed her deeply, like he hadn't in some time, his other hand brushing her cheek and resting on the back of her neck. When finally he broke the kiss he looked in her eyes, "We have forgotten this and this." he said indicating their interlaced fingers. "We promised each other that there would be no secrets, that anything that threatened one threatened the other." It was normal that in the midst of enemies and turmoil that their love and honesty with each other kept them winning despite the odds.

Alehial was at first startled, then stiff before finally succumbing to his kiss. Her cheeks tinged with pink as his forcefulness both soothed and reminded her of how they 'connected'. She looks up at him through her lashes demurely even as she was still pressed against the wall by him. "I haven't forgotten but... I didn't know how to tell you. How to explain without... without it sounding so much worse than it was." Alehial says softly her other arm coming to rest around on his hip, her hand holding the material of his shirt somewhat gingerly. "I needed information... eyes and ears around the world, and I needed my children home safe. With you and me." Alehial says nuzzling against the hand that held the back of her neck still.

"There was our first problem, not knowing how to speak to one another about what was going on." he said admitting just as much that he should have told her. In Altair's way of thinking, they both were equally as wrong, but for good reasons. "No more of this then, we talk to each other, even if it is painful we have to talk." he said before kissing his wife again. This wasn't one of their famous arguments where the children started to bet how soon the next baby was going to arrive, this was Lady and Lord Ravenwood finding each other again.

Alehial watched his face, her hand clenching his shirt tighter. Alehial returned the kiss and when they parted she spoke first. "Are we all caught up then or were you hiding more from me? Because I told you what I was doing. And what I did. Even what I am planning to do. If i keep an eye on Galin, and learn more about the Sothites my uncle, the guild and Galin himself we will be better off. If the children can spread out and verify information and bring in more all the better." She says still determind.

"No that was it, and we have until tomorrow to get our normal rhythm back if we have to face the sothites on one side and the guild on the other. Plus we have to see Gaerth tomorrow, so dinner and spending time with the family tonight. Court tomorrow and the next day I will begrudgingly let you leave." he said gritting his teeth through the last part.

Alehial leans up to kiss him again then her hand entwined with his holding tightly, her other arm reaching up and around his back. The normal rythem was something she had so sorely missed the last few years.

Flint returned back to the house later than he had meant to, he was still confused and somewhat upset by everything going on. Lyriel would have been the first person he would have went to for understanding and an idea on how to fix everything. He had slipped into the house from the side door and managed to get up to their room without anyone seeing him. Part of him wanted to go soak in the hot spring until he figured all this out the other part wanted to make sure Lyriel was okay even if she didn't remember him anymore.

"Where exactly have you been causing trouble?" Lyriel asked standing up from the only chair in her room. She was looking straight at him now, taking in the details just in case he was out fistfighting drunkards or something equally silly. "Tani fixed everything by the way." Ahe offered up just in case he was feeling conflicted about her memory loss more.

Flint crossed the room in two steps and swept Lyriel into his arms and kissed her deeply, his fears vanished. The one person that meant the world to him was back and he felt whole again.

Lyriel made some muffled protestations but hugged him back and let him hold her. She was his rock, and she knew that. She remembered his anxiety when she didn't remember him and when she spoke of being selfish and just leaving. She held him tightly and returned his kiss.

When they finally broke he whispered, "Thank god you're back. I could have seen taking you before the king without your memory." Everything was okay again, but there were problems coming FLint could feel them just beyond Baerlon.

"Yes well you missed quite the show here. Tani did a greater blessing and" lyriel had been about to tell him about what happened then her eyes went wide. "Oh shit! Xibix!" She squirmed in his grasp before freeing herself her eyes looked around the room quickly but she didn't even know if there would be anything left.

She checked all the usual spots but the little imp was no where to be found. When she had entered the room earlier the window had been open. Could the imp have felt the coming blessing and fled off the estate property to safety? If so she would have to wait and see if he returned to her. Flint watched her trying to figure out what a Xibix was and what was it doing in their room.

"Damn!" Lyriel had wanted to question the imp about her father. Who she now knew was still alive, she pulled out the pin then but kept it in her hand before putting it back into the same pocket. "Sorry about that Flint, no matter. So where have you been?" Lyriel says dismissing the other stuff and turning her attention back to Flint properly.

