Explanation for the pronouns used:
ey = he/she (derived from "they")
eir = her/his (their)
em = her/him (them)
Tekeonia: A newly discovered huge planet that is to serve as a new home to humankind. Tekeonia was only quickly studied because of the hurry and it still holds many mysteries and unknown dangers. Humans polluted their planet senseless and are in a process of evacuation, the situation bordering on uncontrollable because spaceships cannot be built very big due to the unstability of large-mass interstellar travel.
Regen: The planet on which regenians live. It's a very active planet and has a lot of all kinds of natural phenomena. Regenians haven't really tried to control the natural disasters because they think nature should do its thing. Instead they try to build their homes and cities in places that are fairly stable and shield small areas with walls and force fields.
Regenians: General complexion ranges from pale blue to dark blue, hair color from pale to black and generally blue to purple, average height is 169 cm, they're epicene, have no earflaps and have six tentacles (
clavedels, on adults, their base diameter is 3–5 cm and they're usually 20–30 cm long) on their heads.
– Standard lifespan is 670 Regen years (391 Earth years, 203 Tekeonia years). A person under the age of 30 (17 Earth years, 9 Tekeonia years) is a minor.
– Can see ultraviolet slightly, but not on planets where not enough of the UV comes through to the planet. On Tekeonia they can only see intensive UV. UV doesn't generally harm their eyes or body – they react to it like humans do to visible light.
– Normal regenians are telepathic.
– A person has an estrus period three times in a regenian year. One period lasts for about six regenian days without a partner, and with a partner approximately twelve days. Children are conceived during one estrus, and during the third estrus after that they are born (one regenian year). The estrus can be attained or prevented with hormone-like substances. Preventing too many estrus periods tends to make regenians asexual so that they don't even want to have their estrus period, plus the hormonal changes make them even less emotional than they already are. Approximately two times out of three this will also make the person apathetic and dull.
Regenians are paranoid by default and think there are no absolute truths (except for mathematics, which some find repulsive because of this; however, most tend to find it enjoyable that at least in one thing there tend to be absolute truths), disliking expressing anything directly; they always say and want others to speculate, say "I think", "in my opinion", "it seems", etc. or they will be offended. They don't seem emotional. They strive to ambiguity, which is normal behavior.
Name business: Regenian names are expressed in the form "Continent-Are
a Place Family-Generation-Name". Nowadays, after the globalization and finding of other species, the Continent-Area Place part of their names go by the place of birth and are only used in official records in Regen. Thus, the general name of a Regenian is Family-Generation-Name, and people other than family members are supposed to use Family. The generation is based on their alphabetic order, and the next generation will always have the next letter in their names.
Argoane: A race of regenians from a certain place. They have very pale hair and skin and are generally a bit shorter than regenians in general.
Telepathy: Regenians are naturally telepathic. There are five stages of psychic powers: empathy, neurological control, telepathy, telekinesis and nanokinesis (okay, the scale of it dictates it should be attokinesis, but nobody else than I is a physics dweeb and I admit nano sounds cooler than atto). Most telepathic people can advance from empathy to telepathy on their own and sometimes fairly easily, but telekinesis requires some heavy studying.

Player: [Veltzeh]
Name: Reikatogi-G-Qem
Species: Regenian
Race: Argoane
Age: 40 Earth years / 69 Regen years
Civil status: Researcher
Occupation: Field researcher / Police special agent
Appearance: G-Qem was once like any other regenian, and while the general look is still the same – light blue skin, lavender hair and violetish eyes – other things have been done to em that significantly separate em from other regenians and humanoids. Parts of G-Qem's legs, torso, even very small bits of brains as well as two of eir clavedels and eir left arm were replaced by cybernetic implants. However, both the legs and most of the arm have proper living skin on them, so they look fairly normal. Only the nails on the arm look certainly cybernetic on a closer inspection. Also the implants on eir torso and brain are hidden. Only G-Qem's clavedels retain their technologic look. Otherwise G-Qem has a fairly normal build for a regenian, though lately ey has been training and gaining more muscle mass on eir torso and right arm (which has effectively made the asymmetry between eir normal and cybernetic arm less noticeable). Ey is 165 cm tall and looks quite a lot older than ey actually is, with a frown and all. Ey looks tough and stressed nearly all the time.
G-Qem also used to wear normal regenian clothes some time ago, but stopped caring about that and now only throws something on emself – if you're lucky. Eir usual clothes include loose, somewhat ripped pants with many pockets, a really worn long-sleeved shirt, hiking boots and a vest with many pockets. G-Qem has all kinds of technical equipment in eir pockets, mostly scanners and tools. Ey does also carry a simple metallic multi-blade knife (which is a more of a tool than a weapon) and a regenian stun gun.
Personality: Straight and optimistic on eir own species' mind, G-Qem was considered way too vague by the humans when ey worked among them. The things that were done to em by the humans eventually changed G-Qem even after years of the actual events, in ways no one could explain. Ey stopped caring about eir twin, partner, even children, not to mention eir great career as an agent and researcher or eir homeworld. Ey became rather emotionless, though sometimes angry, frustrated and slightly paranoid. The only one ey didn't grow tired with was eir loyal human companion, Cenral. G-Qem traveled to Tekeonia maybe to find something, maybe emself or the reason for the change, as absurd as it must have felt. Ey took Cenral with em, and Cenral, being mentally a machine programmed to be interested in new things, came along and was fascinated by the new planet as well as the change in her friend. G-Qem knew well Cenral wasn't even near being a psychologist, but since it seemed she was the only person ey could tolerate, she had to have something to do about G-Qem's change of mind. Lately, having been isolated with Cenral has made em feel a bit better and thinking that maybe ey'd want to have eir twin G-Kem for company too.
