Page name: Rogue's Gallery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-26 11:55:06
Last author: Cathos
Owner: Cathos
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Welcome to the Rogue's Gallery

Here are the characters for the R and R Room game. To join the game, please go toSSS Rogue's Gallery Entry, complete the form there and then message me ([Cathos]) your bio.

Name in RPG: The Lady Catherine
Race: Gallifreyan
Gender: Female
Age: Appears in to be her early twenties, but you can never tell with Time Lords
Appearance: Long chestnut hair, sometimes pinned back in a silver net, dark brown eyes and freckles. Usually wears a burgundy robe bearing the seal of the High Council, or a long black coat, jeans and a shirt and comfortable sturdy walking boots.
Weapons/Powers: Has a small energy weapon concealed about her person that none of the other characters know about, but would rather fight in hand to hand combat than actually use her weapon.
Personality: Calm and calculating. Something of an unknown quantity, keeping herself to herself in her own TARDIS.
Brief History: Raised by exiled Time Lord parents on Earth during the 1950's and sent back to Gallifrey to be educated. Studied at the Academy a few decades after the Doctor and was engaged by the High Council of Gallifrey to observe renegade Time Lords, her current assignment being the Doctor. Due to a mal-function, her TARDIS materialised within his and is currently imobile until proper repairs can be made. It appears to be a small green one man tent to the un-trained eye. She is continuing her observation of the Doctor as he helps her to repair her TARDIS.

User: [, , , , , , , , ,]
Name in RPG: Misty Rose
Race: Human
Gender: female
Age: 23
Appearance: Light complected, blue eyes and blond hair. Usuaily dressed in a t-shirt tucked into jeans, brown belt through loops in jeans, sturdy hiking shoes and occasionaily a grey and green cloak if it's chilly. Never without a pocket knife, fingernail clippers, hair tie, chap stick, or paper.
Weapons/Powers: Decent hand to hand and with a rifle but prefers not to fight at all. Can pick up anything and attempt to use it as a weapon/distraction, though the outcome is not always predictable.
Personality: Extreamly curious and when dealing with a non desirable topic, will often wander off or change the subject if possible. Tends to forget danger when something interesting comes up. 
Brief History: Raised in the southwestern part of the US as an only child. Did well in school but didn't finish college. Was picked up by the Dr. when he passed through because she was asking too many questions and poking around the TARDIS.
Tends to forget danger when something interesting comes up. (very curious)

User: [Dom-Chan]
Name in RPG: The Master
Race: Gallifreyan
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Appearance: jet-black hair and dark eyebrows. Usually wears a dark, black suit with black boots. An evil, sly look is always on his face. Dark gloves are worn by the Master.
Weapons/Powers: A tissue-minimising gun (makes people like dolls) Small knowledge of martial arts (Venusian Karate for example)
Personality: Evil, unloyal, no trust for anyone. Will always try to manipulate people to do his bidding. Hires mercenaries most of the time (Ogrons etc.)
Brief History: Unknown parents. Brought up on Gallifrey in the Academy. Arch-Enemy of the Doctor since Academy training. Always trying to bring destruction and chaos. Rumoured that he killed his parents. Now on his last regeneration until he finds a new body. No history of loyalty or kindness.

User: [bazzalisk]
Name in RPG: Canny Lorrin of Rrulian City
Race: Human from Riston Prime
Gender: Male
Age: ~17, but he's not realy sure.
short, thin, muscled and dexterous. Darkish skin, dark hair - appears to have a mixed Indian, Chinese, and eurpoean ancestry ... but really you can't tell.
No weapons - doesn't tend to like them. The only "Powers" he has is the slight-of-hand and persuasion he picked up as a pick-pocket and petty thief in Rrulian city.
Callous, calculating, tends to take advantage of anything he sees as a weekness ... but he's basicly playful and friendly - on the few times he's prepaired to let his guard down.
Brief History:
"I never knew my parents, but hey, that's not odd - just the way it goes I 'spose. Done a bit of thieving, done a bit of playing, I've played tricks, and I've done some roughwork, hell - sometimes I've even worked. I'd steal for my living, and pass my goods by Wurso the Rat. He gave me bad prices, but hell it was a life, and I could mostly find a warm place to sleep at night.
Then one day I lift a letter from the pocket of an offworlder. He was in the bazzar browsing through the junk, with a couple of young off-world women. Strange fellow and all, tall with an air of authority and lordship - like one of the traders or the mayor - but far more than any of them, I was impressed - but he didn't feel me lift his letter, so I guessed it was nothing.
Then I got back to my hiding-hole and read it (yeah, I can read - one of the other waifs taught me). The letter was addressed to me, and it was from me. It said that the man was the doctor, that I should believe anything he told me, and that if I wanted the best oportunity I'd ever have I needed to be outside the city museum at midnight tonight.
Well I was there, and I helped them get in past the town security and inside - which where it began to get realy weird. Damn place was swarming with aliens - some off-world aliens called Swirons or somthing - and the doctor gave me a long talk about how the crown gem was realy and old data crystal from the old colony ship back before the fall - and how these Swirons needed the data in it to plan their invasion of Earth fifteen hundred years ago. I didn't believe it, but hey if we were lifting the crown-gem I was up for it. Things went wrong, things went worse, and then we ended up back in the Doctor's ship sabotaging the Swirons' time-corridor.
Only afterwards did I get an explaination. The doctor told me he'd met me before, that I'd travelled with him in his TARDIS - and that this would happen in my future -- which was his past. He won't tell me anything else about what's going to happen ... and that worries me."

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