"I stayed at an inn last night after we parted, I figured you needed some space and not a worried husband." he said taking a seat on the bed. "Other than that I went around to a couple temples asking about curses and things that would cause memory loss." he said pulling off his boot, "I found nothing though."

Once his boots were removed Lyriel stepped forward, parting his legs to either side she hugged him then. "The things I said... Flint." She started softly but had to stop to think on how she wanted to say this. "I hate being in cities. It got worse the older I got, you know that. It's not being tied to people that makes me uncomfortable. I love you and my family! I just... can't relax around all these people and buildings." Lyriel said trying to explain, she knew her words might have hurt him, she let one hand slowly make it way up his back to the back ohlf his head to she could gently massage his scalp with her fingers while she hugged him tight against heraelf.

"We share that Lyriel." he said, "I know what people whisper, the bastard son of the traitor who killed our king. How can Lord and Lady Ravenwood allow the child of that monster to stay in their house. He's just like Galen, bloodthirsty and cruel." he said although he wrapped his arms around Lyriel and held her close. "This city is our home and our tormentor, for as much as those we love are here, those who don't trust us are the voices we hear clearest of all."

"Alehial wants us to leave the city." Lyriel says nuzzling his cheek her eyes closed so she could just hold him and give him comfort as well. "And... I have something... or rather someone I want to track down as well. Though I'm not certain about any of it." She says hesitantly at the end, her hand still messaging his scalp and she was still holding him close. "Alehial wants us to gather information about guilds across the continent." She says more clearly then.

"After court we might get our wish if Gareth exiles me." Flint said thinking about what might happen. He sighed though bringing resting his hug about her hips, "I'll follow you anywhere my wife, my friend and druid. From Hablock to Thrule and Northlands to Yoth, by your side is my place."

"You are such a foolish human." Lyriel says exasperated by his attitude. She ran her fingers through his hair for a moment or two before kissing his forehead. "Enough of all that serious business. Have you eaten?" She asks curiously she herself felt like a drink but her need to take care of Flint over rode that.

"I had some meat and cheese for lunch other than that nothing much." he said. "Would you like to head out to Finn's for a bite or just down to the kitchen?" FLint asked already knowing the answer she would give. Finn's was a second home for the Ravenwoods and on occasion they acted as security when people got out of line.

"Finn's would be good." Lyriel sighs softly, after running into Vennis there last night she wasn't certain if she should even go again but Flint needed comfort and Finn's would do that and get him fed. "Okay, let me just get dressed and we can head out." Lyriel says pulling out of his arms so she could put on a proper shirt and her sword belt.

Flint could not pass the chance to be cute with her and gave her backside a small smack, "Then hurry or else I may just devour you m'lady." He wondered though, if this would continue for them as they got older. Lyriel was a little older than himself and she would outlive everyone of the Ravenwoods now in this house, except maybe Tani and Fael.

"Oh you think you are funny do you? If i seem to recall I'm usually the one doing the devouring with my body!" She says haughtily then with a giggle. "I'm so glad we are back to normal... I swear this house just encourages the weirdness out of every situation!" She says as she changes her shirt quickly adding a vest over top and her sword belt over all. "Let's get going, I don't want to see if you really are tempted to eat me up." She says with another laugh as she snatched up her hat of disguise.

"Hey now, you were the one that instructed me on the ins and outs of the elven arts." he said walking to the bedroom door and opening it for her. Out in the corridor Linlesse was walking by looking very confused and upset. She looked at them both and waved, but looked confused on whether Lyriel was back to herself or not.

"Yes well it isn't my fault you took to it like a fish takes to water!" Lyriel laughs before tilting hsr head and catching Linlesse's arm. "Hey kiddo, you okay? Ah... I'm me again so feel at ease about that." Lyriel says quickly just in case Linlesse also wasn't aware of what happened in the house.

Linlesse looked relieved, "I'm confused and I think I really messed up and I really really don't know what to do." Flint suddenly looked like every really the girl said struck him in the face.

"Whoah whoah! Come on let's talk real quick. "Flint you okay to... Flint?" Lyriel put both her hands on Linlesse's shoulders to calm the girl minutely. She was planning on giving her a few moment to talk to Linlesse but seeing his face she became worried.