Background: G-Qem and eir twin Q-Kem were once ambitious young regenian police agents who had barely gotten out of the main education cycle when the polluted planet of humans, Earth, was found. After a few years of careful trade and examination between the two species, the two regenians were sent to Earth to investigate three murders committed by a regenian ambassador and catch said ambassador. That was not too much trouble, but the three regenians were ambushed by a group of humans at the crucial moment. G-Kem was slightly wounded, G-Qem was very gravely injured and the ambassador perished.
The humans replaced G-Qem's severely wounded parts by cybertechnology, mostly to study the effects of technologic implants – human experiments were still illegal, and the few shady experiments had ended disastrously. So an assumedly dead regenian was an ideal choice, especially when regenians were assumed to be more resistant to damage and confirmedly had performed successful cybertechnologic implantations.
Eventually one of the human researchers, Cenral, decided that what they were doing to the two poor regenians was immoral, and helped them escape. Their minds badly screwed and the poor human schizoid, socially inept and paranoid, they started running from everyone – even if reason would have dictated that going back to the regenians would have been the sensible thing to do.
After discovering that the two unfortunate agents were still alive, the regenian Space Institute sent another agent, P-Glair and eir team to retrieve G-Qem and G-Kem. During the long, long chase the regenians started being very suspicious about the reasons why G-Qem and Q-Kem were running away as well as the things that the humans had done to them, thus strengthening their fears and paranoia to the worse direction. P-Glair became the feared enemy of the two unfortunate regenian siblings as well as Cenral and her brother Thyro. However, eventually P-Glair did catch them all, first Thyro and G-Kem, then Cenral and after a tense blockade, P-Glair managed to beat down G-Qem as well, using some fairly questionable methods.
The four were then telepathically scanned and clinically studied, only to conclude that the humans were okay and that even if G-Qem and G-Kem had been freaked up by the humans, they would come to their senses with a bit of telepathic therapy and reorganizing.
When the therapy ended, G-Qem and G-Kem were free to continue their work. P-Glair, after having performed several scans and fixing modification to G-Qem, was rather taken with em. While P-Glair was on Earth hunting down the two messed up agents, eir partner had been murdered by one of the human scientists who had originally organized the replacing of G-Qem's wounded parts with cybertechnology (the humans responsible for messing up the two regenians had all been sent to Regen to be studied and questioned). After some time, G-Qem ended up being P-Glair's partner and a step-parent to the children of P-Glair and eir previous partner.
P-Glair and G-Qem lived together for years, having a couple more children along the way. Cenral, who had stayed on Regen (half because she was very interested in gaining more knowledge and studying the science and technology of regenians, and half because she ought to pay for what she had done to G-Qem), started eventually visiting G-Qem fairly often since G-Qem asked for her to come. G-Qem, who had switched into doing research work, had started getting mightily bored with it and eir kids as well as P-Glair. Even eir twin G-Kem couldn't make em feel better, despite them having grown up together and them having known about every aspect of each other. Even telepathic and clinical studying didn't reveal much anything. It was suspected that somehow all the modifications had started taking their toll on G-Qem's poor body. However, as unknown as this field was, G-Qem had changed and no longer wished to be studied at all. Ey had grown tired of all of that. Ey even started taking injections and pills to prevent eir estrus period because even that wasn't desirable anymore. The only thing ey didn't grow bored with was Cenral. Cenral thought that it was because she had been there for em during the worst time of eir life when they had still been on Earth, running from everyone.
When Tekeonia was found, G-Qem was among the first to travel there along with Cenral. They spent a while doing field research work, but as soon as they had covered and secured enough territory, the two settled down to live there, in the middle of a cold wasteland. Eventually a city was built next to them, but as the city kept away from them, they didn't mind.
Others: Several parts of body replaced by cybertechnology. These parts allow for some special abilities, but they seem to be making G-Qem's state of mind somewhat fragile. The cybernetic legs have more strength and even speed in them than G-Qem's original legs, and though they were quite heavy as the humans installed them, they've been made lighter by the regenians later. Same applies to G-Qem's left arm, but the arm also has a few others features in it, including sharp retractable nails, stretching and easy disassembling. G-Qem has also discovered that with a little tweaking (though it puts the implant at some risk), ey can use eir arm to deal electric shocks or channel telepathic energy. Some of the implants made to replace some brain tissue in G-Qem's head are a bit questionable. The humans who performed the operations didn't really have too much info about the brains of regenians or even what their clavedels really were for, so G-Qem retains some injury from the faulty implants, even though they were replaced by correct regenian implants later. Ey can hear slightly better with eir left ear, but the humans messed up some connections between that hearing and the language center, so G-Qem has difficulty understanding speech directed to that ear. The replaced clavedels basically retained no original function, but G-Qem likes having them nevertheless.
Level: 20
Regenian stun gun (deals electric non-lethal damage, 75 % chance stun, range 20 m)
Multiblade knife (most effective blade is 10 cm long and can be used for stabbing or cutting.
Regenian force field (+4 to defend and dodge)
Anti-gravity container (a floating box that functions as a storage, bed and very small-scale transporter vehicle)
Bunch of tools and scanners
Visor (zooming, sight enhancement)
Special skills: Cybernetic body parts: +5 strength on both legs and left arm, +3 hearing and -3 comprehension on left ear, +3 focus on left eye
Telepathy: Empathy (emotion induction, reduction, projection and reading), neurological control (physiological effects), telepathy (thought reading, inducting, projecting and modification).
Languages: common Regenian, regenian Argoane, human Finnish, human German, human English, silencer writing