Page name: Ruin rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-10-21 16:30:54
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 4
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-------------warning this role play may contain mature content-------------------------------------

How the rp is set up

There is a single page for role playing. This being said, please bold your characters name so that we can better track where you left off. Scenarios taking place on the page will be divided by two lines (< + hr + > and repeat). What do i mean by a scenario? Dialogue between players in one area versus another.

Half Human half Vamp/wolf can go under whatever of the two you chose.

There is no crossing between all three

~No god mod or powerplaying
~No complaining on the wikis (if you have a complaint send it to me personally)
~Characters die, expect it. If you fight you will get hurt. Bullets, swords and the like are very much into slicing and dicing and this rp will not dispute this
~Powers are acceptable withing reasonable limits
~If there is any mature content to be had, don't be graphic or overly descriptic
~Do not bring twilight into this rp at all. I don't mind rommance or whatever between any given critter, just leave the twilight out (if it's human/vamp....i'd expect there to be at least alittle blood letting)

~and finally...NO SPAMMING THE WIKI PAGES!!! this i realized could be a problem thanks to a certain somone (pokes on the head several times :p)

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2009-10-02 [Yume Youki]: Hmmm... makes sense. :)

2009-10-19 [XxTsomexX]: good rules :)

2009-10-21 [Yume Youki]: Hey! *pouts*

Good rule though *says grudgingly*

2009-10-21 [Talos Cyrion]: why thank you :p and don't pout....pouting is what my 11yr old sister does it aint purdy ;p

2009-10-21 [Yume Youki]: Ok, fine. *sticks tongue at you*

2009-10-22 [Yume Youki]: I won't do it again, but now I think we're being a bit childish (I wrote that comment at about 2:00 in the morning, so I have an excuse for going crazy ;) )

2009-10-23 [Talos Cyrion]: ya...what's wrong with being alittle childish here an there though? ;p

2009-10-24 [Yume Youki]: Nothing, it's just that writing so many comments back and forth on here seems sorta wrong (makes me feel guilty).


2009-10-24 [Talos Cyrion]: lol....besides taking up space on the comment box....there really isn't anything else

2009-10-29 [Yume Youki]: true...

but that was why i was feeling guilty...


2010-01-04 [twitchboy]: do you not twilight? if so you now have my utmost respect

2010-01-04 [Talos Cyrion]: no, no twilight whatsoever. I consider it a heresy that burns, tamples, dissolves in acid, then crucifies a popular mythical figure and substitutes it for somthing i'd expect to come from a junior high

2010-01-04 [twitchboy]: yes!!!! i would hug you lol i personally would like to tie stephen meyer to a chair and make her read good literature form writers who can actually write until her eyes bleed and she actually learns something

2010-01-04 [Talos Cyrion]: lol

2010-01-04 [twitchboy]: i am joining lol

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