Flint shook his daze off, "Sure I will go wait downstairs for you." Linlesse had blushed, "I didn't realize I was talking so fast."

"Thanks Flint." Lyriel says pulling Linlesse back into her room and closes the door behind her. "Okay little one, let me have it. Tell me what's going on." Lyriel says folding her arms and leaning against the table in the room.

What followed would have made Lily look like a slow talker, "I changed time sooo much. Lily had never came home but now she's back and she has been with the assassin I hired to keep the Venirian officials from taking me (little) and mom away. I think Grandma (Alehial) knows something is up and this thing with you and the others never happened. Is it all my fault? Have I changed everything being shelfish?" by the time she finished she was beginning to cry. She had missed some of the good that she had done by coming back though.

Lyriel hugs Linelesse tightly and let the girl cry some. When she calmed just a little Lyriel was ready. "You did change things. You were selfish." She starts pulling back to hand the young girl a hankercheif. "You brought Xeph home. You being here led Lily to come home, yes things are happening here that never happened in your time exactly because you were here and good things just keep happening. Thanks to you I knew to look for Altair, and now we are dealing with his sickness all the sooner because of it." Lyriel explains calmly tucking some hair behind the younger girls ears. "We all have enemies being Ravenwoods and there isn't a single thing you can do to change that. But you being here has done some really good stuff too." Lyriel says looking Lineless in the eyes so the girl would know that Lyriel felt this sincerely.

Linleless sniffled and managed a little smile, "What do I do about Grandmother, if she figures this out then she'll tell father and mother about what I did." While it seemed like Karina wasn't ashamed of coming back in time, she was concerned about what the family would think about he changing the past.

"Well your Grandfather did a bit of... otherworld travel so I'm not certain they would tell your parents but you just let me help in keeping Alehial busy. Besides she has a plan for the moment." Lyriel says thoughtfully, while Altair had traceled to a different alternate timeline, he had been in the same time as this one and had only gone sideways not backwards. "Plus you can ask Elsa to distract Alehial with any of the kittens. She is weak around children especially." Lyriel winks at Linlesse.

The young woman managed a smile at her aunt then hugged her, "Lily and her friend almost caught me you know looking like myself. I still can't believe that I hired an assassin who wound up becoming her lover, what's the chance of that?"

"Would you like the Ravenwood personal odds or the general population odds?" Lyriel laughs giving the girl a hug back. "But perhaps you should keep the peeking to your private rooms? With the doors sealed." She advises with a knowing smile, in this household having time to oneself was a luxery. Lyriel opens her bedroom door then to lead Linlesse out and so she could rejoin Flint, there were after all just so many problems to juggle.

Flint was waiting in the entry for Lyriel and smiled as she came down the stairs, "Is everything okay with Linless? She seemed very out of sorts with, well whatever she was out of sorts with."

"Just Ravenwood child worries. Nothing I can't advise on. She will be okay, I think her fears are a little blown out of proportion is all." Lyriel says taking his hand into her own. They didn't need cloaks to leave with so she simply led him outside, putting on the HoD as they walked to the gate that led to the rest of the city.

It did not take them long to get to Finn's which was already busy with the evening crowd. A lot of people were talking about the attack on the Ravenwood house and who was responsible. Lyle was doing his best to keep his cool but barely anyone was buying drinks, instead wanting to ask him questions. Considering he was a longtime friend of the family.

Upon entering the Tavern Lyriel made a face and continued on anyways. Her usual tablewsas empty what with everyone crowding uncle Lyle, probably she and Flint would be recognized soon enough as well. She was a regular here after all, more so than most others except for Conner Ravenwood.

And speaking of Conner, he and Vex were in the tower room at the estate going over the wedding in the northlands and their part in it. In front of Vex was Conner's rough drawn map with where they would arrive and the route to the site of the weddings. "The valley is warm year around even though outside is generally cold and snowy. There are three weddings keeping the uniting of the tribes so there will be people from all the tribes in attendance. And to keep the peace weapons are kept to a minimum, so daggers even though I'd prefer we go without any. Also, if you are handed a flagon you will have to drink or it is seen as an insult." Conner waited for her to digest what he had said before going with any more. "I know it's going to be weird Vex, but these people hold us in high regard and I don't want to ruin our friendship with them."

"Three weddings? Are they all taking place at the same time? I'm not much of a brawler so I will carry my daggers at all times and I don't drink while working. That is non negotiable." Vex says her arms folded across her chest frowning at the map as he spoke and explained things. She didn't like that it was just going to be the two of them. Last time they had been chasing Xeph and that hadn't ended fantastically, until the very end anyways.

"Sorry, very negotiable." Conner said folding his arms, "These people invite us because my parents helped quell years of constant war and death. We do nothing to insult them, which includes ignoring the invitation to the weddings and their customs. We can take this to my parents if you choose, but I know their minds on this. Even my mother drinks when presented a flagon, unless you are with child is the only excuse." He poured a flagon of water and set it in front of Vex, "We will get you up to speed on the customary toasts and responses, hope you are thirsty."

"I am not drinking that! Last time I accepted a drink from you I woke up in manacles." Vex scowls taking a step back from the table once he presented the flagon. "Their customs are not mine. I am a bodyguard they must surely understand the principle of that!" Vex frowns harder at first the drink and then at Conner, then she glances at the door, and a bead of sweat rolls down her forehead. For whatever reason she was more nervous and on edge now, reacting to everything with suspicion worse than when she first arrived. "It sounds dangerous... everyone drinking so heavily."

Conner sighed picking up her flagon and taking a large gulp, "Water. Vex this is three weddings and a celebration that their way of life continues in peace no one goes that far with the drink. They provide guards enough for everyone, my parents have been to ten of these weddings never once taking a blade out or displaying one." He noted her look, "Are you feeling okay? I don't want you to come along if you are getting sick." Taking a clean handkerchief from his pocket he wetted it and handed it to Vex to wipe her forehead. "We will take this to my parents then and they will get the last word." he tipped his own flagon and drained it. "The toast is finished and everyone cheers, Lífsins ást."

Vex didn't take his handkerchief and took a step back when he presented it her hands going to the daggers at her sides. "I'm not sick! Why do I look sick?" Vex asked worried something was wrong too now that he said something. "What does that mean? Lift in ask? Gods nothing in this family is normal!" Vex says squeezing the handles of her blades.

Now Conner was more than concerned, dropping the handkerchief he grabbed her wrists. "Vex! Look at me, you were sweating like you were running a mile, relax nothing is wrong." He released one wrist and took the handkerchief and wiped her brow for her. "Just repeat after me, Líf-sins ást try it once and then we are done for tonight. However I want you to go to the hot springs and relax before bed." he said keeping his eyes on hers for any hint something was wrong.

Vex jumped when he grabbed her wrists, and pulled away when he wiped her brow, her breathing was getting heavier, faster, once he let one wrist free she wrenched the other free as well. "I just need a minute... to-to calm down." Vex says softly watching him carefully from a distance out of immediate reach, she was still sweating, and seemed fearful.

Conner listened to how she talked and her anxiety, "Come with me." he said leading her out of the room and down to his room. "Sit down." he instructed her before going and picking up his blackwood violin. He hadn't played it in many years not since the queen's death, and he began to play. The tone was warm and deep and to was calming and made her feel peaceful. He would play until she felt more herself and would decide to go to bed.

Vex was skittish the entire time and kept touching her weapons, like a child needing reassurance. Once he began to play, vex felt better. Much calmer like she could breath again, she hadn't known he could play an instrument like this. It made her wonder why he didn't more often, why be the goofball and degenerate when you had this much skill and emotion?

Conner watched her, "You are wondering why I don't play this more often? The Queen had this made for me, she loved to hear me play and the last time I had played this was at her funeral. I didn't have the heart to play it after she died, but I have the other one and of course I sing too." he explained quietly. He moved from one song to another seamlessly, some Vex knew and others she had never heard before. Almost an hour later he asked her the same concern in his eyes, "Are you feeling better Vex?"

"Yeah it's like I can think and breath again for a while... Sorry I... I don't know what happened I just got... scared." Vex says seriously, she understood grief very well and was touched that he would play that violin for her. But the longer she sat that he wasn't playing the more that nervousness and fear started to creep back in.

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